三合一芭蕾的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
Inspired in part by Schoenberg's Pierrot Lunaire and his observations and experiences during the First World War, Oskar Schlemmer began to conceive of the human body as a new artistic medium. He saw ballet and pantomime as free from the historical baggage of theatre and opera and thus able to present his ideas of choreographed geometry, man as dancer, transformed by costume, moving in space.
The idea of the ballet was based on the principle of the trinity. It has 3 acts, 3 participants (2 male, 1 female), 12 dances and 18 costumes. Each act had a different colour and mood. The first three s...
The idea of the ballet was based on the principle of the trinity. It has 3 acts, 3 participants (2 male, 1 female), 12 dances and 18 costumes. Each act had a different colour and mood. The first three s...
三合一芭蕾的剧评 · · · · · · ( 全部 1 条 )
了解到这部很特别的芭蕾舞剧是通过有点曲折意外的方式。在看对服装设计师Thom Browne独家专访的时候,他谈到了60年代左右绝对男性化的形象,斯坦利·库布里克对自己的影响,其中还聊到了他喜欢将图形带到人们面前。 这部剧很可爱,没有明显的人体曲线,戏谑的舞蹈。我们真的关...
> 更多剧评 1篇
0 有用 找不到的 2024-04-09 辽宁
放现在看看仍是很前卫 布景、空间、色彩、道具搭配的很好 节奏流畅 需要多思考的是他的三位一体是从何而来 是传统宗教中常说的三位一体还是其他原因 总之无话可说 大师级作品 ... 放现在看看仍是很前卫 布景、空间、色彩、道具搭配的很好 节奏流畅 需要多思考的是他的三位一体是从何而来 是传统宗教中常说的三位一体还是其他原因 总之无话可说 大师级作品 (展开)
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2022.5.20,Bavaria Atelier GmbH电影工作室于1970年的改编版。
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简直了 有chalayan2000即视感