

来自: 弗来虚(狮心占线)
2010-07-19 15:55:04

  • nono

    nono (一别两宽,各生欢喜。) 2010-07-19 15:58:54


  • 橘子酱西柚

    橘子酱西柚 2010-07-19 15:59:16


  • 知笑

    知笑 (草莓吃得我好撑啊) 2010-07-19 16:00:04


  • 老K'

    老K' (灼热的地精) 2010-07-19 16:02:06


  • 好多橘子♡

    好多橘子♡ (叶底藏花一度) 2010-07-19 16:02:35


  • 混世白兔

    混世白兔 (出走半生归来做个有情人的有钱人) 2010-07-19 16:03:20


  • 子夜

    子夜 (鸢飞戾天,鱼跃于渊) 2010-07-19 16:03:46


  • 弗来虚

    弗来虚 (狮心占线) 楼主 2010-07-19 16:07:43


  • 子夜

    子夜 (鸢飞戾天,鱼跃于渊) 2010-07-19 16:12:16


  • 蒌斗菜

    蒌斗菜 (一心侍弄花花草草) 2010-07-19 16:22:29


  • Amber Cheng

    Amber Cheng (感谢上帝,我真幸运!) 2010-07-19 16:24:13


  • 一一

    一一 2010-07-19 16:36:00


  • Катя

    Катя (世界尽头注定只能容纳一个人) 2010-07-19 16:36:06


  • 豆友35374619

    豆友35374619 2010-07-19 16:38:44


  • . .

    . . 2010-07-19 16:39:21


  • 弗来虚

    弗来虚 (狮心占线) 楼主 2010-07-19 16:41:34

    2010-07-19 16:39:21 . . 摩羯什么意思啊、、、、、、 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 喔 我改改 等

  • 弗来虚

    弗来虚 (狮心占线) 楼主 2010-07-19 16:52:15

    After the last two weeks of laughs, you are turning your focus back to relationships. Be out on the prowl. With so many planets moving and grooving this week, we need a sign that is sporting the sexy. That's you this week Cap. We want the right tunes coming out of that convertible, the right sunglasses, and the right pair of shorts on. Strut your stuff. Show the rest of us how it's done. 魔羯, 在过去两周的欢笑後,你正准备把你的焦聚转回到你们的关系上,先在大门外头悄悄徘徊着吧。因为本周天空有那麽多行星在移动,我们需要一个能性感运动着的代表星座,那就是你啦,小羯羯。我们想要有对的音乐从跑车传出,对的墨镜,对的运动短裤。拿出你的拿手好戏吧,告诉我们其他人你是怎麽做到的。 (译者:其实就是这时候你应该最会玩,就去玩吧,感情关系搁置一下无妨的意思)

  • 独占神话

    独占神话 (求疼爱,求奇迹) 2010-07-19 16:52:18


  • Catling

    Catling 2010-07-19 17:16:36


  • 已注销

    已注销 2010-07-19 17:20:07


  • Miss.張

    Miss.張 (怪阿姨的心声你懂咩???) 2010-07-19 17:32:08


  • 一一

    一一 2010-07-19 17:37:53

    金牛座 译者 一一 本周牛开始收拾行囊准备远足。与相爱之人徒步远行、骑自行车或者开车兜风享受目的地的自然美景(aka make out point)。牛本周的活动跟迁移有关。尽情享受所有跟地面相关的活动吧。远足的时候做果仁巧克力吧,这比能量棒更好吃。

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-07-19 17:55:22


  • michiamocookie

    michiamocookie (我是鱼,群星双鱼〜〜〜) 2010-07-19 18:08:17


  • michiamocookie

    michiamocookie (我是鱼,群星双鱼〜〜〜) 2010-07-19 18:18:35

    ★★★双鱼座——译者: michiamocookie 鱼鱼们,只要享受这段关系,享受浓浓爱意就行。如果你不想向人炫耀你的新恋情的话也没什么关系(那不是必须的)搬好沙滩椅,准备好鸡尾酒并支起那把足以遮挡起你们两人的大大的阳伞。变身成沙滩上一对像电影明星般充满神秘的伴侣吧

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-07-19 18:36:20


  • 王姿澄

    王姿澄 (内心平和,欢喜自来) 2010-07-19 18:40:08

    等秤子~~~ 谢谢cclovemj (只做lover,否则stranger) 喜欢你的签名~

  • 無頓着

    無頓着 (むとんじゃく) 2010-07-19 23:34:14

    Aries: This week requires lots of lounging at the lake. Take this time to connect with friends, take it easy on family matters, and make room for more love in your life. Spend this week concocting a special candlelight dinner for that special someone. And if you single, its ok to be boisterous this week and let that fun energy out. 白羊:本周需多到湖边逛逛。利用这样的时间联络联络朋友,慢慢解决家庭琐事,在生活中为更多的爱腾出时间空间来。用这一周精心为那个特别的人准备一个特别的烛光晚餐。如果你还单身的话,这周可以尽情狂欢,释放快乐和能量。

  • lesley

    lesley (stay hungry stay foolish) 2010-07-19 23:38:30

    2010-07-19 17:37:53 一一 金牛座 译者 一一 本周牛开始收拾行囊准备远足。与相爱之人徒步远行、骑自行车或者开车兜风享受目的地的自然美景(aka make out point)。牛本周的活动跟迁移有关。尽情享受所有跟地面相关的活动吧。远足的时候做果仁巧克力吧,这比能量棒更好吃。 谢谢 一一 话说这星期真打算出远门来着~~~~好准~~~

  • 無頓着

    無頓着 (むとんじゃく) 2010-07-19 23:42:56

    Gemini: Gemini, you are seeing how many friends you can pile in that boat of yours for some waterskiing. Be sure to leave time for a moonlit cruise around the lake this week, its ok to have your attention focused on that beau in the evening hours. Your friends will still be there (besides you are the one with the boat). 双子:双子座的你看着你那用于滑水的小船里塞进了多少号朋友,但请保证在本周留一些时间绕湖来个月下漫游,将注意力专注在傍晚时分的美岸是不错的。你的朋友们都将在一旁等你(因为你是唯一一个有船的)。

  • 無頓着

    無頓着 (むとんじゃく) 2010-07-19 23:54:08

    Leo: Grab the karaoke machine Leo (you know you have one) and hit up the nite spots. You need your limelight this week for sure. This would be the week to try out that nickname for your loved one. Good luck. Either the karaoke performance or the nickname will win you adoration points this week. 狮子:抢过卡拉OK机,狮子(虽然你知道你已有一个了),然后演奏起夜间斑点。本周无疑的是你需要成为焦点。同样,本周可以为你所爱之人尝试昵称。祝你好运!不管是卡拉OK表演还是昵称,本周都将为你赢得爱慕得分。

  • 無頓着

    無頓着 (むとんじゃく) 2010-07-20 00:00:02

    Libra: You are taking the week off Libra, and just noticing the energy. You just want to swim out to the pontoon and stay away from the crowds. Until night that is, then you are hunting down your Leo friends with the Karaoke machine. Save time this week for at least one day devoted to your beloved. 天秤:天秤的你给自己放了一周的假期,并且注重精神休息。你只是想要游出浮桥,远离人群。直到夜晚,你才和你的狮子好友争抢卡拉OK机。珍惜本周中至少一天的时间与你的爱人共处。

  • 弗来虚

    弗来虚 (狮心占线) 楼主 2010-07-20 00:02:10

    Far far away (what do u want?) ============================== 给你拍拍手,洒花

  • 無頓着

    無頓着 (むとんじゃく) 2010-07-20 00:04:13


  • Elaine

    Elaine (和敬清寂) 2010-07-20 00:05:05

    就差射手了。。。没有人报- -

  • 無頓着

    無頓着 (むとんじゃく) 2010-07-20 00:11:33

    Cancer: The lake brings out a different side of you Cancer. Its rejuvenating and you really need to splash around and make your own wake. Get your hands on a kayak or canoe that fit 2, for you and your love. This would be the week to surprise them with a gift, it will be well received. 巨蟹:湖畔可以带出巨蟹的你不一样的一面。它非常生机活力,而你则需要泼弄水让自己保持清醒。双手搭上皮船或双人座的轻舟,可以坐下你和你的爱人。这将是本周令巨蟹惊喜的一个礼物,而且效果不错。

  • 無頓着

    無頓着 (むとんじゃく) 2010-07-20 00:25:17

    Sagittarius: This is an action packed week, and we want to use the energy of the planets for good rather than crazy theories Sag. So we need you playing games this week…board games, cards, maybe even Jenga to keep that lightening fast mind on the fun side of life and with other humans. If you put relationships on the back burner this week that is ok, but we want you having fun. You might have to go Parasailing but bring your friends. There are hidden opportunities this week, so no hiding. 射手:这是个充满动作的一周,我们想一劳永逸地利用好该星的能量,而非疯狂的射手理论。因此,我们需要你本周尽情玩游戏,棋类游戏,纸牌,又或许是像叠叠乐这样的将快速思维保留在人生玩乐时,亦或者是和其他人一起玩。如果你本周把你的情侣关系搁置了,也是可行的。但是,我们想要你享受快乐。或许你除了带上朋友玩乐外,还可以去玩帆伞运动。本周有潜在的机会,所以你无需隐藏。

  • 無頓着

    無頓着 (むとんじゃく) 2010-07-20 00:32:20

    Email Services are a great way to correspond and they make great gifts. Check out what email services I'm offering by Clicking Here! 邮件是个很有效的联络方式,而且它们也的确很在行。点击此处便可以查收我发送的邮件服务!

  • 弗来虚

    弗来虚 (狮心占线) 楼主 2010-07-20 00:36:08

    2010-07-20 00:32:20 Far far away (what do u want?) Email Services are a great way to correspond and they make great gifts. Check out what email services I'm offering by Clicking Here! 邮件是个很有效的联络方式,而且它们也的确很在行。点击此处便可以查收我发送的邮件服务! ==================================================================== 啊,没注意,这应该是多的,我会删除

  • 無頓着

    無頓着 (むとんじゃく) 2010-07-20 00:43:21

    Aquarius: This might be a different kind of love scope for you Aquarius, but it's a good week to like everyone around you instead of being impatient with them. You are a little fried from all the talking last week, so this is a good time to look for crawdads (crayfish) or go fishing. It looks like you are having a great time at the lake, but you get that quiet contemplation. Let the surprises happen, that's why you are uneasy. 水瓶:这将成为水瓶的你不同的爱情视角,但是,本周最好是喜欢你身边的人,而不是对他们不耐烦。你或许对上周的所有谈话有煎熬感,因此,现在是好时机去抓喇蛄(一种淡水小龙虾)或垂钓。看起来你会很享受湖边的时光,而你也将有个安静的沉思。让惊喜来临吧,这也是你为什么蠢蠢欲动的原因。

  • 無頓着

    無頓着 (むとんじゃく) 2010-07-20 00:47:20


  • 弗来虚

    弗来虚 (狮心占线) 楼主 2010-07-20 00:47:34

    Far far away 再谢,大谢,祝好梦。

  • 赶海小鹿sheryl

    赶海小鹿sheryl (Need you now) 2010-07-20 01:41:31


  • Jane

    Jane 2010-07-20 01:45:49

    差不多 所有人都应该到湖边去。大家都去填湖?


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