拉美莫尔的露琪亚的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
Time: Early 18th century
Place: Scotland
Act 1
Scene 1: The gardens of Ravenswood Castle
Normanno, captain of the castle guard, and other retainers are searching for an intruder. He tells Enrico that he believes that the man is Edgardo of Ravenswood, and that he comes to the castle to meet Enrico's sister, Lucia. It is confirmed that Edgardo is indeed the intruder. Enrico reaffirms his hatred for the Ravenswood family and his determination to end the relationship.
Place: Scotland
Act 1
Scene 1: The gardens of Ravenswood Castle
Normanno, captain of the castle guard, and other retainers are searching for an intruder. He tells Enrico that he believes that the man is Edgardo of Ravenswood, and that he comes to the castle to meet Enrico's sister, Lucia. It is confirmed that Edgardo is indeed the intruder. Enrico reaffirms his hatred for the Ravenswood family and his determination to end the relationship.
拉美莫尔的露琪亚的演出版本 · · · · · · ( 添加版本 )
- 导演:
- 未知
- 编剧:
- Salvatore Cammarano
- 作曲:
- Gaetano Donizetti
- 主演:
- Fanny Tacchinardi Persiani(饰 Lucia) / Gilbert-Louis Duprez(饰 Sir Edgardo di Ravenswood) / Domenico Cosselli(饰 Lord Enrico Ashton) / Carlo Ottolini Porto(饰 Raimondo Bidebent) / Achille Balestracci ?(饰 Lord Arturo Bucklaw) / Teresa Zappucci(饰 Alisa) / Anafesto Rossi(饰 Normanno)
- 语言:
- Italian 意大利语
- 演出日期:
- 1835-09-26
- 演出剧院:
- Teatro di San Carlo 圣卡洛剧院
- 导演:
- 未知
- 编剧:
- Salvatore Cammarano / Alphonse Royer / Gustave Vaëz
- 作曲:
- Gaetano Donizetti
- 主演:
- Anna Thillon(饰 Lucie) / Achille Ricciardi(饰 Edgard) / Auguste Hurteaux(饰 Henry) / Zelger(饰 Raimond) / Gibert(饰 Arthur) / Joseph Kelm(饰 Gilbert)
- 语言:
- 法语 French
- 演出日期:
- 1839-08-06
- 演出团体:
- Théâtre de la Renaissance 文艺复兴剧团
- 演出剧院:
- Salle Ventadour 文塔杜尔大厅
- 导演:
- Mary Zimmerman / Sarah Ina Meyers
- 编剧:
- Salvatore Cammarano
- 作曲:
- Gaetano Donizetti
- 主演:
- Diana Damrau(饰 Lucia) / Rolando Villazón / Alexey Dolgov / Piotr Beczała(饰 Sir Edgardo di Ravenswood) / Željko Lučić(饰 Lord Enrico Ashton) / Ildar Abdrazakov(饰 Raimondo Bidebent) / Matthew Plenk(饰 Lord Arturo Bucklaw) / Theodora Hanslowe(饰 Alisa) / Eduardo Valdes(饰 Normanno)
- 语言:
- Italian 意大利语
- 演出日期:
- 2011-06-09-19
- 演出团体:
- Metropolitan Opera Orchestra 大都会歌剧团管弦乐团 ; Metropolitan Opera Chorus 大都会歌剧团合唱团
- 演出剧院:
- Tokyo Bunka Kaikan 东京文化会馆
- 导演:
- Margherita Wallmann / Bruce Donnell
- 编剧:
- Salvatore Cammarano
- 作曲:
- Gaetano Donizetti
- 主演:
- Joan Sutherland(饰 Lucia) / Alfredo Kraus(饰 Sir Edgardo di Ravenswood) / Pablo Elvira(饰 Lord Enrico Ashton) / Paul Plishka(饰 Raimondo Bidebent) / Jeffrey Stamm(饰 Lord Arturo Bucklaw) / Ariel Bybee(饰 Alisa) / John Gilmore(饰 Normanno)
- 语言:
- Italian 意大利语
- 演出日期:
- 1982-11-13
- 演出团体:
- Metropolitan Opera Orchestra 大都会歌剧团管弦乐团 ; Metropolitan Opera Chorus 大都会歌剧团合唱团 ; Metropolitan Opera Ballet 大都会歌剧团芭蕾舞团
- 演出剧院:
- Metropolitan Opera House 大都会歌剧院
拉美莫尔的露琪亚的剧评 · · · · · · ( 全部 3 条 )
三刷《露琪亚》。卡门可以年年有,露琪亚就未必了… 保守说两三年内可能不会再排档不是没可能的,且听且珍惜吧。昨天又听过国际组,今日最后一场特意奔着张立萍来看了收官。生活中本孱弱书生模样的搭档石倚洁本剧中扮相不错;和第一场张立萍的惊艳相比今天的状态和条件明显疲惫...
Haunting cliché
The ghosts, that imply the forthcoming doom of fate, is it a cliché, or enforcing the emotions? Despite the familiar Romeo and Juliet theme, I am touched by the songs and the sorrow in those voices. I feel sad. Walking outside, through the golden relief, i...
> 更多剧评 3篇
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