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    zinc 楼主 2012-09-18 22:46:56

    Pristine adj. 原始的,古时的;纯朴的 original , primitive pristine (adj.) 1530s, "pertaining to the earliest period, primitive, ancient," from M.Fr. pristin (fem. pristine), from L. pristinus "former," from Old L. pri "before" (see prime (adj.)). Meaning "unspoiled, untouched, pure" is from 1899 (implied in pristinely) but still regarded as ignorant in some circles. However, if you happen to need the file or directory you just deleted (by accident?), you can look in your archive for a pristine copy! 然而,如果您碰巧需要刚才删除(意外删除?) 的文件或目录,您可以在存档中查找原始副本。 Ruth Benedict: "No man ever looks at the world with pristine eyes. He sees it edited by a definite set of customs and institutions and ways of thinking." #Innocence# Customers # Marriage Probity n. 廉洁;正直 integrity , honesty , righteousness early 15c., from M.Fr. probité, from L. probitatem (nom. probitas) "uprightness, honesty," from probus "worthy, good" (see prove). Ralph Waldo Emerson: "The German intellect wants the French sprightliness, the fine practical understanding of the English, and the American adventure; but it has a certain probity, which never rests in a superficial performance, but asks steadily, To what end? A German public asks for a controlling sincerity." #Action# America # Language [-] Chester A Arthur: "There are very many characteristics which go into making a model civil servant. Prominent among them are probity, industry, good sense, good habits, good temper, patience, order, courtesy, tact, self-reliance, many deference to superior officers, and many consideration for inferiors." # Action [-] Proclivity 倾向;癖性 tendency , liability , trend , preference , disposition 1590s, from L. proclivitatem (nom. proclivitas) "a tendency, propensity," from proclivis "prone to," lit. "sloping," from pro- "forward" (see pro-) + clivus "a slope," from PIE *klei-wo-, suffixed form of *klei "to lean" (see lean (v.)). Ralph Waldo Emerson: "By necessity, by proclivity, and by delight, we all quote. In fact it is as difficult to appropriate the thoughts of others as it is to invent." # Necessity Prodigal adj. 挥霍的;十分慷慨的 flush n. 浪子;挥霍者 dissipator , spendthrifty Benjamin Franklin: "If time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be the greatest prodigality." # Time and Time Management mid-15c., back formation from prodigiality (mid-14c.), from O.Fr. prodigalite (13c.), from L.L. prodigalitatem (nom. prodigalitas) "wastefulness," from L. prodigus "wasteful," from prodigere "drive away, waste," from pro- "forth" (see pro-) + agere "to drive" (see act). First reference is to prodigial son, from Vulgate L. filius prodigus (Luke xv:11-32). Profane adj. 亵渎的;世俗的;异教的 lay , mundane vt. 亵渎;玷污 cloud , unhallow late 14c., from L. profanare "to desecrate," from profanus "unholy, not consecrated," from pro fano "not admitted into the temple (with the initiates)," lit. "out in front of the temple," from pro- "before" (see pro-) + fano, ablative of fanum "temple" (see feast). Related: Profaned; profaning. The adjective is attested from late 15c.; originally "un-ecclesiastical, secular;" sense of "unholy, polluted" is recorded from c.1500. Marquis De Sade: "There is a kind of pleasure which comes from sacrilege or the profanation of the objects offered us for worship." #Profanity# Swearing # Pleasure Proffer n. 提供;提出;提议 proposal , offer vt. 提供;提出;奉献 afford , introduce , present , prefer , tender late 13c., from Anglo-Fr. profrier (mid-13c.), O.Fr. poroffrir (c.1080), from por- "forth" (from L. pro-) + offrir "to offer," from L. offerre (see offer). Related: Proffered; proffering. Julian of Norwich: "For though the sweet manhood of Christ might suffer but once, the goodness in Him may never cease of proffer: every day He is ready to the same, if it might be. For if He said He would for my love make new Heavens and new Earth, it were but little in comparison; for this might be done every day if He would, without any travail. But to die for my love so often that the number passeth creature’s reason, it is the highest proffer that our Lord God might make to man’s soul, as to my sight. Then meaneth He thus: How should it not be that I should not do for thy love all that I might of deeds which grieve me not, sith I would, for thy love, die so often, having no regard to my hard pains?" #Love# Death and Dying # Marriage [-] Profligate adj. 放荡的,不检点的;恣意挥霍的 gay , dissolute n. 放荡者;享乐者 roue , squanderer 1520s, "overthrown" (implied in profligation), from L. profligatus "destroyed, dissolute," pp. of profligare "to cast down, defeat, ruin," from pro- "down, forth" (see pro-) + fligere "to strike" (see afflict). Meaning "recklessly extravagant" is 1779, via notion of "ruined by vice" (1640s). William M Thackeray: "If, in looking at the lives of princes, courtiers, men of rank and fashion, we must perforce depict them as idle, profligate, and criminal, we must make allowances for the rich men's failings, and recollect that we, too, were very likely indolent and voluptuous, had we no motive for work, a mortal's natural taste for pleasure, and the daily temptation of a large income. What could a great peer, with a great castle and park, and a great fortune, do but be splendid and idle?" #Aristocracy# Temptation # Money [-] William M Thackeray: "If, in looking at the lives of princes, courtiers, men of rank and fashion, we must perforce depict them as idle, profligate, and criminal, we must make allowances for the rich men's failings, and recol [+] Gift it . Facebook • Email • Download •• Bookmark • Source Profundity n. 深刻;深度;深奥 depth , deepness late 15c., from O.Fr. profundite (Mod.Fr. profondité), from L.L. profunditas "depth," from profundus (see profound). Source Unknown: "Never try to impress people with the profundity of your thought by the obscurity of your language. Whatever has been thoroughly thought through can be stated simply." #Speech# Language # Obscurity Prolix adj. 冗长的;说话啰嗦的 interminable , verbose early 15c., from O.Fr. prolixe (14c.), from L. prolixus "extended," lit. "poured out," from pro- "forth" (see pro-) + base of liquere "to flow" (see liquid (adj.)). Everyone hates the prolix Gadaffi, particularly Arab despots who he routinely blasts as “old women in robes,” “Zionist lackeys,” and “cowards and thieves. 任何一个痛恨卡扎菲说话罗嗦的人,尤其是阿拉伯独裁君主们,他们例行公事似地攻击卡扎菲是“穿着长袍的老女人”,“犹太复国主义走狗”,和“懦夫和小偷”。 Sidonie Gabrielle Colette: "The writer who loses his self-doubt, who gives way as he grows old to a sudden euphoria, to prolixity, should stop writing immediately: the time has come for him to lay aside his pen." #Writers and Writing# Literature # Books - Reading [-] Promenade n. 散步;舞会;骑马 ball , walk , dance: 1560s, "leisurely walk," from M.Fr. promenade, from se promener "go for a walk," from L.L. promenare "to drive (animals) onward," from pro- "forth" (see pro-) + minare "to drive (animals) with shouts," from minari "to threaten" (see menace (n.)). Meaning "place for walking" is 1640s; specifically "walkway by the sea" late 18c.; "dance given by a school" 1887. to promenade on the beach 在海滩上散步 Wallace Stevens: "The day of the sun is like the day of a king. It is a Promenade in the morning, a sitting on the throne at noon, a pageant (盛会) in the evening." #Sun# Age and Aging # Death and Dying Promulgate vt. 公布;传播;发表 deliver , post , notify , transmit 1520s, from L. promulgatus, pp. of promulgare "make publicly known," perhaps from provulgare, from pro- "forth" (see pro-) + vulgare "make public, publish." Or the second element may be from mulgere 公布;宣布;颁布: to promulgate regulation 颁布规则 传播,散播;宣传(知识、信仰等): to promulgate knowledge 传播知识 蔓延;普及: to promulgate learning and culture 普及知识及文化 Sir Peter Medawar: "The attempt to discover and Promulgate the truth is nevertheless an obligation upon all scientists, one that must be persevered in no matter what the rebuffs—for otherwise what is the point in being a scientist?" #Right and Rightness# Science and Scientists # Truth [-] Propitiate vt. 抚慰,安抚;与…和解 placate , conciliate late 14c., from L.L. propitiationem (nom. propitiatio) "an atonement," from L. propitiare "render favorable," from propitius "favorable, gracious, kind," from pro- "forward" (see pro-) + petere "go to" (see petition). Earliest recorded form of the word is propitiatorium "the mercy seat, place of atonement" (c.1200), translating Gk. hilasterion. They offered sacrifices to propitiate the god. 他们供奉祭品以求神息怒。 James G Frazer: "By religion, then, I understand a propitiation or conciliation of powers superior to man which are believed to direct and control the course of nature and of human life." #Quotations# Religion # Love Proposition n. [数]命题;提议;主题;议题 sentence , theme , subject , offer mid-14c., "a setting forth as a topic for discussion," from Fr. proposition (12c.), from L. propositionem "a setting forth, statement," noun of action from proponere (see propound). Meaning "action of proposing something to be done" is from late 14c. The verb is attested from 1924; specifically of sexual favors from 1936. Related: Propositioned; propositioning. Do you favor her proposition ? 你赞成她的主张吗 Ludwig Wittgenstein: "225. What I hold fast to is not one Proposition but a nest of Propositions." #Change# Politicians and Politics # Anger Proscribe vt. 剥夺……的公权;禁止 bar , inhibit late 14c., "decree of condemnation, outlawry," from L. proscribere "publish in writing" (lit. "write in front of"), including senses of "publish as having forfeited one's property, condemn, outlaw before the world," from pro- "before" (see pro-) + scribere "to write" (see script). Meaning "prohibit as wrong or dangerous" first recorded 1620s. The sale of narcotics is proscribed by law. 法律禁止贩卖毒品。 Not only do laws and customs proscribe incest, but it's generally assumed that we're biologically programmed to avoid it. 不仅法律和习俗都禁止乱伦,而且通常假定我们在生物学的基础上被决定会避免这种行为。 William Gilmore Simms: "Neither praise nor blame is the object of true criticism. Justly to discriminate, firmly to establish, wisely to proscribe, and honestly to award - these are the true aims and duties of criticism." #Critics and Criticism# Awards # Wisdom [-] William O Douglas: "When a legislature undertakes to proscribe the exercise of a citizen's constitutional rights it acts lawlessly and the citizen can take matters into his own hands and proceed on the basis that such a law is no law at all." #Law and Lawyers# Politicians and Politics # Action Proselytize This helps to discourage members from abandoning the religion while still enabling them to proselytize. 这有助于阻碍其成员放弃信仰并继续去劝诱外人改变信仰。 Ezra Pound: "The act of bell ringing is symbolic of all proselytizing religions. It implies the pointless interference with the quiet of other people." #Churches# Religion Thomas Carlyle: "Man is emphatically a proselytizing creature." Prostrate adj. 俯卧的;拜倒的;降伏的;沮丧的 blue , prone , disappointed mid-14c., from L. prostratus, pp. of prosternere "strew in front, throw down," from pro- "forth" (see pro-) + sternere "to spread out," from PIE root *stere- "to spread, extend, stretch out" (see structure). He did not lie prostrate under this blow. 他并没有在这一打击下趴下。 Zachary Taylor: "It would be judicious to act with magnanimity towards a Prostrate foe." # Books Lewis Carroll: "There comes a pause, for human strength will not endure to dance without cessation; and everyone must reach the point at length of absolute prostration." #Dance and Dancing# Progress Protean adj. 千变万化的;一人演几个角色的;变形虫的 kaleidoscopic , ever-changing 1590s, from Gk. Proteus, sea god (son of Oceanus and Tethys) who could change his form; his name is lit. "first," from protos "first" (see proto-). Sri Lanka is a protean and wonderful paradise. 斯里兰卡是一个千变万化和精彩万分的人间天堂。 John A Dix: "Language is a living, kicking, growing, flitting, evolving reality, and the teacher should spontaneously reflect its vibrant and Protean qualities." #Language# Teachers and Teaching # Adversity

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-09-19 21:19:26

    Arcane adj. 神秘的;晦涩难解的;秘传的 mysterious , uncanny 1540s, from L. arcanus "secret, hidden, private, concealed," from arcere "close up, enclose, contain," from arca "chest, box, place for safe-keeping," from PIE *ark- "to hold, contain, guard" (cf. Gk. arkos "defense," arkein "to ward off;" Arm. argel "obstacle;" Lith. raktas "key," rakinti "to shut, lock"). If you want to know what that symbol is, you should be able to find it within the legendary Arcane Sanctuary . 如果你想知道那个是正确的符号,你应该可以在传说中的神秘庇难所中找寻。 魔射手(Arcane Archer):擅长使用魔法加强战斗力魔射手们箭技神准,使用附有魔法的箭矢,使他们名声远扬森林王国之外他们的魔箭将恐惧深深射入敌人的心中 奥术球(Arcane Orb):放射出纯净能量的奥术之球,对爆炸到的敌人造成 X-X 奥术伤害。 Kahlil Gibran: "Art is a step from what is obvious and well-known toward what is arcane and concealed." # Science and Scientists Gift it . Facebook • Email • Download •• Bookmark Isaac Asimov: "True literacy is becoming an arcane art and the United States is steadily dumbing down." # Science and Scientists Jack Abbot: "The intelligence recedes, no more a tool of learning - because knowledge is based on experience - but a tool of the outside world it is deprived of knowing. It tries to contact other minds by telepathy; it becomes the Ancestor. Words and Numbers come to hold mystic significance: they were invented by some arcane magic older than man. The line between the word and the thing vanishes; the intervals of numbers in infinity collapse with infinity." # Science and Scientists [-] Jack Abbot: "The intelligence recedes, no more a tool of learning - because knowledge is based on experience - but a tool of the outside world it is deprived of knowing. It tries to contact other minds by telepathy; it becom [+] Gift it . Facebook • Email • Download • Archaic adj. [语][生物]古代的;陈旧的;古体的;古色古香的 ancient , old 1810, from or by influence of Fr. archaique (1776), ultimately from Gk. arkhaikos "old-fashioned," from arkhaios "ancient," from arkhe "beginning" (see archon). Archaical is attested from 1799. Walter Benjamin: "Only a thoughtless observer can deny that correspondences come into play between the world of modern technology and the archaic symbol-world of mythology." # Conservatives Carl Jung: "Every civilized human being, whatever his conscious development, is still an archaic man at the deeper levels of his psyche. Just as the human body connects us with the mammals and displays numerous relics of earlier evolutionary stages going back to even the reptilian age, so the human psyche is likewise a product of evolution which, when followed up to its origins, show countless archaic traits." #Economy and Economics# Age and Aging # Mind [-] Arduous adj. 努力的;费力的;险峻的 hard , rapid , bold , struggling 1530s, "hard to accomplish, difficult to do," from L. arduus "high, steep," also figuratively, "difficult," from PIE root *eredh- "to grow, high" (see ortho-). Literal sense of "high, steep, difficult to climb," attested in English from 1709. Argot Arid Arraign vt. 传讯,控告;责难,指责 law , cite He should agree to refrain from trying to arraign Israel in the International Criminal Court for its past actions. 他应该同意避免试图根据以色列过去的行为将其告上国际刑事法庭的举动。 www.ecocn.org He should agree to refrain from trying to arraign Israel in the International Criminal Court for its past actions. 假定他申请联合国正式会员国受阻,他应该迅速回到申请联合国观察员国家以及许多消除以色列人疑虑的条款等议题上来,他还应同意避免企图到国际法庭控告以色列过去的种种行径。 www.ecocn.org Mr Brown is not the first politician to grab credit in good times and deflect the buck in bad ones, nor the only current leader to arraign hostile global forces for domestic woe. 要说繁荣期利用信贷,衰弱期逃避责任,布朗也谈不上开先河;而论把国内问题推到不利的全球力量上,在当今领导人中,他也不会形单影只。 Arrears n. [会计]拖欠;待完成的事;应付欠款 delinquencies The mortgage (and the arrears) amount to less than 30% of the value of the property. BBC: The CML expect repossessions to total 30,000 this year Missed opportunities at the 14th and 15th prevented the Scotsman from further reducing the arrears. BBC: Lee Westwood Craig Mackail-Smith reduced the arrears then turned provider, winning the penalty which Ashley Barnes scored. Arroyo . 小河;河谷;干涸沟壑 riverlet , streamlet The candidates say a lot about how they are different from Mrs Arroyo, but little about how they might govern differently from her. 竞选人不断表明他们与阿罗约之间的不同,但却很少涉及怎样用与先前不同的方式管理政府的问题。 Artifice n. 诡计;欺骗;巧妙的办法 fraud , scheme , trick The first is Obama's aversion to the artifice of politics. 第一在于奥巴马对政治诡计的厌恶。 article.yeeyan.org But perhaps you’re not convinced by these clever lab experiments performed mostly on undergrads.Perhaps you think the paradigms smack of artifice. 不过,也许你还无法相信这些主要由大学生执行且充满智慧的实验室研究,也许你认为这些范例带有欺骗的味道。 dongxi.net René Descartes in his book, Meditations (1642), discussed the idea that he might be deceived by a malign genius, "some evil demon, who has used all his artifice to deceive me". 勒奈•笛卡儿在他的著作《沉思集》(1642)中讨论了这样的想法:他可能被一个邪恶的天才所欺骗。 “某个恶毒的魔鬼,已用尽他的所有诡计来蒙骗我。” Artless adj. 天真的;朴实的;无虚饰的 simple , naïve When a forgery is exposed, people in the art world generally have the same reaction: how could anyone have ever been fooled by something so obviously phony, so artless? NEWYORKER: The Mark of a Masterpiece The conceit of this novel is that, because Sim is a tedious and artless character, his narration will be boring and derivative—"Sorry, I am just not very good at describing people, " he cautions. WSJ: Book Reviews: Moondogs; The Terrible Privacy of Maxwell Sim | Fiction Chronicle For years, maybe decades, domestic carmakers have introduced new models with the promise that this time, really, they have fixed the uninspiring driving characteristics, artless styling, indifferent quality control or any of the other plagues of problems domestic manufacturers have inflicted upon themselves. MSN: GM, Ford look to build on success at show Aseptic adj. [医][食品]无菌的;防腐性的 sterile , germfree n. [助剂]防腐剂 antiseptic agent , conserving agent This involves packing liquid products in aseptic cartons using specialized machines and plastic-backed laminated paper supplied by Tetra Pak. CNN: When Milk Turns Sour They would prefer aseptic technological means or stand-off weapons or air forces instead of the messy use of ground forces. CNN: Wars of the Near Future Also, antiseptic -- aseptic packaged milks. Askance adv. 怀疑地;斜视地 skeptically , skeptically Do I look askance if I see two people of the same sex holding hands? CNN: Anti-gay backlash a stage on the way to social justice It's become au courant in the Valley to look askance at the valuation estimates being thrown around for Facebook. FORBES They looked askance at the Clinton administration and the efforts in Bosnia. MSN: Transcript for March 12 Asperity n. (表面的)[机]粗糙;(气候等的)严酷;艰苦的条件;(性格)粗暴 roughness , granulation answered her mother, with an asperity that she had never permitted to herself before. 她母亲回答说,语气之严厉,是她以前从来不准自己有的。 Francois De La Rochefoucauld: "It is only persons of firmness that can have real gentleness. Those who appear gentle are, in general, only a weak character, which easily changes into asperity." #Firmness# Character # Change Gift it . Facebook • Email • Download •• Bookmark • Source Johann K Lavater: "Venerate four characters: the sanguine who has checked volatility and the rage for pleasure; the choleric who has subdued passion and pride; the phlegmatic emerged from indolence; and the melancholy who has dismissed avarice, suspicion and asperity." #Anger# Character # Pride Asphyxiate vt. 使…窒息 strangle vi. 窒息 choke , strangulate Business must adapt to this new psychology or asphyxiate. 企业必须适应这种新的心理,否则就会窒息而亡。 www.ftchinese.com Carbon dioxide in pure form can asphyxiate because it is heavier than air. 因为二氧化碳比空气要重,纯净的二氧化碳可以使人窒息。 article.yeeyan.org Small children sometimes choke or asphyxiate while trying to swallow big tablets. 幼儿在试图吞咽大药片时有时会噎住或窒息。 Aspirant . 有抱负的人;野心家 careerist , highflyer adj. 上进的;有野心的 high-flying First to call on the governor was federal minister and chief minister aspirant, Nitish Kumar. BBC: Laloo Prasad Yadav With his wealth, political connections and media clout, Tan would make a powerful ally for any aspirant. CNN: The Power of Lucio Tan Turkey, a NATO member and aspirant to join the European Union, is viewed as a bridge between the Western and Islamic worlds. Assay n. [临床]化验;试验 proof , experiment , try vt. [药]分析;[临床]化验;尝试 analyse , sample , essay vi. 鉴定;经检验证明内含成分 to identify , to evaluate An ‘open data assay’ is a first step. 第一步就是要建立一个“开放数据鉴定”。 article.yeeyan.org For a single brand, five cigarettes were randomly selected for each assay and the data averaged together. 分析单一品牌的香烟时,每次要随机选择五只烟,取其平均数据。 article.yeeyan.org Their cervical lymph nodes were collected to assay the lymphocyte proliferation rate and the production of cancer killing cytokines. 收集子宫颈淋巴结,化验淋巴细胞增殖率和癌肿杀伤激动素的产生。 Assorted adj. 组合的;各种各样的;混杂的 various , combined Before you venture out, enjoy a complimentary breakfast of assorted fresh fruit, buttery pastries, and cereals. BBC: Daily deal: Verdant gardens steeped in lowcountry history As usual, the place is full of business folk, diplomats, travelers and assorted expats. CNN: A Tale of Two Countries Iraqi officials are still searching for interlocutors through whom to talk to assorted insurgents. Assuage vt. 平息;缓和;减轻 relax , moderate The calf would give them access to forces that could assuage their fears. 金牛犊则能将他们引向某种力量,可平息他们的恐惧。 www.ftchinese.com But it could not assuage human grief or find ultimate meaning in life's struggle. 但它并不能减轻人类的痛苦,或者在人生的斗争中找到终极意义。 article.yeeyan.org If we can assuage those concerns with the 'bad bank-good bank' plan, that will help. 如果'坏帐银行/好银行'方案可以平息这些担心,那麽对市场有帮助. Charles de Secondat: "I've never know any trouble than an hour's reading didn't assuage." #Books - Reading# Time and Time Management # Love Gift it . Facebook • Email • Download •• Bookmark • Source Lyster : "For the memory of love is sweet, though the love itself were in vain. And what I have lost of pleasure, assuage what I find of pain." #Memory# Love # Friends and Friendship Albert Camus: "If only nature is real and if, in nature, only desire and destruction are legitimate, then, in that all humanity does not suffice to assuage the thirst for blood, the path of destruction must lead to universal annihilation." #Nature# Desire # Death and Dying Sara Teasdale: "Make songs for Death as you would sing to Love — But you will not assuage him. He alone Of all the gods will take no gifts from men." #Love# Song and Singing # Death and Dying Asterisk 【印刷】星标,星号(即*,用于印刷品,表示脚注参照符号、省略号等) There's an asterisk, however: Some Civic Si fans like the sound of a screaming VTEC engine. WSJ: 2012 Honda Civic Si and Civic Hybrid Review: A Sporty New Civic Is Heavy on the 'Ick' | Rumble Seat by Dan Neil You might say it carries a big asterisk (stay away from border towns, etc.). FORBES: The Best Foreign Retirement Havens For 2011 But then again, every country on this list sports an asterisk of some kind. FORBES: The Best Foreign Retirement Havens For 2011

  • 艾莉森

    艾莉森 (我洗过的发 像心中火焰) 2012-09-20 11:24:33


  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-09-20 14:47:01

    Asteroid n. [天]小行星;[无脊椎]海盘车;小游星 planetoid , sunstar adj. 星状的 stellated , astroid In particular, asteroid RQ36 is considered a small object—about 580 meters in diameter. BOINGBOING: NASA Osiris: Looking for life with the god of death I'm certainly looking forward to all that these grains can tell us about asteroid Itokawa. BBC: Hayabusa capsule particles may be from asteroid The Earth has several regular visitors like 2005 YU55 - most famously the Apophis asteroid. Astigmatic 散光 1849, coined by the Rev. William Whewell (1794-1866), English polymath, from Gk. a- "without" + stigmatos gen. of stigma "a mark, spot, puncture" (see stick (v.)). When the astigmatic degree< 1.50D, mydriatic optometry is of help to found the axis of cylindrical lens. 对于合并1.50D以下的散光患儿,散瞳验光可能更有助于确定柱镜的轴向。 http://dict.cnki.net Possibility of producing image-plane holograms of astigmatic system is analyzed theoretically, and verified experimentally. 从理论上分析了象散光学系统产生象平面全息图的可能性,并在实验上得到证实。 dict.cnki.net Taking a laser beam of astigmatic aberration as an example, the state of the laser beam compensating system can be given by the axial hologram of the laser beam. 我们以象散光束为例,根据轴向全息图能够给出该光束补偿系统的状态。 Astringent astringent wine 涩味葡萄酒 astringent cream 收紧面霜 astringent taste 涩味 astringent- 收敛性 Astringent Milk 清新美白清爽渗透乳 Good Astringent 强效收敛 astringent method 固涩 astringent clay 含明矾的粘土 Salty Astringent 咸涩 adj. [食品]涩的;收敛性的;止血的;严厉的 severe , tight , hard , rigorous , harsh n. [药]收敛剂;止血药 stancher W. You must go without your trusty astringent as you devour the better part of a sheep. NEWYORKER: Bab al Yemen But in 1999, Mr. Keane insisted that the website "Dysfunctional Family Circus, " which contained astringent captions to his drawings, be taken down. WSJ: 'Family Circus' Creator Bil Keane Dies at 89 Because none of the ingredients in phat thai are particularly bitter, the dish is almost always served with a side of hua plee, the astringent flower of the banana tree, as well as a few extra Chinese chives.

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-09-21 11:41:48

    Awl n. [五金]锥子;尖钻 bodkin , pointed drill 双语例句 Again he drove the awl and needle into her. 他便又一次掏出锥子和针,要扎她。 article.yeeyan.org Baba Mustapha was seated with an awl in his hand, just going to work. 巴巴木沙发坐着手里拿着一个锥子,正在工作。 article.yeeyan.org She cried out, “Pierce me with the awl, but keep that slender, hair-like slave (the needle) out of me.” 她大喊道:“你可以用锥子扎我,但别用那细得跟头发丝似的奴才(针)刺我。” article.yeeyan.org Awning n. (用于门窗前面的)遮日篷,遮篷,凉篷,雨篷 【造船】(甲板等上的)天篷 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 He hears it bursting over the awning. 他听到雨啪啪地落在雨篷上。 article.yeeyan.org Karen followed the pair onto the patio and watched as they settled at a round table under a burgundy window awning. 凯伦跟随这两个人来到庭院,看着他们在一个酒红色遮阳篷下的圆桌旁坐下。 www.elanso.com At the Motosumiyoshi commuter-train station in Kawasaki, a suburb of Tokyo, sleek solar panels serve as an awning over the platform. 在东京郊区川崎的元住吉通勤列车站,平滑的太阳能电池板在月台上被用作遮阳篷和雨篷。 Axiom n. [数]公理;格言;自明之理 motto , maxim 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The "sex is bad" axiom predominates in society and science. “性是坏的”这个公理在社会和科学中占据了主导。 article.yeeyan.org It is an axiom in the business world that a satisfied customer is the best advertisement. 满意的顾客是最好的广告, 这是商界的格言。 《新英汉大辞典》 This axiom seems to be completely missing, or at least grossly underemphasized, by the process evangelists and literature, but it is usually very observable in successful software projects. 这个公理在过程里似乎完全被忽略了,或者至少是不受重视的,但是它在成功的软件项目中通常是非常引人注目的。 Axle rear axle 后桥;后轴 axle load 轴负载 front axle 前轴,前桥;前轮轴 axle housing 轴套;轴罩;轴壳 driving axle 主动轴,驱动轴 更多词组短语 双语例句权威例句 The axle doesn't work smoothly. It needs oiling. 轮轴发涩, 该上油了。 《新英汉大辞典》 They know how to code, but they're also familiar with the smell of axle grease. 他们知道如何写代码,但是他们也非常熟悉车轴机油的气味。 article.yeeyan.org By definition, a fifth wheel is a wheel or a portion of a wheel with two parts rotating on each other that sits on the front axle of a carriage and adds extra support so it doesn’t tip. 通过定义,第五个轮子,是成为一个四轮马车的前车轴上互相旋转的两个部分的一个轮子或一个轮子的一部分,而加上一个额外的辅助轮子,这样它就不会倾斜。 article.yeeyan.org Bacchanal adj. 酒神节的;狂饮作乐的 Dionysiac n. 狂饮作乐;酒神节 Dionysia 双语例句权威例句 To those monumental happenings the annual bacchanal of Carnival, now in full swing, seemed an appropriate backdrop. 在这些具有纪念碑意义的事件发生的同时,一年一度的狂欢节正如火如荼地举行着,似乎是一道很合适的背景。 www.ecocn.org Following a well-edited statement, expect the lengthy profile, lucrative book contract, or hourlong televised bacchanal. 那就是精心编辑的声明,预料中的冗长的事件概述,有利的书面协议,或者在电视上发一小时的酒疯。 dongxi.net The giant water bug, or Lethocerus indicus, a three-inch-long South Asian insect that looks uncannily like a local cockroach, is just one of the items on the menu of this bug-eating bacchanal. 这只三英寸长,有着一副宛如家里蟑螂一般的尊容的南亚大水虫,或者叫它田鳖,仅仅是食虫菜单上的许多道菜之一。 Backfire n. 逆火,回火 产生出乎意料及事与愿违的结果 temper 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Any sign that China was turning its back on the dollar would backfire by undermining the value of its existing investments. 中国不再看好美元的任何迹象都会起到反作用,因为这将有损于中国现有投资的价值。 www.ftchinese.com That, bankers protest, could backfire, as higher bank funding costs would feed through as yet another impetus for pushing up the cost of lending. 银行人士抗议称,这可能会造成反效果,因为银行融资成本上升会演化成另一种推升贷款成本的动力。 www.ftchinese.com And campaigning against health and safety standards can easily backfire: who wants to be in favour of drowning sea turtles in fishing nets so that people can eat cheaper shrimp? 而至于发动反健康和安全标准的运动,倒是很容易引火烧身:谁又会为了使人们能够吃上便宜的小虾,而赞同在渔网中溺死海龟呢? Backhanded adj. 间接的;反手拍击的 indirect , circular 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Are such “Fairtrade lite” strategies a rejection of Fairtrade's approach—or are they a backhanded compliment? 这种“脱Fairtrade”策略究竟是对Fairtrade方式的否定,还是一种间接的恭维呢? www.ecocn.org The severing at these points causes nerve damage that makes the wrist flex and the fingers curl up in the manner of a waiter taking a backhanded tip. 这些在这几个点上的切割造成神经损伤以至于是手腕弯曲手指卷起就像是服务员拿背后的小费这个动作。 article.yeeyan.org The profession may have been a backhanded apology for a story that many think skewered his father’s misguided sense of authority, but it could just as easily be applied to A Moveable Feast. 这个表白也许是为一个故事所做的间接道歉。 许多人认为那个故事反映了他父亲权威观念的误导,这个表白同样适用于《流动的盛宴》。 Badge n. [轻]徽章;证章;标记 marks , bedge 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The policeman's badge deflected the bullet. 那名警察的徽章使子弹偏转了。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 If you get noticed by the propagandists, wear that attention like a badge of honor. 如果你注意到这个宣传,谨记那些就像你的荣誉徽章一样。 www.elanso.com Their "scoreboard" requires little or no interaction from the user other than to look and to wear an active badge. 他们的“分数板”需要寻找以及活动徽章的佩戴,而要求很少或不要求来自用户的交互。 Badger N-COUNT A badger is a wild animal which has a white head with two wide black stripes on it. Badgers live underground and usually come up to feed at night. 獾 V-T If you badger someone, you repeatedly tell them to do something or repeatedly ask them questions. 纠缠 例: She badgered her doctor time and again, pleading with him to do something. 她一再纠缠医生,恳求他做点什么。 例: They kept phoning and writing, badgering me to go back. 他们不断打电话、写信,缠着要我回去。 Badinage . 开玩笑;嘲弄,揶揄 gaggery , borak 双语例句权威例句 Ahoy! I'm badinage for you! 喂!我在跟你开玩笑呢! danci.911cha.com Don't want to get three, three by hou hou badinage. 不想路遇侯三,遭到侯三调侃。 www.rainmall.com At El Sordo's camp Pilar exchanges badinage with Joaquin, a young man who wanted to be a bullfighter before the war, while Jordan confers with the leader. 在“聋子”的营地,趁着乔丹同那位队长商议的空当,皮拉尔跟华金相互打趣起来。华金是个年轻小伙子,战前曾想当名斗牛士。 Bail bail out 跳伞;保释;舀出 on bail 保释;保释中 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Her family paid $500 to bail her out. 她家里付了500美元把她保释出来。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Shall I bail her out? 我该保释她出狱吗? 《21世纪大英汉词典》 The bank helped to bail out the struggling company. 银行搭救了那家陷于困境的公司 Bait N-VAR Bait is food which you put on a hook or in a trap in order to catch fish or animals. 饵 例: Vivien refuses to put down bait to tempt wildlife to the waterhole. 维维恩拒绝放饵到水坑引诱野生动物。 V-T If you bait a hook or trap, you put bait on it or in it. 放诱饵于 例: He baited his hook with pie. 他把馅饼放在钓钩上作饵。 例: The boys dug pits and baited them so that they could spear their prey. 男孩子们挖了陷阱,在里面放上诱饵,以便用矛刺杀猎物。 N-UNCOUNT To use something as bait means to use it to trick or persuade someone to do something. 诱饵 [also 'a' N] 例: Television programs are essentially bait to attract an audience for commercials. 电视节目本质上是用来吸引观众看商业广告的诱饵。 V-T If you bait someone, you deliberately try to make them angry by teasing them. 故意惹怒 例: He delighted in baiting his mother. 他以惹他妈妈生气为乐。 Bait and switch is used to refer to a sales technique in which goods are advertised at low prices in order to attract customers, although only a small number of the low-priced goods are available. 诱导转向法 (以廉价商品诱使顾客上门的销售方法) 例: The classy piano bar next to Maddalena's really sells 11 dishes for the advertised price at lunch. There's no bait and switch here. 马达莱纳隔壁的高级钢琴酒吧按广告中的价位售卖11道午餐菜肴。在这没有用廉价品招揽生意的幌子。 Bale N-COUNT A bale is a large quantity of something such as hay, cloth, or paper, tied together tightly. 大捆 例: ...bales of hay. …大捆大捆的干草。 V-T If something such as hay, cloth, or paper is baled, it is tied together tightly. 把…捆紧 例: Once hay has been cut and baled, it has to go through some chemical processes. 干草一旦被割下来扎成捆,必须经过一些化学处理。 Baleful adj. 恶意的;有害的 harmful , evil , malicious , vicious 双语例句权威例句 He now thinks this influence was baleful. 他现在认为这种影响是有害的。 blog.sina.com.cn But networks can also have baleful effects. 但是社交网络也会有有害的作用。 www.ecocn.org Yet every writer, particularly those dealing with controversial subjects, has to confront the possibility that his or her words will have, or will seem to have had, baleful influences as well. 诚然,对于每位作家,特别是写关于有争议性话题的,难免得面对他或她所写的文字可能或者是看似对他人也有坏的影响。 Balk error , mistake , obstacle , let , bar vt. 阻止;推诿;错过 stem , block , dispute , lose , prohibit vi. 犹豫;突然止步不前 daiker , hang back 双语例句权威例句 Even confident investors, however, may balk at how much debt they will soon be asked to buy. 然而,即使是自信的投资者也可能在被很快要求购买对少债务上有所犹豫。 www.ecocn.org Children may balk sometimes and probably won't always perform their jobs perfectly, but with time they'll come to realize the value of contributing. 孩子有时候也许会犹豫,可能不总能完美地完成任务,但是随着时间的流逝他们渐渐会意识到贡献的价值。 article.yeeyan.org China and Russia, though they voted for UN sanctions on Colonel Qaddafi in the Security Council, presently balk at a no-fly zone, let alone armed intervention by troops. 中国与俄罗斯尽管在联合国安理会上同意制裁卡扎菲,但现在仍然犹豫是否要建立禁飞区,更不用说派驻武装部队了。 Balky adj. 停蹄不前的;倔强的;不愿干的 restive , obstinate 双语例句权威例句 The camera has an LED flash, which helps at close range at night, but the camera itself is balky and slow to focus and fire. 照相机有一个 LED 闪光灯,在夜晚照近距离相片时很有用,但是,照相机本身迟缓,对焦和拍照都比较慢。 article.yeeyan.org But the United States and its allies ran into the same problem the Iranians have grappled with: the P-1 is a balky, badly designed machine. 但是美国及其盟友也遇到了让伊朗人棘手的同样问题:P-1是一种设计不良的顽劣机器。 article.yeeyan.org Whatever the demerits of microfilm as a storage medium (and it is notoriously balky, difficult stuff), at least it had a certain durability that the print article lacked. 无论微缩胶片具有多少缺点(它是有名的倔强、不好使用的东西),最少它具有印刷品所缺乏的耐久性。 Ballast [建][水运]压舱物,[船]压载物;道渣,碎石 rubble , rockfill 双语例句权威例句 If not ventilated properly, their ballast circuitry can get fried enough to fail. 如果通风不畅,压载物的线路板会如同被煎过似的坏掉。 www.ecocn.org For one thing, Beijing has already taken steps to ensure banks have enough ballast for the choppy waters ahead. 一方面,中国政府已经采取措施,确保银行有足够的“压舱物”来抵御未来的风浪。 www.ftchinese.com But small satellites, including shoebox-sized “cubesats”, are often used in place of the ballast carried by rockets to improve their weight distribution. 不过小型卫星(包括鞋盒大小的“立方体卫星”),常用来代替火箭携带的压舱物,以改善其重量分布。 Balm n. 香油;镇痛软膏;香峰草,[树脂][药]香树膏 sesame oil 双语例句权威例句 Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? 在基列岂没有乳香呢。 在那里岂没有医生呢。 www.ebigear.com Politicians and pundits alike took it as their job to apply balm. 政客和权威们同样地把它作为自己工作而为其贴金。 kuuai.com For both adults and children, philosophy is a balm, a consolation, an instrument and an inspiration. 对于成年人和小孩,哲学是一个止痛药膏,一种安慰,一种器具和灵感。 Bane n. 毒药;祸害;灭亡的原因 tox , poison 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But where did he come from, the little dark thing, harboured by a good man to his bane? “可是这个小黑东西,被一个好人庇护着,直到这个好人死去,他是从哪儿来的呢?” putclub.com It was 24 degrees outside, but only one of them wore socks — since foot sweat is a boon not a bane in this game. 在24度低温下,只有一个孩子穿了袜子—因为在这场比赛中出脚汗是优势而不是劣势。 www.24en.com So, Paul Krugman jumps from blasting savings as a bane to economic prosperity to then suggesting that savings is the only reason why our dependence on Chinese financiers is no longer as relevant. 因此,保罗•克鲁格曼从猛烈抨击储蓄是经济繁荣的祸害的立场跳到了另一个立场,竟认为我们对中国投资人的依赖不再重要的原因乃是储蓄。 Banish 放逐;驱逐 ostracize , expel 双语例句原声例句权威例句 To banish worry, doubt, and fear, to love and laugh and give! 让我们驱逐忧虑,疑惑和恐惧,全身心地去爱,去欢笑和给予! www.crazyenglish.org In the case of Hoarding Tyrant, you can banish it to gain two runes. 如【护宝暴君】,你可以通过放逐它来获得两个符文。 article.yeeyan.org In fact, the aim should be neither to banish finance nor to punish it, but to create a system that supports economic growth through the best mix of state-imposed stability and private initiative. 实际上,目标既不是驱逐金融业也不是惩罚它,而是创造出一个通过国家强制的稳定性和个体的创造性的最优结合来支持经济发展的体系。 Banter . (善意的)戏谑;逗弄 jocosity , tantalization vt. 善意地取笑;逗弄 tantalise vi. 开玩笑;谈笑 fool , kid around 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He’s still learning English but he’s full part of the banter and everyone loves him in the changing room. 他还在学习英语,但是他是每个人喜欢开玩笑的对象,更衣室里人人都爱他。 news.goalhi.com That kind of banter was one thing I had always missed out on in my work life, because I had never shared an office or workspace. 这种戏谑是我在工作中总是错过的一件事,因为我从未与大家共用一个办公室或工作间。 article.yeeyan.org After taking a trip "Back to the Future, " the couple ended up onstage for banter with each other -- and their mother and grandmother. 在一段“回到未来”的旅程后,两人登台,互开玩笑,还调侃起他们的母亲和祖母。 article.yeeyan.org Bard n. 吟游诗人 scop , minnesinger , gleeman 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This is Frost in old age, as an American bard from a magazine. 这张是他年老时,一个杂志上的吟游诗人。 v.163.com If we are to believe the professor, this is the only picture of the Bard as he really was. 如果我们相信教授的话,那么,这是诗人表明他确实是这种样子的唯一的一张图片。 article.yeeyan.org Gnomeo and Juliet is directed and co-written by animation veteran Kelly Asbury, who makes no apologies to William Shakespeare or to the bard's, perhaps, most malleable tale. 《格诺米欧和朱丽叶》的导演兼编剧是动漫老手凯利.阿斯博瑞,他对莎翁和古代的吟游诗人没有一丝愧疚之情,这大概是最具改编潜力的故事了 Barefaced adj. 公然的;厚颜无耻的;不戴面具的 declared , flagrant 双语例句权威例句 But now we have a barefaced raid on our cash. 但我们如今所面对的,则是一种明目张胆的抢钱行为。 www.cuyoo.com Nevertheless, this is the dignity in barefaced challenge Internet. 不过,这是在公然挑战互联网的尊严。 dictsearch.appspot.com Many Egyptians cite a simple reason for what looks like the unusually barefaced manipulation of the electoral process. 对此次大选过程那些极为不耻的背后操纵,许多埃及公民会列出一个简单的理由。 Barometer 气象]气压计;睛雨表;显示变化的事物 weatherglass 双语例句权威例句 Yet you had time to stay and look at your barometer. 不过,你出发前还有时间来看一眼晴雨表。 article.yeeyan.org I love having an altimeter, barometer and compass on my wrist at all times. 我喜欢在手腕上随时都带着海拔计,气压计和罗盘。 article.yeeyan.org In an old interview,Stone once said that his films are an "emotional barometer" for him. 在一个年代久远的采访中,斯通说他的电影对他而言是“情感的晴雨表”。 Baron . 男爵;大亨;巨头 tycoon , big boy 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I once carried a letter to a baron of that sort. 有一次,我送一封信给一个男爵,他便是这样的。 www.ebigear.com If a user racks up enough of these titles in a specific neighborhood, they become the Baron of that area, or the King at the city level. 如果一个用户在他们那个特定的区域达到了足够的头衔,他就可以成为这个区域的男爵或者是城市一级的国王。 article.yeeyan.org “Europe wants its values of freedom and democracy to change China but China has its own way, ” he went on, reading what threatened to be an interminable speech until cut short by the baron. 他继续讲道:“欧洲想用它的自由与民主价值观来改变中国,但中国有自己特有的方式”。 易思男爵打断了这段听上去可能将是冗长的、照本宣科式的演讲。 Baroque The book is conceived of as a comprehensive introduction to these techniques, from the basic to the baroque. 这本书对这些核心技巧做了全面的介绍,从基础菜品一直介绍到巴洛克风格的菜肴。 dongxi.net It was he who built many of the straight roads and broad squares on which his successors bestowed the Baroque churches and fountains that have been the city's pride ever since. 正是西斯科特修建了笔直的道路和宽阔的广场,他的继任者在广场上增建了巴洛克式教堂和喷泉,自那以后这些就成了罗马的骄傲。 www.ecocn.org It was he who built many of the straight roads and broad squares on which his successors bestowed the Baroque churches and fountains that have been the city’s pride ever since. 西斯科特在位期间,修了好些笔直的大马路和宽阔的广场,在那些广场上,他的继任者们建起一些巴洛克式的教堂,还有喷泉,这些成了罗马城市的骄傲。 Barricade . 街垒;路障;争论之处 road-block vt. 设路障;阻碍 slow , impede 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The enormous barricade felt him on its haunches. 那庞大的街垒感到他坐镇在它的臀部。 www.ebigear.com One felt that the chief of this barricade was a geometrician or a spectre. 我们感到这个街垒的首领是一个几何学家或一个鬼怪。 www.ebigear.com Now, let us place the body under cover, that each one of us may defend this old man dead as he would his father living, and may his presence in our midst render the barricade impregnable! 现在让我们保护好他的遗体,我们每个人都应当象保护自己活着的父亲那样来保护这位死了的老人。 让他留在我们中间,使这街垒成为铜墙铁壁。 Baseboard n. 脚板;护壁板 mopboard , cleading 双语例句权威例句 Draw the simple design around the baseboard with a catchy color contrast. 用醒目的颜色在踢脚板上画好简单的设计。 article.yeeyan.org This service processor is called a baseboard management controller (BMC) and resides on a server motherboard or on the chassis of a blade server or telecom platform. 此服务处理器称作基板管理控制器(BMC),驻留在服务器主板上或者刀片服务器或通信平台的底板上。 www.ebigear.com Each node requires two addresses on the compute network: one for the compute address and another for the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC), which is used for hardware monitoring and power control. 每个节点在计算网络上需要两个地址:一个用于计算地址,另一个用于基板管理控制器(BMC),BMC 用来进行硬件监视和电源控制。 Baste vt. 粗缝;在…上涂油;狠揍;大骂 tack on , duff up n. 调味品;涂抹液 seasoning , dressing 双语例句 BASTE , arroser To spoon melted butter, fat, or liquid over foods. 涂油 ,arroser 用勺子将融化的黄油,油脂或汤汁浇在食物上。 article.yeeyan.org Then baste the chicken with more sauce while it’s cooking, so the salty-sweet glaze permeates the chicken from both inside and out. 在煮的时候再涂多点酱油,其鲜甜味道便会渗透到鸡肉的里里外外。 article.yeeyan.org Ms. Corriher offers this advice for imbuing roast turkey with a rich golden hue: baste it with honey or corn syrup, which is also full of fructose and glucose. Corriher女士提供如下建议使得烤火鸡带有华丽的金色:抹上蜜或者玉米糖浆, 它们也含有丰富的果糖和葡萄糖。 Bathetic adj. 陈腐的;顿降的;假装感伤的 banal , trite 双语例句权威例句 Dickens 's readers really wanted to feel the kind of bathetic sadnessthathe tried to evoke. 狄更斯的读者非常希望感受到他试图唤起的那种虚假的悲伤。 www.cfeie.com Instead I've compromised by writing a slightly less bathetic list of all the things I must do today, and am awaiting results. 相反,我采取了折衷的办法,列了一张稍微不那么平庸的清单,写明我今日必须完成的各项事务,眼下正静候结果。 www.hxen.com After that, the rider that he was an exceptional entrepreneur smacks a little of the bathetic: “Apart from that, Mrs Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?” 作者在最后还附上一条,说他是个出色的企业家,这就有点像是在故作哀痛地问:“林肯夫人,抛开林肯总统在剧院被刺杀这件事不谈,你觉得戏怎么样?” Baton n. 指挥棒;接力棒;警棍;司令棒 night stick , billy club 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The policeman used his baton to battle the rascal. 警察用警棍和歹徒搏斗。 《新英汉大辞典》 “What a splendid banana,” she says, taking and waving it like a baton. “I am very fond of bananas, as you know. “多么美妙的一个香蕉啊,”她把香蕉像指挥棒一个握在手里挥舞着,“我真的爱极了香蕉,是的。 article.yeeyan.org One reason may be that members of Congress believe that, since the worst is over, now is the time to hand the growth baton back to the private sector. 原因之一也许是,国会议员们认为,既然最糟糕的时期已经过去了,现在是时候把增长的接力棒还给私营部门了。 www.ftchinese.com Battalion n. 营,军营;军队,部队 army , unit , force 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The battalion formed up by companies on the barrack square. 这个营在营地广场上排成以连为单位的队列。 《新英汉大辞典》 The battalion marched from the barracks to the parade ground. 这个营的士兵列队从营房齐步走向检阅场。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 The soldiers of this battalion do recon and surveillance only. 这个营的士兵只执行侦察和监视任务。 Bawdy adj. 猥亵的;下流的;卖淫的 blue , dirty , salt 双语例句权威例句 They tell bawdy Chaucerian tales, and show their crooked, gappy teeth like horses when they laugh. 她们尽讲些乔叟[13]式的下流故事,露出一口歪牙,活像几匹大笑的老马。 www.ecocn.org Bold lipstick and bawdy dancing are the trademarks of Nida Chaudhry, who performs to packed houses at Lahore's Al Falah theater. 大胆的口红和下流的舞蹈是奈达•乔杜里的招牌特征。 她在拉合尔阿尔法拉剧院的演出场场爆满。 article.yeeyan.org At the rally in Port-au-Prince for Michel “Sweet Mickey” Martelly, a bawdy musician who has been ahead in some polls, the atmosphere was peaceful and carnival-like. 马特里先生他是一个喧嚣并猥亵作乐的歌手,在几次民意测验中他都位居前列。 集会氛围很平和,像嘉年华一样。 Bearing n. [机]轴承;关系;[矿业][测][天]方位;举止 relationship , connection , behavior , link , concern v. 忍受(bear的ing形式) swallowing 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The pain was almost past bearing. 疼痛几乎无法忍受。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 This question has a bearing on a much more important one. 这个问题关系到一个更重要的问题。 《新英汉大辞典》 It can see the distance, bearing, heading, velocity, and energy level of other robots. 它可以知道其它机器人的距离、方位、方向、速度和能量等级。 www.ibm.com Beatific adj. 幸福的;祝福的;快乐的 happy , blessed , festival 双语例句权威例句 He looks at home in front of a plate, almost beatific. 他在盘子面前显得十分自在,几 乎可以说有种幸福感。 www.ftchinese.com Every woman I see leaves his office with a beatific smile on her face, as if she was in the throes of a grand passion. 我所看到的每个离开他办公室的女人脸上都洋溢着幸福的微笑,仿佛她刚刚经历了一个无比壮丽激动的产前阵痛。 article.yeeyan.org Verlaine felt for Heather’s pulse, then raised his hands, palms up, so that he looked like Jesus, except shocked instead of beatific, and also he had his glasses up on top of his head. 魏尔伦摸了摸茜丝的脉搏,然后举起双手,手心向上。 这使他看上去就像耶稣,只不过他不是在祝福,而是一脸惊慌。 Bedeck vt. 装饰;修饰 paint , hang , modify 双语例句 Yuli farmers bedeck their fields with waving banners to frighten off wild geese and ducks. 旗海飘飘,玉里镇农民在田间插满旗帜以吓阻雁鸭。 dict.kekenet.com You can't miss Jupiter, because it's the brightest celestial point of light to bedeck the evening sky from now until the end of the year. 你千万不可以错过去看木星,因为它可是用最明亮天空中的亮点去装饰夜晚的天空,一直到年未。 wap.iciba.com You can't miss Jupiter, because it's the brightest celestial point of light to bedeck the evening sky from now until the end of the year. 你不可能会错过木星,因为直到年末,这颗璀璨的星星一直点缀这夜晚的星空。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-09-22 13:38:06

    Bedlam B-] 贝德兰姆(旧时的一家疯人院,全称 St. Mary of Bethlehem圣马利亚医院,后为伦敦的精神病院) 混乱,骚乱;精神病院,疯人院 disorder , chaos , confusion , disturbance , turmoil 双语例句权威例句 One of the things I liked about it is that you are dropped into the middle of bedlam as a viewer and you cannot understand what is happening. 我喜欢这部电影的一个原因是它让观众深陷在骚乱之中而你又不知道该如何是好。 article.yeeyan.org Relativism and the collapse of moral values he blamed on the student riots of 1968, “this bedlam”, in which he had refused to take the students' side. 他把相对主义和道德价值的沦丧归咎于1968年的学生暴乱,“这是骚乱”,他拒绝站在学生的立场审视问题。 www.ecocn.org All hell broke loose, the police came into a by-now crowded ring to try and restore order and like a ripple effect the bedlam moved to the hotel lobby and then the streets outside. 情况变得一团混乱,警察冲进此刻已经被围得水泄不通的拳击台,试图恢复秩序,可混乱如发生连锁反应一样,向酒店大厅,接着向外面的街道扩散而去。 article.yeeyan.org Bedraggle vt. 拖脏;弄湿 get wet , imbrue vi. 弄湿;弄脏 get wet , wet up (在泥潭中)把…拖湿,把…在泥水中拖脏,弄得拖泥带水: She was all cold and bedraggled after falling into the river. 她跌落河中后把全身弄得又湿又脏又冷。 [常用被动语态]使显得蓬头垢面: She was bedraggled when she came in out of the rain. 她淋着雨回来使她显得蓬头垢面。 Befuddlement 迷惑 delusion , puzzlement 双语例句权威例句 If you and your buddy aren't on the same wavelength, the flood of ambiguous nonverbal cues can lead to misunderstanding and befuddlement. 如果你和你的朋友不属于同一个“波段”,大量的有歧义的非语言信号可能会造成误解和困惑。 article.yeeyan.org To add to the befuddlement, the expansion of the universe now seems to be accelerating , a process with truly mind-stretching consequences. 更教人迷糊的是,现今宇宙的膨胀似乎正在加速之中,这真是让人连脑子也一起跟著膨胀。 dictsearch.appspot.com But the Norwegian Nobel committee announcement Friday brought ample doses of befuddlement and skepticism among officials used to years of hard work to end conflict . 不过,在那些经年致力于调解冲突的官员们中间,挪威诺贝尔委员会周五的这项决定也引起了大量困惑与质疑。 Begrudge 羡慕,嫉妒;吝惜,舍不得给 spare , envy 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Why do you begrudge her success? 你为什么嫉妒她的成功? 《21世纪大英汉词典》 They did not begrudge the money spent on their child's education. 他们不吝惜把钱花在孩子受教育上。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Now, in this country, we don’t begrudge anyone wealth or success – we encourage it. 现在,在这个国家,我们并不嫉妒富人或成功人士——我们鼓励这些 Behoove 有必要;理所当然 go without saying n. 适宜 aptitude 双语例句权威例句 New account book and old debt behoove are apart. 有必要把新帐与旧帐分开。 www.hjenglish.com It would behoove you and your career to consider this among the most important timeless management laws. 在职业生涯中你理应考虑到这一点。 article.yeeyan.org It would thus behoove the U.S. government to start thinking two steps ahead and take action now, before a scary scenario becomes an even scarier reality. 因此,美国政府宜开始考虑未来的两步,在现在,在可怕的假设情节变成更加可怕的现实之前采取行动。 Belabor vt. 痛打;抨击;过度说明;反复讨论 attack , light into 双语例句权威例句 Not to belabor the safety point, but the Chinese are really ignorant about HIV/AIDS. 别提担心什么安全问题,中国人对HIV/AIDS(艾滋病)真的很无知。 article.yeeyan.org I won't belabor you with all the benefits of going out of your mind, they're thoroughly covered elsewhere. 我不想喋喋不休的向你介绍走出释放心灵的益处,这些益处无处不在。 article.yeeyan.org If you really want to tick a customer off or incite an already upset customer, belabor your point. Repeat your point (your policy; your position) over and over again. 如果你想责备一个客户或激怒已经生气的客户,你就喋喋不休地发表自己的看法吧,不断重复你的观点(你们的政策,立场)。 Belated 迟来的;误期的 lated 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Are these trends a belated vindication of Karl Marx? 这些趋势是否属于对马克思迟来的辩护? www.ecocn.org Behind the belated rescue lay a fear that default by New York would hurt the credit of other cities and states, and perhaps of America. 在迟来的救援以后,产生了这样一种恐惧:纽约的违约将会伤害其他城市和州的信用,甚至可能伤及美国。 www.ecocn.org When a belated crackdown began, officials declared that sharing the photos or posting them online could be punishable by up to 15 days detention. 当一个迟来的严厉打击开始时,官方声明分享或发布那些照片到网上将会获得最高15天拘留的惩罚。 Beleaguer 围攻;围 siege 双语例句权威例句 Serious troubles continue to beleaguer the operators of the Japanese nuclear power plant in Fukushima prefecture that was crippled by an earthquake and tsunami. 福岛县核电站在地震和海啸中遭到破坏,核电站至今仍然面临严峻问题。 www.hxen.com Curiger sees “a lot of commonalities between the Venetian master's quest and the eagerness of some contemporary artists to defy the conventions which beleaguer art in our time.” Curiger 看到“在威尼斯大师的探求和当代艺术家热心反抗习俗中的许多共性,在我们这个时代,艺术被围攻,这些当代艺术家们敢公然反抗习俗。” article.yeeyan.org Even today, in some parts of China, it is common practice for a man to seek justice by summoning his family and their allies to beleaguer the home of the person who wronged him. 人们受了欺负,便召来家里人和亲戚围攻仇家,这在今天中国的一些地方还是司空见惯的。 Belie vt. 掩饰;与…不符;使失望;证明…虚假错误 fail , mask 双语例句权威例句 Such mild results belie the conflicting tectonic forces at work on prices. 这样温和的数据掩饰了作用于物价的各种冲突因素。 www.cuyoo.com But such displays of defiance belie a widening sense of despair among Mr Ahmadinejad’s opponents. A statement from an influential group of reformist clerics hinted at the change in mood. 不过,当前针对政府的挑衅活动掩饰了在内贾德政敌间正在蔓延的绝望情绪.由改革派神职人员组成的一个重要组织在一次声明中这样表示. www.ecocn.org Against this background of mutual suspicions, which belie the two capitals' usual talk of friendly relations, the Dalai Lama's forthcoming visit to disputed territory is set to ignite new fireworks. 通常,两国之间的友好对话会掩饰这种相互猜疑的背景,但达来对争议领土的访问又点燃了新一轮火花。 Belittle 轻视;贬低;使相形见小 lower , slight , despise 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Don't belittle her piano playing just because you're jealous. 不要仅仅因为你忌妒而贬低她的钢琴弹奏。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 For we need never return to the abuses, ignorance, and shallow suggestions of those who —knowing nothing of its power —belittle the craft. 因为我们不需要再忍受那些因不懂的工艺的作用,而轻视它的人的暴行,愚昧和肤浅建议。 article.yeeyan.org Is it not a paradoxical celebration of Cory's indisputable role in the freedom we enjoy today precisely in that we are all free to malign her and belittle that achievement? 这对于为我们带来自由的科里来 说不是一种矛盾的庆祝吗? 我们今天所享有的自由,正使我们大家都可以自由诽谤和轻视她。 Bellicose 好战的;好斗的 fighting , aggressive 双语例句原声例句权威例句 And Mr Giuliani is far more bellicose than any other candidate. 朱利安尼先生比其它任何候选人都好斗得多。 www.ecocn.org I remind myself that the war in Iraq started with bellicose posturing and photographs. 我提醒自己,伊拉克战争始于好斗的姿态和照片。 article.yeeyan.org They hold that, once entrenched, only Lincoln's bellicose policy could have eradicated it. 他们相信一旦确立,只有林肯的好战政策才能彻底摧毁它。 Belligerence 斗争性;好战性;交战 engagement , minitancy 双语例句权威例句 Her increasing belligerence alienated her from her old friends. 她的日益增长的好战性使她和她的老朋友们疏远了。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Not every act of belligerence was born in Washington, London, Paris or Tel Aviv. 不是每个交战行动都发源于华盛顿,伦敦,巴黎或特拉维夫。 article.yeeyan.org North Korea must understand that belligerence towards its neighbors and defiance of the international community are signs of weakness, not strength. 北韩必须明白,对邻国的好战行径及与国际社会的对抗是虚弱而非力量的表现。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov Bellwether 前导;领导者;系铃的公羊;群众的首领 leader , Moses 双语例句权威例句 THE wintry state of Vermont is no bellwether. 寒冷的佛蒙特州从不盲目跟风。 www.ecocn.org The bellwether of British industry, and the man whosymbolised it, went out together. 英国工业的领头羊和它的标志性人物,一起离去了。 www.ecocn.org But although the engineering industry is often seen as the bellwether for German wage growth, the average German worker is likely to get much less than whatever the giant union and employers agree to. 但是,尽管工程行业常常被看作德国工资增长的风向标,普通的德国工人工资增长,很有可能远远少于庞大工会与雇主同意的增长幅度 Benediction 祝福;赐福;恩赐;祈求上帝赐福的仪式 wish , blessing 双语例句权威例句 Please accept my benediction. 请接受我的祝福。 《新英汉大辞典》 After benediction comes battle. 祝福之后就是战争。 www.ebigear.com At once there is a hush in the air, as though the street is singing a silent benediction. Tall, leafy mangroves line both sides of the road. 然后突然周围的空气都安静了下来:高大茂盛的红树整齐地排列在路两边,就好像街道在唱着一首无声的祝福曲。 Benison 祝福 wish , blessing 双语例句 If you can find blessedness , my benison is that I can see you will be happy in faraway country. 假若你得到幸福,那麽我的祝福就是在相隔千万里的遥远国度看你开怀。 www.showxiu.com If you are admired by your success, my benison is warmly and hortative contemplation traversing congested crowd. 假若你成功受景仰,那么我的祝福就是穿越拥挤的人群给你温暖鼓历的注视; bbs.cctv.com If you can hear my benison , Please give me your pure hearted responses if you can understand my blessedness , please give me your sincere beatitude. 的祝祷如果你能听见我的祝祷,请给我真诚的回应;如果你能明白我的幸福,请给我真心的祝福。 Bent N-SING If you have a bent for something, you have a natural ability to do it or a natural interest in it. 天生的本领; 天生的喜好 例: His bent for natural history directed him towards his first job. 他对自然历史天生的爱好指引他找到了他的第一份工作。 N-SING If someone is of a particular bent, they hold a particular set of beliefs. 有…思想倾向 例: ...economists of a socialist bent. …有社会主义思想倾向的经济学家。 Bequeath 遗赠;把…遗赠给;把…传下去 will , hand down 双语例句权威例句 Most people bequeath their property to their spouses and children. 大多数人把他们的财产遗留给他们的配偶和孩子们。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 I decided then and there to hand these legends down to my own children, much the way another family might bequeath a cherished homemade quilt. 后来我决定将这些传奇的事讲给我自己的孩子,可能比另一个家人遗赠一床祖传被要好得多。 article.yeeyan.org Goldman notes that equity holdings are skewed toward the wealthy, who bequeath much of their assets. Demand from sovereign funds in developing nations will likely absorb some of the extra supply. 高盛指出,持股大多集中于那些将大量资产遗留后人的富裕人士手中.来自发展中国家主权基金的需求将很可能吸收部分额外供应.且工作者亦延后退休. Berate 严责;申斥 keelhaul , come down on 双语例句权威例句 I've been in meetings where the CEO allowed himself to ramble, rant, and berate for a half hour straight. 我参加过这样的会议,总裁允许自己连续半小时地漫谈、咆哮、和严责。 article.yeeyan.org We are used to hearing groups such as Greenpeace berate big energy, yet the truth is that it's now governments who are lagging behind both public and business opinion. 我们常常听到诸如绿色和平之类的组织严厉斥责大型能源项目,然而,事实告诉我们,现在各国政府已经远远落后于公众和商业呼声之后了。 article.yeeyan.org If you observe your own behavior non-judgmentally, but with the constant desire to improve, you will get much farther than if you berate yourself, or excuse or justify your shortcomings. 如果你非判断地观察自己的行为、但带着持续改善的愿望,你将比严责自己、或原谅或替自己的缺点辩护要收获多得多的东西。 Bereave 剥夺 Though they bring up their children, yet will I bereave them, that there shall not be a man left: yea, woe also to them when I depart from them! 纵然养大儿女,我却必使他们丧子,甚至不留一个。 我离弃他们,他们就有祸了。 www.ebigear.com So will I send upon you famine and evil beasts, and they shall bereave thee; and pestilence and blood shall pass through thee; and I will bring the sword upon thee. 又要使饥荒和恶兽到你那里,叫你丧子,瘟疫和流血的事也必盛行在你那里。 我也要使刀剑临到你。 www.ebigear.com Yea, I will cause men to walk upon you, even my people Israel; and they shall possess thee, and thou shalt be their inheritance, and thou shalt no more henceforth bereave them of men. 我必使人,就是我的民以色列,行在你上面。 他们必得你为业。 www.crazyenglish.org Beset 困扰;镶嵌;围绕 eat at , persecute 双语例句原声例句权威例句 How is their country to endure these cruel storms that beset it from without and from within? 他们的国家如何才能经受住这些从外部和内部困扰着他们的残酷的暴风雨? www.ecocn.org And for all the abundance he sees, he finds the questions put to him ask where men may repair for succor from the troubles that beset them. 在他所看见的所有富饶的一切中,他发现这些问题被放到自己面前:问从困扰着他们的困难中人们到哪儿才能得到援助。 www.ecocn.org Sovereign wealth funds turned out to be crucial in shoring up some of the proudest names in a financial world once they were beset by the credit crisis. 事实证明,在遭受信贷危机困扰的金融行业,主权财富基金对一些最知名的投行发挥了至关重要的支持作用。 Besmirch 弄污;损害;诽谤 hurt , wrong 双语例句权威例句 Love was too fine and noble, and he was too loyal a lover for him to besmirch love with criticism. 爱情太美好,太高贵,他又是太忠诚的情人,他不能用批评指责来玷污它。 www.crazyenglish.org He gave us handy words like eyeball, puppydog and anchovy and more show-offy words like dauntless, besmirch and lacklustre. 他留给我们灵巧的词语,如eyeball, puppydog和anchovy,以及很多更炫的词如dauntless, besmirch 和 lacklustre。 www.hjenglish.com In an article he reveals that his real aim is to use the problems of immigrant absorption and poverty to besmirch the name of Israel. 在一篇文章中他流露出他的真正目的是要利用吸收外来移民和贫穷这些问题来败坏以色列的名声。 Bestial 兽性的,卑劣的;残忍的;野蛮的 wild , cruel n. 牛 cattle , ox , moo-cow 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It is an uncontrollable mystery "on the bestial floor": on the floor, on the bottom, on the ground, where the animals dwell. 这是个不可控制的神话,发生在兽性的地面上:,在地上,最低处,地面上,那儿是动物栖息的地方。 v.163.com Crazed with jealousy and rage, blind and bestial with all the elemental passions of insulted manhood, I entered the house and sprang up the stairs to the door of my wife's chamber. 我被嫉妒和愤怒冲昏了头脑,用仅有的受伤害的男人的盲目和残忍,冲进了屋子,爬上楼来到我妻子的房间。 www.oobang.com Religion had to bring a softening effect upon against the violent and bestial character of the early Romans. But for us today, Machiavelli writes, religion has to serve the opposite purpose. 宗教必须带来一种缓和效应,用以针对,早期罗马人的野蛮残忍的性格,但是对于今天的我们来说,马基雅维利写道,宗教不得不为相反的目的服务。 v.163.com Betroth 许配 I will even betroth thee unto me in faithfulness: and thou shalt know the LORD. 也以诚实聘你归我,你就必认识我耶和华。 www.ebigear.com It is your daughter betroth only my thing, want to let me come home, discussed ability to decide with the wife. 只是你女儿许配我之事,要让我回家去,跟妻子商量了才能决定。 word.hcbus.com And I will betroth thee unto me for ever; yea, I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness, and in judgment, and in lovingkindness, and in mercies. 我必聘你永远归我为妻,以仁义,公平,慈爱,怜悯聘你归我。 Bibliophile Hi, my name is Gary, and I am a bibliophile. Illustration“嗨,我的名字叫Gary,我是一个藏书家。” www.ibm.com So it is perhaps natural that the two organizations should join forces and produce an event that’s either a bibliophile’s dream or a neurotic’s nightmare, depending on how you look at it. 二者联手举办活动也自然顺理成章,不足为奇了,这样的活动如果不是藏书家的美梦,就是精神病患者的噩梦,一切取决于你怎样看。 dongxi.net But surviving portions of Hitler’s private library reveal the German dictator as an ardent bibliophile, owning classics, history, travel writing, biography, studies of the occult and much else. 从希特勒私人图书室的残骸来看,这位德国的独裁者是一位(狂热的)藏书家,其所藏图书五花八门,种类繁多,包括古典文学、历史著作、名人游记、传记以及神秘学等等。 今天不点了,抱歉! www.ecocn.org Bifurcate 分叉的 biforked , forficate vt. 分叉 branch off , tee off vi. 分叉 branch off , fork 双语例句权威例句 Drainage was to the north and individual channels bifurcate in that direction. 整个水系向北排水,各个河道朝该方向分叉。 dict.veduchina.com Golf needs to “bifurcate” into a professional sport and a game for the masses, says Mr Fellows. 弗洛茨先生说,高尔夫需要“分叉”,一个针对职业运动一个针对大众运动。 www.ecocn.org All systems have lives. When their processes move too far from equilibrium, they fluctuate chaotically and bifurcate. 所有系统都有生命,当他们的运行状态距离平衡太远的时候,就会产生混乱的波动和分裂。 Bigot 偏执的人;顽固者;盲信者 fanatic 双语例句权威例句 George Bigot showed me what an actor can be. 乔治.比哥教会了我何为一个好演员。 article.yeeyan.org The left retorted—rightly, in our view—that he was also a bigot and a bully (see article). 左派反驳说(在我们看来有其道理)他还是一位偏执狂,是一位恶棍。 www.ecocn.org Everything I've heard about this guy tells me he's a bigot and the right place for him is to stay at home. 所有我所知道的关于此人的情况,都告诉我,此人是一个极端分子。 最适合于他呆的地方,莫过于他自己家了。 Bile [生理]胆汁;愤怒 anger , wrath , choler 双语例句权威例句 It feeds on your bile and misery. 它以你的愤怒和痛苦为食。 article.yeeyan.org They are mixed with animal glue and ox bile to make the lustre stay. 画师把它们跟动物胶和牛胆汁混合,以使颜色的光泽长存。 article.yeeyan.org Then one February afternoon, alone in her bedroom, she reached for the textbook and her heart banged and her mouth filled with peanut butter-flavored bile. 接着在二月里一个下午,她单独呆在卧室里,够到那本教科书,她的心蹦蹦跳起来,嘴里冲满花生奶油味道的胆汁。 Bilk 欺骗,诈骗;使受挫折;赖帐 sell , fox , kid n. 诈骗;骗子;赖帐 fraud , sharp 双语例句权威例句 The poor, hungry, and homeless are not an ISI conspiracy to bilk you of your cash. 这些贫穷、饥饿和无家可归的人不是什么ISI阴谋用以骗取你的金钱的。 article.yeeyan.org Some local officials who used regulations to bilk the public have been dealt with harshly. 一些利用法规蒙骗公众的地方官员已经受到严厉的处罚。 blog.sina.com.cn But the deal is done, and perhaps it doesn't completely bilk Mr Assange out of electronic rights. 但是这个交易已经完成,或许阿桑奇以后还有机会得到部分的电子书权. article.yeeyan.org Bin 箱子,容器;二进制 container , vessel , chest , pocket 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Put your rubbish in the bin. 把你的垃圾放进箱子。 www.hjenglish.com There's certainly something scary in that bin. 那个箱子�一定有什麽可怕的东西。 big5.cri.cn And which ones you can put in. How to fill up that bin. Very important in shipping. 还有置放的种类,如何填满这个箱子呢?,这在运输中是个很重要的问题。 Biosphere 生态]生物圈 ecosphere 双语例句权威例句 Then I realized that there were already huge amounts of synthetic ecology in Biosphere One. 之后我意识到其实在生物圈一号里已经有了大量的合成生态。 dongxi.net But what climate change shows us is that we are not in control, either of the biosphere or of the machine which is destroying it. 然而,气候变化向我们显示,无论是在生物圈还是摧毁生物圈的制度模式,我们都不处于控制地位。 article.yeeyan.org "The purpose of animals," he once said of their locomotion and movement, "is to assist the wind and waves to stir the brewing biosphere. 有一次他谈到动物的迁移和运动时说,“动物存在的意义,就是为了帮助风和浪来搅拌发酵中的生物圈。” Bit Bivouac 露营;露营地 camping out , camps vi. 露宿 sleep rough 双语例句权威例句 A Bivouac Fire on the Potomac. 波托马克河边的篝火晚会。 article.yeeyan.org In the bivouac of Life. 在人生旅途的露宿营帐。 blog.sina.com.cn There the bees bivouac while a small percentage of them go searching for new real estate. 蜜蜂群在那里露宿,而一小部分的蜜蜂会出外寻找新的扎根地点。 Blackball 排斥;投反对票 reject , exclude n. 反对票;黑球(表示反对) non , con 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Some LDP members may try to blackball Mr Yosano in the Diet (parliament). He has few natural allies in the DPJ, and does not disguise his differences. 与谢野馨可能会在议会中遭到一些自民党成员的排斥,他在民主党也还没有盟友。 www.ecocn.org Weng points out that in a community so dependent on guanxi—relationships—defaulting on a contact’s loan could blackball you from future business opportunities. 翁指出在一个如此依赖于关系的社会中,拖欠贷款能让你失去你未来所有的机会。 article.yeeyan.org According to the report, in the European Union in 15 countries, the 6 countries such as England, Spain cast ay to the proposal, the 6 countries such as France, Austria cast blackball. 由各成员国专家组成的欧盟食物链和动物健康常设委员会否决了这一建议。据报道,在欧盟15国中,英国、西班牙等6国对建议投了赞成票,法国、奥地利等6国投了反对票。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-09-23 10:57:59

    Bland [食品]乏味的;温和的;冷漠的 pacific , distant , soft , moderate , gentle 双语例句原声例句权威例句 That creates a rather bland list of recommendations. 这样产生的推荐列表有些乏味。 wangyuanzju.blog.163.com Unfortunately, this leads only to bland design that neither appeals to nor excites anyone. 不幸的是,这只能导致乏味的设计,既没有满足诉求,也没有让任何人兴奋。 article.yeeyan.org A bland union of wills and ideas led to totalitarianism; a perfect Arcadia would reduce human talents to a dormant state. 温和的意志与观念的结合会导致极权主义;完美的世外桃源将降低人类的天赋到静止状态。 Blandishment 奉承;谄媚;哄诱 court , flattery , adulation 双语例句权威例句 He gave us the travel brochure which is full of the blandishment . 他给了我们尽是吹捧之词的旅行宣传手册。 danci.911cha.com They would not in the end abandon their vital interests by succumbing to Soviet blandishment. 他们最终决不会受苏联人的甜言蜜语的诱惑,从而抛弃自己的切身利益。 www.jukuu.com Art that despises blandishment then duly provokes scorn must be foreseeing, like the sun, being adequately appreciated only at the moment of sunset. 那些受到人们极大欢迎,而且没有任何迎合目的的艺术应该是天之骄子,就像十五的月亮,但它也是最大限度地反射了太阳闪耀的光辉。 Blare 嘟嘟声;号声;巨响 toot , trumpet call vt. 嘟嘟地发出;高声发出 tootle 双语例句权威例句 The blare of the car horn alerted the members of the Story family who realised 17-year-old Ben's Toyota was no longer parked in the driveway of their home in Larkspur near Denver. 汽车喇叭的嘟嘟声惊动了Story一家,他们意识到17岁Ben的丰田车不再停在他们家的车道上了。 Story一家住在丹佛附近的拉克斯博(Larkspur)。 cn.reuters.com In Britain pleasure piers grew from every nook of the coast just as the Empire expanded, and the blare of military bands along their decks echoed the triumphal march of colonisers overseas. 在英国,随着帝国的扩张,华丽的栈桥也布满了海岸线上的每一个角落,桥面上军乐队嘹亮的鼓号声与海外殖民者胜利的凯歌交相呼应! Blasé 玩腻 The drinkers also seem more blase than ever about the consequences. 而他们似乎对后果也更加地漠不关心。 dj.iciba.com Now, thanks to cellphones, BlackBerrys and other gadgets, too many of us have become blase about being late. 现在,由于有了手机、黑莓和其它电子设备,太多太多的人开始对迟到不屑一顾。 c.wsj.com So if you have your first experience as a teenager, which is probably not uncommon in America, at least, it could be tremendous unless you are so blase because of what everybody has said. 所以如果你在十几岁时有性经历,这在美国并非不常见,至少,它可以是巨大的除非,因为别人说的对此漠不关心。 Blatant 喧嚣的;公然的;炫耀的;俗丽的 declared , ambitious 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Call it what you like, but it was blatant idolatry. 随你喜欢怎么去说,但这仍然公然的盲目崇拜。 article.yeeyan.org By now, such blatant discrimination should be presumed to be unconstitutional, and the Justice Department should finally say so. 到目前为止,都认为如此公然的歧视是违宪的,法务部最后也会这样说。 article.yeeyan.org In addition to the daily challenges of their disability, they must also cope with the negative attitudes of society, inadequate support for their needs and, in some cases, blatant discrimination. 他们一方面必须每日克服残疾障碍,另一方面必须应对社会的消极态度、需求得不到充分的声援等问题,有时则不得不应对公然的歧视。 Blazon 宣布;装饰 bill , paint , hang n. 纹章;描绘 heraldry , portrayal 双语例句 Contains a heraldic formula or phrase, typically found as part of a blazon , coat of arms, etc. 包含一个纹章学的常规或词汇,通常是装饰、或盾形纹章等的一部分。 danci.911cha.com Called a money-grubbing Jew for marrying Sakharov (a frequent slur), she longed for a yellow star to blazon on her coat. 和萨哈罗夫结婚后,她常被诽谤为嗜钱如命的犹太人,听到此,她极想用一颗黄星(注释二)装饰她的大衣。 www.ecocn.org It wa somewher in the 70′ if belvedere architecture were incorpor into about all blazon of , and the Christian Louboutin pump got a tast of the trend itself. 它在70瓦somewher'如果丽城建筑将被incorpor对所有的纹章,和基督教鲁布托泵的趋势得到了本身的味道。 article.yeeyan.org Blockade . 封锁 blank off , close off n. 阻塞 jam-up , snarl-up 双语例句原声例句权威例句 They ran a blockade and got to the border. 他们闯过封锁线来到边境地区。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 The blockade is likely to last for some time. 封锁可能要持续一段时间。 《新英汉大辞典》 Of course, the US could launch an unprovoked blockade or even war against China or India. 当然,美国可能对中国或印度进行无缘无故的封锁,甚至挑起战端。 Blotch 斑点;污点;疙瘩 spot , maculation vt. 弄脏 soil , mud , spot , dirty 双语例句权威例句 The infra-red sensors built into rattlesnakes' eye sockets sense this increase in temperature as a big, waving, fiery blotch. 而通过眼睛窝中的红外线感应组织,响尾蛇感受到的则是一个大的,摆动的红点。 edu.sina.com.cn It is like caressing one's scar;the physical pain is gone, and one rather feels a little proud of the smooth and shiny blotch. 就像一个人抚磨自己的疮疤;没有了生理上的疼痛,剩下的却只是一片颇值得骄傲的平滑而光润的疤痕。 blog.sina.com.cn This Mark Rothko-looking blotch of color is the Grand Prismatic Spring, which supposedly gets its colors from bacteria that grow around the water. 远看像是马克-罗斯科笔下的一幅画,大棱镜温泉就是有这样惊心动魄的色泽,当然这样的颜色得归功于水中生长的一种细菌。 Blowhard 吹牛的;唠唠叨叨的 windy , rodomontade 双语例句原声例句权威例句 To be sure, government accountants may treat the Porkbelly and Blowhard plans differently. 肯定的,政府会计会区别对待伯克贝利和布哈德的计划。 article.yeeyan.org Bluff 吓唬;绝壁;断崖 cliff , precipice vt. 吓唬;愚弄 befool , assify vi. 吓唬 shit up adj. 直率的;陡峭的 explicit , frank , naked 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Yeah, that was like odd stuff from after Bluff Limbo from '94 to '95. 对,一些古怪的素材来自94年到95年,就是《地狱边缘的绝壁》灌好以后。 article.yeeyan.org One of the choppers set down on the beach below them, the other on the bluff above. 有一架直升机在他们下面的海滩上降落,其余的直接降落在断崖上。 article.yeeyan.org Perhaps that is a bluff, but the tone of Beijing’s statements lately suggest that it is not. 也许那是虚张声势,但北京近来的声明的腔调暗示这并不是吓唬人而已。 article.yeeyan.org 更多双语例句 Blurb 大肆宣传;吹捧性广告;商品信息 hype , ballyhoo vt. 夸大;大肆宣传 aggrandize 双语例句权威例句 “I won’t settle for anything less than taste, ” ran the blurb. “我不会将就任何不够品位的事情,”夸大的广告在进行。 www.ecocn.org At Blurb.com, you’ll find all the tools you need to design and create your book, whether you’re a beginning bookmaker or an experienced creative pro. 在Blurb.com你能找到所有你设计、创造书籍要用到的工具,无论你是做书的菜鸟还是经验丰富的创意专家。 article.yeeyan.org A while ago, I looked around the social web and wished that it could be less static. Sure, you can leave a comment on a blog or write a text blurb on your social networking profile. 不 久前我在一个社交型网站上闲逛,当时在想要是网站做的不这么沉寂该多好啊,你可以在blog上进行评论或者在社交型网络的个人资料里大肆吹嘘一番。 Bluster 咆哮;狂吹;夸口;威吓;气势汹汹地说 huff and puff , bark vi. 咆哮;恫吓 gnar , huff and puff n. 怒号;吓唬 bluff 双语例句权威例句 But Mr Schumer's interventions look increasingly like bluster rather than threat. 但是舒默的干预越来越像咆哮,而非真正的威胁。 www.ftchinese.com For all of Beijing's bluster, it failed to alter U.S. policies on Tibet and Taiwan. 北京的咆哮也没有能改变美国在西藏和台湾问题上的政策。 dongxi.net But in fact he may never have uttered those precise words, and there is both ambiguity and calculation behind the bluster. 但事实上他可能从未讲过这样的话,在虚声恫吓的背后,含糊其辞和工于计算兼而有之。 Bog [地理]沼泽;泥塘 cienaga , quagmire 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Your car will bog down in the mud. 你的车会陷进泥沼的。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 They had a cinnamon-like herb called bog myrtle, but it was the Romans who introduced many of the herbs and vegetables that we now know and love. 他们有类似桂皮的香料名为沼泽香桃木,但是与很多我们现在了解并且十分喜欢的香料和蔬菜一样,这是古罗马人带来的。 article.yeeyan.org “We also built bog bridges, ” Macie says. “You need to take the supportive logs underneath and remove their bark, because the bark can rot quickly. “我们还在沼泽建起小桥,”马西埃说,“你需要将一些原木支在下面,去掉上面的树皮,因为它们腐烂的很快。 Boggle i. 犹豫,退缩;惊恐 daiker , hang back vt. 搞糟,弄坏;使……惊奇;使……困惑 break , make a mess of n. 犹豫,退缩;惊奇 vibration , surprise , wonder , hesitation 双语例句原声例句权威例句 We shouldn't boggle at this opportunity to make a profit. 对这个赚钱的机会我们不应犹豫。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 If I keep at it, I might even become a world class Boggle player. 如果我能保持这种趋势,我也许甚至可以成为一个世界级的拼字玩家! article.yeeyan.org Bogus 假的;伪造的 false , spurious 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This distinction, of course, is bogus. 这种分类当然是假的。 www.ecocn.org But what happens if that person did so maliciously, or put in bogus contact info? 但如果那个人是恶意这样做,或是其联系方式是伪造的该怎么办呢? article.yeeyan.org The filling of the empty SOAP body with bogus content can now begin, as any of the operations denied by the attacker can be effectively executed due to the successful signature verification. 这样就可以开始向空SOAP消息体里填充伪造的消息内容了,由于签名验证无误,那攻击者定义的任何一个操作都可以被有效地执行了。 Bolster holster(手枪皮套) 支持;长枕 holding , support , adhesion , backing vt. 支持;支撑 encourage , second , carry , hand , champion I'll bolster you up. 我支持你。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 More timbers are needed to bolster the roof of the mine. 需要更多的木材支撑矿顶。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 If you have a bolster or several pillows, place your lower back onto the support. 如果你有一个支撑或者一些枕头,将你的下半身靠在这些支撑上。 article.yeeyan.org Bombast 夸大的 tall , exaggeratory 双语例句权威例句 His default bombast was mocked in the House of Commons before the war and even during it. 在二战前甚至是二战期间,其夸大的言论就已经遭到了下议院的嘲笑。 article.yeeyan.org That’s good news for the rest of us: video games have finally begun to shed their one-size-fits-all reputation for blood and bombast. 对于我们这些人来说,这绝对是个好消息:计算机游戏最终已经开始摆脱它们一贯的名声:为流血牺牲和浮夸大话而设计的游戏。 dongxi.net There will be much bombast: Hugo Chávez, Venezuela’s leftist president, will proclaim a “second independence”, this time from alleged domination by the United States. 将会出现很多夸大的言词︰委内瑞拉的左派总统Hugo Chávez将宣告「第二次独立」,这一是脱离所谓美国的统治。 Bonhomie 温和,和蔼;敦厚 mildness , moderation 双语例句权威例句 Still, an enforced bonhomie has set the tone for this visit, with Mr Hu planning a spot of convivial ping-pong. 胡计划中快乐的"乒乓外交"已经为本次出访奠定了温和的基调。 www.hjenglish.com Even in private meetings, he has dropped his habitual bonhomie and wisecracking, presumably in a bid to appear solemn and presidential. 即使在私下的会谈中,奥朗德也不再像过去那样温和地说些俏皮话,或许这是为了显得更加严肃,更符合总统气质吧。 www.ecocn.org THE French president of the European Central Bank usually presides over his monthly press conference, which follows the monetary-policy meeting of the governing council, with an unruffled bonhomie. 法国人特里谢作为欧洲央行行长,通常在欧洲理事会的货币政策会议之后,以他温和平静的风格主持召开自己的月度新闻发布会。 Boom 繁荣;[机]吊杆;隆隆声 prosperity , up , speed 双语例句原声例句权威例句 How long can the present business boom last? 目前这种商业繁荣能持续多久? 《新英汉大辞典》 So why the boom? 为什么如此繁荣? article.yeeyan.org The country is basking in a great boom in industry. 这个国家的工业正处于蓬勃发展之中。 Boon 恩惠;福利;利益 behalf , welfare , sake , benefit , grace adj. 愉快的;慷慨的 good , bright , generous , handsome , fragrant 双语例句原声例句权威例句 And the euro has promoted trade and price transparency—as well as being a huge practical boon. 欧元也促进了贸易和价格透明度—这也同样是一个巨大而实用的福利。 www.ecocn.org They help airlines and other big oil consumers to hedge against rising prices, and so to reduce risk—a massive boon amid the economic turmoil. 他们帮助航空公司和其他大的石油消费者规避价格上涨从而减少在经济风暴中大规模利益下的风险。 article.yeeyan.org For the most part, these same forces have been a boon, so far, to Americans who have a good education and exceptional creative talents or analytic skills. 而对于那些受到良好教育,具有特殊的创新能力或分析技能的人们来说,同样的情况在很大程度上是一种恩惠。 Boor 农民;粗野的人;不懂礼貌的人 farmer , peasant , provincial 双语例句原声例句权威例句 She has thrown herself away upon that boor from sheer ignorance that better individuals existed! 只因为她全然不知道天下还有更好的人,她就嫁给了那个乡下佬! dj.iciba.com She recognized in him the well-to-do boor whom Angel had knocked down at the inn for addressing her coarsely. 苔丝认出他来了,他就是那个在酒店里对她说粗话被克莱尔打倒的有钱的村夫。 www.ebigear.com ' retorted the angry boor, retreating, while his face burnt with mingled rage and mortification; for he was conscious of being insulted, and embarrassed how to resent it. 这大怒的乡下人回骂着,退却了,当时他的脸由于愤怒和羞耻烧得通红:因为他意识到被侮辱了,可又窘得不知道该怎么怨恨才是。 www.putclub.com Bootless 无用的;无益的;无利可图的;没穿鞋的 useless , unnecessary 双语例句权威例句 And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries. 苦恼天堂对我徒然哭诉充耳不闻。 dictsearch.appspot.com HWI NOREE: I will not enter that bootless argument. 慧-奴依:我不会涉及这无益的争论。 danci.911cha.com To erase the bootless power dissipation of the redundant leap of the clock, this paper proposes the RTL design of double edge triggered counter using parallelism and pipeline technique. 该文从消除时钟信号冗余跳变而致的无效功耗的要求出发,提出了应用并行技术和流水线技术,实现基于RTL级的双边沿触发计数器的设计。 Boulder 卵石,大圆石;[地质]巨砾 ratchel , grait 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Wow, look at that boulder. 哇,快看那块大石头。 article.yeeyan.org Given enough warning, it should be possible to push a threatening boulder out of the way. 如果予以足够警惕,很有可能将一个有威胁的巨石推出原先的轨道。 www.ecocn.org As a software developer in Boulder, Colorado, I had a working week of 60 to 80 hours, as well as building my own company on the side. 作为科罗拉多州博尔德市的一名软件开发师,我每周工作60到80个小时,除此以外,还在创办自己的公司。 Bout 回合;较量;发作;一阵 blast , fit 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He is down with a nasty bout of flu. 他患了一阵子感冒,很难受。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 That bout of pneumonia enfeebled her. 那次肺炎的发作使她虚弱了。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 There, by making it harder for anything to get out of the top, the junk will give the drilling mud a better chance in a second bout of arm wrestling. 在那里,垃圾弹使得任何东西要从顶部逃出来变得极为困难,在扳手腕的第二回合中,垃圾弹给钻井泥浆提供了一个更好的机会。 Bowdlerize 删除(书籍等)中的不妥之处;删改;删节;修订 变形: vt. bowdlerize, bowdlerized . bowdlerize, bowdleriz-ing;-ised . bowdlerize, bowdlerising 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句 There is no need to bowdlerize your speech when dealing with anyone from a legal standpoint. 从法律角度说,你不需要再跟任何人订正你的演讲稿了。 blog.sina.com.cn There is no need to bowdlerize your speech when dealing with anyone from a legal standpoint. 从法律角度说,你不需要再跟任何人修订你的演讲稿了。 009898000.blog.163.com A place to carefully calibrate, sanitize and bowdlerize our words for every possible audience, now and forever. 在Facebook上,我们要始终谨慎校正、净化和删改我们对每个可能听众所说的每个词。 Brace 撑牢,支柱,支撑;加固,使固定,使稳定: Brace those sagging shelves with more crosspieces. 多用横档加固那些下陷的架子。 配备着支柱,用支撑撑住: They braced the sagging wall with a piece of wood. 他们用一根木头撑住那堵往一边倾斜的墙壁。 缚牢,系牢,系紧,束紧 拉紧;使绷紧,使变紧;使紧张: to brace one's muscles 把肌肉绷紧 使防备;使经受锻炼;准备经受冲击(或压力),使有应付…的心理(或思想等)准备(常与反身代词oneself连用): He braced himself to hear what the boss would say. 他做好准备听老板会说些什么 Bracing 支撑;支柱;背带 leg , staff , backbone , stay adj. 令人振奋的;凉爽的 cool , uplifting 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The idea that getting fired might be a good thing is a bracing idea for young graduates, even Stanford ones. "被解雇可能是一件好事"是年轻的大学毕业生,甚至是斯坦福大学毕业生的支撑理念。 article.yeeyan.org For the economy and for business, as well as for politics, 2009 promises to be a year of bracing adjustment to a changed world. 无论出于政治、经济或商业原因,2009都有望成为适应这个变革世界的令人振奋的一年。 article.yeeyan.org Some economists, however, said they were still bracing for the worst -- not only for China but for other Asian countries to which it is tightly linked. 但是一些经济学家认为他们仍将最坏的结果考虑在内——不仅为了中国更为了与此紧密相连的其他亚洲国家。 article.yeeyan.org Bracket 支架;括号;墙上凸出的托架 rest , supporting stand vt. 括在一起;把…归入同一类;排除 eliminate , exclude 双语例句原声例句权威例句 So for example, tags like or must have a closing bracket as shown in Listing 8, taken from the above JSP. 所以,例如,从上面的 JSP 接受的如 或 这样的标记必须有一个闭括号,如清单 8 所示。 www.ibm.com When we detect an open bracket, we have found the start of a tag and return the collected characters after we have reversed their sequence. 当检测到一个开括号时,我们就找到了一个标签的开头,并将收集到的字符在逆转顺序之后返回。 www.ibm.com Little by little a machine is “printing” a complex titanium landing-gear bracket, about the size of a shoe, which normally would have to be laboriously hewn from a solid block of metal. 有一台机器正一点一点地“印刷”出一个钛合金起落支架,该支架大约是一只鞋的大小,通常情况下,造就这样一个架子需要费力地镂刻一块坚硬的金属块。 www.ecocn.org Brandish 挥舞;炫耀 swing , show off n. 挥舞 flourish 双语例句权威例句 Sea urchins brandish their spines on the seafloor near the Channel Islands. 海胆在海峡群岛附近的海底挥舞着它们的棘突。 article.yeeyan.org He was in his eighties and not that fast - though he would brandish his walking stick fiercely if you told him to get a move on. 他已经八十多岁了并且行动缓慢—虽然他可以在你告诉他往前继续迈步的时候剧烈的挥舞他的拐杖。 www.elanso.com So if at some point this year or next the White House decides that the economy needs more stimulus, skeptics will surely brandish that old forecast. 因此如果今年或是明年某个时候,白宫断定经济需要更多的刺激计划时,怀疑论者们将一定会挥舞这这张旧的预测。 to brandish one's wisdom 炫耀自己的学识 Brash 无礼的,傲慢的;仓促的,性急的 rude , insolent n. 骤雨;碎片;胃灼热 debris , chip 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Some might imagine that a typical "alpha male" is going to be brash, assertive, overbearing. But in my experience, that's rarely the case. 有些读者可能会认为,一个典型的“大男人”是一个傲慢的、专断的、自大的家伙,但是就我的经验而言,事实并非如此。 article.yeeyan.org His unswerving commitment to his ideas and product led him to clash frequently with his colleagues and critics, giving him a reputation as a brash and tempestuous manager. 他对自己的想法和产品深信不疑,这使他与自己的同事和批评者频繁地发生摩擦,并因此赢得了傲慢、狂暴的经理人的名声。 kk.dongxi.net Women leaders need to be tough enough to confront people and to make hard decisions, yet when they exhibit such stalwartness, they may be criticized for being brash or showboating. 女性领导者需要足够老练来面质手下、做出艰难决定。 但是当她们展现出这种坚定时,她们可能会被批评成傲慢或轻浮的。 brassy 刺耳的;厚脸皮的;似黄铜的 grinding , sharp , harsh 双语例句权威例句 So what does Dr. Brassy tell his patients? 那么,Brassy医生是怎样嘱咐他的病人的呢? www.hxen.com I loved the smell of cork grease and slide oil, of musty woolen uniforms, and the tangy dankness of brassy horn bells. 我喜欢闻松脂和黑色润滑油味道,喜欢闻羊毛制服的霉味和潮湿的黄铜喇叭的扑鼻气味。 article.yeeyan.org No matter how many photos of Carrie Underwood you flash before your stylist, there's always a 50/50 chance your hair will come out looking brassy, bleached, bright yellow, or just plain fake. 烫染完美的金发要付出一定的努力,不论在你设计后有多少卡丽•安德伍德光彩照人的相片,总是有50%你的头发看起来像是黄铜色、变淡、亮黄,或者仅仅是假的素色。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-09-24 20:49:20

    Brattish adj. 被惯坏的;讨厌的;无礼的,幼稚的 evil , tender , rank , unpleasant Bravado 虚张声势;冒险 risk , throw , venture , adventure 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This is not bravado. 这并非虚张声势。 www.ecocn.org When the family views the body, they go as a little army “full of bravado and hilarity”. 当家人们见到他们父亲的遗体,他们就像那虚张声势而欢腾的小军队。 kaoshi.alai.net I am inclined to believe in the legendary bravado, in that mad laughter of the healthy man provoking a non-existent God. 我更倾向于相信那是传奇故事的虚张声势,那个健康的唐璜在疯狂地嘲笑某个不存在的神祗。 Bravura 华美的,雄壮的,华美雄壮的乐曲的;难以表演的 能表演高难度华美乐曲的 更多结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 The danger now is that even the bravura economic performance of the past few years may fizzle. 现在的危险是,过去几年来取得的、值得炫耀的经济表现甚至也可能失败。 www.ecocn.org There is none of Kennedy’s “by the end of the decade” bravura about the announcements from Beijing. 北京方面宣布的计划并根本没有当年肯尼迪的“到本年代末”那样的磅礴气势。 article.yeeyan.org But Sir Alistair, in his admiration for these bravura performances, and for his hero's undeniable charm, glosses over how indifferent Mr Kissinger was to the internal dynamics of nations. 但出于对这些辉煌表现以及对其主人公不可否认的魅力的钦慕,阿里斯泰尔爵士对于基辛格在对待各国内部动态时表现出的漠然进行了掩饰。 Brazen 厚颜无耻的;黄铜制的 as bold as brass , bold-faced 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It was a day of funerals for many of those killed in one of the city's most brazen terrorist attacks. 对于那些在这个城市最凶残的恐怖袭击中丧生的许多人来说,这是个举行葬礼的日子。 www.voanews.com.cn Of late, though, some of the most bold, even brazen, attacks are being blamed on the Chinese authorities. 然而,近来一些最大胆无礼、甚至最厚颜无耻的攻击则被指来自中国当局。 www.ecocn.org Even the brazen use of government resources, voter intimidation and other dubious tactics failed to produce the result the president wanted. 即便是厚颜无耻的使用政府资源,威胁选民,以及实施其他可疑的策略,都没能达到总统期望的结果。 Breach These flaws breach one of the three principles of sound taxation. 这些缺点打破了良好的税收政策的三条原则之一。 www.ecocn.org These flaws breach one of the three principles of sound taxation. 这些漏洞违背了英国税收体制三项原则中的一项。 www.ecocn.org Also, define the consequences of any breach of any of these issues. 此外,还要确定一旦违反这些问题所造成的后果。 Brisk 敏锐的,活泼的,轻快的;凛冽的 alive , acute , keen , lively , activated vi. 活跃起来;变得轻快 come alive , out of one's shell 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He wants to brisk her up. 他要她活泼起来。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 A brisk massage restores the body's vigour. 轻快的按摩能恢复体力。 《新英汉大辞典》 It was, for a brief time, a brisk stroll into the future. 在一个短暂时间内,它是一次迈向未来的轻快漫步 Brittle 易碎的,[冶]脆弱的;易生气的 delicate , tender , fragile 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Those tablets were not baked, only dried in the sun and [were], therefore, very brittle. 那些粘土碑不是被烧制的,而只是在阳光下晒干,所以是非常易碎的。 article.yeeyan.org But while our screens are brittle, theirs is flexible––at what they say is one tenth the price. 但我们的屏幕都很脆弱,他们的却很柔软,而且价钱是我们的十分之一。 www.hjenglish.com In systems such as this we also often find that there are either no tests around this configuration code, or the tests that do exist are brittle and/or not realistic. 在这样的系统中,我们经常会发现对于这些配置代码没有进行测试,或者尽管存在测试,但它很脆弱且/或不切实际。 Broach 提出;钻孔;开始讨论;给…开口 introduce , present , prefer , file , advance n. 钻头;凿子;胸针(等于brooch) cutting bit , drilling head 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Shall we broach another cask of wine? 我们要钻孔开启另一个酒桶吗? 《21世纪大英汉词典》 I would like to broach the subject to her. 我想向她提出这个问题。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 If you're invited for a second interview, you can broach any sensitive topics from your past then. 如果你接到了复试的通知,那么从你通过以后你就可以提出任何敏感的问题了。 Brocade 织锦;锦缎 baldachin , tapis 双语例句权威例句 He wore a tunic of the softest red velvet, with tight sleeves trimmed with lace and brocade. 他穿的是最柔软的红色天绒长袍,衣袖很紧,有蕾丝和锦缎修饰。 article.yeeyan.org If you have a velvet, brocade, or satin evening jacket, slip that over a simple daytime ensemble. 如果你有一件天鹅绒、织锦或绸缎的晚会便服,那么就将它穿在简单的日常服饰外面。 article.yeeyan.org Ms Lovell weaves this story into the historical brocade of the early 19th century, when European demand for Chinese silk, tea and porcelain was insatiable. 洛弗尔女士将该故事编织成一匹19世纪早期的历史锦缎,当欧洲对中国的丝绸、茶叶和瓷器有着无法满足的需求。 Bromide 溴化物;庸俗的人;陈词滥调 lousy cliches , platitude 双语例句原声例句权威例句 What?” feeling while at the same time following the “It can only get better” bromide. 感觉在同时顺从了”它只能变得更好”的陈词滥调。 article.yeeyan.org Bromide intoxication has been one of the working hypotheses being explored by WHO and partners as a cause of the outbreak. 按照世卫组织及其伙伴目前所进行的研究,作为初步假设之一,溴化物中毒是疫情的一个起因。 www.who.int The investigation of an outbreak of unknown origin in Angola has revealed extremely high levels of bromide in plasma sampled from several affected patients. 对安哥拉暴发的来源不明疫情的调查显示,从一些受影响患者身上提取的血浆样本中溴化物含量极高。 Browbeat 恫吓,吓唬;欺侮 bulldoze , gally 双语例句权威例句 That China is trying to bribe Taiwan, not browbeat it, is good news. 中国大陆试图"贿赂"台湾, 而不是恫吓台湾, 这是一个好的消息. article.yeeyan.org Many bosses cited in the book treated their kids like their employees and browbeat and manipulated them. 书中提到的很多老板对待子女就像对待员工一样,吓唬他们、操纵他们。 www.ftchinese.com That means we have a stake in working together to solve common problems, rather than trying to browbeat or intimidate the other into action. 那意味着我们有必要合作,共同解决共同的问题,而不是试图恫吓或胁迫另一方的行动。 Bruit . 散播 strow , strew n. 谣传 whisper 双语例句 Keep the equipoise, bruit the evangel. The other power, the system of interior. 维持着平衡,散播着福音。这是另一种力量,一种内政的秩序。 www.cfeie.com Those inchoate bruit may by later correct replace, but disaccord reader greets sb, be being expunged directly is ill-considered . 那些早期的谣传可能会被后来的更正替换,但不和读者打招呼,直接删掉是不妥当的。 dictsearch.appspot.com Behold, the noise of the bruit is come, and a great commotion out of the north country, to make the cities of Judah desolate, and a den of dragons. 看哪,敌人来了。 有大扰乱从北方出来,要使犹大城邑变为荒凉,成为野狗的住处。 Brunt 冲击;主要冲力 concussion , impingement 双语例句原声例句权威例句 For now, China has been able to avoid the brunt of this reversal. 迄今为止,中国一直能够避免这种逆转带来的冲击。 www.bloglegal.com Normally it would be placed behind the helmet so it wouldn't face the brunt of the blast. 通常,这些通风器会被装置在头盔后方,这样就不会直接面对爆炸的冲击了。 bbs.internet.org.cn He had bad news though from Mississippi, Alabama and Florida - suddenly winds are pushing the slick towards the shoreline of those states whose beaches have untill now escaped the brunt of the oil. 然而,他从密西西比,阿拉巴马和佛罗里达获悉了坏消息——突然来临的大风将漏油推向这些州的海岸线,之前,这些州的沙滩成功避免了石油的冲击。 www.englishtang.com Buck反对 Bucolic 牧歌的;牧羊的;乡下风味的 idyllic n. 田园诗;农夫 farmer , idyll 双语例句权威例句 More British wildlife is likely to be nursed in some bucolic sanatorium in the hope of populating the future. 为了保持物种数量,更多的英国野生动物可能会在某些“乡村疗养院”中被照顾起来。 article.yeeyan.org That means fewer free-range cattle and sheep grazing in bucolic pastures and more animals, especially chickens, packed into feedlots or high-density enclosures. 这就意味着在田园牧歌般的自由放牧应当更少,更多的动物,特别是鸡,采用集中饲养或者高密度圈养。 article.yeeyan.org The truth is, if one probes just beneath the surface of the bucolic hippie image, one finds a puzzling infatuation with certain forms of outrè technology reaching well back into the early sixties. 事实是,如果我们深入乡野嬉皮士形象的表面之下,便可以发现他们有一种令人费解的、对某些奇怪技术的迷恋,这种迷恋最早始于六十年代初期。 article.yeeyan.org Bulge 胀;膨胀;凸出部分 expansion , inflation vt. 使膨胀;使凸起 expand , plim vi. 膨胀;凸出 fill , swell with 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Call it the Battle of the Fiscal Bulge. 他把这叫作财政膨胀的战争。 article.yeeyan.org They grow, they bulge, they stretch and sometimes they even painfully pull. 它们成长,膨胀,伸展,有时候它们甚至费力地拉伸。 article.yeeyan.org The film business is like a snake digesting a large meal: the production bulge caused by the surge of money in 2006 and 2007 will take a year or so to work its way through the system. 如同一条正在消化一块巨大的肉的蛇,电影行业在2006和2007年获得巨额资金,它所引起的影片发行量的膨胀将会用一年左右的时间来消化。 article.yeeyan.org Bulk 体积,容量;大多数,大部分;大块 most of , volume , content vt. 使扩大,使形成大量;使显得重要 exaggerate , broaden 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Once we have that [bulk composition? 一旦我们有[大部分组成? article.yeeyan.org Do you know if a piece of lead will weigh down an equal bulk of iron? 你知道一块铅是否比同样体积的铁重? 《21世纪大英汉词典》 But the bulk of his estate is left to his children and grandchildren, and would have been taxable in 2009 or 2011. 但是邓肯的大部分财产留给了他的子女和孙子女,要是在2009年或2011年,这些遗产都应缴税。 Bumptious 傲慢的;瞎自夸的 assuming , arrogant 双语例句权威例句 Instead, a more prosperous, bumptious Turkey is jangling many nerves. 相反,一个兴盛而傲慢的土耳其正刺激着许多人的神经。 www.ecocn.org BUMPTIOUS, noisy and a bit larger than life, Sir Max Hastings might have been expected to cast himself in a more central role in this sad and funny memoir. 傲慢自大、吵吵闹闹、不同凡响,马克思•哈斯丁爵士本来有望在这本忧愁滑稽的回忆录里当上主角。 www.ecocn.org These bumptious fellows have completely destroyed the character of the undead – and anyway, how can a reanimated corpse be much more harmonious than a skeleton? 这些傲慢的家伙完全毁掉了亡灵族的形象——再说,一个复活的僵尸怎么就能比骷髅更和谐? Bungle 粗劣;失败;笨拙 failure , loss , losing , defeat , reverse 双语例句权威例句 My discomfort at having to make an offer put me to thinking that we often bungle our housing decisions. 不得不开价买房给我带来的不爽,让我联想到,我们经常搞砸我们的购房决策。 www.ftchinese.com It’s a familiar story: see Japan’s premature exit from the ZIRP in 2000, and also see 1937 — which was a monetary as well as fiscal bungle. 虽然时机并不成熟,但日本还是在2000年的时候就退出了他们的0利率政策。 而在1937年,我们在货币政策和财政政策上都失败了。 article.yeeyan.org The one group that wasn't included in that list were the patients themselves — and in fairness, they should hardly be blamed if their surgeons bungle the job. 在这个名单中没有包括的一个群体是病人自己——为了公平起见,如果手术草率失败了,他们不应该被指责。 Buoy 使浮起;使浮于水面,使不沉下去(常与up连用): Flotation collars are used to buoy space capsules that land in the sea. 漂浮套管用于使降落于海面的航天舱浮于海面。 鼓舞,激励,使振作;使高兴;支持,维持(常与up连用): There's nothing like a good joke to buoy one's spirits. 没有什么像一个好的笑话那样能振奋人们的精神。 更多结果 Burgeon 迅速成长,迅速发展,扩展,增长,发展繁荣,兴旺: She burgeoned into a fine actress. 她迅速成长为一名优秀的女演员。 the burgeoning suburbs 如雨后春笋般兴起的市郊区 发芽,萌芽,抽芽,抽枝,抽条,长出蓓蕾(通常与out或forth连用): Willows have burgeoned forth. 柳树已经发芽。 vt. Burlesque 作戏;滑稽戏 antimasque adj. 滑稽的;可笑的 funny , ridiculous 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He has played in several films, including Twilight, for which he was nominated for the Best Villain Award at the 2009 Scream Awards, Burlesque, and Priest. 他曾出演过多部电影,其中有《暮色》,此片让他获得了2009年“尖叫奖”的最佳反派奖提名,《滑稽表演》,还有《圣徒》。 article.yeeyan.org Rebecca Gale, who led the team of dancers from Miss Kitka's House of Burlesque, said the performance was in reasonably good taste and she didn't understand what the fuss was about. 参加演出的是凯特卡小姐滑稽房子舞蹈队,该队领队翠贝卡•吉尔表示,她们的表演没有不妥的地方,她不明白观众有什麽可大惊小怪的。 big5.cri.cn "Because of events like these and the lowbrow art movement, and the burlesque world, I've seen the industry change," Patton says. "Figure models used to be very girl-next-door, plain Jane. “从这样的活动和低俗艺术运动以及这个滑稽的世界中,我看到了产业的巨变,”巴顿说,“人体模特过去曾是一些邻家女孩:平凡的珍妮。 Burnish 擦亮;使…光亮;将…打磨光亮 rub up , shine n. 光泽;抛光;闪闪发光 shine , polishing 双语例句原声例句权威例句 In the midst of a financial crisis seen as emanating from Wall Street, a demonstration of leadership would help burnish “Brand America”. 在被认为从华尔街刮起的这场金融风暴中,领导力的证明会使“品牌美国”打磨得更加光亮。 article.yeeyan.org Both authors believe that in the war of ideas Americans should focus on jihadist brutality rather than trying to burnish their own image. 两位作者都相信,在观念战中,美国人应该集中力量于圣战者的凶残性上,而不是着意打扮自己的形象。 www.ecocn.org The decrease, he says, is largely the result of China's attempts to burnish its international image in the run-up to the Beijing Olympics. 他认为这个数字的下降很大部分是由于中国试图在北京奥运热身阶段擦亮其国际形象。 Butt 屁股;烟头;笑柄;靶垛;粗大的一端 behind , joke , ass , rear vt. 以头抵撞;碰撞 hit , impact on Buttress ]扶壁;拱壁;支撑物 support , upholder vt. 支持;以扶壁支撑 encourage , second , back , carry , hand 双语例句权威例句 Try to buttress the points you make in these chapters with some details. 竭力支持在这些带有某些详细叙述的篇章中你所阐明的论点。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Have some background information available to buttress your case, including links and citations. 有一些可用的背景信息支持你的案例,包括链接和引用。 article.yeeyan.org In those circumstances, the temptation to prolong wage subsidies and buttress benefits will be great. 在这种状况下,延长工作补贴和支持福利的诱惑是很强的 Buxom (妇女)丰满的;健美的 fat , full 双语例句权威例句 Gent Magazine, like Busty Beauties, concentrates on buxom women. 《绅男》杂志,就像《胸器美女》,火力集中于丰满女人。 article.yeeyan.org At the same time, a buxom blonde dancer gyrates around a pole under the spinning disco ball. 与此同时,一个体态丰腴的金发舞女会绕着“旋转舞厅”下的一根柱子大秀钢管舞。 www.chinadaily.com.cn Jimmie was there, his face red as a beet, and beside him was his spouse, a fine buxom Frenchwoman with glittering eyes. 吉米在店里,脸红得像棵甜菜,他太太站在他身边,是一个眼睛明亮、胸脯丰满的漂亮法国女人。 Cache ]电脑高速缓冲存储器;贮存物;隐藏处 covert vt. 隐藏;窖藏 lock , pocket , conceal vi. 躲藏 harbor , hide out 双语例句原声例句权威例句 In this example, you have added an explicit CACHE section to the manifest. 在这个示例中,您将一个显式 CACHE 区域添加到清单。 www.ibm.com If anything fails, then you might have left out some files in the cache manifest. 如果出现任何失败,那么您可能在缓存清单中遗漏了一些文件。 www.ibm.com There are lots of issues and solutions around this, but in this case you have at least one thing going for you—the browser cache. 虽然存在许多有关这方面的问题和解决方案,但是在这种情况下您至少有一件事情要去做 — 浏览器缓存。 Cadaver 尸体;死尸 corpse , lich , lych 双语例句原声例句权威例句 She unzips a body bag to reveal a cadaver, donated for research. 她解开一个尸袋,露出一具捐赠给研究用的尸体。 article.yeeyan.org If the State of Maryland is representative of the broader U.S. cadaver commerce, some lessons can be learned from the analysis. 如果马里兰州是广大美国尸体贸易的代表那么我们可以从分析中学到一些东西。 www.elanso.com However, the ability to legally acquire a cadaver and reimburse a supplier for procuring costs is an important step in creating a market infrastructure. 然而合法取得尸体的能力和补偿给提供者因为取得尸体而产生的花费是形成市场的关键一步。 Cadet 幼子,次子;实习生;军官学校学生 internship , trainee 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Another cadet with high boots had approached her but she didn't like high boots and so she said no to him. 当时另一位穿着高统靴的军校学员向她搭讪,但是,因为她不喜欢高统靴,所以,她拒绝了。 article.yeeyan.org Investigators said they had found items belonging to the three marines and a naval cadet in a cellar in the port city of Veracruz. 调查人员表示,他们发现了在港口城市韦拉克鲁斯一个地下室发现了属于三名海军陆战队队员和一名军官学校学生的物品。 www.24en.com In 1961 he entered the Libyan military academy, where even as a young cadet he started working on plans to overthrow the monarchy. 1961年,他进入利比亚军事学院。 还是年轻军校学生的他,就已开始制订推翻王室的计划。 www.ftchinese.com Cadge 乞讨;骗得白食;行乞;贩卖 go begging , do business in vt. 乞讨;行乞;贩卖 beg , do business in 双语例句权威例句 Homeless people forced to cadge in subway stations. 无家可归的人们被迫在地铁站里乞讨。 blog.hjenglish.com Such thrifty sorts may also constantly cadge cigarettes, rather than buying their own, or regularly borrow cash for bus fares, but rarely pay it back. 这种节俭型的人可能也会时常讨要香烟,而不是自己去买,或者定期借钱付公交车车票,但是很少会还钱。 article.yeeyan.org If that sounds a bit arty, it is: Mr Schmitt is a former art student from Germany who used to cadge time on factory lathes and milling machines to make mechanised sculptures. 这听起来很有艺术感,也的确是这样的。 施密特曾是德国的艺术生,他过去常常把时间消磨在工厂的车床和铣床上,用机器制作他的雕刻品。 Cajole (以甜言蜜语)劝诱;哄骗,诱诈: He cajoled his parents into consent giving him money to buy a new car. 他哄骗父母答应给他钱买辆新汽车。 (以甜言蜜语)骗取,骗得;(用谄媚、阿谀等)说服: Tom cajoled the letter out of his girl-friend. 汤姆把信从女朋友手里骗取过来。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-09-25 18:36:56

    Calculated蓄意的 Calculus We have to factor that into the calculus. 我们要在微积分学中考虑这些因素。 article.yeeyan.org I think I've finally unzipped this calculus problem. 我认为我最终解出了这道微积分题。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 He was a brilliant mathematician; he was one of the inventers of Calculus. 他也是一位杰出的数学家;,微积分的发明者之一。 Caldron 大锅;大汽锅 cauldron 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron. 从它鼻孔冒出烟来,如烧开的锅和点着的芦苇。 www.ebigear.com For the past five days, Beijing has been a soupy caldron of humid, gray skies. 就在过去五天,北京经历了充满灰色天空的“大闷天”。 article.yeeyan.org Which say, It is not near; let us build houses: this city is the caldron, and we be the flesh. 他们说,盖房屋的时候尚未临近。 这城是锅,我们是肉。 Calibrate 校正;调整;测定口径 adjust , update , coordinate 双语例句原声例句权威例句 First, you have to calibrate the system by snapping pictures of your eyes both indoors and outdoors. 首先,你需要分别在室内和室外拍摄眼部照片,用于校正眼球跟踪系统。 article.yeeyan.org Then, they used five independent statistical techniques to combine, calibrate and calculate the records. 然后,他们使用五种独立的统计技术来整合、调整和计算数据。 article.yeeyan.org Rossy had never flown for longer than ten minutes and had to calibrate his equipment and weight to perfection since even the addition of a few hundred grammes would have affected his flying ability. 此前罗西试飞时的时间从未超过十分钟,所以在这次飞行前他必须将机翼和体重都调整到最佳状态,因为即便增加几百克的重量都会影响他的飞行。 Calipers 用测径器(或卡规等)测量[亦作 calliper] 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 He picked up the calipers and gauged carefully. 他拿起卡钳仔细测量。 《新英汉大辞典》 The combined-ABS version features triple-piston front brake calipers and the confident control of Honda’s most advanced Antilock Brake System. 这一结合防抱死制动系统(ABS)的版本,以三活塞前制动卡钳和本田最先进的防抱死制动系统的超强操控为特色。 article.yeeyan.org If you have access, try getting your body composition measured, either through a DEXA scan at your doctor's office, or by using body fat calipers by an experienced trainer at your gym. 如果有机会,尝试一下身体成分测试,要么在医生的办公室用扫描仪,要么在健身房让有经验的教练给你用脂肪卡钳。 Callow 年轻而无经验的;[鸟]羽毛未丰的 fledgeless , unfledged Yes, in a certain light I could just get away with grouchy Italian philosopher having to explain postmodernism to yet another group of callow 18-year-olds, but that's as far as it went. 是的,从某种角度来看,我可以看上去像个忧郁的意大利哲学家而不受人议论,同时不得不向那些乳臭未干的18岁年轻人解释后现代主义,但这就够了。 Calumniate 诽谤;中伤;诬蔑 wrong , asperse 双语例句 But I say to you, Love your enemies: do good to them that hate you: and pray for them that persecute and calumniate you. 我却对你们说:你们当爱你们的仇人,当为迫害你们的人祈祷。 www.ccreadbible.org Thou shalt not calumniate thy neighbour, nor oppress him by violence. The wages of him that hath been hired by thee shall not abide with thee until the morning. 你不要欺压剥削你的近人,佣人的工钱不可在你处过夜,留到第二天早晨。 www.ccreadbible.org In the eyes of despotic governments, who are always interested in having liberty calumniate itself, the Revolution of July committed the fault of being formidable and of remaining gentle. 专制政府总喜欢看见自由发生内讧,在那些专制政府的眼里,这次七月革命不应当进行得那么威猛有力而又流于温和。 Camouflage 伪装,掩饰 wrap up , mask 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It relies on camouflage to protect itself. 它通过伪装来保护自己。 dongxi.net So how do they overcome color-blindness to achieve their camouflage? 那它们是如何克服自身的色盲,达到伪装的目的呢? article.yeeyan.org You can learn how to be different by examining the opposite, camouflage. 你可以通过对比分析反义词“伪装”学习如何“与众不同”。 Canard 误传,谬传;谣言 misrepresentation , rumor 双语例句权威例句 The canard that they communicate exclusively in Stalinist or postmodernist jargon is decades out of date. 说他们交流时只用斯大林主义或后现代主义术语的谣言早在几十年前就已经过时。 www.ftchinese.com “We have seen no connection between piracy rates and price,” he says, citing the company's own pricing experiments.“I think it's a canard. “我们看不到在盗版率和价格之间有任何的联系,”他引用该公司自己的定价试验说:“我认为这是一道谣言”。 article.yeeyan.org Mr Obama must dispatch the canard that he is hostile to the Jewish state. Being impatient with Israel does not mean he disregards it: he has repeatedly guaranteed Israel’s security. 奥巴马必须粉碎关于他对以色列心存敌意的谣言:他一再重复保障以色列的安全。 Canary Tommy: I cleaned the bird cage and the canary disappeared. 汤米:我刚才打扫鸟笼来着,金丝雀不见了。 www.ebigear.com Your software project might have its own kind of pit canary. 您的软件项目也可以有自己的矿井金丝雀。 www.ibm.com Canary Wharf is a pure banking play, and you could seek a more diversified market. 金丝雀码头纯粹是银行业,你可以找到一个更加多样化的市场。 Cannibalism 食人;嗜食同类;残忍的行为 anthropophagy 双语例句原声例句权威例句 During the nine-month pregnancy, the largest two pups will have eaten their siblings for sustenance, a kind of cannibalism unique to this species. 在九个月的孕期,最大的两只幼鲨为了生存将吃掉它们的同胞,这是这个物种独有的一种嗜食同类的行为。 article.yeeyan.org We are presuming the cannibalism at Herxheim was an act of desperation and that those eaten were victims, but this is not the only way to regard it. 我们假设黑尔克斯海姆地区食人族的行为是出于绝望的原因,所以才嗜食他们的同类。 但这并不是看待此事的唯一方式。 article.yeeyan.org Ed's son Buzz remains in the valley to this day, and he told me that although many Dani people remain rooted in the past, cannibalism has been long abandoned. 艾德的儿子巴兹至今还生活在这个山谷中,他告诉我说尽管很多丹尼人仍然保持过去的习俗,但食人俗早已被摒弃了。 Canny 精明的,谨慎的;节约的 economical , managing , saving , cautious , prudent 双语例句权威例句 For canny marketers, this is an opportunity. 对于精明的商人来说,这是一个机会。 www.ecocn.org But only until canny web users figured out the way to share files anonymously. 直到有谨慎的用户建议匿名共享文件网络流量才开始恢复。 article.yeeyan.org Every available space has been planted up by the canny gardeners, who, rather than throw away plants at the end of the season, reposition them in what have become huge borders in between. 每一寸可利用的空间都被精明的园艺师利用起来,展季结束的时候,他们不是把植物一弃了之,而是把它们储存起来,形成巨大的分隔带。 Canon Why is the Protestant canon like it is? 为什么新教正典会是现在这样? v.163.com So in the end,the canon is a list of the winners in the historical debate to define orthodox Christianity. 所以最后,正典书目只是赢家的清单,他们在这场定义东正教的历史争论中胜出。 v.163.com Though English literature written by the British suffices as an eternal and shining canon of literature, it would be nonetheless dimmer without the considerable talents of its Irish contributors. 尽管英国人写的英语文学足以当作永久且闪亮的文学标准,但若没有爱尔兰这些人才的众多贡献,它将因而大为逊色吧。 Canopy 天篷;[建]华盖;遮篷;苍穹 baldachin , marquee vt. 用天蓬遮盖;遮盖 blot out , overcurtain 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The canopy pictured above gets its crimson hue from a pigment called anthocyanin, the same component that lends red cabbage its intense color. 图中华盖的深红色调来自一种称为花青素的色素,这种色素与红叶卷心菜的浓烈色彩有着相同的成分。 article.yeeyan.org Not surprisingly, groups of birds that nest in the canopy of trees declined significantly, while species that nest in cavities or near the ground were affected far less. 这并不奇怪,在树冠筑巢的鸟类种群的成员数量大幅下降,而在树洞或接近地面处筑巢的鸟类受的影响则小得多。 article.yeeyan.org Taken by a female slave to see the sultan, seated under a canopy of crimson velvet, richly embellished with gold, she went down on her knees to implore him for compassion. 在一位女奴隶的指引下她见到了苏丹王,她坐在一顶深红色且镶满黄金的天鹅绒华盖下,跪下双膝恳求苏丹王的同情。 Cant 斜面;伪善之言;黑话;角落 decline , corner vi. 倾斜;讲黑话 pitch , slope , lean vt. 把…棱角去掉;使…倾斜;甩掉 fling off , spin off adj. 行话的;哀诉声的;假仁假义的 holier-than-thou 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But there is a lot of cant about. 但这里面很多是政治家的术语。 www.ecocn.org Strip away all the cant, and the campaign against injunctions is a power struggle. 剥开所有的行话,这场反对禁令的运动是一场权力的挣扎。 Cantankerous 脾气坏的;爱吵架的;难相处的 spleenful , mean-tempered 双语例句权威例句 “Debt ceiling” is a misnomer – it is more like a barrier that one must cajole a cantankerous guard to move. “债务上限”这种说法用词不当——它更像是一个障碍,要移除它必须用甜言蜜语哄骗旁边的守卫。 www.ftchinese.com Tokyo’s citizens once relished the heresies of their cantankerous, right-winggovernor, overlooking the more poisonous stuff. 东京市民一度喜欢听到这位脾气乖戾知事的古怪言论,这位右翼的统治者不停的寻找更多的有毒材料。 www.ecocn.org In her old age Lucky became increasingly cantankerous, fighting with the other sheep and destroying the couple's flowerbeds. 上了年纪的Lucky脾气越来越暴躁,常常和其他绵羊争斗,踩坏Westgarth夫妇的花园。 Canker 溃疡病;口疮;腐败的原由,弊害 aphtha vt. 使患溃疡;使腐败 septicize , deprave 双语例句权威例句 Fatigue, stress or allergies can increase the likelihood of a canker sore. 疲劳, 压力或过敏能增加口腔溃疡发作的可能性。 dj.iciba.com The chestnuts have also been suffering from drought and a serious and increasing disease, bleeding canker. 七叶树还一直遭受着干旱和一种严重的伤流溃疡病的侵害。 www.ftchinese.com It cost Florida orange growers more than $6 million between 1915 and 1933 to eradicate citrus canker in the southeastern United States. 1915-1933年间,佛罗里达的柑橘果农花费超过600万美元用于根除美国东南部的柑橘溃疡病。 Canter 慢跑;流浪汉 dogging , Little Tramp vi. 慢跑 go jogging 双语例句权威例句 Mercifully, the gallop slows to a canter as modern times approach. 令人大受欢迎的是,当现代临近之时,快步放缓,转向慢跑。 www.ecocn.org With a flick of my switch, my 3-year-old mare, Reem, broke into a canter, and we ascended gradually toward the top of a ridge. 我轻轻鞭打了一下我那三岁的母马利姆,它开始慢跑起来,我们渐渐地爬到了山脊上。 article.yeeyan.org When the ponies canter on to the lush grounds of Guards Polo Club near Windsor Castle this weekend, they will herald one of the highlights of the English summer society calendar. 到了本周末,在温莎城堡的御林军马球俱乐部里,当小马在草场上慢跑的时候,英国夏季社交日程中的一大亮点即将拉开帷幕。 Canvas We need a piece of canvas that weathers well. 我们需要一块经久耐用的帆布。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 They toted canvas sacks over their shoulders. 他们肩上扛着帆布袋。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 We led them up the ramp at the back of the plane, and they climbed into the canvas seats. 我们领着他们登上飞机尾部的登机舷梯,然后坐到垫着帆布的座位上。 Canvass 游说;拉选票 seek a vote n. 讨论;细查;劝诱 discussion , counsel 双语例句权威例句 The company directed me to travel into the wilderness by boat to canvass the resident natives. 公司指示我坐船进入一片荒野,去游说当地居民。 www.ebigear.com Labour’s membersnet portal makes campaigning easier by, for example, letting supporters download contact databases so they can telephone-canvass voters from home. 工党的会员网门户站点使得竞选更容易。 例如,让支持者下载联系人数据库以便能够在自己家中打电话游说选举人。 www.ecocn.org Towards that end, I would suggest that the director-general canvass as many members as he can, starting with the US and the EU, in support of the following four-part arrangement. 为朝着这一目标努力,我建议拉米应该尽力游说尽可能多的成员国,首先从美国和欧盟开始,支持下文包含四个部分的协议。 Caper 雀跃 gambol , bound with n. 跳跃,雀跃;[园艺]刺山柑花蕾;不法活动 jump , spring 双语例句权威例句 Back to my kitchen caper. 回到我的厨房活动中。 article.yeeyan.org A lot of people around here, including some members of the board, are worried about that British caper. 好多人, 包括一些董事会成员,都对这个英国把戏感到担心。 www.jukuu.com Pearl, looking at this bright wonder of a house, began to caper and dance, and imperatively required that the whole breadth of sunshine should be stripped off its front, and given her to play with. 珠儿望着这幢灿烂而奇妙的住宅,开始雀跃起来,使劲要求从住宅前腿上把整整一层阳光给剥下来,好让她玩个痛快。 Capillary ][物]毛细管的;毛状的 hairy , ciliary 双语例句权威例句 What it leaves behind is the circuit, attached to the tissue by capillary forces and supported by it. 此时,集成电路会在毛细管力作用下紧紧贴附在人体组织上,并良好地固定在那里。 www.ecocn.org When air cools at night, dew collects on the lizard’s skin and is pulled to its mouth by capillary action. 待晚间空气温度下降,凝结在蜥蜴皮肤上的露珠就可以通过毛细管作用输送到它的口中。 article.yeeyan.org One study published in 2007 on the cosmetic benefit of drinking water suggests that 500 ml of water increases capillary blood flow in the skin. 2007年公布的一项饮用水的美容效益研究表明,饮用500毫升的水可加快皮肤下毛细血管内的血液流动。 Capitulate 认输,屈服;屈从,停止反抗;有条件投降;让步 throw in the towel , say uncle 双语例句权威例句 The government was wise to capitulate. 政府的让步是明智的。 www.ecocn.org Put that aside, though, and suppose that China did capitulate and let the renminbi appreciate briskly. 不过,暂且将这个问题放在一旁,设想中国确实做出让步,允许人民币快速升值。 www.ftchinese.com Sometimes the problem isn't faulty data. We have an accurate picture of ourselves or a situation, but we capitulate the first time someone challenge us. 有时候, 错误的信息不是问题, 而是我们对自己或处境要有一个正确的判断. 但是, 别人一旦质疑, 我们就屈从了. Captious 挑剔的;吹毛求疵的 particular , picky 双语例句 You are so true can the most captious big still user. 所以你真的能够最挑剔的还是大用户。 danci.911cha.com In sexual love on this problem, the man is very special selfishness, captious . 在性爱这个问题上,男人是非常自私、非常挑剔的。 dictsearch.appspot.com With the change of people consuming need today, they are more and more captious to product packaging, so the design of traditional product package of China must also be of national culture feature. 现代社会随着人们消费需求的转变,人们对产品包装越来越挑剔,中国传统产品包装的设计也必须是具有民族文化特色的。 dictsearch.appspot.com Carafe 玻璃水瓶 decanter 双语例句权威例句 Do we Americans revel in a carafe of wine at lunch? 我们美利坚人会陶醉于午餐时的一杯红酒吗? dongxi.net Packaging: The crystal carafe of cognac comes with some history. 包装:干邑所用的水晶玻璃瓶也拥有不少故事。 c.wsj.com Then there's the issue of whether to keep your prized whiskey in the original bottle or decant it -- pouring it into a crystal carafe and tossing that bottle into the recycling bin. 此外还有一个问题,是把你那瓶价格昂贵的威士忌放在原瓶里保存,还是选择换瓶:把酒倒进一个水晶酒瓶,把原瓶扔进回收垃圾桶。 Carapace ]壳;甲壳 shell , sheel 双语例句权威例句 Those qualities are still there, visible only to those who can tear away the carapace of convention that encrusts the Mona Lisa. 这些特质依然存在,但只有那些能够撕开蒙娜丽莎身上那层厚重的,用常规构制的外壳的人才能看见。 article.yeeyan.org The lines of its body follow the lines of the flower, while the detail of his carapace and the spikes on one leg are razor sharp. 昆虫的身体的线条要跟随着花的线条,然而它的甲壳和一条腿的尖刺的细节是锋利无比的。 article.yeeyan.org In and out of his black carapace and on the restless move, Batman remains, perhaps not surprisingly then, a recessive, almost elusive figure. 进入他那黑暗的外壳,不断焦躁地移动,蝙蝠侠仍旧隐藏在黑暗之中,令人难以捉摸,这并不令人奇怪。 Carcinogenic 肿瘤]致癌的;致癌物的 cancerigenic 双语例句权威例句 It concluded that mobiles should be rated as "possibly carcinogenic" because of a possible link with a type of brain cancer - glioma. 结论是手机应被列入“可能致癌”,这是因为它与神经胶质瘤(一种脑瘤)有种可能的联系。 article.yeeyan.org Highly processed foods have these flavour enhancers which are nothing more than carcinogenic chemicals with no natural flavours of their own. 精加工食品都含有这些增香剂,这些无非是一些致癌物质本身并没有什么自然的香味。 article.yeeyan.org Not only that, the German Institute for disclosure of a risk assessment of new research information: latex condoms during the curing process can generate a carcinogenic substance - N-nitrosamines. 不仅如此,德国发布危险评估的研究机构披露了新的研究数据:乳胶避孕套在硫化过程中可能生成一种致癌物质—亚硝胺。 article.yeeyan.org Careen 【造船】(为修船)使船倾斜: They careened the fishing boat to repaint the hull. 他们将渔船倾斜过来重新油漆船体。 使倾斜,使歪歪斜斜: The muddy road careened the truck. 卡车行驶在泥泞的路上歪斜不稳。 vi. 倾斜;(船)侧倾(如在行驶中遇强风的船): Their ship was put into port to careen and refit. 他们的轮船被送入港口倾侧待修。 (车等)东倒西歪地疾驶: The truck careened around the corner. 卡车东倒西歪地驶过街角。 Carnage 大屠杀;残杀;大量绝灭 holocaust , bloodbath 双语例句权威例句 Others need to learn from it if they are to stop the carnage. 如果要遏制这种大屠杀,其他国家就必须向韩国学习。 www.ecocn.org We seldom discuss the carnage because we don't dare puncture the illusion of safety. 我们很少讨论大屠杀,那是因为我们不敢刺穿安全的假象。 article.yeeyan.org Despite the carnage in continental Europe, the sense of crisis among the population is not yet as great as in America or Britain. 尽管欧洲大陆上的大屠杀已经开始,但是欧洲的人民对于危机的意识却没有美国和英国人民那么强烈。 Carnal 肉体的;肉欲的;淫荡的;性欲的 material , fleshly 双语例句权威例句 For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin. 我们原晓得律法是属乎灵的,但我是属乎肉体的,是已经卖给罪了。 article.yeeyan.org And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ. 弟兄们,我从前对你们说话,不能把你们当作属灵的,只得把你们当作属肉体,在基督里为婴孩的。 www.ebigear.com Why? Perhaps because it is taken a signal that he is better positioned to experience carnal lovemaking in the near future. 为什么,也许他把这视作一个信号——他已经处于一个更接近的位置,在不远的将来可以经历肉体的做爱了。 Carnivorous 动]食肉的;肉食性的 raptatorial , zoophagous 双语例句权威例句 A pitcher plant is not ordinarily a healthy place for an ant, since these plants are carnivorous. 猪笼草一般来说对于蚂蚁来说不是一个安全的地方,因为这些植物是食肉植物。 article.yeeyan.org We found next to nothing in terms of documentation for these regions, if though they are really diverse areas in terms of carnivorous plant species. 我们几乎找不到任何关于这些地区的食肉植物的文件材料,尽管它们拥有非常多样的这类植物。 article.yeeyan.org We are accustomed to think of plants as being immobile and harmless, and there is something deeply unnerving about the thought of carnivorous plants, " they added. “我们通常认为植物是不动的,无害的,有关食肉植物的观念存在着某种令人深感不安的东西。” 他们补充道。 Carouse 畅饮;欢宴 tuck away n. 喧闹的酒会或宴会;一饮而尽 quick one 双语例句权威例句 No wonder they drink, smoke, fight, carouse and otherwise engage in inappropriate social behavior. 难怪他们喝酒、抽烟、打架、狂欢作乐或者做出不当的社会举动。 www.hjenglish.com He told her the whole truth about his life and said if she’d marry him, he would never drink or carouse again. 他向她如实讲述了自己的生活,然后说如果她愿意嫁给他,他从此不再喝酒,不再寻欢作乐。 article.yeeyan.org His followers did not rape or carouse , like the troops of many warlord armies, and he did not let them smoke opium. 他的部下也不象许多军阀的军队那样强奸民女,大吃大喝,他也不让他们抽大烟。 Carp 鲤科 (Cyprinidae)鱼 变形: n. carp . carps carp2 [kɑ:p] vi. 挑剔,找碴儿,吹毛求疵: 挑剔,找碴儿,吹毛求疵: His grandfather is always carping about the young. 他的祖父总是指摘青年人不懂事。 更多结果 Cartographer 制图师;地图制作者 mapmaker 双语例句权威例句 SinoMaps Press, the only national cartographer in China, has a mere 20people in its electronic-mapping division. 中国唯一的国家制图机构,中国地图出版社,仅仅有 20人分配在其电子地图部门。 article.yeeyan.org This is my survey of a tumultuous landscape, done with all the uncertainty of a cartographer who does not know exactly where the boundaries of revolt begin and end. 这就是我对这片动荡之地的调查,在调查中制图师完全不能确定起义发生和结束的界限范围。 article.yeeyan.org Suppose you're a cartographer or geographic information system (GIS) professional, working on behalf of one, or an advanced hobbyist and want to bring in multiple datasets from a variety of sources. 假设您是一名制图师或地理信息系统(GIS)专业人士,或是一名资深的爱好者,想要将不同来源的数据集中在一起。 Castigate 严惩;苛评;矫正;修订 chastise , throw the book at 双语例句权威例句 But going to Turkey to criticise Israel and to disparage France and Germany, and then on to India to castigate Pakistan was not the best-laid plan. 但跑到土耳其去批评以色列、诋毁法国和德国,然后又在印度斥责巴基斯坦,则不是什么上策。 www.ftchinese.com They are heavily conflicted because, although politicians like to castigate bankers for risk-taking, they also push them to lend freely in order to make the voters happy. 他们存在严重冲突的地方在于,尽管政客喜欢谴责银行家承担风险的行为,但为了让选民高兴,他们也会推动银行家自由放贷。 www.ftchinese.com "This is a classic Wall Street land grab. You create an acronym, you basically castigate somebody as villainous and then you regulate them because they're taking somebody's profits away," he said. "这是华尔街公司抢地盘的典型情形.先为问题造势,指责某人是无赖,然后名正言顺的监管那些人,因为他们夺走了自己的利益,"他说道. Cataclysm 灾难;大洪水,地震;(社会政治的)大变动 disaster , earthquake , tragedy , calamity 双语例句权威例句 Others spoke of a “cataclysm” and a “bombshell”. 其他一些人称其为“灾难”和“重磅炸弹”。 www.ecocn.org Small beer compared with the cataclysm of a year ago—but enough to temper the holiday cheer. 相较于一年之前的大灾难,如今只是一个小熊市,但是足够缓和人们度假的欢乐心情。 article.yeeyan.org My calendar rolls over every time the ball drops in New York, and I've yet to see this cause any planetary cataclysm, except for theguy who has to mop out the drunk tank at the NYPD. 每一次纽约举行新年庆祝会我的日历都会翻页,可是我还没看到这产生过任何行星灾难,除了那个不得不在纽约警察局醉汉拘留所拖地板的小伙子。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-09-28 21:46:15

    Checkered 多变的;有方格的;多波折的 variable , polytropical 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Her finger traced the checkered pattern of their flannel sheets. 她的手指描绘出法兰绒被单上的方格图案。 article.yeeyan.org Unfortunately, checkered support in browsers means that great stylesheets can be hard to develop. 不幸的是,浏览器中多变的支持意味着很难开发好的样式表。 www.ibm.com I seemed to feel a presence, the moment I stepped into their shade, as of the solid coolness of some old-world saurian, and the checkered light and shade on the leafy mould seemed like its scales. 我一走进森林的阴影里,就仿佛感到一个妖魔的存在,如此清凉,犹如一只纯冷的太古蜥蜴,覆盖着落叶的地上,闪着方格状的光和影,就像是蜥蜴的鳞甲。 Cherubic 可爱的;天使的;无邪的 lovely , pretty , taking , cute , delightful 双语例句权威例句 Wearing a black suit with a white shirt, his shock of white hair is incongruous against a cherubic face. 他的身材比我想象中要高,黑色西服里面穿着白衬衣,浓浓的白发与他那张天使般的脸显得不太相称。 www.ftchinese.com The main photograph in the public domain shows a cherubic, smiling 11-year-old with a predisposition for his father's chubbiness. 目前公共场所的照片是金正云11岁时的模样,脸上挂着笑容,天真可爱,跟他父亲一样胖乎乎的。 article.yeeyan.org When he crossed a bridge over the Schuylkill, it was wreathed with laurels and evergreens, and a cherubic boy, aided by a mechanical device, lowered a laurel crown over his head. 华盛顿骑马通过斯库尔基尔河上的一座桥梁时,桥上缠满了月桂树枝和常绿树枝。 机械装置升起了一个天真可爱的男孩,然后男孩为华盛顿戴上了桂冠。 Chic . 时髦;别致的款式 stylishness , trendiness adj. 别致的 picturesque 双语例句权威例句 Spring/summer 2011 fashion trends are extremely complex and bold, yet stylish and chic. 2011春夏时尚潮流是多元化和大胆的,也是高雅和时髦的。 article.yeeyan.org It is little wonder that now the message is being reinforced via his chic spouse and fashion. 毫不奇怪,现在这种信息正通过他的时髦配偶和时尚面貌得以加强。 www.ftchinese.com Exhibits are displayed in chic, modern glass cases and lit as if each handbag or lipstick case was a jewel. 展览品在别致的现代玻璃橱中展出,每一个手提包或口红盒被照亮得如同宝石一般。 Chicanery 狡辩;欺骗;强词夺理 fraud , deception 双语例句权威例句 They may yet turn up some chicanery. 他们也许不过是一些强词夺理。 www.ecocn.org A lot of psychology is charlatanry, chicanery. It would profit from more science and less "ism" and wishful thinking. 很多的心理学理论简直就是欺骗,因为我们更多的是从“科学”得到帮助,而不是各种“理论”和痴心妄想。 article.yeeyan.org This chicanery can range from relatively benign but useless efforts to overly aggressive promotion to outright fraud. 这样的欺骗手段可以相对无害地提升排名,但是这种急功近利地推销无疑是一种欺诈行为,是无用之功。 Chimera Efficiency is therefore a chimera. 因此,效率是一种妄想。 blog.sina.com.cn But absolute safety in investment is a chimera. 但在投资中,绝对安全是一种妄想。 www.ftchinese.com Perhaps they are chasing a chimera: they all wish to be above-average performers. 也许他们追求一种幻想:他们都希望比工作者的评价水平要高。 www.ecocn.org 更多双语例句 百科 CHIMERA Chimera中文名课翻译为凯米拉或奇美拉,据《赞诗荷马》记载Chimera狮身狮首,背生一首如羊,蟒尾 Chimerical 空想的,妄想的;荒唐的 romantic , fantastic 双语例句权威例句 He fell back from chimerical terrors to real terrors. 他又从空想的恐怖掉进了现实的恐怖。 www.ebigear.com In the end, of course, the Soviet and Japanese threats to American supremacy proved chimerical. 结果是,苏联和日本对美国霸权的威胁被证明是空想。 article.yeeyan.org And is China getting increasingly wary about these chimerical cards that India and America can play around with? 又或是对于这些被印度和美国玩弄于鼓掌之间的幻想中的牌会令中国愈加谨慎? Chipmunk 花栗鼠;金花鼠 flickertail 双语例句权威例句 The boy stood motionless, like a mouse or a chipmunk when it knows you're watching. 男孩一动不动站着,好像一只老鼠或花栗鼠知道有人在盯着它一样。 article.yeeyan.org The picture featured a cartoon rendering of the fan's face on top of the company's logo of a cute chipmunk. 这些画像是印在公司非常可爱的花栗鼠标志上。 article.yeeyan.org But then the chipmunk population increased strikingly due to two successive years of abundant acorn crops in the forest. 但另一方面是(but then)金花鼠群显著地扩大,因为森林里连续两年充足的橡子收成。 Chisel 雕,刻;[木]凿;欺骗 chip , sell , character vi. 雕,刻;[木]凿;欺骗 kid , pull a fast one n. [木]凿子 firmer 双语例句权威例句 He is chipping away at a block marble with a chisel. 他正在用凿子在大理石上不停地凿。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 We are like jewels, shaped with the hammer and chisel of adversity. 我们有如宝石,需要经过苦难的锤凿来雕琢。 www.ebigear.com Patrons lounge in stylish leather armchairs and sofas, and the barmen chisel the ice by hand, carving ice balls that slowly melt into your whiskey. 客人们倚靠在时髦的皮制扶手椅和沙发里,而酒保们则用手工凿制冰块,让它们能够缓缓地融化在你的威士忌里。 Chivalrous 侠义的;骑士的;有武士风度的 knightly 双语例句权威例句 Chivalrous guys are the ones pushed to the sides as "nice guys" the friend you cry to when your jerk of a boyfriend breaks your heart...again. “骑士们”就被作为“不错的家伙”撇到一边,成为了当你的“蠢货”男友,又一次,伤了你的心时哭诉的朋友。 article.yeeyan.org However, in today's society I find that more and more often woman enjoy the idea of chivalry more than they enjoy the actual chivalrous gentleman. 然而,我发现当今社会越来越多的女士更感兴趣骑士精神的理念而不是真正有骑士风度的绅士们。 article.yeeyan.org While passengers on the Lusitania panicked and scrambled for survival, scientists say that those on the Titanic had enough time to override their animal survival instincts and do the chivalrous thing. 相对于卢西塔尼亚号上的乘客惊慌失措,争相逃生,科学家们认为这是因为泰坦尼克号上的男士们有足够的时间克服他们的动物求生本能来发扬他们的骑士精神。 Choleric 易怒的;暴躁的;胆汁质的 fierce , testy 双语例句权威例句 The choleric face distorts in a look of puzzlement. 那张暴躁的脸孔蹙了起来,显得有些迷惑。 dict.veduchina.com In style, Mr McCain's reaction was slow and choleric, while Mr Obama's was steely and swift. 在风度上,麦凯恩先生的反应迟缓、暴躁,而奥巴马先生的反应则坚定、迅速。 article.yeeyan.org Then the muscles of his heart, exhausted after three billion beats and weakened by pneumonia, diabetes, and the stress of a choleric temperament, paused just for a moment, and could not resume. 后来他的心脏在跳了三十亿下后,又因肺炎、糖尿病、暴躁的脾气而心肌衰竭,停了一会儿,无法恢复正常。 Choreography 舞蹈编排 例: The choreography of Eric Hawkins is considered radical by ballet audiences. 埃里克•霍金斯的舞蹈编排被芭蕾舞剧的观众认为是不同凡响的。 双语例句权威例句 And I get more fun out of my poetry than I did out of choreography. 我在诗歌创作中找到的快乐要远比在编舞中找到的多得多。 www.en8848.com.cn They have so many different components, from the choreography to the suits that have to light up. 他们有很多不同的元素,从编舞到这种有灯光的着装,以及先进科技。 www.hjenglish.com The current show, with music by the Oscar-winning composer Tan Dun and choreography by Huang Doudou, one of China's most celebrated dancers, is Shanghai's version of Shakespeare in the Park. 现在的这个版本,由奥斯卡获奖作曲家谭盾负责音乐,由中国最有名的舞蹈家之一,黄豆豆编舞,称得上是“中央公园中的莎士比亚”的上海版本。 Chromatic 彩色的;色品的;易染色的 colorized 双语例句原声例句权威例句 We also have scales in the chromatic mode and that's when we don't have just seven pitches within the scale. 我们也了解了半音调式中的音阶,也就是没有正好七个音高的,那种音阶 v.163.com The result is a fluid, chromatic exterior and interior design, which differs considerably from other five-star hotels in Seoul. 结果是优美的、颜色鲜艳的室内外设计,让它从其它首尔五星酒店比起来颇为突出。 www.hjenglish.com Natural botanical ingredients reduce epidermal pigmentation and inhibit melanin production for a flawless, mono-chromatic appearance. 天然植物性成分消除表皮色素沉淀, 抑制黑色素生成,造就零瑕疵肌肤! Chromosome [遗][细胞]染色体(形容词chromosomal,副词chromosomally) monosomy , karyosome 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Do we have a chromosome like that? 那么我们真的有那么一条染色体么? article.yeeyan.org She is part of the chromosome of Kolkata. 她就是加尔各答染色体的一部分。 www.chinadaily.com.cn Most cells in your body have two copies of every chromosome and, therefore, two copies of every gene: one from your mother and one from your father. 没条染色体在身体内的大多数细胞内都有两份拷贝,因此,每个基因也都具有两份拷贝:一份来自母亲,一份来自父亲。 Churl 吝啬鬼;乡下人;粗暴的人;(中世纪的)农民 farmer , peasant , provincial , screw 双语例句 He must have had some ups and downs in life to make him such a churl. 他一生一定经历过一些坎坷,才使他变成这么一个粗暴的人吧。 www.ebigear.com He must have had some ups and downs in life to make him such a churl . 他一生一定经历过一些坎坷,才使他变成这么一个粗暴的人。 dict.veduchina.com The vile person shall be no more called liberal, nor the churl said to be bountiful. 愚顽人不再被称为高尚,恶棍也不再被称为大方。 Ciliate [无脊椎]纤毛虫 infusorian 双语例句 Glumes and lemmas ciliate only along middle vein and margins, or glumes glabrous. 颖片和外稃具缘毛只是沿着中间脉和边缘,或无毛。 www.flora.ac.cn The larger of two nuclei present in ciliate protozoans, which controls non reproductive functions of the cell, such as metabolism. 大核原生动物纤毛虫类体中两个细胞核中较大的一个,控制细胞的非生殖性功能,如新陈代谢。 www.hotdic.com This topology suggests that Maristentor is a holotrichous ciliate(the class Heterotrichea)and should not be placed in the family Stentoridae, but be given a new taxonomic position. 其拓扑结构显示海洋喇叭虫属于异毛纲纤毛虫,但并不隶属喇叭虫科,应予以新的分类地位。 dj.iciba.com Cineaste 热爱电影者 电影制作者 影痴 短语 Cineaste Delights 影迷别注 双语例句 My friend is a devoted cineaste who goes to the movies at least once a week, and has a huge collection of old movies on DVD. 我的朋友是个热心影迷,每周至少去电影院一次,收藏了很多老电影的DVD。 www.sharewithu.com EXAMPLE: My friend is a devoted cineaste who goes to the movies at least once a week, and has a huge collection of old movies on DVD. 我的朋友是个热心影迷,每周至少去电影院一次,收藏了很多老电影的DVD。 english.51ielts.com Even the casual cineaste will be able to connect the dots between Super 8 and Spielberg classics ET, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Jurassic Park, even The Goonies. 即便是非资深的电影爱好者也能在《超级八》和斯皮尔伯格的经典之作《ET》、《第三类接触》、《侏罗纪公园》乃至《七宝奇谋》之间找到共通点。 article.yeeyan.org Cipher 密码;暗号;[数]零 password , signal , nothing vi. 使用密码;计算;做算术 figure , cast vt. 计算;做算术;将…译成密码 cast , figure 双语例句原声例句权威例句 All important plans were sent to the police in cipher. 所有重要计划均以密码送往警方。 《新英汉大辞典》 They then communicate using the common cipher suite that offers the highest level of security. 然后它们使用提供最高安全级别的通用密码组合进行通信。 www.ibm.com Like so many of the things we talk about here, the to-do list is really a cipher, albeit an important one. 就像我们在这儿谈到的很多事情一样,待办事项列表是一个真正的密码,而且是非常重要的一个。 Circumference 圆周;周长;胸围 periphery , chest/bust 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The tree has a circumference of 6 feet. 这棵树周长6英尺。 《新英汉大辞典》 The earth's circumference is about 25,000 miles. 地球的圆周约为25,000英里。 《新英汉大辞典》 To translate this formula into a expression, you would use variables to record the radius and circumference. 要将这个公式转换为表达式,你需要使用变量来记录半径及周长。 Circumlocution 婉转曲折的说法,累赘的陈述;遁辞 creephole 双语例句权威例句 With typical circumlocution, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia recently said as much. 沙特的阿卜杜拉国王最近也同样语意婉转说了不少。 ecocn.org He is a master at circumlocution, but it's easier for me to understand him now than before. 他讲话很会兜圈子,不过我现在已经比以前容易理解他的意思了。 sh.yingyu.com The correct defence of Athanasius is surely not that he avoided a lie by ingenious circumlocution, but that the circumstances justified lying. 亚大纳西的回答之所以正确,显然不在于他以巧妙的迂回辞令避免了撒谎,而是特定环境下说谎并不为过。 Circumscribe 限制;在…周围画线 block , set a limit to 双语例句权威例句 He promised, too, to scrap some of the many rules that circumscribe daily life. 他还承诺要废除那许多限制日常生活的规章制度。 www.ecocn.org Ms. Heffernan also looks at how a focus on making money can circumscribe what we see and do — and she connects this obsession with the notion of willful blindness. 赫弗南还探究了注重赚钱为何会限制我们所能看到及做到的范围——而且她将这种痴迷与故意视而不见这一概念联系起来。 dongxi.net China would try to push American power as far away from its borders as it could, circumscribe the scope of American naval power, and reduce America's weight in international diplomacy. 中国会竭力将美国的影响力从其边境排除出去,限制美国的海军力量,降低美国在国际外交领域的重要性。 Circumspect 细心的,周到的;慎重的 measured , scrupulous 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Mr. Noda is more circumspect about China, which he describes as both an opportunity and a risk for Japan. 野田对中国的政策更为慎重,他认为中国对日本而言是机遇与挑战并存。 www.ecocn.org Firms that had been willing and (despite the crunch) able to borrow for investment now seem more circumspect. 过去愿意并且能够借钱用于投资(尽管有信贷紧缩)的企业如今也变得更加慎重了。 www.ecocn.org And as the whole dealer for the above products, Hongrunlai not only offer the qualified products but also provides circumspect service. 在为国内外客户提供优质产品的同时,并提供周到完善的销售服务。 Circumstantial 依照情况的;详细的,详尽的 strict , detailed , particular , specific , full 双语例句原声例句权威例句 We should point out that the evidence is purely circumstantial. 我们应该指出,证据完全是依情况而定的。 news.iciba.com In court you would say there was some circumstantial evidence for it, but no proof. 在法庭上你只能说有它存在的一些旁证,但没有足以一锤定音的证据。 blog.sina.com.cn The author should be someone who knows your work well enough to write a circumstantial letter. 写推荐信的人应该对你的学习有充分的了解,才能写出一份详尽的推荐信。 Circumvent 包围;陷害;绕行 case , invest , frame 双语例句原声例句权威例句 To circumvent this issue, we modified the theme. 为了防止这个问题,我们修改了主题。 www.ibm.com "It really is an arms race, " he says. "They create a problem, we circumvent it, they create another, we get around that one. “这实际上就是军事竞赛,”他说,“他们制造一个麻烦,我们解决它,他们制造了另一个,我们再对付它。 article.yeeyan.org “The first law of regulation is that bureaucrats and lawyers make regulations and bankers and markets learn to circumvent them,” he said. 他说:"监管的第一定律为官僚与律师制订管理规则,而银行家与市场学会如何规避这些规则。" Cistern 水箱;水池;贮水器 basin , radiator grille 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Putting a bag in a toilet cistern will reduce its flush at almost no cost. 在马桶水箱里放入一只袋 子,可以在几乎没有成本的情况下减少冲水 量。 www.ftchinese.com One day she put rocks in her pocket and stepped into a cistern where she drowned. 有一天,她在自己口袋中塞满了石头,转身跳入了一个水池,溺水而亡。 article.yeeyan.org Each was given a list of things they could do: insulate the loft; install a water meter; put a water hippo in the toilet cistern; turn the heating thermostat down and so on. 每个人都收到一份清单,上面列出了他们可以做的事:隔出一个阁楼;安装一个水表;在马桶水箱里安一个节水器;调低空调温度;等等。 Citadel 城堡;大本营;避难处 castle , alcazar 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Citadel has already reported about 50% losses for its two largest funds. 城堡基金已经报告,其最大的两个基金大约有50%的亏损。 article.yeeyan.org The New Water and the Citadel projects are an attempt to embrace water in the Netherlands, which is almost completely composed of wetlands. 在几乎完全由湿地组成的荷兰,这个‘新水’及‘城堡’项目是拥抱接纳水的一项积极尝试。 article.yeeyan.org Built inside the Citadel, the former headquarters of Egypt’s rulers, the mosque honors the early 19th-century leader credited with bringing the nation and Cairo out of a medieval past. 这座带有土耳其建筑风格的清真寺建造在开罗大城堡里,作为曾经埃及统治者的王宫,它见证着这位19世纪早期君主的荣耀。 Clairvoyance 超人的视力,千里眼,神视 透视力,洞察力 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 But there is precious little sign that such clairvoyance exists. 但是这样的“先知”、“千里眼”毕竟是凤毛麟角。 bbs.ecocn.org The military initially focused on 'remote viewing', the scientific term for clairvoyance and extrasensory perception (or ESP). 军方最初致力于开发“遥视”能力,这是千里眼和超感知觉的科学术语(或称ESP)。 article.yeeyan.org Why can't you give her room?/respect her spatial needs/I feel you compress her/into a small space/with clairvoyance/she knew what you needed/and gave it to you 为什么你不能给她空间/满足她的空间要求/我感觉你压缩了她/到一个小小的空间/她的千里眼/看到了你的需要/然后给了你 Clandestine 秘密的,私下的;偷偷摸摸的 secret , private , underground , chamber , inside 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But this was hardly some clandestine operation. 然而这并不是什么偷偷摸摸的行动。 dongxi.net Their clandestine mission: to get you to the fun faster. 他们的秘密使命就是使你尽快找到乐儿。 article.yeeyan.org But Dilma is not simply a “woman.” She is a Brazilian that dared to fight against the dictatorship in clandestine organisations. 但是狄尔玛不只是一位“女性”,她是一位敢于以秘密组织对抗独裁者的巴西女性,旧精英不会放过她。 Clarion . 号角 horn 双语例句权威例句 THE standards have been raised. The clarion has sounded. 标准提高了,号角响起了。 www.ecocn.org But I had a clarion moment of truth during the process of that book. 但是在我写那本书时我有个时刻吹响了真理的号角。 article.yeeyan.org TeliaSonera, which partnered with among others the Clarion hotel and Swedish lock maker Assa Abloy on the project, said the pilot test began on November 1 and would last for four months. TeliaSonera在此项目上与Clarion宾馆、瑞士锁业制造商亚萨合莱及其他公司进行合作,TeliaSonera公司说先导性试验在11月1日开始并将持续4个月。 Clasp 扣子,钩子;握手 handshake , shake-hands vt. 紧抱;扣紧;紧紧缠绕 press , button vi. 扣住 buckle , button up 双语例句原声例句权威例句 At the core of CLASP are thirty new activities that can be integrated into a software development process. 在CLASP的核心有三十个新的活动,他们可以集成到一个软件开发过程。 www.ibm.com When you do fall, tuck your knees in, release the clasp of your hands, relax, and tumble out of the pose onto your back like a child doing a somersault. 万一失去平衡,要先卷曲膝盖,松开扣紧的手指,身体向后背的方向滚落,就像小孩子翻跟头那样。 article.yeeyan.org She is wearing a designer evening watch, has a diamanté clasp on her handbag, a pea-sized jewel at each ear, a stack of shiny bangles and is wearing a gold belt and sandals. 她带着一款名牌晚装表,手提包上镶有一个金扣子,耳朵上戴着青豆大小的宝石,还有一串闪光的手镯,腰系金色腰带,脚底穿着凉鞋。 Clemency 仁慈;温和;宽厚 humanity , mercy , kindness , benevolence 双语例句原声例句权威例句 We hope that the North Koreans will grant clemency and deport them. 我们希望北韩能够施以仁慈,将她们释放。 www.24en.com His intervention to show “clemency” by cutting her sentence was salt in her wounds. 丹瑞干涉其中,以减少对她的判刑来显示他的“仁慈”,无疑在她伤口上撒盐。 www.ecocn.org "We will find you in your closets, " he said to the rebels, vowing to show "no mercy or clemency" for foreign fighters, Islamists, or traitors. “我们挖地三尺都会把你找出来,”他对反政府人员说,并发誓不会对外国的参战人员、伊斯兰主义分子或背叛者表示“仁慈”。 Clench Don't clench your fists because it can lead to tightnessin the arms, shoulders, and neck. 不要紧握你的拳头因为这样会导致你手臂,肩膀和脖子的紧压。 article.yeeyan.org They leap to their feet, clench fists and let out long screams, clawing at the ground and air. 他们开始蹦蹦跳跳,握紧拳头,发出长长的尖叫声,抓向地面或空中。 article.yeeyan.org So the next time you’re faced with a choice that takes self-control clench your fist or firm that bicep. Your will might firm up too. 因此,当你下次面对一个需要自我控制的选择时,握紧自己的拳头,或者鼓起自己的二头肌,就能让自己更坚强。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-09-29 14:12:17

    Clinch 敲弯或敲平(钉头等)使钉牢: to clinch the nails to a board 在木板上钉钉子并敲弯钉脚 决定,确定(问题);使得到最后解决: to clinch an argument 解决争端 A deposit of eight pounds clinched the bargain. 8英镑完全办妥了这笔交易。 在…中取得胜利,赢得: She needs 9.75 to clinch the title. 她需要得9.75分才能赢得冠军。 vi. the nails will clinch. 钉子会钉牢的。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 But the nature of that clinch could change. 但这种紧密联系的本质可能会改变。 www.ftchinese.com But in the clinch, when the opportunity arises to do good or bad, how well do our predictions match up with the actions we actually take? 但在这种矛盾中,如果有机会可以做得好或坏,我们对自己行动的预测和采取的实际行动相符的程度又有多高呢? Clinical Not only do we have one clinical trial, we have two. 我们不是只做了一组临床试验,我们有两组以供对比。 article.yeeyan.org At present we do not have programmes for clinical psychology. 目前,我们没有任何关于临床心理学的规划。 www.who.int On an individual patient basis, initial treatment decisions should be based on clinical assessment and knowledge about the presence of the virus in the community. 以病人个案为基础,最初的治疗决定应当根据临床评估以及社区内是否存在这一病毒的掌握情况做出。 Clique 派系;阀;私党;小圈子 valve , ingroup 双语例句权威例句 They assume that any move towards independence is a plot by foreigners or by a clique of unpatriotic Taiwanese politicians. 他们认为,任何独立之举都是外国人或是不爱国的台湾政治派系的阴谋。 www.ftchinese.com But if he wins power, his record is so contradictory it is not clear if he would rule to serve the narrow interests of his clique, or the pressing needs of the country. 但是如果他获得权力,从他那矛盾的记录里,人们无法弄清他当政将会是为狭隘的派系利益服务,还是服务于国家的迫切需求。 www.ecocn.org The impression is of a clique of powerful men up to no good, linked by a potent mix of money, politics and business, and of an executive branch too close to the justice system. 人们对此的印象也就是一群一肚坏水的政府高官,他们相互结党营私,之间掺杂着众多的金钱、政治和商业纠葛;还有一个与司法系统分立不够彻底的行政分支。 Clog 障碍;木底鞋 obstacle , let , bar , dam , stop 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It will clog your pores, promote blackheads, and dehydrate your skin, all of which enhance the signs of aging. 这将阻塞你的毛孔,促成黑头和皮肤脱水,所有这些都加重了皮肤老化的迹象。 article.yeeyan.org But he did point out that if enough people refused to obey unjust laws, they could “clog the machinery” of the state. 但他也指出,如果足够多的人拒绝遵守不公正的法律,那么他们可能会"阻塞"国家机器。 www.america.gov But millions of people have chronic chest pain that might mean arteries starting to clog or another problem, even just anxiety. 但是数以百万的人们患有慢性胸部疼,这可能意味着动脉开始阻塞或者其他问题,甚至只是焦虑症 Cloister 回廊;修道院;修道院生活;隐居地 monastery , monkery 双语例句权威例句 What you beheld was the interior of a cloister. 你所看见的是一个修道院的内部。 www.ebigear.com Some people go to a cloister in order to avoid problems of everyday life, and Yuri came to a circus. 为了逃避生活中的烦恼,有的人会选择去修道院。 但是尤里选择了去马戏团。 article.yeeyan.org It's probably dangerous to enter exclusively into this realm and risk being caught in a cloister, removed from the market and its accountability. 如果专门只进入这个领域并且冒着陷于修道院、远离尘世及其责任的风险很可能是危险的。 Clot clot 血凝块,血块 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The idea is that the spheres will adhere to platelets and help them congregate into a clot. 该研究的理念是,这些球粒会跟血小板粘合在一起,帮助血小板聚集起来,形成凝块。 huzhangao.blog.163.com The study doesn't explain why this happens, but doctors know that when the temperatures are colder, your blood is more likely to clot and there's a change in the thickness of blood. 这项研究没有解释为什么会发生这样的情况,但是医生们知道当温度降低的时候,人们的血液更有可能凝结,而且血液的粘稠度会发生变化。 huzhangao.blog.163.com Thromboembolism occurs when a blood clot (from a deep vein thrombosis) in a leg vein breaks off and travels through the body to the lungs where it becomes lodged and blocks blood flow. 当下肢静脉中的血凝块(来自深静脉血栓形成)脱落并通过身体移动到肺部,在那里沉积和阻塞血流时,就发生血栓栓塞。 Cloture 讨论终结 gag 双语例句原声例句权威例句 In 1975, the Senate reduced the number of votes needed for cloture to three-fifths (60). 1975年,参议院决定将使用cloture所需的票数从三分之二减为五分之三(60票)。 www.america.gov Alternatively, even if the Democrats do not earn 60 seats, on certain topics they may be able to invoke cloture with the help of some moderate Republicans. 而另一方面,即使民主党得不到60个席位,在某些议题上,在得到某些温和派共和党参议员的帮助下,他们也可诉诸于cloture的做法。 www.america.gov The ad suggests that if Obama wins the presidency and the Democrats have enough members to invoke cloture, the Democratic president’s proposals could pass through the Senate with minimal debate. 这则广告包含的意思是,如果奥巴马当选总统,并且民主党有足够的票数达到cloture的目的,那么,民主党籍总统的提议只要经过最低限度的辩论即可在参议院获得通过。 Clout 影响力;破布;敲打;靶心;大帽钉(等于clout nail) leverage , beating vt. 给…打补钉;猛击;用布擦 jab at , lash out 双语例句原声例句权威例句 One day Turkey would like political clout in Africa as well. 有朝一日,土耳其也会想要在非洲拥有政治影响力。 www.ecocn.org Whether or not the name takes will depend entirely on whether or not the person behind it has enough clout. 而这个名字能否产生预期的效果则完全取决于它背后的人物是否有足够的影响力。 c.wsj.com Westerners had more clout in India, but it turns out some of them used it against, rather than for, sex selection. 西方在印度有很大的影响力,但最终印度有些人用它来反对、而不是支持性别选择。 Cloying 厌烦的;倒胃口的;因过量而厌烦的 tired , harassed 双语例句权威例句 These constructs soon become cloying and distracting. 这些东西很快就变得倒胃口,令人心神不宁。 www.jukuu.com The non-air-conditioned cabin, already cloying in the monsoon humidity, fills with diesel exhaust as thousands of trucks jostle to pass through a toll plaza on the highway. 车内没有空调,印度雨季的湿气使车里的人很倒胃口。 阿兰格的卡车现在和成千上万的卡车挤在一起,争相通过高速公路上的一个收费广场。 www.ftchinese.com Not all rosés made in this manner are that way, but chances are that the cloying, heavy or too-sweet rosé that you drank at your nephew's nuptials last year was made using this technique. 并非所有采用这种方法酿制的粉红葡萄酒都会这样,但如果你去年在侄子的婚礼上喝到的粉红葡萄酒发腻、浓烈或过甜,那么这种酒很可能就是用这种方法酿造的。 Coagulant coagulant aid 助凝剂;助凝制 双语例句权威例句 That’s achieved by a natural anti-coagulant in the vampire bat’s saliva. 这是通过蝙蝠唾液里一种天然的抗凝血剂来实现的。 putclub.com Therefore, people with bleeding disorders or taking anti-coagulant medication should consult with their doctor before taking fish oil supplements. 因此,出血失调或者进行抗凝血治疗的人群,在使用鱼油补充剂前,需要先咨询他们的医生。 article.yeeyan.org While a handful of coagulant-inducing bandages are already on the market, there’s always room for improved technology that boasts greater comfort and lower cost. 因为只有少数凝血绷带已经投入市场,所以总是有机会改进技术以取得更舒适的效果的较低的费用。 Cob 玉米穗轴;玉米棒 corn on the cob 煮玉米棒子,老玉米 双语例句权威例句 DEAR SARA: Could you tell me whether you can freeze corn on the cob? 亲爱的萨拉:你能告诉我你是否能冷藏玉米棒子吗? www.elanso.com Nine thousand years ago, the maize cob was very hard, and eating it raw would have made you very ill. 九千年前,玉米芯是很硬很硬的,啃不下嘴;生吃的话你又会病得很惨。 article.yeeyan.org Much will become food, either as classic corn on the cob, or the high fructose corn syrup in soft drinks, or as the animal feed that makes burgers. 许多会成为食物,要麽作为传统的食用玉米,要麽作为软饮料中的果糖浆,或者作为动物饲料,而这些动物将被用于制作汉堡。 Cobble cobble stone 中砾,中砾石 双语例句原声例句权威例句 They don't just go out and cobble together airplanes and bridges. 他们不仅仅是一起出去修理飞机和桥梁。 www.ibm.com They don't just go out and cobble together airplanes and bridges. 他们不仅是一起出去修理飞机和桥梁。 www.ibm.com And such urban architecture - from the simplicity of small, cobble-and-whitewash towns to the 17th-century glories of Cartagena and Popayán. 如此的城市建筑,有简朴的铺着鹅卵石道路和白色房屋的小镇,也有遗留着17世纪荣光的喀他赫纳和博帕雍。 Cocoon 茧;卵囊 oocyst 双语例句权威例句 The last thing he wants to do is to cocoon all weekend in that same house. 他最不愿意做的事是整个周末呆在同一幢房子里茧居。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Then he tucked the coal into the center of the clockwork, and placed it all on the skin, and wrapped it up tight into a cocoon shape. 然后,他将这块煤块塞进钟件的中央,再把它全部放在皮革上,然后再把它紧紧地裹起来,裹成一个茧形。 article.yeeyan.org This trend towards dealing with extraterrestrials as near equals, he believes, is encouraging progress for the human race, since it means we are coming out of our planetary cocoon. 把外星人当作平等物来处理的这种趋势,他认为,正鼓励着人类种族的进步,因为它意味着我们正走出我们的行星茧。 Coeval 同时代的 contemporary , coetaneous , cotemporaneous n. 同时代的人 contemporary 双语例句 Dr Wrangham thus believes that cooking and humanity are coeval. 沃尔汉姆据此相信有了人类的同时,烹饪行为也产生了。 www.ecocn.org Did the Acraman impact and coincidentally coeval glaciation help trigger one of the great biological revolutions in earth history? 是不是小行星的撞击和同时发生的结冰期的到来致使地球上发生了历史上第一次物种大变革? article.yeeyan.org The scraps of written matter are either much later than the period in question, written in distant areas, or, while local and coeval, extremely brief. 在签名的书面问题不是很大不迟于有关期间,写在遥远的地区,或,而地方和同时代,非常简短。 Cogent 强有力的;使人信服的 powerful , forceful 双语例句权威例句 Miss Tox looked as if she saw no way out of such a cogent argument as that, at all. 托克斯小姐表露出一副神情,仿佛她觉得根本无法反驳这样令人信服的论断似的。 www.kekenet.com The SFC, for its part, lacked 'strong and cogent' evidence to substantiate its claims, the judge said. 法官说,香港证监会缺乏强有力、使人信服的证据来证明自己的指控。 www.cuyoo.com But the nasty question then surfaced: what is the objective of this operation? Washington's crusaders lacked a cogent answer. 但是令人不爽的问题浮现出来:这次袭击的目标是什么?华盛顿的十字军们缺乏一个令人信服的回答。 article.yeeyan.org Cogitate 仔细考虑;谋划 mull over , reflect on vi. 思考;考虑 allow , think of , think about 双语例句权威例句 However we should cogitate for it will soon be spring. 不过我们会精打细算,因为很快就是春天了。 danci.911cha.com What does he cogitate all those months and months of winter? 这几个月和冬天那几个月里他在思考什么? danci.911cha.com In order to address the mandates of SOX, many of companies start to cogitate a continuous auditing. 因此,为了符合SOX法案的要求下,许多公开发行公司开始考虑持续性审计。 word.hcbus.com Colander She took a colander and, of course, first of all we would wash the lettuce, that goes without saying. 她会找一个滤锅,当然,先洗菜。 open.163.com Middlebury College economist David C. Colander, who himself is suspicious of the stimulus package, says: "The debate is reasonable. MiddleBury大学的经济学家David C. Colander是一个怀疑经济刺激方案的人,他说,“这一争论是合理的。 article.yeeyan.org Simply place a dry coffee filter in a clean drip coffee filter basket or colander, and place the basket or colander over a clean dry pitcher or bowl. 只需将一个干的咖啡滤纸放在干净的滤器中,然后将滤器放在干的干净水罐或碗上即可。 Collage I’ve since taken down the collage and have found I actually like the clean, uncluttered look better. 自从我拿掉那些拼贴画后,我才发现自己实际上更喜欢看到干净、整齐的墙壁。 article.yeeyan.org Then suggest using the photos to make a "book, " collage, or other art project about how a flower grows. 然后建议用这些照片编一本“书”、做个拼贴画或进行其他艺术活动,以表现花朵是怎样生长的。 article.yeeyan.org POSTER COLLAGE: Let kids make their own artwork collages with magazine and catalog cutouts, drawings, copies of photos and craft supplies. 拼贴海报:让孩子们用杂志和目录图样,图片,复印的相片和工艺日用品等做自己的艺术海报 Collate 核对,校对;校勘 check against , check through 双语例句权威例句 Shall we collate the accounts today? 今天我们要核对帐目吗? www.examw.com Then she could look at the piles, see which had the “earliest” photo on top, and by that, collate them all together into one timeline. 然后她看见成堆的照片,把“最早”的照片放在相册开始,按照这个方法,将他们按时间轴整理。 article.yeeyan.org The Office gathered information on the alleged crimes from different sources. A crime database has been created to store, collate and analyze information. 检办从多方收集有关这些疑似犯罪行为的信息,并建立了一个犯罪数据库用来储存、核对和分析这些信息。 Collected collected [kə'lektid] adj. 镇定的,泰然自若的 集中起来的;收集成的 Colloquium Taiwan Colloquium 台湾讲座 更多网络短语 双语例句权威例句 Last weekend he hosted the Achebe Colloquium on Africa at Brown University in Rhode Island, where he is now based. 上个周末他在位于罗德岛的布朗大学主持了阿奇比专题讨论会,这也是他目前就职的地方。 article.yeeyan.org This did not convince left-of-centre parties, which think education should be free from kindergarten to colloquium. 这不能打动中间偏左联盟,他们认为教育从幼儿园到学术讨论会都该免费。 www.ecocn.org In this context, I am very grateful to President Havel for having organized a colloquium for dialogue recently here in Prague. 我非常感谢哈韦尔总统最近在布拉格组织的一次对话式的讨论会。 Collude 勾结;串通;共谋 be in bed with , connive 双语例句原声例句权威例句 You simply need to collude by taking it turns to make the tough call. 你只需要与另一位裁判串通,轮流吹这一艰难的犯规哨。 www.ftchinese.com Prosecutors have argued that they need to be detained so that they do not collude with witnesses. 检控官对此的解释是关押他们是为了防止他们与证人串通。 blog.ecocn.org One possibility is that this custom reflects the way investors like to collude when they can get away with it. 有一种说法是这样的,这种习惯或许反映了投资者一起串通起来蒙混的可能性。 Coltish 小马似的;轻佻的;不受拘束的,放浪不拘的 skittish , frivolous 双语例句权威例句 Modern toilet sanitation is better, the position is so coltish . 现代化厕所卫生较好,所以位置不受拘束。 dictsearch.appspot.com Me at five, dark spiky hair, moon pale with brown almost Slavic eyes, wiry, coltish. 五岁的我,深色的刺猬头,一双如月亮般浅棕色的,斯拉夫人的眼睛,瘦长轻佻的身躯。 article.yeeyan.org But sometimes, it does talk about its sadness freely. "I'm melancholy, I'm melancholy…" it says, in such a coltish way. 但有时,它也会把内心的悲悯向人透露,“我很忧郁,我很忧郁……”就是这样轻佻地表达。 Comedienne comedienne [kə,meidi'en] n. 喜剧女演员 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Comedienne Joan Rivers is a friend who was invited to the official Buckingham Palace birthday party on Wednesday. 喜剧演员琼•里夫斯也被邀请参加了上周三在白金汉宫举行的官方生日宴会。 article.yeeyan.org O’Donnell is an 11-time Emmy Award-winning American comedienne, talk show host, television personality, celebrity blogger, film, television, and stage actress. 欧唐纳是11次获得艾美奖最佳美国喜剧演员、脱口秀主持人、电视明星、名人博客、电影、电视和舞台女演员。 www.elanso.com From the Palestinian comedienne with cerebral palsy to the Arab American with a New Jersey accent, the Muslim comics in the film offer positive images of these ethnic cultures with self-effacing wit. 从患脑瘫的巴勒斯坦女喜剧演员到有着新泽西口音的阿裔美国人,影片中的穆斯林喜剧在谦避的机智中正面再现了这些少数族裔文化的形象。 Comity Comity:an atmosphere of social harmony . 礼貌:社会和谐的气氛。 www.jukuu.com No comity by which a democratic society must live had broken down. 一个民主社会所赖以生存的崇尚礼让的风气败坏了。 dict.veduchina.com To some extent, comity among the Vulcans reflected a common purpose -- to ensure the governor's nomination and then election. 在某种程度上,火神派之间的这种礼让反映出他们的共同目标——确保得到提名并进而当选。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-10-01 13:23:44

    Wield 使用;行使;挥舞 make use of , fashion , employ , exercise 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Congress was designed so that minorities can wield power well out of proportion to their number if they stick together. 国会就是这样设计的,如果少数派们联合起来,他们能够行使大于他们人数比例的权力。 article.yeeyan.org Another bold idea, mooted more by observers than by those who would have to wield the axe, is dismissing forthwith any MP found to have fiddled. 另一个大胆的构想,由旁观者而非那些必须挥舞斧头的人所提出的,是马上开除所有被发现有欺骗行为的议员。 www.ecocn.org The assembly is likely to be fractious, and the fact that it will, in effect, wield both legislative and executive powers until the new constitution comes into force is a cause for concern. 议会很有可能是反复无常的,事实也的确如此。 实际上,行使立法权和行政权一直到新的宪法开始生效才是大家关系的原因。 Wilt 使枯萎;使畏缩;使衰弱 blast , wither up vi. [植保]枯萎;畏缩;衰弱 flag , wither away n. [植保]枯萎;憔悴;衰弱 blasting , breakdown Wily 狡猾的;诡计多端的 designing , knowing , subtle , tricky , guileful 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Some suspect that the wily Swiss set a trap, hoping to placate America, which has been cracking down hard on Swiss tax shelters. 有人怀疑诡计多端的瑞士人为讨好美国设了一个圈套,因为后者正严厉制裁瑞士的避税庇护。 article.yeeyan.org We know from history that every time we think we have outsmarted malaria we learn the humbling lesson that we are dealing with a very wily parasite. 历史上,我们曾数次觉得已战胜了疟疾,而非常狡猾的寄生虫每次都逃脱控制,让我们落了空,这是令人谦卑的教训。 www.who.int Business partners use words such as “wily”, “crafty” and “brilliant” to describe Mr Li, and admit that they expect to be outwitted by him in any negotiation. 商业伙伴们用“狡猾”、“诡计多端”以及“聪明”等字眼来形容李书福,并承认,他们在任何谈判中都斗不过李书福。 Wince 畏缩,退避 recoil from , shrink back from n. 畏缩;脸部肌肉的抽搐 backwardness , self-distrust 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Who smile and frown, wince and hiss. 他们微笑和皱眉,畏缩与嘶嘘。 blog.sina.com.cn We all wince at the thought of how Xerox utterly failed to innovate on PARC's inventions, allowing Apple and Microsoft to run away with most of them. 我们都退避在想到施乐如何完全的失败再帕洛阿尔托研究中心的发明,允许苹果和微软从他们这儿逃走。 article.yeeyan.org I grew up bereft of hugs. Neither of my parents was the cuddly type. Greetings involving kissing caused me to wince, and hugging generally just made me feel awkward. 我的成长中缺乏拥抱。我的父母都不是那些喜欢搂抱的人。打招呼时要是有亲吻的话会让我畏缩, 而拥抱一般只会让我感到尴尬。 Windbag [口语]好发空议论者;夸夸其谈的人 [戏谑语]胸 (吹奏乐器等的)风囊,风袋 [废语](风琴的)风箱 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 John is such a windbag. 约翰是一个饶舌大王。 www.examw.com We may be very windbag. 我们也许非常啰嗦。 blog.sina.com.cn John is such a windbag. He can talk for hours at a time without saying anything. 约翰是饶舌大王。他能够一连好几个小时滔滔不绝的讲毫无内容的话。 Windfall windfall tax n. 暴利税;意外利润税 双语例句原声例句权威例句 In a badyear, therefore, they might dip into their savings; when they had a windfall,they would not spend the lot. 因此,在坏年景,他们可能调低他们的储蓄水平;当有意外所得时,他们也不会消费更多。 www.ecocn.org To some extent, the expected windfall comes because banks have been paying executives a greater portion of their compensation in stock instead of salaries or bonuses. 在某种程度上,这些意外之财的到来时因为银行支付给管理者们的报酬中,股票已经替代工资和奖金占了更大的部分。 article.yeeyan.org Nonetheless, critics declared his windfall to be provocative and a questionable tactic on the part of the shareholders, to say the least, just when Mr Joyce was preaching wage restraint for others. 然而,批评者宣称他的不义之财是公然挑衅及部分股东的可疑策略,至少正当乔伊斯向其他人宣讲限制工资之际是可以这样说的 Windy 空洞的;虚无的 空谈的;夸夸其谈的;吹牛的 Winnow 簸;把…挑出来;精选 pick , handpick 双语例句权威例句 On the other hand, those creatures might just be too small to be caught easily by the filters used to winnow life from water for analysis in the first place. 另一方面,那些生物可能太微小不容易被过滤器捕捉到。 过滤器用于实验开始时把生物从水中筛选出来以便进行分析。 www.ecocn.org There are innumerable tools and techniques that you can use to winnow out the falsehoods, and people who work hard to help you understand what's real and what isn't. 你有数不清的可以用来筛除虚假信息的工具和技术,也有无数努力工作的人在帮助你辨别什么是真的,什么不是。 article.yeeyan.org And over time, the economic analogue of natural selection operates as the market determines which firms are profitable and which are unprofitable, and tends to winnow out the latter. 同样随着时间变化,经济领域中也发生着自然选择,即市场决定着哪些企业可以盈利,哪些不能,并渐渐把后者淘汰出局。 Winsome 迷人的;可爱的;引人注目的 lovely , attractive , taking , pretty , killing 双语例句权威例句 But winsome didn't win the day, and neither did hard luck stories. 但是可爱并没有获胜,而不幸的故事也没有获胜。 article.yeeyan.org A winsome young lass in a floppy hat, gazing soulfully to the horizon in a windblown field—soft focus, in pastels. 一个迷人的带着松软帽子的少女,深情注目着风吹麦田的地平线,伴着粉红色的梦幻柔焦。 www.ecocn.org At the other end sat a winsome, child-sized fibreglass animal: the whole contraption was motorised Belatedly, the penny dropped. 座位的另一边“端坐”着一个玻璃做的小动物,就像一个小孩子那么大,可爱极了。 还有一点与众不同的是,这个跷跷板是全机械控制的,精巧灵动。 Wistful 渴望的;留恋的;沉思的 eager , hungry , desired , anxious , sick 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The experience will fill you with fond memories and perhaps make you a bit wistful for days gone by. 曾经的经历会让你充满爱的回忆,你或许会对那些逝去的日子多少有一些留恋。 www.kekenet.com He imbues the shortest poem, a 1986 homage to an English Test cricketer, with a wistful punch: “I saw Len Hutton in his prime/Another time/another time”. 他挥舞着渴望的拳头,吟咏最短的诗《1986年的敬意,献给英国测试赛板球手》:“我看到了黄金时代的莱恩•赫顿/又一次/又一次”。 www.ecocn.org Whereas wild animals like wolves will avert their eyes when spotted, dogs and cats readily return our gaze, and with an apparent emotiveness that stimulates the wistful narrative in our head. 然而像狼这样的野生动物通常会躲避人类的直视,而猫狗则乐于回应我们的注目,而且还带有明显的情感表露,刺激了人脑中的叙事渴望。 Withhold 保留,不给;隐瞒;抑制 reserve , control , restrain vi. 忍住;克制 refrain from , forbear from 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Only in the administration's second year did it withhold some aid. 奥巴马政府执政第二年才保留了一部分的支援。 www.hrw.org Ah, those poor emerging online-video outfits, so in need of protection from big, bad media companies that might try to withhold their programmes. How puny they are. 那些新兴的弱小在线视频机构极度需要大型、邪恶的媒体公司的保护,就怕那些公司不给他们提供节目,真是备受欺辱啊。 www.ecocn.org But the UK Border Agency will refuse your application and you may be banned from coming to the UK for 10 years if you use a false document, lie or withhold relevant information. 但是如果发现申请者使用了虚假材料,撒谎或对相关信息有所保留的情况,英国边境管理局将拒绝他们的申请, 并可能禁止在10年内前往英国。 Wizen 使凋谢;使枯萎;使干瘪 blast , wither up adj. 凋谢的;枯萎的 emarcid , weazen 双语例句 Hard wind and bitter cold wizen his face. 强风与酷寒使他的脸孔皱缩了。 www.dictall.com There would be a day when our faces would be wrinkled and wizen . 总有一天,我们的脸会布满皱纹而且变得皱缩的。 www.dictall.com Wobble 摇晃;摇摆;游移不定 rock , roll n. [物]摆动;摇晃;不稳定 instability , flux , roll , swing vt. 使摇摆;使颤动;摇动 rock , shake 双语例句权威例句 As it slows down, its axis starts to wobble—unstable, " Nimmo said. 当它慢下来时,它的轴就开始摇晃,不稳定。” 尼姆说。 article.yeeyan.org A large hedge fund caused the system to wobble in 1998, and the same could happen again. 一个巨大的对冲基金在1998年引起系统的摇摆,因此这还可能再次发生。 www.ecocn.org But in reality, the wobble of the Earth on its axis -- which we call "precession" -- has led to them being all out of sync. 而事实情况是,地球在其轴线上的摇动——我们称为“岁差”——让这些星座都偏离了原来的时刻。 Wont 习惯;惯常活动 manner , custom , habit , way vi. 习惯,惯常 habit of , settle sb in vt. 使习惯于 accustom to , habituate 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But I, and many like me wont be fooled. 但是我,还有许多跟我一样的人,不会被你欺骗。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org The poor man is wont to complain that this is a cold world; and to cold, no less physical than social, we refer directly a great part of our ails. 可怜的人们总是习惯于抱怨这个世界的寒冷;我们也把大部分疾患的成因直接归罪于寒冷——既有自然的寒冷,也有人际的冷漠。 article.yeeyan.org Well in advance of our theoretical expiration date, credit is likely to evaporate, interest rates to spike, the dollar to wobble and a crisis to unfold – suddenly and ferociously as markets are wont. 远在理论上提高债务上限的截止日期之前,我们可能看到的是信贷蒸发、利率飙升、美元波动,一场危机即将展开——以那种市场所惯常的突然而又迅猛的方式。 Worldly 世俗的;世间的;尘世的 lay , mundane adv. 世俗地;世故地 mundanely , carnally 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He is fond of worldly enjoyments. 他喜爱世俗的享乐。 《新英汉大辞典》 However, in real life, to be able to be a monastic who can shake off all worldly concerns requires a lot of merits and wisdom! 然而,在现实生活中,有资格成为一名能够摆脱一切尘世困扰的和尚是需要大量的功德和智慧的! article.yeeyan.org Because after a year of all this worldly mess, He knew we needed at least a few weeks, where we would try our best to be like Him. 因为上帝了解我们在这样的一年的世俗混乱之后,至少需要一些休息时间。 如此,我们才能够尽力地向上帝靠拢。 Wrangle 争论;吵嘴 controversy , combat vi. 争论;争吵 debate , row , exchange blows words vt. 争论;争吵;辩驳 debate , exchange blows words 双语例句权威例句 Don't wrangle with others over trifles. 别为一些琐事与别人争吵。 《新英汉大辞典》 The two countries fought a border war in 1979 and continue to wrangle over control of islands in the South China Sea. 两国曾在1979年因边境问题打仗,而且在南中国海几个岛屿的控制权问题上也一直是争吵不休。 c.wsj.com In political terms, he will “own” health care: suddenly every shortcoming in America’s system—each delayed appointment, insurance wrangle or botched operation—will be his fault. 在政治谈判中,他“拥有”医疗:美国政府系统突然出现的每个缺点,都将是他的错误——每次约定的推迟、保险的争论、行动的修补。 Wreak 发泄;报仇 give vent to , take revenge 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Does this not wreak of discrimination? 这难道不是在发泄歧视吗? www.elanso.com One way to reduce the financial havoc these hormones might wreak could be for trading desks to hire more women. 交易部门雇佣更多的女性是一中减少金融浩劫的方法,尽管这些激素可能会报复。 www.ecocn.org EVER since the atom was split, governments have struggled to control a force with potential for good that can also wreak awful destruction. 自从原子裂解以来,各国政府都在努力控制一种永远潜在的武力,能够以极大的破坏力泄愤报仇。 Wrench 扳手,[机]扳钳;扭伤;痛苦;歪曲;猛扭 violence , smart , strain , hurt vt. 扭伤;猛扭;曲解;折磨 harry , worry , trouble , tear vi. 扭伤;猛扭;猛绞 rick 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Could you reproduce the wrench? 你能复制这个扳手吗? www.hjenglish.com I had to run around to several shops to get that wrench. 我跑了好几家商店, 才找到那种扳手。 《新英汉大辞典》 As you go, apply slightly more pressure with the wrench until you have all the pins lifted up. 过程中,要不断略微增加在扳手上的力量直到你将所有的针脚都挑起来。 article.yeeyan.org Writ 令状;文书;法院命令 clerical assistant , diploma 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The state has lost its writ in Karachi. “国家已经失去了在卡拉奇的令状”。 www.ecocn.org After the court imposed the lien, it usually issues a writ directing the sheriff to seize the property. 当法庭判决留置权后,其通常签发一令状,指示司法行政官扣押该财产。 www.ebigear.com Recently the debate came alive after the Lahore High Court had set aside a writ petition which aimed to lift the ban on kite flying and the ruling observed that it was a dangerous activity. 最近这场争辩因为拉合尔高等法院驳回一份令状请求而再趋热络,这份令状目的是解除此项风筝禁令以及视其为危险活动的判决。 Writhe 扭曲;扭动 distort , contort n. 翻滚;扭动;苦恼 misery , agony 双语例句权威例句 The more the worms writhe, the more I yearn to crush out their entrails! 虫子越扭动,我越想挤出它们的内脏! www.putclub.com Is it not sufficient for your infernal selfishness, that while you are at peace I shall writhe in the torments of hell? 当你得到安息的时候,我却要在地狱的折磨里受煎熬,这还不够使你那狠毒的自私心得到满足吗? www.putclub.com Use your surroundings: The wall — lean your back against it and writhe, or slide down into a squat and up again (so long as you’re sure your thighs are strong enough to get you back up effortlessly). 运用你周围的环境:墙壁——将你的后背靠着它,并且扭动你的身体,或者是蹲下然后再起来(只要你能保证你的紧身衣能够让你毫不费力地支撑)。 article.yeeyan.org Xerohpyte These suggested that Armeniaca mandshurica belonged to thin-leaf xerophyte. 并认为东北杏属薄叶型旱生植物。 www.juyy.net The moisture ecotypes consist of 72.2% of mesophyte, 17.2% of hydrophyte or hygrophyte and 10.7% of xerophyte, respectively. 水分生态类型中,以中生植物为优势,所占比例为72.2%,水生或湿生禾草占7.2%,旱生禾草仅占10.7%; dict.cnki.net Gramineae life form was made up of perennial plant and annual plant and the ecotype was consisted of mesophyte and xerophyte. 生活型为多年生植物和一年生植物,生态型为中生植物和旱生植物两种类型。 Yaw 火箭、飞机、宇宙飞船等)[航]偏航 leeway , sheer vi. [航]偏航 sheer 双语例句权威例句 The new phase will extend this to pitch and yaw for all-axis control. 后面的阶段,将进一步延伸到飞机倾斜和偏航时翻滚轴的控制。 www.etiri.com.cn What really makes Skies of Glory great in the control department is yaw control via two on-screen buttons. 而真正让《天空的荣耀》在操作方面鹤立鸡群的是在屏幕上的两个偏航控制按钮。 article.yeeyan.org What really makes Skies of Glory great in the control department is yaw control via two on-screen buttons. 通过屏幕上的两个按键,进行偏航操纵让《天空荣耀》在控制部分显得非常棒。 Yawn 哈欠;裂口 breakage , chasm vi. [生理]打呵欠;裂开 gap , seam vt. 张开;打著呵欠说 splay 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Then they start to yawn, we start to yawn. 然后他们开始打哈欠,我们也开始打哈欠。 article.yeeyan.org Why do we yawn? 我们为什么打哈欠? article.yeeyan.org Scientists at Princeton University found a big yawn can regulate the temperature of the brain and prevent over-heating. 普林斯顿大学的科学家发现,打一个大大哈欠可以调节人脑温度,避免人脑过热。 Yeast 酵母;泡沫;酵母片;引起骚动因素 bubble , foam 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Yeast makes beer work. 酵母使啤酒发酵。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 It was fortunate for that yeast to be there at the time so it could become part of history. “但幸运的是,远古的酵母被树脂包裹了起来,因此它成为历史的一部分”。 article.yeeyan.org A starter solution harboring all the right microbeasties (sort of the yeast for the dough) was later hauled in on a different truck from the Pacific Ocean. Stir together well, and pour. 稍后,另一辆卡车会从太平洋拉来含有合适微生物(类似发面团用的酵母)的启动溶液,然后搅和好,倒进去。 dongxi.net Yokel 乡巴佬;庄稼汉 jaap , bumkin 双语例句权威例句 Local yokel:Nothing---I was born here. 乡下佬:没什么--我就出生在这个地方。 www.ebigear.com Local yokel: Yes, sir. When I arrived here, I couldn't walk or eat solid food. 乡下佬:是的,先生。我刚到这时,我既不会走路也不能吃硬的东西。 zhidao.baidu.com Even Mr. Lincoln was mocked as a country yokel at the beginning, but saved the union and still presides in marble on the edge of the Potomac. 想当初,不是连林肯先生也曾被人讥笑为“乡巴佬”么? 而他却拯救了联邦,至今其大理石雕像仍然雄踞于波托马克河畔呢! Yoke 轭;束缚;牛轭 chain , restriction vt. 结合;给…上轭 couple , become one , link vi. 结合;匹配 bond , couple , become one , combine 双语例句原声例句权威例句 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. 因为我的轭是容易的,我的担子是轻省的。 www.ebigear.com As a farmer, you should learn how to yoke the oxen together. 作为农民,你应该学会怎样把一对牛用轭连起来。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 As Seneca put it: ‘An animal, struggling against the noose, tightens it... there is no yoke so tight that it will not hurt the animal less if it pulls with it than if it fights against it. 就像塞内加所言:“一个动物,如果它和套索较劲,只会让套索越勒越紧……如果它拉着轭套走路,而不是与之厮斗,那么,没有哪一件轭套会紧到足以造成伤害的地步。 Yore 昔时,从前 once upon a time , ages ago 双语例句权威例句 These are not the log cabins of yore; many are well-equipped and spacious second addresses. 这些屋子不是过去的伐木小屋,很多都是装备齐全的、宽敞的第二居所。 www.ecocn.org The miners, now consolidated into very large firms and run by bean counters rather than the boozy engineers of yore, know that this is no negotiating position at all. 现在的矿产商已经合并成巨型公司,由精于算计的人而不是往日醉醺醺的工程师来经营,他们认为这根本就没有谈判的余地。 article.yeeyan.org Every election throws up an identikit swing voter—“Mondeo man” and “Worcester woman” in campaigns of yore—whose demographic group is said to hold the key to the outcome. 每一次选举都会抛出一个招摇的选民,譬如昔日运动中的“蒙迪欧男人”和“伍斯特女人”, 据统计,其人数掌握着最终的结果。 www.ecocn.org Zephyr Soon Zephyr brought Psyche's sisters for a little visit. 很快,西风将普赛克的姐姐们带来了。 www.24en.com Real train pros. They have taken Amtrak's Zephyr from San Francisco to Denver, and the Empire Builder through Glacier National Park, from Chicago to Seattle. 他们搭乘美国铁路公司的西风列车从旧金山到丹佛,然后再搭乘铁路帝国列车从芝加哥出发,穿越国家冰川公园来到西雅图。 article.yeeyan.org We had a layover of several hours in Chicago before boarding the Zephyr for San Francisco, so we dashed over to the Art Institute to see the excellent new Renzo Piano wing. 在芝加哥登上西风号快车前往旧金山前,我们有几个小时的空余时间,所以我们就赶到芝加哥艺术学院去看由建筑大师伦佐•皮亚诺设计的新楼。 Zesty 兴高采烈的;有滋味的 精力充沛的,热情洋溢的 变形: adj. zestier . zestiest 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 A mob of zombies will stalk the night, and a handful of zesty firms will dance at dawn. 一群僵尸企业将在夜间大行其道,而少量的阳光企业则在清晨舞步蹁跹。 www.ecocn.org Dig in to chilli poppers (zesty large chillies oozing melted cheese) or chicken satay with curly fries. 大吃一顿辣椒(辣椒从灿烂的奶酪里渗出)或者吃些鸡肉沙爹和炸薯条。 article.yeeyan.org The zesty pumpkin pie recipe joins others already on her site, like sweet potato salad with raisins and turkey with almonds and apricots. 除了这道风味浓厚的南瓜饼食谱以外,网站还推出了葡萄干番薯沙拉以及杏仁杏子火鸡。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-10-01 13:24:15

    Vitriolic 硫酸的;刻薄的 acid , acrimonious 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The vitriolic tone is unusual for a debate on the Fed, which is traditionally accorded respect from politicians and has vaunted its independence from Congress. 这种刻薄的语调此前很少出现在围绕美联储的辩论中。 美联储向来备受政界尊重,且自夸独立于国会。 www.ftchinese.com You will see in the thread below vitriolic comments about smokers being disgusting, revolting, even sub-human; for smokers are now fair game for just about any sort of abuse. 以下您将看到对吸烟者的讨厌、反感甚至非人性的刻薄意见;现在对于吸烟者,是一场几乎存在滥用各种方式的公平游戏。 article.yeeyan.org Onscreen Chemistry? The pair share a vitriolic relationship which is hardly romantic, but it showcases some of their finest work as they head to some dark places as a couple. 两人之间的那种刻薄冷漠的感情很难说是一种浪漫,但它展现了两人关系在即将滑向低谷之前所能展现出最美好的一面。 Vituperate 谩骂;责骂 rate , hop on 双语例句 revile, vituperate, rail These verbs mean to reprimand or criticize angrily or vehemently . 这些动词意为愤怒或恶毒地斥责或批评。 www.ecd123.com scold, upbraid, berate, revile, vituperate, rail These verbs mean to reprimand or criticize angrily or vehemently . 这些动词意为愤怒或恶毒地斥责或批评。 www.ecd123.com The most typical performance of stubbornness is to quarrel or even vituperate unreasoningly. I can say that, 90% of the people on line are only making irresponsible remarks. 顽固最典型的表现就是无理性地争执甚至漫骂,我可以说,90%的人在网上都是在毫不负责任地信口雌黄,例子我都不多举了。 Vivacious 活泼的;快活的;有生气的 alive , lively , activated , sunny 双语例句原声例句权威例句 She is vivacious, beautiful and intelligent, and yet she dates you; ergo you have hidden assets. 她活泼、漂亮、聪明,而她与你约会,这说明你具有不外露的优点。 www.ftchinese.com It’s easy enough for the reader to guess where the relationship between Alvo and Lula is headed, even if Ms. Prose’s vivacious prose initially makes the road there fairly scenic. 读者不难猜到阿尔瓦诺和卢拉的情感道路将通向何方,即使普罗斯女士起初用活泼的散文风格将这条道路描绘的景色迷人。 article.yeeyan.org She was really but a child, fresh, vivacious and aloof; it seemed that she always shook off every unpleasant thought with a liveliness that was, at once, charming, ingenuous and roguish. 她确实还只是个孩子,容光焕发,性情活泼,而又态度孤傲;似乎她随时能用她那娇媚、天真、淘气的活泼抖落掉一切不愉快的心思。 article.yeeyan.org Vociferous 大声叫的;喊叫的,喧嚷的 rowdydowdy , brawly 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Moreover, in 1999 the government introduced a minimum wage, arousing now-forgotten but vociferous opposition from the Tory party and businessmen. 此外,1999年政府提出的最低工资引起了保守党和商人的虽被忘记但是沸沸扬扬的反对。 www.ecocn.org From his earliest writings to his last works, he has drawn vociferous critics, but that is the mark of a scholar who has important and fundamental things to say. 从他最早期的著作到最后一本 著作都引起激烈的批评,但这正是有重要和根本的东西要说的学者的标志。 article.yeeyan.org From his earliest writings to his last works, he has drawn vociferous critics, but that is the mark of a scholar who has important and fundamental things to say. 从他最早的作品到他最后的工作,人们对他的批评纷至沓来,但对于一个有着自己真知灼见的学者而言,此无异为一种标志。 Volition 意志,意志力;决断力 purpose , psychokinesis 双语例句权威例句 All talk about consciousness, volition, and aiming at ends is empty. 任何有关意识、意志和最终目的的讨论是没有意义的。 article.yeeyan.org All the men have is momentum and loaded weapons, which seem to fire of their own volition, since that's what loaded weapons like to do. 这些男人们拥有的只有狂野的冲劲和上膛的武器,就仿佛这些武器都以自己的意志在开火一般,因为这正是上膛的武器的诉求。 article.yeeyan.org We perceive something in the world that we want and we have the power of volition to get it; likewise, we have the power to avoid the things we don’t want. 我们将世界中的事物认知为我们需要的,和我们有意志力能得到的;同样,我们有能力避免不想发生的事情。 article.yeeyan.org Volley 齐射;齐射出的子弹;凌空状态 salvo vi. 截击;齐鸣;进行群射 salvo 双语例句权威例句 Or it could be a tennis player chasing down a volley during the final game of a classic match. 又或许,是经典网球赛事总决赛中一个选手飞身截击的镜头。 www.i21st.cn An audacious, astonishing first-time volley that smacked against the bar attested to his confidence. 他第一次凌空射门,打在横梁上,大胆而又技惊四座,证明了他的自信。 article.yeeyan.org Still, it must be important – as one magazine observes, Koreans say their music "is as forceful and exciting as a volley of multiple launch rocket systems". 但它一定很重要——像一家杂志观察的,朝鲜人民说他们的音乐“和多管火箭炮齐发一样强有力而且激动人心。” article.yeeyan.org Voluble 健谈的;缠绕的;易旋转的 talkable , communicative 双语例句权威例句 Even the sack would have been unlikely to damp for long the spirits of the voluble, irrepressibly upbeat Prof Hopper (who claims as his personal motto: “Have your cake and eat it”). 就算是解雇,也不可能让健谈又极为乐观的霍珀教授消沉多久。 他宣称自己的个人信条是:“鱼和熊掌兼得”。 www.ftchinese.com Unlike the U.S., says Abbas, China is viewed positively by much of the Pakistani public, whose voluble media tends to blame the country's travails on American, Israeli or Indian meddling. 不像美国,阿巴斯说,多数巴基斯坦公众积极看待中国,它健谈的媒体常常指责该国对美国,以色列或印度干涉所做的艰苦努力。 article.yeeyan.org Mr. Li, 48, is the voluble son of former farmers who has built one of China's biggest privately owned car makers on the back of a tiny rural photo studio he started after finishing high school. 李书福今年48岁,非常健谈,出身于农民家庭,高中毕业后,从经营一家极小的农村照相馆开始,逐步建立起了中国最大的一个民营汽车制造企业 Voluminous 大量的;多卷的,长篇的;著书多的 massive , extensive , substantial , macro , much 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But why collect such voluminous amounts of location data anyway? 不过为什么收集大量的定位信息呢? www.ecocn.org In a series of online opinion-surveys and in voluminous press commentary, debate has been surprisingly intense. 在一系列的在线调查和大量的新闻报道,公众辩论异常激烈。 article.yeeyan.org In the not-too-distant past, software development processes were captured in the form of voluminous text descriptions, if they were captured at all. 在前不久,如果想要获取软件开发过程,基本上是通过大量文字信息描述的形式进行的。 Voluptuous 撩人的;骄奢淫逸的;沉溺酒色的 tantalizing 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Her flamboyant image was attractive and inviting. She had a distinctive soft voice and a voluptuous figure. 她艳丽的形象非常诱人,还有着独特的温柔嗓音和撩人的身段。 www.tingvoa.com The video served as a showcase for the blond, voluptuous Kendall, who was chosen as Playboy’s Playmate of the Month in September 1990. 在这部影片中,这位性感撩人的金发女郎肯德尔尽情展示了她的妩媚。 1990年9月,肯德尔当选为《花花公子》的当月游伴。 dongxi.net Many women feel their most beautiful as they transition into the third trimester, sporting voluptuous breasts, a dewy glow and a belly bump that fits perfectly into trendy maternity clothes. 许多女性感觉当她们进入怀孕后期的时候是最美的,易动而撩人的乳房、犹似带着水温的鲜艳色彩以及完美的穿着孕妇装时那隆起的肚子。 Voracious 贪婪的;贪吃的;狼吞虎咽的 greedy , grasping 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Life is voracious, it swallows all the dead. 生命是贪婪的,它吞噬所有死亡。 article.yeeyan.org Death is voracious, it swallows all the living. 死亡是贪婪的,它吞噬所有生命。 article.yeeyan.org Local media are covering every aspect of the scare with a voracious appetite. 当地媒体正在用贪婪的胃口报道这一恐慌的每一方面。 Votary 崇拜者;出家人 worshiper , adorer 双语例句权威例句 he was a votary of John Keats. 他是诗人济慈的崇拜者。 blog.sina.com.cn Akshay Babu, who had made the passion in English literature living to us, was himself a votary of the emotional life. 阿卡什先生,这位使我们逼真地感到英国文学强烈情感的人,他自己就是一个性情中人。 article.yeeyan.org The organismic, "what you can do for your country" implies that government is the master or the deity, the citizen, the servant or the votary. 而后半句" 你能为你的国家做些什么"则意味着政府是主人,或者是神祗,公民只是仆人或者信徒。 Vulture 秃鹰,秃鹫;贪婪的人 condor 双语例句原声例句权威例句 They attack it, like a vulture on prey. 他们会采取进攻,就像秃鹰捕食猎物一样。 article.yeeyan.org When someone calls you a “vulture”, it is not a compliment. 当有人叫你“秃鹫”的时候,那不是恭维之词。 article.yeeyan.org A turkey-like bird with a vulture's head, the vulturine guineafowl makes its home in the dry grasslands of northeast Africa. 这只样子像火鸡的鸟长着个秃鹫头,它的名字叫做鹫珠鸡,生活在非洲东北部干旱的草原上。 Vying 竞争的 competitive , rival v. 争夺(vie的现在分词) scrambling 双语例句原声例句权威例句 In vying for influence in Asia, China has many competitors. 中国在竞争亚洲的影响力方面有许多的对手。 www.ecocn.org But it may be vying with the ones found in Svalbard and Mexico for the title of the world's largest. 但它可能会与在斯瓦尔巴群岛和墨西哥发现的恐龙争夺世界最大物种的头衔。 article.yeeyan.org Yet one beauty queen vying for the Miss America title in Las Vegas this week has barely any hair on her head. 然而,本周在拉斯维加斯争夺美国小姐的赛场上,有这样一位候选人,她的头上几乎是秀发无踪。 Waddle 蹒跚;摇摆的步子 titubation , hitchiness vi. 摇摇摆摆地走;蹒跚而行 wag 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Pre-pregnancy it seemed strange to me that pregnant women waddle while nonpregnant women who weigh the same walk normally. 在怀孕之前看到怀孕的女性走跟蹒跚而一样体重的没有怀孕的女性去能正常走路,我感到很奇怪。 article.yeeyan.org To waddle a given distance, penguins use twice as much energy as other creatures of the same size use to walk equally far. 同样一段距离,企鹅以其摇摆的方式来行走,所消耗掉的体能是其他同体型动物的两倍之多。 edu.sina.com.cn Crowds packed into this fashion show tend to watch models of their feathered and beaked kind waddle their way down the catwalk. 人们挤到时装秀台前,就是想目睹身着羽毛的,嘴带喙的“模特们”走猫步。 Waffle ;动听而无意义的话;无聊话 small change , wish-wash vi. 胡扯;闲聊 chat about , make conversation 双语例句权威例句 Keeping things short and sweet not only shows people that you are concise and don't waffle, but that you also know what you want. 亲切简洁的语言彰显了你简明的个性,不仅不会被误认为是在胡扯,还让对方知道你是一个了解自己想要什么的人。 www.kekenet.com Barry McRoy, a South Carolina fire and rescue director, was leaving a Waffle House restaurant when two men came in fighting over a gun. 巴里•麦克罗伊是一位南加利福尼亚州的火灾和营救主管,当他离开“闲聊屋”旅店的时候正好碰上两个人在枪战。 edu.sina.com.cn He needs to be a lot clearer and firmer about how he will deal with America’s foes and rivals: his first instinct when Russia invaded Georgia was to waffle. 他需要更加清楚以及坚定他将如何处理美国的敌人和竞争对手。 当俄罗斯入侵格鲁吉亚的时候,他的第一反应竟认为这是胡扯。 Waft Occasionally, the poisons waft ashore to fill clinics with coughing patients. 有时,毒素向岸上飘荡,使得诊所里充满了咳嗽的患者。 www.ecocn.org "It is a matter of waft rather than word-choice, " he tells us, with a characteristically musical turn of phrase. 他告诉我们,带着一种表示特性的短语的音乐变化,“那只关乎虚无,而不是单词选择”。 www.ecocn.org I opened the plastic boxes that I'd carried, sealed, all the way from London, and the stench of farmhouse cheeses began to waft across the room. 我打开了一个从伦敦带来的密封塑料盒,一时间,农场自制奶酪特有的臭味开始在房间里飘荡。 Wag 打趣的人 Waif 流浪者;流浪儿;飘流物;无主物;[水运]信号旗 Vagabonds , Nads 双语例句权威例句 She is both waif and woman of the world. 她是世界的公主,人间的精灵。 article.yeeyan.org But the image persists of a pathetic waif, too frail for this world. 但是光影和胶片塑造的只是一个可怜、脆弱的弃儿形象。 article.yeeyan.org THE girl is Lisbeth Salander, a tattooed bisexual waif with autistic tendencies, a profound distrust of all authority, astonishing ability with a computer and no less astonishing physical courage. 这个女孩,名叫思帕•萨兰德。 她,一个玉体纹身,有自闭症倾向的流浪女,系怀疑权威的双性恋者,电脑能力惊人,体能也惊人。 Wallow 打滚;沉迷;颠簸 roll about n. 打滚;堕落;泥坑 corruption , degradation , deterioration 双语例句权威例句 And he feels like, well, what good will it do just to wallow in the feelings? 但他认为,好吧,到底沉迷这些感受有什么好处? article.yeeyan.org I generally prefer to wallow in my shyness rather than overcome it, but even I thought this was a good idea. 我通常更偏向于沉迷于我的害羞之中,而不是克服它,尽管如此,我仍认为这个想法不错。 www.ftchinese.com Although these animals do not wallow, they roll on the ground in order to "scent mark", which has an important role in attracting a mate. 尽管这些动物不在泥巴里打滚,但它们在陆地上打滚,留下气味,有利于吸引异性。 Walrus 海象 sea elephant , sea-ox 双语例句权威例句 Walrus need either ice or land to rest. 海象的主要休息地为冰面或陆地。 www.ebigear.com During his time there they were working on words starting with W, and one of the words he worked on was walrus. 他在那里时,他们致力于研究以W开头的单词,海象就是他所从事研究中的一个单词。 article.yeeyan.org Morse was yet another name that appeared before walrus and seems to have spread to other languages only to drop out of use in English. 莫尔斯是另一个在海象流传以前就存在的名称,并且似乎已经传播到其他语言而唯独在英语中退出了。 Wan 无血色的,苍白的;病态的;暗淡的 gray , sick , dirty vi. 变苍白 turn white , pale vt. 使变苍白;使呈病态 pale 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Tony looked so wan and tired that I knew something must be wrong. 托尼看起来是如此的苍白与疲惫,我知道一定出事了。 www.24en.com So the simple answer would be: Sure, go ahead, if you have a fast and reliable WAN. 所以简单的回答是:当然,请继续这样做,如果您有一个又快又可靠的 WAN。 www.ibm.com Moreover, n-tier architecture allows for applications to be securely deployed over the WAN while the database can remain securely behind the corporate firewall. 而且,n 层架构允许将应用程序安全地部署在 WAN 上,同时数据库能够在公司防火墙之后得到保护。 Wane 衰落;变小;亏缺;[海洋]退潮;消逝 decline , slump n. [经]衰退;[天]月亏;衰退期;缺损 recession , downturn , decline 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The party is also seeing its influence in Berlin wane. 该党也看到了自身在柏林影响力的衰落。 www.ecocn.org Two years on, resentment of American hegemony is alive and well, along with a sense that it may be on the wane anyway. 两年来,两国对美国霸权的不满继续强烈地存在,并感觉到无论如何这种霸权都处于逐渐衰落之中。 www.ecocn.org Protection in vaccinated individuals will wane after a year or two, so protection against Lyme disease in previously vaccinated people will be nonexistent. 接种疫苗的个体在一到两年后预防效果就会衰退,所以之前接种过疫苗的人群并不能抵御莱姆病。 Wangle 欺诈行为;哄骗;伪造 forging , falsification vt. 扭身挤出;使用诡计;骗取 cheat , blag 双语例句权威例句 Some fall in love with the West and decide to stay, if they can wangle a visa. 有些人则和西方人坠入爱河并决定定居国外,如果他们能想法弄到签证的话。 article.yeeyan.org Although I was meant to give the authorities one month notice before going on a tour of the library, Saggy managed to wangle me in. 虽然去图书馆参观之前,我很想专注当地政局,了解一个月的时间,萨给却把我成功的骗到了这里来。 www.kekenet.com And I am sorry to say that the Pussy-cat and the Quangle-Wangle crept softly and bit off the tail-feathers of all the sixty-five parrots, for which Violet reproved them both severely. 不过,我很难过地告诉大家,猫咪和Quangle-Wangle蹑手蹑脚地爬过去,咬掉了所有这六十五只鹦鹉的尾羽,为此Violet狠狠地训了它们俩 Waylay 伏击;埋伏 ambush 双语例句 One day his uncle asks Fish to deliver a package to a man at the docks, but pirates waylay him before he can pass it off. 有一天,他的叔叔要求鱼商在码头一包到人,但海盗伏击才可以将它传递了他。 www.ccebook.net How stupid of me that after the failed surprise on the ride to Scwetzingen, I had been afraid to waylay Hanna and see what she was like as a conductor. 在乘车去往青格的途中,我感到多么愚蠢,我竟一直担心会碰到汉娜,看到她检票的情形。 article.yeeyan.org He would often waylay me as I was going to class and produce a piece of paper from his pocket, often with a puzzle already on it. The puzzles were usually mathematical or logical. 他经常在我进教室的路上拦住我,然后从口袋里掏出一张纸条给我,上面通常写着有关数学或逻辑的难题。 Warp 使变形;使有偏见;曲解 transfigure , deform vi. 变歪,变弯;曲解 read into , put a force upon 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Years of living alone may warp one's personality. 长期的孤身生活会使人的性格变得乖戾。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 In his theory of general relativity, Einstein realized that space and time can stretch and warp in ways that change the trajectory of light. 爱因斯坦在他的广义相对论中认识到,可以以改变光轨迹的方式对时间和空间进行拉伸和弯曲。 article.yeeyan.org If that is true, though, it is because the laws of physics do not let you warp space-time enough to create them—not because they let you kill your grandfather before you are born. 假如的确不存在,那也是因为物理学定律没有让你把时空扭曲到一定程度来创造这些曲线,并不是因为定律让你的祖父在你出生前就夺去你的生命。 Wastrel 废品;浪费者 waste product , rejected material 双语例句权威例句 What matters now is that London makes the best of its folly—and beats the sorry standards set by past wastrel hosts of the sporting jamboree. 现在的问题是伦敦如何充分地在往届铺张浪费的“奥运狂欢会”的“废物主办国”所制定的条条框框下尽力做到最好。 www.ecocn.org The government of Luxembourg, however, has recently grown fed up with wastrel youths applying for unemployment benefits while still living with their parents. 然而在卢森堡,政府对那些与父母同住又来领救济金无所事事的年轻人越来越忍无可忍。 article.yeeyan.org By setting out his stall first, the Treasury secretary managed to avoid the impression of being an incorrigible wastrel, summoned to see his suspicious bank manager. 盖特纳首先把自己的计划展示出来,避免给人留下这样一种印象:他是一个无可救药的挥霍者,被起了疑心的银行经理唤来见面。 Weasel 逃避;含糊其辞 get out of , run from n. 鼬鼠;狡猾的人 fox , serpent 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This is a picture of a weasel I found in Northern Minnesota. 这是我在明尼苏达州北部所发现的一只黄鼠的照片。 article.yeeyan.org Another new award is for the Best Combination of Weasel Words. 另一个新奖项是“含糊其词最佳混搭奖”。 www.ftchinese.com Unlike the weasel-worded Liberal Democratic Party, which long ran the country, Mr Hatoyama’s new government, he says, “has the courage to face up to history.” 长期统治日本的自民党对侵略历史含糊其辞,鸠山的新政府,与此不同,他说,“(日本)有信心面对历史”。 Weld 焊接;使结合;使成整体 combine , bond n. [机]焊接;焊接点 jointing , soldering 双语例句权威例句 Weld abandoned tools onto the wheel. 把废弃的工具焊接上车轮。 www.hjenglish.com Teaching a welder to look after automation is easier than teaching an automation engineer how to weld, he says. 他表示,相比教会自动化工程师如何焊接,教会焊工维护自动化系统要容易一些。 www.ftchinese.com In another building, workers weld solar cells together into strips, then align them by eye on a light box to form the rows and columns of cells that make up a complete solar panel. 在另一个车间里,工人将太阳能电池焊接成一条,然后将这些电池放在一个灯箱中,排成横列和数列,这样就制造成了一个完整的太阳能板。 Welter 翻滚;沉溺;起伏 wave , roll over n. 混乱;翻滚;起伏 disorder , chaos , confusion , fluctuation , turmoil 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Mother told her son not to welter in pleasure and idleness. 妈妈对他的儿子说不要沉溺于享乐和闲逸之中。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 It should be very interesting to watch the political sparks fly as the W3C tries to extract something coherent from this welter. 观赏这样的政治争斗非常有趣,因为 W3C 可以尝试着从这种混乱中获取相关的利益。 www.ibm.com Callaway has to conform to a welter of arcane specifications: there are regulations about how far from the centre of the club a ball can be hit and still go straight, for example. 卡拉威必须遵守那些混乱的必可思议的规则:比如对于一个高尔夫球从俱乐部中间击球直线飞行距离有多远的规定。 Wheedle 以甜言蜜语劝诱、说服、骗取: to wheedle for something 花言巧语地骗取东西 更多结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 Sorry to interrupt, but Jane Wheedle is waiting to see you. 抱歉打扰了,不过珍,惠锋正在等着见您。 mysearch.100e.com He hopes to wheedle enough support from the national and prefecture governments to show progress rebuilding before leading citizens move away. 他希望能从中央和县级政府获得足够的帮助,在具有带头作用的市民离开前向他们展示重建进展。 c.wsj.com I’m sure there will be stories where some reporter talks to people who know Jobs—his friends, his neighbors—and tries to wheedle out some tidbit of information. 我敢肯定,肯定会有记者对乔布斯的朋友、乔布斯的邻居专访,而且他们还会想法设法地抠出来点八卦消息大报特报。 Whet 刺激;磨快;促进 stimulate , facilitate , fan , promote , boost n. 磨;开胃物;刺激物 stimulus , milling 双语例句权威例句 Companions, the creator seeketh, and such as know how to whet their sickles. 开创者找寻的是伙伴,是那些懂得如何磨快镰刀的人。 article.yeeyan.org The sight of Mercedes on the roads also whet the town's appetite for more luxury cars. 奔驰车在马路上形成的风景线还刺激了这个城镇购买更多豪华车的欲望。 www.voanews.com.cn A little book on the human shadow, by the poet and author Robert Bly, is a wonderful introduction to the topic and will whet your appetite for a shadow buffet. 一本由诗人兼作家罗伯特-布莱写的关于人类的隐性人格的小书是对于这一话题的精彩介绍并能促进你对隐性人格的冲击欲望。 Whiff 吸;喷出 inhaust , belch out n. 一点点;[船]单人小划艇;琴鲆属鱼;吸气或吹气 little bit , just a little vi. 喷气;垂钓;轻吹 air injection 双语例句原声例句权威例句 If that idea has the whiff of failure about it, well, sniff again. 如果说这个主意有一点点失败之处的话,是呀,再闻一闻吧。 article.yeeyan.org Or tried take a whiff of any of the vegetation that surrounds us everyday? 或者试着去吸一口我们周围植物的清新的气息吗? article.yeeyan.org This I could see faintly shining as I raised or lowered the cigarette; and at each whiff the inside of my hand was illuminated, and became for a second the highest light in the landscape. 当我拿起或者放下我的烟卷时,都可以看到它微弱的反光;我每吸一口,我的手掌都会被照亮,我的戒指便是此情此境里除了星星以外最亮的光了。 Whimsical 古怪的;异想天开的;反复无常的 odd , curious 双语例句权威例句 A shifting flock of flamingos assumes a whimsical shape in the Gulf of Mexico. 墨西哥湾的尤卡坦半岛,一群迁移的火烈鸟采取了古里古怪的形状。 article.yeeyan.org They mainly show the way of life in Egypt, but others are whimsical, while still others are not even titled, very abstract, and allow the viewer to come to their own conclusions. 他们大都反映了埃及的生活方式,但也有一部分是异想天开的创作,也有一些十分抽象,甚至都没被定名,给参观者留下了很大的想像空间。 article.yeeyan.org Charles Darwin, by contrast, found a lead for his theory of natural selection in the whimsical hobby of pigeon fancying, where the birds showed an enormous variety of form and behaviour. 相反的,达尔文正是从他古怪的嗜好---驯养鸽子中发现了自然选择理论的线索。 因为在驯养鸽子时,鸽子展现出大量不同的形态和行为。 Wick 灯芯,蜡烛心 lampwick 双语例句权威例句 It is distilled, most reverend Judges, of oil and wick, together with that sweet secret heat of whose birth no words of mine can tell. 最尊敬的法官们,它是从灯油、灯芯以及我所无法道明的那种可爱神秘的热量中凝练而出的。 article.yeeyan.org Each lamp held a saucer filled with oil and water and a floating wick, and was suspended from the ceiling by means of long metal chains. 每一只灯有一个装满了灯油和水的浅碟和一个漂浮的灯芯,用长长的金属链从天花板垂下。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov The saffron swan of dawn, slow swimming up the sky-river between the high roof-banks, bent her neck down through the dark air-water to look at him staggering below her, with his still smoking wick. 破晓的金色天鹅在高大屋顶之间的天河中缓缓游弋而来,弯下脖颈,穿过如水般的黑夜看着他在下面蹒跚而行,灯芯儿还冒着烟。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-10-02 20:49:10

    Commensurate 相称的;同量的;同样大小的 matching , worthy , fitting 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Is it commensurate with the need and challenge that we face? 与我们面临的需求和挑战是否相称? www.america.gov No. We deemed your level of speaking more commensurate with our data needs. 我们认为你的语言水平与我们的数据需求更相称。 article.yeeyan.org Turkey is instead assuming a role commensurate with its status as a fast-rising power at the strategic crossroads of east and west. 相反,作为一个在东西方战略交汇处快速崛起的国家,土耳其正在扮演与这种地位相称的角色。 Commodious 宽敞的;方便的 convenient , spacious 词根: commodious n. commodiousness 宽敞 双语例句 Designed as cruisers, many ketches are heavier, more stable in sea conditions, and more commodious down below. 因为它们生来就是为了远行之用,因此它们通常更重,在各种海洋状况下更稳定, 船舱也更宽敞。 article.yeeyan.org “The Coffee houses particularly are very commodious for a free Conversation, and for reading at an easie Rate all manner of printed News,” noted one observer. “尤其是咖啡馆,是一个非常宽敞的自由交谈之处,来阅读与评论形形色色的印刷新闻”,一个观察员指出。 article.yeeyan.org “The Coffee houses particularly are very commodious for a free Conversation, and for reading at an easie Rate all manner of printed News,” noted one observer. “咖啡屋宽敞舒适,特别适合自由对话和轻松地阅读各种刊发的报纸”,一位观察家如是说。 Communal communal property 公有产业;公有财产;公共产业 词根: commune adv. communally 社区地;公有地 n. community 社区;[生态] 群落;共同体;团体 commune 公社 communalism 地方自治主义;社群主义 communalist 地方自治主义者 communization 共产化;共有化 vi. commune 谈心,亲密交谈;密切联系 vt. communalize 使公有化 communise 使…为公有财产(等于communize) communize 使为社会公有 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It had this communal aspect, for sure. 这当然有它公共方面的意义。 v.163.com Some thrive on the buzz of communal living. 有些人在公共生活的喧闹中才旺盛。 article.yeeyan.org If we stick with the “communal benefit” argument, it doesn’t explain this concept. 如果我们坚持“公共利益”的观点,那么它就不能解释这个观点。 article.yeeyan.org 更多双语例句 "What kind of a speech they're defending? The kind of speech,the hatred, the communal hatred, that is being spread by Mr.Varun Gandhi,". VOA: standard.2009.03.28 It refers instead, to the concrete, collective, communal salvation from national suffering and oppression, particularly in the form of foreign rule or enslavement. 相反,它指的是很具体的,集体的,社会的拯救,把一个国家从苦难和压迫中解救出来,尤其是那些在外族统治者奴役下的。 耶鲁公开课 - 旧约导论课程节选 It's kind of like religion by definition is a communal activity and so as what you're trying to do is a lot of... building skills among groups. 可能宗教本身,就是种集体性的活动,你们所做的,也就是培养集体生活的技能。 普林斯顿公开课 - 人性课程节选 更多原声例句 The poisonous atmosphere comes at a still fragile time in the development of Muslim communal life. MSN: NYC mosque debate will shape American Islam It promotes social interaction, since communal meals are the cornerstone of social customs and festive events. UNESCO: Culture This is followed by the communal sheepskin-drum and salang dances, led by the shibi. UNESCO: CULTURE 更多权威例句 Commute 减刑;[数]交换;用……交换;使……变成 exchange for , give for 词根: commute adj. commutative 交换的,交替的 commutable 可取代的;可交换的;可抵偿的 n. commuter 通勤者,经常乘公共车辆往返者;[交] 月季票乘客 commuting 乘公交车上下班;经常往来 commutation 减刑;交换;经常来往;代偿 commutator [电] 换向器;整流器 commutability 可代替;[物] 可对易性 vi. commutate 整流;使方向转换 vt. commutate 整流;变换电流方向;转换 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Leaving the car at home and sharing your commute with others can help you reach your gallon goal very quickly. 把汽车在家里和与其他人分享您的通勤,可以帮助您很快达到一加仑的目标。 article.yeeyan.org Many people in the village commute to work in Glasgow or Stirling, so transport issues will also be looked at, as will issues around food production. 许多人在村里通勤工作在格拉斯哥或斯特林,所以交通问题也将加以研究,同样的,也需要研究围绕粮食生产问题。 article.yeeyan.org Show your boss the quantifiable results upon returning, and tell him or her that — without all the distractions, commute, etc. — you can get twice as much done. 回来后,向老板展示可量化的结果;告诉他/她,要是没有那些分心的事、通勤等等耽搁的话,你可以做现在两倍的活。 Compartment 分隔;划分 to divide , measure off 词根: compart adj. compartmental 区划的,分为若干部分的 n. compart 间隔 compartmentalization 划分;区分 vt. compartmentalize 划分,区分 compart 分隔;隔开 双语例句权威例句 So easily did we get into our compartment, however, that I felt sure the worst was yet to come. 接着我们竟那样容易地走进了车厢,以至于我总觉得最糟糕的情况还会到来。 article.yeeyan.org You can also specify property values to change connector line styles and to show or hide compartments or compartment titles. 您还可以指定属性值,从而改变连接件的线条样式,以及显示或隐藏间隔或间隔标题。 www.ibm.com For some AUTOSAR elements, although they can be visualized as a class, the operation compartment or attribute compartment (or both) does not convey anything. 对于一些 AUTOSAR 元素,尽管它们可以被可视化为类,但是方法部分或属性部分(或两者)都没有传达任何内容。 Compelling 引人注目的;强制的;激发兴趣的 attractive , dramatic v. 强迫;以强力获得(compel的ing形式) coercing 词根: compel vt. compel 强迫,迫使;强使发生 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Compelling ideas, to be sure, but we’d like to see evidence that any of this is possible. 这确实是引人注目的想法,但是我们想看看这些任何这些想法可行的证据。 article.yeeyan.org Nearness has too much of the compelling about it and the imagination is not sufficiently free unless it can get away from its influence. 与现实靠得太近,对感情有过分强迫的味道,而想象呢,除非它能摆脱感情的影响,不可能有充分的自由。 article.yeeyan.org But even with those tools, only you know whether or not you have the heart to execute on the opportunities we all recognize to launch a compelling new business. 但是即使有了这些工具,也只有当你知道你是否有心来实现这些我们都认为可以建立一个引人注目的新企业的机会。 Compendum 纲要;概略 schemata , rundown 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Read a compendium of published software architecture definitions. 阅读已发布的软件架构定义的纲要。 www.ibm.com Which is why his latest compendium of knowledge isn’t about baseball; it’s about murder. 这也就是为何他最新的知识大纲不是关于棒球的;它是关于谋杀的。 dongxi.net Eclipse automatically creates two Plug-In Development projects called org.osgi.compendium and cxf-dosgi-ri-singlebundle-distribution. Eclipse 会自动创建两个 Plug-In Development 项目,叫作 org.osgi.compendium 和 cxf-dosgi-ri-singlebundle-distribution。 Complaisance 殷勤;彬彬有礼;柔顺 hospitality , refined and courteous urbane 词根: complaisant adj. complaisant 彬彬有礼的;顺从的;殷勤的 双语例句 After my return to London I had to expiate in bed the consequences of my fatuous complaisance. 我回到伦敦以后,只得在病榻上来为我那愚蠢的温顺赎罪。 article.yeeyan.org He is indeed——but considering the inducement, my dear Miss Eliza, we cannotwonder at his complaisance; for who would objecttosuch a partner? 他真的太客气了──可是,亲爱的伊丽莎小姐,看他这样求你,你总还会怪他多礼吧。 www.cfeie.com He is indeed -- but considering the inducement, my dear Miss Eliza, we cannot wonder at his complaisance; for who would object to such a partner? 他真的太客气了──可是,亲爱的伊丽莎小姐,看他这样求你,你总还会怪他多礼吧。 谁不想要象你这样的一个舞伴? Comport 称;适合;一致 gear , cotton , suit , balance , identify 词根: comport n. comportment 举止,态度;动作 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I do not know how I would comport myself. 我不知道我应该怎样行动。 dict.veduchina.com His conduct did not comport with his high position. 他的所作所为与他的高级职务不相称。 dict.veduchina.com His remark simply does not comport with his known attitude. 他的发言同他一贯的态度极不相称。 Compost 肥料]堆肥;混合物 mixture , hybrid , mix 双语例句原声例句权威例句 At least throw them into the compost bin rather than the trash, "so the nutrients are recycled back into your garden," she says. 至少要把腐败的食品用于堆肥而不是扔进垃圾箱,“这样食品的营养分解后可供肥给你的花园,”她说。 article.yeeyan.org Some are tracking their trash with software systems, making food in smaller batches or trying to compost and cut down on trash-hauling costs. 一些机构在用软件系统追踪其垃圾去向,还把食物分成更小的单位或是尝试着用堆肥来降低垃圾运送的成本。 article.yeeyan.org Some community gardens and recycling centers accept contributions of household scraps; some organizations sell local compost -- find out if such organizations exist in your area. 有些公共花园和再利用中心能接受家用废料,有些团体出售本地的堆肥---发现如果这样的团体存在于你的区域。 www.elanso.com Compunction 悔恨,后悔;内疚 the worm of conscience , repentance 双语例句权威例句 Mr Linton stood looking at her in sudden compunction and fear. He told me to fetch some water. 林惇先生刹那间感到既悔恨、又恐惧,站在那儿望着她,吩咐我去拿点水来。 putclub.com Others have no such compunction, like Ronald Hutton, a history professor at the University of Bristol. 其他人可没这个内疚,譬如布里斯托大学的一位史学教授罗纳德 哈顿。 article.yeeyan.org That empathetic concern was one reason Henry was still amazed at how little compunction Moira had shown about her affair with him. 莫伊拉对她和亨利偷情的事没表露出多少内疚,亨利对此感到惊奇;她“希望姐姐回来后不觉得孩子们陌生”的这一担心是亨利觉得惊讶的原因之一。 Concatenate 连结;使连锁 link adj. [植]连结的;连锁的 conjunctional , syndetic 词根: concatenate n. concatenation 串联,连结 双语例句原声例句 So, we concatenate some blues/greens to the color vector. 所以,我们向颜色向量添加 一些蓝色/绿色。 www.ibm.com A common reporting requirement is to concatenate data from more than one column into a single string. 一个常见的报告需求就是将数据从多个列合并到一个字符串中。 www.ibm.com We then repeat this at coarser and coarser scales and concatenate all histograms together to get a large feature vector. 然后大规模的重复这个步骤,然后把所有柱状图联系在一起获得一个大的特征向量。 Concave concave mirror n. 凹透镜 concave surface 凹面,内弧面 concave grating 凹面光栅 concave lens 凹透镜;近视镜片 concave bank 凹河岸;冲刷河岸 adj. [数]凹的,凹面的 hollow , cuppy 词根: concave n. concavity 凹面;凹度 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The palm of one's hand is slightly concave. 人的手掌是微凹的。 《新英汉大辞典》 Because there is no abrasion between the concave and convex, the nut is reusable. 因为凹面与凸面没有磨损,螺母可以重复使用。 article.yeeyan.org The inferior turbinate on the concave side had a significantly greater volume, including the thickness of medial mucosa and the thickness and projection angle of conchal bone. 将中部内侧粘膜厚度、鼻甲骨厚度和投影角度等因素纳入考虑范围后不难得出,凹侧的下鼻甲其体积要大得多。 Concerto I especially like the piano concerto. 我特别喜欢那首钢琴协奏曲。 www.en8848.com.cn But these are riffs rather than an entire concerto. 但这仅仅是一些片段而不是整部协奏曲。 article.yeeyan.org Yeah, Piano Concerto Number One of Tchaikovsky, and the third one? 对,柴可夫斯基的第一钢琴协奏曲,那第三首呢 Conciliate 安抚,安慰;调和;驯服;怀柔;赢得 comfort , win , purchase , quiet 词根: conciliate adj. conciliatory 安抚的;调和的;调停的 n. conciliation 调解;安抚;说服 双语例句权威例句 There is a need to conciliate both parties, which will require a more refined strategy than before. 这就有必要对供求双方进行协调,要做到这一点将需要一个比以往更精确的战略。 www.who.int The thrown salt may serve as an informal sacrifice to conciliate the gods; or it may be an attack on the evil spirits, since it is believed that the Devil cannot abide salt. 撒落的盐可作为一个非正式的牺牲品去平息上帝的怒气;或者它可能作为一种邪恶精神的攻击,因为据说魔鬼不能接触盐。 article.yeeyan.org In 1763, at the end of the French and Indian War, the British issued a proclamation, mainly intended to conciliate the Indians by checking the encroachment of settlers on their lands. 1763年法国和印第安战争(七年战争北美战场)结束后,(战胜国)英国颁布一份公告,旨在通过遏止殖民侵占印第安领地来安抚印第安人。

  • biueee

    biueee 2012-10-04 23:38:21


  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-10-29 11:32:29

    Conclave 秘密会议;红衣主教团;教皇选举会议 closed-door meeting , secret session 双语例句权威例句 And next year there will be an important quinquennial party conclave, followed by the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008. 明年将会有一次重要的五年一次的党的秘密会议,紧接着就是2008年北京奥运会。 www.ecocn.org The governor of the bank even flew back from the Federal Reserve's Jackson Hole, Wyo., conclave of the world's central bankers for the announcement. 为了发布这一公告,银行行长甚至不惜飞离美联储在俄亥俄州杰克逊洞召开的世界央行行长秘密会议赶回日本。 article.yeeyan.org At a dramatic midnight conclave, the country’s Supreme Court judges gave credence to rumours that Mr Zardari planned to sack them and vowed to defy him. 在一个戏剧性的午夜秘密会议上,该国最高法院的法官们轻信了扎尔达里打算罢免他们的传言,并誓言要反对他到底 Concoct 捏造;混合而制;调合;图谋 manufacture , trump up 双语例句原声例句权威例句 They tend to repeat questions before answering them, perhaps to give themselves time to concoct an answer. 他们往往会在回答问题前重复人家的提问,也许是为了给自己一点时间以便捏造个答案。 article.yeeyan.org Then he hired five-star hotel chefs to concoct fancy drinks and desserts that sell for about half the price of Starbucks'. 然后,他聘请五星级酒店的厨师为奶茶店炮制花式饮料和甜点,其销售价格为星巴克价格的一半 。 article.yeeyan.org Most successful societies construct their narratives backward: Theorists concoct explanations for the achieved successes of these societies. 大部分成功的社会在叙述性言语上是倒退的:理论家对社会已取得的成功进行捏造。 Concomitant 相伴的;共存的;附随的 accompanied , codependent n. 伴随物 accompaniment 双语例句原声例句权威例句 And finally, humans will learn that The concomitant of their freedom is responsibility. 最后,人类会知道,伴随着他们自由的就是责任。 v.163.com This means huge information loss, and the concomitant possibility that there is a vast misallocation of resources. 这意味着大量的信息失真,随之而来的,有可能造成巨大的资源分配不当。 article.yeeyan.org Investigators also gathered and analyzed data on demographics, concomitant axis III conditions, VPA dose, duration of treatment, and select concomitant medications. 调查人员也搜集和分析人口特征、相伴的轴III上的疾病、VPA用量、治疗时长和相伴选用的药物的数据。 Concord 和谐;和睦;一致;协调 accordance , harmony , unity , peace , agreement , identity 双语例句原声例句权威例句 If there is concord, both notes must have the same speed. 如果有和声存在,两个声音必须有相同的速度。 article.yeeyan.org I’m more interested in studying about how to maintain concord between neighboring third-world countries. 我更有兴趣了解相邻的第三世界国家间是如何维持 和睦 关系的。 www.24en.com The day will come, citizens, when all will be concord, harmony, light, joy and life; it will come, and it is in order that it may come that we are about to die. 这一天是一定会到来的,公民们,到那时,处处都是友爱、和谐、光明、欢乐和生机,这一天是一定会到来的。 也正是为了促使它早日到来我们才去死。 Concur 同意;一致;互助 accept , grant , identify , square 双语例句权威例句 My political views concur with yours. 我的政治观点跟你的一致. www.hjenglish.com This should concur with the need for SOA governance; in fact design-time governance is needed to enforce standardized services. 这要跟SOA治理的需求保持一致;事实上,要想执行标准化的服务,就需要设计时的治理。 www.infoq.com And so, a lot of people see this as a sort of … or create a scenario, an Orwellian scenario, a Big Brother type scenario but I don't concur. 所以,大多数人会把这个现象视为一种……或者说创作一幕剧情,一幕奥威尔式或是“老大哥”式的剧情,但是我并不同意这样的看法。 Concussion 震荡;脑震荡 brunt , impingement 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The rotary chair is used to assess middle ear injury of soldiers who may have experienced a concussion. 这是一张旋转椅,可以用来评估战场上遭受震荡而中耳损伤的士兵情况。 article.yeeyan.org I mean the shoe is an open invitation to a cracked skull and semi-serious concussion for crying out loud. 我是说,这只鞋就好像是在挥手欢迎碎裂的头骨,或是叫苦连天,半严重的脑震荡。 www.elanso.com R. I. For comparison, 21 control subjects were also scanned — men exposed to blasts recently but with no symptoms of concussion. 为了进行对照,还有21名最近同样经历过爆炸,但没有脑震荡症状的军人也进行了弥散张量成像扫描。 Condign 相当的;应得的(尤指惩罚);适宜的 corresponding , comparative , due , just , well 双语例句权威例句 I was involved in work that led to the setting up of a highly classified study into the UFO phenomenon, codenamed Project Condign. 我曾参与过一项涉及组建一个高度机密的UFO现象研究小组的工作,工程代码是‘救赎(condign)’。 article.yeeyan.org Conclusion The fluoride contents of the samples and daily total fluoride intake are condign to related health standards in Wuhan residents. 结论武汉市城区饮水、食物、空气中的氟含量及居民的日总摄氟量均在适宜范围内,不需要采取干预措施。 dict.cnki.net Dinner was over; nevertheless, as my misfortune was hardly my fault, I did not expect condign punishment, especially as the dispenser was a woman. 晚宴早已过去了;但是,我的不幸不能说是我的过失,我并没有预料到应得的处罚,特别是惩罚的执行者还是个女人。 Condone 宽恕;赦免 depurge , tolerate 双语例句原声例句权威例句 To understand these motives is not to condone them. 了解这些动机是为了不宽恕他们。 article.yeeyan.org We have never condoned and would never condone inappropriate behavior by any of our people. 我们从来没有、也绝对不会宽恕我们任何人员做出的不当行为。 c.wsj.com I find it difficult to believe that you condone the European attitude of being concerned only when people other than Turks are murdered. 欧洲人的态度是只关心土耳其人以外的那些被害者,我发现很难相信你会宽恕这样的态度。 Conducive 有益的;有助于…的 beneficial , helpful , useful , advantageous , profitable 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But there’s nothing in [today’s] homes allowing them to do that in a healthy, safe or conducive way. 但是,在[现在的]房屋里却没有任何设施可以让他们以健康、安全或有益的方式将肉风干。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov I also wanted to know which of my own values, learned during my childhood in Seattle and practiced during my career as a university professor, were the most conducive to happiness. 我还想知道我儿童时期在西雅图学到的和后来我作为一个大学教授亲身实践的价值观,哪些是对幸福最有益的。 article.yeeyan.org The idea was to develop the sector as an example to the country that what should be done, could be done, to address governance and the creation of a conducive environment for the private sector. 他们的想法是使该行业发展成为全国的示范,在解决治理问题和创造一个有利于私营部门发展的环境方面应该做什么和能够做什么树立一个典范。 Conduit n. [电]导管;沟渠;导水管 catheter , ductus 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Lincoln and Bellick go to the water station to cut off the main conduit water. 林肯和巴利克来到了水站,断开了主输水管道的供水。 article.yeeyan.org The conduit poses potential competition to Russia, a country on which Armenia remains highly reliant, for everything from nuclear fuel to grain. 这条管道对俄罗斯,这个亚美尼亚从核燃料到谷物都高度依赖的国家,造成了潜在的竞争。 article.yeeyan.org The coalition leadership would almost certainly want Egypt to be the conduit for any weapons supplies, but that would trouble its transitional government in Cairo. 联军领导阶层几乎想当然耳,要让埃及成为提供任何武器的管道,但这会麻烦在开罗的埃及过渡政府。 Confection 糖果,蜜饯;调制;糖膏(剂);精制工艺品 sweet , modulation 双语例句权威例句 Combine these cherries with the German’s love of chocolate, and you have this wonderful chocolate confection with cream and cherries. 把樱桃和德国人对巧克力的喜爱结合起来,就有了这道绝妙的奶油樱桃巧克力甜品。 www.chinadaily.com.cn Now that I know more about the captivating confection, I guess I'm going to have to start sampling all the different types and brands of chocolate at my local candy store--one by one. 现在我知道了更多迷人的糖果,我想我要开始要在我的糖果店里一个一个成列各式各样的巧克力样品了。 www.elanso.com For one, Rein notes, there likely won't be a monopoly at issue because Hsu Fu Chi's dominance in China's confection market is not as big as Huiyan's control of the fruit juice market. 比如雷小山指出,雀巢和徐福记的交易不太可能会受到垄断问题的困扰,因为徐福记在中国糖果市场上的垄断地位比不上汇源果汁对果汁市场的垄断程度。 Confer 授予;给予 afford , award , allow , grant , deal vi. 协商 arrange , treat 双语例句原声例句权威例句 When governments try to confer an advantage to their exporters through currency depreciation, they risk a war of debasement. 当政府试图通过货币贬值给予出口商们好处时,他们正在承担贬值大战的风险。 article.yeeyan.org University of Cambridge doesn't confer degrees until October, which means students have to wait until mid-fall to apply for their work visa. 剑桥大学都是在十月份授予学位的,这就意味着学生们必须等到中秋之后才能申请他们的工作签证了。 article.yeeyan.org Preferred stock represents your ownership in a company, just like common stock, but most preferred shares do not confer any voting rights, unlike common stock. 优先股代表你在一家公司里的所有权,就像普通股一样,但大多数优先股不授予任何投票权,不像普通股股票。 Configuration 配置;结构;外形 allocation , mechanics , framework , profile , texture 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Otherwise, the configuration should be the same. 否则,配置应该是相同的。 www.ibm.com You do this work in configuration, rather than in code. 您在配置中完成这些工作,而不是通过编写代码。 www.ibm.com In this article, however, we deal with only one such configuration. 然而在本文中,我们只涉及其中的一种配置。 Confine 界限,边界 boundary , border vt. 限制;禁闭 block , set a limit to 双语例句原声例句权威例句 On its site, of all places, there are no drop-down titles to define and confine, just an empty box. 在其网站上,所有地方均不见界定和限制的下拉头衔而是一片空白。 dongxi.net This would remove conflict of interest from mainstream banking and confine trading risk-taking to these specialists. 这将消除主流银行业中的利益冲突,将交易冒险活动限制于这些专业机构。 www.ftchinese.com You've identified names and their components along with cities and states, so you can search for strings and confine the hits to those elements. 您已经标识了姓名及其组成,以及城市和州,因此,您可以搜索字符串并将结果限制到这些元素。 Conflagration 大火;快速燃烧;突发;冲突 interference , war , collision 双语例句原声例句权威例句 In the past integration has sometimes gone before conflagration. 在过去,融合有时候就发生在冲突之前。 article.yeeyan.org All of this was under discussion a year ago, after Bangkok’s last conflagration. 一年前,在曼谷最近的一次大火之后,所有这些都在讨论之中。 www.24en.com But the gas boom that the world is currently experiencing is a conflagration to be celebrated. 但当今世界正在经历的一场“天然气潮”却是一场值得庆贺的熊熊大火 Conflate 合并;异文合并 merge , incorporate with 双语例句权威例句 If you want to defend liberalism, then defend it, but why conflate your love for certain values with love for a certain country? 如果你想捍卫自由主义,那你就捍卫吧,你为什么要把对某种价值观的热爱和对某个国家的热爱混为一谈? article.yeeyan.org But liberty is abused in an equally insidious way when accusers conflate apostasy with heresy—by alleging that somebody claiming to be a Muslim has erred by advancing false interpretations. 然而指控者却自由得过分,他们阴险地将背教和异端视为一体,宣称:称自己是穆斯林的人,若进行错误的释经,就是犯罪。 www.ecocn.org But liberty is abused in an equally insidious way when accusers conflate apostasy with heresy—by alleging that somebody claiming to be a Muslim has erred by advancing false interpretations. 但当指控者将变节者和异端混为一谈,断言那些自称是伊斯兰教的人提出错误的诠释是有罪的时,自由同样在不知不觉中被滥用。 Confluence n. (河流的)汇合、汇流点;(人或物的)聚集 collection , clustering , gather 双语例句原声例句权威例句 So today is not only a pivot, but a confluence of pivots. 所以今天不仅是一个支点,还是一个支点的汇合。 article.yeeyan.org It emerges from a confluence of factors, some very subtle. 它浮现于多因子的合流,非常微妙的。 article.yeeyan.org That might well be true, but the thing is that whatever caused this was staggeringly unlikely, and that all of the theories require a very unlikely confluence of factors. 这也许是真的,但问题是不管发生这种事的原因是什么,其可能性都不大,令人束手无策,因为所有这些理论都需要极不可能的聚合因素。 Conformism 因循守旧;盲从因袭的态度 lockstep 双语例句 In the 1950s, female “frigidity” was attributed to social conformism and religious puritanism. 上世纪50年代,妇女“性冷淡”应当归咎于社会和宗教两方面的原因:社会风气因循守旧、墨守成规以及清教徒压抑保守的性观念。 dongxi.net Its narrow-mindedness, complacency and conformism are the mother lode of material for sitcom writers and novelists. 他们目光短浅、自命不凡、因循守旧的形象,总是为喜剧作家和小说家们提供着无穷无尽的笑料。 www.ecocn.org She could have made a career at Izvestia, and did a short stint there, but never fitted in at a newspaper which in recent years has exuded nationalism, conformism and cynicism. 她本可以在《消息报》找到一份工作,在那里做些定简单分配的工作,而不从事近些年充满民族主义,盲从主义和犬儒主义的新闻工作。 Confound 使混淆;挫败;讨厌;使混乱 defeat , cloud 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Firstly, never underestimate the ability of markets to confound investors’ expectations. 首先,永远不要低估市场挫败投资者预期的能力。 www.ftchinese.com Now, with climate change, another potential disaster looms: shifts in ocean currents that may confound eels during their migrations. 如今,随着气候变化,又隐现出另一种潜在的危险:洋流移位有可能迷惑迁移中鳗鱼。 article.yeeyan.org He is at bottom a deeply old-fashioned Conservative; so old-fashioned, in fact, as to confound the expectations shaped by recent Tory history. 他是一个彻头彻尾、墨守成规的保守派;事实上,他太保守了,可能会挫败托利党近代历史中形成的期望。 Congeal 凝结;凝固 concrete , set vt. 使…凝结;使…冻结 coagulate 双语例句权威例句 Gear lubricants may congeal and channel in cold weather. 天冷时齿轮润滑油可能凝结并形成凹槽。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Miscellaneous : Honey, cooking oils, peanut butter and tahini will congeal in the fridge. 其他 :蜂蜜、烹调油、花生油和芝麻酱会凝结在冰箱内。 article.yeeyan.org When the cheese started to cool and congeal, which took a good 30 minutes, all I did was stick it back on the stove, stirring until runny. 奶酪开始冷却、 凝结,用了整整30分钟,在这期间,我所做的就是把它再放回炉子上,搅拌直至奶酪开始流淌。 Congenial 意气相投的;性格相似的;适意的;一致的 united , consistent , corresponding , solid , matching 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The main line of the book’s argument will arrive with congenial familiarity. 该书的论证主线将以令人感到适宜的熟悉方式而展开。 dongxi.net It was not a congenial experience and in 1961 he retired to Switzerland with his wife to devote himself to his books. 但这种感觉与其性格不合,于是1961年他就退休,和妻子去了瑞士,全心全意地写起书来。 article.yeeyan.org The basic answer is that, in this no-growth new world, people could enjoy the fruits of technological progress with a mixture of increased leisure and a more congenial and relaxed working life. 基本答案是,在这个无增长的新世界里,人们会享受到科技进步的果实,将拥更多的闲暇时间,并有一个更加惬意与放松的工作生活。 Congenital 先天的,天生的;天赋的 natural , native , born , innate 双语例句原声例句权威例句 A congenital lip deformity caused him to speak in a nasal, almost unintelligible whisper. 天生的嘴唇畸形致使他说话带有鼻音,耳语般几乎听不大清。 xnny.net Congenital rubella syndrome happens when a mother is infected with rubella during pregnancy and her baby is born with serious birth defects. 先天风疹综合症发生是当母亲在怀孕期间感染风疹和她的孩子在出生时有严重先天缺陷。 article.yeeyan.org The hurricane exposed Mr Bush’s congenital passivity: he did not visit New Orleans until five days later, after first viewing the damage from the safety of Air Force One. 在这场灾难中,布什天生的慢性子暴露无余:直到灾难发生后五天,他才赶到新奥尔良州,在那之前一直稳坐空军一号,视查受灾情况。 blog.ecocn.org Congest 使充血;充塞 engorge vi. 充血;拥挤 crowd 双语例句权威例句 How does remedial eye congest, fatigue and red, urticant painful? 怎样治疗眼睛充血,疲劳红肿,痒痛呢?。 zhidao.baidu.com Compared with non- mixed traffic on two lanes, the local congest and stop-and-go phenomena would more easily to occur, which would cause the decrease of flux. 但是,双车道混合交通与双车道非混合交通流相比,它更容易发生局部拥挤现象与时停时走现象,其结果导致交通流量下降。 dict.cnki.net With the rapid development of city economic and citifying course. the tendency of the increasing quantity of motor vehicle will lead to traffic flow uprising, traffic congest, and traffic jam. 随着城市经济的快速增长和城市化进程的加快,城市机动车数量呈快速增长的势头必然会造成道路交通流量猛增,交通拥挤和堵塞。 Conglomerate conglomerate reservoir 砾岩储集层 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But Berkshire is, of course, no ordinary conglomerate, so a mere 18 per cent premium to book is among the cheapest entry-points in decades. 当然,伯克希尔-哈撒韦不是普通的企业集团,因此较账面价值溢价18%,是数十年来最低廉的切入点之一。 www.ftchinese.com Hanlong Mining, founded in 2009, has mining assets in China, the US and Australia. It is owned by the large private conglomerate Sichuan Hanlong. 成立于2009年的汉龙矿业,在中国、美国和澳大利亚拥有采矿资产。其母公司是大型私有企业集团四川汉龙。 www.ftchinese.com LVMH is not the only high-end conglomerate to face these issues but it is the most litigious in its approach, making it the de facto public face of the conflict. LVMH不是唯一面临这些问题的高端企业集团,但它最喜欢采取诉讼的方式,因此成为了这种对抗实际上的代言人。 Congregate 聚集 gather round , heap upon , hoard up vi. [植]聚集 concentrate , collect , mass , crowd , gather round 双语例句权威例句 Now they can offer a digital place for their readers to congregate and talk. 现在,它们能够提供一个数字场所给它们的读者聚集和谈论。 article.yeeyan.org Now they can offer a digital place for their readers to congregate and talk. 现在他们可以为读者提供一个数字化空间,让读者可以聚集和交谈。 www.hxen.com All they can do is yell –or congregate on fairways brandishing their sickles. 他们只能大声抗议,或者是聚集在球道上,挥舞着手中的镰刀。 Congruent Conifer 针叶树,松柏目 (Coniferales)植物 球果植物 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 Red squirrels cut conifer cones from trees and bury them in plant litter on the forest floor. 红松鼠会将针叶树上的果实割下来,然后埋在森林地面的落叶中。 www.putclub.com Clearing the massive conifer forests of Minnesota continued into the first decades of the 20th century, when production peaked in 1905. 明尼苏达州大片针叶树森林的采伐一直持续到20世纪的最初数十年,木材产量在1905年时达到最高峰。 www.24en.com Furthermore, 1995 marks the first time that highly threatened Chinese plants, like the conifer Cathaya argyrophylla, are being introduced to the West. 此外,1995年,若干高危的中国植物,如针叶树银杉首次引种到西方。 Conjecture goldbach conjecture 哥德巴赫猜想(任何比2大的偶数都是两质数的和) 双语例句原声例句权威例句 We could not conjecture the fact from what he said. 我们从他的话中还推测不出真实情况。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 It is worth mentioning, because while it appears to be a trivial thing, I have seen much conjecture and debate over the topic. 它值得一提是因为虽然它看起来似乎是一件微不足道的小事,但是我见过很多对这个话题的猜想和争论。 www.ibm.com Intelligence officials acknowledge that much of what they have gleaned is little more than conjecture, based on secondhand information from sources inside North Korea but not independently verified. 情报官员承认他们收集到的信息很大一部分只不过是推测,是根据来源于朝鲜国内未经独立地证实的二手消息。 Conjoin 结合;连结 bond , couple , become one , combine , connect vt. 使结合;使联合 combine , bond 双语例句 Remarkably, again Uranus and Saturn are acting like thugs, with Uranus to oppose that moon, and Saturn will conjoin it. 引人注目的是,天王星和土星将再次扮演暴徒角色,当天王星逆向月亮时,土星会与月亮结合。 blog.sina.com.cn Saturn will conjoin the Sun, making for a potentially depressing day, when you have to accept certain realities whether you want to or not. 土星会结合太阳,使这天让人沮丧,你会不得不接受一些你不愿接受的事实。 b.me.blog.163.com Mercury, the planet that rules your tenth house of fame and honors, will conjoin good luck Jupiter, so you can expect to hear professional news that will make you want to celebrate. 掌管你名誉和荣耀的第十宫的水星,将与掌管好运的木星联合,为你带来事业上振奋人心的消息 Conjugal adj. 婚姻的;结婚的;夫妻之间的 married , marital 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Spouses can live thousands of miles apart, but the strain is not just on conjugal ties. 配偶双方的居住地可能相距千里,但不仅仅是婚姻的纽带在承受压力。 article.yeeyan.org Milton's Lady doesn't proceed as we expect her to, to marshal further arguments for the moderate fulfillment of one's conjugal obligations. 弥尔顿笔下的女士没有按我们期望的那样进行,整理有关人们适当满足婚姻权利义务,的进一步论点。 v.163.com When sex workers want to file a complaint and break the cycle of conjugal violence, their efforts are difficult because they are criminalized. 性工作者想提起诉讼并打破这种类似婚姻暴力的循环的努力是徒劳的,因其自身的行为也不合法。 Conjunction in conjunction with 连同,共同;与…协力 in conjunction 互相协调 双语例句原声例句权威例句 In conjunction with good unit tests for your code, this is a powerful tool. 与出色的代码单元测试相结合,这是一种极为强大的工具。 www.ibm.com Finally, we discuss the role that conversations could play in conjunction with all these other technologies. 最后,我们讨论对话与所有其他这些技术结合时可以扮演的角色。 www.ibm.com Well, there are some other alternatives that you can use either on their own, or in conjunction with the service gateway to provide other forms of standardization. 还有一些其他的替代选择,您可以单独使用它们或者结合服务网关来提供其他形式的标准化。 Connive vi. 共谋;纵容;默许 conspire , collude 双语例句权威例句 More important, it is bad enough that a particular group of road users should regard themselves as above the law; it is much worse that the government and police should connive in it. 更重要的是,如果某个特定的马路使用群体认为自己可以凌驾于法律之上,那可是件非常糟糕的事儿。 而更糟糕的是,政府和警察默许这种行为。 www.ftchinese.com Media outlets connive in a ceaseless chorus of instructions to be joyful and the potential responses seem cruelly reduced to a choice between mindless obeisance or ill-tempered meanness. 媒体共谋着无休无止的欢喜大合唱,指导世人尽情欢喜,结局看起来却可能是把人们的一个选择从漫不经心的敬意直接大降为不敬的鄙夷。 dongxi.net No one shall force, instigate or connive at a driver to violate the road traffic safety laws and regulations or the driving requirements on motor vehicle safety to drive a motor vehicle. 任何人不得强迫、指使、纵容驾驶人违反道路交通安全法律、法规和机动车安全驾驶要求驾驶机动车。 Connotation n. 内涵;含蓄;暗示,隐含意义;储蓄的东西(词、语等) implication , reminder 双语例句原声例句权威例句 What is the nature and connotation of the balanced development? 均衡发展的性质和内涵是什么? article.yeeyan.org They immediately realised that the phrase—with its software connotation of a newly released, better and more stable version—had enormous appeal as a rallying cry for the Valley. 他们立即明白这一习语——并在其软件里内涵了一个新发布的,更好和更稳定的版本——成为硅谷极具吸引力、响彻云端的口号。 www.ecocn.org To further deepen China-Ukraine comprehensive friendly cooperative relationship and enrich its strategic connotation is a basic starting point of China’s policy towards Ukraine in the new situation. 进一步深化中乌全面友好合作关系,不断充实其战略内涵,是中国政府在新形势下对乌克兰政策的基本出发点。 Connubial adj. 夫妇的;结婚的;夫妻关系的 married , conjugal 双语例句权威例句 She did know that the shirts were custom-made, but she'd somehow managed to maintain a modicum of connubial blindness when it came to my sartorial foibles. 她知道这件衬衫是定做的,但不知为何,在涉及我的服饰怪癖时,她却成功保持了夫妻间的一点点不了解。 www.ftchinese.com Society—family, tribe, caste, church, village, probate court—established and enforced its connubial protocols for the presumed good of everyone, except maybe for the couples themselves. 社会——家庭、部族、等级制度、教堂、村庄、遗嘱认证法庭——建立并强制执行假定对每个人都有好处的婚姻协议,也许除了对情侣们自己。 article.yeeyan.org A woman in Beijing has caused an international hubbub by posting a nude video of her twenty-six-year-old daughter on the internet, hoping to find an eligible bachelor for her connubial offspring. 北京的一位女性引发了一场国际性的骚动(另见英文资讯)——在互联网上贴出她26岁女儿的裸体视频,希求找到一位如意的郎君,为了她夫妇的香火。 Conscript 征召 call sb up 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Large-scale exercises are a rarity for the conscript army, which in any case is heavily committed in Chechnya. 大规模军事演习对这个征召军队来说是稀罕物,而无论如何车臣都是沉重负担。 www.ecocn.org Unpaid military service has been scaled down and, unlike General Pinochet's conscript-packed army, all national-service places are now filled by volunteers. 与皮诺切特将军时代大量应征入伍的军队不同,对未支付薪酬的兵役按比例进行了缩减,所有的兵役都是志愿者报名参加。 www.ecocn.org The Argentine conscript border guards were as charmless a bunch of fellows as you'd expect to find dispatched to a deserted road on top of a freezing cold mountain. 阿根廷征召来的边界警卫实在无趣,你想象得到这样一群倒霉的家伙,被派往彻骨寒冷的山顶,在沙漠公路上当差,还要他们怎么样呢? Consign 交付;[交]托运;寄存;把…委托给 park , deliver over Literary editors tend to consign them straight to the bin. 文学编辑们常常看都不看,直接将书扔进垃圾箱。 www.ecocn.org So the consigner can consign fake goods or the buyer can refuse to pay, leading to problems at all stages of the process. 因此,委托人可以委托拍卖假货,买家可以拒绝付款,使得整个拍卖过程的各个阶段都问题重重。 dongxi.net So I ask this Congress to join me in doing whatever proves necessary. Because we cannot consign our nation to an open-ended recession. 所以我要求本届国会和我一道实施一切必要的措施,因为我们不能让美国陷入无限的衰退中。

  • zinc
  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-10-30 10:34:59

    Consonant ]辅音的;一致的;[电子]和谐的 united , harmonious , balanced , corresponding , matching 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The tactic is a bit complicated for a brief article, but the basic idea is to attach each digit to a specific consonant. 这个方法对于一篇短文来说有点复杂,但基本的概念是把每个数字跟一个特定的辅音字母关联起来。 article.yeeyan.org Languages in East Asia tend to have tonal vowels, those of the north-eastern Caucasus are known for consonantal complexity: Ubykh has 78 consonant sounds. 东亚地区的语言有带声调的元音,高加索东北部地区的语言以辅音复杂而闻名:尤比克语有78个辅音。 www.ecocn.org Really foreign sounds: Spanish Silbo, a whistle language, has only four vowel and four consonant sounds. Audible for miles, it resembles bird calls and is indigenous to—where else?—the Canary Islands. 真正的外语:西班牙加那利群岛上的希尔伯哨语,这种口哨语言只有四个元音和四个辅音,发出的声音就像鸟叫,可以传到几英里之外。 Consternation 惊愕;惊惶失措;恐怖 wonder , terror 双语例句原声例句权威例句 In private, bankers have expressed consternation at the snooping. 银行业者在私下对此探查事件表示惊愕。 www.ecocn.org As the ball hurtles through the air, the varying air flow around it can send it on unexpected paths, to the consternation of many soccer players. 当球在空中疾驰时,球表面变化多样的气流可以将它送往意料之外的路径,让许多足球运动员惊愕不已。 article.yeeyan.org The unpleasant news for motorists on Thursday that their bill at the pumps was going up overnight by as much as 18 percent prompted consternation and anger about the rising cost of living in China. 对于开车族来说这是个坏消息,因为加油费用一夜之间就上调了18%,这让他们既惊愕又愤怒。 然而,经济学家对此消息的反应则要冷静得多。 Constraint 约束;局促,态度不自然;强制 enforcement , restriction 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The boy felt constraint in her presence. 那男孩在她面前感到局促不安。 《新英汉大辞典》 In this activity, you add documentation to every element in the model, including every column, every table, every constraint, and every trigger. 在这种情况中,你把文档添加到模型的每一个元素中,包括每个列,每个表,每个约束和每个触发器。 www.ibm.com If you must make a change that would be incompatible with a released version, for whatever reason, then there is a back door of temporarily disabling this constraint. 如果您必须做出一个变更 ,使它与发布版本不相兼容,不管是什么原因,那么就会有一个临时后门丧失这个约束的能力。 Constrict 压缩;束紧 to compress , telescope 双语例句原声例句权威例句 They purposely wear devices that constrict blood flow in order to shape their bodies. 她们特意穿上一些压缩血流量的衣服,从而保持她们的体形。 bbs.t56.net Perhaps, peripheral blood vessels are mistakenly told to constrict, increasing blood pressure. 或许,外围血管被错误地告知,需要其压缩,从而使血压升高。 www.ecocn.org She may pull in some moderate Likud people unhappy with a series of bills before parliament that seem to discriminate against Israeli-Arabs and constrict freedoms. 她可能引入一些温和的利库德集团成员,这些成员对国会歧视以色列的阿拉伯人和限制自由的一系列法案不满。 Constringe 使收敛;使收缩;压缩 telescope , to compress 双语例句 Ingredients: natural herbage whiten essence, green tea extracts, wild chrysanthemum, aloe, constringe agency ets. 成份:天然本草美白精华、绿茶提取液、野菊花、芦荟、收敛剂等。 dict.kekenet.com It can efficiently and speedily break down grease, and penetrate into pores to prevent acnes exacerbating, constringe pores and control oiliness. 具有强力、速效的皮脂分解力,通过分解过剩皮脂、深入毛孔内防止青春痘恶化,紧致毛孔,抑制油腻; danci.911cha.com The experimentation demonstrated that the improved algorithm can constringe fast, have the strong ability of local-search and can avoid prematurity in a certain sense. 实验结果表明,改进后的算法具有抗“早熟”能力强、收敛速度快和局部搜索能力强的特点。 Consul 总领事 general consul 总领事 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The consul’s consultant hauled out the assaulter from the vault. 领事的顾问把袭击者从地窖中拖了出来. www.crazyenglish.org Even foreign officials like the Portuguese Consul-General in Hamburg were beaten up by SA thugs. 甚至外国官员比如葡萄牙总领事在汉堡也受到冲锋队暴徒殴打。 Consummate 至上的;完美的;圆满的 perfect , ideal , full vt. 完成;作成;使达到极点 accomplish , carry out , achieve , perform , complete 双语例句原声例句权威例句 When I am tempted to quit and begin again tomorrow I will say them and immediately act to consummate another sale. 当我今天想放弃,打算明天重新开始时,我会默念这句话,然后立即行动,完成下一桩生意。 www.233.com He's the consummate storyteller and he searches hard to find the emotional core of soldiers when he's doing a war film. 他是一个完美的故事讲述者。 当他创作一部战争片的时候,他会努力去寻找士兵们的情感核心。 article.yeeyan.org This intense consumption is particularly true of music, where the Japanese excel as the world's consummate music collectors. 这种消费热情在音乐上尤其如此,日本人是世界上最完美的音乐收藏家。 Containment 包含;牵制;容量;密闭度 bulk , involved in , involvement , comprehension , inclusion 双语例句原声例句权威例句 What you see also hear is a containment wall. 你们能看到和听到的是一面容量的墙。 open.163.com Of course, China plays a major role in the region and tends to have a kind of lens or framework of containment. 兰普顿说:“当然,中国在这一地区发挥着重要作用,而且倾向于以牵制性的角度或者框架。 Contend 竞争;奋斗;斗争;争论 fight , debate , cope vt. 主张;为...斗争 maintain , submit , advocate 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Others contend it simply forces one person to prove he/she is better than another . 另一些人认为它只是强迫一个人证明他/她比别人更优秀。 www.hjenglish.com They gain numbers and prominence, but they also have to contend with resistance and hostility from those who feel threatened. 他们获得数字并引人注目,但是他们也不得不和那些感到威胁和敌意的抵抗斗争。 article.yeeyan.org Many people contend that we have a right to think what we will, and that wicked thoughts, if not translated into wicked deeds, are not harmful. 许多人主张我们有权利思考我们会怎样,有权利想出一些邪恶的思想,只要不把它变成邪恶的行为,它们就是无害 Contentious 诉讼的;有异议的,引起争论的;爱争论的 objectionable , litigant 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The issue of gays is distinct, therefore, from the almost-as-contentious issue of women in front-line combat roles. 因而,同性恋的问题和妇女在前线充当战斗角色这一几乎作为争议的问题是不同的。 article.yeeyan.org So the politics of who is and who is not allowed to enter this country, and on what terms, has always been contentious. 因此,允许谁进入或不允许谁进入这个国家,以及入境条件是什么,一直都是有争议的政治问题。 Contiguous 连续的;邻近的;接触的 adjacent , straight , endless , running , serial 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Note that identical key values will encode the same and will therefore be contiguous. 请注意,相等的键值将具有相同编码,因此这些值是连续的。 www.ibm.com The characters in a subsequence, unlike those in a substring, do not need to be contiguous. 子序列中的字符与子字符串中的字符不同,它们不需要是连续的。 www.ibm.com However, a shared memory segment cannot be "split" across quadrants and be guaranteed a contiguous address space. 但是,共享内存段不能跨象限“拆分”,而应该保证是一个连续的地址空间。 Continent 自制的,克制的 self-regulating , restrained Contingent 因情况而异的;不一定的;偶然发生的 occurrent , chancy n. 分遣队;偶然事件;分得部分 happenchance , detachment 双语例句原声例句权威例句 For it is about our actions that we deliberate and inquire, and all our actions have a contingent character; hardly any of them are determined by necessity. 因为这与我们思考和调查的行为有关,而我们的所有行为都有着偶然性,它们就很难由必然所决定。 article.yeeyan.org As ever, the question is not simply one of price, but whether the offer is all cash up front, or partly deferred – and whether that is contingent or guaranteed. 同样,这不是一个简单的价格问题,而在于出价是全部为现金预付、还是部分款项延期支付,以及出价是有条件的还是得到担保的。 www.ftchinese.com The enthymeme and the example must, then, deal with what is in the main contingent, the example being an induction, and the enthymeme a syllogism, about such matters. 推理论证和例证法因而必须处理主要的偶然事件,例证法是对此类事项的归纳推理,推理论证则是对其的三段论。 Contort 扭曲;曲解 distort , misinterpret vi. 扭曲 distort 双语例句权威例句 Some peoples mouths open. Others faces contort. 有些人嘴巴张开,另一些人面部扭曲。 article.yeeyan.org Considering this far in advance of the deadline will prevent you from contorting yourself (or at least, appearing to contort yourself) to fit the criteria. 在截止日期前考虑这些将会避免你曲解自己(至少看起来像是曲解)从而去适应评选标准。 article.yeeyan.org With its roots in strip clubs and bedrooms, pole dancing has been dismissed as a misogynistic playground in which women contort themselves for the viewing pleasure of men. 源自脱衣舞俱乐部和床笫之间的钢管舞一度受到排斥,它被视为一种带有歧视女性色彩的活动,女性扭曲自己的身体,给男性带来视觉快感。 Contraband 走私;走私货;[交]战时禁运品(等于contraband of war) smuggling 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The scanner didn't reveal any contraband on the passenger . 扫描器并未显示乘客身上有任何走私货。 www.cuyoo.com The customs officers rummaged the ship suspected to have contraband goods. 海关人员仔细搜查了一艘有走私嫌疑的海轮。 《新英汉大辞典》 If you own a smart phone or a flat-screen television, it may contain contraband rare earths from southern China. 如果你拥有一部漂亮的电话或者平面电视机,它可能包含了从中国南方走私的稀土。 Contravene 抵触;违反;反驳;否认 violate , deny 双语例句原声例句权威例句 All poker sites reserve the right to do this if you contravene their terms and conditions. 所有的网站都说如果你违反了条款他们将保留这个权利。 article.yeeyan.org According to the European Commission, no such transfers are illegal because they contravene labor laws. 根据欧洲委员会,这种转会是非法的,因为它们与劳动法相抵触。 www.en8848.com.cn The ruling, released late on Friday, applies to the EU’s antidumping duties on Chinese steel fasteners such as screws and bolts, and finds that EU duties on these products contravene WTO regulation. 上周五做出的这项裁定涉及欧盟对中国钢紧固件(如螺丝和螺栓)施加反倾销关税的做法,裁定称,欧盟对这些产品施加关税违反了WTO法规。 Contrite 悔悟了的;后悔的;悔罪的 regretful , repentant 双语例句原声例句权威例句 In fact, he sounded somber and contrite. 事实上,他的声音听起来又沮丧又后悔。 article.yeeyan.org I agree with those who have said that in my first statement after I testified, I was not contrite enough. 我同意一些人的这种看法——在作证后的第一次声明中,我没有表现出足够的悔悟。 article.yeeyan.org Yet if Davos is a bit more serious than usual – and some of the attendees are forced to be more contrite – that will probably not worry him. 不过,如果达沃斯的气氛变得比往年严肃——而且某些与者会不得不带着更为深重的悔罪心情,这大概也不会让他感到不安。 Contumacious 不听命令的;反抗法院命令的;顽固的 resistant , stubborn 双语例句 I love your gentle, your contumacious, and your lips. 我爱你的温顺,你的桀骜,你的唇。 blog.sina.com.cn The lieutenant's contumacious actions led to a court-martial hearing of his case. 中尉因为不服从命令的举动,而被送至军事法庭受审讯。 www3.060s.com There is another efficacious method for subduing the most obstinate, contumacious sinner. 有另一个有效的方法来镇压那最为顽固、抗命不从的罪人。 Conversant 熟悉的;精通的;亲近的 familiar , perfect , near , close 双语例句权威例句 Ordinary people need to know what information is available, and they need the training to be conversant in it. 普通人需要知道什么信息是可利用的,并且他们需要训练的是精通它。 article.yeeyan.org Have you ever noticed that when you are in love, you seem instinctively affectionate, conversant, admiring and willing to make love? 当你坠入爱河的时候,有没有注意到,你会本能地产生爱慕、熟悉、钦佩并想要得到对方的全部? article.yeeyan.org Still, politicians are more conversant with human irrationality than most. Their trade is more governed by it than even high finance. 政客们仍旧比我们中的大多数更精通利用人类的非理性行为,这些行为对其事业的影响甚至大于金钱贸易。 Convex 凸面的;凸圆的 gibbous 双语例句权威例句 Because there is no abrasion between the concave and convex, the nut is reusable. 因为凹面与凸面没有磨损,螺母可以重复使用。 article.yeeyan.org They’re lenses because they’re convex vessels, and when they’re full of water they act as a lens and you see the horizon in them, upside down and backwards. 说它们是镜头,因为它们是凸面的容器。 盛满水后,它们可作为镜头使用,你可以通过它们看到颠倒过来的地平线。 article.yeeyan.org The product they came up with is a round, brushed metal device with a convex glass circle in the middle that displays the temperature and changes color depending on the color of the wall it is on. 法德尔发布的这款产品是一个圆形、拉丝的金属装置,中间有凸面玻璃显示屏,可以显示温度,并且可以根据其所在? 面的颜色自动变色。 Convivial 欢乐的;欢宴的;酒宴的 festive , rollicking 双语例句权威例句 WHEN friends go out to dinner, the convivial atmosphere can be shattered once the waiter brings the bill. 朋友共进晚餐的欢乐气氛随着服务员带着账单的出现立马破碎。 www.ecocn.org The move is part of the fast-food chain’s efforts to woo cash-strapped customers by making its restaurants more convenient and convivial. 这家快餐连锁巨头希望通过此举,让自己的餐厅变得更加便利与欢乐,以招徕现金不充足的顾客。 www.ftchinese.com When the final tally of risks and benefits is in, let us hope there is room for women to have a convivial drink with friends or a romantic dinner with wine. 我们希望,当最终的风险和好处的统计数据出来的时候,我们能够留有余地,让女性朋友能够和她们的朋友欢快的喝酒或者是享受一个浪漫的红酒晚餐。 Convoluted 复杂的;费解的;旋绕的 complicated , sophisticated , involved , detailed , intricate 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This is a little more convoluted than the previous examples, but is still pretty straightforward. 这个例子要比前面的例子更复杂一点,但是原理仍然非常简单。 www.ibm.com Few programmers understand what it means, not to mention its risk of introducing mistakes into such convoluted code. 很少有程序员理解它是什么意思,更不用说这种费解的代码所带来的出错风险了。 blog.163.com The results could be harmful and damaging if they were to expose people’s information in ways they were not expecting, she said, and these issues are only likely to get more convoluted in the future. 这个结果将是有害的和具有破坏性的,如果他们在某种方式下揭露人们不期望揭露的信息,她说,同时这些问题在未来仅仅就像得到更多的费解。 Coop 把…关进笼子里;限制;拘禁 block , qualify n. 鸡笼;小屋;捕鱼篓 shed , cottage 双语例句原声例句权威例句 As soon as she was alone within the walled garden she sat herself down on a coop, and seriously screwed up her mouth for the long neglected practice. 当苔丝回到围墙的院子里只剩下一个人时,她就在一个鸡笼上坐下来,认真地把嘴巴撮起来,开始了她早已生疏了的练习。 www.hjenglish.com It opens with the father, Chef Chu, plucking a live chicken from his backyard coop and minutes later turning it into a steaming, mouth-watering casserole dish. 该片一开始,就是父亲朱师傅从他家后院的鸡笼里抓出一只活鸡来拨毛,而在几分钟之后把它变成了一道令人垂涎欲滴的砂锅菜。

  • Enigma

    Enigma 2012-10-30 10:51:28


  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-01 15:19:50

    Croak 呱呱地叫;发牢骚;死 complain , whine about vt. 用嘶哑的声音说;死亡 end up , angel of death 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Don't croak any more, but come home jolly, there's a dear. 别再发牢骚了,高高兴兴地回家吧,这就对了。 www.kekenet.com By turning off the bell -- or quack or frog croak -- that says "You've got mail!"you'll work more efficiently and can then respond to e-mails when you're ready. 通过关闭表示“你有邮件”的铃声或嘎嘎声或青蛙的呱呱叫声,你会工作得更有效率,然后可以在你准备就绪时回复电子邮件。 article.yeeyan.org Within the Carp module, the four main functions are carp(), which is a synonym for a warning message, and croak(), which is like die() and also terminates the script. 在 Carp 模块内部,有 4 个主要函数,carp() 是警告消息的同义词,croak() 与 die() 一样,可以结束脚本。 Crochet crochet hook 钩针 crochet machine n. 钩编机 双语例句权威例句 And designers will continue to put a strong emphasis on artisanal craftsmanship, such as using recycled yarn, patchwork and crochet. 另外,设计师将一如既往地强调手工工艺,比如使用再生纱线、拼布和钩针织物。 www.cn.wsj.com Another walker invited me to join her knitting group, where I rediscovered a long-abandoned productive activity and learned how to crochet. 另一位散步团体成员邀请我加入针织团体,在那里我重新拾起被我遗弃多年的针织活,还学会了钩针编织。 article.yeeyan.org “We want people to be better aware that there is a gender dimension to transport,” says World Bank Transport Economist, Jean-Charles Crochet, who led the studies in Yemen and Casablanca. “我们希望人们能更加清楚地认识到,交通包含性别内容,”负责也门和卡萨布兰卡研究的世界银行交通经济学Jean-Charles Crochet说。 Crockery 陶器;瓦器;土器 earthenware , pottery ware 双语例句权威例句 And we will shortly be making available to readers a range of attractive commemorative crockery. 而且我们不久将提供给读者做一个有吸引力的纪念陶器范围。 article.yeeyan.org Think of it, with all that fighting between Troy and Athens there must have been crockery shards all over the place. 请想象一下,在特洛伊人和雅典人的数轮大战之后,城邦中的各处必定留下了大量的陶器碎片。 article.yeeyan.org Little tumuli of oyster shells in the oyster season, and of lobster shells in the lobster season, and of broken crockery and faded cabbage leaves in all seasons, encroached upon its high places. 在牡蛎季节中的牡蛎壳,在龙虾季节中的龙虾壳,在所有季节中的破碎的陶器和枯萎的卷心菜叶,像小坟般一堆一堆地侵占了铁路线的路堤。 Croon 低声歌唱;满怀柔情地唱流行歌曲 Having been told that karaoke had worked miracles on Andy’s autism as an infant, I asked whether he still liked to croon. 听说安迪小的时候卡拉OK治疗他的自闭症发挥了奇效,我问他们,安迪还喜欢唱歌吗? article.yeeyan.org Sweet-and-sour salmon now regularly croon in sub-Saharan streets. Africans are embracing new opportunities made in China yet remain wary of all the pitfalls. 现在,在撒哈拉以南的街头上,经常可以闻到糖醋鲑鱼,尽管依然心存芥蒂,非洲人正张开双臂迎接中国创造的新的机遇。 article.yeeyan.org Previous Chinese leaders have been relatively eager to showcase their English acumen in particular Jiang Zemin, who was known to recite the Gettysburg Address and croon Elvis Presley songs. 中国以前的领导人相对愿意展示他们的英语能力,特别是江泽民。 他背诵林肯于美国内战期间发表的“葛底斯堡演说”(Gettysburg Address)和轻唱“猫王”普莱斯利(Elvis Presley)歌曲的事广为人所知。 Crouch 蹲伏,蜷伏;卑躬屈膝 stay down , grovel vt. 低头;屈膝 head drop , drop on one's knees n. 蹲伏 couching 双语例句权威例句 Instead, the prisoner had to crouch, and no food or water only added to the agony. 相反,囚犯必须蜷缩着,没有食物或水的提供只是增加这痛苦。 article.yeeyan.org Then he sat back in a crouch, legs shaking a little. His eyes, glazed and half-shut, stared blankly at the floor. 然后他屈膝蹲在了后面,腿还有点发抖,玻璃般半睁的眼睛茫然地盯着地上看。 article.yeeyan.org Jack landed in a crouch in front of a startled gunman. The man raised the Uzi and Jack fired, blowing the top of his head off. 杰克以蹲伏姿势落地,面前是一个大吃一惊的枪手,他刚刚抬起手中的乌兹冲锋枪,杰克就一枪轰掉了他脑袋的上半部分。 Crudity 粗糙;简陋;未成熟物 roughness , granulation 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The paper was called: Crudity, Prudery, And Treachery: Translating Sex in the Song of Songs. 论文起了个引人注意的夸张标题——《粗鲁,拘谨,背叛:<雅歌>里的翻译问题》 proxy.clan-cdf.com If I say my mind is crude and I try to become sensitive, the very effort to become sensitive is crudity . 加入我说我的头脑是粗糙的,我要努力变得敏感,而这个想要变得敏感的努力正是粗糙的。 danci.911cha.com But teaching children to cook and eat together might help overcome the crudity of their eating habits: the price of more refined, and in this instance nonfattening, pleasures always being effort. 但是,教孩子做饭并一起吃饭可以帮助他们克服坏的饮食习惯:代价是食物更精致,在这种情况下,所有努力换来的结果是不会肥胖和快乐。 Crusade crusade against 讨伐 双语例句原声例句权威例句 My crusade to inspire will continue whether people think it's possible or not. 无论人们认为可能与否,我的改革运动都不会停止。 davidhyf.blog.163.com He died of a massive heart attack in 1967, just as his crusade against communism in Asia was stumbling towards its own death in Vietnam. 1967年他死于大面积心肌梗塞,此时他对抗亚洲共产主义的十字军圣战正在越南跌跌撞撞地走向死亡。 www.ecocn.org King and his advisers wanted to use Montgomery's fame and success to launch a crusade that would target far more than just public-seating practices. 马丁路德金和他的顾问们希望利用蒙哥马利的声望发起比公交座位惯例更为有深远意义的的改革运动。 Crux 关键;难题;十字架形,坩埚 key , lynchpin 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This is the crux of the matter. 这就是问题的关键所在。 《新英汉大辞典》 "The crux of the (suit) is to get these vehicles fixed and safe," he said. "诉讼的关键,是要让这些车的缺陷得到修补,变得安全." 他说. cn.reuters.com Look at this structure before you move on, because it contains the crux of the algorithm. 在继续开发之前,先仔细看看这个结构,因为它包含算法的关键。 Crutch 拐杖;支柱;依靠;胯部 leg , backbone , stay vt. 用拐杖支撑;支持 encourage , carry , second , back , hand 双语例句权威例句 With the right products and the right terms, these workers can still have access to that crucial crutch. 在合适的产品和合适的条款下,这些工人仍然可以得到这些重要的支柱。 www.elanso.com Many investors will continue to want to use them as a crutch: witness money-market funds' success in fending off proposals to reduce their reliance on ratings. 许多投资者还想继续依靠他们:借此见证货币市场基金在不采纳减少对评级的依赖性的建议下取得成功。 www.ecocn.org But the next step is to go beyond a software crutch, Ms Stone says, and to learn to change one’s behaviour without the need for full-screen modes and internet-disabling utilities. 但下一步就是超越这一拐杖式的软件了,她说,我们必须学会改变用户的行为习惯,而不仅是借助于全屏模式或是互联网禁用工具。 Cryptic 神秘的,含义模糊的;[动]隐藏的 mysterious , hidden , latent 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Leave cryptic messages on the typewriters. 在打字机上留下神秘的信息。 article.yeeyan.org They can be quite cryptic, but are worth learning because of the inherent power they give you for text processing. 它们可能十分神秘,但是值得学习,因为它们给予您文本处理的与生俱来的力量。 www.ibm.com In this article, you learned about the various class loading exceptions, from the most basic errors to some more cryptic ones. 在这篇文章中,学习了不同的类装入异常,从最基本的错误到一些更神秘的错误。 www.ibm.com Culinary 厨房的;烹调用的 cooking 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But thrumming underneath it is a deep layer of culinary funkreminiscent of fermentation. 但敲打底部是深一层的使人想起的厨房的恐怖的发酵。 article.yeeyan.org Also, the Afghan culinary tradition is very tolerant in replacing meat in pilaf. You can change lamb in the meal with every kind of meat, except pork. 并且,在阿富汗的厨房传统中对于肉饭里肉类的更换是很宽容的,你可以把羊肉换成其它任何一种肉,猪肉除外。 article.yeeyan.org Mr This thinks of himself as a debunker of culinary myths, yet much of what he does merely retraces in the laboratory steps that chefs have taken in the kitchen for years. 塞斯先生认为自己是一位揭露厨房奥秘的人,然而,他的许多内容却仅仅是把一位厨师在厨房的多年经验用实验室的步骤再现于读者眼前。 Culpable 有罪的;该责备的;不周到的;应受处罚的 guilty , sinful 双语例句原声例句权威例句 China is entirely culpable, in this absurd and tragic story. 在这个荒唐和悲惨的故事上,中国是完全有罪的。 article.yeeyan.org But Yang Youbiao’s widow says she does not believe culpable officials will be punished. 但是杨幼标的遗孀说,她不相信那些有罪的官员会受到处罚。 article.yeeyan.org For there is no obvious level of support that is the obligatory minimum, and failure to know what that minimum is cannot therefore be morally culpable. 因为,对参与试验患者的支持并没有明显的义务底线,因此缺乏获知这种最低限度的义务在道德上也不为过。 Cumbersome 笨重的;累赘的;难处理的 problem , hulking 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This proved to be very cumbersome. 但是这样做会非常累赘。 article.yeeyan.org This is a very cumbersome approach, though. 虽然这是一种很笨重的实现方法。 www.ibm.com The average forecast: Stocks with easy names would go up 4%, while those with cumbersome names would go down 4%. 平均的预测结果是:那些名字简单的股票将上涨4%,而那些名字累赘的股票将下跌4%。 Cumulus 积云;堆积;堆积物 accumulation , piled up 双语例句权威例句 Small white cumulus clouds obscure some parts of the island. 图中白色的小积云遮住了小岛的一些地方。 article.yeeyan.org A band of cumulus lingered over the Great Hall of the People. 一条积云带在人民大会堂上空徘徊。 www.en8848.com.cn Cumulonimbus, along with cumulus, are the most dramatic types of cloud. 积雨云和积云是云中最神奇的类型。 Cupidity 贪心,贪婪 greed , covetousness 双语例句权威例句 We endured half a decade of stupidity, cupidity and the slow strangulation of dreams. 我们经历了五年的愚昧,贪婪,还有对梦想的慢性压制。 article.yeeyan.org As the king's cupidity and nervousness increased in his last years, he found new ways to squeeze money from his subjects: to keep them, in Henry's own words, “in danger at his pleasure”. 当国王的贪婪和紧张不安增强的最后几年里,他找到了新的方式从臣民那里榨取钱财:以亨利自己的话说,“按他之意而让他的臣民处于危险之中”。 article.yeeyan.org As the king’s cupidity and nervousness increased in his last years, he found new ways to squeeze money from his subjects: to keep them, in Henry’s own words, “in danger at his pleasure”. 暮年渐至,国王的贪婪和紧张感也不断加剧。 他找到新的方法去压榨臣民们:关押他们,用亨利的话说“他们危险,我高兴”。 Curator 馆长;监护人;管理者 managers , governor 双语例句原声例句权威例句 When the curator of Visions, Simon McAllister, promised that she could courier her paintings to the gallery, my mother agreed to the move. 直到“视界”画廊的馆长,西蒙•麦卡莱斯特,答应她可以将作品寄到画廊来,妈妈才同意了搬家。 dongxi.net "I am very excited about this paper, not only as a mineralogist but as a teacher and curator," says David Saja of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History in Ohio. “我不仅是一位矿物学家,而且是一名教师和馆长,对这篇论文我感到非常兴奋,”俄亥俄州克利夫兰自然史博物馆的大卫•萨亚说。 article.yeeyan.org By the time he was 25 he would have mixed with professors of prehistory and epigraphy from all over Europe, with the curator of the Louvre, with the premier archaeologists of France, and with the law. 到25岁时,他会和全欧洲研究史前历史和碑文的教授打交道;此外,还有卢浮宫的馆长,还有法国第一流的考古学家,还有法律。 Curmudgeon 脾气坏的人,乖戾的人;吝啬鬼;存心不良的人 screw , crosspatch 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He was a brooding curmudgeon who thundered against industry, progress and the young science that sought to explain them. 他忧郁而脾气暴躁, 怒斥工业、进步以及试图对它们作出解释的科学。 dj.iciba.com But the biggest revelation in “Backward Ran Sentences” is Gibbs’ presence, not as a glib curmudgeon but as a thoughtful philosopher. 《倒写句》里要揭示的吉布斯不是一个能说会道的倔老头,而是一个深思熟虑的哲学家。 Cursory 粗略的;草率的;匆忙的 rough , brief 双语例句权威例句 Any discussion of system security would be incomplete without at least a cursory word or two on the topic of passwords. 如果没有(哪怕是粗略地)提到一两句关于密码的话题,那么任何关于系统安全性的讨论都将是不完整的。 www.ibm.com At best, schools that do offer sex education really only provide a cursory overview of the subject that might not end up being all that helpful. 即使在最好的情况下,那些教授性知识的学校在这一问题上也只是给出了粗略模糊的概述,最后并不能取得预期的效果。 www.elanso.com Some are appropriate as college course textbooks, but most, in my opinion, are more suitable for working professionals who need a more than cursory understanding of a specific object technology area. 其中一些非常适合作为大学课程教科书,但是大部分,在我的观点来看,更适合于那些对特定对象技术领域需要不仅仅是粗略理解的专业人员。 Curt 简略的;简要的;草率的;简单粗暴的 brief , compendiary 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Listen to a Korean businessman negotiating with a Pole in English and you will hear the difference: the language is curt, emphatic, stripped-down. 听一听韩国商人和波兰人用英语的谈判,你就会知道一些不同:这门语言风格是简短,明确而又下拉式的。 www.ecocn.org When Gates answered a question at his 2006 confirmation hearing about whether the United States was winning in Iraq with a curt "no, sir," pundits were head over heels. 在2006年的确认会上,听到关于美国是否赢得伊拉克战场的问题,盖茨一声简短的回答“先生,还没呢”令评论者们神魂颠倒。 dongxi.net CinemaNow, which counts Microsoft and Cisco Systems among its investors, started offering movies online in 1999 and is not yet making a profit, to the surprise of its chief executive, Curt Marvis. 对于投资者而言有等同于微软和思科系统的CinemaNow,从1999年来是提供在线电影,但至今没有盈利,这让它的行政总裁Curt Marvis都大吃一惊。 Curtail 缩减;剪短;剥夺…特权等 crop , to cut back 双语例句原声例句权威例句 For parents, this means now is the time to curtail the cycle of debt and create a savings plan for your child’s future. 对于家长来说,这意味着现在我们到了缩减债务周期并为子女的将来开启一个储蓄理财计划的时候了。 www.elanso.com Except in Ireland, where the dire state of banks is likely to curtail credit for some time, and Canada, which peaked late, prices are dropping gradually, if at all. 爱尔兰和加拿大除外,前者银行的恶劣状态可能会使其在一段时间内缩减信贷,后者的价格达到高峰值的时间晚一些,目前价格还在逐渐下降。 www.ecocn.org If you are expecting both people to grow in the same direction and in the same way, that is unfair to both people. It will curtail and suffocate both of their lives. 如果你期望两个人都能朝着同一个方向用同样的方式成长,这对两个人都是不公平的,这也会压抑和剥夺彼此的生活乐趣。 Cuticle 角质层;[解剖]表皮;护膜 periostracum , stratum corneum 双语例句权威例句 What about the other parts of the cuticle? 有关的角质层的其他部分呢? article.yeeyan.org What about the other parts of the cuticle? What should you be looking for? 有关的角质层的其他部分呢?你应该关注什么? article.yeeyan.org When the trap door shuts, the plant excretes mucilage next to a special cuticle around the door, creating a watertight seal. 当陷阱阀门关闭的时候,植物在阀门周围的特殊角质层上分泌粘液,形成不透水密封垫。 Cutlery 餐具;刀剑制造业 silver , tableware 双语例句权威例句 One brought her mother's gold tooth, another a place setting of silver cutlery. 其中一位带来了母亲的金牙,另一位带来了一套银制餐具。 www.ftchinese.com Visiting cards used to be an indispensable attribute of the etiquette and the rules of their use were as sophisticated as those of cutlery. 过去拜访卡是礼节一个不可缺少的组成部分,而且它们的使用规则像餐具的使用规则那样复杂。 www.en8848.com.cn Visiting cards used to be an indispensable attribute of the etiquette and the rules of their use were as sophisticated as those of cutlery. 过去名片是礼节一个不可缺少的组成部分,而且它们的使用规则像餐具的使用规则那样复杂。 Cyclone 旋风;[气象]气旋;飓风 windspout , hurricane 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The cyclone brought misery to thousands of people. 旋风给成千上万的人带来苦难。 《新英汉大辞典》 Cyclone prediction combines predictions of ocean and land weather systems. 飓风预测联合了大洋和陆地的气象预报系统。 www.scidev.net But we fear that another depression may be growing within, or between, the great bulk of the anti-cyclone that should be dominating our patch of sea at this time of year. 但是我们担心新的低气压又在内部或外部生成,每年的这个季节,在我们所在的海面上应该由反气旋的天气系统所控制。 Cypress The cypress trunks themselves brought to mind the sturdy legs of large dinosaurs. 柏树的巨大树干使我联想到大型恐龙粗壮的大腿。 article.yeeyan.org The side lighting provided by the newly risen sun created mysterious shadows behind the stand of riverside cypress. 刚刚出山的太阳的侧向照明构成了挺立在河畔的柏树后面的神秘阴影。 article.yeeyan.org Near Disney World and Orlando, Florida, the Cypress Cove Resort offers a range of recreational activities, including biking, a lakeside beach and a small golf course. 柏树湾度假村在弗罗里达州的奥兰多,靠近迪斯尼乐园,有多种健身休闲活动克提供,包括自行车、湖边沙滩和小型高尔夫球场。 Cytology [sai'tɔlədʒi] n. 细胞学 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 Thus, the construction of the brain and the cytology, biophysics, and biochemistry of its component neurons reflect its fundamental function—to mediate behavior. 神经元的在大脑中的构建,以及它的细胞学、生物物理学和生物化学都表现着它作为大脑基础构件的基本功能,也正是这些功能在调节着行为。 article.yeeyan.org In 1898 he identified what he termed the "internal reticular apparatus"; the identification of this structure, which would later be named the Golgi complex, was a major breakthrough in cytology. 1898年,他鉴别出了被他命名为“细胞内部的网状结构”的结构;对于这一结构——现在被称为高尔基体——的鉴别,是细胞学上一个重大的突破。 article.yeeyan.org A lack of resources and infrastructure mean that few developing countries have conventional cytology screening programmes — where the cells of the cervix are assessed for changes caused by cancer. 缺乏资源和基础设施意味着几乎没有发展中国家建立了传统的细胞学筛查项目——检查宫颈细胞以寻找癌症导致的变化

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    [已注销] 2012-11-01 15:28:26


  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-02 15:36:43

    斑纹的;有斑点的;花的 spotted , floral 双语例句权威例句 The banded patterns on their bodies make them hard to see in the dappled light. 它们身上的伪装图案使它们在斑驳的光线下难以被看到. article.yeeyan.org He looked out the large plate glass window, studying the morning sunlight that dappled the trees and cars parked along the street. 老人向大玻璃窗望去,凝视着早晨的阳光将树木与停靠在路旁的汽车照的斑斑驳驳。 article.yeeyan.org The well is shared by other local herders, who gather on the snow dappled steppe, chatting together as they watch their goats, camels and sheep eagerly drink the liquid before it turns to ice. 这口井也为其他集中在这片由积雪零星覆盖的草原的牧民所用。 在看着自家山羊、骆驼和绵阳在水结冰之前争相饮水的同时,他们在一旁聊天。 Daredevil 蛮勇(或蛮干)的,胆大妄为的,鲁莽大胆的,不顾一切的,冒失的 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 “It can make you rethink even the simplest things you want to do, ” Daredevil star Ben Affleck said. “它会使你重新考虑人生,哪怕只是你想做的很简单的一些事情,”“Daredevil”一片中的明星Ben Affleck说。 www.hxen.com David Blaine is just hanging around. The daredevil is attempting to hang upside-down for 60 hours without a net in New York Central Park. 戴维布莱恩仍在挂着。这名超胆侠正尝试于纽约的中心公园里,在不借助网子保护的情况下倒挂60个小时。 bbs.putclub.com David Blaine is just hanging around. The daredevil is attempting to hang upside-down for 60 hours without a net in New York Central Park. 大卫布莱恩仍在继续他的游戏。 这位冒险者试图在没有安全网的情况下在纽约中心公园倒挂60个小时。 bbs.putclub.com Dart 突进;投掷;猛冲 pitch , throw vt. 投掷;投射 cast , toss 双语例句原声例句权威例句

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-02 15:36:58

    The dart cannot feed itself. 该飞镖不能养活自己。 article.yeeyan.org Fix a stone, sharpened with a deadly edge, at the end of acarefully weighted stick, and you have a weapon - a dart, arrow or aspear - that could be lethal at a considerable distance. 把石头的尖部修理得锋利一些,再精心绑上一根木棍,现在你就拥有了一件武器。 一枝飞镖、箭头或长矛,在关键时刻它能起到致命的效果。 article.yeeyan.org He spent just a few days in the arms of his real mother before she was knocked out with a tranquilliser dart and her screaming baby was handed straight to his delighted new, human, mother. 他只在生母的怀中待了几天,他妈妈就被安神镖打晕,而他也大哭大喊着被交到了人类的手中。 这兴高采烈的人类从此就是他的新妈妈了。 Dashing . 时髦的,华丽的;雄纠纠的;劲头十足的 modern , fashionable , tony , in , magnificent v. 急奔;猛掷(dash的ing形式) hurtling 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Like, for instance, the spring day a dashing fellow in a pink blazer knocked on their door. 就好像,比如说,那个春天一个衣着时髦穿着一件粉色运动夹克的家伙敲了他们的家门。 article.yeeyan.org But her mother heard, and Joan's simple vanity, having been denied the hope of a dashing marriage, fed itself as well as it could upon the sensation of a dashing flirtation. 但是她的母亲却听见了,琼简单的虚荣心在高攀一门婚事的希望落空以后,因此就到女儿被人追求这件事上去寻求感情上的满足。 www.hjenglish.com Then, if neutrinos can break free of the brane, they might get from one point on it to another by dashing through the bulk, like a flying fish taking a shortcut between the waves. 然后,如果中微子可以冲破膜的藩篱,它们就可能从主体上的一个点飞快地行驶到另一个点,就像一条飞鱼在波浪之间走了一条捷径。 Daunt 吓,恫吓,恐吓,威吓,吓倒;使害怕: They were daunted by the amount of work still to be done. 他们被 那大量待做的工作吓倒了。 to daunt one's adversaries 吓倒对手 使畏缩,使胆怯,使气馁,使失去信心(或勇气): Don't be daunted by the amount of work still to be done. 不要因那大量待做的工作而失去信心。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-02 15:37:34

    Dawdle 虚度光阴,白白地浪费时光,磨蹭时间;拖延;偷懒: Stop dawdling and help me with these suitcases. 别偷懒了,快来帮我拿这些手提箱吧。 The boss told the workers not to dawdle over their work. 老板告知工人不要磨洋工。 闲混,闲逛,游荡,漫步: Stop dawdling and do something useful! 不要闲逛了,做点有益的事情吧。 The pupil dawdled all the way to school. 这名小学生一路上游游荡荡去上学。 Deadpan 面无表情地 不带感情色彩地;超然地 vt., vi. 更多结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He had a deadpan humor and this sense of himself that seemed to say, ‘Yes, I am fully aware that I might be mad, but I also might be on to something.’ 他有一种不动声色的幽默,他自己那种感觉好像在说,‘是啊,我完全知道我可能疯了,但是我也可能会做出什么大事。’ article.yeeyan.org IT IS something of a surprise to find that the bank boss with the best line in deadpan humour is Guo Shuqing, chairman of China Construction Bank (CCB). 意识到郭树清这样一位走不动声色幽默路线的人是位银行老板时,多少有些惊讶。 郭树清是中国建设银行(CCB)董事长。 www.ecocn.org Warhol’s close-up portraits of the famous might seem very far away from Mr Gursky’s anonymously populated urban landscapes, but the two artists share a deadpan neutrality to their subjects. 沃霍尔的特写肖像看起来可能与古尔斯基无名增长的都市图景相去甚远,但都给予他们的摄影对象一种不动声色的中立感。 Debacle 崩溃;灾害;解冻 crash , disaggregation 双语例句原声例句权威例句 After all, sitting and waiting is how we made money from the subprime debacle. 毕竟,我们如何从次贷崩溃赚钱就是坐着等待。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-02 15:39:35

    The law created an oversight committee to watch for positive depictions of these ills, along with crime, theft, hatred, debauchery and acts “liable to undermine morality” among the young. 这条法律催生了一个监督委员会,专门监督书中对于这些问题的正面描写,还包括犯罪、盗窃、仇恨、堕落以及在年轻人中扮演导向贬低道德的行为。 article.yeeyan.org Debrief 盘问;听取报告 cross examination , catechize 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Jack questions why Nina didn’t finish the debrief, but she gets called away before she can answer. 杰克问尼娜为何没有完成盘问情报的工作,尼娜还未来得及回答就被别人叫走了。 article.yeeyan.org Green comes in to debrief Jack, and he asks to phone his wife and daughter in return for his cooperation. 格林走进审讯室盘问杰克,作为合作,杰克要求与他的老婆和女儿通电话。 article.yeeyan.org The prototypes include airborne instrumentation, ground station planning and software systems to debrief pilots. 原型机包括机载使用仪器、地面站规划和听取飞行员汇报的软件系统 Debunk 揭穿;拆穿…的假面具;暴露 divulgate , come to light 双语例句原声例句权威例句 So let's debunk some of the most common falsehoods. 那么,让我们来揭穿一些最常见的谬误吧。 www.ftchinese.com You can debunk all these myths and change the way you live and think. 你可以揭穿这些规则,然后改变你生活与思考的方式。 article.yeeyan.org If they are doing their jobs well, they explain the science of the medication, and correct even debunk erroneous information. 如果他们工作干得好,他们就该解释药物的科学机理并且订正甚至暴露出的错误信息。 article.yeeyan Decant (不搅混其沉淀地)轻轻倒出(酒或其他溶液、液体);滗;【化学】滗析,滗去,倾析 把(酒、水等)移注(另一容器) 下(客);卸(货): The touring car had decanted us at a tourist spot for touring. 旅游汽车把我们带到一个观光旅游胜地去游览。 给…提供新住房: His house was demolished,so he was decanted a new flat. 他的房子被拆掉了,所以给他提供了一套新房间。 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 Should I decant? Generally, no - at least, not at first. 一般来说不需要,至少一开始不必换瓶。 cn.wsj.com If we taste a wine and it's so tight that it needs decanting, we can decant; if we decant first and then find that the wine lost some fruit to the air, there's no going back. 如果尝一口后觉得酒味过于涩,需要“呼吸”一下,那么就可以换瓶。 假如一开始就去醒酒,结果发现葡萄酒的一些果味流失在空气之中,那就没有后悔药可吃了。 www.hjenglish.com Then there's the issue of whether to keep your prized whiskey in the original bottle or decant it -- pouring it into a crystal carafe and tossing that bottle into the recycling bin. 此外还有一个问题,是把你那瓶价格昂贵的威士忌放在原瓶里保存,还是选择换瓶:把酒倒进一个水晶酒瓶,把原瓶扔进回收垃圾桶。 c.wsj.com Decibel A Danish study found a 27 percent increase in stroke risk for every 10 decibel increase in street noise for those over 65. 一项来自丹麦的研究表明,对于年龄超过65岁的人,街道噪声每增加10分贝,心脏病突发的危险就增加27%。 article.yeeyan.org The decibel range for five bars of reception is so large because precise measurement in such an area is less important than in areas with poor reception. 五格信号强度的分贝范围很大,因为在信号好的地方精确测量信号并没有在信号差地方测量那么重要。 article.yeeyan.org If the dog's hackles are up, if it gives a low decibel growl, or if it engages in a predatory, stalking posture, then there is probably a danger in the environment. 如果狗颈部的毛都竖立起来,或是它用低分贝咆哮,或是呈掠夺、跟踪姿势,那么周围肯定存在不安全因素。 Declaim 慷慨陈词;演讲;朗读 speak , give a lecture vt. 演讲;慷慨激昂地发表 give a lecture , discourse upon 双语例句权威例句 Never mind that these tools can also be used to isolate individuals from one another and become a platform for the pompous to declaim at will. 虽然这些互动工具有可能使人孤立自己,亦会成为浮夸的人任意发表意见的平台。 blog.sina.com.cn A writer asked to discuss his craft ought just to jump up and declaim, de haut en bas, the names of Flaubert, Tolstoy, Blake, Coleridge, Proust, James. 作为一个作家,如果有人要你谈谈自己的写作技巧,你只要跳起来,居高临下地大声喊出这些作家的名字:福楼拜,托尔斯泰,布莱克,柯勒律治,普鲁斯特,詹姆斯。 www.24en.com A writer asked to discuss his craft ought just to jump up and declaim, de haut en bas, the names of Flaubert, Tolstoy, Blake, Coleridge, Proust, James. 作为一个作家,如果有人和你谈起你的写作技巧,那你要做的就是跳起来大声喊出福楼拜、托尔斯泰、布莱克、科尔里奇、普尔斯特和詹姆士的名字,居高临下地喊出。 Decrepit 衰老的;破旧的 shot , anile 双语例句权威例句 He nodded at her and sat, looking around with distaste at the decrepit bar. 他朝她点点头,坐下,厌恶地环顾了破旧的酒吧。 article.yeeyan.org But they soon set a date for a shoot at Jack's apartment, a "decrepit old place" a block from campus. 但他们很快就约好了在杰克的公寓拍照的日期,那是一个和校园隔了一个街区的“破旧老地方”。 article.yeeyan.org Even if decrepit regimes fell, he suggested, there would still be a fundamental clash of civilizations between Islam and the West. 他表示,即使衰老的政权垮台,在伊斯兰与西方之间依然会发生根本的文明冲突。 Deface 损伤外观,丑化 to smear 双语例句权威例句 We deface advertisements to protest against their influence on society. 我们通过涂污广告牌来抗议广告对社会的影响。 www.ftchinese.com Will it deface the landscape, or is it a beautiful sign of moving into the future? 它会玷污风景的美,又或者是人们通向未来是美好标志呢? article.yeeyan.org Some of the spectators would like to deface the billboard structures, but we disapprove. 一些旁观者喜欢涂污广告牌的架子,我们不赞成这样做。 Defame 诽谤;中伤 speak evil of , stab in the back 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Don't defame people. 不要诽谤人民。 www.elanso.com We expect politicians to defame each other in an election year. 我们预料政客们在选举年会互相诽谤。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 They frequently harass their victims by contacting their friends, colleagues, online contacts, etc., to either defame them or to gain pertinent information about their personal and professional lives. 他们通过不断的联系他们的朋友,同学,在线联系人等等或是诽谤他们或者是获取他们个人和职业生涯相关的信息,给受害者造成麻烦。 Defer 推迟;延期;服从 delay , to postpone vt. 使推迟;使延期 respite 双语例句原声例句权威例句 You may defer payment until next week. 你可延期至下周支付。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 He also means to defer the day when he must himself decide which camp he belongs to. 这也意味着他想推迟必须自己做出决定属于哪个阵营的那一天。 www.ecocn.org ”, then asks: “If I don't or can't defer decisions, does this mean that I have a bad architecture? ,然后他问道:“如果我没有,或者不能推迟做出决定,那就一定意味着我拥有很差的架构吗? Defile 使污秽,弄脏,污损,污染;使失去光泽: The animals defiled the water. 牲口把水弄脏了。 be defiled with ink stains 被墨水渍弄脏 亵渎,使不纯洁: The infidels defiled the holy shrine. 异教徒亵渎神圣的神殿。 to defile the church by using it as a stable 用教堂做马厩而亵渎教堂 使不贞洁;使败坏,使腐败,腐蚀: Evil books defile the mind. 坏书会腐蚀(人们的)思想。 Defoliant 脱叶剂,落叶剂,枯叶剂 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 I had worked for nearly a year in a rubber plantation area sprayed with the toxic defoliant Agent Orange. 我还在一个橡胶园的地区工作了接近一年,那里到处喷洒着橙剂,是一种有毒的脱叶剂。 article.yeeyan.org Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange, a poisonous defoliant used by America in the war, are still seeking compensation. 落叶剂(美军在越战中使用的一种落叶毒素)的越南受害者仍在要求获得赔偿。 www.ecocn.org Agent Orange is a defoliant that was used during the Vietnam War era and known to cause cancer and other serious illnesses. 橙剂是一种脱叶剂,曾在越战期间使用,已知会致癌和其他严重疾病。 Dabble (尤指用手)玩水,嬉水,戏水: Birds are dabbling in the water. 鸟儿戏水。 Children like to dabble in water. 孩子们喜欢玩水。 (如同玩水似的)拨弄: to dabble with the coffee 拨弄着咖啡 草率(或轻率)地对待;涉猎,涉足,浅尝(at, in, with): to dabble in literature 涉猎文字 to dabble at painting 涉猎绘画 to dabble with stocks 经营一部分股票 Dagger 匕首,短剑 knife , stiletto 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He was stabbed with a dagger. 他被刺了一匕首。 《新英汉大辞典》 The soldier darted a dagger at his enemy. 那战士向敌人掷匕首。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Then he drew a dagger from a belt of white leather, and stabbed the Nubian in the throat lest the slave should tell of his dishonour. 随后他便从一条白色皮带里抽出一柄匕首,直取努比亚人的咽喉,以防那奴隶散播他的耻辱。 Daguerreotype What I ended up with was a colorized version of this Daguerreotype. 我最终让这张银版照相法的照片变成了彩色的。 article.yeeyan.org The image was taken by Louis Daguerre who invented the Daguerreotype – one of the earliest methods of photography. 这张照片是由路易斯•达盖尔拍摄,他发明了银版照相法 - 摄影的最早方法之一。 article.yeeyan.org Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre (November 18, 1787 � July 10, 1851) was a French artist and chemist, recognized for his invention of the daguerreotype process of photography. 路易•雅克•曼德•达盖尔(1787年11月18日——1851年7月1日)是法国美术家和化学家,因发明银版照相法而闻名。 Dainty 美味的;讲究的;秀丽的;挑剔的 delicious , elegant , particular n. 美味 deliciousness 双语例句原声例句权威例句 And if I was too lazy or too dainty or too busy, and left it for someone else, somebody else soon taught me different. 如果我过于懒惰、挑剔或忙碌,而让别人来做这些事,马上就会有人教我不能这么 做。 www.en8848.com.cn I look wistfully at the silver cake-stands being delivered to the other tables, each tier promising tuille biscuits, dainty cakes and finger sandwiches. 我渴望地望着银色的糕点车,它们正被推向其它餐桌,车上每一层都装满松脆的饼干、美味的蛋糕和手指三明治。 www.ftchinese.com The ceiling is low, the wallpaper is dainty blue flowers, the bedspread is bluechintz, the carpet is white, and it smells of powder and dentures and old skin. 天花板有点低,墙纸是秀丽的蓝色花朵,床罩是蓝色印花棉布,地毯是白色的,整个房间闻起来有股药、假牙和老皮混合起来的味道。 Debouch (河川向广阔处)流出;进出于(广阔地方) discharge , issue , shed 双语例句权威例句 The inner single debouch bar develops accretion sand bodies. 单一河口坝砂体内部发育河口坝增生体。 dict.cnki.net From serious to weak, the microfacies are in turn distributary interchannel , levee, far bar distributary river course and debouch bar. 按照非均质性的强弱,这些微相依次为分流间湾、天然堤、远砂坝、水下分流河道和河口砂坝。 dictsearch.appspot.com Five sedimentary microfacies including underground river distributary, debouch bar, frontal sheet sand, sand-shale alternating layer, front fan-delta-deep water lake deposits are identified. 研究表明,高青砂岩体的沉积微相有水下分流河道、河口砂坝、前缘席状砂沉积、砂泥互层沉积、前扇三角洲-深水湖泊沉积。 Debris 碎片,残骸 remain , chip 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The sea tided the debris ashore. 潮水将碎片冲上海滩。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Residents, sometimes helped by friends and relatives, pick through the debris or wander, dazed, through the streets, trying to comprehend the enormity of the calamity. 那些有时受到朋友和亲戚帮助居民,穿过残骸,茫然的游荡于大街小巷,(似乎)是想充分理解这场巨大的灾难。 www.ecocn.org It is able to do this because it is filled with a mineral oil that slowly diffuses through the silicone. The oil serves as a lubricant for any debris that sticks to the shell. 之所以能够这样做,是因为外壳中有一种矿物油可以在硅树脂中缓慢地扩散,对于任何附着在外壳上的碎片,该矿物油起到了润滑剂的作用。 Deduce 推论,推断;[数][计]演绎出 understand , reason , conclude 双语例句原声例句权威例句 From this, we could deduce phrases and proximity. 根据该列表,我们能推论短语和近似度。 www.ibm.com I deduce from the large crowd that the speaker is very popular. 从听众很多这一点,我可以推断,演讲者大受欢迎。 www.hjenglish.com They have to deduce from the shape of each bone what the muscles were like. 他们必须从每块骨头的形状来推断其肌肉是什么样的。 Deduct 扣除,减去;演绎 net of , substract 双语例句权威例句 If you have to pay points to refinance your home, you can deduct them over the life of your new loan. 如果您有支付项目而需要为你家再筹款,你可以扣除超出你新的借款的部分税款。 www.elanso.com Pay your savings just like you would a utility bill, add it to your savings and deduct it from your checking. 就像付水电费一样支付你的存款,把它从你的活期账户上扣除,放到你的储蓄账户上去。 article.yeeyan.org Each buyer is associated with a particular bank that can provide information about the account status, as well as deduct the required funds from that account. 每个买方都与一个特定的银行联系在一起,该银行可以提供买方的帐户状态信息,还可以从该帐户扣除所需资金。 www.ibm.com Deflated 泄气的 frustrated v. 抽气;使泄气(deflate的过去式和过去分词) disheartened 双语例句原声例句权威例句 And asset bubbles can be deflated through limits on some sorts of borrowing rather than just interest-rate hikes. 于是通过限制某些类型的信贷而不是单单提高利率,资产价格泡沫能够被抑制。 ecocn.org But while sugar can provide a short-term rush, it can leave you feeling deflated not to mention adding to your weight. 糖份可以在短时间内为我们提神,但到头来或许会让你觉得像泄了气的皮球,更不用说还会增加你的体重。 c.wsj.com As the more than 100 delegates at Taiwan's government-organised economic reform conference returned home on Friday night, they could have been forgiven for feeling exhausted and somewhat deflated. 上周五晚上,参加台湾政府组织的经济改革会议的100多位代表回到家。 如果他们会后感到疲惫且有点泄气,是可以原谅的。 Deflect 转向;使偏斜;使弯曲 wind , curve vi. 转向;偏斜 swing , turn towards 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Those who would deflect it from its path must not, and surely will not, succeed. 那些想要将发展偏离其轨道的人现在不会,将来也一定不会成功。 www.ecocn.org Not only does this deflect some of the heat onto the DPJ’s rivals, but it may also put the DPJ in a stronger position after the elections. 这不仅仅将一些议论的热点转向日本民主党的竞争对手,还可能在选举后将其推至更为强势的位置。 www.ecocn.org One way to deflect all the incoming animosity is by spreading the wealth — if not in dollars and cents then in terms of favors, flattery and other good acts. 一种转移所有要冲你来的怨恨的办法是散播财富——如果不是以美元或美分的方式,那么用其他恩惠,夸奖和做好事也可以。 Deciduous 落叶性的,脱落性的;非永久性的 semipermanent 双语例句权威例句 North American deciduous trees or shrubs. 北美每年落叶的乔木或灌木。 dj.iciba.com These Texas maples are far enough south that they peak much later than many other deciduous trees in the United States. 这些德克萨斯州枫树是在足够远的南部,它们的憔悴期迟于美国的许多其他地方的落叶乔木。 article.yeeyan.org Any of various deciduous shrubs of the genus Weigela of Asia, especially W. florida, widely cultivated for its pink, white, or red flowers. 锦带花亚洲的锦带花属的各种落叶灌木之一,尤指锦带花,因其紫色、白色或红色的花朵而被广泛种植。 Decimate 大批杀死,大量毁灭,杀灭…中的十分之九,杀死(或毁坏)…的大部分: The population was decimated by a plague. 人口中的大部分被一场瘟疫所毁。 Famine decimated the population. 饥荒使人口大批丧生。 (以抽签方式)选(人中)的十分之一;消灭(人中)的十分之一 (原指在古罗马军队中以抽签方式)处死(反叛士兵等)的十分之一 [废语]取…的十分之一 [废语]对…征收什一税;把(农产品的十分之一缴税) 变形: vt. decimated . decimating 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Bad policy can decimate the social fabric, but good policy can only modestly improve it. 坏的政策可以毁掉社会结构,而好的政策也只能稍稍地改进社会结构。 article.yeeyan.org However, the food industry yesterday slammed the idea as 'dangerous', 'totally unrealistic' and likely to decimate British agriculture. 但是,食品工业昨日抨击这个做法是危险的不现实的,而且极有可能毁掉英国农业。 article.yeeyan.org The lionfish gorge on small fish, mollusks and invertebrates, enough to fill out to as much as 480 grams and decimate local populations on the coral reefs they inhabit. 狮子鱼以小的鱼类,软体动物和无脊椎动物为食,足够将身体填至高达 480 克,在他们所居住的珊瑚礁大量杀死本地物种。 Declaim 演讲;慷慨激昂地发表 give a lecture , discourse upon 双语例句权威例句 Never mind that these tools can also be used to isolate individuals from one another and become a platform for the pompous to declaim at will. 虽然这些互动工具有可能使人孤立自己,亦会成为浮夸的人任意发表意见的平台。 blog.sina.com.cn A writer asked to discuss his craft ought just to jump up and declaim, de haut en bas, the names of Flaubert, Tolstoy, Blake, Coleridge, Proust, James. 作为一个作家,如果有人要你谈谈自己的写作技巧,你只要跳起来,居高临下地大声喊出这些作家的名字:福楼拜,托尔斯泰,布莱克,柯勒律治,普鲁斯特,詹姆斯。 www.24en.com A writer asked to discuss his craft ought just to jump up and declaim, de haut en bas, the names of Flaubert, Tolstoy, Blake, Coleridge, Proust, James. 作为一个作家,如果有人和你谈起你的写作技巧,那你要做的就是跳起来大声喊出福楼拜、托尔斯泰、布莱克、科尔里奇、普尔斯特和詹姆士的名字,居高临下地喊出。 Decry 谴责;诽谤 wrong , impugn 双语例句权威例句 It may be tempting for some to decry incentives as nothing but a poisonous fruit of Con-Lib responsibility thinking. 对一些人谴责激励机制只是作为“新政治”责任思考的毒果这样的结论本身是很冒险的。 article.yeeyan.org I know ‘tis the season to decry all things materialistic, but just as we’re inspired by people we are also inspired by things. 我想这是谴责所有事情物质化的时候了,然而正如我们被人所激励一样,我们也受事物的激励。 www.elanso.com All of that is grist for the mill for the Russian media, which is popular in the east of the country and uses every opportunity to decry "fascism" in Ukraine. 所有这些都像谷物被放进研磨机中一样,被俄国媒体粉碎,后者在这个国家的东部地区广受欢迎,并利用一切机会谴责乌克兰国内的“法西斯主义” Dais 讲台 platform , lectern 双语例句权威例句 He hurried from the dais, leaving Maughan, astonished, twisting in the wind alone. 他匆匆离开讲台,留下了惊讶的莫恩,独自蜷缩在风中。 www.ftchinese.com Despite his wooden persona on the dais and on television, he has surprised everyone by his increasingly ruthless determination to tighten his grip. 尽管在讲台和电视上外表呆板,他越来越坚定地巩固了自己的权力,这让所有人吃惊。 www.ecocn.org Though usually more modest versions are put up in homes, in such places as stores, schools and museums, dolls are displayed on a large tiered, red dais. 虽然不少家庭通常都有比较温和的版本,但是在商店,学校和博物馆等场所,玩偶在红色的讲台上一层又一层地显示出来。 Dally 玩弄;闲荡;轻率地对待 moon , play fast and loose vt. 浪费(时间) lose , spend , waste on , trifle away , hurl away 双语例句原声例句权威例句 LL: To dilly-dally is to waste time doing pointless things. Dilly-dally就是拖拖拉拉。 噢,你是说我们的朋友在等着,而我在这儿浪费时间。 www.24en.com "Many thought they could make more money in hedge funds," Dally said. “许多人以为他们会在对冲基金挣更多的钱,”Dally说。 article.yeeyan.org They met dally in that strange and solemn interval, the twilight of the morning, in the violet or pink dawn; for it was necessary to rise early, so very early, here. 他们每天都在那个新奇庄严的时刻里见面,也就是在朦胧的晨光里、在紫色的或粉红色的黎明里见面;因为在这儿必须早起,要起得非常早。 Damper 电子][机]阻尼器;[车辆]减震器;气闸 silent block , amortisseur 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But in Sweden firms are allowed to run schools for profit; in Britain they will not be profit-making, at least at first. That could put a damper on things. 但是不同的是,瑞典的企业也有开办学校盈利的权利,而在英国,至少短期内这是不可能的,因为这可能会阻碍英国教育的发展。 www.ecocn.org Each temperature sensor may be connected to a PID control loop with a damper, so the corresponding damper is opened …with an increase in temperature sensed for a particular area. 每一个温度探针都能够被连接到一个有着pid控制环路的挡板上,所以这个相应的挡板会在被检测温度数据上升时为开。。。 article.yeeyan.org Rather than chivvying along the Chinese consumer to buy more cars and fridges, the G20 would do better to focus on the more significant damper on local consumption: the too-cheap currency. 对于G20而言,与其催促中国消费者购买更多的汽车和冰箱,还不如把重点放在一个更重要的抑制消费的因素上:过于廉价的货币。 Dapper 短小精悍的;衣冠楚楚的;整洁的;整齐的 ordered , regular , straight 双语例句权威例句 Named for—you guessed it!—the dapper Duke of Windsor, the Full Windsor Knot is the kind of knot that's large and in charge. 是的,你猜对了,这种领带结是根据以整洁而闻名的温莎公爵命名的,温莎结打出来比较大给人以高贵的感觉。 article.yeeyan.org It wasn’t the most useful thing in the world, but you could just imagine a dapper NY gent dashing off letters in the corner café while sipping a latte. 这不是世界上最有用的东西,但你可以想象一下:在咖啡馆的角落里,一位衣冠楚楚的纽约绅士一边品啜着拿铁咖啡,一边飞快地写着信

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-03 15:00:35

    Defraud 欺骗 sell , fox , kid , take in sb , give the shaft 双语例句权威例句 A better oath might include: “I will not defraud my employer. 一个更好的誓词或许应包括这些内容:“我不会欺骗雇主。 www.ftchinese.com Siemens and the Munich prosecutors point to evidence that in the latest shenanigans the suspects “banded together” to defraud the firm. 西门子及慕尼黑的检察官称有证据表明在最近的欺诈案中,嫌疑人勾结在一起欺骗公司。 www.ecocn.org TOKYO (Reuters) - A fairy story ended behind bars for a Japanese couple Monday, when they were jailed for staging an elaborate fake royal wedding to defraud guests. 周一,一对日本夫妇的皇族童话在监狱里终结,这对夫妻用精心炮制的皇室后裔婚礼来欺骗宾客,最终落得身陷囹圄的下场。 Defuse 拆除(或卸除)(炸弹、地雷等)的雷管(或引信);使失去导火线: to defuse a bomb 拆除炸弹的引信 除去(紧张形势)中的爆炸性因素,使消除危险性,使失去爆炸性,调解(爆炸性局面);平息,缓和: to defuse a dangerous situation 缓和危险形势 to defuse a potentially ugly situation 消除潜在的尴尬局面 to defuse tension in a labour dispute 缓和劳工争执中的紧张气氛 削弱…的力量(或效果);使逊色: Miss Mary defused and obliterated every other talent on stage. 玛丽小姐使所有在舞台上的明星在她面前逊色多了。 Deify 把…奉若神明;把…神化;崇拜 worship , inshrine 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Will to power 1005 says that Schopenhauer, quote: did not understand how to deify the will. 《权力意志》1005说叔本华:,无法理解如何神化意志。 open.163.com This is a vital part of the archetypal martyr/messiah myth: to mythologize and deify the martyr. 这是一个殉道者\弥赛亚的必须具备的秘密:神化和崇拜殉道者。 article.yeeyan.org From animism to naturalistic pantheism, there are various belief systems that deify the natural world. 泛灵论、自然主义泛神论、盖亚理论——崇拜自然世界的信仰形形色色。 Deign 认为适合其身份(或尊严);降低身份,屈尊;俯就;垂顾(to do something): She would not deign to speak to us. 她认为她不值得和我们说话。 I would not deign to comment on such behaviour. 这种行为不屑我置评。 vt. 赐予,恩赐,俯允,俯准,屈尊接受: She deigned no reply. 她不屑回答。 Will you deign no answer? 您不屑赐予回答吗? Dejected 沮丧的,灰心的 blue , disappointed , depressed 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Why is she looking so dejected? 她为什么神情如此沮丧? 《新英汉大辞典》 The mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected that no one would help him or has concerned about his dilemma. 老鼠耷拉着脑袋回到屋子里,他感到很沮丧,因为没有谁愿意帮助它,没有谁为它的困境担心。 www.elanso.com A hundred or so apricots, perhaps feeling dejected by my indifference and believing I’d abandoned them for good, had leapt to their deaths. 或许是因为对于我的弃而不视感到沮丧了,约有一百多颗杏子跃向了死亡。它们散落在院子的地上。 Delineate 描绘;描写;画…的轮廓 represent , trace , picture , figure 双语例句原声例句权威例句 First, I used comments to delineate sections of the code. 首先,我使用了注释来描绘代码的各个部分。 www.ibm.com For centuries we have used maps to delineate borders that have been defined by politics. 几个世纪以来,我们一直用地图描绘已经由政治划定的疆界。 article.yeeyan.org During this phase organizations delineate additional SOA capabilities, agree on policies for service reuse across lines of business, establish processes to guarantee service levels, and so forth. 在此阶段,组织描绘出了附加的 SOA 能力,对跨业务线的服务复用的策略达成一致,建立过程以保证服务水平,等等。 Demagogue 煽动者;煽动家;煽动政治家 rabble-rouser , instigator 双语例句权威例句 Was Danton a dangerous demagogue? 丹东是一位危险的煽动家吗? www.ecocn.org It also exposed Mr Thaksin as a demagogue who is ready to incite a revolt from his Dubai redoubt. 也暴露出他信作为煽动者想从其流亡地,迪拜,就激起一场叛乱。 www.ecocn.org He was a close friend of the brutal military leaders of a 1991 coup and has talked of recreating the army, causing many Haitian intellectuals to fear he is a right-wing demagogue. 马尔泰利是1991年政变中残忍的军事领导人的密友,他谈及过重建军队的问题。 这使得许多海地知识分子担心他是个右翼的政治煽动家。 www.ecocn.org Demise 死亡,终止;转让;传位 death , negotiation , end , dying , termination vt. [法]遗赠;禅让 will , bequeath 双语例句原声例句权威例句 So his demise should be welcomed by all who believe in peace and human dignity. 所以他的死,是会为那些信仰和平及人类尊严的人们所接受的。 www.ecocn.org In other words, for a human being, only death itself ensures a speedier genetic demise than stigma and exclusion. 换句话说,作为一个人类,只有死亡本身才能比污染或者驱逐更加速基因的死亡。 www.en8848.com.cn Unfortunately, in our society, after age 25 or so, many folks begin to focus on any glitch in memory as evidence for its demise. 不幸的是,在我们的社会,在25岁左右或者更大些,许多人开始关注在记忆方面的任何故障作为其死亡的证据。 Demotic 通俗的,民众的 popular , mass , informal , pop 双语例句权威例句 The demotic poetry of Robert Burns or the skirl of bagpipes at Highland gatherings are easily appreciated by immigrants. 罗伯特•彭斯德通俗的诗句,高地集会上悠扬的风笛等,更容易为移民所欣赏。 article.yeeyan.org The demotic poetry of Robert Burns or the skirl of bagpipes at Highland gatherings are easily appreciated by immigrants. 罗伯特.彭斯德通俗的诗句,高地集会上悠扬的风笛,更容易为移民所欣赏。 www.ecocn.org Saying sorry for Britain’s recession—perhaps in more nuanced, less demotic terms—might not feel fair to the prime minister. 为英国的衰退道歉——或许用更相似,而不那么通俗的措辞来说,对首相来说可能不公平。 Demur (尤指因有顾虑而)反对,表示异议;不愿;迟疑,犹豫;有顾虑: The classmates wanted to make her the monitor,but she demurred. 同班同学想推选她当班长,可是她不愿意。 The majority were in favour of the plan,but a few demurred. 大多数人赞成这项计划,但几个人反对。 【法律】提出异议,抗辩: to demur to evidence 对证据提出异议 [废语]拖延,耽搁;停留,逗留 n. 反对,异议;不愿;迟疑,犹豫 Denigrate 诽谤,诋毁,毁谤,给…抹黑,毁坏(他人的)名誉,说…的坏话: to denigrate someone's character 诋毁某人的品德 to denigrate someone's good reputation 诋毁某人的声誉 He has a mentality that denigrates everything he doesn't understand. 他有一种心态,诋毁一切不懂得的事情。 轻视,贬低: to denigrate someone's contributions to a project 贬低某人对一项工程的贡献 [罕用语]涂黑,使变黑弄脏: rain clouds denigrating the sky 遮暗天空的雨云 更多结果 Denote 表示,是…的标志;表明,指示,指出: The flashing lights denote dangerous roads ahead. 闪光表示前方道路危险。 预示,是…的征兆: Dark clouds denote rain. 黑云预示有雨。 A fever often denotes an infection. 发烧常常是传染病的征兆。 为…的名称;意思是,意味着,意谓,意指,就是(区别于connote): The word “dentist”denotes a doctor whose work is the care of teeth. “牙科医生”一词意谓其工作是医治牙齿的医生。 The word “lion”denotes a certian kind of animal. “狮子”一词为一种动物名称。 更多结果 Denouement 结局;终场 conclusion , outcome , ending 双语例句原声例句权威例句 They should do so now because, if this theory is right, the denouement will be painful. 他们现在应该现在这么做的理由是,如果这种理论是正确的,结局就将是痛苦的。 www.ftchinese.com Or perhaps conditions and fraying nerves will lead to a very violent, very bad denouement. 或许,天气状况和紧张情绪将导致极端暴力的、非常糟糕的结局。 www.fortunechina.com The gripping question is whether the reel will now advance to the same government shutdown and the same happy denouement for the Democrats. 扣人心弦的问题是现在这盘电影胶片是否要为民主党向同样的政府停工和幸福结局献殷勤。 Denounce 谴责;告发;公然抨击;通告废除 condemn , denunciate 双语例句原声例句权威例句 And if we fail, they will denounce us. 如果我们失败了,会遭到谴责。 v.163.com "When we catch them and beat them up to put them back on the right track, they denounce us at the police, " he added. “如果抓住他们痛打一顿,把他们拉回正轨,他们会向警察告发我们,”熊谷正敏又说道。 article.yeeyan.org The picture that emerged is a motley conglomeration of people with widely varying goals -- and some with no clear-cut goals at all other than to denounce greed. 由此看到是形形色色的人们聚合在一块,彼此的目标相去甚远,有些人除了谴责贪婪以外完全没有清晰的目标。 Denude 剥夺;使裸露 shear , strip of 双语例句原声例句权威例句 She proceeded to denude the statue, fronting the church bishop’s podium. 接着她 掀去 面对主教讲台的那座雕像的外套。 www.24en.com This acid air has been known to denude forests, and obviously the inhalation of such air cannot be good for human lungs. 这种酸性气体,我们都知道毁坏森林。 显然,吸入这样的空气对人的肺不利。 article.yeeyan.org Thus, for instance, the rats which prey on native ground-nesting birds must go, as must the sheep and feral pigs, which denude the hillsides. 因此,例如,在本机在地面筑巢的鸟类猎物的大鼠必须去,因为必须羊和野生的猪,从而剥夺了山坡。 Deplete 耗尽,用尽;使衰竭,使空虚 spend , exhaust 双语例句原声例句权威例句 They worry that a power plant nearby would harm the environment; worse, it might deplete the heat that keeps the local springs warm, they say. 他们说,他们担心发电厂建在周边会破坏环境;更加恶劣的是,它可能会耗尽那些保持当地温泉温度的热量。 kk.dongxi.net Other crops may not be in short supply now, but new pressures, such as a push toward ethanol production or shifts in diet, threaten to deplete supplies. 其他一些作物眼下可能还不致缺乏,但新的压力,比如推动乙醇的生产或饮食结构的转变,有可能耗尽供应量。 c.wsj.com But even if it is true, as online wags put it, that Murdoch’s troubles threaten to deplete the world supply of schadenfreude, I don’t plan to join the party. 但正如网上爱说笑打趣者所说,即使这一切确切属实,默多克面临的这些麻烦有可能耗尽幸灾乐祸的全球供应,我不打算加入这个派对。 Deploy 配置;展开;使疏开 station , configurate vi. 部署;展开 expand , spread out n. 部署 disposition 双语例句原声例句权威例句 So far, however, we have said nothing about how to deploy it. 到现在,我们还没说任何如何部署的内容。 www.infoq.com You can then customize and deploy these artifacts in the usual way. 然后,您可以以常规的方式定制和部署这些工件。 www.ibm.com Now that you have seen the anatomy of each component, you can deploy them. 您已经了解了对每个组件的剖析,现在可以部署它们了。 Deport 驱逐出境;举止;放逐 bear oneself , banish 双语例句权威例句 She praised the government's decision not to deport the migrants. 她称赞南非政府不驱逐这些移民的决定。 www.ebigear.com The Justice Department, after learning of Von Bolschwing’s Nazi ties, sought to deport him in 1981. 司法部在获悉冯 • 博尔施温的纳粹经历后,设法于1981年将其驱逐出境。 article.yeeyan.org France has begun to deport Roma (Gypsies) as part of a crackdown on illegal camps in the country, BBC reported. 据英国广播公司报道,法国已开始驱逐居住在该国的罗姆人(或称吉普赛人),以"清剿"当地滋生的非法营地。 Depose 免职;作证;废黜 give evidence , bear witness 双语例句权威例句 He also participated in several failed plots to capture or kill the Soviet leader and depose the Bolsheviks. 他还几次参与密谋抓捕或暗杀该苏联领导人和推翻布尔什维克,但均以失败告终。 dongxi.net She has deposed and beheaded her, ultimately, in just the way that she fears the Earl of Essex will depose and behead her. 她先是罢黜她然后又将其斩首,就像她害怕埃塞克斯伯爵,会以同样的方式罢免,她自己女王的封号并将自己斩首一样。 open.163.com The air campaign, while unlikely to depose Qaddafi on its own, has bought time for more creative means of rebel support -- ones that do not increase the danger of unintended consequences. 空中打击本身不太可能推翻卡扎菲,但却赢得了时间以便创造出更多支持反对派的方略,这些新的方略可以减少不测后果的产生。 dongxi.net Depraved 堕落的;腐化的;卑鄙的 fallen , poor , mean , base , dirty 双语例句原声例句权威例句 People are not "totally depraved" such that they cannot be persuaded by reasoning with them. 人不是“完全堕落”的以至于不可能靠讲道理来劝他们。 article.yeeyan.org The guilt and conscience that he would show, when not taken over by the urge to murder, only confirmed how depraved and mentally disturbed this man was. 他的罪恶,以及在没有被杀人的冲动控制时所表现出来的良心,只能确定这个人在道德上是多么的腐化,精神上是多么的困扰。 www.elanso.com Similarly, the holiness codes of Leviticus thread down from an all-encompassing mandate to behave distinctly from their foreign (and depraved) neighbors. 同样地,“利未记”中的神圣法例从一个无所不包的命令,到外邦邻居(堕落的)外在表现。 Depreciate 使(货币)贬值,降低(货币)的购买力: Runaway inflation has depreciated the Russian currency. (脱缰野马似的)恶性通货膨胀已使俄罗斯的货币贬值。 降低…的价格,使跌价;降低…的价值,使减值: The computer depreciated $500 since last year. 从去年以来每台电脑跌价 500 美元。 The accident sharply depreciated the value of the car. 那起交通事故使这辆汽车的价值大降。 轻视,蔑视,藐视,小看,贬低: She depreciates all our efforts to help her. 她贬低我们帮助她的一切努力。 to depreciate someone's achievements 贬低某人的成就 to depreciate oneself 自卑 Depressant 镇静剂,[药][医][矿业]抑制剂 inhibitor , tranquillizer adj. 有镇静作用的 balsamic , contrastimulant 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Mixed together, the stimulant and the depressant do not cancel each other out. 将两者混合,它们所具有的兴奋剂和镇静剂的效用并不会彼此抵消。 article.yeeyan.org Alcohol, on the other hand, is a depressant that slows down the brain's functioning and impairs one's ability to walk, talk and think clearly. 另一方面,酒精是一种减缓大脑功能和明显消弱行走、交谈和思考能力的镇静剂。 article.yeeyan.org These drinks can hide the effect of alcohol intake in a sense due to the combination of a stimulant, the caffeine, and a depressant, the alcohol. 由于这些饮料中兴奋剂、咖啡因、镇静剂和酒精相结合,所以可从某种程度上隐藏酒精的危害效果。 Deprivation 剥夺;损失;免职 removal , losing , expense , disadvantage , cost 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Some of it appears in the literature on sensory deprivation. 这些在有关知觉剥夺的文学作品里出现过。 www.ecocn.org What’s more, they seemed to recover more quickly from periods of sleep deprivation . 而且,它们似乎能从短时间的睡眠剥夺中更快地恢复过来。 big5.cri.cn In an age of fad diets, where weight loss is society’s epicenter, and deprivation is the only way to achieve it, it’s a comfort to know that there is still room for small indulgences. 在一岁一下的时尚饮食中,哪里可以减轻体重哪里就是社会的震中,并且实现它,剥夺就是唯有出路。 知道这里还有余地小小的放任是很安慰的。 Delectable 美味的;令人愉快的 delicious , pleasant , lovely , grateful 双语例句权威例句 Do something you enjoy like going to your favorite restaurant or eating a delectable dessert. 做一些比如去你最喜欢的餐馆或是去吃美味的西点等自己喜欢的事请。 article.yeeyan.org Imagine being able to eat delectable desserts every day without worrying about your it going to your gut, or experiencing sugar crash headaches. 想想看,每天能吃上美味甜点,却又不用担心它们伤害你的肠胃,或害怕糖带来的头痛事。 article.yeeyan.org But the most unforgettable thing for me when I visited was the delectable Tuscan scent of truffle oil and Vino Nobile, Montepulciano's famous wine, in the air. 但是在拜访期间让我最难忘的事情是空中 托斯卡纳美味的松露油气味和维诺诺比尔的香气,恰诺的著名的酒品。 Deleterious 有毒的,有害的 harmful , toxic , evil , poisonous 双语例句权威例句 However, most mutations are deleterious. 然而,大多数突变是有害的。 article.yeeyan.org But the financial effects can be deleterious, which seems to be the unintended consequences of the Fed's new policy. 但在金融上的影响非常有害,而这又似乎是美联储的新政策所不想得到的后果。 article.yeeyan.org In fact, some experts worry that if people become too paranoid about online privacy, it could have deleterious effects. 事实上,一些专家担心,如果人们对在线隐私变得过于偏执,可能产生有害影响。 Delimit 给…划定界限,定…的界限,作为…的边界;限定: A ravine delimited the property on the south. 一条沟作为南边那块地产的边界。 阐释;清楚地说明(问题): The last chapter delimits his results of research. 最后一章阐述了他的研究成果。 Delude 迷惑;逃避;使失望 escape , fail 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He was not a rake that made a trade to delude women. 他并不是那样一个色棍以欺骗女人为生。 dict.veduchina.com Neither side should delude itself that it can avoid the harm caused by an increased mutual antagonism; 任何一方都不应迷惑他自己,认为增长的相互对立所带来的伤害是可以避免; article.yeeyan.org Neither side should delude itself that it can avoid the harm caused by an increased mutual antagonism; both should understand that a crisis in one country can hurt the other. 任何一方都不应迷惑他自己,认为增长的相互对立所带来的伤害是可以避免;双方都应认识到,一国的危机可以伤害到另一国。 Delve 探究;挖 pick , probe into vt. 钻研;探究;挖 tunnel , probe into n. 穴;洞 cavity , hole , aperture 双语例句原声例句权威例句 So we must dig and delve unceasingly. 所以我们必须不懈地探索深究。 article.yeeyan.org He had a considerable Elizabethan library to delve in. 他拥有相当多的伊丽莎白时期的藏书供其钻研。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 But before I delve further into the mistakes made – with hindsight – by governments and financial institutions, I should examine some errors of my own. 但是,在我以后见之明进一步探究政府和金融机构犯下哪些错误之前,我应该先审视一下自己犯的一些错误。 www.ftchinese.com Demean 贬低...的身分;举止 bear oneself , deport 双语例句权威例句 “I don’t wish to demean you,” I said to the strange boy. “我不想贬低你,”我对这个怪里怪气的小伙子说,“但是你能解释你这么重要的人物为了完成使命需要偷那么昂贵的 news.iciba.com Our female get-togethers have become characterised by a strange sort of competitiveness in which we alternately boast about our children and demean our husbands. 我们的女士联欢会有着一个特点,女性之间有着一种奇怪的相互竞争,我们夸奖着我们的孩子,而贬低着我们的丈夫。 kk.dongxi.net By identifying Hayek’s inconsistency and political bias, I do not mean to demean him — but to improve our understanding of financial markets and other social phenomena. 在此说明哈耶克的前后不一以及他的政治倾向,并非是为了贬低他,而是为了增进我们对金融市场以及其他社会现象的理解。 kk.dongxi.net Demoralize 使道德败坏;使堕落;使士气低落 deprave , corrupt 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Beginners are undeniably sensitive, and it is easy to demoralize a first-timer, but we must keep in mind that the state of beginnerhood is never an objective. 不可否认,新手是敏感的, 而且很容易在开始有挫折感。 但我们必须记住,不可将新手状态视为目标。 www.jukuu.com In other situations, the inflexibility and high levels of control exerted can demoralize staff, and can diminish the organizations ability to react to changing external circumstances. 在另外的情况下,缺乏灵活性的高控制性的领导风格会使得员工士气低落,它能够削弱组织面对外部变化的反应力。 article.yeeyan.org I believe setting a deadline for a withdrawal would demoralize the Iraqi people, would encourage killers across the broader Middle East, and send a signal that America will not keep its commitments. 我相信为撤军设置最后期限将挫伤伊拉克人民的锐气,将鼓励中东地区跟大范围的屠杀,并且发送了一个美国人不信守承诺的信号。 Demote 使降级;使降职 disrate 双语例句权威例句 I should demote you from senior minister to elder. 我要把你从高级牧师 降级 为长老。 www.24en.com Rather than demote some participants to a “second class” of virtual participation, he would prefer to have everyone participate virtually. 与其让一些参与者降级至“普通等级的”不到场的实时参与,他更愿意每个人都是这样。 www.ecocn.org I could not hire anyone, fire anyone (without a lot of pain), promote anyone, demote anyone, or give anyone a corner office, company stock, or a coffee cup. 我不能雇人,也不能(毫不费力地)解雇人,不能提拔,不能降职,不能把谁扔到角落的办公室,不能给员工股份或是一杯咖啡。 Denizen 给…居住权;移植 to transplant , transfer of culture n. 居民;[生物]外来语;外籍居民 liver , resident , dweller , inhabitant 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Samples from the dead whale (pdf) will ultimately tell what killed this denizen of the deep. 从死鲸的例子将预知最终死亡深层的外来语。 article.yeeyan.org Samples from the dead whale (pdf) will ultimately tell what killed this denizen of the deep. 科学家们将从死鲸身上提取样本进行检测,以便查明谁才是杀死这位深海居民的真正凶手。 article.yeeyan.org There is likely no city in China where traffic has become such a daily annoyance for every denizen as Beijing. 中国北京,交通堵塞日趋严重,几乎困扰着每位居民的日常出行。 Denomination 面额;名称;教派 name , church 双语例句原声例句权威例句 What denomination do you have? 你有什么面额的? huihua.iciba.com Charismatics remain in their traditional denomination, but believe in some aspects of Pentecostalism, such as the gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially the speaking in tongues. 这些“有神赐能力的人”依旧在传统的教派中,但是也信仰五旬节教派的一些方面,如圣灵的礼物,对上帝的诉说。 www.ecocn.org There are 24 books in the Hebrew Bible, or Tanakh—and depending upon the denomination, between 66 and 84 more books in Christian Bibles, divided between the Old and New Testaments. 希伯来《圣经》共有24卷,又名塔纳赫(即《旧约》的源头——译者注)——而且,基督教圣经由于教派的不同,要多出66至84卷,分为《旧约》和《新约》。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-04 13:03:33

    Deracinate 灭绝,根除;使孤立,使隔绝 die out , become extinct 双语例句权威例句 1.and it suggested what people should do to deracinate this weapon. 文章进而指出,制止生物武器要“道”“法”并重,缺一不可。 www.fabiao.net 2.Taxol is a new kind of anti-cancer medicine having assured curative effect, but its nature source——Taxus are very exiguous and close to deracinate. 紫杉醇是疗效确切的抗癌新药,但其天然来源——红豆杉物种稀少,濒临灭绝。 dict.cnki.net 3.At present baicalin roots in wild resource mainly. As a result of absoluteness digging, Scutellaria viscidula Bunge of lots of areas were close to deracinate. 目前我国黄芩苷的商品主要来源于野生资源,由于人们超量滥挖,绝大部分地区的粘毛黄芩濒临灭绝 Derelict 玩忽职守的;无主的;被抛弃了的 ownerless , masterless n. 遗弃物;玩忽职守者;被遗弃的人 Ishmael 词根: derelict n. dereliction 玩忽职守;抛弃物;遗弃 双语例句原声例句权威例句 1.In 'Nostalghia, ' there is a scene where he shows this old derelict church in the rain. 在《乡愁》中,他向我们展示了一个场景:一座在雨中的被废弃的古老教堂。 c.wsj.com 2.CANARY WHARF rises sleek and shining from the banks of the Thames as the river winds through what were once derelict docklands. 金丝雀码头光鲜亮丽的树立在泰晤士河边,这条河弯延着流经曾经被抛弃的码头聚居区。 www.ecocn.org 3.I think the sources of that information were derelict, given the importance of the matter, in not using the new technology and getting that out themselves. 考虑到这件事的重要性,我觉得那个信息线人们没有应用新技术自己披露消息,是他们的失误 Derogatory 贬损的 uncomplimentary 词根: derogate vi. derogate 减损;贬损 vt. derogate 毁损;贬低;诽谤 双语例句原声例句权威例句 1.It is the use of derogatory language or words that carry a negative connotation when describing an enemy. 这种手段运用含有负面含义的贬损的语言或者词汇来描绘敌人。 article.yeeyan.org 2.Studies show that using negative, derogatory words -- even as you talk to yourself -- can darken your mood as well. 研究发现,使用负面、贬损的语言,即使你对自己说,也会使你的心情变糟。 c.wsj.com 3.Trolling, defined as the act of posting inflammatory, derogatory or provocative messages in public forums, is a problem as old as the Internet itself, although its roots go much farther back. 攻讦被定义为发表煽动性的、贬损或刺激的信息在公共论坛上,这个问题伴随着互联网的诞生就有了,尽管它的根基要追溯更远。 Descry 1.望见,看见,看到;辨别,识别,辨认出,辨别出(远距离的或模糊的物体): The lookout descried land. 守望员望见了陆地。 2.发现,发觉,察觉,找到: He can descry a way of overcoming the difficulty. 他能找到克服困难的办法。 3.[废语]揭露;揭开 n. [废语]望见,看见;发现,找到 Desecrate 1.把(神物)供俗用,亵渎(圣物);侮辱,玷污: to desecrate the church by using it as a stable 把教堂用作马厩,亵渎神灵 2.轻蔑地对待(某事),轻视(某事): It's a crime to desecrate the country's flag. 玷污国旗是犯罪。 Desiccate 1.把…弄干,使干(燥),使完全干燥;使脱水: The bricks were desiccated by the sun. 砖块被太阳晒干了。 2.用干燥法保存(食物),干贮(食物);晒干;烘干;烤干: to desiccate the vines 晒干葡萄 3.使智力枯竭;使…的感情枯竭 to desiccate an idea 使一种思想枯燥乏味 vi. 变成完全干燥,变干;变枯竭: Despondent 沮丧的;失望的 disappointed , blue , depressed 词根: despond adv. despondently 意志消沉地;沮丧地 n. despond 失去勇气;失望 despondence 沮丧;悲观;失望(等于despondency) vi. despond 失去勇气;沮丧 双语例句权威例句 1.I had never heard him so despondent before. 我从来没有听到他这么沮丧过。 article.yeeyan.org 2.When I asked what the American Dream means to them, Mark looked despondent. 当我问到美国梦对他们意味着什么的时候,马克看起来很沮丧。 article.yeeyan.org 3.In the end, the Bolsheviks were to march their starving, despondent, war-weary people into modernity at the point of a gun. 最后,布尔什维克主义者用枪口对准着那些饥饿的、沮丧的、厌战的人们,驱使他们进入现代化。 Despot 专制君主,暴君;独裁者 Pharaoh , tyrant 词根: despot adj. despotic 暴虐的,暴君的;专横的 n. despotism 专制,独裁;专制政治 双语例句原声例句权威例句 1.That is no reason not to welcome the demise of a savage despot. 但这不是不欢迎一个野蛮暴君灭亡的理由。 www.ftchinese.com 2.In politics, also, a reformer may have just as strong a love of power as a despot. 在政治方面也是如此,一位改革者也能拥有强烈如暴君的对权力的迷恋。 article.yeeyan.org 3.And if it is a despot you would dethrone, see first that his throne erected within you is destroyed. 如果那是一个你们想要废黜的暴君,先看看他竖立在你们心中的宝座是否已被摧毁。 Desultory 断断续续的;散漫的;不连贯的,无条理的 loose , intermittent 双语例句权威例句 1.The two Palestinian factions, bitter rivals for years, have made various desultory efforts to settle their differences. 这两大多年对立的巴勒斯坦组织,为解决双方的分歧作出了断断续续的各种努力。 www.ecocn.org 2.In desultory fashion, we discussed the weather (hot) and the economy (not so hot) until someone raised the subject of socks. 席间我们随意闲谈,聊到(很热的)天气和(不那么热的)经济,后来有人谈到了袜子。 www.ftchinese.com 3.Pessimists, such as Nouriel Roubini of Roubini Global Economics, reckon output is slowing from its already desultory pace of 1.6% a year in the third quarter and that recession is imminent. 悲观点的,比如卢比尼全球经济咨询公司的Nouriel Roubini,认为原本就断断续续下降的产量在每年第三季度更是下跌了1.6%,经济萧条不可避免。 Deter 1.阻拦,使不敢,使踌躇;吓住,威慑住(from): The large dog deterred trespassers. 那条大狗吓住了擅自进入者。 Bad weather didn't deter them from starting their vacation. 恶劣的天气也没打消他们开始度假的念头。 2.使停止,阻止,防止,制止(某人做某事),妨碍,拦住,使打消念头(from): Timber is often treated with creosote to deter rot. 木材常用杂酚油涂抹以防腐烂。 Nothing shall deter us from doing what we think right. 什么也阻止不了我们去做自己认为该做的事。 Detour 绕道;迂回 go round 双语例句原声例句权威例句 1.In the way of taking a detour, we after all can take some control measure, try our best to prevent this kind of behavior. 在绕道而行的时候,我们毕竟可以采取一些管理措施,尽可能地防止这种行为发生。 www.ecocn.org 2.During the detour the company continued to believe that the marketplace product held promise and decided not to abandon it, but instead to maintain and manage it for the future. 在“绕道而行”的过程中,这家公司始终相信,在线交易平台还有希望,并决定为了未来继续维护和管理它。 article.yeeyan.org 3.One is the irregular capital can neither flows in nor can precede without make a detour because China’s current foreign exchange management system remains the system on managing capital account. 一是中国目前的外汇管理体制还是对资本项目实行管理的体制,资本项目下不正常的资本流入要么进不来,要么必须绕道而行。 Detract 从…毁损,减损,损害,使…减色,有损于;贬低,诋毁(from): Frowning detracts from her beauty. 皱眉有损于她的美貌。 The sexual scandal will detract from the president's fame. 性丑闻将影响总统的名声。 vt. 1.分散(注意力、思想等),转移;使分心(from): to detract another's attention from more important issues 转移别人对更重要的问题的注意 2.拿走,夺走;去掉 Detritus 碎石,[地质]岩屑 rubble , crushed stone 双语例句原声例句权威例句 1.In the distance, the detritus of a century of oil exploration lines the horizon. 在远方地平线上,矗立着一个世纪以来开采石油产生的碎石堆。 article.yeeyan.org 2.It was Google that recognised the gold dust in the detritus of its interactions with its users and took the trouble to collect it up. 这一次,还是谷歌再次在其与用户交互过程的碎石中发现了含有黄金的粉尘,并且自告奋勇地承担起了收集相关数据的工作。 www.ecocn.org 3.For the past two years water has flowed in plenty; torrents have surged down riverbeds that had been dry for years, flushing out accumulations of salt and detritus. 在过去的两年中河水的流量很充足,奔腾的河水从已经干枯了好几年的河床中流过,把一些盐和碎石冲了出来。 www.ecocn.org Diabolic 残忍的;魔鬼似的;恶魔的 cruel , brutal 词根: diabolic adj. diabolical 恶魔的 adv. diabolically 恶魔般地;非常恼人地 n. diabolatry 魔鬼崇拜 vt. diabolize 使受魔鬼影响;使成魔鬼 双语例句权威例句 1.In this spring, the best season, we can see beautiful flowers everywhere, but nobody knows a diabolic claw is stretching to the pleasant people. 在春天这最美的季节,我们到处都能看到鲜花在开放。 但是有谁知道,一只魔爪正伸向快乐的人们。 www.englishtang.com 2.If China sees its constellation as heavenly—and the Chinese, like the Americans and the French, have a sense of manifest destiny—neighbours see hints of the diabolic. 如果中国把自己看作是天朝——中国人像美国人和法国人一样,有一种“命中注定”的思维的话——其邻国则看到了潜伏的魔性。 www.ecocn.org 3.They hope in time to make the non-existence of appearance appear, for in that moment what we now take to be existence will be seen to be in truth only an outlying portion of the diabolic essence. 他们迫切希望使这种不存在显现出来,那时我们现在所认识的这种存在就会被证明只是魔鬼的本质的无关紧要的一小部分。 Diagonal 斜的;[数]对角线的;斜纹的 off-angle , pitched n. [数]对角线;斜线 solidus 词根: diagonal adj. diagonalizable 对角化的 adv. diagonally 对角地;斜对地 n. diagonalization [数] 对角化;对角线化 vi. diagonalize 斜向移动;循对角线方向移动 vt. diagonalize 与…斜向地成一行;使对角线化 双语例句原声例句权威例句 1.Next, move to the diagonal section at the back-right side of the diamond. 下一个,在钻石的背面-正确的边移到对角线的区段。 huihua.iciba.com 2.And then there is this group of about half a dozen right down the diagonal middle. 然后有一个包含六个元素的元素组,在周期表的对角线的中部。 v.163.com 3.The average reader reads about 240 words per minute, where as a diagonal reader ‘reads’ (actually scans) closer to 15 words per second or about 900 words per minute. 一般读者每分钟阅读240字,而作为一个对角线读者的“阅读速度”(到不如说是浏览)接近每秒15字或大约每分钟900字。 Diaphanous 透明的;精致的;模糊的 transparent , fuzzy , dark , crystal , sophisticated 双语例句权威例句 1.Another home was festooned with diaphanous fabric from its rooftops so it resembled a grand ship about to set sail. 在另一家的房顶上,透明织物结彩披挂而下。 www.ftchinese.com 2.A thing's reflection assembled in a mirror demonstrated the existence of simulacra; how else could there be two of them, and one so diaphanous? 一个东西在镜子中所形成的映像就证明了拟像的存在:如果不是这样的话,怎么会有两个物体(完全相同),而其中一个还是透明的呢? dongxi.net 3.As for the Rhinoceros, in token of their grateful adherence, they had him killed and stuffed directly, and then set him up outside the door of their father's house as a Diaphanous Doorscraper. 至于那头犀牛,为了表示他们的感激之情,他们杀了他,并在他的体内填满东西,把他立在父亲的门前,当成一个精致的门神。 Diatribe 诽谤;恶骂 scandal , personalities 双语例句权威例句 1."Operation Shylock" (my favourite of his works, for whatever that's worth) is part mystery and part diatribe. 《夏洛克行动》(无论对它的评价如何,在他的作品中这是我最为欣赏的一部)是部分神秘,部分在控诉。 www.ecocn.org 2.Well, simply, the point that those ways of thinking about literature, which they exempt from their diatribe against theory. ,很显然,那些有关文学的思维方式的重点在于,这些在他们对理论的诽谤中没有出现。 open.163.com 3.Yet those who air their diatribe do so in the belief that they are not only anonymous, but also that there are no rules and constraints. 但是那些透过网路发放诽谤讯息的人认为他们不仅是匿名的,而且没有任何规定及约束可以限制他们。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-05 14:37:43

    Dictum 格言;声明;法官的附带意见 statement , profession 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I recalled a favorite dictum of his: man can be destroyed, but not defeated. 我想到了他生前最喜欢的格言:一个人可以被消灭,但不能被打败。 kk.dongxi.net The rest of the film bears out the horror-movie dictum that nervous young women are always right. 电影的剩余部分证实了这部恐怖电影的格言:不安的年青女人总是对的。 www.ecocn.org And it was Bear that brought the first serious reminder, after years of excess, of Walter Bagehot’s dictum that if you have to prove you are worthy of credit, your credit is already gone. 也正是贝尔公司首先使人们在多年的放纵之后深刻地记起了沃尔特•白高特的格言——如果你到了不得不证明你是可信赖的时候,那么信任已经离你而去。 Didactic 说教的;教诲的 homiletic , moralistic 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The Lady is at the dogmatic heart of this relentlessly didactic work of literature. 这个夫人就是文学教条主义,不懈的说教工作的核心。 v.163.com My didactic impulse has channeled all sorts of feelings in the past, including anger and guilt. 我说教的冲动在过去已经说尽了各种情绪,包括愤怒与愧疚。 dongxi.net They said it should be something suitable to youth-something didactic, instructive, or something in the nature of good advice. 他们说应当宜于青年的话题──教诲性的、启发性的话题,或者实质上是良言忠告之类的话题。 Die 冲模,钢模;骰子 former block , cutting block Diehard 顽固分子;死不屈从者;倔强的人 refractory 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But for diehard red shirts, that would be a big climb-down. 但是对于强硬的红衫军来说,那将是一个很大的退让。 www.ecocn.org Even diehard backers of the regime, who wave flags and posters exalting Mr Assad at street rallies, now talk of reform. 甚至连拥护政府的顽固分子现在也说要改革,他们还在街上集会,高举旗帜和横幅,赞扬阿萨德。 www.ecocn.org Diehard supporters of the soon-to-be-axed monarchy, as well as ethnic separatists in the southern Terai plain, were probably to blame. 支持尽快废除君主制的顽固分子,以及在德赖平原南部的民族分裂主义分子很可能是幕后元凶。 Diffuse 弥漫的;[植][物]散开的 divergent vt. [物]扩散;传播;漫射 transmit , spread abroad vi. 传播;四散 spread abroad , to disseminate 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The printing press helped diffuse scientific knowledge. 印刷品有助于传播科学知识。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 These diffuse the light over vertical sheets of polyester that form the platform on which the algae grow. 然后这些发光板将光线扩散至垂直放置的藻类生长平台——聚酯薄板上。 www.ecocn.org Using tubes instead of flat panels makes it possible to capture sunlight, including diffuse light, from any direction—even if it is reflected up from a roof. 使用这些管子来代替面板使其能更可能从不同的方向得捕捉到阳光(包括漫射光),即使是从一个屋顶反射过来的光也可以。 Digit 数字;手指或足趾;一指宽 figure , number Digress 离题,(谈话或写作中)暂时离开主题:偏离,撇开,漫笔,漫谈,闲聊(from): to digress from the point at issue 从论点上岔开 Let me digress for a moment and tell you a short story. 请允许我暂时离开话题一会儿,我给你讲个小故事。 背离,离开;转向,转到一边: to digress to a new field 转向另一领域 Dilate 扩大,扩展,伸张: The medicine dilated the blood vessels. 药物扩张了血管。 Gas dilates the balloon. 气体使气球膨胀。 [古语]详述,细说: to dilate a subject 详细论述一题目 vi. 膨胀;扩张,扩大: The cat's eyes dilated in the darkness. 在黑暗中猫眼睁大了。 The balloon will dilate with air. 气球充气将会膨胀。 Dilatory 拖拉的;缓慢的,不慌不忙的 draggy , slow-motion 双语例句权威例句 Cautious or dilatory , as in taking action. 谨慎的、保守的,如在采取行动中。 dict.veduchina.com The dilatory diplomacy towards Iran must be brought to a focus. 对伊朗的拖延外交必须作为重点对待。 www.ecocn.org He hurries because he is late and is more likely to be injured on his dilatory journey home. 他会因为担心迟到而一路小跑,而在慢慢吞吞的回家路上他更容易受伤。 Din 喧嚣噪声,喧闹声,吵闹声,嘈杂声,骚扰声,持续吵闹的声音,鼎沸 vt. 三番五次地告诫,再三叮嘱,反复告诉,絮聒不休地嚷(或说),唠唠叨叨,鼓噪(与into连用): The protesters were dinning their chants into our ears. 抗议者在我们耳旁絮聒不休地发出单调而有节奏的喊叫。 to din an idea into one's ears 对某人唠唠叨叨地说某个主张 Dingy 昏暗的;肮脏的 lowering , caliginous 双语例句权威例句 The FT was admitted into the dingy hall, but only by the will of the Meeting, not the principal. 英国《金融时报》的记者获准进入了昏暗的会议大厅,但批准权限是来自于“会议”,而不是校长。 www.ftchinese.com I took my dingy volume by the scroop, and hurled it into the dog- kennel, vowing I hated a good book. 随着关门的轧轧声,我拿起我那本肮脏的书,用力扔进狗窝里,并发誓我讨厌说有的好书。 www.examw.com It still has dingy corridors, ancient washrooms, rusting bunk beds (six to a room), a single fluorescent bulb hanging from the ceiling and an ancient radiator in front of the window. 仍旧是昏暗的走廊,老式的厕所,生锈的床铺(六人一间),一只荧光灯泡吊在天花板上,还有一只旧暖气片放在窗前。 Diocesan 主教 [主英国英语](从属于教区主教的)教区成员 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 In 1922, however, with diocesan support, Monsignor Quinn established the first church for black Catholics in Brooklyn, St. 然而,1922年时,在主教管辖区的帮助之下,奎因在布鲁克林为黑人天主教徒建立了第一座属于他们的教堂——圣彼得•克拉弗。 article.yeeyan.org As new reports arise of pedophile abuses and diocesan cover-ups in Europe, Chile and Brazil, Benedict has had to face the scandal and its victims more directly. 随着在欧洲、智力和巴西教区爆发新的恋童丑闻及教区主教隐瞒事件,本笃十六世将不得不直面丑闻和受害者。 article.yeeyan.org Research by Georgetown University (formally a Jesuit outfit) shows that although giving to diocesan fundraising campaigns dropped sharply after 2002, donations to local parishes did not. 乔治城大学(一个正式的耶稣会机构)的研究表明,尽管主教区的融资游说自2002年后大幅减少,但当地人对本地基础教区的捐赠却未减少。 Dire 可怕的;悲惨的;极端的 terrible , ultra , extreme , horrible , awesome 双语例句原声例句权威例句 In some ways the consequences have been quite dire and I no longer have contact with my mother. 在某些方面,这可能会造成非常可怕的后果,以致后来母亲和我断了联系。 www.kekenet.com But that dire outcome is no longer impossible, not because a slump is inevitable, far from it, but because action is needed to prevent one. 但那种可怕的后果并非不可能,不是因为一场衰退已无法避免,远非如此,而是因为我们需要行动来阻止它。 www.ftchinese.com The insurgency in the Delta has thrived on the back of dire poverty and high unemployment in what should be a relatively wealthy region, were it not so poorly governed. 三角洲地区的武装叛乱靠极端贫穷和高失业率的背面蓬勃发展。 如果不是管理不善,这里应该是一个相对富裕的地区。 Dirge 挽歌;哀悼歌 keen , elegy 双语例句权威例句 It was to be a funeral dirge, a farewell song to a dead friendship. 这将是一首葬礼挽歌,一首为夫去的友谊谱写的告别曲。 my.putclub.com It's never easy to say goodbye but when the time comes, more Britons are choosing a pop ditty over a mournful dirge. 说再见从来都不是件容易的事,但当这一刻来临之时,更多的英国人现在倾向于选择流行的歌谣而不是哀伤的挽歌。 www.kekenet.com And then the next planting season, when they sang the dirge, they would remove as many names of the dead, that equaled as many people that were born. 到了下一次播种的时候,她们也会唱挽歌, 当然她们去掉了很多逝者的名字, 去掉名字的数量等于新生儿出生的数量。 Disabuse 使省悟;解迷惑;释疑;矫正 cure of , castigate 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Let us disabuse ourselves of the idea that we are invincible. 让我们打消我们是战无不胜的错误念头。 www.ebigear.com It took conservatives years to disabuse themselves of this mythology (which was true only during the 1930s and most of the 1940s). 但仅仅在1930年代至1940年代的大部分时间里,这个判断才算得上正确。 保守主义者花了很长时间才从这个幻觉中摆脱出来。 article.yeeyan.org And because research creates new information, it is as likely to disabuse those who think they can avoid climate-change agreements as it is to offer them false hope. 研发会创造出新的信息,并为那些以为自己可以躲避气候变化协议的人答疑解惑,因为他们得到了虚假的希望。 Disaffect 使不友爱,使疏远;使不满,使不忠(尤指对政府): The government's policies have disaffected the pepole. 政府的政策已激起了人民的不满。 The politician tried to disaffect every major voting bloc. 该政客企图煽起每个主要的选举集团的不满。 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 Disaffected 不满的;有叛意的;愤愤不平的 disgruntled , malcontented v. 使疏远;使不友爱(disaffect的过去分词) estranged 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The government's policies have disaffected the pepole. 政府的政策已激起了人民的不满。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Even a decade of growth has left plenty of poor and disaffected people. 甚至十年的增长也留下了众多贫穷和不满的人们。 article.yeeyan.org And all this from a company started in the 1890s by disaffected railroad worker Warren Bechtel. 而这一切都起源于一个心有不满的铁路工人,沃伦柏克德在1890年创建了公司。 Disarray 无秩序;杂乱;衣冠不整 messing , disorderliness vt. 使混乱;弄乱;使脱去衣服 cloud , confuse 双语例句原声例句权威例句 In Japan the media and the opposition seize on such differences as evidence of disarray. 在日本,媒体和反对派抓住了这样的差异,将其看作政党混乱的迹象。 www.ecocn.org It isn't clear how much the banks and securities firms knew about the disarray at the Libyan fund. 不清楚这些银行和证券公司在多大程度上了解利比亚投资局的内部混乱情况。 c.wsj.com Once democracy was restored, these politicians abandoned the policy, to varying degrees, leaving Pakistan’s districts in a motley state of disarray. 一旦民主得到重建,这些政客便抛弃了这种政策,使得巴基斯坦各地区陷入杂乱无章的状态。 Disciple 门徒,信徒;弟子 Christian , protege 双语例句原声例句权威例句 And so Paul was not his disciple. 所以保罗不是耶稣的门徒。 v.163.com From that time on, this disciple took her into his home. 从此那门徒就接她到自己家里去了。 www.ebigear.com This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things: and we know that his testimony is true. 为这些事作见证,并且记载这些事的,就是这门徒。 我们也知道他的见证是真的。 Discombobulated 打乱,打扰,扰乱,搞乱,使混乱,使困惑,使不便,给…添麻烦,惹恼;挫败,破坏(计划等): The spokesman was completely discombobulated by the hecklers. 发言人完全被诘问者扰乱了。 [常用被动语态]使喝醉酒: He was discombobulated. 他喝醉了。 Discomfit 使困惑,使窘迫,使困窘,使狼狈,使沮丧,使为难,使仓皇失措,使不安: The tricky question about his finances discomfited the minister. 一个有关部长的财源方面的微妙问题使他感到很窘。 to be discomfited by a question 被一个问题所困惑 打乱(计划等);挫败;使破灭,使受挫折,使失望;破坏: Heavy rain discomfited our plans for a picnic. 大雨使我们的野餐计划无法实行。 [古语]击败,击溃,打败,打散,使溃逃: The invading army was discomfited in every battle. 那支入侵的军队屡战屡败。 Discommode 使不方便;使为难;使不自由 put out , perplex 双语例句 I can't feel, both what repent discommode. 我也不会觉得有什么遗憾委屈了。 www.dqbuluo.com I just don't think that you discommode yourself and think that you give me more not! 我只是不想你委屈你自己,更加不想你施舍我! www.zidh.com Square rely on Tong but is apt discommode more, rushed toward in his bosom, she still kept shivering. 方依彤却是更加委屈了,扑在他的怀中,她仍在颤抖不停。 Discompose 使混乱,打乱,弄乱,扰乱,打乱…的秩序: The breeze discomposed her hair. 微风将她的头发吹乱了。 使失去平衡;使心乱,使心慌意乱,使心神不定;使不安: The bad news of the accident discomposed me. 发生事故的坏消息使我心神不定。 近义词: disturb 变形: vt. discomposed . discomposing 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 同近义词同根词 vt. 使烦恼;使不安;使混乱 trouble , cloud Discredit 败坏(或破坏)…的名声,损害…的信誉(或名誉、名声),使丧失名誉(或信誉),使名誉扫地;使丢脸;诽谤: They discredited her good name with ugly gossip. 他们用难听的闲言碎语来破坏她的好名声。 They made an effort to discredit the politician. 他们尽力败坏那政客的声誉。 破坏对…的信任,使不被相信(或信任),使不可置信(或信赖);使人对…产生怀疑;证实…是假的: Later research discredited earlier theories. 后来的研究推翻了早先的理论。 Scientific discoveries have discredited religious belief. 科学发现使人对宗教信仰产生了怀疑。 不信任,不相信,怀疑: There was good reason to discredit the witness. 有充分的理由怀疑此证人 Disenchant 使清醒;使不抱幻想 soberize 双语例句 Disenchant - Damages all summoned units in an area. 清醒-伤害一定区域的所有召唤生物。 danci.911cha.com disenchant: disappointed or disillusioned with a feeling of not having been told the truth. 使清醒: 在没有告诉真理的情况下有一种失望或醒悟的感觉。 www.rrting.com Does one climb a glass mountain, at considerable personal discomfort, simply to disenchant a symbol? 一个人费尽周章爬上玻璃山,只是为了解除一座象征物的魔法吗? Disburse 支付(钱);支出,开支(款项等);花费: Salaries were disbursed by the paymaster's office. 薪金已由工薪出纳员办公室发放。 分布;分配;分散: He disbursed the flowers to the pupils. 他把鲜花分发给小学生们。 Our policemen were disbursed over a wide area. 我们的警察分布在一个广阔地区。 vi. 付款: 付款: The bank agreed further credits to the company because the company can disburse. 银行同意再贷款给那家公司,因为该公司有支付能力。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-06 13:53:27

    Disengage 使松开,使脱离,使脱身,解除,解脱,解开;解放,释放(from): She tried to disengage herself from his grip. 她企图挣脱他的牢牢抓住的手。 Disengage the clutch and let's see what happens. 松手,让我们看看出了什么事。 解(约),使摆脱义务(或约束等)(from): She accepted the invitation to the wedding ,but was later forced to disengage herself. 她接受了参加婚礼的邀请,但后来不得不违约了。 Later he disengaged himself from the promise of marriage. 后来他解除了婚约。 【军事】使撤出(或脱离)战斗,使与(敌人)脱离接触: Troops were disengaged from the dividing line. 双方军队在分界线脱离了接触。 Disgorge 呕吐,呕出,吐出: to disgorge half-digested food 吐出没完全消化的食物 被迫(或勉强)交出,交还;吐出(非法所得、不义之财、脏物等): The thief disgorged his plunder. 那贼被迫吐出脏物。 to disgorge something illicitly obtained 被迫交出非法所得 (有劲地或用力)排出,倾倒,倒空;喷吐;呕吐出(或排出)…中之物: to disgorge radioactive waste into the atmosphere 把放射性废物排入大气中 (江河等)倾注,流入,注入(海洋等): The Changjiang River disgorges tons of waters and muds into the ocean. 长江把大量泥水倾注入海。 Disgruntle 使不满,使不高兴,使不愉快;使生气,惹怒,使气恼: The late dinner disgruntled my father. 晚饭太晚让我父亲气恼了。 Disinter 从地下(或坟墓中)掘出(尸体、埋藏物等),挖出: The corpse was disinterred and re-examined by the coroner. 尸体被掘出来,由验尸官重新验尸。 发掘;发现;使显现;使(隐蔽物)显露出来: The committee disinterred a few old studies done by the predecessors to prove their point. 该委员会再现了由前任作的一些旧研究以证明他们的观点。 The president's memoir disinterred a past era. 总统的回忆录重现了一个过去的时代。 Disinterested 无私的;公正的;冷漠的;廉洁的 judicial , distant , just , selfless 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He's always on the make; I have never known him do a disinterested action. 他这个人一贯都是唯利是图, 我从来不知道他有什么无私的行动。 《新英汉大辞典》 Leaning Away From Someone You Like – a sign of being bored and disinterested. 和喜欢的人在一起时身体后倾 ——无聊和冷漠的象征。 article.yeeyan.org Finally, desiring "the permanency" of "your happiness as a people, " he offered disinterested advice similar to that he urged when he disbanded the army. 最后,如同在解散军队时那样,他提出了无私的忠告:追求“永恒的”“你们作为一个整体国家人民的幸福”。 Disjointed 脱节的;杂乱的;脱臼的 indigested , mussy 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Her ankle disjointed when she fell. 她跌了一跤,脚踝脱臼了。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 You have a sense of meaning, rather than a disjointed series of tasks. 你拥有了内涵,并不再拥有一系列脱节的任务。 m.yeeyan.org Yet clinical care for these diseases is often disjointed and TB and HIV/AIDS control programmes must have a more coordinated approach, says the editorial. 然而对这些疾病的临床护理常常是脱节的,而且结核病和艾滋病的项目必须拥有一个更加协调的方式。 Disjunctive 分隔的;分离的 apart , isolated , separating 双语例句权威例句 Partition is for disjunctive space and of generation. 隔断是为了分隔空间而产生的。 dictsearch.appspot.com Q This is a disjunctive syllogism. P or Q, not P therefore Q. 这个是析取三段论,P或者Q,不是P所以。 open.163.com Ark of the desk in furniture, chair, sofa, tea table, height, can use disjunctive space. 家具中的桌、椅、沙发、茶几、高矮柜,都能够用来分隔空间。 dictsearch.appspot.com Dislodge 逐出,驱逐;使……移动;用力移动 cast out , evict vi. 驱逐,逐出;离开原位 cast out , chase sb./sth. out 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The Thai Air Force even bombed his base in 1980 but failed to dislodge him. 1980年,泰国皇家空军甚至轰炸了坤沙的基地,但是没能把他驱逐出去。 article.yeeyan.org “There is no one in the republic who could dislodge me,” he boasts. “Only the president of Russia. 他吹嘘道,“这个共和国内无人能驱逐我”,“要赶走我只有俄罗斯总统才办得到”。 www.ecocn.org Her attitude to independence, like that of most Chechens, changed in 1994 when the Kremlin decided to dislodge Mr Dudayev with tanks and bombs. 1994年,克里姆林宫决定采用坦克和炮弹驱逐杜达耶夫,和大多数的车臣人一样,她对独立的态度改变了。 www.ecocn.org Dismantle 拆除…的家园(或装备、装置、设备、防御工事等): to dismantle a fortress 拆除防御工事 to dismantle an old ship 拆旧船 拆开,拆除,拆散,拆卸;解散: We dismantled the machine and shipped it in pieces. 我们拆开机器以零件运输。 脱掉…的衣服;除掉…的覆盖物(of): The wind raved through the trees and dismantled the trees of their leaves. 风呼啸着刮过树林,把树叶刮掉了。 取消;废除;摧毁;夷平: The new government dismantled their predecessors' legislation. 新政府废除了前任政府的立法。 Disparage 贬低,贬抑,轻视,小看,轻蔑地议论(或对待): You should not disparage good manners. 你不应该轻视好的风度。 Don't disparage her attempts to become an actress. 别贬低她想成为一名女演员的努力。 污蔑,诋毁,毁谤,说…的坏话,降低…的评价;损害…的名声,丧失…的信誉;使丢脸: Her bad behaviour has disparaged her whole family. 她的坏行为已损害了她全家的名声。 Disparate 不同的;不相干的;全异的 different , diverse , unlike , varying , another 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Conclusions drawn in the face of such disparate events do have to be cautious. 面对这些如此不同的事件,做总结的时候肯定要非常谨慎。 www.ftchinese.com Someone shouted, and the disparate lights gathered like sparks of a fire returning to their source. 某个人喊了一声,不同的光聚集到一起,就像火把回到它们的源头。 article.yeeyan.org Moreover, by failing to account for the needs of disparate organizations within the enterprise, SOA without governance becomes yet another stovepipe application. 而且,由于没有考虑企业中不同组织的需求,不具有治理的 SOA 成为了另一个烟囱管应用程序。 Dispassionate 不带感情的;平心静气的;公平的 fair , just 双语例句原声例句权威例句 If you take the same "calm observer" approach with others, you will be a dispassionate listener. 如果你将同样的“镇静观察者”的方法用于他人,你将会是一名冷静的倾听者。 article.yeeyan.org While the doctors might be convinced that they are being objective and dispassionate, more often than not they are sending mixed messages. 医生们也许会坚信他们这样是客观冷静的态度,但往往他们是在发出令人莫衷一是的信息。 dongxi.net If a couple practiced temperate, moderate, and more or less dispassionate acts of sexual intercourse, they could be said to remain chaste -- a married couple, of course. 如果一对夫妻有适度的,有节制的,或者多多少少不带感情的性交,可以说他们是保持了贞节--当然是一对已婚夫妻。 Dispatch (常指为了特殊原因或执行特殊任务而迅速地)派遣,派出,调遣(使者或部队等)(to): The president dispatched a messenger to tell the premier what happened. 总统派出一名信使向首相禀报所发生的事。 (迅速地)发出,发送(信件、电报等): to dispatch letters (或telegrams,invitations) 发送信件(或电报、邀请信) 结束,终止;除去,除掉;摆脱掉,(见面后)打发掉: The child was hastily dispatched out to school. 这孩子被匆忙打发到学校去了。 匆匆办完,迅速办妥(或处理、完成),速办,速了: The secretary dispatched the matter at hand. 秘书速办了手头事情。 Disregard 不顾;不理会;不注意,不考虑: He doesn't disregard the footnotes. 他并没有不注意脚注。 Please disregard the mess and sit right here. 请不顾凌乱状态,就坐在这儿吧。 不尊重;不把…放在眼里,不屑一顾;漠视,轻视,无视,置之度外: to disregard an invitation 对一项邀请不屑一顾 The children disregarded the notice about not walking on the grass. 孩子们无视勿踏草坪的告示。 Dissemble 掩饰,掩藏,隐藏,掩盖(感情、思想、愿望、意图、动机、计划等): She tried to dissemble her disappointment with a joke. 她用笑话掩盖她的失望。 to dissemble one's incompetence in business 掩饰某人在经营中的无能 装作,装出,假装,伪装,佯装,佯作,冒充: She dissembled innocence. 她假装清白。(或:她装出一副无辜的样子。) [废语]假装不见,装作没看见,无视,忽视;不搭理;冷落 Disseminate 播(种),撒播(种子等),散播: to disseminate seeds 播种 (广为)传播(信仰、知识、思想、理论等),散布,广泛传开(或铺开): The company disseminated information about its new programmes. 公司传播有关其新计划的信息。 The doctors disseminated information about preventive medicine. 医生们传播有关预防医学的知识。 Plato's philosophy has been disseminated throughout the world. 柏拉图哲学已被广泛传遍全世界。 Dissimulate (以假象)掩饰(感情、意图、动机等),伪装,假装(不见),佯装(不知): He dissimulated his intentions right up to the moment of the attack. 一直到进攻的时刻他仍掩饰自己的意图。 to dissimulate one's true feelings about a rival 掩饰自己对竞争对手的真实感情 vi. 掩饰;装假,伪装,做作,佯作,虚伪地说(或做): 掩饰;装假,伪装,做作,佯作,虚伪地说(或做): They were just dissimulating,pretending to be friendly. 他们只不过是掩饰感情,假装友好。 Dissolute 放荡的;风流的 gay , ramshackle 双语例句权威例句 Jie was extremely tyrannical and dissolute. 桀是个极端残暴,放荡的人。 www.crazyenglish.org The dissolute “black sheep” of the family may succumb to “blackmail”. 家中放荡的“害群之马、败类”可能会对他人进行“敲诈、勒索”; www.en8848.com.cn For nearly 20 years Mr Ozawa, with black bags under half-closed eyes that give him the look of a dissolute eagle, has sought that devastation. 20年来,小泽一郎,半闭的眼睛,低垂的眼袋一直给人一副放荡的鹰的印象,他已经找到了毁灭之路。 Dissonance 不一致;不调和;不和谐音 variance , disagreement , disparity , disharmony 双语例句原声例句权威例句 For an example, have a look at my report of this classic study of cognitive dissonance. 可以参考我撰写的关于这一经典研究的报告:认知不一致。 www.en8848.com.cn But what this debate does show is just how much cognitive dissonance – and utter uncertainty – continues to stalk the markets. 但这场辩论的确反映出,有多少认知不一致——以及彻底的不确定性——继续威胁着市场。 www.ftchinese.com Experimenters have also found that people would often change their attitudes towards something to match their behaviours to avoid the discomfort that dissonance causes. 实验者还发现,人们常常会改变自己的态度使之与自己的行为相一致,以此来避免不一致所引起的不愉快。 Distal 末梢的,末端的 terminal , marginal 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It is from a tube slipped into that distal end that oil is now being pumped up to Discoverer Enterprise and its attendant barges. 一根导管插入立管的末端,石油现在正被油泵泵入“探索企业”号以及其他的待命的驳船中。 www.ecocn.org The takeaway lesson is that thinking about love, or anything that promotes a distal perspective or global processing, can make us more creative. 给我们的启示是想到爱情 或者是任何能激发长远视角或全局思维的事物 都能让我们更具创造力。 article.yeeyan.org The results showed employees who spent more than a decade in sedentary jobs were 94 per cent more likely to suffer a tumour in an area of the bowel known as the distal colon. 结果显示,那些从事久坐不起工作10年以上的雇员有94%的可能会在被称作末端结肠的部位长肿瘤。 Distend 使扩张;使上涨;向面扩散: Habitual overeating had distended the boy's stomach. 习惯性的暴食使这男孩的胃扩张了。 使膨胀;使肿胀: Air distends a balloon. 空气使气球膨胀。 The children's stomachs were distended by malnutrition. 孩子们的胃因营养不良而肿胀了。 吹嘘;夸大(重要性等): to distend the facts 夸大事实 Distraught 发狂的;心烦意乱的 nuts , delirious 双语例句原声例句权威例句 If you see a guy looking distraught while comparing the active ingredients of various toothpastes, look again. That might be me. 如果你看到一个抓狂的家伙正在比较不同牙膏的活性成分,仔细看一眼,那说不定就是我。 blog.sina.com.cn If a Chinese vendor gives a presentation and the customer asks him lots of questions he can't answer or raises lots of potential problems, the vendor will be distraught, says Mr So. 如果一位中国的厂商做完一个演示报告,然后客户问他很多他答不上来的问题,或者提出很多潜在的问题,这个零售商就会抓狂,苏先生这样说。 article.yeeyan.org One Republican committee chairman was plainly distraught when he told a White House aide that he didn’t want to vote for impeachment but he would lose his chairmanship if he voted against it. 一个任委员会主席的共和党人简直就是发了狂,他对一名白宫助手说,他并不想投票支持弹劾,但如果他投反对票就会失去主席的职位 Ditch 在…上掘沟;把…开入沟里;丢弃 reject , slough off vi. 开沟;掘沟 furrow n. 沟渠;壕沟 conduit , sike 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Lie in the ditch, you carcass. 你这僵尸,快躺进沟里吧! www.ebigear.com Then I started to kill her and pushed her down into the ditch. 于是我就动手开始杀她,完事后把她推到了沟里。 dongxi.net Will the world end? If not, then ditch the should, state your preference, and follow through on it. 是血溅当街,还是世界末日,如果不是那么就抛去应该,阐明你的喜好,并跟随到底。 Ditty 小曲;小调 minor , canzonet 双语例句权威例句 Regardless, the little ditty conveyed foundational information in a happy little package. 不管怎样,这首小调在欢快的节奏下传递了基本的信息。 www.ibm.com “DON’T forget the cigarettes for Tommy,” ran one patriotic British ditty during the first world war. “别忘了给汤姆带根烟。” 一战期间英国的一支爱国小调这样唱。 ecocn.org No ditty floated into Blackmoor Vale from the outer world but Tess's mother caught up its notation in a week. 只要有小调从外面的世界传入黑荒原谷,苔丝的母亲就能在一星期里学会它的曲子。 Diurnal 日记账;日报,日刊 daily paper , daily journal 双语例句 Even if the prey had a good sensory system to notice a predator closing in, the success rate of a nocturnal attack may be higher than a diurnal attack. 即使猎物拥有很好的感知系统,注意到了食肉动物正在靠近,夜间攻击的成功率也可能比白天攻击的成功率高。 article.yeeyan.org While there are some individual differences in the circadian rhythm, where some individuals are more nocturnal than others, humans are basically a diurnal (day-living) species. 虽然在昼夜节律中,人与人具有个体差异,但人类基本上都是在白天活动的。 article.yeeyan.org Mice and humans are physiologically alike, so a similar effect might be expected for people, but the fact that mice are nocturnal and humans diurnal is a serious complicating factor. 老鼠和人生理上是很相似的,因此这也许是用于人,但是人是白天活动,而老鼠是夜间活动,这是一个很复杂的影响因素。 Diva 著名女歌唱家;著名女歌剧演员;歌剧女主角 变形: n. divas . dive 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Does he like diva singers? 他是否喜欢天后歌手? article.yeeyan.org Diva: Jacquelynn Powers, wrote an unflattering profile about Lindsay on the set of the shoot as the actress refused to interview with her. 女王:杰奎琳•帕尔斯直言不讳地描写了林塞在片场的表现,因为这个女演员拒绝接受她的采访。 dongxi.net But, with Diva Girl finally crumbling from the pressure of a new routine and all this change, do I cancel, or send her to hang out with Grandma as planned? 然而,我们的女主角最终却在新环境和这些变化的压力下崩溃了,我该取消约会吗? 还是像原计划那样把她送到姥姥那儿去?

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-07 13:40:28

    Divagate 离题;流浪;漫游 range , wander from 双语例句 Solved the problems of the divagate teachers and the unfit teachers. 解决流浪教师及不适任教师之问题。 Divest 使卸下,使脱去,剥去(或脱去)…的衣服、饰物等(of): She divested herself of her coat and sat down. 她脱去外套并坐下来。 The wind divested the trees of their leaves. 风把很多树的叶子都吹落了。 [divest oneself] 放弃(无用的东西),除掉,去除,去掉,使摆脱(of): She managed to divest herself of responsibility. 她企图推卸自己的责任。 剥夺…的权利、头衔或称号等;撤销…的职务;夺走…的财物;迫使放弃,夺去,取消(of): The family was divested of its home. 这家人无家可归了。 They divested the president of all his power. 他们剥夺了总统的全部权力。 Divulge 泄漏(秘密等),揭露(隐私、本不为人知的事等): The boy promised not to divulge the whereabouts of the hiding place. 那男孩许诺不泄露隐藏地的所在。 [古语]宣布,公布,昭示;宣扬;发表 Docile 温顺的,驯服的;容易教的 quiet , meek 双语例句权威例句 Without docile domestic buyers of JGBs to rely on, that would be more than just electoral hyperbole. 如果没有温顺的本土国债购买者,他的担心就不仅仅是选举的噱头了。 www.ecocn.org Huge, docile whale sharks live in oceans around the world, but no one knows where they breed, their migration routes, or even how many there are. 巨大、温顺的鲸鲨生活在世界各处的海洋里,然而没有人知道它们在那里繁殖、它们的迁移路径,甚至还不知道它们究竟有多少。 article.yeeyan.org They are hard wired for survival, and if the heavens made them one of the most adorable, docile looking creatures on earth, that has absolutely nothing to do with this drive. 他们被拴着坚硬的链子为了生存,如果上帝把他们造成人世间最讨人喜欢,看上去容易被驯服的事物,那绝对和这个被宠物化的驱使无关! Dock ]码头;[船]船坞;被告席;尾巴的骨肉部分 landing , pier vt. 使靠码头;剪短 crop , bob 双语例句原声例句权威例句 They easied on approaching the dock. 船驶近码头时他们停止了划桨。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 The ship disgorged its passengers at the dock. 船在码头下客。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 The dockers disburdened the merchandise at the dock. 码头工人把货物卸在码头上。 Docket 摘要;记事表;(待判决的)诉讼事件表 abstract , brief , summary , resume 双语例句权威例句 She can cite a docket of cases of endless separation. 她能说出许多无限期分居案例的案卷摘要。 article.yeeyan.org Plus, it helps that cities always tend to have more transportation projects on the docket, keeping down the stress of job loss. 另外,这个职业对城市提供了帮助,使城市经常有更多的在审理中的运输项目,并控制失业率的压力。 article.yeeyan.org I like to keep two task lists, one for ongoing things that need to be handled at some point and one for what’s on the docket today. 我一般有两个任务列表,一个是正在做的需要在某个时间点前完成的事,一个是当天得做完的事。 Dodder 摇摇晃晃(或颤巍巍)地走,蹒跚而行: The old woman doddered from the bed to the table. 老太婆从床边起身摇摇晃晃地向桌子走去。 (因年迈或体衰而)摇摇晃晃,摇晃,摇摆;颤抖,发抖,哆嗦;变衰弱: The poor old man is beginning to dodder. 那位可怜的老头开始变得衰弱颤抖了。 Dodge 闪身躲开,闪开,躲避,避开,闪避: Jack managed to dodge most of the rocks thrown at him. 杰克设法躲过了向他投来的大部分石块。 She dodged the falling rock and escaped unhurt. 她闪避了那块掉落的石头,安然无恙。 to dodge his blows right and left 左右躲闪避开他的拳头 规避,躲避,巧妙地避开,设法或施计回避(问题、责任、义务、指责等),推托,搪塞,对…作遁词: We accused her of dodging her taxes. 我们责骂她逃税。 This question should not be dodged. 这个问题不应该回避。 I can't dodge this accusation. 我无法逃避这个指责。 Doff 脱(衣、帽等): to doff clothing 脱去衣服 (致敬时)脱(帽),举(帽)致意: He doffed his hat as they went by. 当他们经过时他脱帽致敬。 把…放在一边;撇开;丢弃,抛弃,扔掉,摆脱,除去,废除(习惯等): He doffed his stupid ideas and joined our side. 他抛弃了他的愚蠢观念并参加到我们方面来。 【纺织业】落(筒);落(纱);落(卷);落(绞);落(轴) [废语]驳回(不受欢迎的申诉人) 更多结果 Doggerel In English, it is doggerel. 但从英文翻译看来,这也就是个打油诗。 www.ftchinese.com The anodyne doggerel that resulted is no better (and certainly no worse) than other countries’ national anthems. 米哈尔科夫先生因此所作的这首排忧解痛[2]的打油诗并不比其它国家国歌的歌词更好(当然也并不比它们差)。 www.ecocn.org Verse in which there is nothing but the beat of the metre furnished by the accents of the polysyllabic words we call doggerel. Verse is not that. 诗句中没有其他的东西,只有节奏,这节奏是由多音节的词造成的,我们叫打油诗,诗歌不是这个。 v.163.com Doldrums 忧郁;[气象]赤道无风带 hyp , cafard 双语例句权威例句 This seems optimistic with consumers in the US still in the doldrums. 在美国消费者仍然萎靡之际,这个价位似乎有些过于乐观。 www.ftchinese.com As the government retrenches, it will have to be the private sector that pulls the country out of the doldrums. 由于政府再度缩减开支,私营成分无疑将拉动国家走出经济萧条的困境。 www.ecocn.org Unless these issues are addressed, there will not be the creative leaders and innovation needed to help countries move out of the economic doldrums. 除非这些问题得到解决,否则,我们将无法获得帮助国家摆脱经济萧条所必须的富有创造力的领袖和创新。 Dolt 笨蛋,傻瓜;呆子 simple , turkey , put , stupid , idiot 双语例句权威例句 I largely agree with that sentiment the outperform part, not the dolt part. 我基本同意对表现更好那部分的观点,但对傻瓜论不能苟同。 news.iciba.com Stocks would outperform over the long run, and only a dolt thinks otherwise, they informed me. 他们教导我,从长期来看,股市的表现会更好,只有傻瓜才不这么想。 news.iciba.com But imagine a flock of these all gliding quietly and gracefully towards you, you unsuspecting dolt, and then raining down fire and death from above. 但设想一下吧,一群这样的机器鸟安静而优雅地飞向你,而你仍茫然不觉,随后,顷刻间弹如雨落,死神降临。 Dome 圆屋顶 cupola 双语例句原声例句权威例句 We are all under the dome. 我们都生活在穹顶下。 article.yeeyan.org A geometrical wonder, DOME ECILE not only is a sight in and of itself, but it also sports beautiful beach views. 这是一个几何学上的奇迹,DOME ECILE本身就是一处景观,但从这里你还可以看到漂亮的沙滩。 cn.reuters.com A spokesman at the London headquarters of Foster and Partners confirmed "there is a tender" but refused to elaborate on Foster's plans to conquer outer space, possibly by adding a nice glass dome. 伦敦福斯特建筑事务所总部的一位发言人确认“存在投标”,但是拒绝详细说明福斯特征服外太空的计划,可能通过增加一个精美的玻璃圆屋顶。 Domicile 住宅;永久居住地;[金融]期票支付场所 residence , home vi. 居住 belong , room , harbor , live , dwell 双语例句权威例句 My domicile isn‘t in that city and they needed a local resident. 我的户籍不在那个城市产,而那家公司需要雇用一位当地居民。 www.ebigear.com Astonishingly, because domicile can be “inherited”, you may be non-dom even if you were born in Britain and have lived there your entire life. 令人吃惊的是,因为居住的身份是可以“遗传”的,即使你是在英国出生并且在英国生活了一辈子,到头来你可能还是暂住人口。 www.ecocn.org Expatriating also helps if you have a British passport and are looking to acquire a UK domicile, which may have some inheritance tax benefits, particularly if you are married to a Brit. 如果有英国护照并希望获得英国永久居留住所的话,侨居也能帮上忙,在继承税方面可以获得点好处,特别是和英国人结婚的话。 Doodle (漫不经心或心不在焉地)乱写、乱画、乱涂,不用心地画: Tom doodled during the whole lecture. 汤姆整堂课都在信手乱画。 (毫无目的地)闲逛,瞎逛;闲混,混日子,浪费(时间): She doodled along the seashore. 她沿着海岸闲逛。 [美国口语]漫不经心地随意弹奏: She doodled in her small room. 她在小房间里随意弹奏。 [方言]欺骗,欺诈,愚弄 Dormant 休眠的;静止的;睡眠状态的;隐匿的 still , resting 双语例句原声例句权威例句 A dormant volcano may explode at any time. 休眠的火山可能在任何时间爆发. www.24en.com Then it began to act like yeast used in slow-fermenting lagers, settling to the bottom of the tank but not going dormant. 然后它们开始像用于慢性发酵的储藏啤酒的酵母一样活动,深入酿造箱底部,却又不休眠。 article.yeeyan.org Although none of the studies published so far has managed to reactivate all of the dormant HIV in either a cell culture or a human being, they are still an encouraging step. 尽管这些发表了的研究中到目前为止没有一个成功重新激活了所有休眠HIV,无论是在细胞培养中还是在人体里,但是这仍然是振奋人心的一步。 Dote 溺爱的,宠爱,过分喜爱(或偏爱)(on, upon): She dotes on her youngest daughter. 她溺爱她最小的女儿。 脑子糊涂,尤指年老昏聩,(因年老)智力衰退,呆笨: Associated with old age, he doted. 他因年老而昏聩。 [方言](树木)开始腐朽[亦作doat] Dour 严厉的;顽强的;阴沉的;不爱讲话的 severe , tight , hard , heavy , harsh 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Other favorite topics include sky-high real estate prices and the gyrations of the city's stock exchange -- also touchy subjects with China's dour leaders. 其他的热门话题还包括狂涨的房地产价格,上海证券交易所的波动——这些话题在严厉的中国领导们看来也很敏感。 dongxi.net McKinsey's main safeguard against sensitive information being leaked or misused is cultural – it is a serious, even dour, organisation with a pronounced sense of mission. 麦肯锡防止敏感信息被泄露或被滥用的主要措施是通过文化层面——它是一家拥有明确使命感的严肃、甚至有些严厉的机构。 www.ftchinese.com There has been an outbreak of Tory “sleaze”; Boris Johnson, the Conservative mayor of London elected in May, still seems somewhat gaffe-prone; maybe recession would play to Mr Brown’s dour strengths. 最近就有些托利党人“麻烦”事爆出,保守党的鲍里斯•约翰逊在五月份当上伦敦市长之后继续保持其小丑作风。 可是,或许失败能让布朗顽强、给他力量。 Douse 把…投(或浸)入水等液体里;使浸透: Mother doused the clothes in soapy water. 母亲把衣服浸入肥皂水中。 泼(或洒、浇)液体在…上,泼水于: The boys and girls doused each other with the hose. 男女孩子们用软管互相喷水嬉戏。 [口语]熄灭(火、灯等): He quickly doused the candle's flame with his fingertips. 他用指尖掐灭了烛焰。 [口语]脱(衣服、鞋、帽等): to douse one's hat in salute 脱帽致敬 Dowry 嫁妆;天资;亡夫遗产 talent , dot , endowment 双语例句原声例句权威例句 After a few moths, the groom and his relatives come for the bride and take her to his home along with the dowry. 过了两三个月以后,新娘及他的亲属们前来接新娘,把她和她的嫁妆一起带回丈夫家。 www.kekenet.com Some men agreed but most did not; they demanded sweeteners in the form of extra dowry payments from the authorities. 有的男性赞同这种说法,但大多数不同意;他们要求额外嫁妆或官方付钱作为补偿。 www.ecocn.org The people of a vanishing atoll might somehow retain their rights even if they migrated en masse to another country, or merged with another state, bringing their entitlements as a sort of dowry. 生活在正在下沉环礁上的人们,可以通过整体移居到另外一个国家来继续享有他们本国的海洋权利,或者以这些权利作为嫁妆和另外一个国合并。 Doyen 首席;老资格;老前辈 top , done time 双语例句权威例句 James Godfrey, the doyen, left in 2001, followed by Joe Hynn-Yang in 2007. 老前辈詹姆斯•戈弗雷于2001年离职,杨勇兴在2007年辞职。 www.ecocn.org Mr Nye is everything that Mr Khanna might wish one day to become: doyen of Harvard foreign-policy analysts, elite Washington public-servant, celebrated author. 肯纳先生很可能希望有朝一日能够成为像奈先生那样的人:哈佛外国政策评论界的老前辈、华盛顿公共服务界的中坚力量、也是著名的作家。 www.ecocn.org For Ceibs in Shanghai, the doyen of western-style management education in China, the market seems to be growing, with 630 students on the Ceibs EMBA programme this year and 780 next. 对于中国西式管理教育的老前辈、上海的中欧国际工商学院(Ceibs)而言,市场似乎在不断增长——中欧国际工商学院的EMBA项目今年招收了630名学员,明年将有780名学员。 Drab 单调的;土褐色的 flat , blank , monotonous n. 浅褐色;无生气;邋遢;小额 sandy beige , cafe au lait vt. 使无生气 lethargize 双语例句权威例句 The landscape is drab and infested with brick ovens. 景色单调,惟见砖窑遍布。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 I considered myself fortunate to be on the Western side, for there was something chilling and forbidding about the East. It all looked so grey and drab. 我为自己生在西方感到幸运,而东边是一个不寒而栗的禁地,色彩灰暗单调,边界上的士兵神情严肃,令人生厌。 article.yeeyan.org He complained that the problem with writing about his own country was that “the slot between fantastic and drab seems too narrow”, and yet Rabbit could have been born of no other earth. 他抱怨道,写自己的国家会有个问题就是“精彩和单调之间的差异太小”,然而兔子又不能出生在别的地方。 Draconian 严厉的,苛刻的 severe , tight , hard , harsh , rigorous 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Motivation isn't about setting unrealistic goals and trying to force people to reach those goals through draconian rule. 动力并不是设置不切实际的目标,并且强迫人们通过严厉的规则到达那些目标。 www.ibm.com If that solution still proves too draconian for your headstrong daughter, then she is the one who is being unreasonable. 如果这个解决方案对你那勇往直前的女儿还是太过严厉的话,那她就是那个无理取闹的人。 article.yeeyan.org In a letter leaked to the Telegraph at the beginning of the week, Dr Fox warned the prime minister that "draconian cuts" could have "grave consequences". 这周初期,国防部长福克斯给电讯报的一封信中透漏,他已经警告首相“苛刻的削减”可能导致“严重的后果”。 Dregs 渣滓;少量;沉淀物(dreg的复数) offscourings , dribs 双语例句权威例句 In recent years we have been getting the feeling that bourgeois ideology and the dregs of society invariably try to worm their way to the surface. 我们这几年假如说有经验,有这样一条,就是资产阶级思想的影响, 社会渣滓的影响,总要钻出来。 dj.iciba.com Mr Sarkozy favours a zero-tolerance approach to urban violence, and in the days before the unrest began he angered many by calling troublemakers in poor districts “dregs”. 萨克兹先生对这次骚乱的态度是“不容忍”,在骚乱开始的前几天,他称那些贫民区的闹事者为“渣滓”,引起了公愤。 www.ecocn.org She’d spent her childhood mornings at that counter, culling raisins from her cereal, surveying the remains of her father’s dawn meal, his toast crusts, the sugared dregs in his coffee mug. 她童年的每个早晨都在那个柜面上度过,从她的谷类食品中挑出葡萄干儿,细细考量她父亲黎明餐的残留物,留下的面包皮嘻嘻考量她父亲黎明餐的残留物,留下的面包碴,咖啡杯里混着糖的渣滓。 Drench 浸湿,使湿透,使淋透,使浸透,浸泡,泡,渍,渗透: A heavy rain drenched the travellers. 一阵大雨把游客都淋得湿透了。 【兽医学】强使服药,给(牲口)灌药,使(马、牛等)咽下药水: to drench a horse 给一匹马灌药 包着,覆盖;使充满;使弥漫,使洋溢;使沐浴在…之下: The trees were drenched with sunlight. 树林沐浴在阳光之下。 【鞣革】使(皮革)脱灰软化: The skins were drenched 皮革已鞣制了。 Drivel (嘴里流淌的)口水,涎沫,流涎,流涕,鼻涕 胡思乱想,胡言乱语,胡说,废话,蠢话,幼稚无聊的话 vi. 淌口水,流鼻涕,垂涎: The baby drivelled on my hand. 婴儿把口水滴到我手上。 The baby sat drivelling in his highchair. 婴儿坐在高脚椅里淌口水。 说傻话(或蠢话、糊涂话),讲幼稚无聊话: What is the speaker drivelling about now? 发言者在胡说些什么呀? Drone 雄蜂;嗡嗡的声音;懒惰者 do-nothing vi. 嗡嗡作声;混日子 goof off , hell around vt. 低沉地说 rumble 双语例句原声例句权威例句 There, a drone pilot and a sensor operator sit in their flight suits in front of a series of screens. 在那里,每一架无人机的飞行员和传感器操作员都穿着飞行服坐在对应的屏幕前面。 dongxi.net The researchers are using the helicopter to test technology that would make it possible for a computer to fly, say, a drone that looks like a dragonfly. 研究人员在利用这架直升机来测试能使电脑——比方说看上去像是蜻蜓的一架无人驾驶飞机——飞行成为可能的技术。 dongxi.net Until then drone operators will continue to face hard choices every day about what they see and about what they should do — and hope that they are right. 直到那时,无人驾驶飞机操作者也许才能继续面对他们每天都要做的复杂抉择,希望他们能做出正确的选择。 Dross 浮渣;碎屑 leaving , dreg 双语例句权威例句 Your silver has become dross, your choice wine is diluted with water. 你的银子,变为渣滓,你的酒,用水搀对。 www.ebigear.com All the wicked of the earth you discard like dross; therefore I love your statutes. 凡地上的恶人,你除掉他,好像除掉渣滓。 因此我爱你的法度。 www.ebigear.com Thou puttest away all the wicked of the earth like dross: therefore I love thy testimonies. 凡地上的恶人,你除掉他,好像除掉渣滓。因此我爱你的法度。 Dolorous 忧伤的;悲痛的 tragic , heartsick 双语例句 They had heard so very little of this; yet it was enough to build up wretched dolorous dreams upon, there in the shade of the night. 关于这件事,她们知道的就是这样一点点;但是在夜色深沉的晚上,这件事已经足以使她们建立起痛苦和悲哀的遐想。 www.hjenglish.com Mr Carter's tone was dolorous, but there is an extraordinary lilt to Mr Obama's rhetoric which puts a bounce back into everyone's step. 卡特的语调是忧伤的,而奥巴马的言辞给人的感觉是极其轻快的,给每一个人的前进步伐都带去了动力。 article.yeeyan.org One of these, the parlor, gay with an ingrain carpet and dolorous with a funeral card and a death-picture of one of her numerous departed babes, was kept strictly for company. 一间是客厅,铺了张彩色地毯,带了几分喜气;却挂了一份讣告和已死去的众多孩子中的一个的遗像,又带了几分忧伤。 Dorsal 背部的;背的,背侧的 neural , tergal 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Their only armament was one .30 caliber machine gun in the nose, a twin .50 caliber dorsal turret, and a bottom turret. 这批飞机有着各种问题,飞机上装备的武器只有机头的.30口径的机枪、一个双管.50口径的机背炮塔、以及一个底部炮塔。 article.yeeyan.org They were documenting the dorsal fins of sharks, as part of an identification program, when a 10-foot-long great white shark suddenly landed on their vessel. 那天在莫斯湾的船上他正在与其他六名船员正在进行对鲨鱼群背部鳍记录的识别项目,一只10英尺长的大白鲨突然间跃上他们的船舷。 article.yeeyan.org Meanwhile, unusual sentences with complex clauses and smudged ink tend to require more conscious effort, which leads to more activation in the dorsal pathway. 然而,如果是带有复杂从句或者墨迹斑斑的句子,就需要我们有意地付出更多注意力,这样就刺激了背侧神经。 Dossier 档案,卷宗;病历表册 file , record 双语例句原声例句权威例句 "It would probably take a full day to compile a decent dossier on you, " he says, while a unique name takes just a few minutes. “这可能会花一整天的时间才能汇编出一份你的像样的档案,”他说,而一个独特的名称只需花费几分钟。 article.yeeyan.org Four months ago, the Chinese government accepted our dossier. In the next year or two, a little girl will be born and her parents will not want her. 四个月以前,中国政府接受了我们的申请和档案,不出一两年的时间,有一个小女孩会在中国出生,而她的父母不想要她。 article.yeeyan.org A Pakistani diplomat says the dossier will help move forward the investigation into the attack, which left dead more than 160 people at two hotels and other sites which were hit. 巴基斯坦一位外交官说,这些档案资料将有助于推进对这次袭击事件的调查。 当时,孟买两家酒店和其它地点遭到袭击,160多人丧生。 Dour 严厉的;顽强的;阴沉的;不爱讲话的 severe , tight , hard , heavy , harsh 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Other favorite topics include sky-high real estate prices and the gyrations of the city's stock exchange -- also touchy subjects with China's dour leaders. 其他的热门话题还包括狂涨的房地产价格,上海证券交易所的波动——这些话题在严厉的中国领导们看来也很敏感。 dongxi.net McKinsey's main safeguard against sensitive information being leaked or misused is cultural – it is a serious, even dour, organisation with a pronounced sense of mission. 麦肯锡防止敏感信息被泄露或被滥用的主要措施是通过文化层面——它是一家拥有明确使命感的严肃、甚至有些严厉的机构。 www.ftchinese.com There has been an outbreak of Tory “sleaze”; Boris Johnson, the Conservative mayor of London elected in May, still seems somewhat gaffe-prone; maybe recession would play to Mr Brown’s dour strengths. 最近就有些托利党人“麻烦”事爆出,保守党的鲍里斯•约翰逊在五月份当上伦敦市长之后继续保持其小丑作风。 可是,或许失败能让布朗顽强、给他力量。 Downplay ]缩小(某事的重要性、价值、力量等),小看,轻视,降低,故意贬低…重要性,低估;对…轻描淡写;降低调子陈述;减弱: The press has downplayed the president's role in the foreign affairs. 报界贬低了总统在外交事务中所起的作用。 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I say this in no effort to downplay our strong alliances around the world. 我这么说绝非低估我们在世界各地的强大联盟关系。 www.america.gov They are not the first ones to bring up any of their successes and in fact downplay a lot of what they have done. 他们不会是一开始就向人张扬他们成功的那种人,而实际上他们淡化了他们所做的一切。 article.yeeyan.org It would be irresponsible for me to downplay the magnitude of this crisis or assure you that everything is under control. 如果我缩小这次危机的严重性或向你们保证一切都在控制之中,就是不负责任的。 Drove 畜群;牛群、羊群等;移动的人群或大批的东西 herd

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-09 13:01:24

    Electorate 选民;选区 constituent , precinct 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The electorate put the Tories in with an increased majority in 1983. 1983年选民选举保守党执政,其票数超过上届的多数票。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Little more than a third of the electorate would back them if elections were held today. 如果今天就举行选举,将只有略超过三分之一的选民支持他们。 www.ecocn.org In the middle, about half the electorate seems to agree that climate change is a problem, but only partly accepts the need for drastic measures. 在中间派中,大约有一半的选民似乎赞同气候变化是一个问题,但仅仅是部分承认需要采取大规模举措。 Eleemosynary ,elɪiː'mɒsɪnərɪ; -'mɒz-] 美 [,ɛlə'mɑsn,ɛri] adj. 施舍的;慈善的;接受接济的 There was an endless round of institutions, municipal and eleemosynary, on which he might set out and receive lodging and food accordant with the simple life. 有无穷无尽的机构(市政府办的和慈善机关办的)他可以去接受住宿与伙食,过那种简单的生活。 dictsearch.appspot.com So the answer is that every piece of a newspaper has to be economically evaluated, because, in the end, we're not an eleemosynary institution, even though most of the newspapers have been run as one. 报纸的每一个版面都必须接受经济评估,尽管所有的报纸一直以来都尽量如此运作,但最终我们毕竟不是慈善机构。 Elliptical 椭圆的;省略的 oval , omissive 双语例句原声例句权威例句 If your knees bother you, choose a stationary bike, an elliptical machine, or go for a swim. 如果你的膝盖不好,那你可以选择一辆健身自行车、一个椭圆机,或者去游泳。 article.yeeyan.org However, if an eclipse occurs while the Moon is on the far side of its elliptical orbit, it appears smaller than the Sun and can't completely cover it. 但是如果日食出现在月球处于它的椭圆轨道远地点的时候,它显得比太阳小而无法完全遮盖住太阳。 article.yeeyan.org Kepler went on to show that an elliptical orbit is sufficient to explain the movement of the other planets and to devise the laws of planetary motion that Newton built on. 接着开普勒证明了这个椭圆轨道也能很有效解释其他行星的运行轨迹。 然后他提出了行星运动定律,牛顿定律就是以此为理论基础的。 Elusive 难懂的;易忘的;逃避的;难捉摸的 complicated , abstruse 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Try to catch the elusive charm of the original in translation. 翻译时设法把握住原文中难以捉摸的风韵。 《新英汉大辞典》 “We know what we need to do to achieve that elusive triple win”, he said. 他说:“我们知道我们需要做什么来实现这个难以捉摸的三赢。 web.worldbank.org Despite all the goodwill in the world, the Middle East peace process remains as elusive and frustrating as ever. 尽管全世界都对其给予厚望,中东和平进程还是像以往那样难以捉摸、令人沮丧。 Elysium (英雄和好人死后安居的)极乐世界,乐土[亦作 Elysian Fields] [比喻]天堂,天国,乐园,福地 欢乐,快乐,幸福 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 Joy, lovely divine light, Daughter of Elysium. Holy One, to thy holy kingdom. 欢乐, 圣洁之光。你是极乐世界的女儿。 圣者将归于天堂! dj.iciba.com This volcano is located in the northern hemisphere of Mars and is the northernmost of three volcanoes within Elysium Planitia. 它位于火星北半球,是Elysium Planitia地区三座火山中最北边的一座。 article.yeeyan.org Joseph seemed sitting in a sort of elysium alone, beside a roaring fire; a quart of ale on the table near him, bristling with large pieces of toasted oatcake; and his black, short pipe in his mouth. 约瑟夫仿佛是独自坐在一种极乐世界里,在一炉熊熊燃烧的火边;他旁边的桌子上有一杯麦酒,里面竖着大块的烤麦饼;他嘴里衔着他那黑而短的烟斗。 Embolden 鼓励,使增加勇气,使(更)勇敢,使有胆量,给…壮胆: Jack was emboldened to ask Helen to marry him. 杰克鼓起勇气向海伦求婚。 What emboldens him to make the attempt? 什么东西使他有胆量去作此尝试? 短语: embolden someone to do 鼓励某人做(某事) Embroil 使(国家、集团、个人等)卷入纠纷(或纷争、冲突、战争等),使陷入麻烦,牵连入(事件中),使受牵连,拖累(in): to get embroiled in an argument 卷入争论 I don't want to become embroiled in their quarrels. 我不想卷入他们的争吵中。 使(事态、局势、叙述等)陷入混乱;把(事情等)搞乱,搅乱;使纷乱;使复杂化,使错综复杂,使纠缠不清: a history embroiled with legend 为传记所搅乱了的历史 to embroil the management of someone's company 搅乱某人公司的管理工作 Emollient 润肤剂;软化剂 softener , softening agent 双语例句权威例句 But do not be fooled: “Mutti” as she is known in the German media is an altogether more emollient figure. 但不要被蒙蔽了:就像德国媒体所公认的那样,这位“妈妈”完全是一个更加柔和的人。 www.ftchinese.com When a floating exchange rate proves to be an irritant rather than an emollient, fixing it once and for all has greater appeal. 当浮动汇率证实为刺激物而非软化剂,将汇率彻底的固定有着更大的吸引力。 www.ecocn.org An emollient speech that he made to NewYork rabbis in 1991—stressing the common past of Christians and Jews—was held against him by zealots. 1991年他为纽约的拉比的缓和演说中强调犹太教与基督教共同的渊源,这一点被狂热分子们所攻击。 Encomium . 赞美,称赞;赞辞 praise , laudation 双语例句权威例句 In fact, this is not surprising. Whether it is worth to encomium democracy? 其实这一点也不奇怪,抛开狭隘的民族主义因素不说,单逻辑上就大概有两个问题:一是民主体制究竟值不值得我们称赞? www.ecocn.org Updike outlived his friend by twenty-seven years—long enough to offer his own encomium at Cheever's funeral, and in 厄普代克比他的朋友多活了二十七个春秋——并在奇弗的葬礼上宣读了他写的溢美吊辞(吊辞见纽约人杂志)。 article.yeeyan.org Reagan later used those same broadcast skills when he ran for president, earning the encomium of “The Great Communicator” for his ability to inspire voters. 后来在竞选总统时,里根也用上了这一技能,并因他具有的唤起选民激情的能力而赢得了"伟大的传播者"(Great Communicator)的美誉。 Encompass 包含;包围,环绕;完成 involve , contain , carry out , accomplish , achieve 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This can potentially encompass thousands of schemas and tables and millions of columns from differing databases and files. 这可能包含数千个模式和表,以及数百万个来自不同数据库和文件的列。 www.ibm.com It is possible, as indicated, to put these items into their own element, in which case a new root element will be required to encompass both the and elements. 还可以将这些项目放入它们自己的元素,在这种情况下,一个新的根元素将需要包含 和 这两个元素。 www.ibm.com Implementing portfolio management also requires creating a structure to provide planning, continuing direction, and oversight and control for all portfolios and the initiatives they encompass. 实现投资组合管理同样需要建立一个提供计划,继续的方向和监督控制所有投资组合以及他们包含的主动性的工作。 Encumber 阻碍,阻止,妨碍;牵制: Red tape encumbered all our attempts at action. 繁文缛节阻碍了我们为采取行动而作的所有努力。 堵塞,阻塞;塞满: a mind encumbered with trivial and useless information 塞满了琐碎的无用的情报的头脑 使负(债),使负担债务(或捐税等): He is encumbered with debts. 他为负债所牵累。 拖累,牵累,负累,为…所累;使…的负担沉重;烦扰: The girl was encumbered with a suitcase and several packages. 那位姑娘为一个小提箱和几个包裹所累。 Endue 使充满;提供给,给予(某物);尤指授予,赋予(品质、特性、天赋、天资、才能、权力等) (with): to be endued with life 被赋予生命 a girl endued with rare beauty 具有罕见美貌的女子 [罕用语]假装;装出;摆出: Hamlet endued the character of a madman. 哈姆雷特装疯卖傻。 [废语]穿衣(等);使穿上;使戴上(with): be endued with casual dress 穿着便服 促使(食物)消化;消化(食物) Eloqution 朗诵法;演说法;雄辩术 eloquence 双语例句权威例句 All her elocution lessons were just a mask. She was a chiseler from the day she was born. 她所有的语言艺术课都是烟雾罢了,从她出生的那天起,她就是个骗子。 article.yeeyan.org Bell’s father, grandfather, and brother were all involved with work on speech and elocution, and both his mother and wife were deaf, profoundly influencing Bell’s life’s work. 贝尔的父亲,爷爷,和哥哥都致力于朗诵和演讲,而且他母亲和妻子都是聋人,这深刻地影响了贝尔一生的作品。 article.yeeyan.org She had aged, certainly, and could have been puffed with cortisone, but she had on the same lipstick she wore at 7, the same red smear, when she was the Scarlett O’Hara of her elocution class. 她老了,毫无疑问,可能因为服用可的松的缘故,她的身体有些胀鼓鼓的。 但她依然擦着7岁时的那种口红,和她在朗诵课上扮演斯嘉丽小姐时一模一样的一抹红唇。 Elongate 把…拉长,使更长,使伸长,使延长: That painting doesn't look like him.The face is too elongated. 那幅画不像他,脸太长了。 vi. 变得更长,伸长,延长;呈细长形状: 变得更长,伸长,延长;呈细长形状: Her body slimmed and elongated from dancing. 她参加跳舞后,身材变得纤细苗条了。 Emanate 发出,流出,涌出,放出;出自,发源(from): Great sadness emanated from her song. 她的歌曲流露出巨大的忧伤之情。 (气体等)散发;(光等)发射,放射,射出(from): Light emanated from all the windows of the house. 这座房子的所有窗户都射出灯光。 vt. 散发出,发出,放出,发射出,放射(光、热、声音、气味等): 散发出,发出,放出,发射出,放射(光、热、声音、气味等): These chemicals can emanate certain poisonous gases. 这些化学药品会散发出某些有毒的气味。 Embellish 装饰,修饰,布置,美化,使生色(with): The leather cover of the new dictionary was embellished with gold letters. 这部新词典皮革封面上装饰着金字。 给(乐曲等)缀以装饰音、切分音、颤音等 给(故事、叙述等)添加细节;润色(图画、文章等),给…润色;对…加以宣扬,发挥: to embellish a story with details 给故事添加细节 The events of the leader's life were heavily embellished by his biographers. 领袖的生平事迹已被传记作家们添枝加叶地大加渲染。 vi. 装饰起来 Embezzlement 贪污,盗窃,盗用,擅用,挪用(公款);侵吞(公物等);监守自盗: The clerk was charged with embezzling $3 million from the bank where he worked. 这个职员被指控从他工作的银行盗窃了3百万美元。 [废语]挥霍,浪费 变形: vt. embezzled . embezzling Emboss 在…上浮雕图案(或花样等);浮雕(图案): The silver cup is embossed with a design of flowers. 这个银杯饰有花卉浮雕图案 (尤指用浮雕华丽地)装饰,修饰: Jack's house was gorgeously embossed. 杰克的房子装饰得十分华丽。 使隆起,使凸出: an embossed business card 压印有凸饰的名片 【金工学】(用模子)在…上压花(或压纹) [废语]使口吐白沫 Empathy 同感,同情,共鸣[参较 identification] 【美学】移情(作用) 【心理学】神入;感情移入,移情 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But what about people who rape and murder — should we feel empathy for them? 但是,对于犯了强奸和谋杀罪的人们 - 我们应该同情他们吗? article.yeeyan.org It may be a function of empathy; we feel badly for the objects of our derision. 这也许是移情作用的一个功能;我们会对自己嘲笑的对象感到抱歉。 article.yeeyan.org It offers not only plenty of examples to the contrary, but also some hints as to how and why empathy evolved, and how it might be related to self-awareness. 它不仅例举了大量的反证,而且还就移情作用的如何演变及其原因,以及如何与自我意识相关等问题提供了指导。 Empirical empirical study 实证研究;经验研究 empirical analysis 经验性分析 empirical research 经验研究,实证研究;实征性研究 empirical formula 经验式;实验式 empirical mode 经验模式;经验众数 更多词组短语 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This is empirical information on the ground. 这是地球上实实在在的信息。 www.ftchinese.com For this reason he is often considered as the father of empirical science and scientific method. 因为这个原因,他通常被认为是经验科学和科学方法的创始人。 article.yeeyan.org So it applies to macroscopic systems that are in equilibrium, and how to go from one equilibrium state to another equilibrium state, and it's entirely empirical in its foundation. 因此,热力学研究的是平衡态的宏观系统,以及如何从,一个平衡态过渡到另一个平衡态,它完全是建立在经验的基础上的。 open.163.com Empyreal 九天的;(古人宇宙论的)最高天的;苍天的;由纯净之火或光形成的 firmamental 双语例句 zhu Zhaobin and a few friends are joint-stock established Qingdao empyreal flight academy. 2005年,朱兆彬和几个朋友合资成立了青岛九天飞行学院。 news.zyoo.net The expansion of Circle of the Empyreal territory continues to compass 11 star systems within 85 Light Years of New Delta. 崇高界的领域的扩展到在新德尔塔85光年内的11个星系。 dictsearch.appspot.com Empyreal science and technology hires chatting room business to going out, business agrees with mobile phone date and Chen Tianqiao. 九天科技对外出租聊天室业务,业务用手机号和陈天桥一致。 Enamel enamel coating 搪瓷护膜;搪瓷表层 porcelain enamel 搪瓷;瓷釉 enamel paint 瓷漆 coal tar enamel 煤焦油磁漆 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The other kept munching scented pastilles, which he took with an affected gesture out of an oval box of lilac enamel. 另一个则装腔作势地自一个椭圆的淡紫色珐琅盒子里取出一剂芳香含片来,大嚼特嚼。 article.yeeyan.org There are bird cages hanging in the windows and little enamel signs everywhere begging the guests in an obsolete language not to do this and not to forget that. 窗子上都挂着鸟笼子,到处钉着小小的珐琅牌子,用陈腐的语言请求客人们不要做这个、不要忘记那个。 www.en8848.com.cn Both are highly decorated in gold and enamel the casing on one of the watches shows a classical scene of a soldier heading off to war, while the other features a display of flowers. 这两枚怀表大量采用黄金和珐琅做装饰——其中一只表的表壳上绘有一个士兵即将奔赴战场的经典画面,另一只表上的装饰则是花卉图案。 Endemic ]地方性的;[生物]风土的 provincial , local 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The disease appears to be endemic in the country, and surveillance and control campaigns have so far not succeeded in interrupting virus transmission between provinces. 在该国,这种疫病似乎是地方病,监视和防治活动迄今尚未能阻断病毒在各省之间传播。 www.fao.org The war against endemic corruption has made great strides in the past five years, though this has more to do with the independent Anti-Corruption Commission than with Mr Yudhoyono himself. 反对地方性腐败的斗争在过去五年里取得了非常大的进步,可是与尤多约诺自己相比,独立的反腐败委员会还有更多的事情要做。 www.ecocn.org Concerned about the recurrence of bird flu in Asia, close monitoring of diagnostic results by FAO has revealed that bird flu is endemic in some areas while new strains have emerged in other places. 出于对亚洲重现禽流感的关注,粮农组织对诊断结果的密切监测显示,禽流感在某些地区属于地方病,而在其他地方则出现了新的毒株。 Enervate 使丧失力量(或活力、精力、气力等);(体力、精力上)削弱;使衰弱,使虚弱,使无力: She was enervated from (或 with) dissipation. 她由于生活放荡不羁而气虚体亏。 使堕落;使萎靡不振;(道德上)削弱: She was enervated by the luxury of palace life. 宫廷的奢华生活使她变得萎靡不振。 adj. (软弱)无力的,衰弱的,虚弱的 萎靡不振的,无精打采的 近义词: unnerve . weaken

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-10 18:17:07

    Enfranchise 给予选举权;给予自治权;解放,释放 deliver , emancipate 词根: enfranchise n. enfranchisement 解放,释放 双语例句 Enfranchise human possibility. 来自主管理人类的可能性。 article.yeeyan.org Some on the Chinese Right want to push elections forward and faster, especially in the cities, seeking to enfranchise workers as a means of promoting Party legitimacy. 部分中国的右派人士想要推动并加快国家进行政治选举,特别是赋予城市富裕劳动阶层选举权,他们把这作为提升党执政合法性的一种手段。 article.yeeyan.org The first Reconstruction Act of 1867 put most southern states under formal military control, supervised the writing of new state constitutions, and sought to enfranchise and empower former slaves. 1867年的第一个《重建法案》,将大部分南方州置于正式军事控制之下,监督各州起草了新的州宪法,并试图解放奴隶和增加他们的自主权。 dongxi.net Engross 使全神贯注,使聚精会神,专心于;为…所吸引,吸引(注意): He is engrossed in his work. 他专心于工作。 Our discussion engrossed his attention. 我们的讨论吸引了他的注意力。 用大字体清晰端正地书写 (法律文件): Her name was engrossed on the list. 她的名字用大字体清晰端正地写在名单上。 最后誊清或誊抄 (议会通过的议案): to engross a bill 誊抄一份议案 正式写成 (法律文件、议案、决议、条约等): to engross a deed 正式写成契约 正式地(或以法律形式) 表达 把…据为己有;垄断: to engross the power of the state 垄断了国家的权力 对…囤积居奇,对…垄断居奇,大量收购以垄断市场: to engross the market for oil 垄断石油市场 [古语] 积聚 Enmity 敌意;憎恨 despite , hate , hatred , hostility 双语例句原声例句权威例句 There is, of course, the odium theologicum, and it can be a cause of enmity. 当然,信仰上的互相厌恶是确实存在的,这也是敌意产生的一个原因。 article.yeeyan.org An overambitious presidency, even one that wears the halo of the EU’s ring of gold stars, can stir more enmity than praise. 对于轮值主席国任期太过雄心勃勃,即使是在欧盟光环的笼罩之下,也可能引发更多的敌意而非赞扬。 www.ecocn.org That suggests the possibility of reconciliation, but such is the enmity between the current and the ex-chairman that peace will probably require Mr Chen to stand aside. 这意味着双方存在调和的可能。 但新老董事会主席之间的敌意是如此之深,可能只有陈晓选择离开,才能真正实现和平。 Ensemble 全体;总效果;全套服装;全套家具;合奏组 en bloc , entireness adv. 同时 meanwhile , together 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But I think as an ensemble, [my work] has its own personality, and that's what I'm proud of. 但是我认为若这是一场合唱,[我的作品]拥有它自己的个性,那便是我引以为自豪的。 article.yeeyan.org That is, when I ask "what is the best ensemble to make me look good for the conference," I would like the answer before I go to the conference. 也就是说,当我询问“我参加这次会议做好的配套服装是什么”时,我希望在我参加这个会议之前得到答案。 www.ibm.com In a rate code, neurons consider the activity of an ensemble of many neurons, and ignore the individual variability, or noise, produced by each of them. 在一个速率编码上,神经元会以一个神经元整体来考虑活动,而忽视由每个神经元产生的变化或噪音。 Enthrall 迷住,使着迷 possess , spell 词根: enthral adj. enthralling 迷人的 enthralled 被迷住的 n. enthrallment 奴役;沉迷 v. enthralling 迷惑;奴役(enthral的现在分词) enthralled 迷住;奴役;令人愉快(enthral的过去分词) vt. enthral 奴役;使…做奴隶;迷惑(等于enthrall) 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The DSK scandal continued to enthrall France. 法国上下继续关注卡恩丑闻。 www.ecocn.org I am afraid I may frighten the company, frighten or enthrall them. 我怕我会吓坏那些人,吓坏了他们或是使他们迷惑不解。 dict.veduchina.com No, it's not a rock concert or a food festival that is daring crowds to the National Mall. It's the printed page - which still has the power to enthrall. 不,并不是一场摇滚音乐会或者一个食品节在鼓动着人们前往华盛顿国家广场,而是那些图书在深深地吸引着人们。 Entourage 随从;周围;环境 context , satellite , circumstance , setting , condition 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Anyhow, when my father came, we would be content with wandering round about his entourage and in the company of his servants. 不管怎样,父亲回到家,我们能在他周围走来走去,能和他的仆人在一起,我们就心满意足了。 article.yeeyan.org For more than a year, British intelligence officers have been instigating contacts with Taliban commanders and their entourage. 一年多来,英国情报官员一直在怂恿与塔利班指挥官及其随从进行接触。 article.yeeyan.org In the NBA, greatness is determined by how many championship rings you have, not how many people are in your entourage, or how many one-hour TV specials you have. 在NBA,伟大是用你有多少枚冠军戒指来诠释的,既不是你的随从有多少也不是有多少部专门为你制作的长达一个小时的电视节目。 Entrance 入口;进入 threshold , access , portal , way in 词根: entrant adj. entranced 着迷的;狂喜的 entrancing 使人入神的;令人欣喜的 n. entrant 进入者;新会员;参加竞赛者;新工作者 entrancement 狂喜;出神,恍惚 entranceway 入口;大门 v. entrancing 使入迷(entrance的ing形式) 双语例句原声例句权威例句 We turned in at the entrance. 我们从入口进去了。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Do we have only one entrance? 只有一个入口吗? www.ebigear.com Fans thronged to the entrance of the theatre to see the famous actress. 影迷们拥向剧院的入口争睹著名女影星。 Entreat 请求;恳求;哀求,乞求: to entreat the judge for mercy 乞求法官宽恕 恳求得到(某物): She entreated help in her work. 她请求帮助她工作。 [古语]对付;对待 vi. 恳求;请求;乞求: She was not accustomed to entreat. 她不习惯于乞求于人。 [废语]说,写(of)[亦作 intreat] 近义词: beg Entrench 确保(地位等),确立,使(自己)处于有力(或牢固、稳固)地位;使盘踞;牢固树立[用于被动语态或与反身代词连用]: an official entrenched in office 确保职位的官员 safely entrenched behind undeniable facts 因以无可否认的事实为后盾而安全地处于有力的地位 挖壕沟防护(自己、阵地等),以壕沟围住(或防御);置…于壕沟里: Our soldiers were strongly entrenched on the river bank. 我们的战士们固守在河堤壕沟中。 (挖)掘,挖(壕沟);(因侵蚀等)使…成沟状: be entrenched with streams 被溪流冲蚀成道道壕沟 保证(法律规定的权利等): a constitutionally entrenched Bill of Rights 由宪法保障的《权利法案》 Enumerate 列举,枚举: Let me enumerate many flaws in your hypothesis. 让我列举你前提中的许多谬误。 to enumerate the facts to someone 向某人列举各项事实 计算,数,点,确定…的数目: Enumerate the items again to be sure none is missing. 将项目再清点一遍以确保无遗漏。 [加拿大英语]对选民进行登记造册;登记(选民姓名): to enumerate voters 登记选民 Envisage 正视,面对;想像 imagine , picture , think of 双语例句权威例句 You must envisage realities. 你必须正视现实。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 It’s hard to envisage a more disruptive business model. 很难想像一个更具有破坏性的商业模式。 article.yeeyan.org Even when people do not much believe in the hereafter, they easily invoke or envisage heavenly beings to ease death and make some sense of life. 尽管人们不大相信有来世,但是他们都能坦然地祈求和面对天国使者来为他们舒解死亡的痛苦和认清生命的意义 Ephemeral 短暂的;朝生暮死的 brief , little , transient , passing 词根: ephemeral n. ephemerality 朝生暮死,短命的事物;无常的事物 ephemeron 蜉蝣;生命极短暂的东西 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But all kinds of fame are ephemeral. 但是,各种名望都是短暂的。 article.yeeyan.org My flower is ephemeral, and she has only four thorns to defend herself against the world. And I have left on my planet, all alone! 我的花生命是短暂的,她只有四根刺可以保护自己,抵御世界,我却将她独自留在我的星球上了! www.hxen.com Oral traditions can survive when ephemeral media are destroyed, he says: “The only thing that we can really rely on in the long run is oral tradition. 口头故事传统能在短暂的媒体毁灭以后继续存在。 他说:“从长远来说,我们真正能够依赖的唯一东西就是口头的传统。 Epigram 警句;讽刺短诗;隽语 aphorism , catchphrase 词根: epigram adj. epigrammatic 警句的;讽刺的 双语例句权威例句 But as a rule the terseness and point of the maxim approximate to the modern epigram. 但总的来说格言的简洁凝炼是与现代格言警句相类似的。 article.yeeyan.org This isn’t just an epigram—life is much more successfullylooked at from a single window, after all. 这不是一个警句那么简单,因为毕竟,从单独一个窗口看人生更为容易。 article.yeeyan.org This isn't just an epigram --life is much more successfully looked at from a single window, after all. 这并不只是一个俏皮的警句——光从一个窗口去观察人生究竟要成功得多。 Epitaph 碑文,墓志铭 epigraph 双语例句原声例句权威例句 His epitaph for himself would have well suited man as he wanted him to be. 他为自己写的墓志铭非常适合像他所期望成为的那种人。 article.yeeyan.org No shockwave swept through the Arab world as news of Bin Laden's death spread, and that is perhaps the most fitting epitaph. 拉登死讯的传播并未形成席卷阿拉伯世界的冲击波,也许这个作为墓志铭是再合适不过的了。 article.yeeyan.org But a more accurate epitaph would be something along the lines that Europe’s most ambitious project met its end for the avoidance of moral hazard. 但是,更准确的墓志铭应该是类似这样的话:欧洲最雄心勃勃的计划是为避免道德风险而寿终正寝的。 Epithet 绰号;浑名 soubriquet , sobriquet 双语例句权威例句 But his story makes one wonder if honest enterprise really needs a new epithet to ennoble it. 塔帕本不会把给自己带来财富的努力称之为社会企业,但他的故事使人们想弄清楚这样一个问题,即诚实的企业是否真的需要用新的头衔来抬高自己。 www.ecocn.org My teen years were marked by the common epithet “Camel Jockey” and the hit AM radio song “Ahab the A-rab.” “骆驼骑师” (Camel Jockey)和调幅电台的热门歌曲“Ahab the A-rab”是我青少年时代人们通用的绰号。 www.america.gov But it is impossible to predict the reaction of a man accosted by another with the words "you rat" without referring to the meaning that the man spoken to attaches to the epithet. 但是,当你不带意识地,说出别人的绰号“老鼠”的时候,你还是无法预测这个人会有怎样的反应。 Equable 平静的;变动小的 peaceful , pacific , calm , still 词根: equably adv. equably 稳定地;均一地;平静地 双语例句权威例句 Many countries made a genuine attempt to set a new and equable tone for discussion and debate. 许多国家真心诚意地,试图以一种全新而平和的口吻进行磋商和辩论。 www.ecocn.org Many countries made a genuine attempt to set a new and equable tone for discussion and debate. 很多国家付出切实努力为磋商和谈判设定一个全新的公平的基调。 www.ecocn.org Many countries made a genuine attempt to set a new and equable tone for discussion and debate. 多数国家怀着真诚的愿望,以全新的友好姿态展开了商讨和辩论。 Equanimity 平静;镇定 peace , equilibrium 词根: equanimous adj. equanimous 安静的;镇定的 双语例句原声例句权威例句 May you enjoy your fruit in equanimity and abundant health! 好好享受水果给你带来的平静与健康生活吧!! article.yeeyan.org Could the president really feel as good as he sounded or was the equanimity an act? 可以总统真正的感觉还会一样好,因为他听起来还是一个行为的平静? article.yeeyan.org One reason for the UK's equanimity is that London has long prospered as a financial centre from being the place to which SWFs come to have funds managed. 英国之所以如此镇定,原因之一是伦敦长期以来作为金融中心繁荣发展,而不是主权财富基金前来收购的地点。 Equipoise 平衡(状态),均衡;均势;相称;平衡 平衡力 平衡物 平衡锤,秤砣,砝码 vt. 使(保持)平衡,使均衡;使相称: to equipoise the opposite interests of the two countries 使两国相互对立的利益保持平衡 与…平衡,与…抗衡: The defensive team nearly equipoised the offensive team. 守队与攻队几乎是势均力敌。 Equivocation 含糊话;模棱两可的话 ambiguity 词根: equivocal adj. equivocal 模棱两可的;可疑的 adv. equivocally 可疑地;含糊地 n. equivocator 说模棱话的人;说话支吾者 vi. equivocate 说模棱两可的话 双语例句权威例句 He looks at me sharply, distrusting my equivocation. 他犀利地看着我,不相信我的含糊其辞。 article.yeeyan.org Any equivocation implies the poorness of the decision making process in the first instance, and is never contemplated by a great leader. 任何模棱两可都暗示着这个决策的制定过程在一开始就是拙劣的。 这样的决策不会是出自一个优秀的领导者。 article.yeeyan.org Some argue that torture is justified if our survival is threatened, but even apart from the elasticity of this justification, it is flawed because it depends on an equivocation. 有人说,如果我们的生存受到了威胁,酷刑就是正当的;但是这一辩辞除了其伸缩性之外,还有别的瑕疵——它依赖于含糊其辞。 Epistemology 认识论 theory of knowledge 词根: epistemic adj. epistemic 知识的;认识的,与认识有关的 epistemological 认识论的 n. epistemologist 知识学家 双语例句原声例句 In October, I will teach a class on Epistemology. 十月份我将教一个班级的认识论课程。 article.yeeyan.org The Republic and The Laws, written 2300 to 2400 years ago, dealt not only with philosophy, the theory of knowledge, epistemology, but also with social conditions. 他在2300~2400年前写就的《理想国》和《法律篇》不仅阐述了哲学、知识论和认识论,而且还研究了社会状况。 article.yeeyan.org But all these endeavors to provide a rational basis for peaceful human cooperation within the frame of society appear vain in the light of the Marxian epistemology. 然而,所有这些为人类在社会结构中得以开展和平协作提供理性基础的努力,都由于马克思认识论的出现而成为徒劳之举。 Enjoin 责成,责令,嘱咐,吩咐;把…强加,迫使: to enjoin silence on a class 责令班级学生肃静 The doctor enjoined a strict diet. 医生嘱咐要严格规定饮食。 (尤指由指令规定)指令或命令(某人)做某事;以权威 (或强调)口吻规定 (行动步骤): She was enjoined to live more frugally. 她被责成更俭省地生活。 to enjoin someone to obey the law 命令某人遵守法律 阻止 【法律】 (尤指由禁令、指令规定)禁止,制止: The company was enjoined from using false advertising. 该公司被禁止使用假广告。 Enmesh 使绊住;使陷入 emmesh , let sb in for 双语例句 Britain has managed to enmesh its own servicemen in the national export drive. 英国努力让本国军人也投入到国家出口事务中来。 www.ecocn.org Such programs would help enmesh North Korea in greater cooperation with the outside world, with benefits that Pyongyang might be loath to abandon. 这些方案将有助于绊住朝鲜与外部世界更多的合作,因为平壤可能会不愿放弃某些收益。 article.yeeyan.org The plan would further enmesh the federal government in a private U.S. company and raise questions about how much a management role the government would take and how long it would own the GM shares. 这一计划将使得美国政府进一步身陷一家私营美国公司,也带来了政府会承担多少管理职责以及会持股通用汽车多久的问题。 Ensconce 使安坐;使安躺;安置: to ensconce oneself in an armchair 使自己安坐在扶手椅内 The kitten was ensconced in an easy chair. 小猫安稳地蹲在安乐椅里。 [罕用语] 使藏匿,使隐藏,使隐蔽;使安全,庇护: They were ensconced in the cellar. 他们躲在地下室里。 Entail 引起;使成为必要,使需要,必需;必须包括: a loss entailing no regret 不需惋惜的损失 Success entails hard work. 要成功,必须努力工作。 使(人)承担,使负担,使蒙受 (on,upon): The enterprise will entail enormous expense and labour on (或upon) us. 这项事业将使我们负担巨大的费用和人力。 把…按固定的顺序传给(或遗传给) (on,upon): to entail disease on his innocent children 把病遗传给他的无辜子女 【法律】 永远赠送;限定 (不动产)的继承 (on,upon): to entail an estate on someone 限定将产业遗赠某人 把…给予 (on); 使永远处于(unto): The scandal entailed on the government indelible disgrace. 那件丑闻给政府带来了难以洗掉的耻辱。 【逻辑学】 蕴涵,衍推 n. (对信仰、品质等) 不可摆脱的继承,不可动摇的继承 引起;负担;需要 【法律】 (不动产的)限嗣继承 限嗣继承的不动产 确定的继承权顺序,限嗣不动产权 短语: cut off(或break,dock) the entail 撤销限嗣不动产继承权 Enthralling 迷人的 killing , taking , engaging , charming , fascinating 词根: enthral adj. enthralled 被迷住的 n. enthrallment 奴役;沉迷 v. enthralled 迷住;奴役;令人愉快(enthral的过去分词) vt. enthrall 迷住,使着迷 enthral 奴役;使…做奴隶;迷惑(等于enthrall) 双语例句权威例句 Many of the Westerners sat there rapt, as if just being in North Korea were enough to make a juche-themed answer to the Lawrence Welk Show enthralling. 许多西方人全神贯注地坐在那儿好像这些人可以把宣传主体思想的歌唱变得和劳伦斯•威尔克的表演一样迷人。 dongxi.net But, for some reason there's nothing quite as unsettling, and simultaneously enthralling, as seeing the weird manifestations of the penis in the animal kingdom. 但是,出于某种原因这并未让我不自然,每当看到动物王国里形形色色的阴茎时,我都觉得那是迷人的风景。 article.yeeyan.org Your sign is known for extraordinary ability to spin a yarn that is so enthralling and believable, no one can stop reading or listening to what you have to say. 你的星座以将一件事说得迷人而令人信服的能力而著称,当你要说点什么的时候,没有人能停下来听、读你的话述。 Entity 实体;存在;本质 presence , existence , essence , principle , texture 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This ensures that I have the right business entity. 这就确保了我得到了正确的业务实体。 www.ibm.com Since the East and West Germanies were unified they are a polictical entity. 德国东西方统一后就是一个统一的政治实体了。 《新英汉大辞典》 With this approach each data entity includes both the attributes and the inherited attributes of the class that it represents. 使用这种方法,每个数据实体就既包含属性又包含它所表示的类继承的属性。 Enunciate (尤指清晰地)发(单词、句子等)的音,念(字);明确表达: She enunciates her words distinctly. 她清晰地发音(或念字)。 确切地说明,明确陈述,系统地阐明,阐述(建议、观点、理论、原则等): He enunciated his theory to his colleagues. 他向他的同事阐述他的理论。 宣布,宣告;发表(想法、意见等): to enunciate one's intentions 宣布自己的打算(或意图) to enunciate the principles to be followed by… 宣布…将遵循的原则 Enzym 酶 zyme 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It is believed that it inhibits an enzyme that promotes cell proliferation in tumours. 据信它能抑制一种能在肿瘤中促进细胞增殖的酶的生成。 bbs.anti-cnn.com This enzyme accumulates in the larvae to a level where it becomes toxic and kills them. 这种酶在幼虫体内积累到一定浓度,就会变得有毒并杀死它们。 www.scidev.net Apparently, though, CYP2E1 affects how sensitive the brain is to alcohol, perhaps because it —unlike the enzyme in the liver —generates free radicals, tiny molecules that can damage cells. 虽然表面上是这样,CYP2E1却影响着大脑对酒精的敏感度,或许因为它—不像在肝脏中的酶—产生了自由基,能损害细胞的微小分子。 Epaulet 肩章;肩饰 shoulder mark , shoulder-flash 双语例句 Functional epaulet at each shoulder. 在每个肩部的功能肩章。 Epidermis 上皮,[解剖][动]表皮 epithelium , scarfskin 词根: epidermal adj. epidermal [解剖][动] 表皮的;外皮的 双语例句权威例句 The pigment in the upper layer of skin (epidermis) that gives your skin its normal color is called melanin. 在浅层皮肤(表皮)中有种色素能让你的皮肤保持其正常的颜色,称为黑色素。 article.yeeyan.org Skin color is due to melanin, a pigment produced in the epidermis to protect us from the sun's potentially cancer-causing ultraviolet (UV) rays. 皮肤的颜色取决于黑色素。 这是一种产生于表皮的色素,能够保护我们免受来自紫外线的侵袭。 article.yeeyan.org The effect occurs because of a molecule called staphylococcal lipoteichoic acid that acts on keratinocytes, the primary cell type found in the epidermis – or outer skin layer. 由于葡萄球菌脂磷壁酸分子(在表皮中或外皮层找到的主要细胞类型)作用在角化细胞上产生了这个结果。 article.yeeyan.org Epithet 绰号;浑名 soubriquet , sobriquet 双语例句权威例句 But his story makes one wonder if honest enterprise really needs a new epithet to ennoble it. 塔帕本不会把给自己带来财富的努力称之为社会企业,但他的故事使人们想弄清楚这样一个问题,即诚实的企业是否真的需要用新的头衔来抬高自己。 www.ecocn.org My teen years were marked by the common epithet “Camel Jockey” and the hit AM radio song “Ahab the A-rab.” “骆驼骑师” (Camel Jockey)和调幅电台的热门歌曲“Ahab the A-rab”是我青少年时代人们通用的绰号。 www.america.gov But it is impossible to predict the reaction of a man accosted by another with the words "you rat" without referring to the meaning that the man spoken to attaches to the epithet. 但是,当你不带意识地,说出别人的绰号“老鼠”的时候,你还是无法预测这个人会有怎样的反应。 Equine 马 horse , prad , yarraman , gee-gee 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The work enabled artists to correct the gait of their equine subjects. 艺术家们借助这一成果纠正了他们作品中马的步态。 article.yeeyan.org Initially named Equine Morbilivirus, Hendra virus is a member of the genus Henipavirus, a new class of virus in the Paramyxoviridae family. 亨德拉病毒最初名为马麻疹病毒,属于亨德拉尼帕病毒属这一副粘病毒科的新病毒类型。 www.who.int Equine Management teaches all sorts of subjects related to horses - everything from riding to physical care of the animals to management of barns and stables. 马科管理会教导各式各样跟马有关的主题,从骑马、到实际上如何照料马儿的身体及如何管理谷仓及马厩。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-11 14:51:36

    Errant 不定的;周游的;错误的;偏离正路的 false , wrong , improper 双语例句权威例句 You remember her, the errant prognosticator who predicted municipal-bond defaults in the hundreds of billions of dollars in 2011. 你应该记得这位错误的预言家,曾预测2011年将有数千亿美元市政债券违约。 www.cn.wsj.com He notably does not use the term "lock down", but says that all hands drop other tasks, and are mustered to find the errant drive. 他显然不用“锁定”这个词,不过他补充道,所有的人都会放下手头的任务,被召集起来寻找错误的硬盘。 www.ecocn.org For example, one customer routes a task to an administrator to look at fixed-width data feeds when the data fails so that they can find the errant characters and fix or delete them. 例如,一位客户在数据失败时将一个任务路由到管理员,请求管理员检查固定宽度的数据提要,以便找到错误的字符,修复或删除它们。 Erratic 不稳定的;古怪的 unstable , odd , volatile , curious n. 漂泊无定的人;古怪的人 fantastic , weirdo 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He would warn, as he often did, about "erratic swings" in the money supply. 就像以前常常做的那样,他会对货币供给的“不稳定波动”发出警告。 article.yeeyan.org Her behaviour became increasingly erratic, and she was often drunk on stage. 她的行为越来越古怪,有时在舞台上都是醉醺醺的。 www.hxen.com So many readers have sent messages saying that their boss is as erratic and as bonkers as yours that it makes one wonder if there are any normal, stable ones around - especially in investment banking. 许多读者已经发来邮件说,他们的老板像你的老板一样古怪,而且精神不正常。 这使人想知道,是否还存在正常、可靠的老板--特别是在投资银行业。 Ersatz 代用的;人造的;假的 artificial , synthetic n. 代用品;仿制品 substitute , proxy 双语例句权威例句 But this new form of ersatz capitalism, in which losses are socialised and profits privatised, is doomed to failure. Incentives are distorted. 但是这一人造资本主义新型,寓于其中的是损失的社会化和利益的私人化,是注定要失败的。 article.yeeyan.org American developers have been encouraged to build flats around tram stations; British limits on urban sprawl have led to the creation of ersatz villages. 美国开发商一直鼓励在电车站附近建造平房;英国对郊区扩张的限制导致代用品村的生成。 www.ecocn.org “We should not start looking for ersatz issues and forget the topic of financial market regulation. We cannot afford to neglect this issue now,” she said. 她表示:“我们不应该开始寻找替代问题,而忘记金融市场监管这一议题。我们现在承受不起忽视这一问题。 Escalate 使逐步上升;使(战争)逐步升级;使逐步扩大;使逐步增强: to escalate a war 使战争逐步升级 乘自动扶梯爬登(或到达) 使(物价、工资或津贴)按生活费用作上下调整 vi. 逐步上升;(战争)逐步升级;逐步扩大;逐步增强,增长: The local war escalated into a major conflict. 局部的战争逐步升级成大规模的冲突。 Esoteric 秘传的;限于圈内人的;难懂的 complicated , elusive 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Routine isn't that esoteric but it is the secret to meditation. 常规不是那种秘传的东西但确实是冥想的秘诀。 article.yeeyan.org They purport to know about trade and finance, about markets and credit, but I struggle to identify the actual benefits of all their expensive advice and esoteric debates. 他们声称自己了解贸易和金融、了解市场和信贷,可是我很难看明白他们昂贵的建议和深奥的辩论有什么实际效益。 www.ftchinese.com That includes many individuals with esoteric skills that are of little use in everyday life - like being able to instantly reckon the day of the week for any past or future date. 这包括许多不同的个体拥有在日常生活中很少用得上的深奥技能——比如能够立即算出任何一个过去或将来的日期是星期几。 Espouse 支持;嫁娶;赞成;信奉 encourage , second , back , agree , carry 双语例句原声例句权威例句 On one hand we espouse free markets and the premium of economic choice. 一方面,我们信奉自由市场和珍视经济本身的选择。 article.yeeyan.org I've sometimes heard people espouse a philosophy of ignorance when their bosses are asking for something to be done. 我常听说有人信奉一种无知的哲学,特别当他们的老板是要求他们去做某些事的时候。 article.yeeyan.org It’s quite easy to espouse this as insincere rhetoric, but I find myself drawn close to tears as I actually get a feel for each person I connect with. 装模作样地夸夸其谈说赞成这么做是相当容易,但是当我真得去感受我与之产生联系的每一个人时,却发现压力大得快要让我流泪了。 Espy 看到;认出;发现 detect , recognize , spot 双语例句权威例句 Where love fails, we espy all faults. 爱情一失败,一切毛病都发现。 www.ebigear.com The next morning I flew to Jackson, Mississippi, for a breakfast organized by former governor Bill Winter and Mike Espy, both of whom had endorsed me early. 第二天早上,我飞到密西西比州的首府杰克逊市,参加前任州长比尔.温特和迈克.埃斯皮为我组织的早餐会,他们两人很早就表态支持我。 article.yeeyan.org Judge Sentelle’s panel replaced him with Robert Ray, who was on Starr’s staff and before that had been on the staff of Donald Smaltz during the failed attempt to convict Mike Espy. 以森特尔为首的法官团任命罗伯特•雷接替,他曾是斯塔尔办公室的一员,这之前跟随唐纳德•斯莫尔茨在试图将迈克•埃斯皮定罪一案中工作,该案最终失败。 Estimable 可估计的;可尊敬的;有价值的 valuable , worthy 双语例句权威例句 You should not, of course, stop reading this estimable newspaper. 当然,你不应该抛弃这份宝贝的报纸。 www.cuyoo.com You get healthy self-esteem from behaving in ways that you find estimable. 你是按照按自己认为是可值得尊敬的方式去行动来获得的自尊。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn I've noticed something when I ask people what they're reading: they often name some highly estimable, dense, serious book, and then confess that they've been reading it for months. 我注意到当问别人正在读什么时:他们往往报出某本高度令人敬佩、厚厚的严肃书,随后承认已读了很久。 Etch (用加热法或酸类在金属、矿石、木头、玻璃或塑料等上)浸蚀,蚀镂,蚀刻(图案、图画等): A design is etched on a copperplate. 铜版上蚀刻了一个图案。 酸蚀,腐蚀(铜锌版等金属版、玻璃等) (用或似用利器)刻出,雕出,凿出,蚀出: to etch her face full of deep lines 在她脸上刻下一道道深深的皱纹 清楚地描写,描述;刻画;勾勒(如某人的特征、性格等);画出…的轮廓: He is the most sharply etched character in the movie. 他是影片中刻画得最深刻的人物形象。 [常用被动语态]深印,铭刻,铭记;把…铭刻(在心里或记忆中),牢记心中,深入人心;给…极深的印象: Our last conversation is etched in my memory. 我们最后的谈话牢记在我心中。 Ethereal 天上的;轻的;象空气的 light , heavenly 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It was no longer, after Galileo, of an ethereal temper. 在伽利略之后,它不再是一个沉重的盾牌。 v.163.com Mystical orbs, ethereal apparitions, things that go bump in the night. A load of hooey you say? 神秘的天体、飘忽的幽灵之类在夜晚撞见的东西,你认为这是一派胡言么? article.yeeyan.org And without wanting to get mystical about it, fire is, in many respects, a kind of animal, albeit an ethereal one. 因为不想把它变得很神秘,所以说火在很多方面是一种动物,尽管是种飘渺不定的动物。 Ethos 民族精神;气质;社会思潮 temperament , national spirit 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I think the American ethos—mixing tolerance and reverence—may have something special to contribute to this issue. 我认为,美国的气质——宽容与敬畏交融——可能对此问题有一些特别的贡献。 www.america.gov And I want to suggest to you that part of the misogyny of the novel part of that misogyny is connected to this consumptive ethos. 我还要提醒你们小说里的厌女症部分,一部分的厌女症是和这种消耗性的气质相关联的。 v.163.com In this archaic ethos, the notion that our personal identity or salvation was based on our jobs was as foreign as were the French coins only then beginning to trickle into the regional economy. 在这种古老的民族精神里面,关于我们的个人身份或者赎罪是基于我们的工作的概念,就像是法国硬币像涓涓细流般的融入区域经济一样令人觉得异样。 Euphoria 精神欢快,[临床]欣快;兴高采烈;欣快症;幸福愉快感 elation , gaiety 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Paradoxically, to the extent risk management succeeds in identifying such episodes, it can prolong and enlarge the period of euphoria. 存在矛盾的是,就风险管理成功确认这些事件的程度来看,它能够延长并放大欣快时期。 www.ftchinese.com It is hard not to be drawn into the seductive drama of this man’s life, which was essentially devoted to achieving some kind of euphoria at the risk of death. 很难做到不被这个人生活的富有魅力且具有戏剧性效果而吸引。 他的生活基本上被奉献给了冒着生命危险而获得某种轻松愉快感的事业。 www.ecocn.org But if, as I strongly suspect, periods of euphoria are very difficult to suppress as they build, they will not collapse until the speculative fever breaks on its own. 但如果正如我强烈怀疑的那样,欣快时期在发展时很难压制,那么它们将不会崩溃,直至投机热潮本身出现消退。 www.ftchinese.com Evanescent 容易消散的;逐渐消失的;会凋零的 smorzando 双语例句权威例句 Rather, it is a roiling, seething cauldron of evanescent particles. 相反,它是一个不断翻滚、剧烈沸腾的大锅,内有逐渐消失的粒子。 www.ecocn.org The joy and moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits. 在疯狂地去追逐那转瞬即逝的利润时,务必不能忘记劳动带来的喜悦和激励。 blog.hjenglish.com But the ironic wink comes to a halt with the whiskey, which is serious: vibrant with the evanescent slap of corn. 但这讽刺性的情况随着这么一种烈性威士忌:在拍碎玉米的瞬间即充满活力,而停止了。 Evict (依照法律程序从租地或租屋中)驱逐,逐出,赶出(租户、佃户、房客等)(from): The family were evicted from their house for failing to pay the rent. 这家人因没付房租而被赶出了家。 (通过法庭裁决或上级要求)追回(产权、财产等): They evicted the property from its unlawful possessor. 他们把财产从非法占有者手里收回来了。 Exacerbate 加重(病情、痛苦、烦恼等),使(病、痛)恶化(或加剧),使(痛苦等)更甚(或加深): to exacerbate ill feeling 使恶感加深 to exacerbate relations between employers and workers 使雇主与工人之间关系恶化 使气恼,使恼怒,使发怒,激怒,触怒,触惹: to exacerbate one's nerves 使某人感到气恼 Exalt 提高…的地位(或尊严、权力、荣誉、品质、品德等);发(财);提升,提拔: She was exalted to the position of president. 她被提升为校长(或总裁)。 赞扬,颂扬,夸耀;吹捧: to exalt someone to the skies 把某人吹捧上天 使激动;使得意(洋洋);使欢欣鼓舞;使喜悦,使昂扬[用于被动语态或分词形式] 增强,强调…的作用(或效果);激发或加强(想像力);活跃…的思维: The lyrics of Shakespeare exalted the audience. 莎士比亚的抒情诗激发了听众的想像力。 Excogitate 设计出;创造,发明;想出: to excogitate arguments against … 想出一些反对…的理由 to excogitate a plan 设计出一项计划 对…深思熟虑,对…仔细考虑,探索: to excogitate how to do it 斟酌如何做它 vi. 作沉思;进行仔细考虑 Excoriate 严厉指责,痛斥,痛骂,非难: Suzane was excoriated for her mistakes. 苏珊因犯了错误而被指责。 擦破,抓破,擦伤…的皮肤等;剥去(皮);磨损: Her palms were excoriated by the hard labour of shoveling. 她的手掌因繁重的挖土劳动而磨破了皮。 变形: Excrete 排泄;分泌 egest , secrete 双语例句原声例句权威例句 They excrete a sticky adhesive and they can use that natural glue to repair the anchoring bond. 它们能够分泌出一种粘性的物质,并且可以运用这种天然胶来修复锚固粘结。 voa.hjenglish.com One of the original bugs had undergone a mutation that caused it to excrete acetate, an organic chemical. 某个初始的细菌经历了一次变异,使其分泌有机化学物质乙酸酯。 dongxi.net We are part of the trajectory of living tissue: our flesh must breathe, metabolize, mate, excrete, and eventually die. 我们是生命组织轨迹的一部分:我们的肉体必须呼吸、代谢、繁殖、排泄,甚至最终消亡。 Erstwhile 以前的;从前的;往昔的 previous , former , ago adv. 以前;往昔地 previously , ago , formerly , back 双语例句权威例句 Both are in better shape than their erstwhile rivals. 他们的情况比以前的竞争对手都要好。 blog.ecocn.org She was a successor to one of her erstwhile foils, Brendan Gill, and she alternated reviewing with another former target, Penelope Gilliatt. 她的前任是她从前的敌人布兰顿•吉尔,和她轮流撰写影评的是另一个昔日的目标:佩莱娜裴•吉拉特。 article.yeeyan.org The corpses of the erstwhile automobile empires would have breathed their last, their good assets now transferred to the hands of newer more responsible entrepreneurs. 从前的汽车帝国的尸体已经断气,它们的优良资产应该已转移到那些新的有责任感的企业家手中。 Esophagus 食管;[解剖]食道 oesophagus , gullet 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Do not attempt to force the dog to vomit as this can burn the esophagus and stomach and cause further complications. 不要试图强迫狗狗呕吐,因为这样会烧坏食管和胃,并更进一步引起并发症。 article.yeeyan.org Heartburn also know as acid reflux is caused by progesterone relaxing the valve separating the esophagus from the stomach allowing acids to seep up the pipe. 胃灼热,同时也被叫做胃酸倒流,这是因为黄体酮使瓣膜松弛把食道和胃分开了,这会让胃酸渗到食管里。 article.yeeyan.org You will be laid on your side or back in a comfortable position as the endoscope is gently passed through your mouth and into your esophagus, stomach and duodenum. 当你找到一个舒服的正卧或侧卧姿势躺好后,医务人员会从你的口轻轻放入内视镜。 内视镜通过口、食管,到达胃和十二指肠。 Ethnology 人种学,民族学 文化人类学 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 Dr. Henderson is a famous expert on Asian ethnology. 汉德森博士是著名的亚洲民族学专家。 www.hxen.com This experience formed the basis for his acclaimed account, The First Crossing of Greenland, published in 1890, and a lively ethnology, Eskimo Life. 以这些经历为基础,他写出了著名的《首次穿越格陵兰》,并于1890年出版,还著述了《爱斯基摩人的生活》这样一本栩栩如生的人类文化学著作。 article.yeeyan.org In his Artistic Origin Zhu Di probes into the emergence of primitive art from such angles as archaeology, anthropology, ethnology and psychology, causing another exploration of the origin. 朱狄在《艺术起源》一书中,从考古学、 人类学、民族学以及心理学等方面,探讨原始艺术的发生,因而引发此中之重新探索。 Eulogy 悼词;颂词;颂扬;赞词 celebration , tribute 双语例句原声例句权威例句 One way is to think about your eulogy. 一种方法是考虑你的悼词。 www.kekenet.com Write a glowing, incredible eulogy you would like to have read aloud at your funeral. 写一篇热烈,难以置信 你愿意于你的葬礼中被大声朗读的悼词。 article.yeeyan.org Ask three important people in your life for their feedback and suggestions on what needs to happen for you to become the person in the eulogy. 向你生命中三个重要的人询问他们的反馈和建议 关于让你成为那个悼词中的人所需要发生之事。 Euphonious 悦耳的 harmonious , musical , sweet 双语例句权威例句 By accident, some sweet and euphonious proverbs made her obsessed with language learning. 一个偶然的机会,一些美妙悦耳的谚语使她迷恋上了语言学习。 www.ryedu.net Singing, euphonious and intelligent, ought to be central to the humane education of all our children – girls and boys. 悦耳的、富有内涵的歌唱应该应该成为我们所有孩子人文教育的中心,不管是女孩还是男孩。 tieba.baidu.com Local singer-songwriters will bring you euphonious songs. Stay relaxed, share the wonderful musical moments with your beloved in the New Year's Eve! 本地创作歌手为你带来清新悦耳的音乐,静静地坐在草地上,与他和她一起欣赏轻柔的音乐,悠閒地迎接新一年! Evenhanded 公平的;公平无私的 fair , just , impartial , equitable 双语例句权威例句 Given banks are huge players in the foreign-exchange market, any evenhanded probe would have to involve them, too. 鉴于银行是外汇市场上的重量级参与者,任何公正无私的调查应该也针对它们才对。 www.voa365.com On the more controversial issues, like Tibet, for instance, he clearly tries to be evenhanded and he also tries to explain China's position in a way Americans can understand. 在一些很具争议性的问题,比如西藏问题,他很明显地就试图用一种公平的角度来解释中国的立场以便于让美国民众也能理解。 article.yeeyan.org Discussing the looks of a female pop star always feels a bit reactionary; even the most evenhanded, politically committed critic probably doesn’t do it as often for male pop stars. 讨论女流行歌手的长相总感觉像老封建才做的事;可最公平的、最热衷政治的评论家也不会对男歌手的长相有同样的兴趣。 Evince (清楚地)表示,表明,表现(感情等);证明: He evinced great sorrow for what he had done. 他对自己的所作所为深表痛心。 表明具有,显示出(品质、特色、特性、性质、才能等): Their conversation evinced great learning. 他们的谈话显示出渊博学识。 唤起,引起: to evince response from … 引起…的反响 [废语]克服;征服,使屈服;战胜 Ewe Smaller companies such as NetCologne, EWE and Versatel have attracted cost-conscious German customers with ever-cheaper flat rates for local calls. 诸如NetCologne、EWE和Versatel等小型公司利用低廉的地区统一话费吸引精打细算的德国用户。 www.ecocn.org This ultra-light, silky texture glides on smoothly with an amazing ability to cling to skin without looking heavy or the slightest bit, ewe, chalky. 这种超轻柔的、丝绸般质地的粉末,能够轻盈地附着与皮肤,而不会产生任何厚重感或不自然。 dj.iciba.com On one occasion, two eagles were trying to take a lamb from its mother and were struggling. A third eagle came in to distract the ewe and one of the others got the lamb. 有可能情况是这样的,两只金雕试图从母羊手里夺走小羊羔,相持不下,第三只雕飞来转移了母羊的注意力,后来前面两只中的一只抓走了羊羔。 Ewer (大嘴带柄的)花瓶状水罐;(有柄的)大口水壶 一大口水壶盛的水 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句 This can be seen in this wine ewer and warming basin. 这可以看出在这个盆地葡萄酒壶和升温。 danci.911cha.com I am sure this is newer, "said the brewer, "and purer than the drink in that ewer. " 我确信这是新的,布鲁尔说,与那大口水壶里的饮料更加纯。 danci.911cha.com Monastery cloisters featured a stone trough for hand-washing, and medieval paintings of interiors often show a ewer, a basin and a cloth for drying hands in a corner of the room. 修道院回廊里展示的是一个洗手石槽,而院内的中世纪画中所画,通常是在房间角落里放置一个大口水罐,一个洗盆和一块用于擦手的布。 dictsearch.appspot.com Excavate 挖空,挖(洞),把…挖成空洞,在…挖掘: The ground was excavated for a foundation. 地面被挖空作为地基。 开凿,在…挖掘,挖掘(洞穴、壕沟、隧道等): to excavate a tunnel 挖隧道 They've excavated a hole in the road. 他们在路上挖了一个洞。 挖出(泥土、矿砂等),挖(土): to excavate earth and sand 挖出泥土和沙 发掘(文物等),从土中掘出(古物等): to excavate ancient ruins 发掘古代遗迹 to excavate an ancient city 发掘一座古城市 Excise 切除;收税 resect , abscise n. [税收]消费税;货物税 consumption tax , goods tax 双语例句原声例句权威例句 She must excise every scrap of cancerous tissue. 她必须切除每一片癌变的组织。 article.yeeyan.org They are then taken back to the slaughterhouse, where workers cull them and excise their massive, fatty, white livers. 然后它们会被送回屠宰场,那里的工人会进行精选,并切除它们大块、多脂的白色肝脏。 www.ftchinese.com The facility was equipped with an electronic data access system, which was interlinked to the Electronic Data Interface (EDI) of the Customs & Excise Department at the airport Express Centre. 集中处理中心装备了与机场快件中心的关税消费税部门电子数据交换系统相连接的电子数据访问系统。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-13 15:32:51

    狂喜,狂欢,欢欣鼓舞;欢跃(in, at, over): We exulted over our victory. 我们为我们的胜利而欢欣鼓舞。 to exult at (或 in) one's success 为自己的成功而自豪 [废语]雀跃,跃起

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-13 15:34:28

    Exult 狂喜,狂欢,欢欣鼓舞;欢跃(in, at, over): We exulted over our victory. 我们为我们的胜利而欢欣鼓舞。 to exult at (或 in) one's success 为自己的成功而自豪 [废语]雀跃,跃起 Facetious 诙谐的;爱开玩笑的;滑稽的 funny , humorous 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Okay, so maybe we’re not as lazy I claim, and perhaps my nostalgia for a time I never lived is a little facetious. 好吧,或许我们不像我所说的那样懒散,或许我对自己从没经历过的事情进行怀旧有那么一点滑稽可笑。 article.yeeyan.org While a little facetious, this is the kind of pseudo-scientific claim that marketing experts within the cosmetic industry have been using for years. 虽然有点滑稽,但这是那种化妆品行业营销专家已用了好几年的伪科学主张。 article.yeeyan.org OK Cupid, with a breezy, facetious tone, an intuitive approach, and proprietary matching stratagems, comes close to feeling like a contemporary Internet product, and a pastime for the young. OK丘比特"以活泼爱开玩笑的腔调、直观的方式、财产配对策略、感觉接近当代的互联网产品和年轻人的休闲活动。 Facile 温和的;灵巧的;易做到的 pacific , gentle , moderate , soft , mild 双语例句权威例句 I do not mean to be alarmist, nor to peddle the facile notion of history repeating itself. 我并不想耸人听闻,也不是要兜售那个老掉牙的说法——即历史总是重演。 www.wtokj.com It is indifferent for judges and magistrates; for if they be facile and corrupt, you shall have a servant, five times worse than a wife. 作为法官与 师,是否独身关系并不大。 因为只要他们身边有一个坏的幕僚,其进谗言的能力就足以抵上五个妻子。 www.24en.com When people use words in this way, it is facile to protest that they are merely expressing opinions. Their words cause real harm as well as offence. 当有人以这种方式进行言说时,他们就不仅仅在表达观点,因为他们的言论除了冒犯别人还会造成伤害。 article.yeeyan.org Faction 派别;内讧;小集团;纪实小说 wing , junta 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But sleeping with the daughter of the leader of the opposing political faction is one indiscretion too many and Genji is forced into exile. 然而,与一个对立政治派别领袖女儿的鱼水之欢却是一件极为草率的行为,源氏也因此被迫流亡。 article.yeeyan.org I was convinced we could make a peace agreement with him, but not so sure about the other main Kosovar faction, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), led by a young man named Hacim Thaci. 我确信,我们可以与他达成和平协议,但没有把握的是科索沃的另一个主要派别——科索沃解放军,它由一个叫萨奇的年轻人领导。 article.yeeyan.org The leader of Zimbabwe's smaller opposition faction says negotiations on the country's political crisis are a three-way affair and no one party can sign a settlement deal with another. 津巴布韦反对党一个较小派别的领导人说,有关解决国家政治危机的谈判涉及三方,不可能由一个党派跟另一党派签署协议。 Factitious 人为的,人工的;不自然的;虚假的 contrived , anthropogenic 双语例句权威例句 So we know that the right and wrong are factitious. 而这些是非对错的标准显然都是人为的。 english.31931.cn Factitious what has so much vexed thing? How is ability happy? 人为什么有那么多烦恼事啊?怎样才能快乐呢? dictsearch.appspot.com Most of the nations in the region—Egypt and Morocco are the exceptions—are factitious creations of Western imperialism. 本区域的大多数民族/国家——埃及和摩洛哥是例外——事实上都是西方帝国主义的创造。 Factotum 家务总管;杂役;杂工 fatigue , dogsbody 双语例句权威例句 Our firm needs a general factotum . 我们公司需要一位总勤杂工。 www.24en.com For players, the factotum class is a cunning wanderer, a jack-of-all-trades who can cope with anything the dungeon throws at him. 对于玩家而言,杂役这个职业是个狡诈的浪子,可以杂而不精地应付地下城所抛来的任何困难。 dictsearch.appspot.com Factotum initial: An initial letter surrounded by ornamentation, and can thus be variously patterned to match the content of the text. 花饰起首字母:围绕着很多装饰的起首字母。它配合正文内容,有着不同的图案装饰。 Fad 时尚;一时的爱好;一时流行的狂热 fashion , mode , style 双语例句权威例句 This is much like our fad "starvation diets" -- and with similar results. 这非常类似于我们的时尚“饥饿节食”—— 并且有着类似的结果。 www.ibm.com But with the Goldilocks approach, there is no need to diet to distraction. "Every single fad diet is total rubbish, " Green said, but there is merit to eating low glycemically. 但是随着外国快餐的到来,再没有必要为饮食去分心“每个时尚的饮食都是垃圾”格林说,但是吃低热量的产品是值得称赞的。 article.yeeyan.org In an age of fad diets, where weight loss is society’s epicenter, and deprivation is the only way to achieve it, it’s a comfort to know that there is still room for small indulgences. 在一岁一下的时尚饮食中,哪里可以减轻体重哪里就是社会的震中,并且实现它,剥夺就是唯有出路。 知道这里还有余地小小的放任是很安慰的。 Fail-safe There is no fail-safe technology that is immune to hacking. 当今没有绝对安全的技术能免疫于黑客攻击。 article.yeeyan.org The Olympic timing system is a seemingly fail-safe, objective determination of the order of finish. 奥运会计时系统看上去是自动防故障装置,会自动决定完成比赛的顺序。 article.yeeyan.org A fail-safe way to prevent FM access in every scenario is required and described in the remainder of this document. 需要一种能够在每个场景中防止 FM 访问的可靠方法,本文档余下的部分描述此方法。 Falcon 猎鹰;隼 peregrin 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The first launch of Falcon 9 could change the course of human space flight. 猎鹰9号的首次发射可能会改变人类太空飞行的进程。 article.yeeyan.org Talk about nine lives. With nine engines on the first stage, Falcon 9 can reach orbit even if one or more fails. 猎鹰9号的第一级有9个引擎,即使一个或多个引擎故障,仍然可以到达预定轨道。 article.yeeyan.org Now he is working on a rocket (the Falcon 9) and a spacecraft (the Dragon) that are meant to take passengers and cargo to the space station. 他现在在“猎鹰9号”火箭和“龙号”航天飞船上工作,这意味着他将载着游客和货物飞去太空站。 Fallacious 谬误的;骗人的;靠不住的;不合理的 uncertain , unreasonable 双语例句权威例句 Second, it is sometimes hard to evaluate whether an argument is fallacious. 第二, 有时候很难确定某论证过程是否是谬误。 article.yeeyan.org You can find dozens of examples of fallacious reasoning in newspapers, advertisements, and other sources. 你可以在报纸、广告或者其它材料里面,发现成打的谬误。 article.yeeyan.org Fallacious reasoning, especially reasoning that focuses on what supports our views and ignores what counts against them, is very effective for the purpose of winning arguments with other people. 谬误的推理在争论中驳倒他人非常有效,而且当只关注支持己方观点的论据,而无视不利己方观点的论据时,这种推理尤其有效。 Fallow 休耕的;不活跃的 inactive , sleepy vt. 使(土地)[农学]休闲;潜伏 lie low , to conceal 双语例句权威例句 Farmers know that soil needs rest, so they rotate their crops and systematically leave a portion of their land fallow. 农夫们知道土地是需要休息的,因此他们轮流种植农作物并系统地留一部分土地休耕。 article.yeeyan.org It also wants to turn some fallow or confiscated land over to landless people, as a way to reduce Colombia’s high unemployment rate. 当然也想把一些休耕或没收的土地分给无土地的人,作为降低哥伦比亚高失业率的一种途径。 www.ecocn.org Wheat farmers there traditionally plant winter wheat one year, leave the field fallow for a season, and use conventional tillage before the next wheat planting. 传统上,那里的小麦种植户每年都种植冬小麦,让土地休耕一季,在下一年小麦种植时应用常规耕作方法。 Falter 蹒跚,踉跄;摇晃,摇摆 结巴地说话,支吾;(声音)颤抖: The boy faltered when the policeman demanded his name. 在警察要求男孩说出他的姓名时,他支支吾吾。 踌躇,犹豫,迟疑;退缩,畏缩: to falter under enemy fire 在敌人炮火下畏缩(不前) 变得软弱无力,变弱,变衰弱: The economy faltered. 经济不景气。 Fang 食肉动物的)尖牙,犬牙,犬齿 (毒蛇的)毒牙 齿根 (东西的)尖,尖端;(工具等的)齿,爪 [美国口语]牙齿 vt. 用尖牙咬: The wind fanged his face. 风似利齿般地刮着他的脸。 The snake fanged him. 蛇用毒牙咬了他。 Farce 闹剧;胡闹;笑剧 slapstick comedy , dido 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The audience roared at the farce. 闹剧使观众哄堂大笑。 《新英汉大辞典》 For much of the past three years he has tottered from one calamity or cock-up to the next, often flirting with farce. 在过去三年中的大多数时间,他在接二连三的灾难或错误间踉跄前进,往往像是在和闹剧调情。 www.ecocn.org For all the tragedy and farce of those three August days, the world has plenty for which to thank the incompetent conspirators who hastened the fall of an empire. 在目睹八月连续三天上演的种种悲剧和闹剧之后,世人有太多的东西要感谢这群不称职的阴谋家,是他们加速了一个帝国的崩溃。 Fastidious 挑剔的;苛求的,难取悦的;(微生物等)需要复杂营养地 particular , demanding 双语例句原声例句权威例句 In the Pfalz the tasters were possibly less fastidious, at least in 2005. 在普法兹,品酒人也许不那么挑剔,至少在2005年是这样。 www.ftchinese.com Fiddling with the little brushes, fine powders and sticky tape can test the patience of the most fastidious crime-scene investigator. 摆弄小刷子,洒下细粉,贴上胶带对大多数挑剔的犯罪现场调查人员来说都是耐心的考验。 article.yeeyan.org Mitthu, who was a fastidious Brahmin and refused to let people who she suspected of eating buffalo meat into her kitchen, realized she has overlooked this point. 米绨是个挑剔的婆罗门,不允许被她怀疑吃过水牛肉的人进入厨房,凯蒂意识到她忽略了这一点。 Fastness 牢固;不褪色;要塞;巩固;堡垒;迅速 velocity , tower , consolidation , speed 双语例句 They were, indeed, once part of Japan, which gathered its secret attack on Pearl Harbour in the Kuriles’ fastness. 千岛群岛过去的确属于日本群岛的一部分,日本曾在此处的要塞集结了攻击珍珠港的舰队(注2)。 www.ecocn.org Surrounded by mountains that were impassable for most of the year, it was “a fastness hard for a foreign foe to make his way into.” 由于被在一年的大多数时间里都不能通行的山脉所围绕,事实上这是“很难为外部敌人侵入的堡垒。” www.ecocn.org It features in accurate position matching, level and fastness, its advantages specially can be shown on paper pasting between high-class paperboard and ordinary paperboard. 对位准确、平整、牢固,在中高档卡纸与卡纸的裱合中尤能体现其优点。 Fatuous 愚笨的;昏庸的;发呆的;自满的 imbecilic , mullet-headed 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The Republican alternative is equally fatuous. 共和党的方案同样愚蠢。 www.ftchinese.com The magazine editors are not wholly fatuous. I know that. “好了,可别那么愤世嫉俗,”马丁提出要求,“杂志编辑并非都那么昏庸,这我是知道的。 www.ebigear.com It traces back to the Latin for "foolish" or "silly, " as does another insulting term: fatuous. 追究infatuation的起源会发现,它同另一个侮辱人的单词fatuous(愚昧的)一样,都是来自于拉丁语中某个表达“愚蠢,糊涂”意思的单词。 Faucet 旋塞;插口 soket 双语例句原声例句权威例句 If God turns off one faucet, he can turn on another. 如果上帝关住一个你的水龙头,他能开启另一个”。 article.yeeyan.org Your security is not in your bank account; your security is in the Lord. If God turns off one faucet, he can turn on another. “你的安全并不在你的银行账户里;而在于上帝。如果上帝关住一个你的水龙头,他能开启另一个”。 article.yeeyan.org Really, a user experience designer could help to improve a person’s experience with just about anything —a doorknob, a faucet, a shopping cart. 诚然,用户体验设计师可以帮助人们提高几乎关于任何事物——一个门把手,一个水龙头,一个购物车——的体验。 Fawn (尤指狗)摇尾乞怜: The puppy was fawning on its master. 小狗向它的主人摇尾乞怜。 卑躬屈膝,阿谀奉承,谄媚,讨好,巴结(常与 on, upon, over 连用): courtiers fawning on a king 对国王阿谀奉承的朝臣 He often fawns on her. 他经常巴结她。 Faze 打扰;使狼狈;折磨 harry , worry , trouble , tear 双语例句权威例句 The news did not faze him. 这个消息并没有使他担心。 www.kekenet.com Don't let the term report faze you. 不要让报告 这个术语难倒你。 www.ibm.com Once you have sung unaccompanied in front of a roomful of strangers, nothing should faze you. 一旦你能在一屋子的陌生人面前无伴奏地演唱,就没有什么可担心的了。 Fealty 忠诚;忠实 faith , loyalty , devotion 双语例句权威例句 Both sides showed fealty to the historical ideal by writing under Roman pen names. 论战双方通过使用罗马笔名写作来表示对历史理想的忠诚。 www.ecocn.org When they act with predictability, restraint, and fealty to the rule of law, ordinary people gain faith in their government. 当警察的行为有规可循、有节制并忠诚于法治时,会加深普通人民对政府的信任。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov Whether a 17th-century swordsman in the service of a local warlord or a 21st-century turbine engineer, Japanese are brought up with a strong sense of fealty and duty. 无论是一个17世纪的剑客服务于当地军阀,或是一个21世纪的涡轮工程师,日本养成了一种强烈的忠诚和责任意识。 Febrile 发热的;热病的;发烧的 burning , calorific 双语例句权威例句 In this febrile Dave New World, the Labour leadership election matters even more. 在这个发热的戴夫新世界里,工党领导人的选举更至关重要。 article.yeeyan.org On 8 January 1980, a 56-year-old Frenchman, employed in Western Province, developed a sudden febrile illness, followed by headache, diarrhoea and vomiting. 在1980年1月8日,一名在西方省受雇的56岁法国人感染一种突然发烧疾病,随后出现头痛、腹泻和呕吐。 www.who.int The cooperation of residents is good, house-to-house surveillance for febrile illness is continuing, and specimens have been taken from symptomatic persons and sent for testing. 居民的合作良好,正在继续开展对发热疾病的挨家挨户监测,并且已从有症状的人那里采集标本和送去检测。 Feckless 无效的;软弱的;没精神的;不负责任的;无气力的 soft , useless , ineffective 双语例句权威例句 Germany complains it is footing the bill for its feckless neighbours. 德国抱怨,自己在为不负责任的邻居埋单。 www.ftchinese.com German voters have just shown that they will punish leaders who spend their money bailing out feckless foreigners (see article). 德国选民已经显示他们将对花他们的钱来拯救不负责任的外国人的领导人进行惩罚。 www.ecocn.org They think people who change their jobs frequently are feckless. They believe that the only way to success is to stick to one job, for constant practice in a professional field helps make an expert. 许多人喜欢一生中做一件工作,他们认为经常换工作的人软弱无能,他们相信成功的唯一途径就是坚持一项工作,因为在一个专业领域里不断的实践有助于专家的形成。 Fecundity ]繁殖力;多产;肥沃 pregnancy , fertility 双语例句权威例句 The weather may still be in the lap of the gods but the fecundity of the soil can now be improved by more down-to-earth means. 虽说现在天气仍有天神掌管,可是土地的肥沃程度却能通过一些实际的方式加以提高。 www.ecocn.org In a world where everything is given and nothing is explained, the fecundity of a value or of a metaphysic is a notion devoid of meaning. 在一个万物皆以给出而却不加以解释的世界中,价值或形而上学的多产性只是个意义尽失的概念。 article.yeeyan.org They set out to discover whether female competition accounted for these impressive armaments, and whether there was a trade-off between horns and fecundity. 他们开始探索雌性动物竞争时是否产生了这些惊人的武器、角与繁殖力两者之间是否需要相关? Feint 佯装,假装,假象,伪装 (如拳击、击剑、战争等中的)佯攻,虚击,声东击西 vi.,vt. 佯攻,虚击,声东击西: 佯攻,虚击,声东击西: The boxer feinted with his right hand and struck with his left hand. 这个拳击手用右手佯攻而出左手击打。 Felicitous 恰当的;善于措辞的;幸福的 happy , correct , apt , blessed 双语例句权威例句 A reasonable objective, though the timing looks felicitous. 这个目的合情合理,但他售股的时机似乎选得太恰当了。 www.ftchinese.com He looked clever and ill-a combination by no means felicitous . 他相貌聪明而不健康--两者决不是幸福的征兆。 dict.veduchina.com Erica McAllister is excited (perhaps, in the context, not the most felicitous choice of word, but never mind. 艾丽卡. 麦卡利斯特很兴奋(或许“兴奋”这个词用在这里并非最恰当,但是请不要介意。

  • susie528

    susie528 2012-11-14 16:25:55


  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-14 20:20:31

    Flight 飞行;班机;逃走 fly , liner vt. 射击;使惊飞 pot , take a shot at 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He flunked out of flight training. 他因不及格而退出飞行训练。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 The airline bumped us from the flight. 因航班客满我们没能乘上班机。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 The rocket flight had to be aborted because of difficulties with computer. 因电脑出故障,这次火箭飞行只好中辍。 Flinch 退却,缩回: The baby flinched when he touched the hot radiator. 那个小孩一摸到暖气便缩回了。 (因疼痛等)退缩: to flinch at pain 因疼痛而退缩 (从任何困难、危险或痛苦的事情)退缩,畏缩: to flinch from danger 惧怕危险而退缩 Flippancy 轻率;无礼;言语尖刻 rashness , giddiness 双语例句权威例句 Mr Emanuel was widely condemned for flippancy and cynicism. 伊曼纽尔由于出言轻率和刻薄而广受诟病。 www.ftchinese.com To those outside the company, it may be interpreted as a sign of flippancy or lax discipline. 对外人而言,我们的习惯可能会是轻率的和纪律松懈的表现。 gb.cri.cn Nothing could be in worse taste than misplaced flippancy; and he answered somewhat stiffly: "Yes, you have been away a very long time." 没有什么东西比不合时宜的轻率更有伤大雅了。 他有点生硬地回答说:“是啊,你离开这儿已经很久了。” Flit 轻快地过去,掠过: His name flitted through my mind,only to be forgotten again. 他的名字在我的脑子里闪过,接着又忘了。 轻快地飞过,作短距离飞行;(鸟)振翼: A humming-bird flitted by. 一只蜂鸟轻快地飞过。 (如时间)飞逝: Time flirtted by. 岁月飞逝。 [苏格兰和英格兰北部方言](尤指不声不响地)迁居,搬家;偷偷溜走;去世,亡故 [废语]转变,改变;背离 Floe 浮冰;大浮冰 floating ice , pan-ice 双语例句权威例句 A lone Atlantic walrus rests on what looks to be an undersized ice floe amid a glassy sea in Canada's Foxe Basin. 在加拿大福克斯湾平静的海面,一头孤独的大西洋海象在一块较小的浮冰上休息。 article.yeeyan.org "Oh, so am I," said Mr. Young, leaping gratefully onto this new ice floe in the bewildering stream of consciousness. “哦,我也是,”杨先生说道,感觉就像意识扑朔迷离中突然出现一块新的浮冰。 article.yeeyan.org The other day Ann got stranded on a floe after it literally broke off on front of our eyes, and yesterday Martin and I found ourselves in a similar situation. 那天,有一处冰层在我们眼前彻底开裂,结果安被困在这块浮冰上。 而昨天,我和马丁也遇到了类似的窘境。 Floodgate 水闸;水门;防潮水闸;制约(怒气) sluice gate , milldam 双语例句权威例句 The stimulus opened a credit floodgate that so far has proven impossible to turn off. 这轮刺激政策开启了信贷洪流的闸门,事实证明到目前为止还无法关闭。 cn.wsj.com The government has just begun a multi-billion euro floodgate project aimed at stopping rising sea levels destroying the town. 当地政府已拨款数十亿欧元用于投资防潮水闸工程,目的是要停止海平面上涨对水城的破坏。 big5.cri.cn The large volumes of waste could jam a key floodgate on the world's biggest dam, the government-owned China Daily newspaper reported Monday, citing an official with China Three Gorges Corp. 政府所有的《中国日报》周一援引中国三峡集团一名官员的话报导说,大量废弃物可能阻塞三峡的一处重要水闸。 三峡是世界是最大的大坝。 Flounder (在水、泥泞或深雪中)挣扎,肢体乱动;踉跄地走(常与about, along, on, through等连用): The child was floundering about in the water. 那孩子在水中挣扎。 (因糊涂而)犯错误;笨拙、错乱地说(或做): The girl was frightened by the audience and floundered through her song. 这个女孩子被听众吓坏了,因而她唱的歌错误百出。 n. 挣扎,踉跄行走;笨拙而错乱的行动(或言语) Flout 侮辱;嘲弄;嘲笑;轻视;藐视: to flout the law 无视法律 The foolish boy flouted his mother's advice. 这个愚蠢的孩子轻视他母亲的忠告。 vi. 表示轻蔑,藐视;嘲弄;奚落;侮辱(常与at连用): 表示轻蔑,藐视;嘲弄;奚落;侮辱(常与at连用): to flout at religion Fluke 侥幸;锚爪;意外的挫折 chance vt. 侥幸成功;意外受挫 get away with it , luck out vi. 侥幸成功 get away with it , luck out 双语例句原声例句权威例句 They are not yet quite sure. Their result has a 0.7% chance of being a fluke. 他们还不完全确定,毕竟他们的结果有0.7%的可能性是侥幸获得的。 article.yeeyan.org Since then, the cat has gone on to double the number of imminent deaths it has sensed and convinced the geriatrician that it is no fluke. 从那时候起,这只猫已经把预知死亡的次数翻倍了,它向老年医学专家证明了自己不是侥幸的。 www.hjenglish.com Erick does it so well, you can’t see it, but his opponent could catch it, or it could be a fluke and he throws a punch, and that’s all it takes. 埃里克换得很好,所以你看不出来,但是比赛中的对手却有可能会抓住这个机会进攻,如果侥幸没被对手发现,他就能挥拳发起进攻,就是这么回事。 Fluster 使慌乱,使紧张不安,使激动,使惊惶: The honking of horns flustered the driver. 汽车的喇叭声使司机感到慌乱。 使醉醺醺;使喝醉 Flutter (鸟)鼓翼,振翅,拍翅而飞,盘旋: The birds fluttered excitedly in the trees. 鸟儿在树林中兴奋地飞来飞去。 Two green-and-white butterflies fluttered past them. 两只蓝白色的蝴蝶从他们身边飞过。 (旗帜等)飘动,飘扬;飘落;摆动,拍打: The flag fluttered in the breeze. 旗帜在微风中飘扬。 Some leaves fluttered to the ground. 一些树叶飘落到地面。 奔忙;忙乱;坐立不安,烦躁不安地动: She fluttered about the room anxiously. 她坐立不安地在房间里走来走去。 Fluvial 河流的;生在河中的;河流冲刷形成的 potamic 双语例句权威例句 The program considered rural roads, pedestrian paths and fluvial transport for Amazonian communities. 该规划不仅为亚马逊河流域社区考虑了农村公路和人行道,还考虑了水路交通设施。 web.worldbank.org Be full of that warm and fragrant joke on the white and fluvial river embankment with gentle and soft people. 白河的河堤上充斥着那温馨的笑语和温柔的人们。 dj.iciba.com In the meantime, the Bohai Sea year answer the deposit that one year the ground accepts fluvial silt, deposit result makes again the Bohai Sea becomes shallow gradually. 同时,渤海年复一年地接受河流泥沙的沉积,沉积的结果又使得渤海逐渐变浅。 Fodder 饲料;素材 feed , forage 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Can we utilize straw as fodder? 我们能利用稻草作为饲料吗? www.ebigear.com The pigs battened on the plentiful fodder. 那些猪饲料充足,吃得膘肥体壮。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 They mowed the field so as to provide the cattle with fodder. 他们把地里的草割下来以便给牛提供饲料。 Foible 弱点;小缺点;癖好 weakness , tendency 双语例句权威例句 Sometimes a given page presented me with the challenge of deciding which design foible to point out. 有时,一个给定页面交给我,要我指出设计的毛病来是一个挑战。 article.yeeyan.org Whenever a local foible or tradition grabbed his interest, such as the country's idiosyncratic waterway laws, he would research it exhaustively. 当地任何一种怪癖或者习俗(比如该国另类的水路交通法),他只要感兴趣,不管怎样都要查个究竟。 blog.sina.com.cn Variations on this foible include watching through a keyhole, or taking photographs, as their wife and her lover copulate before the married pair have sex. 这种怪癖的变种包括幻想从锁眼里偷看、或者拍摄他们的妻子和其他的男人做爱。 Foil 阻挠;挫败;使成泡影: The enemy's attack was foiled. 敌人的进攻被挫败了。 His attempt to deceive us was foiled. 他企图欺骗我们,但最终失败了。 【狩猎】搞乱(嗅迹或足迹) [古语]践踏 Foment 煽动;挑起;热敷 fan , egg 双语例句原声例句权威例句 By early 1858, he had succeeded in enlisting a small "army" of insurrectionists whose mission was to foment rebellion among the slaves. 到1858年初,他成功组建起一支由暴动者组成的小型“部队”,目标是在黑奴中煽动起义。 cheap.cocksuckerchamp.com Getting a foothold in that city is a big step for the opposition, which had failed to foment sustained unrest in the heart of Damascus or Aleppo. 对于未能在大马士革或阿勒颇中心区煽动持续骚乱的反对派来说,在胡姆斯市站稳脚跟是一大进步。 www.ecocn.org There are no known active domestic terrorist groups or issues likely to foment terrorism in Swaziland. Nor are international terrorists likely to harbour intent to target the country. 在斯威士兰国内并没有已知的恐怖组织或恐怖事件可能会挑起恐怖主义,也没有国际恐怖分子意欲将该国作为其目标。 Footloose 自由自在的,不受束缚的 untrammeled , unrestricted 双语例句权威例句 In other countries there has long been a market for footloose talent. 在其他国家,长期以来一直都是人才自由流通的市场。 article.yeeyan.org Japan is a creditor nation that can rely on domestic savers. Greece is a deficit country that depends on “footloose” investors, says Thomas Mayer of Deutsche Bank. 依靠国内的储户,日本在国际上是债权国;而希腊则是一个依靠自由投资者的债务国,德意志银行的托马斯•梅厄如是说。 www.ecocn.org Presumably, countries that attract more foreign direct investment suffer less than those that have a greater amount of footloose portfolio investment or short-term bank lending. 据估计,有大量外资直接投资的国家会比有大量自由组合投资或者短期银行贷款的国家所承受的风险要少。 Foppish 浮华的;矫饰的;有纨绔习气的 buckish , dashy 双语例句权威例句 The one who killed Emma was herself, her illusion and her heart to pursue a foppish life. 害死爱玛的,是她自己,她的幻想,她追求浮华生活的心。 danci.911cha.com Gone was LeBlanc's trademark dark foppish fringe, replaced by a greying head of salt-and-pepper hair. 雷布朗标志性的公子哥黑刘海一去而不返,取而代之的是一头变白的杂灰色。 article.yeeyan.org It all reminded me a little of Bradford, but without any of the foppish glamour often associated with my Yorkshire birthplace. 所有这些让我想起英国的布拉德福,但是在我约克郡的家乡常有一种俗艳的魅力,这儿却没有。 Foray 突袭;侵略;攻击 attack , attempt , invasion , push , aggression vi. 袭击 descend on , set at vt. 劫掠 reave 双语例句权威例句 This foray on to the traditional turf of the Times seems to be working: the Journal's circulation is rising. 这一向纽约时报的传统报道领域突袭的策略似乎开始奏效:华尔街日报的发行量在上升。 article.yeeyan.org Will the American taxpayer—and voter—countenance yet another American land-based foray into the Arab Middle East? 美国纳税人——和选民——会支持另一次美国在阿拉伯中东地区的地面突袭吗? bbs.mytimes.net.cn Anyway, most of the “Russian citizens” in South Ossetia and Abkhazia had been handed their passports fairly recently, presumably in preparation for this foray. 不管怎样,大多数在南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹的“俄国侨民”最近才拿到他们的护照,这大概是为此次突袭做的准备。 Forbearance 自制,忍耐;宽容 tolerance , possession , charity , mercy 双语例句权威例句 There are some positive reasons for their forbearance. 他们这样忍耐是有些积极的因素。 www.ecocn.org There is too much torment, renunciation, and anxiety in this love for it to be anything but infinite forbearance. 这爱中有太多的折磨、太多的自制、与太多的焦虑,除了无穷无尽的忍耐,这些就成了它的一切。 www.tianya.cn As for Christianity, it knows no love: it only knows forbearance or compassion, allusions to love rather than love itself. 对于基督教而言,它不知道爱情:它知道的唯有忍耐或同情,暗示爱情的存在,而不是爱情本身。 Ford 浅滩 bank , shallow , decharge , shoaliness vi. 涉水而过 squatter As I walked along the river towards the ford, I thought about my forefathers. 我一边沿着河边朝浅滩走去,一边想我的祖先们。 Forbode 预示(forbode), Foreclose 把…排除在外;排斥,排挤: They tried to foreclose the possibility of his meeting with the chairman. 他们设法排除他与董事长会面的可能性。 【法律】取消(抵押人或典当者的)抵押品赎回权 【法律】取消(抵押品的)赎回权: to foreclose a mortgage 因逾期不偿付取消抵押品 妨碍,阻碍,阻止…的运转 提出独占…的要求,取得专有权;独占 提前关闭(或解决、回答等) Forestall (用先发制人的方法)预防,阻止: They forestalled any attempt to steal the jewels by having them moved to a safer place. 他们把珠宝转移到了一个较为安全的地方,阻止了任何偷窃珠宝的企图。 在…之前行动,比…先采取行动,先发制人,抢先一步;超过,超越,胜过: By settling the deal by telephone, Mr. Field had forestalled all his competitors. 费尔德先生用电话谈妥了那次买卖,他比他所有的竞争对手都占先了一步。 (以囤积)垄断(市场);(为抬高价格)囤积(商品): to forestall the market 垄断市场 Forfeit 罚金;[法]没收物;丧失的东西 amercement , pecuniary penalty adj. 因受罚而丧失的;被没收的 confiscate vt. (因犯罪、失职、违约等)丧失(权利、名誉、生命等) starve of 双语例句原声例句权威例句 If you let that happen, you forfeit your passion and the worst happens… it turns into just a good idea. 如果你让这一切发生的话,你会丧失热情而最糟糕的事情也会发生--因为它只是一个“好主意”。 article.yeeyan.org Making youngsters forfeit part of their productive or educational potential can depress an economy just as heavy government debt or high income taxes do. 年轻人因兵役丧失生产和教育上的潜力,同政府高举债台或者征收重税一样,都会抑制经济。 www.ecocn.org We mustcourageously defend the oath that we took to defend the Constitution of theUnited States of America or we forfeit our right to participate inrepresentative government. 我们必须勇敢的捍卫誓言,这可是我们曾发誓要捍卫的美利坚合众国宪法,否则我们就丧失了在代议制政府里的参与权。 Forger 铁匠;[法]伪造者 smith , blacksmith 双语例句权威例句 The forger swindled the merchants of the city out of large sums of money. 冒名者从该城的商人那里骗取了大笔金钱。 chinafanyi.com Cobb assembles a team, including a forger, a chemist expert in anesthesiology, and Ariadne (Ellen Page), a brilliant architecture student who can design dreamscapes in which Cobb can work. 于是,柯布组建了一个由伪造者,一个麻醉药剂师,一个杰出的建筑系学生(这个学生可以为柯布的工作设计梦境)组成的团队。 article.yeeyan.org Cobb assembles a team, including a forger, a chemist expert in anesthesiology, and Ariadne (Ellen Page), a brilliant architecture student who can design dreamscapes in which Cobb can work. 柯柏组建了一支队伍,其中包括一名伪装者,一名麻醉品方面的药剂专家,以及阿里阿德涅,一名才华横溢的建筑系学生,她的职责是建立梦境让柯柏在其中作业。 Forgo 放弃;停止;对…断念 desert , yield , quit 双语例句权威例句 Now, this might mean that you have to forgo sleeping in long hours on those lazy Saturday mornings. 那么现在看来,这就意味着你得放弃在懒散的周六上午睡懒觉的习惯了。 www.en8848.com.cn We must be willing to forgo pleasure or usefulness for something that emerges not within but between one of us and another. 不止在我们内部,而是在两个人之间,我们必须愿意放弃快乐或者有用的目的。 select.yeeyan.org Nor can you guess whether they are willing to forgo land reform for the privilege of voting for some politician they have never heard of. 同样,你也猜不到他们到底会不会为了拥有投票权,投那些他从来没听说过的政治家,而放弃土地改革的诉求。 Forlorn 被遗弃的;绝望的;孤独的 alone , hopeless 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The Bible sometimes refers to "wailing" as an especially forlorn kind of weeping. 《圣经》中曾经把“恸哭”称作是一种特别绝望的哭泣。 article.yeeyan.org They look forlorn, even somewhat dazed, but otherwise seem to be being correctly treated. 他们看起来孤独,甚至有点茫然,但在其他方面似乎受到合理的对待。 www.ecocn.org Sure enough, the frequency relationships in excited speech closely matched those of music in major keys, while those of forlorn speech matched minor music. 果然,兴奋语言中的频率与大音阶音乐非常匹配,而绝望和孤独的语言却与小音阶的音乐相匹配。 Forte 长处;特长 strength , excellence adv. 响亮地 loudly , ringingly 双语例句权威例句 However, she admitted, "I have long ago come to terms with the fact that it is not my forte. 不过她自己承认:"很早之前我就与事实妥协了,因为体操不是我的长处。" www.chinadaily.com.cn As this did not take place, he looked around in fright, and only recovered when the expected forte began and was audible to himself. 但此时却没有开始,他惊恐地环视四周,直到能听到那预料中的强音开始时,他才恢复正常。 article.yeeyan.org Having a plan helps to be able to succeed eventually in business or see that you become a successful artist if business management is not your forte. 制定计划会帮助你最后在商业上取得成功,或者,如果商业不是你的长处,你则会成为一个成功的艺术家。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-15 20:46:40

    Felon 重罪犯;瘭疽;恶棍 tough , devil 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This is a fraudulent lawsuit brought by a convicted felon, and we look forward to defending it in court. 这是一个被判欺诈的重罪犯提起的诉讼,我们期待着在法庭上辩护。 article.yeeyan.org He was also, as a friend’s follow-up Google search revealed, a felon, and had served time in prison in a RICO case. 但一个朋友在谷哥上搜索发现,他也是一个重罪犯,还曾因RICO(诈骗腐败组织集团犯罪法)案件进过监狱。 article.yeeyan.org It's curious, also, that any felon, drug addict, or recovering hedonist can loudly proclaim a sudden embrace of Jesus and be welcomed without doubt by leaders of the religious right. 还有一点令人好奇,那些重罪犯,吸毒者或者恢复享乐主义者可以大声宣告他们重回基督的怀抱,并毫不怀疑的被宗教右翼领导人所接受。 Fencing 剑术;围墙;筑栅栏的材料 swordsmanship , bounding wall v. 击剑;围住;避开(fence的ing形式) hedging 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He is an old hand at fencing. 击剑他是老手。 《新英汉大辞典》 You know, like fencing or theater or something. 你知道,象是击剑,戏剧表演或什么的。 www.kekenet.com You know, like fencing, or theater or something. 你知道,像是击剑,戏剧表演或什么的。 Fender 挡泥板;防卫物;(暖炉的)炉围;(船只的)[船]碰垫 mudapron , splashboard 双语例句原声例句权威例句 His car bruised the auto fender of my car. 他的汽车撞瘪了我的汽车挡泥板。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 A couple of screwdrivers rolled off my fender mat onto the floor. 两支螺丝刀从我的挡泥板垫上滚到了地板上。 article.yeeyan.org When Thomas found the device on her vehicle back in 2005, she ripped it from the underside of her fender, but quickly grew fearful the FBI would raid her house if agents suspected she'd removed it. 当2005年托马斯在她的汽车上发现这个设备时,她从车子的挡泥板下面将它拆下,可她很快担心如果特工怀疑她把设备取下来了,FBI会搜查她的房子。 Feral 野生的;凶猛的;阴郁的 fierce , wild , sad , fell , gray 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Feral American mink on the continent are even more damaging than they are here, as they drive out the endangered European mink. 野生美国貂对这块大陆造成的破坏甚至比在美国本地更甚,因为它们把濒危的欧洲貂赶走了。 article.yeeyan.org Working with feral fowl in Sweden, the scientists found that many matings were forced, as the roosters are twice the size of the hens. 科学家在瑞典研究野生禽类时发现许多交配都是强迫的,因为雄禽的个头是雌禽的两倍大。 article.yeeyan.org The "service-users" - as the volunteers here call them - are a truly disparate group - some look as if they've just stepped off the tube after a busy day at work, others are unkempt and smell feral. 这些“服务使用者”——这儿的志愿者这样叫他们——确实是一群异类——有些人看上去好像刚从忙碌工作了一天的管子上下来,其他人则衣衫蓬乱,带着凶猛的气息。 Ferment 使发酵: enzymes that ferment tobacco 使烟草发酵的酶 使兴奋,使激动;使骚动: to ferment trouble 酝酿作乱 He fermented prejudiced crowds to riot. 他煽动有偏见的群众起来闹事。 vi. 发酵: The wine is beginning to ferment. 葡萄酒开始发酵了。 Ferret 搜出,查获;驱出;用雪貂猎取 rake out , seek out vi. 搜索,侦破 seek , beat for n. 雪貂;白鼬;侦探 dick , stoat 双语例句权威例句 Does the rewired ferret come to hear with its eyes? 重新接线的雪貂用它的眼睛来听声音吗? article.yeeyan.org Then I have to submit my report on feminism. I have to ferret out my original research. 然后,我得交关于女权运动的报告,还得搜出研究论文的原稿。 news.iciba.com He reached back in a practiced gesture to smooth down his ponytail, as if he were petting a cat or a ferret. 他用熟练的动作把手伸向脑后,梳弄着他的马尾辫子,好像在抚弄着一只小猫或者是一只白鼬。 Ferrous ]亚铁的;铁的,含铁的 iron 双语例句权威例句 The E6 uses the "Fe," BYD's lithium-ion ferrous phosphate battery. E6使用的是“铁电池”,即比亚迪的磷酸铁锂电池。 article.yeeyan.org The battery giant's cutting-edge technology-notably its lithium-ion ferrous phosphate battery-makes the Shenzhen-based company a front-runner in the race to make mass-market electric cars. 这家电池制造巨头所生产的磷酸亚铁锂离子电池让这家总部位于深圳的公司在广阔的电动车市场上成为了领跑者。 article.yeeyan.org Ferrous Resources, the Brazilian iron ore company heading for a London listing later this year, is understood to have been approached by several Chinese companies considering a take-over bid. 据悉,数家中国公司已经与今年晚些时候将前往伦敦上市的巴西铁资源公司(Ferrous Resources)接洽,考虑对后者发出收购要约。 Fervent 热心的;强烈的;炽热的;热烈的 intense , eager , burning , sharp , enthusiastic 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Lots of men and women in the West are fervent supporters of bloodstained setups. 在西方,大量的男人和女人是大规模杀人装置的强烈支持者。 article.yeeyan.org I can think of no other form of education that inspires such fervent devotion from its graduates. 我想像不到有任何其它形式的教育,能够赢得毕业生们如此强烈的热爱。 www.ftchinese.com That led me to becoming, and I believe I still am, a fervent advocate of freedom, and also of freedom of opinion. 这使我越来越变成——并且相信现在我还是——一名热烈拥护自由的人,也包括舆论自由。 Fervid 热的;热心的 thermal , hot , eager , heated , keen 双语例句权威例句 But lo! The sun recalls his fervid ray. 但是,瞧! 太阳收回它浓艳的光线。 dj.iciba.com It assailed her with all the violence of her fervid imagination. 它以那种她热情想象的全部猛力袭击着她。 www.jukuu.com This anger will manifest itself on fervid talk shows, at protest rallies and at the polls. 各种如火如荼的脱口秀,抗议集会,民意调查,无不折射出民众的愤怒。 Fester 溃烂;化脓 gather head n. 溃烂;脓疮,脓疱 ecthyma , pustule 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The wound began to fester. 伤口开始化脓。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 For the truth is that unless we can forgive, we can never recover. Our wounds will continue to fester and never heal. 这是因为存在这样的真理:如果我们不原谅别人,就永远无法修复自己的创伤,伤口会继续溃烂,永不愈合。 www.elanso.com By expressing your feelings and talking through (not yelling, mind you) problems, you don’t give them a chance to fester and grow. 表达你的感受并且讨论问题, 这样你就不会给问题一个溃烂或者增长的机会。 Fete 节日,喜庆日 宗教节日,宗教庆典 盛宴,招待会,联欢会;尤指游园会 (为慈善事业或教会筹募基金而在室外举行的)游乐会,义卖集会 vt. 盛宴招待,宴请,款待,为…举行宴会: The hero was feted wherever he went. 那位英雄无论走到哪里都受到热情款待。 赞扬,给予…巨大荣誉: He has been feted as a great thinker. 他被赞誉为大思想家。 祭祀;庆祝;节日;游乐会 festival , holiday , celebration vt. 宴请;招待 serve , invite , attend , guest 双语例句权威例句 I'm curious: has anyone else ever attended an "I'm Fired" Fete? 我很好奇:过去有人谁参加过“被解雇”游乐会吗?。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn The brutal fete included a matchmaking lottery, in which young men drew the names of women from a jar. 残酷狂欢节日还有抽奖活动,年轻男子从罐子里抽取女人的名字。 article.yeeyan.org Financial markets want “to turn us into their poodle”, he lamented at a weekend fete in a bucolic village, celebrating the joys of la France profonde with copious bottles of burgundy. 在一个一派田园风光村庄出席一场周末宴请时,用一瓶又一瓶的勃艮第酒来庆祝法国深处的喜悦之余,他哀叹到,金融市场想要“玩弄我们于股掌之上”。 Fetid 臭的;恶臭的;腐臭的 rank , olid 双语例句权威例句 STREAM of foreigners trickles in, and usually out, of the fetid jails of Bangkok. 虽然出入于恶臭的泰国曼谷监狱的外国人形形色色,络绎不绝。 www.ecocn.org Writers at the time described huge piles of human and animal excrement collecting in the streets and fetid rivers almost solid with waste. 当时的作家们描写到大街小巷上随处堆积着人和动物的粪便,散发着恶臭的河流几乎被垃圾所填满。 dongxi.net Residents say they have been bothered for years by the fetid smell of one the farms, which lies upwind of the community, and they suspect their water and air has been contaminated by waste. 在该社区的逆风方向有一家农场。 居民说,他们多年以来一直为该农场的恶臭气味所困,并怀疑农场废物污染了他们的用水和空气。 Fetish 恋物(等于fetich);迷信;偶像 icon , idol 双语例句原声例句权威例句 People might think you have a hideous bowel disease or perhaps a fiber fetish. 人们可能会认为你有一个可怕的肠道疾病或者纤维恋物癖。 article.yeeyan.org It isto use the future as a kind of fetish—as a comforting idol to cling to like atoddler to its blanket. 这是把未来作为一种偶像——作为可以给我们安慰的偶像去坚持,就好像蹒跚学步的儿童对毛毯的依赖。 article.yeeyan.org It began with my attendance at fetish parties last September; because I’m an exhibitionist, I allowed the photographers there to capture me being wrapped in rope or strung up from the ceiling. 最初是在去年九月我参加了一些恋物聚会,因为我是一名裸露症患者 我同意那里的摄影师把我的手用绳子捆起来或吊在天花板上。 Fiat 命令;许可;政法 instruction , order , bidding , telling , permission vt. 批准;颁布 confirm , authorize 双语例句原声例句权威例句 And Fiat in Italy is closing all of its production plants for one month because of lagging car sales in Europe. 另外,由于欧洲汽车销售的不景气,意大利菲亚特汽车公司决定将所有生产厂关闭一个月。 www.ebigear.com The urban population grows by administrative fiat, not by an actual move of the population from the country to the city. 城市人口的增长是通过行政命令而非人口从乡村到城市的实际迁徙的方式实现的。 www.cn.wsj.com Yet effective investment anywhere has to be planned in some way, either on the input side by the price and quantity of available capital or on the output side by bureaucratic fiat. 然而任何地方的有效的投资必须以某种方式进行计划,或是在投入方面—以可用资金的价格和数量来计划,或是在产出方面—以官方的命令来计划。 Fickle 浮躁的;易变的;变幻无常的 mobile , variable , liquid , unstable 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Unreal Passion is lust, it's based on fickle things like beauty or money and it eventually burns out. 虚假的激情是贪欲,它建立在易变的事物如美貌和钱财的基础上,最终是会消失的。 article.yeeyan.org In the decades after the Second World War, kabuki slid into decline as other forms of entertainment caught the public’s fickle fancy. 在第二次世界大战后的几十年里,由于其他娱乐形式吸引了公众浮躁的想象力,歌舞伎滑向衰落。 article.yeeyan.org His motive, once again, is self-interest: it gives him control over every stage of production, and enables him to monitor the fickle fashion market and respond quickly to new trends. 他的动机还是自利--在本土生产他就能控制每个生产阶段,能让他密切关注变幻无常的时装市场,并迅速对新趋势作出反应。 Fictitious 假想的;编造的;假装的 affected , imaginary , assumed , simulate 双语例句权威例句 The characters in this story are all fictitious. 这个故事里的人物都是假想的。 《新英汉大辞典》 The story my mother told me when I was young is fictitious. 小时候妈妈对我讲的那个故事是虚构的。 《新英汉大辞典》 And she did this by setting up her own limitations, not those of her fictitious roles. 通过设定出自身(而非她所饰演的虚构角色)的限度,原节子做到了这一点。 Fidget 坐立不安,心神不宁,烦躁不安,局促不安 烦躁不安的人,坐立不宁的人[ 亦作fidgeter] vi. 坐立不安,烦躁,烦乱;担忧: Stop fidgeting! 别坐立不安的! She's always fidgeting about her father's health. 她总是为她父亲的健康担忧。 (心不在焉地或不安地)摆弄,玩弄(常与 with 连用) vt. Fig 无花果;无花果树;少许,一些;无价值的东西;服装 some of , clothing , little , garment , touch vt. 打扮;使马跑快 dress oneself , array 双语例句原声例句权威例句 What to do with a fig? 怎样处理一个无花果? article.yeeyan.org Although he was a ‘fig’, but to be a life after all. 他虽然是个无花果,毕竟也是一条生命。 pro.yeeyan.org But above all, through the wide fig trees there was the sky. 而阔大的无花果树之外,是超出于这一切之上的天空。 Figment 虚构的事;臆造的事物 myth 双语例句权威例句 Because there is no shortage in this world; shortage is only a figment of the imagination. 因为在这个世界上没有“短缺”;”短缺”也只是想象中虚构出来的一种东西罢了。 www.en8848.com.cn From a scientific perspective we may even say that the chair that you're sitting on is just a figment of your imagination, because only the eternal is real. 从科学的角度,我们甚至可能会说,你正坐着的椅子只是你想象的一个碎片,因为只有永恒是真实的。 article.yeeyan.org Being one myself, I know that they are not just some figment, but the truth of the matter is, gaming is male dominated, the same way knitting is dominated by females. 因为我本人就是一个游戏迷,所以知道这样的女孩绝非虚构。 然而事情的真相是,视频游戏是男人的地盘,就好像编织衣物大多由女人从事一样。 Figurehead 船头雕饰,艏饰像 有名无实的首领,挂名首领,傀儡 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 When I'm at work, I have a figurehead role to live up to and I usually find I can play that particular character very well. 他说:“当我工作的时候,我需要扮演一个象征性的领导角色,而我发现,通常我都可以把那个特定的角色扮演得很好。 www.ftchinese.com Correspondents say that although he has become a leading figurehead of the opposition, protesters have not yet called for him to be their leader. 通讯员报道说即使他已经成为了反对派的领袖,抗议者仍然没有要求他成为抗议者的领袖。 article.yeeyan.org The Labour Party’s leader is struggling to persuade voters, and some of his colleagues, that he is an effective figurehead for the opposition, let alone a plausible prime minister. 这位工党领袖正在努力让选民及其一些同僚(更不用说还挺像那么回事的首相本人)相信,他实际上是在野党中的傀儡领袖。 www.ecocn.org Figurine 小雕像,小塑像 statuette 双语例句权威例句 It was very early in the morning while I was doing my prayer time when the figurine of Michelle, for no apparent reason, fell from my bookshelf to the floor. 有一个很早的清晨,我正在祈祷,但是莫名其妙地,米歇尔的小雕像从书架上跌落到了地上。 career.51youcai.com This recycled fair trade plastic bag chicken figurine is handcrafted by disadvantaged crafters in the townships near Cape Town, South Africa, and produced exclusively for Wow! 这组可回收的平价公鸡小塑像是由一群南非开普敦附近乡镇的贫民工匠们手工制作完成,并且专供给WOW进口公司。 article.yeeyan.org This recycled fair trade plastic bag chicken figurine is handcrafted by disadvantaged crafters in the townships near Cape Town, South Africa, and produced exclusively for Wow! Imports. 这组可回收的平价公鸡小塑像是由一群南非开普敦附近乡镇的贫民工匠们手工制作完成,并且专供给WOW进口公司。 Filament ]灯丝;细丝;细线;单纤维 hairline rule , leptonema 双语例句权威例句 And Edison’s bulb is, at its core, a burning filament that casts the glow of a flame. 爱迪生的灯泡则是,在它的中心,有一个燃烧的灯丝产生火焰的光芒。 article.yeeyan.org They could refuse to light up for no apparent reason, because of some infinitesimal rupture in the filament. 由于灯丝里极其微小的破裂,它们可以没有明显理由地拒绝点亮。 www.ecocn.org Edison wanted to “subdivide” the light by using the softer glow obtained when electricity passes through a filament and heats it up until it glows. 爱迪生想让电流通过时灯丝被加热来发光的方法来“细分”强光,这样能得到更柔和的光线。 Filch 窃取;偷窃 steal , scrump 双语例句权威例句 One of his legs was bloody and mangled. Filch was handing Snape bandages. 他的一条腿受伤了,正不断地流着血,费驰在旁递绷带给他。 www.ebigear.com Enter computer filch data to prevent other to exploit software loophole, the client should update relevant software in time, download patch program. 为防止他人利用软件漏洞进入计算机窃取资料,客户应及时更新相关软件,下载补丁程序。 http://dj.iciba.com Violate the act of intellectual property for instance, pilfer edition, still have filch the technical secret of other company and client information. 比如侵犯知识产权的行为, 盗版,还有窃取别的公司的技术秘密以及客户信息等。 Filigree 金银丝细工;金银丝工艺品 filagree 双语例句权威例句 Amongst the jewellery recovered is a gold and platinum filigree ring with over 75 gemstones. 修复的珠宝中有一黄金和铂金的精致指环,上面镶嵌的宝石超过75颗。 article.yeeyan.org This he delivers to my compartment in a podstakannik, a large, traditional tea glass with delicate filigree casing. 他送了一只“泡兹塔坎尼克”到我车厢来,这是一种传统的大玻璃茶杯,杯上铸有金丝的纹饰。 article.yeeyan.org As Jai’s third wife, she should have been in purdah in a “city” of 400 other lounging and sewing women, watching the world through filigree screens. 作为萨瓦•辛格的第三任妻子,她本可以加入印度其他400多女人城,坐在窗帘后面,窥视这个世界。 Filing 文件归档;[机]锉;锉屑 limation 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Can you put those files in the filing cabinet over there? 你能把这些文件放置在那边的文件柜中吗? www.hjenglish.com Set up a filing system for paper storage so paper can be easily accessed when needed. 建立一个文件保管系统,这样文件可以在需要的时候被迅速查询到。 article.yeeyan.org Although we’d all have a perfect, ordered filing system in an ideal world, this is a five minute fix. 然而,在这个理想的世界里,我们有一个完善而有顺序的文件归档系统,那就是五分钟策略。 Fillet 鱼片;头带;[建]平边;饰线 filet , tenia vt. 用带缚;把…切成片 slice up 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Mix egg , 15g dry flour, 20g starch well to be egg paste , coat on the fillet. 取碗一只,鸡蛋一个,15克干面粉,20克淀粉调成蛋糊,将里脊肉放入拌匀。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn Next the fish go onto a conveyor belt and the process speeds up as workers swiftly fillet the fish. 下面步骤的速度将被加快,鱼被放到传送带上,工人们快速地将鱼肉切片。 article.yeeyan.org However, the lack of blood and iron in the meat gives it a pale appearance nothing like a fillet of beef or pork. 然而,这块肉里面缺乏血和铁,导致它只有一个苍白的外观,看起来一点都不想猪牛的里脊肉。 Filly The answer: a filly. 答案是filly(小牝马)。 www.ebigear.com The filly has been raced twice this season. 这匹小母马本季度曾两次参赛。 www.tdict.com But what do you call a female horse that is under 3? The answer: a filly. 那小于三岁的雌马叫做什么呢? 答案是:filly,小雌马。 Finale 结局;终曲;最后一场;最后乐章;尾声 conclusion , outcome , ending 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Well, how do we feel now about the finale and why? 我们对最终乐章感觉如何,这感觉从何而来 v.163.com The book subsides in the end into a pile of aphorisms, but this is not a displeasing finale. 此书以格言警句做结,但这结局却无关伤感遗憾。 (原文怎么能有说“故事不是...的结局”?! www.ecocn.org Of course you also need to watch video lap dance instructions because lap dancing could be the finale of your performance. 当然你也需要观看膝上艳舞的演示视频,因为膝上艳舞有可能是你表演的尾声。 Finesse 策略;纤细;灵巧 strategy , device , facility 双语例句权威例句 Clearly, some sort of finesse is required. 显然,还需要一些更好的策略。 www.ecocn.org This can take some finesse to get the desired size. 这样可以使一些策略获得理想的大小。 www.ibm.com Sometimes you can finesse that limitation by having your characters think and act in selfish, stupid or potentially harmful ways around the concept or object that you want your reader to focus on. 而有时你可以使用策略打破这一限制, 当你希望读者关注某一观念或物体时, 你可以使你的主人公采用自私, 愚蠢或有潜在危险的方式来围绕该观念或物体来思考或行动. Finicky 过分讲究的;过分注意的;过分繁琐的 overnice 双语例句原声例句权威例句 They all look the same to you (red), but Marslings are very, very finicky about shades of red in a way that you never imagined. 他们在你看来都一样(红色的),但火星人就是非常非常讲究红色的那种细微变化,这是你所永 远无法想象的。 www.cnbeta.com One of the things you must know as a web designer is that your work operates in a finicky and unpredictable environment: web browsers. 当一个网页设计师必须要知道的一件事,就是你的工作环境(浏览器)是挑剔和难以预料的。 dongxi.net Maybe he just thinks having a small market share but high profit margins is the way to make the most money — and his finicky design aesthetic is a byproduct of this strategy. 或许他只是以为,最赚钱的方法是在占据小部分市场的同时保持高利润率——而他过分讲究的设计美感仅是这一策略的副产品。 Flaccid ][医]弛缓的;软弱的;无活力的 soft , anetic 双语例句权威例句 Flaccid or erect, size depends on the amount of blood in the organ. 不管是疲软时还是勃起时,大小都取决于阴茎内血液的多少。 article.yeeyan.org Although the airship starts off flaccid, the helium and the ethane expand as it gains altitude. 尽管飞船松弛着就起飞了,氮气和乙烷随着海拔的增长逐渐膨胀变大 Flair 资质;鉴别力 discernibility , discriminating power 双语例句原声例句权威例句 On the one hand, I have flair for such stories, but they do not always work. 虽然我有表达这些故事的才能,但是并非每次都有效果。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org “We believe Jim will bring not only great investment experience but an entrepreneurial flair to that side of the business, ” he says. 他表示:“我们相信吉姆不仅将带来出色的投资经验,他还具备领导这方面业务的企业家才能。” www.ftchinese.com The single biggest factor in the success of any business, or nation, is its human capital – the flair, talent and productivity of its workers. 纵观任何成功的企业或者国家,其最大的成功都在于人力资源——资质、才能和其员工的生产力。 Flak 高射炮;抨击;谴责 attack , archie 双语例句权威例句 In this way he was always one step ahead of the flak. 这样一来他总是走在抨击性评论的前面。 www.ecocn.org Ozawa is far from perfect. But for all the flak he gets, the fact remains that Ozawa is the nation’s most visionary politician. 小泽一郎远不完美,但是对于他所受到的一切谴责,他是整个国家最有远见的政客却是事实。 article.yeeyan.org It reminded him—for his most dangerous action until then had been to join up, at 17, with a bomber squadron over Europe in 1943—of vulnerable aircraft flying into a hail of flak. 这让他想起了易受攻击的战机飞行于一阵高射炮火中的场景。 在那之前,沃伦最危险的举动是17岁那年(1943年)加入欧洲上空的一支轰炸机飞行中队。 Flange 法兰;[古生]凸缘;轮缘;边缘 margin , suburb 双语例句权威例句 Then tighten the nut on the drain body, sealing the gasket and washer against the drain flange. 然后紧上存水弯的螺丝,密封排水法兰相应的垫圈和垫片。 article.yeeyan.org BP began trying Saturday afternoon to remove the bolted top flange that only partially completed the seal with the old cap. 英国石油公司在星期六下午开始尝试拆除用来固定旧防漏帽的法兰,这种旧的防漏帽不能充分实现堵漏功能。 article.yeeyan.org The flange also ensures that there will always be some water left in the tank (about half an inch) to prevent the black plastic from melting. 法兰盘的高度应该有半英寸,以确保水箱总能存有一定的水,使黑色塑料膜不至于熔化。 Flask 烧瓶;长颈瓶,细颈瓶;酒瓶,携带瓶 lagena , winebottle 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He hopes to sell the flask to outdoor types and soldiers, but that is not the limit of his ambition. 他希望将这种烧瓶卖给户外爱好者和士兵,然而这并不能满足他的雄心壮志。 www.ecocn.org To demonstrate their approach they added the genes to a bacterium, and found that a flask of the bacterial culture produced enough light to read a book by. 为了展示他们的方法,他们给一种细菌添加了这种基因,并发现培养细菌的烧瓶中放出的光足可以在旁边看书。 www.ecocn.org They started with 15 to 40 different pure strains of algae and microscopic animals, and added these one at a time in various combinations and sequences to a large flask. 他们从15至40种不同的单一水藻植株和微生物入手,依次把这些物种以不同的组合形式及先后次序放入一个大烧瓶。 dongxi.net Flatulence 肠胃气胀;浮夸;自负 ego , coxcombry 双语例句权威例句 It’s also problematic because of a high sodium content, extremely low protein, feelings of weakeness, and increased flatulence. 这种方法也是存在问题的,因为其中钠含量很高,而蛋白质含量又非常少,会使人感到虚弱,也会增加肠胃气胀。 www.elanso.com The undigested sugars end up in the colon, where they begin to ferment, producing gas that can cause cramping, bloating, nausea, flatulence and diarrhea. 这些不能消化的糖分最终积聚在盲肠中发酵产气,引起痉挛、肿胀、呕吐、肠胃胀气和痢疾。 www.ebigear.com Its scientific name is flatus or flatulence, but the English language has an impressive range of colorful terms to describe the explosive emission of digestive gas. 屁的学名是“肠胃胀气”或是“肠胃气胀”,不过英语里有一套令人印象深刻的生动说法来形容这种消化气体的爆发。 Flaunt 炫耀;飘扬 show off , fly over vi. 飘扬;夸耀 flow , stream , dance n. 炫耀;飘扬;招展 display , showing off 双语例句权威例句 I also believe those who flaunt their nudity are inconsiderate and selfish. 我也相信那些炫耀他们裸体的人是自私的不体谅人的。 article.yeeyan.org China sees the Expo, like the 2008 Beijing Olympics, as a chance to flaunt its strength. 中国把世博会看成是2008年北京奥运会来炫耀它的力量的一种机会。 article.yeeyan.org So if you are rich enough to do some charity as well. Here’s the perfect way to flaunt your riches!! 所以,如果你足够富有,并且热衷慈善的话,这可是一次炫耀财富的绝好机会哦! Flax 亚麻;亚麻纤维;亚麻布;亚麻织品 linen cloth 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Cherries, sunflower and flax seeds have traces of this hormone. 樱桃,向日葵籽和亚麻籽都含有这种荷尔蒙。 article.yeeyan.org Once these might have been for cabbages or flax, but now they wait to see if rows of computers will be sown here instead. 过去,这里可能是卷心菜或亚麻的种植区,而今,这片土地正在拭目以待,看看会不会有更多电脑在此生根发芽。 www.ftchinese.com He understood well the importance of international trade and the potential wealth to be gained from the export of flax, hemp, pitch, furs, hides and timber. 他非常了解国际贸易的重要性,以及亚麻、大麻、沥青、皮草、兽皮和木材等物资出口所能获得的巨大潜在财富。 Flay 剥皮;掠夺;严厉批评 skin , harry , shell 双语例句权威例句 You cannot flay the same ox twice. 一头牛不能剥两次皮。 www.ebigear.com San Pao was used to symbolize the KMT, since rather than cursing the Japanese, he instead cursed the Chinese butcher ordered to flay him. 三炮被用来象征国民党:临死前他不是咒骂日本鬼子而是咒骂奉命剥他皮的中国屠夫。 article.yeeyan.org "A flaw with, say, the Food Network site is that if Bobby Flay throws up a recipe, people will try it no matter what, because it's his, " says Stokes. 他说:“比如说,像Food Network这种网站的缺点就是,一旦鲍比•弗雷(Bobby Flay,美国著名特级厨师——译注)抛出一份菜谱来,不管它到底如何,大家都会一拥而上,一试身手,就因为这是他给出的菜谱。” Flail 打;用连枷打 strike , beat upon vi. 打;用连枷打 strike , hit 双语例句原声例句权威例句 We don't know of any other species that uses its body like a flail. 我们并不清楚其他任何鸟类种群是否将身体充当连枷。 edu.sina.com.cn The flail is often not used today, but in the past it was indispensable for grinding crops. 连耞虽然平时不常使用, 但在打碾庄稼的时节, 谁家也离不开它。 www.jukuu.com When I flail my arms around I generate work and heat. This is not a constant volume process. 这不是一个恒容过程,但如果我是一个系统,当我做这些的时候。 Fleck 使…有斑点,使…有斑纹;点缀: The bird's breast is flecked with brown. 这只鸟胸前有棕色斑点。 a sky flecked with clouds 布满点点云彩的天空 Fleece 羊毛,绒头织物;羊毛制的覆盖物 wool , erio vt. 剪下羊毛;欺诈,剥削 exploit , sweat 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Often, you will only need this in the coldest weather, when the fleece adds extra insulation between your base layer and your outer layer. 通常你只在最冷的日子才需要穿上这一层衣物,羊毛会在你的内衣和外套之间建立一个额外的隔绝层。 article.yeeyan.org By using their help to collect the fleece, which symbolizes power, she is shown succeeding by entrusting power to others, rather than by trying to keep all the power to herself. 通过利用他们的帮助去收集羊毛,这种举动代表了力量,她成功的做到了把力量授予其他人,而不是把所有的力量都保留在自己身上。 article.yeeyan.org Clad in my sloppy flannel pyjamas and fleece dressing gown, I’m looking again at the UBS booklet and thinking how crisp those lovely shirts look and marvelling at the wisdom of the advice. 我裹着肥大的法兰绒睡衣和羊毛家居服,再次浏览了瑞银的着装手册,想象着那些可爱的衬衫看上去有多么干净利落,对建议中蕴含的智慧肃然起敬。

  • 侠少

    侠少 2012-11-15 21:39:19


  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-16 20:13:15

    Fosse 壕;护城河 graff , moat 双语例句权威例句 Eric Fosse, a Norwegian doctor there, said Hamas fighters were a small minority of the casualties brought in. 埃里克•福斯,当地的一名挪威医生,说哈马斯抵抗者在伤亡人数中占一小部分。 article.yeeyan.org The man credited with creating modern jazz dance as we know it--the smooth and rhythmic style most often seen in musical theater--is Bob Fosse. 而创造现代爵士舞蹈这种以平顺旋律作为背景,常在音乐剧中看到的舞蹈的人,就是鲍柏.佛西。 www.24en.com In each run-through Mr. Radcliffe threw himself into every kick, pivot and Fosse-esque strut, and with some assistance flipped from a boardroom table into the arms of waiting cast mates. 在每一次排练中,雷德克里夫先生都会全身心地投入到其中的每一个动作之中,踢腿、轴转、福斯式的花式慢步舞,还有在一些人的帮助下,从会议室的桌子上轻跳入其他演员的怀中。 Founder (船、艇等)沉没: The ship foundered in the heavy seas. 这艘船在大浪中沉没。 Foyer 门厅,休息室;大厅 retiring room , lobby 双语例句权威例句 We sat side by side, then went to the foyer. 我们肩并肩地坐着,然后去了休息室。 www.hxen.com Over the course of the day, carpenters built the frame for a tent and created a temporary foyer of white and red fabric. 木匠们在当天搭起了一个帐篷架子,还用红白两种颜色的织物隔出了一间临时的休息室。 www.ftchinese.com Therefore, upon entering the museum, one may notice first of all the many students sitting about in the central foyer, quietly chatting or at work on this study or that. 然而,在进入博物馆之时,人们也许会注意到在中央大厅坐着很多的年轻人,在那低声私谈或谈论着这个或那个作品。 Fracas 吵闹;喧噪 row , sound 双语例句权威例句 The process of FRACAS is extraordinary complex and many cooperative corporations are required, so it tends to apply workflow technology to FRACAS software system. 由于fracas 流程异常复杂并且涉及到众多单位之间的协作,采用工作流技术来实现fracas 软件已经成为一种发展趋势。 dict.veduchina.com THE voices of those who prophesy doom in Libya are becoming ever louder.The fracas, they say, should never have concerned the West, which has no great interest in the place. 最近,预言利比亚革命注定失败的的声音变得越来越大,他们吵着说,永远不用担心西方世界,他们对这个地方并没有兴趣。 www.ecocn.org The decision comes after the Football Association studied video footage of Monday night's incident where two supporters- one from each club- entered the field of play, sparking a post-match fracas . 英足总是在研究了周一晚的比赛录像后作出的决定,当时有两名各自球队的支持者闯入球场并造成了场面混乱。 Fray 争论;打架;磨损处 controversy , combat , fight vt. 使磨损;变得令人紧张、急躁 scuff 双语例句权威例句 Confrontation without prayer is like barging into the middle of the fray with no preparation. 没有祈祷得面对,就像闯入到没有准备的争论中。 article.yeeyan.org But the case for Christian—or Muslim, should they seek to join the fray—exceptionalism would have to be compelling. 但这样基督徒——或者穆斯林,他们就希望加入这一争论——“例外论”必须让人信服。 www.ecocn.org Flickering in and out of the fray are the two presidential candidates, whose campaigns have become the playthings of forces over which they have no control. 两位候选人的争论持续不休,而他们的竞选活动已经变成只是随便应付那些在他们无法控制之领域里所产生的影响。 Freebooter 海盗;强盗 corsair , sea wolf 双语例句 But a greasy freebooter ! 一个肮脏的海盗! danci.911cha.com Hewas not one of the Diadochi, but a freebooter who saw his chance and took it. 他并不是叛军中的一份子,而只是做为一个劫掠者看到了机会并且抓住了它。 danci.911cha.com The modern freebooter often benefits from the absence of any controlling legal authority on the high seas. 但今天在公海上却没有什么罩得住的权威法律,这让海上强盗们钻了空子。 Frenzy 狂暴;狂怒;暴怒 fury , turbulence vt. 使发狂;使狂怒 dement , derange 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Lo, I teach you the Superman: he is that lightning, he is that frenzy! 大家注意啦,我教你们什么是超人:他就是那闪电,他就是那疯狂! article.yeeyan.org A saguaro cactus stands tall amid a frenzy of lightning bolts in Arizona. 亚利桑那州,一株巨人柱仙人掌矗立在一团狂暴的闪电中。 article.yeeyan.org The images fuse together and transform into other images in a rhythmic frenzy, as if they were moving oil paintings. 各种图像融合到一起,以一种有节奏的狂乱转化成别的图像,就好像是会移动的油画般。 Friable 易碎的;脆弱的 delicate , tender , fragile , brittle 双语例句 Should be chosen in wood materials, fabric, plastic, glass furniture and discard friable hard metal furniture. 在材质上应该选择实木、布艺、塑料,摒弃易碎的玻璃家具和坚硬的金属家具。 dictsearch.appspot.com Ordinary residents are exposing themselves to levels of raw, friable asbestos, at incredibly high levels, and they don't care. 普通居民将自己暴露于未经加工的易碎的高浓度的石棉中,他们并不在乎。 article.yeeyan.org If women and schemed to pay for the efforts of men do not get a positive response, her heart would become friable glass, Yipeng is broken. 如果女人处心积虑为男人付出的努力却得不到一句肯定的答复,她的心会变成易碎的玻璃,一碰即碎。 Friction 摩擦,摩擦力 attrition , frottage 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Oil is put in machinery to reduce the friction. 把油涂到机器上减少摩擦。 《新英汉大辞典》 Friction acts on moving bodies and brings them to a stop. 摩擦力作用于运动着的物体, 并使其停止。 《新英汉大辞典》 You: But I need the branch on solid movement: acceleration, friction and so on. 你:但是我想要的是关于固体运动的,关于加速度、摩擦力等等。 Frieze 带状物;起绒粗呢 ribbon 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The annual London Frieze Art Fair kicked off this week at an odd time for the art market. 一年一度的伦敦Frieze艺术博览会在刚刚过去的周末举行,对艺术品市场来说这是一个怪异的时刻。 www.ftchinese.com These comprise about half the frieze that once ran around the Parthenon on the Acropolis in ancient Athens, as well as many sculptures from the site. 这些浮雕来自古雅典卫城的帕特农神庙。 环绕在神庙内的中楣里,近一半就是这些浮雕。 www.ecocn.org Next month's influential Frieze art fair in London should signal whether the rising tide of economic recovery is lifting prices and volumes in the art market. 下个月伦敦极富影响力的弗雷兹艺术博览会(Frieze Art Fair)应该能够透出一些信号,看看日益强劲的经济复苏趋势能否提升艺术品市场的价格和成交量。 Frill 装饰;褶边 decoration , adornment 双语例句权威例句 He pulled out his frill as far as his navel. 他把他的皱边一直拉到肚脐上。 dict.veduchina.com Because if it's only there as a frill, or a "it's really cool" item for you to show your buddies, it's got to go. 因为如果它仅仅是一个装饰,或者是向别人展示的 “实在很酷” 的项目,那么就对了。 www.ibm.com These results should disabuse public officials of the idea that music classes are a mere frill, ripe for discarding in the budget crises that constantly beset public schools. 这个结果,完全应该用来去纠正政府部门的错误观点,那种认为音乐课仅仅只是装饰的观点。 而且,这个结果,也表明是时候去抛弃所谓的预算危机了,那个一直困扰公共学校的问题。 Fringe 边缘;穗;刘海 margin , ear , brink , suburb adj. 边缘的;附加的 additional , attached , marginal , plus , more 双语例句原声例句权威例句 And these nationalists are not the fringe. 这些爱国者不是边缘势力。 article.yeeyan.org The company plans to beef up our fringe benefit. 公司打算增加我们的附加福利。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 You can find it easily in sunny areas of the reef and reef fringe. 你能够很容易地在礁石和礁石边缘的有阳光的部分找到它。 Frisky 活泼的;欢闹的 alive , lively , activated 双语例句权威例句 I think my frisky cat would die of fright if I had that thing hanging in my room. 如果我把它挂在我的房间里,我觉得我活泼的小猫会受到惊吓而死。 news.iciba.com As a Frisky gal, I’ve analyzed sex from every angle … even the unflattering ones. 身为一个活泼的女孩,我已从各个角度分析了性爱,即使是那些不太容易说出口的问题。 article.yeeyan.org If you’re bored with the standard woman-on-top pose, this position is a fun, frisky way to mix things up. 如果你厌倦了女上式式,那么这个姿势是更有趣,更活泼的性爱方法。 Frivolous 无聊的;轻佻的;琐碎的 boring , petty 双语例句权威例句 “How many people ruin themselves by laying out money on trinkets of frivolous utility?” he complained. 他抱怨道:“有多少人少人将金钱投入到琐碎的奢侈品享用上而破产?” www.ecocn.org These are not the giddy and frivolous clouds of summer. These are the serious and thoughtful clouds of fall, clouds that make lists, pay their bills on time, vote in every election. 这些乌云不是夏天理那种令人眼花缭乱和轻佻的云层,它们是秋天里严肃认真和深思熟虑的云,云会列出清单,支付时间的账单,在每次选举中投票。 article.yeeyan.org These pioneers realized very rapidly that to work within the restraints of the technology, they would have to be diligent to avoid overloading their systems with frivolous commands. 这些先驱者很快就意识到,要在技术限制下工作,他们将必须细心地用琐碎的命令避免系统过载。 Frock 女装;连衣裙;僧袍;罩袍 suit-dress , one-piece dress 双语例句原声例句权威例句 We know by now that Keira wears a period frock well, even if it's more working class than fanciful. 我们现在都知道了凯拉适合有时代感的女装,甚至不是贵族的而是工人阶级的。 article.yeeyan.org Dressed in a sheer lace frock and stiletto boots, the 35-year-old strikes a series of poses alongside a metal megaphone in a new advertising campaign. 最近举行的广告推广活动中,这位35岁的歌星穿着蕾丝罩袍和皮靴,在金属麦克风旁边展示了一系列造型。 gb.cri.cn I'll never forget when my husband wryly asked if I packed my 'Swimming Frock' when we were heading out to Nantucket. 我一直记得,当我们要去南塔基特岛时,我丈夫挖苦我是否把我的游泳连衣裙带好了。 Frolic 嬉戏的,欢乐的 larkish , festive n. 嬉闹,嬉戏 playfulness , larkishness vi. 嬉戏 spaniel 双语例句权威例句 A group of Australian sea lions relax and frolic in a sea grass meadow near Little Hopkins Island South Australia. 一群澳大利亚海狮在海草草甸中休憩、嬉戏,是在澳大利亚南部的小霍普金斯岛附近拍的。 article.yeeyan.org New ideas of festivity or frolic, theatricals or other entertainments, found in him a ready patron, and with his help would flourish and find fruition. 他喜欢支持各种与节庆或嬉戏、戏剧或其它娱乐有关的新思想。 这类思想在他的帮助下就会开花结果。 article.yeeyan.org They spend nights in the old villas and frolic by day in verdant hillsides that were once the setting for tennis tournaments, swimming pool parties and rounds of gin and tonics at sunset. 他们住在古老的别墅里过夜,白天则在郁郁葱葱的山坡上嬉戏。 这些青翠的山坡曾经是网球比赛、游泳池派对、杜松子酒和滋补品酒会的背景。 Frond [植]叶,复叶;叶状体 lobe , lobus 双语例句原声例句权威例句 In Kabul one frond is known as Little Afghanistan because so many of the country’s political and business elite have set up there. 在喀布尔有一种处被称为小阿富汗 因为很多国家政要和金融精英都住在那。 www.ecocn.org The global distribution of these disc-, frond-, tube-, branch-, or spindle-shaped forms demonstrate that life was complex and diverse in the Ediacaran. 各地发现的印记,有圆盘状,有叶状,有管状,有分枝状,有纺锤状,证明埃迪卡拉纪的生物形式不仅高级,而且多种多样。 article.yeeyan.org However, later that year, when Sprigg found the frond-like forms he called Dickinsonia , he was certain that such geometrical impressions could have been made only by living creatures. 同年晚些时候,斯普里格又发现了一些叶状的、他称之为“狄更逊水母(Dickinsonia)”的印记,他于是确信,这种地质印记只能是生物留下的。 Frowzy 不整洁的(等于frowsy);有臭味的;霉臭的 draggly , untidy 双语例句权威例句 I also think it will match your frowzy room. 我还觉得它和你乱七八糟的房间正好相配。 www.ebigear.com filled the door with her frowzy bulk; frowzy white hair; slovenly appearance. 懒散的她堵在门口;凌乱的白发;不修边幅的外表。 dictsearch.appspot.com There were frowzy fields, and cow-houses, and dunghills, and dustheaps, and ditches, and gardens, and summer-houses, and carpet-beating grounds, at the very door of the Railway. 在铁路线开始的地方有霉臭难闻的田野、牛棚、粪堆、垃圾堆、水沟、菜园、凉亭和敲打地毯的场地。 Fugitive 逃亡的;无常的;易变的 uncertain , mobile , variable , liquid , unstable n. 逃亡者;难捕捉之物 runagate , levanter 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Clay said a better law was needed for the return of fugitive slaves to their owners. 克莱说,一项好的法律应该是让逃亡的奴隶回到他们的主人手中。 article.yeeyan.org And when the realization caused a feeling of relief -- maybe even fugitive excitement -- instead of sorrow, she suspected this was not a temporary thing. 在这种想法产生了一种慰藉——也许是逃亡的兴奋——而没有悲哀的情感时,她猜这可不是一时的心血来潮。 article.yeeyan.org He thinks it would be impossible to uphold the Constitution as between Slave States and Free States without some Fugitive Slave Law, so long as Slave States exist at all. 他认为,在奴隶制并没有被完全废除的前提下,如果没有《逃亡奴隶法》之类的法律,要想让这个蓄奴州和废奴州并存的国家保持统一,是不可能的。 Fulcrum 支点;叶附属物 supporting point , suspension centre 双语例句权威例句 We unconsciously assume the center of a picture corresponds to a fulcrum. 我们的潜意识中认为一幅图的中心是一个支点。 article.yeeyan.org The notion of an indefinite and unlimited “war on terror” became the fulcrum of US foreign policy. 一种定义模糊、不受限制的“反恐战争”概念,成为了美国外交政策的支点。 www.ftchinese.com It is encouraging that China has even more Christian converts than pianists (Christianity finds a fulcrum in Asia Asia Times Online, August 7, 2007.) 令人欣慰的是,在中国,皈依基督的人比钢琴家来得更多(2007年8月7日《亚洲时报》在线文章《亚洲,基督教的新天地》)。 Full-bodied 浓郁的;醇厚的;魁梧的;躯体大的 strapping 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Most Zinfandel is made into big, rich, full-bodied red wines that can hold levels of alcohol that exceed 15%. 多数仙粉黛被制成了酒香醇厚、酒体丰满的红葡萄酒,其酒精含量可以超过15%。 c.wsj.com Depending on the winemaker, the style of Sangiovese-based wines can vary, ranging from medium to full-bodied, and from refined to rugged. 桑乔维赛葡萄酒的风格因酒厂而异,酒体可以从适中到浓郁,口感也可以从细腻到辛辣。 c.wsj.com On the balcony, looking for the birds around for a long time, the forest outside the window was a slice of full-bodied and I could only hear their sounds. 在阳台上,我久久寻觅着鸟儿的形影。 窗外的树林一片浓郁,我只闻其声。 Fulminate 爆炸;电闪;怒喝 blow apart , to explode n. [无化]雷酸盐;[化工]烈性炸药 high explosive , trinitrotoluene 双语例句权威例句 Harold Wilson, a British prime minister, used to fulminate against the "gnomes of Zurich" who speculated against the pound. 英国时任首相哈罗德•威尔逊曾强烈谴责“瑞士大银行家”,因为他们投机英镑。 www.ecocn.org Harold Wilson, a British prime minister, used to fulminate against the “gnomes of Zurich” who speculated against the pound. 当年英国首相哈罗德•威尔逊严厉谴责投机打击英镑的“苏黎世银行家”。 article.yeeyan.org WASHINGTON'S politicians have relished the many chances to fulminate against reckless executives presented by the economic crisis, and to restrain them with regulation. 华府抓住经济危机带来的契机,对金融业高管不负责任的行为进行了严厉谴责并通过立法加以约束。 Fulsome 令人生厌的;过度的 unreasonable , hohum 双语例句权威例句 Her praise for the President is fulsome, and aides say the relationship with Obama really — really — is strong. 她对总统的溢美之词令人生厌,助手们也表示她与奥巴马的关系的确牢不可破。 article.yeeyan.org “With investors having pencilled in fulsome growth expectations, this could cause investors to take fright,” he argues. 他认为:“由于投资者怀有过高的增长预期,这可能会让投资者感到恐慌。 www.ftchinese.com In the past, Wen has been reluctant to speak of Hu in such fulsome, nostalgic terms, but this account is without restraint. 过去,温家宝一直不愿用这种溢美而怀旧的词语谈论胡耀邦,不过这篇文章却毫无拘束。 Fumigate 熏蒸,烟熏: They fumigated the room to kill the vermin. 他们用烟熏房间以杀死害虫。 [古语]使发香气;用香熏 变形: vt. fumigated . fumigating 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 The hospital ward is fumigate after the outbreak of typhus. 斑疹伤寒以后,医院的病房进行烟熏消毒。 ezitong.com As preventive , spray plants with systemic insecticide or fumigate them regularly. 作为预防措施,要用内吸杀虫剂对植物定期喷洒,或熏蒸。 dict.veduchina.com However, when locals dry wolfberry and honeysuckle, they mostly fumigate them with sulfur in order to make them look bright in color. 不过人们在晾晒枸杞、银花时,为了使其色泽鲜艳,大都采用硫磺熏蒸。 Furor 狂热;激怒;喧闹;感动 abandon , wrath 双语例句原声例句权威例句 So, what explains the furor? 那么,如何解释这份狂热呢? blog.sina.com.cn The furor died down, and I realized that none of it had any relevance to what I was doing. 对这本书的狂热逐渐平静下去了,我意识到这和我的写作没有任何关系。 article.yeeyan.org In retrospect, Otto says the media blew the furor over the Australian trademark battle out of proportion. 奥托回顾这段往事时说,媒体在煽动这场澳大利亚商标战的狂热情绪上做得过火了。 Furtive 鬼鬼祟祟的,秘密的 secret , underground , chamber , inside , cabinet 双语例句权威例句 His furtive behaviour aroused our suspicion. 他鬼鬼祟祟的行为引起了我们的怀疑。 《新英汉大辞典》 She made number of furtive movements that made Michael suspicious. 她做了一些 鬼鬼祟祟的 动作让迈克尔起了疑心。 www.24en.com Yet winter holds an austere beauty, and the lack of visitors, other than furtive squirrels and feral cats, means that I can be alone with my thoughts during my frequent winter sojourns to the garden. 然而冬季孕育着一种朴素的美,除了鬼鬼祟祟的松鼠和野猫罕有拜访者,这就意味着我可以经常在冬天去我的园圃旅居,独自一人冷静思考。 Fussy 爱挑剔的,难取悦的;易烦恼的 critical , curious 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It's sort of like those fussy critics. 有点像那些吹毛求疵的批评家。 v.163.com And females of these animals can be fussy listeners. 上述动物的雌性都是非常挑剔的听众。 www.ecocn.org When corruption becomes clear in the adoption process in one country, and agencies are shut down, those involved look around for another country that is not so fussy. 当在一个国家里,领养过程中的腐败现象暴露,代理机构被迫关闭时,当事人就会找另外一个不那么多管闲事的国家。 Fusty 发霉的;守旧的,老式的 moldy , musty 双语例句权威例句 So, while bow ties still seem fusty for older generations, for young men they have become a symbol of counter-culture. 因此,尽管领结似乎仍然意味着发霉的老一代,但对年轻人来说,它们已成为反文化的象征。 www.ftchinese.com But critics complain that they also seek to extend fusty regulations from the era of broadcast television to today's very different technologies. 但是批评家指出他们还要改进那些广播电视时代的旧法条,以(适应)时下已全然不同的新技术。 www.ecocn.org But by 2007 – though foreign tourists still made the nostalgic journey to the fusty old landmark where rooms cost about $100 a night – the hotel was overcome by damp and decay. 但到2007年,尽管外国游客还会花上每晚约100美元,去这个过时的旧地标做一次怀旧之旅,但整座饭店都充斥着一股潮腐的味道。 Gab 空谈,闲聊,唠叨: The old woman gabbed all day. 这位老妇整天喋喋不休。 n. [口语]空谈,唠叨,废话 短语: to have the gift of (the)gab 有口才,口齿伶俐 to blow the gab 告密,泄露机密 gadfly 牛虻;讨厌的人 brize , oestrum 双语例句原声例句权威例句 At first only one newspaper, Hankyoreh, regarded as a provocative gadfly, dared print them. 一开始仅有一家报纸,Hankyoreh,它被认为是一只挑衅的牛虻,敢于刊登这些指控。 www.ecocn.org A previously obscure computer geek-turned-gadfly called Julian Assange turned the worlds of diplomacy and journalism upside down. 朱利安•阿桑奇(Julian Assange),这个此前默默无名、从计算机奇客(geek)转变而来的牛虻,将外交界与新闻行业搅了个天翻地覆。 www.ftchinese.com David Webb, a Hong Kong corporate-governance advocate, has earned his gadfly reputation attacking the back-room dealings of the territory's clubby tycoons. 于经常批评富豪圈内的暗箱交易,香港公司治理倡导者大卫•韦伯(David Webb)成了广为人知的股市牛虻。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-16 20:29:55

    有发音就更好了 有发音就更好了 侠少

    http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/yePJOSluYSU/ 有一点点...

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-18 12:02:03

    Gaffe 失态;过失 error , mistake , sin , blame 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The second gaffe was to choose to resolve disputes not in China but in an arbitration court in Stockholm. 第二个过失是,选择在斯德哥尔摩的一家仲裁庭,而不是在中国解决纠纷。 www.ftchinese.com Add it to the list of ill-advised statements from the gaffe-happy mayor that, months later, he finds himself in just such a Britain. 当这位失态的市长发表这份缺根弦儿的声明的几个月后,他发现自己所在的伦敦真的成那个样子了。 article.yeeyan.org "Obama bin Laden": The gaffe has been made so frequently by so many media outlets over the past few days (including Salon) that it has almost become an idiosyncrasy of the bin Laden death story. 奥巴马本拉登“:过去的这几天,太多的媒体(包括沙龙)频繁的出现这种过失,以至于这几乎成为了报导本拉登死亡的一个习惯。 Gait 步法,步态 pace , footwork 双语例句权威例句 But the zombie, with its staggering gait and glassy expression, can also be comic. 然而,蹒跚的步态和木讷的语言也能让僵尸充满戏剧效果。 club.topsage.com See our videos on shoe selection and gait analysis to help find the right shoes for you. 你可以看看我们的选鞋和步态分析的视频,这可以帮助你选到合适的鞋。 article.yeeyan.org If you disable one leg of Genghis, the other legs organize walking around the five that work. They find a new gait as easily as the cockroach. 如果你弄废了成吉思的一条腿,还能走的其余五条腿会重新编组走路,就如同蟑螂一样,轻易地找到新的步态。 Gall 胆汁;五倍子;怨恨;苦味 bile , spite vt. 烦恼;屈辱;磨伤 bother about , kiss the ground 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Here first-person references abound: "Remember my affliction and my wanderings, the wormwood and the gall! 这里,第一人称的引用比比皆是:“记得我的苦难和我的流浪,记得我的苦恼和怨恨!” article.yeeyan.org He's as bitter as gall at your desertion and its consequences: don't expect thanks for this noble devotion. 他对于你的遗弃和这后果是怨恨透啦;对于你这种高尚的爱情不要期待感谢吧。 wap.putclub.com The bile, taken from the bears' gall bladders, is used in some Chinese medicines that claim to cure eye and liver ailments. 在黑熊活体内提取的熊胆汁,会被用于生产某些中药,这些中药宣称能治疗眼睛和肝脏的疾患。 Galleon 十五,十六世纪西班牙大型帆船 fifteen 双语例句权威例句 During the trial, jurors heard how Galleon insiders sought to add to their network and deepen their connections to corporations. 在审讯期间,陪审员听到了帆船集团内部人士是如何扩大关系网,并加深与各公司的联系的。 www.ftchinese.com When markets move so maniacally fast, and firms like Galleon seem to have such an informational edge, how can small investors possibly stand a chance? 当市场变化如此之快,同时盖伦集团这类公司似乎具有这么大的信息优势,小投资者又怎么可能有机会呢? c.wsj.com They tested Mr Smith's memory about meetings he had with Galleon lawyers last year and called a friend who testified Mr Smith said he did not commit all the crimes in his plea agreement. 辩方检查了史密斯关于去年和帆船集团律师会议的记忆,并给他的一位朋友打了电话,此人证实史密斯讲过他并未犯下认罪协议中的全部罪状。 Galley 船上的厨房;单层甲板的大帆船;[印刷]活版盘,长条校样 cookhouse 双语例句权威例句 The galley is a modular unit that contains a water dispenser and an oven. 厨房是一个标准组件的单元,包括一个水分配器和一个烤箱。 article.yeeyan.org The Shuttle galley was redesigned in 1991 to reduce the weight and volume and to update the electronics. 航天飞机上的厨房于1991年重新设计,以减少重量、体积和更新电子设备。 article.yeeyan.org And it is possible that Mr Green inadvertently encouraged Christopher Galley, the mole, to leak information by letting him dream of sitting one day at a Tory high table. 另外格林先生也有可能无意中鼓励使谍报工作者Christopher Galley渴望有朝一日也能坐上保守党的贵宾席而促使他泄露信息。 Gallows 绞刑;绞刑架;承梁 hanging 双语例句权威例句 Send them to the gallows! 把他们送上绞刑台! www.elanso.com There's a thief hanging on the gallows out there, and I'll cut his hand off; which hand was it? 我想办法帮你渡过难关.外面绞刑架上吊着一个小偷.我去把他的手切下来.哪只手呢?"" www.ebigear.com One in particular concerns Gallows Hill, the site of several hangings, which is said to be haunted by the spirits of the 19 people lynched for being witches. 其中特别提到绞刑山,即几个绞刑的执行地,据说那被指责为巫婆而私刑绞死的19个人的鬼魂经常在那里出现。 Gambol 雀跃;耍闹 caper , bound with n. 雀跃;嬉戏 larkishness , dalliance 双语例句权威例句 the scene of the last evening's gambol. 他决计再到昨晚嬉戏的地方去一趟。 dict.wenguo.com It's a real treat to have the opportunity to meet Dr. Gambol . 有机会见到甘博博士真的很难得。 dict.veduchina.com He determined to revisit the scene of the last evening's gambol . 他决计再到昨晚嬉戏的地方去一趟。 Gangly I was an awkward child. Tall, gangly, and, like everyone else in my family, severely myopic. 我是一个不讨人喜欢的孩子,瘦高个,还像我家里的每个人一样,眼睛严重近视。 article.yeeyan.org When the bell rang, a nasal buzzing sound, a gangly boy with skin problems and hair black as an oil slick leaned across the aisle to talk to me. 铃声响了起来,一个嗓音尖细,身材瘦长,满脸粉刺的黑发男孩像油一样滑行冲过过道来和我说话。 www.putclub.com I'll miss the prodigious sleeper, the slouchy, gangly, drowsy kid who napped in the player lounge and shuffled around in flip-flops for the past 15 years. 我怀念大睡虫,这个15年来在选手休息室拖着鞋子晃来晃去,懒散,瘦长总是昏昏欲睡的孩子。 Gape (由于饥饿、困倦、精神过分集中而无意识地)张口,张大嘴;打呵欠: She gaped and yawned. 她张口打呵欠。 目瞪口呆地凝视,张口注视(常与 at 连用): She just gaped at me when I told her the news. 当我把消息告诉她时,她简直目瞪口呆。 (断层、裂口、伤口等)裂开,张开;裂成豁口: A deep hole in the earth gaped before us. 我们面前的地上裂开了一个深坑。 a gaping wound 裂开的伤口 [古语]渴望(常与 after, for 连用) Garble 对(文章、报告、小说等)断章取义;歪曲,篡改: a garbled text 篡改过的版本 He gave a garbled account of the meeting. 他对会议作了失实的报道。 (因疏忽而)混淆(事实等),使混乱不清,搞乱 [罕用语] 筛选 挑拣,精选 Garish 炫耀的;过分装饰的;过分鲜艳的 ambitious , gewgawish 双语例句权威例句 As for the future of garments, I think fashion will become garish . 至于未来的 衣服 ,我认为时尚会变得 过分装饰的 。 www.24en.com And behold, I was not in a cellar, but in a bedroom, a great, rich, garish bedroom, coloured blood red from top to bottom. 看哪,我下到的这间不是地下室,而是卧室,一间面积很大、豪华又艳俗的卧室,从顶到地,全是血红色。 article.yeeyan.org Hall after hall of stands are piled high with board game boxes, most eschewing the garish graphics of the toy shop for evocative paintings of lands far off and times long ago. 一个接一个大厅的台子上堆满了桌游盒,大多数样式设计特意避免了玩具店里浮夸的图案,而是选择唤起对遥远土地和逝去年代的回忆。 Garner 谷仓;谷柜 收藏贮存;贮存物 vt. 存放,贮藏: to garner the grain 贮存粮食 得到,获得: He gradually garnered a reputation as a financial expert. 他逐渐地赢得了金融专家的名声。 收集,使聚集;积蓄: wrath that garners in her heart 郁积在她心中的怒火 Garnish 装饰,装潢,修饰;点缀: I feel that the writer has garnished the story of his life with a few inventions. 我感到作者在写他自己的生活经历时添加了一些事实上没有的东西。 配菜,为(食物)添加饰菜: a steak garnished with parsley 配以香菜的牛排 装备,配备 【法律】 = garnishee 【法律】(因甲乙双方争讼)传讯(有关的第三者) Garrulous 唠叨的;喋喋不休的;多嘴的 talking , longwinded 双语例句权威例句 Effectively being on your own for so long would make anyone garrulous and dim their social skills. 在这么长的时间里独自一人,任何人会变得饶舌,而且社会交往的技能也会退化。 article.yeeyan.org Is that what east? The infant is monopolistic should have buy, feel embarrassed! I also do not know, it is garrulous only. On the west! 那是啥东东?婴幼儿专卖应该都有买吧,不好意思! 我也不知道的,只是多嘴。西! dj.iciba.com The presence of the shy, steady Avalos helped keep things tranquil below; but the garrulous, cheerful Sepúlveda played just as important a role in keeping the group buoyed (and at times annoyed). 内向坚定的阿瓦洛斯可以平静地下的气氛;唠叨而乐观的塞普尔维达向大家的救生圈一样(在那样的烦闷的时间里)。 Gash 划深长切口,深深切进,深伤,割破;砍伤 n. (深长的)切口(或伤口),切痕 (地面上的)裂缝,深痕;狭长的洼地 [美国俚语、粗俗语] 【解剖学】阴道 性交 [冒犯语][总称](被当作性交对象的)女人 更多结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 The only injury I saw was a bloody gash on its brow. 我只看见它的眉毛处有一个深深的流着血的伤口。 article.yeeyan.org The anti-Muslim group claimed on its website one of the eight arrested was its leader Steven Gash. 该反穆斯林组织在其网站上称,被逮捕的8人中其中一人为其领袖Steven Gash。 www.englishtang.com Just last month someone used a bulldozer and plowed a two-foot-deep gash in the desert, unearthing the brick and bitumen remains of a stairway possibly leading to another cemetery. 就在上个月,还有人用推土机,在沙漠中犁出一个两英尺深的大裂缝,挖掘到一段楼梯的砖块和沥青碎片,这可能通向另一片墓地 Gastric 胃的;胃部的 stomachal 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Eczema with gastric derangements. 湿疹伴有胃紊乱。 article.yeeyan.org But if you think gastric bypass surgery might be right for you, talk with your doctor. 但是如果你认为胃分流术适合你,你可以与你的医生讨论一下。 article.yeeyan.org That gastric chemical soup will be an almost identical mixture of sugars, fats, proteins and fragments of assorted genes whether the milk we drank was conventional or GM. 不管我们喝的牛奶是传统的还是转基因的,我们胃里的“化学物质汤”都是近乎相同的:糖,脂肪,蛋白和各色基因片段的混合物。 Gauche 笨拙的;粗鲁的;不善交际的;偏转的 robust , crude , rude , awkward , clumsy 双语例句权威例句 In 2002, one Beijing newspaper even sponsored a campaign to drive home the point that going shirtless was gauche. 2002年,一家北京报纸甚至赞助一项比赛,意在指出裸着上身开车回家很粗鲁。 article.yeeyan.org But we’ve ended up singing things like ‘Row, Row, Row Your Boat, ’ which only confirms our reputation as gauche Americans. 但我们一般只会以唱一些像‘划啊划,划起你的船,’这类的歌来做结束,这只能进一步加深我们美国人不善社交的粗鲁形象。 www.elanso.com To be the first to reach the top of the world's highest mountain ensured international celebrity and a place in history, but the modesty of a slightly gauche New Zealand beekeeper never departed him. 他是第一位到达世界最高峰的人,这也让他享有了国际威望并写入历史,但是他做为一位有些笨拙的新西兰养蜂人,本性中的那点谦逊却也永远与他相伴。 Gazette 公报;报纸 newspaper , paper 双语例句权威例句 The first-round results were not published in the official gazette, as the law requires. 按照法律要求,官方公报不会刊载第一轮选举的结果。 www.ecocn.org According to the Gazette, the new law will eliminate the need for approval from a state housing agency, meaning sales and exchanges will only need the seal of a notary. 根据政府的公报,新法令会让国家房屋管理机构的批准变得不再必要,意味着房产销售和交换只需要公证人盖章。 article.yeeyan.org Hence this paper, the Sydney Gazette, was considered to be the Government organ, and, accordingly, its opinions of the Governors and their acts were greatly distrusted. 因此这份名为《悉尼公报》的报纸被认为是政府的喉舌,而它的有关总督及其法令的报道深受公众怀疑。 Gem 宝石;精华;珍品;宝物;美玉 essence , elite , flower , treasure , pearl vt. 点缀;用宝石镶嵌;饰以宝石 lie around , set sth off 双语例句原声例句权威例句 There is an object relational mapper out there that is a hidden gem. 这里有一个对象关系映射程序,它是一块隐藏的宝石。 www.ibm.com Frankly, I think you are more like a precious gem in a jewelry store. 坦率地说,我觉得你更像 珠宝店里的一块贵重的宝石。 news.iciba.com Read the small print before you rush out to buy a tent, then read this gem of a book while you are sitting outside it enjoying the fine art of camping. 在你匆促地跑去买帐篷之前请先读这个小册子,然后当你坐在帐篷外享受着露营的精艺美妙时,品读这本质如美玉的书吧! Generic . 类的;一般的;属的;非商标的 common , prevailing 双语例句原声例句权威例句 By the end of the series, you should have a sound understanding of the development of autonomic technology on generic and open source platforms. 完成本系列教程的学习后,您应该对一般平台和开放源代码平台上的自主计算技术开发有充分的了解。 www.ibm.com If your client code needs this kind of specific functionality, then this generic layer is not enough -- at least as it has been described so far. 如果您的客户机代码需要这种特定的功能,那么这个一般层是不够的 ― 至少从迄今对它描述来看是不够的。 www.ibm.com By the end of the series, you should have a sound understanding of the development of touchpoint technology on generic and open source platforms. 完成本系列教程的学习后,您应该对一般平台和开放源代码平台上的接触点技术开发有充分的了解。 Genesis 发生;起源 occurrence , origin , going on , birth , emergence 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Could that be the genesis? 那有可能是起源吗? news.iciba.com This refers to the genesis and function of consciousness and language. 这里指的是意识,和语言的起源及功能。 open.163.com Since the genesis of every rock was in life, their gradual interaction with living organisms meant that rocks were the part of life that moved the slowest. 他说,由于每块石头都是从生命中起源,它们与生命机体之间的不断互动表明岩石是生命中移动最慢的一部分。 dongxi.net Genial 亲切的,友好的;和蔼的;适宜的 friendly , nice , sweet , kind , well 双语例句权威例句 IN MUCH of the world Muhammad Yunus is known as the genial pioneer of microcredit and the winner of the 2005 Nobel peace prize. 世界上大部分人所熟知的穆罕默德.余努斯是小额信贷和蔼的倡导者以及2005年诺贝尔和平奖得主。 www.ecocn.org If you pick the genial, down-to-earth banker, will you forever regret letting go of that free-spirited artist who loves traveling as much as you? 如果你嫁给了一个和蔼的、实际的银行家,你会因为失去了那个自由的、比起爱你来似乎更爱旅行的艺术家而永远遗憾么? http://article.yeeyan.org He said that the constant moving had forced him to become more genial with strangers; indeed, he grew to be more of a natural politician than either John or Robert. 他说经常迁移使他不得不对陌生人更友好;事实上,与约翰或罗伯特相比,他已成长为一个更天然的政客。 Genuflect 屈服;跪拜(尤指做宗教仪式时) succumb , to surrender 双语例句权威例句 But Gaga did not genuflect. 但是嘎嘎是不会屈膝的。 dongxi.net I am simply someone who is unable to genuflect before those who have more ability than myself. And for this, I will die a lonely and pathetic death. 可耻的,而且经常受伤的麦蒂向记者忏悔,“我是一个不能向比我强大的人屈服的傻瓜,我一定会在孤独凄凉中老去。” article.yeeyan.org Each time Japan must apologize for World War II, it loses much face among fellow Asians, many who relish watching the fiercely proud Japanese having to genuflect to their `inferior' neighbors. 每次日本因二战而不得不道歉时,都会在亚洲同胞面前颜面尽失,很多亚洲人喜欢看到气焰嚣张的日本人不得不屈服于地位比他们低的邻居。 Genus 类,种;[生物]属 race 双语例句权威例句 That genus of plants differentiates into three species. 那个属种的植物衍生出三个变种。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 A: Only certain species of mosquitoes of the Anopheles genus—and only females of those species—can transmit malaria. 答: 只有按蚊属的某些蚊种——并且仅仅是这些蚊种中的雌性蚊子,可传播疟疾。 www.who.int The squidworm is so different from known animals that it required the creation of a new genus, the level above species in the taxonomical ladder for classifying animals and plants. 这种鱿鱼蠕虫与以往已知动物的差别是如此之大以至于不得不为它另辟一“属”————动植物分类阶梯里“种”之上的一层。 Geometrician 几何学者,几何学家[亦作 geometer] 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句 One felt that the chief of this barricade was a geometrician or a spectre. 我们感到这个街垒的首领是一个几何学家或一个鬼怪。 www.ebigear.com This paper applies the theory of limited deformation analysis to the non-linear problem of the geometrician and creeping material for the frozen-wall. 本文用有限变形理论对人工冻结壁施工的几何非线性和冻土蠕变材料非线性问题进行了非线性数值分析。 dict.cnki.net Dr Butterworth recalls an eminent geometrician ("I won't say his name; it would embarrass him") who approached him after he had given a talk on his research. 巴特沃斯博士回忆一个著名的几何学家(“我不会说他的名字,这会让他很难堪”)的故事。 Geriatric 老人的;老年医学的 nostologic 双语例句原声例句权威例句 For an ambitious geriatric, the largely ceremonial job might have seemed a humiliation. 对一位雄心勃勃的老人来说,这近似于摆设的职位就像一种羞辱。 www.ecocn.org I’d gone into Mexico’s Copper Canyon to learn from the Tarahumara Indians, who tackle 100-mile races well into their geriatric years. 我曾去过墨西哥的铜谷,专门向塔拉乌马拉印弟安人学习。 他们,老人都能很好地完成100英里长跑。 dongxi.net As a geriatric researcher, Perls has studied many factors that contribute to longevity, and he is the first to acknowledge that living longer isn't likely to be simply a matter of genes. 作为一名老年病学研究人员,珀尔斯研究过许多对长寿有影响的因素,而且他还是承认长寿不可能仅与基因有关的第一人。 Germane 有密切关系的;贴切的;恰当的 correct , apt 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Now this is not the kind of stuff that computer scientists spend all their time doing, but it will germane. 现在,这并不是计算机科学家,要花费全部时间的地方,不过与此密切相关。 v.163.com Most important, it articulates its academic requirements in exquisite detail, and focuses on those measures of institutional performance that are most germane to its mission. 更重要的是,它非常详细的阐述了其学术要求,还表明自己关注那与其学术任务最密切相关的机构表现。 article.yeeyan.org "You may feel confused, ashamed, even depressed," says Anne Perschel, president of Germane Consulting and an organizational psychologist who coaches executives and helps employees change careers. “你可能会感到混乱,甚至会绝望”。 Germane Consulting公司的总裁Anne Perschel,也是一位帮助员工转行、指导经理的管理心理学家,她如是说。 Gerontology 老年医学;老年病学;老人学 geriatric medicine , nostology 双语例句权威例句 The study findings were published recently in both the Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences and Psychology and Aging. 这项研究发现最近刊登在老年病学期刊《心理科学》和《心理学和老龄化》上。 article.yeeyan.org The findings, published in the Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences, may help people with high blood pressure, they said. 此项研究成果刊登在《老年病学杂志:生物科学》,可能对高血压患者有帮助。 cn.reuters.com Breuning was 26 days younger than Besse Cooper of Georgia, whom the Gerontology Research Group in Los Angeles lists as the world's oldest person. 佐治亚州的贝斯库伯被洛杉矶的老年医学研究所誉为世上活的最长的人,布莱宁只比他晚出生26天。 Gerrymander 不公正地划分选区;弄虚作假 fiddle with 双语例句原声例句权威例句 That outcome, in turn, was underpinned by a previous Republican gerrymander. 那次选举的结果,正是之前共和党进行不公正选区划分的结果。 www.ecocn.org First, the state’s demographics are changing fast enough that an overly ambitious partisan gerrymander is likely to come unstuck during its ten-year lifespan. 首先,本州的人口分布情况变化很快,如果偏向某个党派的选区划分进行得太过,在未来的十年里可能不能收效。 www.hxen.com The reason why so many investors are obsessed with the government is that officials cannot stop themselves from intervening in the market to try and gerrymander the level of the stock index. 如此多投资者执迷于政府的原因是,政府官员忍不住就会干预股市,试图操纵股指点位。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-18 19:45:45

    Gibe 嘲笑;愚弄 laugh at , make a mockery of vi. 嘲笑;嘲弄 jeer at , laugh at 双语例句权威例句 The president may be elected, but he is doing his best to live up to Mr Palacio’s gibe that he is a dictator. 拉斐尔•科雷亚可能人民选出来的总统,但如今他却“不遗余力”地实践着埃米理奥•帕拉西奥对他的嘲弄——独裁者。 www.ecocn.org Survival International, which lobbies for tribal people’s rights, says the livelihood and culture of 200,000 people in the Omo river basin could be ruined by Gibe III. 国际生存组织专门替部落居民争取权利。 它提到,200,000生活在Omo河流域的人们,他们的生计以及文明会因Gibe III大坝项目而遭到破坏。 www.ecocn.org Mihret said the pact that was signed on Tuesday was for the construction of Gibe IV and Halele Werabesa dams, expected to produce 2,150 MW when completed in five years. Mihret称,周二签署的这份合约是建设Gibe IV和Halele Werabesa两个水电站坝,料在五年后完工时,能够发电2,150 MW. Giddy 头晕的;眼花的;令人眼花缭乱的;轻浮的 light-headed , fuzzy-headed vt. 使晕眩;使眼花缭乱 daze vi. 眼花;眩晕 swim 双语例句原声例句权威例句 However, this giddy joy soon gave way to a more sober view, for three main reasons. 然而,这种轻浮的快乐很快变成了更加严肃的思考,主要原因有三。 www.ecocn.org If he was short tempered before, now he’s downright giddy because he’s getting some from you and another woman. 如果以前他是个急性子,那现在变得完全让人眼花缭乱,因为他既有你还有别的女人。 article.yeeyan.org Or you can avoid all that and just observe giddy visitors pretend to "hold up" the tower in front of a camera on the ground floor. 或者你也可以避免这些,只是观看着这些头晕目眩的游客们,站在一层地面的照相机前面假装着在“支撑”斜塔。 Gild 镀金;虚饰;供给钱 gold-plate , engild 双语例句权威例句 In the old days it was more often the opposite: the academy would belatedly gild the lily of commercial success with a shiny finish of ersatz class. 过去的情况却截然相反:虽然晚些,但学院派通常是商业成功之后的锦上添花,像百合花上镀了一层闪闪发光的假釉。 article.yeeyan.org The professor now plans to examine barbecue flames, to determine if they also contain fledgling diamonds - and if they gild the burgers and sausages that are eaten afterwards. 周教授计划继续研究烧烤产生的火焰,看看它们是否也有钻石,是不是会粘在汉堡,香肠上。 article.yeeyan.org If this be thy wish and if this be thy play, then take this fleeting emptiness of mine, paint it with colours, gild it with gold, float it on the wanton wind and spread it in varied wonders. 假如这是你的愿望,假如这是你的游戏,就请把我这流逝的空虚染上颜色,镀上金辉,让它在狂风中飘浮,舒卷成种种的奇观。 Gimmick 为某物做广告宣传而搞的)骗人的玩意,产品宣传把戏;诈骗经商;竞选宣传伎俩,鬼花招 精巧的小玩意儿;鬼把戏;诀窍;圈套,诡计 注射毒品的器具 (艺人用奇异发型、丑脸等)取悦于观众 更多结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Over the next two decades, he tried every marketing gimmick he could think of. 在接下来的二十年里,他试过了种种所能想到的营销手段。 article.yeeyan.org Live wallpapers: It’s a gimmick and there are a lot of tacky live wallpapers, but there are a few that I really like. 生活壁纸:这是个骗人的玩意,有许多俗气的生活壁纸,但是还有一些我还是很喜欢的。 article.yeeyan.org So, every time I find myself intrigued by a new product or baited by a gimmick, I ask myself if that thing will make my life better. 所以,每当我的好奇心被某个新产品所吸引,或被商家的噱头所诱惑,我都会问自己,这个东西是否会让我生活得更好。 Girder 大梁,纵梁 sommer , carling 双语例句权威例句 Down Wall, from girder into street noon leaks. 华尔街上,正午从桁隙漏到大街。 www.putclub.com Now, Atlantis is packed with a 17-ton girder holding a second set solar arrays that will power future station laboratories, living quarters, and other equipment. 现在,A中塞进了17吨的梁,装有第二组太阳能阵列,能为未来的空间实验室,生活区和其他装备供能。 blog.hjenglish.com Now, Atlantis is packed with a 17- ton girder holding a second set solar arrays that will power future station laboratories, living quarters, and other equipment. 现在,亚特兰蒂斯号装着一个17吨重的钢梁,上面附有第二组太阳能电池板,它将为空间站将来的实验室、生活区以及其它设备提供能源。 Girth 周长;围长;肚带 perimeter , circumference vt. 围绕;包围 invest , case , enclose 双语例句权威例句 Remember, the girth we're talking about is on the molecular scale. 答案是否定的。 请记住,我们谈论的周长是在分子的尺度上。 article.yeeyan.org Related columns: obesity and laxity; obesity and stigma; girth control; the global explosion of fat. 相关栏目: 肥胖和松弛 ; 肥胖和耻辱 ; 周长控制 ; 全球爆炸脂肪 。 article.yeeyan.org That means they're very, very long relative to their girth, so a 22, 000-mile (35, 400 km) cable should be a snap, right? Well, no. 也就是说这些绳链相对于他们的周长非常非常长,所以制造一根长22,000英里(35,400公里)的电缆应该是非常容易的,是吗? Glade 林间空地;沼泽地 wetland , swampland 双语例句权威例句 The predator moving into the glade, is splashed by hard slashes of sunlight, which combine with its cammo pattern making it hard to see. 捕猎者进入林间空地,强烈的阳光斜斜地洒向它 阳光与它的保护图案结合起来 使它很难被看见。 article.yeeyan.org Rooster lived in a mobile home parked illegally in a glade in the woods where he held wild parties and mocked society and its institutions, especially the Kennet and Avon Council. “雄鸡”的移动房车非法驻留在林间的空地上,在那里举办狂野派对,嘲弄社会及其制度,特别针对凯尼特和埃文委员会。 www.ecocn.org "There's an MoU on every mountain, river and forest glade, " she writes in an article in Outlook magazine, in which she links the government's assault on tribal lands with mining interests. “每座山、每条河、每块林间空地,都有一份谅解备忘录。” 洛伊在文中指出,政府之所以攻打部落住地,与矿业利益有关。 Glaze 给…装玻璃;给…镶玻璃;用玻璃覆盖: He glazed the windows. 他给窗户装了玻璃。 to glaze a picture 给画罩上玻璃 给(陶器等)上釉,施釉: The worker glazed the china. 工人给瓷器上釉。 glazed bricks 釉砖 给…上光,给…涂光滑剂: to glaze his leather jacket 给他的皮夹克上光 Glean 拾(落穗);收拾(收获者、定期采集者遗留下的)散落物: to glean a field 在田地里拾残穗 逐渐搜集(或找出、发现)(事实、新闻、资料、情报等);仔细(从书里)搜集资料: to glean information 搜集情报 查清,查明: I could not glean what she really want to do. 我弄不清楚她究竟想做什么。 vi. 拾落穗: The old woman spent three hours gleaning in the wheat field. 老妇花了三小时在麦地里拾落穗。 Glib 口齿伶俐的,油嘴滑舌的 smooth-tongued , saponaceous 双语例句原声例句权威例句 While learning the ropes from Jack, she challenges his glib approach to race. 当她知道了杰克的圈套,质疑他对待种族问题的做法。 www.showxiu.com To begin with, that any glib answer to the question misses the core of the experience – the complex dialectic of being ill, which is a social as well as physical condition. 首先,任何一个肤浅的答案都会遗漏掉这段经历的核心,即对患病这件事复杂的辩证逻辑,这既是社会状况也是身体状况。 article.yeeyan.org Obama got in trouble in his talk last August with Rick Warren for saying that the question of when life begins was "above my pay grade." But just because he was glib doesn't mean he was wrong. 奥巴马因在去年八月底和华里克的对话中说过一个生命在何时开始的问题“超出了我被付钱讨论的范围”而惹火上身,但是,只是因为他的圆滑并不能说他就错了。 Glitch 小故障;失灵;[电子]短时脉冲波干扰 circumventing 双语例句原声例句权威例句 We think it is just a glitch. 我们认为这只是个小故障。 c.wsj.com So that explains one of our glitches here, but we have another glitch, and that second glitch comes between nitrogen and oxygen. 那么我们的第一种小偏差已经解释清楚了,但是我们还有另外一种,它在氮和氧之间发生。 v.163.com Was this fluctuation real, or was it merely a glitch in the equipment used to measure the decay, induced by the change of seasons, with the accompanying changes in temperature and humidity? 这种波动到底是真的,还是仅仅是由测量衰变的仪器的小故障造成的? 比如随着季节变化而变化的温度和湿度可能对仪器产生了某些影响。 Glitter 闪闪发光,闪烁: stars glittering in the sky 闪烁在天空的星星 All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的不都是金子 光辉灿烂,艳丽夺目;引人注目;闪耀,炫耀: Beside him sat a rich lady glittering with jewels. 他身旁坐着一位珠光宝气的富家小姐。 Gloaming 黄昏;夕幕 dark , nightfall 双语例句权威例句 Moons, both crescent and full, provide a thin light in the gloaming. 月亮——不论是一弯月牙还是一轮满月——都为黄昏笼罩上一层薄薄的白纱。 www.ecocn.org We made it in 25 minutes, hurtling through the gloaming like the Two Cyclists of the Apocalypse. 像战警传奇中的两个骑士我们飞速在暮色中骑行,用25分钟就赶到了旅馆。 article.yeeyan.org We guessed what the students at West Point might be doing as we passed; the institution looked so mysteriously vast, twinkling in the gloaming, high up on the hills. 当火车经过西点军校时,我们猜想军校的学生们在做些什么。 西点军校在高高的山坡上,显得神秘而广大,在暮色中散发着光亮。 Gloat (幸灾乐祸地)注视(或考虑、对待);贪婪地盯着: The miser gloated over his gold. 守财奴贪婪地看着他的金子。 Don't gloat,the same misfortune may happen to you one day. 不要幸灾乐祸,说不定同样的不幸会落到你的头上。 [废语]爱慕地凝视;色情地看(常与over连用) Gloss (表面的)光泽,色彩;光彩;光泽面 (举止、言语等方面的)虚饰,虚伪,假象 光泽(或透明)唇膏[亦作 glosser] [英国方言]火光 vt. 使…具有光泽,使有光彩,使光滑;上光于,给…上釉: The table was glossed to give it an expensive look. 为使这张桌子看上去昂贵,桌子擦得发亮。 掩盖,掩饰(错误、不适当、过失等);粉饰,伪装;辩解;支吾过去,搪塞(常与 over 连用): She tried to gloss over her past mistake. 她试图掩盖她过去的缺点。 更多结果 Glower 怒目而视;瞪眼 look black , stare after n. 怒视;热切的注视;灯丝 filament 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The members of Club Med no longer need to glower across the table at each other. 地中海俱乐部的每个成员不会再在谈判桌上怒目相视。 article.yeeyan.org The presidency is less an office than a performance: Who saw the gloom and glower behind Eisenhower's incandescent grin? 总统职务与其说是公务员,倒更像是演员:谁看得到艾森豪威尔炽热笑容背后的阴暗与愤怒? article.yeeyan.org Certainly, the United States should not keep an army in Iraq just to glower at Iran and protect Iraq's perpetually squabbling politicians. 当然,美国也不应该这么干:把一支部队放在伊拉克,目的只是对伊朗怒目而视、给那些为鸡毛蒜皮而吵闹不休的伊拉克政客们提供保护。 Glut 狼吞虎咽;饮食过度,暴饮暴食: to glut on meat 吃很多肉 vt. 使吃饱,使饮食过度;使充满;使沉溺于;使满足,使厌腻: The boy glutted himself with the cake. 这男孩吃蛋糕吃多了。 to glut oneself with drink 饮酒过量 使(市场)存货过多;使(某种商品)供过于求: The market was glutted with bananas. 市场充斥着香蕉。 Glutinous 粘的;粘性的;胶状的 sticky , viscous 双语例句原声例句权威例句 You can prepare glutinous rice flour in a bowl and slowly add hot water until they mix into dough. 首先在碗内准备一些糯米粉,然后慢慢地加入热水,直到二者混为一个面团。 www.hjenglish.com Traditionally, Chinese people make zongzi( glutinous rice dumplings) and eat them at home to celebrate this festival. 按照传统, 中国人都会在家里包粽子吃来纪念这一节日。 www.jukuu.com Analysts say the prices of raw materials, including glutinous rice, sugar and edible oil, have risen 25% this year, causing a spike in rice dumpling price. 专家分析说,今年以来,糯米、糖、油等价格持续上涨,导致粽子原材料总体价格增长了25%左右,粽子价格由此水涨船高。 Gnarled 多节的;粗糙的;多瘤的 crude , rough , coarse , harsh 双语例句权威例句 The hunter pads into a back room, pops open a freezer and reveals the goods: four gnarled, frozen paws. 卖家蹑手蹑脚地进入一间里屋,打开一个冰箱,拿出了我们的货:四只粗糙的冰冻熊掌。 article.yeeyan.org The strange phenomenon of gnarled old trees with coins embedded all over their bark has been spotted on trails from the Peak District to the Scottish Highlands. 从英国皮克区到苏格兰高地,粗糙的老树干的外皮上嵌满了硬币,这种情况十分奇特。 edu.sina.com.cn "We forget all our troubles when we practice," he said as he contorted himself at the Temple of Heaven, where seniors exercise beneath the gnarled trees at dawn. 拂晓时分,高明元与很多老年人一样常在天坛树林里锻炼身体,他一边锻炼一边说:“锻炼的时候,我们可以忘记所有烦恼。” cn.reuters.com Goad 刺激;(赶牲口用的)刺棒;激励 stimulus , incentive , animation , excitement , needle vt. 刺激;激励;用刺棒驱赶;煽动 stimulate , fan , power , egg , motivate 双语例句权威例句 Gene Sperling tried to goad me into trying it, but I told him I’d had about all the free falls I could stand. 吉恩•斯珀林也想煽动我尝试一下,但我告诉他,我已经经历过能承受的所有自由落体运动了。 article.yeeyan.org To be successful at sales, you need to be able to cope with rejection -- an even to turn it into a goad that creates more success. 要想成为一名成功的销售员,就需要学会应对拒绝——用平和的心态将其转化为一种激励,那样能够为你创造更多机会。 article.yeeyan.org They portray two old guys facing terminal illnesses who goad each other into accomplishing some long held fantasies as they stare down that long tunnel with the white light at the end. 影片刻画了两位罹患绝症的老人,他们相互激励,相约实现各自心中长久以来保留的梦想,最后目光定在长长的隧道尽头的白光,垂下了双眼。 Gobble 贪食;咯咯叫 cluck vt. 狼吞虎咽 snarf , bolt down 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Meanwhile, American children continue to gobble up sugar and fat. 同时美国儿童仍狼吞虎咽下糖和脂肪。 www.ecocn.org How many of us have heard our mothers tell us not to gobble our food? 我们当中有多少人,在吃饭的时候,听到母亲的唠叨,不要狼吞虎咽? article.yeeyan.org The gobble sound, from the male turkeys, on the other hand, sounds exactly like you’d expect from the name and they do this all the time. 另一方面来说,雄火鸡发出的咯咯声听上去绝对就是你从它们的名字就能预料到的那样,而火鸡一直如此。 Goggle 护目镜,风镜;眼睛睁视 protective glasses , safety glasses 双语例句权威例句 LEXINGTON, Mass., 4 Sept. 2007. BAE Systems will design and develop a digitally enhanced night-vision goggle as part of the U.S. Army's Enhanced Night Vision Goggle program. BAE系统公司将设计并开发一种数字化增强夜视护目镜,这是美国陆军增强型夜视镜计划的一部分。 www.etiri.com.cn This next-generation goggle will use digital imagery to improve soldier mobility and situational awareness under all lighting conditions and in the presence of battlefield obscurants. 这种下一代夜视镜将使用数字图像,在所有的光照情况和战场条件下提高士兵的行动能力和态势感知能力。 www.etiri.com.cn The C-130 AMP improvements include a fully integrated, night-vision-goggle compatible, digital glass cockpit and new digital avionics that increase situational awareness and enhance safety. C-130航空电子现代化的改进包括一个全集成、兼容夜视护目镜的数字玻璃座舱和新增数字航空电子设备,增强态势感知和安全性。 Goldbrick 懒汉;假金砖;赝品 soldier , idler vt. 欺诈;偷懒 spare oneself , slack off 双语例句 It's wishful thinking to expect Phil to help you, he's a goldbrick. 希望菲尔帮助你那是梦想,他是个懒汉。 Gossamer 蛛丝;薄纱;小蜘蛛网 tissue , gauze adj. 轻飘飘的;薄弱的 unsubstantial , dotty 双语例句权威例句 Gossamer veils of fog lay over the dark spruce and hemlock hills that disappeared in the mist above me. 轻纱般的薄雾笼罩着长满云杉和铁杉的山峦,让人难以看清它们的容颜。 article.yeeyan.org Infinitesimal details become artistic expression, a translucent tip of a fin becomes like fine gossamer of haute couture fabric. 微妙的细节成为艺术的表达,鱼鳍的透明末梢就似奢华的薄纱。 www.hjenglish.com Despite its grandeur, the building had a ghostly quality, with its dark, musty rooms, creaking doors, and gossamer curtains that fluttered aimlessly. 这幢建筑除了富丽堂皇以外,还有如鬼域,黑暗陈腐的居室,嘎吱作响的房门,薄纱窗帘漫无方向地飘动。 Gourmand 美食家;贪食者 foodie , gastronomist adj. 贪食的 hyperphagic 双语例句权威例句 Lyon is a gourmand's heaven, boasting perhaps more restaurants per square kilometre than anywhere else in Europe, and a galaxy of Michelin stars. 里昂是美食家的天堂, 自称每平方拥有的餐馆数量比欧洲的任何地方都多, 恰似一条米其林星河。 article.yeeyan.org Though the Michelin Guide did name it a "Bib Gourmand" -- a place to get "top-quality cuisine at affordable prices" -- Crystal Jade is so much more to those who live in Hong Kong. 虽然米其林指南没有将它命名为“围脖美食家”--一个地方获得“最佳物美价廉”的称号--翡翠是更受香港居民欢迎的。 article.yeeyan.org A notorious gourmand famous for both gluttony and generosity, he distributed food throughout his empire;in Damascus, during Ramadan, he would set up 40 tables every day loaded with food. 这个名声狼藉的既贪婪又慷慨的美食家,在他的整个帝国范围内分发食物在大马士革,每到斋月的时候,每天他都要摆40桌饭菜。 Graft 移植;[农学]嫁接;赎职 transplantation , implantation 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Graft has begrimed the government's politics. 贪污造成该政府的政治腐败。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 But accusations of graft and corruption are also flying freely. 但有关贪污和腐败的指责也在满天飞。 c.wsj.com Owing to graft, the manager of this company was discharged from his post and prosecuted. 由于贪污, 这个公司的经理已被撤职查办。 Grandiloquent 夸张的;夸大的;大言不惭的 tall , exaggerative 双语例句权威例句 With the exception of Ron Paul, all the serious candidates waxed grandiloquent about their aims. 除了Ron Paul,所有严肃的候选人都极力夸大他们的目标。 article.yeeyan.org Behind grandiloquent talk of European solidarity once lay a more serious recognition that national interests were best pursued by 在围绕欧洲团结的高谈阔论的背后,曾经隐藏着对“合作最有利于国家利益的实现”这一观点的严肃认同。 更多欧洲特色意味着更多法国特色……更多德国特色,更多意大利特色,等等。 www.ftchinese.com Indeed, in this respect it may not differ very much from the G8, which had a habit of making grandiloquent commitments and not following up. 事实上,就此而言,它与G8的差别或许不是很大——同样习惯于给出一些夸张的承诺,但却缺乏跟进。 Grandstand 正面看台;观众;哗众取宠的表演 audience , spectator 双语例句权威例句 The outdoor grandstand reeked of cheap liquor and the occasional pool of vomit. 室外的看台充斥着廉价白酒的恶臭以及临时的呕吐池。 dongxi.net The grandstand was filled with men in seersucker suits, braces and pocket squares. 看台上的男士都身着泡泡纱西服,配着背带和西服袋巾。 article.yeeyan.org The problem of animal intruders came to a head in 1999 when German players Boris Becker and Nicolas Kiefer were twice dive-bombed from the grandstand roof by pigeons. 动物入侵的问题在1999年达到极致。 在两名德国选手博里斯•贝克尔和尼古拉斯•基弗的比赛中,鸽子两次从正面看台的顶棚俯冲下来"轰炸"球场。 Granule 颗粒 particle , grain 双语例句 When a rod is about to sporulate a tiny refractile granule appears in the cell. 当一个杆菌即将形成芽孢时,细胞内便出现一粒带折射性的微小颗粒。 www.ebigear.com The granule enlarges, becomes glassy and transparent, and resists the penetration of various chemical substances. 这颗粒逐渐扩大,变成玻璃状透明,并能抵抗多种化学物质的侵入。 www.ebigear.com All of the protoplasm of the rod seems to condense into the granule, or young spore. in a hard dehydrated, resistant state. 杆菌中的所有原生质似乎都凝聚到此颗粒(即幼芽孢)中,使之处于一种干硬而有抵抗力的状态。 Grate 壁炉;格栅 fire place , grizzly screen 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The wood-based system consists of a man-sized grate beneath a roof and a chimney, which reduces heat loss. 这个仍然需要燃烧木头的系统由一个人造壁炉、屋顶和烟囱组成,它将减少热量流失。 article.yeeyan.org Chris Sutcliffe : This is the reflection of trees in a rusting grate in a park near Chiang Mai train station in Thailand. 这是在泰国清迈一个火车站附近的公园拍摄的,锈迹斑斑格栅中的树丛倒影的景象。 article.yeeyan.org The kindling in the iron grate caught fire immediately, and he sat for a time on the hearth, cross-legged, adding logs and watching the flames leap, blue-edged and hypnotic. 壁炉里的火花马上引燃熊熊火光,他在壁炉前盘腿坐了一会,一面添加木块,一面看着火花跃动,火焰周围带着一圈蓝光,令人昏昏欲睡。 Grating 刺耳的;磨擦的 grinding , sharp , harsh n. [光]光栅;摩擦,摩擦声;[建][数]格子 friction , grid v. 磨碎;擦响;激怒(grate的ing形式) provoking 双语例句权威例句 When he approached the grating he forgot everything. 当他走近那铁栏门时,什么都忘了。 www.ebigear.com The grating broadcasts sometimes switched to tapes of radio call-in shows and other background sounds of an electronic civilization. 偶尔,刺耳的声音会切换成电台的电话访谈节目或电子时代的其它背景音。 dongxi.net An unnecessary and miscast voice-over pops up to deliver clichés ("And just when you think things can't possible get any worse... ") in a voice as grating as a carnival barker's. 一些不必要和错误分配的画外音显得循规蹈矩(“当你在想不会再有更糟了的吧”)声音犹如狂欢节上的小贩般刺耳。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-20 12:00:52

    Gravel 碎石;砂砾 rubble , crushed stone vt. 用碎石铺;使船搁浅在沙滩上;使困惑 confuse , perplex 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Our feet crunched the gravel. 我们双脚嘎吱做声地踩着碎石子。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 The water is infiltrating the gravel bed. 水正渗透进碎石底层。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 We walk on and on in the dark over the loose gravel. 我们在黑暗中,在松软的砂砾上不停地走啊走。 Grill 烧,烤;烤问 carbonado , to roast vi. 烧,烤;严加盘问 to roast n. 烤架,铁格子;烤肉 gridiron , bulgogi 双语例句原声例句权威例句 So when you fry, bake, grill, or roast potatoes you could be generating potentially harmful carcinogens. 因此当你油炸、烘烤、烧烤或者炒土豆时,有可能会产生有害的致癌物。 www.elanso.com And they’re not in the meat at store. They form when you put it in your oven, in your frying pan, on your grill. 它们并不存在于商店售卖的肉中,而是当你将肉放进烤箱、炒锅或烧烤架上时才会形成。 article.yeeyan.org Keep cooked meats hot by setting them to the side of the grill rack, not directly over the coals where they could overcook. 把食物至于烤架旁边以保持熟肉在热的状态。 不要直接至于炭上方,这样会使食物过熟。 Grim 冷酷的;糟糕的;残忍的 frozen , cruel 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Not the Grin, you idiot. The Grim. 不是冷笑,你这个白痴,是冷酷。 putclub.com Change brings risks—how could it not after so long?—but fewer than the grim stagnation that is the alternative. 变革即伴随着风险——长久独裁后的巨变更是如此——但肯定比残忍的改革停滞风险要小。 article.yeeyan.org Not all of their conclusions were that grim. 其实并非所有结论都是那么的严峻。 Grind 磨;磨碎,碾碎;碾成,磨成(粉末): Most of the wheat will be ground into flour. 大多数麦子将磨成面粉。 She grinds coffee beans every day. 她每天要磨咖啡豆。 磨光;磨快;磨尖;磨薄;磨损: He grinds ax on the grindstone. 他在磨石上磨斧。 压迫;压榨;压垮;折磨,使烦恼: to grind the faces of the poor 榨取贫民的血汗 people who were ground by poverty 受贫穷折磨的人们 Gripe 控制;发牢骚;肠绞痛 control , grasp , hold , guiding , command vt. 绞痛;握紧;惹恼 keep hold of , enclasp vi. 抱怨,发牢骚;肠绞痛 beef about , repine 双语例句权威例句 The host generally pays, and no one needs to hear you gripe about appetizer prices or shrimp count. 主人通常都会支付账单,没人想要听到你抱怨关于开胃菜的价格或者小虾的个数。 article.yeeyan.org A common gripe I hear from developers is that a game has a really greatconcept or aesthetic, but that the user interface (UI) is lousy. 我最常从开发者那里听到的抱怨就是,这个游戏真的很有内容,或者画面真的很棒,但就是UI糟糕了点。 article.yeeyan.org Another gripe is that the tax implies an unfair link between club patronage and sexual violence, though no evidence to support this has been presented. 另一个抱怨是该税不公正地暗示了在光临俱乐部和性暴力之间有着联系,尽管没有能够支持这一论点的证据被提出来。 Grisly 可怕的;厉害的;严重的 acute , terrible , serious , bad , smart 双语例句权威例句 It is rare, however, and it holds a grisly secret! 它是珍稀品种,但它藏着一个可怕的秘密! article.yeeyan.org We have been watching grisly death on screen for over a century, and for millennia on stage. 我们在银幕上观看可怕的死亡已经超过一个世纪了,在舞台上也超过了一千年。 article.yeeyan.org Now we see a similar reaction with the grisly demise of Muammar Qaddafi after a couple of months of hiding. 现在我们看到,在藏匿了两个月以后,穆阿迈尔•卡扎菲可怕的死亡也引起了类似的反应。 Grit 研磨;在…上铺砂砾 pulverize , mull n. [岩][地质]粗砂,砂砾 coarse sand , arenes 双语例句权威例句 If the answers are grit and ethos, then we must work to recapture them. 如果答案是勇气和道德观念,那么我们就需要再度重温它们。 dongxi.net Even though he was in last place, the Olympian showed his grit by finishing his race. 虽然落在最后一位,这位奥运选手还是坚持到比赛结束,展现出他的毅力。 www.hjenglish.com Instead of using algebra to indirectly quantify grit in the classroom, why not figure out a way to test it straight? 与其在课堂上用代数考试来间接地衡量"刻苦",为什么不找出一种直接的方法来测试它呢? Grotto 岩穴,洞穴;人工洞室 hole , cave 双语例句原声例句权威例句 A grotto in the forest, leafy, dense and dark. 在郁郁葱葱的森林中,一个洞穴依稀可见。 article.yeeyan.org In the grotto is a fountain and pool, at which the huntress Diana and her nymphs disport themselves, naked. 女猎师戴安娜和众仙女在洞穴的池塘和瀑布边上玩耍嬉戏。 她们赤裸着正在沐浴。 article.yeeyan.org When I was done with the bar, I worked as a hospital porter, a market research cold-caller, an elf in Santa's Grotto in Harrods and a runner in a porno post-production company. 结束了在咖啡店的工作之后,我又做了医院的搬运工、市场研究部门的问卷生、哈罗斯百货公司里撒旦洞穴中的小精灵、一家三级片后期制作公司的运作者 Grovel 匍匐;卑躬屈膝;趴 kowtow 双语例句权威例句 Waiters and receptionists grovel before him. 在他面前,各种场所的侍者和接待员都会卑躬屈膝 article.yeeyan.org Don't grovel on the ground there: up, this moment!' 不要在那边地上趴着:起来,立刻起来! putclub.com After struggling for months, it dawned on me that I needed to grovel. 在苦苦挣扎了几个月后,我终于顿悟到自己应该在她面前卑躬屈膝才是。 Grudge 妒忌;嫌恶,怨恨: Bill grudged Dick his prize even though he had won a better prize himself. 比尔妒忌迪克获奖,尽管他自己获得了更高的荣誉。 不愿给,吝惜;勉强地给(或批准): His crude master grudged him even the food he ate. 他那残忍的主人甚至连他的食物也不愿给他。 vi. 怨恨,嫌恶;心怀恶意 Gruelling 折磨人的;繁重累人的;使人精疲力尽的 torturous , cat-and-mouse n. 惩罚;痛打 punishment , rod , payment , discipline v. 累垮;惩罚(gruel的ing形式) punishing 双语例句权威例句 He can point to his performance on the campaign trail—a gruelling test of fitness. 他可以指出他竞选活动一路来的表现,这可是对体能严苛的考验啊。 www.bdza.cn The professor found as soon as we hear words like "tormenting", "gruelling" or "plaguing", the exact areas in the brain that deal with pain are activated. 教授还发现,只要我们听到类似“痛苦的”、“折磨人的”、“苦恼的”的词汇,大脑中的这个相关区域就立刻被激活。 www.ebigear.com While large gifts may be landing at the doors of business schools, the task of telephoning alumni and others to ask for money can be gruelling and often disheartening. 尽管商学院里或许会有大笔捐赠送上门来,但给校友和其他人打电话筹款的任务,可能让人精疲力竭,而且时常会感到沮丧。 Gull sea gull 海鸥 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The man tried to gull the old woman out of her money. 那人试图骗取老妇的钱财。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 The government tries to gull the taxpayers into believing that their money is being properly spent. 政府试图哄骗纳税人使他们相信他们的钱没有乱花。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 You have to practice and see the real gull, the good in every one of them, and to help them see it in themselves. 你应该通过练习去认识真正的海鸥,要看到每只海鸥的美德,并帮助他们去认识自己的美德。 Gully gully erosion 冲沟侵蚀;挖深浸蚀;雏谷侵蚀 双语例句权威例句 One day, as the herd funneled through a gully at the tree line, Karsten and Leanne spotted a wolf creeping up. 一天,兽群正在缓慢穿越林木线的一条沟渠,卡斯顿与黎恩看到了一头狼正爬行过来。 www.ecocn.org Now, while the rest of the group walked up a gully scanning for fossils, Berhane Asfaw and I headed down onto the flat plain to the spot where the skull had been found. 当小组中的其他人走入一条岩沟寻找化石时,我和博哈恩•阿斯范则下到那块平坦的平原之上,想探寻一下发现颅骨的地方。 article.yeeyan.org Paul Gully, a senior adviser on communicable diseases at the WHO, for example, defends the existing system in which countries share data within the WHO but not with outsiders. 例如,WHO的流行病问题高级顾问保罗•格利解释道,就现有的疾病预警系统而言,各国仅在WHO内部共享数据,对外则概不公开。 Gulp 狼吞虎咽地吃;大口吞饮;吞食(常与 down 连用): The hungry boy gulped down the bowl of soup. 饥饿的男孩大口大口地把那碗汤喝了下去。 忍住,抑制(呜咽)(常与 back, down 连用): The disappointed boy gulped down a sob and tried to smile. 这个失望的男孩忍住啜泣,强作笑脸。 大口大口地吸(气) (不加分析地全盘)接受;(笼统地)吸收(常与 down 连用): to gulp down knowledge 囫囵吞枣地接受知识 Guru 古鲁(指印度教等宗教的宗师或领袖);领袖;专家 expert , specialist 双语例句原声例句权威例句 No doubt some marketing guru thought guys wouldn’t mind the feeling of sand in their hair. 毫无疑问,部分市场专家认为男人们并不在意头发里有进沙子的感觉。 www.elanso.com Despite his junior love-guru status, Alec says there are no ladies in his life, aside from his mother. 虽然身为年少的爱情专家,但亚历克说自己的生活中除了母亲还没有其他女士。 www.hjenglish.com Understanding even one or two of these APIs thoroughly is quite a task; using all of them correctly makes you a guru. 只透彻理解这些技术中的一个或两个就是一项艰巨任务,而正确使用所有这些技术就会使您成为专家。 Guzzle 狂饮;暴食 get a bag on vi. 狂饮;暴食;狼吞虎咽 get a bag on , gobble up n. 狂饮;豪饮作乐 bowse 双语例句权威例句 People tend to guzzle their calories and it really adds up, often more than they realize. 人们趋于暴饮暴食,而这些实实在在的热量加起来,往往超过他们所意识到的。 article.yeeyan.org No matter how many Coca-colas you guzzle, you won't be able to chase down a cheetah or leap the Grand Canyon in a single bound. 不管你狂饮多少瓶可口可乐,你不可能追逐印度猎豹或纵身一跃就飞过科罗拉多大峡谷。 www.ebigear.com The scientists say providing extra grub for them to guzzle adds to carbon emissions that heat up the world, melting polar ice caps, raising sea levels and killing rain forests. 科学家们说正是因为额外的暴饮暴食导致了全球气候的变暖,现在南北极冰层正在消融,水平面正在升高,热带雨林正在消失。 Hack 劈,砍;乱劈,乱砍: Many trees were hacked down. 许多树木被胡乱砍伐了。 to hack a branch off 剪枝 平整(土地),翻(地),耙(地);碎土播(种): His field has been hacked after harvest. 收获之后他的田地已经翻过了。 to hack in turnip 碎土播种萝卜 开辟;辟出(道路等): He hacked open a path with a chopper on the way through the forest. 在穿过森林的路上,他用砍刀开出一条小径。 Haggard 憔悴的;野性的 gaunt , toilworn 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Like many presidents, Lincoln grew visibly haggard during his presidency. 像许多总统,林肯在担任总统期间明显憔悴。 article.yeeyan.org Some readers have even found their way to the photos of Kim in Dalian, looking haggard, his trademark black bouffant noticeably thin. 一些读者甚至还找到了金正日在大连的照片。 照片上,他看起来憔悴,其标志性的蓬松黑发很稀疏。 c.wsj.com The house door was ajar, too; light entered from its unclosed windows; Hindley had come out, and stood on the kitchen hearth, haggard and drowsy. 大厅的门也还是半开,从那没有关上的窗户那儿进来了光亮。 辛德雷已经出来了,站在厨房炉边,憔悴而懒塌塌的。 Halcyon halcyon days 冬至前后十四天风平浪静的日子;太平盛世 双语例句权威例句 Think back, for a moment, to the halcyon years before the summer of 2007. 我们首先回忆一下2007年夏季之前风平浪静的那几年。 www.ftchinese.com But the few years that he and Mr. Gorbachev led the country together seem today a halcyon period for freedom in Russia. 不过,他和戈尔巴乔夫先生共同领导国家的那几个年头,在今天看来似乎仍然是俄罗斯的自由宁静期。 dongxi.net This broken consensus about which rights, and whose rights, matter most contrasts sharply with the halcyon days of 20 years ago. 什么权利和谁的权利最重要,就此达成的支离破碎的共识与20年前的太平盛世形成了鲜明对比。 Hallmark (伦敦金业公会在金银制品上打的)纯度印记 (质量)证明,标志 特点;显著特征一 vt. 给…盖上纯正优质(或真品)证明标记: The necklace was hallmarked with Pt 999. 那条白金项链上印有纯正优质标记。 使具有标志(或特点、特征): He is a kind man hallmarked with cold aspect. 他是一个典型的外冷内热的好人。 Hallow 使成为神圣,把…视为神圣: They hallow the buffalo. 他们把水牛视为神圣。 把…尊为神;崇敬: Hallowed by thy name! 愿尔名见圣! [圣经用语] She is a lady who is hallowed in the town. 在该市她是一名受人尊敬的女士。 n. [古语]圣人,圣徒 Grouch 心怀不满;不高兴的人;抱怨 complaint , complain of vi. 发牢骚;闹脾气;抱怨 whine about , pinge 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Is your character a grouch? 你的角色是一个经常爱抱怨的人么? article.yeeyan.org Sure, the owner's a bit of a grouch, but when you're in Nazi-occupied Morocco, where else are you going to go for cocktails? 这家酒吧的老板可能确实有点爱发牢骚,但是在纳粹横行霸道的摩洛哥,除了这儿还有哪里供应鸡尾酒? dongxi.net Inspired by Veenhoven's rankings, former foreign correspondent for National Public Radio (and self-proclaimed grouch) Eric Weiner embarked on a quest to visit the happiest places on earth. 受到范荷文这个排名的启发,前美国国家公共广播电台驻外通讯记者埃里克? 韦纳(他自称是个爱发牢骚的人)决定出发去走访世界上那些最快乐的地方 Grouse 松鸡;雷鸟科的猎鸟;怨言 jay , jaybird vi. 埋怨 find fault 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Mr Heathcliff has just honoured me with a calls About seven days ago he sent me a brace of grouse--the last of the season. 希刺克厉夫先生刚刚光临来看了我。 大概在七天以前他送我一对松鸡——这是这季节的最后两只了。 www.putclub.com “From toucans to parrots to grouse to penguins, species that deal with colder temperatures have smaller bills,” says Symonds. 西蒙兹说,“从巨嘴鸟到鹦鹉到松鸡到企鹅,生活在较低温度的鸟类会拥有更小的喙”。 gb.cri.cn Thrushes and berries go together like ice cream and August but these wild fruits are an equally important ingredient in the diet of black grouse and capercaillies (bilberries). 画眉与果实的关系就好比冰淇淋和盛夏那般密切,不过野生果实也是黑松鸡和大雷鸟重要的食物成分。 Guillotine 在断头台上处决 用裁切机切;切断 [英国英语]截止对议案的辩论而付表决 更多结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Foreign debt no longer hangs over Brazil like the blade of a guillotine. 外债不再是悬在巴西头上的断头台的刀铡。 www.ecocn.org Flush from their mid-term victory, they have flung themselves headlong into the guillotine of fiscal austerity. 他们对自己的中期胜利兴奋不已,轻率地就把自己送上了财政紧缩政策的断头台。 www.ftchinese.com Europe has let lots of blood, too: the bosses behind fiascos at UBS, Fortis and Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) have gone to the guillotine. 欧洲也进行了大放血:瑞士联合银行,富通银行以及苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)惨败幕后的很多老板都被送上了断头台。 Gustation 味觉;品尝 palate , degustation 双语例句 Through Jia Bao-Yu's olfaction and gustation, his spiritual love and facultative desire was emphasized. 通过賈宝玉的嗅觉与味觉,进入他的深层意識与美感触觉,突显他的精神戀爱与官能欲望。 www.ceps.com.tw This paper introduces the new research achievement and progress of electro-physiology in olfaction and gustation. 评述了当前国际上嗅觉和味觉组织、细胞电生理及其芯片技术的研究状况。 www.chemyq.com Private jokes, the ritualizing of talk and gustation , a hint of self-satisfaction, even a tiny tinge of inbred malice: These are not entirely unknown in Oxford and Cambridge. 私人之间的笑话,讲究饮食和谈吐,一点自满,甚至还有一点与生俱来的谑意,这些特点在牛津与剑桥也并非罕见。 Gustatory 尝味的,品尝的;味觉的[亦作 gustative, gustatorial] 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 A good dish, either smelly or tasty should be pleasant in gustatory sense, and thus stimulates the appetite. 成功的菜肴在嗅觉上不论是香还是臭,但在味感上是美好的,同样会引起人们的食欲。 dictsearch.appspot.com Customers sip each layer slowly: Trying to figure out what's in each one is a fun act of gustatory detective work. 茶客一层层地慢慢啜饮:他们竭力想弄清楚每一层到底都有些什么,舌头就像是在寻找罪犯蛛丝马迹的员警,很有趣味。 c.wsj.com Amazingly, these lexical-gustatory synaesthetes did actually feel a taste on their tongues as they struggled for the word to describe the picture. 令人惊奇的是,这些有词汇—味觉联觉的人在尝试用词组来形容这幅画内容的过程中,的确用他们的舌头感觉到了一些味道。 Gutter in the gutter [美国俚语] , ◎醉倒在水沟里 , ◎沉溺于淫秽生活中 , ◎名誉扫地;绝望 双语例句权威例句 Throughout two, long, shameful games my ball went into the gutter time after time. 在两局漫长又丢人的游戏中,我的球一次又一次地滚进了槽里。 www.ftchinese.com She swung her arm, the water sluiced down across the walk and washed the vomit into the gutter. 她胳膊一扬,水就顺者路面冲下去,把呕吐物冲到了路边的排水沟里。 article.yeeyan.org The gill flaps opened like two gash wounds on the sides of its head as it thrashed helplessly in the gutter. 它无望地在沟槽中扑打时鳃瓣张开,犹如在它头部两侧切开了两道深深的伤口。 Guzzle 狂饮;暴食 get a bag on vi. 狂饮;暴食;狼吞虎咽 get a bag on , gobble up n. 狂饮;豪饮作乐 bowse 双语例句权威例句 People tend to guzzle their calories and it really adds up, often more than they realize. 人们趋于暴饮暴食,而这些实实在在的热量加起来,往往超过他们所意识到的。 article.yeeyan.org No matter how many Coca-colas you guzzle, you won't be able to chase down a cheetah or leap the Grand Canyon in a single bound. 不管你狂饮多少瓶可口可乐,你不可能追逐印度猎豹或纵身一跃就飞过科罗拉多大峡谷。 www.ebigear.com The scientists say providing extra grub for them to guzzle adds to carbon emissions that heat up the world, melting polar ice caps, raising sea levels and killing rain forests. 科学家们说正是因为额外的暴饮暴食导致了全球气候的变暖,现在南北极冰层正在消融,水平面正在升高,热带雨林正在消失。 Gyrate ]旋转 wheel , circle , spin , go round and round 双语例句权威例句 In the meantime, the markets will gyrate in pangs of uncertainty. 在此期间,市场将不停地在不确定的漩涡中打转。 www.ftchinese.com The new one is impressive for what it is, glittering pieces of computer-generated machinery that gyrate, undulate, somersault and explode. 续集看上去令人印象深刻,到处都是电脑制作的熠熠生辉的机器,它们旋转、腾挪、翻筋斗、爆炸。 www.cuyoo.com Cases of electric people date back to 1786, the most famous of which is that of 14 year old Angelique Cottin, whose presence caused compass needles to gyrate wildly. 人类带电的案例可以追溯至1786年,其中最著名的是14岁的安琪莉可•柯廷,能让罗盘的指针旋转不止。 Hale hale and hearty 精神充沛的,矍铄的;老当益壮的,健壮的 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I mention it here because David Hale dragged me into it. 我这里提到它是因为戴维•黑尔把我卷入其中,。 article.yeeyan.org Next, DeWoody and Hale would like to determine the effect - if any - the Trichomonas parasite has on lake sturgeon. 接下来,代物第和黑尔要判断一下影响——如果有的话——毛滴虫给湖鲟带来的影响。 article.yeeyan.org The flight test was conducted in the challenging high altitude environment required for refueling of high altitude long endurance (HALE) unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). 这次飞行测试是在充满挑战的高空环境下进行的,这也是高空长航(HALE)无人机(UAS)加油所需的环境。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-22 20:39:50

    Hermetic 密封的;与外界隔绝的;不透气的;炼金术的 tight , sealed n. 炼金术士 alchemist 双语例句权威例句 A hermetic academic, awkward in the company of women, he surely would have balked at the dating and the picture uploads. 作为一个孤僻的学者和一个在女人堆里很笨拙的人,显然他会对约会和上传图片采取抵制态度。 www.ecocn.org It blended with the magic and mysticism of the legendary Greek Hermes Trismegistos which became known as the Hermetic philosophy. 它融合了魔法和传说中的希腊赫尔墨斯的神秘主义,后者即为赫尔墨斯哲学。 dj.iciba.com It sometimes suits both Chinese authorities and those who fear China's power to imagine that its culture and history have existed in a hermetic space, distinct and different from those of the West. 有时中国当局和那些患有“中国恐惧症”的人会认为中国的文化和历史一直存在于一个封闭空间中,截然不同于西方那些国家,这显得恰到好处。 Hew (用刀、斧等)砍,劈,剁: I hewed him on his neck with my left hand,and he released his hands that seized me by the throat. 我用左手掌一下子劈在了他的脖颈上,他那双紧掐住我喉咙的双手松了开来。 to hew meat up 剁肉馅 砍倒 (与 down 连用): He hewed down three trees at a stretch. 他一口气砍倒了三棵树。 Hidebound 死板的;保守的;顽固的;墨守成规的 rigid , resistant , conservative 双语例句权威例句 It should be far more democratic and less hidebound. 它应当多一些民主、少一些死板。 www.ftchinese.com The more hidebound European universities must be wondering what on earth they have started. 思想更为顽固的欧洲大学必须考虑他们出发点到底为何。 www.ecocn.org The Southern Newspaper Group was an oasis of open-minded thinking in the state’s hidebound media empire, and it was known for pushing the limits within the propaganda apparatus. 在中国墨守成规的媒体版图里,以思想开放著称的南方报业集团是一块绿洲,在身为宣传工具的同时,却也在不断试探底线。 Hideous 可怕的;丑恶的 terrible , horrible , awesome , fearful , dire 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Every article on the breakfast table was fetched away with a hideous crash. 早餐桌上的每件物品随着可怕的撞击声移动了位置。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 People might think you have a hideous bowel disease or perhaps a fiber fetish. 人们可能会认为你有一个可怕的肠道疾病或者纤维恋物癖。 article.yeeyan.org Don't be afraid to ask someone that same question whose color you think is hideous, so you know where not to go. 不要害怕问同一个问题关于一些人谁的颜色你认为可怕,因此你才知道什么地方不应该去做。 Hie 赶紧,赶快;快走,急行(常与 to连用): Why don't you hie home? 你怎么还不赶快回家? to hie to the office 急忙赶到办公室 vt. 使赶快,催促;使急行(常与 one 或 oneself 连用): 使赶快,催促;使急行(常与 one 或 oneself 连用): You go to the exhibition centre, I must hie myself to tell the new matters. 你去展览中心吧,我得赶紧汇报一下这个新情况。 Hie yourself out! 你马上出去 Hieroglyph 象形文字;图画文字;秘密符号 ideograph , pictograph 双语例句 Initially the patterns I used were hieroglyph like symbols. 我所采用的图案是类似符号的象形文字。 sites.google.com These two-letter signs use a single hieroglyph that represents a combination of two consonants. 这两个字母的标志使用单一的象形文字,代表相结合的两个辅音。 danci.911cha.com The painting doors and windows, he replaced with Chinese characters, the characters that function as a hieroglyph and charisma. 该画门窗的地方,他就用汉字替代,强调了汉字作为象形文字的功能和魅力。 Hinge 铰链;枢纽;关键 key , crux 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The wider the hinge, the further it folds. 铰链角度越大,它能折的距离越远。 article.yeeyan.org And it is on this urban fringe, and others like it, that the presidential election may hinge. 这个地区属于城市的边缘,但却和其他与它类似的地区一样,会是总统大选的关键。 www.ecocn.org By varying the width of the black lines, or hinges, researchers are able to change how far each hinge folds. 通过改变黑色线条或者铰链的宽度,研究员可以改变每条铰链可以折叠的范围。 Hinterland 内地;穷乡僻壤;靠港口供应的内地贸易区 inland , outback 双语例句权威例句 Yet, going into the details — like life and livelihood in the hinterland — reveals not so healthy a picture. 但是,深入细节后-比如在内地的生活情况-就会展示出一幅并不如此的图画。 article.yeeyan.org After all, most are in the Pearl River delta, the so-called “workshop of the world”, solely to make money and support their families in the poorer, undeveloped hinterland. 不管怎么说,所有来到珠江三角州这个“世界工厂”打工的人们,他们的目的只是挣钱,以便养活位于贫困落后的内陆地区的家人。 www.ftchinese.com Who could predict from the lone advertisement for a cement company that the construction industry would become the central mechanism for delivering political pork to the hinterland? 当时,谁能从水泥公司孤零零的宣传广告上看到建筑业会变成将政治利益传递到内陆地区的核心机构的未来呢? Hirsute 多毛的;[昆]有粗毛的 hairy , pileous 双语例句权威例句 Instead of the peaceful hirsute ornamentof the past he is now marring his face with a lot of bristles. 替代他过去平和的多毛的胡子,大量的粗短毛被他用来损伤自己的脸。 article.yeeyan.org More hirsute and loveless than before, perhaps, Belgium’s Walloons and Flemings remain in a stalemate as senseless as the trenches of Flanders, only without the mud and slaughter. 毛更多爱更少的比利时,瓦隆人与弗兰德人仍陷入僵局,宛如弗兰德了无声息的战壕,不过是没有泥浆没有杀戮的战壕。 www.ecocn.org Awarded to Manuel Barbeito at the Industrial Health and Safety Office in Maryland for scientific studies that found microbes cling to beards, making more hirsute men a potential laboratory hazard. 该奖项授予来自马里兰州工业卫生安全办公室的曼纽尔•巴尔贝托,他发现胡须上的微生物使多毛男人成为实验室的潜在危险。 Histrionic 戏剧的;演员的,表演的 dramatic , performing , scenic n. 演员 player , impersonator 双语例句权威例句 Mid-term elections do not normally generate such histrionic imagery. 中期选举一般情况下没有创造过如此戏剧化的情景。 www.ecocn.org After all their histrionic shrieking about standards in television, it was only a matter of time before the tabloids got it in the neck. 在关于电视行业标准的夸张的大呼小叫之后,八卦小报受到惩罚只是时间问题。 kk.dongxi.net Yet again, I find myself doubting tabloid claims of real mental illness and prefer to attribute bad behavior to spoiled narcissism or histrionic acting out. 再一次地,我发现自己开始怀疑他们是真的精神疾病患者还是更喜欢做出消极的行为来满足自己的自恋癖或是表演欲。 Hodgepodge 大杂烩;混煮;一团糟 salmagundi , smorgasbord vt. 使混乱 cloud , confuse 双语例句权威例句 For years, a hodgepodge network of seed banks has been amassing seed and shoot collections. 多年来,大杂烩般的种子银行网已累积了大量的种子和芽的收藏库。 article.yeeyan.org “The Castle in the Forest” is a gleeful hodgepodge of ideas, held together by this satanic conceit. 《林中城堡》是一本令人愉悦的观点大杂烩,以这种邪恶怪诞的想法拼凑在一起。 www.ecocn.org Yet without Japan, the TPP would be a hodgepodge, bringing together countries as diverse as Brunei, Peru, Vietnam and Australia. 然而如果没有日本,TPP将是一个“大杂烩”,把文莱、秘鲁、越南和澳大利亚等不同类型的国家拼凑在一起。 Hoe 锄;长把耘锄 vi. 用锄干活儿 vt. 用锄翻松(土地);用锄除(草);用锄为…松土除草;用锄为…间苗: 更多结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The ground is too hard to hoe. 地太板了, 不好锄。 《新英汉大辞典》 Their tools are a spade, shovel and hoe, and their landlord tills the garden for them in exchange for vegetables later on. 他们的工具就是铁铲、铁锨和锄头。 后来,他们的房东为他们替他们做一些耕种的工作,他们以蔬菜作为交换条件。 article.yeeyan.org When a mother takes her child home, usually after a one-month stay, FAO gives her a garden starter kit: hoe, machete, watering can and vegetable seeds. 当母亲把她的孩子带回家时,通常是在一个月之后,粮农组织送给她一套基本园艺工具:锄头、砍刀、水桶和蔬菜种子。 Homage 敬意;尊敬;效忠 respect , worship 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The friend left these pictures as an homage to the painter. 那位朋友留下这些画,来表达对画家的敬意 v.163.com His work is a homage to the female body, often allowing his materials to direct the shape and curves of his subject. 他的作品传达了对女性身体的敬意,这通常就使得他的作品主题都直指曲线与轮廓。 article.yeeyan.org If actual grandparents are not at hand, no family should have too hard a time finding substitute ones to whom to give unfeigned homage. 如果实际生活中祖父母不在身边,没有哪个家庭会艰辛的为了找到替代祖父母们让我们给以真诚的尊敬。 Homily 说教;训诫 preachment , precept 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Earlier, the Pope prayed for peace as he delivered his traditional Christmas Eve homily. 稍早前,教宗还在他传统性的平安夜训诫中,为世界和平祈福。 www.budoou.com Either fixture would test Fifa president Sepp Blatter's "football family" homily to breaking point. 这两种情况都将使国际足联主席布拉特“足球大家庭”的说教经受考验。 article.yeeyan.org Every Western casualty, every reinforcement and every pious political homily on the “justness” and “necessity” of the war seem only to leave the mission floundering deeper and more hopelessly. 每名西方伤员,每次增兵、每次对这场战争的“正义性”和“必要性”虔诚的政治训诫看起来只会使这一任务更为挣扎且更加没有希望。 Hone 磨刀石;想念;抱怨 complaint , sharpening stone 双语例句原声例句权威例句 And what about the institutions whose job it is to hone the creative and other talents of future leaders? 那么,对于那些担负培养未来领袖创新及其它才能职责的机构而言,又该怎么去做? www.ftchinese.com If ethics and morals go together, you have to hone your skills at reasoning critically about ethical and moral issues. 如果道德和道德价值取向一致,你得锻炼你严格推理有关道德和道德价值问题的技巧。 www.ibm.com Let it go, hone your management skills and forever remember that the “speak your mind” philosophy is for show, not for real life. 让它过去吧,好好磨炼你的管理技能,永远记住:“表达你想法”的哲学是为了做秀,而不是为了真正的生活。 Honorarium 报酬,酬金;谢礼 compensation , payment , consideration , reward , fee 双语例句 Travel and hotel costs as well as an honorarium will be provided. 我们提供旅费和住宿费以及酬金。 article.yeeyan.org A group of residents agreed to conduct the survey for a small honorarium. 一部分居民同意去进行这样的一个调查,在支付一小点酬金的情况下。 article.yeeyan.org Steven spielberg refused to accept the film honorarium, his reason if accepted that become "blood money. "" 斯蒂芬•斯皮尔伯格拒绝接受这部电影的酬劳,他的理由是要是接受了那就成了“血钱”。 Hoodwink 哄骗,欺骗;蒙蔽: Rather than being hoodwinked, I would endure anything. 除了受骗以外,我什么都可以承受。 [古语] 罩住(马眼) 蒙住(某人的眼睛): Someone hoodwinked my eyes and let me guess who she was. 有人蒙住了我的双眼,让我猜一猜她是谁。 Horn 喇叭,号角;[动]角 angle , hao 双语例句原声例句权威例句 A horn tooted in the distance. 喇叭在远处嘟嘟响着。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 The sound of the automobile horn rasped on the ear. 汽车的喇叭声很刺耳。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 But my faithfulness and my mercy shall be with him: and in my name shall his horn be exalted. 只是我的信实,和我的慈爱,要与他同在。 因我的名,他的角必被高举。 Hortative 劝告的;奖励的 encouraging , advisory , promotional 双语例句 If you are admired by your success, my benison is warmly and hortative contemplation traversing congested crowd. 假若你成功受景仰,那么我的祝福就是穿越拥挤的人群给你温暖鼓历的注视; bbs.cctv.com In this noiseless room, The president who is tall and thin to hold a boy's hands and say some hortative words with him, until death come on. 在这个寂静的房间里,高大瘦削的总统握着男孩的手,说着体贴入怀的鼓励话语,直到死亡款款而来。 dictsearch.appspot.com This text will draw on the international roughness index to deduce the minimum hortative wavelength, so as to reduce the error during the model conversation and numerical calculation of roughness. 本文将从国际平整度测量方法上推知路面激励的最小波长,以减少平整度模型转化和数值计算中的误差。 Hovel 小屋;栅舍;茅舍 shed , cottage , cabin 双语例句权威例句 At that moment, the farmer’s own son came to the door of the family 6)hovel. 这时,农夫自己的儿子走到了他们家小屋的门前。 www.ebigear.com She died, many decades later, in 2007, in a Paris at peace, caged in her own filthy, darkened hovel, consumed with hatred, sick with fear. 数年后的2007年,在巴黎已经一片平和之时,她却走了,在黑暗的小屋中,埋葬了她的不堪,耗尽了她的怨恨,重病却依旧在害怕的回忆着那些日子。 article.yeeyan.org His cellar-to-attic survey of his beloved house covers the habits, gadgets and techniques that have allowed mankind to move from cave to hovel to mansion. 从地窖到阁楼,他对自己心爱的房屋的调查覆盖了人类从洞穴到小屋再到大宅的居住习性、使用过的工具和技艺。 Howler The howler monkeys sounded an alarm call just after the earthquake. 吼猴在地震一结束也发出了警告性的吼叫。 dongxi.net Suddenly I feel a bite and remember I had seen tropical leeches earlier. I am slapping and screeching in a way not dissimilar to a howler monkey. 突然感觉被咬了一口,记得先前看见过热带水蛭,我拍了一把并尖叫起来,和一只滑稽的猴子没有什么两样。 article.yeeyan.org He owns a cacao plantation in this swath of untamed cloud forest in northern Venezuela, where ocelots dart under towering saman trees and howler monkeys shriek at visitors. 他在委内瑞拉北部的这一带阴云笼罩的森林中拥有一处可可种植园,在那里豹猫在高耸的雨木下飞蹿而过,还有吼猴对着来访者尖叫。 Hub 中心;毂;木片 center , focus 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Above all, he wants the state to become an international hub for tourism and finance. 其中最夸张的是,他希望将古吉拉特建成为国际旅游和金融中心。 www.ecocn.org But between now and next summer, the city is sure to be a hub for a lot of energetic Democrats. 但可以确定的是,从现在到明年的夏天,这个城市一定会成为民主党人的活跃中心。 www.ecocn.org As a kernel around which to build an initial concentration of talent, that's fine, but ultimately Detroit's success will hinge on whether it becomes a hub for new firm growth. 把汽车制造业作为一个核心,围绕它形成初期的人才聚集,这没有问题。 但最终,底特律的成功将取决于它是否成为新的稳步增长的中心。 Hubris 傲慢;狂妄自大 importance , superciliousness 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Above all, it is testimony to the hubris of politicians. 最重要的是,它证明了政客们的傲慢自大。 bbs.ecocn.org But in some other corner of the economy, easy money is almost certainly beginning to feed hubris and greed. 但是在经济的其他一些角落里,宽松的货币政策目前几乎肯定正在助长傲慢和贪婪。 dongxi.net Whether this is hubris or homage, the display is bound to attract thousands of new visitors to this marvellous place. 不管是傲慢还是尊重,这次展览必将吸引成千上万的新访客来到这个神奇的地方。 Humdrum 单调;乏味 monotonousness , prosiness 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Imagination raises a man above the humdrum of life. 想象使人从单调无聊的生活中解脱出来。 《新英汉大辞典》 These activities seem to be far more profitable than the humdrum business of managing payments and channelling savings towards investment. 这些活动似乎远远比乏味的薪酬管理和引导储蓄进入投资领域更为有利可图。 www.ftchinese.com Twenty years on, the idea of millions of people yearning for the humdrum joys of daily life in welfare capitalism no longer seems so startling or moving. 二十年来,想象有数百万人渴望能拥有福利资本主义日常生活中的单调乐趣的情景不再让人惊奇或感动。 Heterodox 异端的;非正统的 unorthodox , heretical 双语例句原声例句权威例句 And heterodox ideas about inflation are getting a broader hearing these days, as the financial crisis pushes many thinkers to re-examine conventional practices. 随着金融危机促使很多人重新审视一系列传统做法,有关通货膨胀的异端观点目前也在更大范围内得到倾听。 c.wsj.com He embraces the heterodox idea of monism, sometimes called animist materialism or vitalism, which is essentially a denial of any distinction between the body and the soul. 他赞同一元论的异端观点,一元论也叫做万物有灵论或者生机论,强调肉体和灵魂没有界限。 v.163.com The only thing that matters is the salvation of the incorporeal, the bodiless soul, but Milton is so unorthodox, or at least heterodox, in his insistence on the importance of the body in this poem. 基督教强调只有非物质的非肉体的心灵的救赎,才是重要的,但弥尔顿是如此异端,至少不正统,在诗中一直强调肉体的重要性。 Hexagon ]六角形,六边形 sexangle 双语例句权威例句 France is known by Frenchmen as "the Hexagon" because of its shape. 由于其版图形状,法国人称法国是六角形。 www.ebigear.com Explanation: If you can find Orion, you might be able to find the Winter Hexagon. 解说:如果你可以找出猎户座,那你就能找到冬季六边形。 article.yeeyan.org He presses the bolt against a small hexagon tattooed on his forearm. The sizes match. 他将螺钉与他前臂的一个小六边形纹身比了比,尺寸是一样的。 Hike 徒步旅行,远足;步行,长途步行;旅行: How do we get there? —Let's go hiking. 咱们怎么去那儿呀? —走着去吧。 He wants to hike round the world. 他打算徒步旅行环游世界一周。 [口语](移动)上提;升高,飘起;扬起,飞起(常与 up连用): She hurried her hands to press the papers which were hiked up by a wind. 她急忙用手压住被风吹起的文件。 [美国口语](价格等)上升,上涨(与up连用): The rent for my house has hiked up three times. 我的房租已长过三次价了。 [美国俚语]在高空检修电线: I've heard an electrician got hurt when he hiked. 我听说有个电工在高空检修电线时摔伤了。 Hoist 起重机;升起,吊起 crane , derrick vi. 升起;吊起 lift , heave up 双语例句权威例句 Smaller sails are lighter, easier to hoist and trim, and smaller to stow. 小的帆面更轻,更容易升起和拉平,收储起来也更小。 article.yeeyan.org I did frame three of my four walls on the ground, then raised them with the chain hoist. 我只在地面装好四面墙的三个框架,再用链式起重机把它们举起来。 article.yeeyan.org Designers envision building the skybridges at the saddle and then using a jacking mechanism to hoist them into place. 设计师构想在三脚基底上建立天空之桥,然后升起机械结构让它们能扬起升空。 Homeostasis 体内平衡;[生化][自]内稳态 homoeostasis 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Any interference with homeostasis is likely to be damaging to the organism. 对体内平衡的任何干扰都有可能损害人体的有机体。 www.hjenglish.com After the stressor disappears, the body returns to its normal state (homeostasis). 在压力消失后,身体就会回复到标准状态(内稳态)。 article.yeeyan.org In order to maintain this homeostasis, the brain deploys motivations such as pain, hunger, thirst and fear, as well the complementary pleasures of food, water, sex and safety. 为了保持这种体内平衡,大脑对我们会施加如疼痛、饥渴和恐惧等刺激,同样也会在得到食物、水、性满足和安全感时发出喜悦的信号。 Hortative 劝告的;奖励的 encouraging , advisory , promotional 双语例句 If you are admired by your success, my benison is warmly and hortative contemplation traversing congested crowd. 假若你成功受景仰,那么我的祝福就是穿越拥挤的人群给你温暖鼓历的注视; bbs.cctv.com In this noiseless room, The president who is tall and thin to hold a boy's hands and say some hortative words with him, until death come on. 在这个寂静的房间里,高大瘦削的总统握着男孩的手,说着体贴入怀的鼓励话语,直到死亡款款而来。 dictsearch.appspot.com This text will draw on the international roughness index to deduce the minimum hortative wavelength, so as to reduce the error during the model conversation and numerical calculation of roughness. 本文将从国际平整度测量方法上推知路面激励的最小波长,以减少平整度模型转化和数值计算中的误差。 dict.cnki.net Horticulture 园艺,园艺学 gardening 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The area has a long tradition of horticulture. 园艺是这个地区源远流长的传统。 article.yeeyan.org Thus, to earn a Plant Science merit badge, a scout can choose between agronomy, horticulture, or field botany. 因此,为了赚取植物科学奖章,一个童子军可以选择农学,园艺,或田野植物学。 article.yeeyan.org All volunteers first go through orientation sessions, which are followed with one of three more specific training tracks:horticulture, “Ambassadors, ” and animal care. 所有的志愿者先要通过新成员训练,然后再在三种特殊训练规划(园艺、“大使”和动物照料)中选择一种。 Hovel 小屋;栅舍;茅舍 shed , cottage , cabin 双语例句权威例句 At that moment, the farmer’s own son came to the door of the family 6)hovel. 这时,农夫自己的儿子走到了他们家小屋的门前。 www.ebigear.com She died, many decades later, in 2007, in a Paris at peace, caged in her own filthy, darkened hovel, consumed with hatred, sick with fear. 数年后的2007年,在巴黎已经一片平和之时,她却走了,在黑暗的小屋中,埋葬了她的不堪,耗尽了她的怨恨,重病却依旧在害怕的回忆着那些日子。 article.yeeyan.org His cellar-to-attic survey of his beloved house covers the habits, gadgets and techniques that have allowed mankind to move from cave to hovel to mansion. 从地窖到阁楼,他对自己心爱的房屋的调查覆盖了人类从洞穴到小屋再到大宅的居住习性、使用过的工具和技艺。 Hub 中心;毂;木片 center , focus 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Above all, he wants the state to become an international hub for tourism and finance. 其中最夸张的是,他希望将古吉拉特建成为国际旅游和金融中心。 www.ecocn.org But between now and next summer, the city is sure to be a hub for a lot of energetic Democrats. 但可以确定的是,从现在到明年的夏天,这个城市一定会成为民主党人的活跃中心。 www.ecocn.org As a kernel around which to build an initial concentration of talent, that's fine, but ultimately Detroit's success will hinge on whether it becomes a hub for new firm growth. 把汽车制造业作为一个核心,围绕它形成初期的人才聚集,这没有问题。 但最终,底特律的成功将取决于它是否成为新的稳步增长的中心。 Hubris 傲慢;狂妄自大 importance , superciliousness 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Above all, it is testimony to the hubris of politicians. 最重要的是,它证明了政客们的傲慢自大。 bbs.ecocn.org But in some other corner of the economy, easy money is almost certainly beginning to feed hubris and greed. 但是在经济的其他一些角落里,宽松的货币政策目前几乎肯定正在助长傲慢和贪婪。 dongxi.net Whether this is hubris or homage, the display is bound to attract thousands of new visitors to this marvellous place. 不管是傲慢还是尊重,这次展览必将吸引成千上万的新访客来到这个神奇的地方。 Huckster huckster hawker 叫卖小贩 huckster shopman 小商人 political huckster 政治贩子 更多网络短语 双语例句权威例句 The best part is understanding how the magician, or huckster, plays on our human nature to get us to behave in a certain way. 最棒的部分就是理解魔术师或者街头骗子如何通过人类的本性来操纵我们的行为。 article.yeeyan.org Woody's response was that an artist has to follow his own intuition, rather than obey some huckster driven by readership surveys. 伍迪的反应是,一个艺术家必须按照自己的直觉创作,而不能屈服于那些被阅读率调查驱使的商人们。 article.yeeyan.org Like a cure-all tonic prescribed by a travelling rural huckster, gold somehow seems to be good for nearly everything that ails us. 就像行走乡里的江湖郎中开出的十全大补汤,不知何故,黄金似乎与我们的几乎所有问题都对症。 Hulk 废船;笨重的船;船体 hull 双语例句权威例句 I saw a rotting hulk on the beach. 我在海滩上看见了一艘腐烂的废船。 www.i21st.cn For example, scientists at Raytheon (RTN) have been working on an exoskeleton to give its user super strength like that of the Hulk. 举个例子来说吧,雷声公司的研究人员开发一件外骨骼,可以使用户拥有绿巨人一样的强大力量。 article.yeeyan.org The rusting hulk was sold by Ukraine in 1998 to a Hong Kong-Macau trading company -- ostensibly to be transformed into a floating casino. 在1998年,其锈迹斑斑的船体被乌克兰卖给了一家港澳贸易公司——从表面上看,它被改造成一艘海上浮动赌场。 Hull 船体;(果实的)[植]外壳 crust , outer housing vt. [粮食]去壳 unshell , decorticate 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Water poured in through a leak in the ship's hull. 水从船体上的漏洞中涌进来。 《新英汉大辞典》 Each hull of its catamarans has an underwater duct which serves two functions (see illustration). 其双体船的每面船体都有水下管道,提供两种功能(见插图)。 www.ecocn.org The daggerboard has the same function, but rather than swinging down, it is inserted like a blade down through a slot in the hull to protrude like a thin keel below the hull. 这种活动披水板的功能和活动龙骨一致,但它并非旋转到船底,而是像刀刃一样沿着船底的某个轨迹插下去,像一条薄龙骨那样凸出于船底之下。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-24 19:29:30

    Impasse 僵局;死路 logjam , deadlock 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This seems to be an impasse. 这似乎是一个僵局。 www.ftchinese.com The losers from the impasse will not be the prosperous, but some of the poorest. 这场僵局中的输家不是那些经济繁荣的国家,而是一些最贫穷的国家。 www.ftchinese.com This time, the impasse between government and industry is not the only cause of China’s electricity shortages. 这一次政府与电力工业之间的僵局并不仅仅是中国电力短缺的唯一原因。 Impassive 冷漠的;无感觉的 distant , apathetic 双语例句权威例句 The film's impassive faces will always, at some point, open a trapdoor into self-revelation. 在一些地方,影片中冷漠的脸总会打开一扇门,让角色的本性显露。 www.ftchinese.com “Take the chair, ” he said, gesturing with his flat, impassive eyes at the chair he had placed directly in front of himself. “坐到椅子上,”他说,用平淡的,冷漠的眼神示意她,他自己已经坐到了面前的地板上。 article.yeeyan.org The saga over Sudan shows how sensitive the Chinese authorities have become to criticism, despite their impassive reputation. 尽管中国冷漠的声誉,在苏丹问题上的举动显示了中国当局对于批评是多么的敏感。 Impecunious 没有钱的;贫穷的 poor , needy 双语例句权威例句 Employing the Journal’s classic deep-dig methods, the story detailed her rise from impecunious obscurity in mainland China to glittering third wife of a mogul. 极尽该报经典的挖掘手段,报道中详细展示了邓如何从一个贫穷的,身份不明的中国大陆女子到成为一个显赫大亨的第三任妻子。 dongxi.net But in one important respect, at least, the clubs are different from the EU: members who turn out to be undesirable, or impecunious, can be suspended or thrown out. 但至少有一个重要方面,这些俱乐部不同于欧盟:不受欢迎和经济拮据的会员会被暂停会员资格或被迫退会。 www.ecocn.org She would freeze interest rates on subprime mortgages for five years, which would hike rates for everyone else, accelerate the collapse of house prices and deter banks from lending to the impecunious. 克林顿夫人要冻结次级抵押贷款利率五年。 对所有其他人来说,此举会大幅提高利率,加速房价崩溃,阻碍银行贷款给穷光蛋。 Impediment 口吃;妨碍;阻止 prevention , intervention , violation , check 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Expectation is the greatest impediment to living. In anticipation of tomorrow, it loses today. 期待是生活着最大的妨碍 在明天的预期中 遗失了今天.—塞纳卡人 article.yeeyan.org Moreover, we do not carry the legacies of the past several years in our banks' or public sector balance sheets that are such an impediment in other places. 此外,我们不必承担那些在银行和公共部门资产负债表中存在的过去几年的遗留问题,这在其他一些地方是如此一个妨碍。 article.yeeyan.org In this case, his strategy of delay is to insist on his right to be in court for every hearing, only to cite a “legitimate impediment” (ie, government business) that stops him attending. 他在本案过程采用拖延战略,坚称自己有权利在场旁听法庭每次听证会,除非引用「合法妨碍」条款(例如,政府业务机密)阻止他参加。 Impenitent 顽固的;不知悔改的 resistant , stubborn 双语例句 We need to remember that God's wrath does burn against impenitent sinners (Psalm 38:1-3). 我们必须铭记上帝的愤怒曾烧死了不知悔改的恶人(圣歌38:1-3)。 article.yeeyan.org In the nobility of the faces of all save Judas, in his aspect or cruel and impenitent resolve, " writes a critic, art has spoken its loftiest work." “在座的每个人都有着高贵的表情,除了样子残酷和有着不知悔改的决心犹大以外,”一个评论家写道,艺术表现出了最高超的作品。 danci.911cha.com But according to thy hardness and impenitent heart, thou treasurest up to thyself wrath, against the day of wrath, and revelation of the just judgment of God. 你固执而不愿悔改,只是为自己积蓄,在天主忿怒和显示他正义审判的那一天,向你所发的忿怒。 Imperious 专横的;迫切的;傲慢的 pressing , stringent 双语例句权威例句 Rather than being the imperious character of legend, he continues to scramble for answers. 与其成为专横的传奇人物,卡佩罗不如继续寻求其他答案。 article.yeeyan.org “As opposed to some imperious bureaucracy in Washington, we’re making things open and accessible to people, ” he says. 他说:“相对于华盛顿盛行的专横的官僚主义,我们正让事情更开放更平易近人。 dongxi.net In the brook, again, was the fantastic beauty of the image, with its reflected frown, its pointed finger, and imperious gesture, giving emphasis to the aspect of little Pearl. 同样,在小溪中那个美得出奇的形象,也映出了皱着的眉头、伸出的手指和专横的姿态,为小珠儿的模样平添了效果。 Impersonate 扮演,饰演: to impersonate Hamlet on the stage 在舞台上扮演哈姆雷特 模仿;假冒,假装: to impersonate film stars 模仿电影明星 to impersonate an officer 假冒官员 使人格化;体现 adj. 人格化的;具有人格的 Impertinence 鲁莽,无理;不恰当 precipitation , recklessness 双语例句权威例句 You'll apologize to me for your impertinence, or you will quit the office instantly! 你这样放肆,非向我道歉不可!不然,你给我马上滚! www.jukuu.com To the engineers who dominate China’s leadership, the rivers’ wildness must seem an impertinence. 对于控制中国领导层的工程师们而言,河流的原始状态一定显得鲁莽突兀。 article.yeeyan.org He'll love and hate equally under cover, and esteem it a species of impertinence to be loved or hated again. 他把爱和恨都掩盖起来,至于被人爱或恨,他又认为是一种鲁莽的事。 Impervious 不受影响的,无动于衷的;不能渗透的 unaffected , unmoved 双语例句原声例句权威例句 With cobwebs dangling from their ears, they remain stone deaf and impervious to reason. 就如同耳朵上挂着蜘蛛网,他们像聋子一般对劝说无动于衷。 dongxi.net Fill this trench with your most impervious material, such as clay, to make a small foundation. 然后把最好的防水材料,如粘土填入壕沟,这样就有一个小型地基了。 dongxi.net Some stocks and some sectors, however, seem impervious to any speculation about government action. 然而,某些股票和某些类别似乎对有关政府行动的任何炒作都无动于衷。 Impetuous 冲动的;鲁莽的;猛烈的 fierce , violent , hard , impulsive 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The project — crazy, impetuous and utterly inspiring — is chronicled in a book by father and daughter scheduled to be published next month: “The Power of Half. 这项疯狂、猛烈、十足鼓舞的工程被父女两人写入书中,这本名叫《一半的力量》的书籍计划在下个月出版。 article.yeeyan.org The spectacle of Blankfein being called upon to explain the actions of an impetuous young man and his bosses should be the spur Wall Street needs to start its own genuine reform process. 令人费解的是布莱克费恩被招回来解释一个年轻人的冲动行为,他的老板作为华尔街的推动者也应该开始真正的改革进程了。 article.yeeyan.org Phaethon was born to be handsome and sexy but a bit impetuous and arrogant, while Hayley was tender and nice but did not have a beautiful face, which made her sad because she deeply loved Phaethon. 法厄同天生美丽性感,冲动自负;妹妹赫莉温柔善良,却没能得到父亲的恩赐,拥有一张太阳神那样美丽的面孔,这使得她很无奈,因为她深深爱着的是法厄同。 Implacable 不能安抚的;难和解的;不能缓和的 immitigable 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But in the face of panic, of sinister towers of smoke, of invisible and implacable threats, the reasonable course is not an easy one. 但是在面临恐慌,各 城镇 邪恶的烟以及无形和无法消除的威胁时,合理的道路就不是轻松之路了。 www.ecocn.org But in the face of panic, of sinister towers of smoke, of invisible and implacable threats, the reasonable course is not an easy one. 但是,在恐慌面前,在丑恶的烟塔面前,在隐形的和难以解除的威胁面前,这条合理的道路不会平坦。 www.ecocn.org But in the face of panic, of sinister towers of smoke, of invisible and implacable threats, the reasonable course is not an easy one. 但是在面临恐慌,可怕的蘑菇状烟云以及无形和无法消除的威胁时,合理的道路就不是轻松之路了。 Implant 嵌入,插入,埋置,埋藏: deeply implanted hatred 深深埋藏的仇恨 注入,灌输;使充满;使(思想等)生根: to implant patriotism in the people 向人们灌输爱国主义 to implant good habits in children 使孩子养成好习惯 种植: to implant trees in the garden 在花园里种树 【医学】植入,移植: to implant a plastic heart 移植塑料心脏 更多结果 Implode But this would cause the financial system to implode, since the relations between assets and liabilities now in euros would become so uncertain. 但这将导致金融体系发生内爆,因为目前以欧元计价的资产与负债之间的关联性将变得不可确定。 www.ftchinese.com As the traditional journalism business continues to implode, the almost-journalists will come to play an increasingly important role in the media ecosystem. 随着传统的新闻业务不断地内爆,这些准新闻记者将会在媒体生态环境中扮演越来越重要的角色。 article.yeeyan.org Our panic is more genteel, softened by balmy California weather, a laid-back attitude, and, OK, the fact that we haven't had a local industry completely implode. 我们的恐慌更加优雅,被加利福尼亚醇和的气候软化了,是一种松弛懒散的态度,还有,好吧,事实是我们还没有一家本地产业完全内爆。 Impolitic 失策的;不明智的 inadvisable , unwise 双语例句权威例句 It is probably impolitic to mention that there might be benefits if Britain followed Brussels time rather than Greenwich Mean Time. 指出英国采用布鲁塞尔时间而不是格林威治标准时间或许会有好处,在政治上也许不够正确。 www.ftchinese.com I think the cables were not sent because they appeared so out of the norm that they were viewed as problematic. They were impolitic. 我认为那些电报没被发出的原因是它们“出圈儿了”,有人觉得它们有问题了,有人认为它们的内容不得体了。 dongxi.net Charities are often tempted to exploit the understandable reluctance of the general public to ask impolitic questions such as, how many people really died in the Congo wars. 慈善机构经常利用这个开发可以理解的勉强对公众要求是不明智的问题,例如,有多少人真的死于刚果战役。 Importunate 讨厌的;急切的;缠扰不休的 evil , rank , anxious , unpleasant , poisonous 双语例句权威例句 It was only a fancy; yet a fancy will sometimes be importunate. 它只是一个幻梦,但是有时幻梦是会纠缠不休的。 article.yeeyan.org From that time he was the most humble, modest, and importunate man alive in his courtship . 从那时候起他变做世上最自谦,最有礼貌,最屡求不倦的求婚人了。 dict.veduchina.com "They mostly do, " said the clergyman, griping hard at his breast, as if afflicted with an importunate throb of pain. “他们大多能这么做,”牧师一边说着,一边紧紧捂住自己的心口,象是有揪心的疼痛纠缠着他。 Importune 强求;一再向某人要求 exact , extort 双语例句 But I will no longer importune my young cousin. 可是我也不愿意勉强我那年轻的表妹。 www.hjenglish.com Above all I do not wish to importune or compromise you. I only want to love you to my last sight. 不管怎样, 我不都想强求或委屈你。 我只是想爱你,直到瞑目之时。 dj.iciba.com We will add this in general, touching the affection of envy; that of all other affections, it is the most importune and continual. 今再关于嫉妒这种情欲普遍地添说这几句:就是在一切的情欲中,嫉妒是最强求,最持久的。 Impostor 骗子;冒充者 fraud , sharp 双语例句权威例句 And you certainly wouldn't want to urge a child to model himself after an impostor! 你们肯定不希望小孩子以一个骗子为榜样吧! article.yeeyan.org Some impostor who wished to come into the town barefoot, perhaps, and so excite our sympathies,' said Miss Chant. “也许是某个想赤着脚到镇上去的骗子,想用这种方法引起我们的同情,”梅茜小姐说。 www.ebigear.com Not surprisingly, when the impostor is exposed, the victims experience profound hurt and disillusionment, having trusted implicitly in the schemer against a chorus of naysayers. 令人毫不意外的是,当诈骗犯的身份被揭露之后,受害者会承受挥之不去的痛苦和美梦幻灭后的失望;而在这之前,他们在一致的反对浪潮声中,毫无保留地相信了骗子。 Imposture 欺诈,欺骗;冒牌 fraud , deception 双语例句 What are tithes and tricks but an imposition, all a confounded imposture ? -and I can prove it. 什么是宗教税,什么是宗教礼节,都是骗人的,乱七八糟的事,我并且可以证实。 dict.veduchina.com What most afflicted him with the sense of nightmare was that he had never clearly understood why the huge imposture was undertaken. 有一件事情最让他觉得噩梦般骇人,便是他从来闹不清楚,为什么要这般大张旗鼓地搞欺骗。 dict.veduchina.com And what kind of apology are you going to make to me and to this insulted house for the imposture which you have attempted to play here? 还想蒙人呢,说说你到底打算怎么给我赔罪,给在场受侮辱的诸位赎罪吧? Impregnable 无法攻取的;不受影响的;要塞坚固的;可以受孕的 unaffected , impervious 双语例句权威例句 A new Iron Curtain is being drawn around Russia. It's not so impregnable or wide as the Soviet one. 一个新铁幕在俄罗斯周围形成,不过这一个并没有苏联时期那么广阔和坚不可摧。 article.yeeyan.org The last scheme for adding security to your machine is the boldest one. You will close the open port making your machine virtually impregnable to any attack. 增强计算机安全性的最后一种方案是最激进的:关闭打开的端口,这会让任何攻击都无法攻破您的计算机。 www.ibm.com Now, let us place the body under cover, that each one of us may defend this old man dead as he would his father living, and may his presence in our midst render the barricade impregnable! 现在让我们保护好他的遗体,我们每个人都应当象保护自己活着的父亲那样来保护这位死了的老人。 让他留在我们中间,使这街垒成为铜墙铁壁。 Impresario (意)(歌剧、乐团等的)演出者;经理人;乐队指挥,导演 director , managing agent 双语例句权威例句 First there was Donald Trump, a businessman-cum-impresario with a fascinating hairdo. 最开始是唐纳德•特朗普,有着迷人发型的商人兼导演。 www.ecocn.org Music impresario Simon Cowell may top the record charts with his proteges, but could only manage a modest 43 in the best-dressed list. 音乐经理人西蒙-考威尔或许因为门生众多而能够问鼎音乐排行榜,但是在“英国最具衣着品味男人”榜中他只得到一个不好不坏的43名。 www.i21st.cn Not long after World War II, a small-time impresario in Los Angeles named Irwin Parnes heard what he thought was a great pianist at a cocktail party of Hungarians. 二战后不久,洛杉矶的一位名为欧文•帕内斯(Irwin Parnes)的三流经理人在一个匈牙利人的鸡尾酒会上听到一位钢琴家的演奏。 Imprint 印,压印;盖(戳等)于: to imprint a document with a seal 在公文上盖章 The design was imprinted on the cloth. 该图案是印在布上的。 使带有…特征: to imprint one's personality on one's writing 在作品中表现自己的个性 铭刻;牢记: His words will be forever imprinted on my mind. 他的话将永远铭刻在我的心中。 【动物行为】(新生动物)对…起印刻作用 Improvise 即兴(或即席)创作;即兴(或即席)表演: to improvise a song 即兴创作一首歌曲 The professor improvised a poem in the class. 教授在课堂上即兴创作了一首诗。 临时凑成;临时做: to improvise a bed on a sofa 临时把沙发当床 He worked late into the night and improvised a meal for himself. 他一直工作到深夜,于是为自己临时做了顿饭。 vi. 即兴(或即席)创作;即兴(或即席)表演: He improvised in rhyme. 他即席作了韵诗。 Impugn 指责,非难;抨击;反驳;对…表示怀疑: to impugn the policy of the Labour Party 抨击工党的政策 Nobody can impugn his ability. 没有人对他的能力表示怀疑。 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 同近义词同根词 vt. 责难;驳斥 decry , durn Impuissance 无力;无能;虚弱 disability , asthenia 双语例句 When HGH fabrication decreases in middle age it can result in exhaustion augmented fat deposits resulting from lowered metabolic process and total lack of energy and muscle impuissance . 当生长激素捏造跌幅在中年时它可导致疲劳增强脂肪存款因降低新陈代谢过程中总缺乏能源和肌肉放在眼里。 Impunity with impunity 不受惩罚地,无恙地 双语例句原声例句权威例句 “But for all the good, the fact remains that injustice, inequality and impunity are still the hallmarks of our world today, ” it says. 报告表示:“尽管有这些好的方面,但事实是,不公平、不平等和不受惩罚仍然是当今世界的特征。” www.ftchinese.com They may not be obvious to you now but you may find yourself enjoying the opportunity to smoke in bed, flirt with impunity or even marry an heiress. 这些选择现 在对你而言也许还不明显,不过,你也许会发 现自己很喜欢有机会躺在床上吸烟,与人调情 却不受惩罚,甚至和一位女继承人结婚。 www.ftchinese.com Well, until that time, he is presumed innocent, But, however, it will also demonstrate that there will not be impunity for those that responsible for these type of crimes committed in the DRC. 当然,在判决书下达之前,我们假定他是无辜的、清白的,但是不论如何,我们有能力用证据证明发生在民主刚果的战争罪行应当受到惩罚。 Inadvertent 疏忽的;不注意的(副词inadvertently);无意中做的 inattentive , negligent 双语例句原声例句权威例句 You need to design a plant to show that you can handle an inadvertent opening of the pressurised relief valve. 你们需要设计出一个电站来展示出,你们能够掌握好增压减压阀门的,疏忽打开。 open.163.com So scientists, unfortunately, may have a chance to see how this inadvertent experiment on our planet starts to play out. 不幸的是,科学家们可能有机会看到这个疏忽大意的实验在地球上如何收场。 article.yeeyan.org This one is the familiar one, inadvertent opening of a pressurised safety or relief valve in a PWR or a safety valve in a BWR. 这一个是很熟悉的,增压安全阀的疏忽打开,或者是在压水式反应堆的减压阀,或者是在沸水式反应堆的安全阀。 open.163.com Inane 空洞的,空虚的;愚蠢的 blank , foolish , stupid , vacant 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Regardless, ending this inane practice could save a lot of precious electricity. 管他呢,消除这种愚蠢的行为可以节省很多宝贵的电力。 article.yeeyan.org This type responds to every request with a boatload of inane reasons why he or she can’t do it or arcane things that must happen first. 这种人对于每个问题的回答都有一堆空洞的理由,比如:“为什么他(她)不能做?” ,“需要先把别的事做完。” dongxi.net And what makes it historical is that it's stupid and splendid by virtue of its design—because Hey, you might say, Email is full of inane bullshit too. 而令它青史留名的正是其本身傻瓜式但杰出的设计——因为嘿,你可能要说,电子邮件同样充满了空洞的废话。 Incantation 咒语 mantra , magic words 双语例句权威例句 "Don't be evil" is a vague incantation. “不要作恶”是一个模糊的咒语。 article.yeeyan.org Tony Robbins, one of my heros, articulates the principle of incantation perfectly here. 托尼•罗宾斯,我众多所崇拜的人之一,完美在这里阐述的原则的咒语。 article.yeeyan.org That doesn't mean that a developer may have to, in the long run, use this sort of scheme just to be compatible; but don't think that it's just a magic incantation, either. 这并不意味著开发者在相当长的时间里一定要使用这种模式以提供相容性;但也不要认为它祇是一个有魔力的咒语。 Incarnate 化身的;人体化的;肉色的 flesh-coloured , carneous vt. 体现;使…具体化;使实体化 embody , concretise 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Do you believe that Jesus is God incarnate, God in the flesh? 你相信耶稣是上帝的化身,上帝的肉体吗? open.163.com What sort of religious experience could support the claim that Jesus Christ was God incarnate and not just a great moral teacher? 什么样的宗教体验方能支撑耶稣基督是上帝的化身,而不仅仅是一名伟大的道德导师这种说法呢? article.yeeyan.org Whether in his broad south verandah, or on the lawn by the fountain, or at the tank-edge on the fishing platform, he presided over self-invited gatherings, like hospitality incarnate. 无论是在宽大的南外廊,还在喷泉旁的草坪上,或是在钓鱼台的水池边,他就像是好客之神的化身一样主持不请自来的客人们的聚会。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-25 19:28:03

    Incendiary 煽动的;放火的,纵火的 demagogical , inciting 双语例句权威例句 There are other dubious, if less incendiary, members of the new group too. 如果有更少的燃烧弹,也有其它的可疑的新组织的成员。 www.ecocn.org Hundreds of thousands of repossessed homes, many of them from borrowers who are black and poor, would be politically incendiary. 数以十万计的回收房屋里,其中许多贷款买房者都是贫穷的黑人,会具有政治上的煽动作用。 www.ecocn.org Our crew, who had been well trained and prepared, used water cannon, self-made incendiary bombs, beer bottles and anything else that could be used to battle with them. 我们的船员,先前曾经接受过良好的训练,准备充分。 我们用高压水枪、自制的燃烧弹、啤酒瓶子和其他的能用的东西和海盗搏斗。 Incense 香;奉承 court , joss stick 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Some stood undisturbed on the hillside with burnt incense scattered before them on charred patches of ground. 有些在山坡上没受侵扰,墓前面一块块烧焦的地上散落着烧过的香。 article.yeeyan.org As a choir sang, he sprinkled incense on the altar before opening the Mass with the traditional wish for peace in Latin. 唱诗班演唱的时候,教皇把香撒在圣坛上,然后用拉丁文念了传统的和平祷文,开始主持弥撒。 news.iciba.com All flowers unfolded around them and sent them incense; and they opened their souls and scattered them over the flowers. 所有的花都在他们的周围开放,向他们献出香气,他们,也展开各自的灵魂,撒向花丛。 Inception 起初;获得学位 incipiency 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Our reply: The issue is not development time, but rather the time between project inception and delivery. 我们的回答是:这个问题不是开发时间,而是从项目开始到交付的全部时间。 www.ibm.com For example, you can work on the Construction phase of one evolution while beginning the Inception phase of another. 举例来说,您可以在开始另一个演进的初始阶段的同时处理一个演进的构建阶段。 www.ibm.com I'm not talking about whether the process covers development activities from the inception of the project to its retirement. 我不是谈论过程是否包含了从项目的起初阶段到结束时的所有开发行为。 Inch 英寸;身高;少许 height , little , touch vi. 慢慢前进 worm Inchoate 开始 institute , initiate , start in , lead off , to begin vi. 开始 proceed , start in , lead off , engage upon , to begin 双语例句权威例句 They may be diffuse and inchoate. 它们或许是散漫而不成熟的。 www.ftchinese.com In a pre-war, pre-psychoanalysis era, Mrs.Bridge has only inchoate notions of suffering, and quiet misery simmers just below the surface of her lonely days. 那时既没有战争,也没有精神分析法,布吉夫人只能受些早期小说的小折磨,在漫长日子的表面下隐藏着暴风雨来临前的平静。 dongxi.net What's the point of our current world order, that inchoate mess of nation-states and petty geopolitical divisions, when we have far bigger fish — or alien planets — to fry? 当我们有更大的目标,像外星星球之类的存在时,现在包含着乱七八糟的国家和细小的地域政治分支的世界统治还有何意义? Incinerate 焚化;烧成灰 cremate 双语例句原声例句权威例句 If your craft is powered by solid or liquid fuel, chances are it will ignite and incinerate you. 如果你的飞船是固体或液体燃料驱动,它随时可能燃起大火,把你烧成灰烬。 article.yeeyan.org But crematoriums can't incinerate the deceased fast enough to keep pace with the bodies coming in. 但火葬场焚化死者的速度无法赶上遗体送进来的速度。 c.wsj.com It has about 700 dead and its crematorium can incinerate only seven bodies a day, given the 60 liters of kerosene needed to burn each body. 目前约有700具遗体,而这里的火葬场每天只能火化七具尸体,因为每火化一具尸体需要60升煤油。 Incinerator 焚化炉,焚尸炉;焚烧装置 furnance , cremator 双语例句权威例句 He had meant to dump it in the incinerator on the way home from work. 他本来在下班回家的路上是要将它丢入焚化炉的,但是他忘记了。 www.ecocn.org A worker shoveled trash at the Baoan incinerator in Shenzhen, which also generates power. 一名工人往宝安垃圾焚烧厂里铲垃圾,这个厂还有发电功能 article.yeeyan.org The government in southern Guangzhou city put off plans to install one incinerator when hundreds of people demonstrated, demanding that the facility be relocated. 当数百人游行示威要求重新对安装垃圾焚烧炉进行选址,中国南方的广州市政府延迟了安装计划。 Incinerate 焚化;烧成灰 cremate 双语例句原声例句权威例句 If your craft is powered by solid or liquid fuel, chances are it will ignite and incinerate you. 如果你的飞船是固体或液体燃料驱动,它随时可能燃起大火,把你烧成灰烬。 article.yeeyan.org But crematoriums can't incinerate the deceased fast enough to keep pace with the bodies coming in. 但火葬场焚化死者的速度无法赶上遗体送进来的速度。 c.wsj.com It has about 700 dead and its crematorium can incinerate only seven bodies a day, given the 60 liters of kerosene needed to burn each body. 目前约有700具遗体,而这里的火葬场每天只能火化七具尸体,因为每火化一具尸体需要60升煤油。 Incipient 初始的;起初的;发端的 earlier , young 双语例句权威例句 This effect plus the cloth produces the perception of 'suffocation and incipient panic', ie the perception of drowning. 这种效果再加上蒙上的布会让人产生窒息和初期的恐慌,这就像是溺水的感觉。 article.yeeyan.org Right now we’re in a liquidity trap, which, as I explained in an earlier post, means that we have an incipient excess supply of savings even at a zero interest rate. 现在我们陷入了一个流动性陷阱(在我此前的一篇文章中解释过),意味着我们即使在零利率的时候,也将会遇到初始就过剩的储蓄。 article.yeeyan.org “There is the possibility of an incipient asset bubble, particularly with regard to China, but that is not our base case scenario, which is still for them to go higher, ” said Mr Wang. “出现初期资产泡沫的可能性是存在的,尤其是在中国,但那不是我们想定的基础情形,按照这种想定的情形,新兴市场还将走高,”迈克尔•王表示。 Incite 刺激;激起;激励;促使: to incite anger 激起愤慨 to incite somebody to bravery 激发某人的勇敢精神 煽动,鼓动,唆使: to incite a crowd to riot 煽动群众暴乱 to incite a boy to crime 教唆某男孩犯罪 Incogitant 无思想的;粗心的;不体谅的 careless , unwary Incorporate 包含;吸收;加入: to be incorporated a member of the union 被吸收为工会会员 New ideas will be incorporated into the book. 新思想将被收入书中。 合并;使并入: The computer company will be incorporated with another. 该计算机公司将于另一家合并。 使组成(有限)公司;使成为社团 使混合: a chemical substance incorporated with another 与另一种化学物质混合的化学物质 Incorrigible 不可救药的;积习难改的 hopeless , irredeemable 双语例句原声例句权威例句 When at last the man's incorrigible rudeness brought about his dismissal Srikantha Babu anxiously interceded for him. 后来,那人不可救药的粗鲁导致了他被解聘,这个时候,斯里干达先生急切地为他说情。 article.yeeyan.org Politicians pushing the get-tough approach sometimes claim that sex offenders are mostly incorrigible: that three-quarters or even nine out of ten of them reoffend. 政客们为推行这些的严厉的手段,有时甚至宣称大多数性罪犯都是不可救药的:四分之三甚至九成的性罪犯会再次犯罪。 www.ecocn.org By setting out his stall first, the Treasury secretary managed to avoid the impression of being an incorrigible wastrel, summoned to see his suspicious bank manager. 盖特纳首先把自己的计划展示出来,避免给人留下这样一种印象:他是一个无可救药的挥霍者,被起了疑心的银行经理唤来见面。 Incubator 保温箱;早产儿保育器;细菌培养器 hatcher , brooder 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The incubator project lets you hash out your ideas and get feedback and help from other volunteers. 孵化器项目会让您推敲您的想法,并让您从其他志愿者那里得到反馈和帮助。 www.ibm.com The new bladder is nurtured in an incubator that mimics body conditions, allowing the cells to grow and knit together. 新膀胱被放在一个模拟身体环境的培养器中培养,这能让细胞生长并相互交织起来。 article.yeeyan.org Perhaps they came from here, went to Silicon Valley because it was their only option, but wished they had an incubator like them locally when they were starting out. 也许他们就是从这里出来的,去硅谷是因为他们没有别的选择,在他们创业的时候也希望当地有一个像他们这样的培育者。 Incubus 梦魇;沉重的负担 oneirodynia 双语例句权威例句 Some stories claim the incubus has two penises, so he can doubly penetrate his victim. 一些故事甚至宣称男淫妖有两个阴茎,故它能双插受害者。 article.yeeyan.org The right tells a story in which greed is the dominant human motivation, government an incubus on the spirit of free enterprise. 右翼力量则在讲述“贪婪是人类主要推动力、政府是自由企业精神绊脚石”的故事。 www.ftchinese.com "She's perceived as the succubus to Bernie's incubus, " said Prof. Richard A. Shweder, a cultural anthropologist at the University of Chicago. 美国芝加哥大学的文化人类学教授理查德.A.施吾德说:“她被认为是向伯尼梦魇中的妖女。 Inculcate 反复灌输(常与upon, in, into连用): to inculcate an idea upon somebody 向某人反复灌输某一思想 谆谆教诲(常与with连用): to inculcate upon soldiers the duties of defending their motherland 谆谆教导士兵要承担保卫祖国的义务 Indemnity 补偿,[经]赔偿;保障;赔偿物 compensation , satisfaction , offset 双语例句权威例句 Public sector jobs carry immunity or a government indemnity. 公共领域的工作意味着豁免权或一种政府保障。 www.ftchinese.com Marine insurance contracts are indemnity contracts and require the parties to exercise the utmost good faith. 海上保险合同属于赔偿合同,要求双方当事人尽到最大善意的义务。 www.hjenglish.com Manual business requirements: Evaluating indemnity risk for a life insurance company might be subjective based on the experience of the underwriter. 手工办公的需求:对于一家人寿保险公司来说,评估赔偿风险可能完全基于保险商的主观经验。 Indict 控告,指控;告发;对…起诉: to indict somebody for murder 控告某人犯有谋杀罪 to be indicted on a charge of theft 因盗窃罪被起诉 控诉;谴责 Indigenous 本土的;土著的;国产的;固有的 native , inherent , mainland , intrinsic 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It affects water flow, electricity generation, transport, water quality and indigenous biodiversity. 它影响水流、发电、运输、水质和本土的生物多样性。 web.worldbank.org At the beginning of 2006 we are now looking at the lowest number of countries with indigenous poliovirus ever in history - four countries. 在2006年开始时,我们现在看到的是有史以来存在本土脊灰病毒国家的数量降到最低–四个国家。 www.who.int This new phase was announced alongside the confirmation that indigenous poliovirus has not circulated in Egypt and Niger for over 12 months. 这一新阶段是与确认超过12个月本土脊髓灰质炎病毒未在埃及和尼日尔传播一起宣布的。 Indict 控告,指控;告发;对…起诉: to indict somebody for murder 控告某人犯有谋杀罪 to be indicted on a charge of theft 因盗窃罪被起诉 控诉;谴责 Indoctrinate 懒散,懒惰;无痛 idleness , lassitude 双语例句权威例句 The morning indolence continued for another day, and then another. 我把那天早晨的懒惰持续到了第二天,接着第三天。 www.ftchinese.com There is a perfect passivity which is not indolence. It is a living stillness born of trust. 这种不动,并不是懒惰,乃是从信心产生的一种活的镇静。 www.ebigear.com It is an irony that evolution has shaped people to enjoy fat, sugar and indolence—things in short supply to man's hunter-gatherer ancestors, and desirable in the quantities then available. 具有讽刺意味的是进化使得人类喜欢脂肪、糖及懒惰----这些都是人类以狩猎和采集为生的祖先所缺少的,人类得到后却不满足。 Indolence 懒散,懒惰;无痛 idleness , lassitude 双语例句权威例句 The morning indolence continued for another day, and then another. 我把那天早晨的懒惰持续到了第二天,接着第三天。 www.ftchinese.com There is a perfect passivity which is not indolence. It is a living stillness born of trust. 这种不动,并不是懒惰,乃是从信心产生的一种活的镇静。 www.ebigear.com It is an irony that evolution has shaped people to enjoy fat, sugar and indolence—things in short supply to man's hunter-gatherer ancestors, and desirable in the quantities then available. 具有讽刺意味的是进化使得人类喜欢脂肪、糖及懒惰----这些都是人类以狩猎和采集为生的祖先所缺少的,人类得到后却不满足。 Ineffable 不可言喻的;不应说出的;难以形容的 indescribable , nameless 双语例句权威例句 As an abstract concept, love usually refers to a deep, ineffable feeling of tenderly caring for another person. 作为一个抽象概念,爱,通常指一种深深的无法形容的情感,一种关心他人的温柔。 article.yeeyan.org At the bottom of the steps she stands waiting, with a smile of ineffable joy, an attitude of matchless grace and dignity. 在最后一级台阶上,她停住了脚步;她的姿态无比尊贵优雅,面带难以形容的、喜悦的笑容。 article.yeeyan.org By virtue of something ineffable and melancholy which enveloped him, she felt the look in his eyes which she could not see. 她看不见他的眼睛,却感到他的目光里有一种说不上来的难以表达和忧伤的东西把她裹住了。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-26 13:31:32

    Ineluctable 不可避免的;无法逃避的 inevitable , unavoidable 双语例句权威例句 Their cause is doomed, as in virtue of the ineluctable laws of cosmic becoming the future belongs to socialism. 这些人的前途只有毁灭,而按照不可抗拒的宇宙发展规律,未来只属于社会主义。 article.yeeyan.org It would be nice if the humiliation of Wall Street and the City had somehow changed the ineluctable calculus of industrial lobbying, but it has not. 如果华尔街和伦敦城的耻辱可以多少改变行业游说不可避免的积垢,那会是件好事,但它没有改变。 www.ftchinese.com As long as China's leaders continue to resist a nominal appreciation of the renminbi, a higher domestic general inflation rate is an ineluctable – and largely desirable – result. 只要中国领导人继续抵制人民币名义升值,那么,国内总体通胀率较高就是一个无法避免(在很大程度上也是希望看到)的结果。 Inexorable 无情的;不屈不挠的;不可阻挡的;无法改变的 tough , relentless , ruthless , unrelenting 双语例句权威例句 The inexorable rise of China has not been derailed, but the crisis has made it seem more hesitant. 中国不可阻挡的崛起并未脱离轨道,但全球金融危机使中国显得更加迟疑。 www.ftchinese.com At this point, the first view of China morphs into the second and we start to hear hysterical warnings of the threat posed by China's inexorable rise. 从这点上说,第一种对中国的看法会逐渐演变成第二种,我们开始听到对中国不可阻挡的崛起所造成的威胁的疯狂的警告。 blog.sina.com.cn His previous book about globalisation, in 2001, was about the fragility and reversibility of a process that many at the time believed to be inexorable. 他之前的一本关于全球化的书于2001出版,该书探讨了全球化进程的脆弱性和可逆性,而在当时,许多人认为这一进程是不可阻挡的。 Inexpiable She regards this deed as such an inexpiable crime that she curses the murderer, her own son, and prays for his death. 阿耳泰娅认为这种行为是一种无可饶恕的罪行,她诅咒凶手──她自己的儿子,并祈求他死。 http://www.jukuu.com For this act he is pursued by the Furies, the demonic guardians of mother-right, according to which matricide is the gravest and most inexpiable crime. 为此,他受到母权制的凶恶维护者依理逆司神的追究,因为按照母权制,杀母是不可赎的大罪。 dict.veduchina.com But while it gives fear and hope to all, it makes us sufficiently sensible that though there is no crime in its own nature inexpiable , yet a whole criminal life may be so; 但是它在给与人们恐惧和希望的同时,它使我们有足够的能力意识到虽然没有了不可救赎的罪,然而整个人生都可能是不可救赎的; Infection ]传染;影响;传染病 impression , affection , effect , influence , incidence 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It may supervene with infection. 可能会并发感染。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 She was afraid of carrying the infection to her children. 她怕把这种传染病传给孩子们。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 The main emphasis of our research has shifted to the prevention of infection and septicemia. 我们研究的重点转到预防感染和败血病方面来。 Infelicitous 不幸的;不适当的;不吉利的 evil , ill , inadequate , unhappy , unfortunate 双语例句权威例句 Your response is infelicitous . You are refusing the bliss from the god. 你这样的反应是抵御福气、是不吉祥之举。 dictsearch.appspot.com This infelicitous term partly refers to offering consumers a discount to build their own furniture. 这个不太恰当的词汇,部分意思是指向顾客提供折扣,由他们自己组装家具。 www.ftchinese.com The reasons why there're so many problems in the physical theory not only come from improper concept of nature in philosophy but also from infelicitous logic location of time and space. 物理学理论中的诸多困惑既跟哲学的自然观不妥当有关,又有对时间和空间关系的逻辑定位不恰当的原因。现实生活中需要的是“钟读数一致”,物理学描述自然规律则必须使用“同一台钟”。 Infiltrate 透过;(使)浸入;(使)浸润 (常与into,through连用): to infiltrate the tissue with a local anaesthetic 用局部麻醉剂浸入组织 The water is infiltrating the gravel bed. 水正渗透进碎石底层。 【军事】(军队)渗透;侵袭: an infiltrating column 渗透纵队 使(人员、思想等)渗入,混入: Our men have been infiltrated into the enemy. 我们的人已打入敌人内部。 Inflame 使燃烧,放火烧;使炽热 使红如火焰,使火红: The hills were inflamed with autumnal tints. 秋色将漫山遍野染得一片火红。 激起…的热情(或欲望、狂热等);使极激动;使愤怒: to inflame one's enthusiasm 激起某人的热情 He is inflamed with anger. 他怒火中烧。 加剧;使火上加油: Insults only served to inflame the feud. 侮辱只是起到了加剧长期不和的作用。 Influx 流入;汇集;河流的汇集处 afflux , inrush 双语例句原声例句权威例句 That process was egged on by a new influx of foreign money, ideas and people. 这个过程是由一股新的外国资本、理念和人员的流入鼓动起来的。 article.yeeyan.org Or you can talk about the gate being open, and in this case, you can see that you will have an influx of ions. 或者你可以说闸门是打开的,就像这种情况,可以看到有离子通过它流入细胞。 v.163.com For Yahoo, the partnership would bring an influx of cash at a time of declining revenue in its search business. 对于雅虎而言,在其搜索业务收入下滑之际,与微软的合作将带来现金流入。 Infraction 违反 violation , breach 双语例句权威例句 Tian did not apologize for his alleged infraction. 田亮没有为他所谓的违反规定而道歉。 article.yeeyan.org Now they look back and say when was the painting job? November 1, so they picked the time of infraction. 现在,他们回顾并说,这个上漆工作是什么时候呢,9月1号,所以它选择了违反的时间。 open.163.com This is Spanish slang for a bribe paid to a street cop in order to avoid a ticket for a minor infraction. 这是针对警察为了避免未成年受侵害在街道的受贿行为的西班牙谚语。 Infuse 注入,灌入: to infuse new blood into… 注入新鲜血液 灌输(思想等): to infuse someone with the new idea of democracy 向某人灌输民主新思想 使充满;鼓舞,激励(常与with连用): to infuse somebody with courage 鼓起某人的勇气 泡(茶);浸渍;泡制(草药): to infuse tea 泡茶 Ingenuous 天真的;坦白的;正直的;朴实的 simple , straight , square , just , frank 双语例句权威例句 The date he cites as a step toward normalization, 1994, marks the moment when I decided that all talk of normality was ingenuous. 在Newell眼里,1994年是意大利迈向正常化的开端,而在那一年我恰好认定任何关于“常态”的讨论都是天真的。 article.yeeyan.org it seemed that she always shook off every unpleasant thought with a liveliness that was, at once, charming, ingenuous and roguish. 似乎她随时能用她那娇媚、天真、淘气的活泼抖落掉一切不愉快的心思。 article.yeeyan.org She was really but a child, fresh, vivacious and aloof; it seemed that she always shook off every unpleasant thought with a liveliness that was, at once, charming, ingenuous and roguish. 她确实还只是个孩子,容光焕发,性情活泼,而又态度孤傲;似乎她随时能用她那娇媚、天真、淘气的活泼抖落掉一切不愉快的心思。 Ingratiating 逢迎的,讨好的;迷人的,吸引人的 attractive , killing , taking , absorbing 双语例句权威例句 But by the new century he was ingratiating himself. 但是进入新世纪后,他开始迎合献媚。 www.ecocn.org Mr Obama's body language was easy without being ingratiating. 奥巴马的肢体语言既随和,又无逢迎之意。 news.iciba.com But enriching confectionary makers by ingratiating themselves to male co-workers and bosses is just daft. 但是,为了男同事和老板们而讨好她们却养肥了糖果制造商,这显得非常的愚蠢。 Inimical 敌意的;有害的 harmful , evil 双语例句权威例句 And, Shakespeare might have added, often inimical to shareholder value (莎士比亚戏剧《一报还一报》中的台词——译者注)而莎士比亚可能会加上一句,这往往不利于股东价值。 www.ftchinese.com But allowing vigilantes to even the score will only lead to a spiral of violence that is hard to stop and inimical to democratic evolution. 但是由治安委员会成员来弥补裂痕只能导致暴力事件的盘旋上升,这种事件又是难以遏制的,同时对民主进程又是极其有害的。 article.yeeyan.org When Krugman repeated one of his "debt is good" posts, posters linked to the economic science from Reinhardt and Rogoff showing that high debt is inimical to economic recovery. 当克鲁格曼重复发了一篇他的“举债是美德”博文时,回帖的网民用链接把人们引向了莱因哈特和罗格夫,揭示了巨额债务对经济复苏有害。 Inimitable 独特的;无比的;无法仿效的 unique , distinct , individual , picturesque 双语例句权威例句 The laminated wooden chair is not only a real magnet because of its inimitable looks, but is also quite convenient, having incorporated a lamp and a book shelf. 这张薄板木椅很吸引人,因为它在拥有无可比拟的外观的同时,给人带来很多方便之处,因为它结合了台灯和书架的功能。 www.elanso.com Capital and labour were thus joined in the then colony's inimitable free-market incubator, setting the stage for its emergence as a manufacturing centre with global reach. 于是资本和劳动力共同出现在这个当时还是殖民地的独特自由市场孵化器中,为香港崛起为拥有全球影响力的制造业中心奠定了基础。 www.ftchinese.com His name was Martin Luther King Jr., and the same inimitable public speaking style that catapulted King to the top at the Crozer Theological Seminary would also steer the Montgomery Bus Boycott. 他的名字是小马丁•路德•金。 金独特的公开演说风格,让他不但成为克罗泽神学院(Crozer Theological Seminary)中登顶,更让他成功领导了蒙哥马利巴士杯葛运动。 Iniquitous 邪恶的;不公正的 evil , ill , black , ugly , wicked 双语例句权威例句 Greed is iniquitous, a sin before God and man. 贪婪是邪恶的,它是一种先于上帝与人类的原罪。 article.yeeyan.org US combat troops are withdrawing from Iraq and Obama is the first president to reform America's iniquitous health-care system. 美国战斗部队正在从伊拉克撤出,而奥巴马则是首位对邪恶的医疗保健系统发起改革的总统。 article.yeeyan.org Among the iniquitous doctrines with which they poisoned the minds of the masses, he argued, were representative democracy, the division of state powers and alternating government. 他辩称,这些毒害群众头脑的邪恶学说包括代议制民主,国家权力划分和交替的政府。 Iniquity 邪恶;不公正 evil , wrong , wickedness 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I am clean without transgression, I am innocent; neither is there iniquity in me. 我是清洁无过的,我是无辜的。 在我里面也没有罪孽。 www.ebigear.com No, what has changed is not the degree of iniquity, but the fact that we know about it. 不,改变的不是不公正的程度,而是现在我们了解了这些事情。 www.ftchinese.com George Washington called gambling “the child of avarice, the brother of iniquity and the father of mischief”, but Benjamin Franklin organised a lottery in Philadelphia in 1746. 乔治华盛顿称博彩业为“贪婪的孩子,邪恶的兄弟,伤痛的父亲”,而本杰明富兰克林1746年在费城组织了彩票业。 Inkling 暗示;略知;模糊概念 connotation , reminder , implication , allusion v. 暗示 (inkle的ing形式);略知;低声说出 smattering 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He had by now an inkling of the factors involved. 他总算对涉及到的各种因素略知一二了。 www.chinadaily.com.cn For all that, however, the vote might yet lead to an inkling of political, social and economic change in a benighted country. 然而,尽管如此,透过投票,外界仍可能对这个落后国家的政治,社会,经济改革略知一二。 www.ecocn.org SM is a sophisticated area of sexuality, and it is unlikely a child will ask about it unless he or she has some inkling that SM exists, and has some vague sense of what it entails. SM是性的一个极成熟世故的一个方面,一个孩子不大可能会去问,除非他或她得到了某些暗示说SM存在,而对它的细节又有一些模糊的感觉。 Insatiable 贪得无厌的;不知足的 sateless , avaricious 双语例句原声例句权威例句 An insatiable curiosity is needed, but this, in itself, will not guide success either. 永不知足的好奇心是必要的,但好奇心本身也不能引导成功。 www.ecocn.org Mother of all harlots, spider rolling us in your logarithmic grave, insatiable one, fiend whose laughter rives me! 婊子们的母亲啊! 蜘蛛在你对数的坟墓里滚动我们,这是一只贪得无厌的恶魔,它的笑声叫我心碎。 www.en8848.com.cn The locals seem to be cursed with an insatiable yen for the unknown and they bend to it willingly, fleeing for weeks, months even, into that vast spot in the middle called the outback. 本地人似乎对未知的一切上瘾,甚至贪得无厌到可恶的地步,而且他们非常的乐意,甚至经常连续几星期,几个月,进入到中间那块巨大的地方被称为内地。 Insentient 无知觉的;无生命的;无感情的 dead , impercipient 双语例句 If the chance does not arise, the spiritual nature will forever be incomplete and one will become an insentient thing, much like wood or grass. 得不到这个机会就永远性化灵残,与草木同朽,变成无情的植物。 blog.sina.com.cn Some people, it seems, put more value on insentient balls of cells than on the full-grown human beings who would not have been born without Dr Edwards’s insight and persistence. 还可能有人认为无生命的细胞球比生长完全的人类(没有爱德华兹教授的远见和坚持就不会有他们的存在)更有实用价值。 www.ecocn.org Veganism is still the ONLY solution to this problem, because fewer beings—sentient and insentient—would die if humans, who are physiologically herbivorous anyway, ate plants directly. 纯素食主义仍然是这个问题的唯一解决之道,因为会有较少的众生---有情的和非有情的会死,如果人类,不管怎样说生理上是草食性的,直接吃植物。

  • Lydia随风

    Lydia随风 2012-11-26 22:59:50

    顶一个 话说lz好能坚持。。。。。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-27 16:04:59

    Insipid 清淡的;无趣的 dull , bored 双语例句权威例句 Sadly Knightley ends up in one of the more insipid segments (and that's really saying something). 可惜的是,奈特莉沦落到一个较无趣的片段中(这是大实话)。 article.yeeyan.org Consumption, on one level, is turning insipid, especially as the quality of the goods seems to be deteriorating. 在一个水准上人消费正变得缺乏吸引力,特别是商品的质量似乎一直在降低。 www.ebigear.com People do it all the time. It only takes a grim determination to force yourself consciously to interact with each new wave of technology, no matter how insipid it seems. 这种事其实人们都在做,成败的关键只在于你是否有意识地狠下决心强迫自己与科技的每次新浪潮互动,不管它看起来有多乏味无聊。 Insolent 无礼的;傲慢的;粗野的;无耻的 robust , gross , rough , country , bush 双语例句权威例句 This means that the lazy, insolent functionnaire mentality prevails rather than a hard-working energetic one. 这也就意味着在法国总是懒惰、傲慢的意识占着勤奋工作的上风。 article.yeeyan.org I went up at the time and told him not to dare to come to me, recalling our relations; but there was no thought of anything in my head, I simply thought that he was insolent. 我当即就走过去,告诉他,鉴于我们以往的关系不和,叫他不要冒昧地到我这儿来。 可是我脑子里根本就没想过这种事,我只是简单地想过,他是个无耻的家伙。 www.en8848.com.cn They proceeded in silence along the gravel walk that led to the copse; Elizabeth was determined to make no effort for conversation with a woman who was now more than usually insolent and disagreeable. 两人默默无声地沿着一条通到小树林的鹅卵石铺道往前走。 伊丽莎白只觉得这个老妇人比往常更傲慢,更其令人讨厌,因此拿定主张,决不先开口跟她说话。 Insouciant 漫不经心的,漠不关心的;无忧无虑的 indifferent , careless 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Photos show them posing together holding handguns, a pair of insouciant revolutionaries. 照片显示他们举着枪,摆出姿势,一对漫不经心的革命夫妻。 article.yeeyan.org This had engendered among all those highly paid investment bankers and traders an insouciant indifference to risk. 这导致所有那些高收入的投资银行家和交易员对风险漠不关心。 www.ftchinese.com Unlike in past seasons, his insouciant shot-making was also often ruthlessly effective, certainly to the point that Berba's critics were all but silenced. 与以往的赛季不同,他漫不经心的射门通常一击致命,这让那些批评他的人哑口无言。 Instate 任命 constitute , place , name , institute to , nominate sb to 双语例句权威例句 Instate a social media company policy. 发布公司的社交媒体政策。 article.yeeyan.org Places like Louisiana, Canada and New York offer 10% to 25% tax breaks on the amount of a film’s budget spent instate. 如路易斯安那、加拿大和纽约等地根据电影预算金额会提供10%到25%的税收优惠。 www.forbeschina.com You can also ignore certain signals during a portion of your script, then re-instate them later on when you do wish to catch the signals so you can take some form of action. 您还可以在执行脚本的某个部分时忽略某些信号,然后在您的确希望捕捉信号时重新使用这些信号,从而可以采取某些措施。 www.ibm.com Instigate 唆使;教唆;怂恿: to instigate somebody to do something 唆使某人做某事 to instigate someone to some evil deed 唆使某人做坏事 煽动;挑动: to instigate a strike 煽动罢工 Insularity 偏狭,性僵化;岛国性质(或状态);岛屿生活状况,与外界隔绝的生活状况 parochialism , intolerance 双语例句权威例句 The mysteries, jargon and insularity of the self-satisfied old crafts are revealed for all to see. 那些固步自封的传统行业的神秘、术语和偏狭现在都一览无遗。 www.ftchinese.com I finally got fired, the combination of poor job performance, a ruined economy and good old-fashioned New England insularity. 最后,我杯具的工作表现、餐具的整体经济、老式的新英格兰偏狭气质,这三者的合体终于让我丢了工作。 article.yeeyan.org But China needs to make it clear that it understands that China is too big, the challenges too great and the global village too small for China to retreat into inflexibility or insularity. 但是中国需要清楚的意识到,中国是庞大的,面临的挑战是巨大的,若是中国想要撤退到僵化和偏狭的地方,地球村实在太小。 Insurgent 叛乱的;起义的 revolting n. 叛乱者;起义者 rebeldom , riser 双语例句原声例句权威例句 What was I? An insurgent. 我当时是什么人? 一个起义者。 www.ebigear.com Jean Valjean, without replying, helped the insurgent whom he was saving to don his uniform. 冉阿让一言不发,帮助他救下的那个起义者穿上他的制服。 www.ebigear.com When reporting their own activities US Units are inclined to classify civilian kills as insurgent kills, downplay the number of people killed or otherwise make excuses for themselves. 当报道他们自己活动,美军倾向于将平民的伤亡推给叛乱者,对人们被杀的数目一笔带过从而来未自己制造出借口。 Intelligible 可理解的;明了的;仅能用智力了解的 accessible , comprehensible 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It is an entirely rational, intelligible process but no less miraculous for that. 这完全是一个理性的,可以理解的过程,但是依然那么不可思议。 article.yeeyan.org The simplest and most intelligible answer to this question is that Truth is the object of Logic. 对于这个问题的最简单、最明了的答复是,真理就是逻辑学的对象。 www.ebigear.com Still, at least the kickback system is intelligible. Ivan once started a venture in America which ran up against local sanitation rules: “no-one would take a kopeck”, and the project folded. 伊万觉得付回扣这种方式还是可以理解的,他曾在在美国投资一个项目,违反了当地的卫生条例,“但没有人收一个铜板,”所以项目告吹。 Intemperate 放纵的;酗酒的;酷烈的 luxurious , indulgent 双语例句原声例句权威例句 If China's leaders are not persuaded of that, intemperate foreign demands are unlikely to change their minds. 如果不能在这一点上说服中国领导人,外国的过分要求不太可能改变他们的想法。 www.ftchinese.com However intemperate or excessive, their protest language fueled some of our most important social reforms – including the regulation and control of the financial sector itself. 尽管他们的抗议语言显得过激或者过度,但却会推进我们一些最重要的社会改革,比如对金融业的监管和控制。 article.yeeyan.org In search for an amelioration, the temptation is to an intemperate authoritarianism, forgetting that the avoidance of obesity, pace the Duchess of Windsor, is not the whole purpose of life. 为了寻找改善的方法,诱惑是放纵的权威,忘记要避免变胖,紧跟温莎公爵的步伐,这些都不是生活的全部目的。 article.yeeyan.org Inter 埋葬: She was interred with her husband. 她与她丈夫葬在一起。 Intercessor 调解人;仲裁者 pacifier , daysman 双语例句 Catholics pray to Mary as an intercessor. 天主教徒向玛利亚祈祷,并把她看作仲裁者。 www.crazyenglish.org Pray for me Saint …(name), for with fervour I come to thee, speedy helper and intercessor for my soul. 圣(某名),我满怀热忱向你奔赴,因你是我灵魂迅疾的援助者和代祷者。 dj.iciba.com In opposition to the rational approach to divine understanding that the schoolmen adopted, Bernard preached an immediate faith, in which the intercessor was the Virgin Mary. 反对理性的方法去接近和理解神,就像经院采纳的。本笃鼓吹一种直接的信仰,调解人是圣母玛利亚。 Interdict (以禁令)禁止;制止: to interdict somebody from doing something 禁止某人做某事 to interdict something to somebody 禁止某人使用某物 【军事】(以炮火等)封锁;阻断 【天主教】停止…的圣事活动(或教权) n. 【民法】(法庭等作出的)禁令;强制 【历史】(古罗马执政官发布的)禁制令;获取禁制令的程序 Interim 临时的,暂时的;中间的;间歇的 temporary , extraordinary , mid , medium , middle n. 过渡时期,中间时期;暂定 transition period 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Please give me an interim receipt. 请给我一张临时的收据。 www.ebigear.com These customizations can be just about anything you need, but in this case we will focus on installing interim fixes into the virtual machine instance. 这些定制可以是您所需的任何内容,但是本例中,我们将主要关注将临时补丁安装到虚拟机实例中。 www.ibm.com In fact you can also define interim levels of maturity: what is the next major maturity goal, defining roadmaps to attain each of these goals with clear business value. 实际上,您还可以定义临时的成熟度级别:下一个主要成熟度目标是什么,定义路线图以实现这些目标(具有明确的商业价值)。 Interlock 使联结;使连锁: She interlocked her fingers and considered the offer. 她双手交插,考虑着该提议。 vi. 联结;连锁: 联结;连锁: branches which interlock 绞在一起的树枝 Interminable 冗长的;无止尽的 verbose , prolix 双语例句权威例句 Or just stare at the clouds when you are sucked into another interminable conference call. 或则在接下来的一个冗长的会议电话间,就盯着天上的云发呆。 www.elanso.com Even after final rulings are made, there will doubtless be interminable hearings on how to implement them. 甚至在终审裁定后,无疑还将会是对如何执行裁定举行无止尽的听证会。 www.ecocn.org “Europe wants its values of freedom and democracy to change China but China has its own way, ” he went on, reading what threatened to be an interminable speech until cut short by the baron. 他继续讲道:“欧洲想用它的自由与民主价值观来改变中国,但中国有自己特有的方式”。 易思男爵打断了这段听上去可能将是冗长的、照本宣科式的演讲。 Internecine 两败俱伤的;互相残杀的;致命的 kill , fatal 双语例句权威例句 No one expects us to choose sides in internecine mommy battles. 没人期待自相残杀的妈妈们战斗中选择离场。 article.yeeyan.org Since then, Somalia has rotted away, a victim of international indifference and its own internecine history. 从此,索马里便自生自灭——饱受国际上的漠视,国内也长久经历着自相残杀的过程。 www.ecocn.org The story could have been taken from last year's headlines when ethanol sparked an internecine war in both the Corn Belt and the Beltway. 这个故事摘自去年的头版头条,当时酒引发了农民与政府的自相残杀。 Interpolate 篡改(文稿): The article has been interpolated. 这篇文章已被篡改过了。 增添;插入(字句等);插(话): This passage was interpolated into the report. 这段话被加入到了报告中。 【数学】插(值);内插;内推 Interpose 置于…之间;放于;插入: to interpose an opaque body between a light and the eye 将不透明物体置于发光体和眼睛之间 干预;插手;在两方面之间施加影响 (或采取行动): He interposes himself between the two persons who are quarrelling. 他在两个吵架的人之间进行调停。 利用(权力等)进行干预;提出(异议): to interpose one's authority 利用自己的职权干涉 to interpose an objection 提出异议 插(话): to interpose a question 插进一个问题 Interregnum 中断;空位期;过渡期;间歇 break , broken off 双语例句权威例句 After the Medvedev interregnum, he could have two further terms, staying in power until 2024 (see article). 在梅德韦杰夫执政这一过渡期过后,他能够再连任两届,掌权直到2004年(见文章)。 www.ecocn.org After the Medvedev interregnum, he could have two further terms, staying in power until 2024 (see article). 在梅德韦杰夫卸任之后,他将会有两个任期,一直执政到2024年(见文章)。 article.yeeyan.org It is as if the two-year military interregnum, during which most senior politicians were in the clink on charges of corruption, never happened. 看起来似乎这两年的军事过度期间——最高级政治人物由于腐败指控锒铛入狱,从没发生。 Interrogate 审问;讯问;质问: to interrogate a suspect 审问嫌疑犯 【计算机】询问 vi. 审问;讯问;质问: 审问;讯问;质问: the right to interrogate 审问的权利

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-27 16:05:38

    顶一个 话说lz好能坚持。。。。。 顶一个 话说lz好能坚持。。。。。 Lydia随风

    thank you~

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-28 17:03:10

    Intransigent 不妥协的;不让步的 uncompromising , no-compromise 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Beijing stores are being more intransigent. 北京的商店则更不肯让步。 c.wsj.com We can begin to see it is clear how Aristotle's best regime differs from Plato's intransigent demand for the rule of philosopher-kings. 我们可以开始清楚地发现,亚里士多德的最佳政体,如何有别于柏拉图,对哲学家国王统治的不妥协要求。 v.163.com But the Merseyside story offers hope that savings can be made in even the most intransigent public services—by preventing problems rather than merely coping with them. 默西赛德郡的事例表明,即使是最不妥协的公共部门都有望节省开支——通过预防问题而不仅仅只是解决问题。 Intrepid 无畏的;勇敢的;勇猛的 game , brave , dauntless 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But securities regulators frown on historical fiction, so a quite useful snapshot of the carmaker, warts and all, can be gleaned by the intrepid reader. 但证券监管部门可不喜欢历史小说,因此,无畏的读者能搜集到一份非常有用的对通用汽车的据实简短描述。 www.ftchinese.com His heroes were Lewis and Clark, the intrepid explorers of the new American continent, and the field-trip grants he founded in later life were named after them. 他的偶像是美国新大陆无畏的探险家路易斯和克拉克,后来他创立了以路易斯和克拉克为名的实地考察旅行基金。 www.ecocn.org Along with the illusion of being an intrepid explorer in a foreigner-free foreign land, foreigners also come to feel a sense of ownership over China and their China experience. 伴随着那种成为一片从没有外国人的土地上的勇敢探索者的幻想,外国人也会对中国以及他们的中国经历产生一种占有欲。 article.yeeyan.org Intumescence 膨胀;肿大 expansion , inflation 双语例句 Body congesting, exophthalmos , abdomen intumescence, the ailing fish will die in 2~3days. 体表充血,眼球突出,腹部肿大,腹腔积水,内脏也肿大。2~3天后病鱼就会死亡。 dictsearch.appspot.com Based on those experiments, a mathematic model of process of intumescence was established with the neglect of the transfer motion of the bubble. 在实验基础上,忽略气泡的迁移,建立了膨胀过程的数学模型。 dict.kekenet.com There are lymph gland inflammation, malignant lymphoma and all kinds of metastatic cancer, which often cause intumescence of shallow lymph gland. 淋巴结炎、恶性淋巴瘤,各种转移癌常引起颈部浅表淋巴结肿大。 Inundate 淹没;使泛滥;使充满: to be inundated with flood 洪水泛滥成灾 (似洪水般)布满;压倒: a place inundated with visitors 参观者络绎不绝的地方 to be inundated with letters of protest 抗议信铺天盖地而来 变形: vi. inundated . inundating Inure 使习惯;使适应(常与to连用): to inure oneself to hardship 使自己能吃苦耐劳 vi. (尤指法律上)生效;适用;起作用: Sick pay inures from the first day of illness. 病假工资从生病第一天起执行。 有助于;有利于: to inure to the prosperity and welfare of the nation 有利于全国国民的繁荣与福利[亦作 enure] Inveigh 痛骂;漫骂;猛烈抨击 ball out , clapperclaw 双语例句权威例句 The detective had, indeed, good reasons to inveigh against the bad luck which pursued him. 我气得只好用那不足为凭的“坏事不过三”的说法来安慰自己。 danci.911cha.com The poisons generated by remorse inveigh against the system, and eventually produce marked physical deterioration. 由悔恨产生的毒素侵袭着身体组织,最终造成明显的体质恶化。 www.xddhy.com Log onto ATR's MySpace page, and your ears will be assaulted by a raw, angry sound, and lyrics that scream that 'Deutschland Must Die' and inveigh against 'too much government control'-in Germany. 登录ATR在MySpace的主页,一个很原生态很愤怒的声音会直刺你的耳膜,歌词吼的是:德意志必须死掉,猛烈抨击着德国国内过度的政府管制。 Inveigle 诱惑,诱骗,引诱(常与into连用): to inveigle someone into doing something 诱骗某人做某事 to inveigle somebody into a place 诱骗某人去某地 赢得;骗取(常与away, from连用): to inveigle something from somebody 从某人处骗取某物 近义词: lure 变形: vt. inveigled . inveigling Invertebrate 无脊椎的;无骨气的 spineless n. [无脊椎]无脊椎动物;无骨气的人 Invertebrate Zoology 双语例句权威例句 Many species of invertebrate have shells or skeletons made of calcium carbonate. 无脊椎类的好多物种有碳酸钙质的外壳或骨骼。 www.ecocn.org If we understand the importance of the area in terms of its invertebrate fauna, then we can try to protect it. 如果我们大家都能理解该地区在无脊椎动物群方面所具有的重要性,那么我们就可以设法保护它。 article.yeeyan.org The site of the proposed airport is incredibly important for native invertebrate animals … St Helena has about 400 species that occur nowhere else in the world. 提到机场的位置对于本国的无脊椎动物非常重要...圣赫勒拿大概有400个物种在世界其它地方是没有的。 Investiture 授职;授权;授职(或授权)仪式 (性格的)赋予;披上外衣 衣服;覆盖物;装饰品 (封建时代的)封地仪式 [古语]投资 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The first Investiture of the Queen's reign took place at Buckingham Palace on 27th February 1952. 第一次授勋仪式是1952年2月27日在白金汉宫。 edu.sina.com.cn It was the first time the association has held a public investiture Mass for its postulants in Hong Kong. 这是该骑士团首次在香港举行公开的册封仪式。 blog.sina.com.cn The pictures below do not show students because of university policy, but do provide a glimpse into the investiture ceremony. 下图即授职仪式现场,因为学校规定,图中没有出现学生肖像。 Inveterate 根深的;积习的;成癖的 deeply rooted 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Innovators are also inveterate experimenters, who fiddle with both their products and their business models. 创新者也是根深蒂固的实践者,他们可以随意摆弄他们的产品和经营模式。 www.ecocn.org The inveterate spending habits of rich American households are financed by the thrift of poor Chinese peasants. 美国富裕家庭根深蒂固的消费习惯,是靠中国穷苦农民的节俭来资助的。 www.ftchinese.com Mr Reid complained that inveterate Republican opposition had prevented the Senate from taking up the cap-and-trade scheme passed by the House of Representatives last year. 雷德抱怨说因为共和党对民主党根深蒂固的反对阻碍了参议院实施在去年就由众议院通过的限额交易计划。 Invidious 诽谤的;不公平的;引起反感的;易招嫉妒的 partial , unfair 双语例句权威例句 With Britain's invidious combination of the two, it is easy to see why forecasters are vying to produce the grimmest predictions of economic performance. 由于英国即经历着金融危机,又遭受着房市萎靡,因此许多预测家都极不看好英国经济的表现,这是显而易见的。 www.ecocn.org By thinking experientially we can make more of what we already have and ward off the invidious comparisons that can make the treadmill of consumer culture so unsatisfying. 带入经历来考虑让我们更满足于我们已经拥有的,防止我们陷入那些致使消费文化如此不满足的惹人厌烦的比较。 article.yeeyan.org Either the change in the quality of the air from heavy to light, or the sense of being amid new scenes where there were no invidious eyes upon her, sent up her spirits wonderfully. 也许是空气的性质从沉闷到轻松的变化,也许是她觉得已经到了没有人用恶意的眼光看待她的新地方,于是她的精神奇妙地振作起来。 Invoke 祈求(神灵)保佑;乞灵于: to invoke God 祈求上帝保佑 to invoke evil spirits 召唤恶魔 乞求;恳求;请求: to invoke somebody's forgiveness 恳求某人原谅 to invoke aid 请求援助 行使(法权等);实行;求助于(法律等): to invoke a veto 行使否决权 to invoke economic sanctions 实行经济制裁 Iridescent 彩虹色的;闪光的 shot , irised 双语例句权威例句 These are silhouetted against glowing newborn star clusters and iridescent pink clouds of hydrogen, the existence of which indicates ongoing star formation. 我们可以看到充满活力的新生星团轮廓和虹彩粉红的氢气云,这些都预示着正在发生恒星形成过程。 article.yeeyan.org Even when you go to the lavabo these pulpy, sappy strains pursue you, come floating into the cabinet through the ventilators and make life all soap and iridescent bubbles. 即使是去上厕所,这软绵绵的伤感旋律也在身边索绕,它通过排气扇飘进厕所,使生活变成虚幻,变成彩虹色的泡沫。 www.en8848.com.cn The Nosema ceranae fungus can sicken bees when they ingest spores, and Cramer explains that the occurrence of both the iridescent virus and the fungus at the same time seems to be the problem. 这种东方蜜蜂微孢子虫在吸收孢子的时候就会导致蜜蜂生病,克莱默还解释说昆虫虹彩病毒和合真菌的同时出现可能是问题的所在。 Irk 使烦恼;使厌倦 trouble , discompose 双语例句权威例句 His own failure to do so will irk the officials in Washington who wield such power over his bank. 他自己没有这样做将令华盛顿对他的银行行使此项权力的官员不痛快。 www.ecocn.org But there's another quality that might irk them even more: Witnessing employees being openly rude to each other. 但是还有另一个问题使纽约人感到苦恼:眼睁睁地看着雇员们互相恶语相加。 article.yeeyan.org It is not that bits of Europe are flirting with fascism again. It is rather that the same issues irk voters then as now—and politicians are responding to them in similar ways. 并不是说欧洲的哪些地区又在向法西斯主义暗送秋波,只是当年困扰着选民的问题又卷土重来了——而政客们应对的手法也如出一辙。 Ironclad 装甲的;打不破的;坚固的 armored , steel-clad 双语例句权威例句 There is no ironclad way to judge the stimulus, because we can’t rerun the last six months in an alternate universe. 我们没有铁定的方法去判断这项刺激计划的帮助,因为在更替变化的宇宙,我们不能重演过去六个月发生的事情。 article.yeeyan.org Many friends have unspoken but ironclad rules about which person will do what share of the emotional and logistical work. 有许多朋友们对于哪一位要做哪一部分的情感、逻辑工作都有着心照不宣但却”严格”的规定。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn Commentators have said that Netanyahu and Barak declined to give Panetta an ironclad assurance that Israeli would not act alone. 评论家们说,内塔尼亚胡和巴拉克拒绝向帕内塔完全保证以色列不会单独采取行动。 Irrevocable 不可改变的;不能取消的;不能挽回的 remediless 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But the irrevocable has not yet happened. 然而,没有什么是不可挽回的。 dongxi.net Yet the point of the currency union was that it was irrevocable. 然而,这个货币联盟的特点在于:它是不可取消的。 www.ftchinese.com He insists that socialism is "irrevocable" in Cuba and that the country is not moving toward capitalism. 他坚持认为,古巴的社会主义制度是“不可改变的”,是不会发展成资本主义国家的。 Isthmus Ideas for new routes across the tantalisingly narrow Panamanian isthmus are not new, however. 然而,在异常狭窄的巴拿马地峡上修建新路线的想法早已有之。 blog.sina.com.cn THE foolhardy attempt by the Scots to establish a foreign colony of their own at Darién on the isthmus of Panama in the 1690s has all the ingredients for a perfect drama. 1690年代在巴拿马地峡处的达连,苏格兰人试图建立其自己的海外殖民地的鲁莽尝试,已经具备的一出精彩戏剧作品的所有元素。 www.ecocn.org Yet John Underhill of Edinburgh University has found evidence that the isthmus is full of landslide rubble, which could have tumbled into a narrow sea channel during an earthquake. 然而,爱丁堡大学的约翰?安德希尔发现证据显示这个地峡布满了山崩后的砾石,它们可以在发生地震时滚落到一个狭窄的海峡里。 www.ecocn.org Itinerary 路线,旅程;旅行指南 line , route , thread adj. 旅程的;巡回的 road 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I need your travel itinerary by end of day. 我需要在今天之内知道你的旅行路线。 www.hjenglish.com Automatically return confirmation on all reservations back to the customer once processing of the itinerary is complete. 在旅行计划处理完毕后马上将所有预约的确认返回到客户。 www.ibm.com Don’t pack your vacation itinerary with every highlight of the city you’re visiting —walk around and enjoy what you find. 不要将你的旅程仅仅安排在那些所谓的重要景点 — 环顾四周,请欣赏你已经发现的地方。 Jabber 急促而含混不清地说话;叽里咕噜地说;信口闲聊: Those girls have jabbered along for hours. 那些女孩们一连数小时都在闲聊。 He jabbered out the words in what seemed a foreign language. 他叽里咕噜讲的好像是外国话。 (猿猴等)叽里咕噜地叫: The monkey jabbered away in a corner. 那猴子在角落里叽里咕噜地叫个不停。 vt. 急促而含混不清地说: 急促而含混不清地说: I heard someone jabbering his prayers in the church. 我听见有人在教堂里喃喃祈祷。 Jaded 厌倦的;疲倦不堪的 tired , beat-out 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Surely only the most jaded and damaged would challenge the orthodoxy of romantic love. 当然,只有那些最厌倦和最受伤害的女士们才会挑战浪漫爱情的正统。 www.en8848.com.cn But it is easy to get a little jaded, quickly cubby-holing something new just because it acts like something already out there. 但是很容易会有点厌倦,迅速的对一些新东西入门归类,那是因为它与一些已经问世产品类似。 article.yeeyan.org They may be at the peak of their powers – with their world tour, solo projects, long hair, helicopters and big houses in the country – but just like jaded rockers they sense their own mortality. 现在也许是他们如日中天之时,世界巡演,单人秀,长发飘飘,直升飞机接送和乡间豪宅,但是正如精疲力竭的摇滚乐者,他们也时刻感受到自己终究是要过气的。 Jagged 锯齿状的;参差不齐的 serrate , hackly 双语例句原声例句权威例句 All I could make out was a long, jagged line with some high plateaus. 我所能辨认出来的,只有一条参差不齐的长线条,其中有一些高的凸起。 article.yeeyan.org A bar chart of the period resembles a row of jagged teeth with about one in four knocked out. 这段时期的柱状图,就像一排被敲去四分之一的参差不齐的牙齿。 www.ftchinese.com It was over this jagged, rusty territory that the moon now loomed, and the swaths of crumpled metal swelled as if carried on a high tide. 这片月亮正在逐渐靠近的参差不齐的生锈的土地已经完了,大幅的皱皱的金属片像乘着高高的浪头升起。 article.yeeyan.org Jamb 门窗边框 门窗侧壁的石或木 【采矿】矿柱 = jambeau [亦作 jamde] 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 However, Samuel Johnson’s jamb won the day. 然而,塞缪尔?约翰逊的jamb赢得了胜利。 article.yeeyan.org Many men including Jamb volunteered to help. 许多人包括杰可伯都自愿帮忙。 www.ebigear.com lamb and dumb), but English hates letting go of its orthographic relics. An 1819 dictionary still allowed its users to choose among jamb, jaumb, and jam. 1819年的字典还允许其用户在jamb,jaumb和jam之间选择拼写。 Jar 罐;[轻]广口瓶;震动;刺耳声 pot , shock vi. 冲突;不一致;震惊;发刺耳声 collide with , conflict with vt. 震动;刺激;使震动 stimulate , fan , shock 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The mouth of the jar was chipped. 罐子的口缺了。 《新英汉大辞典》 He sucked all the fart sealed in the jar. 他把封在罐子里的屁全给吸进去了. www.en8848.com.cn The standard example is this: Imagine you have a jar of pennies. 标准的例子是这样的:设想一下,假如你有一罐硬币。 Jarring 不和谐的;[声]刺耳的;辗轧的 grinding , sharp , harsh , discordant n. 辗轧声;冲突;震动 interference , conflict , war , shock , collision v. 震惊;冲突;发刺耳声(jar的现在分词) conflicting 双语例句权威例句 This was, easily, the most jarring part of his talk. 这无疑是他的报告中最不和谐的部分。 article.yeeyan.org As with that earlier book, he rivets the reader to a plot of jarring contradictions. 和前一本书一样,他仍然采用冲突的矛盾情节来吸引读者。 dongxi.net They may wish to seek the truth in a different way, or in a less mind jarring set of circumstances. 他们可能希望用一种不同的方式,或在一些思想冲突较小的情形下寻求真相。 Jaundice 黄疸;偏见;乖僻 icterus , bias 双语例句权威例句 Leptospirosis causes severe jaundice, kidney failure and bleeding in the lungs. 钩端螺旋体导致严重的黄疸、肾衰竭和肺出血。 www.scidev.net Both cases were reported by the Yellow fever surveillance system and presented with symptoms of fever and jaundice. 黄热病监测系统报告了这两起病例,这两个病人均呈现发烧和黄疸症状。 www.who.int The "yellow" in the name is explained by the jaundice that affects some patients, causing yellow eyes and yellow skin. 名称中的“黄”字由影响一些患者的黄疸使眼睛和皮肤颜色发黄而得到解释。 Jaunty 快活的;活泼的;洋洋得意的;感到自信和自满的 alive , lively , activated , sunny 双语例句原声例句权威例句 There are some useful colour diagrams and photographs, and the prose is jaunty. 书里有一些实用的彩图和照片,然而文字却是洋洋得意的口吻。 article.yeeyan.org Don’t go to the lyrics for any cues; it is entirely obscure why such a jaunty, upbeat song would be referencing “Roman cavalry choirs” or revolutionaries or St. Peter. 但为什么这首轻松活泼的,积极向上的歌曲竟与"罗马骑兵唱诗班"或革命者或圣彼得扯上了关系? 这的确让人很费解,你也不要期望在歌词中能找到头绪。 www.en8848.com.cn With a pink lei on one shoulder and a jaunty cap on the other, the robot was surrounded by more than 100 young software engineers, each sitting with a wirelessly connected laptop. 100多位年轻的软件工程师,各自坐在一个无线连接的笔记本前,簇拥着这个肩上有个粉红色的花环,戴着一顶活泼帽子的机器人。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-11-29 13:22:45

    Languid 倦怠的;呆滞的;软弱无力的 listless , dull 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The small talk had come, however, in bed, in the languid aftermath of erotic occasions. 可是这些嘘寒问暖的话过去在床上、在性爱后的倦怠里都会说的。 article.yeeyan.org These languid animals make an easy target for coastal hunters, and they were long sought for their meat, oil, skin, bones, and teeth. 这些懒洋洋的动物成为沿海猎人容易击中的目标,他们长期来搜索它们的肉、油、皮肤,骨骼和牙齿。 article.yeeyan.org Then the dancer, who though older was still languid and full of grace, reached out and tapped me with two fingers on the cheek, turned, and walked away. 舞蹈家,虽然年纪大了一些,却依然还是那副慵懒和绅士的模样,伸出手来,用二个指头拍拍我的脸颊,转身离开了。 article.yeeyan.org Languor 疲倦;无精打采;柔情;呆滞 weariness , tiredness 双语例句权威例句 It was very like a sea, this deadly languor, that rose and rose and drowned his consciousness bit by bit. 这种要命的疲倦,就像大海一样,一浪又一浪地涨过来,一点一点地吞噬着他的意识。 www.putclub.com It was very like a sea, this deadly languor, that rose and rose and drowned his consciousness bit by bit. 这种要命的疲倦,很像一片大海,一涨再涨,一点一点地淹没他的意识。 www.jukuu.com He steeled himself to keep above the suffocating languor that lapped like a rising tide through all the wells of his being. 疲倦像涨潮一样,从他身体的各处涌上来,但是他刚强地打起精神,绝不让这种令人窒息的疲倦把他淹没。 Lank 瘦的;平直的;长而柔软的;细长的 thin , spare , lean 双语例句权威例句 He was. exceedingly lank, with narrow shoulders(Washington Irving. 他…非常瘦,两肩窄小(华盛顿• 欧文)。 dj.iciba.com This is partly out of practical necessity: it is indeed thin and lank. 当然这里面有实际的必要性,我的发质稀疏平直。 www.ebigear.com All lank and bone, the boy stands at the corner with his younger sister, waiting for the yellow bus that takes them to their respective schools. 一个骨瘦如柴的男孩和他的妹妹站在街角,等着黄色的校车把他们带到他们各自的学校。 Lap 一圈;膝盖;下摆;山坳 circuit , knee vt. 使重叠;拍打;包围 invest , case , wash vi. 重叠;轻拍;围住 tap , close in on 双语例句原声例句权威例句 His car was boxed in by two other cars on the final lap. 他的汽车在最后一圈遭到了其他两辆汽车的封堵。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 My grandfather took me by the hand and sat me on his lap in a chair near the window. 祖父这时走了过来,牵着我的手到靠窗的一张椅子上坐下,还把我抱到他的膝盖上坐。 www.cuyoo.com And I took the door off the airplane and turned the right-hand seat around and strapped him in, with a shotgun across his lap. 我把飞机的舱门卸下来,将右手的座位调转个方向,把卡索科拉用带子固定好,将一只霰弹枪架在他的膝盖上。 Lapse 失效;流逝;过失 error , sin , mistake , blame , passing vi. 失效;流逝;背离,失检;陷入 cease to be in force , out of service 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The subscription would lapse after, say, 24 hours, or that could be passed in as a parameter. 订阅将在一段时间后失效,比方说,24小时,或将其作为一个参数传入。 www.infoq.com Also, the time lapse nature of part of the video causes clouds to appear to jump about and fade in an unfamiliar fashion. 而且,视频中有一部分的时间流逝从本质上导致了那些云看起来像是在跳跃着,以一种陌生的方式出现。 article.yeeyan.org Her reluctance to communicate with her husband's parents might, she thought, lessen with the lapse of time; but with her own the reverse obtained. 她对同她丈夫的父亲通信感到犹豫,心想这种犹豫也许随着时间的流逝就会减弱;可是她对于自己的父母刚好相反。 Larder 食品室;食物橱;肉贮藏处 pantry 双语例句权威例句 In winter, they eat through the 'island larder' until they start to run out of seeds and invertebrates, " he said. 冬天,它们吃“岛上食品库”,直到它们没有种子和无脊椎动物可吃。” 他说。 www.elanso.com The maid put all the things together on a plate and left it in the larder: then her sweetheart took his leave and she went to bed thinking all was well. 这就好了!" 那个兵说着,就下到地下室里去,把猪心拿上来.女佣人把这三样东西一起放在盘子上,送进柜厨里.她的情人告别走了,女佣人也放心地去睡觉了. www.ebigear.com The example of the woodpile and the well-stocked larder tells us that we can achieve what we dream, and winter brings us long, silent nights to dream on. 柴堆和储备良好的食物表明我们可以美美睡上一觉了。 而冬日带来的是宁静的漫漫长夜,正好入梦。 Largess 慷慨的赠予;赠品 gift , premiums 双语例句权威例句 Whether all this largess will be enough to negate the huge economic incentive to poach tigers is moot. 这大笔的赏赐能否足以抵消偷猎老虎在经济上的巨大诱因尚未可知。 www.ecocn.org The royal largess seemed in jeopardy in 1997, after Princess Diana died in a Paris car crash while being chased by paparazzi. 1997年,戴安娜王妃在巴黎被狗仔队追踪时死于车祸,此后王室的富足阔绰似乎受到了威胁。 c.wsj.com But he said there was unlikely to be much strategy for use of the sports stadiums beyond putting on a good show and demonstrating wealth and largess to the outside world. 但他又说,不太可能有很多在使用体育馆上,能超越上演一场好的演出和向外面的世界展示财富和慷慨的方法。 Largesse But now China is facing the consequences of its largesse. 但是中国现在要面对着这一慷慨大气的后果。 article.yeeyan.org “We all exist at the largesse of the government right now,” says a bank boss. 一家银行老闆说:「现在我们银行业都仰赖著政府的慷慨恩赐。」 article.yeeyan.org Unfortunately, this gesture of largesse comes with a price tag much bigger than that $100 bowl. 不幸的是,这种慷慨大度的姿态却有比100美元一碗更高昂的价签。 Lariat 套索 lasso , riata vt. 用套索捉 reata 双语例句权威例句 A bridle, a lariat, and, during the cattle drives, probably a well-balanced six-shooter completed the cowboys' outfit. 缰绳和套索还有驱使牛期间使用的一把左轮手枪一起构成了一个牛仔的装束。 article.yeeyan.org And in February 2007, on a pre-Valentine’s Day trip to Colorado, he surprised her with a return visit to the Lariat Saloon. 2007年2月,在情人节的前一天,他去了科罗拉多,但是他突然回到了Lariat俱乐部,这足实让她吃了一惊。 www.elanso.com Just two hitches: Tying square knots and lariat loops wouldn't help her get her job done and she didn't feel free to make contributions as she saw fit. 只是有两个问题:打平结和套索对她完成工作毫无助益,而且她感觉捐款也不是自发性的。 Larva 幼体,[昆]幼虫 nit , nympha 双语例句权威例句 By what karma is the larva for a princess chosen? 是什么样的因缘选择这个幼体作为女王呢? dongxi.net By what karma is the larva for a princess chosen? 根据什么因缘选择这个幼体作为女王? article.yeeyan.org They found that one compound killed the parasite at every level of development – from larva to adult. 他们发现,有一种化合物在寄生虫从幼虫到成虫的各个阶段,都能将其杀死。 Lash 鞭打;冲击;摆动;扎捆;煽动;讽刺 fan , hide , egg , strike vi. 鞭打;猛击;急速甩动 drive , belt n. 鞭打;睫毛;鞭子;责骂;讽刺 hit , flogging 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But now they were motivated not by fear of the lash, but by the hope of freedom. 但是现在他们不是因为害怕鞭打的驱使,而是自由的希望在鼓励着他们。 article.yeeyan.org I could work as much and eat as much as a man – when I could get it – and bear the lash as well! 我干的活一点不少于男人,吃的也不少于男人──只要我能够这样做──而且同样遭受鞭打! www.america.gov He treated the television interview as an opportunity to have a lash-out at the opposition party. 他把电视采访作为一个机会, 向反对党进行猛烈抨击。 Lassitude 疲乏;懒散;厌倦 fatigue , boredom 双语例句权威例句 A dangerous lassitude takes over…China is the world's second largest economy. 取而代之的是危险的懒散……中国可是世界上第二大的经济体啊。 article.yeeyan.org But political lassitude means that this will not get done before the next hurricane season. 但是政治上的疲惫麻木意味着这件事在下个飓风季节来临之前是没法干了。 www.ecocn.org Southern Europe now constitutes a zone of lassitude that extends from Portugal and Spain through the south of France, Italy, the former Yugoslavia, Greece, and Bulgaria. 现在南欧成了毫无活力的地区,该地区从葡萄牙和西班牙延伸至法国南部、意大利、前南斯拉夫、希腊和保加利亚。 Lasso 套索 lariat , riata vt. 用套索套捕;拉拢 hook in 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Use your Lasso to draw a rough selection around your image. 使用套索在你的图像周围画一个粗略的选区。 article.yeeyan.org As an engineer, I liked the look of the lasso idea and bought one. 作为一名工程师,我非常喜欢这个套索的创意和外形,所以立刻就买了一个。 www.elanso.com Create a shape with Lasso-tool that is in line with the previous lines in the background and move it up a little. 用套索工具创建一条线条,让它存在于之前在背景中制作的那些线条中,然后将它向上略微移动。 Latch 占有,抓住;闭锁 take possession of , seize on n. 门闩 door release , bolt 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Humans tend to latch on to one specific piece of information when making decisions, in this case the habits of the actor. 人类往往抓住某一特有的信息就认定一个结论。 在此调查中,这个特有的信息这就是演员所表现出来的习性。 article.yeeyan.org As the neighbours complained of the noise, my husband spent weeks training him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in. 由于邻居们对狗叫很有意见,所以我丈夫花了几个星期的时间训练它用脚爪按住门闩把自己放进来。 www.tingvoa.com “The threat is global and our enemies latch on to grievances on behalf of the entire Muslim world, so we must work to resolve the long-standing problems that fuel those grievances,” Benjamin said. 本杰明说:“这一威胁是全球性的。 我们的敌人以整个穆斯林世界的名义紧紧抓住民众的不满情绪,因此我们必须努力解决引起这些不满情绪的久未解决的问题。” Lateral 侧面的,横向的 sided , transverse n. 侧部;[语]边音 sidepiece 双语例句原声例句权威例句 What Dr. Potter suggests, if possible, is a lateral move within your present organization, such as a move to another department or to a different position. 波特博士建议的是,如果可能的话,在你当前组织中的一个横向的变迁,比如转到另一个部门或者不同的职位。 article.yeeyan.org He did so to impede lateral communications within the officer corps and to prevent interoperability with nominally allied forces, including those of friendly Arab countries. 他这么做是为了阻止军官内部的横向交流,并且防止与名义上的盟国(包括那些友好的阿拉伯国家)进行互通。 article.yeeyan.org To increase muscle power across a range of motion, for instance, he updates weight drills like squats, curls and presses by adding lateral motions, one-armed or one-legged lifts and other variations. 为了通过一系列的动作而增加肌肉力度,例如,他补充举重训练例如通过增加横向运动像蹲坐,缠绕和按压,单臂或单腿抬起和其他的变化。 Lathe 车床;机床 tool , turning machine 双语例句权威例句 We redesign board of lathe bed and do order optimization. 对床身的肋板结构重新设计, 并进行拓扑优化。 dj.iciba.com When the plant closed, a lathe came sliding down, like a foot a day, until it hit an oak. 那家工厂倒闭的时候,还滑下来过一架车床,差不多一天出溜一尺,直到它撞上了一棵橡树。 article.yeeyan.org These companies attract customers neglected by the banks, offering credit cards and motorbike loans to consumers and helping small businesses borrow to buy a tractor, lathe or diesel generator. 这些公司吸引那些银行被忽视的客户,他们提供信用卡和机动车贷款给消费者,帮助小企业借款购买拖拉机、车床或柴油发电机。 Latitude 纬度;界限;活动范围 bourn , circumscription 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Prolong the sponge along the longitude and latitude at an altitude. 沿着经度和纬度在一高度延长 海绵。 gb.cri.cn It’s not like a map, where every position can be defined by longitude, latitude and altitude. 这不是像地图,地图上每一个位置可以通过经度,纬度和海拔高度来定义。 www.ecocn.org Research shows that the latitude of your birthplace and how much solar radiation you were exposed to in the womb affects your health, wealth, happiness, longevity and creativity. 研究显示,你的出生地的纬度,也就是说,你在子宫中会受到多少太阳的照射,会影响你的健康、财富、幸福、寿命甚至是创造力。 Lattice 晶格;[数][建]格子;格架 grid , grille 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This is the lattice. 这就是所谓的“晶格”。 article.yeeyan.org And if we know the lattice vibrational frequency. 如果我们再知道晶格振动频率。 open.163.com Light entering this lattice gets bounced around in ways that generate colour by reinforcing the peaks of some wavelengths and cancelling out those of others. 进入该格子的光线反弹回来,通过加强了一些波长的波峰和减少了其他的波峰长度来产生出颜色。 Laxative 泻药;缓泻药 jalap , purger adj. 通便的 aperient 双语例句权威例句 All they drink is master cleanse and laxative tea. 他们喝的饮料都是柠檬水和泻药茶。 article.yeeyan.org Today, many actresses are taking laxatives in the form of "dieter's tea", which has a mild laxative effect. 现在,很多女演员都吃泻药,只不过形式上看喝的是“减肥茶”,它有温和的通便作用。 article.yeeyan.org Don't eat too many mustard seeds or more than a teaspoon of mustard powder; the former has a strong laxative effect, while the latter can induce vomiting. 不要吃太多的芥末籽或超过一茶匙的芥末粉:因为前者具有很强的通便作用,而后者则可引发呕吐。 Layover 中断期间,中途短暂的停留;终点停车处;津贴 pension , subsidy 双语例句权威例句 A United spokeswoman confirmed that the pilots have asked for new layover arrangements. 联合大陆控股公司的发言人证实,飞行员确实要求为他们安排新的停留点。 c.wsj.com I ran and got my suitcase; because this woman and I were about the same size, I gave her a sweater and a pair of pants I had brought for my layover. 这位女士衣服大小和我差不多,我就跑去拿我的行李箱,给她一件我换用穿的毛衣和裤子。 www.ebigear.com We had a layover of several hours in Chicago before boarding the Zephyr for San Francisco, so we dashed over to the Art Institute to see the excellent new Renzo Piano wing. 在芝加哥登上西风号快车前往旧金山前,我们有几个小时的空余时间,所以我们就赶到芝加哥艺术学院去看由建筑大师伦佐•皮亚诺设计的新楼。 article.yeeyan.org Leaven 酵母;发酵剂;面肥 潜在作用;潜移默化的影响,引起渐变的因素 色调;色彩;性格 vt. (加发酵剂)使(面团等)发酵: Biscuits and crackers are chemically leavened. 饼干和脆饼干是用化学方法发酵的。 影响;使渐变: The chairman leavened the dull meeting with a few jokes. 主席讲了几个笑话来活跃沉闷的会议。 Lectern 讲台;诵经台 platform , dais 双语例句原声例句权威例句 “This is my country!” he roared as he shook his fist and pounded the lectern. “这是我的国家!” 他咆哮着挥动自己的拳头,将身前的演讲台杂碎。 dongxi.net Whether you walk across the stage or stand behind a lectern, try to maintain good posture. 无论你是在舞台上走动或站在讲台后面,尽量保持好的姿势。 info-new.blog.163.com Near the lectern where he delivered his address, 13 pairs of boots were placed, each with a rifle and helmet, along with photographs of the dead. 在他发表演说的讲台附近放着13双靴子,每双靴子上还放着一把步枪和一顶头盔,旁边还有遇难者的照片。 Ledger 总帐,分户总帐;[会计]分类帐;帐簿;底帐;(手脚架上的)横木 general account , book of account 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Looking for the current ledger balance, you can rigorously specify which balance you want. 寻找当前的分类帐余额,您可以精确指定想要的余额。 www.ibm.com Librarians uncovered the misdemeanour as they were digitising the library's ledger from that time. 图书馆员在数字化图书馆那时的分类帐时发现了这种不端行为。 article.yeeyan.org A business with many credit customers would set up the general ledger Accounts Receivable account for all credit customers and a separate account for each credit customer. 有很多赊购客户的企业应设置一个应收帐款总分类帐户,登记所有赊购客户欠的货款,并为每个赊购客户设置一个明细帐户。 Leer 媚眼,秋波;恶意的瞥视 glad eye vi. 抛媚眼,送秋波;斜睨 make eyes 双语例句原声例句权威例句 LIZZIE: (ironically) With five thousand a year, would not matter if he had warts and a leer. 丽齐:(嘲讽地)每年有五千磅的收入,谁会管他是不是满脸麻子。 www.24en.com Arch already is exporting Powder River Basin coal through Vancouver, British Columbia, to China and India, said Steve Leer, Arch's chief executive. Arch的首席执行长李尔(Steve Leer)说,该公司已经在通过加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的温哥华向中国和印度出口波德河盆地所产的煤炭。 c.wsj.com It also has its own consumer brands, like Van Houten and Van Leer. Listed on the Zurich stock exchange, its shares have soared more than 50 percent this year. 它也拥有自己的消费者品牌,比如Van Houten 和Van Leer,它已经在苏黎世证券交易所上市,今年股票上涨了超过50%。 Leery 机敏的;狡猾的;猜疑的;送秋波的 designing , knowing , subtle , astute 双语例句权威例句 That helps keep them hidden from the public eye by companies leery of publicizing breaches in corporate security. 这有助于它们在企业安全中通过狡猾的宣传漏洞逃出公司公众眼底。 article.yeeyan.org Be very leery of the results of any performance measurement that does not involve a realistic program load over a long period of time. 对于那些没有包含什么实际的程序负荷,测试时间不够长的性能测试的结果,一定要非常当心。 www.ibm.com Others romance it as a magical marketing term. For poor, bloodied businesses struggling through tough economic times, using "free" to lure leery customers can be tempting indeed. 对穷人来说,血淋淋的商业要在艰难的经济时期生存,就用“免费”来诱惑客户,而这暗送秋波之举确实让人心动。 Leeward 下风;背风面 lee side adj. 顺风的;在下风方向的 downwind adv. 向下风 alee 双语例句权威例句 This pearl of the pacific is one of the group of Leeward Islands and is the northernmost. 这些珍珠般大小的岛是leeward岛系里的一个而其位置最北。 article.yeeyan.org The keel helps the boat resist the leeward force of the wind and provides stability against excessive heeling. 龙骨帮助船只抵御背风力(leeward force of the wind),并稳定过度倾侧。 article.yeeyan.org Finally, some historic craft have leeboards instead of centerboards; these boards, mounted outside the hull on both sides, can be pivoted down like a centerboard to resist leeward motion. 最后,一些历史上著名的船只使用下风板(leeboard)取代活动龙骨板;这些下风板悬挂在船只底部的两侧,可以像活动龙骨板一样被放下来以抵抗侧向晃动。 Legerdemain 戏法,骗术;巧妙的花招 magic , jugglery 双语例句权威例句 By a feat of legerdemain , the magician produced a rabbit from his hat. 魔术师利用戏法从帽子里变出一只兔子来。 dict.veduchina.com A common trick of legerdemain is to take rabbits from an apparently empty hat. 一个最普通的把戏技俩是从一顶看起来空空的帽子里拿出几只兔子来。 dict.veduchina.com But this week's budget “surprise” cannot be put down simply to financial legerdemain. 但是本周的预算“惊喜”不能简单的看成使财政戏法。 Legion 军团;众多;军队 force , mass , battalion adj. 众多的;大量的 massive , extensive , substantial , macro , vast 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Outside the church door, veterans from the British Legion form a guard of honor. 在教堂大门外,有来自英国军团的退伍老兵组成的仪仗队。 down02.putclub.com Hardly. Conflicts of interest would be legion, so the investments will be made slowly and conservatively. 很难这样说,存在着大量的利益冲突,因此使投资会变得十分缓慢和保守。 www.ecocn.org It provided the purpose and discipline that his fantasy about life in the Foreign Legion suggested he needed. 绘画提供了那种决心和纪律,关于海外军团生活的幻想表现出他需要这些东西。 Lever 杠杆;控制杆 Control arm , heaver 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The worker depressed the lever to start the machine. 工人压下控制杆开动机器。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 One of them is, I derived an expression for the lever rule. 其中之一是,我得到的杠杆定律的表达式。 open.163.com When I got to this result I pointed out that therefore you can use the lever rule. 当我得到我指出的这个结果,由此你们就能用到杠杆定律。 Liability 责任;债务;倾向 duty , debt , tendency , burden , trust 双语例句原声例句权威例句 On the other hand, your debt is an asset to the bank, but it is your liability. 在另一方面,你的债务是银行的一种资产,但它却是你的债务。 article.yeeyan.org Your savings are a liability to the bank even though those same savings are an asset to you. 你的储蓄对银行来说是一种债务,虽然这些储蓄也是你的一种资产。 article.yeeyan.org But without the formal business entity, you have no hope of limiting your personal liability. 因为没有正规的商务体制,你就没有希望限制你的个人责任。 Libel 诽谤罪;诋毁;毁坏名誉的东西;控诉书 denigration , traducement vt. 中伤;控告;对…进行诽谤 law , traduce 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The woman appeared before the judge on a charge of libel. 这女人就指控犯诽谤罪受法官审判。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 I wholly disagree with the argument of the Government that the First Amendment left the common law as to seditious libel in force. 我完全不同意政府提出的那种称《第一条修正案》使有关煽动诽谤罪的普通法继续有效的论点。 www.america.gov A curious aspect of British law is that legislators are allowed to say whatever they want in Parliament, within reason, without being sued for libel. 英国法律制度的好奇的方面是,让立法局议员说,无论他们要在国会中内的理由,不被以诽谤罪起诉。 Libretto 剧本;歌词集 drama , scenario 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He wrote the libretto for “Billy Budd” by Benjamin Britten, a British composer who called him “our most musical novelist”. 福斯特为英国作曲家本杰明•布里顿的歌剧《比利巴德》写过剧本,布里顿称他为“最富乐感的小说家”。 article.yeeyan.org He wrote the libretto for “Billy Budd” by Benjamin Britten, a British composer who called him “our most musical novelist”. 福斯特曾为一个英国作曲家本杰明•布里顿的歌剧 “比利•巴德”写剧本,他称福斯特为“我们最具音乐艺术的小说家”。 www.ecocn.org On the other hand, perhaps there is something to be said for the convenience of downloading a libretto in one's own home rather than looking for it in a library or book store. 但是反过来看,或许尤为重要的是如果网络上有了,我们就可以在家中下载歌剧剧本,而不必去图书馆或者书店。 Licentious 放肆的;放纵的 luxurious , indulgent 双语例句权威例句 She felt a little upset about her licentious behavior. 她对他放肆的行为感到有点不舒服。 www.kekenet.com She felt a bit comfortlessness to his licentious behavior. 她对他放肆的行为感到有点不舒服。 www.kekenet.com Saint Augustine, as you know before he became a Christian, had quite a kind of licentious life, sexually, and lived with women and … that kind of thing. 我们都知道圣奥古斯丁在信主前过着一种性生活非常放纵的生活,诸如和很多女人同居之类。 Licit 正当的,合法的 valid , legal , legitimate , lawful 双语例句原声例句权威例句 In 1215, the church decreed that a “licit” marriage must take place in church. 1215年,教会规定,结婚双方必须在教堂结婚才可视为“合法”婚姻。 article.yeeyan.org Tasmania - The island state is one of the world's major suppliers of licit opiate products. 塔斯马尼亚--岛屿之洲。 塔斯马尼亚洲是世界上合法鸦片剂产品的主要产地。 www.elanso.com Another option under discussion is to stimulate licit agriculture, perhaps by guaranteeing prices for non-poppy crops. 讨论中的另外一个选择就是刺激合法农业的发展,保证非毒品作物的价格。 Lien maritime lien (法)海上留置权 双语例句权威例句 They are reluctant to buy mortgage securities because of uncertainty around first lien. 由于第一留置权的不确定性,他们不愿购买抵押贷款证券。 news.iciba.com After the court imposed the lien, it usually issues a writ directing the sheriff to seize the property. 当法庭判定留置权后,其通常签发一令状,指示司法行政官扣押该财产. www.kekenet.com After the court imposed the lien, it usually issues a writ directing the sheriff to seize the property. 当法庭判决留置权后,其通常签发一令状,指示司法行政官扣押该财产。 Limber 柔软的;敏捷的 soft , tender , sharp , fly , quick vt. 使柔软;将接在前车上 supple 双语例句权威例句 Gymnasts do everyday exercises to keep themselves limber. 体操运动员每天都做运动保持身体柔软。 blog.hjenglish.com Here, we're talking about a regular stretching program to keep your legs limber and injury-free. 这里,我们要谈论的是一个常规的伸展训练以保持你的四肢柔软,不轻易受伤。 article.yeeyan.org This accounts for the modern forms limb (limber has excrescent b, regardless of whether it means “shaft,” “holes in timber,” or “pliable”; none of them is related to limb) and crumb. 这种现象出现在lim b 的现代体(limber无论指“轴”,“木里的洞”或“柔韧”,都有一个多余的b;其中没有一个词义是与limb相关)和crum b 的现代体。 Limp 一瘸一拐地走,跛行,蹒跚: The old man limped away on the stick. 老人拄着拐杖一瘸一拐地走开了。 慢腾腾地进行;缓慢费力地进行: The damaged ship limped into the harbour. 受损的船艰难地驶进港口。 进展缓慢;几乎无进展;停滞不前 (诗歌)韵律紊乱 Limpid 透明的;平静的,无忧虑的 transparent , peaceful , pacific , calm , crystal 双语例句权威例句 The Pavilion of the Limpid Sun was set in the middle of an intricate garden. 明虚斋固然建在一个可以说是相当错综的花园的中央; www.putclub.com It is colorless and limpid. This natural fragrant product has no toxicity and irritation. It can not cause color fading and dyeing. 产品无色清澈透明,天然芳香,安全无毒不刺激, 不会引起织物褪色或相互沾色。 dj.iciba.com I will confer the substantial blessing on you in the world, and converge into the limpid rivulets to inlay in the both sides of your path of life! 想把世界上最多的祝福送给你,汇成一汪一汪清澈的小溪, 把它嵌在你人生之路的两旁。 Lineage 血统;家系,[遗]世系 birth , blood , stem , stock 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Today I am aware of my lineage. I have no need to consult my horoscope or my genealogical chart. 今天我感觉到了自己的血统,我没有必要去求助占星术或查阅家谱表。 www.en8848.com.cn It demonstrates that attention to elders’ voice finds its roots deep inside the primate lineage and leads new lines of questioning on human culture and language evolution. 这证明,关注年长者的声音深深地根植于灵长类血统中,从而使人们对人类文化和语言进化产生了新质疑。 article.yeeyan.org This irreverent version of Lionel Logue turns out to be an Aussie variant of a Frank Capra hero, a little guy who refuses to be awed by big guys, even one with lofty lineage and a throne. 这个不敬版本的莱昂纳尔•洛格结果是弗兰克•卡普拉式男主角的一个澳洲变体,一个不惧权威的小人物,即使他面对的是一个具有高贵血统的君王。 Lineal 直系的;嫡系的;世袭的 direct , patrimonial 双语例句权威例句 Traffic economic belt(TEB) is a kind of belt-shaped regional economic organization system, which takes the lineal bunch of infrastructure as its development axis. 哈( 尔滨) 大( 连) 交通经济带是我国形成历史早、吸引范围广、区域特征明显、发育阶段完善的沿路型交通经济带。 dict.cnki.net In this paper, an optimization method of non-lineal system parameters based on genetic algorithms is presented which solves the problem of parameter optimization in non-lineal systems. 提出了一种基于遗传算法的非线性系统参数仿真优化方法,解决了非线性系统参数优化问题。 dict.cnki.net According to the Modulation-Demodulation principle and the lineal system theory, the VMM adopts a mechanical rotation method to modulate the input signal into sine wave before entering sensor. 依据调制解调原理和线性系统理论,矢量调制法使用机械转动方法,将输入信号在进入传感器之前调制成为正弦波;

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-01 13:29:02

    Luster 光泽;光彩 reflet , shine vi. [光]有光泽;发亮 lamp , brighten up 双语例句权威例句 Then it’s really no more than a means of transportation, it too loses its luster. 然后它就仅仅是一个名符其实的交通工具,失去了它的光彩。 article.yeeyan.org College graduates may be losing some of their luster for reasons beyond technology and trade. 大学毕业生也许会因为技术和贸易之外的原因失去一些光彩。 article.yeeyan.org No one knows for sure when the tide started to turn, or the exact moment when American gold started its slow but seemingly irreversible loss of luster. 无人确切知晓这波潮汐的消退始于何时,也没有人精确的得知美金的光泽从何时起开始缓慢,但不可逆转的褪色。 Lustrous 有光泽的;光辉的 shiny , wire-wove 双语例句权威例句 Redheaded celebs take to rinsing their hair in this favorite juice to add extra shine and keep the color rich and lustrous. 红发的明星们用小红莓汁来漂洗头发,以增加亮色度以及使得发色饱满有光泽。 dongxi.net Instead, it was a Murdoch who did the knocking down that morning, albeit a Murdoch with rangy legs, lustrous black hair, and cheekbones to die for. 然而,事实上却是另外一位默多克击倒了别人,尽管这位默多克拥有细长的双腿,有光泽的黑头发和漂亮的不知道迷倒了多少人的颧骨。 dongxi.net Sure, the hormones of pregnancy can make you lose your lunch, but they are also the cause behind the thick, lustrous hair you'll probably notice if you're expecting. 当然,孕激素使你对午餐失去胃口,但是你可能注意到它们也是你头发变得浓密有光泽的原因。 Maculated 使有斑点;使有污点;玷污;使不洁 adj. 有污点的;有斑点的 玷污的;被弄脏的 变形: vt. maculated . maculating Madrigal 情歌;小曲 ditty , opusculum 双语例句权威例句 The madrigal that writes to you still sings. 写给你的情歌还在唱。 danci.911cha.com Alexis Madrigal - Alexis Madrigal is a senior editor and lead technology writer for TheAtlantic.com. 亚历克西斯 玛德里加尔——亚历克西斯 玛德里加尔是TheAtlantic.com(大西洋月刊网)的一名资深编辑和首席技术作者,原Wired. com(连线网站)的特约撰稿人。 article.yeeyan.org One example is Jay Rosen's blog for New York University (see link at 11.39am) and another is Alexis Madrigal's blog on the Atlantic. 其中一个案例是纽约大学Jay Rosen的博客(参见上午11点39分的链接),另一个则是在大西洋杂志上Alexis Madrigal的博客。 Maelstrom 大漩涡;大漩流 [亦作 M-]挪威西海岸的大漩涡 思想、感情的大混乱 猛烈的、破坏性的力量 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 In this maelstrom, what can the Americans do? 如此灾祸之中,美国人能做什么? www.ecocn.org Mr Dale believes that, caught up in this maelstrom of fads, managers can overlook the obvious - hence the title of his book. 戴尔认为,由于陷入了这种时尚漩涡,经理人可能会忽视那些浅显的道理——他这本书由此得名。 www.ftchinese.com Strange as it may seem to say in the midst of the present maelstrom, standards in public life have probably risen; but so have public expectations. 尽管在当前的风波中这样说似乎有些奇怪,但公共生活的水准很可能已经提高;当然,公众的预期同样提高了。 Magisterial 有权威的;专横的;官吏的 authoritative , cathedratic 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But tell him, also, to set his fraternal and magisterial heart at ease: that I keep strictly within the limits of the law. 但是,也告诉他,请他放宽他那一副傲然的手足之情的心肠吧。 我是严格遵守法律限制的。 www.putclub.com Sir Isaac the Alchemist, he said, was no less the fierce and uncompromising scientist than was Sir Isaac, author of the magisterial Principia Mathematica. 作为炼金术士的艾萨克爵士,他说道,和作为权威的数学原理的作者的艾萨克爵士比起来不呈多让。 article.yeeyan.org The faculty is an educational and art institution which includes, in its basic activities, basic studies, specialized studies, magisterial studies and doctoral studies. 系科是一个教育和艺术的制度,包括基本的活动、基本的学习、专业的学习、权威性的和博士的学习。 Magnanimity 宽宏大量的;有雅量的;宽大的 generous , liberal 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Wall Street isn’t the most magnanimous of places. 华尔街并不是最宽宏大量的地方。 dongxi.net Magnanimous Leo will overlook Virgo's tendency to be critical, while Virgo will take pride in Leo's accomplishments, good humor, and lovable nature. 宽宏大量的狮子座会忽视处女座爱挑剔的毛病,而处女座会对狮子座所拥有的成就、幽默感和可爱的天性感到自豪。 article.yeeyan.org Here is a good chance for a happy partnership. Magnanimous Leo will overlook Virgo's tendency to be critical, while Virgo will take pride in Leo's accomplishments, good humor, and lovable nature. 狮子和处女有可能成为快乐的一对, 心胸宽大的狮子会无视处女刻薄的挑剔本性, 而处女又会以狮子的成就, 幽默感和讨人喜欢的本性为傲. Magnanimous 宽宏大量的;有雅量的;宽大的 generous , liberal 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Wall Street isn’t the most magnanimous of places. 华尔街并不是最宽宏大量的地方。 dongxi.net Magnanimous Leo will overlook Virgo's tendency to be critical, while Virgo will take pride in Leo's accomplishments, good humor, and lovable nature. 宽宏大量的狮子座会忽视处女座爱挑剔的毛病,而处女座会对狮子座所拥有的成就、幽默感和可爱的天性感到自豪。 article.yeeyan.org Here is a good chance for a happy partnership. Magnanimous Leo will overlook Virgo's tendency to be critical, while Virgo will take pride in Leo's accomplishments, good humor, and lovable nature. 狮子和处女有可能成为快乐的一对, 心胸宽大的狮子会无视处女刻薄的挑剔本性, 而处女又会以狮子的成就, 幽默感和讨人喜欢的本性为傲. Maim 使残废 disable 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Yes, once again, children would be free to run, throw and half maim each other. 是的,再一次的,孩子们又可以自由地奔跑、扔掷和互相伤害了。 article.yeeyan.org As for all the inhabitants of the mountain regions from Lebanon to Misrephoth Maim, that is, all the Sidonians, I myself will drive them out before the Israelites. 山地的一切居民,从利巴嫩直到米斯利弗玛音,就是所有的西顿人,我必在以色列人面前赶出他们去。 www.ebigear.com Not only have they been known to kill and maim their own young, they also kill porpoises and play with their dead carcass for no apparent reason other than its fun. 不仅人们已经发现的他们杀害和弄残他们的幼仔,它们还会杀死鼠海豚,玩弄鼠海豚的尸体,并且毫无理由,似乎只为了玩耍。 Malaise 不舒服;心神不安 comfortlessness , unease 双语例句权威例句 Yet despite all these achievements, the sense of malaise in Chile is as palpable as the snow blanketing the Andes. 可是,尽管所有这些成就,但智利心神不安的感觉仍像白雪覆盖安地斯山脉一样可以触摸。 www.ecocn.org The malaise stems in considerable part from a feeling that individuals have become more vulnerable to forces beyond their control. 不舒服在相当大的程度上来自于这样一种感觉,就是个人变得更加易受不可控力的影响。 www.ecocn.org Symptoms reported by local clinicians include high fever, malaise, nausea, and vomiting, followed by meningitis, subcutaneous haemorrhage, toxic shock, and coma in severe cases. 地方临床医师报告的症状包括高热、不舒服、恶心和呕吐,重者出现脑膜炎、皮下出血、中毒性休克和昏迷。 Malfeasance 渎职,违法行为;不正当,坏事 bad , wrong 双语例句权威例句 "In extreme circumstances, if the boss is involved in malfeasance, you have a duty to act," says Useem. “在某些极端情况下,如果老板渎职,你有责任采取行动,”尤西姆说。 article.yeeyan.org The financial crisis provides an apparently endless opportunity for unmasking deceit, malfeasance, and corruption. 显然,金融危机提供了用之不竭的机会,可以揭露欺诈、渎职和腐败。 article.yeeyan.org Alptraum saw no evidence of financial malfeasance when she spoke at Sex Week 2010; I've contacted both the Sex Week organizers and the Dean's office about the allegations, and await their response. 安尔陶姆参加2010性周活动时没有看到这种渎职行为的证据;就这个指控,我联系了性周活动组织者和学监办公室,正在等待他们的答复。 Malign We still dwell in the Valley of the Shadow, lurk in its desolate places, peering from brambles and thickets at its mad, malign inhabitants. 我们依旧在影子的峡谷里生存,埋伏在荒凉的地方,从荆棘和丛林中凝视着,去诽谤那里的居民。 article.yeeyan.org It is the malign interaction between some countries' propensity towards chronic excess supply and other countries' opposite propensity towards excess demand. 它是一些国家倾向于长期过度供给和其它国家倾向于过度需求之间有害的相互作用。 www.ftchinese.com Is it not a paradoxical celebration of Cory's indisputable role in the freedom we enjoy today precisely in that we are all free to malign her and belittle that achievement? 这对于为我们带来自由的科里来 说不是一种矛盾的庆祝吗? 我们今天所享有的自由,正使我们大家都可以自由诽谤和轻视她。 Mandate 命令,指令;委托管理;受命进行的工作 instruction , order , bidding , word , charge vt. 授权;托管 empower , accredit 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Why have a mandate? 为什么需要命令? article.yeeyan.org Not all states, however, mandate their use. 然而,有些州并未授权使用。 article.yeeyan.org But it should mandate these practices, not just encourage study of them. 但是它应该授权让这些付诸实践,而不是仅仅鼓励研究。 Mangle 将(皮肉)撕裂,乱砍,乱压,压碎: She was knocked down by a car and badly mangled. 她被一辆汽车撞倒而受重伤。 After the accident we tried to identify the victims, but the bodies were too hadly mangled to be recognized. 事故发生后我们试图辨认遇难者,但血肉模糊的尸体已无法辨认。 (因大错而)毁损,损坏,弄糟: The car was badly mangled in the accident. 汽车在事故中严重损坏。 The symphony was dreadfully mangled. 那首交响曲被糟蹋得不成样了。 因发音错而使(文字)无法听懂 Mangy 污秽的;疥癣的;肮脏的 dirty , filthy 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Cassidy was originally found living in the streets — mangy, bony and apparently abandoned and with only three legs. 原先,人们发现卡西迪在大街上流浪过活,它满身疥癣,皮包骨头,而且只有三条腿,很明显是遭人遗弃的。 article.yeeyan.org And although ragged, mangy and bald in patches, he's been the first thing Tom asks after when he gets home from school. 猫的年事已高,一只眼睛瞎了。 虽然体毛蓬乱、疥癣满身、秃斑处处,他仍是汤姆放学回家第一个要过问的东西。 article.yeeyan.org And although ragged, mangy and bald in patches, he's been the first thing Tom asks after when he gets home from school. 虽然体毛蓬乱、疥癣满身、秃斑处处,他仍是汤姆放学回家第一个要过问的东西。 Mantle (用斗篷)覆盖,罩住: Snow mantled the hill. 雪覆盖了山丘。 A small stream was mantled over with green mosses. 小河被青苔所覆盖。 掩起,掩藏,遮掩: Clouds mantled the moon. 云将月亮遮住。 The mountains are mantled in silver. 群山披上了银装。 vi. 罩住;覆盖: The whole district mantled in loveliest white. 整个地区都披上了可爱的银白色外衣。 Manumit 解放;释放 deliver , emancipate 双语例句 He always intended to manumit those of his slaves who were his own to free (as opposed to the “dower slaves” from his wife’s estate) and he did free them in his will. 他一直打算释放自己的奴隶(不能从妻子财产里解放“陪嫁奴隶”),后来在遗嘱中确实这样做了。 Maroon 栗色;逃亡黑人奴隶;孤立的人 sorrel , chestnut adj. 栗色的 castaneous , nut-brown 双语例句权威例句 He arrives at Lhasa Cafe wearing a professor's uniform: blue jeans, a maroon jumper and a tweed jacket. 他来到拉萨餐厅,一副教授的装束:蓝色牛仔裤、栗色套头衫和粗花呢夹克。 www.ftchinese.com I wore a maroon velvet trouser suit that my daughter chose, and most of the village came to the reception. 那天,我穿了女儿为我挑选的栗色天鹅绒裤装,村庄里的大多数人都应邀参加了我的婚礼。 article.yeeyan.org He enjoyed his celebrity time: the fur coats and the diamond rings, the maroon Cadillac limousine in which her Billy Boy swept back into Beaufort to buy a 368-acre plantation for his mamma. 弗雷泽很享受成名的时光:毛皮大衣,钻戒,栗色凯迪拉克豪华轿车,开着她风光地回到博福特,为他的妈妈买了一个占地368亩的庄园。 Marrow 髓,[解剖]骨髓;精华;活力 essence , energy , vitality , elite , flower 双语例句原声例句权威例句 So, my marrow is okay but not my blood? 也就是说,骨髓可以捐献,血液却不可以? article.yeeyan.org These cells replace normal cells in the marrow and lymph nodes. 这些细胞取代正常的骨髓和淋巴结细胞。 article.yeeyan.org The rate at which leukemia progresses and how the cells replace the normal blood and marrow cells are different with each type of leukemia. 对于不同类型的白血病,处于不同病程的比例,以及如何白血病细胞取代正常的血液和骨髓细胞,都是不同的。 Marsh 沼泽;[地理]湿地 wetland , cienaga adj. [地理]沼泽的;生长在沼泽地的 palustrine , swampy 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He led them away from a marsh. 他把他们带离沼泽。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Supposing this well dried up like the marsh, how should we get out again? 假如这口井也像沼泽地一样干涸了,我们又怎么跳出去呐? www.en8848.com.cn It takes nature time to grow a forest or marsh because even nature can't do everything at once. 大自然需要发展森林或湿地的时间,因为就连大自然也不能同时做好一切。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-02 12:17:28

    Marshal 元帅;司仪 officiator vt. 整理;引领;编列 arrange , sort things out vi. 排列 arrange , form 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Marshal walked next to me. 元帅走到我旁边。 www.ebigear.com Marshal and his wife were the only people our age in the group. 元帅和他的妻子是唯一的在我们这个时代的人本集团。 www.ebigear.com Marshal turned to watch her as she walked through the cafe, then he turned to us. 元帅转向看她,她走过的咖啡馆,然后他转过身来给我们。 Marsupial 有袋的;袋状的 pouchy , baggy 双语例句权威例句 A University of Muenster team drew up a marsupial family tree based on DNA. 明斯特的一所大学的研究小组构建了一株有袋类动物家族的DNA基因树图谱。 article.yeeyan.org Commonly known as the Tasmanian Tiger, the Thylacine was the largest known carnivorous marsupial of modern times. 袋狼以塔斯马尼亚虎知名,它是现代社会最知名的食肉有袋动物。 www.elanso.com The Dingiso (Dendrolagus mbaiso), as the creature is also known, is a forest-dwelling marsupial with bold coloration that spends most of its time on the ground. 白腹树袋熊(Dendrolagus mbaiso),作为一种已知的生物,这种明显着色的树居有袋目哺乳动物一生大部分时间在地上度过。 Martinet 严峻的军纪官 厉行严格执行纪律的人 恪守细枝末节的人 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 “Seat-to-seat chatting could lead to a negative form of social networking, ” said Jeanne Martinet, a social commentator who writes the missmingle.com blog. 按照社会评论家珍妮•马蒂内的说法,座位与座位之间的交流可能造成负面的社会网络效应。 article.yeeyan.org Mrs. Abrams had fused my love of description and articulation with a martinet like organization to improve my writing by leaps and bounds. This allowed me to find my own style of writing. 爱波伦丝太太把我喜欢的讲究修辞用语的陈述和严密的组织结构融合在一起,使我在练习中发现了适合自己的写作风格,从而使我的写作水平大大地提高,产生了质的飞跃。 edu.sina.com.cn She has a strained relationship with the proprietress, Madame Beck; the school doctor, John Bretton, is attracted to her, but Lucy loses her heart to the martinet professor, Paul Emanuel. 她与女所有人贝克夫人关系紧张;校医约翰 • 布赖顿被露西所吸引,但露西却爱上了严肃的保罗•伊曼纽尔教授。 Mash 饲料;糊状物;麦芽浆 feed , paste vt. 捣碎;调情 contuse , quash 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Now mash the bread until it soaks up all the water. 现在把面包捣碎,直到所有的水都被吸干为止。 www.douban.com Whiskey is distilled from a fermented mash of grain. 威士忌酒是用蒸馏法从发酵的麦芽浆中提取的。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Pick a few leaves from the common lawn weed plantain, wash them, mash them, and apply as a poultice to the affected skin. 从常见的草坪杂草车前草上摘几片叶子,洗净,捣碎,然后像膏药一样敷在受感染的皮肤上。 Mason 石工 泥瓦匠 Masticate 咀嚼;粉碎;撕捏 comminute , pulverize vi. 咀嚼;粉碎;撕捏 size reduction 双语例句权威例句 The mouth is so dry that it is difficulty for the patient to masticate and swallow food. 口内大干,以致病人咀嚼和吞下食物,都有困难。 sy.zlgc.org Masticate the Ordeal Life is like the olive in every way, I have to savour its flavour everyday. 咀嚼痛苦每天的日子就像一枚枚橄榄青果,我不得不品味其中的酸楚与苦涩。 danci.911cha.com The result shows that the casting splint is better than the regular splint in diffusing occlusive force, improving masticate efficiency and promoting tissue rebuilding. 结果表明金属铸造夹板对分散力、提高咀嚼效率促进组织修复均优于钢丝塑料夹板。 Matriculate Edward: Yeah. It's a private joke. We matriculate a lot. 爱德华:是的,自嘲一下,我们多次被录取。 blog.163.com Then it went through a second phase where a small number of [minority] students were allowed to matriculate. 后来是允许少量[少数族裔]学生入学的第二阶段。 www.america.gov Here's a look at some of the most important hardware, software, and textbook tools you'll want in your arsenal when you matriculate. 这里我们来看一些你希望充实到你入学装备中很重要的硬件,软件和课本工具。 Maul 大槌 beetle vt. 打伤;殴打;抨击;粗暴对待 attack , rough 双语例句权威例句 A man that beareth false witness against his neighbour is a maul, and a sword, and a sharp arrow. 作假见证陷害邻舍的,就是大槌,是利刀,是快箭。 www.ebigear.com Creating a standout Android phone would not only be difficult given the experience of other companies but because it could get lost in the maul of Android phones available. 不仅打造一款杰出的Android系统手机很难给其他公司带来相关经验,并且Android手机的续航时间也遭到大家的大量抨击。 article.yeeyan.org In the article, titled "Labour big beasts maul Ed Miliband", Prescott was quoted as telling "friends" that "it is only early days, but it has not been a great start" by the party's leader. 这篇新闻以“工党抨击艾德米利班德”为题,并且报道说普莱斯考特被该党领袖所指告诉他的“朋友们”,说“这只是早期情况,但不算是个好的开端”。 Mauve 淡紫色的 violescent , orchid 双语例句权威例句 You’ll find their uniforms tend to be more subdued pastel colours, such as mauve, green or blue. 你会发现,他们的制服往往是较柔和的淡色彩,例如淡紫色、绿色或蓝色。 article.yeeyan.org I loved them for their mauve suede inner trim — a hint of femininity tucked into so much rugged practicality. 我喜欢它们的淡紫色羊皮内里——隐藏在相当的实用性之下的一点点温柔感。 dongxi.net The ladies who you work for, after they sob for hourson end, make them use blue or mauve eyeliner to make their bloodshot eyes lookwhiter. 如果你的女雇主一连抽泣了几小时,就让她们用蓝色或是淡紫色的眼线,这能让充了血的眼睛看起来白一点。 Maven 内行,专家 expert , sharp , specialist 双语例句权威例句 Arriving in 2014, the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission (MAVEN) will see if the solar wind and radiation are behind the loss of the Martian atmosphere. 至2014年,火星大气与挥发物演化的任务(MAVEN)将呈现是否火星大气损失的背后是太阳风和宇宙射线。 辛西娅•格雷伯报道。 article.yeeyan.org Arriving in 2014, the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission (MAVEN) will see if the solar wind and radiation are behind the loss of the Martian atmosphere. 至2014年,火星大气与挥发物演化的任务(MAVEN)将呈现是否火星大气损失的背后是太阳风和宇宙射线。 article.yeeyan.org They aren't. The data from the maven of bond research, W. Braddock Hickman, shows that junk debt outperforms high quality only in rare situations, because of the default risk. 债券研究专家W•布拉多克•西克曼收集的数据显示,潜在的高风险使垃圾债券只有在极特殊的情况下优于绩优债券。 Mawkish 令人作呕的,令人厌恶的;自作多情的;淡而无味的 ugly , nauseous 双语例句权威例句 But, as a former war reporter myself, I recoil from the mawkish sentimentality with which we enshrine our casualties. 然而作为一个前战地记者,我厌恶以这种病态的伤感来铭记我们之中的死者。 article.yeeyan.org Alternately mawkish and grisly, The Lovely Bones bounces back and forth between Susie’s dreamily surreal limbo and the mundane miseries of life on earth. 时而悲情感伤,时而阴森可怖,《可爱的骨头》在苏西梦幻般的乐园与现实中人们的痛苦之间不断转换。 article.yeeyan.org Yet there was nothing mawkish or funereal about the atmosphere at the weekend shows — rather they were a celebration of the individuality that produces imaginative talent. 但是在周末的发布会上并没有任何多愁善感或者死寂气氛-取而代之的对富于想象力的个体的欢呼。 Maze 迷宫;迷惑;糊涂 labyrinth , delusion vt. 迷失;使混乱;使困惑 cloud , confuse 双语例句原声例句权威例句 We drove from one situation to the next, like mice in a maze, unsure of what we would find next. 我们开车从一个地方到另一个地方,就像被困在迷宫里的两只老鼠,不知道下一刻会发现什么。 www.ecocn.org He put rats in mazes during the day, and recorded what neurons fired in what patterns as the rats negotiated the maze. 他白天把老鼠放在迷宫中,记录下老鼠通过迷宫时,有那些神经元以什么模式产生冲动。 article.yeeyan.org Had he ever entered the Maze and discovered what could make his life better?Or was Hem still hemmed in because he would not change? 他是否已经重新回到迷宫中,并且发现了能使他的生活变得更好的东西? 或者,他因为不肯改变,还在那里迟疑不前? Meddlesome 爱管闲事的;好干涉的 managing , snoopy 双语例句权威例句 Worse, it’s like a meddlesome mother, the kind who can’t let her kids do anything on their own. 更糟糕的是,她是个爱管闲事老妈,不让小孩自己做任何事的那种。 article.yeeyan.org When meddlesome legislators approached the podium, Mr Craddick simply refused to recognise them. 当爱管闲事的议员们靠近讲台的时候,卡拉迪克从容的拒绝了他们。 www.ecocn.org No institution in Turkey lives up to that adage more than its meddlesome army, which is embroiled in yet another row with the ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party. 在土耳其没有什么组织像爱管闲事的军队那样更能印证这句格言了。 土耳其军方再次牵扯进与该国执政党——正义与发展党(AK党)的一场冲突当中。 Mediocrity 平庸之才;平常 ordinariness 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Are you destined for mediocrity? 自己注定平庸一生吗? article.yeeyan.org I am clearly warning against that, because what you get is liable to be mediocrity. 我很清楚地对这种情况发出了警告,因为你得到的很可能是平庸之才。 www.scidev.net Although often mocked in Brussels as a mediocrity, Catherine Ashton, the European Union’s foreign-policy chief, finds herself at the heart of Middle Eastern mediation. 虽然在布鲁塞尔经常被嘲笑为平庸之辈,但欧盟外交政策负责人凯瑟琳•阿什顿发现自己处在中东调解的心脏位置。 Medley 混合;混杂;混合物 mixture , mix , hybrid , compound adj. 混合的;拼凑的 mixed , hybrid , compound 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Finally, Spitz swam the butterfly leg for the U.S. medley relay team: gold medal and world record. 最后,施皮茨在混合泳接力比赛与队 友一起打破世界纪录,并夺得金牌。 www.en8848.com.cn Du Toit, who wears a prosthetic leg out of the pool, had been a medley swimmer but soon decided to concentrate on long-distance swimming because there is less kicking. 杜-图伊托此前是一名混合泳选手,但截肢后很快决定主攻长距离游泳项目,因其不需要太多打腿动作。 她在不游泳的时候戴着一副假肢。 cn.reuters.com At last year's world championships in Melbourne, the American won seven golds and missed out on an eighth when the U.S. were disqualified from the medley relay because of a team mate's error. 在去年的墨尔本游泳锦标赛上,菲尔普斯获得了七枚金牌,而导致他与第八金失之交臂的原因是队友的失误,致使美国队未能获得混合泳接力比赛的决赛资格。 Meld 合并;混合 incorporate with , merge vt. 使…合并;使…混合 unite n. 结合;融合 combination , fusion , coupling , bond , wedding 双语例句原声例句权威例句 A new study chalks it up to a sort of "mind meld" between participants. 一项最新研究将其归因于交谈双方之间的一种“心灵融合”。 article.yeeyan.org That is to say, it is where art and technology emerge as experience, where message and medium meld, and where interactions are useful, usable, and enjoyable. 也就是说,在这里,艺术和科技成为一种体验,在这里,消息和媒体合并在一起,在这里,互动是很重要的和享受。 article.yeeyan.org This category causes multiple effects operating in parallel on the same or on related properties of a given display object to meld together, resulting in a more realistic "morphing" of the object. 这个类别促使在一个给定显示对象的相同或相关属性上平行操作的多个效果融合在一起,从而使该对象形成更真实的 “变形”。 Meliorism Meliorism : while there is life there is hope. 淑世论:有生命就有希望。 danci.911cha.com The thesis also analysis the using of evolution meliorism in the novel. 同时涉及进化向善论思想在小说中的运用与体现; www.fabiao.net Curiously, in Tess of the D'Urbervilles, Hardy stresses both determinism and chances, and his philosophical attitude towards life is a combination of pessimism and meliorism. 哈代在书中既强调了决定论,又强调了偶然性的作用,他对人生的哲学思考是悲观主义和进化向善论的结合。 Mellifluous 流畅的;如蜜般的 fluid , fluent 双语例句权威例句 The sweet witty soul of Ovid lives in mellifluous and honey -tongued Shakespeare. 奥维德的风雅机智的灵魂活在语言甜美流畅的莎士比亚身上。 dict.veduchina.com Zuckerberg speaks in a steady, mellifluous tenor; he has a long neck and tends to point his chin upward, as if aiming the bell of a saxophone. 他说的时候用的是一种平稳、流畅的、让人回味无穷的语气,而且他的长脖子也仰着,下巴像是要指到天上去,好像是萨克斯风的管口一样翘着。 www.elanso.com What made Dr Hawking's revelation so jarring to the religious establishment, and so mellifluous to its ideological opponents, was that until now he was regarded as an ally of faith. 霍金博士的新发现对宗教体制的震撼如此之大,但却又让这群他意识形态上的反对者如此甘之如饴,是因为直到现在他依然被认作是宗教的同盟。 Membrane 膜;薄膜;羊皮纸 film , panniculus 双语例句原声例句权威例句 So now in my box I have my partition, my membrane here. 所以现在在盒子里有隔板,在这里有薄膜。 open.163.com Now, if the membrane is strong enough, at some point it may not burst. 那么,如果膜足够强韧,在某种程度上它或许不会爆裂。 open.163.com It means that if I have a biological cell, or some container with a membrane through which one of the constituents might pass. 它的意思是如果我有一个生物细胞,或带膜的容器,其中一种组分可以通过这层膜。 Mendacious 虚假的;说谎的 lying , deceptious 双语例句权威例句 Crude and mendacious it may be, but the Sun senses the popular mood. 也许粗俗和虚假,但是太阳报察觉到了公众的情绪。 www.ecocn.org The invasion of Iraq, based on false intelligence and mendacious claims of a link between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda, was the most obvious example of this. 这方面最明显的例证便是入侵伊拉克,该行动以假情报和关于萨达姆•侯赛因与基地组织之间存在联系的虚假断言为基础。 www.ecocn.org But many efforts at reform are timid—witness the mendacious budgets produced in Washington by both Barack Obama and the Republicans and their refusal to touch entitlements. 但在改革方面所做的许多努力仍显得缩手缩脚——巴拉克•奥巴马与共和党人在华盛顿所作的虚假预算以及他们拒绝触及政府津贴计划就是明证。 Mendicant 乞丐;托钵僧 panhandler , begger 双语例句 Yes, yes, I know you, modest mendicant, you ask for all that one has. 好吧,好吧,我了解你,谦卑的乞丐的是一个人的全部所有。 blog.163.com Long after this, in a street in Bolpur, a mendicant Baul was singing as he walked along 很久以后,在鲍尔普尔的一条街上,一个行乞的歌手一面走一面唱 article.yeeyan.org This man, in his attire, as in all his person, realized the type of what may be called the well-bred mendicant,--extreme wretchedness combined with extreme cleanliness. 那人,从他的服装和神气看去,是极其穷苦而又极其整洁的,可以说是体现了人们称为高等乞丐的那一种。 Menthol 【化学、药物】薄荷醇;䓝醇 [亦作 hexahydrothymol,peppermint camphor] [口语]薄荷香烟 adj. [口语]含薄荷醇的 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 They covered the affected parts with menthol. 他们在患部涂上薄荷醇。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 The menthol will make the sensations you feel really tingly, priming you for a more powerful orgasm. 其中的薄荷醇会让你的感觉更加强烈,让你享受一个异常强烈的高潮。 article.yeeyan.org Lip plumpers typically work by irritating the thin, delicate skin of the lips with ingredients like menthol or camphor. 作为代表性,丰唇蜜是通过诸如薄荷醇或樟脑等组合物质来刺激嘴唇中纤细的皮肤。 Mercenary 雇佣的;唯利是图的 gainful n. 雇佣兵;唯利是图者 lansquenet , condottiere 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Ultimately, it is the mercenary nature of people that causes financial crises, and this one is no exception. 归根结底,造成金融危机的,是人类唯利是图的本性,这次也不例外。 www.ftchinese.com It would be easy to condemn this dichotomy between what Wall Street says to its clients and what it does with its money as hypocrisy or mercenary opportunism. 看到华尔街对客户说的是一套,管起自己的钱来又是一套,你会骂他们虚伪,说他们是唯利是图的投机者。 cn.wsj.com If someone were to reply that anyone who bears arms will act in this manner, mercenary or not, I would answer that armies have to be commanded either by aprince or by a republic. 如果有人会回应到任何手握军权的人都是这个样子,不论是雇佣兵还是其他军队,我会回答说军队必须在君主或共和国的控制之下。 Mercurial 水银的;水星的;墨丘利神的;雄辩机智的;活泼善变的 hydrargyric , quicksilver 双语例句权威例句 Mercurial and unpredictable, he was the kind of man who could only be explained by Pushkin or Tolstoy, if by anyone at all. 他反复无常,令人捉摸不透,是那种只能由普希金或托尔斯泰来解释的人,如果有人能够解释他的话。 www.ecocn.org Unfortunately, not only is Harry no match for the mercurial, ruthless Hugo, but after a few dozen pages, we long to see Harry eviscerated by Hugo’s unrelenting nastiness and wit. 但不幸的是,不仅哈里比不上那个雄辩机智又残酷无情的雨果,在翻了几页之后,我们发现哈里身上的特质已经被雨果那种冷酷和才思敏捷掏空了。 dongxi.net Students of his mercurial ways may find that unlikely, but even if he were to abandon the DPJ, only the most politically suicidal of his comrades would now be likely to follow him. 然而从他善变的行为方式来看,这似乎不大可能。 不过即便他弃民主党而去,也没有人会跟随他,除非是那些真的很想政治自杀的同伴。 Meretricious 浮华的;华而不实的;粉饰的;俗艳的;俗气的 不诚恳的;欺骗性的;虚夸的 像妓女的;娼妓似的;适合妓女的 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 同近义词 adj. 俗气的;娼妓的;华丽而庸俗的 tacky , Philistine 双语例句权威例句 Of the meretricious splendour I had heard so much there is not a trace. 我听到过很多对此地豪华装饰的描述,但是我找不到一丝这样的痕迹。 article.yeeyan.org The tea-party's version of the Revolution, however, shades far beyond kookiness and into the meretricious realm of "antihistory". 然而,茶党版本的美国革命竟偏执到了发狂的地步,甚至到了反历史的庸俗境地。 bbs.ecocn.org There is a difference between a padded bra and silicone implants—the padded bra can be safely removed after it has served its purpose; the "porn boob" has rendered the bra meretricious, obsolete. 加垫胸围和硅胶植入体之间还是有区别的:加垫胸围在用过之后可以安全脱下,“大胸部”的兴起则令它显得俗气、老土。

  • backpackerxl

    backpackerxl (在偌大的世界中找寻一粒沙的位置) 2012-12-03 00:05:14


  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-03 15:59:27

    Mesh 网眼;网丝;圈套 web , trap vt. [机]啮合;以网捕捉 joggle 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The teeth on those two wheels mesh as the wheels revolve. 轮子转动时,那两个轮子上的齿就啮合了。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 We make other teams aware of how we work and enable their work styles to mesh with ours. 我们让其他团队知道我们如何工作,并且使它们的工作方式与我们啮合。 www.ibm.com Understand these differences and ensure all team members understand them as well, so you can adapt and mesh working styles between teams. 了解这些差异,并确保所有的团队成员也都了解它们,这样您就可以适应并啮合团队之间的工作方式。 Mesmerism 催眠术;催眠状态;迷惑 hypnotism , braidism 双语例句权威例句 Some express that memories of the past birth can be activated by mesmerism. 有些研究则表明通过催眠可以回忆前世。 blog.sina.com.cn Mesmerism: The character uses his own Disquieting aura to affect the minds of others, from entrancing them like a cobra to creating a false identity in someone. 迷术:运用自身躁动灵气来影响他人心灵之法,如催眠和误导他人等。 dj.iciba.com However, people contained to believe in this process of "Mesmerism" and it was soon realized that successful results could be achieved, but without the need for magnets and water. 然而,人们不再相信这种麦斯迈术,并且很快意识到不需要磁体和水,也可以达到这种成功的结果。 Metabolism energy metabolism 能量代谢 lipid metabolism 类脂物代谢作用;类脂化合物代谢作用 fat metabolism 脂肪代谢 drug metabolism 药物代谢,药物代谢酌 nitrogen metabolism 氮代谢 更多词组短语 双语例句原声例句权威例句 All living matter undergoes a process of metabolism. 生物都有新陈代谢。 《新英汉大辞典》 But what do these people mean when they refer to metabolism and their metabolic rate? 但是,当这些人提到新陈代谢和新陈代谢率时,他们所指的是什么呢? www.elanso.com This is a trend in Hollywood, where many believe coffee not only speeds up their metabolism but also keeps them from eating. 这在好莱坞是一种趋势,因为演员们相信咖啡不仅能够加速新陈代谢而且还能帮助她们少吃东西。 Metamorphose 使变成(to, into);改变…的形状(或结构): The magician metamorphosed the frog into a prince. 巫师将青蛙变成了王子。 A larva metamorphoses into a chrysalis and then into a butterfly. 幼虫变为蝶蛹,再变成蝴蝶。 使岩石变质 vi. 变化;变形;变质(into): 变化;变形;变质(into): A tadpole metamorphoses into a frog. 蝌蚪会变成青蛙。 Young girls are metamorphosed into stunning stars of the screen. 年轻的姑娘们变成了绝色的电影明星。 Mete 给予;分配;测量 afford , allow , extend , deliver , sound n. 边界;测量 boundary , measurement , border , survey 双语例句权威例句 The related administrative supervision departments shall mete out punishments according to law. 自己无权处理的,应当向同级或者上级人民政府的行政监察机关提出行政处分建议书,有关行政监察机关应当依法予以处理。 www.24en.com An algorithm will mete out the offers by weighing customers' past purchases and geographic locations. 分配订单的算法结合了客户的购物历史和地理位置。 article.yeeyan.org Well-meaning parliamentarians can legislate all they like, it seems, but if the courts do not mete out sufficient punishment then the state will remain ineffective. 看上去善良的国会议员可以完全按照个人的喜好来执法,但如果法庭不能给予足够的严惩,这个国家将会停留在无执行力的状态。 Meteoric 大气的;流星的;疾速的 atmospheric , freeair 双语例句权威例句 It is still making pots of money, but growth rates are not anywhere near the meteoric 40% pace of years past. 虽然谷歌还是很赚钱,但是已大不如以前如大步流星一般的有40%的增长率了。 article.yeeyan.org The bad news came from a test of Natrecor, a drug that had meteoric sales after its approval in 2001 because it was the only medicine that seemed to help shortness of breath. 坏消息则来自于对奈西立肽做的测验。 这种药自2001年得到认可后,销量惊人,因为当时它被认为是唯一可能治疗呼吸急促的药。 article.yeeyan.org New figures show China has overtaken Japan to become the world's second largest economy -- a development analysts describe as a milestone in China's meteoric rise as a world power. 新的统计数据显示,中国已经取代日本成为世界第二大经济体,分析人士将这一进展形容为中国飞速崛起成为世界大国的里程碑。 Meteorology 气象状态,[气象]气象学 aerography , meteorological optics 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The terminology of meteorology rises every time the temperature falls. 每当降温时,气象学术语的热度都随之升高。 article.yeeyan.org Meteorology is a very practical science because everyone is concerned about the weather. 气象学是一门非常实用的科学,因为人人都关注天气。 article.yeeyan.org All of this depends on certain assumptions and the meteorology, the geology and the hydrology of the area plus the contours of the land around this particular power plant. 所有的这些都是根据某些假设,和气象状态,地质情况,还有,水文请跨国,在加上土地的等高线,在这个特定的核能电站的周围。 Methodical 有系统的;有方法的 systematic 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Many organizations grow organically and don’t think about their activities in this structured and methodical way. 许多组织在有机地成长时,并不会用这种结构化、有方法地去思考自身活动。 article.yeeyan.org The most methodical way of doing this is to find one of the service locator lookups in a constructor and push it to the class instantiating it. 做这件事情最有条理的方法是在组件的构造函数中找到执行服务定位器查找的语句,把该语句移到实例化该组件的类中。 www.infoq.com Completing the framework in a methodical way ensures that project managers have thought through every aspect of a problem and considered it from every perspective. 用系统的方法完成这个框架保证了项目的管理者通过了项目的每个方面,并且从每个方面进行了考虑。 Mettle 勇气;气质;耐力 courage , nerve , heart , temperament 双语例句权威例句 The two men shared a bond born of their common world view: you tested your mettle in battle. 两个男人相同的出身背景把他们联系在了一起。 你在战斗中考验你的勇气。 dongxi.net Rebuilding trust and image are the prerequisites for the fourth key element, what the authors call "proving your mettle". 重建信任和重塑形象是第四个关键步骤的前提,作者把这一步称作:“证明你的勇气”。 www.ftchinese.com Your inner mettle may not be easily altered, but with the right tool kit, some aspects of personality may be works in progress. 你内心的气质也许不会轻易改变,然而如果有了一些正确的方法,一些个性将会不经意间地改变。 勇敢的;精神饱满的 game , brave 双语例句 Under the rules of the mettlesome, you rattling never undergo. 在这个游戏规则下,你真的永远不会预知结果。 tavernicoli.com The object of the mettlesome namely to obtain the pellet into your opponent's content. 比赛的目的就是要将足球踢人对方的球门。 www.thatgaynetwork.com Welcome to XXX Trading Firm, which, with its brand new appearance, is modest and surefooted in business, persistent in making progress, and mettlesome in innovation. 我商行会以谦虚踏实,不断进取,勇于创新的工作态度,全新的商行面貌欢迎您的光临。 Miff 使……恼怒 bother 双语例句权威例句 The MIFF phenomenon is not entirely new. “中弱国”的出现并不是一个全新的现象。 www.ecocn.org In 2005, MIFF countries contained fewer than 15m people living on less than $1 a day, not even 1% of the world’s poorest. 2005年MIFFs国家有少于1.5亿人日均消费水平低于1美元——跟全球赤贫人群相比,这个消费低于他们的1%。 www.ecocn.org The MIFF phenomenon is not entirely new. Papua New Guinea and Equatorial Guinea—both undeveloped places with big extractive industries—are longstanding examples. 如今的MIFF现象并非是完全新鲜的事物,巴布亚新几内亚和赤道几内亚这两个拥有大规模采掘工业的国家便一直是两个例子。 www.ecocn.org Mimic 模仿,摹拟 simulate , pattern , imitate n. 效颦者,模仿者;仿制品;小丑 aper , imitator adj. 模仿的,模拟的;假装的 affected , simulate , assumed 双语例句原声例句权威例句 She learned to mimic at the age of five. 她5岁时就学会模仿。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Your dream should mimic the story in your mind. 而这个梦将会模仿出现在你脑中的故事。 article.yeeyan.org And some of them are sort of mimic traits that we associate with women, though nowadays we realize that not all women have those traits. 他们中有些是有模仿特征的,我们联想到女性,即使现在,我们意识到并非所有女人有那些特征。 Minaret 尖塔 steeple 双语例句权威例句 They blasted a minaret too. 他们还朝一个尖塔开了炮。 article.yeeyan.org And the minaret ban is only the start of it. 而尖塔禁令对瑞士来说仅仅是个开端。 www.ecocn.org Most of the stalactites and stalagmites have their own names. This is ‘Minaret’, the trade mark of Marble Cave. 多数钟乳石和石笋都有自己的名字。这个是“尖塔”——溶洞的地标。 Minatory 恐吓的,威胁的 intimidatory 双语例句权威例句 This shows, a kind of when rectum cancer will become minatory people health increasingly main cancer is swollen. 由此可见,直肠癌将日益成为威胁人民健康的一种主要癌肿。 dj.iciba.com If can raise the vitamin D level inside him body effectively, what can let millions person every year avoid to die is minatory . 如果能够有效提高自己体内的维生素D水平,则每年可以让数百万人避免死亡的威胁。 dictsearch.appspot.com Stoke City were this week’s roadkill and, if anything, this ruthless execution was more minatory than any number of six-goal massacres. 斯托克城队则成为本周比赛的牺牲品。 甚至可以说,这场不留情面的比赛比任何一场打进六球的狂胜都让人胆寒。 Mince 将(肉)切碎,剁碎,切细,(用绞肉机)绞碎: to mince the chicken 切碎鸡肉 to mince the lean meat 剁碎瘦肉 细分;再分小;因细分而破坏: He minced his plan into two. 他把他的计划细分成两部分。 [贬义]假斯文(或扭扭捏捏)地迈着小步走(路): The actor minced his way across the stage. 那个男演员扭扭捏捏地迈着小碎步从舞台的一边走到另一边。 假装高雅(或彬彬有礼)地说;装腔作势地发(词的)音 更多结果 Minion 奴才;宠臣 flunkey 双语例句权威例句 When you subscribe to a religion, you enroll in a mindless minion training program. 如果你信仰了某个宗教,就是加入了一个没脑子的奴才培训班。 article.yeeyan.org Ferdinando, the ' minion ', carries them away, and Hagar puts back the cup which holds the poison meant for Roderigo. 奴才"费迪南多把酒带走了,黑格把原来要给罗德力戈的那杯毒酒放回去。 www.kekenet.com Of course these instruments are usually controlled by those who administrate the minion training program, but they don’t have to be. 当然这些工具通常掌握在那些奴才培训班的管理者手中,当然也并不一定是那样。 Minuscule 极小的;用草写小字写的 itty-bitty , teeny 双语例句权威例句 It\\\\\\\'s a little like a lottery: the chance of winning is minuscule but because millions buy a ticket every week there is usually a winner. 这就像买彩票:撞见财神的可能性极小,但是因为巨多的人每周会买一张来撞运气,所以总会有人中彩。 article.yeeyan.org From these minuscule shifts, the team estimated that the planet is about three times the mass of Jupiter, and orbits its star at a distance slightly greater than that between Mars and the sun. 从这些极小的变化中,他所在的工作小组估测这颗行星的质量是木星的三倍,它的轨道距离恒星的距离比火星到太阳的距离略长。 www.ecocn.org If LCROSS had turned up 1 percent water, NASA figures it might be economically viable to extract water from a crater, rather than try to coax it from the soil, where water exists in minuscule amounts. 如果LCROSS已经变成了1个百分点,国家航空和宇宙航行局的数据水可能是经济可行的陨石坑中提取的水,而不是试图哄那从土壤,水的存在于极小的数量。 Misanthrope 厌恶人类者,憎恨世人者;遁世者[亦作 misanthropist] 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 Consider both an avid cocktail party hostess with hundreds of acquaintances and a grumpy misanthrope, who may have one or two friends. 细想一下;一个有数以百计的熟人的鸡尾酒会的女主人和一遁世者,谁会有一两个朋友。 www.ecocn.org While not a commercial success-a pattern largely unbroken until I'm Your Man-this lackadaisical triumph is an inspiration to the misanthrope in us all. 尽管并不是一个商业上的成功,这一模式直到《我是你的男人》才被打破。 这个漫不经心的胜利是对独来独往的我们的一个激励。 article.yeeyan.org If this all strikes you as fancy, handlebar moustache talk from an old misanthrope who doesn't get things like whatever the hell we're calling “conversations” this week, maybe you're on to something. 如果你觉得我所说的复杂,就像我们今周所说的一个守旧的不愿与他人来往的人在自言自语,那可能你准备做其他事。 Misconstrue 误解,曲解;误会 misinterpret , misread 双语例句权威例句 Don’t misconstrue this suggestion to mean that a manager must personally know how to perform every job in the organization. 千万不要误解这个看法,这并不是要求经理们对公司内的每一份工作都了如指掌。 article.yeeyan.org One reason people misconstrue teenage sexual behavior is that the system of dating and relationships has changed significantly. 导致人们对青少年性行为曲解的原因之一是约会与性关系的模式有了明显的改变。 article.yeeyan.org Mostly because they failed to work through what Seth Godin identifies as "The Dip" and proceed to misconstrue community values and attitudes. 主要是由于他们未能闯过塞思•戈丁认为的“斜坡”,并且进而误解社区的价值和姿态。 Miscreant 异端的;邪道的;极恶的 enormous , heretical n. 异端;恶棍;罪大恶极之人 tough , deviationism 双语例句权威例句 In contrast, Panama has not budged, reinforcing its reputation as Latin America’s leading financial miscreant. 对照之下,巴拿马却不动如山,更加强化了身为拉丁美洲首要金融恶棍的臭名。 www.ecocn.org Mr Godoy Toscano's desafuero may not mark an end to impunity in Mexican politics, but it does symbolically put every miscreant politician in the country on notice. 罢免托斯卡诺先生可能并不能代表墨西哥政治豁免的结束,但是它却象征性地让该国的政治恶棍们开始留神了。 www.ecocn.org In recent corruption cases miscreant bosses have been spared prison on the basis of their importance to the economy, provided they donate some of their ill-gotten gains to charity. 最近几宗贪污案件表明,如果他们把非法所得的一部分捐献于慈善事业的话,那几个罪大恶极的大老板将会鉴于他们在经济体系的重要地位而被释放。 Misdemeanor 轻罪;品行不端 venial sin , peccadillo 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He faces misdemeanor counts of stalking and harassment. 他面临跟踪和骚扰等数宗轻罪指控。 cn.reuters.com It's no small decision for Congress to impeach (accuse of a crime or misdemeanor) the president, but in 1868 that's exactly what happened. 国会对总统提出弹劾 (指控总统犯罪或品行不端) 的决定相当严重。 但是这在1868年却发生了。 www.24en.com Police are to investigate claims that Chris Huhne, the energy secretary, asked another person to take penalty points he incurred for a motoring misdemeanor in 2003 (a criminal offence, if true). 警方调查声称,能源部长克里斯∙休恩在2003年发生驾驶轻罪时找人当“替罪羊”(如果这属实的话,将会是刑事罪行)。 Misgiving 担忧;疑虑;不安 tension , uneasy about v. 担忧;使…疑虑;害怕(misgive的ing形式) dreading 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Also, people really like hearing their name, and if you say it in a slightly misgiving way – like a mom scolding her child – they'll always laugh. 而且,人们很喜欢听自己的名字,如果你用一种带着些许担忧的方式说出它-就像母亲斥责她的孩子-她们经常是会笑的。 article.yeeyan.org However, as the moment for the girl's setting out drew nigh, when the first excitement of the dressing had passed off, a slight misgiving found place in Joan Durbeyfield's mind. 不过,姑娘动身的时刻越来越近了,当初梳妆打扮的兴奋一消失,琼•德北菲尔德太太的心里就出现了一阵担忧。 www.crazyenglish.org Not every Chinese embraced Deng's reform and open-door policy. Old Guards and conservatives in and outside the communist party accepted Deng's reform policies, but with a great deal of misgiving. 并不是所有中国人都支持邓的开放政策,党内外的保守派虽然接受了他的改革政策,但有很多疑虑。 Misrepresent 歪曲报道,不如实地叙述(或说明),诈称,误传: The company misrepresented its products in the advertisement. 该公司为其产品做虚假广告。 He says that I have misrepresented his views in my pamphlet. 他说我在小册子中歪曲了他的观点。 不适当地代表;不称职地代表 vi. 作虚假陈述;说假话: 作虚假陈述;说假话: She was misrepresented in the press as a militant. 她被报界不符合事实地说成是一个激进分子。 Mistral Frederic Mistral 米斯特拉尔 ; 弗雷德里克米斯特拉尔 Mistral Charger 西北风战马 Mistral Class 米斯特拉级 更多网络短语 21世纪大英汉词典 柯林斯英汉双解大词典 mistral ['mistrəl; ,mis'trɑ:] n. 【气象学】密史脱拉风(法国南部地中海沿岸地带的一种干冷北风) 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 Russia is currently in talks with France on the purchase of two Mistral class helicopter carriers and the construction of two others under a French license. 俄罗斯目前正在与法国就采购两艘Mistral级直升机航空母舰以及另外两艘的建造事宜进行谈判。 www.etiri.com.cn The air defence system will be consisting of Giraffe AMB radars, command stations, communications equipment, air defence missile equipment, Mistral-missiles and training equipment. 整个防空系统由“长颈鹿”(Giraffe)AMB雷达、指挥站、通信设备、防空导弹设备、Mistral导弹和训练设备组成。 www.etiri.com.cn The sale of up to four Mistral-class assault ships is seen as France's most ambitious bid yet to reach out to Russia, but negotiations have stumbled over Moscow's demands for a transfer of technology. 4艘Mistral级攻击舰的交易被认为是法国和俄罗斯接触以来最具雄心的出价,但谈判已经因为俄罗斯技术转让要求太高而遇到了困难。 Mite 极小量;小虫;小孩儿;微小的东西 particle , bug 双语例句权威例句 The researchers propose that the lice, which outcompete or feed on mites, first be introduced into a flock of mite-infested hens so that the lice can get rid of all the mites. 研究人员介绍说首先把比鸡螨强势或以鸡螨为食的虱子放进到一群已经感染了鸡螨的母鸡中,这样虱子会把所有鸡螨都消灭掉。 article.yeeyan.org This winter's losscontinues the trend of large losses in recent years, as pesticides usedto protect bee populations against the varroa mite are becoming lessand less effective. 今冬的蜜蜂损失是近几年大量蜜蜂损失趋势的继续,这是由于用以保护蜂群防止螨虫的杀虫剂越来越不起作用了。 article.yeeyan.org Other reported cross-reactions include a link between house-dust-mite faeces and shrimp allergy, and another between mugwort pollen and an allergy to carrots, celery and sunflower seeds. 据报道,其它交叉反应包括室内尘螨的粪便和虾过敏之间的联系,另一种是艾属植物花粉和对胡萝卜、芹菜以及葵花子过敏之间的联系。 Metrical 测量的;韵律的;有韵律的 metered , gauged 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Usually, the metrical impulse is on the beat. 一般来说,韵律的冲动出现在节拍上 v.163.com In the first flood-tide of that joy I paid no heed to the bounds of metrical form, and as the stream does not flow straight on but winds about as it lists, so did my verse. 在这种喜悦的第一阵浪潮中,我对韵律形式的束缚毫不在意。 就像溪流,不是笔直地流下去,而是依照自己的意愿,逶迤曲折地向前,我的诗歌也是如此。 article.yeeyan.org Well, that's a version of what we hear in the poem when we hear the forms of strained relation between Frost's dynamic speech sounds and the metrical pattern of his writing. 这是我们从这首诗中领略到的一种版本,当我们感受到这种紧张的关系,在弗罗斯特的动态的语言音律,和他写作的韵律结构之间。 Minatory 恐吓的,威胁的 intimidatory 双语例句权威例句 This shows, a kind of when rectum cancer will become minatory people health increasingly main cancer is swollen. 由此可见,直肠癌将日益成为威胁人民健康的一种主要癌肿。 dj.iciba.com If can raise the vitamin D level inside him body effectively, what can let millions person every year avoid to die is minatory . 如果能够有效提高自己体内的维生素D水平,则每年可以让数百万人避免死亡的威胁。 dictsearch.appspot.com Stoke City were this week’s roadkill and, if anything, this ruthless execution was more minatory than any number of six-goal massacres. 斯托克城队则成为本周比赛的牺牲品。 甚至可以说,这场不留情面的比赛比任何一场打进六球的狂胜都让人胆寒。 Minuscule 极小的;用草写小字写的 itty-bitty , teeny 双语例句权威例句 It\\\\\\\'s a little like a lottery: the chance of winning is minuscule but because millions buy a ticket every week there is usually a winner. 这就像买彩票:撞见财神的可能性极小,但是因为巨多的人每周会买一张来撞运气,所以总会有人中彩。 article.yeeyan.org From these minuscule shifts, the team estimated that the planet is about three times the mass of Jupiter, and orbits its star at a distance slightly greater than that between Mars and the sun. 从这些极小的变化中,他所在的工作小组估测这颗行星的质量是木星的三倍,它的轨道距离恒星的距离比火星到太阳的距离略长。 www.ecocn.org If LCROSS had turned up 1 percent water, NASA figures it might be economically viable to extract water from a crater, rather than try to coax it from the soil, where water exists in minuscule amounts. 如果LCROSS已经变成了1个百分点,国家航空和宇宙航行局的数据水可能是经济可行的陨石坑中提取的水,而不是试图哄那从土壤,水的存在于极小的数量。 Miserly 吝啬的;贪婪的 tight , pinchpenny 双语例句权威例句 It would turn the government into a miserly provider of pensions and health insurance. 这项计划将把政府变成养老金和医疗保险的吝啬提供者。 robertafnani.com And in these earlier studies, people often used their money to punish the richest and most miserly players. 在这些早期实验中,人们常常利用自己的金钱惩罚最富有、最吝啬的玩家。 edu.sina.com.cn From then on the reader, too, is alert for him, doffing his robe to dance, dominating the tiltyard, until in 1509 he throws the windows open and sweeps his father’s miserly dreariness away. 读者也是从那时候起对他心生警觉,他不穿长袍跳舞,在骑士比武场上称霸,直到1509年他洞开所有的窗户,一扫他父亲满是吝啬的凄凉。 Mnemonics And you can use mnemonics to try to keep these straight I see the T as sort of a plus sign. 你可以使用记忆术来记清它们,我将T看成是加号。 v.163.com Use visual mnemonics: The seemingly superhuman class of individuals that memorize oodles of random information at the World Memory Championships have no special abilities. 采用视觉记忆术: 那帮在世界记忆锦标赛上记下众多随机信息,被奉若神明的人们,其实并没有什么天赋异禀。 dongxi.net Make it easier to pull facts and concepts out of your memory with the help of tricks such as mnemonics—which can be a sentence or phrase in which the first letter of the words joggles the memory. 借助一些技巧,如记忆法,将大大简化把一些事实和概念抽出大脑的过程。 它可以是一个句子或一个词组,这些词的第一个字母能唤起你的记忆。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-04 15:06:00

    Modicum 少量,一点点 smidgeon , driblet 双语例句权威例句 At a minimum, she hopes for at least a modicum of attraction. 至少,她希望能遇到一个对她有一点点吸引力的人。 article.yeeyan.org One possibility cited by the researchers is that having a modicum of control at the office exacerbated the tensions between the office and home. 研究者还发现了一种可能,在办公室拥有一点点控制权反而会增加从办公室到家里的紧张度。 dongxi.net For all the flaws in the management of nationalised industries in the days before privatisation, there was at least a modicum of accountability and transparency. 对于西方国有企业私有化之前存在的所有管理缺陷,至少有一点点的问责和透明度。 Molding 模塑;铸造;装饰用的嵌线 casting , foundry 双语例句权威例句 You have been shaped by your experiences in life, most of which were beyond your control. God allowed them for his purpose of molding you. 你的生活塑造你,大部分经验在我的控制范围之外,但神容许这些事情发生,为的是要塑造你。 www.ebigear.com They inspected his tiny factory, a single-story cement building with three molding machines and 15 workers, some of whom sit on the floor while they assemble mops. 他们视察了他的小厂,这是座一层楼的混凝土建筑,有三个塑模机器,雇佣了15名工人,部分工人坐在地板上组装拖把。 cn.wsj.com I began to see my children as if they were guests at my table, rather than creatures who needed molding, or scolding or holding, or anything at all from me besides ... listening. 我开始把儿子们当作餐桌上的客人,而不再是需要我去加以塑造的儿童。 我不会去嘲讽,阻断他们,或做任何其它事情,我要做的事情只有一件,那就是倾听。 Monolithic 整体的;巨石的,庞大的;完全统一的 enormous , huge , integral , holistic 双语例句原声例句权威例句 You can build the help as one monolithic file, like a book, and have only one main topic that points to that file. 您可以将帮助作为一个整体文件来构建,像书一样,并且只有一个指向该文件的主要标题。 www.ibm.com This monolithic environment for an application eliminated any concern about which clock to use -- because there was only one clock. 对于一个应用程序的这个单块集成电路环境消除了使用哪个时钟的问题 —— 因为只有一个时钟。 www.ibm.com The supercomputer is not one big monolithic device but rather an assemblage of 96 racks, each containing 32 slim little computers, stacked on top of each other like pizza boxes. 这台超级计算机并不是一个巨大的整体,而是由96个架子组成的集合,每个包含32个超薄的小型电脑,像披萨盒子一样堆在一起。 Montage You can use this for displaying a montage of images that are each partly hidden, but that the user can reveal fully by hovering over it. 你可以使用这个技术为照片的隐藏部分使用蒙太奇效果,但当用户将鼠标悬停在上面是就会显示全部。 blog.163.com During the musical montage of city scenes at the beginning of Woody Allen's new film there are more cars than people in most of the shots. 在伍迪•艾伦的这部新电影里,开场便运用了音乐蒙太奇的手法展示巴黎街景,而在大部分场景中,车比人还多。 bbs.ecocn.org Ilkka Halso's "Museum of Nature, " a digital photo montage, turns the environment we know now into a sterile comodity -- as forests and wildlife move indoors to become museum exhibits. 伊尔卡•哈尔索的数字蒙太奇照片“自然博物馆”,把我们熟悉的环境变成了不毛之地——森林和野生物移进室内成了博物馆展品。 Morale 士气,斗志 fight , martialism 双语例句原声例句权威例句 They could not destroy our morale. 他们不能挫败我们的士气。 www.ebigear.com Morale perked up immediately at the good news. 听到这个好消息,士气立刻振作起来。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 The terrible defeat has shaken the army morale. 那次惨败动摇了这支部队的士气。 Moratorium 暂停,中止;[金融]延期偿付 hang , temporary suspension 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Moreover, it is not clear which fissile material is supposed to be subject to the moratorium. 此外,在“暂停产”概念下,到底指的是停产哪些裂变材料,也不清楚。 www.putclub.com I told him that, after I left Arkansas the previous summer, I did some work for the Vietnam Moratorium in Washington and in England. 我告诉他,在先前的一个夏天,离开阿肯色州后,我在华盛顿和英国为“暂停越战”运动作了一些工作。 article.yeeyan.org Hansen said he was taking part in the Coventry demonstration tomorrow because he wants a worldwide moratorium on new coal power stations. 汉森说他将参加明天在考文垂的示威活动,因为他希望在全世界范围内暂停新的燃煤电站。 Morbid 病态的;由病引起的;恐怖的;病变部位的 sick , pathological 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He was disenthralled from morbid fantasies. 他被从病态的幻想中解脱出来。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 The catacombs exert a morbid fascination over the citizens of Paris. 地下墓穴对巴黎市民施展了一种病态的魔力。 www.elanso.com If anyone lift the cloth from the face of that unpleasant thing it will be in gratification of a mere morbid curiosity. 如果谁将这个不悦的玩样儿脸上的布掀开,那它会因为一种病态的好奇而心感满足。 Morgue 陈尸所;资料室,资料档案 data room 双语例句原声例句权威例句 What do you mean, from the morgue? 你什么意思,从太平间出来? article.yeeyan.org But the next day, the morgue was encircled by red berets who refused anyone access. 但是第二天, 停尸房被红色贝雷帽包围, 他们拒绝任何人进入。 www.hrw.org Large newspapers also have a staff of researchers who help reporters find background on stories and who maintain a library, or “morgue,” of stories published by the newspaper. 大型报社还有专门的研究人员,负责帮助记者查找新闻背景资料,并管理存放着该报所有过

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-05 20:13:46

    Mumble 含糊地说;喃喃地说: His uncle was mumbling to himself. 他舅舅喃喃自语。 (如因缺齿而)困难地咀嚼;(以无齿的牙床)瘪着嘴嚼 vt. 含糊地说;喃喃地说: He mumbled his speech without pause. 他不停地咕哝着他的话。 如无齿地咀嚼;瘪着嘴咀嚼: The old woman mumbled the cake. 老太太瘪着嘴吃蛋糕。 Mundane . 世俗的,平凡的;世界的,宇宙的 ordinary , lay , universal , international , stock 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This week you might want to consider some mundane but important details. 这周你或许会想着考虑一些平凡的,但却是重要的细节。 article.yeeyan.org This stranger has the right to ask you anything from the most elaborate to the most mundane questions. 而这位陌生人有权利问你任何问题,从最细节的问题到最平凡的问题。 www.24en.com I find it humorous sometimes that even the most mundane occurrences can have an impact on our awareness. 我发现生活有时挺诙谐的,即使是最平凡的事情也能影响我们的感知。 Munificent 慷慨的;丰厚的;宽宏的 generous , handsome , liberal 双语例句权威例句 That the moneyed are munificent is welcome, but that the best brains in business take the giving seriously matters, too. 有钱人的慷慨解囊很受欢迎,但是他们这些商业上最聪明的头脑认为这同样是很严肃的事情。 www.ecocn.org And despite Mr Bush’s munificent gesture, American firms may also miss out on the coming boom in India’s civil-nuclear industry. 并且尽管布什十分慷慨,美国企业仍可能将在今后繁荣的的印度民用核工业中错失获利的机会。 www.ecocn.org Joy for some customers of Australia's Commonwealth Bank recently, as rogue cash machines began dispensing munificent sums, thanks to a software problem. 最近澳大利亚联邦银行(Commonwealth Bank of Australia)的一些顾客交了好运,一些捣蛋的提款机因为软件问题开始慷慨散财。 Mural 墙壁的 wall n. [建]壁画;(美)壁饰 wall painting , painting in fresco 双语例句权威例句 Snow Mural - use a piece of blue construction paper. 雪景壁饰——用一张蓝色建筑设计纸。 www.elanso.com Pour a little glue into some shallow containers, dip cotton balls in the glue and then stick onto the paper - you have a snow mural! 在一个浅的容器里倒一点胶水,用棉球沾点胶水然后粘到纸上——你就有了幅雪景壁饰! www.elanso.com In the small towns of Peru’s Andean highlands, every spare surface has been commandeered for a poster or a mural proclaiming: “Keiko Presidente! 在秘鲁安第斯高地的一些小城镇,每一面空墙都被强行贴上了海报或涂上了壁画,上书“庆子总统!” Musket 步枪;滑膛枪,毛瑟枪 rifle , Mauser 双语例句权威例句 That became musca in Latin, then the diminutive muschetta and ultimately—by now a weapon, not a projectile—musket. 这个词(mice)在拉丁语中写作“musca(苍蝇)”,加上后缀又变成“muschetta”,最后演变成“musket”——滑膛枪,一种兵器而不是弹射装置。 www.ecocn.org Admiral Nelson’s encounter as a plucky 14-year-old midshipman fighting only with the butt of his musket is surely a myth, but others are true. 纳尔逊海军上将时为一名勇敢的14岁的少尉候补官,他仅用滑膛枪托与遭遇的北极熊搏斗的故事可以肯定是个神话,不过其他的故事倒是真的。 www.ecocn.org At age three Hemingway was a precocious killing machine: while his peers scribbled with crayons and drooled on themselves, he could load, cock, and shoot a musket. 三岁的海明威就已经具备杀人机器的潜质:当他的小伙伴们都在拿蜡笔涂鸦,口水淌一身的时候,他就已经在摆弄步枪了。 上弹、旋塞、射击,样样不在话下。 Myriad 无数的;种种的 thousand , countless , million , infinite , innumerable n. 无数,极大数量;无数的人或物 million , innumerability 双语例句原声例句权威例句 A myriad of lights twinkled like stars in the distance. 远处有无数盏灯像星星一样闪烁。 《新英汉大辞典》 Every day, wittingly or unwittingly, we make a myriad of connections with people around the world. 每天,无论是有意还是无意,我们都会和周围的人有无数的联系。 article.yeeyan.org There were many women, a couple of wives, myriad children, acknowledged in his paintings far more than in his life. 人们公认在他的画作里有很多女人,几个妻子和无数的孩子,比他的生活中多很多 Narcotic 麻醉的;有麻醉作用的;催眠的 anesthetic , anaesthetic n. [药]麻醉药;镇静剂;起麻醉作用的事物 drug , banque 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Social media, e-mail, text messaging—they all have that rare quality, like a narcotic, to be both the cause and the solution to a problem. 社交网络,电子邮件,短信——这一切都拥有罕见的特性,就像是镇静剂,同时具备引发问题和解决问题的能力。 www.ecocn.org As Europe awakens from its narcotic spell, the bitter truth is that very few of the strategic motivations for the formation of the single currency have been fulfilled. 随着欧洲从麻醉的魔咒中苏醒,它如今面临的苦涩事实是,当初建立单一货币的战略性动机极少已经实现了。 dongxi.net It is not uncommon, he says, to be approached by people in their twenties or thirties selling a white narcotic called "ice" - probably a form of crystal methamphetamine. 他说,二三十岁的人会走到你跟前,卖一种叫做“冰”的白色麻醉药(可能是一种结晶状脱氧麻黄碱),这种现象并不少见。 Nascent ]初期的;开始存在的,发生中的 earlier , young 双语例句原声例句权威例句 No and No! There is a nascent profession perhaps, but it is not there yet. 两个问题的答案都是:不! 可能在初期有这样的职业,但现在已经不再有了。 www.infoq.com A decade ago that decision seemed to fit with the progression of computing and the nascent internet. 在十年前,这一决策确实与当时计算机的发展和刚出现的英特网相适应。 www.ecocn.org It is believed that the moon formed when the nascent Earth and Theia collided, sending materials out into space. 人们认为当初期的地球和忒伊亚相碰撞时,把物质洒向太空时,月球形成了。 article.yeeyan.org Natty 整洁的;敏捷的;考虑周到的;清楚的 distinct , clear , sharp , fly , quick 双语例句权威例句 He bows to the judges pretty much as low as everybody else. Always a natty dresser, his standards in court never slip. 他比任何人都深地向法官鞠躬,在法庭上永远是一尘不染的整洁装束。 www.ecocn.org In the village, Mr. Breivik caught the attention of locals for his natty attire, formal ways and lack of farming knowledge. 在那个村庄,布雷维克因其整洁时髦的着装、彬彬有礼的举止并且缺乏务农知识而引起注意。 www.cn.wsj.com With his sun-kissed complexion, natty clothes and love of the links, Mr Boehner looks like a textbook country-club Republican. 博纳有着阳光垂吻的面容,整洁时髦的衣着,广爱交际,看上去就像是个教科书式的乡村俱乐部共和党员。 Nebulous 朦胧的;星云的,星云状的 hazy , shadowy 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It was discovered in 1764 by Charles Messier, who included it as the 27th member of his famous catalog of nebulous objects. 1764年由查尔斯梅西耶发现并将其作为第27.个成员归入到他那著名的星云星团列表中。 article.yeeyan.org The definition of “comfort” is simply too nebulous, and its pursuit too stratifying, for it to be a legitimate basis for ideology. “舒适”的定义是如此地朦胧,要想追求舒适的生活,又太强调阶级的差异——它只是一种理想在法律上的概念。 www.elanso.com The alternative it to disregard it as some weird nebulous feeling that’s come out of nowhere and almost certainly live to regret it. 替代它无视它的一些朦胧的感觉,奇怪的后起之秀,并几乎可以肯定活到后悔。 Naysayer 否定者;拒绝者;老是唱反调的人 rejecter , refuser 双语例句权威例句 One naysayer pointed out that these athletes were simply reverting to the mean. 一位反对者指出,这些运动员只不过是从巅峰状态回复到了平均水平。 www.fortunechina.com His confidence in the economy's prospects, he said, is based largely on having watched China overcome numerous obstacles over the last several decades, and defy many a naysayer. 他说,对中国经济拥有如此信心,主要依据是看到中国在过去几十年克服了许许多多的障碍,让很多唱空者预言落空。 c.wsj.com Even during "blue sky" brainstorming sessions, where all suggestions are to be contemplated with an open mind, the Naysayer immediately pooh-pooh s any proposal that challenges the status quo. 即便在“天马行空“、对建议进行开放考虑的集体研讨会上,否定者对于任何向现状发起挑战的提议会立即进行唾弃。 Nefarious 邪恶的;穷凶极恶的;不法的 evil , ill , black , ugly , wicked 双语例句原声例句权威例句 You can use this for nefarious purposes. 你可以使用这个为不法的企图。 v.163.com In 1946 General Electric was fined by the US government owing to its nefarious wartime activities. 1946年,通用电气因其邪恶的战时活动被美国政府处以罚款。 article.yeeyan.org It think that in and of itself will begin to shield from influences of Iran that are nefarious influences. 我认为它自己应该开始抵制来自伊朗的影响,这是一种邪恶的影响。 Nepotism 裙带关系;起用亲戚 networking through petticoat influence 双语例句原声例句权威例句 That looked like just the sort of nepotism that the president abhors. 那看起来正像是总统所痛恨的裙带关系。 www.ecocn.org But a system superior to corruption and nepotism is not necessarily the best possible system. 但是,一个优于腐败和裙带关系的体制并不一定就是最好的体制。 article.yeeyan.org Given that your chairman evidently believes in nepotism – or else he would not have thrust the lad on you – your job may be safe for a bit. 鉴于你们董事长显然相信裙带关系(否则他不会将这个孩子推给你),你的工作可能会安全一点儿。 Neurology neurology department 神经内科 双语例句原声例句权威例句 “Especially in neurology, ” I say. “尤其是神经学,”我说。 article.yeeyan.org Without any neurology evidences, he claimed that most of people only uses 15 % of their brain. 没有任何神经学证据的支撑,他就宣称:大多数人都只用了大脑的15%。 www.elanso.com Interestingly, investigations in both psychology and neurology support the idea that despite the persistent feeling we all have of a being a unified self, we are in a very real way multiple selves. 有趣的是,心理学和神经学的调查都支持这样一个观点,尽管我们都执着地感到自己是一个统一的自我,但是我们其实是有许多个自我的。 Neutralize 宣布中立;使中立化: to neutralize a city to prevent bombing 宣布某城市中立以避免被轰炸 使无效,抵消;使无价值: My efforts were neutralized by your one word. 你的一句话把我的一切努力全给毁了。 【军事】压制(火力) 【电学】使成中性 【化学】中和 Nexus 关系;连结,连系 relationship , connection , bearing , concern , link 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Some of his best insights lie at the nexus between these worlds. 他最有见解的部分在于这些世界之间的连系。 www.ecocn.org That nexus unfolds in a series of steps that build on one another and must be separately understood (see diagram, below). 这种关系在一系列依次建造的步骤中呈现,必须分开单独理解(如下图所示)。 article.yeeyan.org In these countries, the nexus between the political and business elite undermines both democracy and business efficiency. 在这些国家,政治与企业精英之间盘根错节的关系破坏了民主和商业效率。 Nib 钢笔尖;嘴;鹅管笔的尖端 mouth , kisser vt. 装尖头;削尖;插入 build in , plug in 双语例句权威例句 BoC may also take over Temasek's majority stake in NIB, a Pakistani bank. 此外,中国银行可能会接手淡马锡在巴基斯坦银行NIB的多数股权。 www.ftchinese.com When you created the NIB file, you also created the controller class for each view. 在您创建 NIB 文件之后,您还需要为每个视图创建控制器类。 www.ibm.com As described above, you must create a View NIB file and view controller for each application window to associate any view to the correct view controller class. 如之前所述,您必须为每一个应用程序窗口创建一个视图 NIB 文件和视图控制器,并将视图关联到正确的视图控制器类上。 Nicety 精密;美好;细节;拘泥细节 detail , fairness , specific 双语例句权威例句 But this legal nicety was not “customer-facing.” 但这样美好的法律并不是“面向客户”的。 article.yeeyan.org All four studies reveal that gratitude is more than just a social nicety, or a way of making the helper feel good; 上述的四个研究表明感激不仅仅是交际的细节或3是帮助者感觉良好的方法; article.yeeyan.org But notwithstanding all nicety of calculations, the real course of Uranus would not at all agree with the one computed. 不过,即使是完全准确的计算,其结果与天王星的运行的实际观察结果也并不完全一致。 Nick 刻痕于;挑毛病;用刻痕记 pick holes , pick at n. 刻痕;[生化]缺口 separation , gap , score vi. 刻痕;狙击 score Municipality 市民;市政当局;自治市或区 citizen , corporation 双语例句原声例句权威例句 For the past three years, the municipality has wanted the buildings demolished and turned into a park. 过去三年来,市政当局警告说,要将这些房屋拆除,将这里建成公园。 www.ebigear.com The Jerusalem municipality unveiled plans to build 600 new homes in a West Bank settlement on the outskirts of the city. 耶路撒冷市政当局公布了在耶路撒冷郊区一个约旦河西岸的定居点建造600个新住宅的计划。 www.ebigear.com The Rue Amélie is one of my favorite streets. It is one of those streets which by good fortune the municipality has forgotten to pave. 待来到阿梅利街,我早已忘掉了电影的事,这条街是我最喜欢的街道之一,也是市政当局有幸忘记铺垫的一条街。 Mural 墙壁的 wall n. [建]壁画;(美)壁饰 wall painting , painting in fresco 双语例句权威例句 Snow Mural - use a piece of blue construction paper. 雪景壁饰——用一张蓝色建筑设计纸。 www.elanso.com Pour a little glue into some shallow containers, dip cotton balls in the glue and then stick onto the paper - you have a snow mural! 在一个浅的容器里倒一点胶水,用棉球沾点胶水然后粘到纸上——你就有了幅雪景壁饰! www.elanso.com In the small towns of Peru’s Andean highlands, every spare surface has been commandeered for a poster or a mural proclaiming: “Keiko Presidente! 在秘鲁安第斯高地的一些小城镇,每一面空墙都被强行贴上了海报或涂上了壁画,上书“庆子总统!” Murky 黑暗的;朦胧的;阴郁的 dark , sad , gray , gloomy 双语例句权威例句 All the rest of Hell is filled with murky flame, and against this background Satan stands out in awful majesty. 地狱的其他空间都充满了黑暗的火焰,在这样的背景下,撒旦可怕而威严地站在那里。 article.yeeyan.org It can see every colour we can, as well as infrared and UV light, helping it to spot predators and food in murky water. 它可以看到我们能看到的每一种颜色,以及红外和紫外光,这帮助它识别出黑暗的水面上的捕食者和食物。 dongxi.net Oil companies often have to operate in difficult environments, be they the murky waters of the Gulf of Mexico or Russian politics. 即便在墨西哥湾或俄罗斯政坛的黑暗水域中,石油公司总得在这些艰难的环境中运作。 Mulish 顽固的,执拗的;骡子似的 difficult , resistant , stubborn 双语例句权威例句 You mulish guy, what the hell are you seeking? 你这顽固的人,你究竟追求什么东西? danci.911cha.com Don'taskme. You'll soon understand, you mulish. 你自己不久就会知道,你这顽固的年轻人。 www.cfeie.com Mr Bashir's inflammatory rhetoric and often mulish resistance to humanitarian pleading have made Sudan a pariah, at least in the West. 巴希尔先生的花言巧语和对人道主义谴责的顽固辩解使苏丹成为国际社会――至少在西方――的一个贱民。 Muster 集合;召集: Muster all the students you can find. 把能找到的学生都集合起来。 to muster soldiers 让士兵集合 召集…点名 鼓起;激起;使振作(常与up连用): to muster up strength 鼓足力量 He mustered up all his courage. 他鼓起了全部勇气。 I couldn't muster up much enthusiasm for basketball. 对篮球我无法鼓起很大热情。 Mutate 变化,产生突变 vary , pass , change from vt. 改变,使突变 influence , fashion , shift , vary , innovate 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Obviously, minerals do not have genes and thus cannot mutate as living things do. 显然,矿物并没有基因,因此不能像生物一样发生突变。 www.ecocn.org It can mutate into being racist without many or even most of the individuals in it being so. 它能够在许多甚至绝大多数个体不是种族主义者的情况下变异成种族主义者。 article.yeeyan.org An immutable object's state cannot change after construction. In other words, the constructor is the only way you can mutate the object's state. 一个不可变对象的状态在其构造完成之后就不可改变,换句话说,构造函数是唯一一个您可以改变对象的状态的地方。 Mutineer 反抗者;叛变者 revolter , resister 双语例句权威例句 Mr Fini was ostensibly a high-minded mutineer. 菲尼明显是一个高调的反叛者。 www.ecocn.org the mutineer, indeed, died under the doctor's knife, and Hunter, do what we could, never recovered consciousness in this world. 的确,那海盗最终死在了大夫的手术刀下; 至于亨特,尽管我们想尽了一切办法,他终于还是没有再苏醒过来。 tr.bab.la The American sailors expected to meet a tribe of primal natives, but were instead greeted by a canoe loaded with super-friendly English speaking Anglo-Tahitian mutineer children. 这些美国水手们本以为能碰上一些土著部落的居民,可没想到遇到竟是一艘小木筏,木筏上的全是说着一口英语的英-塔希提混血的超友好的孩子们。 Myopia 近视;目光短浅,缺乏远见 near sight , hypometropia 双语例句权威例句 Berlin's partners – and not just those in trouble – have sometimes been driven to distraction by its myopia. 德国的伙伴(不仅是那些陷入困境的国家)有时因其目光短浅而心烦意乱。 www.ftchinese.com Serious eye strain can lead to persistent headaches, muscle pain in the head, neck and upper back, as well as long term problems like myopia. 严重的眼疲劳会导致长期的头痛,头部,颈部和上发背的肌肉疼痛,也可能会引起一个长期的问题近视。 article.yeeyan.org But what the alcohol myopia model does provide is a very intuitive and easily understood way of thinking about how alcohol affects us, for better and worse. 但酒精近视这一概念,对与我们理解酒精对我们的影响,无论是好是坏,都提供一种非常直觉的,易于理解的方式。 Nadir 最低点,最底点;[天]天底 hardpan 双语例句权威例句 Why not move to one of the most economically depressed cities in America during the nadir of a recession? 那么干嘛不趁着美国经济衰退的最低点到一个最不景气的城市去呢? article.yeeyan.org Things go downhill from youth to middle age until they reach a nadir commonly known as the mid-life crisis. 从青年阶段开始,生活一路向下,在步入中年后达到最低点,(爆发)众所周知的中年危机。 www.ecocn.org By 2000, amid all the enthusiasm for the internet, the dividend yield on American equities was just 1%, an historical nadir. 到2000年,在各界对互联网的巨大热情中,美国股票的股息利率只有1%,达到历史最低点。 Narcotic 麻醉的;有麻醉作用的;催眠的 anesthetic , anaesthetic n. [药]麻醉药;镇静剂;起麻醉作用的事物 drug , banque 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Social media, e-mail, text messaging—they all have that rare quality, like a narcotic, to be both the cause and the solution to a problem. 社交网络,电子邮件,短信——这一切都拥有罕见的特性,就像是镇静剂,同时具备引发问题和解决问题的能力。 www.ecocn.org As Europe awakens from its narcotic spell, the bitter truth is that very few of the strategic motivations for the formation of the single currency have been fulfilled. 随着欧洲从麻醉的魔咒中苏醒,它如今面临的苦涩事实是,当初建立单一货币的战略性动机极少已经实现了。 dongxi.net It is not uncommon, he says, to be approached by people in their twenties or thirties selling a white narcotic called "ice" - probably a form of crystal methamphetamine. 他说,二三十岁的人会走到你跟前,卖一种叫做“冰”的白色麻醉药(可能是一种结晶状脱氧麻黄碱),这种现象并不少见。 Nascent 初期的;开始存在的,发生中的 earlier , young 双语例句原声例句权威例句 No and No! There is a nascent profession perhaps, but it is not there yet. 两个问题的答案都是:不! 可能在初期有这样的职业,但现在已经不再有了。 www.infoq.com A decade ago that decision seemed to fit with the progression of computing and the nascent internet. 在十年前,这一决策确实与当时计算机的发展和刚出现的英特网相适应。 www.ecocn.org It is believed that the moon formed when the nascent Earth and Theia collided, sending materials out into space. 人们认为当初期的地球和忒伊亚相碰撞时,把物质洒向太空时,月球形成了。 Natal . 出生的;诞生的;分娩的;出生地的 mother , partal 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But we are very concerned about the problem of post-natal exposure as well. 但是我们同样非常关注孩子出生后接触这些东西的问题。 article.yeeyan.org Some researchers or drug companies might see this as an opportunity to develop a pre-natal treatment. 一些研究者或医药企业可能会把这看作开发一种出生前治疗手段的机会。 article.yeeyan.org She was addressing a meeting in KwaZulu-Natal province, where the rate of HIV/AIDS is among the highest on the continent. 这是她在夸祖鲁—纳塔尔省的一次会议上说的。 该省是非洲大陆艾滋病感染率最高的地区之一。 Natty 整洁的;敏捷的;考虑周到的;清楚的 distinct , clear , sharp , fly , quick 词根: natty adv. nattily 整洁地;帅地;灵巧地 n. nattiness 整洁;帅 双语例句权威例句 He bows to the judges pretty much as low as everybody else. Always a natty dresser, his standards in court never slip. 他比任何人都深地向法官鞠躬,在法庭上永远是一尘不染的整洁装束。 www.ecocn.org In the village, Mr. Breivik caught the attention of locals for his natty attire, formal ways and lack of farming knowledge. 在那个村庄,布雷维克因其整洁时髦的着装、彬彬有礼的举止并且缺乏务农知识而引起注意。 www.cn.wsj.com With his sun-kissed complexion, natty clothes and love of the links, Mr Boehner looks like a textbook country-club Republican. 博纳有着阳光垂吻的面容,整洁时髦的衣着,广爱交际,看上去就像是个教科书式的乡村俱乐部共和党员。 Nautical ]航海的,海上的;船员的 marine , sea-going 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Anything aquatic or nautical is sure to please a Pisces including boats, cruise tickets, a trip to the beach and a hot tub experience. 一切与水有关或是航海的东西也可以打动双鱼座,比如说船只、巡游票、一次海滩旅行或是泡一次热水澡。 www.en8848.com.cn Attempting an unprecedented shift in human behaviour without the input of psychologists is like setting sail for a faraway land without the aid of nautical maps. 想要一个史无前例的人类行为的转变却没有心理学家的参与,无异于扬帆欲去远方却没有航海地图的帮助。 article.yeeyan.org Techniques for conserving and stabilising metals recovered from nautical environments have been developed and tested but have never been applied to a complete aircraft. 为保护稳定的航海环境,金属回收技术已经开发和测试,但从来没有被应用到一个完整的飞机上。 Nebulous 朦胧的;星云的,星云状的 hazy , shadowy 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It was discovered in 1764 by Charles Messier, who included it as the 27th member of his famous catalog of nebulous objects. 1764年由查尔斯梅西耶发现并将其作为第27.个成员归入到他那著名的星云星团列表中。 article.yeeyan.org The definition of “comfort” is simply too nebulous, and its pursuit too stratifying, for it to be a legitimate basis for ideology. “舒适”的定义是如此地朦胧,要想追求舒适的生活,又太强调阶级的差异——它只是一种理想在法律上的概念。 www.elanso.com The alternative it to disregard it as some weird nebulous feeling that’s come out of nowhere and almost certainly live to regret it. 替代它无视它的一些朦胧的感觉,奇怪的后起之秀,并几乎可以肯定活到后悔。 Nefarious 邪恶的;穷凶极恶的;不法的 evil , ill , black , ugly , wicked 双语例句原声例句权威例句 You can use this for nefarious purposes. 你可以使用这个为不法的企图。 v.163.com In 1946 General Electric was fined by the US government owing to its nefarious wartime activities. 1946年,通用电气因其邪恶的战时活动被美国政府处以罚款。 article.yeeyan.org It think that in and of itself will begin to shield from influences of Iran that are nefarious influences. 我认为它自己应该开始抵制来自伊朗的影响,这是一种邪恶的影响。 Negate 取消,使无效: to negate a ban 取消一项禁令 否定,否认: The story negated the trade supported by the government. 该项报道否认了此项贸易受到政府的支持。 vi. 否定,否认;取消: 否定,否认;取消: To always negate is not the way to create what is new and original. 一味的否定并非就是标新立异。 更多结果 Neolithic 新石器时代的;早先的 previous 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The archaeologists have dug up some interesting Neolithic remains. 考古学家挖掘出一些有趣的新石器时代的遗迹。 www.putclub.com Many institutions, from neolithic villages to the maniples of the Roman army, seem to be organised around the Dunbar number. 从新石器时代的村落,到罗马军团中队,许多机构都似乎是围绕邓巴人数来组建。 www.ecocn.org Many institutions, from neolithic villages to the maniples of the Roman army, seem to be organised around the Dunbar number. 从新石器时代的部落到罗马军团的步兵中队,许多机构似乎都是遵循“邓巴数字”构建起来的。 Neologism 新词;新义;新词的使用 new words 双语例句原声例句 Where does this kind of neologism come from? 这种新词是从何而来的呢? www.24en.com The neologism "geoengineer" refers to one who contrives, designs or invents at the largest planetary scale possible for either military or civilian purposes. 新词“地球工程师”是指在最大行星尺度上为了军事目的或人类理想而进行的设想、设计和发明。 article.yeeyan.org You are a dictionary, and you are supposed to be a watchdog of language, not the one handing ID’s to every silly neologism so they can slip past the bouncers. 你是一部字典,你就应该是语言的看家护卫,而不是给每一个愚蠢的新词颁发身份证明,以至于他们可以从语言保镖身边悄悄溜过去。 Neophyte 新信徒;新入教者;初学者 catechumen , learner 双语例句权威例句 But Mr Edwards is no longer a policy neophyte. 但爱德华兹也不再是一名政治新手。 www.ecocn.org Alarmingly, at least for a container-ship neophyte like myself, the world’s biggest ship seems to have a crew of only 19. 令人担忧的是,至少像我这样的集装箱船的新手,全球最大的船似乎只有19个船员。 article.yeeyan.org He is up against a political neophyte: an adviser and bureaucrat who was almost unknown just a couple of years ago, and who has never before fought, let alone won, an election. 而现在,他所面临的对手,是一个政治新人:一个政府官员兼顾问,仅仅在两年前,还是一个几乎默默无闻的人,而且从未参选,更不用说是赢得过一次选举。 Nepotism 裙带关系;起用亲戚 networking through petticoat influence 双语例句原声例句权威例句 That looked like just the sort of nepotism that the president abhors. 那看起来正像是总统所痛恨的裙带关系。 www.ecocn.org But a system superior to corruption and nepotism is not necessarily the best possible system. 但是,一个优于腐败和裙带关系的体制并不一定就是最好的体制。 article.yeeyan.org Given that your chairman evidently believes in nepotism – or else he would not have thrust the lad on you – your job may be safe for a bit. 鉴于你们董事长显然相信裙带关系(否则他不会将这个孩子推给你),你的工作可能会安全一点儿。 Nettle 荨麻属(Urtica)植物 类似荨麻的植物 令人恼火(或烦恼)的事物 vt. 用荨麻刺;用荨麻鞭打: to nettle the fugitive slaves 用荨麻鞭打逃跑的奴隶 使恼火,使烦恼,惹怒: A joke nettled him. 一句笑话,他就生气了。 Neurology neurology department 神经内科 双语例句原声例句权威例句 “Especially in neurology, ” I say. “尤其是神经学,”我说。 article.yeeyan.org Without any neurology evidences, he claimed that most of people only uses 15 % of their brain. 没有任何神经学证据的支撑,他就宣称:大多数人都只用了大脑的15%。 www.elanso.com Interestingly, investigations in both psychology and neurology support the idea that despite the persistent feeling we all have of a being a unified self, we are in a very real way multiple selves. 有趣的是,心理学和神经学的调查都支持这样一个观点,尽管我们都执着地感到自己是一个统一的自我,但是我们其实是有许多个自我的。 Neutralize 抵销;使…中和;使…无效;使…中立 blank , cancel out 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It can also redouble its lobbying and other influence activities in an effort to neutralize or deflect threats of extra-legal regulation. 它也可以倍增在游说和其他影响活动方面的投入,以中和或转移法外监管带来的威胁。 article.yeeyan.org They set out to neutralize undesirable public opinion by pushing pro-Party views through chat rooms and Web forums, reporting dangerous content to authorities. 通过在聊天室和网络论坛里宣传关于党的正面观点,他们努力中和负面的公众意见,并向政府举报网络中的危险内容。 article.yeeyan.org PET-WASTE BAGS: I went to the dollar store, and, in the baby section, they sell 100-pack disposable diaper bags that are scented to neutralize odors with tie-close handles, environmentally friendly. 宠物垃圾袋:我去一元店,在婴儿区,他们销售100片包一次性尿布袋,它们洋溢着香味 ,用以中和各种气味,有紧密合拢的把手,并且是环保的。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-06 13:24:09

    Nil 零 nothing , nonbeing 双语例句原声例句权威例句 My knowledge of the subject is practically nil. 我在这方面的知识几乎等于零。 《新英汉大辞典》 The result of the game was 3-0 [three-nil or three-nothing]. 比赛结果是三比零。 《新英汉大辞典》 The chances of seeing one are virtually nil, so why bother to try to save them? 现在,人们看到一只大熊猫的机会几乎为零,那么,为何还要费心拯救它们? Nip 夹;捏;剪断;冻伤;阻止 dispute , stem , block n. 夹;捏;刺骨;小饮 Nippy 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Nip it in the bud. 把它消灭在萌芽状态。 827683205.qzone.qq.com If we attack quickly, we can nip the enemy's plans in the bud. 如果我们迅速进攻,我们可以把敌人的计划消灭在萌芽状态。 www.crazyenglish.org If you barely have enough time for the friends you have now, be wary of taking on someone you haven’t missed that much and nip this encounter in the bud — nicely, of course. 如果你的时间刚好只能贡献给你现在的朋友,在重逢那些交情浅的朋友时要小心,把这样的巧遇要“扼杀在摇篮里”——当然,是友善地。 Nippers 钳子(nipper的复数形式) clippers , pliers 双语例句权威例句 To avoid this, check your drugstore for nail “nippers” that are shaped to follow the natural curve of the nail. 避免长成嵌甲的方法就是,去药店买个专门用来修指甲的小镊子,按照指甲自然弧度来剪。 article.yeeyan.org This one easily crack seashells. You may imagine what is going to happen if it catches somebody with its nippers. 这只能轻易打开海贝。你可以想象如果人被它的钳子夹住了会怎么样。 article.yeeyan.org Thus each mother spoke of her baby, and their babies talked after their own fashion, and made use of the little nippers they have in their tails to nip the beard of the beetle. 所有的妈妈都在说自己的孩子,用他们自己认为很时髦的方式,用他们尾巴里的小钳子去轻夹金龟子的胡子。 Nitpick 挑剔;吹毛求疵 carp at , cavil about 双语例句权威例句 You shouldn't nitpick, I had done my best. 你别太挑剔,我已经尽力了。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 So if you start to nitpick and worry about perfect, say “screw it” and then just try for “good enough”. 所以,一旦你开始变得挑剔或者担心不够完美,对自己说“滚吧”,然后尝试“适量就好”。 article.yeeyan.org The recession forced corporate America to look hard for savings, and the people who were being paid hundreds of dollars an hour to nitpick were an obvious target. 经济衰退迫使美国公司努力省钱,于是那些每小时领取上百美元来吹毛求疵的人们显然首当其冲。 Noncommittal (态度等)不明朗的;不表态的;不承担义务的 无明确性质的,无明确意义的 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 I remind myself to look for glazed expressions, noncommittal grunts, or darting eyes. 我会提醒自己察看对方是否表情木然、语言含含糊糊或目光不定。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn But be truly noncommittal with financing, even though it's a good idea to line up tentative financing with your lender before you go car shopping. 不要真正答应赊销方式,即便在你购车之前与你的借款人达成暂时赊销方案是个好主意,(也不要答应)。 dictsearch.appspot.com His relation to his own proposals during the campaign has been pleasantly noncommittal, if generally liberal (as voters and the media are only now getting around to noticing). 在选战期间他对自己的个人主张的表述给人的感觉一直是八面玲珑、态度暧昧,如果大体上看是主张变革的(正如选民和媒体直到现在才开始注意到)。 Nondescript 难以辨认的,难以明确的 难以归类的,难以形容的 n. 无特征的人(或事物);难以形容(或归类)的人(或事物) 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Not only that, but somehow I found out that Frank McCourt LIVED a couple of blocks away from me, in a nondescript apartment building. 我不仅发现他所住离我的住处只有几个街区远,还发现他住在一栋极平常的公寓楼中。 www.elanso.com For in an equally nondescript room next door, a young sergeant in combat fatigues is staring at the goats through a window fitted with one-way glass. 因为在隔壁同样不起眼的房间里,一名身穿作战服的年轻中士正通过装有单向玻璃的窗口盯着这些山羊。 article.yeeyan.org In a nondescript building, down a largely unmarked hallway, is a series of rooms, each with a rack of servers and a “ground control station, ” or GCS. 就是这座看似普通的建筑的长长的过道之下有一排房间,每一间中都有机架的服务器和地面指挥站或者是地面通信系统。 Nonentity 不存在;虚无;无足轻重的人 nothingness , inexistence 双语例句权威例句 That's what we called him in New York – Nonentity. Mister Nonentity. 我们在纽约就是这样叫他的—无足轻重的人,”无足轻重先生”。 www.en8848.com.cn Emotionally, it's hard to accept that the whim of a nonentity can change history. 一个无足轻重者的突发奇想可以改变历史,从情感上讲,我们很难接受这一点。 www.ftchinese.com She is not exactly a nonentity, having served as a state senator for the Clark County area (which includes the Las Vegas Strip, with most of the big casinos and hotels) in the 1990s. 她并非无名之人,在1990年代她担任克拉克郡(该区域包括有用众多赌场和酒店的拉斯维加斯大道)的州议员。 Nonplus 迷惑;困惑 confusion , delusion vt. 使困惑 bepuzzle , perplex 双语例句 Her question put me in a nonplus . 她的问题使我狼狈不堪。 www.ecd123.com The professor is never at a nonplus , and never perplexed by a problem . 那位教授从来不会感到困惑, 也不会被任何问题所难倒。 www.ecd123.com TYPICAL USE:He was nonplus by the strange customs he saw everywhere in the country. 他在这国各地看到的奇怪习俗,困惑了他。 Nonviable 不能生存的 不能生长发育的;不能发展壮大的 (经济上)不合算的,不可行的 All nonviable tissue, both osseous and soft tissue, should be removed. 所有无活性的组织,包括骨组织和软组织,都应清除。 word.hcbus.com In addition to have low sensitivity, it cannot distinguish viable from nonviable organisms and cannot identify drug-resistant strains. 镜检除了具有较低的敏感度之外,还无法使人们区分活性和非活性生物体,亦无法鉴定耐药株。 www.who.int Standard extracellular agents would also be preferable for discriminating nonviable from stunning and hibernating myocardium in cases of ischemic cardiomyopathy. 对于缺血性心肌病患者,标准的细胞外造影剂也能区分坏死心肌和顿抑心肌及冬眠心肌。 Nostrum 秘方;成药;[药]万能药 secret recipe , over-the-counter medicine 双语例句权威例句 India is determined to keep China's growing navy out of the Indian Ocean, regarded by Delhi as its Mare Nostrum. 印度已下定决心要将羽翼渐丰的中国海军挡在印度洋外,毕竟印度将之视为“印度之洋”。 article.yeeyan.org Another favourite climate nostrum was upturned when Pope warned that the dramatic Arctic ice loss in recent summers was partly a product of natural cycles rather than global warming. 波普警告说,近几年夏天,北极多年冰引人注目地损失,其部分原因是自然循环而不是全球变暖。 这一警告推翻了另一个有希望的气候良方。 article.yeeyan.org Republicans try to undermine the president at every turn and offer their nostrum of tax-cuts-will-solve-everything — without ever specifying what services they’ll give up to pay for them. 共和党人每次都努力破坏总统的提议并将减税奉为能够解决一切的万灵药——但是却从未详述他们将放弃什么服务来为它们买单。 Notch 刻痕,凹口;等级;峡谷 degree , classification , score , grade , rate vt. 赢得;用刻痕计算;在…上刻凹痕 win , purchase 双语例句原声例句权威例句 They have a notch in their belt. 他们在自己的地带有个切口。 article.yeeyan.org It was time to step it up a notch and get my body in shape it deserves. 是时候提升一个等级并让我的身体回到它应该有的形状了。 lailook.net Mr. Ruskin warns that all of this is based on his belief that a one-notch downgrade of the US would not be a very big deal for markets or the global economy. 但鲁斯金也告诫说,所有这些都是基于他的理念,即美国政府的信用被下调一个等级不会对市场或全球经济造成重大影响。 Novice 初学者,新手 learner , beginner 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Because of this the novice wants frequent quick wins and regular feedback. 因为如此,初学者希望能够快速的尝试并且得到反馈。 article.yeeyan.org Before my first child was born, I read all the How To books, and still felt like a clueless novice. 在我第一个孩子出生前,我读完了所有“怎样……”的书,却仍然感到自己是个茫无头绪的新手。 blog.163.com Note: Do not try to use FTP to install Components, Modules and Plugins if you are a beginner/novice. 注意:如果你是初学者或新手,请不要尝试通过FTP方式来安装组件、模块和插件。 Nuance 颜色、音调、表情、措词、变化等的)细微差别 微妙之处 vt. 精确细腻地表演(或表达);细致入微地描绘 变形: n. nuances 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But does that mean that Watson "understands" the "nuance, slang and metaphor" of natural language? 但这是否意味着沃森“理解”了人类语言中的“细微差别,俚语和隐喻”呢? article.yeeyan.org For the Mikkelsons, the site affirms what cultural critics have bemoaned for years: the rejection of nuance and facts that run contrary to one’s point of view. 对于麦克尔森夫妇来说,该网站证实了文化批评人士多年来的抱怨:公众倾向于拒绝接受与自己观点相左的事实及细微差别。 kk.dongxi.net While it’s impossible to suss out every nuance of the phrase, we spoke with four non-profits in the social good space to better grasp what social good does well. 我们不可能弄清楚每一个术语的细微差别,我们用四个非营利组织来说,在社会化公益领域来更好地领会它做得好的方面。 Nubile (尤指青年女子在年龄和身体发育上)可以结婚的;(青年女子)性机能发育已成熟的;有性感的 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 We like people to be young, nubile and attractive. 我们喜欢人们变得更年轻,性感和有魅力。 article.yeeyan.org They aim their advice squarely at nubile girls who have falsely equated romantic love with happiness. 其目的是如实地建议就要结婚的女孩,不要错误地认为,浪漫的爱情就是幸福。 article.yeeyan.org To play the part of Edie Sedgwick with any conviction Sienna Miller had to employ the skills of her enormous eyes and long, nubile legs. 为了更好地诠释伊迪-塞奇威克这个角色,西耶娜-米勒必须发挥她的大眼睛和性感长腿的魅力。 Nucleate 有核的 stoned 双语例句 Nucleate reagents are disadvantageous to obtain ideal surface microstructure of lithium matte glaze. 成核剂的加入对形成理想的锂质无光釉表面显微结构反而不利。 dict.cnki.net Describing rock fracture as a non-equilibrium process in which micro-cracks nucleate, grow and propagate, a set of differential equation describing this evolution process is derived. 认为岩石断裂是岩石内部微裂缝成核、形成和传播的非平衡过程,导出了描述这个过程的微分方程。 dict.cnki.net Mobile dislocations meet some obstacles, then appear stress concentration . When the stress becomes greater than interatomic bonding force , cracks nucleate, propagate, finally lead to fracture . 运动的位错遇到了某种障碍,就产生了应力集中,应力大到可以破坏原子间的键合力时,裂纹开始形核,裂纹长大导致断裂。 Nugatory 无价值的;琐碎的;无效的;无法律效力的 useless , worthless 双语例句权威例句 Even the scrawniest of types possess more than enough energy stored in their (nugatory) fat reserves to run several marathons back to back. 即使最瘦骨如柴的人身体里储存的(无用的)脂肪也够他跑几个来回的马拉松了。 article.yeeyan.org Unless the cap is set so crazily low that virtually no skilled migrants are admitted to Britain at all, the impact on total inflows will be nugatory. 除非这项限制被疯狂地低的设置实际上没有技术移民可以被英国接受,那么这项规定就会毫无作用。 www.ecocn.org With so little life left in the government, the cost to the careers of Labour mutineers would be nugatory; indeed, their stature might be enhanced if the plot came off. 能呆在政府里的时间也就只有那么点了,工党哗变者的事业成本没有多少价值;事实上,如果他们密谋成功,他们的形象有可能提升。 Nullify 使无效,作废;取消 recall , invalidate 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The Kremlin has given mixed signals about how far it will seek to nullify these accords, and how much these moves have been caused by the missile-defence row. 有关其在试图废弃这些协定的问题上会走多远,以及因导弹防御问题的争吵所招致的这些举动进行了多少,克里姆林宫已经发出了复合信号。 www.ecocn.org In late 2009 the Ministry of Finance instructed municipal governments to stop providing guarantees for bank debt and announced plans to nullify all guarantees already provided. 2009年底,财政部指示各市政府停止为银行债务提供担保,并宣布取消全部已提供担保的计划。 Numb 使麻木;使发愣;使失去感觉 torpify , perish adj. 麻木的;发愣的 stupid , asleep 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I feel numb. 我感觉很麻木. article.yeeyan.org For a while, he lay like that, feeling not refreshed from the rest but only numb. 就那样躺了一小会儿,丝毫没有振作的迹象,只是感觉非常麻木。 www.ecocn.org Anger is a higher level of consciousness than apathy, so it’s a lot better than being numb all the time. 愤怒比起冷漠来说是一种更高层次的意识,所以这要比整日麻木的过日子要好多了。 Numismatist 钱币(或奖章)学家 钱币(或奖章)搜集家(或收藏家) 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句 But as this numismatist discovered, it has more to share than he could ever imagine. 但是,由于这numismatist发现,其原因更多的份额比他想象。 www.ttbuy168.com These old coins look indistinguishable to laymen, but they are distinct in the eye of a numismatist. 这几枚古币在普通人看来一模一样,但在收藏古币的人看来却各不相同。【。 Oafish j. 痴呆的;畸形的 gawkish , thrawn 双语例句权威例句 But we will never see that glory if we till the soil like oafish farm hands . 但是要是我们象白痴农奴那样去耕地,我们永远也看不到这样的荣耀! dictsearch.appspot.com Warren G. Harding was mourned as if he were Lincoln when he died in 1923; history now sees him as one of our most inept and oafish presidents. Warren G. Harding在1923年逝世时,人们像追悼林肯一样追悼他,可是历史到了今天却将他视为美国最为无能和白痴的总统之一。 article.yeeyan.org This oafish epic about the End of Days -- as predicted by the Mayan calendar -- operates in a dead zone roughly equidistant between parody and idiocy. 这部有关世界末日──来自玛雅日历的预测──的畸形大片基本上处于拙劣模仿与白痴中间的死亡地带。 Oasis 绿洲;舒适的地方;令人宽慰的事物 wady 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This is sort of our oasis. 这可说得上是我们的绿洲了。 www.ftchinese.com Make your personal space an oasis of calm and taste. 让你的个人空间成为宁静和品位的绿洲。 article.yeeyan.org Running will become your oasis of peace, a time you look forward to each day. 跑步将会成为你宁静的绿洲,成为你每天都会期待的一段时光。 Obdurate 顽固的,执拗的;冷酷无情的 difficult , resistant , hard , stubborn 双语例句权威例句 Even obdurate India has begun to look less of an outlier. 就连顽固的印度也开始表现得不那么像一个局外人。 www.ftchinese.com Despite his two-state utterance, Mr Netanyahu sounds as obdurate as ever. Several of his advisers assume that the latest diplomacy will fizzle, leaving “fortress Israel” intact. 尽管发表了两个国家的言论,内塔尼亚胡顽固依旧,连其顾问们都不看好近期的外交,以色列将因此孤立无援。 www.ecocn.org Massive, irritating and even scary expressions of it were vital in shaking an obdurate Government, contemptuous of public opinion, from its determination to pursue war ad infinitum in Vietnam. 大规模的,刺激性的,甚至害怕表示其目的是为了推翻一个极其顽固的政府,蔑视公众舆论,美国发动了史无前例而漫漫无期的越南战争。 Obeisance 敬礼;尊敬 respect , worship 双语例句权威例句 Mal’akh had played his cards artfully within the Capitol Building, showing obeisance to all the ancient etiquettes. 马拉克在国会大厦中巧妙地玩了他的把戏,以此对所有古老的礼仪表示了尊敬。 article.yeeyan.org If he lives—and for all their theatrical obeisance, some of Chechnya's other strongmen loathe him, as do many Russian officers—what more might he want? 如果他活着——尽管车臣的一些其他强人做作地向他敬礼表示服从,但他们像许多俄罗斯官员一样厌恶他——他可能想再要些什么? www.ecocn.org He expects it to reassert elements of its ancient tributary relationship with neighbouring countries, leaving them alone so long as they pay cultural obeisance. 他预计,中国将重新主张其与邻国古老的附庸关系,只要它们在文化上尊崇中国,中国就不会干涉它们。 Obfuscate 使模糊;使迷乱;弄暗 fog , befog 双语例句权威例句 Remember that every parameter may be changed, no matter how much you hide or obfuscate it. 请记住,每个参数都可能被改变,不管你对它做了多少隐藏和混淆。 article.yeeyan.org Some hide their pasts from families for decades, as the authorities obfuscate and lie to cover up the extent of their crimes. 有些人隐瞒他们的过去长达几十年,因此当局搅乱局势并撒谎以掩盖他们所犯罪行的程度。 www.ecocn.org Some hide their pasts from families for decades, as the authorities obfuscate and lie to cover up the extent of their crimes. 有些人数十年来向家人隐瞒自己的过去,而官方也故意模糊、隐瞒自己所犯错误带来的后果。 Obliging 乐于助人的;有礼貌的;体贴的;亲切的 civil , friendly , sweet , polite , thoughtful v. 迫使;约束(oblige的现在分词) necessitating 双语例句权威例句 In Japan the price-income ratio hit 18 in 1990, obliging some buyers to take out 100-year mortgages. 日本的价格对收入比例在1990年达到了18,迫使一些人背负了为期100年的按揭贷款。 news.iciba.com As a result, St Marc’s hospital has been inundated with cholera cases, obliging other patients to go elsewhere. 因此,圣马可的医院现在病满为患,到处都是霍乱患者,迫使其他一些病人去别处就诊。 www.ecocn.org Hamas remains committed to the immediate aim, beyond a ceasefire, of forcing an end to the siege, preferably by obliging Egypt to open its border. 除了停火协议以外,哈马斯还致力于它直接的目标,那就是结束围困,最好就通过迫使埃及开放加境。 Oblique She gave an oblique look to one side. 她向旁边斜看了一眼。 《新英汉大辞典》 This oblique view of the lower mound in Gale crater shows layers of rock that preserve a record of environments on Mars. 这幅视角有些倾斜的图片展示了盖尔陨坑中的低处高地,这些岩层保存了火星环境变化的相关线索。 article.yeeyan.org MIST provides extremely high quality color stereoscopic imagery at oblique and nadir angles, as well as highly accurate, automated mapping products. MIST可以从倾斜角度和天底角提供非常高品质的彩色立体图像以及高精度自动化绘图产品。 Obliterate 去掉…的痕迹,冲刷掉: He obliterated the blackboard before break. 他在下课之前擦干净了黑板。 涂抹,使认不出 忘掉,忘却: She was obliterated from my memory. 我已把她遗忘了。 消灭,毁掉: The village was obliterated in the war. 那个村庄在战争中被完全毁灭了。 盖销(邮票等) Obloquy 毁谤;耻辱;漫骂 stigma , humiliation 双语例句权威例句 He has faced obloquy and condemnation from Israel and Jewish groups worldwide in the wake of its findings. 由于该报告所揭露的内容,他遭到以色列人以及全世界的犹太团体的毁谤和谴责。 www.ecocn.org Destroy the people's faith in their natural leaders by holding the latter up to contempt, ridicule and obloquy. 摧毁人民对他们当然领袖的信仰,代之以轻蔑、嘲笑和漫骂。 article.yeeyan.org The absence of presumptuous self-conceit in Tito made him feel all the more defenseless under prospective obloquy. 蒂托由于缺乏自以为是的傲气,因此在声名扫地的前景之下更加显得束手无策。 Obnoxious 讨厌的;可憎的;不愉快的 evil , rank , unpleasant , poisonous 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The TV people were particularly obnoxious. 那些电视台的人尤其讨厌。 www.ftchinese.com If everyone were gooey and lovey-dovey, it would be an obnoxious world. 如果每个人都那么感伤,情意绵绵,这将是一个讨厌的世界。 article.yeeyan.org Being honest does not mean you go on and on about your obnoxious ex or your passionate one night stand years ago. 诚实并不意味着你要一直唠叨讨厌的前任伴侣或者几年前的那次激情的一夜情。 www.hxen.com

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-07 12:20:18

    article.yeeyan.org Although an effective anti-litter policy doesn't completely obviate cleaning — there will always be violators — but clearly, the cost of cleaning will be drastically reduced. 虽然一个有效的反乱抛垃圾的政策并没有完全排除清洗- 总是会有违反者- 但很明显,清理费用将大幅减少。 article.yeeyan.org A fair part of this can be smoothed out if the various sources are linked into an electric grid that is sufficiently large, robust and smart, but that does not obviate all the need for baseload. 如将不同能量来源联入一张足够庞大、稳健、智能的电网,则此问题能有一大部分得到解决,但这并不会完全消除对基本负载的各种需求。 Occlude 使闭塞;封闭;挡住 block out , seal off 双语例句权威例句 So we have a greater tendency to make thrombi that can occlude the coronary vessels. 所以我们有制造血凝块的倾向,这个血凝块会封闭冠状血管。 dictsearch.appspot.com As he puts it, this "fact" is "as clear an indicator as one might find of Hughes's desire simultaneously to include and occlude her influence. 他这样说道,休斯与莫尔存在敌意这个“事实”,“就像人们可能同时发现休斯欲囊括并保留莫尔之影响力的愿望一样,如指示器般清楚明了。” www.ecocn.org This means that the way in which denture teeth occlude must be seen dynamically, and not just as a static relationship when in maximum interdigitation . 这意味着,义齿咬合的方式必须作为一个动态过程,而不仅仅是最大牙尖交错牙合时的静态关系。 Occult 神秘的;超自然的;难以理解的 mysterious , arcane vt. 掩蔽 screen 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Satan uses this secret aspect of the occult to weave his deception. 撒旦用这个秘密装出神秘的样子来编织它的骗术。 article.yeeyan.org Since his death, various occult organizations have adopted him as a model figure or even as a powerful deity. 自从他死后,各种各样的神秘组织把他当作他们的模范甚至是一个强大的神。 www.hjenglish.com However, occult investigators who have been able to function in one of the spiritual worlds, called the World of Thought, find that it is different there. 然而,已经能够在其中的一个精神世界中活动的神秘调查者把这个世界称为思想,他们发现那里是不同的。 Octogenarian 80岁(的人)的 80到89岁(的人)的[亦作 octogenary] 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 Marius on that barricade after the octogenarian was the vision of the young revolution after the apparition of the old. 马吕斯继那八十岁老人之后,屹立在街垒上,这是继老革命而起的新生革命的形象。 www.ebigear.com Opine 以为;想 think , like vi. 以为;想;表示意见 calculate , think 双语例句权威例句 It will ultimately deliver much more sense than many of those who currently opine about it. 历史终将证明,这一体系比目前许多人所以为的都要有道理得多。 www.ftchinese.com I am neither but, as an economist, I feel uniquely qualified to opine on why it is happening. 我两者都不是,但作为经济学家,我觉得自己特别有资格对这种现象的原因发表一点意见。 www.ftchinese.com In part, the messages about the recession are mixed, because most of the organisations and individuals who opine on the economy are not objective. 关于衰退的信息之所以喜忧参半,部分原因是对经济发表看法的组织和个人并没有秉持客观立场。 article.yeeyan.org Opportune 适当的;恰好的;合时宜的 suitable , appropriate , proper , adequate , becoming 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It is hardly an opportune time to discuss a change in compensation models. 现在,讨论改革支付体系模式的话题确实很不是时候。 www.ecocn.org It is opportune to ask what schools would be teaching if they took mess management seriously. 如果商学院认真对待混乱管理,他们将会教授些什么? 这种质问是适时的。 www.ftchinese.com Deferring disk writes to a more opportune time can greatly improve application throughput, but it needs to be done in a manner that doesn't compromise data integrity. 将磁盘写入延迟到比较适宜的时间可能会大大改善应用程序的吞吐量,但是,需要采用不损害数据完整性的方式执行。 Opprobrious 无礼的;嘴不干净的;该骂的;可耻的 rude , offensive 双语例句 an opprobrious monument to human greed; 人类贪婪的可耻纪念碑; dict.veduchina.com A court is not bound to credit bald assertions, unsupportable conclusions, and opprobrious epithets woven into the fabric of the complaint. 法庭不必采信由枯燥的断言,没有根据的结论和无理的绰号所编织的诉求。 blog.sina.com.cn but, as he passed, the prisoners fell back to render him more visible to the people who were clinging to the bars: and they assailed him with opprobrious names, and screeched and hissed. 当他经过时,犯人纷纷后退,让那班挤在栅栏前边的人将他看得更清楚一些。众人以种种不堪入耳的谩骂、尖叫和嘘声轰他。 Oppugn 质疑;反驳;责难;抗击 refute , disprove 双语例句 This paper aims to oppugn and criticize the above ideas. 本文拟对上述观点提出质疑和批评。 dict.veduchina.com People govern garbage mail have become together oppugn Internet virus important task. 治理垃圾邮件已成为与抗击网络病毒并列的重任。 dict.veduchina.com The structure designed by Cecil Balmond ex-presses uncertainty and fluidity, which oppugn the stability of Cartesian system. 塞西尔•贝尔蒙德的结构设计表达了不确定性和流动性,体现出他对传统笛卡尔体系稳定性的质疑。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-09 12:02:32

    Pan 平锅,盘子;摇镜头 holloware 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This pan smells of fish. 这个盘子有股鱼腥味。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Next he put eggs in a pan of water on the stove. 接着,他把鸡蛋放进炉子上一个装着水的锅子里。 www.kekenet.com She wondered what he was doing while she waited for the oil to heat up in the pan or for the rice to fluff in the paila. 等着平底锅里的油烧热或是等着陶碗里的米饭在烤箱中蓬松起来的时候,她常常遐想着他正在做什么。 article.yeeyan.org Panache 羽饰;灿烂;耍派头 effulgence , flashiness 双语例句权威例句 But for the rest of us, occasional bursts of anger, especially if performed with panache, have much to be said for them. 但对于我们其他人而言,偶尔发发脾气(特别是如果以优雅的样子表现出来),则另当别论了。 www.crazyenglish.org While the PSA deals with a disease that has spread beyond Asia and often incites fear, it aims to do so with panache rather than panic. 虽然该公益告示处理其传播已超出亚洲范围并且通常引起恐惧的疾病,但是它的目的是以华丽风格而不是恐慌来这样做。 www.who.int Today's gadgets are specialized devices that sell at a premium — not because they do everything, but because they do what you want them to and they do it with panache. 而今天的都是些卖价不菲的专业设备。 它们卖得起价不是因为功能齐全,而是因为它们能做你想做的事,并且还是以很眩的方式。 Pancreas pancreas islet 胰岛 双语例句原声例句权威例句 And actually it damages the pancreas itself, after a while. 事实上,一段时间之后它对胰腺本身也会产生伤害。 gb.cri.cn The problem of lipid damage, they believe, is linked to hormones produced not by the pancreas, but by adipose tissue itself. 他们认为,脂质的破坏性与激素有关,这些激素不是由胰腺分泌的,而是由脂肪组织本身分泌的。 www.ecocn.org In people with diabetes, however, the pancreas either produces little or no insulin, or the cells do not respond appropriately to the insulin that is produced. 然而,有糖尿病的人,胰腺要么生成一点或根本没有生成胰岛素,或者是细胞没有正确的反应胰腺分泌的胰岛素。 article.yeeyan.org Pandemic 全国流行的;普遍的 widespread , universal , ruling , generalized 双语例句原声例句权威例句 What about the pandemic risk? 大流行的风险如何? www.who.int Is there anyone who should not have the inactivated pandemic vaccine? 是否有任何人不应当接种大流行性流感灭活疫苗? www.who.int By good fortune we have had time -- and still have time -- to prepare for the next global pandemic, because the conditions for it have appeared before the outbreak itself. 幸运的是,我们已有时间而且还有时间为下一次全球疾病大流行做准备,因为在疾病暴发之前已可看到它所需的条件。 www.who.int Pandemonium 大吵大闹;一片混乱 混乱的地方(或场面);闹哄哄的场所 [P-]魔窟;地狱;阎王殿;(英国诗人弥尔顿的长诗《失乐园》中的)地狱都城 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Then the first blast went off, and the grim quiet erupted into pandemonium. 接着第一声爆炸响起,肃静瞬间变成一片混乱。 article.yeeyan.org 'There was a huge blast and there was complete pandemonium, ' a witness told private GEO TV news. 一名目击者对私营的GEO TV新闻说,发生了大爆炸,现场一片混乱。 c.wsj.com Many choose to simply pay the fine, but their flights can cause pandemonium when the planes crop up on airport radar screens. 很多人干脆选择直接付罚款,但当他们的飞机突然出现在机场的雷达屏幕上时,这种飞行就会引起一阵混乱。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-10 12:39:15

    Pastel 柔和的;彩色蜡笔的,粉蜡笔的 female , delicate 双语例句权威例句 The builders promptly went to work, and a cluster of pastel blocks rose amid the green hills of northern Laos. 建造工作迅速展开,很快一栋栋色彩柔和的建筑便矗立在了老挝北部茂密的山林中。 article.yeeyan.org Standing neatly side by side, 50 young girls pose as if for a school yearbook, their smiles every bit as uniform as their pastel outfits and tightly coiffed hairdos. 50位穿戴整洁的年轻女孩并排站着,就像在为学校年鉴摆造型一样,她们微笑着,穿着像制服一样的柔和的服装,梳着紧致的精心打造的发型。 kk.dongxi.net The pastel colors and high ceilings inside the Gagra Cinema are reminiscent of pre-Castro Cuba, and are a reminder that Gagra was a tropical destination for Russian visitors. 加格拉电影院内柔和的色彩和高高的天花板,是前卡斯特罗时期古巴的回忆,并提醒人们,加格拉是俄罗斯游客们的热带目的地。 article.yeeyan.org Pasteurize 用巴氏法对(牛奶、啤酒等)消毒(或灭菌);对…进行消毒(或灭菌) 变形: vt. pasteurized . pasteurizing 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 Antibiotic and pasteurize can be used against infection. 抗菌素和高温消毒可以永来防止感染。 danci.911cha.com Additionally, donor milk banks pasteurize all milk prior to distribution and check it for bacterial content. 另外,母乳银行在分发母乳之前会对所有母乳进行巴氏消毒,检查细菌情况。 bbs.sh.liba.com The scientists found that UV treatment at room temperature can significantly reduce the heat subsequently required to pasteurize liquid egg whites. 科学家发现,在室温下用紫外线处理能够大大减少随后对蛋清加热杀菌所需的热量。 Pastiche 东拼西凑;混杂 scrape together , interweave 双语例句权威例句 The book reads like a pastiche of the King James Bible, and contains some startling theology. 这本《摩门经》读起来像是钦印《圣经》的翻版,包含一些令人吃惊的理论。 www.ecocn.org This image of the painter at work expressively captures the feeling of her artwork, without being merely a pastiche. 这张关于绘画者正在工作的图捕捉到了她艺术作品的感觉,而不仅仅是一个仿作。 dongxi.net In a sense, the author of this pastiche, Seth Grahame-Smith, has turned Jane Austen into a zombie, reviving her text from the grave and turning it into a grisly version of the original. 从某种意义上来说,这一模仿小说的作者塞司•葛拉汉•史密斯在使简•奥斯汀的作品从坟墓中复苏并将其改写成恐怖作品的同时,也将奥斯汀本人变成了僵尸。 Pastry 有馅的点心 (如大馅饼等) 变形: n. pastries 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Cut the pastry into small rounds, one for each pie. 把油酥面团切成小圆片, 每个馅饼用一片. www.kekenet.com The coffee ritual is incomplete without a delicious pastry or a slice of chocolate cake. 美味的油酥点心或一块巧克力蛋糕在喝咖啡时也是必不可少的。 www.crazyenglish.org The father ("speaks only German," she bitterly confided) smiled too, as if we were discussing pastry. 父亲("只会说德语,"她恨恨地告诉我)也笑了笑,好像我们在讨论油酥点心。 Patent 专利的;新奇的;显然的 apparent , novel , transparent , decided n. [专利]专利权;执照;专利品 license , permit 双语例句原声例句权威例句 How long does it take to patent an invention? 取得一项发明的专利用多长时间? 《21世纪大英汉词典》 For scientists whoare willing to push past these obstacles, the next one is the patent system. 对于那些愿意冲破这些阻碍的科学家来说,下一个问题是专利系统。 article.yeeyan.org The price of any given drug falls by more than 85% within a year of a patent expiring in markets like America. 当一种专利过期之后,在像美国这样的市场内,受影响药物的价格在一年内会下跌超过85%。 Pathogen 病原体;病菌 causative agent , harmful bacteria 双语例句原声例句权威例句 That is not a bad strategy for a pathogen. 对于病原体来说这不算是一个坏的战略。 www.ecocn.org The reservoir of this pathogen appears to be mainly cattle and other ruminants such as camels. 这一病菌的贮主看来主要是家畜和其它反刍动物,例如骆驼。 www.who.int This would introduce only a small number of GM plants into the environment, so farmers could choose not to harvest them while still benefiting from their pathogen-detecting ability. 这只需要把少量转基因作物引入到环境中,因此农民可以选择不收获它们,同时仍然享受它们的病原体探测能力的益处。 Pathos 悲怅;痛苦;同情;哀婉动人的词句 smart , feeling , hurt , compassion , sympathy 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The taste and sensitivity to experience pathos shows that one is a member of the aesthetically elect. 一个人所拥有的用来经历痛苦的品味及敏感度显示出这个人是美学代表的一员。 article.yeeyan.org Each little separate picture I ringed round with the light of my imagination and the joy of my heart; every one of them, moreover, being variously coloured by a pathos of its own. 再小的单独的一幅画面,我也用想象的光芒和心中的喜悦把它包裹起来;并且每一幅画,都因其本身的哀婉动人而具有各种色彩。 article.yeeyan.org That may be his greatest lesson to posterity, the best response he had to the limits of his talent and what the fates dealt him, and an endearing credo, which mitigates somewhat his pathos. 这可能是他留给后人的最伟大的一课,这是对他极端的天赋和命运的安排所作的最好的回应,一条令人钟爱的信条,这从某种程度上减轻了他的痛苦。 Patina ]铜绿;光泽;神态;圣餐盘 shine , verdigris 双语例句权威例句 Patina is a pretty word, and a beautiful concept. 铜绿是一个美丽的词语,也是一个美好的概念。 article.yeeyan.org The patina, color and surfaces are what I have always found fascinating. 光泽、色彩以及外观这些内容,我一直都很喜欢。 article.yeeyan.org The investigators scraped microscopic samples of the patina off the statues. 调查人员从雕像上刮取绿锈,作为显微镜观察的样本。 Patrician 贵族的;显贵的 noble , aristocratic n. 贵族;有教养的人 prince , noble , nobility 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But who, as a patrician British prime minister, Harold Macmillan, once loftily asked, are these middle classes? 但是,正如英国贵族首相哈罗德•麦克米兰曾经傲慢地发问,这些中产阶级指谁? article.yeeyan.org So if it looks as though no party will form a majority government, the question will be: a minority led by the Teutonic Mr Harper or the patrician Mr Ignatieff? 所以,如果各党都不能组成多数党政府,问题将会是:少数派政府到底是由日耳曼风格的哈珀组阁,还是由贵族做派的伊格纳蒂夫执政? www.ecocn.org But if a bunch of academics and government advisers decided what they meant by happiness and how to have more of it, they would be deemed patrician – and rightly so. 但如果幸福的定义以及如何拥有幸福是由一群学者和政府顾问说了算,那么他们只能被视作高高在上的贵族——而且理所当然,他们就是如此。 Paucity 缺乏;少数;少量 shortage , deficiency , short of , need , drought 双语例句权威例句 Given the paucity of accurate data in China, this would be extremely valuable. 在中国提供出缺乏的精确数据,将会是极其具有价值的。 www.ecocn.org Grappling with these and other questions have been hindered by a paucity of data. 这些及其他问题的解决都因为缺乏数据而收到阻碍。 article.yeeyan.org Yet there has been very little research into this subject, in part because of the paucity of data. 然而目前来说几乎没有关于这个主题的研究,部分原因是由于研究数据的缺乏。 Paunchy 大肚子的;大腹便便的 potbellied , abdominous 双语例句权威例句 And now Po, the company's paunchy kung-fu panda, has been tapped to help promote the health benefits of tofu. 而现在,该公司这只大腹便便的功夫熊猫阿宝则被用来帮助开发豆腐的健康功效。 article.yeeyan.org Mr. Smith, (alias, as will be the case with all names) is a tall, slightly paunchy, and extremely proud man of 48. 史密斯先生(化名,所有名字均用化名)是一个高大,有一些大腹便便及非常自负的48岁男人。 article.yeeyan.org For the Soviet spymaster, the prime minister, defense minister and the other paunchy, half-naked co-conspirators, the stakes could not have been higher. And they had to act quickly. 对于这些大腹便便且半裸着身子的合谋者来说(其中不仅有前苏联的王牌间谍、政府总理还有国防部长等其他官员),他们所下的赌注不可能更高了,因此,他们必须迅速采取行动。 Pauper 乞丐;穷人;靠救济度日者 panhandler , begger 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Cut up the cards, and live like a pauper till you get out of credit-card jail. 把信用卡剪掉,过着穷人的生活,直到你逃出信用卡债务的囚笼。 c.wsj.com Most people accept that a dollar is worth more to a pauper than to a plutocrat. 一美元的价值对于乞丐,比对于富豪更高,这为大多数人所接受。 www.ecocn.org She wanted to sit down on the pauper's grave where the bitter fern grows; but for her there was neither peace nor rest. 她想要在长着苦涩羊齿蕨的穷人的坟头坐下来,但是她在那里找不到安宁与平静。 Pawn 典当;[经]抵押物;兵,卒;人质 hostage 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He had no way to redeem his furniture out of pawn. 他无法赎回典当的家具。 《新英汉大辞典》 In chess, value is not the pawn, knight, or bishop. 在象棋中,价值不能是卒,骑士,或主教。 article.yeeyan.org A pawn automatically promotes when it reaches the eighth rank. 卒子在到达第八横格时自动升级。 Peaky 多峰的;尖峰的;憔悴的 multimodal , gaunt 双语例句权威例句 For a while she was peaky and would n't eat. But she was coming around . 有一阵子她消瘦下去, 不想吃什么, 但她在恢复过来。 www.ecd123.com Mrs. Raven. –Apart from Mrs. Raven. –Uh, well, what about him? He looks a bit peaky. 瑞文夫人—除了瑞文夫人—呃,那个人怎么样?他看起来有点憔悴。 www.yappr.cn The elder son (see photo, L) of Japan's former superstars Momoe Yamaguchi and Tomokazu Miura has entered the music world as a vocalist for the band "Peaky SALT" and released his 1st song last month. 日本昔日巨星山口百惠与三浦友和的长子三浦佑太郎(图左)以乐团"Peaky SALT"主唱名义出道,并于上月推出首张单曲《悲伤的眼泪》。 Pecan We can have some pecan or apple pie. 我们可以来点山核桃或者苹果派。 edu.sina.com.cn Once you picture a piece of pecan pie, chances are you'll go out and get some. 一旦你在脑海中描绘出一片核桃派,就很有可能走出家门,找几片来吃吃。 bbs.cnss.com.cn “I don’t know what you mean by conservationist, ” says John DeLaney, a pecan farmer from Comanche, politely. “我不懂你口中的环保主义者”,以美洲山核桃为生的科曼切人约翰•德兰尼客气地说。 Peccadillo 轻罪;小过失;小瑕疵 misdemeanor , venial sin 双语例句权威例句 Don't take much concern on peccadillo. 不要过于关注小瑕疵。 www3.060s.com A fine of £5000 is swinging for such a peccadillo. 这样的一个小过失,罚款5000英镑太多了吧。 dictsearch.appspot.com Talking to The Guardian, Peccadillo Pictures managing director Tom Abell stated, ‘It’s a huge dent in our business. Peccadillo公司管理总裁汤姆.阿贝尔对《卫报》说,“这是我们业务中的一个大裂痕。 Peck 啄,啄起;啄食: The hens were pecking the grain. 母鸡正在啄食。 The bird pecked insects from the log. 小鸟从木头中啄食虫子。 啄穿;啄成,啄掘: The chicken pecked a hole in the sack. 小鸡在布袋上啄了一个洞。 (用尖头工具)凿、啄;挖出,掘出: The stone was pecked and ground into square flags. 石头被凿开并磨成方石板。 [口语]轻轻地吻: He pecked her on the cheek. 他轻轻地吻了一下她的面颊。 Pedagogy 教育;教育学;教授法 education , struction 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I’ve learned as much about teaching from learning about marketing as I have from studying pedagogy – maybe more. 我从销售上学到的有关教育的东西和我研究教育学时候学到的一样多——可能更多。 article.yeeyan.org They are making progress by investing in research, reforming traditional approaches to curricula and pedagogy, and beginning to attract outstanding faculty from abroad. 他们必然要斥巨资投入研究,改革现就的传统的教育模式和课程设置,并积极吸引外国外国教员。 article.yeeyan.org From what source shall I, as a partial layman in the realm of pedagogy, derive courage to expound opinions with no foundations except personal experience and personal conviction? 作为教育领域的半个门外汉,我阐述除个人经验和个人信念之外毫无根基的观点的勇气从何而来呢? Pedant 学究;书呆子;卖弄学问的人;空谈家 bookworm , wonk 双语例句权威例句 You may say I'm a pedant – but I'm not the only one. 你们可能会说我是个书呆子——也许是,但不是唯一的一个。 article.yeeyan.org It doesn't matter to me whether he's a chauvinist, a little Christer, or a nearsighted pedant. As a failure he's marvelous… 我不在乎他是沙文主义者,是小小的虔诚教徒,还是近视眼的书呆子。 www.en8848.com.cn Meanwhile, if any pedant, with an uncultivated heart and a theoretic ear, proposes to teach you to recite, send instantly for the police. 而在此期间,如果有个怀着庸俗心灵长着理论耳朵的学究打算教你朗诵,立即请人报警。 Pedestal 基架,基座;基础 elements , basis , base , sole , radical vt. 搁在台上;支持;加座 encourage , carry , second , back , hand 双语例句原声例句权威例句 These were shipped to New York and then put together on a base, or pedestal. 它们被运到美国,然后组装在一座基底又或者说是基座上。 voa.hjenglish.com Each one used golden or gold-plated sculptures to serve as a pedestal for their invisible god. 每一个都用金制或镀金雕塑作为他们无形的神的基座。 www.ftchinese.com And so the political waters were roiled in a country where economic growth is on a pedestal along with the Communist Party. 因此在这个经济发展和共产党同立于一个基座上的国家里,政治之水在翻滚。 Peery ['piəri] adj. 好奇的;怀疑的 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 权威例句 Even his buildings are low-profile, no-nonsense structures that contrast sharply with the rival property put up by developers like Dick Peery and John Arillaga (FORBES, Sept. 13, 1993). Peevish 易怒的,暴躁的;带怒气的;撒娇的 fierce , testy 双语例句权威例句 She reported him to be an ailing, peevish creature. 她报告说他是一个多病的任性的东西。 dict.veduchina.com They were peevish , crusty, silent, eying nothing in particular and moving their feet. 他们乖戾、执拗、沉默,眼睛不知在看着什么,两脚一直动个不停。 dict.veduchina.com I write distractedly But this girl-this Jeanie Deans, is a peevish puritan, superstitious and scrupulous after the manner of her sect. 我写得心烦意乱--可是那女郎--那个珍妮•迪恩斯是个倔强的清教徒,迷信而且严格地遵守她那教派的规矩。 Pelf 钱财;不义之财,赃物 theft , picking 双语例句 The host: "Isn't it filthy pelf?"" 主持人:“是不是不义之财?” blog.sina.com.cn After plundering enough pelf, he took a train bound for the border. 在抢得足够的钱财后,他乘上开往边境的火车。 www.ebigear.com This escapist pelf has very little to say about the real world, much less American society. 这些虚幻的大制作及少触及真实世界,更别提美国社会了。 Pell-mell 混乱;杂乱;乱七八糟 disorder , chaos , confusion , turmoil , involvement adj. 混乱的;杂乱的 chaotic , confused , troubled , turbulent adv. 混乱地;乱七八糟地 chaotically , confusedly 双语例句权威例句 This investment in talent has paid huge dividends over the past two decades of pell-mell growth. 过去二十年来,Infosys已经付出了大量的股息红利用于人才投资,但这种投资的增长幅度有些混乱。 www.putclub.com If the Rock's mortgages are sold off in a hurry and its franchise, staff and branches dismantled pell-mell, the taxpayer would lose out. 如果草率的将北岩的债权卖掉而且把它的分支职工和机构拆的乱七八糟的话,那么纳税人就将受到损失。 www.ecocn.org Still, Hu and Prime Minister Wen Jiabao know that three decades of pell-mell growth have severely devastated their country's environment. 但是,胡锦涛和中国总理温家宝知道,三十年的混乱增长已经严重的破坏了国家的环境。 Pellucid 透明的;清晰的;明了的 transparent , defined , plain , crystal 双语例句 After reading these stodgy philosophers, I find his pellucid style very enjoyable. 在阅读这些乏味的哲学家,我觉得他的透明风格非常愉快。 dictsearch.appspot.com This article introduces the background, basic tasks and methods of Data Mining with pellucid examples. 本文介绍了数据采掘技术的产生背景、 基本任务和方法,并举例加以说明。 dj.iciba.com She has pellucid, pale-cocoa skin, a large, gently curved forehead, and wide-set eyes, which, in 1983, made her look as close to a global citizen as anyone we’d seen. 她有着清透的、浅可可色的皮肤,饱满而微圆的额头,双眼间距很宽。 在1983年,这样的长相让她看起来比我们见过的任何人都更像世界公民。 article.yeeyan.org Penance 苦修;忏悔 confession , shrift 双语例句权威例句 Of penance, I have had enough! 忏悔嘛,我已经做得够多的了! www.hjenglish.com Her penance for her sin is to forgive herself and declare that sin dead. 她为她的罪行做的忏悔是为了宽恕自己,宣布罪行死亡。 article.yeeyan.org The job, which involved the transcription of oral history tapes, had about it a quality of penance that suited me, though after a time I discovered to my chagrin that I was having fun. 这份工作是把口述历史录音带用文字记录下来,而这倒是有一种对我很相宜的苦修味道,尽管过了一阵子,我不无懊恼地发现,我正乐在其中。 Penchant 嗜好;倾向 tendency , liability , weakness , habit , trend 双语例句原声例句权威例句 There is also reason to think that our penchant for makingunhealthy choices might be enhanced by the abundance of particularfoods. 我们也有理由认为,我们做出不健康选择的倾向,也许被大量特定食物加强了。 article.yeeyan.org It not known whether it was his stature or his penchant for fashionable sunglasses that once drew disparaging comments from political rival Dominique de Villepin. 不知是他的身高还是他对时尚太阳镜的嗜好因此曾经招致了政坛敌手多米尼克•德维尔潘的轻蔑言论。 article.yeeyan.org Still, we're not convinced that this will revolutionize time management, but if you have a penchant for post-modern analog clocks, then maybe you'll appreciate it. 我们不敢说它会带来时间管理上的彻底革命,但如果你对 于后现代主义的指针式时钟有所嗜好,那也许你会很欣赏它。 Pendulum Mind has a way of moving like a pendulum, from one extreme to the other. 头脑的运动方式就像钟摆,从一个极端摆向另一个极端。 www.ebigear.com I want you to realize that these results for a pendulum have their restrictions. 我想让你们意识到,这些钟摆的结果,有一定的限制。 open.163.com These systems are right on the boundary between stable, orderly behaviour - such as a swinging pendulum - and the unpredictable world of chaos, as exemplified by turbulence. 这些系统就是刚刚好在稳定有序行为的边界-就像一个摆动的钟摆-还有难以预测的混沌世界,如湍流一般。 Penitent 忏悔的,悔过的 confessional n. 悔罪者,忏悔者 confessor , mourner 双语例句权威例句 The euro zone may be too proud to go to the IMF, but as any Lenten penitent should know, pride comes before a fall. 欧元区也许过于自负,不愿踏进基金组织,但每一个斋戒期的忏悔者都该了解,骄者必败。 www.ecocn.org The penitent hope their red-faced admissions of guilt will bring absolution, but can saying sorry really be enough to restore their credibility? 忏悔者希望自己红着脸坦白罪过能够带来宽恕,但是说一句对不起真的能重塑他们的公信力吗? bbs.enfamily.cn They knew not what it was, they knew not where they were; but both of them, the man and the child, the penitent and the innocent, felt that they must kneel. 他们不知道那是什么,他们不知道自己是在什么地方,可是他们俩,老人和孩子,忏悔者和无罪者,都感到应当跪下。 Pensive 沉思的,忧郁的;悲伤的,哀愁的 dark , blue , reflecting 双语例句权威例句 In his new film he weds the sensitive stylings of his early work to a confident vigor worthy of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but with a more intimate and pensive tone. 在他这部最新的电影中他将自己早期作品的敏感风格和《卧虎藏龙》中自信活力结合起来,但是更有深度,也更有神秘感。 article.yeeyan.org It could hardly be simpler: all you see is one layer after another, as Richard Wilkinson builds up a picture of an elderly man, pale and pensive, probably suffering from cancer. 它简单到不能再简单了:当理查德•威尔金森完成一幅苍白的、愁眉苦脸的很可能患有癌症的老年人的画作时,你能看到的只是一层接着一层。 www.ecocn.org It’s now quite certain the 36-year-old actor has moved well beyond his years as Jordan Catalano, the pensive, locker-leaning high school teenager he played in the 1990s drama ” My So-Called Life. 可以肯定的是,这名36岁的男演员已经摆脱了90年代《我所谓的生活》中忧郁的老待在更衣室里的高中生乔丹•卡塔拉诺的固定形象,在看过他的很多作品后,观众对这一点也不太会有异议。 article.yeeyan.org Penultimate The penultimate culmination of bamboo’s contribution to the green movement is bamboo caskets. 竹子对于绿色运动的倒数第二个最高贡献就是竹制棺材。 article.yeeyan.org Running it on a valid database file, like the penultimate command in Listing 4, gives a count of the records in the file. 在有效的数据库文件上运行它,类似 清单 4 中的倒数第二个命令, 则会提供文件中的记录数。 www.ibm.com We know from the Stern family that this is the penultimate list that Schindler wrote and is an incredible piece of memorabilia. 我们从斯特家得知,这是辛德勒写下的倒数第二份名单,这是大事记中难以置信的一部分。 Penury 贫困;贫穷 poverty , want 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It has stymied every effort towards economic reform, deterring investors and letting the country slide more deeply into penury and debt. 它阻碍了经济改革的各项工作,吓退了投资者,使国家越来越深地陷入贫困与债务的深渊。 www.ecocn.org In other words, the prevalence of violent crime seems to predict mating preferences only in so far as it reflects a country's relative penury. 换句话说,暴力犯罪的猖獗只有在它与一个国家的贫穷相关时,才能预料出择偶倾向。 www.ecocn.org Not just because they can afford to – Greek middle class penury will not trigger a financial market meltdown – but because it could finally force the Greek political class to face the truth. 这不仅因为这些国家承担得起后果——希腊中产阶级的贫困不会引发金融市场崩溃——还因为这么做能够最终迫使希腊政治阶层面对现实。 www.ftchinese.com Perambulate (尤指检查、视察中)走过;穿过;徘徊于: According to traditions, the selectmen are required by law to perambulate the bounds every five years. 根据传统法律要求市镇行政管理委员会成员每隔五年巡视边界一次。 步行通过,漫步,步经: to perambulate the park 在公园散步 巡行察看;巡视(领地等): The duke perambulated the boundary of his estate. 公爵巡视他的庄园地界。 用童车推…走: Mother with her toddler perambulated the infant in tow. 母亲与蹒跚学步的孩子一起用童车推着婴儿走。 Percolate 滤;使渗滤: to make coffee by percolating boiling water through coffee 用沸水滤过咖啡的方法煮咖啡 使渗透;渗: Water percolates sands. 水从沙中渗过。 (用渗滤壶)煮咖啡: I'll percolate some coffee. 我用渗滤法煮咖啡。 扩散到;弥漫于: Relief payments percolated the economy. 各种各样的救济会造成经济负担沉重。 Perdition 毁灭,破灭;地狱 destruction , death , hell 双语例句权威例句 Cocaine and heroin are fast routes to perdition. 可卡因和海洛因是通往地狱的快车道。 article.yeeyan.org Sam Mendes and actress Kate Winslet arrive at the London premiere of The Road to Perdition in 2002. 图为2002年凯特•温丝莱特与萨姆•门德斯出现在伦敦《毁灭之路》首映式上。 article.yeeyan.org Think Jack Nicholson in About Schmidt, Peter O'Toole in Venus, Paul Newman in Road to Perdition, or about 85% of the roles that Michael Caine has accepted in the past decade. 回想杰克•尼科尔森在《关于施密特》、彼得•奥图在《末路爱神》、保罗•纽曼在《毁灭之路》里面的角色,又或者在过去十年里迈克尔•凯恩扮演的85%的角色,都要求演员扮演同龄人。 Peregrination n. 游历;旅行;旅程 journey , tour , travel , trip 双语例句 In the course of this peregrination, each participant visited six of the 90 food stalls in the market. 在游历市场的过程中,每个参与者都光顾了90个食物摊点中的6个。 www.ecocn.org Uninterrupted conversation with Leto was required now, plain talk about the impending peregrination to the Festival City of Onn. 现在需要的是和莱托不间断的谈话,单纯地讨论即将举行的到节庆之城安城的旅行。 word.hcbus.com A few weeks later, Drouet, in his peregrination, encountered one of his well-dressed lady acquaintances in Chicago on his return from a short trip to Omaha . 几个星期以后,杜洛埃从俄玛哈短途旅行回来,路上遇到一个在芝加哥认识的人,一个穿着入时的女人。 Peremptory . 强制的;绝对的;断然的;专横的 strict , absolute , positive , resolved , mandatory 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Still, the sort of youthful zeal that leads her to peremptory judgments and furious imperatives — “Somewhere . . . 承然,那种年轻人的热情导致了她的专横论断与强烈语气。 ——“有时......我得承认对(托马斯.) article.yeeyan.org His suspensions may have been ad hoc and peremptory, but he was right to think the bank should not judge its success by the sums it moves. 他中止现金流的行为也许很专横,但他认为世行不应以捐助量论成功是对的。 www.ecocn.org Hanna had been behaving oddly for days, moody and peremptory, and the same time palpably under some kind of pressure that was absolutely tormenting her and left her acutely sensitive and vulnerable. 几天来汉娜的行为一直都很古怪,喜怒无常,专横霸道,同时很明显看得出有某种压力在不折不扣地折磨着她,使她极其敏感和脆弱。 article.yeeyan.org Perfidious 背信弃义的;不忠的 disloyal , treasonable 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Perfidious media managers; treachery in the name of truth. 背信弃义的媒体;打着真相名义的背信弃义。 www.ebigear.com Is it possible to conceive of a snare more attractive in appearance and more perfidious in essence? 人们有可能察觉到一个在表面上更具吸引力而在本质上是背信弃义的圈套吗? article.yeeyan.org On this reading, it was designed to demonstrate the scope of the murderers and to send a hair-raising message to Litvinenko's friends in London, and perhaps also to his perfidious British hosts. 这种做法的弦外之音,意在展示谋杀者的用武之地,也给利特维年科在伦敦的友人传达了恐怖信息,可能还是给利氏背信弃义的英国东家一个下马威。 www.ecocn.org Perforate 穿孔于;打孔于;贯穿于;刺穿于: The nail perforated her coat and left an ugly rip. 钉子穿透她的上衣,留下一块难看的破绽。 打一排孔于(纸带、邮票等): This machine can perforate the sheets of stamps. 这台机器能在整版邮票上打孔。 打孔穿透;打孔穿入: An ulcer perforates the duodenal wall. 溃疡使十二指肠壁穿孔。 vi. 穿孔;穿透;穿入: The ulcer has perforated. 溃疡已经穿孔。 Perfunctory 敷衍的;马虎的;得过且过的 slapdash 双语例句权威例句 Their willingness to see and discuss a common interest in this is the first step – and that discussion, perfunctory until now, has begun. 它们愿意看到并讨论这方面的共同利益,这是第一步——讨论已经开始,尽管目前有些敷衍了事。 blog.sina.com.cn Unlike the Europeans, with their perfunctory, pith-helmeted explorations of the interior, the Arabs sought to establish a lasting trade presence in the region. 阿拉伯人不像欧洲人只是对内地敷衍了事地探险,而是寻求在这个地区的贸易能长久做下去。 article.yeeyan.org His senior colleagues at Harvard—some able, more of them drab—sent him a letter urging him to stay; it said the right things, but was perhaps a little perfunctory. 他在哈佛的资深同事――一些有才干的,个性乏味的更多――给他写了一封信,力劝他留下来;信上罗列让他留下来的原因是正确的,但可能有点敷衍了事。 Perimeter 周长;周界;[眼科]视野计 circumference , campimeter 双语例句原声例句权威例句 A fence marked the perimeter of the field. 一道篱笆标明了那块田地的周界。 《新英汉大辞典》 This is the outside perimeter, not the security perimeter. 这是与外界隔离的周界,而不是安全周界。 article.yeeyan.org Blue flags define the excavation perimeter, while yellow ones mark the location of fossils or stone tools. 蓝旗用来显示发掘地的周长,而黄旗用来标明发掘出化石或石制工具的地点。

  • LuLu.M

    LuLu.M (我想做你肩上的一颗星。) 2012-12-11 07:17:26


  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-11 12:49:06

    Peripatetic 漫游的;逍遥学派的 vagile , wandering 双语例句权威例句 But now international interest in London property is no longer the preserve of a handful of peripatetic tycoons. 但是,现在国际上对伦敦地产的兴趣,已不再局限于少数到处游走的大亨。 www.ftchinese.com To follow Jesus involved literally walking around behind Him as He instructed them (the word peripatetic comes from the Greek word peripateo, which means "to walk"). 他们跟随耶稣,既像字面上所说的在后面跟着他,也从他那受到很多教导(“巡游、兼课教师”这个词出自希腊词语peripateo,意思是“步行的”。) article.yeeyan.org But the similarity points up the difference: in Boy, the woman is not in fact the biological mother of the elder boy, and the family is insecure and peripatetic, lacking a permanent home. 不过这种相似性凸显了两者的差异:在《少年》中,那位女性实际上并非两个孩子中年长者的亲生母亲,而这个家庭也并不稳定、四处飘零、居无定所。 Peripheral 外围的;次要的 secondary , supporting , minor 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It can only be used in one eye because the other is needed for peripheral vision. 它只能被移植到一只眼睛中,因为另一只眼睛需要获得外围影象。 gb.cri.cn Some are on the lecture circuit. Others have gone to well-paid but peripheral jobs in Brussels. 有人进入了学界,也有人在布鲁塞尔领着高薪,却只从事一些外围工作。 www.ecocn.org They are signing shorter contracts, too. But still, they need to think harder about what is their core business, and what is peripheral. 他们也签署短期合同,但是仍然,他们需要仔细考虑什么是他们的核心业务,什么是次要的。 Periphery 外围,[地理]边缘;圆周;圆柱体表面 margin , suburb 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Though often lumped into the smaller periphery, it has one foot in the core group of Germany, France and Italy. 尽管它经常被归类到边缘小国之列,但也算是一只脚踏进了德国、法国和意大利的核心集团。 www.hjenglish.com However, on the periphery, there is one aspect of enterprise development which may be often overlooked. This is software release management. 然而,在企业级开发的外围,其中一个方面却可能经常被忽略,这就是软件发布的管理。 www.ibm.com The wire meshscreen symbolizes the isolation And I know it still hovers out there in the periphery of my vision uncomfortably close despite the many successes I have amassed. 这个钢丝窗代表了隔离。 尽管我已经积聚了许多成功,但是我知道它仍然在我的视线边缘徘徊,非常近,令人不舒服。 Perjure 做伪证;发假誓 变形: vt. perjured . perjuring 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 Physical evidence cannot be wrong, it cannot perjure itself, it cannot be wholly absent. 物理性证据是不会有差错的,它不会做伪证,它不会完全消失。 www.zwbk.org The Swiss almost unanimously feel that your friend has no right to expect you to perjure yourself and that you should in no circumstances consider doing so. 瑞士人几乎一致认为,你的朋友无权指望你为他作伪证,而你在任何情况下都不该考虑这么做。 www.ftchinese.com Responses vary dramatically. The Swiss almost unanimously feel that your friend has no right to expect you to perjure yourself and that you should in no circumstances consider doing so. 瑞士人几乎一致认为,你的朋友无权指望你为 他作伪证,而你在任何情况下都不该考虑这么 做。 Perky 神气的;得意洋洋的;自信的;活泼的 confident , alive , lively , activated 双语例句权威例句 I’ve never been one of those outgoing, perky, friendly people who bonds with others right away. 我从不是一个外向、自信和友善的人,不可能和其他人立刻就打成一片。 article.yeeyan.org Compared with the Hindu nationalists, Congress in fact seems quite perky. The reason why is not obvious. 同印度民族主义者相比,不知什么原因,国大党事实上显得很自信。 www.ecocn.org And you dismiss us as emotionally distant, unlike that perky little New Yorker with whom you so enjoy strolling in the rain. 你认为我们感情疏远,完全不像那个活泼的纽约小妞,让你对雨中漫步乐此不疲。 Pernicious 有害的;恶性的;致命的;险恶的 harmful , evil , kill , malignant , destructive 双语例句权威例句 When this phenomenon occurs, it produces a pernicious level of debt to pervade throughout the economy. 一旦这个现象发生,将会产生恶性的负债水平,并蔓延到整个经济体。 article.yeeyan.org But in the puritanical, modern business world, judgment is warped by something more pernicious: fear of lust and fear of alcohol. 但在清教徒式的现代商业世界,判断被更为致命的东西所扭曲:对欲望和酒精的恐惧。 blog.163.com Whether you will be led by this motive to actions which are useful, or to actions which are pernicious, depends upon the social system, and upon your capacities. 你将被这种动机引导成对社会有利的行为,还是有害的行为,取决于这个社会的制度,以及你个人的能力。 Peroration 结束语;结论;夸夸其谈 conclusion , verdict 双语例句 he summarized his main points in his peroration. “ 结束语中他总结了他的主要观点”。 dj.iciba.com As the most natural political speaker for decades, his approval-ratings soared after an ashen-faced peroration on the death of Princess Diana in 1997. 作为数十年来最为…的政治演讲者,在对1997年戴安娜王妃之死做出演讲时,他脸色灰白。此后,他的支持率率猛升。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn As he worked his way from ethos and logos to the pathos of peroration, he bade us think of the connection between deprivation and belligerence, and to do something about it. 当他在演讲中从道义和理念,转到结尾处的感伤时,他请我们考虑贫困与好战的关系,并为此做些什么。 Perquisite 额外补贴;临时津贴;特权 prequisite , franchise 双语例句权威例句 If the application server is still running you might be presented with the perquisite error message shown in Figure 3. 如果应用程序服务器仍在运行,可能会向您显示图 3 中所示的先决条件错误消息。 www.ibm.com The blend is named after the 2nd Earl Grey, British Prime Minister in the 1830s, who reputedly received a gift, probably a diplomatic perquisite, of tea flavoured with bergamot oil . 格瑞伯爵二世是十九世纪三十年代的英国首相,传说他在外交出访时曾获赠一罐茶叶和佛手桔油,伯爵茶就是在这之后被命名的。 dictsearch.appspot.com The Securities and Exchange Commission considers security at an executive's residence or during personal travel a perquisite that should be disclosed if the value reaches a certain threshold. 根据证券交易委员会(SEC)的规定,用于首席执行长住宅或个人旅行期间的保安费用应被视为额外补贴,达到一定金额后应予披露。 www.ebigear.com Persiflage 挖苦;嘲弄;戏谑 quizzing , mockery 双语例句权威例句 When he spoke of murder, suicide, venereal disease, amputated limbs, and altered faces, IT was wITh a faint air of persiflage. 他谈到杀人、自杀、花柳病、断肢、换脸型的时候,隐隐有一种揶揄的神情。 dict.ebigear.com Even if such, I return clear feel there individual bring my warmth with love, after all is I am dreaming or live in the persiflage? 即便如此,我还分明的能感觉到那个人带给我的温暖和爱,到底是我在做梦还是生活在戏弄? www.kfyes.com Why?Even if such, I return clear feel there individual bring my warmth with love, after all is I am dreaming or live in the persiflage ? 为什么?即便如此,我还分明的能感觉到那个人带给我的温暖和爱,到底是我在做梦还是生活在戏弄? Personable 美貌的;漂亮的;风度的 【法律】具有权利能力和行为能力的 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 One was James Li, a hard-working and personable Chinese engineer whom Mr Styles lured from Rapman to join him. 其中一位是李学忠,这是一位工作勤奋、风度翩翩的中国工程师,斯泰尔斯把他从力明挖了过来。 www.ftchinese.com He was a handsome, personable officer and a popular figure on the British diplomatic and social scene, a frequent guest at parties given by society osteopath Stephen Ward. 他外表英俊,风度翩翩,广受英国外交和社交界欢迎,是整骨理疗专家史蒂芬•沃德晚会上的常客。 article.yeeyan.org Nick Clegg, the personable leader of the Liberal Democrats, likes to joke that he cannot help being roughly six feet tall, male, white and in his early 40s—like Mr Cameron. 尼克•克莱格,风度翩翩的自由民主党领导人,喜欢开玩笑说,他不能在40岁刚出头的时候就成了粗鲁的六英尺高的白人男性——像卡梅伦那样。 Perspicacious 有洞察力的;聪颖的;敏锐的 acute , keen 双语例句原声例句权威例句 These were the fundamental difficulties, but few men were perspicacious enough to appreciate them. 这些是基本的困难,但是没有几个人能敏锐地意识到它们。 dictsearch.appspot.com More perspicacious neighbors, the Paulsens among them, suspected that Joey also enjoyed being the smartest person in the house. 一些更具洞察力的邻居,包括波尔森夫妇,怀疑乔伊也很享受作为那间屋子里最聪明的人的感觉。 article.yeeyan.org Fitch Ratings has developed a strong record on China's banking sector in recent years, thanks largely to the perspicacious analysis of its lead banks analyst in Beijing, Charlene Chu. 誉国际评级(Fitch Ratings)近年来在分析中国银行业方面树立了极好的口碑,这主要是因为惠誉驻北京首席银行分析师朱夏莲(Charlene Chu)的敏锐分析。 Perspicuity (语言、文章、表达等的)明晰;简明 clarity , conciseness 双语例句权威例句 Secondly, this paper analyzes the relations between product perspicuity, which is treated as the key dimension of construction project, and transaction cost. 其次,本文以产品明晰度为建设项目的关键特性,详细分析了它与各项建设项目交易成本的密切联系。 dict.cnki.net We can say: not only Marxist philosophy but also the whole philosophy history has ever been the history of the gradually perspicuity and deepenness of "practice" conception. 可以这样说:不仅马克思主义哲学,而且整个哲学史都是“实践”范畴不断明晰、不断深化的发展史。 www.lw23.com The exposition, perhaps somewhat lengthy and dry, but strictly according to prescribed rules, was simple, and Gringoire, in the inner sanctuary of his judgment, frankly admired its perspicuity. 展开部分,就章法而言, 稍嫌长了些,空洞了些,除此之外倒也简单明了,难怪格兰古瓦在其心灵深处的真诚圣殿里,也为这出戏的简洁明晰赞赏不已。 Perspicuous . 明了的;清晰明白的;易懂的 transparent , coherent 双语例句 We have evolved as perspicuous of animals. 我们已经进化成为通达的动物了。 open.163.com It is the second-oldest high-level programming language still in use today—one whose grammar and vocabulary were more perspicuous and versatile than the machine code early programmers had to use. 这是今天仍在使用的高级编程语言中年龄第二老的。 它的语法和词汇比早期编程员不得不使用的机器码要更清楚易懂,用处也更为广泛。 www.ecocn.org Perspire 出汗;流汗: The first thing he noticed was that he was perspiring. 他注意到的第一件事是他正在出汗。 分泌;渗出;排出: Beads of moisture perspired through the porous walls of the clay jug. 水珠透过陶罐渗透性的罐壁渗了出来。 vt. 出(汗);散发出: perspired beer 散发出啤酒气味 排出;分泌出;渗出: The firs perspire a fine balsam of turpentine. 冷杉分泌出一种质地优良的松树胶。 Pert 无礼的;鲁莽的;大胆的 bold , rude 双语例句权威例句 She wore a pert little hat. 她戴着一顶雅致的小帽子。 dict.veduchina.com He was a pert little blonde of about six years. 他是个唐突而漂亮的小孩, 大约六岁左右。 www.jukuu.com Three point estimation : sometimes referred to as PERT analysis, is a great tool for estimating activity durations. 三点估计: 有时候也被称为PERT分析。 这是一个很好的估计活动需时的工具。 Pertain 从属;属于;附属(经常与 to 连用): I am interested in anything pertaining to folklore. 属于民间文学的任何东西我都感兴趣。 适合;相称(与 to 连用): The criteria will be different from those that pertain elsewhere. 这里的标准将不同于其他地方适用的标准。 有关;关于;涉及(与 to 连用): This matter does not pertain to politics. 这事与政治无关。 Pertinacious 顽固的;执拗的 difficult , resistant , stubborn 双语例句 Reside but her forehead writes full firmness, firmly arrive pertinacious of location. 居但是她的眉宇间却写满了坚定,坚定到执拗的地步。 www.bb365.org.cn Whenever they encounter something, they manage to see it through, strive forward toward it and deal with it confidently with indomitable will and pertinacious perseverance. 无论他们遇到什么,他们将设法正视它,努力朝它前进,然后依靠顽强的意志和坚强的毅力自信地解决它。 dictsearch.appspot.com Whatever I did, that idea would bother me: it was so tiresomely pertinacious that I resolved on requesting leave to go to Wuthering Heights, and assist in the last duties to the dead. 它是那样执拗地纠缠着我,以致我决定请假到呼啸山庄去,帮着料理后事。 Peruse 详细考查;仔细察看: Officials of the company are perusing the deal. 公司的负责人员正在仔细考虑这项交易。 细读;阅读: After breakfast he perused the newspapers. 早饭后,他读了各种报纸。 浏览;随便翻阅: He absent-mindedly perused the notices on the waiting-room wall. 他漫不经心地看候车室墙上的布告。 Pervade 走遍;遍及;遍布;流行于: Weariness pervaded his whole body. 他全身疲倦。 扩大;普及;发生影响;渗透: A strong sense of patriotism pervaded his writings. 一种强烈的爱国主义感情渗透在他的作品中。 弥漫;充满: The odour of pines pervades the air in the forest. 林子里的空气中充满着松树的气味。 Pester 纠缠,烦扰;使烦恼 pursue , eat , burden , trouble 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It is painful to acknowledge, but marketers were right all along: pester power works. 要承认这点是很痛苦的,但是孩子总是占理:纠缠是能起作用的。 www.ecocn.org It was a complete waste of time, unless the goal in life was simply to pester the user for some input. 刚才的时间就完全浪费了,除非那个唯一的目的,是简单地纠缠用户索要一些输入。 v.163.com The Big Girl chooses to pester me with her pleas to get her ear pierced just before school, just before bed, or when I'm rifling in the refrigerator with a wolfish look. 可我的大女儿总选择在上学前一刻、睡前或我正当带着豺狼般贪婪的面目洗劫冰箱时来纠缠我,恳求我允许她穿耳洞。 Pestilent 致命的;有害的;恼人的;危害社会的 harmful , evil , kill , fatal , deadly 双语例句 The research focuses on the flight of the pestilent locust, an insect renowned for its efficient flying style. 研究集中在蝗虫——这种以高效飞行方式出名的害虫——的飞行上。 article.yeeyan.org Heroism by order, senseless violence, and all the pestilent nonsense that does by the name of patriotism — how I hate them! 由命令而产生的勇敢行为,毫无意义的暴行,以及在爱国主义名义下一切可恶的胡闹,所有这些都使我深恶痛绝! dictsearch.appspot.com Treating financial systems as if akin to fish, tropical trees or pestilent diseases, in other words, might not just be good for the bankers; 换句话说,将金融体系当作与鱼类、热带树林或是致命疾病同类的事物看待,或许不仅仅对银行家有好处; Pestilential 引起瘟疫的;瘟疫似的;讨厌的 evil , rank 双语例句权威例句 imagine coping with pestilential stink bombs flying into your midst. 想象一下应付飞进你们中间的引起瘟疫的臭弹。 article.yeeyan.org A majority of the rioters were Irish, living in pestilential misery. 大多数的暴民是爱尔兰人,保守瘟疫折磨,生活非常痛苦。 征兵制度里有一条规定,上交300美金即可免除兵役。 article.yeeyan.org Having to weather slings and arrows would have been tricky enough; imagine coping with pestilential stink bombs flying into your midst. 要经受住投石器和箭是要有足够机警的;想象一下应付飞进你们中间的引起瘟疫的臭弹。 Pestle 杵;碾槌 pounder 双语例句权威例句 Though you grind a fool in a mortar, grinding him like grain with a pestle, you will not remove his folly from him. 你虽用杵将愚妄人与打碎的麦子一同捣在臼中,他的愚妄还是离不了他。 www.ebigear.com The ingredients, such as pounded lobster shells and butter, are placed on the screen and rubbed through it with the pestle. 常见的用法是把捣碎的龙虾壳或黄油这类食材放在筛面上,然后用研磨杵来搓压。 article.yeeyan.org The process eventually was refined. A mortar and pestle worked better than the desktop, and a coffee grinder worked best of all for making good bee paste. 随后这个过程被不断进行完善。很明显研钵和杵比桌面好用,而一架咖啡研磨机无疑是制作好的蜜蜂浆糊的最好的工具。 Petrify [常用被动语态]使石化;使化为石: The Petrified Forest National Park is located in Arizona of U.S.A. 石化森林国家公园位于美国亚利桑那州。 使僵化;使坚硬;使消失活力,使麻木: Redundant slogans are apt to petrify a man's thinking. 口号过多容易使人思想僵化。 (因恐惧、惊慌等而)发呆: She was petrified with terror. 她被吓得目瞪口呆。 Petroglyph (尤指史前的)刻在岩石上的物像(或文字);岩画 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 A petroglyph emerges from the sands of the Sahara in Chad. 在乍得的撒哈拉沙漠中出现了一副岩画。 dictsearch.appspot.com One of The English heritage experts pointed out the petroglyph had been very popular in new-stone age, and till now, some 2500 year old one had been found from the ancient people. 英国遗产委员会一位专家指出,岩石雕刻在新石器时代非常流行,迄今也发现过2500年前古人留下来的岩石雕刻。 dictsearch.appspot.com So to speak, there are certain parallels between the long hard formation of Hieroglyphic Writing and the one of Petroglyph, from substance & things – image & picture – symbol & sign. 可以说,甲骨文这一类文字在成型前,肯定像岩画由写实走向抽象一样,经过了漫长的过程。 Petulance 易怒;生气;性急;暴躁 vitality , animation , pet 双语例句权威例句 Mr Rooney, however, is hampered by the characteristic English vices of insubordination and petulance. 然而,鲁尼受到了不服从命令和任性等英国人特有的恶习的阻碍。 www.ecocn.org Every old man complains of the growing depravity of the world, of the petulance and insolence of the rising generation. 每个老人都抱怨世界日益腐败,正在成长的一代人无礼傲慢。 dict.veduchina.com The great accomplishment of Jobs's life is how effectively he put his idiosyncrasies—his petulance, his narcissism, and his rudeness—in the service of perfection. 乔布斯一生最大的成就是他追求完美时,如何高效地灌注他的本质——他的暴躁,自恋,无礼。 Phenomenal 现象的;显著的;异常的;能知觉的 obvious , prominent , marked , noted , outstanding 双语例句原声例句权威例句 If you make it the focus of your career, that would be phenomenal. 如果你让这个事情成为你职业生涯的中心,那将会是十分了不起的。 www.hjenglish.com Both local and foreign banks want to find a way to attach themselves to this phenomenal growth story. 本土银行和外资银行都希望找到一种方式,将自己与这种显著的增长连在一起。 www.ftchinese.com I discovered that he was listed as a “friend” of mine, but like most of the 264 “friends” that this phenomenal social networking website displays for me, he was really only an acquaintance. 我发现他被列为我的“朋友”,不过,就像这个非凡的社交网络网站为我列出的264个“朋友”中的大多数人一样,他实际上只是一个我认识的人而已。 Phial 管形瓶;小药瓶 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句 I've had people keep some of the ashes in a phial on a key-chain so they can keep their pet close to them. 我的做法是把一点儿宠物的骨灰封在小玻璃瓶里并挂在钥匙链上,这样主人会感到宠物永远和他们在一起。 article.yeeyan.org I ran to the cupboard, and sure enough, found there a blue phial of medicine, with the dose written on it on a paper . 我奔到橱子那儿,真的,我在那里面找到一蓝色的药瓶,瓶上贴着的一张纸说明了服法。 www.jukuu.com My belief, I said, did not matter, but if he thought he could get cured, he was welcome, with which I procured him a phial of water which was supposed to have touched my wife's feet. 我说,我信不信没有关系,只要他认为有作用,就尽管要求。 说完,我就设法给他一小瓶他希望的被我妻子的脚碰过的水 Philatelist He is a philatelist; part of his collection is rare sets of postage stamps of the Qing Dynasty. 他是一位集邮家。他藏品的一部分是罕见的套头的大清国邮票。 www.jukuu.com The history of the post office is rarely of interest to anyone but the uniquely eager philatelist. 一提到邮局的历史,除了那些特别痴迷的集邮家外,恐怕很难再有谁会感兴趣。 article.yeeyan.org According to an 1876 edition of the magazine Philatelist, timbromania was the earlier word that Herpin was attempting to oust. 根据一本1867年版的《集邮》杂志,timbromania 是海尔宾试图取代的单词。 Phlegmatic 冷淡的;迟钝的;冷漠的 cold , distant , slow , lukewarm 双语例句权威例句 No other city in India bears such colossal inconveniences with such phlegmatic grace. 在印度没有哪个城市承受着如此巨大的不便和如此冷淡的宽容。 article.yeeyan.org Fast forward to the Huijin announcement this week, and the phlegmatic reaction of Chinese investors makes more sense. 而汇金本周宣布干预消息后,中国投资者的冷淡反应更为合理。 blog.sina.com.cn He introduced our driver, Petr Pícha, a phlegmatic former trucker and hockey player from the Czech Republic, who waved wearily to us from the well of the driver’s seat. 他向我们介绍了表情冷漠的巴士司机彼得 皮查,他来自捷克,是一位前卡车司机和曲棍球员,彼得在他的司机座上向我们不耐烦地挥了挥手。 Phony 假的,欺骗的 spurious , unreal n. 假冒者;赝品 personator , stumour 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I always hate phony people like that. 我一直都很讨厌像他那样的骗子。 www.ebigear.com Those who needed help the most — and would have gotten free tutoring if allowed to fail, rather than given a phony grade — got it the least. 那些最需要帮助的人——如果允许失败的话,与其被给假的分数,可能更需要得到免费的辅导——得到最少。 article.yeeyan.org Most people can see straight through a phony compliment, but if you think your friend looks especially nice today with that new hairstyle, tell her so. 通过假意的赞美,可以看出大多数人都是正直的,但如果你认为你朋友今天的新发型看起来特别漂亮,那么告诉她。 Photosynthesis 光合作用 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 词组短语同根词 net photosynthesis 净光合作用;净光能合成 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It has at least one gene necessary for photosynthesis—so far it’s the only animal known with this ability. 它有至少一个基因是光合作用所必需的——到目前为止这是唯一被发现具有此项能力的动物。 article.yeeyan.org Local temperatures would still change in some places, as would ocean currents, rainfall patterns, soil moisture and photosynthesis. 当地的温度仍旧会发生变化,比如受洋流,降雨量,土壤湿度和光合作用的影响。 www.24en.com The belt of vegetation that crosses Africa below the Sahara is very dark because most of the sunlight is absorbed by plants for photosynthesis. 在撒哈拉沙漠下方,横贯非洲中部的植被带颜色非常深,因为植物由于光合作用吸收了大多数太阳光。 Phylum 语系 door , languages , gateway 双语例句 First, theaudience must understand the concept of phylum (plural, phyla): the organizingprinciple for classifying the entire animal kingdom. 首先,观众必须明白门(生物学)的概念:整个动物王国分类的组织法则。 article.yeeyan.org Sanford isactually a little crestfallen because he can't find a peanut worm, an odd thingin the phylum Sipuncula that would give us an even ten. 事实上,斯坦福有点沮丧,因为他没能找到星虫,一种属于星虫动物门的奇怪动物,如果能找到,那么发现的动物种类将正好是十个。 article.yeeyan.org And in these sediments, from almost two miles below the ocean’s surface, they found three distinct species of a tiny multicellular animal phylum called Loricifera. 这些样本采集处距海面有两英里深,科学家们却从中发现了3中截然不同的微小多细胞生物,他们把这种门类称作Loricifera。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-12 12:27:33

    ]地貌;[植]外貌;面相;[心理]相面术 aspect , colour , exterior 双语例句权威例句 " said she, while her ill-omened physiognomy seemed to cast a shadow over the cheerful newness of the house. 她说,她那不祥的外貌象是给这座住宅的欣欣向荣的气氛投上了一层阴影。 www.hjenglish.com You can also find miles of efflorescent rock physiognomy there, such as stalagmites, stelae, stone sword, and stone pagodas. 同样在这里你还可以找到岩石风化的地貌,如石笋,石柱,石剑和石塔。 www.kekenet.com His intention was twofold: to see if physiognomy-based prejudices about creditworthiness existed and, if they did, whether they were justified. 他的意图是双重的:想知道以面相为标准有关信用的偏见是否存在,如果存在的话是否合理。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-12 12:28:41

    Physiognomy ]地貌;[植]外貌;面相;[心理]相面术 aspect , colour , exterior 双语例句权威例句 " said she, while her ill-omened physiognomy seemed to cast a shadow over the cheerful newness of the house. 她说,她那不祥的外貌象是给这座住宅的欣欣向荣的气氛投上了一层阴影。 www.hjenglish.com You can also find miles of efflorescent rock physiognomy there, such as stalagmites, stelae, stone sword, and stone pagodas. 同样在这里你还可以找到岩石风化的地貌,如石笋,石柱,石剑和石塔。 www.kekenet.com His intention was twofold: to see if physiognomy-based prejudices about creditworthiness existed and, if they did, whether they were justified. 他的意图是双重的:想知道以面相为标准有关信用的偏见是否存在,如果存在的话是否合理。 Piddling 琐屑的;无用的;不重要的 small , useless , unnecessary 双语例句权威例句 And due to the network's piddling size, it was, in truth, probably unnecessary. 而且考虑到当时网络的轻量级规模,或许事实上也是不必要的。 www.ecocn.org You see, anyone who can shake the earth between San Francisco and Oakland can conquer a piddling little disease, can't they? 你看,任何人有本事摇动旧金山和奥克兰之间的陆地,当然有本事克服这点小病,是吧? article.yeeyan.org That piddling 2.3% gain on the S&P 500 is a huge 11.5 percentage points above the loss delivered by the Shanghai market this year. 今年标普500那微不足道的2.3%升幅与跌跌不休的上海股市造成的亏损局面相比,大大地高出了11.5%。 Piebald 花斑的;杂色的 shot , varied n. 花斑马;花马 skewbald 双语例句权威例句 From my own goat, the piebald one. 我自己的羊,就是那只花斑的。 article.yeeyan.org Instead, it comes from the old word piebald, that means, "marked with white". 追根溯源,这个词其实来自一个旧词 "piebald",意思是“黑白相间的”。 edu.sina.com.cn Gypsies and travellers come to deal their trademark horses, piebald or skewbald cobs—highly prized beasts said to have calm temperaments. 吉卜赛人来此贩卖他们的招牌马——花斑矮脚马——据称是一温顺的名贵马种。 Pied 杂色的;斑驳的;穿花衣服的 shot , varied 双语例句权威例句 Besides ,we can take some pied magpies home for BBQ. 此外,我们还可以打一些喜鹊回家用来烧烤。 www.xdf.cn People with a strong 5th house attract children to them like the Pied Piper. 第五宫强的人会吸引小孩子,就好像Pied Piper。 bbs.edu.sina.com.cn As an EagleRider franchisee, du Pied also offers tours, and customers who want to take a spin on their own can drop bikes off at any EagleRider location instead of returning them to his store. 作为鹰骑士特许经营商,德派也提供旅游服务。 顾客要是想要自己搭车旅行,他们可以在位于任何地点的鹰骑士分店扔下机车停止租借,而不必一定将机车退还于德派的分店。 Pillory 颈手枷(古代用以将罪犯示众的刑具) 示众 使受公众嘲笑的办法;将…搞臭 vt. 给…戴上颈子枷 使受公众嘲笑;将…示众: He was pilloried in the newspapers and his resignation demanded. 报纸公开侮骂他,并要求他辞职。 短语: in the pillory 更多结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 Will those found guilty be dragged straight from the court to the pillory? 那些看起来有罪的人会从法庭上被直接拉出去示众吗? article.yeeyan.org Even if all these people gave back double the amount they received and spent the week in the public pillory, it wouldn't fix the problem. 这些人交回两倍于他们收到的薪金,花一周时间示众也解决不了问题。 article.yeeyan.org Be that as it might, the scaffold of the pillory was a point of view that revealed to Hester Prynne the entire track along which she had been treading, since her happy infancy. 无论如何,这座示众刑台成了一个了望点,在海丝特•白兰面前展现山自从她幸福的童年以来的全都轨迹。 Pincers 钳子(pincer的复数);(虾蟹等的)螯 clippers , pliers 双语例句权威例句 Crabs have two sharp and large pincers. 螃蟹有两个又大又锋利的钳子。 www.englishtang.com The point is to keep one stick still and move the other so as to make them work like pincers. 要点是让其中的一根筷子保持不动,活动另一根筷子,以便能像钳子一样夹取食物。 en.eol.cn Then he held the crab's back, with another hand, forcing it to loosen its pincers Quickly he threw it into my basket. 然后用另一只手抓螃蟹的背部,使它松开钳子。 马上,他将螃蟹扔进了我的篮子。 Pine 渴望,痛苦;憔悴 rare , aspire n. [林]松树;凤梨,菠萝 ananas vt. 为…悲哀;哀悼 regret , grieve over 双语例句原声例句权威例句 A tall pine dominated the landscape. 一棵高耸的松树俯视全景。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Both made of pine; both one inch thick. 都是由松木做成的,都是一英寸厚。 v.163.com That was material from after In Pine Effect really. 那真的是自《松树效应》以后截取的素材。 Pinnacle 高峰;小尖塔;尖峰;极点 pole , climax 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He took an odd route to the pinnacle of fashion. 他采用一种奇怪的途径到达了流行服饰的顶峰。 www.ecocn.org But how long will it take to get there and what needs to happen to reach that pinnacle? 但是,要多久才能达到那一步以及如果到达顶峰将会发生什么事情呢? www.ibm.com Located in Agra, white marble is used in the creation of this symbol of love and is considered to be the pinnacle of the famous Mughal architecture. 泰姬陵位于印度北部的阿格拉,选择白色的大理石建造是爱的象征。 这座建筑被公认为蒙兀儿时期水平的最高峰。 Pinpoint 在地图上插针)指出正确位置,确定位置: The generel pinpointed the enemy’s position on the map. 将军确定敌人在地图上的位置。 正确瞄准;集中焦点于: Our radar pinpointed accurately the attacking planes. 我们的雷达准确地对准来袭的敌机。 (用针)刺破,刺穿: The ship’s running lights pinpointed the dark. 船上的探照灯光刺破黑暗。 使突出,使显著: to pinpoint the obvious fact 突出明显的事实 Piquant 辛辣的;活泼的;痛快的;顽皮的;刺激的 alive , lively , incentive , activated , spicy 双语例句权威例句 The pity of it was that even the least exacting husband should so often desire something more piquant than goodness. 但遗憾的是,即使是最不挑剔的丈夫也时常会渴望一点更为活泼有趣的东西,而不仅仅是善良。 www.kekenet.com Lactic acid from a process of fermentation is the key to turning a humble cabbage into this delicious, piquant dish. 发酵过程中产生的乳酸是普通白菜变成美味辛辣佳肴的关键。 www.en8848.com.cn While goody-two-shoes Mickey was most appealing to children, Disney sought to create in Donald Duck a more piquant character with adult appeal - and succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. 孩子们最喜欢“好好先生”米奇,因此迪斯尼想把唐老鸭塑造成一个成年人喜爱的更加活泼有趣的角色,而结果出人意料的成功。 Pirouette To picture this, imagine an ice skater doing a pirouette. 为了更加形象化,想像一下溜冰时旋转的场景吧。 bbs.putclub.com Roy: You mean you can pirouette and all that sort of thing? 罗伊:你的意思是你能“单脚着地旋转”和做诸如此类的动作? edu.sina.com.cn The Pirouette (half-pirouette) is a turn of 360 degrees (180 degrees) executed on two tracks, with a radius equal to the length of the horse, the forehand moving round the haunches. 定后肢?旋(定后肢半?旋)是以两蹄迹运动转360 度(180 度),半径等于马体长度,前躯围绕腰臀部旋转的运动。 Pitch 倾斜;投掷;搭帐篷;坠落 slope , throw , lean vt. 投;掷;定位于;用沥青涂;扎营;向前倾跌 throw , cast , camp n. 沥青;音高;程度;[松脂]树脂;倾斜;投掷 extent , degree , resin , putting , measure 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He bunted at the first pitch. 他触击第一个投球。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 The batter took the pitch. 击球手放过这个投球没打。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 He keyed the piano up to a concert pitch. 他把钢琴的音调调到了音乐会要求的音高标准。 Pith 精髓;核心;骨髓;要旨 core , quick , kernel , nucleus vt. 杀死;使瘫痪;除去…中的髓 kill , strike down 双语例句权威例句 Both the rubber and the pith ball are negatively charged. 这时,橡胶棒和木髓球两者都带负电荷。 dict.veduchina.com The pith, the essence of faith lies in this---a casting oneself on the promise. 信仰的核心和本质就在于此——以承诺塑造自我。 article.yeeyan.org Even oranges don't eat the whole peel, but keep the pith, that white stringy stuff; it's packed with flavonoids. 即使是桔子不能整个的连着皮吃,但至少保留精髓,即白色粘性的东西,它也含有黄酮类化合物。 Pithy 有髓的,多髓的;精练的;简洁有力的 medullated , marrowy 双语例句权威例句 TO ERR is human; to forgive, divine, was the pithy view of Alexander Pope. 是人就会犯错,是神就会宽恕,这是亚历山大蒲柏观点的精髓。 www.ecocn.org Some of the most popular faux verses are pithy paraphrases of biblical concepts or bits of folk wisdom. 一些最流行的人造句子是对圣经内容简练的意译,或是一些民间智慧。 article.yeeyan.org There are all sorts of rhetorical stratagems and devices that attract writers who hope to be pithy, but most of them are simply bothersome. 各种各样的修辞法和修辞术吸引着那些想把文章写简练的作家,可是其中绝大部分只能带来麻烦。 Pittance 少量;小额施舍;少量津贴 bit , driblet 双语例句权威例句 So $50,000 might be a fortune in a small town, but a mere pittance in a big city. 所以,50,000美元可能在一个小镇是一笔财富,但是在大城市仅仅是微薄的报酬。 article.yeeyan.org Although many of the poorest now get some kind of government support, it is only a pittance. 虽然现在许多最贫穷的人得到政府的一些帮助,但是那仅仅是小小的施舍。 article.yeeyan.org This helps to explain why advertisers will only pay a pittance for page views on many social networks. 这有助于解释为什么广告商按页面浏览量只付给许多社交网微薄的广告费。 Plaintiff 原告 claimant , demandant 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Plaintiff is an antonym of defendant. 原告是被告的反义字。 huihua.iciba.com When the court session opens, the court invites the plaintiff to state his case. 当开庭的那一天到来,在开庭后,法庭会要求原告陈述他的案情。 article.yeeyan.org During thepresentation, the plaintiff has opportunity to confer with his family to makesure that he has not forgotten anything. 在代表发言期间,原告有机会与他的家族交换意见,以确保这位代表没有遗漏任何事情。 Plaintive 哀伤的;悲哀的 sad , sorrow-stricken 双语例句权威例句 Those few plaintive words summed up how, in a few short months, anorexia had transformed their healthy daughter into a painfully thin shadow of her former self. 那些哀伤的言语总结了厌食症是如何在数个月内让他们健康的女儿成为一个她自己塑造的,痛苦地瘦削的影子。 article.yeeyan.org No matter where it comes from, this voice of moderation sounds shrill and plaintive compared with the stentorian message of hardliners and the domestic security empire they rule. 不管是谁发出的,与强硬派及其麾下庞大社会治安机构高亢响亮的声音比起来,这番温和的呼声显得尖锐而悲哀。 www.ftchinese.com But a plaintive note explaining the closure—thieves have stripped the roof of its copper cladding, letting in rain on the books below—hints at profound changes to the global economy. 但一张哀伤的便笺不仅解释了其闭馆的原因——小偷们把屋顶外层铜质的包层给剥去了,任由雨滴落在下面的书上——它也暗示着全球经济的深刻变化。 Plangent 隆隆作响的;轰鸣的;喧闹的 凄切动人的,哀鸣的,悲哀的 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But these are idiotic quibbles. This book is a plangent document of journalistic heroism. 但是这些都是无聊之辞,整本书已然是对一个英雄般的新闻工作者凄切呻吟的记录。 dongxi.net Since plangent engine agitate all round flow in disorder, push the flight number behind jolt unceasingly in fear. 轰鸣的引擎搅起团团的乱流,将身后的航班推入颠簸不已的惧怕之中。 danci.911cha.com Anyone familiar with the wounded cultural sites of Beijing in the post-Cultural Revolution years will be arrested by the author's plangent, and evocative, observations. 译者(亦即本文作者)以凄婉的笔触忠实再现了北京城里遭到文革破坏的几处文化遗址,熟知这些地方的人定会被文章深深吸引。 Plasticity 塑性,可塑性;适应性;柔软性 flexibility , adaptability 双语例句权威例句 This kind of plasticity may play a vital role in evolution as well as during the lifetime of individuals. 这种可塑性不仅贯穿生命个体的一生,也许对进化也产生了至关重要的作用。 article.yeeyan.org We hear so much these days about the plasticity of the human brain - its ability to adapt to changing demands and circumstances. 这些天我们听到了很多关于人类头脑的适应性——这是一种对改变的需求和环境的适应能力。 www.elanso.com Whether we choose to do this or not is a matter of broader social and ethical debate over our growing ability to fiddle with the plasticity of the brain. 我们选择这样做还是不这样做,是个更广泛的社会的和伦理的论辩,这一论辩涉及到我们日益增长的、改变大脑可塑性的能力。 Plateau 高原;稳定水平;托盘;平顶女帽 altiplano , high land vi. 达到平衡;达到稳定时期 level out 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Spirit found the plateau to be surrounded by deposits of opal. 勇气号发现高原上有许多蛋白石的沉积物。 article.yeeyan.org The long, cold winter on Loess Plateau was seeing its end. But the really warm spring was still far away. 黄土高原严寒而漫长的冬天看来就要过去,但那真正温暖的春天还远远地没有到来。 www.ecocn.org But over the past 40 years these advantages have faded and America has found itself on a technological plateau, he says. 他说,但是在过去的40年,这些优势已经消逝,而且美国已经达到科技的稳定时期。 Platitude 陈词滥调;平凡;陈腐 lousy cliches , banality 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But this is just a reassuring platitude. 但这不过是用来安慰人的陈词滥调。 www.ftchinese.com That's no platitude; the boundary between the two is surprisingly clear. 这并非陈词滥调;这两者之间的界限极其清晰。 www.ibm.com It sounds like a platitude that fiction is the realm of imagination, fact the realm of knowledge. 小说是想象的领地而现实是知识的领地,这句话听起来有点陈词滥调了。 Platonic 理想的;柏拉图哲学的;不切实际的;纯精神友谊的 ideal , unreasonable , dream , perfecting 双语例句原声例句权威例句 What mathematicians are doing is using their mind to think about these Platonic ideas of mathematics. 数学家所做的就是用他们的心灵,来思考那些数学的柏拉图理念 v.163.com In an idealized view of the fashion and art world, the gatekeepers of taste coolly evaluate the work they see according to Platonic criteria. 在一个理想的时尚和艺术世界里,品位的守门人根据柏拉图式的美学标准冷静地评估眼前的作品。 article.yeeyan.org Doing anything you like, it seems to be the opposite of the platonic understanding of justice as each one doing a special function ? or fulfilling or doing a special craft. 做你爱做的事,这似乎有别于,柏拉图所理解的正义,不是要每个人都拥有一样,特殊的功用或善尽或发挥一种特殊技能吗。 Plaudit 喝彩;赞美 admiration , acclamation 双语例句权威例句 The highest plaudit Mr Jarre could give a director was that he was “entrusting”, and left him to it. 贾尔先生对导演们的最高褒奖就是“信任别人”,放手让他去做。 www.ecocn.org Ziyan watched the ceremony alive on TV and witnessed the successful speech made by the manager-in-chief, which won the plaudit of the crowds. 那天晚上,紫烟特意守在电视机前收看了竣工典礼,老总的发言非常成功,好几次都被热烈的掌声打断。 blog.tianya.cn The publicity was excellent: he was named "Innovator of the Year" by the Guardian, a British newspaper, and gained a plaudit from Hillary Clinton, America's secretary of state. 效应是热烈的:他显示被英国的一家报纸守望者题名为“年度创新人物”,然后又收到美国国务卿希拉里克林顿的赞扬。 Pleat 褶裥;褶状皱起物 vt. 给…打褶 to pleat an apron 给围裙打褶 把…编成辫;打辫编结: Her hair was pleated in a queue. 她的头发编成了一条辫子。 Plenitude 充分;丰富;大量 abundance , lots of , wealth , ocean , sea 双语例句权威例句 Life breeds both plenitude and void, exuberance and depression. 生活同时孕育充足与空虚,繁荣与萧条。 article.yeeyan.org When Cosette went out with him, she leaned on his arm, proud and happy, in the plenitude of her heart. 珂赛特和他一道出门时,她总紧靠在他的臂膀上,心里充满了自豪和幸福。 www.ebigear.com First , plenitude of the debt laws norm was because of economic development in Tang Dynasty , exactly to say it was because the merchant economy was more developed than past. 首先,债法规范的丰富是因为唐代经济的发展,确切地说是商品经济较以前发达。 Plethora 过多;过剩;[医]多血症 surplus , nimiety 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Classes with a plethora of imports have many unique types. 具有过多导入的类会有许多惟一类型。 www.ibm.com In Germany Deutsche Telekom faces competition from a plethora of rivals that have together claimed 45% of the home market. 德国电信面临的竞争来自过多的竞争者,并且总共声称要占据国内市场的45%份额。 www.ecocn.org In support of this growing interest, the marketplace offers a plethora of best practices, articles, and books on IT portfolio management. 为了支持这种增长的兴趣,市场提供过多的有关 IT 投资组合管理的最佳实践、文章和书籍。 Pliable 柔韧的;柔软的;圆滑的;易曲折的 flexible , soft , tender 双语例句权威例句 However, he never loses the line registration; and the book remains quite pliable. 不过,他从未丢失掉每行的注册信息;电话簿依旧十分柔软。 article.yeeyan.org The four states of Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Missouri make up the brass buckle on that tough but pliable leather belt. 堪萨斯,俄克拉荷马,阿肯色和密苏里四个州组成了这条坚韧而柔软的皮带上的四颗铜扣。 www.i21st.cn While your baby’s bones have mostly hardened by now, his skull will remain pliable until after birth to allow him to fit through the birth canal. 现在婴儿的骨骼几乎全部都硬化了,他的颅骨直到出生之后将仍保持柔韧,这让他适合通过产道。 article.yeeyan.org Pliant 顺从的;[木]易弯的;易受影响的;能适应的 compliant , obedient n. 顺从 compliance , deference , Friend VS Lover 双语例句权威例句 For a long time it looked as if Mr Peña would go for someone more pliant. 很长一段时间,亨利看起来似乎可能选择一个顺从他的人。 www.ecocn.org Producers have access to cheap capital and labour and pliant local governments desperate to attract business to their regions. 该行业生产商能够获得廉价的资金和劳动力,而顺从的地方政府,迫切希望吸引企业到本地发展。 www.ftchinese.com Mr Moussavi, more-over, while he might have been more straightforward on Iran's nuclear ambitions, would not have been more pliant. 况且,尽管穆萨维也许在伊朗的核野心问题上更为直截了当,但他不会更顺从。 Pliers 钳子;老虎钳(plier的复数形式) clippers , nippers 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He pulled prisoner's fingernails out with pliers and strung prisoners up and smashed them into brick walls. 他用钳子把犯人的指甲拔出来,把犯人绑起来并把他们往砖墙上面摔。 article.yeeyan.org If the thighbone doesn't rotate enough, you'll apply tremendous pinching pressure to the meniscus—as if your shinbone and thighbone were a giant pair of pliers. 如果大腿旋转不够充分,巨大的压力就这样转移到半月板上--胫骨和大腿骨就像一把巨大的钳子,死命夹住半月板。 article.yeeyan.org If you have a laptop and I persuade you to open it up for me and I take the pliers and kind of snip just about anywhere, your laptop will be destroyed but the brain is actually more resilient. 假如你有台笔记本,我成功地说服了你,让你把笔记本拆开,然后我拿钳子,在笔记本里乱剪一通,那你的笔记本肯定就坏掉了,但是大脑具有更好的弹性 Plight 困境;境况;誓约 difficulty , corner , dilemma , fix , predicament vt. 保证;约定 undertake , assure 双语例句原声例句权威例句 What can be learned from the plight of all these stars? 从这些明星经理们的困境里可以学到什么呢? www.ecocn.org How far, then, does this viewpoint inform us of the plight we are now in? 那么,这种观点能在多大程度上加深我们对于当前所处困境的认识呢? www.ftchinese.com We hope that now, more than ever, the plight of these people and of the aid groups helping them are not forgotten. 我们希望从现在开始,这些处于困境中的人和那些帮助这些人的救援小组的故事与以往相比更不会被忘记。 Plinth 柱基;底座 column base , mount 双语例句权威例句 Behind Nike, the bust of Zeus on a plinth. 后面是一尊放置在柱基上的宙斯半身像。 www.chinadaily.com.cn An empty plinth is also one of the most noticeable things on entry to Hama, which is guarded by a security checkpoint on the main road. 空置的基座也成了哈马城入口处的最显著标志物之一,而这一入口由设置在这条主干道上的一个安检关卡所把守。 www.ecocn.org London's Trafalgar Square got an unusual new artwork to go alongside its historic sculptures of war heroes and kings Monday -- an empty plinth where members of the public stand for an hour at a time. 伦敦特拉法加广场本周一上演了一场不同寻常的新式艺术秀,除了战争英雄和国王的重要雕像之外,广场上还有一个空基座,数名公众轮流在上面站立一小时。 Plod 沉重缓慢地走: We plodded wearily up the road carrying heavy packs. 我们拿着沉重的包裹疲惫不堪地沿着路慢慢地走去。 努力从事;沉闷地苦干: He plodded away all night at the accounts but didn't finish them in time. 他彻夜不眠地清理账目,却未能按时完成。 vt. 沉重缓慢地走(路): 沉重缓慢地走(路): Ferries are now still plodding obscure routes through obscure waters. 渡船目前仍在沿着偏僻的航道驶过偏僻无名的水域。 Ploy 策略;活动;工作 strategy , device , activity , movement , pursuit 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It is too early to judge whether the ploy worked. 要判断这一策略是否有效,目前还为时尚早。 www.ftchinese.com Their complaints are not treated as a ploy any more. 它们的抱怨现在再也不被视为是一种策略。 www.ftchinese.com This ploy permitted comparison between species in which weights have different meanings. 这项工作允许在体重意义不同的物种之间进行比较。 Pluck 采;摘;拔: Did you pluck your eyebrows? 你拔眉毛吗? 拉;扯;撕: He plucked a sheet of paper from his notebook. 他从笔记本上撕下一张纸。 拔…的毛: Do you remember when you bought a chicken and had to pluck it yourself? 你记得什么时候你自己买只鸡,自己退毛的? 拨,弹(乐器的弦);弹奏(乐器): She often plucks the strings of a guitar at night. 她常在深更半夜弹吉他。 Plumage . 翅膀;鸟类羽毛 wing 双语例句权威例句 The costs of melanin-based plumage and iridescence are clearly different from this. 黑色素翅膀和彩虹色翅膀的代价与上面却完全不同。 www.ecocn.org Emu: a large Australian flightless bird, similar to the ostrich but with three-toed feet and grey or brown plumage. 鸸鹋:一种大型的不能飞的澳大利亚鸟,类似于鸵鸟但是足有三趾,灰色或棕色的翅膀。 www.tingvoa.com The soft brown plumage has a texture like velvet; they have insuppressible crests and a face pattern to inspire a make-up artist. 柔软的褐色翅膀有着天鹅绒般的质地;高高耸起的冠和面容足以激发化妆家们的灵感 。 Plumber 管子工;铅管工 [美国口语](调查和防止政府人员泄密的)堵漏人员,防漏人员;泄密调查和防范人员 [废语]铅商;铅匠 vt. [美国俚语]弄糟 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 At the age of 74, he is still going strong as the oldest plumber in business in Boise, Idaho. 尽管他已经74岁高龄,但身体依然很健壮,是爱达荷州博伊西商界中最老的水管工。 www.kekenet.com "In my view, it is just as great an achievement to be a plumber or a bricklayer as it is to be a lawyer or a doctor. 在我看来,做一名水管工人或者砖匠,同做一名律师或者医生相比,所取得的成就是同样伟大的。 gb.cri.cn Whether you are a plumber or a lawyer, you will experience your job as play to the degree that it entails lots of occupational self-direction. 无论你是个水管工还是律师,如果你的工作需要高度的自主性,你都会觉得它像游戏一样。 Plume 用羽毛装饰 feather n. [鸟]羽毛 feather 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Since the discovery of the plume in 2005, scientists have beencaptivated by the enigmatic jets. 自从2005年发现羽毛状喷发,科学家们就被这谜一般的喷射所吸引。 article.yeeyan.org When he guessed wrong again a plump woman with a bright orange plume on her hat stepped in to try as well. 在他再次猜错的时候,一位丰满的、帽子上插着一根鲜艳的橙黄色羽毛的妇女走近来也要试一下。 www.24en.com And anenvironmental engineer, while viewing a plume of contaminated groundwater, candelve into 45 years' worth of documents associated with the site. 环境工程师在发现羽毛状的污染的地下水时,可以查阅45年间的与该地点有关的文件。

  • 可爱的小泡泡

    可爱的小泡泡 (我眼中的爱情就是你的样子啊) 2012-12-12 13:42:37


  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-13 13:54:15

    Plunder 掠夺,劫掠,(尤指战时的)抢劫: They plundered all the valuable things they could find. 他们抢劫的所有能找到的值钱东西。 偷,盗窃: The raiders plundered all the cattle. 袭击者偷走了所有的耕牛。 侵吞,侵占;骗取: Super powers plundered all kinds of commodities at low prices from a satellite country. 超级大国以低价从一个卫星国里巧取豪夺各种商品。 Plush 豪华的;[纺]长毛绒做的;舒服的 grand , comfortable n. [纺]长毛绒 peluche 双语例句权威例句 Refusing to let his feet touch the ground, she unrolls a new carpet, plush and crimson. 她铺了一张新的深红色长毛绒地毯,不让他的脚碰到地板。 article.yeeyan.org "The glitzy resorts are attracting more rich tourists," Garner said. "I guess these tourists will be attracted by new, plush facilities," Garner said. “这片闪光的度假村吸引越来越多有钱的游客,”加纳说:“我猜他们是被豪华的新设施吸引来的。” cn.reuters.com At one extreme, the sector includes the plush clubs of the Ginza district; at the other extreme are immigrant sex workers in conditions of unfree labor. 银座区中那些豪华俱乐部引领着这个行业走向一个极端,然而那些在非自由状况下的移民性工作者则走向了另一个极端。 Poach 水煮(荷包蛋): poached eggs 水煮荷包蛋 把鱼放开水中煮,炖: poached trout 清蒸鳟鱼 poach2 [pəutʃ] vt. 把…踏成泥浆;在…上踏出泥坑 侵入(他人境界)偷猎;(尤指)偷猎(偷捕);非法猎取(获得): They were caught poaching wild animals. 他们因捕猎野生活动而被捕。 Podiatrist If you try those suggestions and don't see any improvement, schedule an appointment with your primary doctor or a podiatrist. 如果你试过这些方法却仍然没有改善,那就与你的主治医师或者是脚病专家预约吧。 article.yeeyan.org Mr. Mak admits that he did not consult a podiatrist in making the mold. Instead, his research consisted of speaking with friends and customers. 麦柏灵承认,在制造模具之前,自己并没有征询足病医生的意见,开展研究的方法只是与朋友和顾客交谈。 c.wsj.com If, in combination with thigh-strengthening exercises, the foot supports are not enough to get rid of the injury, see a podiatrist about whether you might need orthotics. 如果同时在进行大腿力量练习,那脚支撑器还不足以让你避开风险,询问脚病医生是否需要一个矫正器。 Poignant 尖锐的;辛酸的;深刻的;切中要害的 sharpened , acerb 双语例句原声例句权威例句 In fact ,they are probably the most poignant and important ones. 事实上,这些经验可能是最深刻和最重要的。 www.putclub.com Their stillness in the face of danger is all the more poignant in Japan, as they have a job to do. 因为还有工作要做,所以面对危险,渔民沉着冷静,而这一情况出现在日本就更是令人心酸了。 www.hxen.com The principle is simple: readers submit photos of old photos, held up against the original backdrop, and caption them with short, often quite poignant letters to the original image. 原则很简单:读者提交放到原有背景上的老照片的照片,然后加上简单说明,通常是对老照片的辛酸文字。 Polemic 争论;辩论者 controversy , combat adj. 好争论的 disputative , litigious 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The turban has been a polemic since the day AKP stepped foot in the parliament. 自从AKP在国会掌权的那天开始,缠头巾就一直是个争论的话题。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org In gathering these interviews, the British Library was not aiming for a polemic. 大英图书馆收集这些采访录音,目的并不是为了引起争论。 article.yeeyan.org You can compare it to the visual arts, to painting, to drawing; it can document reality, like still photographs. It can explain and record like journalism, and it can be a polemic, like a pamphlet. 你可以把电影比作可视艺术进行描写绘制,可以像照片一样呈现事实,也可以像新闻一样进行解释和报道,同时还可以像小册子一样进行争论。 Polished 擦亮的;优美的;圆滑的 pretty , exquisite , graceful v. 擦亮(polish的过去式和过去分词) burnished 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This tabletop polished up nicely. 这个桌面能擦得很亮。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 By their nature these letters are quite different from the polished prose of the memoirs. 从其本质来说,这些书信与回忆录里那些优美的散文可谓是大相径庭。 www.ecocn.org She stood his polished shoes on the floor beside the bed. Then she went to the porch and sat primly and stiffly down. 她把擦亮的鞋子摆放在床边的地板上,然后来到走廊上,一本正经地坐在那儿,显得有些呆滞。 Pollen bee pollen 蜂花粉 pollen tube n. 花粉管 pine pollen 松花粉 pollen grain 花粉粒 pollen mother cell 花粉母细胞 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The air is pure, with neither pollution nor pollen. 空气是那么纯,没有污染物也没有花粉。 www.ecocn.org So how do you train them to respond to TNT the way they respond to pollen? 那么你如何才能训练它们,使得它们对TNT炸药的反应与对花粉的反应一样呢? article.yeeyan.org The problem occurs because plants need to transfer pollen by wind and insect to fertilization and reproduce. 发生这样的问题是因为植物需要通过风和昆虫传递花粉进行受精繁殖。 Poncho 雨披;南美披风 raincape 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The brightly polished granite surface depicts the poncho wearing riflemen as they climbed up a Korean hill. 明亮的抛光花岗岩表面描绘了穿着雨披的步兵爬上了一座韩国的小山。 article.yeeyan.org She had a brown spring jacket and brown cargo pants. Her brown hair was pulled into a pony tail and she wore a lavender poncho underneath. 茜尔维穿的是棕色春季夹克和棕色大口袋裤子,而她的棕色头发则被编成了个马尾辫,还穿着薰衣草色的雨披。 article.yeeyan.org Sign up for the Cave of the Winds tour, which begins after you change into a complimentary yellow poncho and sandals (trust us, you'll need 'em). 报名参加风之洞之旅吧,你将会获赠一个黄色雨披和一双凉拖(相信我,你会用得到)。 Ponderable 有重量的;可称量的;有价值的 valuable , worthy 双语例句 We should try to summarize ponderable experience lesson from our failure. 我们应该试着从我们的失败中总结有价值的经验教训。 dictsearch.appspot.com A common ponderable for sky enthusiasts is deciding if that bright spot near the horizon is the planet Venus. 对星空爱好者来说,常见的疑难之一是地平线附近的亮斑是否为金星。 danci.911cha.com something ponderable from the outer world--something of which we can say that its weight is so and so- James Jeans. 可以从外部世界估计的事物-我们可以说他的价值如何如何的事物-詹姆斯•琼斯。 Pontifical 罗马教宗的;主教的 episcopal 双语例句权威例句 Márcio Garcia, an economist at the Pontifical Catholic University in Rio de Janeiro, calls the subsidy “a parallel [state] budget”. 里约热内卢的波多黎各主教天主教会大学的经济学家Márcio Garcia称这种补贴为“一种双重预算”。 www.ecocn.org Under John Paul the Curia acquired a string of new “pontifical councils”, quasi-ministries that deal with everything from health workers to canon law. 在约翰保罗时代教廷获得一系列新的“主教理事会” ,准部委处理一切从卫生工作者到教会法的事务。 club.topsage.com He lamented that Galileo 'had much to suffer . . . at the hands of individuals and institutions within the church' and later convened a pontifical commission to re-examine Galileo's whole trial. 他叹惋伽利略“在教会某些个人及机构的手下……承受了太多的苦难”,后来还召集了一个主教委员会,重新审查对伽利略的审判。 Pontificate 教皇(或主教)的职位(或任期) vi. 执行教皇(或主教)职务(尤指主持弥撒) 装出教皇(或主教)的神气;发表武断的意见: He always pontificates about the evils of modern society. 他经常对现代社会的弊病大发议论。 自以为是,自命不凡 vt. 自负地说;武断地说: Quite logically, we get headlines that pontificate about yesterday’s news (Le Monde is an afternoon paper, oddly enough). 可以想象,我们看到的头条新闻是用权威的方式报道着昨天的新闻(足够奇怪的一点,《世界报》是一份晚报)。 article.yeeyan.org Ironically, while the intellectuals in China pontificate on the implications of this saga, investors in the stock market appear to have moved on. 具有讽刺意味的是,当中国的专家学者还在对这一事件的隐含意义发表看法时,股市投资者似乎已经行动起来。 www.cuyoo.com While a lot of folks may get corporate logo tattoos and/or pontificate about what such-and-such company did right or wrong, few of them will ever have any actual input. 虽然许多人可能用企业标志纹身及/或就公司如此这般的做法对或错发表武断的意见,但其中毕竟只有少数人会有任何实际的投入。 Populace 大众;平民;人口 common people , common man 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Flying aircraft carriers had a brief stint in the collective imagination of a wartime populace. 会飞的航空母舰在战时大众的集体想象中维持了很短的时间。 article.yeeyan.org AAM: Not because of what is happening as we observe and get ready, but because we see that the human populace, in their inner being, and even in their consciousness, are ready. 麦:不是因为如我们所见的正在发生的事已经准备就绪,而是因为我们明白〖人类大众的内在存有,甚至他们的意识上都做好了准备〗。 blog.sina.com.cn Indeed, with the constant tests and calls for vigilance, Tokyo health officials appear to be bending over backward to show the populace that they are monitoring the situation carefully. 事实上随着不断的测试和提醒大家提高警惕,东京的卫生官员正在竭尽全力向大众表明他们正在谨慎周密地监测事态。 Porcupine 箭猪,[脊椎]豪猪 hedgepig 双语例句原声例句权威例句 In Maine, the most commonly counted roadkill species is the North American porcupine. 在缅因州,公路交通事故中杀死的动物种类是北美箭猪。 article.yeeyan.org Not like porcupine needles or anything, but small pointy projections on the surface that basically make the organ bumpy. 它不像豪猪的刺或其它什么的,但是在表面上有尖状的凸起使这个器官起伏不平。 article.yeeyan.org Lang wears so much product in his hair that when he sways in rapture to his playing his head looks like a porcupine in a typhoon. 郎朗总是对他的头发大做文章,每次表演到行头上时,他的脑袋看上去就像在台风中乱窜的一只箭猪。 Porous 多孔渗水的;能渗透的;[生物]有气孔的 leachy , stomatal 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The densest wood is on the outside, where bending stress is the greatest, while the center is porous and weighs less. 最致密的木材在树干外围,这里的抗折压力是最大的,而树干中心的木质疏松多孔,比重更小。 www.forbeschina.com Future research will focus on protecting them better and investigating the use of a thin porous film to make them more robust. 未来的研究将着力于更好地保护它们;他们将研究利用一种多空渗水的薄膜,使之更为结实。 article.yeeyan.org The porous nature of an oak barrel allows some evaporation and oxidation to occur in wine, to concentrate its flavor and aroma compounds. 橡木桶的多孔性使得酒中可以进行一些蒸发及氧化反应,以增加影响风味和香味的化合物的浓度。 Portend 预兆,前兆;为…的兆头: Her silence portends trouble. 她沉默不语可不是好兆头。 表示;意味着: Perhaps the present concern with the values of liberal arts education portends an intellectual anemia. 现在关心大学文科教育的重要性也许意味着患了智力贫血症。 Portentous 不祥的;预兆的;令人惊讶的 surprise , bodeful 双语例句权威例句 There are flaws, of course (and not just the portentous title). 当然,小说中也有瑕疵(还不只是那个怪异的书名)。 article.yeeyan.org IT TAKES a very good book to carry off a title as portentous as "War", and Sebastian Junger has written one. 一本书,倘若能赢得自命不凡的“战争”之名,便是部了不起的著作,而塞巴斯蒂安•荣格尔就写了一部这样的作品。 www.ecocn.org With "Blue Nights", named for the intense and portentous beauty of the dying light on a summer day, Ms Didion has translated the sad hum of her thoughts into a profound meditation on mortality. 借着《忧郁的夜》,这部以某个夏日里生命之光暗淡时的那种紧张而又不吉之美命名的书,琼•迪丹将自己思维里悲伤的呻吟译成了对死亡深厚的沉思。 Poseur 装模作样的人;装腔作势的人 posturer 双语例句权威例句 He's a poseur and never actually writes anything. 他们是装腔作势的人,实际上从来不写任何东西。 article.yeeyan.org Restaurant owners don't have friends. This marks you as a clueless poseur the moment you walk in the door. 餐馆的老板没有朋友,人们会毫无疑问地把你视为装腔作势的人。 article.yeeyan.org If anything, our interest is wrapped up in how much money Z - that poseur we remember from university - actually earned in the deal. 要说我们有任何兴趣的话,也不过是Z——那个大学来的装腔作势的人——究竟从合约中赚了多少钱。 Posit 安置;安排,安放: His glance stayed posited on the spot. 他的目光盯住那一点不动。 假定;论断;断定: If she needs salvation, she will posit a savior. 如果她需要救助,她就会设想一个救助者。 提议;建议 n. 假设,假定,设想 Posse 一队;民防团;地方武装团队 covey 双语例句原声例句权威例句 She formed a “posse” with other young women with cancer. 她同患有癌症的妇女们成立了一个“群社”。 article.yeeyan.org By “posse, ” the student meant his group of friends — his support system. 这名学生所说的“波赛,”是指他的朋友群——他的支持网络。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov With a posse of followers, he burst into a lecture hall, poured hot tar on the professor and then decorated him with feathers. 他带着一帮地方武装分子,闯进了大学报告厅,把滚烫的柏油倾倒在教授身上,然后把羽毛沾在上面。 Postulate 要求;需要;主张: the claims postulated 要求事项 假定;(尤指)以…为出发点: Even if we postulate that she had a motive for the murder, that still doesn't mean she did it. 即使我们假设她有谋杀的动机,那也并不意味着是她干的。 【数学】公设;假设: postulated point 假设点 (教会法规中)指定(某人)待批任职;根据上级批准而任命(或指定) Potable 饮料(常复数) beverage , drink , belly-wash , bevvy 双语例句原声例句权威例句 That is not bad, but is still double what is potable. 这样的成果还不赖,但仍然是可饮用程度的两倍。 www.ecocn.org In general, only one third of health facilities have potable water, and just one in four remain linked to the general sewerage system or to a power supply. 一般而言,近三分之一的卫生设施有适合饮用的水,并且仅仅四分之一仍然与一般排水系统或电源连接。 www.who.int Food processing converts relatively bulky, perishable and typically inedible raw materials into more useful, shelf-stable and palatable foods or potable beverages. 食品加工将相对庞大的,易腐烂的,通常是不可食用的原料加工成更有用的,耐储存的和可口的食品或适于饮用的饮料。 Potation 喝;饮料 beverage , drink 双语例句 Actually, reasonable potation is not able to hurt nerve cell. 其实,适量饮酒不会对神经细胞造成伤害。 dict.kekenet.com Over-potation can lead to many kinds of digestive system diseases such as esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, cirrhosis, and etc. 过量地喝酒会招致食管癌、胃癌、消化性溃疡、胰腺炎、肝硬化等多种消化系统疾病。 bl98.org Besides, potation is relative to acute pancreatitis and along with the increasing of the quantity of alcohol drank the danger of suffering from pancreatitis is becoming bigger. 别的,喝酒与急性胰腺炎有关,而且跟着喝酒量地增添患胰腺炎地风险增添。 bl98.org Potentate 统治者,君主;有权势的人 emperor , governor , ruler , sovereignty 双语例句权威例句 I went not into the forest to seek a potentate; neither do I, at any future time, design a visit thither, with a view to gaining the favour of such personage. 我到树林里去,绝不是去找什么有权势的人,而且在将来的任何时刻,我也没有去那儿拜访、谋求这样一个人欢心的意图。 www.hjenglish.com He was a local potentate in Sumatra, the Indonesian island that cuts like a scimitar through the eastern Indian Ocean, separating it from the Strait of Malacca. 他是苏门答腊岛上的土霸王,这座印尼岛屿像一把弯刀穿过东印度洋,与马六甲海峡隔海相望。 dongxi.net It is scarcely possible to exaggerate the influence of vanity throughout the range of human life, from the child of three to the potentate at whose frown the world trembles. 从三岁的小孩到眉头一皱世界振动的君主,对人类虚荣心遍及生活各角落的影响,如何夸大都不为过。 Potentiate 使加强;赋予…以力量: A poet's work may be potentiated by his experience of war and of suffering. 诗人对于战争以及苦难的体验会使其作品更有力量。 使(药物等)更有效力: The effects of morphine on the stomach are potentiated by cholinergic drugs. 由于胆碱的作用,吗啡对胃的药物疗效增加了。 vi. 起加强作用,增效 Potpourri 百花香;混合物;杂曲;大杂烩 mixture , hybrid , mix , compound 双语例句权威例句 Or boil it in water with cinnamon to use as potpourri? 或者把它用水煮到黄褐色来做混合香料? www.elanso.com An observing urchin and a rogue, he made a potpourri of the voices of nature and the voices of Paris. 他是小精灵和小淘气,他常把天籁之音和巴黎的声调和成一锅大杂烩。 www.ebigear.com Often, people try to mitigate that problem by putting out bowls of potpourri or dabbing essential oils on light bulbs. Fry说,通常人们会通过摆放几盘百花香或者在灯泡上涂精油来缓解这个情况。 Pout 撅嘴;板脸: The spoilt child sat there pouting. 那个娇惯坏了的孩子坐在那里撅嘴。 生气,不高兴,面露不悦: He sat pouting in front of her desk. 他坐在她的书桌前,一副生气的样子。 鼓起,凸起,(嘴唇等)撅起: She pouted to show off her new lipstick. 她撅着嘴炫耀她的新口红。 vt. 撅起(嘴唇等): to pout one's lips provocatively 挑衅地撅着嘴 Practitioner general practitioner 全科医师;普通医师 medical practitioner [医]医师,开业医师 nurse practitioner 护理师,护师;执业护师,开业护士 双语例句原声例句权威例句 You can do this by selecting only roles that interest you, as a practitioner. 作为一名从业者,您可以通过只选择那些您感兴趣的角色来进行操作。 www.ibm.com The only itemthat is constant in all of those is the transformed practitioner. 在所有这些变化中唯一不变的就是转化的从业者。 article.yeeyan.org Your doctor, health care practitioner or psychotherapist will help you determine the best course of action to have you feel strong and well again. 你的医生,健康护理从业者或精神治疗师将帮助你确定最好的治疗方案,去帮助你再次感觉到强壮和健康。 Prank 恶作剧,开玩笑;戏谑 mischief , trick vt. 装饰;打扮 paint , hang , dress oneself , array , trick out vi. 炫耀自己;胡闹 play the peacock , monkey business 双语例句权威例句 Why not turn the fizzy fun into an epic party prank of your own? 为什么不把制造泡沫的乐事变为一个史诗般的聚会恶作剧呢? article.yeeyan.org Either that or they'll think you are planning a really awesome prank. 要么或者他们会认为你是一个令人敬畏的恶作剧。 article.yeeyan.org The image has created a buzz on technology blogs, but some users have speculated that it may be a prank. 这张照片在科技博客网站上引发大范围争议,一些用户推测这可能是一个恶作剧。 Prate 唠叨;喋喋不休地瞎聊;吹嘘: Listen to him prating on about his wealth. 听他没完没了地吹嘘自己有钱。 vt. 瞎说;喋喋不休地瞎谈: 瞎说;喋喋不休地瞎谈: to prate nonsense 胡说八道 Preach 宣讲;说教;鼓吹: The teacher kept preaching about the importance of study. 老师不断地宣讲学习的重要性。 布道,讲道: The priest always preaches on grace to a large congregation. 牧师经常向广大会众讲关于恩典的道理。 劝戒;(尤以唠叨的方式)劝告: I am tired of listening to you preach. 我懒得听你的大道理。 vt. 宣讲,说教;布道: Christ preached that we should love each other. 基督在布道中说人们应该互爱。 Precarious 危险的;不确定的 dangerous , critical , risky , threatening 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The two of the two is a precarious notion of rendition of self. 两个人而非我们是一种很危险的概念,很可怕的真我演奏。 blog.sina.com.cn With only one railway line crossing the Chinese border, some of this trade must go by truck along precarious roads. 由于只有一条铁路线跨越蒙中边境,两国间的部分贸易只得借助在危险公路上行驶的卡车来完成。 www.ftchinese.com The sad truth is that any time those who pride themselves on their freedoms fail to live up to their ideals, there can be consequences in places where liberty is more precarious. 可悲的事实是,每当那些以享有自由而自豪的人未能实现自己理想标准时,就会在那些自由更不确定的地方造成一系列影响。 Precept 规则;格言;训诫;命令 instruction , regulation , order , bidding , word 双语例句权威例句 I’ve found this precept to be extremely useful with my happiness project. 我发现这个规则对我的快乐计划特别有用。 article.yeeyan.org The wording is biblical but the precept is echoed across religions, cultures and time. 尽管措辞像是圣经上的字眼,但这一训诫却可在各种宗教、各种文化和各个时期找到。 www.ftchinese.com A fundamental design precept is that a class should be part of a domain package only if it exists to fulfill the goals of that domain package. 一个基本的设计规则就是,一个类只要存在并去完成一个域包的目标,那么它就应该是该域包的一部分。 Precipice 悬崖;绝壁;险境 escarpment , krantz 双语例句权威例句 What needs to be done to move away from the precipice? 我们到底需要做些什么才能摆脱这一险境呢? www.ftchinese.com The rich world does not seem to be on the precipice of deflation. 发达国家看起来不像是正立足于通货紧缩的悬崖边。 www.ecocn.org Watching him climb up the precipice, everybody was breathless with anxiety. 看着他往悬崖上爬, 大家都捏一把汗。 Precipitant 沉淀剂 precipitating agent 双语例句权威例句 Crystalline hydrated holmium and erbium carbonates were synthesized using ammonium bicarbonate as precipitant. 以碳酸氢铵为沉淀剂合成了水合碳酸钬与碳酸铒晶体。 dictsearch.appspot.com If melamine is present, a precipitant is formed, which can also be assessed both visually and by spectrophotometry. 如果存在三聚氰胺,将会形成一种沉淀物质,这也可以同时通过肉眼观察和分光光度法进行判断。 article.yeeyan.org Take an examination of grinding is a lengthy process, in this process must the volition is sturdy, be precipitant! Forget very hard also so! 考研是一个漫长的过程,在这个过程中一定要意志坚定,勇往直前!所以也很难忘记! Precipitate 猛抛;猛投;投掷;从空中掷下: The truck overturned and precipitated us into the ditch. 卡车翻了,我们摔进了沟里。 使突然陷入(某种状态): The assassination of the king precipitated the country into war. 由于国王遇刺, 该国顿时进入了战争状态。 (突如其来地)使发生,促成,促使…加快;引起: His remark precipitated my decision. 他的话促使我做出决定。 Precipitation 沉淀,沉淀物;冰雹;坠落;鲁莽 deposit , sludge , sediment , subsidence 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But with no signs of any precipitation, the prospect of the harvest looks bleak. 但是由于没有任何降水的迹象,收获的前景看起来很渺茫。 www.hxen.com Methods outlined in the monograph include: use of crushed clay pots, bone charcoal, contact precipitation, or use of activated alumina (absorptive filter). 专著中概述的方法包括:使用粗砂壶、骨炭、接触沉淀,或使用活性氧化铝(吸收型过滤器)。 www.who.int “We have a long paleorecord for precipitation, and you see that there was almost a switch. The monsoon was either on, or it was off, with very little in between,” said Levermann. 我们得到了有关降水的很长一段历史记录,从中可以发现季风有一个开关,要么开着,要么关闭,很少出现中间状况,“莱韦尔曼说。 Precipitous 险峻的;急躁的,鲁莽的 rapid , bold 双语例句权威例句 Could there be a mountain more precipitous than this? 山之险峻,宁有逾此? 《新英汉大辞典》 Buildings of the middle ages as well as the modern styles, magical beach, precipitous cliff and temperate weather makes the city a most popular tourist attraction. 这里既有中世纪的建筑、现代的高楼大厦、又有迷人的海滩和险峻的峭壁,再加上温和的气候使得埃克塞特成为最受欢迎的城市。 www.hjenglish.com PLUNGING unemployment, rocketing growth, soaring exports and a budget surplus: that is the story of Estonia as it bounces back from a precipitous economic collapse. 骤降的失业率,飞速增长的出口和有盈余的预算:这就是爱沙尼亚从险峻的经济危机中反弹的故事。 Précis 摘…的要点,写…的大意: précising a scientific report 给一份科学报告写摘要 变形: n. precis 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句 For the uninitiated, a quick précis of the science behind changes in leaf colour. 对缺乏特定知识和经验的人来说,快速阅读一个简短的科学版本作为叶子色彩变化的后盾。 article.yeeyan.org Lady hyraxes are therefore provided with a reliable précis of the strengths and weaknesses of each of their potential mates. 因此,雌性岩狸也就获得了关于她们的每一个潜在的配偶的优势和劣势的相当可靠的大概情况。 www.ecocn.org Therefore, the determining factor for the success of the Pearly Homestead Project is the précis market selection and sales strategy. 因此,准确的市场定位和营销策略是明珠家园项目开发成功的关键因素。 Preclude 使不可能;(尤指)预防;排除;消除: Their move does not preclude others from investing. 他们这一行动并不影响其他人进行投资。 阻止,妨碍: The temporary cease-fire agreement does not preclude possible retaliatory attacks later. 临时停火协议不能防止以后发生报复性攻击的可能性。 消灭;杜绝;消除: so as to preclude all doubts 为了消除疑点 Precocious 早熟的;过早发育的 early , ratheripe 双语例句权威例句 Perhaps I was trying to impress him with my precocious wisdom. 也许,我是想以早熟的智慧让他吃惊。 www.elanso.com She’s in love, and she wants to be with her husband, not her husband’s precocious, maddening son. 她沉浸在爱中,想要和她的丈夫待在一起,而不想和她丈夫那个早熟又让人发狂的儿子有任何瓜葛。 dongxi.net She writes about herself and her pubescent, precocious, and, when necessary, cunning behavior with the same sobriety she uses to describe everything else. 她描写她本人,她的早熟 ,青春期的困惑,而且在必要的时候,她利用同样节制的狡猾行为去描写所有别的事情。 Preconceive 预想,使成先入之见;对…事先加以考虑 envision , prefigure 双语例句 Preconceive plans and goals for your week in order to make your mornings more refreshing . 预想的周计划和目标是为了让的你早晨更加的清晰。 danci.911cha.com so we begin to preconceive what that reality must be or should be, and shape that reality according to our fancies and whims, according to our prejudices and temperaments. 所以我们就开始设想这个真实必须或者应该是什么样的,根据我们异想天开的幻想,根据我们的偏见和性情,定义了这个真实。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-14 10:06:35

    Precursor Viewed as a precursor to a wider open data movement, it could be as important as any we have seen in the web era. 它被视为更宽泛的数据开放运动的先导,它将像我们在互联网时代看到的所有重要的事物一样重要。 article.yeeyan.org And so, you make not only water vapor, NOX but you make some nitrous oxides, NOX, or nox as it is known, and this is the precursor to smog. 这样不仅仅得到的水蒸气,但是你会得到一些氮氧化物,或者如大家所知到的nox,这是烟雾的前驱体。 v.163.com The boy who lay orphaned and mutilated on a Yunnan hill in 1382 is now viewed as a heroic precursor to today’s booming China, foreshadowing its emergence as a globalizing giant in 2011. 公元1382年在云南小山谷蹦跶的孤儿和阉人小男孩,现在被认为是今日中国快速发展的英勇先驱,预示着中国将在2011年成为一名全球巨人。 Predilection 偏爱,嗜好 weakness , preference , habit , favour , appetite 权威例句 Another predilection got him into trouble: Call it the Ryan Adams Rock Critic Outreach Program. NPR: Ryan Adams, Musically and Verbally Prolific The immediate beneficiaries of the Fed's easy money predilection have been the surging euro and pound. WSJ: Dollar Loses More Ground Adored and betrayed in equal measure, its predilection for light and shade, for intensity and immediacy, is elementary. Predisposition 倾向;素质;易染病体质 tendency , liability , trend , preference , disposition 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It is caused by hormones and mediated by genetic predisposition. 造成秃顶的原因是激素诱导与遗传倾向。 www.ecocn.org Obviously something is priming the risk, and it looks like that may be a genetic predisposition. 显然是某种因素引发了这种风险,看上去这很可能是一种遗传倾向。 article.yeeyan.org “If females have a biological predisposition to favour colours such as pink, this preference should be evident regardless of experience of the acquisition of gender concepts,” they said. 她们说:“如果女性是生理上倾向于喜欢粉红这类颜色,那么不管性别概念获取的经验如何,这种偏好都应该是明显的。” Preeminent 卓越的;超群的 remarkable , excellent , prominent , ranking 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He is a preeminent biologist. 他是位卓越的生物学家。 www.24en.com Bombastic boasts—"We are positioned to become the preeminent provider of XYZ"—do not constitute a position. 言过其实的自夸——“我们定位于成为XYZ的卓越供应商”——并不能构建其地位。 article.yeeyan.org Sweden cars are extremely prestigious and reliable in the world for its preeminent safety performance, including SAAB. 瑞典制造的轿车在世界上最为有口皆碑的是其超群的安全性能,萨博也不例外。 Preempt 为取得先买权而)预先占有(公地): The local people fenced the land to preempt it against other claimants. 当地人把地围了起来,以获得排斥他人购买该地的优先购买权。 优先于;先占;抢先取得: We arrived early at the theatre so as to preempt the front seats. 我们早早来到剧院,以便捷足先登占到前排座位。 抢在…之前行动;预先制止: The workers took control of the factory in order to preempt its sale by the owners. 工人抢先占据了工厂以阻止厂主将工厂出售。 霸占;夺取 The armymen have preempted the powers of the local government. 军人已夺取了地方政府的权力。 Preen (鸟)用嘴整理羽毛;(兽)用嘴(或舌)整理皮毛: A bird preened its feathers. 鸟用喙整理它的羽毛。 (人)打扮自己: She was preening herself in front of the mirror. 她在镜子前精心打扮。 赞扬(自己),夸耀(自己);使得意;使庆幸: We were preening ourselves on having won another victory. 我们为获得又一次胜利而得意洋洋。 vi. 把自己打扮得漂亮,修饰打扮: preening in the mirror 对镜子精心打扮 Prefigure 预示;预兆: This visit may prefigure an improvement in relations between the two countries. 这次访问可能预示两国关系的改进。 预想;预测: Few writers care to prefigure the future. 很少有作家对预测将来感兴趣。 Premium ]保险费,额外费用;[劳经]奖金 bonus , dividend 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This extra cost is the insurance premium. 这些多出的成本就是保险费。 www.en8848.com.cn What is the insurance premium for these goods? 这些货物的保险费是多少? www.examw.com More directly pertinent to the gold price is the rising premium in Tokyo for gold bars now up to $2, whereas there is usually no premium. 与金价更加相关的是东京金条不断上涨的保险费,现在已经达到了2美金,而以前通常是没有的。 Premonition 预告;征兆 symptom , preliminary notice 双语例句权威例句 But Mozart had been right in his premonition: he had written his own requiem . 莫扎特的预感是对的:他写下了自己的安魂曲。 dict.veduchina.com Call it a premonition, an instinct, a feeling -- whatever you label it, it's your intuition talking. 称之为预感也好,本能也好,感觉也好--无论你管它叫什么,那都是你的直觉在”讲话“。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn The suit is accompanied by a line from Milk's taped premonition, partly quoted in the film, that he might be assassinated and his exhortation that gays come out of the closet. 衣服的旁边注有这样一句话,摘自缪克的关于他可能被暗杀以及劝告男同性恋应该走出黑屋的并且在影片中部分被引用的曾被录音的预言。 Preordain 预先注定;预先规定;预定: Some people believe that fate has been preordained whether they will be happy or not. 一些人认为,他们幸福与否是命中注定的。 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 同近义词 vt. 注定;预先决定 fate , predestine 双语例句 Today, it is a night for killing to preordain. 今天,注定是一个杀戮的夜晚。 Preponderant 占优势的;突出的;压倒性的 prominent , dominant , pointed , striking 双语例句权威例句 This is still a possible outcome but no longer the preponderant probability. 这仍是一个可能的结果,但不再具有占优势的可能性。 www.ftchinese.com That, in turn, will mean that the US will feel compelled to "seek an accommodation with China and to acknowledge it as the preponderant regional power". 这进而意味着,美国将被迫“寻求与中国达成妥协,并承认其为该地区的主导力量。” www.ftchinese.com Let us assume that the Chinese Left Opposition carries on in the near future widespread and successful work among the industrial proletariat and attains the preponderant influence over it. 让我们假定中国的左派反对党在不久的将来成功而广泛地在工业无产阶级间开展了工作,并取得了无可匹敌的影响力。 Preponderate (在重量、数量、力量等方面)占优势 advantage over , prevail over vt. 胜过;压倒 overcome , exceed , cap , transcend 双语例句 Christians preponderate in the population of that part of the country. 基督教徒在该国那一地区的人口中居多。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 The curative effect in "web-based hospital" can preponderate over multitudinous conservative integrated hospitals. 在治病功效上,一个“网络医院”就可以超过一万座常规的综合型的大医院。 dj.iciba.com Therefore, shaping about innovation psychology should not preponderate over the principle with practice determining theory. 所以,创新心理的形成不能超过实践决定论这一原则。 Prepossessing 给人好感的;有魅力的;引人注意的 attractive , catching 双语例句权威例句 Growing up physically small in the shadow of the prepossessing Kim Il-sung can hardly have been easy. 身材矮小的他从小生活在世人瞩目的金日成的阴影下,不可能是一件易事。 www.ftchinese.com Yet I find myself inclined to hire the person who looks more prepossessing - which is unfair as the plain one surely needs a break. 不过我发现自己倾向于聘用那个看起来更讨人喜欢的家伙——这有失公平,因为长相难看的人肯定也需要机会。 www.ftchinese.com The head is well domed, and his brow broad and well raised. He has a pleasant expression in talking, and indeed his manner can be described as distinctly prepossessing. 他的头发和修得尖尖的络腮胡子泛着红褐色,头很圆,额头很宽很高,他说话时的表情很愉悦,真要形容的话,他的举止太迷人了。 Preposterous 荒谬的;可笑的 ridiculous , absurd 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This claim is —of course —preposterous. 当然,这一主张是荒谬的。 article.yeeyan.org The idea that France is fixed and that there is nothing useful to do for the next 18 months is preposterous. 法国顽固不化且接下来的18个月没有什么值得做的事情,这个想法是荒谬的。 www.ecocn.org No matter how preposterous the rule, it stays and stays, regardless of whether it works to accomplish its end. 不管规则多么荒谬,它总是呆在那儿,不论其是否达到其目的。 Prerogative 特权 franchise , special privilege adj. 有特权的 favoured 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Say no is your prerogative. 说不是你的特权。 article.yeeyan.org No reason to sue to change what is their prerogative. 没有理由去诉讼改变什么是他们的特权。 article.yeeyan.org Fulfilling careers will no longer be the prerogative of a few. 能实现个人抱负的职业不再是少数人的特权。 Presage 预示;预兆;不祥之兆 预知;预感;先见(之明) 意义;含义 [罕用语]预言 vt. 预示;预兆: Those black clouds presage a storm. 那乌云预示着暴风雨将要来临。 预感;预知: In dreams one may presage the future. 一个人能从梦中预感将来。 Prescience 先见;预知 prognosis , foresight 双语例句权威例句 That lack of prescience is hurting. 缺乏先见之明,带来的是伤害。 article.yeeyan.org But what looked like ignorance then looks like prescience now. 然而那时候显得无知的,现在看起来却有先见之明。 www.ecocn.org Muhammad also told his followers to pray facing Jerusalem. He said God, in his "prescience," chose "the children of Israel ... above all peoples. 穆罕默德还告诉他的信徒要面向耶路撒冷祈祷,他在“预知”中称主选择“以色列的子民为万民之首。” article.yeeyan.org Prescient 预知的;有先见之明的 provident , previsional 双语例句权威例句 Indeed, we should note just how prescient the latter have been. 事实上,我们应该注意到,前者是多么有先见之明。 article.yeeyan.org It appears we were prescient, since that's exactly what the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge did. 剑桥的公爵和公爵夫人就采取了这样的形式,这似乎也体现了我们的先见之明。 www.i21st.cn The second goal – to have an impact on the world of management practice – has proven particularly prescient in the continuing worldwide debate about the relevance of management research. 事实证明,第二个目标——对管理学实践领域产生影响——尤其具有先见之明:世界范围内关于管理学研究相关性的辩论仍在继续。 Preservative 防腐剂;预防法;防护层 antiseptic agent , conserving agent adj. [助剂]防腐的;有保存力的;有保护性的 antirot , rotproof 双语例句原声例句权威例句 You could say that nail polish is preservative free! 你可以说指甲油是一种免费的防腐剂。 www.elanso.com WHO supports continued use of thiomersal as an inactivating agent and preservative for vaccines. 世卫组织支持继续将硫柳汞作为疫苗灭活剂和防腐剂使用。 www.who.int For example, in virtually every language but English, "preservative" is something you might need on a romantic date but wouldn't want to find in your peanut butter. 例如:事实上,在除了英语之外的其他语言中,“防腐剂”是一样你在[进行浪漫约会的时候所需要的],而不是[在你的花生酱里找到]的东西。 Preside 作会议的主席;主持: The Prime Minister presides at meetings of the Cabinet. 首相主持内阁会议。 统辖,指挥;负责: to preside over a revolution 领导一次革命 担任主要演奏者,领奏: to preside at the organ 担任风琴的主要演奏者 (以主人身份)招待客人: to preside at a public dinner 主持宴会 Presumptuous 专横的;放肆的;冒昧的 imperious , masterful 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It is too presumptuous of him to do so. 他这样做太放肆了。 《新英汉大辞典》 And as I said, presumptuous of me to say this, if that occurs and continues to occur, it will benefit the whole world. 如我所说,恕我冒昧这样说,当那种情况出现并且继续出现时,全世界都将受益。 www.putclub.com Clearly, it is presumptuous and immoral for a small group of individuals to keep these things under wraps while there is so much misery on the planet. 显然地,一小群人把这些事情保密起来而还有很多人在承受那么多的苦难,这是专横和邪恶的。 Presupposition 预先假定;预料;视为当然: All these plans presuppose that the bank will be willing to lend us the money. 这些计划是预先假定银行会愿意借钱给我们而制定的。 以…为先决条件;作为前提;意味着: An effect presupposes a cause. 有果必有因。 近义词: Pretension 自负;要求;主张;借口;骄傲 requirement , opinion , desire , need , excuse 双语例句权威例句 We went the Oxford Union bar, which was absolutely amazing in its sheer classy pretension. 我们昨天晚上去了牛津联盟酒吧,这绝对是很棒的经典借口。 article.yeeyan.org It is arrogant pretension in man to believe that his role in the universe is different from that of other objects. 认为人类在宇宙中扮演的角色与其他事物与众不同,则是一种傲慢的自负。 article.yeeyan.org Psychologists should recognize this and give up the pretension that empirical investigations alone can answer the big questions about happiness. 心理学家应该认识到这一点并不再自负单靠实证调查就可以解答那些有关快乐的大问题。 Preternatural 超自然的;异常的,不可思议的 novel , magic , mysterious , exquisite 双语例句权威例句 " It was a time out of time, "charged with a peculiar preternatural energy. “属阴节与占卜和传说故事联系紧密,”是超脱时间的时间,“充满了古怪的超自然的力量。” article.yeeyan.org But preternatural power has forged man in such a way that he will swallow some of your ideas about how to achieve this more easily than others. 但是,若你的想法有说服力,这超自然的力量就会使他听从你的建议以更快的达到目标。 www.ecocn.org They have the ear of presidents, a preternatural ability to win government favours and an unnerving faculty for floating above the concerns of ordinary businessmen. 他们的消息极为灵通,拥有赢得政府关照的超自然能力,还具备超然于普通商人忧虑之上的可怕本领。 Prevaricate 搪塞;支吾其辞,闪烁其辞 fence with , tergiversate 双语例句权威例句 Its leaders cannot prevaricate over diplomacy for ever; ditching their anti-Semitic charter would help too. 它的领导人在外交上不能总是支支吾吾;抛弃他们反犹太的主张将会有所帮助。 www.ecocn.org Even as Chinese leaders prevaricate and take half-measures to address the underlying causes of inflation, these problems are not being dealt with. 即使中国领导人敷衍塞责,采用折中的办法对待通胀的根本原因,这些问题还是没有得到处理。 www.ftchinese.com We now know that Rupert just might be a doddering old fool, that his son can prevaricate with the best of them, and that Wendi Deng has clearly been put on edge by the whole experience. 现在我们知道,鲁伯特或许只是一个糊涂的糟老头子,他儿子则是尽其所能支吾其词,而且显然整个事件已经让他的妻子邓文迪变得神经紧张。 Prim 一本正经的;拘谨的;古板的;端端正正的 整洁的 vt. 使(面孔)摆出一本正经的样子: She prims her thin lips after every mouthful of tea. 她每喝完一口茶都让自己的薄嘴唇带出严肃的表情。 使整洁;整洁地打扮(或装饰): She always prims her up in an old-fashioned gown. 她总是整洁地穿着一件老式长裙。 vi. Primate 大主教;灵长类的动物;首领 leader , chief , captain , boss adj. 灵长目动物的;首要的 principal , all-important 双语例句原声例句权威例句 In the context of moral hazard, these primate instincts are key. 就道德风险而言,灵长类动物的这些本能是关键。 www.ftchinese.com With our present data, we don't know what precisely the interactions were between a primate and a big carnivore. 根据现有的数据,我们无法确切了解灵长目动物与大型食肉动物之间的相互影响。 article.yeeyan.org But our primate relatives, such as chimpanzees, have the switch, and that's why they differ from us in these two ways. 但是和我们有亲戚关系的灵长动物如黑猩猩则有这个开关。 这就是为什么在这两点上他们与我们不同。 Primordial 原始的;根本的;原生的 organic , original , fundamental , ultimate , radical 双语例句原声例句权威例句 No one can take away our primordial sense of separation except us. 除了我们自己,没人能帮我们赶走原始意义上的分离。 www.en8848.com.cn A primitive RNA might have catalysed the synthesis of phospholipids, but what advantage would phospholipids have conferred on primordial cells? 一种原始的RNA可能催化了磷脂的合成,但是磷脂又授予了原生细胞什么优势呢? article.yeeyan.org The krypton and xenon isotope ratios in the gas samples provided a surprising result: They did not match the ratios found in the primordial cloud that spawned the solar system. 气体采样中的氪和氙同位素比值产生了一个令人吃惊的结果:这些比值跟在形成太阳系的原始云团中所发现的比值不一致。 Primp (仔细或过分讲究地)打扮;装饰;整理: She primped her hair. 她仔细地整理头发。 vi. 讲究穿着打扮: She's always primping in front of the mirror. 她总是在镜子前梳妆打扮。 整理好东西: He primps for callers. 他为迎接来客仔细整理。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-15 10:06:29

    Protuberance 突起,突出;结节,瘤 node , projection 双语例句 As the Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain knows, it is hard enough measuring a protuberance in Wales. 就像在电影《爬上一座小丘却走下一座高山的英国人》所说,测量海拔高度在威尔士是一件非常困难的事。 article.yeeyan.org Do not mistake the purple protuberance for eyes – these are horns designed to make it look scary to other creatures (notably those of its own size). 别以为那种紫色的突起是它的眼睛——那些角是为了让其它生物(主要是跟它同等大小的生物)觉得它恐怖。 article.yeeyan.org Molecules can just bounce off each other, but under certain circumstances they interact via plus-to-minus charge interactions and/or shape-shape interactions (e.g. a protuberance fits into a cavity). 分子也可以只是互相碰撞反弹,但在某些情况下,他们通过正负电荷或凸凹形状相互作用。 Provenance 出处,起源 origin , birth 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I asked her for the provenance. 我问她东西的出处。 article.yeeyan.org Parker, meanwhile, launched an investigation into the provenance of his painting. 帕克,同时也对他的那幅画的的起源展开调查。 article.yeeyan.org It says the objects are about 650 years old and are being evaluated for their provenance and worth. 据说这些物品大概有650年的历史了,人们正在就它们的出处和价值进行估价。 Provender 粮草;秣;食物 food , diet , eating 双语例句 Greedy beggars! ' he observed, making for the provender. 'Why did not you invite me, Ratty ? “贪吃的花子们!”他朝食物凑拢去,“鼠兄,怎不邀请我呀?” www.jukuu.com So he brought him into his house, and gave provender unto the asses: and they washed their feet, and did eat and drink. 于是把他领到自己的家里,用饲料喂了驴,他们洗了脚,就吃喝起来。 dict.veduchina.com And the man brought the men into Joseph's house, and gave them water, and they washed their feet; and he gave their asses provender. 家宰就领他们进约瑟的屋里,给他们水洗脚,又给他们草料喂驴。 Provident 节俭的;有先见之明的;顾及未来的 frugal , prudent 双语例句权威例句 Kramer is a general partner of the hedge fund Boston Provident, LP. 克雷默是对冲基金Boston Provident LP公司的一般合伙人。 www.fortunechina.com IPF and Provident loan out smaller sums of money (the equivalent of a few hundred dollars, typically) at shorter durations and higher rates. 远景金融和国际个人金融([size=10.5pt]IPF[size=10.5pt])[size=10.5pt]所提供的贷款,往往数额较小(放贷金额通常相当于几百美元),还贷时间较短,利率较高。 www.ecocn.org Provident Financial Plc jumped 11 percent to 999.5 pence, the biggest increase since at least 1989, as the U.K.’s biggest listed subprime lender said 2010 earnings may exceed analysts’ projections. Provident Financial Plc 公司股价跳涨11个百分点,至999.5便士,创下自1989年以来的最大涨幅。 这家上市的英国最大的信贷机构表示其2010年的收益可能超过分析师的预测。 Provisory 有附带条件的,有附文的;临时的 extraordinary , temporary , odd 双语例句 This document is a handwritten "Draft Report" and as such is for provisory informational purposes only. 本文档是手写的“草案报告”,为此行为仅用于提供信息。 Prowess 英勇;超凡技术;勇猛 valor , heroism 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Last year at the height of its Oscar prowess, I wrote about why Up in the Air would be passed up for an Oscar. 去年在奥斯卡非凡艺术的鼎盛时期,我写了一篇关于为什么影片《在云端》能获得奥斯卡奖项。 wap.insun.com.cn The story of their construction is one of pioneering engineering prowess in one of the harshest environments on earth. 他们的钻井平台建筑史,是在地球上艰苦环境下,众多开创性工程技术史中的一部。 www.ecocn.org The government knows how to find us for war or taxes. It should use this prowess to register us to vote, as governments do in most other advanced nations. 打仗或者收税的时候,政府总能知道怎么找到我们,它们应当把这些技巧用来为选民注册选票,因为其他大多数发达国家的政府已经这么做了。 Prude 过分拘谨的人;装作正经的人;(尤指)过分守礼的人 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 Being a virgin is still equated these days with being a prude, which is not who I am at all. 做一个处女,现在还跟做一个死正经的女人等效——这可根本就不是我想要的。 article.yeeyan.org She had? Now, she's no prude, but she certainly isn't one of my more sexually adventurous friends. 如今,她不是个传统的女人,但也不是特别开放的那种,社会开放了,传统的文化也将接纳更多的性方式,就像曾经的关于同性恋的问题也被讨论是否在政治的规范内。 article.yeeyan.org While it may sound a bit like the sentiments of an overbearing father who, like, totally doesn't get it, the unsolicited fashion advice is less about being prude and more about saving lives. 虽然这听起来可能有点像是一位通管一切的父亲多余的担心,但实际上完全不是这么回事,这个主动提供的穿衣建议更多的是为了挽救生命,而不是假正经。 bbs.internet.org.cn Prudish 过分拘于礼节的;假道学的 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 Why are the movies so prudish in comparison? 相比之下电影为什么会如此谨慎? article.yeeyan.org She had enough strength of character not to care if the other girls thought her prudish. 她也有非常健全的人格,她可以完全不理会别的女孩认为她”过于拘谨“。 article.yeeyan.org When Obama realised his comment might cause offence to an often prudish American public he pleaded with the journalist to "cut the president some slack". 当奥巴马意识到他的评论可能会冒犯到常常过分拘谨的美国公众时,他恳求记者们“放总统一马”。 Prune i. 删除;减少 delete from , to cut down vt. 修剪;删除;剪去 shear , crop n. 深紫红色;傻瓜;李子干 stupid , fool 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I am going to prune this bush down. 我打算修剪这个灌木丛。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Alternatively, you might want to find and prune an application's unnecessary files. 或者,您可能希望找到并删除应用程序不需要的文件。 www.ibm.com This gives you the chance to prune dead code from your source tree, which is always a worthwhile activity. 这也为您提供了从源代码树中删除无用代码的机会,这样做总是值得的。 Pterodactyl [,pterəu'dæktil] n. 【古生物】飞龙目动物(如已绝迹的翼手龙、翼指龙等) 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 On this lush world, great beasts roam the jungles and pterodactyl-like creatures soar through the sky. 在这个世界,草木葱郁,巨型怪兽出没于丛林,类似翼手龙的动物在天上翱翔。 article.yeeyan.org Among them, suggest some, is the ropen, a winged reptilian creature that resembles — or perhaps is — a pterodactyl. “魔鬼飞翔者”就在其中,它是一种长有翼的爬行动物,有点类似——也可能就是——翼龙。 article.yeeyan.org IN THE movie Avatar, the Na'vi people of Pandora plug themselves into a network that links all elements of the biosphere, from phosphorescent plants to pterodactyl-like birds. 电影《阿凡达》里 ,潘朵拉星球的生物圈里所有的元素都在一个网络之中,从磷光植物到翼手龙鸟,纳威人自己也接入了这个网络。 Pucker 折叠;使起皱;使缩拢: Worry puckered his brows. 忧虑使他蹙额皱眉。 vi. 起皱纹,缩拢: Her little mouth puckered up and tears filled her eyes. 她噘起小嘴,眼泪汪汪。 折成褶: The dress fitted badly and puckered at the waist. 这件连衣裙不合身,腰部很皱。 更多结果 Puckish 恶作剧的,淘气的 mischievous , prankish 双语例句权威例句 Check – Ma, a puckish former teacher, has the profile of a cooler Sir Richard Branson. 马云,他曾是一个爱开玩笑的老师,又能比理查德•布朗森爵士(译注:英国著名企业家)更加冷静。 article.yeeyan.org She did not in fact betray very much at all other than a serene confidence and a puckish wit. 她表现的平静而自信,不时还以一些机智而俏皮的话语。 www.ecocn.org Mr Putin resents the West’s influence in former Soviet countries such as Georgia and Ukraine, and he dislikes the puckish Mr Saakashvili intensely. 普京厌恶西方在前苏联国家,如乌克兰和格鲁吉亚的影响。 他也非常反感淘气的萨卡什维利。 Puerile 幼稚的;孩子气的;未成熟的;天真的 simple , tender , childish 双语例句权威例句 These discussions have always seemed a bit puerile to me. 对我而言,这些讨论总是显得有些幼稚。 www.putclub.com They are called fathers and mothers by the civil code, which is puerile and honest. 在幼稚而诚实的民法里,那叫做父亲和母亲。 www.ebigear.com In my overactive and puerile imagination, every crack of a branch was made by the ghost of some dead soldier. 我的想象力活跃而天真,在我看来树枝的每一声响动都来自死去士兵的亡灵。 Pugilism 拳击 boxing , fisticuff 双语例句权威例句 "Put down pugilism - if I have to wear it night and day, " said the Moral Sentiment of the Community, sternly. “如果我要日夜带着它的话,我要镇压拳击运动。” 德先生坚决的说。 article.yeeyan.org And unlike mainstream pugilism, fighters can win by not only knocking out their opponent, but also by catching them in checkmate. 和主流拳击赛不同,挑战者不仅要在拳击中击败对手,而且还要在棋赛中置其于“死地”。 bilingual.huanqiu.com "That's right, " said the Pugilist, "that is right, my good friend; if pugilism had been put down yesterday, I wouldn't have this kind of Nose to-day. “这是一个正确之举”,拳击手说道,“这真是一个正确之举,我亲爱的朋友,如果拳击运动昨天就被镇压了的话,今天我的鼻子就不会这副模样了。 Pugnacious 好斗的,好战的 fighting , aggressive 双语例句权威例句 He came to us from Barbour County, a pugnacious little man named George Wallace who promised to protect us from the outside agitators who were coming down here to destroy our way of life. 乔治.华莱士是个好斗的小个子男人,来自巴勃县。 他告诉我们正有外来的煽动者来到这儿想要破坏我们的生活,并许诺会保护我们。 article.yeeyan.org No matter. True or not, the story is in character: Mr Emanuel is famous for being the president’s most pugnacious panjandrum and congressional and media manipulator, and proud of it to boot. 不管此事真假,但这还是生动描述了伊曼纽尔的性格:他素以最为好斗的总统幕僚、国会及媒体操纵者而闻名,且其本人还引以为豪。 www.ecocn.org But Mr Bush, and perhaps his pugnacious ambassador too, seem to have been persuaded that the anger this would cause among Democrats, with whom Mr Bush is now obliged to work, was just not worth it. 但布什,或许还有他那位好斗的大使也被告知,此举将激怒民主党,而布什还将受制于民主党人控制的国会,因此不值得为这件事去招惹他们。 Puissant 强大的,强盛的;有势力的,有权力的 powerful , important , influential , formidable 双语例句权威例句 Puissant interference of the country I think should not can. 国家的强力干扰我想应该不可能。 danci.911cha.com On a reussi a deceler l'importance des variables dans le modele C'est puissant. C'est tres tres important. Ok? 我们成功弄懂了,模型中变量的重要性,非常重要,非常重要,对吧? open.163.com Among them conspicuous is, the our city will be right burgeoning fractionize industry especially Internet industry, have special program and puissant support. 其中引人注目的是,我市将对新兴细分产业特别是互联网产业,进行专门的规划和强力支持。 Pulchritude 美丽;标致 beauty , goodliness 双语例句权威例句 Philip Wells's reply is the winner for me - 'pulchritude' is certainly up there on my blacklist. 菲利普•威尔斯的回答我觉得是最绝的——“反正pulchritude(美丽)这个词肯定在我的黑名单上。” www.24en.com From waste and death comes such incredible pulchritude. One of life’s mysteries to ponder, I guess! 从垃圾和死亡之中竟诞生出这样的美丽,我觉得,这肯定是生命深邃的奥秘之一! article.yeeyan.org The pulchritude doesn't defiance to stay again as well and urgently and urgently come back to acquaint her the affair and Mi Luo. 美人也不敢再留,急急回来将事情告诉了她和汨罗。 Pullet 小母鸡 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句 And "chicken without sexual life" becomes mere "steamed pullet". “童子鸡”的译法也从“没有性生活的鸡”变成了“蒸小母鸡”(steamed pullet)。 www.hjenglish.com We first need to understand pullet nutrition and reproductive development. 我们首先要了解小母鸡营养与繁殖的进展。 www.guojixumu.com The little pullet pushed through the crowded henhouse over to the door. She pushed it open and looked outside. 小母鸡艰难地走过拥挤鸡群走到门口,把门打开,往外瞧瞧。 Pulley 滑轮;皮带轮;滑车 tackle-block , trochlea 双语例句权威例句 They reeved the rope through the pulley. 他们把绳索穿过滑轮。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 One inquires, Why is there no bucket and pulley to this? 我们问:“为什么那口井没有吊桶和滑车了呢?” www.ebigear.com I, too, shall look at the stars. All the stars will be wells with a rusty pulley. 我也会抬头看星星,每一颗星星都有一口井,上头都有一个生绣的滑轮。 Pulse 脉冲;[生理]脉搏 impulse , pluse vi. 跳动,脉跳 jitter 双语例句原声例句权威例句 One may feel the social, economic, and political pulse of the state. 任何人都可以感觉到这个国家的社会、经济和政治的脉搏。 《新英汉大辞典》 "Volcanism is important because it represents the pulse of the planets, " he added. “火山作用非常重要,因为它代表着行星的脉搏,”他补充道。 article.yeeyan.org If the black holes in a binary system merge, then an even stronger pulse of gravitational waves radiates away from the system. 如果双黑洞结合在一起,那么更强的引力波脉冲波将从这个双黑洞的二元体系辐射开来。 Pulverize 使成粉末;研磨;使(液体)变为水雾: a machine that pulverizes coffee beans 研磨咖啡豆的机器 粉碎,捣碎;彻底摧毁: He pulverized the opposition with the force of his oratory. 他能言善辩把对方驳得体无完肤。 Pummel 击;打;用拳头连续揍 strike , beat upon n. (马鞍的)前鞍桥;球壮末端;(刀把或剑柄的)圆头(等于pommel) saddlebow , rounded end 双语例句权威例句 The problem starts out small. If you fail to take care of the problem, it will get bigger and bigger, then it will pummel you. 毁灭之路就如同那个雪球,开始时问题很小,如果你没能好好解决这个问题,它就会变得越来越严重,接着它会把你击倒。 article.yeeyan.org On the other hand, Mr Obama correctly reckons that the attractive tax cuts Mr McCain proposes could pummel the federal budget. 另一方面,奥巴马认为麦凯恩提出的诱人的减税提案可能给联邦预算连续打击,一点不错。 www.ecocn.org Big government bond holdings means that interest rate cuts, some of which reduce net interest margins, also pummel treasury returns. 庞大的国债持有量意味着,减息(其中一部分将削减净利差)也将打击国债回报。 Punch 冲压机;打洞器;[计]钻孔机 blanking press , drilling machine vi. 用拳猛击 jab 双语例句原声例句权威例句 When boxing, do not expect to have the first punch be a knock out. 在拳击比赛中,不要指望第一拳就将对手击倒在地。 www.infoq.com It almost came unstuck early on because its bosses were hesitant to abandon punch cards. 早年,它几乎遭遇失败,因为老板们对是否放弃打孔卡犹豫不决; www.ecocn.org Just when they’re about to storm the stage and punch me in the head, I ask them if they’re ready to share their memorised list with me. 就在他们几乎要对着讲台大吼并几乎打算揍我的时候,我问他们是否准备好和我一道分享他们记住的讯息。 article.yeeyan.org Punctilious 一丝不苟的;精密细心的;拘泥形式的 meticulous , scrupulous 双语例句权威例句 He was as punctilious about his honour, as fine a horseman and as deep in debt as any of them. 他十分注重自己的名誉,如同一个骑士一样优秀,也和他们一样负债累累。 www.ecocn.org ON USHERING visitors into his home Sir Keith Joseph, a punctilious host, would proffer a handshake by way of welcome. 一丝不苟的基思•约瑟夫爵士接待客人来家中做客,会主动伸出手来表示欢迎。 www.ecocn.org The Chinese litigants, however, are worried less about piracy than about losing out on traffic, and thus advertising, to less punctilious rivals. 但是比起被告盗版,中国当事人更担心失去网站流量和广告从而竞争不过不那么微小谨慎的对手。 Pundit 博学者;梵文学者 mage 双语例句权威例句 Many of us try to be the pundit who predicts the next trend in our industry. 我们中的许多人都试图成为预知行业中下一个趋势的权威。 www.ibm.com In cases like this, when every pundit is calling for a crash, I try to step back and look at history. 像这样的情况,当所有的学者名人都出言呼吁破产的时候,我试着退一步看看历史。 article.yeeyan.org That is, he was hired as an economist, paid to provide technical analysis — not as a pundit, paid to promote policies to the public. 这就是说,他作为经济学家被聘用,提供技术分析获得报酬-而不是作为向公众宣扬政策的学者。 Punitive 惩罚性的;刑罚的 penal 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But it requires punitive management and control. 但 这要求惩罚性的管理与控制。 www.ftchinese.com Critics say that all of these measures are punitive. 批评者说所有这些措施都是惩罚性的。 www.ecocn.org Rather than a punitive time-out ("Go to your room!"), take her to a comfy sofa in the den or to a favorite corner of her bedroom. 这时候,我们不要惩罚性的说:“回你的房间去!” 而应该让他/她去大厅里舒服的沙发或者是卧室里她最喜欢的一角呆着。 Puny . 弱小的;微不足道的;微小的 tiny , micro , minute , bit 双语例句权威例句 Greece is a puny power and was so even before it descended into the vortex. 无论是在经济崩溃之前还是之后,希腊都是一个弱小的国家。 article.yeeyan.org The problem with this analysis is that the tail is far too puny to wag the dog. 这一分析的问题是,用来摇的尾巴对于狗来说太微不足道。 news.iciba.com Like the early Apple II of Mr. Jobs, it is too puny for many tasks, including sequencing the entire genome of a person. 像早期的苹果II乔布斯,实在是太对许多任务,包括测序一个人的整个基因组微不足道。 Purblind 半盲的;愚钝的;惺松眼的 dense , crass 双语例句 Ultimately, the most purblind of lenders come to their senses. 最终,最为迟钝的银行清醒过来。 www.ftchinese.com Obama has turned the page on Bush's purblind refusal to spend the money needed to get the real economy going. 奥巴马已经把布什那半瞎的策略(拒绝为真正的经济运行花该花的钱)那一页翻过。 article.yeeyan.org And people are understandably wary of purblind contraptions bumping into them willy-nilly in the street or at home. 并且人们对那种会在大街上或家里愣头愣脑撞到自己的视力不佳的新奇玩意儿会小心翼翼,这是可以理解的。 www.ecocn.org Purgative 净化的;通便的;赎罪的 satisfactory , cleaned n. 泻剂,[药]泻药 eccoprotic , jalap 双语例句权威例句 Protests are like morning ablutions in India’s cacophonous democracy: routine and purgative. 在印度众声喧哗的民主中,抗议就想上午洗濯:常规且具有净化作用。 dongxi.net The popular idea of recession as purgative hangover following an ill-judged binge—has a strong and enduring emotional appeal. 衰退就像不顾后果狂饮后宿醉时的泻药,这种流行观念有着强烈并持久的情感诉求。 www.cfeie.com The popular idea of recession as purgative—the hangover following an ill-judged binge—has a strong and enduring emotional appeal. 衰退就像不顾后果狂饮后宿醉时的泻药,这种流行观念有着强烈并持久的情感诉求。 Purgatory 炼狱;涤罪;暂时的苦难 purification adj. 涤罪的(等于purgative) purificatory 双语例句权威例句 I am neither in London nor in Libya. Purgatory. 我既不在伦敦也不是在利比亚,而是在炼狱中。 article.yeeyan.org You misunderstand your father. It is not he who is vicious, sinister and merciless, but some people in Purgatory. 你误解了你的父亲,狠毒,阴险,无情的不是他,而是炼狱中的一些人;他是引领我们通往天堂的神。 www.ebigear.com Yet as she points out, it's far from obvious how such freedoms might be granted, for each species has its own requirements, and conditions that are paradise for one may be purgatory for another. 而正如她所指出的,问题远不是赋予多少自由就可以解决的,因为每一个物种都有自己的需求,某人的天堂,也许就是他人的炼狱。 Purge 使洁净;使净化;洗涤;以认错作为补偿: The judge ordered him to purge his contempt by apologizing to the court. 法官命令他做出道歉以赎蔑视法庭之罪。 洗罪,赎罪,涤罪: Catholics go to confession to be purged of sin. 天主教徒通过告解以获得赦罪。 清除;清出 (与away,off 或 out连用): They promised that racists should be purged from the party. 他们保证把种族主义分子从党内清洗出去。 整肃,排除异己: to purge dissidents from the party 整肃党内持不同政见者 Purlieu 范围;界限;常去的地方;森林边缘带 extent , boundary , region , scope , spectrum , territory , range Purloin 偷窃 steal , scrump vi. 偷窃 boost , pick pocket 双语例句权威例句 That's understandable. So is punishing those who purloin classified materials. 因此处罚那些偷窃秘密材料的人员也是可以理解的。 article.yeeyan.org You even issued me a user name and a password so secret it had to be hidden in a "safe place" lest someone purloin it. 你们甚至给我指定了用户名和密码,密码保密性真高,我还得将之藏在“安全的地方”,以防他人窃取。 www.fortunechina.com For our own part, we do not think so; it seems to us impossible that the same hand should pluck laurels and purloin the shoes from a dead man. 赢得桂冠而又偷窃一个死人的鞋子,在我们看来,似乎不是同一只手干得出来的。 Purport 声称;意图;意指;打算 say , propose , think n. 意义,主旨;意图 significance , intention , meaning , substance , will 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I have no idea if these 2D glasses -- which purport to convert 3D movies to 2D -- work, but they'd be a godsend for me if they did. 我不知道这个2D眼镜是否能像它声称的样子将3D电影转变成2D的,但是如果它们真的工作的话那真是上帝派来解救我的。 article.yeeyan.org We quickly become, in every sense, branded -- by our affiliations, by what we buy, by what we purport, from a limited menu of choices, to believe in. 在各种意义上,我们很快就会被打上烙印—— 被我们的关系,我们所买的东西,我们所声称的身份,从一张有限选择的清单直到信仰。 www.elanso.com They purport to know about trade and finance, about markets and credit, but I struggle to identify the actual benefits of all their expensive advice and esoteric debates. 他们声称自己了解贸易和金融、了解市场和信贷,可是我很难看明白他们昂贵的建议和深奥的辩论有什么实际效益。 Purvey 供应;供给 provide with , go around vt. 供应;供给 serve , accommodate 双语例句权威例句 It was pretty simple during flush times, “when people were fat and happy,” to purvey indifferent goods with fancy labels, said Robert Burke, a luxury retail consultant. 在萌芽时代它是相当简单的,“当人们富裕和幸福时,”就供应带有精美标签的品质不高的货物,奢侈品零售顾问Robert Burke说。 article.yeeyan.org I don't know which is more dangerous, that religious beliefs force some people to choose between knowledge and myth or that pointing out how religion can purvey ignorance is taboo. 我不知道那种情况更为可怕,是宗教信仰迫使人们在知识和神秘主义之间选择还是“指出宗教是如何在灌输愚昧”这件事情成为禁忌。 article.yeeyan.org But so far only Dubai seems to have licenceto purvey total brashness, recently boasting the world’s largest shopping malland most spectacular array of fountains among other attractions. 但目前为止,只有迪拜看起来拥有提供满足人类生活的各方面能力,包括最近建成的世界最大的购物中心和最壮观的喷泉。 Pusillanimous 胆怯的;懦弱的;优柔寡断的 chicken , lily-livered 双语例句权威例句 Pusillanimous managers complain that they're forced to make these cuts by short-term oriented investors. 优柔寡断的经理人往往抱怨,他们削减此类开支是因为受到目光短浅的投资者的压力。 www.fortunechina.com It is time the Fund’s top brass said so publicly and, by refusing to lend more without a deal on debt, pushed Europe’s pusillanimous politicians into doing the right thing. 通过拒绝向不提供债务援助的国家借贷,该组织的最高发言人是时候公开神秘重组的重要性,迫使欧洲懦弱的政客们采取正确行动。 www.ecocn.org It is easy to mock the finger-wagging from Susan Rice, Mr Obama's ambassador to the United Nations, about violations of international law, as the perfect example of pusillanimous liberalism. 很容易将奥巴马的联合国大使苏珊赖斯对朝鲜违背国际法的谴责嘲笑为是懦弱的自由主义的一个绝好的例子。 Putative 推定的,假定的 supposed , assumed , constructive 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This time, however, the pins do not represent putative borders. 但这一次,别针并不代表假定的国界。 www.ftchinese.com A putative management relationship also has to work at the emotional and personal level. 假定的管理层关系也必须在情感与个人层面发挥作用。 www.ftchinese.com The crime is gender-neutral, and contains no age exemption for putative defendants; whether the perpetrator is male or female, 14 or 40, it is still a felony. 这条罪不受性别限制,对假定的被告也没有年龄限制,无论违法者是男性或女性,14岁或者40岁,它还是一条重罪。 Putrefy 化脓,腐烂;堕落 gather head , suppurate vt. 腐烂,化脓;堕落 rot away , fall into decay 双语例句 These bulk items can’t be tidily digested by the plant and so tend to putrefy. 这些大块物质因不能完全被植物消化而腐烂。 article.yeeyan.org Am I going to allow bitterness to poison and putrefy my soul, or am I going to invite God to empower me to let the anger go? 我是该让痛苦毒害并腐蚀我的灵魂还是该请求上帝赋予我力量,将愤怒驱逐? article.yeeyan.org Pasteurization destroys the creaming and souring ability of milk, causing it to putrefy if kept long enough instead of souring normally. 巴氏灭菌破坏了牛奶的乳化和酸化能力,使其在长期保存后腐败,而不是正常情况下的酸化。 Putrid 腐败的;腐烂的;令人厌恶的 ugly , corrupt 双语例句原声例句权威例句 To eat putrid food is liable to get sick. 吃了腐败的食物容易生病。 《新英汉大辞典》 Putrid liquids oozed down the streets, spreading death and disease, and the air was filled with the repugnant smell of rotting fish. 腐烂的液体在街道上渗流,传播着死亡和疾病。 空气中充满了腐鱼般的令人讨厌的味道。 www.elanso.com They could not smell the putrid mud that covered the ninth ward of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina passed, or the stink of subprime mortgages leaching their poison into the financial system. 他们没有嗅到卡特琳娜过境之后新奥尔良州九号选区中腐泥的味道,也不曾闻到次级贷款渗入财政系统中那些毒素的恶臭。 www.ecocn.org Pygmy 侏儒;俾格米人(一种身高不满五英尺的矮小人种);微不足道的人 manikin , mannikin adj. 矮小的;俾格米人的 scrubby , dwarfish 双语例句权威例句 The animals in effect became pygmy elephants. 这些动物实际上成了“侏儒象”。 www.ecocn.org Sadly this is an age of grey bosses and pygmy leaders. 可悲的是,现在是一个灰色老板和侏儒领导的时代。 www.cuyoo.com Slowly I raised it andprepared to slip it around his throat and choke the breath of life outof the salivating four-eyed pygmy. 我慢慢地举起腰带,准备悄悄在他的喉咙周围卷上一圈,让这个唾液分泌过多的四眼侏儒窒息死亡。 Pylon 桥塔;指示塔;高压线铁塔 bridgehead 双语例句权威例句 It extends six legs into the seabed to stabilize itself before installation of the pylon on which each turbine sits. 在安装每架涡轮机的支柱前,这艘安装船先将六条腿伸入海床中,以便稳定船只本身。 huzhangao.blog.163.com The several thousand tons of steel deck and pylon were fabricated in a factory in Rotterdam, then carried across the sea by a barge labouring in the churning swell. 数千吨的钢铁桥面和桥塔从鹿特丹的工厂生产出来,然后由驳船运载着在翻滚的海浪中缓缓穿过大洋。 www.elanso.com In an undated picture, a mock-up of the A-12 spy plane sits perched upside down on a testing pylon at Area 51—part of radar tests to reveal revealed how visible, or invisible, the design was to radar. 在一张未标明日期的图片中,一架实物模型的A-12间谍飞机倒挂着停放在51区的一个测试塔上,这是为了测试该飞机的外观在雷达上可视或不可视的程度。 Pyre Yet year after year leaders strap themselves to the stake and wait for the Olympic torch to light the pyre beneath them. 然而,年复一年,政治领袖们却心甘情愿地把自己绑到申奥桩子上,等着奥运圣火点燃身下的柴堆。 www.ecocn.org "This is the funeral pyre for thought in America today, " Wayne told spectators outside his bookstore as he lit the first batch of books. 这是焚烧当今美国思想的柴火”维恩告诉在店门口的旁观者。 他点燃了第一批书。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn "This is the funeral pyre for thought in America today, " Wayne told spectators outside his bookstore as he lit the first batch of books. 今天是美国思想的火葬日”维恩告诉店门口的旁观者。 他点燃了第一批书。 Pyromania 放火狂;纵火癖 firebug 双语例句 The person arrested for setting the fire had been suspected of pyromania on two previous occasions. 此人在先前的两个场合中阻止扑灭火灾涉嫌有纵火癖。 cfshenova.blog.163.com 1R, Discard a card at random from your hand: Pyromania deals 1 damage to target creature or player. 一红,从你手上随机弃掉一张牌:纵火癖对目标生物或玩家造成1点伤害。 dictsearch.appspot.com Results Most of pyromania with mental disorder were male youth. The common type of mental disorders are schizophrenia, mental retardation and personality disorder successively. 结果纵火以青壮年男性为主,精神分裂症是精神障碍中最常见的病种,其次是精神发育迟滞及人格障碍。 Quack 庸医;鸭叫声 barber-surgeon , empiricist vi. (鸭子)嘎嘎叫;吹嘘;大声闲聊 crow about , brag about adj. 骗人的;冒牌医生的 fallacious , deceptious 双语例句权威例句 You quack! 你这庸医! kt.0575sd.com Back-alley abortions in such countries may involve homemade drug-cocktails, traditional healers and other quack remedies, as well as amateur surgery. 在这些国家中,私自堕胎意味着使用自制混合药物、民间治疗方法、其它的庸医手段及业余手术。 www.ecocn.org But in other hands, the blanket dismissal of critics is a too-easy argument-ender, a way to promote quack remedies and dodgy philosophies by defining all counter opinions as envy. 不过从另一方面来讲,那一箩筐对他的批评也太容易被驳倒了,一个快速躲闪这群庸医的嘎嘎乱叫的方法就是,把它们全部说成是嫉妒。 Quadrangle 四角形,四边形 (周围有建筑物的)四方院子 (四方院周围的)建筑物 四边形建筑物 [美国英语]【测量学】梯形图幅,标准图幅 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 Such quadrangle-shaped logos may fit all kinds of projects: from hotel logos to social initiatives and to real estate agencies. 这样的四边形logo可适用于各类项目:从旅馆logo到社会创意,再到房地产商。 article.yeeyan.org One quadrangle after another, one staircase after another. I wandered in and out of the buildings searching frantically for the refectory. 在那儿我迷失了方向,一间又一间四边形的房间、一座又一座楼梯,我在这些建筑物里进进出出,疯了似的找寻餐厅。 www.en8848.com.cn Naturally our whole being was depressed as we stepped through its doorway into the narrow quadrangle--and playing truant became chronic with us. 很自然,当我们踏进校门进入那狭小的四方院子时,我们整个人都变得萎靡不振---逃学就成为我们的家常便饭。 Quadruped 四足动物 tetrapod 双语例句 A frequent motif on the seals is a one-horned quadruped like aunicorn (a creature, legend has it, from India) (see image).The texts are tantalisingly brief. 印章上最常见的图案是一种独角的四足动物,像印度传说中的独角兽。 article.yeeyan.org In front a crowd of amazed onlookers, the "tiger" hid in bushes and ran down walkways - quite skillfully for a quadruped - trying his best to evade his captors. 在好奇围观者的众目睽睽之下,这只老虎一会儿藏在树丛中,一会儿又“裸奔”在人行道上——煞有四足动物之介事的攻击着猎手们。 www.en8848.com.cn In front a crowd of amazed onlookers, the "tiger" hid in bushes and ran down walkways - quite skillfully for a quadruped - trying his best to evade his captors. 在好奇围观者的众目睽睽之下,这只老虎一会儿藏在树丛中,一会儿又“裸奔”在人行道上——煞有四足动物之介事地逃离猎手们的追捕。 Quaff 大口地喝,痛饮 drink hard vi. 狂饮,痛饮 get a bag on , drink hard 双语例句权威例句 However, no one is suggesting that you quaff it down by the gallons! 但是,这并不是让你痛饮几加仑咖啡! article.yeeyan.org Tourists quaff large amounts of the stuff but these days they are drinking cheaper, if not less. 过去游客们会痛饮大量的本地产葡萄酒,但近些日子,虽然他们还是喝得很多,不过他们会选择那些稍便宜的葡萄酒。 www.ecocn.org “Mad Men” reminds people of a world they have lost—a world where bosses did not think that “fun” was a management tool and where employees could happily quaff Scotch at noon. 《广告狂人》使我们想起一个已经消逝的年代,那时,老板们并不觉得“快乐”是管理的工具,那时,员工们可以在中午快乐地痛饮威士忌。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-16 10:25:59

    Quail 畏缩,胆怯;感到恐惧 recoil from , shrink back from 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The next horizon: GM pigs, ducks, turkeys and quail. 下个目标:转基因猪、鸭子、火鸡和鹌鹑。 article.yeeyan.org In the valley below ran a hungry dog, sniffing along the ground as if in search of mice or quail. 从山谷里跑来了一条饥肠辘辘的狗,它沿路嗅探,仿佛在寻找小耗子或者小鹌鹑。 article.yeeyan.org “As Thomasville is really the centre of quail hunting, there are many collectors of dog paintings there, ” says Secord. 西科德表示:“由于托马斯威尔确实是鹌鹑狩猎中心,那里有很多犬画收藏者。” Qualm 疑虑;不安 tension , unrest 双语例句权威例句 The third ethical qualm involves the thorny issue of fairness. 第三种伦理不安在于棘手的公平问题。 www.ecocn.org The third ethical qualm involves the thorny issue of fairness. 第三个伦理上的担忧是棘手的不公平问题。 www.ecocn.org [color=#444444]The third ethical qualm involves the thorny issue of fairness. [color=#444444]第三种伦理不安在于棘手的公平问题。 Quandary 困惑;窘境;为难 corner , confusion 双语例句权威例句 The quandary we face is that we need the garage hackers, because that’s where innovation comes from. 他说,“而让我们困惑的是我们正需要这种车库黑客,他们是创新的源泉。” www.ecocn.org How to attract new customers to your product and website is the constant quandary of many businesses, small or large. 如何把新客户吸引到你的产品和网站上许多企业不断遇到的窘境,无论企业是大是小。 article.yeeyan.org But the hat renaissance is creating a quandary for a generation of men and boys who grew up without learning hat-wearing etiquette from their fathers. 然而,帽子的复兴也给这一代的男人和男孩们带来一个窘境,因为他们没有在成长过程中接受来自父辈关于帽子礼仪的教诲

  • 荞麦先生天然呆

    荞麦先生天然呆 (我在想你_你不知道) 2012-12-16 14:47:26

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-17 10:12:02

    Rave 胡言乱语,说胡话: While he had the fever,he raved all night long. 他在发高烧的时候,说了一夜的胡话。 大发雷霆;破口大骂: Her father raved at her when she disobeyed him. 她不听父亲的话,她父亲大发雷霆。 热烈谈话;极力赞扬: They are raving about the food they had in China. 他们对在中国吃到的饭菜大加赞扬。 (风暴等)呼啸,怒号: The strong wind raved through the forest. 大风呼啸着掠过森林。 Ravel 使纠缠;使错综复杂: The baby raveled the reel of thread up. 婴儿将那团线弄得乱七八糟。 拆开;拆散(常与 out 连用): You had better ravel a bit of the left-over cloth to mend the tear in your trousers. 你最好拆散一小块碎布头来织补你的裤子。 解开;理出…的头绪(常与 out 连用): I can not ravel this piece of string,it's all in knots. 这条绳子打了好多结,我解不开。 弄清楚;解决(常与 out 连用): We have to ravel the matter out. 我们必须把事情弄个水落石出。 Ravenous 贪婪的;渴望的;狼吞虎咽的 eager , hungry , desired , anxious , sick 双语例句原声例句权威例句 When it comes to unexpected heartache and tragedy, our appetite for unraveling the meaning of these ambiguous "messages" can become ravenous. 当牵涉到意外的心痛和悲剧的时候,我们会贪婪的想要阐明这些模糊“信息”的含义。 article.yeeyan.org A little bit of human courtesy can work wonders: something as simple as asking a glassless recruiter if they need a drink can mark you out from the ravenous crowd. 些许谦恭也许能创造奇迹:比如问一位酒杯空空的招聘人员是否要喝一杯,也许这就能让你在贪婪的人群中脱颖而出,就这么简单。 www.ftchinese.com In a sense a company becomes a ravenous, selfish child who must be fed with cash, energy and passion – in the hope that one day the baby will grow up and repay all that effort. 某种意义上讲,公司是一个必须用资金、精力和热情喂养的孩子,贪婪而自私,企业家希望有朝一日这个孩子长大成人,回报之前所有的努力。 Ravine 地理]沟壑,山涧;峡谷 canyon , quebrada 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Are they accessible or is there some vast ravine or raging torrent that has to be traversed ? 他们是否被允许达到那里? 或者说是否存在一些巨大的峡谷或宽阔的激流可以被人们穿越? article.yeeyan.org Apart from avoiding hazards and rough ground, it would be able to jump into the bottom of a crater or ravine to analyse samples and take photographs, and then jump out again. 除了可以避免灾难的发生以及绕过崎岖的道路,该探测器还能够跳入环形山或是沟壑的底部进行样品分析和图片拍摄,之后再跳出。 www.ecocn.org Last week reports told how on Guadalcanal a group of Japs of the 224th Infantry Regiment, veterans of China, Borneo and the Philippines, were trapped in a heavily wooded ravine. 上周有报道讲述了在瓜达康纳尔岛,一群224步兵团的日本兵,和来自中国、婆罗洲、还有菲律宾的老兵,在一个丛林峡谷遭到伏击。 Ravishing 引人入胜的;令人陶醉的 engrossing , spellbinding v. 使陶醉;强奸(ravish的ing形式) charming 双语例句权威例句 In a train compartment, there are 3 men and a ravishing young girl. 在一节列车车厢内,坐着3个男人和一个迷人的年轻女孩。 article.yeeyan.org OVAL Vodka very well imprisons the heart of aficionados via its matchless purity, unsurpassed silkiness and ravishing esprit. 伏特加通过其无可匹敌的纯度,无可超越的丝绸般柔滑的口感,令人陶醉的精神震撼着伏特加爱好者的心。 dongxi.net I find this startling: What is so fearful about being beautiful? In our appearance focused culture, why would I shrink from being as ravishing as possible? 我发现这个答案令人吃惊,为什们想要变漂亮会这样令我害怕?在外貌文化里,为什么我会为了变得尽可能地迷人而颤抖害怕? Raze 拆除;摧毁;夷为平地: They have razed those buildings to make way for the new highway. 他们拆除了那些建筑物以便腾出地方修建新的公路。 His hometown was razed to the ground during the war. 他的家乡在战争中被夷为平地。 刮去;抹掉: He razed her from his remembrance. 他将她从记忆中抹掉。 [古语]擦伤[亦作rase] Reactionary 反动的;反动主义的;反对改革的 retroactive n. 反动分子;反动派 counterrevolutionary 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The reactionary rule is doomed. 反动统治注定要垮台。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 He was free from all sycophancy or obsequiousness in the face of the reactionary ruling class. 他在反动统治阶级面前没有丝毫的奴颜与媚骨。 《新英汉大辞典》 Riddled with a thousand gaping wounds, this reactionary clique is now beset with difficulties and contradictions both in internal and external affairs. 今天, 这个反动集团百孔千疮, 内外交困, 矛盾重重。 Realign 使重新排列;使重新组合;重新校直: They realigned the desks so that they face the blackboard. 他们将书桌重新排好使其面向黑板。 The wheels of his car were realigned in 2 hours. 他的汽车的轮子不到两个小时就重新校准了。 重新调整;重新部署;使重新结盟: Hitler realigned his forces on the East Line. 希特勒重新部署他东线上的部队。 vi. 重新排列;重行调整;重新结盟: 重新排列;重行调整;重新结盟: They realigned with the West after World War Ⅱ. 第二次世界大战后他们与西方重新结成同盟。 Ream 榨取(果汁等);扩展;挖 milk , extract , tunnel , grow n. 令(纸张的计数单位);大量 lots of , wealth , ocean , sea , body 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The Platinum Crystal in Arkansas is uniquely programmed to interface with Parallel Universes and the Angelic Ream of anti-matter. 在阿肯色州的白金水晶受独特的编程而成为平行宇宙与反物质的天使界之界面。 blog.sina.com.cn Steeped in new moods and ideas, I bought a ream of paper and tried to write; but nothing would come, or what did come was flat beyond telling. 沉湎在新的心境与想法里,我带着一令纸试图写作;但写不出什么,或者写出来的远比说的要乏味。 dj.iciba.com He was allegedly captured on camera walking to the tenant's restaurant with a ream of toilet paper, pulling his pants down, squatting and defecating. 切雷托,来自马士菲,据称,独自放下包裹,被摄像头拍到带着大量厕纸径直走入房客的旅店,脱下裤子,蹲下并排便。 Rebate 减少;打折扣 discount , shorten vi. 退还部分付款,打折扣 water sth. down n. 折扣 discount , agio 双语例句原声例句权威例句 By executing a trade, the firm even gains a rebate from an exchange hungry for its business. 通过执行交易,该机构甚至可以从渴望业务的交易所那里获得回扣。 www.ftchinese.com As for the budget, the main demand of all other 26 countries will be to scrap the British budget rebate won by Mrs Thatcher. 至于预算,另外26个国家的主要要求将是废除由撒切尔夫人争取来的对于英国的预算折扣。 www.ecocn.org Much of the demand for car parts was spurred by the popular “cash for clunkers” car rebate programme, as car makers lifted production. 汽车零部件需求上升,主要是因为受欢迎的“现金换旧车”汽车折扣计划刺激了汽车制造商提高产量。 Rebuke 指责;训斥;非难: The manager rebuked the salesgirl sharply for being rude to customers. 经理严厉斥责女售货员的对顾客无礼。 使相形见绌;成为对…的鞭策: Her carefulness rebukes me. 她的仔细认真成为对我的鞭策。 [废语]阻碍;制止 n. 斥责,训斥 短语: without rebuke 无可指摘的;无可非议的 Rebus 画谜;(以画为提示的)字谜 logogriph 双语例句 His Scottish detective character, named Rebus, has been adapted for television. 他的苏格兰私人侦探“雷布斯”已经被搬上荧屏。 article.yeeyan.org “What makes Vautrin boxes so very different is the magic and wit she incorporated by way of a rebus, many of them rhymed, in her designs, ” says Gill, who has sold Vautrin to Madonna. 吉尔表示:“沃特兰盒子之所以如此与众不同,是因为她以字谜的方式——其中许多都是押韵的——在设计中融入了魔力与智慧。” www.ftchinese.com It can be likened to a rebus, which uses pictures and single letters, or numbers to represent whole words (e.g, "i <3 u" means “I love you”, b4 means before, lol means laugh out loud, etc. ). 这种短信文是由图片、字母或数字的组合来代表某个单词的,感觉像字谜一样。 比如:"i <3 u"就代表“我爱你”(中间的<3像是一颗心的形状,代表“爱”),b4就是before(以前)这个单词的缩写形式,而lol则是laugh out loud(大声笑出来)这三个单词的缩写。 Rebuttal 反驳;辩驳;反证 contradiction , refutation 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The best humor allows for opinion and rebuttal. 最好的幽默考虑到意见和辩驳。 article.yeeyan.org The rebuttal to this actually takes an entire book to convey, but it first involves helping people understand that everything about talent is a process. 反驳这种看法实际上需要一整本书来阐述,但首先涉及的是帮助人们理解——天赋才能是一种过程。 article.yeeyan.org Some parts of Apple's 32-point rebuttal say that the company was being truthful. But one paragraph says, in effect, that anyone who believes what the company says in its ads is a fool. 苹果公司的反驳信里列出了32条观点,其中辩称说苹果公司是老老实实的做事,但是又在另一段说,实际上,如果有人完全相信广告那是非傻即乜。 Recalcitrant 反抗的;反对的;顽强的 anti , resistant 双语例句权威例句 Members of his PASOK party are recalcitrant, not least because the reforms threaten the party’s power-base in the unions. 他的社会民主主义政(PASOK)党的成员的桀骜不驯,一点也不是因为改革威胁着联盟内党的权力基础。 www.ecocn.org Even then it took a sympathetic bankruptcy judge to convince a group of recalcitrant lenders that it was in their best interest to drop their opposition. 尽管当时表现出同情的破产判断确信一部分负隅顽抗的贷方,这样对贷方有利,所以放弃了他们的反对。 article.yeeyan.org FOR snivelling children and recalcitrant carnivores, requests that they should eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every day have mostly fallen on deaf ears. 对于哭哭啼啼的小孩和顽固的肉食主义者,每天吃五种不同的蔬菜和水果的要求他们基本上会当做耳旁风。 Recant 放弃;撤回 desert , yield , quit 双语例句权威例句 For form’s sake, Luther was first invited to recant. 出于形式,路德先是被要求公开认错。 article.yeeyan.org He said he had been unaware of Williamson's views and had ordered him to recant. 教皇表示他不知道威廉姆森的观点,但现在知道后要他放弃此观点。 article.yeeyan.org We should recant all opinions which are in conflict with those proclaimed by the central leadership. 我们应当放弃所有与中央领导所宣布的有抵触的意见。 Recapitulate 概括;重述要点;摘要 sum , gather up vt. 概括;重述要点;摘要 abstract , brief 双语例句权威例句 Let's recapitulate the main ideas. 让我们来概括一下要点。 dj.iciba.com Most, if not all, existing frameworks either extend other frameworks or recapitulate them for particular applications. 大多数情况下,不是所有的,现有的框架既扩展了其他框架,又为特定的应用概括论述了其他框架。 www.ibm.com A century ago the German biologist Ernst Haekel pointed out that the stages of embryo development recapitulate the evolutionary history of the animal. 一个世纪以前,德国生物学家恩斯特•哈耶克(Ernst Haekel,达尔文思想在德国最大的传播者——译者注)就指出,胚胎的发育过程概括了生物的进化史。 Recast 重铸,再铸: The big bell in the Temple of Reclining Buddha was recast in the sixteenth century. 卧佛寺的大钟是16世纪重新铸造的。 重写;重做;改动: to recast a sentence 改写句子 You'd better recast the first paragraph in more formal wording. 你最好用更正式的措词把第一段重写一下。 重新安排(剧中的)角色,改变(演员所演的)角色: She has been recast as Juliet. 她改演朱丽叶一角。 重算: This column of figures must be recast. 这一栏数学必须重算一下。 Recede 退;后退: The floods gradually receded from the fields. 洪水从田野里逐渐退去。 变得模糊;变得渺茫: As time passed,his facial features receded from my mind. 随着时间的推移,他的容貌在我的脑子里变得越来越模糊。 收回;撤销;未履行(诺言等)(常与from连用): The manager has receded from his promise to increase wages. 经理未能履行增长工资的诺言。 向后倾斜: He has a receding chin. 他有一个向后缩的下巴。 Recessive 隐性的;逆行的;后退的 regressive , antidromic 双语例句原声例句权威例句 However, baldness is another X-linked recessive trait; you inherit it from your mother. 然而,秃头是另一个和X染色体相关的隐性特征,从母亲那里遗传得来。 article.yeeyan.org Eye colour is inherited, however brown eyes are dominant across the world while blue eyes are a recessive trait. 眼睛的颜色是天生的,世界上褐色眼睛占主导地位,而蓝色眼睛是一种隐性特征。 article.yeeyan.org Porphyria, also called the Vampire's disease, is a recessive genetic disease that is characterized by too little hemoglobin being produced in the blood. 这与血卟啉症有关,血卟啉症又被称为“吸血鬼病”,是一种隐性遗传疾病,该病的特征是血液中的血红蛋白数量过少。 Recidivism 再犯,累犯 recommitment , jailbird 双语例句权威例句 Non-custodial community sentences have yet to prove their worth; the rate of recidivism seems disappointingly close to that of people who serve prison terms. 没有人监管的社会服务令,没有体现出它们的价值;令人失望的是,累犯的概率似乎与那些坐过牢的人有关。 www.ecocn.org Depending on the recidivism rate, the government will pay investors in the first bond a return of 7.5-13%—or nothing, if the promised improvement is not achieved. 根据不同的累犯率,政府将会支付给投资者们第一抵押债券7.5%-13%的回报——或者什么都没有,如果当初的改善承诺并没有达到。 article.yeeyan.org It advocates treatment and rehabilitation for people convicted of drug crimes rather than incarceration, on the grounds that treatment reduces recidivism and is more cost-effective over the long term. 该计划部分借鉴了德州的改革经验,主张对于认定犯有毒品罪行的人实施治疗和改造而非监禁,理由是治疗可降低再犯,长期来看更为经济有效。 Reciprocal 互惠的;相互的;[数]倒数的,彼此相反的 mutual , au pair 双语例句原声例句权威例句 That's why we talk about reciprocal love. 这就是为什么我们讨论相互的爱。 open.163.com We knew what they were doing and it was reciprocal. 我们知道他们在干什么,而这种了解是相互的。 www.ftchinese.com Originally, I speculated that this effect was reciprocal: Women who got what they wanted were more likely to indulge their partners' wishes. 起初,我推测这个作用是互惠的:女性得到了她们想要的就可能去满足在她们伴侣的要求。 Reciprocate 互给;互换: The representatives of both sides reciprocated formal expressions of goodwill. 双方代表相互表达了礼节性的友好意愿。 报答;酬答;报复: She reciprocated his good wishes. 她也同样祝福他。 使(机件等)往复运动 vi. 互给;互换;酬答: He has invited me to dinner so many times,and I must reciprocate. 他请我吃了很多次饭,我必须回请才是。 Recital 朗诵,吟诵;独奏会;背诵;独唱会 oral reading , repetition 双语例句权威例句 Stop worrying about your piano recital. 别担心你的钢琴独奏会。 www.hxen.com This is, after all, a presentation, not a recital. 这毕竟是一场演示而不是一场诗歌朗诵会。 article.yeeyan.org Though his voice showed no strain, he could be seen rising on the balls of his feet in recital, using every sinew and nerve to produce the sound. (译注:意为"邪恶之眼")。 尽管他的声音没有显出起伏,但在朗诵的时候,经常会看到他踮着脚,用每块肌肉和神经来发声。 Reclaim 改造;感化;挽救(犯错误者等): New China has reclaimed many men from a life of crime. 新中国把许多人从犯罪的道路上挽救了回来。 开垦土地;开拓土地;(填海)造地: to reclaim the land from the sea 填海造地 In Hong Kong many square miles of land have been reclaimed from the sea. 在香港,许多平方英里的陆地都是填海开拓出来的。 (从废料中)回收利用;再制;再生: Their daily work is to reclaim rubber from old tyres. 他们的日常工作是用旧轮胎再生橡胶。 [废语]驯服(野兽等): to reclaim a hawk Recoil 后退;退缩;退回: She recoiled hastily at seeing a snake in the path. 她见到小路上有一条蛇就赶紧往后退。 (弹簧等)弹回;(枪、炮等)产生后坐力;对…产生反作用(常与on或upon连用): The rifle recoils when it is fired. 步枪射出子弹后要反冲一下。 报应,回报(常与on 或upon连用): An evil deed may recoil on the head of the doer. 干坏事的人会受到邪恶的报应。 Recondite 深奥的;隐藏的;默默无闻的 hidden , unknown , abstract , deep , latent 双语例句权威例句 If nothing else, having a few recondite words at your disposal can be a great defense against the pedantry of others. 假如无太多影响,在你的表达中使用一些深奥的词语对于其他人的卖弄学问可是一种很好的防卫。 article.yeeyan.org People often assume that data are simple, graspable and trustworthy, whereas theory is complex, recondite and slippery, and so give the former priority. 人们常假设数据是简单的、可理解的、和可信的;而理论则是复杂、深奥、和难解的,因而会给予数据较优先的考虑。 www.ecocn.org But their juxtaposition provides even the hardened student with some new perspectives, and there are useful if brief looks at more recondite questions such as Israel’s relations with the Gulf states. 但当它们同时呈现在我们面前时,即使是最固执己见的研究者也会获得一些新的视角;此外此书对更为深奥的问题如以色列和海湾各国的关系虽然只是惊鸿一瞥,但同样颇有助益。 Reconnoiter 侦察,勘查 spy , scout around vi. 侦察,探究 scout around , probe into 双语例句原声例句权威例句 His intention had been to reconnoiter. 他的意图是侦察一下。 www.kuenglish.info It seems wise to reconnoiter before entering the town. 在进入那城以前,先侦察一下是明智的。 dict.veduchina.com The ark also comes to rest on a mountaintop, the hero sends out a bird to reconnoiter the land, to find out if it's dry yet. 方舟停在山顶上,英雄派一只鸟出去查看大地的情况。 Reconstitute 改组;重新组成: The board of directors of the firm has been reconstituted recently. 公司的董事会最近进行了改组。 使还原;(通过加水)恢复(脱水食物的)原状: Every day she reconstitutes the frozen orange juice by adding water. 她每天把冰冻的橘子汁加水使成原状。 Reconvene 重新开会;再集会: Negotiations will reconvene soon. 谈判不久将重开。 vt. 再召集;再召开: 再召集;再召开: The disarmament conference will be reconvened next month. 裁军会议将于下月再次召开。 Recourse 求援,求助;[经]追索权;依赖;救生索 dependence on , life-line 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This could weaken both the quality of auditing and legal recourse for investors. 这可能会削弱审计质量和投资者的法律追索权。 c.wsj.com The investor had no recourse as his money left the country with the entrepreneur. 投资者没有追索权,因为他的钱已经和这个创业者一起离开了中国。 article.yeeyan.org Despite the obvious deception, the investor told me that he again had no legal recourse. 尽管有明显的欺骗,投资者对我说,他还是没有法律追索权。 Rectify 矫正;纠正;整顿;修订: You should rectify your error before it is too late. 你应当及时改正你的错误。 The local government was taking emergency measures to rectify the state of chaos. 地方政府正在采取紧急措施整顿这种混乱局面。 调整;校正: The captain was rectifying his telescope. 船长正在调他的望远镜。 【化学】精馏: to rectify spirits 用蒸馏法精炼酒 Rectitude 公正;诚实;清廉 equity , truth , integrity , honesty , righteousness 双语例句权威例句 Four years ago Spain and Ireland were seen as models of fiscal rectitude. 四年前,西班牙和爱尔兰被视为财政清廉的楷模。 www.ftchinese.com The public mood in the US has also been shifting as the Republicans score points with calls for a return to fiscal rectitude. 由于共和党因为呼唤回归财务清廉得分,美国公众情绪也被转移。 article.yeeyan.org Speaking candidly to Playboy of his lust for women other than his wife, he endorsed a new standard of sexual openness while simultaneously upholding a model of sexual rectitude. 他坦率地对《花花公子》说,他对其他女人比对妻子更有兴趣,他赞成一种公开的性行为标准,同时也支持诚实的性行为模式。 Recumbent 躺卧的;斜靠的 休息的;不活动的 【生物学】横卧的;斜倚的 n. 斜靠式自行车 近义词: prone 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 Mochet's recumbent gave cyclists a more aerodynamic position, moving them closer to the ground, with the seat back allowing the riders to recline. 莫切特的卧式自行车让骑手拥有更流线型的位置,移动时更接近于地面,而且座椅靠背还可以让骑手仰着。 article.yeeyan.org In another tweak to the recumbent, Stoddard designed the pedals to power the front wheel instead of the rear; however, there is a motor that turns the back tire. 相对于其他卧式自行车,另一项微调是,斯托达德设计的踏板驱动的是前轮,而不是后轮;不过,有一个马达可以转动后轮。 article.yeeyan.org He also shortened the traditional recumbent's wheel base to increase the bike's maneuverability, making it easier to direct through city traffic. 他还缩短了传统卧式自行车的轮距,以增强车子的机动性,从而更易于在城市交通中穿行。 Recuperate 使恢复;使复原: He has recuperated his health. 他已恢复健康。 弥补(损失等);挽回;回收: They tried to recuperated waste heat to produce electric current. 他们试图回收余热发电。 vi. 复原;恢复健康;休养: The patient did not recuperate as rapidly as the doctor had expected. 这位病人并没有像医生所期望的那样很快就复原。 She went to the country to recuperate. 她去乡村休养。 Redeem 赎回;买回: She is going to redeem her diamond ring. 她将赎回她的钻石戒指。 重获;收回;挽回;恢复: He redeemed his honour by resigning resolutely. 他毅然辞职,以挽回自己的声誉。 偿还;付清: He tried to redeem the bank loan two years ago. 两年前他就试图偿还银行贷款。 弥补;补救;改善: He buried himself in his work from morning till night to redeem the lost time. 为了弥补失去的时间,他一天到晚都在埋头工作。 His industriousness redeemed him in the manager's eyes. 他的勤奋使经理对他的印象有所改善。 Redemptive 用以赎回(或买回)的;挽回的;用以赎救的;用于补偿的 赎回的;赎救的;拯救的;偿还的[亦作redemptory] 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The second is whether violating ordinary boundaries of decent behavior in search of big stories actually has a redemptive public-interest aspect. 第二个是指到为了手机新闻而超越了普通正直行为的底线——是否也有一个可以挽回的公众窥探欲的成分在其中。 www.hjenglish.com John sees this body as having the appearance of a lamb, which is an overly obvious reference to the redemptive element of Jesus' earthly mission. 约翰看到这个羔羊一般的身体,过明显的提到要赎回耶稣俗世的使命。 www.elanso.com So the hero puts on a mask, acts "extra-legally", performs the necessary redemptive violence and returns to ordinary life, earning the undying gratitude of the local townsfolk, sheriff included. 然后就会有一个英雄带上面具,凭借“额外法律特权”实施必要的暴力,来挽回他们的正常生活,最后赢得这里民众们对他的无限感激,这些人也包括县长。 Redolent 芬芳的;有…香味的;令人想起…的 aromatic , odoriferous 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Underneath, visitors can stroll unaccompanied along a redolent sluiceway. 在这座博物馆底下,游客可以在无人陪伴的情况下独自沿着一条气味浓烈的泄水道漫步。 www.ebigear.com No construction is more appealing, or more redolent of mortality, than a jetty that sticks out from the shore. 没有什么建筑能比从岸边伸向大海的一段栈桥更让人为之侧目、更体现了生命的短暂无常。 www.ecocn.org In the evening or after the rain, the whole earth, its womb moist with a seed redolent of bitter almond, rests after having given herself to the sun all summer long. 黄昏时分或阵雨过后,这片大地带着湿气,孕育着有苦杏仁味芳香的种子。 在迎合了这长夏骄阳之后,她会恬然休憩。 Redoubtable 可怕的;令人敬畏的 terrible , august , horrible , awesome , fearful 双语例句原声例句权威例句 She was a redoubtable woman, forging a career in a discipline—management in the engineering industry—where women were not at the time taken seriously. 她是一位杰出的女性,将职业和纪律融为了一体,即机器制造业管理学——当时在这个领域女性并没有受到重视。 www.ecocn.org It had established Athens as a mighty and redoubtable naval power and it created an unprecedented level of artistic and cultural life even today known simply as Periclean Athens. 建立了雅典强大且令人敬畏的海军强权,而且催生了史无前例的,璀璨艺术与文化生活,甚至今日仍以伯里克利斯的雅典闻名。 v.163.com This week’s news on the nomenclature front came from Jim O’Neill, the redoubtable Goldman Sachs economist, who invented the Bric (Brazil, Russia, India and China) grouping in 2001. 上周,专有名词前沿领域的最新消息来自令人敬畏的高盛经济学家吉姆•奥尼尔(Jim O'Neill),他在2001年创造了“金砖四国”(Bric)一词,代指巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国。 Redress 纠正;矫正: King Arthur tried to redress wrongs in his kingdom. 亚瑟王设法纠正他国内的弊端。 补偿;补救: The Railway Administration of Beijing redressed the damage done to my baggage during the transportation. 北京铁路局对我的行李在运输中所遭受的损害进行了赔偿。 平反;昭雪: They redressed the grievances done to the chief engineer years ago. 他们为好几年前总工程师所蒙受的冤屈平反昭雪。 恢复(平衡);使平衡: Our class has more girlstudents than boystudents, so we must redress the balance. 我们班上女生比男生多,所以我们得平衡一下。 Redundant 多余的,过剩的;被解雇的,失业的;冗长的,累赘的 spare , unnecessary , surplus , waste , superfluous 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This word is redundant, it can be left out. 这个字是多余的, 可以去掉。 《新英汉大辞典》 But that is what the two men sitting in this office are saying: they are making me redundant. 但这正是坐在这间办公室的两个男人所说的话:他们认为我是多余的。 select.yeeyan.org That is either because they want better for their children, or because their hereditary skills are becoming redundant. 要么是因为他们希望他们的孩子更好,要么是因为他们的祖传技能正变得多余。 Reed 芦苇;簧片;牧笛;不可依靠的人 Phragmites , phragmites communis 双语例句原声例句权威例句 We need reed needles to speed the deed indeed. 我们确实需要芦苇针来加快行动(契约)。 edu.21cn.com We need reed needlse to speed the deed indeed. 我们确实需要一些芦苇针来加快行动。 www.hjenglish.com Arrive early enough to soak your reed, warm up your instrument, or vocalize–whatever you need to do to be prepared to get right to the music. 早些到达,以便有足够的时间浸你的簧片,调试你的乐器,或者练练声——做你需要做的每一样事情,为表演作好准备。 Reek 散发;冒烟;放出臭气 smoke , fume n. 臭气;水蒸汽;烟 smoke , malodor vt. 散发;用烟熏 steam , shed 双语例句权威例句 "Trophy desks reek of success," Dawson says. 摆着战利品的桌面在散发者成功的信息,“Dawson说。 article.yeeyan.org In 1873, a fog that was said to reek of coal tar filled parts of London, allegedly making the death rate rise 40%. 1873年,煤焦油散发的臭气弥漫了伦敦大部分地区,据说当时死亡率上升了40%。 www.elanso.com Some reek of colonialism (“Black Africa”) or lingering imperialism (“the near abroad”, Russians’ term for the former Soviet empire). 殖民主义的污浊臭气,帝国主义的苟延残喘(俄罗斯人称前苏联为“近处的海外”)。 Reel 倒退;退缩;站立不稳;趔趄: He reeled back when the heavy blow landed on his head. 他的头受此重重一击,使他向后打了个趔趄。 蹒跚;踉跄: He was a bit tipsy,reeling along the street. 他已有几分醉意,沿大街蹒跚而行。 They reeled out of the pub at midnight. 他们在午夜时分摇摇晃晃地走出酒馆。 摇摆,摇晃: The little boat was reeling on the surging sea. 小船在波涛汹涌的海上颠簸不止。 眩晕;震颤: My mind reeled when I heard the bad news. 我听到这个坏消息后感到一阵眩晕。 Refectory 食堂;(修道院,学院等处的)餐厅 canteen , soupery 双语例句权威例句 The alfresco dining in the refectory has been particularly well received, as has the new gym and sauna. 在餐厅进行露天就餐更是颇受好评,同样受欢迎的还有新健身房和桑拿室。 article.yeeyan.org After matins (morning prayers), the monks assemble in the upstairs refectory for a simple breakfast of tea, bread, and olives. 晨祷后修道士们一起来到楼上的餐厅用简单的早餐,有茶、面包和橄榄。 edu.sina.com.cn One quadrangle after another, one staircase after another. I wandered in and out of the buildings searching frantically for the refectory. 在那儿我迷失了方向,一间又一间四边形的房间、一座又一座楼梯,我在这些建筑物里进进出出,疯了似的找寻餐厅。 Referee 裁判员;调解人;介绍人 judge , pacifier vt. 为…当裁判;调停 go between , reconcile 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The referee was forced to call the game at half time owing to the rain. 裁判员在上半场结束后被迫宣布比赛因雨停止。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 The centre forward of our school team was sent off the field by the referee for roughing. 我们校队的中锋因动作粗野被裁判判罚出场。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 He was suspended for one year because he head-butted the referee after the match for being dissatisfied with his judgment. 由于对裁判的判决不满,比赛结束后他用头撞了那名裁判,为此他受到停赛一年的处罚。 Refinery ]精炼厂;提炼厂;冶炼厂 smeltery , metallurgical plant 双语例句原声例句权威例句 They fly over what looks like a small refinery. 他们飞过一个看上去上个精炼厂的建筑。 article.yeeyan.org This prevents more than one refinery from starting up in the application. 这避免了在应用程序中启动多个 “提炼厂”。 www.ibm.com Those levels of emissions could increase the cancer risk to refinery employees and the public, she says. 她说,那些未经控制的苯排放可以增加精炼厂员工和公众患癌症的风险。 Refraction refraction index 折射指数,折光指数 index of refraction [物]折射率 negative refraction 负折射 double refraction 双折射 refraction coefficient 折射系数 更多词组短语 双语例句权威例句 A sundog is another atmospheric optical phenomenon caused by the refraction of sunlight by tiny ice crystals in clouds. 幻日是阳光通过云层中微小冰晶的折射而造成的另一种大气光学现象。 article.yeeyan.org With all that reflection and refraction, modernism creates the illusion that there is an illusion when in fact it is a straightforward statement of money and power. 通过反射和折射,现代主义创造了一个幻觉存在的假象,而实际上它是对金钱和权力不加掩饰的声明。 article.yeeyan.org Rapidly changing refraction due to turbulence along the line of sight affects different colors of light by different amounts and generally produces a twinkling effect for stars. 由于湍流而快速变化的折射在视线中会影响到光的不同颜色,这种影响也各不相同,一般会给恒星产生一种闪烁的效果。 Refractory 难治的;难熔的;不听话的 intractable , naughty n. 倔强的人;耐火物质 diehard 双语例句权威例句 The question is, how is some of this converted into refractory compounds? 但问题是,部分溶解有机物是如何转化成难熔化合物的。 article.yeeyan.org The reason this matters is that 95% of dissolved organic matter seems to be refractory. 这很重要的原因是因为95%的溶解有机物貌似是难熔的。 article.yeeyan.org For example, Dr Jiao and his colleagues want to map the abundance, composition and distribution of refractory molecules in more detail. 例如,焦博士和他的同事们想要制作更详细的这些难熔分子的富集、成分和分布图谱;

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-18 10:43:46

    Refulgent 辉煌的;灿烂的 brilliant , splendid , glorious 双语例句权威例句 Our target is only one: Autosecu compose( music) refulgent tomorrow! 我们的目标就一个:为安特佳谱写辉煌的明天! dict.veduchina.com "Lange" wants to create more refulgent tomorrow in the field of decoration. “兰格”在装饰领域要创造更加辉煌的明天。 dictsearch.appspot.com On the other hand jianeng refulgent today, has its own unique wears one yeah " " symbiosis. 另一方面佳能今天的辉煌,有其独特的企业宗旨,那就是“共生”。 www.bjzhika.com Refurbish 重新擦亮;重新磨光: She refurbished all the pots and pans. 她将所有的锅碗瓢盆都擦拭一新。 整修;刷新;重新装饰: Our house will be refurbished in the near future. 我们的房子最近将进行翻修。 Refute 反驳,驳斥;驳倒 disprove , redargue 双语例句原声例句权威例句 We can easily refute his argument. 我们可以很容易地驳倒他的论点。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 In my seminar, I seized every opportunity to refute popular errors. 我在我的研讨会上抓住一切机会反驳流行的谬见。 dongxi.net You can point out ,if you are man, a majority of poets and scientists are male; you could refute, if you are woman, most criminals are male as well . 如果你是男子,你可以指出,大多数诗人和科学家都是男性;如果你是女子,你可以反驳说大多数罪犯也都是男人。 Regale 盛宴款待: She regaled the guests with the best dishes she could offer. 她以她最拿手的菜款待客人。 使快乐,使喜悦: The teacher regaled the children with some fairy tales. 老师讲了些神话故事,孩子们听得津津有味。 vi. 参加宴会;享用: 参加宴会;享用: They are regaling on cream cakes. 他们在美滋滋地吃奶油蛋糕。 Regatta (威尼斯的)平底船比赛 划船比赛;赛船会 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 Kennedy had been competing in a regatta off Martha's Vineyard, one of a cluster of Massachusetts islands. 爱德华在马萨诸塞州马莎葡萄园岛参加赛舟会。 article.yeeyan.org The event was such a success—newspapers of the day reported crowds of 20,000—that Henley decided to organise its own (now famous) regatta and the boat race moved to Westminster in London. 赛事非常成功,当天的报纸报道有两万观众。 于是,亨利街决定自己组织赛舟会(现在已经很出名了)。 www.ecocn.org After an office shake-up, Elizabeth Burg, a project coordinator for Visa U.S.A. in Foster City., Calif., staged a regatta to help employees learn how to work together in a new environment. 在办公室人员进行大的变动以后,维萨美国(Visa U.S.A.)公司加州福斯特城项目协调员伊丽莎白•伯格发起了一次赛舟会,以帮助公司员工学会如何在一个新环境里合作共事。 Regimen ]养生法;生活规则;政体;支配 government , disposal , ruling 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This regimen will improve your focus and concentration, which in turn, helps you be more efficient and productive. 这种养生法将改善你的注意力和专注力,这些反过来有助于你更有效率。 article.yeeyan.org Just one workout can have an effect, but adopting a regular workout regimen can have a lasting impact on your mood. 仅仅一次运动便可以产生效果,但是采取有规律的锻炼养生法可以对你的情绪产生持久的影响。 article.yeeyan.org Although this diet is not physically harmful, and can be helpful in some instances, it’s generally not wise to adopt this regimen. 虽然这个减肥法在身体上没有伤害,在某些情况下还有帮助,但是采用这个养生法一般是不明智的。 Regress 逆行,倒退;复归 reverse , stem n. 回归;退回 returning , bsbackspacing 双语例句原声例句权威例句 His presence at the helm provides some assurance that economic policy will not regress, but no guarantee of progress. 作为舵手,辛格的存在保证了印度经济不会反复、倒退,但却无法保证进步。 article.yeeyan.org Once proper test cases have been created for your application, your project will never regress without your knowledge. 一旦为应用程序创建了正确的测试用例,没有您的知识项目将无法回归。 www.ibm.com The more you direct your life towards Falsehood, Apathy and Powerlessness, the more you’ll regress in your life instead of improve. 你越是把生活指向谎言、冷漠和无能为力,你的生活就会倒退得越多而不会有所改善。 Rehabilitate 恢复…的地位(或权利、财产等): He was set free and rehabilitated as chief engineer. 他被释放并恢复总工程师职务。 恢复名誉: Our disgraced teacher was publicly rehabilitated by school authorities. 学校当局为我们的蒙受耻辱的老师公开恢复了名誉。 修复;翻修;整顿;复兴: Our old house is to be rehabilitated soon. 我们的旧住宅不久将进行翻修。 (通过医疗、心理治疗等)使恢复健康(或恢复正常生活等);(通过职业训练等)使(残疾人或低能者)有就业机会: The doctors tried to rehabilitate soldiers who had lost limbs during the war. 医生们试图使战争中失去肢体的兵士恢复正常生活。 Reimburse 偿还;向…付还;报销(所花的费用): Tell me what you have spent and I will reimburse you. 告诉我你花了哪些费用,以便我还给你。 Travelling expenses can be reimbursed on handing in the railway tickets. 旅费凭火车票报销。 赔偿;补偿: The customer will be reimbursed for any loss or damage. 顾客受到的一切损失或损害将一律得到赔偿。 Reincarnate 赋予(灵魂)新的肉体;使转生[常用被动语态]: He believed he might be reincarnated as a woman. 他相信他死后可能转世变为妇人。 adj. 转生的 变形: vt. reincarnated . reincarnating 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 If all happened for highest good, you would not reincarnate. 如果一切都在最高的善中发生的话,你就不会轮回转世。 blog.sina.com.cn The regulations also say there can be no 'disruption or control' of the choice of a reincarnate lama by 'any foreign organizations or individuals.' 新的管理办法还规定,活佛转世不受境外任何组织、个人的干涉和支配。 www.cuyoo.com This White Brotherhood - these pioneers of mankind - were thought to reincarnate at all times to enlighten mankind with their advanced ideals and culture. 这个净光兄弟会——这些人类的先驱——被认为在各个时代再生,以他们先进的理想和文化来照亮人类。 Reinstate 使复工;使复职;使恢复原职: The company reinstated him as chief engineer. 该公司恢复了他的总工程师职务。 使恢复原状;修复: The broken mirror was reinstated in the twinkling of an eye. 转瞬之间破镜子又恢复了原状。 使恢复健康: The trip reinstated my health. 这次旅行恢复了我的健康。 Rejoinder 反驳;回答;(被告的)[法]第二次答辩 contradiction , response , reply , answer 双语例句权威例句 This is, indeed, the standard rejoinder. 但这确实就是标准的回答。 dongxi.net But pause for a moment: if government will do a worse job running the banks, the rejoinder is "worse than whom"? 但让我们停下来想一下:如果政府在经营银行时做的更差,反驳的话就变成“比谁更差?” www.elanso.com Bhagwati, the target of the 1998 rejoinder in Foreign Affairs, doesn't dispute that the change in IMF thinking unfolded gradually. 1998年《外交事务》上被反驳的对象,对国际货币基金组织的思想变化是逐步展开的没有异议。 Rejoin 重返(队伍等): I rejoined the company in 1999. 我在1999年又重返连队。 重新与…在一起;团聚: He rejoined us at the railway station. 他在火车站与我们重新会合。 使再连接;使再结合: This road rejoins the expressway further on. 这条公路前端与高速公路再次相连。 再加入: He rejoined the Ball Fan Club last week. 他上星期重新加入了球迷俱乐部。 Relapse 复发,再发;故态复萌;回复原状 recrudescency , palindromia 双语例句原声例句权威例句 If you relapse, start the process over. 如果复发,从头开始上述步骤。 article.yeeyan.org Experts who study how people change have discovered that relapse is to be expected. 研究人们如何改变的专家已经发现人们是期待故态复萌的。 article.yeeyan.org They should continue taking the medication for the time specified by their doctor, even if they are feeling better, in order to prevent a relapse of the depression. 即使他们正感觉好起来了,但是为了避免抑郁复发,他们也应该按他们的医生规定的时长继续服用药物。 Relegate 使降级;使降低地位: He has been relegated to the position of an assistant coach. 他已经被降到助理教练的地位。 I don't believe Real Madrid will be relegated to the second division. 我认为皇家马德里队不会降为乙级队。 把…归入某类(或某属等): The material which is of no consequence will be relegated to appendices. 那些无关紧要的材料将被归入附录中。 把…委托给…;把…移交给…: We shall relegate this problem to the organizing committee. 我们将把这个问题委托组织委员会处理。 [古语]流放,放逐: The old chancellor who had offended against the emperor was relegated to the distant boundaries of the country. 触犯了皇帝的老宰相被流放到遥远的边疆。 Relentless 无情的;残酷的;不间断的 cruel , iron , ongoing , ruthless 双语例句原声例句权威例句 In the relentless busyness of modern life,we have lost the rhythym between action and rest. 在这个无情、繁忙的现代生活中,我们已经在工作和休息之间失去了平衡。 www.ebigear.com So the system has released this relentless innovative energy, but it's out of human control, and every so many years, there's a crisis. 因此,这个制度释放的是一种残酷创新的活力,但它并不受人类的控制,而且每若干年,就要有一次危机。 article.yeeyan.org The first is that expensive oil and relentless competition among airlines have put greater pressure than ever on aircraft and jet-engine manufacturers to push the limits of technology. 其一是昂贵的油价和航空公司间残酷的竞争,在飞机和引擎制造商上施加比以往更大的压力,促使它们跨越技术障碍。 Relish 滋味;风味;食欲;开胃小菜;含义 flavor , meaning , import , appetite vt. 品味;喜爱;给…加佐料 enjoy , favour 双语例句原声例句权威例句 In Bombay [Mumbai], I was just was one of the girls, nothing special, but sometimes now I enjoy being that outside voice, I sometime relish it. 在孟买,我不过是女孩子之一,没有什么特别的,但是有时我喜欢成为那个局外的声音,我有时喜欢,有时讨厌。 www.america.gov Break out of this guilt and let yourself relish in your sense of accomplishment for what you have gotten done instead of what there is still to do. 摆脱这种负罪感,放下没做的事情,享受做完事情的成就感。 想把所有事情都处理好不过是虚幻的目标,因为总有事情要做。 www.elanso.com If you don't relish the idea of practicing this craft for ten years before you get good at it, then don't bother - but don't be fooled, you'll always be limited in what you can do and do well. 如果你并不为你将训练你的手艺上十年直至你精通它为止的想法而津津乐道的话,那就别那么干。 但是不要被迷惑了,你将一直只能被局限在你以前能做什么和能把什么做好。 Remiss 怠慢的;迟缓的;不小心的 inattentive , logy 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Naturally, she wondered if she and her husband were somehow remiss as parents. 因此,她很自然的怀疑,她和丈夫作为家长是否有点失职。 article.yeeyan.org One planned backend is supposed to be led by me -- but I have been remiss in developing initial versions. 一个已经规划好的后端被期望由我来负责 ― 但是在开发最初的版本时,我有点懈怠。 www.ibm.com I have never used them myself, nor been in projects that used them in earnest, so I cannot comment on their worth, but I would be remiss if I did not mention their existence. 我自己从来没有用过这些工具,也没有在项目中用过,所以我说不好其价值,但是我要是不提及其存在就是我的不对了。 Remit 宽恕;赦免: His sentence of death was remitted by the government in 1999. 他的死刑于1999年被政府赦免。 豁免(债务等);免除(处罚等): Under no circumstances can the income tax be remitted. 在任何情况下所得税都不能豁免。 减轻;缓和: You mustn't remit your efforts. 你千万不可松劲。 (把问题等)提交…处理(或考虑等);转给;【法律】 = remand (vt.2): The case has been remitted to the supreme people's court. 此案已提交最高人民法院审理。 Remodel 改造;改变;改型 influence , fashion , shift , vary 双语例句权威例句 It also plans by 2013 to remodel 80% of its existing outlets. 此外,它还计划到2013年对其80%的现有门店进行改造。 cn.wsj.com "It is extremely useful to have a brain that can remodel and rewire itself, " says Professor Blakemore. “一个可以自我改型,自我重构的大脑极其有用”,布莱克莫尔教授表示。 article.yeeyan.org But in animal experiments, exercise seems to remodel the metabolic pathways that determine how the body stores and utilizes food. 然而,我们可以通过动物来进行实验,运动似乎可以改变体内储存与食物利用的代谢途径。 Remonstrance 抗议;规劝;谏书 protest , obtestation 双语例句权威例句 They laid their objections to paper in a document called the Flushing Remonstrance. 抗议者起草了一份文件,称为《法拉盛抗议书》。 www.america.gov This time India has shown admirable forbearance. There has been remonstrance but no sabre-rattling. 那次印度已表现了令人钦佩的忍耐力,双方一直抗议,但并没有剑拔弩张。 article.yeeyan.org The softness of her voice added to the weight of her remonstrance, by lending to the latter an air of purity and truth. 她声音婉转柔和,使她的谴责显得那么真诚单纯,从而更增加了她谴责的力量。 Remunerate 付给…报酬;酬劳;给…补偿;赔偿: All the workers will be remunerated for their services at the exhibition. 在展览会上工作的所有人员都将得到报酬。 The company will remunerate you for your travelling expenses. 公司将给你报销旅费。 Remuneration 报酬;酬劳,赔偿 compensation , payment , consideration , satisfaction , reward 双语例句权威例句 Another issue is the lack of remuneration. 另一个问题是报酬不够高。 www.ftchinese.com If you think that remuneration will cause me to biased, so be it. 如果你认为这样的报酬会使我心存偏见,也只能那样了。 article.yeeyan.org Previously they focused on social welfare; now they will be able to act more like Western trade unions, weighing in on discipline, safety, remuneration and working hours. 以前它们的重点落在社会福利;如今它们将有能力更像西方工会那样行事,参与纪律、安全、报酬和工作小时等领域。 Rend 撕裂;扯破(常与 from,off,away 连用): Several wolves were rending a lamb to pieces. 几条狼正在把一只羊撕扯成碎块。 劈开;割裂;分裂: The log was rent to pieces by a circular sawing machine. 原木被圆锯床锯成许多块。 [比喻](声音)刺破,划破;响彻: The explosion of bombs rent the serenity. 炸弹的爆炸声打破了四周的宁静。 (因忧伤等)扯衣服(或头发): She cried bitterly, rending her hair with her hands. 她痛哭流涕,一边用手扯她的头发。 Rendering 翻译;表现;表演;描写;打底;(建筑物等)透视图 translation , interpretation , description , performance , representation 双语例句原声例句权威例句 These elements do not cause any special rendering. 这些元素不会导致任何特殊呈现。 www.ibm.com This way, rendering tags will be generated for all or most of the host components on the host page, requiring you to do little or no work to add any missing host components. 这种方法将生成主机页上所有或大多数主机组件的呈现标记,只需要您做一点点工作(或者根本不用再费神),添加所有缺少的主机组件。 www.ibm.com These files, which are in a proprietary format, contain a series of information that links the object definitions and physical objects into the content framework for rendering content. 这些文件具有一种专用的格式,包含一系列信息,这些信息将对象定义和物理对象链接到内容框架中,以呈现内容。 Renegade 叛徒;变节者;脱党者 rat , traitor vi. 背叛;脱离 tergiversate , turn one's coat adj. 叛徒的;背弃的;脱离的 diastatic 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Friedman has cultivated an image of a maverick, a renegade scientist brave enough to tell the world what he knows about flying saucers. 弗里德曼已经发展成为一个持有不同意见,一个叛徒科学家的人物, 他敢于告诉世人,有关他所知道的飞碟。 article.yeeyan.org But the stance of aggressive unoriginality is still evident in The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky, written in late 1918. 但是在引 用时咄咄逼人的姿态仍然可以在1918年的《无产阶级革命与叛徒考茨基》中清晰可见。 article.yeeyan.org "Although it is primarily to deal with renegade aircraft, there is nothing to prevent it being used in search and rescue/emergency situations, too," he added. 他补充说,“虽然它主要是处理叛徒的飞机,但是没有什么可以阻止它也会被用于搜索和救援/紧急情况下。” Renounce 宣布放弃(要求、权力、信仰等);抛弃;摈弃: She renounced her claim to the property. 她声明放弃她的财产权。 I've renounced alcohol. 我已戒酒。 中止;退出: They renounced the agreement between us. 他们中止了与我们的协议。 与…断绝关系;拒绝承认: She renounced her stepmother. 她声明与继母脱离母女关系。 Renovate 革新;更新: We must renovate our social life to keep abreast of the times. 我们必须革新我们的社会生活以适应时代的要求。 整修;翻修;修理: They are going to renovate the old furniture. 他们准备将旧家具整修一番。 The worn shoes can be renovated and look like new ones. 穿破的鞋可以修理得像新的一样。 使恢复精力;使振作: Our school has been renovated by Lei Feng's spirit. 我们学校因受到雷锋精神的影响而重整旗鼓振作起来。 Repartee 机敏的应答;妙语;巧辩 punch line , bon mot 双语例句权威例句 But you always get a smile and some witty repartee from him that provides an uplift. 但柏利总是笑容可掬,妙语如珠,让你精神一振。 article.yeeyan.org Two of the biggest laughs I get in my performances come from my imitation of a bit of child repartee. 在我的演出中,令人两次开怀的大笑是源于我模仿一点孩子们的机敏应答。 article.yeeyan.org Casablanca’s Oscar-winning screenplay, penned by Julius Epstein, Philip Epstein and Howard Koch, offered up unmatched repartee and some of the most memorable lines in movie history. 这一赢得奥斯卡奖的剧本由朱利叶斯-爱泼斯坦、菲利普-爱泼斯坦与霍华德-科克编写。 该剧本为电影史贡献了无与伦比的机智妙语答复和一些最让人难以忘怀的言辞。 Repatriate )遣返回国: The Japanese prisoners of war were repatriated to their homeland after the war. 日本战俘于战后被遣返回国。 变形: vt.,vi. repatriated . repatriating 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 China could, of course, repatriate all the dollars its exporters earn by selling stuff to the U.S. 当然,中国可以将出口商们通过将商品挣来的美元都遣返回美国。 www.fortunechina.com Some economists said changes to the tax system would be a better way to repatriate offshore funds and help the economic recovery. 一些经济学家认为税收系统变动有利于遣返那些灰色地带的资金,并帮助经济复苏。 dongxi.net In exchange they seem willing to limit the movements of some 3,000-5,000 PKK fighters based in their region and to help disarm and repatriate them to Turkey under a proposed amnesty. 作为交换,根据一项大赦提议,他们似乎愿意限制约3,000-5,000名库尔德工人党成员在其地区的活动,并帮助解除这这些人的武装且遣返到土耳其。 Repeal 废除;撤销;废止;放弃;否定 yield , desert , negative , abolish n. 废除;撤销 abolition , destoolment 双语例句原声例句权威例句 In pushing through the repeal of DADT, however, Gates and the military leadership confront a more fundamental challenge. 但是,在推动废除DADT的过程中,盖茨和军方领导人面对一个更根本的挑战。 article.yeeyan.org Therefore, he said, a committee of top officials would work to repeal the report and minimize "the great damage" it has done to the state of Israel. 所以他说,一个由高级官员组成的委员会将致力于撤销这份报告,并将它已经对以色列造成的“极大伤害”降低到最小。 www.voanews.cn The signs still point towards his party being kicked hard in the mid-term elections; and the Republicans, not one of whom voted for the bill, say that they will repeal it if they can. 迹象表明,在中期选举中,民主党受重创;没有一个共和党人对这项议案投赞成票,共和党人还称,如果有可能的话,他们将废除该议案。 Repel 击退;抵挡住;驱除: We repelled the enemy from the shores after a long hard struggle. 经过长时间的艰苦战斗,我们将敌人从海岸击退。 拒绝;排斥: He repelled all my offers of help. 他拒绝了我的一切帮助。 Fire and water repel each other. 水火不相容。 不接待;不理睬: to repel a suitor 把求爱者轰走 使厌恶;使反感;使(昆虫等)不敢接近: His long hair and filthy clothes repelled her. 他的长头发和脏衣服使她感到厌恶。 Repellent 排斥的;[助剂]防水的;弹回的;令人讨厌的 terrible , repulsive n. [助剂]防护剂;防水布;排斥力 protective agent , tarp 双语例句权威例句 But selflessness, too, is repellent. 但是,无私也是令人厌恶的。 www.ecocn.org The growth of in-flight advertising "is repellent to these passengers" — an "insult" to paying customers, he says. 飞行中广告的增长“乘客对这些广告是排斥的” – 是对一个付费用户的“不尊重”,他说。 article.yeeyan.org For the last decade researchers have been exploring the possibility of building planes with hydrophobic, or water-repellent, materials that would not require de-icing. 最近十年来,研究者探索了避免飞机表层结冰的各种可能性,例如使用防水材料或者斥水材料 Repercussion 反响;弹回;反射;浮动诊胎法 reflection , resonance 双语例句权威例句 China succeeded in exploding its first atom bomb which provoked great repercussion around the globe. 中国成功地爆炸了第一颗原子弹,在全世界引起了巨大的反响。 www.kekenet.com China’s successful explosion of its first atomic bomb caused tremendous repercussion throughout the world. 中国成功地爆炸了第一颗原子弹,在全世界引起了巨大的反响。 www.hxen.com Now, the unilateral move by Rio Tinto not only greatly disappointed its Chinese partner, but also drew huge repercussion among the Chinese industry and people. 目前,力拓集团单方面举动不仅令其中方合作伙伴非常失望,在中国业界和民众中也引起了较大反响。 www.fmprc.gov.cn Repertoire (已准备好可随时演出的)节目(或剧目);保留节目(或剧目) (某剧作家、作曲家创作的可供演出的)全部节目(或剧目) [美国英语](某个人的)全部技能;(某个领域的)所有组成部分 【计算机】指令表,指令集合,指令系统[亦作 répertoire] repertoire2 ['repətwɑ:] n. = behavior repertoire 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Eliminating bad behaviors from your management repertoire is a step in the right direction. 从你的管理艺术中消除坏的行为是迈向正确方向的一步。 article.yeeyan.org These simple yet powerful ideas are key to effective SOA design, and you now have these conceptual tools in your repertoire of skills... 这些简单但强力的概念是有效的SOA设计的关键,现在你的技能库中已经有了这些概念工具…… www.infoq.com That means that for each new object added to the system’s repertoire, the programmer has to start from scratch, determining which of the object’s parts are the most important. 这就意味着,每当有一个新的物体添加到系统的部件库中时,程序员都得从头开始,决定物像的哪一部分是最重要的。 Repine 不满;烦恼;抱怨(常与 at,against 连用): It does no good for you to repine at your unhappy lot. 你埋怨自己命苦是没有用的。 渴望,向往(常与 for 连用): She repined for a peaceful life. 她渴望过平静的生活。 I thank living before love ,it broght me repine ; 爱情之前我感谢生活,它给我向往; www.putclub.com I thank living before love , it brought me repine ; I thank living after love , it brought me enrichment ; I thank living during love , it brought me craze. 爱情之前我感谢生活,它给我向往;爱情之后我感谢生活,它给我丰富;爱情之中我感谢生活,它给我狂热。 en.dict.cn But the wife of Mr. Darcy must have such extraordinary sources of happiness necessarily attached to her situation, that she could, upon the whole, have no cause to repine. 可是做了达西先生的太太必然会享受到莫大的幸福,因此,归根结底,完全用不到懊丧。 Replenish 重新装满;补充: Let me replenish your glass with some more wine. 让我给你杯子里再添点葡萄酒。 添加(燃料等): The fire is going to go out,please replenish it at once. 炉火要灭了,请赶快添点煤。 使住满人 补偿;替代: You know I am not able to replenish the losses. 你知道我是无力补偿这些损失的。 充注精力: They replenished themselves in a seaside sanatorium for two weeks. 他们在海滨疗养院养精蓄锐休养了两个星期。 Replete 充满的;装满的 filled , full , consumed 双语例句原声例句权威例句 From the beginning, this crisis was replete with ironies. 从一开始,这场危机就充满了讽刺意味。 www.ftchinese.com But financial history is replete with bubbles and crashes. 但金融的历史是充满泡沫和危机的。 article.yeeyan.org We can assume that this was a slow process replete with lots of hard focus. 我们可以想象到这是一个缓慢的过程并充满了大量的硬焦点。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-19 13:12:28

    Repose 躺着休息: After lunch he reposed on the couch. 午饭后他躺在长沙发上休息。 休养: In fine weather you can find many green turtles reposing on the sand. 天气好时你可以看到许多海龟在沙滩上养神。 长眠,安息: The body of her grandmother reposes in the churchyard. 她祖母的遗体长眠于教堂的墓地中。 静卧;蕴藏: The land reposes in the dusk. 大地静卧在暮色之中。 Repository 贮藏室,仓库;知识库;智囊团 warehouse , stockroom 双语例句原声例句权威例句 If there is only one repository, it receives both updates. 如果仅有一个储存库,它需要接收两个更新。 www.ibm.com It consists of a single content repository, with one or more workspaces. 它由单一内容仓库构成,有一个或多个工作区。 www.ibm.com It allows you to update resources in your local workbench and commit resources from the local workbench to a repository. 它允许您在您的本地工作台中更新资源,并且将资源从本地工作台提交到一个知识库中。 Reprehend 申斥;指责 charge , come down on n. 责备 blame , thumbs-down 双语例句 For if our heart reprehend us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. 纵然我们的心责备我们,我们还可以安心,因为天主比我们的心大,他原知道一切。 www.ccreadbible.org Peter should withdraw and that St. Paul should publicly reprehend him, for the instruction of all. 他们一致认为,应撤销圣彼得和圣保罗应当公开申斥他的指示所有。 danci.911cha.com And they could not reprehend his word before the people: and wondering at his answer, they held their peace. 他们在民众面前,不能抓到他的语病,且惊奇他的应对,遂噤口不言。 Reprehensible [,repri'hensəbl] adj. 应受申斥的;应受指责的 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I thought that is really reprehensible. 我觉得这是应该谴责的。 v.163.com These are serious and reprehensible offences. 这些是严重罪行,应受谴责。 www.en8848.com.cn Mr Lee said the aim was to persuade Pyongyang to “admit its wrongdoing and pledge never again to engage in such reprehensible action”. 李明博表示,其目的是劝说朝鲜政府“承认其错误行径,并承诺不再进行此类应受谴责的行为”。 Repressed 被压抑的;被抑制的 pent-up , downtrod v. 抑制;镇压;约束(repress的过去分词) forborne , restrained 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The disturbance was repressed at last by the riot police. 骚乱最终被防暴警察镇压下来。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 A large part of the desire for luxury goods in Russia can be attributed to a repressed demand stored up over 70 years of communism. 在俄罗斯,对奢侈品的欲望在很大程度上可以归因于在70年的共产主义期间积蓄起来的被压抑需求。 www.ftchinese.com The discovery of such a path will, it is believed, require a theoretical accommodation with one or more of the major aspects of economic reality that are repressed in general equilibrium theory. 可以确定的是,发现这样的一条路径,需要对经济现实中的某一方面,或很多方面做一下理论上的变通,而这些方面在一般均衡理论下是受到约束的。 Reprieve 缓期执行;暂时解救 stay of execution n. 暂缓;缓刑 probation , suspended sentence 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It may prove a short reprieve, however, with France and Germany determined to push the bill through. 英国可能使得这一法案暂缓,但是法国和德国已经决定将推动此法案的通过。 www.ecocn.org Officials say that in the first half of this year it overturned 15% of death sentences. But police-killers are unlikely candidates for reprieve. 官方人员表示,今年上半年中国已经推翻了15%的死刑判决,但这个杀害警察的凶手不太可能获得缓刑。 www.elanso.com Iran's judiciary could reinstate her sentence of death by stoning, execute her by another means, or possibly even grant her a reprieve, according to human rights groups. 根据人权组织的报道,伊朗司法的机构,以后可以恢复用石头砸死她的判决,也可以用另一种形式来执行死刑,或者,甚至可能给予她缓刑。 Reprisal 报复(行为);报复性劫掠 retaliation , revenge 双语例句权威例句 So isn't it necessary to let the media give people all the facts they find without fear of interference or reprisal? 那么,是不是有必要让媒体告诉人们它们发现的全部事实,而不感到害怕,不被干涉和报复? article.yeeyan.org Meanwhile, China said it would ban imports of soya oil from Argentina, seemingly in reprisal for anti-dumping measures against textile and other exports to Argentina. 与此同时,中国将禁止从阿根廷进口豆油。 表面上看来是对出口阿根廷的纺织品的和其他商品的反倾销措施的报复。 news.iciba.com Some defenders of the AAUP's position say indoctrination is not really indoctrination if the student can object to a professor's classroom advocacy without fear of reprisal. 一些维护全美大学教授联合会者立场的人说,如果学生不怕报复能够反对教授的课堂宣传,教条灌输并非真的教条灌输。 Reprobate 邪恶的;堕落的 evil , fallen , ill , black , ugly n. 恶棍,无赖 tough , cad , varlet 双语例句权威例句 were likely to touch even such a hardened little reprobate as Becky. 连蓓基这样一个铁石心肠的小无赖都感动了。 www.kekenet.com It shocked her to realize that anyone as absolutely perfect as Ashley could have any thought in common with such a reprobate as Rhett Butler. 这使她大吃一惊地发现,原来一个像艾希礼这样绝对完美的人,也居然会跟一个像瑞德- 巴特勒那样的无赖汉抱有共同的看法呢。 dict.veduchina.com Surely His pleading with the lost, His offers of mercy to the reprobate, and the call of the gospel to all who hear are all sincere expressions of the heart of a loving God. 他对迷失方向的的人的恳求,他对堕落的人的同情,他对所有听到他声音的人施与福音,这一切真挚的表达都源于他充满爱的心。 Reproof n. 责备;谴责 blame , thumbs-down 双语例句权威例句 Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish. 喜爱管教的,就是喜爱知识。 恨恶责备的,却是畜类。 www.crazyenglish.org Mrs Chick contented herself with a glance of reproof, and then proceeded with the thread of her discourse. 奇克夫人责备地看了他一眼,也就罢了,然后接着刚才的话头,继续说下去。 www.kekenet.com For, though your accusations were ill-founded, formed on mistaken premises, my behaviour to you at the time had merited the severest reproof. 虽然你的指斥都没有根据,都是听到人家以讹传讹,可是我那次对你的态度,实在应该受到最严厉的责备。 Reprove 责骂;谴责;非难 rate , hop on vi. 责备;指责;非难 blame for , talk to 双语例句权威例句 Yet let no man strive, nor reprove another: for thy people are as they that strive with the priest. 然而,人都不必争辩,也不必指责,因为这民与抗拒祭司的人一样。 www.ebigear.com I will not reprove thee for thy sacrifices or thy burnt offerings, to have been continually before me. 我并不因你的祭物责备你。 你的燔祭常在我面前。 www.ebigear.com Smite a scorner, and the simple will beware: and reprove one that hath understanding, and he will understand knowledge. 鞭打亵慢人,愚蒙人必长见识。 责备明哲人,他就明白知识。 Reptilian 爬虫类的;卑鄙的 poor , mean , base , dirty 双语例句权威例句 Some ammonite fossils have tooth marks that look as though they were made by huge reptilian predators called mosasaurs. 有些鹦鹉螺化石上的齿痕看起来好像是由巨大的爬虫类捕食者沧龙留下的。 www.ecocn.org Some ammonite fossils have tooth marks that look as though they were made by huge reptilian predators called mosasaurs. 一些鹦鹉螺化石上有牙印,看上去仿佛是巨大爬虫类捕食者比如沧龙留下的。 www.ecocn.org In what is possibly the strangest theory on this list, some people claim that the Illuminati are the descendants of the union between humans and an extraterrestrial reptilian race. 在这么多理论中,下面这个可能是最奇怪的一种。 一些人声称,光照派是人类和一种外星爬虫类结合所产生的后代。 Repudiate 声明与…断绝关系: She repudiated her only daughter. 她与她的独生女儿断绝了母女关系。 拒绝接受;拒不履行;否认…的权威(或效力等);放弃: to repudiate a gift 拒受礼物 The new government repudiated the treaty signed by the former government. 新政府拒绝履行前任政府签订的条约。 否定;不承认;驳斥: He repudiated the charge of having taken bribes. 他对别人指控他曾经受贿一事进行了驳斥。 (尤指政府)拒付(公债、债款等): He would repudiate all debts incurred by his son. 他拒绝偿还他儿子的一切债务。 Repugnant 讨厌的;矛盾的;敌对的 evil , adverse , rank , unpleasant , opposed 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I have never beaten my wife and never will. I find assault of others completely repugnant, and assault of women especially so. 我从没有也永远不会打我的妻子,我认为殴打他人的人非常令人反感,尤其是打女人。 article.yeeyan.org "[The photos are] repugnant to us as human beings and contrary to the standards and values of the United States army, " the statement said. 声明中说,“这些照片违背了美国军队的准则和价值观,也让同为人类一员的我们感到恶心”。 article.yeeyan.org Of course the idea of the U.S. government "owning" every single asset of the American people is repugnant to our entire way of life, but let's assume that for a moment. 当然美国政府“拥有”美国人民的每一份财产的这个想法是让人恶心的,与我们整个的生活方式完全相反,不过让我们假设一下那种情况。 Requisite 必备的,必不可少的;需要的 needed n. 必需品 necessity , want 双语例句原声例句权威例句 "The test met all the requisite parameters," he said. 他说,该测试符合所有必备的参数。 www.etiri.com.cn As such, it is a requisite for the exquisitely complex movements of speech. 同样地,对于讲话的精巧复杂的运动,这是必不可少的。 www.ecocn.org "We must recognise the fact that adequate food is only the first requisite for life, " he said in his Nobel speech. 他在诺贝尔奖的演说中说到:“我们必须得认识到这样一个事实,充足的食物只是人类生存的首要必需品。” Requite [ri'kwait] vt. 报答;回报: to requite good with evil 以怨报德 She requited his love with coldness. 她对他的爱报以冷淡态度。 酬答(某人);向(某人)报复 : We shall requite him for his insults. 对于他的侮辱我们将进行报复。 清偿;满足: As soon as a desire is requited,it is always replaced by another. 一种欲望一旦满足,就会被另一种欲望所代替。 [罕用语]回赠 更多结果 Rescind 解除;废除;撤回 release from , want out 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Others worry that the Brothers would rescind the peace treaty with Israel. 另外有些人担心兄弟会掌权会废除与以色列的和平协定。 www.ecocn.org 'If this tax passes through the parliament, we will rescind it, ' he added. 他还说,如果矿业获得了议会的通过,我们会废除它的。 c.wsj.com Pressure is also mounting on the government to rescind or reduce the 20% budget cut over this parliament imposed on the police. 政府的压力也越来越大,因为现任议会所削减的20%的警署预算也因此面临废除或者缩减。 Rescission 取消,废除 cancellation , withdrawal , revocation , annulment , recision 双语例句权威例句 The contract of the modification, rescission or termination shall not affect the rights of the parties to claim damages. 合同的变更、解除或终止,不影响当事人要求赔偿损失的权利。 www.kekenet.com The rescission of the Mexico City Policy “is a welcomed and important step taken during the first days of the administration.” 取消‘墨西哥城政策’是本届政府上任伊始采取的受欢迎和重要的一步"。 www.america.gov The right of the party concerned to claim for a compensation of the loss/damage shall not be affected by any modification, rescission, termination of the contract. 合同的变更、解除或终止,不影响当事人要求赔偿损失的权利。 Resigned 顺从的;已辞职的;己放弃的 compliant , obedient 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The captain of our team has resigned. 我们队长辞职了。 《新英汉大辞典》 And, then he resigned. 然后他就辞职了。 www.elanso.com The three other teachers had resigned as well. 其他三位教师也都辞职了。 Resilience 恢复力;[力]弹力;顺应力 elasticity , elastic force 双语例句原声例句权威例句 How do you instill pride and resilience in her? 你怎样逐步帮她树立自豪感和适应能力呢? article.yeeyan.org Similarly, with happiness, I get an abundance of confidence in my skills and in my resilience towards temporary failures to achieve success. 同样地,拥有幸福,我从我的技能和对暂时失败的恢复力中得到了许多自信来实现成功。 www.elanso.com Gratitude to the people of Haiti, for their strength, resilience and faith, the faith of human spirit, the spirit that burns in all of us today. 我们感激海地人民,他们展现了毅力、韧劲和信念,这是人类精神信念,是今天在我们所有人心中燃烧的信念。 Resonant 洪亮的,共振的;[语]共鸣的 rotund , syntonous 双语例句原声例句权威例句 From this, they can determine the lowest resonant frequencies. 据此,他们就可以确定最低的共振频率。 article.yeeyan.org Meditators will find their resonant frequency naturally through trial and error, so we know that there's something in that. 冥想者会通过考验和错误而自然地找到他们的共振频率,我们知道其中有些原因。 article.yeeyan.org Every piece of glass has a natural resonant frequency—the speed at which it will vibrate if bumped or otherwise disturbed by some stimulus, such as a sound wave—as does every other material on Earth. 每片玻璃都有一个自然的共鸣频率——在此速度下,如果受到碰撞或者由某种刺激物打扰,它就会震动,如声波——地球上其他物质也是如此。 Respite 缓解;暂缓;暂时的休息;[法]缓期执行 remission vt. 使缓解;使暂缓;使延期;[法]缓期执行 stay of execution 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Respite will not come soon. 缓解不会马上到来。 www.ecocn.org So there will be little respite from the dense data smog, which some researchers fear may be poisonous. 因此浓密的数据烟雾将不会有多少缓解,一些研究者担心这些数据烟雾可能是有毒的。 www.ecocn.org Perhaps, after a period of respite and a few climatic disasters, it will get going again. It certainly should. 大概在暂缓一段时间和一些气候灾难之前,它将再一次开始执行,它确实应该这样。 Resplendent 光辉的;华丽的 magnificent , brave , gorgeous 双语例句原声例句权威例句 One by one, opposition to the redevelopment - a resplendent glass-and-marble skyscraper - drops away. 从对开发商再开发的反对到华丽的玻璃大理石包裹的摩天大楼,一个接一个都逐渐烟消云散。 dongxi.net Dad was resplendent in dark blue pants and a white short-sleeved shirt, providing a quiet background for Mom's flamboyance. We all piled into the car. 爸爸穿的身份华丽,一条深蓝色的裤子和白色的短袖衬衫,很好的映衬了妈妈的艳丽。 article.yeeyan.org Dressed in a white suit over a wide-lapel shirt, his hand poised on his breast, he stands a head above his classmates, and not just because of his resplendent afro. 他穿着一套白色西装和一件大翻领衬衫,手在胸前摆了个姿势,他站着要比其他同学高出一个头,不过当然并不只是因为他那个华丽的爆炸头。 Responsiveness 应答的;表示回答的 易受感动的;易起反应的;敏感的 (做礼拜时)用应答歌的 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 Performance testing to gauge the scalability and responsiveness of new services should always be part of the plan. 性能测试用于测定新服务的可伸缩性和响应能力,应当是计划的一部分。 www.ibm.com This in turn reduces hardware and licensing costs at the database layer, and can improve the database responsiveness overall for applications sharing this resource. 这转而降低数据库级的硬件和许可成本,且可为共享该资源的应用程序提高数据库总体响应能力。 www.ibm.com So we're seeing this push across the industry both in IT and in systems for more responsiveness and faster ability to do integration of software with other parts of what they're doing. 因此,我们正在同时从 IT 和系统方面看到这种跨行业的推动力,即实现更高的响应能力和更快地完成软件与它们所做工作的其他部分集成的能力。 Restitution 恢复;赔偿;归还 recovery , satisfaction , retrieval , renewal , return 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But all are united in demanding the restitution of their former lands—for them, a matter of religious significance as well as custom. 但是所有的马普利人都在要求归还他们原有的土地——对于他们来说,原来的土地和他们的习俗具有同样的重要意义。 www.ecocn.org Outside the courthouse, Skilling vowed to appeal his sentence and also asked that his restitution money go straight to victims, instead of being seized first by the federal government. 走出法庭后,斯奇林声称他将上诉,同时他也要求他赔偿的钱应该直接给受害人而不是首先被联邦政府攥在手中。 www.24en.com Those notices disturb Amy when they arrive, but Mr. Marsh, looking at the same pieces of paper, saw an opportunity: he could intervene in the federal prosecutions and demand restitution. 这些通知打乱了艾米的正常生活,但是玛希先生却在这些通知中发现了机会。 他可以据此介入联邦起诉并要求赔偿。 article.yeeyan.org Restive 倔强的;难驾御的;不安宁的 obstinate , fractious 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I know one couple who both work from home and like being together so much that if one pops out for a pint of milk the other gets restive. 我认识一对夫妇,两人都在家工作。 他(她)们非常喜欢待在一起,以至于如果有一个人突然出去倒点牛奶喝,另一个都受不了。 www.ftchinese.com Even though it would be hard to sell to restive northern European electorates, the temptation may be to postpone the inevitable yet again with the drug of more official funds. 即使难以在倔强的北欧选民那里获得支持,能让注定要发生的事晚一点发生还是可取的,虽然办法还是老一套—追加更多的官方贷款。 www.ecocn.org It opposes the nuclear ambitions of Iran. Its largesse keeps the restive citizenry of the Gulf quiet—and will be vitally required to help crank up the creaking economies of Egypt, Tunisia and Libya. 它反对伊朗的核野心,它的慷慨让难以驾御的海湾人保持平静,埃及、突尼斯和利比亚勉强维持的经济也非常需要它来帮助加快运转。 Restless 焦躁不安的;不安宁的;得不到满足的 storm-tossed , twitchy 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The mind of most people is very restless. 大多数人的思想都是焦躁不安的。 article.yeeyan.org I stood in restless anticipation, wondering what sort of new game he was about to teach us. 我焦虑不安地站在那儿,满怀期待,想知道他将要教我们什么样的新游戏。 article.yeeyan.org This date was an ancient pegan observation, the end of the Feast of the Lemures, in which the evil and restless spirits of all the dead were appeased. 这一节期原本是古老的异教节日——勒姆瑞斯(夜游魂)节的末尾,在这一节日期间人们试图安抚那些邪恶且永不安宁的亡魂。 Resuscitate 使复苏;使复兴 reinvigorate vi. 恢复;复兴 restore , recover from 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Encouraged by falling inflation, central banks are cutting interest rates, and policy makers are implementing big stimulus plans to resuscitate economic growth. 受通胀回落激励,各大央行纷纷降息,决策者亦开始实施大型激励计划,以恢复经济增长. cn.reuters.com His personal physician who was with him at the time attempted to resuscitate my brother, as did the paramedics who transported him to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Centre. 当时在场的我弟弟的私人医生和将他送到加州大学洛杉矶分校罗纳德•里根医疗中心的医护人员都曾试图帮助他恢复知觉。 article.yeeyan.org Retainer 保持器;家臣;保持者;护圈;预付费用 maintainer , protective ring 双语例句权威例句 Using a trim stick or another suitable wide flat-bladed tool, gently pry the panel/defrost door pivot shaft retainer from the pivot shaft. 使用修整过的钢棒或另一个适当宽的扁平-刃口的工具从枢轴上轻轻撬开薄板/除霜门枢轴保持件。 www.jukuu.com Variations in porosity of various batches of retainer materials and variations in bleed-out rate are contributing factors to these spotty results. 各批保持架材料多孔性的变化和供油速度的变化是构成这些不一致结果的因素。 dict.veduchina.com Of one correspondent, non-productive though enjoying a lavish retainer, he once remarked: “I think perhaps if we do not hear from him next year, we should send him a note. 对于一个不出活却享受着高额聘用定金的通讯记者,他曾说到:“我觉得,也许明年还收不到他的来稿的话,我们应该提醒他一下。” Retaliate 报复;回敬 get back on , get even with vt. 报复 get back on , get even with , get back at 双语例句原声例句权威例句 However, he hinted that exchanges retained the capacity to retaliate. 但他暗示说,交易所保留了报复的能力。 www.ftchinese.com And there were a handful of interventions in the Middle East to protect Israel and retaliate for terrorist attacks. 此外,还有一小部分则是为保护以色列和报复恐怖主义袭击而对中东地区进行的干涉活动。 dongxi.net If the country with the subsidies fails to remove them, other countries can retaliate by imposing steep tariffs on imports from that country. 如果中国不能停止这类补贴,其他国家将会使用极其严厉的关税制度对从中国的进口进行报复。 Retard 使减速,使放慢;阻碍;阻止: Shortage of labour power retarded our economic development. 缺乏劳动力使我们的经济发展速度减慢。 延迟;推迟: The heavy rain retarded our arrival by seventy minutes. 大雨使我们推迟了七十分钟才到达。 vi. 减速;受阻碍;延迟 Reticent 沉默的;有保留的;谨慎的 silent , cautious , mum 双语例句权威例句 And that is why we have been so reticent to do anything that could be interpreted in any other way. 这就是为什么我们一直如此谨慎地做任何事,而这可能被(某些人)误解了(译注:被误解为没有任何行动)。 blog.sina.com.cn But when they do have access to these numbers, they’re often reticent to share them because they’re concerned they’re not good enough. 但是一旦我们能访问这些数字,他们通常对于分享给我们是很谨慎的,因为他们担心自己不够优秀。 article.yeeyan.org Ms Wang may be reticent in public, but speaking in Via's swanky Beijing headquarters about her businesses and how she runs them, she is outgoing and cordial. 王雪红在公众场合或许很沉默,但在威盛豪华的北京总部谈论自己的业务和经营方式时,她显得开朗而热情。 Retinue 随行人员;扈从 lictor 双语例句权威例句 And both leaders have a history of, shall we say, recruiting young women from the palace retinue. 而且,两位领导人都有从自己的随从团队里面“招募”年轻女性的历史。 article.yeeyan.org At the bottom of the scale a vast retinue of unskilled workers enjoy pay and security far above what is on offer in India's brutal labour market. 与残酷的印度劳工市场上的劳动力相比,政府最低层的大量无技能的公职人员的薪资待遇要高得多,工作也更有保障。 www.ecocn.org Whatever the reason for her stance, it seems to be a smart decision – by all accounts she's overcome many of the suspicions the White House retinue had towards her. 不管她的姿态是出于什么原因,这似乎是一个聪明的决定——各方公认,她化解了奥巴马核心圈子成员对她曾经抱有的诸多怀疑。 Retort 反驳,回嘴: He retorted that I was to blame. 他反驳说这事全赖我。 “It's none of your business,” he retorted. “你管不着”,他反驳说。 反击;进行报复: to retort blow for blow 以牙还牙 vi. 反驳;顶嘴: He retorted upon me,saying it was all my fault. 他反驳说这全是我的过错。 Retouch 润色;修改: The artist retouched the painting several times. 画家对这张画作了几次润色。 【摄影术】修描(底片等): This photograph has been retouched. 这张照片已经过修整。 补染(新长出的头发) 【考古学】修磨(石器毛坯等) Retract 缩回;缩进(爪等);缩卷(舌头等);收起(飞机起落架等): The pilot found that the undercarriage could not be retracted. 驾驶员发现飞机的起落架不能缩回。 收回;撤消(声明、语言等): She had to retract her charge. 她只好撤回她的控告。 He retracted what he had promised. 他收回了他的诺言。 【语音学】收舌(发音) 【棋类】悔棋,撤回(刚走的一步棋) Retrench 减少;紧缩(开支);节约(经费): They must retrench their expenditure for the purpose of making up the deficit. 为了弥补赤字,他们必须压缩开支。 删除;省略(书中部分内容): She retrenched her speech reluctantly. 她勉强地把她的演说删去了一部分。 The last chapter was retrenched from the book. 书中最后一章被删掉。 vi. 节省;紧缩开支: 节省;紧缩开支: As business is bad these days,we have to retrench. 由于最近生意不景气,我们不得不紧缩开支。 更多结果 Retribution 报应;惩罚;报答;报偿 punishment , rod , payment , discipline , reward 双语例句原声例句权威例句 That war was an act of retribution and prevention. 那是一场惩罚和阻止对方的战争。 article.yeeyan.org Happiness and courage, retribution or justice are secondary ends for them. 幸福和勇气,报应或正义都是次要他们的目的。 article.yeeyan.org They thought it would do no good, someone else would deal with it, or that there would be retribution. 他们觉得这样做没什么用处,会有人处理的,或者觉得这些人迟早会得到报应的。 Retrograde 逆行;倒退;退步 reverse , stem adv. 倒退地;向后地 backward , sternforemost 双语例句权威例句 You may be wondering whether you should finalize any of this with Mercury retrograde. 你也许会好奇你是否需要因为水星的逆行而作出定论。 www.hjenglish.com Alas, Mercury, as said, will be retrograde, so we have to factor this into the mix of the month. 哎,可是如上所说的,水星要逆行了,所以这个月我们要把这个因素考虑在内。 www.hjenglish.com First, Mercury will be retrograde in Gemini and Taurus, and because Mercury is the planet of communication and commerce, you will find these areas liable to have problems. 首先,水星在双子座和金牛座逆行。 而且由于水星是掌管沟通和商业的行星,你可能会在这些领域遇到一些麻烦。 Retrospective 回顾的;怀旧的;可追溯的 nostalgic , reminiscent 双语例句原声例句权威例句 At the end of the first iteration of development, there will be a demonstration and a reflection (or retrospective). 在开发的首次迭代结束时,将会有一个示范和反映(或者回顾)。 www.ibm.com Before setting any new actions, the team should review whether there are outstanding actions from their previous retrospective. 在设置任何新的行动之前,团队应该检查在以前的回顾中是否有出色的行动。 www.infoq.com As for timing, when working on an iterative planning cycle, you need to hold the retrospective before planning the next efforts. 至于时间,当工作在一个迭代计划周期内,你需要在下一个跌代计划之前举行回顾。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-20 12:26:09

    Revelry 狂欢;欢宴 orgy , whoop-de-do 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The revelry was snubbed by my father. 我父亲终止了那次狂欢宴会。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 But it was easy to get caught up in the revelry. 不过在那狂欢的盛宴中却很容易被狂热所感染。 article.yeeyan.org He’d pop out the syringe, unembarrassed, in the middle of the revelry. 他从不为自己在狂欢中拿出注射器而感到尴尬。 Revert 回复;复旧;回返(常与to连用): After his divorce he reverted to his old habit of drinking. 他离婚以后又恢复了喝酒的老毛病。 After having talked about some household affairs for a long while, we reverted to the original topic. 谈了半天家庭琐事以后,我们又回到原来的话题上。 重新提到;重新想起(常与to连用): He reverted to his point of view several times in the course of his speech. 在他的讲演中,他又几次提到他的观点。 【生物学】返祖遗传(常与to连用): to revert to the life of one's ancestors 回复到祖先的生活状态 【法律】(财产等)归还;归属(常与to连用): After his death, his property will revert to the State. 他死后,他的财产将归国家所有。 Revile 辱骂;谩骂: They feared that he would revile them if they displeased him. 他们害怕如果把他惹恼他会痛骂他们。 vi. 谩骂;口出恶言;痛斥(常与at,against连用): 谩骂;口出恶言;痛斥(常与at,against连用): He often wrote articles reviling against political corruption. 他常常写文章猛烈攻击政治上的腐败现象。 Revive 复活,再生;苏醒: A dead man will never revive. 死人将永不复生。 恢复体力(或精力、活力等);恢复生机;振作: The crops revived after the rain. 庄稼在雨后又恢复了生机。 复兴;再流行: Classical music has revived recently. 近来古典音乐又流行起来。 被回想起 被重演(影、剧等);被重播: Some old Beijing operas revived on the stages. 有些古老的京剧又在舞台上重新上演。 Revoke 撤回,取消;废除 recall , unsay 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Under the new policy, J.P. Morgan can revoke stock awards from employees without firing them. 根据新规,摩根大通可以取消雇员的股票奖励,而不必解雇他们。 c.wsj.com You can therefore easily grant, allow, or revoke specific privileges for each user or group specified. 因此,您可以方便地为每个指定用户或组授予、允许或取消特定的特权。 www.ibm.com Kids who perceive that they have enough money, for instance, don't really suffer when you revoke an allowance. They get along fine with a month of no allowance or they borrow from friends. 举例而言,认为自己钱够多的孩子不太在意零花钱被取消,他们一个月没有零花钱也可以过得不错,或者他们会跟朋友借钱。 Rhapsodize And it's easy for the experts to rhapsodize about gratitude. But there are merits to tempering your complaints. 让专家向你激昂顿挫地讲述感恩的重要性固然容易,但要减少自己的怨气,最重要的还是自身的修炼。 www.putclub.com Marketers rhapsodize about selling to 1.3 billion consumers, while agronomists worry about whether those 1.3 billion mouths will have enough to eat. 商家们痴狂于卖东西给13亿消费者,而农学家们则在担心13亿张嘴巴能否填满。 Rhinestone Paris wore rhinestone platform shoes and expensive, designer jeans…. 帕瑞丝则脚登镶着人造钻石的松糕鞋,身穿价格不菲由设计师设计的牛仔裤…… www.crazyenglish.org Carey's collection features items like pendants, crystal butterfly earrings, fur-trimmed suede boots, rhinestone sandals and chain-wrapped nylon boots. 凯莉的系列收藏包括吊坠,水晶蝴蝶耳坠,皮毛绒面靴,莱茵石凉鞋和缠绕链子的尼龙靴。 gb.cri.cn And wherever we find them, they reflect the magic of water: a spider web drooping with dew like a rhinestone necklace. A rain-colored heron rising from the creek bank. 不管是在哪儿发现奇迹,我们都会联想到神奇的水:露水下的蜘蛛网像一条莱茵石项链、雨色的苍鹰从小溪边冲天而起。 Rhubarb Rhubarb is a very underrated plant –it produces some of the nicest tasting puddings and is incredibly easy to grow at home. 大黄是一种被低估的植物——它被用于制作一些最美味的布丁并且在家里种也很容易存活。 article.yeeyan.org Rhubarb is something of a wonder plant – in addition to an unknown poison in its leaves, they also contain a corrosive acid. 大黄是一种很不错的植物——此外它的叶子中含有一种不知名的毒,它们通常含有腐蚀性酸。 article.yeeyan.org From the low-growing Indian rhubarb to the mighty English maples, the plants in this region get ready for the winter with a cornucopia of colors. 从低速度生长的印度大黄到巨大的英国枫树,这一地区的植物用丰富的色彩为冬天的到来做好准备。 Ribald 下流的;言谈粗俗的 dirty , blue 双语例句原声例句权威例句 At least, thought many, Mr Berlusconi might bring entrepreneurial vigour to government; his ribald comments about women were, well, part of being an Italian male. 很多选民认为,至少贝卢斯科尼能给政府带来一种企业活力。 至于他那些关于女性的下流言论嘛,你懂的,意大利男人就是如此。 www.ecocn.org A modern riff on Borscht Belt comedy, the show is a series of one-minute ribald stories told by an elderly narrator modeled on the family's 79-year-old accountant, who does the voiceovers. 作为波希特地区喜剧的流行段子,这个短片是一系列一分钟由一个模仿79岁家庭会计师的老头所讲的下流故事,他还负责给旁白配音。 article.yeeyan.org He could tell, with apparent sincerity and approval, stories of courage and honor and virtue and love in the odd places he had been, and follow them with ribald stories of coldest cynicism. 他可以表面上一本正经地赞扬在他去过的怪地方发生的英雄的、 光荣的事迹和关于贞节与情爱的故事,马上又说一些最无情的玩世不恭的下流故事。 Rider 骑手;附文;扶手 rail , caballero 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The mysterious rider dissolved into the mists. 那个神秘的骑手在雾中消失了。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 The horse jibbed at the high fence and the rider fell off. 马在高栅面前犹豫不前,结果骑手被摔了下来。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 The favourite may not win this race, as he has a heavy rider and is giving away five pounds. 这匹常胜马可能赢不了这场比赛,因为它的骑手体重较重,丧失了五磅优势。 Rife 普遍的;流行的;盛传的 widespread , popular , universal , fashionable , going 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It operates in a country where fraud is rife. 它在一个欺诈流行的国家里运营。 blog.bandao.cn RIFE: RIFE is an innovative framework that uses continuations and many other techniques popular in dynamic languages. RIFE:RIFE 是一种创新性的框架,它使用延续和在动态语言中流行的许多其他技术。 www.ibm.com And you can understand their terror, because the publishing industry is in big financial trouble, rife with layoffs and restructurings. 你很容易理解他们的担心,出版业正面临着财务上的大麻烦,裁员和重组也很普遍。 Rift 裂缝;不和;裂口 crack , split vt. [地质]使断裂;使分开 separate , unhinge vi. 裂开 gap , seam , spring off 双语例句原声例句权威例句 What began as an attempt to do my job in Africa's Albertine Rift still haunts me. 当我在非洲艾伯丁裂谷开始工作时遇到了一件至今仍旧困扰着我的事。 article.yeeyan.org As the sides of the Ethiopian rift move apart, the gap between them is being plugged with molten rock, which then cools to form new land. 随着埃塞俄比亚裂谷的两岸不断远离,其间的裂缝不断地被岩浆填满。 这些岩浆冷却后就形成了新的陆地。 article.yeeyan.org But what better moment to enlist U.S. help against the PKK than when Washington's fears of a damaging rift with Ankara are at their height? 但当华盛顿对美土之间破坏性的不和的恐惧达到顶点,还有什么比这更好的谋求美国帮助对付PKK的时刻吗? Rig 给(船等)装配帆(或索具等);装(帆、索具等)于桅(或帆桁)上: Our boat has been rigged up with new sails. 我们的船已装配好新的船帆。 给(飞机)装配机翼(或机身等) 装配(常与out连用): He rigged a rubber hose to the tap in the kitchen. 他将一条橡皮软管安装在厨房的水龙头上。 拼凑(或草草)做成;仓促安排(常与up连用): We rigged up a simple and crude shelter for the children. 我们为孩子们临时拼凑着搭了一个简陋的栖身之处。 将…移到适当的位置 Rile 使恼怒,激怒: It riles us that he won't go shopping with us. 他不跟我们一起去商店买东西,真让人生气。 [美国英语](把水等)搅浑: The pond was riled when many children were swimming in it. 许多孩子在池塘中游泳时,把池塘的水都搅浑了。 Rind 壳;外皮 shell , skin , crusta vt. 剥壳;削皮 pare 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It was reduced to a kind of nibbled cheese rind, and it always disappeared before we expected it to. 就像是一个被啃过的奶酪外皮,而且总是还没等我们反应过来就渺无踪迹了。 article.yeeyan.org Imagine a cheese with a gooey, creamy center, scooped straight out of the rind with a hunk of bread, and laced with the faint aroma of Christmas trees. 想像一下,戳破乳酪的外皮,拿一大块面包从里头把黏软丰盈的乳酪挑出来享用,乳酪的外皮还散发着淡淡的圣诞树的芳香。 c.wsj.com If you try it, bite or clip off the rind of the nut, then chew it like gum -- don't swallow it and be sure to spit out the juice, otherwise you're likely to get sick to your stomach. 如果你愿意尝尝的话,要先咬掉或者剪掉槟榔壳,然后像嚼口香糖一样咀嚼槟榔。 别咽下去,而且一定要把槟榔汁吐出来,要不然你的胃可能会不舒服。 Rite 仪式;惯例,习俗;典礼 ceremony , tradition , convention , usage , institution 双语例句原声例句权威例句 These groups do not shave men as part of the rite of marriage. 这些群体不将剃须作为婚礼仪式的组成部分。 article.yeeyan.org But his lips were turning purple toward the end of the half-hour rite. 但在为时半个小时典礼结束之际,他的嘴唇也被冻得变紫。 www.24en.com So, who was Saint Valentine and how did he become associated with this ancient rite? 那么,谁是圣•瓦沦丁? 他又是怎么和这个古代 习俗 发生联系的呢? Rive 撕碎;扯破;劈开;使破裂: The old tree behind our house was riven by lightning last night. 我们房后的古树昨天夜里被闪电劈了。 The grand canyon was not dug by the hand of man, but riven by nature. 大峡谷并非人力所开而是受大自然之力而成的。 The northern part of the country is often riven by earthquakes. 该国北部常为地震所破坏。 扯下;拉下(常与away,from,off连用): He rived a branch away from the tree. 他从这棵树上扯下一根树枝。 The bark was riven off from the trunk. 树皮从树干上被扯了下来。 使(心)破碎,使伤心;使悲痛: The death of his friend rived his heart with grief. 友人之死使他非常伤心。 Her heart was riven with deep sorrow. 她的心悲恸欲碎。 Riven 撕裂(rive的过去分词) rented 双语例句权威例句 Just 16 years ago the ANC inherited a country that was virtually bankrupt, riven with racial hostility and wracked by poverty. 16年前,非洲国民大会接手的是一个实际上垮碎的、被种族仇视和极度贫穷撕裂的国家。 article.yeeyan.org That is because the Europeans are deeply at odds over what the crisis is really about, and riven by disagreement over what each country must contribute towards solving it . 这是因为欧洲人对于此次危机的本质分歧严重,在每个国家必须伸出怎样的援手来解救危机的不同意见上四分五裂。 www.ecocn.org In a world of unpredictable currencies, riven by fears of massive inflation and with enormous doubts about the true value of many other financial instruments, gold becomes an attractive option. 在这样一个充斥着不可预知的货币,被大规 模通货膨胀的担忧以及对其他金融工具真实价值的质疑而撕裂的世界里,黄金成为具有吸引力的选择。 Riveting 吸引人的 attractive , absorbing 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Still, it's not the only riveting debt-related drama to see. 然而,不只是去看吸引人的与债务有关的戏剧。 article.yeeyan.org The subtitle of this riveting book is Mr Saleh’s own description of his survival technique. 这本饶有趣味的书的副标题是对萨利赫自身生存技能的描述。 www.ecocn.org His riveting photographs, as beautiful as they are horrifying, capture views of the Earth altered by mankind. 他精彩的相片,惊人而美丽,以捕获的视角观察了这个被人类改变的地球。 Rivulet 小溪,小河 creek , burnie 双语例句 The other art is mostly interesting too, although one of the comics (“Milk Rivulet”) is pretty juvenile. 其他的艺术作品也大都有意思,虽然其中的《奶溪漫画》相当的少年化。 article.yeeyan.org One can feel the immediacy of the artist's connection to these works, evidence of the passion in his hands molding the clay, in every indentation and rivulet. 从雕塑的每一个凹陷和流转中,都能看到艺术家的手塑造模土的痕迹,和他与这些作品亲密的联系。 www.hjenglish.com In one of the ravines I came upon a hollow full of spring water which overflowed as a little rivulet, where sported tiny fish battling their way up the current. 在一个沟壑中,我偶然发现了一块洼地,充满了像小河般涌流的泉水,小鱼在其中嬉戏,竞相着逆流而上。 Robe 长袍,礼服;制服 uniform , cope 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Then the Filipina arrived, swathed in a black fishnet robe, an attendant padding behind her with a pile of towels. 后来那个菲律宾妇女来了,穿着鱼网似的黑色礼服,一位侍者在她身后递给她一撂毛巾。 www.24en.com One day when John was not very busy, a figure in a long, white robe appeared beside him as he clanged away making tools. 这一天, 老约翰不太忙。 当他正“叮当叮当”地打制工具时, 一个身着白色长袍的身影出现在他眼前。 www.ebigear.com From then on the reader, too, is alert for him, doffing his robe to dance, dominating the tiltyard, until in 1509 he throws the windows open and sweeps his father’s miserly dreariness away. 读者也是从那时候起对他心生警觉,他不穿长袍跳舞,在骑士比武场上称霸,直到1509年他洞开所有的窗户,一扫他父亲满是吝啬的凄凉。 Roil 把(水等)搅浑: She roiled the wine in his presence. 她当着他的面把酒搅浑。 煽动;使动荡;使不安: They were roiled by rumours. 他们由于听到种种谣言而感到不安。 激怒,惹恼: She was often roiled up over some household affairs. 她常常为一些家庭琐事而恼火。 vi. 动荡;翻腾: The dark clouds roiled up about the top of the mountain. 山顶周围乌云滚滚。 Roister 摆架子,作威作福 喧闹;闹饮: He had roistered and drunk until he was sent to the hospital. 他因闹饮而酩酊大醉,直到被送往医院为止。 Rookie 新手 freshman , noob , first-timer 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Yeah, I know. Rookie mistake. 我知道,新手错误。 article.yeeyan.org Though a rookie to Big Business, I recognized this as a command performance. 尽管是大公司的一个新手,我意识到这是一个客气的命令。 article.yeeyan.org But following the preceding rules will ensure you are not making "rookie" mistakes that can kill application performance. 但遵循前面的规则将确保您不会犯降低应用程序性能的“新手”错误。 Roster duty roster 值勤表;轮值表;轮职表 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Tigra works best on a team, and I like the diversity she brings to any Avengers roster. 虎妹在队里表现最好,而且我喜欢她在复仇者花名册中带来的那份新鲜感。 article.yeeyan.org See the team roster to see the contributors to the project, and to get an idea to what contributions exist. 感兴趣的读者可以查看一下 团队的花名册,了解一下项目的贡献者,看看这些贡献来自于何处。 www.infoq.com So we should add to the roster of fundamentally unserious people anyone who talks about the deficit — as most of our prominent deficit scolds do — - as if it were purely a spending issue. 因此,我们应该在根本不负责任的人的花名册上加上所有谈论赤字的人——就像大部分我们的训斥赤字的人所做的那样——好像纯粹是一件开支问题。 Rostrum 讲坛;演讲者;嘴;[动][植]喙 mouth , estrade 双语例句权威例句 Using its front legs the giant water bug gripped the turtle inserting its syringe-like rostrum into the prey's neck in order to feed. 这只巨型水蝽用它的前腿夹住这只小龟,并将其注射器一般的喙插入猎物的颈部食用它。 article.yeeyan.org Yes, say the liberals, that is the image of “the smiling Brother”, Essam el-Eriani, a ubiquitous spokesman who is a model of decorum on the rostrum. 自由派者埃萨姆•欣纳维,一个在演讲台前彬彬有礼的无处不在的发言人,认为那是“微笑的兄弟会”形象。 www.ecocn.org The species takes its name from the shape of its rostrum, where the pectoral fins split into two lobes separated by a center crease—creating a feature rather like a bovine nose. 牛鼻魟得名于其喙部的独特形状,由于胸鳍被一条中折线分割成两瓣,所以看起来就像是牛的鼻子。 Roundabout 迂回的,绕道的;圆滚滚的 indirect , derious 双语例句原声例句权威例句 History moves in zigzags and by roundabout ways. 历史的发展是曲折的,迂回的。 《新英汉大辞典》 So, albeit in a roundabout way, freedom of speech is being realised in this "guesting" way. 虽然道阻且遥,言论的自由通过这种迂回 的方式还是得以实现。 select.yeeyan.org After the second of third offence I was warned that I should be beaten next time, but I received the warning in a curiously roundabout way. 这样子一两次之后,我被警告,如果再有第三次我会挨揍的。 我以一种好奇的迂回曲则的方式接受了这个警告。 Rove 流浪;漂泊;漫游: He roved over the sea in search of adventure when he was young. 他年轻时曾遨游海上,寻求惊险和刺激。 They roved in foreign lands for more than twenty years and returned to their hometown at long last. 他们流落异乡二十余载,最后终于返回故里。 His thoughts roved far into the past. 他沉浸于往事的回忆中。 (眼睛)转来转去;环视;(思想、感情)转移不定: His eyes roved round the supermarket. 他的眼睛环视了一下超级市场。 [口语](爱情等)不专一,飘忽不定 Rubble 碎石,碎砖;[建]粗石堆 crushed stone , rockfill 双语例句原声例句权威例句 In the rubble. 倒在碎石中。 article.yeeyan.org The tsunami washed the plants away with their house, but the family found four of them in the rubble. 海啸冲走了他们家所有的盆栽,但是家人在碎石中发现了四盆。 article.yeeyan.org They had so much rubble to clear, he says, that they often keeled over in the heat under the weight of their protective gear. 他们有如此多的碎石需要清理,他说,在那里他们经常需要在炙热、笨重的保护装置下面翻身。 Rubicund . 红润的;透红的 beet-faced 双语例句 You're looking rubicund , George Lidwell said. “你看上去红光满面,”乔治。利德维尔说。 danci.911cha.com It has many of the same nutrients of the rubicund liquid we love to consume (iron, protein, electrolytes, and caffeine) and has a delectable fruit punch flavor. 这种红色液体不仅含有我们喜欢享用的营养素(如铁、蛋白质、电解质和咖啡因),还具有一种怡人的水果鸡尾酒风味。 article.yeeyan.org His eyes were blue, his complexion rubicund , his figure almost portly and well-built, his body muscular, and his physical powers fully developed by the exercises of his younger days. 蓝色的眼睛,红润的脸色,健壮的身材满是肌肉,充沛的体力完全是年轻时锻炼出来的。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-21 11:10:12

    Rudder rudder angle 方向舵偏角 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He came up with his skin torn but well informed about the rudder. 祖父上来时,皮肤被划开了,但他已经熟知船舵的情况。 article.yeeyan.org They are the rudder, keeping the ship going in the right direction. 它们也犹如船舵,保证采访之船行驶在正确的方向上。 www.america.gov Only the evidence of that gargantuan rudder kept me going until 2003, when I stumbled onto an academic paper delivered a decade earlier by Fred Wakeman. 直到2003年那个超大船舵的发现才让我有继续调查的动力,当时我正为魏斐德十年以前发表的一篇学术论文而困惑不已。 Ruddy 极度;非常 extremely , badly , highly , greatly , too vt. 使变红 redden vi. 变红 go red , redden 双语例句权威例句 Mars was not always red, according to a new theory for how the planet took on its characteristic ruddy hue. 一新理论认为火星并非一直都是呈红色,该理论解释了这颗行星是如何呈现它特有的红润色调。 article.yeeyan.org Representing modern Ireland in 1994, three ruddy-cheeked Dublin children are featured with a pony at a time when cars still dodged horse-drawn carts in the country's capital. 1994年,三名骑着马儿,面颊红润的都柏林儿童,因象征着现代爱尔兰 ,而成为1994年9月份封面照。 虽然当时在该国首都汽车还得避让马车。 article.yeeyan.org Curiously, the ring isn't red, as I thought it would be, due to the atmosphere's scattering away all the blue light — this filtering is what gives total lunar eclipses their ruddy cast. 令人好奇的是,光环并不是我认为的红色,因为大气层会散射所有的蓝色光——而这也正是赋予月全食“红润”颜色的“滤色镜”。 Ruffian 恶棍;流氓;无赖 tough , cad adj. 残暴的;凶恶的;无法无天的 atrocious , tyrannical 双语例句权威例句 He helped me over the difficulty with the ruffian. 在恶棍找我麻烦时,他帮我渡过了那次难关。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 And even though his nickname's The Tooth Fairy, hockey fans just wouldn't be into a 6' something hockey ruffian with gossamer wings 尽管他的绰号是“牙仙”,但是面对一个6英尺高却长着薄纱般翅膀的曲棍球恶棍,球迷们可不会买账。 edu.sina.com.cn The ruffian kicked and trampled on him, and dashed his head repeatedly against the flags, holding me with one hand, meantime, to prevent me summoning Joseph. 那个恶棍踢他,踩他,不断地把他的头往石板地上撞,同时一只手还抓住我,防止我去叫约瑟夫来。 Ruffle 弄皱;使起涟漪;使波动;弄乱(头发等): The wind ruffled my hair. 风吹乱了我的头发。 The glassy surface of the lake was ruffled by the breeze. 微风吹皱了平静如镜的湖水。 打褶裥;给…装饰褶边: The old seamstress ruffled my skirt rapidly. 这位年老的女裁缝迅速地给我的裙子打好裙褶。 (鸟等受惊时)竖起(羽毛): The crow ruffled its black feathers at the sight of the fox. 乌鸦看见狐狸吓得把黑羽毛竖立起来。 触怒;使生气;扰乱,打扰: Nothing can ruffle her gentle disposition. 她的温和性格使她遇到任何事情都不会恼火。 His temper is easily ruffled. 他动不动就生气。 更多结果 Rumple 弄皱;起皱: You mustn't play in your new skirt, you'll rumple it. 你千万不要穿着新裙子去玩耍,你会把它弄皱的。 弄乱: The wind rumpled her lovely hair. 风吹乱了她美丽的头发。 vi. 起皱;变凌乱: 起皱;变凌乱: Silk cloth rumples easily. 丝绸容易起皱。 Rung . 横档,脚蹬横木;地位 status , capacity 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Corruption pervades every facet of life and every rung of society in India. 腐败已经渗透入印度社会的每一个梯级和方面。 dongxi.net But sometimes it can be just the opposite: a low rung in the organization requests a change, and the request moves all the way up the ladder to the very top before anything happens. 但有时可能恰好相反:组织中某个较低地位的人请求某个更改,在发生任何事情之前,该请求通过各级管理层一路上报到最高管理层。 www.ibm.com “Debate on public issues should be robust, uninhibited and wide-open,” he wrote, because “speech on public issues occupies the highest rung of the hierarchy of First Amendment values. “关于公共事务的讨论应该是蓬勃、自由和开放的”,他写到,因为“公共事务言论在第一修正案价值体系中处于最高地位”。 Runic 有关如尼字母的;如尼文字的;用如尼文刻写的 (古代北欧人石碑上)有交叉花纹的 神秘的;晦涩的 (诗歌等)古代北欧体裁的 n. 古代北欧碑文 【印刷】(作装饰用的)粗体铅字 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 An icy harbinger of doom, channeling runic power and delivering rapid weapon strikes. 一位恶魔的先驱者,引导符文力量和给与快速的武器攻击。 bbs.ngacn.cc In 1975 he introduced, in place of the runic circles, figures and barographs on synoptic maps, magnetic picture-symbols about the size of his hand. 年 , 他采用配有数字、自动气压计的简略地图以及巴掌大小的磁性图示,取代了原有的复杂的气象圈。 www.ecocn.org Death Knight is often described as world of warcraft gold a Rogue in plate armor due to their use of runic energy and their damage dealing ability. 死亡骑士经常被描述为魔兽世界黄金一个无赖在装甲钢板由于其使用符文能量及其损伤处理能力。 Rupture 破裂;决裂;疝气 fracture , cracking vi. 破裂;发疝气 fracture , crack vt. 使破裂;断绝;发生疝 crack , fracture , stop 双语例句原声例句权威例句 In the event of a large rupture, the system would vent directly to the atmosphere. 万一发生了大的破裂,这个系统就直接把放射性、物质排向大气。 article.yeeyan.org They could refuse to light up for no apparent reason, because of some infinitesimal rupture in the filament. 由于灯丝里极其微小的破裂,它们可以没有明显理由地拒绝点亮。 www.ecocn.org The accusation led to a rupture of the company’s relationship with China and a decision by Google not to cooperate with China’s censorship demands. 这种指责最终导致了谷歌公司与中国关系的破裂以及谷歌公司拒绝与中国网络审查要求合作的决定。 Ruse 策略,计策;诡计 strategy , device , scheme , fraud 双语例句原声例句权威例句 An offer to talk or just another ruse? 一个谈判的契机或者只是一个诡计? www.ecocn.org But that too, it seems, was just another ruse. 然而这看来同样是他的另一个诡计。 article.yeeyan.org But it was a ruse and within hours he underwent the painful treatment. 但这是一个诡计,接下来的几小时里他经历了痛苦的治疗。 Rustle 发出沙沙声;窸窣作响: As the wind blows we can hear the leaves rustle in the trees. 刮风时,我们能听见树上的叶子发出飒飒的声音。 窸窣作响着移动: She rustled along in silks. 她穿着绸衣窸窣地向前走去。 穿窸窣作响的衣服 vt. 使窸窣作响;把…弄得沙沙作响: 使窸窣作响;把…弄得沙沙作响: The wind rustled the dead leaves. 风吹枯叶飒飒做响。 I heard someone rustling the papers in my office. 我听见有人在我的办公室里沙沙地翻动文件。 Sabotage . 妨害;对…采取破坏行动 encumber , incumber n. 破坏;破坏活动;怠工 destruction , breaking , blasting , disruption , demolition 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It’s relentless and, until you acknowledge it, it’s willing to sabotage all your attempts at peace. 它静不下来直到你肯承认,它很愿意以一种平和的方式破坏你的所有企图。 article.yeeyan.org Or it may be that they prefer the gory theatre of suicide-bombings to the anonymity of computer sabotage—for now. 或者可能他们更喜欢自杀式爆炸的血淋淋战场而非匿名的计算机破坏----目前是这样的。 www.ecocn.org This means that half of the Palestinian movement would not be party to any deal and will try hard to sabotage one. 这就意味着将近一半的巴勒斯坦人不会赞同任何协议,并且他们会尽力去破坏那些有可能达成的条约。 Saccharine 含糖的;极甜的;和颜悦色的 sugary n. (美)糖精 gluside , saxin 双语例句权威例句 The original company was formed in 1901 to make saccharine. 公司的前身成立于1901年,是一家制造糖精的公司。 www.ecocn.org In 1957 saccharine made its debut as Sweet’N Low; the 1980s brought aspartame in Diet Coke and in Equal’s blue packets. 1957年Sweet’N Low牌糖精首次面市;上世纪80年代阿巴斯甜进入健怡可乐和怡口糖的蓝色小包装袋。 www.ecocn.org The authors trained rats to avoid both saccharine and salty liquids over the course of three days, and then injected the virus a week after the last training. 作者在三天的实验过程中,训练小鼠回避糖精和有咸味的液体,并且在最后的训练中注射了该种病毒。 Sacrilege 亵渎神圣 渎圣行为;偷盗圣品 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 Mammy cried out equally loudly at the sacrilege of soldiers being permitted to sleep on Miss Ellen's rug but Scarlett was firm. 嬷嬷认为让这些大兵睡在爱伦亲手编织的地毯上简直是一种亵渎行为,便大嚷大叫起来,可是思嘉仍很坚决。 www.jukuu.com Although some would probably declare this sacrilege, the similarities between both bands, at least in terms of make-up and influences are blindingly obvious for all to see. 虽然有些人会断言这是一种亵渎,因为两支乐队的相似性——至少在装扮上和受到的影响上——对所有人都是毋庸置疑的明显。 article.yeeyan.org You make the American flag in the eyes of a numerous people the emblem of sacrilege in Christian churches, and of the burning of human dwellings, and of the horror of the water torture. 在众人眼里,美国的星条旗成为了对基督教堂的亵渎,代表着对人类家园的焚烧,牵连着人们对于水刑的恐惧,而这正是您造成的。 Saddle 鞍,鞍状物;[车辆]车座;拖具 sella vt. 承受;使负担;装以马鞍 absorb , burden 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The saddle is secure. 这鞍子安得很牢。 《新英汉大辞典》 Then each of them took off his saddle-bag, which seemed to Ali Baba to be full of gold and silver from its weight. 然后他们每一个都拿下了他的鞍囊,阿里巴巴从他们的重量看出每一个都装满了金子和银子。 article.yeeyan.org When Fed officials look at unemployment just now, they think not of rockets but of a different term from the world of maths: a “saddle point”. 当美联储的官员们看到现在的失业情况时,他们不会想到“火箭”,而会想到与之不同的来自数学领域的一个术语:“鞍点”。 Sagacious 睿智的,聪慧的;有远见的,聪慧的 forward-looking , far-sighted 双语例句权威例句 "Because I knew he wouldn't", was the Master's simple and sagacious explanation. “因为我知道他不会的。” 这就是大师简单而睿智的解释。 article.yeeyan.org Whenever Saul was confused about what to do, he would always go to his sagacious grandfather for advice. 索尔感到无所适从时总会向他睿智的祖父寻求建议。 www.24en.com Philippe Noiret, the sagacious French veteran, plays the mentor Alfredo in this life story of Salvatore "Toto" Di Vitto, a director manque' depicted as a child by Salvatore Cascio. 飞利浦诺瓦雷,睿智的法国老兵,扮演着阿尔弗雷多导师。 在这个萨尔瓦托“托托‘狄维托的人生故事中,萨尔瓦托卡肖扮演一个被刻画为孩子的不得志的导演。 Salubrious 清爽的;气候有益健康的 debonaire , netto 双语例句权威例句 Go there for unique and salubrious air, to enjoy the primeval purity of tarns. 去那儿呼吸独特的清爽空气,享受那里原始时代的纯静湖泊。 article.yeeyan.org It is may be called “the lungs” of Russia. Go there for unique and salubrious air, to enjoy the primeval purity of tarns. 它可以叫做俄罗斯的“肺”。去那儿呼吸独特的清爽空气,享受那里原始时代的纯静湖泊。 article.yeeyan.org The strategic purpose of a recent tour that took him to some of the world's least salubrious regimes is, however, easier to discern. 查韦斯在最近的一次旅行中观察到一些世界上最不健康的制度,然而此行的战略目的更易洞见。 Salutary 有益的,有用的;有益健康的 useful , beneficial , helpful , conducive , advantageous 双语例句权威例句 One can only hope that the result will be an equally salutary debate. 我们只能希望这本书引发是一场同样有益的争论。 article.yeeyan.org That will be a salutary shock for those who think the EU is run out of Brussels by France and Germany. 对于那些认为欧盟的英才已被法国和德国用尽的人来说,这将会是一次有益的打击。 www.ecocn.org But what if this salutary caution turns into an unwillingness to use force at all, even when it is called for by the national interest or on humanitarian grounds? 但是,如果这种有益的小心谨慎转变成根本不愿使用武力,甚至当这种小心谨慎被所谓的国家利益或者基于人道主义理由所要求将会怎么办? Salve 涂油膏;缓和 relax , tone down n. 药膏;安慰 relief , comfort , ointment 双语例句权威例句 Earlier my husband came into the room with some salve and a cloth. 早些时候我的丈夫拿了些药膏和布到房间来。 www.elanso.com Another way to open up nasal passages is to dab mentholated salve under the nose, according to WebMD. 打开鼻腔的另一种方法是在鼻子上涂抹薄荷药膏,根据中央社报道。 article.yeeyan.org Don't spend time running home and buy a TP, get the chicken to bring a Salve, while you hug the tower! 别花时间跑回家然后买个回城卷轴,买只鸡然后运个治疗药膏过来,而此刻你正窝在塔下! Sanctify 使神圣化;使圣洁;把…奉若神明: to sanctify the wine and bread 把葡萄酒和面包神圣化 to sanctify one's soul 使心灵圣洁 使圣洁化;使无罪: to sanctify one's heart by repenting 以忏悔净化心灵 供奉,把…留作宗教供奉 使…传导神恩;使…产生神恩 使神圣不可侵犯,供奉 Sanction . 制裁,处罚;认可;支持 approval , penalty , holding , support , adhesion vt. 制裁,处罚;批准;鼓励 encourage , confirm , heart , uphold 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The church would not sanction his second marriage. 教会不会认可他的第二次婚姻。 www.kekenet.com In the service of the empress, this inept chauffeur faced no legal sanction for the mishap. 由于服侍太后,这位无能的司机在这场车祸中没有受到任何法律的制裁。 article.yeeyan.org The PCC – or its successor – should be given tougher powers of sanction, and any media body big enough to be subject to competition regulations should not be allowed to escape its oversight. 英国媒体投诉委员会——或其继任者——应被赋予更严厉的制裁权,而任何一个规模大到必须接受竞争监管的媒体机构,都不得脱离这种监管。 Sanctuary n. 避难所;至圣所;耶路撒冷的神殿 haven , home , harbor , shelter 双语例句原声例句权威例句 And if the fear of the moment is a higher oil price, then the dollar offers no sanctuary. 如果说目前市场担心的是油价继续上涨,那么美元并不能提供避难所。 www.ftchinese.com These people, mainly from the Karen ethnic group, have sought sanctuary in Thailand for years. 这些人主要来自克伦邦族,多年以来一直在泰国寻找避难所。 www.ecocn.org In May, she escaped to Tunisia with the help of a defecting military officer and Libyan rebels, and found temporary sanctuary in Qatar before being deported back to Benghazi in Libya in early June. 五月份,她在变节军事官员和利比亚反叛武装的帮助下逃到了突尼斯,在六月早些时候回到利比亚班加西之前,在卡塔尔找到了临时的避难所。 Sapient 聪明的;伶俐的;装聪明样的;有见识的 intelligent , clever , wise , smart , bright n. (史前的)智人 Homo sapiens 双语例句权威例句 Contrary to popular belief, most computers are neither sapient nor hostile. 与大多数人相信的相反,大多数计算机既不聪明也没有敌意。 www.ibm.com “The first year we attended Cannes we felt like we were aliens,” says Gaston Legorburu, executive director and creative officer at Sapient, a digital agency. 数字广告公司Sapient的执行董事兼创意总监加斯顿•莱戈武鲁(Gaston Legorburu)表示:“我们首次参加戛纳广告节时,觉得自己就像外星人。 www.ftchinese.com So Sapient acquired Nitro, the agency behind Tourism Queensland's campaign, in one of the first instances of a digital specialist acquiring a traditional advertising company. 于是Sapient收购了昆士兰旅游局营销活动的创意机构Nitro,成为数字专业公司收购传统广告公司的首批案例之一。 Sartorial Anything else and you'd just be flouting 150 years of sartorial tradition. 再搞什么其他花样的话,你就是在跟150年来的裁缝传统过不去了。 c.wsj.com She also shows off her stellar sartorial taste quite often, stopping at nothing to sink her teeth into a good pair of expensive shoes. 她也经常的炫她的卓越的缝纫品位,是因为她经常会毫无顾忌得用牙咬一双很贵的鞋。 dongxi.net But for those who want to ensure that their sartorial style is inherited by their children there are plenty of labels from which to choose. 但是,对那些想确保他们的服装风格被他们的子女所继承的人来讲,有足够多的品牌可供选择。 Sate 充分满足(食欲、欲望等): to sate one's appetite for pleasure 充分满足某人的享乐欲望 使生厌,使厌倦: to sate the befuddled life 厌倦了醉生梦死的生活 Satiate 给…喂饱,使饱足,使享(美味佳肴): to satiate a meal of seafood 饱餐一顿海鲜美味 充分满足(愿望、要求等): to satiate one's interest 充分满足某人的兴趣 使厌足,使厌腻: to be satiated with something 对某事已感到厌腻 Saturnine 忧郁的;阴沉的;铅中毒的;沉默寡言的 blue , dark , heavy 双语例句权威例句 It’s a little higher and faster, but with odd, devastating pauses and saturnine shades of mockery. 而是稍微高一点、快一点,但又带有奇特的、富有感染力的停顿以及隐隐的嘲笑。 article.yeeyan.org "Saturnine, coarse and queer", writes Mr Hughes, that "he thrashed about in the etiquette of early Seicento Rome like a shark in a net. 休斯写道,“阴沉、粗俗、可疑,他挣扎在十七世纪早期的罗马礼仪中,就象网中的鲨鱼”。 bbs.ecocn.org With Mr Heathcliff, grim and saturnine, on the one hand, and Hareton, absolutely dumb, on the other, I made a somewhat cheerless meal, and bid adieu early. 在我的一边坐的是希刺克厉夫先生,冷酷而阴沉,另一边是哈里顿,一声也不吭,我吃了一顿多少有点不愉快的饭,就早早的辞去了。 Saunter 漫步;闲逛 bummel , stroll vi. 闲逛;漫步 lig , knock around 双语例句权威例句 A group of ladies saunter down a road in Skegness in 1951 wearing floral, collared shirts and closed toe shoes 1951年,一群漫步在斯凯格内斯街道上的女士,她们穿着带有花色的有领衬衫以及包趾凉鞋 dongxi.net Let Dunga, the Brazilian legend, or German coach Joachim Low saunter the sidelines coolly in their casual designer duds. 他可不会像巴西队传奇教练邓加(Dunga)或德国队主教练勒夫(Joachim Low)那样,比赛时只是穿着休闲服在场边冷静地漫步。 c.wsj.com Some of the commonest synonyms for walk in the English language (such as trudge, stroll and saunter) have no clear etymological roots. 英语中,“行走”最常见的同义词就没有如此清晰的语源,这些同义词如跋涉、闲逛与漫步。 Savant 学者;专家 student , scholar , expert , academic , specialist 双语例句权威例句 However another link, between savant syndrome and autism, is well established. 但是学者症候群和自闭症之间的联系却毋庸置疑。 www.ecocn.org LEHRER: Your recent memoir, Born on a Blue Day, documented your life as an autistic savant. 你最近的回忆录《生于蔚蓝的日子》将你的生活描述为一个自闭学者。 www.en8848.com.cn He plays the down-home tech savant who can give audiences the big picture and smooth out tough situations. 他扮演着热情的技术专家,能够给观众一些图片,也能够理顺复杂艰难的形势。 Savory . 可口的;风味极佳的;味美的 delicious , flavorful n. 开胃菜;香薄荷 antipasto 双语例句权威例句 I like butter, and I adore garlic, and I love them together in anything savory. 我喜欢奶油,也喜爱大蒜,我爱所有有添加奶油和大蒜的美味料理。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org But this decade, some companies have looked to the savory scents of our favorite processed foods for inspiration. 但在近十年里,一些公司已经开始在人们喜欢的加工食品的美味香气中寻找灵感。 www.kekenet.com The influence of fatty foods on the brain because: Our body is naturally programmed to love fatty foods, both sweet and savory. 高脂肪食物对大脑的影响。 我们的身体似乎天生注定喜爱高脂肪食物,无论是甜的还是味美可口的。 Savvy 悟性;理解能力 savey vt. 理解;懂 see , absorb , read , seize vi. 理解;知道 cotton on , get at 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Tony's coming, do you savvy? 托尼来了,你知道吗? 《21世纪大英汉词典》 The one exception, he noted, was when he performed the experiment with a math-savvy audience. 他发现,但有一个例外,即当他和一个很懂数学的观众做这个实验的时候。 article.yeeyan.org If you are a savvy shopper, and know pretty well how much what will sell and how much it will sell for, you can do well in the consignment business. 如果你是精明的店主,并且相当清楚商品进货价是多少、可以卖多少钱,你可以将一家寄售商店经营的相当好。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-22 10:50:48

    Scabbard 鞘;[军]枪套 sheath , vaginae 双语例句权威例句 David ran and stood over him. He took hold of the Philistine's sword and drew it from the scabbard. 大卫跑去,站在非利士人身旁,将他的刀从鞘中拔出来,杀死他,割了他的头。 www.ebigear.com Had the twenty years of war worn out the blade as it had worn the scabbard, the soul as well as the body? 二十年的战争,难道象磨损剑鞘那样,也磨损了剑刃,象消耗体力那样,也消耗了精神吗? www.ebigear.com Its scabbard (the sheath for holding the blade) is fashioned with round gold plaques, each decorated with turquoise, rubies, emeralds and diamonds. 这把刀的刀鞘(即刀套)上装饰着圆的黄金饰板,每个饰板上都镶嵌着土耳其玉,红宝石,翡翠和钻石。 Scad ]竹荚鱼;许多 lots of , sea , hundred , host , thousands of Scalding 滚烫的;尖刻的 bitter , trenchant n. [外科]烫伤 empyrosis 双语例句权威例句 When this book isn’t scalding, it is cold; it spits out data like a computer. 这本书不是滚烫的,而是冰冷的;它像电脑一样吐出数据”。 article.yeeyan.org She reaches for a brewing coffeepot, and, with her bound hands, throws the scalding liquid onto the guard who is watching her. 她伸手去拿一个正在煮着的咖啡壶,用她被绑的双手,将滚烫的液体泼到那个看守她的警卫脸上。 article.yeeyan.org In high school and college I worked at Kingston Steel Drum, a factory in my New Hampshire hometown that scoured some of the 55-gallon steel drums it cleaned with acid and scalding water. 在上中学以及大学期间,我在家乡新罕布什尔的金斯敦钢桶厂工作过。 这是一家用酸和滚烫的水清洗一些55加仑钢桶的工厂。 Scamper 急驰,飞奔;快跑: Tom scampered to his house. 汤姆急忙跑回家中。 (儿童)四处乱跑玩耍: The monkeys scampered in the trees. 猴子们在树上乱蹦乱跳地玩耍。 匆忙游览,浏览: She scampered in London then went back to America. 她在伦敦匆忙地游览了一番,然后回到了美国。 Scant 不足的;缺乏的;勉强够的 insufficient , short , deficient , lacking , scarce vt. 减少;节省;限制 block , shorten 双语例句原声例句权威例句 For one thing, they spend scant time on academic activities. 一方面,他们在学术活动上没花多少时间。 dongxi.net This sweltering summer people rioted in protest against the scant supply of electricity. 在这个闷热的夏天,人们因为抗议缺乏电力供应而闹事。 www.ecocn.org With no more than minimal Greek, the Chinese have little to do with the local police, and get scant help when their cash or merchandise is stolen. 除了和极少希腊人接触外,中国人和当地警察的联系也甚少,当他们的现金或商品被偷取时,他们从警察那里得到并不足够的帮助。 Scathing 严厉的;损伤的 severe , tight , hard , harsh , rigorous v. 损伤;伤害(scathe的ing形式) hurting 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Some of the most scathing criticism has come not from Republicans but from anguished liberals. 最严厉的批评中,有一部分来自那些激愤的自由主义者而非共和党。 www.ecocn.org Some of the most scathing criticism has come not from Republicans but from anguished liberals. 最严厉的批评不是来自共和党,而是来自那些激愤的自由主义者。 www.ecocn.org His criticism of ministers can be scathing, but is limited to personalities, or issues outside the government agreement he has signed. 他对部长的批评非常严厉,但涉及的事项不过是性格或者无关自己所参与的政府协定之类。 Schism 分裂;分裂教会罪 disrupture , disjuncture 双语例句权威例句 Will their differences over Oracle and Sun mark the start of a damaging new schism? 他们对甲骨文和太阳合并的异议会标志着损坏新的分裂的开始吗? bbs.ecocn.org They have warned Mr Netanyahu that the bill, if passed, would cause a schism throughout Jewry. 他们已经警告内塔尼亚胡,如果法案通过,会造成整个犹太民族的分裂。 www.ecocn.org One could argue that this dualistic approach to blogs and the Internet reflects the continuing schism between tradition and modernity in the Islamic Republic. 令人争议的是,这样对部落格及网路的双面取向,反应了伊斯兰国家的传统和现代之间持续的分裂。 Scintillate 闪出火花,闪火星: the molten steel that scintillated 闪着火花的钢水 闪烁,闪耀: the water scintillated under the light of moon 月光下闪烁磷光的水面 (才华、智慧等)焕发;焕发才智: a mind that scintillates with brilliance 才华横溢的头脑 Scion 农学]接穗;子孙 child , seed 双语例句原声例句权威例句 What explains the peculiar actions of the 63-year-old scion? 这位63岁贵族后裔的奇特行为应该如何解释? article.yeeyan.org Wang, a party scion, was born in Poland, where his father was the Chinese ambassador. 王是党的高官的后裔,出生于波兰,其父时任驻波兰的中国大使。 article.yeeyan.org Or just a typical scion of the British upper classes, an establishment man who played at being a rebel? 还是说,他仍未脱英国上流阶级子弟之典型,以体制中人的身份,玩几把反叛的游戏? Scission 切断,分离;断开 separation , slicing 双语例句 This derivation is only valid if no chain scission accompanies cross linking. 这一关系式仅适用于交联时不伴有断链发生的情况。 www.kuenglish.info PP will degrade due to heat during processing, resulting in chain scission of macromolecule, reduction in molecular weight and rise in MI. 聚丙烯在加工时受热将发生大分子断链降解,致使分子量减小,熔体指数上升。 dict.cnki.net Influence of the shell effect on the emission of light particles prior to scission is explored in the framework of the Smoluchowski equation. 用推广的裂变扩散模型研究了裂变前壳效应对粒子发射的影响。 Scoff 嘲笑;愚弄;笑柄 joke , derision vt. 嘲笑;嘲弄;贪婪地吃 guy , deride vi. 嘲笑;嘲弄;狼吞虎咽 jeer at , laugh at 双语例句原声例句权威例句 You are pleased to scoff. 你喜欢嘲笑。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Sceptics agree with his premise, but scoff that innovation and autocracy do not mix. 怀疑论者同意他的观点,但嘲笑他不能把创新和独裁政治混为一谈。 www.ecocn.org Why is it that when one is in need, and we are the cup of sufficiency, we scoff and ridicule, not taking one moment's time to think of the plight of the guy next to you? 为什么当有人需要帮助,而我们又是力所能及的时候,我们嘲笑和挖苦别人,却不愿花一点点的时候去设身处地得想想你身边这人所处的困境呢? Scorching 灼热的;激烈的;讽刺的;[化工]过早硫化的 acute , acid v. 把…烧焦;严厉批评;切割;[化工]过早硫化(scorch的ing形式) slitting , excising 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Kelly thinks the scorching temperatures are behind around three-quarters of the reported deaths. 凯利认为,灼热的气温是约四分之三已报告死者的死亡原因。 article.yeeyan.org What imagination would have been irreverent enough to surmise that the same scorching stigma was on them both! 谁能够竟然大不敬地猜想出,他俩身上会有着同样的灼热的耻辱烙印呢! www.hjenglish.com Nowadays, from the mid- May to the mid- September, the sunlight would become scorching so long as it is fine. The pitch under the sun would generate surging heat waves smelling tar on the streets. 如今,从五月中旬开始一直到九月中旬,只要一晴天,阳光就异常灼热,大街上的沥青在强光照射下蒸腾起滚滚热浪,中间夹杂着一股烧焦味。 Scotch 弄伤;制止转动;扑灭;镇压 put down , stamp out n. 刻痕 score , notch 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Of course. And I tasted Scotch whisky there. 当然。我还品尝了苏格兰威士忌。 huihua.iciba.com On the way there, I stopped and bought a case of scotch. 在去那儿的路上,我停下来买了一瓶苏格兰威士忌。 article.yeeyan.org Down the bar, he tried it on the kid—he was drinking Scotch and water or something like that—and found out he could push him around. 酒保走到吧台另一端,询问起那个小伙——他喝的是掺水的苏格兰威士忌之类的东西——发觉可以向他成功兜售。 Scour 擦净,擦亮: to scour the coffee service 把咖啡具擦干净 除去…的油污(污渍等): to scour the oil sludge on the wall 擦拭掉墙上的油污 冲刷(管道);疏通(河道等): to scour the sewer 冲刷下水道 to scour away the sands 冲走泥沙 冲成: to scour a channel 冲出一条沟 Scourge 鞭笞,鞭打: to scourge somebody 鞭打某人 严惩,重责;斥责,严厉批评: He was scourged for his impoliteness. 他的无礼举止受到了严厉的批评。 使痛苦;使苦恼,折磨: to scourge oneself 折磨自己 使遭受(苦难等): to scourge the war 遭受战争的灾难 Scowl 愁容;怒容;阴沉沉的样子 sad face vi. 皱眉;怒视 glare at , frown upon 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The boss manifested his disgust with a scowl. 老板皱皱眉表露出厌恶。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 So, he writes: To the psychologist alone can such questions occur as: Why do we smile when pleased and not scowl? 他这样写到:,对哲学家本身说,会出现这些问题:,为什么开心时我们微笑而非皱眉? www.ecocn.org Stern faces scowl down from the portraits hanging on the wooden panelling of the dining hall and there are candelabras on the table, between the wine and the port. 大餐厅里挂着木制镶板的肖像画,在果酒和波尔图葡萄酒之间,画里有着严肃表情的人物怒视着我们,餐桌上还放着大烛台。 Scramble 攀登;使混杂,仓促凑成;扰乱 scale , climb , disorder n. 抢夺,争夺;混乱,混乱的一团;爬行,攀登 chaos , disorder , confusion , involvement , mix vi. 爬行,攀登;不规则地生长;仓促行动 scale , climb , creep 双语例句原声例句权威例句 A NEW scramble for Africa is under way. 一场对非洲的新的争夺正在进行。 article.yeeyan.org Such cautions may be wise, but they will not stop the scramble. 这样的告诫可能是明智的,但是各国不会停止争夺。 article.yeeyan.org Faced by emergency situations people are thought to suddenly behave like selfish animals, trampling others in the scramble to escape. 在面临紧急情况时,人会突然表现得像自私的动物一样,在一阵混乱中相互踩踏以求逃命。 Scrap 碎片;残余物;打架;少量 bit , debris , chip , fight vt. 废弃;使解体;拆毁 out of use , disaffirm adj. 废弃的;零碎的 waste , dumped vi. 吵架 quarrel , exchange words 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Once you do the calculations, you realise that the scrap in your hand is a very exciting discovery. 一旦你进行计算,你就会发现手中的这个碎片是一个非常令人兴奋地发现。 gb.cri.cn But officials insist the move does not mark the start of a campaign to scrap simplified characters. 但官员们坚持认为这个举措并不标志着一场废弃简体字运动的开端。 article.yeeyan.org However, scrap and rework are not limited to code; they also result from design changes and can be monitored in the design model. 然而,废弃和返工不仅限于代码;他们也会从设计的变更所导致,并且能够在设计模型中被监视。 Scrappy . 爱打架的;杂凑的;不连贯的;生气勃勃的 lively , exuberant 双语例句权威例句 It grew up as a scrappy bond-trading firm that did not care about how others regarded it. 贝尔斯登作为一家经营债券交易的公司而起家,它不在乎别人怎样看待自己。 www.ftchinese.com It may have something to do with the fact that Apple leaks have shifted from scrappy fan sites into the mainstream. 这大概与泄密行动已经从小打小闹的粉丝网站逐渐向主流媒体转移这一事实有点关系。 article.yeeyan.org At the heart of this cautionary tale sits the cigar-chomping Mr Cayne, who revelled in his firm’s image as Wall Street’s scrappy outsider. 大声嚼着雪茄的凯恩先生处于这个引人警戒的故事的中心,他酷爱其公司作为华尔街好斗的局外人形象。 Scrawl 潦草地写;乱涂 squiggle vi. 乱涂,涂鸦;乱写 doodle 双语例句权威例句 I would scrawl my name on the cards and the name of one of my classmates on each flimsy envelope. 我在每张贺卡上面潦草地写上自己的名字,并且在每个薄薄的信封上写上一个同学的名字。 edu.sina.com.cn The sign wasn't a shred of cardboard with unruly scrawl. It was a neat sign, the kind you'd have done a Kinko's, and the man was neatly dressed. 标语不是印在纸板上的潦草文字,是整洁的,那种经过仔细加工的,那个男人也穿着整齐。 article.yeeyan.org He hastily opened the letter produced, and was much disturbed to read in Tess's handwriting the sentiments expressed in her last hurried scrawl to him. 他急忙打开递给他的那封信,从苔丝在急忙中用潦草的字迹写给他的那封信中,他读到苔丝向他表达的情意,心里十分激动。 www.ebigear.com Scribble Don't scribble [scrawl] on the wall. 别在墙上乱涂。 《新英汉大辞典》 "Too many tunnels!" I scribble on the breakfast menu. “太多的隧道,”我在早餐菜单上涂写着。 article.yeeyan.org So the typically under-copyright law if you scribble something on a piece of paper, you automatically have a copyright to that. 所以经典的版权保护法规定,即便你是在一张纸上乱涂乱画,你也自动拥有了对这张纸上信息的版权。 Scuff 拖着(脚)走路: They scuffed their legs home. 他们疲惫不堪地拖着腿回家了。 (因不安等)用脚擦(地): to scuff the floor with shame 害羞地用脚蹭地 把(鞋底)磨损,使磨损: to scuff one's boots 把靴子穿坏 [美国英语]用脚尖触碰: His wife scuffed him when he laughed. 在他大笑时,他的妻子用脚尖踢了他一下。 Scurrilous 下流的;说话粗鄙恶劣的;无礼的 dirty , blue 双语例句权威例句 She later said the cookies were a gift from someone else and dismissed the picture charges as scurrilous. 之后她曾解释说,这些饼干是某些人送给她的礼物,而且反驳说这些对其拍照的指控是下流的。 article.yeeyan.org One such example involved a customer who asked the young printer to publish a piece in the Gazette that Franklin found "scurrilous and defamatory." 这里有个例子,曾经有一名顾客要求这个年轻的出版商在报上刊登一则消息,而Franklin在其中发现了“下流和诽谤的字眼。” article.yeeyan.org Bush addresses one of the most scurrilous charges made against him by Democrats and the media -- that he lied about WMD in order to justify the war in Iraq. 布什提出反对他的民主党人和媒体对他最龌龊的指责之一就是谎报大规模杀伤性武器以证明伊拉克战争的合法性。 Scurvy 卑鄙的,下流的 poor , base , dirty , mean , blue n. [内科]坏血病 scorbutus 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Those fearing scurvy might add some chopped parsley too. 如果担心坏血病也可以添加一些切碎的香菜。 article.yeeyan.org In humans, vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy, and can eventually cause death. 人类缺乏维生素C会引起坏血病,最终导致死亡。 article.yeeyan.org Not eating enough of them can result in problems such as scurvy, dermatitis or dry, scaly skin. 维生素摄入不足能导致坏血病、皮肤炎或干燥、鳞状皮肤之类的问题。 Scuttle 天窗;煤桶;筐 skylight , clerestory vi. 逃避;急促地跑 get out of , run from vt. 使船沉没;破坏 destroy , undermine 双语例句权威例句 Weighing the possibility that the impassioned Li might resign and scuttle an acquisition, the board voted unanimously to go public. 充满斗志的李彦宏也权衡辞职和逃避收购的可能性,董事会一致投票决定上市。 article.yeeyan.org Thinking optimistically, it is just possible that all this flimflam is actually a cunning plan to scuttle the shuttle once and for all. 乐观地想的话,有可能所有这些鬼话实际上是一劳永逸地破坏太空飞船的狡猾计划。 www.ecocn.org Moody’s Investor Services warned that the dispute over the Finnish collateral demand could scuttle the bailout, causing Greece to default, according to Reuters. 根据路透社的消息,穆迪投资公司警告说芬兰抵押品需求的争端会破坏救助计划,将导致希腊无法偿还债务。 Scythe 例句原声例句权威例句 The whisper of the scythe then. 这就是镰刀的低语。 v.163.com These are dimensions of communication that I've been identifying in "Mowing" with the whisper of the scythe, that is, a tone of meaning or a way of meaning. 这是谈话的特点,这个是我在“割草“中提到的“,镰刀的低语,这就是,一种语调蕴含的意思或者是一种方式的意义。 v.163.com Bearded eccentrics in cluttered attics, and lavender-scented maiden aunts, will continue to practise it, just as there will still be people who bake their own bread or scythe the meadow grass. 杂乱的阁楼里留着胡子的怪人和散发着薰衣草香的老处女,继续在纸上操练着字体,好比这世上仍有自己烤面包,自己拿着镰刀割草的人一样。 Seam 缝;接缝 joining , juncture vt. 缝合;接合;使留下伤痕 cement , piece , joint vi. 裂开;产生裂缝 gap , spring off 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The seam of the wide end should now be facing out. 宽的一端的缝现在应该面朝外了。 lailook.net The moon has a tall ridge running along its equator, like a walnut's seam. 土卫八有高的山脊沿着其赤道,像胡桃木的接缝一样。 article.yeeyan.org What about the dreaded 'hot spot, ' a seam at the lower left of the external antenna where the cellular radio is connected to the external portion of the antenna? 人们闻之色变的“热点”表现又怎么样呢? “热点”是手机外部天线左下方的一个缝隙,蜂窝无线电同天线外部的连接处。 Seamy the seamy side 阴暗面 双语例句权威例句 What does your seamy side tell you? 你的阴暗面告诉你什么? www.kekenet.com Trafficking of people and smuggling of drugs or guns are the seamy side of globalisation. 人口贩卖及毒品和枪支走私是全球化进程中的丑恶一面。 www.ftchinese.com On a brighter note in this seamy investigation I came across clues to a most unusual dictionary. 显然,本文涉及到了一个关于社会阴暗面和人性堕落的探究。 不过,在翻阅一部非同寻常的词典时,我却凑巧在一条基调较为明快的条目中找到了线索。 Secede 从…中脱离;割让(土地等): to secede Southern states from the Union 企图把南方各州从联邦脱离出来 to secede part of the territory 割让领土 vi. (由某宗教、团体、政党等中)退出,脱离: (由某宗教、团体、政党等中)退出,脱离: to secede from the UN 退出联合国 Secrete 藏,藏匿(东西等): to secrete the stolen goods 窝藏赃物 私下侵吞: to secrete the public property 侵吞公共财产 /si'kri:t/ 【生理学】分泌: to secrete hormone 分泌激素

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-23 10:30:20

    Sedate 安静的;沉着的 quiet , composed , calm , steady , tranquil 双语例句原声例句权威例句 And even in top gear the pace is sedate, while the lowest gear practically leaves you pedalling on the spot. 即使高速行驶,它的步调也是沉着的,而最低档实际上就是让人原地蹬车。 dongxi.net Proponents of the Sleeping Beauty diet sedate themselves heavily for many days, so that when they wake up they're much thinner. 很多睡美人饮食的支持者通过多日沉重而安静的睡去,所以当他们醒来的时候,他们更瘦了。 article.yeeyan.org People who watch busy multimedia presentations remember less than those who take in information in a more sedate and focused manner. 在观看热闹的多媒体演示的时候,记住的东西反而不如那些采取更为安静和集中的方式获取信息时多。 Sedentary 久坐不动的,不活动的;需要坐着(工作)的 【鸟类学】不迁徙的,定居的 【昆虫学】坐网的 【贝类学】(贝壳)固定附着的,静止的 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I took up running and yoga after years of sedentary living. 在多年久坐的生活后,我开始跑步和练瑜伽。 www.budoou.com Moderate exercise, such as walking, can reduce the risk of diabetes in obese and sedentary people whose blood sugar is starting to rise. 像步行之类的适度运动能够减少那些血糖正在升高的肥胖和久坐的人群患糖尿病的风险。 article.yeeyan.org The average person may feel a disconnect from elite athletes, he said, while the most sedentary might be put off by perceived pressure to lose weight and become more active. 一般人可能会觉得精英运动员离他们很遥远,他说道,而久坐不动的人可能会认识到减肥的压力而摆脱这个习惯,也变得更加积极。 Sedulous 聚精会神的;勤勉的;勤苦工作的 diligent , industrious 双语例句 I promised myself I will never become the second sedulous example in this company. 我对自己发誓,我决不能成为第二个她! www.ebigear.com She wondered what sort of herbs they were, which the old man was so sedulous to gather. 她不晓得那老人如此勤快地采集的是哪种药草。 www.hjenglish.com Do I want to ask only have true feeling? Is everything misunderstanding or sedulous arrangement? 我只想问有没有真情感?一切是误解还是刻意安排?。 Seedling ]秧苗,[植]幼苗;树苗 sapling 双语例句原声例句权威例句 They are there to protect the seed—and the germinating seedling—from desiccation and physical harm. 它们可以保护种子以及正在发芽的幼苗免受干燥和物理伤害。 www.ecocn.org The two species effectively team up to break down young rice plants for their nutrients, causing a plant disease known as rice seedling blight. 这两个物种结合起来,能有效地分解水稻的幼苗作为它们的营养来源,并造成水稻幼苗的枯萎。 blog.sina.com.cn When the researchers looked at the seedling tissues under an electron microscope, however, they could see the nanotubes had actually entered living cells. 当研究者在电子显微镜下观察幼苗组织的时候,他们能够看到纳米管确实已经进入了活细胞。 Seedy 多种子的;结籽的;破烂的 pippy , duddy 双语例句原声例句权威例句 They're so used to coming to see me in seedy neighbourhoods with two rooms and a bed that pulls out of the wall. 他们太习惯于到破烂的街区那只有两个房间床还需拉出来的套房来看我。 article.yeeyan.org Desperate for help, he turns to Logue, who insists that their sessions be conducted on a first-name basis, and in his agreeably seedy apartment rather than the royal residence. 在迫切需要帮助的情况下他找到了洛格,后者坚持直呼其名,并且在他那令人愉悦却破烂的公寓而非王宫里进行矫正治疗。 article.yeeyan.org Many drivers — strung out from the long desert slog — prefer to push through the night rather than staying in the seedy roadside inns that serve up young prostitutes as cheaply as mugs of millet beer. 很多司机——在沙漠中拍着长队艰难前行—— 宁可夜间行路不愿呆在路边破烂的酒馆里,那里有年轻的娼妓,便宜得只值几杯稷麦啤酒的价钱。 Seemly j. 适当的;有礼的;好看的 suitable , appropriate , proper , adequate , becoming adv. 适合地;得体地 correctly , congruously 双语例句权威例句 As snow in summer, and as rain in harvest, so honour is not seemly for a fool. 夏天落雪,收割时下雨,都不相宜。 愚昧人得尊荣,也是如此。 www.ebigear.com It would not be seemly for me to say (even if I knew the answer) why the company has chosen me. 这家公司为什么选我? 这个问题似乎不该由我来回答(即便我知道答案也是如此)。 www.ftchinese.com M&A is not the most honourable of callings: mostly it just added to leverage and job losses, so to show a bit of humility might have been seemly. 并购不是最受人尊敬的职业:多数情况下,它只是提高了杠杆率和失业率,因此,表示得谦逊一点,或许才合适。 Seep . 漏;渗出 leak n. 小泉;水陆两用的吉普车 springlet 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The mud and gas seep through faults, eventually erupting at the surface as a mud volcano. 这些泥浆和气体由断层处渗出,最后由地表喷出,形成泥火山。 article.yeeyan.org Even if heat has caused wine to seep out past the cork, that doesn’t always mean the wine is ruined. 即使葡萄酒因为过热而从软木塞中渗漏出来,也不一定意味着这瓶葡萄酒就已经毁了。 article.yeeyan.org Every beautiful thing has a natural pride in its own beauty, and today the world is allowing its pride to seep from every pore. 每一个美丽的事物都会为其自身的美丽而自发地感到骄傲,今天世界让它的骄傲从每个毛孔渗出。 Seethe 浸透;浸渍: to seethe beans 泡豆子 煮开,使煮沸: to seethe the water 把水煮沸 vi. 煮沸;沸腾,冒泡: The sea seethed. 大海开锅似的沸腾了。 激动,兴奋;发怒: Don't go into his office now, he's seething. 现在别进他的办公室,他正在大发脾气。 Seine 围网;拖地大网 purse net 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The boat is sailing up the Seine. 小船在塞纳河中逆流而上。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Why? Was he about to arrive suddenly at the Seine? 这是为什么? 他是否突然会到达塞纳河? www.ebigear.com I was sitting in a boutique on one of the chicest corners of Paris’s Sixth Arrondissement, at the bottom of the rue de Seine, across the street from Gérard Mulot, the luxury traiteur. 那时的我正坐在巴黎市第六区、位于德塞纳河尾部的一个漂亮优雅的精品屋里,杰拉德•缪洛街道对面是一些高档的餐厅。 Self-abasement 自卑;自谦 inferiority 双语例句 When it comes to managing decline, self-abasement is optional. 在管理衰落的时候,自我贬低只是可选项。 www.ftchinese.com Europe's self-abasement comes just weeks after the last round of Eurozone crisis mismanagement. 就在欧洲妄自菲薄数周以前,欧元区刚刚出现了新一轮的危机管理欠妥问题。 cn.wsj.com If they would serve their fellow-men, let them do it by making manifest the power and reality of conscience, in constraining them to penitential self-abasement! 要是他们想为同伴们服务,那就先强制自己仟悔他们的卑下,以表明良心的力量和存在吧! Seminal 种子的;精液的;生殖的 reproductive , spermic 双语例句原声例句权威例句 To get them to lay eggs and produce milt (seminal fluid) you have to squeeze them by hand. 为了让它们产卵和生产米尔特(精液),必须用手工挤压才行。 www.5021mart.com Exercise spurs neurogenesis, a finding confirmed by seminal research completed a few years ago. 数年前完成的精液研究证实了运动刺激神经形成这一发现。 article.yeeyan.org Human and mouse seminal fluid contain a similar protein, which is thought to somehow protect sperm, but its true function is unknown. 人类和小鼠精液含有类似的蛋白质,过去被认为是对精子的保护,但其真正的作用尚未知晓。 Sensation ]感觉;轰动;感动 consciousness , feel 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The new book has created a great sensation. 这本新书引起了巨大轰动。 《新英汉大辞典》 Working with one's head causes a sensation of hunger quite as much as muscular work. 脑力劳动与体力劳动引起的饥饿感觉是完全一样的。 《新英汉大辞典》 This responsiveness to reward thus works like the desire for new sensation: It gets you out of the house and into new turf. 这种对奖励的反应就像对新感觉的渴望一样在起作用:它让你走出家门进入新的活动领域。 Sentient 有感情的;有感觉力的;意识到的 aware , conscious 双语例句原声例句权威例句 These creatures are the only sentient race in that sector and they're made out of meat. 这些生物是这个区域唯一有感知力的物种,它们是肉组成的。 article.yeeyan.org And assume, too — here we have to get fictitious, as philosophers often do — that if we choose to bring about the world with no sentient beings at all, everyone will agree to do that. 并且假定——这里我们不得不像哲学家经常所做的那样虚拟假设,如果我们选择不再将生命体带入这个世界的话,每个人都将同意这样做。 dongxi.net All sentient beings communicate, but it's possible that this particular species could have taken a turn in its development after which communication was much as it is among mice or ants or whatever. 一切有感情的人都会交流,但也有可能,这个特别的物种,可能在它的发展中出现了一次转变,在此之后,不论是在老鼠,蚂蚁还是其它东西之间都能交流。 Sentinel 哨兵 piquet , watcher vt. 守卫,放哨 keep watch 双语例句原声例句权威例句 “I can never look now at the Milky Way”, said the narrator in “The Sentinel”, “without wondering from which of those banked clouds of stars the emissaries are coming. “现在,我再也看不到银河了。” 在《哨兵》中,他借叙述者的口说道,“没错,那层层叠叠的星云中,我们期待的使者正在向这里赶来。 blog.sina.com.cn She said it is important to remember that in villages, there will always be an increasing number of sentinel birds between vaccination campaigns as chicks are constantly hatching. 她说,在农村,在接种疫苗的战役之间总是存在数量不断增长的"哨兵"禽类,因为小鸡会不断地孵化出来。 意识到这一点是很重要的。 www.scidev.net Moreover, at the gateway of every reading lesson stood sentinel an array of words, with separated syllables, and forbidding accent marks like fixed bayonets, barring the way to the infant mind. 在每一课文的入口,都排列着一队音节分开的生字的哨兵,禁止通行的重音符号就像一把把瞄准的刺刀,阻挡了小孩的心的进入通道。 Septic 败血症的;[医]脓毒性的;腐败的 corrupt , putrid n. 腐烂物 ulcer 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Put some anti-septic cream on it. 涂上一些防止败血症的药膏。 en.eol.cn Hospital swage mainly comes from septic tanks of sickroom, clinic . emergency, ward laundry etc. 医院污水主要来源于病区化粪池、门诊、急诊、病房、洗衣房等部门。 dj.iciba.com At the Mahatma Gandhi Hospital intensive-care unit, Ms. Ruksana suffered kidney failure and septic shock. 在圣雄甘地医院的加护病房里,卢卡莎娜遭受了肾衰竭和败血症的袭击。 Sepulchral 阴森森的;坟墓的,丧葬的 funeral 双语例句权威例句 Then a sort of sepulchral transformation straightened up this centenarian as erect as a young man. 这时一种阴森森的变态使这个百岁老人象年轻人一样竖直了身子。 www.ebigear.com This group of victim and executioner was illuminated by the sepulchral light which he bore in his own soul. 他心里燃烧着的阴森火光,照亮了受刑人和刽子手这一对形象。 www.ebigear.com For me, images like the flags on Regent Street live up to dark ideas of monarchy and patriotism as sepulchral reenactments of the imperial past by a nation trapped in its history. 对于我来说,摄政街国旗的形象让我模糊得想起君主制和一种想把尘封于历史的帝王往事重新搬上历史舞台爱国心。 Sequacious 盲从的;合于逻辑的;缺乏独创性的 implicit , bigoted 双语例句 The psychological cause refers to the sequacious and the fluke mind. 心理原因指盲从与侥幸心理使然。 www.71155.com Teenagers are very sequacious and they often emulate the behavior of their idols who are sometimes negative role models. 青少年非常盲从,经常模仿他们偶像的行为,而有些偶像却是负面榜样。 blog.163.com Respecting the audiences doesn't mean being sequacious to the audiences. In fact, the relationship between the interior designers and the popular is dialectical and unitive. 对受众的尊重并不意味着对受众的盲从,室内设计师与大众的关系实际上是一种辩证统一的关系。 Sequel 续集;结局;继续;后果 conclusion , outcome , ending , continuation 双语例句原声例句权威例句 How do you see technology changing for the Avatar sequel? 您怎么看待科技对《阿凡达》续集的影响呢? article.yeeyan.org If the credit crisis were a stable of horror films, it would be the most successful franchise ever – we must already be into the third or fourth sequel in little over a year. 如果本轮信贷危机是一系列恐怖电影,那么它将是有史以来最成功的系列剧——在一年多一点的时间内,我们肯定已经是在看第三部或第四部续集了。 www.ftchinese.com Once, when a movie was successful there used to be a "sequel", a follow-up film destined to build on the popularity of its predecessor and extend the life of the story at the box office. 一旦一部影片成功了,往往就会有一部“续集”出现,这部紧随其后的电影注定是建立在前一部影片的名气之上并在票房收入方面延续该故事生命的。 Sequela 后遗症;结果;后继者 outcome , product , event , result , consequence 双语例句 Do you finish operation does the doctor have sequela without discovery? 你做完手术难道医生没有发现有后遗症? dj.iciba.com For transmuted diseases [such as diabetes], the sequela of treatment start to become as problematic as the underlying disease. 对蜕变疾病而言(例如糖尿病),治疗的后遗症开始成为与疾病本身一样的问题。 www.who.int Results The morbidity age, sex, complications, sequela, tetter distribution, attack time and clinical recovery showed out the regular characters of shingles. 结果带状疱疹的发病年龄、别、并症、发症、遗症、损分布、病时间和临床恢复情况皆有一些规律性的特征。 Sequester 使隔绝;使隐退;没收,扣押 seclude , expropriate 双语例句权威例句 That means we must figure out a way to inexpensively capture the carbon released by burning fossil fuels and sequester it into the ground. 那意味着我们必须想出一个办法来花费不多地捕捉燃烧化石燃料排放出来的碳并把它封存到地下。 article.yeeyan.org Fitch and Moody’s, the other main ratings agencies, have refrained from doing so, in part because of the promised deficit reductions under the sequester. 而另两家主要的信用评级机构惠誉和穆迪则并未这样做,某种程度上是因为美政府承诺将自动减少赤字。 article.yeeyan.org Officials at a natural gas project in Algeria are working on the In Salah Gas Project, which will strip carbon dioxide out of its emissions and sequester it a mile underground. 阿尔及利亚官员正在一个天然气开采项目中实施“因萨拉温室气体计划”。 这一计划会把气田排放出的二氧化碳收集起来,将其封存在地下一英里处。 Seraphic 纯洁的;美丽的;天使一般的 beautiful , stainless , pure , white , fair 双语例句权威例句 a seraphic child, nature. 天使般可爱的孩子、 性格。 www.jukuu.com All was over, Cosette had fallen back into deep, seraphic love. 完了。 珂赛特又深深地陷在仙境似的爱慕中了。 www.ebigear.com From which it would seem, my dear count, that you can at pleasure enjoy the seraphic strains that proceed from the seven choirs of paradise? 哦,我亲爱的伯爵,您说这句话就好象您可以意听到天上的第七交响曲似的。 Sere 干枯的,枯萎的 kraurotic , blasted 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The trees begin to proclaim the change. Soon the leaves will be discarded, the grass will sere. 渐黄的树木开始宣告季节的变更,很快叶落归根,小草即将枯萎。 www.ebigear.com But when the researchers measured levels of the hormone in saliva samples taken during SERE training, they found exactly the opposite. 但当研究人员测试在SERE训练过程中提取的受训者唾液样本中发现,结果与预期恰恰相反。 article.yeeyan.org Immediately after SERE training the researchers gave soldiers a drink containing either a low or high dose of a carbohydrate that is rapidly digested to glucose, or a similar-tasting inert drink. SERE训练一结束,研究人员让士兵们饮用一种饮料,其中或高或低含有能迅速转变为葡萄糖的碳水化合物,或者味道相似的惰性饮料。 Serenade 小夜曲 A Little Night Music , notturno 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Serenade out of tune—you might be swimming solo tonight. 小夜曲唱走调,那雄鲸老兄你今夜就得独自徘徊了。 www.hjenglish.com Why he didn't stop at my favorite coffee shop here and serenade me is beyond comprehension. 我真不明白为什么他不来我这里最喜欢的咖啡店为我唱首小夜曲呢。 article.yeeyan.org Or perhaps you're in an exotic location swimming in the warm ocean and eating fruit off each other's bodies while the native birds serenade you with their beautiful song. 又或者你沐浴在异国温暖的海水里,你和伴侣互相吮吸着身体的蜜汁,耳边是小鸟们哼唱着优美的小夜曲。 Serendipitous 偶然发现的;意外获得的 具意外发现才能的 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 There was a serendipitous second advantage to working with a library of equations. 偶然[的机会下,人们发现了]用方程库进行工作的第二优势。 article.yeeyan.org “It was when that moment happened, that serendipitous moment, that we knew we were ready to go,” Zuckerberg said. “直到那一刻发生,偶然发现对方的那一刻,我们才知道我们准备好打招呼了,”扎克伯格说。 article.yeeyan.org Together they have the serendipitous benefit of preventing DNA damage from ionizing radiation and reactive oxygen molecules. 偶然中发现,这两种物质同时存在时,可保护DNA免受电离辐射和活性氧分子的破坏。 Serpentine 蜿蜒的;阴险的;弯弯曲曲的 winding , sinuous n. [矿物]蛇纹石 ophiolite 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This is a serpentine road going through the Urals. 这是一条蜿蜒的路穿过乌拉尔山。 article.yeeyan.org Like those of China, Japan’s dragons are usually serpentine creatures with clawed feet and lack the wings of their European counterparts. 像中国的龙一样,日本的龙通常是蜿蜒的动物,拥有可以爬行的腿,而没有欧洲龙的翅膀。 article.yeeyan.org The elongated, serpentine body that allows land snakes to slither through dense grass also serves aquatic snakes in propelling through water. 伸长的、蜿蜒的躯体可以使得陆生蛇类在浓密的草丛间滑动,也能使水生蛇类在水里游动自如。 Serrate 锯齿状的 jagged , saw-toothed 双语例句 Leaf blade elliptic to oblanceolate, entire or if serrate, then with ca. 20 pairs of dentate-serrate teeth on each side; stamens attached to middle of corolla tube. 如果有锯齿,叶片椭圆形到倒披针形,全缘的或, 然后大约20的具对具牙齿的有锯齿齿在每边; 雄蕊着生中间花冠筒。 www.flora.ac.cn Branches terminating in a bud, but without spine; leaf margin conspicuously deeply serrate or double serrate, leaf blade abaxially white hirsute, adaxially pubescent on veins. 分枝顶生在一芽,但是没有刺; 叶缘显著深深重锯齿的有锯齿或,叶片背面具白色长硬毛,正面短柔毛在脉上。 www.flora.ac.cn Any of various deciduous trees of the genus Ulmus, characteristically having arching or curving branches and serrate leaves with asymmetrical bases. Elms are widely planted as shade trees. 榆树任一种榆属的落叶树木,有拱形或曲线形树枝和锯齿形不对称的树叶。 榆树做为蔽阴树被广泛地种植。 Serried 密集的;林立的;重叠罗列的 denser v. 拥挤,密集(serry的过去分词形式) crowded 双语例句权威例句 And in the largest room the electrical sockets in the floor sit in serried ranks awaiting contact. 在最大的房间里密密麻麻地摆列着待连通的电源插座。 www.ecocn.org Walking through the serried stone pillars, tourists feast their eyes on changing spots, feeling they are in aparadise where the Gods live. 在不同的石柱间走动,游客享受着不停改变的景观,会觉得自己好像生在上帝住的天堂一样。 article.yeeyan.org Rowling coined the word “Muggles” – “non-magical folk” who don't know about witches and wizards. Muggles are the serried ranks of the conventional. 罗琳创造了“麻瓜”这个词——即不会魔法、不了解巫师的人——用来代表墨守成规的芸芸众生。 www.ftchinese.com Servile 奴隶的;奴性的;卑屈的;卑屈的 slavish 双语例句权威例句 From involuntary idleness, servile dependence, penury, and useless labour, he has passed to toils of a very different nature, rewarded by ample subsistence.--This is an American.... 他经历厂被迫失业、卑屈的依赖、赤贫和无用的劳动之后,现在正从事一个性质完全不同的劳动,这种劳动将得到充足的物质报酬。 www.putclub.com Men, she believed, had created a domestic, servile role for women in order that men could have the career and the opportunity to participate in making the great decisions of society. 她认为男人为妇女创制了一个持家操劳的奴隶角色,为的是男人可以获得事业和机遇参与决定重大的社会抉择。 www.en8848.com.cn As Irving Kristol put it in a brilliant 1974 essay called “Republican Virtue vs. Servile Institutions,” “The common man is not a fool, and the proof is that he has such modest faith in himself. 正如欧文克里斯托在其1974年写的一篇文采飞扬的论文《共和的思想与奴性的制度》里所说,“普通人不是傻子,证据就是他自己如此谦逊的相信。” Sever 从…上切下(一部分);割下,切断: to sever the head of a sheep 割下羊头 断绝,中断: to sever one's connections with 与…断绝关系 (尤指用强力)把…分开,使分离;使分裂: His family was severed in the war. 他的家人在战争中失散了。 中止…的雇用合同: He was severed for his quarrel with his boss. 他因与老板争吵而被炒了鱿鱼。 Sewer 下水道;阴沟;裁缝师 sewage , cloacae 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The sewer has stopped completely. 下水道被堵死了。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 The sewer was snarled up. 下水道堵了。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 The sewer in the kitchen clogs easily. 厨房的下水道很容易堵塞。 Sextant (尤指用于航海的)六分仪 圆的六分之一,六分周 [S-] = Sextans 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Sextant: Relatively useless without tables and a chronometer. 航海六分仪:没有手表和天文台表就没用了。 article.yeeyan.org Unlike decimal coordinates, which you can determine using a sextant and a chronometer, you cannot determine UTM coordinates without calculations. 十进制坐标可通过一个六分仪和一个记时计确定,与此不同的是,必须通过计算才能确定 UTM 坐标。 www.ibm.com I can see all the traditional signalling flags neatly stowed on shelves on the bridge—so neatly, in fact, that I suspect they might never have been used, together with the sextant, the flares. 我可以看见所有传统的信号旗整齐地装载在桥架上-如此整洁,事实上,我怀疑它们和六分仪及闪光信号一样,可能从未被用过。 Shackle 束缚;桎梏;[法]脚镣 chain , restriction , cord vt. 束缚;加枷锁 chain , bound 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Internet is invented to enrich our life,and to improve the efficiency of our rather than shackle us with a chain. 互联网发明是为了丰富我们的生活,连接你和我,为提高工作效率,而非束缚我们的枷锁. www.kekenet.com Their hope had been to shackle the Germans via the euro, but now they find themselves at a competitive disadvantage without the option of devaluing. 他们原本希望通过欧元束缚住德国,但现在他们发现如果他们不选择贬值自己就会处于竞争劣势。 www.ecocn.org The constitution, often portrayed as designed to shackle government, actually imposed a structure that the earlier Articles of Confederation lacked, notes Garry Wills, a historian. 历史学家盖瑞.威尔斯称,虽然我们经常把宪法视作政府的桎梏,但它却强加了一个从前《联邦条例》中没有的体系。 Shale 页岩;泥板岩 clayslate 双语例句原声例句权威例句 We can extract oil from shale. 我们可以从页岩中提取石油。 www.hxen.com We must find economical methods for extracting oil from shale. 我们必须找到从页岩中采油的经济方法。 《新英汉大辞典》 But there is one new development – the rising importance of shale gas – that just might. 但是,有一种新趋势——即页岩气重要性的逐渐提升——却存在这种可能。 Sham 假装;骗子;赝品 simulation , fraud , acting , sharp vt. 假装;冒充 simulate , come vi. 假装;佯装 act , fox adj. 假的;虚假的;假装的 affected , assumed , simulate 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The question is a mockery of a travesty of a sham. 这个问题是对模仿骗子行为的一种嘲弄。 article.yeeyan.org Both real and sham acupuncture worked better than having no treatment at all. 真实的和虚假的针刺两者都比完全没有治疗的作用要好。 article.yeeyan.org I can only hope that this will spread like wildfire and the disinformation campaign being run by BP as well as our own federal government is exposed for the sham it is. 我仅希望这个采访可以像野火一样蔓延并且曝光由英国石油公司 和我们的联邦政府操作的虚假信息活动正如他们本身一样都是骗子。 Shambles 混乱;废墟;屠宰场(shamble的复数) disorders 双语例句权威例句 And they'll likely be paying for the shambles of the real estate market for a while. 在今后一段时间内,他们仍可能继续为房地产市场的混乱买单。 www.fortunechina.com We’ve seen it in Greece, and we already have a political crisis at the European level, which is a union in shambles. “我们已经在希腊看到了这一点,并且,欧洲层面的政治危机早已有之,这本来就是个混乱的同盟”。 article.yeeyan.org And the shambles is a lot better than the alternative—which nearly always in this case means governments bringing the internet under their control. 况且,混乱的局面要比另一种选择要好得多——在这种情况下这个选择几乎总是意味着政府对互联网进行监管。 Shard 甲虫的)[昆]鞘翅;陶瓷碎片 potsherd 双语例句权威例句 This time, suppose you define one replica shard. 这一次,假设您定义一个复制碎片。 www.ibm.com Next, we build the Shard Strategy Factory based on shard strategy implementations. 接下来,我们基于碎片策略实现构建碎片策略工厂。 www.ibm.com The other 51 replica shards are also moved to the second container so that you have balance, and, for each shard, its primary and replica are in separate containers. 另外 51 个复制碎片也移动到第二个容器以便平衡,对于每个碎片,它的主碎片和复制碎片都位于不同的容器中。 Shear 剪…的毛发(指羊毛);剪去(布等)上的细毛: to shear sheep 剪羊毛 修剪掉,剪掉,割去: to shear wool from sheep 给羊剪毛 剪割,修剪: to shear a lawn 剪修草坪 使受剪切力;剪断: to shear a length of wire out 剪下一段电线 Sheathe 把(刀、剑等)插入鞘内,使入鞘: a sheathed dagger 插在鞘内的匕首 为…备鞘,给…配备鞘: to sheathe a knife 给刀配鞘 把…(入鞘似的)插入(或刺入): to sheathe one's chest with a sword 把剑插进某人的胸膛 包;覆盖: a bar sheathed with tin 包铁皮木棍

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-24 11:33:04

    Shelve 把…放到架子上;使上架: to shelve the commodities 把商品摆到架子上 给…装架子(或搁板): to shelve a cabinet 给柜子装搁板 搁置,不予考虑: to shelve the question 把该问题搁在一边 罢免,使退役;解雇: to shelve someone who was derelict in his duty 罢免渎职者 Shibboleth 口令;(基督教《圣经》)考验用的词;特殊的习惯 password , countersign 双语例句权威例句 Shibboleth is an Open Source project that provides federated identity and access control between academic institutions. Shibboleth是一个开放源代码项目,在学员之间提供联邦制的身份确认和访问控制。 www.ibm.com Even their commitment to abolishing university tuition fees, a shibboleth in a party with a large student following, may be wavering. 他们许诺取消大学学费,这一政党的口令有大批学生拥护,可能会动摇。 article.yeeyan.org In the first four weeks after its opening, two years ago, 15 people were hurt while viewing Doris Salcedo's Shibboleth, a giant crack cut into the floor of the hall. 两年前,在开幕后的头四个星期内,多丽丝•赛尔萨埵(Doris Salcedo)表演《口令》时厅里的地板上裂了个大口子,造成15个观众受伤。 Shiftiness Shiftiness and attack is different from conventional attack tacktics. It emphasizes principle in tacktics utilize without fixed tacktics form. 移动进攻不同于常规的进攻战术,没有固定的战术形式,强调战术运用中的原则。 www.ceps.com.tw "Shiftiness" could also be the result of being nervous, angry, distracted or sad. Even trained interrogators [aren't] able to detect deception at [high] rates. 求助、使气、分神可能哀痛的默示都年夜概被误读为是在“耍设计”。然而,即等于受过练习的问询者鉴识出棍骗的几率也不是很高。 yibar.com.cn The problem is that there is no direct correlation between someone's nonverbal behavior and their honesty. "Shiftiness" could also be the result of being nervous, angry, distracted or sad. 而问题在于,一个人的非言语行为表现和其诚实度之间是没有直接关联的。紧张、生气、分神或者悲伤的表现都可能被误读为是在“耍诡计”。 Shiftless 偷懒的;无计谋的;无能的 helpless , inefficient 双语例句权威例句 Who has not noticed the power of love in an awkward, crabbed, shiftless, lazy man? 当一个笨拙、暴戾、无能、懒惰的人满怀爱的力量,谁会注意不到呢? blog.sina.com.cn In retrospect, I was a sad little boy and a standard-issue, shiftless, egotistical, dejected teen-ager. 回顾往事,我曾是一个悲哀的小男孩,一个无能的、任性的、沮丧的标准问题少年。 article.yeeyan.org This going to hunt up her shiftless husband at the inn was one of Mrs Durbeyfield's still extant enjoyments in the muck and muddle of rearing children. 到酒店里走一趟,寻找她的没有出息的丈夫,仍然是德北菲尔德太太在抚养孩子的又脏又累的生活中的一件乐事。 Shingle 墙面板;[建]木瓦;小招牌(尤指医生或律师挂的营业招牌);鹅卵石 wallplate , cobble-stone 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Having to custom cut each shingle to match the contour of the curves slowed my progress. 为了配合曲线轮廓,必须切削每块木瓦,这减慢了我的进度。 article.yeeyan.org The peninsula is breathtaking, with its cliffs, gorges, woods, shingle coves and tiny islands. 阿卡玛斯半岛的美丽景色令人叹为观止——绝壁、峡谷、丛林、遍布鹅卵石的小海湾和小岛。 article.yeeyan.org But he points out that most roofs, whether tile or asphalt-shingle, have a life span of 20 to 25 years. 但他指出,无论是屋瓦还是基于沥青材料的盖屋板,多数的屋顶的生命周期都约为20-25年。 Shipshape 井然有序的;整整齐齐的;整洁干净的 well-regulated adv. 整齐地;整洁地 regularly , tidily , trimly 双语例句 It should be in their interest to keep the alliance shipshape. 保持联盟的整齐有序应该也是他们的利益所在。 www.ecocn.org The algal oils are not themselves good fuel; but a refinery in Houston takes care of that, producing shipshape alkanes of the sort the navy likes. 水藻石油本身不是好燃料,但是位于休斯顿的一个炼油厂可以加工它们,从而产出海军喜欢的那种井井有序的烷类。 www.ecocn.org We arrived at Qumusea District School one morning as the children, barefoot but in shipshape uniforms, filed into the clean cinderblock classrooms. 一天早晨,我们到达了在去穆斯区的学校,孩子们都光脚但穿着整齐划一的制服。 Shoal 浅滩;鱼群;潜在危险 school , bank , shallow , ford vi. 变浅 shallow vt. 使变浅;驶入 shallow , to put in adj. 浅的 low , shallow , flat 双语例句权威例句 Alas, merely observing a shoal does not makeit clear which individuals lead and which follow. 然而,仅仅只观察一个鱼群并不能清楚地区分哪个是领导,哪个是随从。 www.ecocn.org Tracking individual fish in a shoal is hard. Fortunately, advances in pattern-recognition software mean it is no longer impossible. 追踪鱼群中的个体十分的困难,幸运的是,外形识别软件的进步意味着它不再成为不可能。 www.ecocn.org Agrillo's team also found that mosquitofish can discriminate between numbers up to 16, but only if the ratio between the fish in each shoal was greater than 2:1. 阿格利罗的小组还发现,食蚊鱼甚至能辨别大到16的两个数字的大小,条件是这两组鱼群的数量要相差超过2:1。 Shopworn 陈旧的;陈腐的 old , timeworn 双语例句权威例句 John C, with its sliced tennis balls on the ends of chair and desk legs, is shopworn but pristine. 约翰•C设施陈旧(学校的网球被学生放在椅子面和课桌腿上削成薄片),但是很纯朴。 article.yeeyan.org Shopworn as these metaphors may be, they aptly capture the extreme and unexpected nature of the circumstances. 尽管这种隐喻可能已是陈腔滥调,但它们仍恰如其分地抓住了事情不可预知性和极端性的本质。 article.yeeyan.org Even more impressive, GM accomplished such robust sales without deep discounts or shopworn gimmicks like volume sales to daily rental fleets. 更让人印象深刻的是,通用斩获如此可观的销量不是靠大幅打折或采用那些老套的花招,比如批量销售给短期租车公司之类。 www.fortunechina.com Shove 推,猛推: to shove something aside 把某物推到一旁 to shove somebody into 把某人推进 粗暴地推搡: to shove somebody away 把某人推搡开 强行,迫使: to shove a motion 强行通过一项动议 乱塞;乱放: to shove a letter under the door 把信从门下塞进去 Shred 碎片;少量剩余;最少量;破布 debris , chip vi. 撕碎 rip up , tear to pieces 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Don't throw sensitive information away; shred it or lock it up. 不要乱扔敏感信息;撕碎它或把它锁起来。 www.ibm.com Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to burn or shred the money yourselves. 在任何情况下,都不要企图自己烧毁或撕碎美元纸币。 article.yeeyan.org This will help you avoid falling into the trap of contrived language that turns off the readers - sometimes to the point where they shred your MRD and feed the shreds through the shredder again! 这个将有助于你避开陷入那些令读者人厌烦(有时他们会把MRD撕碎然后再碎片喂给碎纸机)的用做作的语言的陷阱。 Shroud 寿衣;覆盖物;船的横桅索;[电]护罩 covering , cerement vt. 覆盖;包以尸衣 invest , house , sheet , roof , cap 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He saw the sad nightingales nodding on the branches and they reminded him of his mother. A gray shroud fell over the city. 他见过悲伤的夜莺在枝头打盹,这些让他想起他的母亲,灰色的寿衣落在这城市。 v.163.com Furthermore, the unfinished weapons and grass mat that accompanied the Iceman are better explained as grave goods and a funeral shroud than as mountaineering gear. 此外,伴随“冰人”一起的未完成的武器和草垫可以被更好的解释为陪葬品和葬礼裹尸布,而不是登山装备。 article.yeeyan.org Despite many scientific investigations, no one has yet been able to explain how the image has been imprinted on the shroud and despite many attempts, no one has managed to replicate it. 尽管做了很多科学研究,但是至今还是没有人可以解释为什么在裹尸布上会留下印记,人们也做了很多的尝试,但还是没有人可以成功复制它。 www.elanso.com Shuck 壳;外皮;荚;毫无价值的东西 shell , skin vt. 剥去 strip 双语例句权威例句 Here's a pearl of wisdom: Sniff after you shuck, and swallow only when you're certain. 这是珍珠的智慧:你撬开它的壳,之后轻嗅一番,当你做好准备后再一口吞下去。 article.yeeyan.org His mother grew up sleeping on a corn-shuck mattress and brushing her teeth with twigs. 他的母亲自小就睡在谷壳做的床垫上,刷牙用的是细树枝。 www.ecocn.org "If they remain in that green shuck for a long period of time they sprout, " Littlepage said. 利特尔配齐说,“如果核桃的壳长时间都是绿色的话,他们最后会发芽。” Shunt 把…推向一侧,使移开,使挪开: Shunt your suitcases,let me go through. 把你的行李箱挪一挪,让我过去。 使(火车)转轨,把(火车)调至另一条路线: to shunt a train on to a siding 把一列火车调到旁轨 回避;转移;拖延: to shunt the conversation on to 把话转到…上 去除,摆脱: to shunt the noise 静噪,排除杂音 to shunt obstruction 排除干扰 Sibilant Labial gossip of night, sibilant chorals. 暗夜的唇音的闲谈,咝咝地合奏。 blog.sina.com.cn The Negro met the first of the ladies at the front door and let them in, with their hushed, sibilant voices and their quick, curious glances, and then disappeared. 黑人在前门口迎接第一批妇女,把她们请进来,她们话音低沉,发出咝咝声响,以好奇的目光迅速扫视着一切。 www.putclub.com THE NEGRO met the first of the ladies at the front door and let them in, with their hushed, sibilant voices and their quick, curious glances, and then he disappeared. 黑人在前门口迎接第一批妇女,把她们请进来,她们话音低沉,发出咝咝声响,以好奇的目光迅速扫视着一切。 Sibyl Another possibility is that the sibyl was dealing with the so- called durable monopoly problem. 还有一种可能性是,女预言家正在解决一个所谓的持久垄断的问题。 www.ftchinese.com The Texas branch of Americans for Prosperity gave its Blogger of the Year Award to a young woman named Sibyl West. 美国荣昌德克萨斯州分部将其年度blogger奖授予一位名为西比尔•韦斯特(Sibyl West)的女士。 article.yeeyan.org Tarquin might have thought that the sibyl had just one rival buyer, and if each buyer wanted only one trilogy, that would be a supply glut. 塔尔坎可能会认为,这个女预言家只有一位竞争性买家,如果每位买家都只想要3本书的话,这将形成供过于求的局面。 www.ftchinese.com Sideshow 附带事件;附属活动;小事,次要之事 (马戏表演等的)穿插表演 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But this is mostly a sideshow. 但是这最多像是一个杂耍。 article.yeeyan.org Well, at this point, Greece, where the crisis began, is no more than a grim sideshow. 在这个时候,危机开始地希腊只不过是一出令人不快的穿插节目。 article.yeeyan.org But to solve the problem of violent extremism, clever technology and algorithms are only a sideshow. 但要真正解决暴力的极端主义问题,再好的技术和算法都只能是个陪衬。 Sidestep 使侧向移动;使转移: to sidestep a slip 作侧向滑动 侧步避开;使躲避: to sidestep a left hook to the right 向右侧步躲开了一记左钩拳 躲闪(问题、人等),逃避(责任等): to sidestep one's duty 逃避责任 vi. 侧向跨步;向旁边走: to sidestep to make way for someone 向旁走开给某人让路 Sift 用筛筛分,筛选;过滤: to sift the fuel to the engine 滤清至发动机的燃用油 撒,撒布: to sift salt onto the steak 往肉排上撒盐末 使分开;区分;挑选,精选: to sift good from bad 区分好与坏 细查,详查;仔细审问: to sift the evidence 仔细查证证据 Silt 淤泥,[地质]泥沙;煤粉;残渣 residual , sullage vi. 淤塞,充塞;为淤泥堵塞 stagnate vt. 使淤塞;充塞 land up 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The river deposited silt at its mouth. 河口沉积了淤泥。 《新英汉大辞典》 The channel is almost choked with silt. 水渠里淤了很多泥沙。 《新英汉大辞典》 Silt turbidite (landslide) layers on the deep sea floor far off the coast from underwater landslides, likely caused by strong seismic shaking. 离海底滑坡不远的深海底床的淤泥浊积(滑坡)层很有可能是由强烈的地震晃动造成的。 Simpleton 傻子;笨蛋 turkey , put 双语例句权威例句 Is he, you know, like some kind of weird simpleton? 那个谁,你知道吗,像古怪的傻子似的是谁? article.yeeyan.org But in rebutting the myth that he was a simpleton or a chameleon, she underplays his contradictions. 但是也有反驳这一假设的说法:他是一个笨蛋或一条变色龙,基于这一观点,可见Riall女士对该人物的矛盾性没充分的表现出来。 www.ecocn.org Then there was Mozart’s friend Joseph Leutgeb (to whom Mozart dedicated his horn concerto, K417, calling him “ass, ox and simpleton”). 接着书中讲到了莫扎特的朋友约瑟夫•莱特盖伯(莫扎特为他专门演奏了圆号音乐会K417,并称他为“笨蛋、蠢货与傻子”)。 Simulate 假装;冒充: to simulate knowledge 假装有知识 to simulate the member of a society 冒充某协会会员 模拟;装作: to simulate ignorance 假装不知道 模仿;扮演: to simulate Hamlet 扮演哈姆雷特 【语言学】模仿…的变形,采用…的类似变形 Sinecure 闲职;(尤指)报酬丰厚的挂名职务,挂名差事 [古语]不做教务的有俸牧师 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 Given the 80-hour weeks he puts in, the hospital might look like a sinecure. 放弃了数周以来每周80小时的投入,医院的工作就像一份闲职。 article.yeeyan.org I wasn’t the typical Latin-American writer living in Europe thanks to some government sinecure. 我不是身居政府里的闲职而生活在欧洲的典型的拉丁美洲作家。 article.yeeyan.org Instead of landing the sinecure he expected, Dodd finds himself in a classic Foreign Service quandary: undercut by colleagues from above and below. 代替他心目中期待的报酬丰厚的闲职的是,多德发现他正处在一个典型的外交工作的困境中,上级和下级的同事都在挖他的墙角。 Sinew 筋;肌腱;体力;精力 main , steam , vigor vt. 加强;使牢固 enhance , cement , muscle , firm , build up 双语例句权威例句 Collagen is the main protein of sinew, cartilage, bone and skin. 胶原是腱、软骨、 骨、皮肤的主要蛋白质。 dj.iciba.com Though his voice showed no strain, he could be seen rising on the balls of his feet in recital, using every sinew and nerve to produce the sound. (译注:意为"邪恶之眼")。 尽管他的声音没有显出起伏,但在朗诵的时候,经常会看到他踮着脚,用每块肌肉和神经来发声。 article.yeeyan.org Therefore the children of Israel eat not of the sinew which shrank, which is upon the hollow of the thigh, unto this day: because he touched the hollow of Jacob's thigh in the sinew that shrank. 故此,以色列人不吃大腿窝的筋,直到今日,因为那人摸了雅各大腿窝的筋。 Singe 把…的表面烫焦,烧焦…的浅表: to singe one's nightdress 熨焦睡衣 燎掉(屠宰后动物)的毛: to singe the poultry 燎去家禽的毛 烧焦(尤指头发)的尖端,烫(发): to have one's hair singed 烫发 轻度伤害,微损;给…造成意外的苦恼(或麻烦等): to singe one's feelings 令某人伤心 Sinuous 蜿蜒的;弯曲的;迂回的 indirect , curve , winding 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The great creator raised his sinuous, powerful, flexible arm, and we know where we stand. 伟大的造物主抬起了他弯曲的,有力的,灵活的手臂,我们知道了我们的立场。 v.163.com Underwater cameras give a live feed from the source, a mile below the surface: oil gushing up from the seabed in a sinuous, ceaseless heave. 水下照相机从位于一英里深的海底,实时提供着信息资料:原油正从一个蜿蜒不断的隆起处涌出。 www.ecocn.org Trees branch in a consistent way, leaves take their genetic form, rivers carve a sinuous route, snowflakes fall in their basic hexameter shape. 树枝分叉的方式都一样,树叶的形状普遍相似,河流总是蜿蜒前进,飘落的雪花都是基本的六边形。 Skew . 斜交;[计]歪斜 heterotropic , obliqueness adj. 斜交的;[计]歪斜的 wobbly 双语例句权威例句 However there is some notable right skew. 但是有一个非常显著的右歪斜。 www.ibm.com You are either designing a new table that will be hash-partitioned, or you have an existing hash-partitioned table that might have a data skew problem. 您正在设计一个将被哈希分区的新表,或者您已经有了一个哈希分区的表,并且此表有可能会存在数据倾斜问题。 www.ibm.com Table data skew refers to a difference between the number of records in a table on particular database partitions and the average number of records across all database partitions for this table. 表数据倾斜 指的是特定的一些数据库分区上的某个表内的记录数与这个表所跨的所有数据库分区的平均记录数之间的差额。 Skewer 串肉扦,烤肉叉 扦状物,叉状物;针;棒 vt. 用扦(或叉)串住: to skewer the mutton 串上羊肉 把…别住;用(针等)刺穿: to skewer one's hair 别住头发 to skewer one's finger 刺穿手指 Skiff 小艇;小型帆船;轻舟 dinghy , cockboat 双语例句原声例句权威例句 May I have the use of your skiff? 我可以借用一下您的小艇吗? www.ebigear.com He was sorry for them all, even the great trunk backs that were as long as the skiff and weighed a ton. 他对它们感到很同情,甚至对那些驱干和背脊像小船这么长、还重上一吨的大海龟也一样。 www.cuyoo.com First we have the "Pilot of some small night-founder'd Skiff," and the pilot stands ab extra, from outside, in the simile. 首先我们有这句“迷茫深夜中,轻舟的导航人“,并且这个导航人在明喻中,体现为从诗句之外向内眺望。 Skimp 少给,克扣;不足量地供给: to skimp somebody's wage 克扣某人的薪水 马虎地做(某事),对…草率从事: to skimp one's work 对本职工作不认真 vi. 克俭,节省: to skimp on one's living 生活上节俭 马马虎虎做事,敷衍了事: to skimp on the duty 不负责任,不尽守职责 Skinflint 吝啬鬼;一毛不拔的人 screw , tightwad 双语例句 A skinflint worships money. 吝啬鬼崇拜金钱。 dj.iciba.com TRADITIONALLY, Britain has been an educational skinflint. 英国通常在教育方面十分吝啬。 www.ecocn.org I find myself feeling like either a deep-pocketed patsy or a skinflint. 我觉得自己好像是一个财大气粗的帕齐或者是吝啬鬼。 Skit 幽默小品;滑稽剧;滑稽片断 讽刺文 [英国方言]讽刺话,挖苦话 skit2 [skit] n. [口语] 若干 一群;[复数] 许许多多 更多结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 That was one of my favorite skit. 这是我最喜欢的滑稽短剧。 v.163.com In the skit Donny was said to be suffering from magnimus-obliviophallocytis which caused him to have a large penis at a young age. 在滑稽短剧中唐尼由于患有一种叫做magnimus-obliviophallocytis的疾病以至于小小年纪就有着硕大的生殖器。 article.yeeyan.org Long before my brother-in-law (a Newfie) even met my sister I heard a comedy skit where Newfoundlanders were rendered as loving to sing and frolic, moving to Ontario and turning into alcoholics. 很久以前,当我姐夫(一个纽芬兰人)邂逅我姐姐的时候,我听的一部滑稽系列短剧中将纽芬兰人描述成热爱唱歌和嬉戏,他们迁居到安大略省,接着就成了酒鬼。 article.yeeyan.org Slack 煤末;峡谷 canyon , glen vt. 放松;使缓慢 relax , lighten up adv. 马虎地;缓慢地 slowly , lentamente 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Ask them to be more careful. Don't let them get slack. 你要他们仔细点, 不要马马虎虎。 《新英汉大辞典》 The devil wants you to think your part does not matter, so you will slack off. 魔鬼想你认为你那个部分是无关重要的,那么你就会松懈下来了。 article.yeeyan.org That is, there are many energy signals, and maybe you can affect one of them, but then others seem to take up the slack. 这就是说如果体内产生了许多新陈代谢新号,而可能你能影响其中一个,那么其它的新号的活动将会大大减弱。 Slag 炉渣;[冶][环境]矿渣;熔渣 scoria , attle 双语例句权威例句 Instead, up to 30% of its weight could be slag—the toxic gunk left over when steel is made. 反而,高达30%的重量可以是矿渣,这是一种在制钢过程中产生的有毒废料。 www.ecocn.org Instead, up to 30% of its weight could be slag—the toxic gunk left over when steel is made. 反而,接近于重量的30%可替代为炉渣——制造钢铁时剩下来的有毒黏性物质。 www.ecocn.org He cleaned them in the early years, when they’d hauled lime and slag all day on the roads round Carlisle, and he was still cleaning them in 1985 when he had 26 of them. 早年货车拉着石灰和矿渣整天在卡莱尔周围的公路上跑的时候,他就亲自清洗它们,到了1985年他有了26辆的时候,他还在清洗它们。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-25 11:30:49

    Slake 解(渴);满足…的欲望;使平息: to slake one's hunger 解饥 to slake one's anger 平息怒气 使清醒;(使冷静): His calm manner slaked their enthusiasm. 他的冷静态度使他们的狂热降了温。 使缓和,使松弛;使减弱 使凉润;使感到清凉: to slake one's forehead with ice 用冰凉润前额 Slander 诽谤;造谣中伤 wrong , asperse n. 诽谤;中伤 defamation , scandal 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Mr White countercharged Mr Smith with slander. 怀特先生反诉史密斯先生诽谤。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 You ought to kick back at such malicious slander. 你应当对这种恶意诽谤进行反击。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 He was the kind of person who would flatter you to your face, and then slander you behind your back. 他是那种当面胁肩谄笑。背地里造谣中伤的人。 Slap 拍,拍击;一拍,一巴掌 拍击声,掌击声;(其他物体碰撞的)啪啪声 侮辱;申斥;非难;打击,挫伤 vt. 用手掌(或其他扁平物)拍击,打: to slap the door 拍门 She slapped him on his face. 她打了他一记耳光。 用…拍打(或拍击): to slap one's hand against the wall 用手拍墙 Slate 岩]板岩;[地质]石板;蓝色;石片 blue , flagstone 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I love the slate floor. 我很喜欢石板地面。 article.yeeyan.org You need to create a sort of blank slate within yourself to begin reconstructing how you see the world. 你需要做的是为你自己准备一块空白的石板,在上面重建你所看到的世界。 www.kekenet.com Any sort of writing on this clean slate requires something so extremely lovely that I just don't know where to turn. 在这块洁净的石板上写下任何文字,都需要些极为迷人的东西,而我就是不知道该到何处寻找。 Slew 回转;沼地;极多 turning , circumgyration vi. 扭转;侧滑;转向;猛拐 swing , turn towards vt. 使扭转;使旋转 turn , spin v. 杀害(slay的过去式) martyred 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. 不可像该隐。 他是属那恶者,杀了他的兄弟。 www.ebigear.com More important is the direction of monetary policy and what it means for the slew of bets placed on the renminbi and other Chinese instruments. 更重要的是货币政策的走向,以及这对押在人民币及其他中国投资工具上的大量赌注将意味着什么。 www.ftchinese.com In fact, it's getting easier every day, thanks to a slew of gadgets that can monitor how much electricity you use, reduce energy waste and even generate a little juice to power your digital lifestyle. 事实上,感谢那个旋转的小发明可以检测每天我们电的使用量,它使我们每天变得很轻松。 减少能源的浪费和做一点果汁给你的数字生活风多风采。 Sling 吊索;投石器;抛掷 riser cable , headwear vt. 用投石器投掷;吊起 trice 双语例句原声例句权威例句 With the help of a sling, the bay gelding Comanche was gently conveyed to a ship for medical treatment. 在吊索的协助下,这匹栗色骟马科曼奇被小心翼翼地抬到一艘船上接受治疗。 www.ecocn.org Suspended from a cliff by sling wires, 4 Thai couples are saying, ‘I do’ in a ‘flying wedding’ ceremony to celebrate Valentine’s Day. 4对泰国情侣由钢丝吊索挂在悬崖上,在这个庆祝情人节的“飞行婚礼”中说出了“我愿意”。 article.yeeyan.org He then desperately resisted rescue attempts, swimming away from rescuers who tried to pull him from the near-freezing waters and climbing out of a sling dropped by a helicopter, police said. 据警察称,该男子在救援行动中拼命反抗,并从试图将他从接近冰点的水中救出的救援人员身旁游开,后来直升机放吊索才把他救上来。 Slippery 滑的;狡猾的;不稳定的 designing , knowing , subtle , unstable 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The road is slippery after rain. 雨后路滑。 《新英汉大辞典》 The forest is thick and the moss is slippery. 林深苔滑。 《新英汉大辞典》 In that time Turner hopes to catch thousands of the slippery fish for his smokehouse business in the New York Catskills. 那个时候,特纳希望为他在纽约卡茨基尔的熏制房生意捉到数千条狡猾的鳗鱼。 Slipshod 潦草的;穿著不整洁的;穿著踏跟鞋的 scratchy , rough-and-ready 双语例句权威例句 Small firms with slipshod standards are being replaced by bigger, better ones. 不符合标准的小公司被更大更好的公司所取代。 dongxi.net Selling assets does not solve the problem, except in a very short-term slipshod accounting sense. 除非在极短期内使用粗疏的会计方法来考察,否则出售资产不会解决问题。 article.yeeyan.org Small firms with slipshod standards are being replaced by bigger, better ones. Where people are creating companies, they are doing so out of choice, not economic necessity. 在某些层面上看这是一个好消息,那些不认真奉行标准的小公司正在被更大,更好的公司取代,在哪里创办公司将基于个人的选择而不再是经济的需要。 Slit Slither Sliver Sloppy Slot Slouch Slough Slovenly Slue Sluggard 游手好闲的人;懒鬼;偷懒者 loafer , bludger 双语例句权威例句 "GO TO the ant, thou sluggard, " says the Bible. 《圣经》说:“懒惰人哪,你去察看蚂蚁的动作,就可得智慧”。 www.24en.com Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! 懒惰人啊,你去察看蚂蚁的动作,就可得智慧! www.ebigear.com It is no wonder the Biblical Solomon rebuked the lazy man: "Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! 难怪圣经中的索罗门职责那些懒汉们说:“到蚂蚁中去,你这个懒鬼;思考它们的方法,做一个智慧的人! Sluice Slump 掉下;猛地掉下: suddenly slump down to the floor 突然倒在地板上 弯下腰;弯着腰坐着(或行走等): Sit up straight. Don't slump ! 坐直了,别垂头丧气的。 The old woman slumped in the sofa. 那个老妇人团坐在沙发上。 塌陷,倒塌: The old house had slumped. 那所老屋坍塌了。 陷入(泥、雪等中): to slump into the mud 陷入泥潭 Slur 略过;对…忽略(over): The general slurred over his contribution to the campaign. 将军没提到他对这次战役所做的贡献。 含糊不清地说出(或读出): He slurred English. No man could understand him. 他含糊不清地说着英语,没人能听得懂他说的是什么。 草草地做,马虎地办: to slur over one's duty 马虎从事,不负责任 诽谤;贬低;侮辱: to slur over somebody's contributions 贬低某人的功绩 He felt that his reputation was slurred by a paper. 他感到他的名誉受到某一报刊的诋毁。 Slurp 出声的吃(或喝) 吃(或喝)的声音;叭嗒声;咕噜声 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 Hence, sip some chicken soup to slurp your problems away after a tiresome day at work. 以后,在一天无聊的工作结束之后,喝些鸡汤把你的烦恼都赶走吧。 kk.dongxi.net However, breaking the noodles while eating them is bad luck, so if you’re making them for your celebration, be sure to slurp them up instead of biting off smaller pieces. 然而,为了打破吃面条会让他们带来坏运气,因此,如果您要用面来庆祝你的成功,那么一定要完整的把它吃完而不能把它咬断! article.yeeyan.org You should be able to do acute and chronic administration either via injection or via the drinking fluid, mice and rats LOVE them some sweetened milk and they’d slurp up milky coffee in a snap. 你们会通过注射剂或饮用液体做一次激烈的长期的管理,老鼠和鼠类喜欢一些甜牛奶并且它们会突然出声地喝掉牛奶咖啡。 Sly 狡猾的;淘气的;诡密的 designing , knowing , subtle , tricky 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But before I could say anything further he gave me a sly, almost sarcastic smile. 但是我还没来得及说什么,校长露出了一个狡猾、几乎有些讥讽的微笑。 article.yeeyan.org Pilar is my metaphor, my storytelling vehicle, and there's a secret sly part of me that's happy if we can't know. 皮拉尔是我的隐喻方式、我的叙述工具,我心中的一部分狡猾的秘密,即使猜不出到底是不是真品,我也很快乐。 dongxi.net It flies quick and sly, and you’ll have to work hard to catch it, but if you do, a fabulous fortune will open up for you. 它快速而狡猾的飞行,你只有努力工作才能抓住它,如果你抓住了它,一份神话般的财富将在你的面前展现。 Smarmy 爱说奉承话的;虚情假意的 hokey , unctuous 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I see a few smarmy responses to the bridge here. 同意。我在这里读到一些针对美国大桥的虚情假意的评论。 www.jrwang.cn What we're talking about here are those inspirational quotes and smarmy admonishments at the bottom of an e-mail. 我们在这里讨论的是那些在邮件底部的那些激励人的格言和讨厌的警句。 kk.dongxi.net Rather than lecture kids about smoking, Ozzy & Drix turns nicotine into Nick O'Teen, a smarmy villain with long claws that hook into brains and cause addictions. 对于吸烟,《奥兹和德里克斯》也没有采用对孩子们说教的方式,而是把尼古丁变成了一个名叫尼克•丁的口蜜腹剑的恶棍,它长着长长的爪子,并用它来钩住人的大脑,使人上瘾。 Smattering 一知半解;少数;略知 handful , sciolism adj. 肤浅的;些许的;点滴的 surface , shallow v. 略知;肤浅地学习;粉碎(smatter的ing形式) fracturing 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He expects a smattering of foreigners and Britons to attend. 他预计少数外国人和英国人可能会加入。 www.ftchinese.com Mr Chabot is still a recognised figure in the district, and a smattering of polls give him the edge. 现在夏柏特先生在该选区仍是一位知名人物,少数民调显示他处于领先位置。 www.ecocn.org But over and above this exciting smattering of knowledge, students should bite deeply into at least one subject and taste its full flavor. 但是,在对所有知识都一知半解的基础上,学生应该深入钻研某一学科,体味这一学科的酸、甜、苦、辣。 Smirk 傻笑;假笑;得意的笑 horselaugh , simper vi. 傻笑;假笑 giggle 双语例句原声例句权威例句 We can thus watch the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton with a bit of a smirk. 那么我们可以带着一些傻笑看着威廉王子和凯特米德尔顿的婚礼。 article.yeeyan.org It might have been something very subtle that made you see red: a smirk, rolled eyes, a certain body posture, or tone of voice. 也许让你发火的只是些非常细微的事情:傻笑、眼珠转动、一个不经意的肢体动作或者说话的语调。 article.yeeyan.org So when my wife remembers my smirk as cynicism, she is right: her explanation of the expression at the time biased her perception of it. 因此当我老婆从我的傻笑中看作是玩世不恭时,她是对的。 她对这个表情的诠释令她对此的认知产生了偏见。 Smudge 弄脏,涂污;用浓烟熏 soil , mud , spot , dirty vi. 被弄脏;形成污迹 smear n. 污点,污迹;烟熏火堆 jaup , tainture 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Then there was a bit about “you deserve to be with legal tender that fulfills you more than I ever could.” Another smudge. 并且,还有句类似”你应该用法定货币去完成我不能完成的事情“之类的话被一个污点覆盖。 article.yeeyan.org Often a smudge in an old photographic plate is confused for an invading hoard of angry aliens hell-bent on giving us a bad 2012. 老胶片上的一个污点也会让人们迷惑,以为那是想在2012年毁灭我们的愤怒的外星人的侵略暗号。 article.yeeyan.org As for India and Brazil, they are still small fries, with 2.2% and 2.7% of world output, while South Africa, with 0.5% of world output, is a mere smudge on the world economic map. 至于印度和巴西,分别占据世界产量的2.2%和2.7%,仍在世界经济中显得无足轻重,而南非,只占据了世界产量的0.5%,在世界经济版图中仅仅一个“污点”而已。 Smug 自鸣得意的;自以为是的;整洁的 neat , self-righteous n. 书呆子;自命不凡的家伙 bookworm , wonk 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I refused to fight further with the smug phone. 我拒绝与自以为是的电话作斗争。 article.yeeyan.org Okay, maybe ‘we’ are –but don't be smug until you play the game. 不过或许是“我们”。 但在游戏正式开始之前,不要太自以为是。 www.elanso.com An island off the coast of America — so goes the smug definition of Manhattan. 美国海岸附近的一个岛屿——这就是自以为是的曼哈顿的定义。 Snare 陷阱;圈套;[外科]勒除器 trap , web , mesh , pit vt. 捕捉;诱惑 tempt , seduce 双语例句原声例句权威例句 So in all sorts of ways, in this simple passage we find a character the snare of language. 所以在这篇简单的文章中,我们会在很多方面,一个陷入语言陷阱的人。 v.163.com Is it possible to conceive of a snare more attractive in appearance and more perfidious in essence? 人们有可能察觉到一个在表面上更具吸引力而在本质上是背信弃义的圈套吗? article.yeeyan.org We spend so much time working toward something, only to have the unexpected snare our attention and take us in a completely different direction. 我们花很多时间在某事上,却掉进那没想到的陷阱,分散了我们的注意力并带我们去到一个完全不同的方向上。 Snarl (犬等)叫,咆哮: The dog was snarling all night. 那条狗叫了一夜。 (说话)咆哮;怒吼着说出: Her anger snarled at me. 她的愤怒全都发泄在了我的头上。 vt. 咆哮着说;怒吼着表达: to snarl a threat 咆哮着威胁 “Shut up!”he snarled. 他怒吼地说:“闭嘴!” Sneaking 鬼鬼祟祟的;私下的;卑鄙的 poor , private , mean , base , dirty 双语例句权威例句 Of course sneaking notes into an exam or copying from others is also forbidden. 当然,私自携带笔记进入考场或抄袭他人答案也是禁止的。 club.edu.sina.com.cn You know it seems kind of sneaking . Locking her up in town and then coming out here and trying to get her own house to turn against her ! 你知道这样做似乎有点鬼鬼祟祟,把她关在城里,然后到这儿来想让她自己的房子转而与她作对。 www.ebigear.com "The women and men who now have to be in unsafe situations such as jumping in cars before they're seen, sneaking into dark allies to apply the trade, would have safe places to be, " she said. 她说”这些男人和女人现在不得不在不安全的状态下工作,比如,还没有看清楚那车就跳了进去,鬼鬼祟祟地在黑暗的角落进行交易,本来是可以在安全地方进行的。 Snicker 偷笑,窃笑 laugh in one's beard n. 窃笑 snigger , titter 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Could it be a sexual signal, some snicker. 有人窃笑,它会不会是一个求爱信号。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn She almost smiled, but it turned into a snicker. 她几乎笑出来,却化做一丝窃笑。 article.yeeyan.org Being regular is nothing to snicker at apparently (though I can’t help myself!) as it flushes out toxins to leave you with radiant skin. 谷物含有铁 维生素B 还有最重要的 维持肠胃定期工作的纤维.有规律的饮食显然是没什么可笑的(虽然我还是忍不住),因为它能够帮我们排除体内的毒素,使皮肤容光焕发。 Snide 伪造的;卑鄙的;暗讽的 poor , false , mean , base , dirty n. 赝品;骗子 fraud , sharp 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Someone makes a snide comment; immediately you feel your anger take over. 某人给你贴了条讽刺性评论,你立刻怒火中烧。 article.yeeyan.org When a mutual friend introduced them, however, all she could muster was a snide remark. 但是,当一个共同的朋友介绍他们认识时,她能想到却是一句刻薄话。 article.yeeyan.org Now might seem a good time to make my usual round of snide and sarcastic comments, but I actually agree with Schleicher about Shanghai’s economic prospects. 现在似乎又是我兜着圈子发表讽刺性评论的好时候了,但我确实同意施莱克尔关于上海经济前景的看法。 Snitch 告密;进行小偷小摸 inform , rat vt. 偷;顺手牵羊 to pick up , glom n. 告密者;告发者 informer , confidential informant 双语例句权威例句 Alas, as the snitch is his wife, you can't do this. 哎,因为告密者是他的妻子,所以你不能这样做。 www.hjenglish.com The second-best outcome came when all four decided not to snitch. 第二名的则是四名组员都决定不告密的那组。 www.ecocn.org Having a dog around made volunteers 30% less likely to snitch than those who played without one. The moral, then: more dogs in offices and fewer in police stations. 有只狗在旁做伴让志愿者的告密几率比没有狗的小组低了30%。这个故事的寓意就是:办公室里狗狗越多越好, 警察局里狗还是少点好。 Snivel 啜泣,抽噎;哭诉: She's snivelling after crying. 大哭之后她一直在啜泣。 He snivelled to his father about his troubles. 他向他父亲哭诉着他的委屈。 假哭,假作悲伤,假抽噎 流鼻涕;吸鼻涕: to cry with one's nose snivelling 拖着鼻涕哭 vt. 拖着鼻涕眼泪地说 Snob 势利小人,势利眼;假内行 tuft-hunter 双语例句原声例句权威例句 If they didn't like the ex because (they thought)she was a snob, be humble. 如果他们觉得她势利眼,你就要表现得谦虚。 xianguo.com They make me ask myself if I am really such a snob when I am waking, and this in itself is very unpleasant. 它们是我反问自己是否是一个势利眼当我清醒,漫步在人潮之中时,尽管这个问题本身就是令人十分不快的。 article.yeeyan.org Chua had to go on a national media tour just to explain herself, less she be thought of as an American parenting bashing China snob. 为此,她不得不在美国各地的媒体上进行解释,以免被人认为是一个抨击美式家长教育方式的中国假内行。 Snowdrift (被风吹成的)雪堆 吹雪 【植物】香雪球 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 Weller was once a stranded motorist himself. Driving in an Illinois blizzard when he was 16, he got stuck in a snowdrift. 韦勒自己曾经也是一个无助驾驶员,在他16岁的时候驾驶在伊利诺斯州的暴风雪中,陷入了雪堆。 article.yeeyan.org Because of these winds, unfortunately, we had to do some serious excavation to get all of our gear out of a large mounded snowdrift. 不幸的是,我们不得不大费周章把所有的装备从大风刮来的雪堆中挖出来。 article.yeeyan.org This snow had decided to go on falling until everything was a single, vast wet snowdrift, and nobody would remember what had been underneath it. 雪决定继续下,下到所有的东西都变成一个孤零零的,巨大湿雪堆,没有人能记得下面曾是什么。 Snub 冷落;怠慢: to snub somebody by ignoring him(or her) 故意不理睬某人 She felt she was snubbed here. 她感到她在这里受到了冷落。 以斥责制止,阻止;断然拒绝: to snub somebody out of doing something 斥责得某人停止做某事 His application was snubbed. 他的请求遭到了断然拒绝。 使突然停止,刹住: to snub the boat on the anchor 把船系在泊柱上 The revelry was snubbed by my father. 我父亲终止了那次狂欢宴会。 冷落;严厉斥责;掐灭 absent treatment n. 冷落;斥责;突然的停止 denunciation , fetch-up 双语例句原声例句权威例句 And it is also a snub to China, which has been convening the six-way effort. 这也是对中国的冷落,促使其在六方会谈复谈上努力。 有理大家一起努力。 www.ecocn.org Other foreign businessmen put it more bluntly: many multinationals felt they did not dare snub Shanghai and its Expo, the culmination of years of work and spending. 其他外商说得更加直白:许多跨国公司觉得,他们不敢冷落上海和上海世博会,本届世博会是多年努力和支出的结晶。 www.ftchinese.com Tess made no reply to this remark, of which, indeed, she did not quite comprehend the drift, unheeding the snub she had administered by her instinctive rub upon her cheek. 苔丝对他的话没有理睬,说实在的,她对他说的那句话的含义就没有完全理解,她也没有注意到她出于本能而在脸上一擦是对他的一种冷落。 Snug 舒适的;温暖的;紧身的;隐藏的 comfortable , pleasant , warm , easy , hidden vt. 使变得温暖舒适;隐藏 lock , pocket vi. 偎依;舒适地蜷伏 nestle up 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The Switliks hang behind every seat, and special belts with shoulder straps keep us as snug as toddlers in car seats. 救生背心挂在每一个座位后面,专门肩带可以保证我们像坐在汽车座椅里的幼儿一样舒适。 article.yeeyan.org She‘s certainly back in the trousers: a snug pair covered in fringes under a black vest, and over that one of her multi-coloured tops. 毫无疑问她能穿回从前的裤子了:一条舒适的条纹裤子,配合着一件黑色背心,还有一件混合颜色的上衣。 dongxi.net Time and again Mr Heaney returns to the image of the pen. He began his long career writing of such a pen, nestling snug as a gun between finger and thumb. 这一次,希尼先生又回到了“笔”这个意象中,开始了他长长的生涯来描写这样一只笔,如同一支枪一样舒适的依偎在指间。 Sock 短袜;一击 bobbysocks , anklet vt. 重击;给……穿袜 pound on , gang bang adv. 正着地;不偏不倚地 smack-dab 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But having a fight with your partner over a sock on the floor is something else entirely. 不过因为一只扔在地板上的袜子而和伴侣大吵一番却完全是另外一回事了。 news.iciba.com And only then as I finally fall asleep do I register the blood I saw on the sock when I wiped my leg, the blood from my piss. I sleep. 我想到了家,这个很管用,我开始昏昏欲睡,我终于注意到我擦大腿的那只袜子上的血迹,尿出来的血,却马上睡着了。 article.yeeyan.org But if you’re going to brave it, consider selecting a sock in a matching or near-matching color to your sandal for a more seamless look. 但如果你想挑战它,可以考虑去挑选一双与凉鞋颜色相同或同一色系的短袜,使得这身打扮更加天衣无缝。 Sod 草地;草皮 grass , lawn , meadow 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But why cover your car in sod? 不过为什么要盖上一层草皮呢? article.yeeyan.org To thy high requiem become a sod. 如一块草皮对你的安魂曲。 article.yeeyan.org With a good shovel, you can cut an outline of the garden in the grass. Your child can then pull the sod away and set it aside it for composting. 先用铲子在草地上划出一个菜园的轮廓,教孩子们把草皮推到一边作堆肥——这是一个让他们了解自然界物质循环利用的好机会。 Sodden 浸透的;浑身湿透的;浸过酒的 permeant , soppy vt. 使浸透;使迷糊 besot 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It was in Burma, a sodden morning of the rains. 绞 刑 那是在缅甸,一个泡在雨水中的清晨。 article.yeeyan.org Through one of the broken panes I heard the rain impinge upon the earth, the fine incessant needles of water playing in the sodden beds. 透过一块破碎的窗玻璃,传来了雨水着地的声响。 连绵的细雨犹如行行绣针,洒向湿透的花圃。 www.crazyenglish.org Forty rooms file off it, some of them so damp that they are filled today with stalagmites and stalactites formed by calcium dripping from the sodden concrete. 四十个房间一字排开,一部分房间非常潮湿,长满了石笋和钟乳石,它们是湿透的混凝土滴下的钙凝结成的。 Soggy 浸水的;透湿的;沉闷的 tedious , waterishlogged 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Now that there was no longer the sound of my soggy footsteps, the silence was piercing. 既然这里已经不会再有我沉闷的脚步声了,这片沉寂就更加显得讽刺。 putclub.com Note too that soggy stock markets from Wall Street to China have ignored the hype so far. 同时也要注意到,迄今为止,从华尔街到中国,沉闷的股市都对大肆宣传置之不理。 www.ftchinese.com They will seek to inject soggy corporatism into financial reform, the promotion of high-tech industry, climate-change policy and the other areas the EU wants to address in 2010. 他们会试图将沉闷的组合主义引人金融系统,开始欧盟2010年工作核心——高科技产业、气候变化政策等领域——的宣传。 Sojourn 逗留;旅居 visit , stay , stop vi. 逗留;旅居 remain , stop 双语例句权威例句 Ford had only acquired it through a serious computer error towards the end of the fifteen years' sojourn he had spent on the planet Earth. 在十五年的地球旅居即将结束的时候,福特通过一次严重的电脑运行错误获得了这张运通卡。 article.yeeyan.org This was also the period that encompassed the Roman sojourn of Caravaggio whose violence and genius were so much of a piece with the city’s history. 恰好就在那个时期,卡拉瓦乔也旅居罗马。 他偏好暴力,同时又是个天才,与罗马史颇有异曲同工之处。 www.ecocn.org Anyone back here after a long sojourn may be surprised to discover that, at least in and around the major cities, you can often find almost anything sold in the New York metropolitan area. 很多在外旅居多年的俄罗斯人回到家乡后都会惊异地发现,至少在大型城市里或周边地区,你几乎能买到纽约及其周边地区可以买到的一切东西。 Solace 安慰;慰藉;安慰之物 comfort , relief , consolation 双语例句原声例句权威例句 You need solace. 你需要慰藉。 www.en8848.com.cn Above all, it requires clairvoyant souls—that is, without solace. 尤其是,它需要洞悉世情的心灵——即,无需抚慰。 www.en8848.com.cn But then, amid the turmoil, Nur finds solace writing poetry: odes to his homeland and his lost love. 然而在一片混乱之际,努尔在写诗中找到了安慰:讴歌他的家乡和他失去的爱情。 Solder 用以焊接的合金,(低温)焊料 接合物;连接因素 vt. 焊,焊接,焊合: to solder the hull 焊接船体 使连在一起,使联合: two fates inseparably soldered by misfortune 福兮祸所伏 修补: to solder a pot 焊修锅 Solemnity 严肃;庄严;一本正经 gravity , serious about 双语例句权威例句 Taken together, Han is telling his readersthat solemnity and seniority are not to be trusted. 总而言之,韩寒在告诉他的读者,庄严之物和年资都不足凭信。 article.yeeyan.org Like me my dad disliked having his picture taken and in most pictures affects a sort of Teutonic solemnity. 就像我一样,我的父亲并不喜欢拍照,而且在大多数的照片中有一种日耳曼人的严肃。 www.elanso.com With the closed-mouth solemnity of a dignitary lying in state, airplane sleepers seem to me shamanistic. 睡在飞机上的人们嘴唇紧闭,宛如权贵般面相庄严。 在我看来,他们就像是萨满教徒。 Solicit 请求,恳求;央求;乞求;申请: to solicit somebody's help 求某人帮忙 He solicited aid from the minister. 他请求部长给他以支持。 向…请求(或恳求等): to solicit the committee for funds 向委员会申请基金 征求;征集: to solicit subscriptions 征求订户 They were soliciting signatures in every street for the sports. 他们为这次运动会四处征集签名。 Solicitor 律师;法务官;募捐者;掮客 advocate , lawer 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He become a partner in a firm of solicitor. 他成为一家律师事务所的合伙人。 huihua.iciba.com The solicitor sent an extract of the deeds. 初级律师寄出一份契据的摘录本 www.ebigear.com Among the half dozen mourners, he had known only the solicitor who had introduced him to Marie ten years ago and had told him of her death last week. 在六名送葬者中,自己只认识那个律师,就是他在十年前把玛莉介绍给自己认识,又在上周通知自己她的死讯。 Solicitous 热切期望的;热心的;挂念的 eager , keen , enthusiastic 双语例句权威例句 Historically, this stuff has often worked, even against white candidates considered too solicitous of African-American concerns. 从历史上看来,这些玩意儿常常很有用,就算是用来攻击一位对美非关系过于关心的白人,也效果明显。 然而,到了今年,真的有一位黑人来竞选总统了,这些老招术却无人提及。 article.yeeyan.org You would have had them back long after shrugging them off for ever: strong but submissive, insensitive, while abrasively solicitous. 在永远挣脱了那双手的许多年之后,你又希望能得到它们:一双有力而柔顺,感觉迟钝却十分善于体贴的手。 www.jukuu.com Picture an encounter between two people who both intend to create a harmonious relationship, but one perceives the other's solicitous, polite--even generous--behavior as imposing. 想象两个都打算创造和谐的关系人相遇,但其中一人感觉对方的挂念、礼貌、慷慨是一种强加行为。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-26 10:25:43

    Somatic 躯体的;肉体的;体壁的 material , carnal 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The somatic narcissist and psychopath have no sexual playmates - only sexual playthings. 肉体自恋者和精神病患者没有性伴侣——只有性玩具。 www.elanso.com Such experiences ex-somatic, which the dreamer feels to be out of his physical body, are called lucid dreams. 这种经验超脱于肉体,做梦者感觉到自己在脱离他的身体,这被称为清醒梦。 article.yeeyan.org The colonization of our bodies is, of course, much worse for many women, but men and women both suffer from a subtler form of somatic colonization. 当然,对大多数女性来说,我们身体的殖民化更糟糕,然而男性和女性同时受肉体殖民化的微妙形式之苦。 Somnolence 困倦;想睡;嗜眠症 drowsiness , sleepiness 双语例句权威例句 Karen occasionally talked in her sleep, muttering and mumbling, no words that he could decipher, the language of somnolence. 卡伦有时会说梦话,嘟嘟囔囔的,亨利一个词也听不出:梦之国的语言。 article.yeeyan.org A history of restlessness, irritability, daytime somnolence, and impaired work or social functioning, which can lead to situational stress. 不安、易怒、昼间困倦及工作与社会职能障碍,均可导致环境压力。 http://dj.iciba.com For several years after the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, medical authorities described a seasonal somnolence they called “ encephalitis lethargica.” 1918年西班牙大流感爆发后的数年内,医疗机构都把季节性的嗜睡称之为嗜睡性脑炎。 Sop 面包片;湿透的东西;懦夫;小贿赂 chicken , molly vt. 吸水;浸湿;贿赂 grease , tamper with vi. 湿透;渗透 wet out , sink Sophism . 诡辩 casuistry , quibbling 双语例句 It is sophism to connect physiological needs with morality. 片面地把生理问题与所谓“道德”混同起来,根本上就是诡辩。 article.yeeyan.org If it believed in its own essence, would it … seek refuge in hypocrisy and sophism? 如果它相信它自己的本质的话,那么它会……在虚伪和诡辩中寻求庇护么? article.yeeyan.org How many times had he risen to his feet in the combat, held fast to the rock, leaning against sophism, dragged in the dust, now getting the upper hand of his conscience, again overthrown by it! 多少次,他在斗争中重新站起来,抓住岩石,依仗诡辩,在尘埃里打滚,有时他把良心压在身下,有时又被良心打翻! www.ebigear.com Sophistry 诡辩;诡辩法 casuistry , quiddity 双语例句 Sophistry cannot alter history. 诡辩改变不了历史。 《新英汉大辞典》 As he had a weak case and could not defend himself, he had to resort to sophistry. 他理屈词穷, 只好求助于诡辩。 《新英汉大辞典》 Nor is it pure sophistry to think of these genes as part of an extended human genome. 把这些基因看为人类基因组扩展的一部分也不是纯属诡辩。 Soporific 催眠剂;[药]安眠药 hypnagogue , sleeping pill adj. [药]催眠的;想睡的 somnolent , hypnogenetic 双语例句权威例句 Providence, out of pity for mankind, has instilled a soporific charm into all tedious things. 老天爷悲悯世人,他在一切沉闷的东西上都施加了催眠般的魔力。 article.yeeyan.org But there have always been what she calls “candy alarmists,” who warned that candy was too stimulating, too soporific, poisoned, or otherwise hazardous. 但世上从不缺少她所谓的“糖果杞人忧天者”,他们警告大家糖果容易令人亢奋、有催眠作用、有毒,总之危害重重。 article.yeeyan.org Those who insisted on worshiping at the altar of soporific right thinking—those who thought that conflict had become obsolete—were swept away in less than 20 years. 那些坚持在催眠般权利思想的祭坛边祈祷的人,那些认为冲突已经成为过去的人——在不到20年的时间里被一扫而光。 Sopping j. 浑身湿透的 sodden 双语例句原声例句权威例句 “My guess is that they are already sopping up some of the extracarbon, ” he said. 他表示:"我的猜想是这些树木已经吸收了一些额外的二氧化碳。" article.yeeyan.org It is sopping up oil wherever in the world it finds it to fuel its booming economy. 为了给增长中的经济助燃,它正在世界各个角落竭尽所能的攫取石油。 article.yeeyan.org Democrats tend to order earthy, down-home food with lots of juice for sopping, like Cane River country shrimp with garlic, bacon and mushrooms. 而民主党人比较喜欢家常菜 汤汤水水的 可以蘸着吃 比如加大蒜 熏肉 蘑菇的凯恩河虾. Sorcery 魔术,巫术 medicine , conjuring 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Since a name was considered an integral part of a person, it could be an effective target for sorcery. 因为名字被认为是一个人的重要组成部分,就有可能成为巫术的有效攻击靶子。 article.yeeyan.org Taking drugs that alter our state of mind is a form of sorcery, as are some forms of New Age healing/energy work. 吃药改变思想状态是巫术的一种形式,和一些新时期的康复治疗∕ 恢复能力是同样的形式。 article.yeeyan.org In Papua, education about HIV is not widespread and many people still believe that sorcery is to blame for the growing number of cases each year. 对于艾滋病相关知识并没有得到广泛的普及。 人们依然认为巫术才是导致艾滋病数量逐年增多的元凶。 Sow 播种;播种于(土地);播下…的种子: to sow a crop 播种作物 播散: I have sown the millet in this plot. 我在这块土地上已播了谷子。 植入,埋种;使布满: A dragonfly sows its eggs while skimming the surface of the water. 蜻蜓总是在水面上撒卵。 植入,埋种;使布满: The grass was sown in the stadium. 草皮已植在了体育场里。 to sow mines on the hill 山坡上已布满了地雷 Spackle He planed the projected paint and spackle off the wall. 他把原来的油漆和抹墙粉从墙上刨掉了。 www.nciku.cn Applications will be hooked together with a mixture of XSLT, XProc, duct tape, and spackle. 应用程序将通过 XSLT、XProc、传送带和 spackle 联系起来。 www.ibm.com Of course, software (being soft) is also easier to fix: we can spackle in the hole (fix the bug) and instantly remanufacture the house. 当然,软件易于修复:我们可以在洞上抹墙粉(修复 bug)立即改造房子。 Sparring 对打;夹条板,保护条 kumite 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Imagine what fun it would be sparring with each other at home! 想想看跟你的恋人在家里练习拳击会多么有趣! www.kekenet.com But already the leaders of the military campaign are sparring ahead of an election due next year. 但是这场军事行动的领导人们却在争论着即将于明年举行的大选。 www.ecocn.org In New York, for instance, while the sport’s legal status was contested for decades, fights nonetheless took place, often as “exhibitions” or sparring demonstrations. 例如在纽约,尽管拳击的合法地位数十年间都处在争议之中,但拳赛照样举办,不过是以“拳击表演”的名义。 Spartan Bin Laden wears a dark wool cap, slightly rocking in his seat in the spartan surroundings. 本•拉登戴着一顶深色羊毛帽,在他斯巴达式的环境中轻轻摇着摇椅。 article.yeeyan.org All right, those are the elements of the Spartan constitution and Ithink it's self evident that it deserves a title of a mixed constitution. 好的,上述就是斯巴达人的宪法组成部分,我认为它自己就证明了它确实该赢得一个混合宪法的头衔。 article.yeeyan.org In one of the units of Being, Space and Place, for example, pupils take on the role of an ancient Spartan who has to assess Athenian strengths and recommend a course of action. 比如,在“存在,空间和位置”课程里学生们扮演一个古代斯巴达人,来评估雅典人的实力,从而提出一系列的行动建议。 Spate 洪水;一阵;大雨;突然迸发 flood , blast 双语例句原声例句权威例句 So how should we take the spate of new green announcements from the world's major oil firms? 所以我们该如何看待这些世界主要石油公司发出的一连串绿色新宣言呢? article.yeeyan.org But with 840 firm orders even after a spate of cancellations, the 787 is still the fastest-selling new airliner in history. 但由于有840份公司订单(甚至在一大批订单取消后),787仍然是历史上销售最快的新型客机。 www.ecocn.org He also apologized to victims of sudden acceleration accidents and to customers concerned about the spate of quality problems. 他还向突然加速事故的受害者及对质量问题突然增多感到担忧的用户道歉。 Spatula 抹刀,小铲;[医]压舌板 spudder 双语例句权威例句 Using a rubber spatula, spread softened butter into candy or butter molds. 使用一个橡胶抹刀,在糖果或黄油的模子上撒些软化的黄油。 www.elanso.com I still have a cherished photo of him in his apron, standing over the grill, spatula in hand, smiling. 我至今仍珍藏着一张他早年的照片---围着围裙,手持小铲站在烤肉架前,微微地展露笑容。 article.yeeyan.org Archaeologists think the spike might have helped in extracting meat from snails, a popular Roman food, and the spatula in poking sauce out of narrow-necked bottles. 考古学家认为这种长钉可以用来挑出蜗牛肉,这是当时流行的罗马食物。 而抹刀可以掏出窄颈瓶里的调味酱。 Spawn ]卵;菌丝;产物 child , creation , fruit vt. 产卵;酿成,造成;大量生产 create , egg laying vi. 产卵;大量生产 oviposit , mass production 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Many sea fishes spawn in rivers. 许多海洋鱼类是在淡水河里产卵的。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Each new UNIX process is the spawn of an existing process. 每个新的 UNIX 进程都是某个现有进程的产物。 www.ibm.com But nobody knows how they do it with such accuracy, or why eels spawn where they do. 但是,没有人知道它们如何做到那么准确,或是鳗鱼为什么要在大海里产卵。 Specious 似是而非的;外表美观的;华而不实的;徒有其表的 purple , colorable 双语例句权威例句 An international regulator is better positioned to resist these often specious arguments. 一个国际性的监管机构能够更好地对抗这些常常似是而非的论点。 www.ftchinese.com He fences his doctrines with the specious plea that statesmen must live as the world lives. 他用似是而非的遁词为他的教义作辩护,说政治家必须象世人那样活着。 chinafanyi.com This makes it specious to suggest that we should ban deliberate messages on the grounds that they would be more powerful than our leaked signals. 这就使得这个建议变成似是而非地建议我们应该禁止有意地泄露信息,理由是:它们可能将来会比我们的漏信号更为强大。 Speck 灰尘;污点;小颗粒 dust , dirt vt. 使有斑点 dapple 双语例句原声例句权威例句 After the mayor tells him about all about the people in Who-ville, Horton is determined to protect them and the speck on which they live ... 在镇长告诉他有关无名镇里的人们的所有事情之后,霍顿决定要保护他们和他们所居住的浮尘... www.hjenglish.com Wherever possible — in big stadium or sandlot seats — try to nearly fill the frame with your subject rather than have him or her show up as a distant speck. 在任何地方——不管是大运动场或是运动空地,只要可能,要让你的被摄主体尽量填满画面,而不是让他/她看上去像一个小斑点。 article.yeeyan.org But neither America nor Vietnam wanted the kids known as Amerasians and commonly dismissed by the Vietnamese as "children of the dust"—as insignificant as a speck to be brushed aside. 然而,美国也好,越南也罢,都不希望这些孩子被称为美亚混血儿。 越南人一般把他们当做“尘埃之子”置之不理——像微不足道的灰尘一样抹掉。 Spectrum 光谱;频谱;范围;余象 extent , boundary , region , territory , area 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Where do you stand on this spectrum? 在这个范围里面,你站在哪边? article.yeeyan.org At one end of the spectrum is the ability to release an application based on its project plan. 在这个范围的一端是在它的项目计划的基础上,发布一个应用软件的能力。 www.ibm.com At the other end of the spectrum is a coordinated release cycle by a department or organization. 在这个范围的另一端是一个由部门或者组织控制的协调发布周期。 Spendthrift 挥霍无度的;浪费的 wasted , dissipative 双语例句权威例句 And unless your spouse is a complete spendthrift, compromising is a heck of a lot cheaper than a divorce. 妥协的代价总比离婚要低,除非你的另一半根本就是一个挥霍无度的人。 www.ebigear.com That shift has upset some other EU countries that had relied on selling to spendthrift British consumers. 这种变化使一些依赖向挥霍无度的英国消费者出口的欧元区国家感到不安。 www.ecocn.org And rather than demonize spendthrift fathers, we should investigate when, how and why fathers’ budgeting becomes more similar to mothers’ budgeting. 而不是把挥霍无度的父亲给妖魔化,我们应该调查什么时候,怎么,以及为什么父亲支出方式更像母亲的。 Spike 长钉,[铁路]道钉;钉鞋;细高跟 crampoon vt. 阻止;以大钉钉牢;用尖物刺穿 stem , block , dispute , prohibit , discourage 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He was a different person after that spike went through his brain. 从那根道钉穿过他的大脑之后他就完全变了一个人。 article.yeeyan.org And even with some smoothing, there would still be a slight spike. 而且,即使是经过了 一些平滑,那里还是会有微小的尖峰。 www.ibm.com After each spike, including a big one in the summer of 2009 when she appeared on the cover of Playboy, the interest tapers off. 每一次停刊、包括2009年夏天一个大型的杂志——当时她出现在《花花公子》的封面上,人们的兴趣就会降低。 Spindly . 细长的;纺锤形的 slender , slight 双语例句权威例句 But it was disastrous: tall, spindly, and slightly menacing. 但它是灾难性的:细长、纤柔和有几分危险。 article.yeeyan.org It has spindly fibers that protrude from the atomic vertices like spokes, and they interfere with crystallization. 它拥有细长的纤维像辐条一样从原子顶部凸出并且干涉其结晶。 article.yeeyan.org The Hava Supai refer in legends to spindly blue gray 'ant people' as having taken them into underground refuge cities during the first and second Atlantean deluge. 哈瓦苏派传说在第一次和第二次亚特兰蒂斯大洪水时期,细长的蓝灰色“蚂蚁人”曾把他们带到了地下的避难所。 Spiny 多刺的;麻烦的;尖刺状的 tight , thorny 双语例句权威例句 It is a large green fruit with spiny exteriors and soft and edible segments. 它尺寸大呈绿色,表面多刺,果肉柔软,可以分段食用。 article.yeeyan.org We encounter each other in words, words spiny or smooth, whispered or declaimed; words to consider, reconsider. 我们彼此在词语中相遇,多刺或光滑的词语,喃喃低语或慷慨陈词;推敲、再推敲的词语。 article.yeeyan.org In a prey's-eye view, an adult female snaps up a stickleback, a small spiny fish, from just beneath the water's surface. 这是从被捕食者的角度来观察,一只成年雌鸟抓住了一条棘鱼,这是一种多刺的小鱼。 Spire ]尖顶;尖塔;螺旋 screw , minaret 双语例句权威例句 A brick church without a spire was built last year, and the first shops in the town’s history have opened in tin shacks. 去年,他们用砖头建造了一座没有尖顶的教堂。 该市历史上第一个商店在锡制的棚屋里开张。 www.ecocn.org In the distance, the golden spire of the Leifeng Pagoda, a stunning 10th-century landmark rebuilt only eight years ago, emerges out of the greenery. 在远处,雷锋塔的尖顶显现在绿色的丛林之上。 这座壮观的地标建筑始建于10世纪,刚刚在八年前改建完毕。 article.yeeyan.org The Catholic Croats have also built a ridiculously large church spire, which stands bolt upright like an extended middle finger, dwarfing the minarets on the Muslim side of town. 信天主教的克罗地亚人还建起了大得近乎荒唐的教堂尖塔,高高矗立像竖起的中指,让城市中穆斯林一边的尖塔相形见拙。 article.yeeyan.org Spite 不顾;恶意;怨恨 regardless of , hatred vt. 刁难;使恼怒 make a difficulty , exasperate 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He always cleaves to his principle in spite of persecution. 他一贯不顾迫害坚持原则。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 In spite of that big, barren space between you and your goal, in spite of the fear of rejection or humiliation, dance. 尽管在你和你的目标之间横亘着那个宽大贫瘠的空地,尽管害怕被拒绝或者羞辱——跳舞吧。 article.yeeyan.org Some of our purebred pets like this bloodhound look like little mutants, and we love them, not in spite of their ugliness, but because of it. 像猎犬这样的一些人类纯种宠物看上去有时也像突变体,并且我们之所以喜欢它们,恰恰是因为它们的丑陋之处。 article.yeeyan.org Spleen 脾脏;坏脾气;怒气 crossness , bitchiness 双语例句原声例句权威例句 ''Heart, bladder, spleen, all perfect, '' he says, as he performs an ultrasound scan. “心脏、膀胱、脾脏,一切完美。” 他边操作着超声波扫描议边说。 article.yeeyan.org This is a method to restore functions of the heart and spleen by using irritating factors to restrain excessive anxiety. 这是一种利用能够激怒人的事物抑制过度焦虑,从而恢复心脏和脾脏的功能的方法。 www.hjenglish.com Several cannulas are placed in different locations on your abdomen to allow your surgeon to place instruments inside your belly to work and remove your spleen. 几个套管将被放在你的腹部的不同的地方,以便于你的外科医生把手术设备放到你的肚子里,并切除脾脏。 Splice 绞接,编接,捻接(绳、线等): to splice those two ropes 把那两根绳子接起来 拼接,叠接: The plank was spliced with nails. 那块木板是用钉子拼接的。 粘接,胶接(胶片、录音带等): to splice the cassette tape 粘接磁带 使结合,使连接: This film isn't novel at all, only splicing love to fight. 这个片子一点也不新颖,只不过是打斗加爱情的老程式。 Splint 夹板;薄木条;薄金属片 assula , plywood board 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The carpenter dubbed the splint. 木匠把夹板修平。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 He carpentered a splint for the broken leg. 他给骨折的腿制作了一副夹板。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Risking severe punishment, Messrs. McCain and Day collected pieces of bamboo in the prison courtyard to use as a splint. 冒着可能被严惩的风险,麦凯恩和黛在监狱的院子里收集了一些竹子,用来做夹板。 Spongy 海绵状的;轻软的;多孔而有弹性的;有吸水性的 flossy , fleecy 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Only a thin layer of flesh is found underneath the spongy skin; both flesh and skin are edible. 在其海绵状的表皮下只有薄薄的一层果肉;果肉和果皮都可食用。 c.wsj.com The shaft is a round fibrous segment of spongy erectile tissue, and like the glans, it is very sensitive. 阴蒂体圆柱状,它能勃起因为是海绵状的纤维组织,像阴蒂头,非常敏感。 article.yeeyan.org The study's notion of a relatively warm, spongy ice layer beneath a thin, hard outer shell would also explain Titan's lack of major mountains. 薄而坚硬的外壳之下拥有一个相对温暖的海绵状冰层也解释了为什么在泰坦星上缺少较高的山峰。 Spoof 哄骗;戏弄;对…作幽默讽刺 kid , trick vi. 行骗;开玩笑 fool , kid around n. 诳骗;愚弄;戏弄;讽刺性文章 cod , hanky panky 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This bus is used by the operating system and daemons and is tightly secured so that arbitrary applications cannot spoof system events. 这个总线由操作系统和后台进程使用,安全性非常好,以使得任意的应用程序 不能欺骗系统事件。 www.ibm.com Any competent hackers can spoof their IP address every time they visit the form, so they can easily subvert that simple security check. 任何有能力的黑客都可以在每次访问表单时伪装其 IP 地址,因此能够非常容易地让简单的安全检查失效。 www.ibm.com When users enter their login details in the spoof pages, or in the legitimate pages monitored by the Trojan, this data is entered in a text file which is then sent to the creator of the Trojan. 用户在伪造页面输入账户信息,或者在被木马监视的合法页面输入账户信息后,那些数据就被输入到一个文本文档中然后发送给木马的作者。 Sporadic 零星的;分散的;不定时发生的 scattered , dispersive 双语例句原声例句权威例句 She says Thailand, after years of political turmoil and sporadic street violence, can benefit from having a woman in charge. 她说,在多年的政治动乱和零星的街头暴力之后,泰国可以从一位女性掌权获益。 www.24en.com Therefore, based on current information, these instances of drug resistance appear to represent sporadic cases of resistance. 因此,根据当前的信息,这些耐药性病例似乎体现为零星的耐药案例。 www.who.int There will be fighting in some areas, particularly the districts of Panjwayi and Zhari, where conflict has been sporadic for years. 很多地区都会发生战斗,尤其是潘杰瓦伊和贾莱这些几年来一直有着零星冲突的地区。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-26 10:26:19

    Slit (纵向)切开,割开;撕裂;剖开: to slit the rope that tied one's hands 割开捆住双手的绳子 to slit one's throat 割断某人的喉咙 把…割成条;把…分成一条条: to slit meat into pieces 把肉切成条 to slit cloth into strips for making a mop 把布撕成条条做拖把 在…上开狭长口;使成狭缝(或裂缝): to slit long to the thigh on one side of the dress 在裙子的一侧开一个长至大腿处的大开衩 He slit his eyes but said nothing. 他眯着眼睛,但一句话也没说。 更多结果 Slither . 使滑动 slip , slide 双语例句权威例句 He can slither down from a sofa, pick up peas and point wildly at anything that catches his bright blue eyes. 他能从沙发上滑下来,捡起豌豆,并且能激动地指着任何能吸引他那明亮的蓝眼球的东西。 article.yeeyan.org The morning after the first night of my attempt, I found eels slithering around the floor of my kitchen and living room. 尝试着这么做的第一天晚上,我就发现鳗鱼在我家厨房和起居室中到处滑动。 article.yeeyan.org The elongated, serpentine body that allows land snakes to slither through dense grass also serves aquatic snakes in propelling through water. 伸长的、蜿蜒的躯体可以使得陆生蛇类在浓密的草丛间滑动,也能使水生蛇类在水里游动自如。 Sliver 梳毛,梳棉;裂片 combing , lobe 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Its speed of execution can save traders money, if only a sliver of a basis point. 它的执行速度能够为交易者节省资金,哪怕只相差零点几个基点。 www.ftchinese.com Only the sliver of land that is almost impossible to see from the road will remain the sanctum of his high-value crop. 只有这块地的一小片将会继续种植他的高价值的庄稼,要从公路上看见这块地几乎不可能。 article.yeeyan.org To heed more rational monetary considerations in the face of an unfair offer, she says, requires that you "swallow your pride"--or the sliver of pie--which is a form of emotional control. 为了在一个不公平的出价面前听从更理性的出于金融的考虑,需要”吞下你的自尊“或者干脆吃掉给你的那一小片派,这才是情绪控制。 article.yeeyan.org Sloppy 草率的;粗心的;泥泞的;肥大的;稀薄的 brief , rare , thin , subtle , careless 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But this particular book stood out, mostly because the author’s research was sloppy. 但这本特别的书问题突出,主要因为作者的调查非常草率。 dongxi.net These errors nearly always indicate sloppy programming, so if it's your code, you should clean them up anyway. 这些错误一般情况下只是表明编程草率,所以如果这是您的代码,您把它们清除掉即可。 www.ibm.com But if the UK fixes the former by worsening the latter, via ultra-loose monetary policy and yet more sloppy lending, it will store up huge problems for the future. 如果英国为了改善前者,而实施超宽松的货币政策和更加草率的放贷行为,导致后者继续恶化,未来将积累许多重大问题。 Slot 位置;狭槽;水沟;硬币投币口 location , situation , site , lie vt. 跟踪;开槽于 dog , follow up the scent 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Slot them into my schedule for the day. 把它们放到我的日计划表里边。 article.yeeyan.org Today they have to earn their slot in the chain, and that success will be closely watched by the rest of the industry. 在今天,他们必须赢得他们在这个链条中的位置,而且成功之后也还得提防行业中的觊觎者。 article.yeeyan.org You need to do the same for each of the other buttons we've just created slots for by connecting them to their corresponding slot. 需要对我们刚刚为其创建了槽的其他每个按钮做同样的事情,方法是把它们连接到它们对应的槽。 Slouch . 下垂;笨拙的人,懒散的人;懒散的样子 ptosis , sagging vt. 使下垂 sag 双语例句权威例句 No one should slouch, least of all heads of government. 每个人都不应无精打采,特别是政府首脑。 www.ftchinese.com If you slouch, cross your legs, or look weak, it works against you. 如果你没精打采,交叉双腿,看上去很虚弱,那么结果就对你不利。 article.yeeyan.org The reverse is also true. If you slouch, cross your legs, or look weak, it works against you. Sitting powerfully for just two minutes can make a psychological difference. 反之亦如此。如果你没精打采,交叉双腿,看上去很虚弱,那么结果就对你不利。笔直地坐两分钟就能产生心理差异。 Slough 蜕下的皮(或壳);绝境;[地理]泥沼;[外科]腐肉 extremity , serbonian bog vt. 使陷入泥沼;抛弃 embog , cast aside vi. 蜕皮;脱落;在泥浆中跋涉 shed skin , come away 双语例句权威例句 Some of animals slough, such as snake, cicada, and so on. 有些动物会蜕皮,例如蛇、蝉等。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 But even by their usual gloomy standards, Britons seem to have got themselves into a slough of despond of late. 但是以他们一贯悲观的标准视之,最近不列颠人似乎已把自己置于失望的泥沼。 club.topsage.com The Big Society evolved in opposition as the Conservatives sought to slough off their reputation as a heartless bunch, fixated only on economic outcomes. 随着保守党想要抛弃他们的没心没肺的只关注经济利益的名誉时,“大社会”却在反对声中发展着。 Slovenly 懒散的;不整洁的;马虎的 slouchy , laid-back adv. 邋遢地;马虎地;不整洁地 scruffily , untidily 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It says that your colleagues are slovenly and that the company has outsourced its cleaning to underpaid cleaners. 据说,你的同事都很邋遢,公司把厕所清洁工作外包给了报酬过低的清洁工。 www.ftchinese.com Obese people were also significantly more likely to be pictured from the side or rear, unclothed or in slovenly attire, eating unhealthy food and being lazy. 肥胖者也更有可能是从侧面或者后面进行拍照,没穿衣服或者穿着邋遢,吃着不健康的食物而且表现懒惰。 article.yeeyan.org Not only does slumping over your keyboard give you chronic backache and make you look slovenly, it also increases your risk of heart disease, says The Journal of Neuroscience. 不仅在你的键盘 给你的滑坡慢性背痛 使你看起来邋遢 它也增加你患心脏病的风险 称神经科学杂志》上。 Slue 旋转,转向;沼泽地 revolution , rotation , rolling , turning , wetland vi. 旋转;转向 wheel , circle , spin 双语例句原声例句 Her name was Slue-foot Sue. 她的名字是极多英尺苏。 www.maynet.cn Now, after the marriage ceremony Slue-foot Sue got a really bad idea. 现在,经过婚礼极多米休了一个非常糟糕的主意。 www.maynet.cn The breed slue of tea tree, distributing very wide, breed with China most, occupy 60 % above. 茶树的品种极多,分布甚广,品种以中国最多,占60%以上。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-27 22:16:35

    Sprawling (手脚)不自然地(或难看地)伸开: He stood at the gate of the theatre, with legs sprawled. 他叉着双腿站在剧场门口。 四肢伸开地躺着(或坐着): He sprawled on the floor by a heavy blow. 一记重拳将他打趴在地上。 笨拙地爬,挣扎着爬行: She sprawled out of the door. 她挣扎着爬出了门外。 不规则地延伸,蔓延,(植物)蔓生: The fire is sprawling in all directions. 火势正在向四周蔓延。 There were weeds sprawling in the yard. 院子里到处丛生着野草。 Sprig 小枝;图钉;年青人;子孙 child , seed vt. 用钉子钉上;用小树枝装饰;使蔓生 sprawl 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I give you my sprig of lilac. 我献给你我的紫丁香花枝。 article.yeeyan.org 1 sprig of fresh eucalyptus leaves (about 8) 1小枝新鲜桉树叶(8片) article.yeeyan.org For a country wedding, add a sprig of lavender to the invitation. 如果是在乡村举行婚礼,那就在邀请函上加一枝薰衣草。 Sprightly 活泼的;愉快的 alive , lively , good , bright , activated adv. 活泼地 vigorously , spiritedly 双语例句权威例句 But the industry seems to be coming to terms with the fact that it is no longer as young and sprightly as it once was. 不过这个产业似乎已经认识到,事实上他们已经不再像曾经有过的那样年轻活泼了。 www.ecocn.org They are like streetcars running contentedly on their rails and they despise the sprightly flivver that dashes in and out of the traffic and speeds so jauntily across the open country. 他们就像是有轨电车,满足于现行的轨迹,同时,对那些在车流中穿梭的,在田野间轻快飞驰的廉价小汽车嗤之以鼻。 article.yeeyan.org Owing to high traffic and a sprightly character, OK Cupid was also perhaps the most desirable eligible bachelor out there, until February, when it was bought, for fifty million dollars, by Match. 由于高流量和活泼的性格,"OK丘比特"也可能是让最多有魅力的合格单身男子找到伴侣的网站,直到二月它被"默契网"以5千万美元收购。 Spry . 活泼的;敏捷的;精神好的 alive , lively , sharp , activated , fly 双语例句权威例句 He looked to be in his seventies and, although careful with his steps, quite 16)spry for his age. 他看上去七十多岁的样子,虽然他走路很小心,但他的步伐对他这个年龄的人来说还算很敏捷。 www.ebigear.com Old-fashioned cardio can also keep your memory spry by improving a number of aspects of brain functions. 老式的心也可以通过改善大脑机能的许多方面而使记忆敏捷。 article.yeeyan.org Not all checks need be done on the server, and the more client-side checks, the more spry your application. 检查不需要都在服务器上执行,而且客户端检查越多,应用程序就越敏捷。 Spunk 勇气;精神;引火柴;(苏格兰)怒意 courage , energy , nerve , soul , mind vt. 鼓起勇气 nerve oneself , take courage , get up the courage vi. (苏格兰)发怒 anger , chafe at , be hot under the collar , show one's teeth 双语例句权威例句 I admire your spunk and independence. 我欣赏你的勇气和自立。 www.lzeweb.com You should spunk up and face the facts. 你应该振奋精神,勇敢地面对事实。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Silver's halcyon days may be fading, but gold still looks like it has some spunk. 银已是明日黄花,但黄金尚有余勇可贾。 Spurious 假的;伪造的;欺骗的 false , bogus 双语例句权威例句 It removes the spurious entry, then goes ahead and tries to remove A's temporary file from the database too. 它删除了假的条目,然后继续运行,并试图从数据库中将进程 A 的临时文件也删除掉。 www.ibm.com While the mail server is bogged down with all the spurious requests, it can't handle real e-mails, some of which may be sales leads or support requests. 邮件服务器被所有这些假请求所包围,无法处理真正的电子邮件,而其中一些邮件可能是销售线索或支持请求。 www.ibm.com Thank you for finding a way forward on the issues of research and development financing, and substandard, spurious, falsely-labelled, falsified, counterfeit medical products. 谢谢你们在研究和发展筹资问题以及在劣质、假造、标签不当、伪造、假冒医疗产品问题上找到了前进方向。 Spurn 藐视;轻蔑地拒绝,唾弃: All my requests were spurned by my boss. 我所有的请求均遭到老板的拒绝。 to spurn the psychological pressure 摒弃心理压力 蔑视,鄙视;轻蔑地对待: Even a small success is not to be spurned. 即使是小小的成功也很不错了。 践踏: to spurn the grass 践踏草地 用脚踢;把…一脚踢开(away): He spurned away the basket he uesd just now. 他把刚用过的篮子一脚踢开了。 Squabble 发生口角;大声争吵 altercate vt. 弄乱(排好的铅字) mess , disarrange n. 争吵;口角 argument , brush , dispute 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But this conflict is really a family squabble. 但是这次冲突实际上是一场家庭争吵。 article.yeeyan.org He always likes to squabble with others about petty matters. 他总爱为些小事而和他人争吵。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 After a family squabble, her son, Clifton Jenes Jr., 20, threatened to harm himself, led police on a car chase through downtown and then jumped from the Fourth Street bridge. 在一场家庭争吵以后 她20岁的儿子克里夫顿.詹尼斯以自残威胁她 致使警方开着汽车冲过市中心 然后闯进第四号街桥。 Squall 嚎啕;尖叫 pipe , scream n. 暴风;麻烦;高声哭喊;尖叫 trouble , headache , hurricane 双语例句权威例句 All this may sound like a small squall in a narrow fjord. 所有这些听起来就像是窄小峡湾里的一阵暴风雨。 www.ecocn.org Nearby, the dark, dull edge of a tumor threatens like an approaching squall. 附近,一个深暗色的肿瘤正像要来临的暴风般威胁着她。 article.yeeyan.org The clouds can form alone, in clusters, or along acold front in a squall line. 这些云朵可以组成单独的云簇,也可以沿着暴风线的冷锋分布。 Squat 蹲;蹲坐,盘腿坐: to squat on a bench 蹲在长凳上 They squatted on the grass. 他们蹲坐在草地上。 蹲伏,蜷伏;隐伏: A female lion squatted in the shrub, waiting for her games. 一只母狮蜷伏在灌木丛中,静候着她的猎物。 [口语]坐,坐着不动,闲坐: to squat chatting 闲坐聊天 The doctor let her squat down and asked her some questions. 医生让她坐下,问了她几个问题。 Squelch 压碎,压烂;击碎: The door was squelched by him. 屋门被他打碎了。 消除,打消;镇压,粉碎: to squelch the feelings of fear 消除恐惧感 It is reported that the governmental troops have successfully squelched an armed coup. 据报道政府军成功地粉碎了一起武装政变。 使发出咯吱咯吱的声响;使咯吱咯吱响着前进 [口语]镇住,震慑;使缄默,使无言: The two boxers glowered each other to squelch the other. 两位拳击手凶狠地互相瞪着眼想以此镇住对方。 Staccato 不连贯地 disjointedly 双语例句原声例句权威例句 She chews him out in a staccato of Hebrew, while he stares passively at her. 她以一种希伯来式的断音责骂着这位年轻人,而对方只能被动的瞪着她。 article.yeeyan.org His thinking, he said, has taken on a “staccato” quality, reflecting the way he quickly scans short passages of text from many sources online. 他的思想,他说道,已经呈现出一种“断奏”的特性了,这反映为他在线上众多资源中,常常快速浏览短小文章段落的方式上。 article.yeeyan.org His thinking, he said, has taken on a “staccato” quality, reflecting the way he quickly scans short passages of text from many sources online. 他在今年早些时候这样写道。 他的思想,他说道,已经呈现出一种“断奏”的特性了,这反映为他在线上众多资源中,常常快速浏览短小文章段落的方式上。 Stalk (植物的)茎,秆;(支持叶子、果实和花的)[植]梗,[生物]柄;追踪;高视阔步 stem , tracking , handle vt. 追踪,潜近;高视阔步 trail , follow up on vi. 高视阔步地走;潜近,偷偷接近 move in on 双语例句权威例句 We would only provide the conserved stalk—or the conserved portion—of the virus's hemagglutinin. 我们只需要提供病毒的血凝素中的保守柄——也就是不变的那部分。 article.yeeyan.org White asparagus: This vegetable - known for its tender stalk - comes into season between March and June. 白芦笋:这种蔬菜——其细嫩的茎备受人们的青睐——在三月和六月之间上市。 c.wsj.com At nine his father, a naturalist who had started a reptile park on the Queensland coast, taught him to stalk crocs at night and lug them out of the water. 在他九岁那年,他的父亲,一名自然学家,在昆士兰州海岸开设了一家爬虫类公园,教他在夜里追踪鳄鱼的踪迹,并将它们拖出水面。 Stalwart 坚定的;健壮的 committed , firm , confirmed , stable , decisive 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Senator John McCain, once a stalwart proponent of a more moderate immigration policy, turned himself into an immigration hawk to parry a challenge in the Republican primaries. 参议员约翰•麦凯恩,曾经是更加温和移民政策的坚定支持者,然而在共和党初选中他却变成了移民鹰派以避开质问。 www.ecocn.org It described the group's head as a "stalwart of the opposition faction", according to the South China Morning Post, which saw the notice on a website run by Minzu University in Beijing. 根据南华早报的消息,通知描述了该组织的领导人是一个“反对派坚定的支持者”,南华早报是在北京民族大学运行的网站上看到这则通知的。 article.yeeyan.org In the beginning, they paid no attention at all to the Arab revolution. When the bombing broke out, they sprang into action immediately, assuming the air of stalwart fighters against hegemonism. 然而中国媒体误解了, 轰炸开始之后, 原本不关注阿拉伯革命的中国媒体瞬间亢奋起来, 俨然成为一个坚定地反霸权主义斗士。 Stamina 毅力;精力;活力;持久力 energy , vitality , spring , steam , vigor 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I have no stamina. 我是个没有毅力的人。 www.elanso.com It's remarkable that a 70-year-old man has the stamina he had! 一个70岁的人还有他那样的精力, 真是不同寻常。 《新英汉大辞典》 But even by his standards the next few days will be a daunting test of nerve and stamina from which only two outcomes are possible. 但尽管在这种情况下,接下来的几天将会有一个令人畏惧的关于胆量和持久力的考验,并将产生两种结果。 Stanch 止住…的流出,止住(血等): to stanch blood 止血 止住…的血;使不渗漏: to stanch the wound 止住伤口的血 He stanched the leak of the boat with a piece of cloth. 他用一块布堵住了船上的漏洞。 [口语]阻止;减轻;消除 Statute 法规;法令;条例 act , ordinance 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The statute, required of all schools, outlines the school’s operations. 所有学校都需要制定条例以规范学校的运行。 www.america.gov It was a fair competition statute, and it was silent on therights that the copyright holder had in respect of his customers: the readers. 这是一个公平竞争的法令,并且在涉及到权力所有者所有的与客户即读者有关的权力时,它是保持沉默的。 article.yeeyan.org But over-complex language is only one worry in a process where every statute and constitutional amendment interacts with every other to shape policy in this huge state. 但是,在美国第一大州的政策形成中,各种法令和宪法的修正过程互相影响,过于复杂的语言只是这个过程中的一个问题而已。 Staunch 坚定的;忠诚的;坚固的 committed , loving , firm , confirmed , devoted vt. 止住;止血 rein in , rein up 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Messy rescues of Citigroup and Bank of America have failed to staunch their losses. 对花旗和美洲银行棘手的营救并没有止住他们的亏损。 article.yeeyan.org But he acknowledged he still has a long way to go to win over staunch conservatives. 但是他承认,要把坚定的保守派争取过来,还有很长的一段路要走。 www.kekenet.com Most Christians and most Muslims are not vegetarian and most people in both faiths would be startled by the suggestion that Jesus and the early Christians were staunch vegetarians. 大多数基督徒和穆斯林都不是素食者,对耶稣和早期的基督徒是坚定的素食者这样的说法,这两种信仰的多数信众都会感到吃惊。 blog.sina.com.cn Stench 恶臭;[矿业]臭气 malodor , effluvium vi. 发恶臭 stink of 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The stench of death is everywhere. 到处都是尸体散发的臭气。 web.worldbank.org I stayed at a hostel in the Howrah slums and regretted that my camera could record only images, not the equally memorable stench. 我住在豪拉市贫民窟的一家旅社,遗憾的是我的相机只能记录影像,而不能保存那同样令人印象深刻的恶臭。 article.yeeyan.org His wife even threatened to stop sleeping with him, but she gave in first, insisting she should be loyal and put up with the stench. 辛格的妻子甚至用拒绝同床来威胁丈夫,但她还是先妥协了,她认为自己应该对丈夫忠诚并忍受其恶臭。 Stencil 用模版在…的表面印刷;用模版印刷: 用模版在…的表面印刷;用模版印刷: to stencil a flower pattern on the handkerchief 在手帕上印上花的图案 to stencil word POLICE 印上“警察”字样 更多结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 词组短语同近义词 n. [印刷]模版,蜡纸 waxed paper 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It is based on screen printing, which uses a stencil and paint to create an image. 该技术基于屏幕打印,即使用一张蜡纸和油墨来创建一个图像。 www.ecocn.org The second stage was to transfer the gold from the stencil to a screen, or substrate, by pressing the template onto it. 第二阶段是将通过把模板按在一个屏幕上,或感光底层,从而把黄金从蜡纸转化到它们之上。 www.ecocn.org For this transfer to take place successfully, the materials have to be chosen so that the ink is more attracted to the substrate than it is to the stencil. 为了让这种转化成功完成,材料的选择要特别谨慎,也就是说,要使得墨水对感光底层的粘附力要大过对蜡纸的粘附力。 Stentorian 声音极其洪亮的 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 She is not clear, in the stentorian child in the home, arrived how did nursery school become small sheep? 她不明白,在家里声音洪亮的孩子,到了幼儿园怎么就成了小绵羊? dictsearch.appspot.com Her deft reading of Hughes's magnificent words blends stentorian tradition with urgent modernity in ways that electrify and disarm. 她灵巧的阅读休斯壮丽的话融合的方式与电气化和解除武装的紧迫现代响亮的传统。 danci.911cha.com No matter where it comes from, this voice of moderation sounds shrill and plaintive compared with the stentorian message of hardliners and the domestic security empire they rule. 不管是谁发出的,与强硬派及其麾下庞大社会治安机构高亢响亮的声音比起来,这番温和的呼声显得尖锐而悲哀。 Stifle 使窒息,闷住;闷死: He was killed by stifling. 他因窒息而死。 I was nearly stifled by the smoke. 我差点让这些烟给憋死。 镇压,粉碎: to stifle a revolt 镇压叛乱 to stifle free expression 压制自由言论 抑止,制止;忍住: to stifle the development of the national economy 抑制了国民经济的发展 to stifle a yawn 忍住呵欠 Stigma 柱头;耻辱;污名;烙印;特征 characteristic , brand 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Those living in the shadow of stigma. 这些人生活在污名的阴影中。 www.who.int And if you do have it, will there be a stigma? 如果你真的患有注意力缺陷多动症,这会是一种耻辱吗? c.wsj.com He is lying fourth in the polls, but his vote could be underestimated because of the stigma of admitting support. 他在民调中位列第四,但他的得票数可能被低估,因为承认支持他被认为是一种耻辱。 Stint 节约;定额,定量 economy , saving , quota , norm vt. 节省;限制 block , qualify vi. 紧缩,节省 save , tuck in 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I would have poured my spirit without stint But not through wounds; not on the cess of war. 我会毫不吝啬的盈满我的灵魂,但绝不是通过创伤才走向成熟,也不是靠幸运赢得战争。 v.163.com Often, however, your stint in college only prepares you to make further decisions regarding your future. 然而通常,大学的某些限制让你不得不为了将来做更远的打算。 article.yeeyan.org Josh tells them he went for that line about it's not a job, it's an adventure once already, and it cost him the use of his legs. And ten years is too long a stint to sign up for. 杰克告诉他们 他曾经相信过`这不是一份工作 而是一次冒险旅程`这句宣传语 而付出代价是双腿报废.而且十年的期限也太长了.军旅生涯给他的教训已经够多了.他准备送客. Stipple 点刻;点画,点彩 点刻法;点画法;点彩法 更多结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 Also with white flowers Stipple vines lining in the black for the CD. 也是用白色花卉藤蔓点画在黑底为衬的CD上。 danci.911cha.com Lines through the ink color and the perfect combination of people felt a kind of poetic aesthetic, at staggered stipple, and gives strong appeal, or pleasing, or resonate. 透过水墨色彩和线条的完美结合,让人感受到一种唯美的诗情画意,在点画交错之中,给人以极强的感染力,或赏心悦目,或产生共鸣。 5354tv.com This morning as I write, the stark gnarl and tangle of winter is sugared with snow, deer tracks stipple the backyard and the pale yolk of the sun is oozing through the thick clouds. 在我写下这些文字的早晨,我望着窗外突兀的树干;如白砂糖般满天飞舞的冬雪,看着自家后院点点雄鹿留下的足迹,天空中淡黄色的太阳光勉力地从厚实的云层里渗出。 Stipulate 规定,约定,订明: to stipulate a price 规定价格 the items stipulated in the contract 合同中约定的条款 坚持把…作为协议的条件: Total disarmament was stipulated in the peace treaty. 全部裁减军备条款是和平协议的必要条件。 These two things are stipulated for the talks ot resume. 恢复会谈所需的两项先决条件。 保证,确保: to stipulate the existence of certain facts 要确保某些事实的存在 Can you stipulate they would carry out the treaty? 你能保证他们会执行该条约吗? Stitch . 针脚,[服装]线迹;一针 steek vt. 缝,缝合 seam , oversew vi. 缝,缝合 sew up 双语例句原声例句权威例句 A hole was torn in your jacket. Let me stitch up the torn jacket for you. 你的上衣撕了个口子,我给你缝缝吧。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Embroidery calls for great care. There must not be even a single sloppy stitch. 刺绣要求很高, 一针也不能马虎。 《新英汉大辞典》 She has also studied everything from how to stitch her own wounds to how to cope with sleep deprivation and how to put out fires on board her 11.5-metre twin-mast ketch. 她还学习了相关知识,从如何缝合伤口,到如何应付睡眠不足的状况,再到如何扑灭高11.5米的双桅杆帆船上的火情,可谓应有尽有。 Stockade 栅栏;围起的地方 rail fence , pale 双语例句权威例句 They have reached the Owl Creek bridge, put it in order and built a stockade on the north bank. 他们已经抵达枭河桥,把那座铁路桥整顿得井井有条,在河北岸筑起一排防御栅栏。 article.yeeyan.org In the wasteland outside Sarju's stockade, two men, squatting a modest 20 yards apart, are chatting companionably as they take their morning purge. 在萨尔朱家栅栏外的荒地上,两名男子差不多相隔20码地蹲着,友善地聊天,因为他们在出早恭。 www.ecocn.org Using a small bicycle cart, now tucked securely between the hut and its flimsy stockade of thorn-branches, he fetches the carcasses, skins them and leaves what remains for the dogs. 他用一个小推车,现藏在土屋和荆棘枝条的薄栅栏之间,他取回死去的家畜,把皮剥下来,剩下的东西都扔给野狗。 Stodgy 平凡的;塞满的;庸俗的 ordinary , stock , crowded 双语例句原声例句权威例句 These were not the old stodgy ads listing goods for sale. 这不是那种列明打折商品的旧式、乏味的广告。 www.ftchinese.com Yet if their economies keep roaring ahead, the stodgy business of lending to companies will suffer as alternative means of finance for businesses open up. 但是如果他们的经济保持快速增长,沉闷的借钱给公司的业务将会在金融上被分离开由于商业的开放。 www.ecocn.org Great body too, she observed, in a dark suit. Beneath it he wore a black T-shirt, not a white polyester shirt and stodgy tie you saw so often in this area. 他来了,英俊、秃顶的男子,她注意到,他身材也很好,穿一件深色西装,里面穿了件黑色T恤,而不是在本地经常看见涤纶衬衫和古板的领带。 Stoke 拨旺(火);烧(火),司(炉),给(炉子)加燃料: to stoke the stove 给炉子添燃料 大量供给(食品),使饱吃一顿: to stoke oneself 大吃一顿 煽起,激起(常与 up 连用): to stoke up the discontent 煽起不满情绪 vi. 烧火,把火拨旺(常与 up 连用): The boiler has stoked up. 锅炉已经生起火了。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-28 13:24:07

    Suffrage 选举权;投票;参政权;代祷;赞成票 poll , referendums 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It would be a mistake, however, to view the expansion of the suffrage as either inevitable or peaceful. 不过,如果因此认为扩大选举权是一个必然的或一帆风顺的过程,那可就错了。 www.america.gov He believes they should become full citizens instead, in which case they would be granted full suffrage. 他认为他们应当成为完全的公民,这样他们就拥有全部的投票权。 www.ecocn.org What did love have to do with Ruth's divergent views on art, right conduct, the French Revolution, or equal suffrage? 爱清跟露丝对艺术、对正确行为、对法国革命、或是对选举权平等的不同看法能有什么关系? Suffuse 充满;弥漫 abound with , be imbued with 双语例句权威例句 They want to move everyone with their behaviors and suffuse the world with love. 她们表示要用自己的行为去感染世界上的每一个人, 让爱心充满全世界。 dj.iciba.com This sensitivity to feel should suffuse the whole endeavor, from the foundational user experience work to the final UI. 这种对感受的敏锐,涵盖了所有的努力,从基本的用户体验到最终的UI设计。 article.yeeyan.org This includes user interface design and the brand qualities that suffuse the site’s visual language, content, and user interactions. 它包括用户界面的设计和品牌质量,涵盖了网站的视觉语言,内容和用户交互。 Sulky 生气的;阴沉的 angry , heavy 双语例句权威例句 A harness race is one in which a horse pulls a light, two-wheeled vehicle called a sulky. 轻驾车赛马是由马拉着一辆轻型、称为sulky的两轮马车进行比赛。 www.24en.com 'Well, be off, then!' said the Pigeon in a sulky tone, as it settled down again into its nest. “哼,那就滚开!” 鸽子生气地说着,同时又飞下去钻进它的窝里了。 www.hjenglish.com Young Thomas expressed these sentiments sitting astride of a chair before the fire, with his arms on the back, and his sulky face on his arms. 小汤姆双腿胯开坐在壁炉前的一张椅子上发表了这些意见,他的两只胳膊放在椅背上,托着他那张闷闷不乐的脸。 Sullen 愠怒的,不高兴的;(天气)阴沉的;沉闷的 heavy , mumpish 双语例句原声例句权威例句 And I felt just like a sullen new mom, not ready for her role. 并且我就像一个闷闷不乐的新妈妈,来不及应付她的角色。 article.yeeyan.org Sipping muddy coffee sweetened with gritty sugar, served by a sullen waiter at a greasy table, you are discussing the future with friends. 侍者阴沉着脸,端来加了粗砂糖的混浊咖啡。 你坐在油腻的桌边,品着咖啡,与朋友们谈着未来。 www.ecocn.org Henry was a neat man, his lab coat clean, what remained of his hair combed and parted precisely; he was quiet, but said enough not to seem sullen. 亨利是一个整洁的男士,他的实验工作服很干净,他的头发梳理过,而且整齐的分开;他很安静,话多的刚好让他不会显得阴沉。 Sultry . 闷热的;狂暴的;淫荡的 angry , stuffy 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I have no memory of any that offered air conditioning, which would have been handy in a sultry St. Louis July. 在圣路易斯闷热的七月,空调本应唾手可得,可我不记得有哪家影院曾提供国这项服务。 www.elanso.com But after a few gasps from the audience, the bug flew back into the trees, and a beautiful new adaptation of a Kunqu opera masterpiece ended on a sultry summer night. 将观众吓得倒吸几口冷气之后,这只虫子却又飞回树丛。 就这样,一出昆剧巨作的优美的新编版本,在闷热的夏夜结束了。 article.yeeyan.org Still, the celebratory gunfire that punctures the sultry night air sets nerves on edge, serving more as a reminder that fighting continues than as reassurance of rebel control. 尽管如此,这些庆祝的枪声刺穿了闷热的夜空,使人心神不宁,其更具提醒战斗仍在持续的作用,而不是确保反对派的控制。 Summation 总和;合计 together with , grand total 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This expression is used inside the braces {} that define the index of the summation. The syntax for an expression is 这个表达式在花括号({})中使用,它定义了和的索引。 www.ibm.com If you get imbalance in AJT 40 or 60, check that there is no data on any summation account (that has formerly been an in data account). 如果 AJT 40 或 60 中出现不平衡,检查确保在任何合计账户(以前一直是一个数据账户)上没有数据。 www.ibm.com We have the integral from minus infinity to plus infinity of F(x)*x*dx, and that's really--you see it's the same thing because an integral is analogous to a summation. 我们用从负无穷到正无穷的积分公式F(x)*x*dx,你看到的,这是相同的事,因为积分是类似的求和过程。 Sumptuous 华丽的,豪华的;奢侈的 grand , luxury , magnificent , brave , gorgeous 双语例句原声例句权威例句 If you are into fine dining, then hotels are the best bet with their sumptuous buffet spreads. 如果你想来顿精美大餐,那么,拥有豪华自助餐的酒店可谓最佳选择。 www.ftchinese.com The next two formulas are from the Cucumber Growers Association, and are simple yet sumptuous treats for your face. 接下来的两种方法来自黄瓜种植者协会,仍是简单而又对你的脸是奢侈的款待。 article.yeeyan.org But inside, it was fitted with electric windows - rare for the time - power steering, sumptuous leather seats and a decent sound system. 但是从内部来说,他装备了电动窗(当时很稀少哦)助力转向,豪华皮革座椅,高级的音响系统。 Sunder 切开;切断 excide , slice from vi. 分离;断开 keep apart , draw apart 双语例句权威例句 He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and brake their bands in sunder. 他从黑暗中,和死荫里,领他们出来,折断他们的绑索。 www.ebigear.com Once battle begins, they lead the charge, seeking to sunder the weapons of any enemy warriors. 一旦战斗开始,他们会率先冲锋,并优先击破敌方战士的武器。 dj.iciba.com I still know a lot of words, though. “Cleave” is a funny word, because it means to sunder, and, strangely, it also means to stick to. 尽管如此,我仍然认识不少词,Cleave是个有意思的词,因为它的意思是“切开,分离”,而奇怪的是它的另一个意思是“坚持”。 Supercilious 目空一切的,高傲的;傲慢的,自大的 lofty , arrogant 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Her supercilious attitude enraged me. 她的傲慢态度使我极为愤怒。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 This supercilious attitude relegates me to the level of the commonplace. 这种目空一切的心态把我归入大路货的档次。 blog.sina.com.cn One does not mind them on into the two extremes: to the inferiority or supercilious. 他们一不心就走入两个极端:目空一切或者内向自卑。 Superfluous 多余的;不必要的;奢侈的 unnecessary , spare , luxury , waste , redundant 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Or are you superfluous? 或者你是多余的? article.yeeyan.org So she never said superfluous words to him. 于是她从来都不对他说多余的话。 www.ebigear.com Considerable sums of money passed through his hands, but nothing could induce him to make any change whatever in his mode of life, or add anything superfluous to his bare necessities. 大笔大笔的款项都经过他的手,但没有任何东西能稍稍改变他的生活方式,或使他在他所必需的用品以外增添一点多余的东西。 Superimpose 添加;重叠;附加;安装 fit , fix 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Mentally superimpose the above graph on your desktop (or if you really want, draw it as your background). 想象中 把上面的图形叠放 到你计算机的桌面上(或者,如果愿意,可以把它设成桌面背景)。 article.yeeyan.org It can superimpose data, maps, and graphics on-the-fly, upon any screen and from any video source, including DoD and public computer networks. 它可以添加数据、地图和空中图形,在任何屏幕上和从任何视频来源,包括国防部和公共计算机网络。 www.etiri.com.cn Okay? So those are the basic note values normally with a duple division but we can superimpose triple by using a dot and the absence of sound. 清楚了吗,这些就是基本的音符值,一般是双倍形式分配,但我们可以把它添加为三倍形式的,通过加上附点当然还有休止符 Superlative 最高的;最高级的;过度的 highest , supreme , maximum , peak , top n. 最高级;最好的人;最高程度;夸大话 best , surfine 双语例句原声例句权威例句 And now, in her, he conceived purity to be the superlative of goodness and of cleanness, the sum of which constituted eternal life. 现在地从她身上懂得了纯洁,那是善与净的最高形式,其总体便构成了永生。 www.crazyenglish.org The investment that Apple made several years ago in superlative product design and user experience has resulted in not only brand loyalty but brand growth. 苹果公司几年前对最好的产品设计和用户体验所作的投资不仅带来了客户对品牌的忠诚,也促进了品牌的增长。 article.yeeyan.org In the meantime, if you have any suggestions or first-hand knowledge of companies that have created superlative customer experiences, it would be great to hear about them in the comments. 与此同时,如果你有任何的对于公司创造最佳的客户体验的一手资料的建议,我们很期待它会出现在评论之中。 Supersede 代替,取代: He was superseded by a young girl for the post. 一位年轻的姑娘取代了他的职位。 In the future, robots will supersede human beings for very heavy work. 今后,机器人必将取代人类的繁重劳动。 接替,充任;使让位: Any one could supersede you as manager in my office. 我办公室中的任何一个人都可以接替你的经理职务。 废弃: She superseded the old statue. 她把那个旧的塑像扔掉了。 占先于;紧接着…而来到: The voice of the people finally superseded the restoration trend of thought. 人民的呼声终于战胜了复辟的思潮。 Supine 仰卧的;懒散的;掌心向上的;向后靠的 resupine , slouchy 双语例句权威例句 They also had supine shareholders. 他们也有懒散的股东。 www.ecocn.org When supine, he had severely reduced blood flow through his brain returning to his heart. 在仰卧的时候,由大脑流向心脏的血流会出现神经性减少。 article.yeeyan.org Reading is a quiet activity and it will often induce sleep in the supine position. Especially if it's a dreary textbook or work paper. 阅读是一种很安静的活动,特别是在阅读工作文件或者阅读的内容很枯燥时,仰卧的姿势容易使人入睡。 Suppliant j. 恳求的;哀求的 precative , imploring 双语例句原声例句 "The Suppliant Women" is the only surviving part of the lost Danaüs trilogy. 《谦卑的女人》是丹尼亚斯三部曲中唯一保存下来的那部分。 article.yeeyan.org And now, and for the first time, he was a suppliant, tender and timid and doubting. 可现在他第一次变成了个温柔、羞怯、忐忑不安的追求者。 www.ebigear.com Nearly ten years later, he produced "The Suppliant Women, " his first known tragedy. 差不多十年之后,他推出了他第一部有影响力的悲剧——《谦卑的女人》。 Supplicant 恳求者,哀求者 adj. 恳求的,哀求的 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 Poland cannot be both preacher and supplicant. 波兰不能同时当布道者和乞求者。 www.ecocn.org They are capable of slamming the door in a supplicant's face, cutting him off in midsentence. 他们能够在一个恳求者面前把门砰然关上,把他们才说到一半的话猛然截断。 article.yeeyan.org Berkshire 'was a supplier of liquidity and capital to the system, not a supplicant, ' he wrote. 我们是金融体系所需流动性和资金的供应者,而不是资金乞求者。 Surcharge 超载;额外费 superimposed load , overcarriage 双语例句权威例句 To force revaluations by Germany and Japan, he threatened a 10 per cent import surcharge. 为了迫使德国和日本货币升值,他威胁要加征10%的进口附加税。 news.iciba.com However these costs should also be recognised by the regulatory framework, and rewarded in the form of a reduced surcharge. 然而,监管框架应认识到这些成本,并以减少额外收费的形式予以奖励。 www.ftchinese.com If the fees for using smart cards and mobiles were low enough, cash would be more expensive to take, so it might well attract a surcharge. 今后,假如使用智能卡和手机收取的手续费足够低的话,现金消费相对而言就很昂贵了,可见现金消费很可能会额外收费。 Surly 乖戾的;板面孔的,无礼的;阴沉的 heavy , cross 双语例句权威例句 I run back – and standing before me is ‘Surly’, smiling and holding aloft a purse – my purse – containing my passport, money and credit cards. 我奔回去,站在我面前的是那个刚才脸色阴沉的男人,他笑着高举着一个钱包,那是我的钱包,里面装着护照、现金和信用卡。 article.yeeyan.org We ducked into the St. Mark's branch of Grand Sichuan and sure enough, there was a generous amount of AC, along with a particularly surly waitress. 于是我们迅速的拐进了圣马克大街的大四川饭店,这里果真有好多的美式中餐,还有特别无礼的女服务员。 article.yeeyan.org Perhaps the strange human desire to fly away from the planet, to “slip the surly bonds of earth, ” is a necessary impulse for discovering who we are. 人类有一个奇怪的想法,那就是从地球上远走高飞以挣脱这个乖戾的星球。 或许这个冲动对于发现我们究竟是谁是必要的。 Susceptibility 敏感性;感情;磁化系数 sensitivity , affection , heart , feeling , sentiment 双语例句原声例句权威例句 "By thinning this mucous [layer], we increased the susceptibility to infection," Finlay said at the meeting. “通过稀释这种分泌粘液层,我们加快了感染的敏感性”,芬利在会议上说。 article.yeeyan.org Susceptibility to acid depends in part on the type of calcium carbonate the animal makes, the researchers found. 研究人员发现,对酸的敏感性在某种程度上取决于动物所产生的碳酸钙类型。 huzhangao.blog.163.com But infection with H. pylori alone does not lead to stomach cancer; other factors, like genetic susceptibility, are also necessary for the condition to develop. 但是,只有这一种细菌,还不能导致癌症,其他的因素,例如胃部的敏感性,都是引起癌症发展的重要因素。 Suture 缝合;缝合处;缝合用的线 stitching , seaming vt. [外科]缝合 seam , oversew 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It's suture. 那是缝合线。 article.yeeyan.org Residents will be expected to know how to grow food suture wounds, and bury corpses by hand, if they plan to opt out. 如果打算成为“选择退出村”居民的话,您就应该知道如何种植粮食,缝合伤口,并会赤手掩埋尸体。 article.yeeyan.org Many of her friends have undergone double eyelid surgery which, through incision and suture, adds a crease on the eyelid. 她的很多朋友都做了双眼皮手术,通过切口缝合,在眼睑上加一个折痕。 Svelte 苗条的;线条清晰的;和蔼的 nice , kind , benign 双语例句权威例句 Even weight-loss surgery doesn't always help people maintain their more svelte physiques. 即使减肥手术也并不能让人永远保持苗条的体型。 blog.sina.com.cn As his weight approached 300 pounds, Saxen happened across a book with a photo of his old, svelte body on the cover. 当他的体重达到300磅的时候,萨克森意外发现了书的封面上刊登了他的旧照-那苗条的身材。 article.yeeyan.org As these once - obese humans lost weight over the course of a year, their mix of gut microbes changed to reflect their new, svelte status. Why this happened is not clear. 在这一年中,这些曾经肥胖的人的体重逐渐减轻,他们的肠道微生物也发生了改变以反映其日渐苗条的身材。 Swagger 昂首阔步;大摇大摆地走: He with his hatchet men swaggered out of the bar. 他和他那帮打手神气活现地走出了那间酒吧。 吹牛皮,说大话,自吹自擂(常与about连用): It's of no help to you if you swagger before me. 在我面前自吹自擂对你并没什么好处。 to swagger about one's heroic history 吹嘘自己英勇的过去 妄自尊大,神气活现,得意忘形 威吓,吓唬;呵斥: Don't swagger at my friend, speak to me! 别对我的朋友大喊大叫,有什么事对我说! Swath (割草机或镰刀)一次划的幅度,划幅 划后的一行(或一块),划割地 好似划割过的地带 划下的一幅草(或作物);条铺草(或作物) 长而宽的一条(或地带);一行;一条 abbr. small waterline area, twin null ship吃水浅的双体船 短语: cut a (wide) swath 更多结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 That singer cut a swath on the stage in the small town. 那个歌手在这个小镇的舞台上出尽了风头。 www.hjenglish.com Almost all government economic development and entrepreneurship programs tend to focus on a wide swath of small to medium-size firms. 几乎所有政府经济发展和创业项目都把重点放在了一大批小规模到中等规模的公司。 article.yeeyan.org The high-resolution visible spectrum image shows a broad swath of Eastern North America from Canada’s Hudson Bay past Florida to the northern coast of Venezuela in sharp detail. 这幅高分辨率可见光图像展示了从加拿大哈德逊湾,经过佛罗里达,一直到委内瑞拉北部海岸的北美东部的一条广阔地带的细节图。 Swerve 突然转向一边,突然转变,偏向: His car then swerved up the pavement. 然后,他的车突然一个急转弯冲上了便道。 They swerved when they almost struck. 就在他们要相互撞上时,他们急转弯分开了。 (板球等投手)投弧线球;(球在空中)突然转向: The catcher signaled him to swerve. 接手示意他投弧线球。 背离(与 from 连用): I don't think he will swerve from his ideas. 我看他不会改变主意的。 Swill 泔水;冲洗;痛饮;涮 irrigation , pigswill vt. 冲洗;痛饮;涮;倒出 drink hard , syringe 双语例句权威例句 China's wine, long derided by drinkers outside the country as cheap swill, has taken one tiny step toward respectability this week. 来被国外饮酒者嘲笑为廉价泔水的中国葡萄酒朝着令人满意的水平迈出了一小步。 c.wsj.com It was big enough to haul three armloads of firewood, two buckets of swill or a whole summer's worth of pop bottles picked from along the highway. 它是那么大,足以拖得动三人抱得木材,两大桶泔水或者沿着高速路收集一个夏天所得到的汽水瓶。 article.yeeyan.org Nicknamed "swill milk, " this was NOT milk from pastured cows living on farms, but rather from ones housed in cramped warehouses, fed terrible diets, and milked in filthy conditions. 这些牛奶绰号叫“泔水奶”,奶牛不是放牧在农场,而是被关在狭小的仓库里,饲料极差,挤奶时的卫生条件污秽不堪。 Sybarite 锡巴里斯人 [s-]爱奢侈享受的人,骄奢淫逸的人 adj. [s-]奢侈的,骄奢淫逸的 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句 One of my old acquaintances is a sybarite, who likes all the splendor, luxury, and finery of Paris. 我的一个老相识是一个贪图享乐的人,他喜欢巴黎的精致,奢侈和繁华。 danci.911cha.com A visit to Mr. Harcourt Talboys was perhaps rather more like a return to boyhood and boarding-school than is quite consonant with the Sybarite view of human enjoyment. 到哈考特•托尔博伊斯家作客,与其说是同锡巴里斯人①关于人生享乐的观点十分吻合,倒不如说是回到了童年和寄宿学校的时代。 Sycophant 谄媚者;奉承者 toadeater , flatterer adj. 奉承的;拍马的 flattering , subservient 双语例句 No, the answer is not to play sycophant and brown-nose. 不,答案肯定不是拍马屁或者奉承。 www.hjenglish.com Mr Mugabe, sycophant-surrounded and with his own foreign-currency wallet, is short of neither bread nor baubles, and may do the same. 佞人环绕且有海外存款的穆加贝衣食无忧、怡然自得,他很可能做出同样的事来。 www.ecocn.org At the time I was told this I had no idea why a butterfly might be called a butterflyand so I kept my mouth shut (like a sniveling sycophant). 我听到这些话的时候,并不知道蝴蝶为什么叫做蝴蝶。 所以我保持沉默(就像个哭哭啼啼的马屁精)。 Syllogism 三段论;推论 conclusion , consequence 双语例句原声例句 Here we certainly have a Sign; but even though the proposition be true, the argument is refutable, since it does not form a syllogism. 我们当然有了一个迹象;但即使该命题为真,该论述也是可以驳倒的,因为它并没有形成三段论。 article.yeeyan.org The difference between example and enthymeme is made plain by the passages in the Topics where induction and syllogism have already been discussed. 例证法与推理论证的区别在《论题篇》中进行了明白的阐述。 在该篇中,归纳推理和三段论都得到了讨论。 article.yeeyan.org The enthymeme and the example must, then, deal with what is in the main contingent, the example being an induction, and the enthymeme a syllogism, about such matters. 推理论证和例证法因而必须处理主要的偶然事件,例证法是对此类事项的归纳推理,推理论证则是对其的三段论。 Symbiosis 共生;合作关系;共栖 partnership , intergrowth 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Snails and deer: they live together. They have a symbiosis. 蜗牛和鹿住在一起,它们有一种共生关系。 article.yeeyan.org Another principle often observed in nature is symbiosis, the formation of allies. 自然界中经常能观察到的另一法则就是结盟共生。 article.yeeyan.org The credit crunch had its origins in finance. But the banking industry and the economy are now locked in a kind of negative symbiosis, where bad news in one induces pain in the other. 信用危机本身有着金融方面的起源,但目前银行业与经济被锁定在一个负面的共生关系中:一方不利好的消息总是让另一方倍感痛苦。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-29 09:43:47

    Synchronous 同步的;同时的 simultaneous , coinstantaneous 双语例句权威例句 This is because these update operations require synchronous writing to the database log. 原因是这些更新操作都要求同步地写到数据库日志。 www.ibm.com Transitions within states should normally be synchronous, since there is no change of owner. 状态间的转换通常应该是同步的,因为所有者没有改变。 www.ibm.com For example, you might have a synchronous replica on another machine in the same data center, and an asynchronous replica on a machine in another data center. 例如,您可以在同一个数据中心的另一台机器上选择同步复制,而在另一个数据中心的机器上选择异步复制。 Synergic 合作的,协作的 cooperative , coefficient , collaborative 双语例句 Good ability to solve problem; good attitude for work and good energy for solidify synergic , stronger responsibility for work. 有处理解决较大工艺问题的能力,有良好的工作态度和团结协作的精神。工作责任心强。 danci.911cha.com We put forward total model and general frame of synergic production procedure controlling based on workflow combining whit WfMS technology. 结合工作流技术,提出了基于工作流的协同生产过程控制总体模型和协同生产过程总线框架模型。 dj.iciba.com His first office day after was in office on January 21 this year signs a memorandum, acceptance uses Internet to raise a government " diaphaneity, participate in gender and synergic sex " . 他在今年1月21日执政后的首个办公日签署一份备忘录,承诺利用互联网来提高政府的“透明度、参与性和协作性”。 Synopsis 概要,大纲 program , brief 双语例句原声例句权威例句 If you’re speaking at a conference, people come to your session because of the synopsis – that’s what they’re interested in. 如果你是在进行一次商务会谈,人们来听你的演说是因为你所列出的演讲大纲,那是他们真正感兴趣的。 article.yeeyan.org Two nights later, I sit up in bed at 3am and write the entire synopsis of my second book down, without worrying about whether it will get published. 第三个晚上,半夜3点钟,我坐在床上完完整整地写下了第二本书的大纲,不再去担心它是否会出版。 dongxi.net This consists of a longer synopsis of your script with your contact information and an image that illustrates a possible marketing idea; it should fit on one sheet of paper. 里面应该包括一份较长的剧本大纲、你的联系方式以及一张说明你的潜在营销理念的图板;所有这些内容都应当浓缩在一页纸上。 Syringe 注射,[医]冲洗 to inject n. 注射器;[医]洗涤器 injector , washer 双语例句原声例句权威例句 She grabs a syringe from her tray and stabs him in the arm. 她从托盘里拿出一个注射器刺入他的手臂上。 article.yeeyan.org He boiled his syringe and fired his knife to sterilize them. 他把注射器放到水中煮,把刀子放在火上烧来进行消毒。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 If HIV infected blood remains within the bore (inside) of the needle or in the syringe and someone else then uses it to inject themselves, that blood can be flushed into the bloodstream. 如果有被污染的血液残留在针的内孔或注射器里,然后有人使用它进行毒品注射的话,残留的血液可能会进入血液循环系统中。 Tackiness 粘着性 stickability , gummosity 双语例句权威例句 But it is better than the leading-products of synthetic rubber-SBR polybutadiene rubber in tear strength tensile strength and tackiness . 在撕裂强度、拉伸强度、自粘性等方面均优于合成橡胶的主导品种丁苯橡胶和顺丁橡胶。 dictsearch.appspot.com The absence of cars and hawkers, little tackiness and an incredibly relaxed atmosphere (at least for Chinese standards) means Pingyao hasn't turned into a tourist circus -- yet. 没有汽车和小贩,没有世俗和难以置信的松弛的气氛(至少以中国标准衡量是如此),意味着平遥还没有变成游人的马戏场――至少目前如此。 article.yeeyan.org The relatively low tackiness of HDPE containing POP colors practically eliminates de-molding issues and many downstream handling issues, such as scuffing and hang-ups during conveying. 含有POP色料的HDPE相关低粘性实际上消除了脱模问题以及许多下游处理问题,例如输送时的擦伤和挂料。 Tactile 触觉的,有触觉的;能触知的 haptic 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Something of the same argument might be made for books, or for the tactile pleasure of holding and reading a well-made book. 关于书籍还有些相同的类似争论,或对持有和阅读一制作精良的书触觉快感的争论。 article.yeeyan.org The brain's warped "model" of the hand could be extrapolated to the rest of the body, especially those which have “high tactile sensitivity”, Dr Longo said. 大脑关于手掌扭曲的“模型”能够类推到身体的其他部位,尤其是那些具有“高触觉灵敏性”的身体部位,隆戈博士说。 article.yeeyan.org "That tells us that the visual cortex in the blind takes on these functions and processes sound and tactile information which it doesn't do in the sighted," he says. 这就告诉我们,盲人的视觉皮层发挥的功能以及处理声音信息及触觉信息的功能,而在正常人的视觉皮层中则做不到这些。 Tally 计数器;标签;记账 counter , ticket , label vt. 使符合;计算;记录 cast , register , figure , shape vi. 一致;记分 cotton , square , identify , score , coincide 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Her story doesn't tally with his. 她和他的口径不一致。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 No reliable figures exist for total costs, but a tally of billions of dollars is likely. 总的花费没有可靠的数据存在,但几十亿美元的记账还是有可能的。 www.ecocn.org They tally how much the government can expect to collect from present and future generations, through taxes and the like, and how much it can expect to spend on them. 它们能计算出从这一代人到将来的一代代人政府能够预计收取的税务及类似的款项,又该预计为这些人支出多少。 Talon 爪;[建]爪饰;如爪的手 unguis , claw 双语例句权威例句 Deinonychus, or "terrible claw" after the sickle-shaped talon on each hind foot, stood about 11 feet from head to tail and was a lithe predator. 这种被称为恐爪龙(Deinonychus)的恐龙后足上存在镰刀般的利爪,从头到尾的身长约为3.3米,是一种非常敏捷的掠食者。 article.yeeyan.org According to the Army, TALON SWORDS is an unmanned ground vehicle that is receiving good reviews from Soldiers using it for explosive ordnance disposal. 根据陆军的说法,TALON SWORDS是一个无人地面车辆,使用它进行爆炸军械处理得到士兵们的好评。 www.etiri.com.cn Most powerful is the rear talon, the killer claw, that can exert a force capable of cutting through a human wrist (which is why falconers wear thick gloves). 最有力的鹰爪是后边的哪一只,它是一个致命的鹰爪,甚至它能将人的手腕切断(这就是为什么守猎者要戴上厚手套)。 Tamper 篡改;干预;损害;削弱;玩弄;贿赂 intervene in , take a hand in vt. 篡改 manipulate , interpolate 双语例句权威例句 Don't tamper with my business. 别干预我的事。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 When you tamper with this position, you are asking for trouble. 若是你损害了这一定位,那么你就是在自找麻烦。 article.yeeyan.org It should not overwhelm you with raw HTTP traffic dumps, and it goes far beyond simply providing a framework to tamper with the application by hand. 用户不会再被大量原始的HTTP流量数据淹没,而且这个工具远不仅仅是一个人工干预应用程序的框架。 Tangent 切线的,相切的;接触的;离题的 contiguous , excursive 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The direction is tangent to the trajectory. 方向就是轨道的切线方向。 open.163.com If you want strict equalities in approximations means that we replace the function by its tangent approximation. 如果你想要严格的近似等式,那就意味着我们要用切线逼近来取代原函数。 open.163.com But, the dominant motion, near the origin is really where it goes down and back up, so answer number four, you have vertical tangent. 不过主要的运动,在原点附近的话,是向下再向上的,所以答案是第四个,有一个垂直的切线。 Tangle .使缠结;使纠结: The cat tangled the ball of twine. 猫把线团弄乱了。 The wind tangled my long hair. 风吹乱了我的长发。 使陷入(圈套等);使受牵累: They were tangled in the labour-management controversy. 他们被卷入了劳资纠纷。 使困惑;使混乱: The bad news tangled my thoughts terribly. 这个坏消息使我的思想混乱极了。 Tangy 扑鼻的;有刺激性的;强烈的 intense , burning , sharp , keen , consuming 双语例句权威例句 I loved the smell of cork grease and slide oil, of musty woolen uniforms, and the tangy dankness of brassy horn bells. 我喜欢闻松脂和黑色润滑油味道,喜欢闻羊毛制服的霉味和潮湿的黄铜喇叭的扑鼻气味。 article.yeeyan.org It both gives the salami its tangy flavor and cures it as well, making it an inhos pitable place for other bacteria to grow. 它能使意大利香肠具有扑鼻的香气,并把香肠弄成一个更适合其他细菌生长的温床。 article.yeeyan.org Once again she uses a tangy mixture of satire and sentiment to recount her story, seasoning a basically realistic narrative with a light sprinkling of bizarre, tabloid-type events. 再一次,她使用一种强烈的讽刺和柔情的混合体来讲述她的故事,就像用一些怪诞的、小报新闻类型的事件来调剂一种基本的现实主义的叙述一样。 Tantalize 逗弄;使干着急 banter 双语例句权威例句 Have him tantalize you manually or orally for 10 minutes so you're close to the edge. 所以在前戏时,让他用嘴或口腔挑逗你约10分钟,让你先接近高潮边缘。 article.yeeyan.org You get double the orgasmic pleasure: His penis's circular motions tantalize your vagina while his public bone lightly rubs against your clitoris. 你能得到双重高潮的乐趣:阴茎的往复运动摩擦你的阴道,同时他的耻骨联合部分能够轻轻的摩擦你的阴蒂。 article.yeeyan.org When Jane Austen died on July 18, 1817, at the age of 42, she left behind 11 chapters of an unfinished novel that “would tantalize posterity,” as Time magazine reported in 1975. 正如《时代》杂志在1975年报道的那样,“当42岁的简•奥斯汀在1817年7月18日逝世时,她留给世人的一部未完成的小说中的11章内容“将折磨后世”。 Tantamount 同等的;相当于…的 coequal 双语例句原声例句权威例句 So it's tantamount that Steve get up on stage and keep up the image. 所以乔布斯在舞台上重新站起和他维持这种形象同样重要。 article.yeeyan.org Its natural riches should buy it a new freedom of manoeuvre; but many Mongolians worry that they could lead to a new form of dependence, tantamount to commercial subjugation. 其丰富的自然资源可以保证蒙古新的决策自由,但许多蒙古人担心这种贸易关系可能会导致一种新型依赖,这无异于商业征服。 www.ecocn.org The firm argues that this would be tantamount to giving away the shop, but the commission thinks it would promote competition by advancing open-source rivals to Microsoft's products. 公司认为这相当于把整个店铺都给别人了,但是委员会认为给与开源竞争对手更多针对微软产品的竞争优势能够促进竞争。 Tantrum 发脾气;发怒 angry at , blow-up 双语例句权威例句 Manning’s decision was no “tantrum” – it was one of the most admirable stands for justice and freedom of 2010. 曼宁的决定不是因为“发脾气”——这是2010年对正义和自由最令人钦佩的行为之一。 article.yeeyan.org Parents of over-fussy babies, or tantrum-prone children, will not be pleased to discover it is their very attentiveness that is making matters worse. 过度吵闹或者易于发怒的孩子们的父母会沮丧的发现正是由于他们的关注才使得事情变得更糟。 www.ecocn.org What I am talking about are public meltdowns -- along the lines of a toddler's tantrum -- that some people direct at those unlucky enough to be in the vicinity. 我在这里谈的是公共场合的情绪失控──就跟小孩子发脾气一样──有些人会把怒火宣泄到身边那些倒霉的人身上。 Taper 细蜡烛,烛芯;逐渐变弱;锥形物 candlewick vi. 逐渐减少;逐渐变弱 drop away vt. 逐渐减少;使成锥形 cone , drop away 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Sales are expected to taper off after the year-end holiday season. 年底节日过后,预计商店的销售额就会逐渐减少。 www.ebigear.com Columns taper and tilt inward, lending a certain lightness to the massive stone structure. 圆柱逐渐变细,向内倾斜,给这巨石结构带来几分轻巧的感觉。 www.tingvoa.com Beijing will continue buying Su-30s, but that will taper off as it develops its own capabilities through reverse engineering and indigenous development. 北京将继续购买苏-30战机,但是由于其自身研发及反工程能力的成熟购买量将逐渐减少。 Tarantula 塔兰托毒蛛[捕鸟蛛科(Theraphosidae)动物] 塔兰托狼蛛 [产于南欧的一种大蜘蛛(Lycosa tarantula),过去曾认为被它咬后会得塔兰托毒蛛病] 变形: n. tarantulas . tarantulae 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 A tarantula, she says, will "stroke the female's legs" to ensure she is receptive. 她说狼蛛会“抚摸雌性的腿部”来确保她是否接受求爱。 article.yeeyan.org Were the Tarantula Nebula at the distance of the Orion Nebula -- a local star forming region -- it would take up fully half the sky. 假如狼蛛星云在猎户座星云——一个本地(银河系内)恒星形成区——的位置上,它将占据半个天空。 article.yeeyan.org She showed no fear in any of the situations and had to be prevented from touching the tarantula because of the high risk of being bitten. 她在这些情景中没有表现出一丝恐惧,在准备触摸狼蛛的时候由于实在太危险,被阻止后才作罢。 Tardy 缓慢的,迟缓的;迟到的 slow-motion , overdue n. 迟到 late for , late arrival 双语例句权威例句 Such knowledge, however tardy, may provide some consolation for the loss of her brother, Oliver (car crash), four years earlier. 了解更多。 这些缓慢的信息对四年前失去哥哥奥利弗(车祸)的她或许会提供一些慰藉。 article.yeeyan.org She says she has been habitually tardy for years -- late to everything from concerts to friends' weddings -- and once showed up an hour and a half late for a date. 她说,多年来她一直习惯性迟到,从音乐会到朋友婚礼,每件事都迟到,有一次约会还迟到了一个半小时。 c.wsj.com TOWARDS the end of the 11th century, while tardy Europeans kept time with sundials, Su Sung of China completed his masterpiece: a water clock of great intricacy and accuracy. 11世纪末的时候,迟缓的欧洲人还在用日冕仪计时,而中国的苏松[音译]已经完成了他的杰作:一座非常复杂而又走时准确的水钟。 Tare 皮重;巢菜;毒麦;野碗豆 darnel , vetch 双语例句原声例句权威例句 EXAMPLE: To reduce the cost of shipping tare, wine is sometimes transported in bulk and then bottled at its destination. 为了减少发货的皮重成本,葡萄酒有时会以散装运输,之后在目的地装瓶。 dj.iciba.com Then the king arose, and tare his garments, and lay on the earth; and all his servants stood by with their clothes rent. 王就起来,撕裂衣服,躺在地上。 王的臣仆也都撕裂衣服,站在旁边。 www.ebigear.com The tools of the SOA governance trade—the registry and the runtime enforcement point such as an agent or an XML gateway—tare missing from the cloud computing world. 对于 SOA 治理中的注册器和运行时实施点(比如代理或 XML 网关),在云计算中都是不存在的。 Tarnish 使(金属表面)失去光泽;使变灰暗: Salt tarnishes silver. 盐可使银失去光泽。 玷污,毁坏,糟蹋(名誉等): The political scandal tarnished the reputation of the president. 这起政治丑闻败坏了总统的名誉。 使损坏;使低劣: to tarnish one's memory 使丧失记忆 vi. 失去光泽;变灰暗: The silver spoon tarnished. 银匙失去光泽了。 Tarpaulin 柏油帆布;防水帽;防水衣;涂焦油防水布 rainwear 双语例句权威例句 If a tarpaulin should be used, the material to be used must present the following characteristics 如果使用了防油水布,使用的材料必须体现以下特性 article.yeeyan.org Instead of a red carpet, there was a dusty green tarpaulin, and the white plastic chairs were a little unsteady. 地上铺的不是红地毯,而是布满灰尘的绿色防水帆布; 白色的塑料座椅甚至有点不稳。 article.yeeyan.org In another village, Dowder, I come across a temporary water pan – a tarpaulin laid into a broad trench in the earth – into which the tanker deposits water for livestock. 在另一个村落,多德(Dowder),我看到了一个临时水池——把防水帆布铺在一个地上的大坑里,水罐车把水灌入供牲畜们饮用。 Tarry 迟延,耽搁: He tarries about marriage. 他迟迟不结婚。 I wonder why he tarried so long. 我不明白他为什么耽搁那么久。 逗留,停留;滞留;暂住: The tourists will tarry at an inn. 旅游者们将在一个旅店里逗留。 He'll tarry in the town for a few days. 他要在城里逗留几天。 等候(与for连用): to tarry for a person 等人 Tart 酸的;锋利的;尖刻的 acid , sharp , cutting , bitter n. 果馅饼;妓女 sporting woman , hetaerae vt. 打扮 dress oneself , array 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I still dream of that tart. 我仍然经常梦到那种馅饼。 article.yeeyan.org HOW TO EAT IT: If regular kiwi skin is too tart for you, opt for "gold" kiwi fruit, which have sweeter, less hairy skins, but with the same benefits. 食用方法:要是嫌普通猕猴桃太酸的话,那就选择黄金奇异果吧,它们更甜一些,而且外皮相对光滑一些,但同样很有营养。 www.hjenglish.com In their study, they found that cherries, particularly tart cherries, naturally boosted the body’s supply of melatonin, which helped people with insomnia. 在研究中,他们发现,樱桃尤其是酸樱桃,可以天然促进人体褪黑激素生成,这就可以帮助那些患失眠症的人。 Tatty 不整洁的;不值钱的;破旧的 cheap , shot 双语例句权威例句 Pieces of plastic and cardboard flap across the glass-free windows of tatty brick houses. 塑料片和硬纸片拍打着破旧的砖屋的玻璃碎了的窗户。 article.yeeyan.org But if it continues to draw the wrong lesson from the tale of Japan, then one day its economy may look just as tatty. 但是如果中国继续从日本的经历中吸取错误的教训,那么有朝一日中国的经济也会破败不堪。 article.yeeyan.org Instead, those who flock to the tatty downtown mall each weekend have another important purpose: to transfer a portion of their Singaporean earnings to needy families back home. 每周末蜂拥到这个破旧市区购物中心的人们,还有另一个重要目的:把他们在新加坡赚到的一部分钱汇回国,寄给赤贫的家人。 Taunt 嘲笑,奚落;辱骂: They taunted Frank with being poor. 他们讥笑弗兰克穷。 She taunted him with cowardice. 她嘲笑他怯懦。 The teacher taunted him with his conduct. 老师辱骂他的行为。 用嘲笑来刺激;逗弄: He taunted me into taking the dare. 他嘲笑我,使我接受了挑战。 Taut 拉紧的;紧张的;整洁的 intense , stressed vt. 使纠缠;使缠结 intertangle , entangle 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Instead Australia's economy has been stretched taut. 而澳大利亚的经济是伸展拉紧的。 www.ecocn.org Even astronauts in space like to keep their skin taut with citrus fruits. 在太空中的宇航员也经常用柑橘类水果来保持皮肤紧实。 article.yeeyan.org Each cell is linked to this matrix by proteins in its membrane called integrins, and the cell's internal protein skeleton is constantly tugging on these integrins to create a taut, tuned whole. 细胞膜内一种称为整合素的蛋白质将每个细胞与基质相连,同时细胞内部的蛋白架构不断牵引着这些整合素,创建出一个拉紧的、协调的整体。 article.yeeyan.org Tauten 拉紧 strain , tense vt. 拉紧;使绷紧 strain , tighten up 双语例句权威例句 When I grin, the stitches tauten. 当我咧嘴而笑,针脚便会绷紧。 www.cfeie.com Here there isa simple gravel surface with inexpensive pieces of concrete painted blue and set in it so as to tauten the surfaceandmake it as visually strong as the vertical surrounding elements. 屋面上铺著一层简单的砾石,并嵌入一些漆成蓝色的混凝土版,以绷紧这表面;同时,使它在视觉上能像周围的垂直元素一样地强烈。 Tawdry 非常华丽的;廉价而俗丽的 brummagem n. 俗丽的东西;廉价而俗丽之物 tinsel 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The consequences of this tawdry tale will be far-reaching, and so they should be. 这次的俗艳故事将会有深远的影响,这也本是应该的。 article.yeeyan.org Leave a comment and share your tawdry secrets with the rest of the Beauty Brains community. 留下你的评论以及和美丽头脑社区的人分享你的华丽秘密。 www.elanso.com The implication in all such speeches is that a party's policies spring from the nation's collective consciousness, and not from anything so tawdry as political strategy sessions and focus groups. 所有这类演讲都在暗示,一个政党的政策来源于国家的集体意识,而不是来源于华而不实的政治策略会议和中心团体。 Tawny 黄褐色;茶色 tabac , olive brown adj. 黄褐色的;茶色的 fulvous , snuffcoloured 双语例句权威例句 A glance in his mirror confirmed that the Renault was mired in the tawny mud. 朝着反光镜的一瞥证实了那雷诺车陷进了茶色的烂泥里。 article.yeeyan.org But up close they are every colour—red, grey, black-and-white, amber, tawny, slate. 但是它们的每种颜色都很相似:红色,灰色,黑白相间,琥珀色,茶色和暗蓝灰色。 article.yeeyan.org An outlying eastern tract of the enormous Egdon Waste was close at hand, yet on the very verge of that tawny piece of antiquity such a glittering novelty as this pleasure city had chosen to spring up. 在附近,是广大的爱敦荒原东部向外突出的地带,爱敦荒原是古老的,然而就在黄褐色的那一部分的边缘,一个辉煌新颖的娱乐城市突然出现了。 Taxing 费力的;繁重的 heavy , arduous 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Simply taxing boats and large cars is not the answer, as the unions' promise of a strike next week shows. 正如工会承诺将在下周进行罢工所显示的,只对游艇和豪华车征税不是解决之道。 www.ftchinese.com Taxing online businesses, and all other taxation activities, should only be consented to after full discussion. 网上贸易的征税,和所有其他税收活动,在经过充分讨论之后,只能够答应。 article.yeeyan.org At first blush, this sounds an odd idea. After all, bearing and raising twins is taxing, both for the mother and for the children. 乍看之下,这好像听起来好像是一个奇怪的想法,毕竟对于母亲和孩子,生产和抚养双胞胎是很费力的。 Technocrat 技术统治论者,专家治国论者 技术专家 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 Only then will it be clear what a previously unassuming technocrat with modernising ideas can do to transform his country. 也只有这样,才能明确之前那个谦逊的拥有现代化理念的技术官僚能做什么来改造自己的国家。 www.ecocn.org Audi’s party technocrat associations are a result partly of the car’s early market entry and its longstanding place on the government’s coveted purchasing list. 奥迪与共产党党技术官员的联系部分上是因为这种车很早就进入了中国市场以及其长期存在于在政府需求的购买清单上。 article.yeeyan.org While China’s big banks do not class loans to SOEs as related party transactions, it is hard to imagine one aspiring technocrat refusing a loan to another, or pricing it punitively. 尽管中国各大银行并不把提供给国企的贷款列为关联方交易,但很难想象一名踌躇满志的技术官僚会拒绝向同僚放贷,或对贷款作出惩罚性的定价。 Tedium 沉闷;单调乏味;厌烦 heavy-footedness , oppression 双语例句原声例句权威例句 One has a story to tell. Such is the tedium of office life, a little drama is always welcome. 你有故事可讲了。办公室生活是如此沉闷,带一点戏剧性的故事,总是颇受欢迎。 www.ftchinese.com Cut out the tedium of converting your photos manually by using automation features in your photo editing software. 使用照片编辑软件中的自动控制功能可以免去手工转换照片的沉闷。 bbs.internet.org.cn But what one so often neglects to account for from the outside of any job is the tedium-- and I include writing in that. 但是当人们提到任何工作的表象时总是忽略它的单调乏味,我考虑写写这方面的东西。 Teeter 摇晃;玩跷跷板;步履蹒跚;摇摇欲坠 rock , roll vt. 使…摇摆;使…上下晃动 hotch n. 跷跷板;摇摆 swing , ricketiness 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The children often teeter in the park. 孩子们常在公园玩跷跷板。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 America may now teeter back and forth, with men predominant in the summers and women in the winters. 美国的劳动力市场现在就像是一上一下的跷跷板:男性在夏天占支配地位,女性在冬天占支配地位。 article.yeeyan.org An airplane is like a teeter-totter.When the pilot moves the nose of the plane up or down, the seats in the extreme front and back are going to move a greater distance. 飞机就好像是一个跷跷板,当飞行员让飞机昂头飞行或者俯冲飞行的时候在最前面和最后面的位置就会有较大幅度的摆动。 Teetotal 完全的,绝对的;绝对戒酒的;滴酒不沾的 absolute , strict , full , complete , total 双语例句权威例句 Teetotal, but partial to indulging in chocolate and desserts, he has recently lost weight. 尽管戒了酒,但偏爱狂吃巧克力和甜点,萨科奇的体重近来有所减少。 article.yeeyan.org Teetotal Mugabe's private party yesterday was hosted by his wife, Grace, 44, and attended by friends and a number of African diplomats. 昨天,穆加贝的私人集会由他44岁的夫人格蕾丝主持,集会上不饮酒。 出席集会的有他的朋友和几个非洲国家的外交官。 article.yeeyan.org Unlike many African dictators, with their fierce appetites for booze, meat and women, Zimbabwe's leader is teetotal, a near-vegetarian and by all accounts faithful to Grace, his young second wife. 津巴布韦的领导人不像许多非洲独裁者那样对烈酒,肉和美女有着狂热的胃口。 Telling 有效的;生动的;显著的 valid , available , effective , virtual , obvious , prominent n. 命令;叙述;吐露真情 instruction , relation , order , statement , bidding v. 告诉;讲述(tell的ing形式);命令 charging 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Why am I telling you all this? 为什么我要告诉你这一切? article.yeeyan.org I am telling you first before he arrives. 趁他还没来, 我先告诉你。 《新英汉大辞典》 I narked at his not telling me the news about promotion. 他没把他晋升的消息告诉我,令我很恼火。 Temerity 鲁莽,冒失;蛮勇 liberty , precipitation 双语例句权威例句 This gives people the temerity to ask me, nearly every day: Who takes care of your kids? 这就让有些人几乎每天都会蛮横的问我:那谁照顾你的孩子呢? www.elanso.com Some congressmen are now preparing bills that would punish the Palestinians for their temerity. 目前,有些国会议员正准备提案,以惩罚巴勒斯坦的“冒失行为”。 www.ecocn.org Age looks with anger on the temerity of youth , and youth with contempt on the scrupulosity of age. 老年人对年青人的鲁莽十分气恼, 年轻人瞧不起老年人的顾虑重重。 Temporal 暂时的;当时的;现世的 impermanent , interim 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Finally we'll take a brief glance into our temporal vortex and see how file systems might change in the future. 最后我们将会拿简短的一瞥进入我们的当时旋涡而且见到,未来,文件系统可能如何改变。 article.yeeyan.org If there are temporal dependencies or an "all or nothing" requirement for the individual objects then the solution becomes more complex. 如果有些独立对象有临时依赖项或 “全有或全无” 要求,那么解决方案就会变得更加复杂。 www.ibm.com For each tone in the tone file, build the tonal and temporal arrays for matching. 对于音调文件中的每个音调,构建音调和时间数组以供匹配。 Temporize 顺应时势,迎合潮流;见风使舵: a temporizing politician 见风使舵的政客 (为争取时间)拖延;应付: to temporize with a person 与某人谈判以拖延时间 a temporizing answer 敷衍的答复 姑息;妥协;达成协议(与 between 或with 连用): temporizing measures 权宜措施 to temporize between labour and management 在劳方和资方之间谋求妥协 Tenable (主张等)站得住脚的;可维持的 maintainable 双语例句权威例句 This is not a tenable policy for China or for the world economy. 对于中国乃至世界经济而言,这都不是一种站得住脚的政策。 www.america.gov China’s main excuse for holding down the yuan—to support battered exporters—is no longer tenable in light of the rebound in exports. 中国抑制人民币升值的借口——支持受伤的出口商——在出口复苏的情况下已经不再站得住脚。 article.yeeyan.org The theory which is once again put forth, that the Germans as such are inherently vicious, is hardly tenable and not very creditable to those who hold it. 那个再一次被提出的理论,即德国人天生就那样邪恶,是很难站得住脚的,并且对持有这一理论的那些人是非常不值得称道的。 Tenacious 顽强的;坚韧的;固执的;紧握的;黏着力强的 fixed , tough , persistent , set 双语例句原声例句权威例句 We are only curious what our educators have to say about this tenacious German. 我们只是好奇,我们的教育者会对这个固执的德国人说些什么。 dongxi.net He is also, like Higgins, one of the coolest and most tenacious of competitors. 如同希金斯一样,他也是最为优秀,最为顽强的选手之一。 article.yeeyan.org They can and should call for meaningful political change and increased sanctions, but this regime is strong and tenacious. 它们可以而且应该要求有意义的政治变化和加大制裁,但这个政权是强大而顽强的。 Tenacity 韧性;固执;不屈不挠;黏性 toughness , perseverance 双语例句原声例句权威例句 As an individual, Maria is the very definition of tenacity. 作为一个个体,玛利亚正是固执的诠释。 article.yeeyan.org Their innate tenacity is one of their greatest assets, though. 其内在的韧性是他们最大的资产之一。 article.yeeyan.org They never let their audacity – or tenacity – drive them to ruin. 他们决不会让无畏或固执把自己带向毁灭。 Tendentious 有偏见的,有倾向的;宣传性的 biased , jaundiced 双语例句权威例句 Yet this is tendentious. 然而,这话是有倾向性的、不够客观。 www.ecocn.org Yet these arguments are tendentious. 可这都是些片面的论调。 www.ecocn.org When this suggestion first surfaced, in a tendentious 1991 biography by Bruce Perry, the criticism was huge, but Marable insists that the evidence is now more compelling. 这种说法第一次在布鲁斯•佩里1991年出版的一本有倾向性的传记中出现时,批评如潮,但是马拉贝坚持认为现在证据更加确凿。 Tender . 温柔的;柔软的;脆弱的;幼稚的;难对付的 soft , fond n. 偿付,清偿;看管人;小船 boat , payback vt. 提供,偿还;使…变嫩;是…变柔软 afford , replace , lend , put up vi. [贸易]投标;变柔软 bid for a project , base bid Tenor 男高音;要旨,大意;[金融]票据的限期;稳定的进程 general idea , main points 双语例句原声例句权威例句 When I was governor, we sang tenor side by side in the Immanuel Baptist Church choir every Sunday. 我当州长后,我们每个周日都要去伊曼纽尔浸礼会教堂唱诗班一起唱男高音。 article.yeeyan.org Nothing seems very dramatic compared with a tenor standing at the front of the stage warbling about love or treachery, while an orchestra swoops and soars at his feet. 当一位男高音站在舞台前高唱爱或背叛之际,交响乐团的激昂演奏萦绕其脚畔,似乎没有什么比这种场景更激动人心的了。 www.ecocn.org I hope my poem is about loss, not nostalgia, that the tenor singing an Italian aria, like the ruined pilasters of the theater, suggests an historical dimension of loss. 我希望我的诗表现的是失落,而非乡愁,如同那名男高音唱着意大利咏叹调,宛如剧院的断壁颓垣,都流露出历史的失落。 Tenuous 纤细的;稀薄的;贫乏的 poor , rare , thin , subtle 双语例句原声例句权威例句 In this method, the relationship of risk management and the key project measurements is tenuous. 在此方法中,风险管理和关键项目测量的关系是纤细的。 www.ibm.com If our self respect is based on the praise of others then our self respect will be very tenuous. 如果我们的自我尊重建立在他人的表扬之上,那么这种自我尊重将是非常脆弱的。 article.yeeyan.org Every cubic kilometre of the ring contains around 20 tiny particles of dust, making it so tenuous, it would be invisible from the inside. 这个光环每立方公里含有约20颗尘埃微粒,结构非常稀薄,站在光环内部都看不见它本身。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-30 09:18:58

    Tepid 微温的,温热的;不太热烈的;不热情的 cold , lukewarm 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But the tallboy in your briefcase is downright tepid. 但是公文包里那个高个子却温热非常。 dongxi.net As I stood underneath the tepid jet, watching the dirty brown water disappear down the plug, it felt as if each drop was sent from heaven. 我站在温热的水柱里,看着棕色的脏水流入到排水沟中,感到每一滴洗澡水简直都是来自天堂。 article.yeeyan.org If the ECB has been tepid in its support for countries that are solvent, it has been obstructive in its attitude towards the one euro-zone country that is undeniably bust. 如果说欧洲央行对那些有偿还能力国家的支持是不太热心的,那它对希腊,这个欧元区里无可否认是跨了的国家,态度就是阻碍了。 Terminus 终点;终点站;界标;界石 goal , end-point 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Every one could hop out,it's the terminus. 到终点站了,请大家下车。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 It is also home to the northern terminus of the famous Bruce Trail, the oldest and longest hiking trail in Canada. 它也是加拿大最古老和最长的徒步旅行路径即著名的布鲁斯步道的北部终点站。 article.yeeyan.org Of that day, doomed to be her terminus in time through all the ages, she did not know the place in month, week, season, or year. 但是在岁月的长河中要注定成为她的人生终点的那一天,她却不知道它究竟在哪一个月,在哪一个星期,在哪一个季节,在哪一年。 Terrestrial [天]地球的;[生物]陆地的,陆生的;人间的 earthly , telluric 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Since forests hold half of all terrestrial carbon, this presents a huge threat. 因此,保有一半陆地碳的森林,又是一个巨大的威胁。 www.ecolion.cn The world s largest terrestrial carnivores are indicators of the ecosystem s health. 这个世界上最大的陆地肉食动物是生态系统的指示器。 kk.dongxi.net What, after all, could be more fundamental to our existence as corporeal, terrestrial creatures than the fluctuations of the atmosphere through which we move? 对我们这些以肉身为实体的地球生物而言,究竟什么会比无处不在的空气波动更重要? Terse . 简洁的,精练的,扼要的 brief , summary , compact , concise 双语例句权威例句 See how terse that code is? 看看这段代码有多么简洁? www.ibm.com They communicate in terse sentences that might have been lifted from a philosophy primer. 他们用那些原本在哲学初级读本抄下来的简洁的句子互相交流。 www.ecocn.org Re-reading the article, and discounting some of its more extravagant claims, you also find some terse good sense about businesses' failure to back new ideas. 如果重新阅读这篇文章,去掉一些更为过分的观点,你还会对企业未能支持新创意的情况得到一些简洁清楚的认识。 Tessellated Tepals 6, free, often tessellated with dark and light colors, with a nectary near base adaxially. 花被片6,离生,通常棋盘格形的具深色的和浅颜色,有一蜜腺在正面近基部。 danci.911cha.com One possible natural explanation is that the “road” is an example of tessellated pavement, a natural phenomenon. 一个满有可能性的解释为这条“路”是棋盘格路。 www.elanso.com The building is decorated with tessellated plates of aluminium, a pattern inspired by the geometry of an insulin crystal and the musharabiya latticework of the region's past. 这个建筑用镶花的铝盘装饰着,这种图案的灵感来自胰岛素晶体的几何图案和该国musharabiya传统的格子图案。 Testament 遗嘱;圣约;确实的证明 will away , covenant 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The falsification of the testament [will] was discovered by them. 他们发现这份遗嘱被窜改了。 《新英汉大辞典》 The New Testament, originally written in Greek, uses the word "logos" to mean both "word" and the thought which precedes the word. 最初是在希腊写成的《圣经新约》用“理性”这个词来解释“话语”和在话语之前的思考这两方面。 article.yeeyan.org It will be testament to the power of Kelleher's eye for uncomfortable messages should the president not only heed the advice, but act on it. 要是总统不光注意到那些建议而且还能付诸行动的话,那就能证明凯莱赫挑选“逆耳忠言”的眼光没有错了! Testator 立遗嘱者 legator 双语例句权威例句 The Testator must be making the Will voluntarily. 立遗嘱人立遗嘱必须自愿。 blog.hjenglish.com The Testator must appreciate the consequences that will result from the contents of the Will. 立遗嘱人必须乐于接受遗嘱内容产生的结果。 blog.hjenglish.com The Testator must appreciate the claims to the Estate that may result due to the contents of the Will. 立遗嘱人必须乐于接受因遗嘱内容产生的对其财产求偿。 Testiness 易怒,暴躁;不耐烦 irritableness , petulance 双语例句权威例句 Afterwards, Obama advisers were quick to highlight Mr McCain's testiness . 事后,奥巴马的顾问们迅速刻意提到麦凯恩的暴躁。 dictsearch.appspot.com Baby's disposition or the behavior may have the change, if the fall in the blues, is despondent and is restless, some are agitated testiness . 患儿的性格或行为可发生改变,如情绪低落,抑郁和不安,有的烦躁易怒。 dictsearch.appspot.com Some patients present the disposition change selfishly, the performance like, subjective, biased, anxious, over suspicious, are agitated testiness, speak incoherently . 有的患者出现性格改变,表现如自私、主观、偏执、焦虑、多疑、烦躁易怒、语无伦次。 Testy 易怒的;暴躁的 fierce , techy 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Obviously, it is a testy situation there. 那里的局势显然是紧张的。 www.ebigear.com The vote in parliament on Monday will be a testy encounter with his own party on Britain's membership of the EU. 以卡梅伦为首的保守党来对议会周一就英国是否推出欧盟投票表决一事表现的有些急躁仓促。 www.yayan123.com He got a little testy there, you know. When he was asked why he waited three days to speak out against the AIG bonuses, President Obama said he likes to know what he's talking about before he speaks. 当他被问到‘为什么等了三天他才大声疾呼表示反对AIG的奖金计划’的时候,你知道,他昨晚有点儿不高兴,奥巴马总统说,他喜欢在说话之前知道自己要说的是什么。 Tether 范围;系链;拴绳 extent , boundary , region , scope , spectrum , territory , range 双语例句权威例句 We should tether our plan to our resources. 我们应把我们的计划限定在自己财力所允许的范围内。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Indeed, towards the end of 2004, when a blimp broke its tether north of Baghdad and started to drift towards Iran, the American air force had trouble shooting it down. 实际上,在2004年底,位于巴格达北部区域的一艘飞艇因系绳崩断而漂向伊朗时,美国空军发现击落它成了一件非常棘手的事情。 www.ecocn.org When the astronauts go to the comet, they can’t land on it due to its weak gravity, so instead they tether themselves to it (I literally cheered when I saw that scene in the theater). 当宇航员们到达彗星时,由于小星体的低重力他们无法降落,所以他们只能互相栓在一起慢慢靠近彗星。 Thatch 茅草,杂草;浓密的头发;茅草屋顶 couch grass , fireweed 双语例句权威例句 Apart from a new mosque, its buildings are made of mud, stone and thatch. 除了一座新的清真寺,这里的建筑都是泥、石和茅草所成。 www.ecocn.org Srey Neth grew more animated as we finally rumbled down a dirt road and reached her home, a thatch-roofed hut on stilts. 我们最后轰隆隆驶上了一条土路到了她家那座建在桩子上的茅草屋顶小屋,一路上她越来越雀跃。 article.yeeyan.org Tess, being left alone with the younger children, went first to the outhouse with the fortune-telling book, and stuffed it into the thatch. 苔丝一个人留下来,同弟弟和妹妹呆在一起,就先拿着那本算命的书走到屋外,把它塞进茅草屋顶里。 Thaw (冰雪等)融化,融解;(冷冻食品) 解冻: The snow thawed in the sun. 雪在阳光下融化了。 The frozen chicken thawed out half an hour later. 冻鸡半小时后解冻了。 [以 it 作主语表天气](气候)变得暖和使冰雪消融: It will probably thaw tomorrow. 明天可能会转暖化雪。 It is thawing. 解冻了。 [口语](身体)渐渐变暖和: She thawed out by the fire. 她在火边取暖。 Theocracy 神政;神权政体;神治国(复数theocracies) thearchy 双语例句权威例句 Israel, however, is not a theocracy and other religions are respected. 然而, 以色列并不是一个神权政体,也尊重其他的宗教。 www.ebigear.com For all the things America has got wrong in Iraq, the government in Baghdad is not the dictatorship or the theocracy that critics once saw as the only possible outcomes of this bungled war. 即使美国人在伊拉克搞错了所有的事情,但现在位于巴格达的政府已经不是独裁的或者神权政治,而这正是一些批评家曾经认为这场失败的战争可能取得的唯一结果。 www.ecocn.org For all the things America has got wrong in Iraq, the government in Baghdad is not the dictatorship or the theocracy that critics once saw as the only possible outcomes of this bungled war. 尽管美国在伊拉克把事情弄得一团糟,但是巴格达政府并不是专制独裁或神权政治的政府(批评家们曾将独裁统治或神权政治视为这场糟糕战争唯一可能的后果)。 Theoretical 理论的;理论上的;假设的;推理的 academic , reasoning 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It is not a theoretical solution, but it is a practical one. 它不是理论上的解答,而是一个实际的解决办法。 www.en8848.com.cn The meaningless abstraction bespattered political and theoretical books. 那些毫无意义的抽象语言有损于政治理论书籍的价值。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 But as theorists, we could be interested in the theoretical possibility that the right response is to not think about the facts of death at all. 但作为理论家,我们可能对“正确的回应是,根本不考虑所有关于死亡的事实”,在理论上的可能性感兴趣。 Therapeutic 治疗的;治疗学的;有益于健康的 healthy , treated , medicinal , remedial 双语例句原声例句权威例句 They hustled Jeanne to accept their therapeutic plan. 他们强迫珍妮接受他们的治疗方案。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 The focus will be on the unconscious, treated in both its therapeutic and cultural context. 重点将放在“无意识”上,在其治疗和文化两个方面都加以介绍。 article.yeeyan.org The next step is to move forward with an intervention trial to see if there is therapeutic value in people. 下一步就是通过干预性的试验继续向前发展,看看是否在人类中具有治疗价值。 Thicket 灌木丛;丛林;错综复杂 bosque , shrub 双语例句原声例句权威例句 A thicket makes good cover for animals to hide in. 丛林是动物的良好隐蔽处。 《新英汉大辞典》 One day he was fishing with another boy when a gamekeeper suddenly darted forth from a thicket. 有一天他正和另一个男孩在那边钓鱼,突然从灌木丛里窜出一个看守。 www.ebigear.com They showed me the hidden things silence revealed: a pheasant craning its neck to spy on us from a thicket, a crow hopping from branch to branch, a raccoon snoring in its den. 他们指给我那些原本隐藏起来、却被寂静暴露了的东西:一头野鸡从灌木丛中伸长脖子打探我们,一只乌鸦在树枝间跳来跳去,一只浣熊在窝里打鼾。 Threadbare 磨破的;衣衫褴褛的;乏味的;俗套的 stupid , worn-out 双语例句权威例句 He dropped the basket and his threadbare overcoat on the wooden table. 他把篮子和他那件破旧的大衣放到木桌上。 article.yeeyan.org Threadbare sales had prompted some onlookers to question whether all the exhibitors would still be around come autumn. 陈腐的销售使一些旁观者产生疑问,到秋天的时候所有这些参展商还会再来吗? www.ecocn.org What matters for Cuban livelihoods is access to hard currency, through remittances or a widespread informal economy, rather than derisory wages or the threadbare official ration system. 对古巴人的日常生活而言,保持硬通货是非常重要的,这就需要接受国外汇款或广泛的非正式经济活动,而不是少得可怜的薪水或俗套的官方配额制度。 Throng 人群;众多 crowd , mass vt. 群集;挤满 burst at the seams , be packed with vi. 蜂拥而至;群集 host , pack adj. 拥挤的 crowded , jammed 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The jubilant throng is like the waves of the sea. 欢腾的人群宛如大海的波涛。 《新英汉大辞典》 Perhaps you normally prefer to work alone, but now want to immerse yourself in the throng. 也许通常你喜欢单独一人工作,但是现在你更想把自己淹没在人群中。 article.yeeyan.org Tonight the Democrats will celebrate the victory of their young star and as I walk back through the throng of smiling faces I wonder what tomorrow will bring. 今晚,民主党将庆祝党内这颗冉冉升起的新星的胜利。 当我看到人群中一张张笑脸时,不禁想到一个问题:明天会是什么样? Tickler 难题;使人痒的东西或人;备忘录;使人高兴的人或物 minute , difficult problem 双语例句 You can also use a tickler file to supplement this. 你也可以使用一个备忘录文件作为增补。 article.yeeyan.org If it takes more than two minutes to do, but it in your Action or Tickler file. 如果需要超过两分钟处理,除去那些在您的行动或备忘录文件。 article.yeeyan.org If you open mail at your office desk, make sure you have a trash can/recycling bin, filing cabinet, shredder, tickler file, sticky notes, pens/pencils, and paper clips within arms reach. 如果你在办公室桌子上打开邮件,确保你有一个垃圾箱/回收箱,文件柜,碎纸机,备忘录,便签,钢笔/铅笔,和可以够得著的纸夹。 Ticklish 不安定的,不稳定的;难对付的;易倒的;易痒的;忌讳的 tender , unstable 双语例句权威例句 It is a ticklish task, since Mandarin characters can have both phonetic and descriptive meanings. 这是一项棘手的任务,因为汉字既有语音含义,又有描述性含义。 www.ftchinese.com As for Mr Obama himself, no one is certain what he thinks; listening on such ticklish issues has been his forte. 至于奥巴马自己,谁也不能确定他的想法,倾听这类棘手的问题一直是他的强项。 www.ecocn.org That leads to the ticklish question of whether the coalition would be prepared to help the rebels mount an assault on it. 这样以来联军又碰到了另外一个棘手的问题,那就是是否要协助反对派攻占苏尔特。 Tiff 淡酒;一口;口角;生气 vitality , animation , pet vi. 生气;小争吵 pet , take offense vt. 啜;饮 drink , inhaust 双语例句权威例句 The TIFF image standard provides an open source reference implementation. TIFF 图像标准提供了一个开源参考实现。 www.ibm.com So, how do you write an application that can read in all these different possible permutations of the TIFF format? 那么,如何编写一个应用程序来读入 TIFF 格式的所有可能的不同排列呢? www.ibm.com IT HAS been like a lovers' tiff without the love—quickly tamped down but with none of the kissing and making up, and no soothing of the underlying rage. 这就像爱人之间没有爱的争吵——争吵很快平息,但是不是在亲吻和相互的弥补中结束的,彼此内心的愤怒并未得到平息。 Tightfisted 吝啬的 pinchpenny , stingy 双语例句权威例句 He's very tightfisted. 他很吝啬。 emuch.net Those files reveal that the church was tightfisted with her as she tried to care for her son, particularly as his cancer treatments grew more costly. 那些文档揭示,在她为她儿子争取赡养费,特别是为他儿子支付昂贵的癌症治疗费时,教堂对她极其吝啬。 article.yeeyan.org Parents know that a caring attitude can not only save you a small fortue, but also even make you feel good about being tightfisted and offering more care than presents. 父母们知道,关心的态度不仅能帮你们省下一毛可观的钱,而且甚至能使你们感到一份欣慰,因为花钱不多并且给予了孩子们胜过礼物的关怀。 Timber 木材;木料 wood , tree 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The sun checks timber. 太阳会晒裂木材。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 They have tailed the timber in the wall. 他们已经将木料的一端嵌进墙里。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 This is the cableway which the lumberjacks use to haul out their timber. 这就是林业工人用以运送木材的空中索道。 Timid 胆小的;羞怯的 modest , harehearted 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This was not sort of for the timid iPhone because you could very easily brick your iPhone. 对于胆小的人来说,这是没什么用的,因为这可能很容易损坏你的。 v.163.com She has a young lawyer, a Frenchman, who is rather timid, it seems, and he is trying to win back her fortune. 她有一个年轻的律师,是个法国人,听她的口气是一个相当胆小的人,他在努力争回她的财产。 www.en8848.com.cn As time went on, although he lived primarily in the brush, the habits of this timid creature endeared him more and more to all of us. 随着时间的流逝,尽管他主要生活在灌木丛中,这个羞怯的动物的习性却让我们越来越喜欢他了。 www.24en.com Timorous 胆怯的;胆小的;羞怯的 chicken , modest 双语例句权威例句 But UBS is a reminder that for most, the future is as smaller, more timorous beasts. 而瑞银则提醒我们,大多数银行将在未来成为更瘦小、更胆怯的野兽。 www.ftchinese.com But, if more timorous souls are not prepared to do so, can they be put to any other use before they are thrown away? 但是,要是更多的人胆小不敢这样做,在扔掉胎盘之前能否将它们用在别处? article.yeeyan.org In 1769 the first of the timorous poets, Thomas Gray, was on the scene shuddering pleasurably at the mountains’ “dreadful bulk”. 1769年,胆小的诗人汤姆斯•格雷,第一次站在 湖区 的深山里,满心愉悦,震憾于这“可怕庞大的高山”。 Tinged 淡色的 blonder , achromatous 双语例句原声例句权威例句 For this, tendered by enchanted memories, tinged with regrets, is one of requited love. 因为这——伴随着温馨的记忆与丝丝遗憾——是爱之回报。 www.america.gov But even if he had not made this idiotic mistake, his life would have been tinged with failure. 但是,即使他没犯这个愚蠢的错误,他的一生也会被失败略微着色。 www.ecocn.org Ill, the latter lives in a perpetual present, tinged with smiles and indifference, and that blissful state might be the eternal life of which the Prince speaks. 后者是个病人,他总是带着微笑,生活在永远的现实之中,对一切都漠不关心,这种幸福的状态可能就是这位公爵所说的永生。 Tinker 做焊锅匠;焊补;笨手笨脚地做事 weld up , burn on vt. 修补;粗修 piece up , patch up 双语例句原声例句权威例句 If we begin to tinker with that and don’t know what we are doing, we are likely to mess up and cause side effects that might only become evident much later. 如果我们开始修补这个系统,却不知道在做什么,那就肯定会弄得一团糟,并且可能很久之后才会发现所引起的副作用。 article.yeeyan.org The assumption in here" – he nods impatiently towards the House of Commons – "is that we tinker with this economic system, and then go back to 60 consecutive quarters of growth. 可能出现的情况是(他匆匆朝经过的下院议员们点了点头)我们随意地修补了这个经济系统,然后重回到持续了60个季度的经济增长。 article.yeeyan.org A group of economists, headed by Sir James Mirrlees, a Nobel-prize-winning founder of the modern theory of optimal taxation, this week urged governments to do more than tinker at the margins. 诺贝尔经济学奖得主、现在最优税收理论创始人詹姆斯莫里斯爵士于本周领衔一批经济学家催促各国政府对税收体系做出更大范围的修补。 Tirade 作长篇激烈演说;作长篇指责性演说: 作长篇激烈演说;作长篇指责性演说: The speaker tiraded against the government's policies. 演讲人指责政府的政策。 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Have you ever had a coworker spin your half of a neutral conversation into a tirade against your management team and then report it to them? 你有没有过这样的同事---你本来很中肯的言论被他一搅和,变成了对管理层的攻击,然后他又向上面打小报告? www.elanso.com Now I fully recognize that I’m sitting here, a nobody myself, spouting off in what could be considered a hypocritical tirade, guilty of the same thing Ms. Barr is. 现在,我完全意识到我正坐在这儿,只有我自己,进行着一次被认为是伪善的长篇演讲,对同巴尔遇到的同样的事儿感到内疚。 www.elanso.com 'Violence not only is the answer, it is the only answer,' the author wrote toward the end of a tirade against the IRS posted at 9:12 a.m. on a Web site registered to Stack. 斯塔克注册的一个网站于上午9:12张贴了这篇针对美国国税局的长篇檄文。 作者在文尾写道,暴力不仅是解决之道,而且是唯一的解决之道。 Toady 谄媚 gloze vt. 谄媚 beslaver , flatter n. 谄媚者 kiss-ass , sycophant 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Yes? Philosophy toady, it has a kind of a musty, archaic feel to it -he is a philosopher. 嗯,-如今,人们都感到哲学,有一种陈旧而古老的气息,人们会说,“看,他是个哲学家 v.163.com You don’t have to be a toady or a teacher’s pet, you just have to be helpful, sincere, and have great follow-through. 不是要你非得去做个马屁精或者乖学生,而是你一定要做到乐于助人,真诚,有很强的责任感。 www.elanso.com Sure, developing countries may toady up to China for a seat at the table, and even other superpowers can’t afford to ignore China, but that is business. 的确,发展中国家今天可能为了分得中国经济的一杯羹而支持中国,甚至其他的超级大国们也无法忽视中国,但这只是做生意的需要。 Toll 征收;敲钟 ring , levy upon n. [税收]通行费;代价;钟声 price , expense , cost , ring , bell vi. 鸣钟;征税 ring the bell , levy tax 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Pricing the toll of human activity also allows us to prioritise our actions more rationally. 此外,计算人类活动的代价也能让我们更理性地规划行动重点。 www.ammado.com "These are very tough times for hardworking families, but the toll would be far worse if we had not acted, " he said. “现在对于努力工作的家庭来讲是艰难时期,但如果我们不采取任何措施,代价会更大,”他说。 article.yeeyan.org This survey sounds an urgent alarm that if we do not address sexual and reproductive health openly and directly the toll of death and disability will remain with us for many years to come. 这项调查就像敲响了一个警钟,告诫我们如果再不公开和直接处理性和生殖卫生问题,在未来的若干年里,死亡和残疾的钟声将随时伴随着我们。 Tongs 夹具;钳子(tong的复数) clippers , pliers 双语例句权威例句 He held a glowing coal from Moth's stove out to her with tongs, and she kissed it and whispered secrets to it. 他用钳子从莫丝的火炉里夹出一块烧得通红的煤块,拿到莫丝那里,她亲吻了一下这块煤块,对着它小声地说着一些密咒。 article.yeeyan.org Then use the pair of kitchen shears provided to snip off individual cubes and give it a quick toss with your kitchen tongs. 接下来用餐厅提供的厨用剪刀把肉一块块剪下,然后用钳子将它们快速翻转过来。 c.wsj.com On each deck is a wooden shed and all the paraphernalia of oyster cultivation: tongs and rakes, mesh-bags of oyster spat, wire trays. 每一块甲板都是木制的,所有的用具都是用来养殖牡蛎的:钳子,耙,一袋袋的牡蛎卵,镍网托盘。 Tongue-tied 结结巴巴的;发音不清的;缄默的 reserved , tacit 双语例句权威例句 Instead, women said that other women often left them tongue-tied. 相反,女人们说,其他女性常常让她们张口结舌。 c.wsj.com I'm never sure if I'm getting the best price, and most of the time I get all tongue-tied when I start haggling. 我总也不知道是不是买到了好价钱,大部分时间都是刚一开口侃价舌头就不听使唤了。 www.en8848.com.cn Think about it. Do you get more flustered and tongue-tied when you meet the girl (or guy) of your dreams, or someone who is just not that attractive? 想一想,当你遇到你的梦中情人时,你是不是感觉到慌张失措,说话结结巴巴,而换做是另一个没有吸引力的人呢? Tonic 补药;主调音或基音 invigorator adj. 滋补的;声调的;使精神振作的 tonetic 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But when things are normal a man should be healthy without a tonic and happy without a theory. 但是,正常情况下,一个人无需补药也会身体健康,没有理论也能生活幸福。 www.ebigear.com But when things are normal a man should be healthy without a tonic and happy without a theory. 但是,正常情况下,一个人不吃补药也应当是健康的;没有理论也应当是幸福的。 www.en8848.com.cn There would be no better tonic for the country’s recent ills than a resumption of the rapid advance of skills and abilities throughout the population. 对于这个国家最近的病态,最好的补药也许就是重新启动并尽快提高全体国民的技能和能力教育。 Tonsorial 理发师的;理发的;理发术的 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 Every month grows the hair only 1. 5 centimeters, grow speed and tonsorial number have nothing to do. 头发每个月只长1。5厘米,生长速度与理发的次数无关。 dictsearch.appspot.com The answer: This kind of view is likewise incorrect. Best method is you go immediately tonsorial , avoid needless trouble. 答案:这种说法同样不正确。最好的办法是你马上去理发,避免不必要的麻烦。 dictsearch.appspot.com As for the quality of the haircuts on these businessmen, you can decide for yourself when you go to the slideshow—my vote for best tonsorial arrangement goes to Vikram Chand of Singapore’s Vega Foods. 对于最佳发型设计奖,我个人投票给新加坡唯加食品公司的维克拉姆•昌德)。 Topsy-turvy . 颠倒;乱七八糟 Upside Down , resupination adj. 颠倒的;乱七八糟的 reverse , upside-down adv. 颠倒地;乱七八糟地 reversedly vt. 使颠倒;使混乱 cloud , confuse 双语例句权威例句 The first few months after he's born are topsy-turvy -- day is night, night is day. 他出生前几个月,时间完全颠倒了,白天变成了夜晚,夜晚却成了白天。 article.yeeyan.org Usually, galaxies this topsy-turvy result from a recent collision with a neighboring galaxy. 通常星系这种乱七八糟是最近与邻近星系碰撞的结果。 article.yeeyan.org Tiger is in broad agreement with the thrust of Mansfield’s thesis but believes that it does not go far enough in challenging the topsy-turvy turns in gender politics over the past couple of decades. 泰格大体上认同曼斯菲尔德的主要观点,但他认为,在挑战过去几十年性别政治的颠倒性转变方面,曼斯菲尔德的力度还不够。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2012-12-31 12:51:21

    Torpid 迟钝的,迟缓的;不活泼的;麻痹的;[生物]蛰伏的 slow , obtuse 双语例句权威例句 The others have suffered torpid economic growth in the past decade. 而其他国家在过去的十年里深受经济增长迟缓之害。 www.ecocn.org Charlotte liked to pretend that nothing much happened to her and her family, speaking of "the torpid retirement where we live like dormice". 夏洛蒂喜欢假装即使小说获得巨大成功,对她的生活和家庭也没有什么影响,她总是说“我们的生活就像隐居的、蛰伏期的睡鼠。” article.yeeyan.org No philosopher was he - just a plain, commonplace person gifted, for the time being, with a pathological indifference: the organ that he feared consequences with was torpid. 他不是一个哲学家——他只是一名普通的常人,只不过暂时持有一种病态的冷漠心理罢了。 他用来考虑可怕后果的器官已经迟钝了。 Torpor 不活泼;麻木;懒散,迟缓 anesthesia , numbness 双语例句权威例句 But other reasons explain the torpor. 但麻木背后还有其它原因。 www.ecocn.org Still, I was not roused from my torpor. 我仍然没有从麻木中醒来。 dongxi.net It was only late in the global crisis, when Greece admitted to lying about its numbers, that the markets woke up from their torpor into a sudden panic over sovereign risk. 直到金融危机晚期,希腊承认关于财政赤字和负债率撒了谎,市场才从麻木中惊醒,突然地对主权危机恐慌起来。 Torque 转矩,[力]扭矩;项圈,金属领圈 torgue , turning moment 双语例句权威例句 If that were an efficient way of delivering torque to the wheels, all cars would have electric transmission systems instead of mechanical ones. 如果能有一种有效的方式来传递扭矩,那么所有的汽车都将会使用电子传动系统而非传统的机械传动系统。 www.ecocn.org The Tesla’s rapid acceleration comes from the ability of an electric motor to deliver its maximum amount of torque at whatever speed the motor is turning. 特斯拉之所以拥有如此优异的加速性能,其原因在于电动马达无论在什么速度下都可以为车辆提供最大的扭矩。 article.yeeyan.org Having three “waves” of magnetism induced in the rotor with every revolution, instead of just one, smooths out the induction process and allows more torque to be generated. 由于每次旋转过程转子都有三“波”感生磁场,而不是只有一“波”,其感应过程更平滑而使其能够产生更大的扭矩。 Torrid ]晒热的;热情的 intense , warm , hot , tropical , enthusiastic 双语例句权威例句 But, in a torrid summer, the wetland became dried. 但是,在一个炎热的夏天,沼泽地干涸了。 www.en8848.com.cn Of course, some of the torrid growth just before the crisis was caused by overheating. 当然,就在那次危机前出现的疾速增长是源于经济过热。 www.ftchinese.com There are only about 2, 500 in total -- and they are being snapped up at both a torrid rate and at jaw-dropping prices. 新加坡总共只有约2,500套高档洋房,它们正在以极快的速度和令人惊掉下巴的价格被抢购一空。 Tortuous 扭曲的,弯曲的;啰嗦的 curve , twisted 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Many at the conference likened it to the tortuous process of conquering addiction. 会议上许多人把这个曲折的过程与戒绝毒瘾相比较。 www.ecocn.org Jerusalem would be shared and divided—another tortuous task but not an impossible one. 耶路撒冷将被共享和分隔——另一项曲折的任务,但并非不可能。 www.ecocn.org But the maddening truth is that we’ve become so accessible we’re often inaccessible, the process of getting to any of us more tortured and tortuous than ever. 但另一个令人抓狂的事实就是我们越能被联系到也让我们更难联系到,因为这个联系的过程比过去已经变得越来越扭曲。 Totem Business was my totem; love was her belief. 那时,事业是我的图腾,爱情是她的信仰。 www.24en.com I carry shells for the feel of them: their lightness, smoothness and dryness, like a totem to be touched as I walk. 我带着这些蜗牛壳是为了感受他们的明快,平滑和干爽,他们就像是我散步的图腾。 www.ecocn.org I especially noticed adifference as the camera pans towards the totem, I chose to focus on the backdoor with the kids. 我特别注意到一个不同点,就在画面摇摄那个图腾的时候。 我聚焦在有孩子们的后门上。 Toupee . 假发;男子假发 hairpiece , wiggery 双语例句权威例句 How much did you spend on that bad toupee? 你在那个劣质的假发上花了多少钱? article.yeeyan.org His toupee, obviously fitted many years ago, was slightly off centre and barely covered his spreading baldness. 他戴的假发明显是多年以前配的,现在看着有点歪,勉强盖住他日渐扩大的秃顶。 www.ebigear.com In an e-mail to a client, who paid him more than fifteen thousand dollars for DNA testing, Biro wrote, “If this keeps up I’ll be reconstructing Pollock’s toupee very soon.” 在一封给客户的电邮中,这名客户付出超过1.5万美元让他做DNA测试,比罗说,“继续这样下去我可以很快做一顶波洛克的假发了。” Tourniquet 止血带;压脉器;压血带 garrot 双语例句原声例句权威例句 That will work as a tourniquet. 就和止血带的功用一样了。 www.kekenet.com Still, it remains to be seen whether the tourniquet will hold. Even after the new plan, Greece will have a staggering load of debt. 然而止血带能否承受压力尚待分晓。即使新计划得以实施,希腊仍将面临巨额债务负担。 article.yeeyan.org One man was said to be insured by dozens of companies when he lost his foot; fortunately he had been carrying a tourniquet at the time of the accident. 据说,有一位男士断足后,得到了很多保险公司的赔付;而“幸运的”是,在事故发生时,他一直带着止血带。 Tout 招徕;兜售: We should tout our wares on television. 我们应该在电视上兜售商品。 He touted Evening Post from café to café. 他在一家家咖啡馆兜售《晚邮报》。 (死乞白赖地)劝诱;争取(顾客、选票等): to tout votes 拉选票 高度评价;过分夸奖;吹捧: The politician was touted as a friend of people. 这个政客被吹捧为人民之友。 Tractability 温顺;驯良;易处理 gentleness , meekness 双语例句 His intelligence, tractability , and eager disposition make him an agreeable companion and willing worker. 此犬种聪明,温顺,热情,是合适的伴侣和忠诚的工作者。 dictsearch.appspot.com The assumptions about human motivations and behaviors have usually been made on the basis of introspection, inspection of special cases, and mathematical tractability. 这种对人的动机和行为的假设的做出通常都是以内省、考虑特殊情况、以及在数学上易于处理为基础的。 article.yeeyan.org A small organization, business or nonbusiness, has as its major objective/advantage tractability , with relatively simple problems requiring less demand for political skills. 小的组织、生意或非生意,有当做它的主要目的/利益驯良, 藉由需要对政治技巧的比较少的要求的相对简单的问题。 Trajectory ]轨道,[力]轨线;[航][军]弹道 path , track , railway , orbit 双语例句原声例句权威例句 When you invest in yourself you can never lose and over time you will change the trajectory of your life. 如果你进行了自我投资,你就永远不会失去,经过一段时间你将会改变自己生活的轨道。 article.yeeyan.org You could throw a ball at the wall, and then see an open circle drop down to meet it precisely where and when its trajectory intersected the water surface. 米切尔解释说:“你可以丢一个球到墙上去,然后可以看到一个开放的圆环,当它的轨道分割了水的表面时,在那里恰好遇到它。 www.elanso.com I go to give him a kiss – just a peck – and he veers off, jerking his head out of the way like a nervous racehorse, too late to alter my trajectory and pretend I was aiming for his cheek. 我走过去要给他一个吻,只是啄一下而已,而他却把头摆开了,像一头紧张的赛马那样将他的头甩开,让我来不及了改变轨道,所以我就假装是想吻他的脸颊。 Trammel 束缚;拘束;阻碍 chain , bound , slow n. 拘束;束缚;束缚物 chain , restriction 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The infant's father, Benjamin Trammel, said he can't believe his girlfriend deliberately killed their daughter. 婴儿的父亲,本杰明.特拉梅尔,称他不相信她的妻子会杀死他们的女儿。 他还说:”我打心底里都相信她是不可能伤害我们的女儿的,诚实的说,我真的无法接收这个事实。 dongxi.net Equally, efforts to get Russia to join the World Trade Organisation should be stepped up, as its rules would usefully trammel the atavistic impulse within the regime to slide towards protectionism. 同时,也应该努力加快俄罗斯进入世贸组织的步伐,因为世贸组织的条例会有效地限制俄罗斯政权内部向原有的贸易保护主义倾斜的冲动。 www.ecocn.org Equally, efforts to get Russia to join the World Trade Organisation should be stepped up, as its rules would usefully trammel the atavistic impulse within the regime to slide towards protectionism. 同样地,俄罗斯应该加紧争取加入世界贸易组织的步伐,因为世贸组织的规则会有效的遏制政权内部滑向贸易保护主义的势头。 Trample 踩,践踏;蹂躏(常与on,upon或over连用): to trample on a flower bed 踩花坛 Don't trample on grass. 勿踏草地。 毁坏;伤害;粗暴地对待;无视: He trampled on her feelings. 他无视她的感情。 The superpower often tramples on the independence and sovereignty of other countries. 这个超级大国经常无视别国的独立和主权。 vt. 踩,践踏: The horse trampled him to death. 马把他踩死了。 He trampled out the fire. 他把火踏灭。 Trance 恍惚;出神;着迷,入迷 possession , absentmindedness vt. 使恍惚;使发呆 bemuse 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The old man was in a trance, thinking of his past life. 这位老人回想着自己过去的生活, 神情恍惚。 《新英汉大辞典》 Relaxed arousal, sensory deprivation and repetitive sounds and motions can bring about a trance-like state. 放松的性欲,感觉的缺失,加上重复的声音和动作都能带来恍惚的状态。 article.yeeyan.org Having fallen into a trance state, they acted in accordance with these supernaturalist beliefs: dancing wildly for days on end. 人们陷入了恍惚状态,他们的行动与超自然主义者的信仰相一致:接连数日疯狂地跳舞。 Transfigure 使变形;使改观: Her face was transfigured. 她的脸变模样了。 The new furniture has transfigured the old house. 新家具让旧房改观。 美化;使理想化;使变得高尚: Hope transfigured her face. 希望使她容光焕发。 Transgress 违反(规则等);触犯(法律等): They have transgressed the treaty of peace. 他们违反了和平条约。 超越;越过(范围、限度、界限等): His manners transgressed the bounds of good taste. 他的举止有伤大雅。 vi. 犯罪;违法;违反戒律: They have transgressed against the law. 他们违法了。 侵越;越界 Transgression 海侵;犯罪;违反;逸出 crime , violation , guilt , infringement 双语例句权威例句 What halted progress was a potent combination of institutional rivalries, nationalism and an uneasy sense of transgression. 真正使进程停下来的是制度的阻碍、民族主义和不安的犯罪感三者的有效结合。 article.yeeyan.org Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam\'s transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come. 然而从亚当到摩西,死就作了王,连那些不与亚当犯一样罪过的,也在他的权下。 亚当乃是那以后要来之人的预像。 www.ebigear.com Capitalism, we should have remembered, involves at once prudent regulation and the imprudent transgression of old rules, the sharing of risks and the audacity to risk more successfully than others. 我们应该记住,资本主义同时具备审慎的规则以及对旧规则鲁莽的违反,风险的分担以及对风险的毫无顾忌,都远甚于他者。 Transient . 短暂的;路过的 brief , little , passing n. 瞬变现象;过往旅客;候鸟 visitor , migratory bird 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Their happiness was transient, for the war broke out soon after they got married. 他们的幸福是短暂的,因为他们婚后不久就爆发了战争。 www.hjenglish.com Consumer pleasures are transient. They engulf us for a short period and then they fade, like a drug. 消费快乐是短暂的,像麻醉剂一样,短时间内会吞没了我们,然后就很快消失了。 select.yeeyan.org It’s not only alright to allow children the transient experience of innocence and joy – it’s our responsibility. 这并不只是为了让孩子们能多享有人生中短暂的纯真无邪和简单快乐——这是我们的责任。 Transitory 短暂的,暂时的;瞬息的 temporary , brief , little , passing 双语例句权威例句 But the snow is a transitory problem. 不过,大雪只是一个暂时问题。 www.ftchinese.com In man transitory life attains its peak of animation, of soul power, so to speak. 可以这么说,在人身上,短暂的生命达到了其活力与精神力量的巅峰。 www.kekenet.com These working segments are temporary (transitory) and only exist up until the time a process terminates or the page is stolen. 这些工作段是临时的(暂时的),当进程终止或者页面被偷取时,这些工作段将不复存在。 Transmute 使变形;使变化;使变质(与into连用): We can transmute water power into electric power. 我们可以将水力变成电力。 【化学、物理学】使嬗变;使蜕变: to transmute elements 嬗变元素 【炼金术】把(贱金属)变成金(或银): It is impossible to transmute base metals into gold. 把贱金属变成黄金是不可能的。 Transpose 变换(位置或顺序);调换: The student inadvertently transposed the e and the i in “weird”. 学生误将“weird”中的e和i次序写颠倒了。 【数学】(代数)移项 【音乐】(改写乐曲)使变调;使换调;变调演奏: She transposed the song into a different key. 她把这首歌变成另一种调子。 把…改写成另一种体裁;翻译: to transpose the verse into prose 把韵文改写成散文 Trapeze n. 秋千;吊架 swing , lifting frame 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Then swiftly, neatly, with the grace of theyoung man on the flying trapeze, he was gone from his body. 带着飞荡的高架秋千上那个年轻人的优雅姿态,他灵巧而敏捷地从躯体里走出来。 article.yeeyan.org He also added a crotch belt, a unicycle-like seat and an acrobat’s trapeze for a footrest; all help to keep the operator in optimal flying position. 此外,他还添加了三叉腰带、独轮车式车座、还有一个杂技演员所用的秋千,用来放脚。 所有这些装置,都能够帮助操作者保持良好的飞行位置。 article.yeeyan.org Helplessly his mind sang, he flies through the air with the greatest of ease;the daring young man on the flying trapeze; then laughed with all the might ofhis being. 他的脑子里情不自禁地唱着,“这个勇敢的年轻男子在飞扬的高架秋千;在空中自如地飞来荡去”。 然后用尽全身的气力笑了起来。 Trappings 服饰,礼服;外部标志;马饰 finery , getup 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Such places come with most of the trappings and comforts of a state, but few of the niggling international obligations. 一个国家该有的派头和安逸,这些地方大多拥有,却很少需要履行烦人的国际义务 www.ecocn.org But despite the trappings of political openness, the country's first elections in two decades were hardly an exercise in democracy. 但不管这种政治的公开粉饰,这个国家二十年来的第一次选举很难说是民主活动。 article.yeeyan.org Even if you come across somebody who can easily afford the trappings of wealth, the trappings themselves are not a sign of wealth, but of wealth that has been spent. 即便有那么一些富人确实能轻而易举地负担这些奢侈品,这些东西本身也不是富有的标志,只能表明他们花出去了多少钱。 Travail 近义词: work 更多结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 World had to be in travail, that the meanest flower might blow. 社会必须经历阵痛以便让最卑微的花开放。 www.jukuu.com In neither of these classes was doubt or denial the outcome of the travail of their quest. 对于他们艰苦的探求所带来的结果,这两类人都不怀疑或者否认。 article.yeeyan.org With much bodily toil and mental travail he wrote the decree upon half a sheet of foolscap and then copy it upon the other. 他用尽全身气力,绞尽脑汁在半张大页书写纸上写下判决词,然后又抄到另外半张纸上。 Travesty 歪曲;滑稽作品;拙劣的模仿作品 violence , misrepresentation vt. 歪曲;滑稽地模仿 colour , do violence to 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Kallon's lawyer, Charles Taku, denounced his client's sentencing. "This is a travesty of justice," said Taku. 卡伦的律师塔库抨击对他的客户的判决说:“这是对司法的歪曲。 www.24en.com If the SPD limped on in government, that would not just strengthen the appeal of the Left but be a travesty of voters’ wishes. 如果社民党得以继续在政府中蹒跚而行,就不仅增强了中左联盟的申诉声,还是种对民意的歪曲。 www.ecocn.org Today the New York Times ran a front-page story on Mr Godoy Toscano's case, painting his saga as a travesty of justice, which of course it is. 今天的《纽约时报》的头版报道了托斯卡诺的案子,将他的传奇经历描绘成对正义的歪曲,当然事实也确实如此。 Treatise 论述;论文;专著 thesis , dissertation , discourse 双语例句原声例句权威例句 In preparation for our meeting he sends me a 46-page treatise he has written about the crisis. 在我们此次会面之前,他给我发来了一份他围绕此次危机撰写的46页论文。 www.ftchinese.com We should approach the book, in other words, not as we might a treatise, but as we might approach a work of literature or drama. 我们切入本书的角度,换句话来说,不应视其为论述,而是要将其视为,一部文学或戏剧作品。 v.163.com He published a treatise that he had written earlier on grammar, inventing his own system for the understanding and the learning of the Latin language. 发表了一篇他之前写的关于语法的论文,在这篇论文中他创建了自己的一套理解和学习,拉丁文的体系。 Trenchant 尖刻的;锐利的;苛刻的;锋利的(名词trenchancy,副词trenchantly) severe , pointed , sharp , cutting , bitter 双语例句权威例句 Harry Reid, the Democrats’ majority leader, had been struggling to secure the 60 votes he needs to overcome the trenchant obstructionism of Republicans. 民主党多数派领袖哈里.瑞德已经努力保证了他所需要的60票来战胜共和党尖刻的蓄意阻挠。 www.ecocn.org And even when the most detailed data get released, it does not always lead to reformed policies, as Lawrence Lessig pointed out in his trenchant New Republic cover story last year. 甚至当最详尽的数据流出,劳伦斯莱斯格指出,它并不总能导致改革政策,在他尖刻的新共和国的封面故事的最后一年。 article.yeeyan.org Even Hung, I am surprised to find, is a trenchant critic of how China is portrayed in the west and she complains that when she is overseas, she still gets asked how she got out of the country. 我惊奇地发现,即使是洪晃,对于西方人对中国的描述也持尖锐的批评态度。 她抱怨称,直到现在,在海外的时候,还有人问她是如何从中国脱身的。 Trepidation 恐惧;惊恐;忧虑;颤抖 fear , care , disturbance , worries 双语例句权威例句 The word "dread" refers to trepidation of their supernatural being. 单词“恐惧”是指他们超自然生命的颤抖。 www.elanso.com It is the feeling for eternity that the frenetic activity and trepidation of work has destroyed in us. 正是永恒之感,才使得狂热的行动以及对工作的恐惧摧毁了我们。 article.yeeyan.org IT IS a sign of remarkable times that the prospect of $100 oil is greeted with relief rather than trepidation. 这是一个不平凡时刻的象征:100美元的油价预期带给人们是更多的是安慰而不是颤抖。 Trespass 非法侵入;未经许可进入私人土地;侵犯;侵占(与 on, upon 连用): to trespass upon someone's land 未经许可进入某人的地界 Never trespass upon another's rights. 切勿侵犯他人的权利。 违反;冒犯(与 against 连用): They trespassed against the law. 他们违法了。 骚扰,打扰,妨碍(与 on, upon 连用): I will trespass on your hospitality. 我要来打扰你了。 to trespass on someone's time 占用某人的时间 Tresses 卷(头发);把(头发)梳成一绺 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Improve your tresses, slow hair loss, and promote growth with the right method. 正确使用香波能改善你的卷发,减缓脱发并促进头发生长。 blog.hjenglish.com Today, half of all American women color their hair with 40 percent of them opting for the lightest tresses. 现在所有的美国妇女中有一半在染发,而其中40%的妇女选择最浅的颜色。 dj.iciba.com For most women, their tresses are the cause of great stress as they are convinced that the hair that they are born with is not what they want. 对大多数妇女来说,她们的服饰是引起巨大压力的原因,正如她们承认她们与生俱来的头发并不是她们想要的样子。 Tribunal 法庭;裁决;法官席 forum , finding 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The tribunal seems unlikely to achieve either justice for the victims or reconciliation for the country. 但似乎法庭既无法为受害者声张正义,也无法为了国家实现和解。 www.ecocn.org He was one of the first enemy combatants to be tried in the controversial military-tribunal system first authorised by George Bush in 2001. 自乔治布什在2001年授权建立颇有争议的军事法庭系统以来,他是第一位在此受审的敌方战斗人员。 www.ecocn.org Their concerns have grown with allegations by some tribunal staff members alleging they have been forced to hand over part of their salaries to an official. 这些批评者们的担心随着一些法庭工作人员们声称他们被迫把他们的部分薪水交给一名官员的消息而增加。 Tribute 礼物;[税收]贡物;颂词 gift , giving , present 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Our recognition and deepest tribute goes out to them. 我们向他们致以认可与最深的敬意。 article.yeeyan.org If I should happen to be a catalyst more than others, I consider that a tribute to those who have inspired me. 如果我恰好比其他人更好地起到催化剂的作用,那么我会考虑为所有启示过我的人送上礼物。 www.infoq.com Reportedly there is a trite song, called "Footsteps", in his honour, and a glowing published tribute to his "excellence both in the arts of pen and sword". 报道称有一首向他致敬的老套歌曲,名唤“脚步”,并有热烈的颂词称赞其“在写作和击剑技巧两方面的杰出成就”。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2013-01-01 13:57:16

    Trinket 小装饰品;不值钱的小玩意儿 toy , nick-nack vi. 密谋 plot , collogue 双语例句权威例句 Heathcliff had opened the trinket and cast out its contents, replacing them by a black lock of his own. 希刺克厉夫把这小装饰品打开了,把里面的东西扔出来,装进他自己的一绺黑发。 www.putclub.com Once they’ve descended into mindless raiding in an endless, empty pursuit of a trinket, looped for eternity, then they are something quite other. 而一旦它下降到无尽的,循环的,无脑的追逐一个空洞的装饰品的地步,那它就当然属于别的门类。 article.yeeyan.org VISIT any British office, and you stand a good chance of seeing a postcard, mug or other trinket bearing the message "Keep Calm and Carry On", beneath the crown of King George VI. 参观任何一处英国办公室,你都有机会看到在国王乔治六世的王冠下,贴着“沉着镇定,永不止步”字样的明信片、杯子或者其他小饰物。 Tripod 三脚架;三脚桌 spider , trivet 双语例句权威例句 I left the camera and tripod in the rain and jumped in my vehicle until I had calmed down. 我只好将摄像机和三脚架留在雨中,跳进车内。 后来我才平静下来。 www.elanso.com It is very important that you do not move your computer or tripod during the whole process. 非常重要的是在整个过程中你千万不可移动电脑或三脚架。 article.yeeyan.org Finally, he finds a tripod used to hold work lamps and places it above the mark on the floor. 最后,他找到一个用来挂工作灯的三脚架,将它放在地上所标记的位置。 Trophy 奖品;战利品;纪念品 prize , award , capture 双语例句原声例句权威例句 In this article, Hao Xin reports on the criticism and support for this high-priced 'trophy hunt'. 郝忻在这篇文章中报道了对这种高价“寻求战利品”方式的批评和支持意见。 www.scidev.net But dopamine is all about the hunt, not the trophy: only the anticipation, rather than the buying, squirts the chemical. 但多巴胺只和寻觅过程有关,和得到战利品无关:只有预期,而不是购买,能释放这种物质。 article.yeeyan.org And yet, it was Lou who was brandishing the whip above the heads of Nietzsche and R ée in the famous picture, which she often displayed as her trophy. 其实,反倒是莎乐美在尼采和保罗•李头上挥舞着鞭子,正如在那幅经常被她当作战利品炫耀的画中所画的那样。 Troupe 剧团;一班;一团 gout , wodge vi. 巡回演出 road show 双语例句原声例句权威例句 She had to keep bringing forth new ideas in her dance to support her chief position in the troupe. 她得不断地创新她的舞蹈,才能继续保住她在剧团中的首席位置。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 When the touring theatrical troupe arrived at the mountain village, the villagers all ran to tell one and another beaming with delight. 巡回剧团来到山村, 人们笑逐颜开, 奔走相告。 《新英汉大辞典》 IN 1976 Pierre Boulez, then already a cutting-edge musician in France, named an unknown 19-year-old to be the resident pianist in his elite Parisian troupe, the Ensemble InterContemporain. 1976年,当时的法国领军音乐家皮埃尔.布列兹把一位默默无闻的19岁男孩命名为“现代乐集”——布列兹的精英巴黎剧团——的常驻钢琴师。 Trowel " You can lay that trowel down, " a voice behind Jesse said. " Then raise your hands. “你可以放下那个泥刀”,一个声音在杰希背后说到。 article.yeeyan.org He let the tune play on, tried to fill in the refrain as he pressed the trowel into the earth. 他任这个曲子继续,试着想出来副歌里的歌词,同时把泥刀插进泥土里面。 article.yeeyan.org He would occasionally check on his crew at the final stage of separating the gold from sand and pebbles or take off into the woods with a pan and trowel to look for new spots to dig. 有时候,他会检查下属从泥沙和鹅卵石中最终分离黄金的工作,或者干脆自己带着淘金盘和泥铲深入森林,寻找新的挖掘地点。 Truculent 好斗的;野蛮的;言词刻毒的 wild , aggressive 双语例句权威例句 Mr Mutharika sounds ever more truculent and autocratic. 穆萨里卡先生似乎更加好斗和独裁。 bbs.ecocn.org “They've become very truculent, sometimes strident, sometimes arrogant, always difficult,” he says of recent Chinese diplomacy. 他在谈到中国近期的外交时表示:“他们变得十分好斗,有时尖锐有时自大,总是很难相处。” www.ftchinese.com The real question, then, is what the truculent teen can hope to extract from the US in return – assuming the subsequent exchange rate movements are deemed to be sufficiently deserving. 那么,真正的问题是,好斗的青少年希望从美国那里榨取什么样的回报——假定随后的汇率变动被视为值得给予回报。 Trumpet 喇叭;喇叭声 horn , loudspeaker vt. 吹喇叭;吹嘘 crow about , brag about vi. 吹喇叭;发出喇叭般的声音 blow job 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Life is something like a trumpet. 生活有点像一个喇叭。 article.yeeyan.org At SW, you can order a melon duo, tofu salad and grilled royal trumpet mushrooms with polenta. 在 SW(牛排馆),你可以要一份瓜盅,豆腐沙拉和高档烤喇叭菇与玉米粥。 article.yeeyan.org It stirred them like the note of a trumpet; just as it had often stirred the man who was coming home tonight, in his boyhood. 汽笛声,像喇叭里吹出的音符,使他们激动;就像它使今晚回家的那个男人在童年时代常常激动地那样。 Truncate 截短的;被删节的 curtal vt. 把…截短;缩短;使成平面 cut , surface 双语例句权威例句 Membership of a group that has sufficient authority to issue TRUNCATE TABLE statements and have CREATE TABLE statement privileges. 一组成员,拥有足够的授权来发出 TRUNCATE TABLE 语句且拥有 CREATE TABLE 语句权限。 www.ibm.com If a NOT LOGGED table encounters an execution error during a data changing statement there is only one choice for DB2: to truncate the table. 如果 NOT LOGGED 表在执行数据修改语句期间碰到了执行错误,那么对于 DB2 来说,就只有一个选择:清空(truncate)该表。 www.ibm.com This app maintained a tree of files, and if the root user had pushed a disk past its normal user limits, the program would truncate them all to 0 bytes without a hint that anything had gone wrong. 这个应用程序维护了一个文件树,如果根用户在一个磁盘上超过了他正常的用户限制,程序将把它们截短到 0 字节,并且不提示任何事情出现异常。 Truss 束;构架;捆 framework , tract 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The prestressed bails are set on astone foundation and support a truss roof. 她在石基上安放预应力围篱,支撑秸杆捆的顶部,利用竹杆和网的帮助缚住房屋的四面墙。 article.yeeyan.org Engineers whoscrambled across Americato check other bridges with the same steel-truss design are reporting that theyappear safe. 走遍美国各地检查桥梁的工程师们报告说,其他具有相同钢铁构架的桥梁看起来还是安全的。 www.ecocn.org The elapsed time is meaningless for these purposes, because it refers to the time from when truss was started to when it ended, and it has no relation to the Web request. 对于这些目的来说,所耗时间是没有意义的,因为它指的是从启动 truss 开始到其结束的时间,而与 Web 请求没有任何关系。 Tuber 块茎;隆起 mons , apophysis 双语例句权威例句 This year, we used the purplish tuber in taro and pumpkin tofu puffs. 这年,我们用紫色块茎中的芋头,南瓜豆腐泡。 article.yeeyan.org In the Near and Middle East, Iranians like their ice cream flavored with salep, an extract from a tuber which has been boiled. 在近东和中东地区,伊朗人喜欢在冰淇淋中加入色利普粉——色利普粉是将某种植物块茎煮熟后提取的物质。 edu.sina.com.cn By the time they were absorbed into Britain, their daily bread, so to speak, was a South American tuber now familiar as the domestic potato. 在他们被吸收进英国时,他们日常吃的食物(就算是吧)是一种南美块茎,就是现在人们吃的马铃薯。 Tugboat 拖船(等于towboat或tug) towboat , towing vessel 双语例句权威例句 Pleasure boats and tugboat and barge traffic can reach the Great Lakes from May to November. 休闲船只、拖船、游艇,从五月到十一月可以由此航行到五大湖。 www.24en.com IN THE summer of 1912 Harry Houdini was clapped in manacles and leg-irons, stuffed into a crate that had been weighed down by lead, and dropped from a tugboat into New York’s East River. 1912年夏天,魔术师哈里 胡尼迪手戴手铐,脚栓脚镣,整个人塞进了木条箱里,箱子上还压着沉重的铅条,然后一条拖船载着木箱飘进了纽约东河。 www.ecocn.org As his tugboat reached a Manila-registered ship a few miles out of the port's heads, the boat's radar screen showed a queue that stretched 40 miles down the coast – two-fifths of the way to Sydney. 当他的拖船到达距离港口水域几英里的一艘马尼拉籍轮船旁边时,船上的雷达屏幕显示,沿海岸已经排起了40英里的长队——相当于纽卡斯尔到悉尼航程的五分之二。 Tumid 临床]肿胀的;浮夸的 swollen , turgid 双语例句 Gathered on this beach of the tumid river 聚集在这片涨浮的河岸边 article.yeeyan.org a man given to large talk; tumid political prose. 惯于夸大其词的人;夸张的政治文章。 dictsearch.appspot.com Every new device on the market is, to return to Eliot, “Filled with fancies and empty of meaning / Tumid apathy with no concentration”. Eliot认为,所有市场上的新设备都“充斥着幻想却缺乏意义/没有关注的浮夸的冷漠”。 Tumult 骚动;骚乱;吵闹;激动 combustion , row , disturbance , disorder , sound 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The whole city was in tumult. 全城骚动。 《新英汉大辞典》 They seemed to be warning shots, as there was no audible indication of tumult or chaos to show that the hostages were in immediate danger. 好像是警告性的射击,因为没有可信的骚动或骚乱的迹象显示人质处于直接的危险之下。 article.yeeyan.org Wuthering' being a significant provincial adjective, descriptive of the atmospheric tumult to which its station is exposed in stormy weather. “呼啸”是一个意味深长的内地形容词,形容这地方在风暴的天气里所受的气压骚动。 Turgid [临床]肿胀的;浮夸的;浮肿的 swollen , tumid 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The fifth – and longest – book on which the film is based plays a crucial but faintly turgid role in the saga. 电影改编自哈利波特系列第五部,也是至今为止改编过的最长的一部,原著里的角色在历险中显得至关重要却略有浮夸。 www.hjenglish.com If I eschew a visit to Atlas Shrugged, it will be because the plot is silly and the prose turgid, not because of its message. 如果我不去看《阿特拉斯耸耸肩》,那将是因为它的情节可笑、台词浮夸,而不是因为它传递的主题思想。 www.ftchinese.com With its four hours of song and dance, safe comedy routines, celebrities and state dignitaries, the CCTV show is widely watched, though some Chinese see it as slow and turgid. 尽管一些中国人认为中央电视台的春节晚会不够明快,节目浮夸拖沓,但4个小时的歌舞、搞笑的相声小品,以及名人显要的出席还是让这台晚会吸引了中国多数人的观看。 Turncoat 变节者;背叛者 defector , flopper 双语例句权威例句 The troll calls them "nature luva, coward and turncoat", which sets off Valeera's temper. 那巨魔叫他们“小可爱,懦夫和变皮金刚”,这可惹瓦蕾拉生气了。 blog.sina.com.cn Turncoat attacks by Afghan police and soldiers against their Western mentors have become increasingly common in recent months. 由阿富汗警方和士兵所操纵的叛变者的袭击,一次来对付他们的西方指导者的举动,在近几个月来越发的变得普遍。 blog.sina.com.cn Both suggest that co-operation can be sustained when a short-run game is repeated over and over again, even when the short-run game offers strong temptations to the turncoat. 上述两种方法都表明,当一个短游戏不断重复的时候,合作是可以持续的,就算这个短游戏能为背叛者提供强大的诱惑。 Turpitude 卑鄙;奸恶 baseness , meanness 双语例句权威例句 What is moral turpitude, an ethical lapse, but a soilingof one’s character? 什么是道德堕落,道德丧失,或是性格的玷污? article.yeeyan.org Inflation hawks are puritans obsessing over monetary turpitude and the debasement of the currency. 通胀鹰派人士是抱持着货币罪恶论、贬低货币的清教徒。 www.cuyoo.com All is in order there and everything is just as it should be, much to the chagrin of most Zürchers, many of whom would relish a little moral turpitude, just as long as the trams kept running on time. 这里的一切都井井有条,事事均合情合理,令大多数苏黎世人苦恼不已,只要有轨电车一直保持准点运行,他们中的很多人就会搞一些小小的不道德行为。 Turret 炮塔;角楼;小塔;攻城用仰冲车 casemate , barbette 双语例句权威例句 The gun on the turret could be swivelled once in a minute. 炮塔的火炮可在一分钟内旋转一周。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Later you can add a Missile Turret at each chokepoint, after you’ve built an Engineering Bay and your Viking attack group (see the next step) is out in the field wreaking havoc. 然后,你可以添加一个导弹炮塔在每个要塞后,你已经建立了一个工程湾海盗袭击和你下一步该集团(看到)双刃野外。 article.yeeyan.org The unique design is based on extensive battlefield experience in full scale and low intensity conflicts, and attests to Elbit Systems' leadership in the field of turret and fire control systems. 系统的独特设计是基于各种规模、低强度冲突中积累的广泛的战场经验,并证明了埃尔比特系统在炮塔和火控系统领域的领先地位。 Tussle . 打斗;扭打;剧烈的斗争 scuffle n. 争斗,扭打 handicuff 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Members of the Ambassador Wolf Pack of the International Wolf Center bite and tussle in the snow. 照片里国际狼中心代表狼群的两只灰狼在雪地里相互撕咬和扭打。 article.yeeyan.org He was reportedly nominated by his government after an internal diplomatic tussle with Benin's ambassador to UNESCO who had also hoped to be nominated. 据报道他是在与贝宁驻UNESCO大使(他也希望被提名)进行了一场内部外交争斗之后才获得了他的政府的提名。 www.scidev.net The possibility of an alliance between the two adds intrigue to the tussle between Google and Microsoft, and raises questions about Google's motivations in publicly attacking Microsoft. 雅虎与谷歌可能结盟,给谷歌与微软之间的争斗平添了几丝阴谋的色彩,也让人对谷歌公开攻击微软的动机产生了质疑。 Twaddle 废话,闲聊 bushwa , poppycock vi. 讲废话 piffle 双语例句权威例句 The second award is for Economists’ Twaddle. 第二个奖为“经济学家的废话”而设。 article.yeeyan.org Which means I am now delighted to announce that my 2008 Top Twaddle awards will go forward as usual. 这意味着,我现在可以高兴的宣布:我的“2008年最胡扯商业用语”颁奖典礼将照常举行。 www.ftchinese.com Moving on swiftly to the main award categories, I am pleased to announce that the 2006 Gold Medal for Twaddle goes to the advertising agency BBDO Impact. 现在让我们将话题迅速转回到主要奖项上。 我荣幸地宣布,“2006年废话金奖”(2006 Gold Medal for Twaddle)得主是广告代理公司BBDO Impact。 Twig 理解 cotton on , get at vt. 理解 see , absorb , read , seize , cotton on n. 小枝;嫩枝;末梢 shoots , ramulus 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He takes roses, or carnations, pulls out a twig, but only when they’re fresh. 他拿玫瑰,或是康乃馨,拔掉一个嫩枝,仅仅是它们新鲜的时候。 article.yeeyan.org She would form these very neatly out of pieces of twig, and would then decorate them with a flower or two and walk round them admiring them. 她会找一些细树枝整齐的摆出自己的名字,然后用一朵或两朵鲜花装饰一下,接着绕着它们转圈,边转边赞叹不已。 article.yeeyan.org So the Copernicus commissioned a special poll to try and twig why these bright young things don't visit, and what could be done in order to draw them in. 所以哥白尼中心进行了一个特殊的民意调查来理解为何这个聪明的年青家伙不愿意来,以及用什么方法可以吸引他们来。 Twinge 阵痛;悔恨 compunction , throe vi. 刺痛;感到剧痛 smart , bite 双语例句权威例句 And not a twinge of bodily pain about me! 我可是一点儿肉体的痛苦也没有受到啊! www.ebigear.com Take an anti-inflammatory painkiller at the first twinge of cramping to stop the contractions. 阵痛一发生就赶紧吃一粒消炎止痛药,帮助小腹的收缩停下来。 article.yeeyan.org At the end of a hectic day do you have a twinge in your back, knot in your stomach, or pounding in your head? 在繁忙的一天结束之时,你会有背部刺痛的感觉,胃像打结一样,或者头会嗡嗡做响吗? Typo 排印错误;排字工;印刷工 printer , machineman 双语例句权威例句 " Is this a typo, or did the interview take place last year? 这是一个拼写错误还是这个采访是去年的? article.yeeyan.org First off that is NOT a typo; there are no quotation marks around the XML that you declare. 首先注意这并不是一个输入错误;在声明的 XML 周围没有引号。 www.ibm.com In the older days of AIX, you would have modified this database using low-level commands that involved a high degree of risk to the server, where one typo could wreck the operating system. 在 AIX 的早期,用户通常使用低级命令修改这个数据库,这给服务器带来了很大风险,一个输入错误就可能破坏操作系统。 Tyro 新手,生手;初学者 freshman , rookie 双语例句权威例句 Moyes often chose to keep his young tyro on the bench when Rooney was champing at the bit to play. 莫耶斯通常选择将他的小将放在板凳上,但鲁尼却焦急地希望上场踢球。 dongxi.net What separates the professional from the tyro is knowing when to apply the power of scripting and when to eschew it. 专家和新手的区别在于:知道什么时候 运用该脚本,什么时候 避免使用它。 www.ibm.com Indeed the account of how mathematicians stumbled, groped their way through obscurities, should give heart to any tyro in research. 实在说,叙述数学家如何跌跤,如何在迷雾中摸索前进,应能使搞研究工作的任一新手鼓起勇气。 chinafanyi.com Ubiquitous . 普遍存在的;无所不在的 omnipresent , illocal 双语例句原声例句权威例句 You have to wait for technology to be ubiquitous and then you do it. 你必须等到技术变得无所不在后,才能做这种事。 www.cuyoo.com Taking this one step further, is life also ubiquitous in the multiverse? There are both zero and infinite answers to that question. 由此更进一步说,生命在多元宇宙中也是普遍存在的吗?这一问题既没有答案,也有无穷多个答案。 article.yeeyan.org It could purr along like any luxury car or, at a press of the ubiquitous sport button, growl loudly as you disappear down the road. 它既能像一台普通豪华轿车那样低吟前行,而一旦你按下那个无所不在的“运动”按钮,车便咆哮着瞬间消失在路上。 Umbrage 不快,生气;树荫;怀疑 vitality , doubt , animation , challenge , pet 双语例句权威例句 She knows I'll never take umbrage. 她知道我肯定不会生气。 dongxi.net Ilham Aliyev, the Azeri president, however, took umbrage at her work. 然而,阿塞拜疆总统伊尔哈姆•阿利耶夫对她的作品感到不快。 www.ecocn.org Andy Roddick, who more typically uses Twitter to tell fans he is meeting up with Elton John on 31 November – he later realised that the month is only 30 days long – has taken particular umbrage. Twitter的忠实用户安迪•罗迪克(美国网坛超级明星)通过twitter告诉球迷们他将于11月31号跟艾尔顿•约翰对决——随后才意识到11月只有30天! 这件事曾一度引起不快。 Umpire 当裁判,任裁判 ump vt. 仲裁,裁判 arbitrate n. 裁判员,仲裁人 judge , referee 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The next challenge will be to work out how far the state should stay as more than just an umpire. 这没什么错,但下一个挑战将是, 政府在超出裁判的角色之后,应该走多远。 www.ftchinese.com Once, in Toledo, Ohio, as we left the field after playing the anthem for the Mud Hens, an umpire approached us. 有一次,当我们在俄亥俄州托莱多为沼泽鸟对演奏完国歌离开后,一位裁判走了过来。 article.yeeyan.org Cricket keeps an off-field umpire for boundary calls, and to ascertain whether batsmen are run out, and if catches are real. 板球为了边界球的判罚设置了一个外场裁判,以确认击球手是否出局,接球是否真实有效。 Unassuming 谦逊的;不装腔作势的;不出风头的 modest , unpretentious 双语例句权威例句 However, many have suggested that her biggest appeal lies in her unassuming persona . 然而,许多人认为,她最大的魅力在于她不装腔作势的个性。 www.elanso.com Bob Dole was overrun by the longer-named Bill Clinton, but again it was by someone with an unassuming surname and there was only a single syllable difference. 鲍勃•杜尔就被比他名字长的比尔•克林顿战胜了,然而“克林顿”本身也是一个谦逊的姓氏,而且和“杜尔”相比也只差一个音节。 www.ebigear.com Weapon of choice: A magnifying glass, a copy of How to Be a Detective and an inspired imagination that transformed him from an unassuming projectionist into a heroic detective. 特别武器: 一个放大镜,一本《如何成为侦探》的读物和无尽的想象力让这位谦逊的电影放映员摇身一变,成为一位英勇无畏的侦探。 Unbend 弄直;使松弛;卸下 discharge , relax vi. 变直;松弛,变融洽 relax , loosen up 双语例句权威例句 This kind of wire is easy to unbend. 这种金属线很容易弄直。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 But I managed to refuse without hurting her feelings. Unfortunately I did unbend sufficiently to give her my address. 伊韦特问我,她能否在我下班后来找我,她说有很多事情要同我私下谈,但是我设法在不伤害她感情的前提下拒绝了,遗憾的是我不够警惕,还是把住址告诉她了。 www.en8848.com.cn Full of fire as he was in his public life, he could also unbend graciously so as to talk on the most difficult subjects to a stripling like myself without any trace of a patronising tone. 在公共生活上他满怀激情,但也能和和气气对我这样一个毛头小伙谈论最艰深的话题,而没有一点屈尊俯就的样子。 Uncanny 神秘的;离奇的;可怕的 extraordinary , mysterious , terrible 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Life has an uncanny way of responding to your need. 生活总是以一种离奇的方式来满人们的需要。 bbs.exue.com Uncanny. Why would they build such a model of a terrain? 离奇的是,为什么他们建立这样的地形模型? article.yeeyan.org Well, blind humans sometimes seem to have an uncanny sense of obstacles in their path. 盲人有时似乎有一种特异功能可以察觉到他们面前的障碍物。 Unconscionable 不合理的;昧着良心的;肆无忌惮的;过度的 unreasonable , irrational 双语例句原声例句权威例句 'To be doing that with no plan in place is just unconscionable, ' he said. 他说,在没有任何(撤出)计划的情况下这么做,同样是不合情理的。 c.wsj.com But the decision has been branded an act of 'unconscionable vandalism' by one brigadier and came under fire from a Tory MP. 但该决定被一位准将称作“不合理的破坏行动”,并遭到一位议会下院保守党议员的抨击。 dongxi.net Just a month earlier I had apologized for the unconscionable and racist syphilis experiments performed on hundreds of black men decades earlier by the federal government in Tuskegee, Alabama. 就在一个月前,我为联邦政府几十年前在亚拉巴马州的塔斯基吉对几百名黑人做的不合理的并带有种族歧视的梅毒实验表示道歉。 Uncouth 笨拙的;粗野的;不舒适的;陌生的 robust , strange , unknown , gross , rough 双语例句原声例句权威例句 A straightforward ban would be more worthy of a democratic republic than such uncouth manipulation. 对于一个信奉民主的共和国,应该直截了当下达一个禁令,而不是这样粗野地操纵民众。 www.ftchinese.com After a tussle with journalists during the campaign, cartoonists played on his bulbous nose and portrayed him as an uncouth pig. 在与新闻记者发生争斗后,一些漫画家曾经将他描绘为“笨拙的猪”。 cn.reuters.com And many in the news media played along, acting as if it was somehow uncouth for Democrats even to mention the Bush era and its legacy. 许多新闻媒体摆出了合作态度,弄得民主党好像连提一提布什时代的终结和他留下的政治遗产都会被认作是粗野、没涵养似的。 article.yeeyan.org Unction [药]涂油;涂油礼;津津有味;虚情假意 inunction 双语例句权威例句 But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things. 你们从那圣者受了恩膏,并且知道这一切的事。(或作都有知识) article.yeeyan.org But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things. 你们从那圣者受了恩膏,并且知道这一切的事。 www.ebigear.com With this object he recited to us with great unction some lines--prose or poetry we could not tell--out of an English book. 带着这个目的,他津津有味地为我们朗诵了从英文书里选出来的几行---说不清是散文还是诗歌了。 Unctuous 油质的;虚情假意的;油腔滑调的 oily , oleaginous 双语例句权威例句 It is making unctuous appeals for talks with the South. 朝鲜政权眼下正假惺惺地呼吁南韩进行对话。 www.ecocn.org A nation weary of wasting billions on unctuous educators who never deliver what they promise may be ready to hear some hard truths. 一个不甘心在花言巧语,从不兑现承诺的教育者身上浪费数十亿美元的国家才有可能听取逆耳忠言的意见。 article.yeeyan.org ' said old Sol, looking wistfully at his nephew out of the fog that always seemed to hang about him, and laying an unctuous emphasis upon the words. 老所尔说道,一边通过那永远好像笼罩在他的四周的迷雾,渴望了解似地望着他的外甥,并故意讨好地强调那些词儿。 Undercut 廉价出售;较便宜的工资工作;从下边削球 bargain sale 双语例句原声例句权威例句 But the Islamic Revolution of 1979 undercut all those advances. 但1979年的伊斯兰革命根除了所有这些进步。 article.yeeyan.org We must learn how they gain loyalty, even if our goal is to undercut it. 我们必须学习他们怎样赢得忠心,即便我们的目标是要暗中破坏它。 www.24en.com But how to negotiate them and deploy them in ways that do not undercut nuclear stability? 但应该如何以一种不破坏核稳定的方式商议并部署它们呢? Underdog 失败者;受压迫者;斗败了的狗 failure , loser 双语例句原声例句权威例句 “I identify with the underdog,” he said. “我比较认同失败者,”他说。 article.yeeyan.org We all love an underdog story, and this one vastly cheered me up. 我们都爱听失败者的故事,上面这个故事令我兴奋不已。 www.hjenglish.com One way to look at the Danes paradigm of themselves is that they are the underdog. 看待丹麦人这一范例,可以从他们是失败者这一角度入手。 www.elanso.com Undergird 从底部加固: We took measures to undergird the ship. 我们采取措施将船的底部加固。 对…给予支持;加强: Faith undergirds moral principles. 信仰能加强道德原则。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2013-01-02 09:14:18

    Underplay 不充分的表演;秘密行动 stealth 双语例句权威例句 I do not mean to gloss over or underplay the obstacles and needs. 我这样说并不是要掩饰或淡化障碍和需求。 www.who.int Since many Republicans deny the first point and some Democrats underplay the second, getting a bill through Congress is hard; and it has just got a lot harder. 鉴于许多共和党人否认第一点,且一些民主党人淡化第二点,有关议案难以在国会通过,而且这已变得较前难得多了。 www.ecocn.org Since many Republicans deny the first point and some Democrats underplay the second, getting a bill through Congress is hard; and it has just got a lot harder. 由于很多共和党人否认第一点,同事很多民主党人淡化第二点,要在国会通过一步法案十分困难,现在看来更是难上加难。 Underscore 强调;划线于…下 emphasize , stress , highlight n. 底线,[计]下划线 bobbin thread , bottom-line 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I want to underscore the importance of this decision. 我要强调这份决议的重要性。 www.who.int I want to underscore the importance of this task, and my personal commitment to it. 我要强调这一任务的重要性以及我个人对此的承诺。 www.america.gov By default, it matches only sequences of "keyword" characters (alphanumerics and underscore), and it has no deep sense of context beyond matching what’s immediately to the left of the cursor. 默认情况下,它仅匹配 “关键字” 字符序列(数字、字母和下划线),除了与光标左边进行匹配之外,它对上下文没有深刻的理解。 Understudy 预备演员;替角 (熟悉业务的)替补者,替工 vt. 演习(角色)以便当替角: He is understudying Hamlet. 他正在练习演“哈姆雷特”以便临时代替别人。 充当…的替角;充当…的替工: She is understudying Hu Die, a famous star. 她正临时代替著名的明星胡蝶。 实地演习: to understudy a job 实习一种工作 Sharpay: I'll be the understudy in case you can't make a show, so...break a leg. 莎佩: 要你不能表演的话,我就替补上场了。 所以……祝你断腿。 www.hjenglish.com I wasn't trying to create a story, salvage a scene or use him as an understudy to my failed date. 我不是在创造另一个爱情故事,或挽救什么,或拿他做我这次失败的约会的替代品。 article.yeeyan.org Coming up as Ronaldinho's understudy, Catalunya and all of Spain now shudder at the thought of life without Iniesta. 伊涅斯塔曾是小罗的替补,而如今,加泰罗尼亚甚至整个西班牙一刻也离不开伊涅斯塔。 Undertaker 承办人;承担者 /'ʌndə,teikə/ 丧事承办人,殡仪员 (=funeral director) 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The hearse halts, the undertaker's men knot a rope around your coffin and lower you down. 灵车停下来,殡仪执事们兜着您的棺材结上一根绳子,把您吊下去。 www.ebigear.com Discretion, competence and a talent for hand-holding are prized of underwriter and undertaker alike. 谨慎,专业以及操心是股票承销商和殡仪承办人这样的人的专利。 www.ecocn.org The undertaker's man and the grave-digger had probably allowed the coffin to lose its balance, and had lowered the head before the foot. 很可能是因为那些殡仪执事和埋葬工人让那棺材晃了几下并且是头先脚后吊下去的。 Underwrite 写在…的下面;在…下面签名: the underwritten names 署名者 认购(未售出的证券、股票等): They underwrote the coal mine's bonds. 他们同意买下该煤矿的未认购的股票。 同意支付,同意负担…的费用: They have undertaken to underwrite a large proportion of the supermarket's deficits. 他们已承诺支付该超级市场赤字的一大部分。 给…保险,签署(保险单) Unearth 发掘,掘出: to unearth an ancient tomb 发掘一处古墓 破获;揭发: to unearth a plot 破获一个阴谋 发现: They have unearthed some new facts about Napoleon's life. 他们发现了有关拿破仑一生的一些新情况。 Unearthly 神秘的;怪异的;可怕的;非尘世的 mysterious , terrible 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The temples, too, in their ruin have a moonlight magic, an unearthly excellence. 这些庙宇在它们的废墟中也有一种月光般的魅力,超然出世之美。 dict.veduchina.com The single ones will go for a journey in search of unearthly love, which will not last long. 单身的蝎子们会开始寻找非常规爱情的旅程,这种爱情不会持续太久。 article.yeeyan.org Compare that to the definition from the Oxford Dictionary of English. It says “suggesting something supernatural; unearthly.” 相比之下,《牛津英语词典》(OED)的定义是:“表示某物如超自然一般;离奇怪异。” Unexceptionable 无懈可击的;完美无缺的;极好的 wonderful , excellent , famous , super , great 双语例句 Asking that home-schooled children be registered is unexceptionable(and parents would not be made to follow any particular curriculum). 要求在家学习的儿童注册是个好建议,这样孩子的父母就不会被强制要求参加什么特殊的课程学习了。 www.ecocn.org Nationally, the ratio for children up to six years of age rose from a biologically unexceptionable 104 in 1981 to a biologically impossible 108 in 2001. 持续六年全国人口出生性别比率从无可挑剔的1981年的104到2001年按正常出生无法达到的108。 article.yeeyan.org This, though unexceptionable, was seen as yet again avoiding the painful essence of Holocaust expiation and was compared unfavourably with Pope John Paul II’s prayer in March 2000 at the same spot. 这虽然无懈可击,这被看作又一次避免大屠杀赎罪痛苦的本质,不如教皇约翰保罗二世在2000年3月于同一地点的祈祷。 Unflappable 镇定的,不慌张的 collected , unperturbed 双语例句权威例句 He is at ease in the big set-piece engagements, unflappable and twinkling as he sidesteps potential bear-traps. 他在大型、正规活动中轻松自如,而在回避潜在圈套时镇定灵活。 www.ftchinese.com Pachauri says the trick is to be cool and unflappable, as winning agreement from 100 countries ''is not an easy business''. 帕乔里表示,技巧就是要冷静、不慌张,因为赢得100个国家的一致同意“绝非易事”。 www.ftchinese.com In a film with abundant conflict but no villain, the goodness of Mr. Rush's man reveals itself through tenacity and unflappable humor. 在一部充满戏剧冲突却没有反面角色的影片中,不屈不挠和不慌不忙的幽默成就了拉什扮演的洛格。 Ungainly 笨拙的;不雅的 clumsy , awkward adv. 笨拙地;不雅地 ungracefully , lumpingly 双语例句权威例句 Not so long ago, this ungainly partnership was faring poorly. 不久以前,这一笨拙的伙伴关系颇不走运。 www.ecocn.org If you are naturally athletic, you will do better in the sports arena, then the person who is a bit ungainly. 如果你强壮健康,在体育界你会做得更好,然后变成一个有点笨拙的人。 www.kle100.cn The first ungainly prototypes had fuel-cell stacks, which produce the electricity, and drive systems so bulky there was room for little more than the driver. 第一款样子笨拙的原型车安装着若干燃料电池架,庞大驾驶系统几乎占据了除驾驶员座席外的其他空间。 Ungrudging 慷慨的,不吝啬的;由衷的;全心全意的 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 同近义词同根词 adj. 情愿的;慷慨的 generous , ready , handsome , liberal Unguent 药膏,软膏 ointment , chrisma 双语例句 The father smeared the face of his son with a powerful unguent. 父亲用一种非常有效的油膏涂抹在儿子的脸上。 dict.veduchina.com This unguent relieves rheumatism, chills and pains, and is fit for use By rheumatism sufferers. 本药膏除湿散寒,祛风定痛,适合风湿病人使用。 www.dictall.com OBJECTIVE:To study the influence package on weight and appearance and active ingredient content of unguent . 目的:考察包装对医院外用软膏制剂重量、外观性状和有效成分含量的影响。 Unimpeachable 无可指责的;无可怀疑的;无懈可击的;无过失的,无罪的 clear , innocent 双语例句原声例句权威例句 FOR anyone who thinks that climate science must be unimpeachable to be useful, the past few months have been a depressing time. 过去几个月,对那些认为气候科学应该是无懈可击才有用的人,是一段阴郁的时光。 www.ecocn.org For each answer students were required to provide an unimpeachable source, either a person (with contact information) or bibliographic citation for a book or periodical. 对于每个答案,学生们都必须提供一个无懈可击的信息来源,不论是某个人还是某本书籍或期刊。 article.yeeyan.org Like all transformative movements, the Reagan revolution lost its way because for many followers it became an unimpeachable ideology, not a pragmatic response to the excesses of the welfare state. 像所有的变革运动一样,“里根改革”迷失了自己的方向,因为对于许多追随者来说它成为了一种无懈可击的意识形态,而不是对于过度福利国家的经验反应。 Uninitiated 不知情的;缺少经验的 unwitting , blinded 双语例句权威例句 The critics acknowledge these advantages but stress the dangers some products may pose to the uninitiated. 批评人士承认这些优势,但强调一些产品可能给不知情者带来危险. cn.reuters.com For the uninitiated, this means we will be setting the location where all of the users (in this case, testers) will get their data. 这意味着我们将要设置一个所有用户(在此例中,是所有测试人员)可以获取数据的位置。 www.ibm.com Colloquialisms such as "pipe the output," "kill the process," and "use a wildcard"—strange phrases to the uninitiated—should be familiar and comfortable. “用管道重定向输出”、“杀死进程” 和 “使用通配符” 等行话对于新手来说很奇怪,但是您应该很熟悉这些说法了。 Unison 和谐;齐唱;同度;[声]同音 accordance , concert 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The third movement opens with a unison melody which remainsthroughout its entirety. 第三乐章开始于和谐的旋律,这一旋律也是贯穿其整体的。 article.yeeyan.org The ability to live in unison and find agreement with the opposite is the real beauty of life; it gives a challenge to work on – a reason to live. 生活的美在于能够和谐的生活,能够从对立中找出一致。 这给予我们挑战,待以解决—一个活下去的理由。 www.24en.com The ability to live in unison and find agreement with the opposite is the real beauty of life; it gives a challenge to work on – a reason to live. 生活的美在于能够和谐的生活,能够从对立中找出一致。 这给予我们挑战,待以面对—一个活下去的理由。 Univocal 单义的,只有一个意义的,只有一种解释的;不含糊的 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句 The main norm to follow is the univocal characteristic, and all is guided by the theory of the modern linguistics. 术语规范化应遵循的主要标准是术语的单义性,并在规范化过程中以现代语言学理论为指导。 dict.cnki.net The history of the research on implication is a long one, but logicians have not arrived at a univocal interpretation of the meaning of implication. 蕴涵概念有着很长的研究历史,但是逻辑学家们对此问题没有一个公认的答案。 www.fabiao.net This is not, of course, for us an univocal model, since in his Ethics, the sexual act, precisely – as in no ethics of the Greek philosophical tradition – the sexual act does not have a central value. 当然,对于我们而言,这并不是意义明确的模式。在他的「伦理学」里,性爱的演出,确实地说,如同在其它希腊哲学的传统的伦理学,性爱的演出并没有具有中心的价值。 Unkempt 蓬乱的,不整洁的;(言语等)粗野的 robust , gross , rough , country , shock 双语例句权威例句 I have unkempt hair,I have to comb it. 我的头发蓬乱,我要梳理一下。 www.ebigear.com It is brash and unkempt where Tokyo is refined and prissy. 大阪蓬乱而粗疏,而东京则是精致而谨慎的。 www.ftchinese.com The move was based on the so-called, "broken windows theory,” that disorderly, unkempt neighborhoods attract crime. 这次行动是基于所谓的“破窗理论”,该理论认为不整洁的环境能诱发犯罪。 Unleash 解开皮带(或链索)释放: to unleash a dog 放开狗 放弃对…的控制;发出;发动: to unleash one’s temper 发脾气 vi. 不受约束,自由自在;放荡不羁 Unprepossessing 其貌不扬的 [正式] 例: We found the tastiest tapas in the most unprepossessing bars. 我们在最其貌不扬的酒吧找到了最好吃的西班牙餐前小吃。 双语例句权威例句 Meanwhile, in Kent, the unprepossessing town of Ashford might soon become the biggest Shared Space scheme in the world. 与此同时,肯特郡阿什福德这个平凡的小镇可能很快将成为全球规模最大的“共享空间”项目。 www.ftchinese.com But even if the official statistical picture for the last three months of 2009 does brighten, the prospects for the first quarter of 2010 are unprepossessing. 但即使2009年最后三个月的官方数据图确实显示出经济好转,人们也不看好2010年第一季度的经济前景。 www.ecocn.org Indeed, these unprepossessing shapes may be just as remarkable as the paintings of trotting horses and tussling rhinos, providing a snapshot into humankind's first steps towards symbolism and writing. 事实上,如果考虑到这是人类向象征主义和书写迈出的第一步,那么这些未经事先处理的图案可能就和那些奔腾的马匹和扭打的犀牛壁画一样非同小可。 Unpretentious 谦逊的;含蓄的;不炫耀的;不铺张的 modest , implicit 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Yakut horses can be often seen in these places. This semi-wild animal is as much unpretentious as the Kalashnikov rifle. 在这里经常见到雅库特马,这种半野马和卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪一样的谦逊。 article.yeeyan.org He is fearless, altruistic, steel-willed, hospitable, unbelievably hardy, unpretentious and warm -- and he has lost none of these qualities since becoming Russia's president. 热情、无畏、无私、好客、谦逊、具有钢铁般的意志,即使在当上俄罗斯总统之后,他仍然保持了所有这些可贵的品质。 www.ebigear.com For Cultural exchange it is necessary that the tourist number is low and that the interaction is natural meaning the hosting locals are unaffected or unpretentious in their approach. 在文化交流方面,控制游客数为少量是必要的,如果交流互动是自然的,这意味着对于游客的接近,当地主人能保持低调谦逊并不受其影响。 Unproductive 非生产性的;徒劳的;不毛的;不生产的 empty , hungry , vain , desert 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Thou shalt not worry, for worry is the most unproductive of all human activities. 你不用担心,担心是人类所有活动中最为徒劳无益。 article.yeeyan.org These measures introduce provisions allowing the development of “unproductive” land in the jungle. 在这些法令中规定允许开发从林中的“非生产性”土地。 article.yeeyan.org That is a blessing for the US, whose debt is now stashed in vaults from Beijing to Bangkok, but creates some rather unproductive assets for Asia. 这是美国的一个福音——因为它的债务如今存在了从北京到曼谷等城市的金库里,却在亚洲造成了一些完全不具生产性的资产。 Unprovoked (攻击)无缘故的 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Of course, the US could launch an unprovoked blockade or even war against China or India. 当然,美国可能对中国或印度进行无缘无故的封锁,甚至挑起战端。 www.ftchinese.com These unprovoked mass murders have not stirred a single protest in Europe or the Middle East. 这些无端的大屠杀却没有在任何一个欧洲或中东国家引发抗议。 article.yeeyan.org Those disturbances were prompted by an apparently unprovoked attack by white youths who shot and injured two of the farmworkers. 这次暴乱的激发,是因为白人青年对雇农无缘无故的袭击,他们枪击并射伤了两名雇农。 Unregenerate 不悔改的;灵魂未得再生的;顽固不化的 hard-core 双语例句权威例句 Do we preach to men and women as regenerate or unregenerate ? 我们向人传福音,是以他们是被重生的,还是未被重生的呢? danci.911cha.com Initially grace and the unregenerate will are opposed to each other. 开始时﹐恩典与未重生的人的意志是互相对抗的。 danci.911cha.com Some natural resources are unregenerate, or can be turned into unregenerate. 一些自然资源是不可再生的,或者可能变成不可再生的。 www.cfeie.com Unremitting 不懈的;不间断的;坚忍的 ongoing , uninterrupted 双语例句原声例句权威例句 China will stay in close contact with other parties and make unremitting efforts for its due contribution. 中方也将为此继续同有关各方保持密切沟通,作出不懈努力,发挥我们应有的作用。 www.fmprc.gov.cn For over a hundred years, the Chinese people have made unremitting efforts toward the goal of rejuvenating the nation. 一百年以来,中国人民为了实现民族复兴的目标做出了不懈的努力。 www.hxen.com Jiang says, despite the financial crisis, China already developed a national program against climate change and will continue to make unremitting efforts in this area. 姜瑜说,尽管受金融危机影响,但是中国已经制定了一项针对气候变化的国家计划,并将在这个领域继续作出不懈的努力。 Unrepentant 顽固不化的;不后悔的 hard-core 双语例句权威例句 He may end up in coalition with the country's unrepentant Communist Party. 他很可能以与本国顽固不化的共产党联合而结束。 blog.sina.com.cn Another possible result is a minority Social Democrat government that depends on backing from the unrepentant Czech Communist Party. 另一个可能的结果就是,社会民主党这个少数党, 依靠不思悔改的捷克共产党的支持,组成政府。 www.ecocn.org For the Chinese Communist Party, it is useful to portray Japan as an unrepentant aggressor with dreams of reasserting military dominance over Asia. 将日本刻画成食古不化的侵略者,妄想再次以武力统治亚洲,这对中国共产党来说是很有益的。 Unrequited 无回报的;无报酬的 unpaid , uncompensated 双语例句原声例句权威例句 "... a good solution for unrequited love is, of course, new love." –Lucinda Rosenfeld 解决无回报之爱的好办法毫无疑问就是开始一段新的恋爱。 www.hjenglish.com Some seek only love, even if unrequited, while others are driven by fear and betrayal. 一些人寻求的只是爱,即使没有回报,而其他人却被恐惧和背叛驱使。 www.hjenglish.com At the core of the euro, the supranational currency at the heart of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), is a tale of faltering ambitions and unrequited hopes. 欧元作为经济与货币联盟核心内容的超国家货币,其核心问题会是一个关于抱负举步维艰、希望无所回报的故事。 Unscathed 未受伤的 unwounded 双语例句权威例句 It is not unscathed, but has not sustained anything like the damage that its southern neighbour has. 加拿大并不是危机幸免者,但遭受的损害没有像它南方邻居持续得那么久。 article.yeeyan.org Card companies have fared better than some other makers of consumer products in the downturn, but they have not been unscathed. 和其它消费品企业相比,贺卡公司在经济下滑中的表现要更好一些,但并未独善其身。 www.ecocn.org The crisis, far from leaving Japan unscathed, exacerbated its structural problems and laid the groundwork for a far greater disaster. 那场和日本擦肩而过的危机加剧了他的结构上的问题并为更大灾难的诞生奠定了基础。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2013-01-03 13:23:58

    可原谅的;(罪过)轻微的;可宽恕的 slight , mild 双语例句 Her poverty had been a venial fault for two gallant gentlemen. 她的贫穷对那两位殷勤的绅士而言,只是一个微不足道的缺点。 dict.veduchina.com Honduras may have committed a venial sin, but it’s not Serbia or Darfur. 宏都拉斯可能犯了轻微的原罪,但不是塞尔维亚或达沃尔。 www.ecocn.org Careless fellow as I am, I am not so indifferent, Mrs. Bounderby, as to be regardless of this vice in your brother, or inclined to consider it a venial offence. 我虽然是个马马虎虎的人,庞得贝太太,但是不至于漠不关心到那种程度,竟注意不到令弟的这种坏处,认为那是一种轻微可以饶恕的过错。 Ventriloquist 会腹语的人;腹语术表演者,口技表演者 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句权威例句 "She'd do it, too," said Thenardier in a low tone to Brujon and the ventriloquist. “她会干得出来的。” 德纳第对着普吕戎和那用肚子说话的人低声说。 www.ebigear.com He slipped an arm around my shoulder and with a clenched-teeth ventriloquist smile drawled “Yesss, you beautiful thing? 他抽出手臂搭在我肩上,牙齿紧闭,像玩腹语的人那样笑着,慢吞吞地说:“是——啊,小美人儿?” article.yeeyan.org The result is to redirect the subject's sense of self from his real hand to the rubber hand in a way analogous to the redirection employed by a ventriloquist when he makes his dummy "speak". 结果将把接受试验的人的本身自我意识进行转移—认为真手成了假手,这类似于一个口技表演人在让他的玩偶“说话”时所造成的感知转移。 Veracity 诚实;精确性;老实;说真实话 honesty , truth , integrity , good faith 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It is important not to mistake Marx's significance in the history of ideas for the veracity of Marx's economics. 重要的是,我们不能将马克思在思想史上的重要性归功于于马克思经济学的诚实性。 article.yeeyan.org Credibility is an essential attribute that is built on the elements of integrity, reliability, veracity, competence and commitment. 诚信是一个基本的特质,是建立在正直,可靠,诚实,能力和承诺的基础上。 www.ebigear.com This is not because it doubts the veracity of its scorecard, but because it insists that corrupt countries should not automatically be denied aid. 这并非是“透明国际”怀疑自身评分卡的准确性,而是因为它主张不应机械地拒绝对腐败国家的援助。 Verbose 冗长的;啰嗦的 interminable , prolix 双语例句权威例句 This is straightforward, but can lead to some extremely verbose code. 这虽然很直观,却会导致出现非常冗长的代码。 www.ibm.com You should certainly use these in preference to the more verbose traditional means of accomplishing the same thing. 你当然应该优先使用这些,而不是传统的冗长的方式,来完成相同的任务。 www.infoq.com When you ignore the verbose XSLT syntax and view this as a simple test, the coding is very similar to that of a concept or task. 如果忽略冗长的 XSLT 语法,将其看作是简单的测试,那么这些代码会和用于概念或任务的代码非常类似。 Verdant 青翠的;翠绿的;没有经验的;不老练的 young , unfamiliar 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I saw some cows and ship grazing in the verdant pasture. 我看到一些牛羊在青翠的牧场上吃草。 www.hjenglish.com Sunrise lights up the verdant hills of Palouse, Washington, beneath the watchful gaze of a lone early bird. 初升的阳光洒在华盛顿帕卢斯翠绿的山坡 一只早起的鸟默默的凝视着. article.yeeyan.org Every mosque, even in the remote desert, has a verdant garden, and the soldiers sat around cross-legged, with dahlias poked into the ends of their rifles. 即使是在遥远的沙漠地区,每个清真寺都有一个翠绿的花园,士兵们盘腿坐在里面,他们手中来复枪的枪口旁,是盛开的大丽花。 Verisimilar 貌似真实的;似乎有理的;似乎可能的;逼真的 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句 if i could smile more verisimilar, my happiness will become verisimilitude ? 要是我的微笑可以再像真多一点,我的快乐应当会再逼真一点吧?。 dictsearch.appspot.com of fantasy and humour that sometimes comes in a grotesque framework, and always in a verisimilar one. 费尔南多•索伦提诺的小说风格奇异,亦真亦幻,虚幻与幽默神秘地交织在一起。 www.jukuu.com The fixed special weekly English activities by foreign teachers supply the students with entirely verisimilar environment for their English study. 每周固定的外教授课特色英语活动,为学生提供全真的英语学习环境。 Veritable 真正的,名副其实的 genuine , authentic 双语例句原声例句权威例句 His acquaintance lying chiefly among ship-chandlers and so forth, he had always plenty of the veritable ships' biscuit on his table. 他的熟人主要是船具商之类的人,所以他在餐桌上经常摆放着许多真正在船上吃的饼干。 www.kekenet.com One of the conversations among the young men, at which Marius was present and in which he sometimes joined, was a veritable shock to his mind. 马吕斯时常参加那些青年人的交谈,有时也谈上几句,有一次的交谈在他的精神上引起了真正的震动。 www.ebigear.com This is one of the fatal phases, at once act and entr'acte of that drama whose pivot is a social condemnation, and whose veritable title is Progress. 这是这出戏不可避免的一个阶段,既是一幕,又是幕间休息,剧的中心人物是一个社会上的受苦人,剧的真正名字叫“进步”。 www.ebigear.com Vernacular 本国的;地方的;用本地语写成的 native , patrial n. 本地话,方言;动植物的俗名 provincialism , patois 双语例句原声例句权威例句 For a native speaker of Indian English (such as this Johnson), it is a joy to find entirely new bits of vernacular. 对一个印式英语的本地人而言 (比如此约翰逊), 发现方言中的新成分时间乐事。 www.ecocn.org For a native speaker of Indian English (such as this Johnson), it is a joy to find entirely new bits of vernacular.Suringified? 对一个印式英语的本地人而言(比如此约翰逊), 发现方言中的新成分时间乐事。 www.ecocn.org In centuries past, people looked up to kings or bishops; but in an age of mass literacy and printing in vernacular languages, so Mr Anderson argued, horizontal ties matter more. 在数个世纪前,人民尊重国王或宰相;但以本国文字进行大规模教育和印刷的时代,安德森认为,同一阶级联系更值得重视。 Verse 诗,诗篇;韵文;诗节 poetry , poem 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He is good at verse. 他善于作诗。 《新英汉大辞典》 Please turn this piece of prose into verse. 请把这段散文改写成诗歌。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Peter gives two explicit answers in verse 38 to what they need—what we need. 彼得给出了两个在38至诗他们需要什么,我们需要明确的答案。 Vertigo 晕头转向,[临床]眩晕 swim , megrim 双语例句权威例句 If nothing else, the next time someone in your audience complains of hearing loss, ringing, or vertigo, you’ll know what caused the problem. 如果没有别的什么情况,下次你的听众里有人抱怨失聪,耳鸣或眩晕,你就该知道出什么问题了。 article.yeeyan.org For occupational exposure, present limits are based on avoiding the sensations of vertigo and nausea induced by movement in a static magnetic field. 对于职业暴露来说,目前暴露限值的根据是避免在一个静电磁场中运动时产生眩晕和恶心的感觉。 www.who.int The key to this photograph is the tilted horizon, which exaggerates the feeling of vertigo and adds to the sense of disorientation and suspension that the photo creates. 这张照片的关键是倾斜的地平线,它夸大了人们晕头转向的感觉,并增加了迷失方向和由照片所创造的倒悬的意念。 Verve 热情;神韵;活力;气魄 passion , energy , flame , vitality , fire 双语例句权威例句 That early verve has yielded some successes. 早期的热情已既得一些成功。 www.ecocn.org If it was not conceived so smartly and written with such verve, it would be in danger of being worthy but dull. 要不是安德森构思如此巧妙并投入如此多的热情写作,《免费》一书就会变得虽有价值却很枯燥。 www.ftchinese.com Consequently, the anti-war movement, such as it was, rather fades from centre stage as he concentrates on telling with verve and controlled anger the story of the war. 因此,随着作者带着热情和有控制的愤怒集中于讲述这场战事,反战运动逐渐淡出了中心位置,正如当年的实际情况那样。 Vestige 遗迹;残余;退化的器官 remain , leaving , relic 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It would appear, therefore, that jailing critical journalists is an attempt to eradicate the last vestige of resistance to his rule. 于是,表面上看来,拘留发表批评言论的记者就是企图扫清对其总统政权的反对遗迹。 www.ecocn.org And from inside, where something wild, primeval, uncivilized, some vestige of nobody-but-yourself, tells you to just be more authentically human, to fly, to be free. 也来自内部,那些野生的、原始的、不文明的地方和那些只有你自己的遗迹的地方告诉你做更真实的人类去自由飞翔就好。 www.elanso.com There are frequent collisions between motorised carts and pedestrians in its narrow, curving alleyways, the vestige of a former railway line; an ambulance needs to be called almost every day. 在它狭窄弯曲的小巷里(其实是早年铁路线的遗迹),电动推车和行人屡屡发生碰撞事件,几乎每天都需要叫救护车。 Vestigial ]退化的;残余的;发育不全的 degenerative , degraded 双语例句权威例句 The wings of the chicken have become vestigial; it can no longer fly. 鸡的翅膀逐渐退化, 不会在空中飞行了。 《新英汉大辞典》 In On the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin used vestigial organs as evidence for evolution, and their presence has helped define and shape our phylogenetic trees. 在《物种起源》一书中,达尔文将退化的器官认定为进化的证据,它们的存在帮助我们定义和形成了人类的进化树。 article.yeeyan.org Because these structures can be traced back through the ancestors, they essentially serve as a marker of evolution; no organism can have a vestigial organ that hasn’t been found in its forefathers. 由于这些结构的出现可以追溯到各代祖先,所以它们可以作为进化的标志;没有一个生物体身上的退化器官是祖先没有的。 Viable . 可行的;能养活的;能生育的 feasible , working 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Well, it depends what one understands by "viable". 嗯,这取决于怎么理解“可行的”。 www.infoq.com This is hardly a viable investment, " says one of the scientists. 这不是一种可行的投资。” 该研究的一位科学家说。 www.scidev.net Nevertheless, an equitable commitment can and should exist for every phase of the project if the project is to remain viable. 然而,如果项目能够保持可行,那么项目的每个阶段应该存在一个公平的承担义务。 Viaduct 高架桥;高架铁路 high level bridge , elevated railroad 双语例句权威例句 But fear of downtown gridlock is pushing back the closure and demolition of the viaduct until at least 2016, when the tunnel is supposed to be ready. 但是,现阶段的城市交通大堵塞,道路供不应求,可能使高架桥才能关闭和拆除延迟到2016年。 届时,隧道才能全部修建完毕。 www.ecocn.org The viaduct is not only the tallest in the world -- outstripping the 282-metre towers of the Akashi Kaikyo bridge in Japan -- it is also the longest cable-stayed bridge. 密佑高架桥不仅是世界上最高的桥梁(超了日本明石海峡大桥282米高的桥头堡),也是世界上最长的斜拉桥。 edu.sina.com.cn Six carriages were derailed and four of those plunged 20 to 30 metres from a viaduct in Saturday's crash, when a train stalled after being struck by lightning and was rammed by another one behind it. 在星期六的事故中有六厢车厢脱轨和其中四厢在20到30米高的高架桥跌落。 当一辆车在信号灯罢工后停滞时被后面的另一部车辆撞上了。 Vicarious 替代的;代理的;发同感的 acting , deputy , agent 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Similar difficult questions arise within a theory of "vicarious" infringement. 同样困难的问题也产生于代理侵权的理论。 www.24en.com Scientists have taken their first, vicarious journey to the center of the moon, thanks to a fresh look at 30-year-old moonquake data from the Apollo era. 科学家们由于重新审视了从阿波罗时代就开始已有30年历史的月震数据,才能使他们取得了第一次到月亮中心的替代旅行。 article.yeeyan.org Some courts might want to address this irony by saying that the distributor must reserve this right and this ability - and thus must expose itself to a vicarious infringement claim. 一些法庭可能会提出这个反语通过说发布者必须保留这个权利和能力—并且因而必须使它自己暴露于代理侵权诉讼。 Vicinity in the vicinity of 在…附近;在…上下 in the vicinity 在附近 immediate vicinity 紧邻 双语例句原声例句权威例句 So maybe your soul is located, more or less, in the vicinity of your body. 所以你的灵魂是有位置的,或多或少,就在你的身体附近 v.163.com The new black hole, which weighs as much as billions of suns, begins devouring everything in its vicinity. 这个新的黑洞,是太阳质量的几十亿倍,并且开始吞噬附近所有的一切。 article.yeeyan.org At present the insurgents carry out about ten attacks a day in his province, including car bombs and ambushes, mostly in the vicinity of Mosul. 现在反叛份子在他的省里每天进行大概十次攻击,包括汽车炸弹和伏击,绝大多数在摩苏尔附近。 Vicious 恶毒的;恶意的;堕落的;有错误的;品性不端的;剧烈的 severe , fallen , malicious , poisonous 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The world was stunned by the vicious defamation. 这种恶意诽谤令世界震惊。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 These vicious acts have cut us all to the core, for they are an attack on humanity itself. 这些恶毒的行为把我们所有人都放到了核心处,因为那其实是对人权的攻击。 article.yeeyan.org From Jamaica to South Africa, gays and lesbians continue to be the victims of vicious intolerance. 从牙买加到南非,同性恋者继续成为这种恶毒的偏狭的受害者。 Vicissitude 变迁;盛衰;变化无常;变迁兴衰 flux , ups and downs 双语例句 So great a vicissitude in his life could not at once be received as real. 他的生活中发生了如此巨大的变迁,他一时还无法相信是真的。 www.hjenglish.com This paper especially points out that the Hui family culture vicissitude is stretch and development of family, nationality and country in the Hui traditional society. 认为回族家庭文化变迁是回族传统社会中家、 族、 国同构格局下的延伸与发展。 dj.iciba.com The entering of foreign bank cause to ensure the demand of our country accede to WTO, to ensure the tendency of the financial globalization and to ensure the necessity of banking system vicissitude. 外资银行的进入是我国加入世界贸易组织的必然要求,是金融全球化的必然趋势,也是我国金融制度变迁的必然选择。 Vie 争;竞争 contest , cope 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Several political parties vie with each other in pulling more votes for themselves. 几家政党相互争着为自己多拉选票。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Their challenge will be to keep the conversions going as they vie with airline websites for dominance. 而如何在与航空公司网站的竞争中保持转化率是其面临的挑战。 article.yeeyan.org Then, a computer system would often run one simple sequential program at a time, and nothing could interrupt it or vie with it. 那时, 计算机系统通常在同一时刻只能运行一个单独的程序,什么都不能打断它或者与它竞争。 Vignette (书中章节开头或结尾的)小花饰 (轮廓边缘渐渐变淡的)虚光照片,半身晕映照片(或画像等) (文字优美的)短文,小品文;花边文字;电视广告 【建筑工程】葡萄饰;花饰 vt. 使(照片、画像等)渐次变淡,晕映;把…印放为虚光照片 用花饰装饰 Vilify 诽谤;中伤;轻视;贬低 lower , wrong 双语例句原声例句权威例句 A clutch of Maoist websites frequently vilify intellectuals such as Mr Mao. 一群毛主义网站经常恶毒诽谤茅先生这样的知识分子。 article.yeeyan.org He continued, “I think that the disclosure around one transaction being the justification to vilify Goldman Sachs or to pass regulatory reform is just incredible.” 他继续评论道:“指望一起商业泄密事件来中伤高盛或借此通过金融改革是不能让人信服的。” article.yeeyan.org Yet unsympathetic critics vilify examiners for awarding patents too easily and thus doing the bidding of “patent trolls”—cunning operators who rack up patents solely in order to sue future infringers. 然而,那些没有同情心的批评人士,还在中伤审查员,说他们颁发专利过于草率,并由此采用“专利流氓”的投标手段,“专利流氓”指的是那些为起诉未来侵权人而独自获取专利的狡诈操作者。 Vim 精力,活力;精神,生气 energy , vitality , spirit , soul , mind 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Many at the firm might wish it could go private again and recover its capitalist vim. 许多高盛公司的员工希望高盛能够再度私有化,恢复其资本主义活力。 ecocn.org The old continent's economies are widely derided for their rigid markets, high taxes and lack of entrepreneurial vim. 这个古老大陆的经济正以他们僵化的市场,较高的税负和缺乏活力的企业被人们所耻笑。 www.ecocn.org VIMINIT environment variable (Vim only): An environment variable that consists of a sequence of one or more configuration commands.

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2013-01-04 09:00:36

    Unseemly 不适宜的;不得体的 unsuited , unadvisable adv. 不得体地;不适宜地 tactlessly , unfavorably 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Until 2007, the GIC tended to assume that it would never need to engage in asset firesales or unseemly investment exits. 直到2007年,GIC还一直认为自己永远不会被迫贱卖资产,或者以不体面的方式退出投资。 www.ftchinese.com Many shun lavish restaurants, because to eat in such places would be unseemly while other people are suffering in evacuation centres. 许多人避免去豪华餐厅,因为当别人在疏散中心受苦时,在这样的地方享用美食不合时宜。 robertafnani.com More recently, an election this month to the Little Rock school board descended into an unseemly row about race because one candidate was white and the other black. 更近一点的,本月,小石城学校董事会的选举沦为一场不光彩的、事关种族问题的争吵,因为一个候选人是白人,另一个是黑人。 Untenable (论据等)站不住脚的;不能维持的;不能租赁的;难以防守的 indefensible 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This allegation in my view is totally untenable. 在他看来,这种指控是完全站不住脚的。 www.ftchinese.com I find your theory is untenable and it must be rejected. 我觉得你的理论是站不住脚的, 必须予以摒弃。 www.hjenglish.com Previous explanations of the rising divorce rate in China are simply untenable . 以前对中国离婚率升高的解释是完全站不住脚的。 Untold 数不清的;未说过的;未透露的;无限的 huge , infinite 双语例句原声例句权威例句 This story is common, yet often untold in China. 这个故事很常见,但在中国是数不清的。 article.yeeyan.org It can yield untold benefits, but only if people use it wisely. 这会有无限的好处,但只是在人们能够正确使用它的时候。 www.ecocn.org But just where is the great question; and the desire of one person, who thinks he has discovered the norm, to compel all other men to stop there, has led to war and strife untold. 然而,恰恰是在那个地方出了大问题;于是,某个以为自己已经发现了行为准则的人,便渴望强迫其他所有的人都在那里止步,正是这种渴望导致了数不清的战争和冲突。 Untoward 不幸的;麻烦的;倔强的;困难的 difficult , evil , tight , hard , tough 双语例句权威例句 It is ludicrous to suggest it refers to anything untoward. 如果认为它指的是一些不体面的事情,那就很可笑了。 www.ftchinese.com This alarmed me in case anything untoward formed the foundations of his memory. 这让我担心,是不是有什么麻烦事让他形成了这种记忆。 www.ftchinese.com The Mars base apparently has a number of functions28 but among those would certainly be the ensured survival of the human species should anything untoward happen on or to our home planet. 火星基地似乎有很多功能[28],但是其中最重要的当然是当意外的事情发生在我们的地球家园时确保人类物种得以幸存。 Unwitting 不知情的;不知不觉的,无意的 uninitiated , involuntary 双语例句原声例句权威例句 As Georgia provides 90% of Armenia's internet, the woman's unwitting sabotage had catastrophic consequences. 由于格鲁吉亚提供的互联网占亚美尼亚的90%,这名妇女的无意之过引起的后果惨重。 article.yeeyan.org Then they left the restaurant, brushed past two unwitting policemen on its stairway, and went looking for a taxi back to the fight. 然后,他们离开了餐馆,与两个毫不知情的警察擦肩而过,准备叫辆出租车,重返战斗。 www.ecocn.org Consumers and lenders whose unwitting or reckless credit and borrowing decisions placed families under staggering debts and contributed to the instability of the financial system. 消费者和贷款人的不知情或草率的贷款和借款的决定使家庭处于令人难以置信的债务之下,并对金融体系的稳定造成影响。 Unwonted j. 不习惯的;不寻常的;少有的 unusual , unaccustomed 双语例句 SOLDIERS mostly aim better with bullets than with words, but Yemen's army can claim unwonted accuracy in its latest offensive, Operation Scorched Earth. 一般说来,士兵的枪法比口才厉害,但是在最近的一次袭击——焦土战争中,也门军队的表现可以说是异乎神勇。 www.ecocn.org Little Pearl's unwonted mood of sentiment lasted no longer; she laughed, and went capering down the hall, so airily, that old Mr. Wilson raised a question whether even her tiptoes touched the floor. 小珠儿这种不寻常的温情脉脉到此为止,她放声笑着,朝大厅另一头轻捷地蹦跳而去,威尔逊老先生甚至怀疑,她的脚尖是否触到了地板。 www.hjenglish.com With Hareton the resemblance is carried further: it is singular at all times, then it was particularly striking; because his senses were alert, and his mental faculties wakened to unwonted activity. 至于哈里顿,那份模样就更进一步相似:这在任何时候都是显著的,这时更特别显著;因为他的感觉正锐敏,他的智力正在觉醒到非常活跃的地步。 Upbraid 责骂;训斥 rate , hop on 双语例句 You left me too: but I won't upbraid you! 你也丢弃过我的,可我并不要责备你! www.putclub.com He spoke, not to inflame, not to upbraid, but to convince. 他平静地发表讲话,没有煸情,没有责备,唯有说服。 blog.hjenglish.com This has led politicians to upbraid the nouveau riche, though so far only in small ways: chastising them for leaving too much food on their plates at banquets, for example. 这导致了政治人物责咎暴富新贵,尽管到目前为止,还没有大事渲染。 譬如,他们批评暴发户在宴会用餐时太多铺张浪费。 Uphold 举起,高举: She upheld her hand reluctantly. 她勉强地举起手来。 支撑: Four large columns upheld the building's heavy roof. 四根大柱子支撑着这座建筑物的沉重屋顶。 支持;维护: Every citizen should uphold the Constitution. 每个公民都应当维护宪法。 赞成,认可;确认;维持;肯定: The high court upheld the lower court's decision. 高级法院维持低级法院的判决。 Upstage 抢…镜头;使相形见绌 overdrop adj. 自负的;在舞台后部的 proud , conceited 双语例句权威例句 The actor moved upstage away from the audience. 演员移向舞台后部, 离观众越来越远。 dj.iciba.com Apple may well upstage all of them by announcing its own tablet-like device in January. 苹果公司宣布明年1月将[推出]自己的平板式阅读器,所有[同类产品]很可能会相形见绌。 www.ecocn.org Russia’s president hoped at one point to nip up to Riga to upstage the NATO summit and mark the birthday of his French counterpart and friend, Jacques Chirac—but this plan fizzled out. 普京希望此举能在某种程度上使在里加举行的北约峰会相形见绌,同时还能够为盟国及朋友,雅克希拉克庆祝生日,但是这项计划失败了。 Upswing 上升;增加;向上摆动 enhancement , increase , gain , rise , upgrade vi. 提高;回升;向上摆动 rebound , step up 双语例句权威例句 Burglaries in our town have been on the upswing. 我们小城里的入室盗窃案一直在上升。 edu.21cn.com The two-month consecutive decline follows an upswing in confidence in the spring, fueled by a stock market rally. 在股市回升刺激下春季消费者信心出现了上升,随后又出现了连续两个月的下降。 article.yeeyan.org This credit and consumer boom is, of course, partly driven by the millions of new jobs and higher wages that have come from the economic upswing. 当然,这种信贷与消费繁荣一定程度上是受到经济上升所带来的数百万份新工作岗位及工资上涨的驱动。 Usurp 篡夺;夺取;侵占 seize , snatch up 双语例句权威例句 Will we sit back and helplessly watch them USURP our system of trade/compensation? 我们会不采取任何行动,眼巴巴地看着他们篡夺我们的贸易/赔偿制度吗? article.yeeyan.org But they did not want a body that would usurp the role of ministers or the civil service. 然而,他们不希望看到一个篡夺部长及行政部门角色的机构。 www.ecocn.org Congress cannot and must not allow the administration to usurp the constitutional authority that Congress has to make our immigration policies. 他说:“国会不能,也一定不会允许行政当局篡夺宪法赋予国会的权力,来制定我们的移民政策。 Vacillate 犹豫,踌躇;摇摆不定: Oh, do stop vacillating and make up your mind! 啊,别再犹豫了,下决心吧! 动摇;波动;振荡;晃动: The earthquake caused the entire house to vacillate. 地震使整个房子摇晃起来。 Vacuous 空的;空虚的;空洞的;无意义的 empty , hollow , blank , vacant , bare 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Someone who is moving from an interesting but false claim to a true but vacuous claim. 有人从一个有趣,但错误的宣称转移到一个真实但空虚的。 open.163.com Bashar, the president, swings between brutal crackdowns and vacuous concessions. That does not bode well for a dictator under pressure. 总统巴沙尔在残酷镇压和空洞的妥协间摇摆不定,这对压力之下的独裁者来说,不是好兆头。 www.ecocn.org On the other hand, you could consider a move to fashion or entertainment law, which will make Vegas, LA, models and vacuous conversation a comprehensive part of your life. 另一方面,你可以考虑转到时装或娱乐法领域,这样拉斯维加斯、洛杉矶、模特和空洞的谈话就会成为你生活的一个组成部分。 Vagary 奇想;奇特行为 whim , fantasticism 双语例句 Is the current food crisis just another market vagary? 当前的粮食危机只是又一个市场异常行为吗? blog.sina.com.cn The trial highlighted the issue as a major vagary of doing business in China. 对力拓管理人员的审判让人看到,这个问题是在中国经商的一个重大不确定因素。 cn.wsj.com The building of this house in the shape of the temple was a rich man's vagary . 这栋房至庙宇式的外型,是一位富人的奇想。 Vagrant 流浪的;漂泊的;游荡的 ragamuffinly , wandering n. 游民;流浪者;无赖;漂泊者 cad , vag 双语例句权威例句 I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gipsy life 我一定重返海洋,像吉普赛人那样流浪 www.24en.com Work, he insisted, is the only thing to turn a half-alive vagrant into a self-respecting human being. 工作,他坚持说,是唯一能把半死不活的流浪汉变成尊敬自己的人类的事。 article.yeeyan.org Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments based on Oracle’s VirtualBox and Chef or Puppet. Vagrant是个基于 Oracle的VirtualBox和Chef或Puppet的工具,用于构建与分发虚拟开发环境。 Valiant 英勇的,勇敢的 bold , game , brave , gallant n. 勇士;勇敢的人 brave , warrior 双语例句原声例句权威例句 And a valiant torch. 又像英勇的火炬。 www.putclub.com A large reception was held in honor of the valiant explorers. 为勇敢的探险家们举行了一个盛大的招待会。 www.kekenet.com He was diagonised with a brain tumor at age two and he fought a valiant effort for about five years but ultimately he ?. 他在两岁时被诊断出脑部长有一个肿瘤,与病魔经过了,近五年的勇敢搏斗,他最终还是离开了人世。 Validate 使生效,使有法律效力;使合法: In order to validate the agreement between yourself and your employer, you must both sign it. 为了使你和你的雇主之间的合同具有法律效力,你们双方必须在合同上签字。 批准;确认…有效: This passport has to be signed before the official can validate it. 这个护照必须先行签署,官方才能确认其有效。 证实: Do these results validate his theory? 这些结果可以证实他的理论吗? Vandalism 故意破坏文物的行为;破坏财产的行为 汪达尔的作风,打砸抢 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句原声例句权威例句 It was boarded up in 1984 after years of urban decay and vandalism. 多年的城市衰落和损坏之后,它在1984年被关闭了。 article.yeeyan.org Given everything that is at stake, his decision not to exercise it amounts to an act of vandalism. 考虑到所有利害关系,他决定不去行使裁决权相当于一故意破坏行为。 article.yeeyan.org That is why the multiplatform attacks or acts of online vandalism should be approached not just as private cases of hacking but a new category of crimes – crimes against online identities. 这也是为什么多平台式攻击或网络破坏的行为,不应该以个别的骇客事件来处理;而应视为一种新的犯罪──侵害网络身份的罪。 Vapid 无趣味的;无生气的;索然乏味的 uninteresting , flavourless 双语例句权威例句 He did the same thing year by year and found life vapid . 他每年做着同样的事,觉得生活索然无味。 dict.veduchina.com In vapid Listlessness I leant my head against the window, and continued spelling over Catherine Earnshaw ? 我无精打采地把头靠在窗子上,接连地拼写着凯瑟琳?。 dict.veduchina.com Nancy Reagan was viewed as a vapid California socialite until she latched onto her signature “Just Say No” campaign to discourage teenage drug use. 直到南希?里根(Nancy Reagan)打出“向毒品说不”的旗号,鼓励青少年远离毒品之前,她一直被认为是索然无味的加州名媛。 Vantage 优势;有利情况 superiority , advantage , edge , dominance , predominance 双语例句原声例句权威例句 From that vantage point, he shrewdly harnessed his new influence in the struggle against the dominant Yankee establishment. 他机敏地利用了这一任职优势,在和那些美国大家族企业的斗争中施加自己的影响力。 article.yeeyan.org I wasn't even supposed to get this photo—I only ended up here after my original vantage point of the Golden Gate Bridge was completely fogged over. 我甚至没有料想到我会拍摄这张照片——在我拍摄的金门大桥的优势已经模糊以后,我把拍摄这张照片作为结束。 article.yeeyan.org The game presents you with a bunch of seemingly randomly scattered blocks, but if you move the cursor on the screen, shifting your vantage point, you can find a point at which an image takes shape. 这个游戏给你一连串的看起来任意散布的障碍,但是如果你移动屏幕上的光标,改变你的有利地位,你会找到一个图像可以成形的位置。 Varnish 亮光漆,清漆;虚饰;光泽面 vernis , frills vt. 装饰,粉饰;在…上涂清漆;使…有光泽 colour , paint , hang , sugar 双语例句权威例句 Varnish is the stuff of legends. 清漆是一个传奇的东西。 www.ecocn.org The floor is coated with varnish. 地板上涂了一层清漆。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 In fact, the chrome yellow chemical reaction occurred between the layers of varnish and paint. 实际上,铬黄的化学反应在光泽面和颜料面之间也会发生。 Vault 拱顶;撑竿跳;地下室 basement , undercroft vi. 跳跃;成穹状弯曲 jump , dance 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I hastened up the steps of the vault and out into the street. 我匆忙走上地下室的台阶,出去到了街上。 article.yeeyan.org They also offer an option that allows your hidden door to double as a vault door, so your valuables stay double protected. 他们还提供了一个选择,可以使你的隐蔽门也充当地下室,所以你的贵重物品得到双倍保护。 www.hxen.com In a laboratory vault outside Paris is a small cylinder of platinum–iridium alloy that serves as the standard for all mass measurements worldwide. 在巴黎郊外的一个实验室地下室中,有一个铂铱合金作的圆筒,这个圆筒就是作为世界上所有质量测量的标准。 Vaunt 自夸;吹嘘 boast about , boast oneself of vt. 自夸;吹嘘 boast about , boast oneself of 双语例句权威例句 The problem is that to vaunt modernisation, which implies that technological successes will make Russia a great world power again, is to set the wrong priority. 问题是吹嘘那种所谓技术进步可以让俄罗斯重新成为世界强国的所谓“现代化”,是在设定错误的优先目标。 article.yeeyan.org The problem is that to vaunt modernisation, which implies that technological successes will make Russia a great world power again, is to set the wrong priority. 虽然现代化意味着技术进步会让俄罗斯重回大国行列,但盲目夸耀现代化是在设定错误的国家首要任务。 www.ecocn.org And the LORD said unto Gideon, The people that are with thee are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel vaunt themselves against me, saying, Mine own hand hath saved me. 耶和华对基甸说,跟随你的人过多,我不能将米甸人交在他们手中,免得以色列人向我夸大,说,是我们自己的手救了我们。 Veer 转向;改变观点;风向顺时针转;调转船尾向上风 swing , turn towards vt. 使转向;使顺风;使船尾向上风 deflect n. 转向;方向的转变 turning , obversion 双语例句权威例句 But then the animal spirits also veer in the other direction, and then people are too wary. 但跟着,动物精神也会转向另一个方向,然后人们就会过于谨慎。 www.ftchinese.com The other driver would have to either brake, crash into the truck, or veer right into the open field. 那个开车的要么踩刹车要么撞到卡车,或者转向路外面的泥地。 article.yeeyan.org Not only is it the most important EU institution for Britain, but without Britain’s liberal voice it may well veer towards protectionism. 英国不仅仅是欧盟机构中最重要的,而且如果没有英国自由的声音,欧盟可能会转向保护主义。 Venal 贪污的;用金钱买得的;贿赂的;贪赃枉法的 corrupt 双语例句权威例句 In Ghana and Cameroon this has allowed venal village chiefs to steal logging revenues. 在加纳和喀麦隆,这让贪赃枉法的村长得以窃取伐木收入。 www.ecocn.org But such aid should not be delivered without an acknowledgment by Haiti's ultra-venal political and economic elite that the benighted way of doing things has got to end. 而海地那些极度贪污腐化的政治和经济精英们已经让国家管理陷入僵局,如果这些人没有清醒的认识,国际社会就不能施以援助。 article.yeeyan.org But such aid should not be delivered without an acknowledgment by Haiti's ultra-venal political and economic élite that the benighted way of doing things has got to end. 而海地那些极度贪污腐化的政治和经济精英们已经让国家管理陷入僵局,如果这些人没有清醒的认识,国际社会就不能施以援助。 Veneer 外表;虚饰;[建]饰面;胶合板的一层;[木]薄木片 facing , person , garment vt. 胶合;虚饰;给…镶以饰片 gild 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Money stripped off the veneer of good manners. 金钱令他撕去了彬彬有礼的外表。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 CIOs like them since it gives a veneer of financial rigor to all the boxes and wires in the data center. CIO喜欢它们,因为它们给数据中心所有盒子和线缆都牢牢地贴上了一张财务的外表; article.yeeyan.org Ethnic conflicts erupted, driven by appeals to extreme nationalism, and elections sometimes brought the veneer of democracy without the substance. 受极端民族主义驱使的民族冲突爆发,选举有时仅有民主的外表而无实质。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2013-01-09 18:21:27

    Abase A group of machine addresses that refer to abase address. 参照同一基地址的一组机器地址。 dj.iciba.com Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour the King of heaven, all whose works are truth, and his ways judgment: and those that walk in pride he is able to abase. 现在我尼布甲尼撒赞美,尊崇,恭敬天上的王。 因为他所作的全都诚实,他所行的也都公平。 www.ebigear.com Abase above studying how to improving the efficiency of nitrogenous fertilizer, including the traditional and the latest new scientific motheds of our country and other countries. 并在此基础上来研究如何提高氮肥利用率,提供包括国内外传统的方法和最新的科技方法。 Abdicate (国王)退(位);辞(职): The king abdicated his throne, and the country became a republic. 国王退位了,该国变成了共和国。 King Edward Ⅷ of England abdicated the throne in 1936. 英王爱德华八世于1936年退位。 正式(或公开、自愿)放弃(权力、权利、要求、职责、责任等): He abdicated his responsibilities and fled. 他放弃了自己的职责逃跑了。 vi. 退位,逊位;辞职;正式(或公开、自愿)放弃权力(或权利、要求、职责、责任等): King Edward Ⅷ abdicated to marry a commoner. 英王爱德华八世放弃王位和一个平民女子结婚。 The aging founder of the university decided to abdicate. 该大学年事已高的创始人决定引退。 Abduct 绑架;[法]诱拐;使外展 spirit , kidnap 双语例句权威例句 The equation is clear: you are killed as you kill and abducted as you abduct, and as you damage our security we damage your security. 这个等式显而易见:你们因杀人而被杀,你们因绑架他人而被绑架,你们破坏了我们的安全,我们就破坏你们的安全。 cn.reuters.com He does not formally control the local police, and he has little power over the federal security services, which continue to abduct and torture people. 他并未正式控制当地警察,对继续绑架和折磨大众的联邦安全机构也是无能为力。 www.ecocn.org At an evening planning meeting, an 85-year-old landowner encourages his sons to abduct the next settler who chops down trees in his olive groves or slaughters one of his sheep. 在一天夜晚的策划会议上,一名85岁的地主鼓励自己的儿子们绑架下一个在他的果园里砍伐橄榄树,或者肆意屠宰他的山羊的犹太人。 Aberration spherical aberration n. 球面像差 chromatic aberration n. 色差;像差 chromosome aberration [医]染色体畸变 chromosomal aberration 染色体畸变 optical aberration 像差,光学象差;视差 更多词组短语 双语例句原声例句权威例句 That was an aberration, albeit one that lasted nearly 200 years. 这种收入差距是一种失常,尽管持续了近200年。 www.ftchinese.com Are present conditions an aberration, or will we need to contemplate a new social contract between the state and the markets for the long term? 目前的状况是否失常,或长期而言,我们是否需要考虑在政府与市场之间建立新的社会契约? www.ftchinese.com In that sense, the two “lost decades” of economic stagnation in Japan since 1990 may turn out not to be an aberration but a taste of things to come. 那就意味着自从1990年日本失去的二十年的经济停滞都不能够证明是失常的结果,而是即将到来的开端。 Abet 对…进行教唆,唆使,煽动;怂恿(尤指干坏事、犯罪);助长: to abet a crime 教唆犯罪 to abet a swindler 伙同骗子行骗 to abet somebody in doing something 唆使某人做某事 to aid and abet somebody in doing something 教唆怂恿某人做某事 支持;帮助;鼓励: to abet someone's opinion 支持某人的意见 Abeyance 中止,停顿;归属待定,暂搁 hang , discontinuation 双语例句权威例句 The sanctions againt the country fell into abeyance yesterday. 对那个国家的制裁昨天中止。 www.ebigear.com Within NATO, the disputes over how far it should expand are in abeyance. 在北约内部,关于扩张范围的争论已经中止。 www.ecocn.org He also presents evidence that Saddam “had not abandoned the strategy of WMD, merely made a tactical decision to put it into abeyance”. 他还提供证据,表明萨达姆“并未放弃大规模杀伤性武器战略,只是出于权宜之计,将该计划暂时搁置。” Abide 忍受,容忍;停留 stomach , go , stand , tough , tolerate vi. 持续;忍受;停留 stay , hold , stomach 双语例句原声例句权威例句 I can't abide dishonesty! 我不能容忍欺骗! 《21世纪大英汉词典》 How can you abide him? 你怎能容忍他? 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Above all, everyone must abide by the law. 首要的是,每个人都必须遵守法律。 Abiding manent , continued , lasting , constant , sustained v. 遵守;容忍;继续存在(abide的现在分词) keeping , observing 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Elections come and go and usually they are without deep or abiding consequence for either party. 选举活动你方唱罢我登场,但通常不会对任一政党产生深远持久的影响。 www.ftchinese.com Ourcommitment to freedom of expression and association is abiding, but does notcome at the expense of public safety or the protection of our citizens. 基本自由。 我们对言论和结社自由的承诺是不变的,但不会以公共安全及对我国公民的保护为代价。 article.yeeyan.org Once we have, through analytic meditation, come to an insight or deeper understanding, then we should cease our analysis and begin the practice of "calm abiding. 一旦我们通过分析冥想获得了洞察力和更深的理解,那么我们应该停止分析,转而开始练习“平静持久”。 Abject 卑鄙的;可怜的;不幸的 poor , base , mean , evil , dirty 双语例句原声例句权威例句 He is an abject liar. 他是一个卑鄙的说谎者。 www.24en.com Two of the most abject victims of wikinomics are the newspaper and music industries. 两个最不幸的维基经济学受害者是报纸和音乐行业。 article.yeeyan.org But I have since come to realize that my abject ignorance was really a gift: to be a literarily inclined illiterate at age 26 is one of the most glorious fates that can befall mortal girl. 但是现在,我意识到我可怜的无知却是一件礼物:对于一个凡间女子来说,26岁时能在文学上倾向于无知,是最荣耀的事情之一。 Abnegation 拒绝;放弃;克制 rejection , refusal , restraint 双语例句权威例句 But in other troubled European economies, abnegation is less evident. 但是在其它陷入困境的欧洲国家却鲜有自我克制的案例。 www.ecocn.org Only spontaneous love flowing with sincere generosity and self-abnegation can fertilize the soul of others. 唯有自发爱,富有真挚的宽容与自我克制的爱才能够丰富他人的灵魂。 article.yeeyan.org It’s hard to ignore the fact that all these tools are at root about imposing limits and narrowing options—in other words, about a voluntary abnegation of freedom. 我们很难忽视这样一个事实:所有这些手段从根本上都是关于强加限制和减少选择,关于自愿地放弃自由。 Abominate 憎恨,憎恶,厌恶: We abominated the rascal. 我们深恶痛绝那个无赖。 [口语]极不喜欢,不喜爱: She abominates Beijing Opera. 她不喜欢看京剧。 Aboveboard . 光明正大的;直率的 explicit , naked , frank 双语例句权威例句 He had been open and aboveboard, and there was nothing to fear . 他一向是抛头露面,公开活动的,这没什么可害怕的。 www.jukuu.com You can rebuild trust, but only if your husband behaves in a manner that is completely aboveboard. 只要你的丈夫的行为方式完全光明正大,你们完全可以重新建立信任。 bbs.putclub.com It guarantees a fair and aboveboard election by letting every voter express his or her will freely without subject to coercion, surveillance or threat by anyone. 它通过让每位选民自由表达自己的选举意志,并且没有任何人可以对选民进行胁迫、监视以及威胁,来保证选举是公平、光明正大的。 Abrade 擦伤;磨损 raw , brush burn 双语例句 To slight abrade, usable and special marble cleaner and nurse agent. 对于稍微擦伤,可用专门的大理石清洁剂和护理剂。 dictsearch.appspot.com If produce exterior accident abrade, want to use polishing agent only, can rapid conveniently nap purify. 假如发生表面意外擦伤,只要使用抛光剂,即可迅速方便地修整去除。 dictsearch.appspot.com We can experience what it feels like to be another person – perhaps with a personality that would normally abrade us. 我们可以经历另外一个人的经历——也许这个人的个性和我们大相径庭。 Abrasive 粗糙的;[机]有研磨作用的;伤人感情的 crude , rough , coarse , harsh 双语例句原声例句权威例句 She had abrasions to her wrists where the abrasive rope had scraped her. 她的手腕有多出磨伤,那是被粗糙的绳子擦伤的。 www.hxen.com Those around you - at work or in your personal life - will find it extremely abrasive if you keep referring to how things work there. 如果你总是谈论国外的事,你周围的人──无论是工作中或个人生活中的人──都会觉得非常厌烦。 news.iciba.com The sharp, abrasive nature of the particles suggested they could have damaged the bodies of aircraft and the windows - reducing visibility. 这些颗粒锋利而粗糙的性质,暗示着它们能损坏飞行器的机体和舷窗——这会降低可见度。 Abridge 删节;缩短;节略 cut , pot 双语例句权威例句 He decides to abridge his stay here after he received a letter from home. 他接到家信后决定缩短在这里的逗留时间。 www.kekenet.com Article 33 A book publisher may alter or abridge a work with the permission of the copyright owner. 第三十三条图书出版者经作者许可,可以对作品修改、删节。 www.ebigear.com The generation which is passing in its turn over the earth, is not forced to abridge it for the sake of the generations, its equal, after all, who will have their turn later on.--"I 目前的一代人有权在地球上过路,不能强迫他们为了后代而缩短自己的路程,后代和他们是平等的,将来才轮到后代过路。 Abrogate . 废除;取消 abolish , recall 双语例句权威例句 In Nebraska they swing by the hospital and abrogate all responsibility. 在内布拉斯加是和医院一起摇摆,取消了所有的责任。 article.yeeyan.org However, abandoning the Cold War mindset is not to abrogate arms control treaties concluded in that era. 但是,摆脱冷战思维不应被简单地理解为废除冷战时达成的军控条约。 www.fmprc.gov.cn The antisemitism of reason must lead to a struggle for the legal battle to abrogate laws giving [Jews] favoured positions, differentiating the Jew from other foreigners. 理性的反犹行动,必须争取通过法律战来废除法律给予[犹太人]的优待地位,要将犹太人和其他外国人区别开来。 Abscission 切断;切除;顿断法 slicing , cutting off 双语例句 An abscission zone occurs at the base of the organ. 脱落区发生在器官基部的某一特化的区域。 plb.snnu.edu.cn Objective:To introduce a way of epicanthus correction by inferior edge abscission. 目的:介绍一种通过内眦下边缘离断矫正内眦赘皮方法。 dictsearch.appspot.com The influence of water stress and external ABA application on polyamine , ethylene biosynthesis and their relationship with leaf abscission were examined. 研究了土壤水分亏缺和ABA对多胺、乙烯生物合成的影响及其与叶片衰老脱落的关系。 Abscond 逃匿,潜逃;避债 absquatulate , elope 双语例句权威例句 Let them out and they may abscond or show up at the mall with a machinegun. 放掉他们,他们或许会潜逃,或端着机关枪闯进商场。 www.ftchinese.com Yet because living on a public sex-offender registry is so wretched, many abscond. 但因为在性罪犯资料库的阴影下生活是十分悲惨的,所以很多案犯都潜逃了。 www.ecocn.org Yet because living on a public sex-offender registry is so wretched, many abscond. 然而由于生活在公开的的性侵犯者名单下实在是太痛苦了,所以很多人都选择潜逃。 Absenteeism [劳经]旷工;旷课;有计划的怠工;经常无故缺席 truancy 双语例句权威例句 His boss discharged him for habitual absenteeism. 他的老板因他习惯性旷工而解雇了他。 《21世纪大英汉词典》 Absenteeism is one problem; brutality is another. 旷工是一个问题;残忍是另一个问题。 www.ecocn.org Right out of the blue, seniors about to graduate suddenly become candidates for the Nobel Prize in Absenteeism. 而某日突然,临毕业的学生在旷课期间竟摇身一变,成了诺贝尔奖的候选人。 Absolve 免除;赦免;[法]宣告…无罪 discharge , forgive 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Sorry Georgie, history will not absolve you, I promise this! 不好意思了,乔治,历史不能赦免你,我保证! www.elanso.com Just because one uses JDBC, it does not absolve you from having to layer code correctly. 只是因为某人使用了 JDBC,它不能免除必须正确地对代码分层。 www.ibm.com The elements of weakness which mark every person cannot absolve me from the burdens and blessings of responsibility for myself and to others. 每个人都有不足之处,但我为自己与他人排忧解难和祈求祝福的责任并不能因此免除。 Abstain 自制;放弃;避免 contain , restrain oneself 双语例句原声例句权威例句 To abstain from using the negative means half of one’s vision is obscured – which is catastrophic in business. 想避免使用消极言论,就意味着一个人失去了一半的远见——这在商界是灾难性的。 www.ftchinese.com Though all 57 Lib Dem MPs approved it, many will oppose the government on individual issues or abstain from voting, and a few may walk altogether. 尽管57名自由民主党赞同联合,许多人将在个别问题上反对政府或是放弃投票权,一小部分人可能会离席。 www.ecocn.org Should meat-eating Christians abstain from eating animals at church events out of respect for vegetarian Christians who believe that supporting factory farming is wrong? 教会聚会时,食肉的基督徒是否应出于对食素基督徒的尊重放弃吃肉,因后者认为支持工厂化养殖是错误的? Abstemious 节约的,节省的;有节制的 economical , managing , saving , moderate 双语例句权威例句 Ireland looks like an abstemious jogger that has suffered a heart attack. 爱尔兰看似一位心脏病发作的有节制的慢跑者。 www.ecocn.org But even in today's abstemious, achievement-orientated workplace, there are still sectors where the workplace bar lives on. 但即便是在今天这个有节制性的、追求成就的职场,一些行业仍然保留着企业内部酒吧。 www.ftchinese.com The Norwegian adolescents who said they regularly use alcohol and cigarettes were no more likely to report acne than those who were abstemious. 说自己长了青春痘的那些经常抽烟喝酒的挪威青少年并不比说自己长了青春痘的有节制的孩子们多。 Abstinent 禁欲的;有节制的;饮食有度的 moderate , temperate n. 禁欲者 ascetic 双语例句原声例句权威例句 For example, female teens who have flings had GPAs that were 0.16 points lower than abstinent teens. 例如,有着性生活的少女比禁欲的同辈分数低0.16分。 article.yeeyan.org Only 3.5% of women aged 18-35 years now say they are sexually abstinent, for example, versus 6.2% for males of the same age. 比如在禁欲方面,18到35岁的女性中只有3.5%的人称自己不做爱,而在相同年龄的男性中则有6.2%。 article.yeeyan.org Teens in serious relationships did not differ from their abstinent counterparts in terms of their grade-point average, how attached they are to school or college expectations. 有着固定性关系的青少年在成绩方面与那些禁欲的同龄人相比,学习成绩并无差异,有着差异的是他们对于学习的期望值及对大学的期望值。 Abusive 辱骂的;滥用的;虐待的 misapplied 双语例句原声例句权威例句 So not ok to be abusive to others. 这样去虐待去伤害别人一点也不好。 article.yeeyan.org He escapes from his abusive, alcoholic father by faking his own murder and heading off on his own. 为了逃离酗酒和虐待他的父亲,哈克假造自己被谋杀,独自离家出走。 www.voanews.com.cn If your boss becomes intolerably abusive, you may have to go above his head to your personnel department or senior manager. 如果你的老板滥用权力到了令人难以容忍的地步,你就得越过他直接找人事部门或高级经理了。 Abut 邻接;毗邻;紧靠 adjoin vt. 邻接;毗邻;紧靠 neighbor 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Whenever I met Zillah, the housekeeper, in the village, I used to ask her abut Linton. 无论什么时候我在村子里碰到女管家齐拉,我就向她打听林顿的情况。 www.hjenglish.com In this Germany has been blessed by geography, as some of its main manufacturing regions abut formerly communist states with cheaper but still well-educated workforces. 对于这一点,地理上的优势帮了德国大忙。 一些制造业中心地区毗邻原共产主义国家,存在大量便宜但受过良好教育的劳动力。 www.ecocn.org Samir Chatterjee, a school headmaster here, says that according to his census, more than 3,000 cobras live just in Choto Pashla, one of the three hamlets that abut Mushari. 穆沙里一位名叫萨米尔•查特吉(Samir Chatterjee)的校长说,根据他的调查,仅在乔托-帕什拉(Choto Pashla)一地就生活着3,000多只眼镜蛇。 乔托-帕什拉是毗邻穆沙里的三个村庄之一。 Accede 加入;同意;就任 grant , join in 双语例句权威例句 In addition, China has decided to accede to the Information Technology Agreement and started negotiations on relevant issues. 中国决定加入《信息技术协议》,并就有关事宜开始谈判。 www.ebigear.com But the long standing refusal of India, Pakistan, and Israel – all possessors of nuclear weapons – to accede doesn’t help either. 但是印度、巴基斯坦和以色列这些核武器拥有国的长期拒绝加入该条约也并不裨益。 article.yeeyan.org And as far as China is concerned, many U.S.-labeled "rogue states" are simply those that refuse to accede to a Washington-led order -- fertile ground for China to try to exploit. 就中国而言,那些拒绝加入到华盛顿领舞的国际秩序、被美国标榜为“流氓国家”的地方都是中国努力开垦的肥沃土壤。 Accentuate 强调;重读 emphasize , stress , highlight 双语例句权威例句 Then accentuate them as you dress to go out. 你打扮出门时强调一下这些特点。 www.ebigear.com In fact, it should be used to accentuate keywords. 事实上,它是用来强调那些关键字的。 dongxi.net But it is for that very reason that they should NOT be the ones to decide how to highlight nutritional quality -- because they will inevitably accentuate the positive. 不过,也正是因为这个原因,才不应该由食品公司来决定营养成份的标识方法,因为它们难免要突出强调好的一面。 Acclaim 鼓掌欢迎;向…欢呼;为…喝彩: The crowd acclaimed the winners. 群众为获胜者喝彩。 to acclaim the conquering heroes 向征战有功的英雄们欢呼 称赞: They acclaimed him as the best player of the year. 他们称赞他为本年度最佳运动员。 (以欢呼声)宣布;推选,推举;拥立;承认: to acclaim the new king 欢呼拥立新国王 They acclaimed him (as) chairman. 他们以欢呼声推举他为大会主席 Acclimate 服水土;适应新环境 shake down vt. 使适应;使服水土 adapt , condition , suit , season 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Yet as challenging as heat and humidity are, people can acclimate. 虽然热度和湿度都有影响,但人们能够适应。 article.yeeyan.org The interest that we pay on design debt is additional cost every time we have to change or add functionality, and every time we must acclimate somebody new to the development team. 每一次我们必须更改或者添加功能性时,或者每一次我们必须适应开发团队新加入的新人时,我们对设计债的兴趣会更大。 www.ibm.com Colleges have been slow to adjust to the challenges they’ve encountered, but are beginning to try new strategies, both to better acclimate students and to deal with the application problems. 高校对于他们所遇到的挑战却迟迟没有进行调整,但是他们已经开始尝试新的策略,既能让学生更好地适应环境,又能解决申请中的问题。 Acclivity 【地质学】上(行)坡,向上的斜坡 (declivity 之对) 变形: n. acclivities 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 双语例句 As soon as we descend down the slope of sadness, we accelerate over the ever-feel-good acclivity of happiness. 一旦我们从痛苦的斜坡滑下去,我们就加速开始有快乐的感觉。 bbs.24en.com nbsp] Why did Ford's accelerator always have an accidental failure on acclivity ?Abundant money was abused on this abstruse problem. 为什么福特的加速器在斜坡上总是有意外的出错?充裕的钱被滥用在这个深奥的问题上。 dict.kekenet.com It prompted the matron to say that she would walk a little way - as far as to the point where the acclivity from the valley began its first steep ascent to the outer world. 因此这位家庭主妇说,她要送姑娘一程——要把姑娘送到山谷斜坡上的那个地点,那个斜坡是通向外部世界的第一个制高点。 Accolade 荣誉;荣誉称号授予仪式;连谱号;称赞 honor , glory , praise 双语例句权威例句 Strangely, the yen may be the more deserving of that accolade. 奇怪的是,日元或许更配得上这个荣誉称号。 www.360doc.com If so, which accolade would you most like: European/World Player of the Year, World Cup golden boot or become England's all-time record goalscorer? 如果是的,下面哪项荣誉你更看重:欧洲足球先生,世界足球先生,世界杯金靴,还是英格兰队史上的最佳射手? xianguo.com But it is his blog that has propelled him to celebrity status in China and earned him the accolade as one of Time magazine's 100 most influential people of 2009. 但是他的博客才是将他推上中国的名人地位并为他挣到了2009年《时代》杂志全球最具影响力100人的荣誉的真正帮手。 Accomplice 同谋者,[法]共犯 complice , co-conspirator 双语例句权威例句 Yet regulation, if not a prime suspect, could still be an accomplice. 但是即使规章不是主凶,它还有可能是共犯。 www.ecocn.org And yet financial services were not so much a victim of the inflows of foreign capital as an eager accomplice. 而且作为一个热心的同谋者金融行业并非外国资本流入的受害者。 www.ecocn.org The thief was not alone.We know he had an accomplice. 那小偷不是一个人, 我们知道他还有个同谋。 Accord 使和谐一致,使调和;使符合;使适合;调解: to accord disputes 调解争端 把…给与,把…赠给;授予;给予(欢迎、称颂等);让与: to accord due praise 给予适当的表扬 He was accorded the praise due him. 他受到了应有的表扬。 vi. 相符合;相一致;相和谐;调和(with): Our information does not accord with his reports. 我们所了解的情况与他的报告不一致。 Accouter 装备;供以军用品,供以服装 prepare , provide 双语例句权威例句 This paper gives a brief accouter of domestic and foreign chip components in the 1980s and the application in MIC and points out the probability of the development. 本文概述八十年代国内外片式元件硬其在微波集成电路中的应用,并提出今后可能的发展趋势。 Accrete 合生;增大生长;依附 adhere , hang onto vt. 使依附;使连接;把…吸引过来 attach 双语例句权威例句 Over time, an implementation will accrete complexity as code is revisited for bug fixes and feature enhancements. 随着时间的迁移,系统实现与复杂度将共存,因为修改问题和添加新功能将会增加代码量。 www.ibm.com The skill you accrete during this trauma is the ability to imagine plausible solutions, and to estimate the likelihood that an approach will work. 在不断的挫折中,你赖以为生的是设想解决方案,并评估方案成功可能性的能力。 blog.sina.com.cn If the neutron star were near the centre of the galaxy, for example, and surrounded by an abundance of dark matter, then it would continue to accrete dark matter. 假如这个中子恒星靠近星系的中心,又被大量的暗物质所包围,这个在中子恒星中央的稠密恒星将继续吸收暗物质而逐渐增大。 Acerbic 尖刻的(等于acerb);酸的;辛辣的 acid , bitter 双语例句权威例句 They were both heavyset and inclined toward a projection of light amusement, although hers seemed more acerbic. 他们都很粗壮,并且心理投影都倾向轻娱乐,尽管她的看起来更尖刻。 article.yeeyan.org My Criminal Law professor, Steve Duke, was a witty, acerbic man and a fine teacher with whom I later did a seminar on white-collar crime. 我的“刑法”教授是史蒂夫•杜克,他是一个风趣、尖刻的人,是个好老师,我后来与他一起摘了一个关于白领犯罪的讨论会。 article.yeeyan.org He has also gained ground, even among Sunnis, by his increasingly acerbic attitude towards the Kurds, who many Arabs think have overreached themselves in the past few years. 由于对库尔德人越来越尖刻的态度–许多阿拉伯人认为他们在过去几年里做过了头–他甚至也在逊尼派中获得了支持。

  • zinc

    zinc 楼主 2013-01-11 19:48:01

    密切关系;吸引力;[法]姻亲关系;类同 appeal , charm 双语例句原声例句权威例句 Yet the details of her skeleton proclaim her human affinity. 骨骼细节迟早会证明她与人类的密切关系。 article.yeeyan.org In 1979 and 1980, I seemed to have an affinity for adverse fallout. 在1979年和1980年,我似乎对各种不利的副作用有吸引力。 article.yeeyan.org Those women in the West who, like Gilbert, have harvested what the early feminists fought for have almost no affinity for women like Nujood — and like me when I was a little girl. 像吉伯特这样收获了早期女性主义奋斗果实的西方女性,几乎对像诺拉蒂这样的女性没有任何吸引力——当我小的时候,对我也一样。 article.yeeyan.org

  • Send’em➡️Jesus

    Send’em➡️Jesus (叫我小笨笨哟~) 2013-01-11 21:39:46


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