
今日爱情 2010.7.23

baby cat

来自: baby cat
2010-07-23 05:44:11

  • Laura

    Laura 2010-07-23 06:07:42


  • baby cat

    baby cat 楼主 2010-07-23 06:09:44

    金牛 在某一份关系中,星象为你提供了足可以往返于地球和月球的火箭燃料。好像是你忙于某事而导致你们之间缺少应有的激励。今天发生的事情对此有着意义深远的改善作用,也显示了你真实的内心感受。

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-07-23 06:10:00


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-07-23 06:12:39


  • more

    more (爱是愚人国度) 2010-07-23 06:18:24


  • baby cat

    baby cat 楼主 2010-07-23 06:25:24

    射手 对某个想进一步许下承诺的人的感受由于星象而受到影响。情绪上你看似得意洋洋,却与你的内心感受相矛盾。你想尽力争取,但又想让一切保持原样。今天别害怕去做决定。只管去享受彼此的陪伴吧。

  • baby cat

    baby cat 楼主 2010-07-23 06:39:32

    双子 如果你想在今晚的约会上给他(她)留下深刻印象,星象显示你该采取行动了。与其想一个不管用的计划,不如真正的相信你自己。不要过于担心会留下何等印象,尽可能让自己更坦率一些,你会受益于此的。

  • Sakurai Sho

    Sakurai Sho (期待相见的那一天!) 2010-07-23 07:40:20

    水瓶 用現在的行星帶來的溫柔和平和的力量把你和另一半帶入一種更深層次的安全之中吧。讓宇宙的漲落潮汐帶給你們夢想給予你們希望、目的和方向。讓你們之前曾出現的各種問題自動化解吧。 Use the softening and soothing effect of the current planetary alignment to lull you and your partner into a deeper sense of security. Allow the ebb and flow of the cosmic tide to immerse you in a nest of dreams that give you both a sense of hope, purpose, and direction. Allow any difficult conflicts that may have recently come between you to be smoothed and melted away!

  • Asuraa

    Asuraa 2010-07-23 07:49:11

    射手 The celestial atmosphere could have an impact on how you feel about someone to whom you are considering making more of a commitment. Your emotions may be riding high, and yet this could be in conflict with your conscious intentions. You want to go for it, and yet part of you wants things to stay as they are. Don't worry about decisions today. Just enjoy each other's company. 今天,对于那个你正考虑向其作出更多承诺的人,天气将会影响你对他/她的感受。你也许情绪高昂,但是这和你内心的觉知相矛盾。你想往前走,但是部分的你希望保持原状。今天无需为决定担忧,好好享受彼此的陪伴吧。

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-07-23 08:05:53


  • Asuraa

    Asuraa 2010-07-23 08:07:31


  • Asuraa

    Asuraa 2010-07-23 08:13:56

    天枰 The astral configuration of the day means that you just can't seem to trust what your instincts are trying so hard to tell you today. You know what needs to be done to remedy certain shortcomings within your current relationship, and you also know that these would work well. Yet you doubt your own inner wisdom. Even though the course of action indicated may not make logical sense, it will work. 今天的星象意味着,你不能只是表面相信你的强烈的直觉告诉你的东西。你知道应该做什么去弥补你当前关系中的缺陷。而且你也知道那会生效。但你怀疑自己的智慧。即使必要的行动过程不合逻辑,但它有用。

  • Asuraa

    Asuraa 2010-07-23 08:25:22

    处女 There is an ebb and flow, a natural give and take in relationships. The current planetary movement means that today there is a chance to give back to your partner something to show how much you appreciate all that they have done for you in the past. Why not buy them a gift as a token of your love - something that shows you want to continue being their lover. 今日有如潮汐涨落,一种自然的施与受会出现在关系中。最近的行星运动说明今天有机会向你的伙伴回赠某些东西,来表达你多么感激他过去为你做的一切。为什么不买个礼物作为你的爱之表征呢?一样表明你想继续做他的爱侣的东西。

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-07-23 08:25:45


  • 每天迟到七八分

    每天迟到七八分 (空相) 2010-07-23 08:26:04


  • Asuraa

    Asuraa 2010-07-23 08:35:46

    双鱼 If your partner appears to want to issue some kind of ultimatum today, then the best thing you can do is pretend that you haven't heard. The celestial atmosphere is bringing out a lot of hidden feelings and then magnifying them to an incredible degree. Anything spoken about or expressed will tend to be far more emotional than is actually warranted. Best stay out of trouble if possible! 如果今天你的伴侣意图发出某种最后通牒,最好的办法就是假装你没听见。星象会带出很多隐秘的情感并且把它们放大到难以置信的程度。任何表达都会比它们的实际意图来得情绪化的多。尽可能的远离麻烦!

  • 珠我好运

    珠我好运 2010-07-23 08:40:21

    谢谢射手双鱼 貌似今天比较情绪化?

  • Asuraa

    Asuraa 2010-07-23 08:41:10

    天蝎 The planetary alignment means that rather than being alone with your thoughts even in the midst of company, you prefer to seek others out and share something of yourself with them. In terms of a person you desire to get close to, you may even find yourself phoning them for once and asking them out on a date, rather than waiting for them to make all the moves. 今天行星的走向意味着比起一个人在人群中悄悄思考,你更想找其他人出来和他们分享你的隐私。你甚至会给某个你想更亲密的人挂个电话,邀他/她出来约会,而不是等着让他们先采取所有行动。

  • Asuraa

    Asuraa 2010-07-23 08:45:01

    狮子 The planetary alignment could cause you to see someone whom you badly want to believe in through rose-tinted spectacles. No matter what anyone could say to the contrary, you just would not believe them, even if the proof were right in front of your eyes. But if you are thinking of becoming more intimate with them, then it would be better to know the truth. 行星的动向会使你带着玫瑰色的眼镜去看某个你强烈的想要信赖的人。不管任何人提出了反对意见,你都不愿意听他们的。即使事实摆在你眼前。不过如果你想和他/她更亲昵,最好了解真相。

  • 大口喝水

    大口喝水 (减肥为了裸体和刺青) 2010-07-23 08:59:00

    瓶子,没温暖了都 还咋温暖他。。。

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-07-23 09:02:30


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-07-23 09:03:36


  • 雪花桃桃

    雪花桃桃 (本宫回来了。。。) 2010-07-23 09:03:42


  • 假笑女王吴小喵

    假笑女王吴小喵 (愿得一心人,白头不相离) 2010-07-23 09:31:27


  • 芝涵

    芝涵 (学打台球) 2010-07-23 09:39:01


  • 黄小福

    黄小福 (等待我的春暖花开) 2010-07-23 10:01:51


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-07-23 10:07:46


  • C

    C (supreme Self~) 2010-07-23 10:09:28

    白羊 Celery 今日星象说明一个感情关系完全不在你的掌控之中。你越是想要用逻辑思考去弄明白它,就越弄不懂。目前你可能得不到你所追寻的答案,但至少你可以安静下来并转向内心,看看你内心最深处的感觉是怎么指引你的。

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-07-23 10:10:04


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-07-23 10:14:45


  • 假笑女王吴小喵

    假笑女王吴小喵 (愿得一心人,白头不相离) 2010-07-23 10:15:54


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-07-23 10:41:15


  • Runnsh

    Runnsh (而立,自傲) 2010-07-23 10:58:57

    摩羯 今天,只要谈到你的爱情生活,行星运行的状态都会暗示你的面前存在一个特别令人激动的挑战。你的直觉在现在体现的恰到好处,你不会忽略任何一个信息,暗示着只要是有人关心你,都会很热情的感觉。你现在需要做的只是去证明自己,这没什么难度。

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-07-23 11:00:44


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-07-23 11:05:16


  • 瞳

    (绕路是为了更好地到达终点) 2010-07-23 11:08:38


  • 卿、清凉凉

    卿、清凉凉 2010-07-23 11:09:52


  • Danielle

    Danielle (与你淡似水 便千杯不醉) 2010-07-23 11:11:23


  • Danielle

    Danielle (与你淡似水 便千杯不醉) 2010-07-23 11:11:49


  • 已注销

    已注销 2010-07-23 11:26:03

  • 妞妞

    妞妞 (抵抗心魔) 2010-07-23 11:29:52

    天蝎 准!!!等巨蟹

  • RossiV

    RossiV (今天天气好晴朗) 2010-07-23 11:30:44


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-07-23 11:31:59


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-07-23 12:18:23


  • 快活一秒是一秒

    快活一秒是一秒 (布什) 2010-07-23 13:08:35


  • Asuraa

    Asuraa 2010-07-23 13:11:44

    2010-07-23 10:10:04 Goddess (约会啦) 2010-07-23 08:13:56 Asura (无情如来是狗屎,有情众生皆是佛) 天枰 今天的星象意味着,你不能只是表面相信你的强烈的直觉告诉你的东西。你知道应该做什么去弥补你当前关系中的缺陷。而且你也知道那会生效。但你怀疑自己的智慧。即使必要的行动过程不合逻辑,但它有用。 是说的今天吗?那是做了好呢还是不去做好呢 ============ 原文的意思是去做,哪怕看起来不合逻辑,不要光相信,要真的行动。

  • Asuraa

    Asuraa 2010-07-23 13:17:09

    巨蟹 If you and your partner want to achieve a specific result, or realize a certain dream, then you will need to develop a sense of yourselves as working as a team. The celestial atmosphere encourages you both to sort out any differences, and to go even deeper than that and tell each other yet again how much you truly care for each other. Together you will win. ============== 如果你和你的伴侣希望达成特定的目标或实现切实的梦想,你需要形成一种你们是一体的感觉。星象鼓励你们两将彼此的不同理顺,然后更往前一步,再次告诉对方你有多么真心的在乎他/她。两人同心,赢得一切。 蟹子们不要举大钳子啦。。。嘿嘿,翻译好了。

  • 快活一秒是一秒

    快活一秒是一秒 (布什) 2010-07-23 13:33:16


  • 快活一秒是一秒

    快活一秒是一秒 (布什) 2010-07-23 13:35:06


  • 鹿舞

    鹿舞 (很穷的穷人) 2010-07-23 14:38:44


  • 莲花公主

    莲花公主 (我在莲花中心传播爱) 2010-07-23 14:41:34


  • 左耳猫

    左耳猫 2010-07-23 14:46:12


  • vincent

    vincent 2010-07-23 15:48:53

    8准 双子今天和摩羯彻底分了 5555555

  • 豆友1144637

    豆友1144637 (滚蛋滚蛋) 2010-07-23 15:56:18

    哇靠 真牛 前两天摩羯我和水瓶男友的狗血事件,鉴于双方仍有感情且存在误会,经过协调,现进入恢复期。。。。

  • 豆友1144637

    豆友1144637 (滚蛋滚蛋) 2010-07-23 15:58:03


  • 幻

    2010-07-23 17:13:07

    乱 就一个字。。。。。。。。。。。 别人的螃蟹 管我啥事 。。。。。。 为啥 我跟着一起痛苦。。。。。。。。。。

  • 梦灵

    梦灵 (以我之光,照亮汝心。) 2010-07-23 18:21:20

    金牛 在某一份关系中,星象为你提供了足可以往返于地球和月球的火箭燃料。好像是你忙于某事而导致你们之间缺少应有的激励。今天发生的事情对此有着意义深远的改善作用,也显示了你真实的内心感受。 啥都木发生…………


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