Review by Scott Reid, TinyMixTapes
Acoustics, libidinal economy of. The most convincing way to avoid reality is to lose yourself in the prickle of the field recording, as if it were bubble wrap. Here, technology chafes against a world of waves, pulses, and impacts, leaving to the ear and the...
REVIEWS by Peter Margasak
"British tuba player Robin Hayward has been among the most indefatigable explorers of that notoriously unwieldy horn for two decades, both as a top-flight free improviser and more significantly as an advocate of applying microtonal tuning systems to his ins...
隨便翻翻:rolandwoodbe 對話李帶菓
原标题:Interview with 李帶菓 (Li Daiguo) 作者:rolandwoodbe 2021 年 2 月 20 日原载于 The Blog of Roland 文章地址:
隨便翻翻:Tone Glow 053:Lane Shi Otayonii
原标题: 053: Lane Shi Otayonii 作者: Joshua Minsoo Kim 翻译:我 2021年2月26日原载于 Tone Glow 文章地址: Lane Shi Otayonii (施金豆)是一位中国的音乐人和歌手,最近化身 Otay:onii 录制了一些 art pop 音...