
路易斯阿韋不多的书  · · · · · ·  ( 3本在读 · 69本想读 · 332本读过 )

  • 秘密
  • 秘密
  • 爵士春秋
  • 手冢老师,截稿日要过了!
  • 常盘庄最后的住户
  • 召唤死者
  • 赤裸的朱丽叶
  • 万物生长

路易斯阿韋不多的电影  · · · · · ·  ( 3部在看 · 235部想看 · 1115部看过 )

  • 黑暗荣耀 第二季
  • 黑暗荣耀
  • 重启人生
  • 狂飙
  • 正义回廊
  • 好东西
  • 别假正经
  • 寻找·另一个故事
  • 佛得角翩翩起舞
  • 大风吹

路易斯阿韋不多关注的小站  · · · · · ·  ( 全部 )

路易斯阿韋不多的音乐  · · · · · ·  ( 7张想听 · 72张听过 )

  • Carl Barât - Carl Barât
  • Ian Hawgood - Slow Films in Low Light
  • Micah P. Hinson - Micah P. Hinson And The Gospel Of Progress
  • Micah P. Hinson - Micah P. Hinson and the Red Empire Orchestra
  • Micah P. Hinson - Micah P. Hinson and the Opera Circuit
  • Bjork... - Rokk í Reykjavík
  • 孤独的利里 Lonely Leary - 前夜的乘客
  • Trip Fuel - Departure
  • Trip Fuel - A Low Altitude Flow​/​DieDieDieDie
  • 邓永鹏 - 如果长沙是你想象中的样子那么我从未在这里

路易斯阿韋不多的舞台剧  · · · · · ·  ( 16部想看 )

  • 我爱XXX
  • 4:48精神崩溃
  • 无人生还
  • 毒
  • 白鹿原

He seemed no different from the rest, just a healthy normal boy. His mama always did her best and he was daddy's pride and joy.He learned to walk and talk on time but never cared much to be held. And steadily he would decline into his solitary shell.

As a boy he was considered somewhat odd kept to himself most of the time. He would daydream in and out of his own world, but in every other way he was fine.

He struggled to get through his day. He was helplessly behind. He poured himself onto the page writing for hours at a time. Fearful and sad most of the time, he was drifting in and out of sanity, but in every other way he was fine.

He's a Monday morning lunatic, disturbed from time to time. Lost within himself in his solitary shell. A temporary catatonic, madman on occasion, when will he break out of his solitary shell?

音乐:Britpop, Post-Rock, Indie Pop/Folk/Rock, Shoegaze, Dreampop, Electronica, Trip-hop, Post-Punk, Newwave, Folk, Darkwave, Garage, Alternative Pop/Rock, Ambient, Neoclassical, Neofolk...


电影:黑色幽默, 喜剧, 社会现实片, 沉重青春, 恐怖悬念惊悚, B级/Cult, 名著改编, 名人传记, 音乐/体育题材, Homo..


书籍:小说(西方奇幻,历史), 百科读物, 历史/人文地理书籍, 游记散文

体育迷足球痴电脑游戏狂 爱用省略号 下载党 整理癖 Deadline/List控 强迫症 臆想症 情绪化 远离人群 有流浪情节 背包客 美食爱好者 手机静音 浪漫的现实主义 玄学 宿命论 无组织无纪律无宗教信仰(尊重对方信仰自由) 热爱自由 讨厌伪善装逼 刀子嘴豆腐心 容易得罪人 耐心,对于特定的人或事 多重性格 愤世嫉俗 认准的事很少受人影响 敏感 没安全感 被动 腼腆 羞涩 悲观 念旧

路易斯阿韋不多的广播  · · · · · ·  ( 全部 )

路易斯阿韋不多的同城活动  · · · · · ·  ( 26个参加 · 165个感兴趣 )

路易斯阿韋不多的线上活动  · · · · · ·  ( 全部 )

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