亚瑟王传奇的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
The legend of King Arthur, performed by fifty artists, will have its world premiere in September 2015 in Paris (Palais des Congrès 4 000 seats).
The legend of King Arthur is one of the most beautiful love stories that tradition and literature have passed on to us, like Tristan and Isolde or Romeo and Juliet. It is perhaps even richer because it tells us about two passions that mingle and refute each other: Arthur and Guinevere and Guinevere and Lancelot. A legendary king, a beautiful, wilful queen, and the bravest of knights. Loves that cross a magical universe where fairies become sorceresses, like Morgan, Arthur's stepsister, and where Merlin the magician speaks to spirits and dragons.
The legend of King Arthur is one of the most beautiful love stories that tradition and literature have passed on to us, like Tristan and Isolde or Romeo and Juliet. It is perhaps even richer because it tells us about two passions that mingle and refute each other: Arthur and Guinevere and Guinevere and Lancelot. A legendary king, a beautiful, wilful queen, and the bravest of knights. Loves that cross a magical universe where fairies become sorceresses, like Morgan, Arthur's stepsister, and where Merlin the magician speaks to spirits and dragons.
亚瑟王传奇的剧评 · · · · · · ( 全部 6 条 )
flo小傻子一定是最软的亚瑟王了。蠢乎乎小心翼翼,最终还是完成了普通人到亚瑟王的转变。 Zaho、Fabien开口跪,张力超强,向反派势力低头。Zaho总攻啊啊啊啊,Fabien高音美炸!反派在一起好不好! 最后Arthur选择宽恕,平举双臂示意放下剑的那一刻,完全是王者的胸襟和与之相伴...
日版亚瑟王 观剧记录
日版2023年1月初公演,没有词条,暂时发在这里做个记录。 日版的导演也是韩国版亚瑟王的导演。 感想: 舞美:满分。日版的舞美完美还原了法版,当然这次的剧场和法版相比是很小的,没办法做到法版那样豪华,但还是很完美地运用了灯光、投影等舞台效果。法版王姐的那个巨大恐怖... (展开)法音乐剧亚瑟王传奇 一点小小补足
*我没想到在2022年的5月下旬打发时间随便看下B站大佬上传的资源就一脚就突然滑进法亚瑟这个坑里而且越陷越深无法自拔(默默扭头转向一边 **每次阅读相关资讯就感觉自己在从事考古工作,毕竟离公演都已经过去将近7年多了,还看不到一丝一毫复排的蛛丝马迹(烟 ***希望有生之年能... (展开)> 更多剧评 6篇
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如果你是倾国倾城白发美女桂妮薇儿,你会选择:1.唱着♪迎着光无惧无悔的反派 2.肱二头肌魔女摩根 3.金毛忠犬兰斯洛特 4.恋爱脑愣头青小受亚瑟王
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