


来自: hope
2011-05-23 22:35:21

  • 永不停息

    永不停息 (努力工作) 2011-05-23 22:37:09


  • 松鼠的快乐

    松鼠的快乐 (生命展现出了它本身的样子。。) 2011-05-23 22:37:16


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2011-05-23 22:39:37


  • 末日之恋

    末日之恋 (對於愛,想簡簡單單 卻絕不妥協) 2011-05-23 22:44:38


  • 凯瑟琳看星盘

    凯瑟琳看星盘 (爱火燃烧到灰烬) 2011-05-23 22:47:12


  • hope

    hope 楼主 2011-05-23 22:47:31

    Tim 双子 Gemini - (May 21-June 20) Congratulate yourself – you’re on top, winning! Your energy and charisma are climbing (and will increase more next week). Impress someone, seek attention, start significant projects, tackle formerly daunting tasks. Rest and plan and deal with government or head office Sunday-Tuesday. Then plunge into brave action Tuesday eve to Thursday. You might need to choose between your personal drives and a career/reputation situation. Either choice okay: base it on your stage of life. Be cautious with money Friday: spend Saturday. Saturday begins twelve months of relative quietude: be patient.

  • 凯瑟琳看星盘

    凯瑟琳看星盘 (爱火燃烧到灰烬) 2011-05-23 22:54:47

    恭喜你自己,你终于站到了世界的顶峰,胜利。你的能量和魅力在上升,而且在下周还是上升。 给某些人留下深刻印像,找寻关注,开始一些意义非凡的项目,处理过去烦人的任务。休息,计划以及处理政府事务或者一些总部的事务,这是星期二的事儿。到周期四勇敢的举动,也许你面临一些个人驱动力和事业之间的选择,哪一种都OK,前提是基于你的人生舞台。在周五要小心钱财,在周六挥霍,星期六开始12个月的平静,耐心点。 翻得乱七八遭,就是支持HOPE.

  • hope

    hope 楼主 2011-05-23 22:56:17


  • 凯瑟琳看星盘

    凯瑟琳看星盘 (爱火燃烧到灰烬) 2011-05-23 22:58:19


  • 月牙儿

    月牙儿 (来自风起的地方) 2011-05-23 22:59:09


  • 小玖

    小玖 (若无闲事挂心头,便是人间好时节) 2011-05-23 22:59:44


  • 小V

    小V 2011-05-23 23:04:28


  • hope

    hope 楼主 2011-05-24 09:42:58

    爱情运至今未更新,我等着刷6月运呢 一会把这周的翻译了,嘻嘻

  • hope

    hope 楼主 2011-05-24 11:01:14

    展现一个全然一新的你吧!周三,新月和日蚀发生在双子座,这标志着属于你的全新的一年到来了,是时候为未来的一年做好打算了。在哪些方面你希望自己有所进步?你希望创造怎样的成绩?你准备好去迎接哪些变化了? 这次的日蚀为你的梦想注入了更多的活力,也加速了实现的进程。在你的地盘上,会出现一些激动人心的机会,但是不要等着天上掉馅饼的好事发生。无论怎样,你都要事先做好准备,主动走出去去迎接机会的到来。对于你渴望的东西,你是否能够以开明的态度去接受?以一种无畏的洞察的态度环视一下你的生活。虽然你可能说,你正期盼一个梦想的工作,搬到让你更快乐的家乡,或者遇到命中注定的人, 又或者是在成绩上取得大突破,但是你实际的选择可能往往会与你的愿望背道而驰。保持一致。 在周六,木星开始了他在你的第12宫(精神成长和共存)的长达一年的旅行。你释放的越多,你成长的也就越多。这周,让那些于你不利的东西都离你而去吧。通过去冗除陈的行为,来让你的生活之轮转动起来。去参加一个瑜伽俱乐部,找一个生活教练,或者是理疗师,总之就是建议你去找一个外界的力量来帮助你穿越那个不现实的世界,清除你生命中的魔障。从现在起到2011年的6月12日,你会更倾向于一种闲散的生活方式。给自己充足的无限的空间来拓展自己的选择空间,不要强迫自己去做任何长期的承诺(这听起来像是双子的梦想成真了)接下来的六月,木星将进入双子,为你带来一个全新的开始,点燃你生活中的个人能量。到那时候,再稍微放松一点,好不?

  • prisonbroken

    prisonbroken (人生自古谁无死,谁无死呀谁无死) 2011-05-24 11:18:40


  • 赶海小鹿sheryl

    赶海小鹿sheryl (Need you now) 2011-05-24 11:32:39

    Hope 想你la~~

  • yoyo

    yoyo 2011-05-24 12:27:47


  • 带有果香的微风

    带有果香的微风 2011-05-24 14:34:32


  • 美梦成真

    美梦成真 (洛史都华) 2011-05-24 20:48:46


  • 道者

    道者 (中医按摩师,现实派心理学者。) 2011-05-24 21:22:18

    精神成长,社会功能大大增强。所想所学派上用场,大展拳脚大干一场。 想交流现代星相心理学的、催眠术、NLP、间谍特工技术的、交流社会见识的等等的网友们,请找我。 祝大家天天有好运。

  • 芝士是好吃的

    芝士是好吃的 (元気少女) 2011-05-24 22:15:33

    m hope辛苦~

  • SHIT

    SHIT 2011-05-24 22:43:29


  • 摸摸大

    摸摸大 (爱情呼叫转移) 2011-05-24 22:46:39


  • 末日之恋

    末日之恋 (對於愛,想簡簡單單 卻絕不妥協) 2011-05-25 08:43:21

    与你的愿望背道而驰。保持一致? 我需要内心的强大

  • 远与近

    远与近 2011-05-25 09:47:46


  • 泼墨

    泼墨 (岂有豪情似旧时) 2011-05-25 09:52:01


  • 松鼠的快乐

    松鼠的快乐 (生命展现出了它本身的样子。。) 2011-05-26 22:48:18


  • hope

    hope 楼主 2011-05-27 13:10:17

    佩妮 ★★★双子座——译者: 无声无息 6月在你的星座开启了日蚀。所有的新月都进入一个新的周期,但是当它们黯然失色的情况下潜在的重大变化是非常有可能的。你的生日周中更是如此。可能一个重大事件已经发生只是你可能会被困在一个凄凉的低谷,准备好翻滚!双子座的人喜欢出新和不同,所以如果你一直想对自己做一些改变,现在是时间来这样做。我唯一保留的海王星,幻觉大师,亦是舞台中心,因为其外表也具有欺骗性,所以你必须小心不要滑倒在香蕉皮上。 意想不到的、不同寻常的事

  • hope

    hope 楼主 2011-05-27 13:13:08

    加百利 ★★★双子座——译者: 硕小鼠趴在麦穗上 信仰改变了。儿时的信仰在你心中已经没有什么分量。 见鬼,去年你所相信的那些现在看看也不那么正确.。当然,如果你对某些事情的想法隔一天一变,那么没有人会认真对待你. 但是如果你是在深思熟虑、反复调查之后才改变主意的,那是很值得赞赏的。保持这种做事方式吧。思想开放的人会很愿意回应你的新主意,或至少是接受它、包容它。 思想放不开的就让他们忍着吧,难道不是吗?

  • yoyo

    yoyo 2011-05-27 15:54:57

    2011-05-25 15:03:37 zhuoqun (明知没有爱情还要期待) 双子男对以上种种说法熟视无睹,一如既往地坚持要把你们搞到疲惫地消失。哼,甩我吗?是要付出代价滴。嘿嘿! ================== 哈哈....说的太对了~甩我们是没那么容易滴~得不到你的心也要得到你的灵魂~

  • hope

    hope 楼主 2011-05-29 09:41:07

    莎拉 爱情 GEMINI I reckon that you're in the middle of a great big crisis (crisis originally meant 'a turning point in a disease'). And the disease is simply the lack of ease which you've found yourself in a love relationship. Whether it's the expectations, the demands, or the assumptions, or the emotional commitment or lack of it. And you, quite frankly, being one of most self-obsessed sign of the zodiac, really need to concern yourself with being you. How can you pretend to be NOT interested in someone when you're naturally vivacious and upfront? How can you play silly games of 'now you see me now you don't' (leave those to emotional retards and relationship avoidants) when you'd just like to crack open the champagne in bed? But perhaps there are ways to give out love other than simply focus it all onto one human being? For another human being, however much they love you, can never give you what you truly need unless you love yourself utterly. So how about a love of your vocation, a love of nature, a love of being in the limelight, a love of people, a love of your face, smile, soul? Then yes, you can rejoice in yourself and someone else will too.

  • hope

    hope 楼主 2011-05-29 09:42:29

    拉莎 爱情 Image: "Hidden in a sweltering jungle, a tiny lion cub" Message: Staying quiet. Group events, public reputation and social identity may require careful consideration this week. Some Geminis will now be asked to adopt a more active role concerning social conflicts between friends or colleagues. If so, remain neutral: this is not the right time to become emotionally involved in private emotional struggles. Loved ones and family members will offer meaningful advice: stay open to all comments, observations or discussions. Later this week watch also for a past business partner or colleague to propose an unique alliance or newly defined working relationship. Although motives are genuine and positive, valid progress may be temporarily delayed: remain cautious and wait for clearly defined written documents.

  • hope

    hope 楼主 2011-05-29 10:35:23

    约纳讯爱情 Your Week Ahead - Love Focus: They say that 'Nothing is set in stone.' Actually, even stone changes over time. Look how old stone carvings fade! You are now trying to come to terms with a change that seems somewhat unnerving. There's a doubt where there used to be a reassuring certainty. An eclipse in your sign, though, suggests an uncertainty where there was once, seemingly, a depressingly immutable law. For that, you should be grateful. Your power to change things for the better now more than outweighs any disappointment you may feel about the way that a familiar situation has moved on.

  • aa

    aa 2011-05-29 10:46:58


  • 溺过时间的逃亡

    溺过时间的逃亡 (谁将烟焚散,散了纵横的牵绊。) 2011-05-29 10:52:15


  • 小兔

    小兔 (若得其情,哀矜勿喜。) 2011-05-29 12:34:58


  • prisonbroken

    prisonbroken (人生自古谁无死,谁无死呀谁无死) 2011-05-30 00:12:29

    身体状态突然低迷…… 传说中的蚀相影响?没这么彪悍吧

  • hope

    hope 楼主 2011-05-30 09:27:46

    莎拉爱情 ★★★双子座——译者: Camille 我猜你正处于一个大的危机中(危机的本意指一个不良状态的转折点)不良状态简而言之指在一个恋爱关系中你发现缺乏舒服度。无论是期待,要求,或假定,亦或情感承诺或者缺乏情感承诺,而你,坦白的说,作为十二星座中最自恋的星座之一,你真的需要关心一下真实的你。你怎么能够假装对某个人不感兴趣,而你们在一起时又如此愉悦或处于如上所述的状况?你怎么能够玩这样愚蠢的游戏“现在你看到我,现在你又看不到我”(将这些留给情绪滞后和回避关系回应中)当你们在床上开启一瓶香槟的时候?但是可能有很多办法给别人爱而不是简单的将所有的注意力集中在某一个人身上?对另一个人来说,无论他们爱你有多少,他们也不可能给予你最真实的需要,除非你能够彻底的爱自己。所以什么是对职业的热爱,自然的爱,引人注目的爱,对人群的热爱,对自己的面庞,微笑,灵魂的爱?所以,你可以为你自己感到欣喜,某个他也会。

  • 淇淇有點奇怪

    淇淇有點奇怪 (HI……) 2011-05-30 10:16:29


  • 松鼠的快乐

    松鼠的快乐 (生命展现出了它本身的样子。。) 2011-05-30 11:08:49

    恩,这周的很玄乎。 没说清楚。 本身12宫就是难以说清的地方。。。

  • 小玖

    小玖 (若无闲事挂心头,便是人间好时节) 2011-05-30 12:16:28

    2011-05-29 11:56:08 子夏太阳花 翻好发现被抱了,那就发个参考下吧~~够拗口的。。。 双子座 我预计,你正处在一场巨大的危机之中(危机的本意是指某种病态的转折点),简单的说,因为你正处在爱的关系中,因而这种病态让人感到不安。不论它是否是期望,需求或是假设,或是情感的承诺,又或者是缺乏这一切。你,坦白的说,是十二星座中最自我陶醉的那一个,你最需要关系的是你自己。你这样生性活泼的人如果假装对某事不感兴趣呢?当你只想打开香槟躺在床上时,如何让你去玩那些类似“你现在是否看得到我"的愚蠢游戏(远离这些,已阻止这样的情绪并回避这样的关系)。但是也许这里有别的方式可以抒发爱意,别把爱意仅仅集中在一个人身上好。对另一个人来说,无论他有多爱你,永远都不能给你你真正需要的。那么爱对你来说,是一种天职,是自然的表露,爱的引人注目,对人类的爱,爱你面容,爱你的笑容,爱你的灵魂。是的,当你能在自己身上发现快乐时,别人也能。 个人觉得这个翻译的版本比较好理解

  • hope

    hope 楼主 2011-05-30 21:16:32

    拉莎周运势 ★★★双子座-----译者:Jane 图像:“迷失在树林中,一群紧张的童子军” 信息:找寻道路. 这周的重点是体验奇妙的梦和洞察力的剧烈波荡。 行星之间的联盟显示你现在有不同一般的敏锐意识,你将清楚的看到先现在周围的社会关系,生意上的失望或者家庭中的争议。在过去的几个星期,一些双子感到对目前自己的生活有些疏离,好像是因为一些情绪而产生了距离。 然而,现在,以及接下来的9个星期,许多双子将体会强大的趋势,在新的关系和积极的工作契约方面。让过去的过去,快速的接受目前的一切:新的信念、自信和新的社会关系正在展开。这是强有力的、启迪的一周:确定收到所有的预感、暗示和感觉。你的直觉将立马被证实它的精确性。保持积极。

  • hope

    hope 楼主 2011-06-01 09:34:22

    克里斯汀 GEMINI (May 21 - June 20) This is your year! This is your day! This is your moment Gemini, the one you have been waiting for. On Wednesday, June 1, A New Moon Solar Eclipse in your sign reaches out with unshakeable certainty to authority Saturn, encouraging the inner authority within in you to take charge of an ailing situation and turn it around for the better. Eclipses come in pairs and are separated by two weeks time so this next window until the Full Moon that follows on July 15 is potent for some radical change, events that are sure to accelerate your evolution. Whatever is set in motion now will be humming for the next six months. Heed the call, take the reigns and fly! This is your moment!

  • hope

    hope 楼主 2011-06-02 09:18:51

    贝拉 ★★★双子座——译者: Happy Birthday Baby although it must be said that this year’s celebrations will probably be more low-key than most and this is because you continue to be reflective or a bit “hidden”. Although others are still contacting your and wanting your company, you are putting on the show rather than really feeling the moment – although you will be still be socializing. Don’t fight this feeling; a degree of solitude and reflection is a good thing for you right now. Many of you are still in denial and that is what is holding up your progress. You are either on a holding pattern or still have one foot in the past; but losers live in the past, winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present towards the future (if you’ve learnt from the past do not get involved in others disputes or issues). You can neither predict the future, nor rewrite the past, but the best thing about the future, is that it only comes one day at a time so you can adjust accordingly. Both the eclipse and the new moon in your 1st house indicates that one way or another you’ll be reinventing yourself – either from desire or from necessity – and how you look, act and what you say will become very different over the coming months. Are you putting your best foot forward or are there aspects that could be improved; and more importantly is what you are presenting factual – a true representation of the reality? Many of you are going to do something radically different either in your career, where you live, where you go and what you do. With Neptune in the mix and Jupiter transiting your 12th house, karma will have everything to do with your resurrection. If you’ve been good, you’re not only going to get your mojo back but you’ll be quite blessed –Jupiter will help anything that is private or going on “behind the scenes” or hidden – it will work out well for you. If you’ve been bad however, you will be caught out big time; your secret will be revealed, not now, but in a few months time.

  • 小面粉

    小面粉 2011-06-02 11:03:39

    热腾腾的贝拉出炉啦~~~ ★★★双子座——译者: 硕小鼠趴在麦穗上 宝贝儿生日快乐!不得不说今年的庆祝规格较往年来说是最低调的,这是因为你依然处于沉思或者隐藏状态。尽管有人在不断跟你联系,并想与你相伴,但是你像处在舞台的中央被众人围观,而不能真切感受到真情到来的时刻- -不过你将依然保持交际状态。不要对这种感觉感到反感,此时一定程度的独处和沉思对你来说是件好事。 很多双子都处于拒绝状态,这就是阻碍你取得进展的因素。你们或处于停滞状态,或这仍然留恋过去;但是失败者活在过去,胜利者吸取过去的经验,享受当下生活迎接美好未来(如果你已经从过去学到了很多,就别卷入别人的争端和事务中去)。你就不能预测未来,也不要重写过去,而对于未来最值得庆幸的是,它是一天一天的到来,这样我们就可以根据每天的状况进行调整。 日食和新月都在你的1宫,你会通过某种方式重塑自我-或出于意愿或出于必要-在未来的日子里你的形象、行为和言谈都会发生很多变化。双子,你全力以赴了吗?你各个方面都提高了吗?更重要的是,你所呈现的事实是什么—一个现实的真实再现吗? 在所职之业、所居之处、行动所向和所做之事上,很多双子正在做的跟以往完全不同。 因海王星处于混沌状态,木星在你的12宫运行,因果业报的力量会通过各种方式让你重生。如果你现在过得很好,你不仅会重新找回自己的魔力,还会被特别保佑-木星会帮助所有私人的事情、进行之中的幕后(隐藏)之事-它会为你好好处理。如果你现在很糟,你会遇上很不错的时机;你的秘密会被披露,但不是现在,几个月后吧。

  • 小面粉

    小面粉 2011-06-02 16:16:34

    克里斯汀 ★★★双子座——译者: 无声无息 这是你的年!这是你的日子!这是你的时刻,双子,是你一直在等待的一刻。周三,6月1日,一个在你星座的新月日食带着不可动摇的确定性向权威土星伸出援手,鼓励你用你内在的权威去对一个不佳的境况负起责任,并使它扭转变好。日食成对出现,用两周时间分离,所以这下一个窗口,直到继满月之后的7月15日,是强而有力的根本的变化,事情肯定会加速你的演变。无论现在启动什么都将为接下来的六个月嗡嗡哼唱。从善如流,建立起专属于你的王朝,飞翔吧! 这是你的时刻!


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