


来自: 日瓶升蝎(穷生奸计,富长良心)
2016-11-06 08:09:19

  • 蘇春之

    蘇春之 2016-11-06 08:48:23

    谢谢楼主搬运! 保持理性,坚定信念,决不上套!

  • Ranunculus

    Ranunculus (不断前行) 2016-11-06 09:13:12

    CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) Someone you thought you could trust has let you down, but you’re about to discover they’ve actually done you a very big favour. Something you lost brings you closer to a friend. Ring to hear why it will pay to stick to plans this week. 巨蟹 一个你觉得可以让你信任的人却让你失望了,但是你会发现其实他帮了你一个大忙。你所失去的东西却让你和你的一个朋友更亲近了。打电话让我告诉你紧紧的按照计划行事的好处

  • Pepsi

    Pepsi (刀尖上的芭蕾舞。。。。。) 2016-11-06 09:37:18


  • 过气女狼

    过气女狼 (狼心狗肺才健康) 2016-11-06 10:18:33

  • 雨不落川

    雨不落川 (不想成为光了,只想摆烂) 2016-11-06 10:50:53

    处处 你最近似乎总是时间不够用,慢下来,否则就会犯错误。当心一个妒忌的面孔给你虚假的商业信息。打电话里听听如何最大限度的利用接下来的日子。

  • 雨不落川

    雨不落川 (不想成为光了,只想摆烂) 2016-11-06 10:53:17

    双子 好吧双子,你已经做了足够的思考。现在可以开始行动了,你现在可以去找那些有能力把你的梦想实现的人。有关财务对话的好日子。打电话来听听今晚你是如何把握说服力的。

  • 豆友63131237

    豆友63131237 2016-11-06 11:12:39


  • 豆友144634792

    豆友144634792 2016-11-06 11:33:27


  • 过气女狼

    过气女狼 (狼心狗肺才健康) 2016-11-06 11:47:00

    SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) Your love life comes under the spotlight and you are faced with the prospect of having to answer some very difficult questions. Virgos prove challenging in work. Ring now to hear how compliments are your key to control. 射手 你的爱情生活惹人注目,你面临必须回答一些非常艰难问题的前景。处女座在工作中提出挑战。打电话吧,听听恭维为何是你要掌控的关键所在。

  • 过气女狼

    过气女狼 (狼心狗肺才健康) 2016-11-06 11:54:27

    PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) Ideas you have at this time form the base for a really successful future. You start to think when instead of if and you also see with clarity who you should team up with. Ring now to hear why you must stand up for family this week. 双鱼 你的理念形成一个真正成功未来的基础。你开始考虑什么时候而不是假设,而且你也清晰看到该跟谁合作。打电话吧,听听为什么你应该支持家人。

  • 过气女狼

    过气女狼 (狼心狗肺才健康) 2016-11-06 12:00:10

    CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) You’re finding it hard to get on with certain close ones who seem to know exactly what to say to get a reaction out of you. Talks had today and tonight help you find common ground. Ring now to hear how Venus has your best interests in love. 摩羯 你发现很难相处的某人似乎懂得到底说什么能从你这儿得到反应。今天和晚上的谈话帮你们找到共同点。打电话吧,听听金星如何在爱情方面对你有益。 AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) There is a slapdash feel to your chart which could see you saying all sorts of things which will get you into trouble. Today is a good day to call the person you can’t get off your mind. Ring to hear which sign is worth turning your world upside down for. 水瓶 你的星盘有一种草率的感觉让你说种种会让你陷入麻烦的事情。今天是个好日子去召唤某个脑子里挥之不去的人。打电话吧,听听哪个星座值得你为之把生活搞得天翻地覆。

  • 过气女狼

    过气女狼 (狼心狗肺才健康) 2016-11-06 12:17:58

    LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) Your personal life has certainly given everyone something to talk about recently. Now though, comes the time for you to slow down and enjoy the benefits of your efforts, especially the personal ones. Ring now to hear how the Moon promises you an apology. 天秤 最近你的个人生活肯定给人茶余饭后谈资。但是现在,是时候慢下来,享受你的努力的成果,尤其是个人方面。打电话吧,听听月亮如何承诺你一个道歉。 SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) There’s a certain area of your life which seems to have a repetitive feel to it. Try not to do what is expected of you, but instead follow your heart. It’s what leads you to your fate. Ring now to hear how Mercury aids financial negotiations. 天蝎 你的某个生活领域似乎有一种重复的感觉。尽量不要去做你被期待的事,而是追随你的心。这能带你走向你的命运。打电话吧,听听水星如何有助于财务谈判。

  • 过气女狼

    过气女狼 (狼心狗肺才健康) 2016-11-06 12:27:50

    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) Don’t run away from your problems, but instead stand and face them. I can see from your chart that you’re more than capable of handing what’s ahead of you. Hold your head high. Ring now to hear why older family deserve more respect. 白羊 不要逃避问题,而是面对它们。我能从你的星盘看到你完全有能力掌控面前的一切。把头抬得高高的。打电话吧,听听为什么年长的家人该得到更多尊重。 TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) You left quite a mess in your personal life in recent days, but you now seem more aware of who was in the right and who was in the wrong. Geminis help you heal rifts. Ring to hear why this is a great time to start new business. 金牛 最近几天你的个人生活一团糟,但是你似乎更在意谁对谁错。双子帮你治愈裂痕。打电话吧,听听为什么这是开始新业务的好时候。

  • 日瓶升蝎

    日瓶升蝎 (穷生奸计,富长良心) 楼主 2016-11-06 14:24:56

    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) Don’t run away from your problems, but instead stand and f ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) Don’t run away from your problems, but instead stand and face them. I can see from your chart that you’re more than capable of handing what’s ahead of you. Hold your head high. Ring now to hear why older family deserve more respect. 白羊 不要逃避问题,而是面对它们。我能从你的星盘看到你完全有能力掌控面前的一切。把头抬得高高的。打电话吧,听听为什么年长的家人该得到更多尊重。 TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) You left quite a mess in your personal life in recent days, but you now seem more aware of who was in the right and who was in the wrong. Geminis help you heal rifts. Ring to hear why this is a great time to start new business. 金牛 最近几天你的个人生活一团糟,但是你似乎更在意谁对谁错。双子帮你治愈裂痕。打电话吧,听听为什么这是开始新业务的好时候。 ... 过气女狼


  • 远山、田野

    远山、田野 2016-11-06 14:33:14

    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) Don’t run away from your problems, but instead stand and f ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) Don’t run away from your problems, but instead stand and face them. I can see from your chart that you’re more than capable of handing what’s ahead of you. Hold your head high. Ring now to hear why older family deserve more respect. 白羊 不要逃避问题,而是面对它们。我能从你的星盘看到你完全有能力掌控面前的一切。把头抬得高高的。打电话吧,听听为什么年长的家人该得到更多尊重。 TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) You left quite a mess in your personal life in recent days, but you now seem more aware of who was in the right and who was in the wrong. Geminis help you heal rifts. Ring to hear why this is a great time to start new business. 金牛 最近几天你的个人生活一团糟,但是你似乎更在意谁对谁错。双子帮你治愈裂痕。打电话吧,听听为什么这是开始新业务的好时候。 ... 过气女狼


  • 过气女狼

    过气女狼 (狼心狗肺才健康) 2016-11-06 14:34:36

    女郎周末愉快! 女郎周末愉快! 远山、田野


  • 棉花糖

    棉花糖 2016-11-06 15:29:04


  • Veni

    Veni (回豆瓣~) 2016-11-07 00:10:58


  • Macchia

    Macchia (假使天真的唱,我也会笑容漂亮) 2016-11-07 01:35:34


  • 答案

    答案 2016-11-07 09:06:51

    CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) Someone you thought you could trust has let you down, but yo CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) Someone you thought you could trust has let you down, but you’re about to discover they’ve actually done you a very big favour. Something you lost brings you closer to a friend. Ring to hear why it will pay to stick to plans this week. 巨蟹 一个你觉得可以让你信任的人却让你失望了,但是你会发现其实他帮了你一个大忙。你所失去的东西却让你和你的一个朋友更亲近了。打电话让我告诉你紧紧的按照计划行事的好处 ... Ranunculus



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