首先我想推荐十条来自尼采的准则: Nietzsche's 10 Rules for Writers。
The famous ponderer of nihilism and morality, in a series of letters from August 1882, laid out his thoughts on writing to his unrequited love, Lou Andreas-Salomé.
The list reads:
1. Of prime necessity is life: a style should live.
2. Style should be suited to the specific person with whom you wish to communicate. (The law of mutual relation.)
3. First, one must determine precisely “what-and-what do I wish to say and present,” before you may write. Writing must be mimicry.
4. Since the writer lacks many of the speaker’s means, he must in general have for his model a very expressive kind of presentation of necessity, the written copy will appear much paler.
5. The richness of life reveals itself through a richness of gestures. One must learn to feel everything — the length and retarding of sentences, interpunctuations, the choice of words, the pausing, the sequence of arguments — like gestures.
6. Be careful with periods! Only those people who also have long duration of breath while speaking are entitled to periods. With most people, the period is a matter of affectation.
7. Style ought to prove that one believes in an idea; not only that one thinks it but also feels it.
8. The more abstract a truth which one wishes to teach, the more one must first entice the senses.
9. Strategy on the part of the good writer of prose consists of choosing his means for stepping close to poetry but never stepping into it.
10. It is not good manners or clever to deprive one’s reader of the most obvious objections. It is very good manners and very clever to leave it to one’s reader alone to pronounce the ultimate quintessence of our wisdom.
第一, 万事开头难,写论文尤甚。不要等到自觉“思路成熟”的时候才开始动笔,在自己有了想法的时候就开始写,甚至可以不顾及逻辑,不顾及语法,只是把想法记下来。这些想法就是尼采所谓 “what-and-what do I wish to say and present.”
第二, 丑陋的草稿 (ugly draft),或完全不成形的思维碎片是最重要的写作形态。把所思所想的所有内容全部记录下来,按照一定条理(主题和时间)归类,这些思路终将派上用场。如果担心这样的句子或者段落影响论文的形式美,可以把它们放在别的页面/软件里。我自己的做法是使用 OneNote 记录和整理这些碎片,在成型之后再移入论文主体。
第三,如果说研究是 re-search 的话,那么写作也最好能当成 re-write。第一次写出来的文本一定是草稿,没有任何草稿是完美的。全文,每章,每节,每段都需要“倒序写作”:通过第一遍草稿去澄清思路并获取结论,再回头重写开头,甚至重写全文。
第四,修改论文的最快捷方法是重写。不要担心自己是在浪费时间。大胆地删除不满意的草稿是最节省时间的做法。因为我们的思路在 re-search & re-write 的时候是一直在变的,哪怕讲的是同一个故事,讲法不再是之前的讲法。因为这样的动态,重起炉灶才可以更好地容纳新的想法和旧的材料。
第五,也许是最关键的,要在写作过程中照顾(甚至顺应)自己的懈怠、痛苦和绝望的情绪,要努力保持自己对论文的主宰地位,而非让论文主宰自己的生活。在自己写不下去的时候就不要写了,出去逛逛公园看看展好了——做任何自己想做的事情——然后再回来接着写作。在没有思路的时候也不要强迫自己呆在电脑前(刷豆瓣/FB/YouTube etc.),不如出去散散步、回家做个饭,在那些放松的时刻大脑其实并没有停止运转,甚至很可能产生一些之前从未遇见的灵感。更多细节可以参见这篇博文:How I Went From Writing Nothing to Writing a Ton。
第六,在写作的时候停止阅读。这个是我自己的做法,未必适合所有人,仅供大家参考。具体来说,我会在写作之前尽可能读完所有相关的著作和论文,并作详尽的读书笔记(使用 OneNote),不仅总结文本的观点和论证过程,而且加入自己的评论和批评,同时摘抄可能值得引用的句子和段落。等到写作的时候我就不需要再回到文本,而是直接阅读自己的读书笔记——因为笔记是自己写的,而且是电子化了的,所以可以通过记忆和关键词很快锁定相应的内容。这样做,不仅可以节省大量的时间,而且避免了写作思路的停顿。但是这样做的前提是有充足的时间阅读和写笔记,而且最好是在自己对写作已经有了一些(模模糊糊的)思路的时候去读,从而保证笔记和写作之间的相关度。
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