


来自: 过气女狼(狼心狗肺才健康)
2016-11-18 18:26:27

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2016-11-18 19:29:14


  • 雨不落川

    雨不落川 (不想成为光了,只想摆烂) 2016-11-18 19:32:44

    处女 不要把精力放在八卦上,最终你只会浪费时间和精力在无用的人身上。把时间放到提高你的日常生活中。打电话来听听我认为谁对你施加了不公平的压力。

  • 新生

    新生 2016-11-18 19:35:06


  • 过气女狼

    过气女狼 (狼心狗肺才健康) 楼主 2016-11-18 19:44:27

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  • 过气女狼

    过气女狼 (狼心狗肺才健康) 楼主 2016-11-18 19:44:39

    处女 不要把精力放在八卦上,最终你只会浪费时间和精力在无用的人身上。把时间放到提高你的日常 处女 不要把精力放在八卦上,最终你只会浪费时间和精力在无用的人身上。把时间放到提高你的日常生活中。打电话来听听我认为谁对你施加了不公平的压力。 ... 雨不落川


  • 过气女狼

    过气女狼 (狼心狗肺才健康) 楼主 2016-11-18 19:51:15

    GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) The little things you say are the things which will have the biggest impact on your future. You may not realise it, but many of the signs are reading between the lines this week and looking for clues, so make every word and action be from the heart. Ring now for more predictions. 双子 你所说的小事情对你的未来有巨大的影响。你可能没意识到这个,但是本周有很多弦外之音要解读,寻求线索,所以让一举一动都发自真心。打电话吧,为更多预测。

  • 过气女狼

    过气女狼 (狼心狗肺才健康) 楼主 2016-11-18 19:53:28

    求个巨蟹!!!周末愉快!!!! 求个巨蟹!!!周末愉快!!!! 新生

    CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) You know Cancer, sometimes the greatest opportunities come at the unlikeliest of times. Keep both your heart and mind open this week and you will be able to find them. Children bring news to celebrate. Ring now to hear how work changes are progressing. 巨蟹 你懂的,螃蟹,有时最佳机会来自最不可能的时间。本周,心灵和头脑都要开放,你会发现它们的。孩子们带来可喜可贺的消息。打电话吧,听听工作变化如何进展。

  • 夏空灵

    夏空灵 2016-11-18 19:57:24

    处女 不要把精力放在八卦上,最终你只会浪费时间和精力在无用的人身上。把时间放到提高你的日常 处女 不要把精力放在八卦上,最终你只会浪费时间和精力在无用的人身上。把时间放到提高你的日常生活中。打电话来听听我认为谁对你施加了不公平的压力。 ... 雨不落川


  • 过气女狼

    过气女狼 (狼心狗肺才健康) 楼主 2016-11-18 19:57:52

    SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) Saturn makes it possible for you to explain what you want clearly to close ones. You no longer have the crossed wires which made for such a difficult time mid-month. You’re not feeling as strong as you should. Ring now to hear what and who you need to feel like you again. 射手 土星使你有可能向身边人清晰解释你想要什么。月中你不再会有这样的纠结造成难捱时光。你感觉不到本该有的强势。打电话吧,听听你需要什么和谁以便再次感觉像自己。

  • 雨不落川

    雨不落川 (不想成为光了,只想摆烂) 2016-11-18 20:09:47

    谢谢! 谢谢! 过气女狼


  • 过气女狼

    过气女狼 (狼心狗肺才健康) 楼主 2016-11-18 20:16:42

    女郎又开启客气模式啦 女郎又开启客气模式啦 雨不落川


  • 过气女狼

    过气女狼 (狼心狗肺才健康) 楼主 2016-11-18 20:21:11

    PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) You have surrounded yourself with some pretty negative influences in recent weeks, but you start to see from Tuesday why they are not worth entertaining any longer. Better late than never. Stand your ground and understand you’re worth so much more. Ring now for help and guidance. 双鱼 最近数周你被一些相当消极的影响力围绕,但是从周二起你开始看到为什么它们再也不值得接受。迟好过无。站稳立场,明白你值得更多。打电话吧,为帮助和指引。

  • 过气女狼

    过气女狼 (狼心狗肺才健康) 楼主 2016-11-18 20:21:23


  • 不如不遇倾城色

    不如不遇倾城色 2016-11-18 20:23:47

    阿七好 阿七好 过气女狼


  • 过气女狼

    过气女狼 (狼心狗肺才健康) 楼主 2016-11-18 20:24:10

    SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) There is much hard work you need to do in order to tie up the loose ends you’ve left for yourself over the last fortnight. The good news is that those who could not help you, now can and will. Call or email those you need. You’ll be pleasantly surprised. Ring now and I’ll tell you a secret. 天蝎 有很多艰苦的工作必须完成,去收拾你上两周留给自己的残局。好消息是那些不帮你的人现在能帮也愿意帮你了。打电话或者邮件给你需要的人。你会惊喜的。打电话吧,我要告诉你一个秘密。

  • 过气女狼

    过气女狼 (狼心狗肺才健康) 楼主 2016-11-18 20:27:00

    女郎可以翻译一下天平吗? 女郎可以翻译一下天平吗? 不如不遇倾城色

    LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) Are you making decisions based on what you want, or on what looks right to everyone else? I can see from your stars that you have taken far too much advice from others and not enough from yourself. Time for change. Ring now to embrace your psychic powers. 天秤 你是基于你想要的还是看上去对别人合适的东西做决定的?我能从你的星星看出你从别人那儿接受太多建议,自己的则不足。是时候改变了。打电话吧,拥抱你的精神力量。

  • 不如不遇倾城色

    不如不遇倾城色 2016-11-18 20:28:08

    LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) Are you making decisions based on what you want, or LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) Are you making decisions based on what you want, or on what looks right to everyone else? I can see from your stars that you have taken far too much advice from others and not enough from yourself. Time for change. Ring now to embrace your psychic powers. 天秤 你是基于你想要的还是看上去对别人合适的东西做决定的?我能从你的星星看出你从别人那儿接受太多建议,自己的则不足。是时候改变了。打电话吧,拥抱你的精神力量。 ... 过气女狼


  • 过气女狼

    过气女狼 (狼心狗肺才健康) 楼主 2016-11-18 20:29:48

    LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) You start to see people for who they are, thanks to the clarity the stars are offering. You also get a better understanding of what recent events in the family really mean to your long term future. Ring now to hear why some texts this week should be ignored. 狮子 你开始看清人们的本来面目,多亏星星们提供的清晰。你也开始更好理解家中最近事件对你的长远未来的真正意义。打电话吧,听听为什么本周一些短信应该忽视。

  • 阿七

    阿七 2016-11-18 20:30:25

    阿七好 阿七好 过气女狼


  • 过气女狼

    过气女狼 (狼心狗肺才健康) 楼主 2016-11-18 20:36:15

    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) Your house of work is under a lot of pressure at the moment and you may find yourself being set impossible time limits. Talk, don’t shout to gain respect from those you deal with. It can help form an important new allegiance. Ring now to talk about last Friday. 白羊 此刻你的工作部门亚历山大,你可能发现自己被设置不可能的时间期限。谈话,不要叫喊,尊重你共事的人。这有助于形成一个重要的新的忠诚。打电话吧,谈谈上周五。

  • 过气女狼

    过气女狼 (狼心狗肺才健康) 楼主 2016-11-18 20:36:41

    女郎晚上好~ 女郎晚上好~ 阿七


  • 阿七

    阿七 2016-11-18 20:47:48

    么么~~ 么么~~ 过气女狼


  • 新生

    新生 2016-11-18 21:28:13

    CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) You know Cancer, sometimes the greatest opportunities come CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) You know Cancer, sometimes the greatest opportunities come at the unlikeliest of times. Keep both your heart and mind open this week and you will be able to find them. Children bring news to celebrate. Ring now to hear how work changes are progressing. 巨蟹 你懂的,螃蟹,有时最佳机会来自最不可能的时间。本周,心灵和头脑都要开放,你会发现它们的。孩子们带来可喜可贺的消息。打电话吧,听听工作变化如何进展。 ... 过气女狼


  • 东游西逛

    东游西逛 2016-11-18 22:06:46


  • 阿七

    阿七 2016-11-18 23:36:23

    谢谢,什么叫:你可以承受周中让别人掌握,看不明白 谢谢,什么叫:你可以承受周中让别人掌握,看不明白 东游西逛


  • 阿七

    阿七 2016-11-19 09:49:55

    金牛座 最近几个月你已经走过相当一段旅程。我从你的星星看到的是,现在你比今年初开始这段旅程的时候更强大。现在打电话,听听为什么你可以承受周中被别人掌控。 水瓶座 不要对你做出的生活选择感到尴尬,否则你会给其他人留下这样的印象:你对他们的成功没有信心。相信你自己,别人也会。自我信念是你成功的第一停靠港。现在打电话,找到积极的一面。

  • 东游西逛

    东游西逛 2016-11-19 12:27:48

    是我没有准确表达,就是周中能够接受被别人主导局面的意思。 是我没有准确表达,就是周中能够接受被别人主导局面的意思。 阿七


  • 八月

    八月 2016-11-19 14:46:05


  • 天蝎梦

    天蝎梦 (未来事,未来心,何须劳心。) 2016-11-19 21:05:52

    SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) There is much hard work you need to do in order to SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) There is much hard work you need to do in order to tie up the loose ends you’ve left for yourself over the last fortnight. The good news is that those who could not help you, now can and will. Call or email those you need. You’ll be pleasantly surprised. Ring now and I’ll tell you a secret. 天蝎 有很多艰苦的工作必须完成,去收拾你上两周留给自己的残局。好消息是那些不帮你的人现在能帮也愿意帮你了。打电话或者邮件给你需要的人。你会惊喜的。打电话吧,我要告诉你一个秘密。 ... 过气女狼

    天蝎 有很多艰苦的工作必须完成,去收拾你上两周留给自己的残局。好消息是那些不帮你的人现在能帮也愿意帮你了。


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