

来自: 鑫运
2017-08-01 10:07:41

  • 鑫运

    鑫运 楼主 2017-08-01 10:11:46

    Summary The most dramatic way the universe works to get your attention and foster change is to send eclipses. They always come in pairs, as a full moon, called lunar eclipses, and as new moons, called solar eclipses. Typically, we have four of eclipses in a given year, and they arrive in pairs every six months. In August we will have two, guaranteeing that certain changes are on the way to your home or career, and possibly both. If you didn't travel in July, which would have been an ideal time to go, you might want to wait to take your vacation in late September or October. A lot will be going on in your life this month, so you'll want to be at home base to monitor those changes and to voice opinions. The first will be a full moon lunar eclipse August 7, falling in your fourth house of home, bringing an important domestic or family-oriented question to fullness. You may move to a new address, in your town or across the country, close on a house, sell a house, lease a vacation home, finish up a massive fixer-upper, finalize the new decor, remodel your basement space, or conclude a series of structural repairs. Or, you may paint your apartment, or add one or two new handsome pieces of furniture. The list of possibilities is nearly endless. It appears your focus will be on a project you've been thinking about, and perhaps involved in, and may have started to do as far back as last February. Now this month or in September, your project will crystalize and finish. The elements that make this August 7 eclipse so special will be the friendly beam from Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, suggesting you will have behind-the-scenes confidential help, and that you will be able to make a profit from your actions connected to your home, either now or in time. (Saturn is also in fine mathematical angle that will create a feeling of comforting security. You may be asked to sign papers, but keep in mind that Mercury will be retrograde from August 12 to September 5, so plan to finalize things next month. I suggest you sign on September 15 if you can wait. If you can't wait, then move ahead, but there will be clauses in the contract that you didn't anticipate would come back to bite you later. Give it to your lawyer to address. The second eclipse, August 21, will be quite exciting, for it will be a new moon solar eclipse that will light your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement. It is the part of your chart that directs your attention to your professional abilities, achievements, and status. This solar eclipse will open doors that have been previously locked, and you will have a helping hand from a VIP. So much of what you have done, over the course of years, will now be rewarded. Mars, your ruling planet, is joining the energy of this eclipse, signaling benefic Jupiter, and Mars will be conjunct the Sun and moon. This is very significant, for Mars will act like a booster rocket to your success, spotlighting your skills and expanding your fine reputation. Your outlook for your career is simply fantastic. Saturn, in your house of earned income, will also reach out to Uranus, planet of invention and surprise, suggesting you will make money from the original creative approach you've consistently taken on your job assignments. This suggests innovating will be the way to go - Uranus will give you the impetus to experiment, and Saturn will reward you for doing so. Saturn and Uranus, beaming their shimmering rays from different parts of your chart, will create a golden triangle with the Sun and solar eclipse, along with Mars - this is remarkable! The solar eclipse will fall at the very pinnacle of your horoscope, nestled in the tenth house that ancient astrologers called the house of dignity. It is the place in the chart where you are given reward for all you've done in your career, as far back as ten years. The Sun's position is important in any solar eclipse, and doubly so for you, for Leo rules the highest point in your chart. Very simply the Sun's position shows where you will shine, and this month, it's in your career. Rarely have you had such a powerful professional outlook for making a name for yourself as you do now. The fields of entertainment, acting, theatre, teaching, design, music, art, and costume design and makeup will all be areas of substantial gain. In love, Venus in Cancer makes you the apple of Venus' eye from the start of the month until August 24. Although you'll have no time for a vacation, plan a sunny weekend at the seashore - I love August 19-20. You won't be able to be gone long, but being in a charming fishing village or at the seashore to hear the waves crash to shore will be just the trick to make you very happy and bring you home refreshed.

  • 鑫运

    鑫运 楼主 2017-08-01 10:12:50


  • 一代天骄

    一代天骄 (不走寻常路,只爱陌生人) 2017-08-01 11:28:10


  • 木小鸟@sugr.fm

    木小鸟@sugr.fm (等待和希望) 2017-08-01 12:43:55


  • 铃儿响叮当

    铃儿响叮当 2017-08-01 14:17:12

    [内容不可见] [内容不可见] 木小鸟@sugr.fm


  • 幸胡妞

    幸胡妞 2017-08-01 14:42:10

    [内容不可见] [内容不可见] 木小鸟@sugr.fm


  • 叶子

    叶子 2017-08-01 14:51:18


  • 葵贰

    葵贰 (富贵险中求!) 2017-08-01 15:43:13


  • Eljop

    Eljop 2017-08-01 16:14:51


  • 欢喜喝茶

    欢喜喝茶 2017-08-01 16:49:28


  • キリ

    キリ (begin again) 2017-08-01 16:51:20


  • 田丹

    田丹 2017-08-01 17:31:32


  • 习习中

    习习中 (现在的样子是最好的样子~~) 2017-08-01 17:45:02

    感谢,确实正在跳槽,希望收到心仪的offer 感谢,确实正在跳槽,希望收到心仪的offer 田丹


  • 习习中

    习习中 (现在的样子是最好的样子~~) 2017-08-01 17:45:17


  • 习习中

    习习中 (现在的样子是最好的样子~~) 2017-08-01 17:45:23


  • 田丹

    田丹 2017-08-01 19:13:42

    我也是正在准备跳槽! 我也是正在准备跳槽! 习习中


  • Dragonqueen

    Dragonqueen 2017-08-01 19:37:35


  • 疯锅

    疯锅 (放浪形骸又何妨,天地放歌是男儿!) 2017-08-01 21:49:02


  • 东方青苍

    东方青苍 (贫穷对于女孩子来说是一种隐私) 2017-08-01 21:51:53


  • 球儿

    球儿 2017-08-01 23:00:14


  • 灿然已极

    灿然已极 (动静等观) 2017-08-01 23:15:56

    [内容不可见] [内容不可见] 木小鸟@sugr.fm


  • 灿然已极

    灿然已极 (动静等观) 2017-08-01 23:17:02

    Summary The most dramatic way the universe works to get your attention and foster change Summary The most dramatic way the universe works to get your attention and foster change is to send eclipses. They always come in pairs, as a full moon, called lunar eclipses, and as new moons, called solar eclipses. Typically, we have four of eclipses in a given year, and they arrive in pairs every six months. In August we will have two, guaranteeing that certain changes are on the way to your home or career, and possibly both. If you didn't travel in July, which would have been an ideal time to go, you might want to wait to take your vacation in late September or October. A lot will be going on in your life this month, so you'll want to be at home base to monitor those changes and to voice opinions. The first will be a full moon lunar eclipse August 7, falling in your fourth house of home, bringing an important domestic or family-oriented question to fullness. You may move to a new address, in your town or across the country, close on a house, sell a house, lease a vacation home, finish up a massive fixer-upper, finalize the new decor, remodel your basement space, or conclude a series of structural repairs. Or, you may paint your apartment, or add one or two new handsome pieces of furniture. The list of possibilities is nearly endless. It appears your focus will be on a project you've been thinking about, and perhaps involved in, and may have started to do as far back as last February. Now this month or in September, your project will crystalize and finish. The elements that make this August 7 eclipse so special will be the friendly beam from Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, suggesting you will have behind-the-scenes confidential help, and that you will be able to make a profit from your actions connected to your home, either now or in time. (Saturn is also in fine mathematical angle that will create a feeling of comforting security. You may be asked to sign papers, but keep in mind that Mercury will be retrograde from August 12 to September 5, so plan to finalize things next month. I suggest you sign on September 15 if you can wait. If you can't wait, then move ahead, but there will be clauses in the contract that you didn't anticipate would come back to bite you later. Give it to your lawyer to address. The second eclipse, August 21, will be quite exciting, for it will be a new moon solar eclipse that will light your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement. It is the part of your chart that directs your attention to your professional abilities, achievements, and status. This solar eclipse will open doors that have been previously locked, and you will have a helping hand from a VIP. So much of what you have done, over the course of years, will now be rewarded. Mars, your ruling planet, is joining the energy of this eclipse, signaling benefic Jupiter, and Mars will be conjunct the Sun and moon. This is very significant, for Mars will act like a booster rocket to your success, spotlighting your skills and expanding your fine reputation. Your outlook for your career is simply fantastic. Saturn, in your house of earned income, will also reach out to Uranus, planet of invention and surprise, suggesting you will make money from the original creative approach you've consistently taken on your job assignments. This suggests innovating will be the way to go - Uranus will give you the impetus to experiment, and Saturn will reward you for doing so. Saturn and Uranus, beaming their shimmering rays from different parts of your chart, will create a golden triangle with the Sun and solar eclipse, along with Mars - this is remarkable! The solar eclipse will fall at the very pinnacle of your horoscope, nestled in the tenth house that ancient astrologers called the house of dignity. It is the place in the chart where you are given reward for all you've done in your career, as far back as ten years. The Sun's position is important in any solar eclipse, and doubly so for you, for Leo rules the highest point in your chart. Very simply the Sun's position shows where you will shine, and this month, it's in your career. Rarely have you had such a powerful professional outlook for making a name for yourself as you do now. The fields of entertainment, acting, theatre, teaching, design, music, art, and costume design and makeup will all be areas of substantial gain. In love, Venus in Cancer makes you the apple of Venus' eye from the start of the month until August 24. Although you'll have no time for a vacation, plan a sunny weekend at the seashore - I love August 19-20. You won't be able to be gone long, but being in a charming fishing village or at the seashore to hear the waves crash to shore will be just the trick to make you very happy and bring you home refreshed. ... 鑫运


  • 漫步沙海👸

    漫步沙海👸 2017-08-02 00:08:37

    You are now on the threshold of the most important month of 2017 and possibly the most important month in a decade for your career and living situation. Eclipse season is back, and like most events of nature, when something big is about to happen, it is at first quiet. Most months have a small velvet bag of aspects that when opened spill all over the month, but not August. As you enter the month, the little planets are stepping aside along the edges, to make way for the entourage. They are in anticipation of what is to come. In a sense, there are no supporting actors this month - all aspects that I would normally discuss with you, ones that take secondary positions, are missing. It is the way of the universe to clear the way and put the big spotlight on the two eclipses. The first eclipse will be a full moon lunar eclipse on August 7, in Aquarius, 15 degrees, that will light your home and family sector. Something is coming to fullness regarding your home, most likely within four days of this eclipse. You may be moving, buying a house, leasing an apartment or vacation home, renovating with the help of a contractor, finishing repairs or a decorating project, or seeing a roommate leave, and perhaps finding a new one (or not), as some examples. All eclipses push, prod, and pull you out of your complacency to get you moving and ready to embrace change. This eclipse appears to bring to a culmination a home-related project you've been doing or thinking about for some time. Mars is currently heating up your career sector, so if you are thinking of changing your residence, it seems to be connected to changes going on at work. You may need to relocate, or you may be ready to treat yourself to new furniture or a renovation of kitchen or bath. The reason I am excited about your outlook for this full moon is that Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, now in Libra, will support this full moon in Aquarius one-hundred percent, in a perfect "trine," which is astro-speak for supreme harmony. Everything Jupiter touches instantly expands - Jupiter will be busy showering your home-related plans with gold dust. If you need family support for your goals, you will garner great support. If you are not moving or changing your home in any way, then it may be that you or your sibling has a baby that brings such love and joy, and that the entire family comes together in a harmonious unit like none before. Your news about home or family will come within 5 days of the full moon, August 7. If nothing happens for you, then next, watch one month to the day later, September 7 plus or minus five days, for the message of the eclipse. (Some eclipses - 10 percent - arrive one month to the day earlier, in which case you should have heard near July 7.) Now let's skip forward two weeks, for the big centerpiece of the month will come on the total eclipse of the Sun on August 21 in Scorpio, 29 degrees. This is a new moon on steroids, lighting the very top of your chart, your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement. Twenty-nine degrees is a degree of completion, so indeed this is recognition of your talents. This eclipse will be powerful and friendly - you are heading up the ranks of your company. If you are an actor, with a new moon solar eclipse, you may get the role of a lifetime. If you are self-employed, you will likely bring in a new client, and when you do, your name will be on everyone's lips, for you will be the talk of the industry. Most eclipses are mixed in outlook, but this one will be as sweet as sugar. The August 21 will form a golden triangle in the heavens, linking Mars, your secondary ruler, in your prestigious professional tenth house, to Uranus, the planet of surprise now in your sixth house workaday assignment sector. The third leg of the triangle will link to Saturn, currently in your second house of salary and other compensation. Saturn is the planet that allows you to build long-term security. I know that you have been somewhat underpaid since Saturn first entered Sagittarius in December 2014. That is about to change when Saturn leaves Sagittarius this coming December 20. From then on, you won't have to negotiate so hard for a decent salary - the money will start to roll in, and your Spartan financial period will be officially over. If you say you didn't suffer too much with money during this past three-year period, wait until you see how much better things will be for you! You see the planetary links of this eclipse August 21 are dramatic for you: Uranus (surprise assignments), to Saturn (money), and the third leg to the eclipse (power and promotion). I see you getting praise and being elevated in industry status. I feel you will have plenty to celebrate. To have Mars in perfect angle to Jupiter this month is remarkable - it means your strategic actions will lead to excellent, profitable results. I am simply stunned by the lineup of beautiful aspects you have in August. You might get a call that unlocks all this for you, but the way astrology works best is if you try for career success, too. Show initiative - you will be rewarded. If you don't see news this month on or near August 21, look to September 21 plus or minus five days. As said before, in about 20 percent of the time, the message of an eclipse is delivered a month to the day later, within the number of dates stated. Occasionally, in about 10 percent of the time, you will feel an eclipse a month to the day earlier - that would have been near July 21. You might want to check your email to find out what you were discussing last month to see if anything special came up. Most eclipses deliver right on time, so see how things go. All eclipses require adjustment to change, and there appears to be a very sudden and important shift in management at the very top of your company. A man is about to announce a sudden departure, and everyone will be surprised. This fluidity will allow for room for everyone to move within the structure of the company's hierarchy. I see this to be enormously helpful to you. On the world stage, a king is about to leave his post. That comes from ancient text, so I have no idea which world leader will disappear, but it could be that he simply steps down or is voted out. If you are old enough, think back to the one that fell on nearly the same day, the same sign, Leo, and the same degree, 29 degrees, on August 22, 1998. You may be able to pick up a theme that happened back then and that appears to be happening now in your career. This month Mercury will go retrograde. I know what you might be thinking: Really? That too? Isn't this month filled with enough news? Yes, but think of it this way: Mercury will slow you down so you can think clearly. Eclipses kick up a lot of dust, and it is hard to see the road ahead for a few weeks after they occur. Mercury will build in enough delays this month so that you won't be able to move fast, even if you wanted to do so. The second part of August is a popular time for many to be away on vacation, so when VIPs are away, you may be able to catch your breath. That is not to say that you should take a vacation. You should not. You need to be at home base when your career and home / family news begins to pop. Mercury will be retrograde in your friendship sector, so this time, you may enjoy this trend - a friend from your past may unexpectedly surface, and you will likely enjoy seeing each other. When Mercury is retrograde, it is not wise to buy expensive electronic items, appliances, a car, or for any machine with moving parts. It is also not a time to sign papers either if you can help it, because the world is moving quickly toward a new place, and your preset priorities will soon shuffle. If you sign papers using your present priorities, they will be out of date by the time you put pen to paper, and you may wish you had waited. In terms of romance, Venus will be in a special place for you - Cancer - so I feel things should go very well for you indeed. You have so much going on in your life this month, so it might be hard to socialize, too. If you have someone in your life, it will be comforting to have the support and cheer of someone special. Although love won't take center stage in August, romance can flourish for you if you make time for love. Venus will be in your highly compatible sign of Cancer from the very start of the month until August 25. Before I go, I want to mention an essay I wrote. I think you will find it helpful this month. It is called, "How to Deal with Eclipses." You will find it on the lower left of my homepage of Astrology Zone. If you want to print it out, you can - look for the image of the printer on the top left of the page - you will see five icons; it is the bottom one in the vertical lineup. If you would rather see "How to Deal with Eclipses" on the premium (paid subscriber) edition of my app, you can. Go to Love+Life on the app menu, and then to Susan's Essays and you will see it. Also, in case you didn't notice, I have two special tables of information on my homepage of Astrology Zone. One is a Table of Mercury Retrograde Periods 1994-2030, and the other is a Table of Eclipses, 1994-2030. (This eclipse list includes both solar and lunar eclipses.) These tables are found on my website, but they are not on my app. Again look to the lower left part of Astrology Zone's homepage. While you are at your computer with a big screen, you may want to have a look to see if certain dates stand out for you, and of course, you can print these out. I made these Tables for you for convenient future planning. 最赞回应  木小鸟@sugr.fm11小时前16 你目前处在2017年最重要的月份,甚至是未来10年生活和事业最重要的月份。就像自然界很多大事的发生前夕的安静,月食悄悄来了。其他月份都是丝绒般渐进缓缓的流淌进展,八月不同了。行星们滑向外延,为大事让路。他们都在积极的参与。一方面,本月没有我常说的支持行星。这就是整个宇宙通过两大月食为你点亮最耀眼的光芒! 8月7日是第一个满月月食,它位于水瓶座15度,点亮你的家庭和住宅宫。在月食前后4天,你的家庭将达到圆满。你可能会搬家,购置房产,租房或装修,又有可能遇到室友离开。 月食会推动或刺痛你进行改变,走出舒适区。本次月食特别明显,它推动你进行计划已久的家居项目。火星点亮你的事业区,如果你想搬家,不妨跟事业联动,因为你的工作会有可能调整。 这次满月掌管礼物和运气的木星正在天秤座,它完美支持水瓶座满月,这另我这个星象师十分兴奋。木星触摸的任何东西都会放大,它撒金粉般照耀你的家居计划。如果你需要家人支持,你会得到。如果你不搬家或者装修,那家人或许会添丁,全家人会有和谐的聚会。 8月7日前后五天会带来家庭的消息。如果没有事情,接下来9月7日前后新的月食会接上。 我们快进到8月21日,日全食落在天蝎座29度。这个满月从顶部点亮你的星图,照耀你的第十宫荣誉和成就宫。29度代表完成,这是对你才能的认可。 这个日食强大友好,它祝你在企业登顶。如果你是演员,将得到收益一生的角色。如果你创业,你将获得新客户,并且被业界传颂! 多数日食都前景不明,但本次日食给你的都是甜蜜结果。8月21日天空形成黄金三角,链接你的第二守护星火星和天王星,他们分别掌管你的专业知名度和日常工作。另外一角是土星,它正停留你的薪水和收入宫。木星为你保障长期的财政收入。 我知道,从2014年12月木星进入射手座开始,你就处于收入紧张状态。这将在今年12月20日木星离开射手座彻底改观。到时,你不用勉强争取加薪,金钱会开始进账。即便你过去三年收入不错,不妨到时看看收入是不是会更好! 8月21日的日食和天象对你来说是戏剧性的,掌管惊喜的天王星,管钱的土星,还有能力和名望的火星。稳稳的,你将获得行业地位和收入的提升。到时好好庆祝吧! 本月火星和木星的和谐位置很重要,这意味着你的战略行动将得到认可和收益。所以八月对天蝎来说简直完美。你或许得到一个嘉奖电话,更重要的是,你要行动,自己去争取! 如果到8月21日都没有感受到小心,不妨展望9月21日前后五天。因为通常有20%的情形日食传达的宇宙信息会延迟一个月。同时,有10%的情形会提前一个月,所以可能部分天蝎7月21日就感受到了惊喜。不妨回头看看当时的邮件,有没有一些信息?当然,多数日食都是按时生效,期待吧。 所有的日食都通过变化和调整来达成效果,因此你的公司可能会出现突然的高层调整。某人可能会突然离开。这也给下面的人带来机会。这对你也是极大的机会。从全世界维度来看,来自古代的星象消息告诉我们,可能某个领袖会下台。 如果你年龄够大,回头想想1998年8月22日,一样的星象。通过那时的经历,你可以猜猜这次将会发生什么。 本月会有水逆。你肯定会问:真的吗?又来? 这个月不都是好消息吗? 嘿,别慌。这样看笔记好:水星会让你慢慢来,仔细思考。水逆激起尘埃,让你看不清未来几周的情形。水逆让你进展缓慢,及时你想突飞猛进。8月下旬本来是人们休假的实际,很多VIP都会离开。但你不要休假,保持工作,仔细思考。 水逆发生在你的友谊宫,这会带来益处。过去的老朋友会重新联系。当然,水逆不要购买电子产品,车,其他机械。也不要签署合同。不要根据目前的情况签署未来的合同,因为巨变即将到来。 金星在巨蟹座,给你带来浪漫消息。这是适合社交的月份。有伴侣的将和谐共处。虽然本月重心不是爱情,但如果你花时间,一定过得浪漫。因为金星从月初一直照耀到25日。 最后,我要给大家推荐我的文章--《怎么应对月食》,可以在我的网站或app上找到。同时,你可以在网站找到水逆和月食周期表(1994-2030),但不在app里面。希望这些有助于你规划事业和生活。 综述 宇宙召唤你并给你变化的最戏剧化的办法是通过月食。他们通常通过月食和新月的日食成对出现。通常一年四次,每六个月一对。 八月出现一对,保证你的家庭或事业带来变化,或许两者兼顾。如果最佳的7月你没有出行,8月不要动。不妨等9月或10月。这个月你会发生很多事情,待在家里。 首先是8月7日的满月月食,落在你的家庭宫,它带来重要的家庭圆满。你可能搬家,卖房,装修等等。如果你计划已久的家事或房事,尽管开展吧。 8月7日的月食照向掌管礼物和运气的木星,带给你幕后支持,你将通过家庭的变化有所获。如果需要签合同,当心水逆(8月12-9月5日),不妨下月再签,最好等到9月15日。 第二个是日食,8月21日,更加令人激动。这将是满月太阳食并照耀你的第十宫名誉和成就宫。请专注你的专业,能力和成就,月食给你打开机会的大门,超级VIP将关照你。你过去数年的努力,将被褒奖。同时你的掌门火星将助力月食。这是非常特别的星象。火星就是你的事业火箭,带你更上层楼。不妨大展望你的美好未来吧! 木星掌管收入宫,将飞向掌管发明和惊喜的天王星,意味着你长期坚持创意的方法会带来收入。创新是你的优势,要坚持。天王星让你创意十足,木星带来收入。木星、天王星的照耀,加上日食构成黄金三角,由火星鼎力支持,这是罕见的天象! 日食照耀你的星图每个角落,古代占星师称之为尊严之光。这是对你过去10年工作的嘉奖。太阳的高度表明你的职业将会闪耀。这样让你扬名立万机会很少见。在娱乐、表演、喜剧、教学、设计、音乐、艺术、化妆等领域,更加明显。 爱情方面,金星在巨蟹座也是好兆头。尽管你没时间放假,但周末到海滨度假是好选择。我建议8月19-20.享受一个浪漫的周末,会让你更有精力。 全部回应  鑫运13小时前1 Summary The most dramatic way the universe works to get your attention and foster change is to send eclipses. They always come in pairs, as a full moon, called lunar eclipses, and as new moons, called solar eclipses. Typically, we have four of eclipses in a given year, and they arrive in pairs every six months. In August we will have two, guaranteeing that certain changes are on the way to your home or career, and possibly both. If you didn't travel in July, which would have been an ideal time to go, you might want to wait to take your vacation in late September or October. A lot will be going on in your life this month, so you'll want to be at home base to monitor those changes and to voice opinions. The first will be a full moon lunar eclipse August 7, falling in your fourth house of home, bringing an important domestic or family-oriented question to fullness. You may move to a new address, in your town or across the country, close on a house, sell a house, lease a vacation home, finish up a massive fixer-upper, finalize the new decor, remodel your basement space, or conclude a series of structural repairs. Or, you may paint your apartment, or add one or two new handsome pieces of furniture. The list of possibilities is nearly endless. It appears your focus will be on a project you've been thinking about, and perhaps involved in, and may have started to do as far back as last February. Now this month or in September, your project will crystalize and finish. The elements that make this August 7 eclipse so special will be the friendly beam from Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, suggesting you will have behind-the-scenes confidential help, and that you will be able to make a profit from your actions connected to your home, either now or in time. (Saturn is also in fine mathematical angle that will create a feeling of comforting security. You may be asked to sign papers, but keep in mind that Mercury will be retrograde from August 12 to September 5, so plan to finalize things next month. I suggest you sign on September 15 if you can wait. If you can't wait, then move ahead, but there will be clauses in the contract that you didn't anticipate would come back to bite you later. Give it to your lawyer to address. The second eclipse, August 21, will be quite exciting, for it will be a new moon solar eclipse that will light your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement. It is the part of your chart that directs your attention to your professional abilities, achievements, and status. This solar eclipse will open doors that have been previously locked, and you will have a helping hand from a VIP. So much of what you have done, over the course of years, will now be rewarded. Mars, your ruling planet, is joining the energy of this eclipse, signaling benefic Jupiter, and Mars will be conjunct the Sun and moon. This is very significant, for Mars will act like a booster rocket to your success, spotlighting your skills and expanding your fine reputation. Your outlook for your career is simply fantastic. Saturn, in your house of earned income, will also reach out to Uranus, planet of invention and surprise, suggesting you will make money from the original creative approach you've consistently taken on your job assignments. This suggests innovating will be the way to go - Uranus will give you the impetus to experiment, and Saturn will reward you for doing so. Saturn and Uranus, beaming their shimmering rays from different parts of your chart, will create a golden triangle with the Sun and solar eclipse, along with Mars - this is remarkable! The solar eclipse will fall at the very pinnacle of your horoscope, nestled in the tenth house that ancient astrologers called the house of dignity. It is the place in the chart where you are given reward for all you've done in your career, as far back as ten years. The Sun's position is important in any solar eclipse, and doubly so for you, for Leo rules the highest point in your chart. Very simply the Sun's position shows where you will shine, and this month, it's in your career. Rarely have you had such a powerful professional outlook for making a name for yourself as you do now. The fields of entertainment, acting, theatre, teaching, design, music, art, and costume design and makeup will all be areas of substantial gain. In love, Venus in Cancer makes you the apple of Venus' eye from the start of the month until August 24. Although you'll have no time for a vacation, plan a sunny weekend at the seashore - I love August 19-20. You won't be able to be gone long, but being in a charming fishing village or at the seashore to hear the waves crash to shore will be just the trick to make you very happy and bring you home refreshed.  鑫运13小时前 正文和概述分两次发的,请译者都翻译。谢谢!  一代天骄12小时前 先睹为快  木小鸟@sugr.fm11小时前16 你目前处在2017年最重要的月份,甚至是未来10年生活和事业最重要的月份。就像自然界很多大事的发生前夕的安静,月食悄悄来了。其他月份都是丝绒般渐进缓缓的流淌进展,八月不同了。行星们滑向外延,为大事让路。他们都在积极的参与。一方面,本月没有我常说的支持行星。这就是整个宇宙通过两大月食为你点亮最耀眼的光芒! 8月7日是第一个满月月食,它位于水瓶座15度,点亮你的家庭和住宅宫。在月食前后4天,你的家庭将达到圆满。你可能会搬家,购置房产,租房或装修,又有可能遇到室友离开。 月食会推动或刺痛你进行改变,走出舒适区。本次月食特别明显,它推动你进行计划已久的家居项目。火星点亮你的事业区,如果你想搬家,不妨跟事业联动,因为你的工作会有可能调整。 这次满月掌管礼物和运气的木星正在天秤座,它完美支持水瓶座满月,这另我这个星象师十分兴奋。木星触摸的任何东西都会放大,它撒金粉般照耀你的家居计划。如果你需要家人支持,你会得到。如果你不搬家或者装修,那家人或许会添丁,全家人会有和谐的聚会。 8月7日前后五天会带来家庭的消息。如果没有事情,接下来9月7日前后新的月食会接上。 我们快进到8月21日,日全食落在天蝎座29度。这个满月从顶部点亮你的星图,照耀你的第十宫荣誉和成就宫。29度代表完成,这是对你才能的认可。 这个日食强大友好,它祝你在企业登顶。如果你是演员,将得到收益一生的角色。如果你创业,你将获得新客户,并且被业界传颂! 多数日食都前景不明,但本次日食给你的都是甜蜜结果。8月21日天空形成黄金三角,链接你的第二守护星火星和天王星,他们分别掌管你的专业知名度和日常工作。另外一角是土星,它正停留你的薪水和收入宫。木星为你保障长期的财政收入。 我知道,从2014年12月木星进入射手座开始,你就处于收入紧张状态。这将在今年12月20日木星离开射手座彻底改观。到时,你不用勉强争取加薪,金钱会开始进账。即便你过去三年收入不错,不妨到时看看收入是不是会更好! 8月21日的日食和天象对你来说是戏剧性的,掌管惊喜的天王星,管钱的土星,还有能力和名望的火星。稳稳的,你将获得行业地位和收入的提升。到时好好庆祝吧! 本月火星和木星的和谐位置很重要,这意味着你的战略行动将得到认可和收益。所以八月对天蝎来说简直完美。你或许得到一个嘉奖电话,更重要的是,你要行动,自己去争取! 如果到8月21日都没有感受到小心,不妨展望9月21日前后五天。因为通常有20%的情形日食传达的宇宙信息会延迟一个月。同时,有10%的情形会提前一个月,所以可能部分天蝎7月21日就感受到了惊喜。不妨回头看看当时的邮件,有没有一些信息?当然,多数日食都是按时生效,期待吧。 所有的日食都通过变化和调整来达成效果,因此你的公司可能会出现突然的高层调整。某人可能会突然离开。这也给下面的人带来机会。这对你也是极大的机会。从全世界维度来看,来自古代的星象消息告诉我们,可能某个领袖会下台。 如果你年龄够大,回头想想1998年8月22日,一样的星象。通过那时的经历,你可以猜猜这次将会发生什么。 本月会有水逆。你肯定会问:真的吗?又来? 这个月不都是好消息吗? 嘿,别慌。这样看笔记好:水星会让你慢慢来,仔细思考。水逆激起尘埃,让你看不清未来几周的情形。水逆让你进展缓慢,及时你想突飞猛进。8月下旬本来是人们休假的实际,很多VIP都会离开。但你不要休假,保持工作,仔细思考。 水逆发生在你的友谊宫,这会带来益处。过去的老朋友会重新联系。当然,水逆不要购买电子产品,车,其他机械。也不要签署合同。不要根据目前的情况签署未来的合同,因为巨变即将到来。 金星在巨蟹座,给你带来浪漫消息。这是适合社交的月份。有伴侣的将和谐共处。虽然本月重心不是爱情,但如果你花时间,一定过得浪漫。因为金星从月初一直照耀到25日。 最后,我要给大家推荐我的文章--《怎么应对月食》,可以在我的网站或app上找到。同时,你可以在网站找到水逆和月食周期表(1994-2030),但不在app里面。希望这些有助于你规划事业和生活。 综述 宇宙召唤你并给你变化的最戏剧化的办法是通过月食。他们通常通过月食和新月的日食成对出现。通常一年四次,每六个月一对。 八月出现一对,保证你的家庭或事业带来变化,或许两者兼顾。如果最佳的7月你没有出行,8月不要动。不妨等9月或10月。这个月你会发生很多事情,待在家里。 首先是8月7日的满月月食,落在你的家庭宫,它带来重要的家庭圆满。你可能搬家,卖房,装修等等。如果你计划已久的家事或房事,尽管开展吧。 8月7日的月食照向掌管礼物和运气的木星,带给你幕后支持,你将通过家庭的变化有所获。如果需要签合同,当心水逆(8月12-9月5日),不妨下月再签,最好等到9月15日。 第二个是日食,8月21日,更加令人激动。这将是满月太阳食并照耀你的第十宫名誉和成就宫。请专注你的专业,能力和成就,月食给你打开机会的大门,超级VIP将关照你。你过去数年的努力,将被褒奖。同时你的掌门火星将助力月食。这是非常特别的星象。火星就是你的事业火箭,带你更上层楼。不妨大展望你的美好未来吧! 木星掌管收入宫,将飞向掌管发明和惊喜的天王星,意味着你长期坚持创意的方法会带来收入。创新是你的优势,要坚持。天王星让你创意十足,木星带来收入。木星、天王星的照耀,加上日食构成黄金三角,由火星鼎力支持,这是罕见的天象! 日食照耀你的星图每个角落,古代占星师称之为尊严之光。这是对你过去10年工作的嘉奖。太阳的高度表明你的职业将会闪耀。这样让你扬名立万机会很少见。在娱乐、表演、喜剧、教学、设计、音乐、艺术、化妆等领域,更加明显。 爱情方面,金星在巨蟹座也是好兆头。尽管你没时间放假,但周末到海滨度假是好选择。我建议8月19-20.享受一个浪漫的周末,会让你更有精力。  铃儿响叮当9小时前 木小鸟@sugr.fm你目前处在2017年最重要的月份,甚至是未来10年生活和事业最重要的月份。就像自然界很多大事的发生前夕的安静,月食悄悄来了。其他月份都是丝绒般渐进缓缓的流淌进展,八月不同了。行星们滑向外延,为大事让路。他们都在积极的参与。一方面,本月没有我常说的支持行星。这就是整个宇宙通过两大月食为你点亮最耀眼的光芒! 8月7日是第一个满月月食,它位于水瓶座15度,点亮你的家庭和住宅宫。在月食前后4天,你的家庭将达到圆满。你可能会搬家,购置房产,租房或装修,又有可能遇到室友离开。 月食会推动或刺痛你进行改变,走出舒适区。本次月食特别明显,它推动你进行计划已久的家居项目。火星点亮你的事业区,如果你想搬家,不妨跟事业联动,因为你的工作会有可能调整。 这次满月掌管礼物和运气的木星正在天秤座,它完美支持水瓶座满月,这另我这个星象师十分兴奋。木星触摸的任何东西都会放大,它撒金粉般照耀你的家居计划。如果你需要家人支持,你会得到。如果你不搬家或者装修,那家人或许会添丁,全家人会有和谐的聚会。 8月7日前后五天会带来家庭的消息。如果没有事情,接下来9月7日前后新的月食会接上。 我们快进到8月21日,日全食落在天蝎座29度。这个满月从顶部点亮你的星图,照耀你的第十宫荣誉和成就宫。29度代表完成,这是对你才能的认可。 这个日食强大友好,它祝你在企业登顶。如果你是演员,将得到收益一生的角色。如果你创业,你将获得新客户,并且被业界传颂! 多数日食都前景不明,但本次日食给你的都是甜蜜结果。8月21日天空形成黄金三角,链接你的第二守护星火星和天王星,他们分别掌管你的专业知名度和日常工作。另外一角是土星,它正停留你的薪水和收入宫。木星为你保障长期的财政收入。 我知道,从2014年12月木星进入射手座开始,你就处于收入紧张状态。这将在今年12月20日木星离开射手座彻底改观。到时,你不用勉强争取加薪,金钱会开始进账。即便你过去三年收入不错,不妨到时看看收入是不是会更好! 8月21日的日食和天象对你来说是戏剧性的,掌管惊喜的天王星,管钱的土星,还有能力和名望的火星。稳稳的,你将获得行业地位和收入的提升。到时好好庆祝吧! 本月火星和木星的和谐位置很重要,这意味着你的战略行动将得到认可和收益。所以八月对天蝎来说简直完美。你或许得到一个嘉奖电话,更重要的是,你要行动,自己去争取! 如果到8月21日都没有感受到小心,不妨展望9月21日前后五天。因为通常有20%的情形日食传达的宇宙信息会延迟一个月。同时,有10%的情形会提前一个月,所以可能部分天蝎7月21日就感受到了惊喜。不妨回头看看当时的邮件,有没有一些信息?当然,多数日食都是按时生效,期待吧。 所有的日食都通过变化和调整来达成效果,因此你的公司可能会出现突然的高层调整。某人可能会突然离开。这也给下面的人带来机会。这对你也是极大的机会。从全世界维度来看,来自古代的星象消息告诉我们,可能某个领袖会下台。 如果你年龄够大,回头想想1998年8月22日,一样的星象。通过那时的经历,你可以猜猜这次将会发生什么。 本月会有水逆。你肯定会问:真的吗?又来? 这个月不都是好消息吗? 嘿,别慌。这样看笔记好:水星会让你慢慢来,仔细思考。水逆激起尘埃,让你看不清未来几周的情形。水逆让你进展缓慢,及时你想突飞猛进。8月下旬本来是人们休假的实际,很多VIP都会离开。但你不要休假,保持工作,仔细思考。 水逆发生在你的友谊宫,这会带来益处。过去的老朋友会重新联系。当然,水逆不要购买电子产品,车,其他机械。也不要签署合同。不要根据目前的情况签署未来的合同,因为巨变即将到来。 金星在巨蟹座,给你带来浪漫消息。这是适合社交的月份。有伴侣的将和谐共处。虽然本月重心不是爱情,但如果你花时间,一定过得浪漫。因为金星从月初一直照耀到25日。 最后,我要给大家推荐我的文章--《怎么应对月食》,可以在我的网站或app上找到。同时,你可以在网站找到水逆和月食周期表(1994-2030),但不在app里面。希望这些有助于你规划事业和生活。 综述 宇宙召唤你并给你变化的最戏剧化的办法是通过月食。他们通常通过月食和新月的日食成对出现。通常一年四次,每六个月一对。 八月出现一对,保证你的家庭或事业带来变化,或许两者兼顾。如果最佳的7月你没有出行,8月不要动。不妨等9月或10月。这个月你会发生很多事情,待在家里。 首先是8月7日的满月月食,落在你的家庭宫,它带来重要的家庭圆满。你可能搬家,卖房,装修等等。如果你计划已久的家事或房事,尽管开展吧。 8月7日的月食照向掌管礼物和运气的木星,带给你幕后支持,你将通过家庭的变化有所获。如果需要签合同,当心水逆(8月12-9月5日),不妨下月再签,最好等到9月15日。 第二个是日食,8月21日,更加令人激动。这将是满月太阳食并照耀你的第十宫名誉和成就宫。请专注你的专业,能力和成就,月食给你打开机会的大门,超级VIP将关照你。你过去数年的努力,将被褒奖。同时你的掌门火星将助力月食。这是非常特别的星象。火星就是你的事业火箭,带你更上层楼。不妨大展望你的美好未来吧! 木星掌管收入宫,将飞向掌管发明和惊喜的天王星,意味着你长期坚持创意的方法会带来收入。创新是你的优势,要坚持。天王星让你创意十足,木星带来收入。木星、天王星的照耀,加上日食构成黄金三角,由火星鼎力支持,这是罕见的天象! 日食照耀你的星图每个角落,古代占星师称之为尊严之光。这是对你过去10年工作的嘉奖。太阳的高度表明你的职业将会闪耀。这样让你扬名立万机会很少见。在娱乐、表演、喜剧、教学、设计、音乐、艺术、化妆等领域,更加明显。 爱情方面,金星在巨蟹座也是好兆头。尽管你没时间放假,但周末到海滨度假是好选择。我建议8月19-20.享受一个浪漫的周末,会让你更有精力。 谢谢啦  幸福妞9小时前 木小鸟@sugr.fm你目前处在2017年最重要的月份,甚至是未来10年生活和事业最重要的月份。就像自然界很多大事的发生前夕的安静,月食悄悄来了。其他月份都是丝绒般渐进缓缓的流淌进展,八月不同了。行星们滑向外延,为大事让路。他们都在积极的参与。一方面,本月没有我常说的支持行星。这就是整个宇宙通过两大月食为你点亮最耀眼的光芒! 8月7日是第一个满月月食,它位于水瓶座15度,点亮你的家庭和住宅宫。在月食前后4天,你的家庭将达到圆满。你可能会搬家,购置房产,租房或装修,又有可能遇到室友离开。 月食会推动或刺痛你进行改变,走出舒适区。本次月食特别明显,它推动你进行计划已久的家居项目。火星点亮你的事业区,如果你想搬家,不妨跟事业联动,因为你的工作会有可能调整。 这次满月掌管礼物和运气的木星正在天秤座,它完美支持水瓶座满月,这另我这个星象师十分兴奋。木星触摸的任何东西都会放大,它撒金粉般照耀你的家居计划。如果你需要家人支持,你会得到。如果你不搬家或者装修,那家人或许会添丁,全家人会有和谐的聚会。 8月7日前后五天会带来家庭的消息。如果没有事情,接下来9月7日前后新的月食会接上。 我们快进到8月21日,日全食落在天蝎座29度。这个满月从顶部点亮你的星图,照耀你的第十宫荣誉和成就宫。29度代表完成,这是对你才能的认可。 这个日食强大友好,它祝你在企业登顶。如果你是演员,将得到收益一生的角色。如果你创业,你将获得新客户,并且被业界传颂! 多数日食都前景不明,但本次日食给你的都是甜蜜结果。8月21日天空形成黄金三角,链接你的第二守护星火星和天王星,他们分别掌管你的专业知名度和日常工作。另外一角是土星,它正停留你的薪水和收入宫。木星为你保障长期的财政收入。 我知道,从2014年12月木星进入射手座开始,你就处于收入紧张状态。这将在今年12月20日木星离开射手座彻底改观。到时,你不用勉强争取加薪,金钱会开始进账。即便你过去三年收入不错,不妨到时看看收入是不是会更好! 8月21日的日食和天象对你来说是戏剧性的,掌管惊喜的天王星,管钱的土星,还有能力和名望的火星。稳稳的,你将获得行业地位和收入的提升。到时好好庆祝吧! 本月火星和木星的和谐位置很重要,这意味着你的战略行动将得到认可和收益。所以八月对天蝎来说简直完美。你或许得到一个嘉奖电话,更重要的是,你要行动,自己去争取! 如果到8月21日都没有感受到小心,不妨展望9月21日前后五天。因为通常有20%的情形日食传达的宇宙信息会延迟一个月。同时,有10%的情形会提前一个月,所以可能部分天蝎7月21日就感受到了惊喜。不妨回头看看当时的邮件,有没有一些信息?当然,多数日食都是按时生效,期待吧。 所有的日食都通过变化和调整来达成效果,因此你的公司可能会出现突然的高层调整。某人可能会突然离开。这也给下面的人带来机会。这对你也是极大的机会。从全世界维度来看,来自古代的星象消息告诉我们,可能某个领袖会下台。 如果你年龄够大,回头想想1998年8月22日,一样的星象。通过那时的经历,你可以猜猜这次将会发生什么。 本月会有水逆。你肯定会问:真的吗?又来? 这个月不都是好消息吗? 嘿,别慌。这样看笔记好:水星会让你慢慢来,仔细思考。水逆激起尘埃,让你看不清未来几周的情形。水逆让你进展缓慢,及时你想突飞猛进。8月下旬本来是人们休假的实际,很多VIP都会离开。但你不要休假,保持工作,仔细思考。 水逆发生在你的友谊宫,这会带来益处。过去的老朋友会重新联系。当然,水逆不要购买电子产品,车,其他机械。也不要签署合同。不要根据目前的情况签署未来的合同,因为巨变即将到来。 金星在巨蟹座,给你带来浪漫消息。这是适合社交的月份。有伴侣的将和谐共处。虽然本月重心不是爱情,但如果你花时间,一定过得浪漫。因为金星从月初一直照耀到25日。 最后,我要给大家推荐我的文章--《怎么应对月食》,可以在我的网站或app上找到。同时,你可以在网站找到水逆和月食周期表(1994-2030),但不在app里面。希望这些有助于你规划事业和生活。 综述 宇宙召唤你并给你变化的最戏剧化的办法是通过月食。他们通常通过月食和新月的日食成对出现。通常一年四次,每六个月一对。 八月出现一对,保证你的家庭或事业带来变化,或许两者兼顾。如果最佳的7月你没有出行,8月不要动。不妨等9月或10月。这个月你会发生很多事情,待在家里。 首先是8月7日的满月月食,落在你的家庭宫,它带来重要的家庭圆满。你可能搬家,卖房,装修等等。如果你计划已久的家事或房事,尽管开展吧。 8月7日的月食照向掌管礼物和运气的木星,带给你幕后支持,你将通过家庭的变化有所获。如果需要签合同,当心水逆(8月12-9月5日),不妨下月再签,最好等到9月15日。 第二个是日食,8月21日,更加令人激动。这将是满月太阳食并照耀你的第十宫名誉和成就宫。请专注你的专业,能力和成就,月食给你打开机会的大门,超级VIP将关照你。你过去数年的努力,将被褒奖。同时你的掌门火星将助力月食。这是非常特别的星象。火星就是你的事业火箭,带你更上层楼。不妨大展望你的美好未来吧! 木星掌管收入宫,将飞向掌管发明和惊喜的天王星,意味着你长期坚持创意的方法会带来收入。创新是你的优势,要坚持。天王星让你创意十足,木星带来收入。木星、天王星的照耀,加上日食构成黄金三角,由火星鼎力支持,这是罕见的天象! 日食照耀你的星图每个角落,古代占星师称之为尊严之光。这是对你过去10年工作的嘉奖。太阳的高度表明你的职业将会闪耀。这样让你扬名立万机会很少见。在娱乐、表演、喜剧、教学、设计、音乐、艺术、化妆等领域,更加明显。 爱情方面,金星在巨蟹座也是好兆头。尽管你没时间放假,但周末到海滨度假是好选择。我建议8月19-20.享受一个浪漫的周末,会让你更有精力。

  • 漫步沙海👸

    漫步沙海👸 2017-08-02 00:09:23

    You are now on the threshold of the most important month of 2017 and possibly the most important month in a decade for your career and living situation. Eclipse season is back, and like most events of nature, when something big is about to happen, it is at first quiet. Most months have a small velvet bag of aspects that when opened spill all over the month, but not August. As you enter the month, the little planets are stepping aside along the edges, to make way for the entourage. They are in anticipation of what is to come. In a sense, there are no supporting actors this month - all aspects that I would normally discuss with you, ones that take secondary positions, are missing. It is the way of the universe to clear the way and put the big spotlight on the two eclipses. The first eclipse will be a full moon lunar eclipse on August 7, in Aquarius, 15 degrees, that will light your home and family sector. Something is coming to fullness regarding your home, most likely within four days of this eclipse. You may be moving, buying a house, leasing an apartment or vacation home, renovating with the help of a contractor, finishing repairs or a decorating project, or seeing a roommate leave, and perhaps finding a new one (or not), as some examples. All eclipses push, prod, and pull you out of your complacency to get you moving and ready to embrace change. This eclipse appears to bring to a culmination a home-related project you've been doing or thinking about for some time. Mars is currently heating up your career sector, so if you are thinking of changing your residence, it seems to be connected to changes going on at work. You may need to relocate, or you may be ready to treat yourself to new furniture or a renovation of kitchen or bath. The reason I am excited about your outlook for this full moon is that Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, now in Libra, will support this full moon in Aquarius one-hundred percent, in a perfect "trine," which is astro-speak for supreme harmony. Everything Jupiter touches instantly expands - Jupiter will be busy showering your home-related plans with gold dust. If you need family support for your goals, you will garner great support. If you are not moving or changing your home in any way, then it may be that you or your sibling has a baby that brings such love and joy, and that the entire family comes together in a harmonious unit like none before. Your news about home or family will come within 5 days of the full moon, August 7. If nothing happens for you, then next, watch one month to the day later, September 7 plus or minus five days, for the message of the eclipse. (Some eclipses - 10 percent - arrive one month to the day earlier, in which case you should have heard near July 7.) Now let's skip forward two weeks, for the big centerpiece of the month will come on the total eclipse of the Sun on August 21 in Scorpio, 29 degrees. This is a new moon on steroids, lighting the very top of your chart, your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement. Twenty-nine degrees is a degree of completion, so indeed this is recognition of your talents. This eclipse will be powerful and friendly - you are heading up the ranks of your company. If you are an actor, with a new moon solar eclipse, you may get the role of a lifetime. If you are self-employed, you will likely bring in a new client, and when you do, your name will be on everyone's lips, for you will be the talk of the industry. Most eclipses are mixed in outlook, but this one will be as sweet as sugar. The August 21 will form a golden triangle in the heavens, linking Mars, your secondary ruler, in your prestigious professional tenth house, to Uranus, the planet of surprise now in your sixth house workaday assignment sector. The third leg of the triangle will link to Saturn, currently in your second house of salary and other compensation. Saturn is the planet that allows you to build long-term security. I know that you have been somewhat underpaid since Saturn first entered Sagittarius in December 2014. That is about to change when Saturn leaves Sagittarius this coming December 20. From then on, you won't have to negotiate so hard for a decent salary - the money will start to roll in, and your Spartan financial period will be officially over. If you say you didn't suffer too much with money during this past three-year period, wait until you see how much better things will be for you! You see the planetary links of this eclipse August 21 are dramatic for you: Uranus (surprise assignments), to Saturn (money), and the third leg to the eclipse (power and promotion). I see you getting praise and being elevated in industry status. I feel you will have plenty to celebrate. To have Mars in perfect angle to Jupiter this month is remarkable - it means your strategic actions will lead to excellent, profitable results. I am simply stunned by the lineup of beautiful aspects you have in August. You might get a call that unlocks all this for you, but the way astrology works best is if you try for career success, too. Show initiative - you will be rewarded. If you don't see news this month on or near August 21, look to September 21 plus or minus five days. As said before, in about 20 percent of the time, the message of an eclipse is delivered a month to the day later, within the number of dates stated. Occasionally, in about 10 percent of the time, you will feel an eclipse a month to the day earlier - that would have been near July 21. You might want to check your email to find out what you were discussing last month to see if anything special came up. Most eclipses deliver right on time, so see how things go. All eclipses require adjustment to change, and there appears to be a very sudden and important shift in management at the very top of your company. A man is about to announce a sudden departure, and everyone will be surprised. This fluidity will allow for room for everyone to move within the structure of the company's hierarchy. I see this to be enormously helpful to you. On the world stage, a king is about to leave his post. That comes from ancient text, so I have no idea which world leader will disappear, but it could be that he simply steps down or is voted out. If you are old enough, think back to the one that fell on nearly the same day, the same sign, Leo, and the same degree, 29 degrees, on August 22, 1998. You may be able to pick up a theme that happened back then and that appears to be happening now in your career. This month Mercury will go retrograde. I know what you might be thinking: Really? That too? Isn't this month filled with enough news? Yes, but think of it this way: Mercury will slow you down so you can think clearly. Eclipses kick up a lot of dust, and it is hard to see the road ahead for a few weeks after they occur. Mercury will build in enough delays this month so that you won't be able to move fast, even if you wanted to do so. The second part of August is a popular time for many to be away on vacation, so when VIPs are away, you may be able to catch your breath. That is not to say that you should take a vacation. You should not. You need to be at home base when your career and home / family news begins to pop. Mercury will be retrograde in your friendship sector, so this time, you may enjoy this trend - a friend from your past may unexpectedly surface, and you will likely enjoy seeing each other. When Mercury is retrograde, it is not wise to buy expensive electronic items, appliances, a car, or for any machine with moving parts. It is also not a time to sign papers either if you can help it, because the world is moving quickly toward a new place, and your preset priorities will soon shuffle. If you sign papers using your present priorities, they will be out of date by the time you put pen to paper, and you may wish you had waited. In terms of romance, Venus will be in a special place for you - Cancer - so I feel things should go very well for you indeed. You have so much going on in your life this month, so it might be hard to socialize, too. If you have someone in your life, it will be comforting to have the support and cheer of someone special. Although love won't take center stage in August, romance can flourish for you if you make time for love. Venus will be in your highly compatible sign of Cancer from the very start of the month until August 25. Before I go, I want to mention an essay I wrote. I think you will find it helpful this month. It is called, "How to Deal with Eclipses." You will find it on the lower left of my homepage of Astrology Zone. If you want to print it out, you can - look for the image of the printer on the top left of the page - you will see five icons; it is the bottom one in the vertical lineup. If you would rather see "How to Deal with Eclipses" on the premium (paid subscriber) edition of my app, you can. Go to Love+Life on the app menu, and then to Susan's Essays and you will see it. Also, in case you didn't notice, I have two special tables of information on my homepage of Astrology Zone. One is a Table of Mercury Retrograde Periods 1994-2030, and the other is a Table of Eclipses, 1994-2030. (This eclipse list includes both solar and lunar eclipses.) These tables are found on my website, but they are not on my app. Again look to the lower left part of Astrology Zone's homepage. While you are at your computer with a big screen, you may want to have a look to see if certain dates stand out for you, and of course, you can print these out. I made these Tables for you for convenient future planning. 最赞回应  木小鸟@sugr.fm11小时前16 你目前处在2017年最重要的月份,甚至是未来10年生活和事业最重要的月份。就像自然界很多大事的发生前夕的安静,月食悄悄来了。其他月份都是丝绒般渐进缓缓的流淌进展,八月不同了。行星们滑向外延,为大事让路。他们都在积极的参与。一方面,本月没有我常说的支持行星。这就是整个宇宙通过两大月食为你点亮最耀眼的光芒! 8月7日是第一个满月月食,它位于水瓶座15度,点亮你的家庭和住宅宫。在月食前后4天,你的家庭将达到圆满。你可能会搬家,购置房产,租房或装修,又有可能遇到室友离开。 月食会推动或刺痛你进行改变,走出舒适区。本次月食特别明显,它推动你进行计划已久的家居项目。火星点亮你的事业区,如果你想搬家,不妨跟事业联动,因为你的工作会有可能调整。 这次满月掌管礼物和运气的木星正在天秤座,它完美支持水瓶座满月,这另我这个星象师十分兴奋。木星触摸的任何东西都会放大,它撒金粉般照耀你的家居计划。如果你需要家人支持,你会得到。如果你不搬家或者装修,那家人或许会添丁,全家人会有和谐的聚会。 8月7日前后五天会带来家庭的消息。如果没有事情,接下来9月7日前后新的月食会接上。 我们快进到8月21日,日全食落在天蝎座29度。这个满月从顶部点亮你的星图,照耀你的第十宫荣誉和成就宫。29度代表完成,这是对你才能的认可。 这个日食强大友好,它祝你在企业登顶。如果你是演员,将得到收益一生的角色。如果你创业,你将获得新客户,并且被业界传颂! 多数日食都前景不明,但本次日食给你的都是甜蜜结果。8月21日天空形成黄金三角,链接你的第二守护星火星和天王星,他们分别掌管你的专业知名度和日常工作。另外一角是土星,它正停留你的薪水和收入宫。木星为你保障长期的财政收入。 我知道,从2014年12月木星进入射手座开始,你就处于收入紧张状态。这将在今年12月20日木星离开射手座彻底改观。到时,你不用勉强争取加薪,金钱会开始进账。即便你过去三年收入不错,不妨到时看看收入是不是会更好! 8月21日的日食和天象对你来说是戏剧性的,掌管惊喜的天王星,管钱的土星,还有能力和名望的火星。稳稳的,你将获得行业地位和收入的提升。到时好好庆祝吧! 本月火星和木星的和谐位置很重要,这意味着你的战略行动将得到认可和收益。所以八月对天蝎来说简直完美。你或许得到一个嘉奖电话,更重要的是,你要行动,自己去争取! 如果到8月21日都没有感受到小心,不妨展望9月21日前后五天。因为通常有20%的情形日食传达的宇宙信息会延迟一个月。同时,有10%的情形会提前一个月,所以可能部分天蝎7月21日就感受到了惊喜。不妨回头看看当时的邮件,有没有一些信息?当然,多数日食都是按时生效,期待吧。 所有的日食都通过变化和调整来达成效果,因此你的公司可能会出现突然的高层调整。某人可能会突然离开。这也给下面的人带来机会。这对你也是极大的机会。从全世界维度来看,来自古代的星象消息告诉我们,可能某个领袖会下台。 如果你年龄够大,回头想想1998年8月22日,一样的星象。通过那时的经历,你可以猜猜这次将会发生什么。 本月会有水逆。你肯定会问:真的吗?又来? 这个月不都是好消息吗? 嘿,别慌。这样看笔记好:水星会让你慢慢来,仔细思考。水逆激起尘埃,让你看不清未来几周的情形。水逆让你进展缓慢,及时你想突飞猛进。8月下旬本来是人们休假的实际,很多VIP都会离开。但你不要休假,保持工作,仔细思考。 水逆发生在你的友谊宫,这会带来益处。过去的老朋友会重新联系。当然,水逆不要购买电子产品,车,其他机械。也不要签署合同。不要根据目前的情况签署未来的合同,因为巨变即将到来。 金星在巨蟹座,给你带来浪漫消息。这是适合社交的月份。有伴侣的将和谐共处。虽然本月重心不是爱情,但如果你花时间,一定过得浪漫。因为金星从月初一直照耀到25日。 最后,我要给大家推荐我的文章--《怎么应对月食》,可以在我的网站或app上找到。同时,你可以在网站找到水逆和月食周期表(1994-2030),但不在app里面。希望这些有助于你规划事业和生活。 综述 宇宙召唤你并给你变化的最戏剧化的办法是通过月食。他们通常通过月食和新月的日食成对出现。通常一年四次,每六个月一对。 八月出现一对,保证你的家庭或事业带来变化,或许两者兼顾。如果最佳的7月你没有出行,8月不要动。不妨等9月或10月。这个月你会发生很多事情,待在家里。 首先是8月7日的满月月食,落在你的家庭宫,它带来重要的家庭圆满。你可能搬家,卖房,装修等等。如果你计划已久的家事或房事,尽管开展吧。 8月7日的月食照向掌管礼物和运气的木星,带给你幕后支持,你将通过家庭的变化有所获。如果需要签合同,当心水逆(8月12-9月5日),不妨下月再签,最好等到9月15日。 第二个是日食,8月21日,更加令人激动。这将是满月太阳食并照耀你的第十宫名誉和成就宫。请专注你的专业,能力和成就,月食给你打开机会的大门,超级VIP将关照你。你过去数年的努力,将被褒奖。同时你的掌门火星将助力月食。这是非常特别的星象。火星就是你的事业火箭,带你更上层楼。不妨大展望你的美好未来吧! 木星掌管收入宫,将飞向掌管发明和惊喜的天王星,意味着你长期坚持创意的方法会带来收入。创新是你的优势,要坚持。天王星让你创意十足,木星带来收入。木星、天王星的照耀,加上日食构成黄金三角,由火星鼎力支持,这是罕见的天象! 日食照耀你的星图每个角落,古代占星师称之为尊严之光。这是对你过去10年工作的嘉奖。太阳的高度表明你的职业将会闪耀。这样让你扬名立万机会很少见。在娱乐、表演、喜剧、教学、设计、音乐、艺术、化妆等领域,更加明显。 爱情方面,金星在巨蟹座也是好兆头。尽管你没时间放假,但周末到海滨度假是好选择。我建议8月19-20.享受一个浪漫的周末,会让你更有精力。 全部回应  鑫运13小时前1 Summary The most dramatic way the universe works to get your attention and foster change is to send eclipses. They always come in pairs, as a full moon, called lunar eclipses, and as new moons, called solar eclipses. Typically, we have four of eclipses in a given year, and they arrive in pairs every six months. In August we will have two, guaranteeing that certain changes are on the way to your home or career, and possibly both. If you didn't travel in July, which would have been an ideal time to go, you might want to wait to take your vacation in late September or October. A lot will be going on in your life this month, so you'll want to be at home base to monitor those changes and to voice opinions. The first will be a full moon lunar eclipse August 7, falling in your fourth house of home, bringing an important domestic or family-oriented question to fullness. You may move to a new address, in your town or across the country, close on a house, sell a house, lease a vacation home, finish up a massive fixer-upper, finalize the new decor, remodel your basement space, or conclude a series of structural repairs. Or, you may paint your apartment, or add one or two new handsome pieces of furniture. The list of possibilities is nearly endless. It appears your focus will be on a project you've been thinking about, and perhaps involved in, and may have started to do as far back as last February. Now this month or in September, your project will crystalize and finish. The elements that make this August 7 eclipse so special will be the friendly beam from Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, suggesting you will have behind-the-scenes confidential help, and that you will be able to make a profit from your actions connected to your home, either now or in time. (Saturn is also in fine mathematical angle that will create a feeling of comforting security. You may be asked to sign papers, but keep in mind that Mercury will be retrograde from August 12 to September 5, so plan to finalize things next month. I suggest you sign on September 15 if you can wait. If you can't wait, then move ahead, but there will be clauses in the contract that you didn't anticipate would come back to bite you later. Give it to your lawyer to address. The second eclipse, August 21, will be quite exciting, for it will be a new moon solar eclipse that will light your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement. It is the part of your chart that directs your attention to your professional abilities, achievements, and status. This solar eclipse will open doors that have been previously locked, and you will have a helping hand from a VIP. So much of what you have done, over the course of years, will now be rewarded. Mars, your ruling planet, is joining the energy of this eclipse, signaling benefic Jupiter, and Mars will be conjunct the Sun and moon. This is very significant, for Mars will act like a booster rocket to your success, spotlighting your skills and expanding your fine reputation. Your outlook for your career is simply fantastic. Saturn, in your house of earned income, will also reach out to Uranus, planet of invention and surprise, suggesting you will make money from the original creative approach you've consistently taken on your job assignments. This suggests innovating will be the way to go - Uranus will give you the impetus to experiment, and Saturn will reward you for doing so. Saturn and Uranus, beaming their shimmering rays from different parts of your chart, will create a golden triangle with the Sun and solar eclipse, along with Mars - this is remarkable! The solar eclipse will fall at the very pinnacle of your horoscope, nestled in the tenth house that ancient astrologers called the house of dignity. It is the place in the chart where you are given reward for all you've done in your career, as far back as ten years. The Sun's position is important in any solar eclipse, and doubly so for you, for Leo rules the highest point in your chart. Very simply the Sun's position shows where you will shine, and this month, it's in your career. Rarely have you had such a powerful professional outlook for making a name for yourself as you do now. The fields of entertainment, acting, theatre, teaching, design, music, art, and costume design and makeup will all be areas of substantial gain. In love, Venus in Cancer makes you the apple of Venus' eye from the start of the month until August 24. Although you'll have no time for a vacation, plan a sunny weekend at the seashore - I love August 19-20. You won't be able to be gone long, but being in a charming fishing village or at the seashore to hear the waves crash to shore will be just the trick to make you very happy and bring you home refreshed.  鑫运13小时前 正文和概述分两次发的,请译者都翻译。谢谢!  一代天骄12小时前 先睹为快  木小鸟@sugr.fm11小时前16 你目前处在2017年最重要的月份,甚至是未来10年生活和事业最重要的月份。就像自然界很多大事的发生前夕的安静,月食悄悄来了。其他月份都是丝绒般渐进缓缓的流淌进展,八月不同了。行星们滑向外延,为大事让路。他们都在积极的参与。一方面,本月没有我常说的支持行星。这就是整个宇宙通过两大月食为你点亮最耀眼的光芒! 8月7日是第一个满月月食,它位于水瓶座15度,点亮你的家庭和住宅宫。在月食前后4天,你的家庭将达到圆满。你可能会搬家,购置房产,租房或装修,又有可能遇到室友离开。 月食会推动或刺痛你进行改变,走出舒适区。本次月食特别明显,它推动你进行计划已久的家居项目。火星点亮你的事业区,如果你想搬家,不妨跟事业联动,因为你的工作会有可能调整。 这次满月掌管礼物和运气的木星正在天秤座,它完美支持水瓶座满月,这另我这个星象师十分兴奋。木星触摸的任何东西都会放大,它撒金粉般照耀你的家居计划。如果你需要家人支持,你会得到。如果你不搬家或者装修,那家人或许会添丁,全家人会有和谐的聚会。 8月7日前后五天会带来家庭的消息。如果没有事情,接下来9月7日前后新的月食会接上。 我们快进到8月21日,日全食落在天蝎座29度。这个满月从顶部点亮你的星图,照耀你的第十宫荣誉和成就宫。29度代表完成,这是对你才能的认可。 这个日食强大友好,它祝你在企业登顶。如果你是演员,将得到收益一生的角色。如果你创业,你将获得新客户,并且被业界传颂! 多数日食都前景不明,但本次日食给你的都是甜蜜结果。8月21日天空形成黄金三角,链接你的第二守护星火星和天王星,他们分别掌管你的专业知名度和日常工作。另外一角是土星,它正停留你的薪水和收入宫。木星为你保障长期的财政收入。 我知道,从2014年12月木星进入射手座开始,你就处于收入紧张状态。这将在今年12月20日木星离开射手座彻底改观。到时,你不用勉强争取加薪,金钱会开始进账。即便你过去三年收入不错,不妨到时看看收入是不是会更好! 8月21日的日食和天象对你来说是戏剧性的,掌管惊喜的天王星,管钱的土星,还有能力和名望的火星。稳稳的,你将获得行业地位和收入的提升。到时好好庆祝吧! 本月火星和木星的和谐位置很重要,这意味着你的战略行动将得到认可和收益。所以八月对天蝎来说简直完美。你或许得到一个嘉奖电话,更重要的是,你要行动,自己去争取! 如果到8月21日都没有感受到小心,不妨展望9月21日前后五天。因为通常有20%的情形日食传达的宇宙信息会延迟一个月。同时,有10%的情形会提前一个月,所以可能部分天蝎7月21日就感受到了惊喜。不妨回头看看当时的邮件,有没有一些信息?当然,多数日食都是按时生效,期待吧。 所有的日食都通过变化和调整来达成效果,因此你的公司可能会出现突然的高层调整。某人可能会突然离开。这也给下面的人带来机会。这对你也是极大的机会。从全世界维度来看,来自古代的星象消息告诉我们,可能某个领袖会下台。 如果你年龄够大,回头想想1998年8月22日,一样的星象。通过那时的经历,你可以猜猜这次将会发生什么。 本月会有水逆。你肯定会问:真的吗?又来? 这个月不都是好消息吗? 嘿,别慌。这样看笔记好:水星会让你慢慢来,仔细思考。水逆激起尘埃,让你看不清未来几周的情形。水逆让你进展缓慢,及时你想突飞猛进。8月下旬本来是人们休假的实际,很多VIP都会离开。但你不要休假,保持工作,仔细思考。 水逆发生在你的友谊宫,这会带来益处。过去的老朋友会重新联系。当然,水逆不要购买电子产品,车,其他机械。也不要签署合同。不要根据目前的情况签署未来的合同,因为巨变即将到来。 金星在巨蟹座,给你带来浪漫消息。这是适合社交的月份。有伴侣的将和谐共处。虽然本月重心不是爱情,但如果你花时间,一定过得浪漫。因为金星从月初一直照耀到25日。 最后,我要给大家推荐我的文章--《怎么应对月食》,可以在我的网站或app上找到。同时,你可以在网站找到水逆和月食周期表(1994-2030),但不在app里面。希望这些有助于你规划事业和生活。 综述 宇宙召唤你并给你变化的最戏剧化的办法是通过月食。他们通常通过月食和新月的日食成对出现。通常一年四次,每六个月一对。 八月出现一对,保证你的家庭或事业带来变化,或许两者兼顾。如果最佳的7月你没有出行,8月不要动。不妨等9月或10月。这个月你会发生很多事情,待在家里。 首先是8月7日的满月月食,落在你的家庭宫,它带来重要的家庭圆满。你可能搬家,卖房,装修等等。如果你计划已久的家事或房事,尽管开展吧。 8月7日的月食照向掌管礼物和运气的木星,带给你幕后支持,你将通过家庭的变化有所获。如果需要签合同,当心水逆(8月12-9月5日),不妨下月再签,最好等到9月15日。 第二个是日食,8月21日,更加令人激动。这将是满月太阳食并照耀你的第十宫名誉和成就宫。请专注你的专业,能力和成就,月食给你打开机会的大门,超级VIP将关照你。你过去数年的努力,将被褒奖。同时你的掌门火星将助力月食。这是非常特别的星象。火星就是你的事业火箭,带你更上层楼。不妨大展望你的美好未来吧! 木星掌管收入宫,将飞向掌管发明和惊喜的天王星,意味着你长期坚持创意的方法会带来收入。创新是你的优势,要坚持。天王星让你创意十足,木星带来收入。木星、天王星的照耀,加上日食构成黄金三角,由火星鼎力支持,这是罕见的天象! 日食照耀你的星图每个角落,古代占星师称之为尊严之光。这是对你过去10年工作的嘉奖。太阳的高度表明你的职业将会闪耀。这样让你扬名立万机会很少见。在娱乐、表演、喜剧、教学、设计、音乐、艺术、化妆等领域,更加明显。 爱情方面,金星在巨蟹座也是好兆头。尽管你没时间放假,但周末到海滨度假是好选择。我建议8月19-20.享受一个浪漫的周末,会让你更有精力。  铃儿响叮当9小时前 木小鸟@sugr.fm你目前处在2017年最重要的月份,甚至是未来10年生活和事业最重要的月份。就像自然界很多大事的发生前夕的安静,月食悄悄来了。其他月份都是丝绒般渐进缓缓的流淌进展,八月不同了。行星们滑向外延,为大事让路。他们都在积极的参与。一方面,本月没有我常说的支持行星。这就是整个宇宙通过两大月食为你点亮最耀眼的光芒! 8月7日是第一个满月月食,它位于水瓶座15度,点亮你的家庭和住宅宫。在月食前后4天,你的家庭将达到圆满。你可能会搬家,购置房产,租房或装修,又有可能遇到室友离开。 月食会推动或刺痛你进行改变,走出舒适区。本次月食特别明显,它推动你进行计划已久的家居项目。火星点亮你的事业区,如果你想搬家,不妨跟事业联动,因为你的工作会有可能调整。 这次满月掌管礼物和运气的木星正在天秤座,它完美支持水瓶座满月,这另我这个星象师十分兴奋。木星触摸的任何东西都会放大,它撒金粉般照耀你的家居计划。如果你需要家人支持,你会得到。如果你不搬家或者装修,那家人或许会添丁,全家人会有和谐的聚会。 8月7日前后五天会带来家庭的消息。如果没有事情,接下来9月7日前后新的月食会接上。 我们快进到8月21日,日全食落在天蝎座29度。这个满月从顶部点亮你的星图,照耀你的第十宫荣誉和成就宫。29度代表完成,这是对你才能的认可。 这个日食强大友好,它祝你在企业登顶。如果你是演员,将得到收益一生的角色。如果你创业,你将获得新客户,并且被业界传颂! 多数日食都前景不明,但本次日食给你的都是甜蜜结果。8月21日天空形成黄金三角,链接你的第二守护星火星和天王星,他们分别掌管你的专业知名度和日常工作。另外一角是土星,它正停留你的薪水和收入宫。木星为你保障长期的财政收入。 我知道,从2014年12月木星进入射手座开始,你就处于收入紧张状态。这将在今年12月20日木星离开射手座彻底改观。到时,你不用勉强争取加薪,金钱会开始进账。即便你过去三年收入不错,不妨到时看看收入是不是会更好! 8月21日的日食和天象对你来说是戏剧性的,掌管惊喜的天王星,管钱的土星,还有能力和名望的火星。稳稳的,你将获得行业地位和收入的提升。到时好好庆祝吧! 本月火星和木星的和谐位置很重要,这意味着你的战略行动将得到认可和收益。所以八月对天蝎来说简直完美。你或许得到一个嘉奖电话,更重要的是,你要行动,自己去争取! 如果到8月21日都没有感受到小心,不妨展望9月21日前后五天。因为通常有20%的情形日食传达的宇宙信息会延迟一个月。同时,有10%的情形会提前一个月,所以可能部分天蝎7月21日就感受到了惊喜。不妨回头看看当时的邮件,有没有一些信息?当然,多数日食都是按时生效,期待吧。 所有的日食都通过变化和调整来达成效果,因此你的公司可能会出现突然的高层调整。某人可能会突然离开。这也给下面的人带来机会。这对你也是极大的机会。从全世界维度来看,来自古代的星象消息告诉我们,可能某个领袖会下台。 如果你年龄够大,回头想想1998年8月22日,一样的星象。通过那时的经历,你可以猜猜这次将会发生什么。 本月会有水逆。你肯定会问:真的吗?又来? 这个月不都是好消息吗? 嘿,别慌。这样看笔记好:水星会让你慢慢来,仔细思考。水逆激起尘埃,让你看不清未来几周的情形。水逆让你进展缓慢,及时你想突飞猛进。8月下旬本来是人们休假的实际,很多VIP都会离开。但你不要休假,保持工作,仔细思考。 水逆发生在你的友谊宫,这会带来益处。过去的老朋友会重新联系。当然,水逆不要购买电子产品,车,其他机械。也不要签署合同。不要根据目前的情况签署未来的合同,因为巨变即将到来。 金星在巨蟹座,给你带来浪漫消息。这是适合社交的月份。有伴侣的将和谐共处。虽然本月重心不是爱情,但如果你花时间,一定过得浪漫。因为金星从月初一直照耀到25日。 最后,我要给大家推荐我的文章--《怎么应对月食》,可以在我的网站或app上找到。同时,你可以在网站找到水逆和月食周期表(1994-2030),但不在app里面。希望这些有助于你规划事业和生活。 综述 宇宙召唤你并给你变化的最戏剧化的办法是通过月食。他们通常通过月食和新月的日食成对出现。通常一年四次,每六个月一对。 八月出现一对,保证你的家庭或事业带来变化,或许两者兼顾。如果最佳的7月你没有出行,8月不要动。不妨等9月或10月。这个月你会发生很多事情,待在家里。 首先是8月7日的满月月食,落在你的家庭宫,它带来重要的家庭圆满。你可能搬家,卖房,装修等等。如果你计划已久的家事或房事,尽管开展吧。 8月7日的月食照向掌管礼物和运气的木星,带给你幕后支持,你将通过家庭的变化有所获。如果需要签合同,当心水逆(8月12-9月5日),不妨下月再签,最好等到9月15日。 第二个是日食,8月21日,更加令人激动。这将是满月太阳食并照耀你的第十宫名誉和成就宫。请专注你的专业,能力和成就,月食给你打开机会的大门,超级VIP将关照你。你过去数年的努力,将被褒奖。同时你的掌门火星将助力月食。这是非常特别的星象。火星就是你的事业火箭,带你更上层楼。不妨大展望你的美好未来吧! 木星掌管收入宫,将飞向掌管发明和惊喜的天王星,意味着你长期坚持创意的方法会带来收入。创新是你的优势,要坚持。天王星让你创意十足,木星带来收入。木星、天王星的照耀,加上日食构成黄金三角,由火星鼎力支持,这是罕见的天象! 日食照耀你的星图每个角落,古代占星师称之为尊严之光。这是对你过去10年工作的嘉奖。太阳的高度表明你的职业将会闪耀。这样让你扬名立万机会很少见。在娱乐、表演、喜剧、教学、设计、音乐、艺术、化妆等领域,更加明显。 爱情方面,金星在巨蟹座也是好兆头。尽管你没时间放假,但周末到海滨度假是好选择。我建议8月19-20.享受一个浪漫的周末,会让你更有精力。 谢谢啦  幸福妞9小时前 木小鸟@sugr.fm你目前处在2017年最重要的月份,甚至是未来10年生活和事业最重要的月份。就像自然界很多大事的发生前夕的安静,月食悄悄来了。其他月份都是丝绒般渐进缓缓的流淌进展,八月不同了。行星们滑向外延,为大事让路。他们都在积极的参与。一方面,本月没有我常说的支持行星。这就是整个宇宙通过两大月食为你点亮最耀眼的光芒! 8月7日是第一个满月月食,它位于水瓶座15度,点亮你的家庭和住宅宫。在月食前后4天,你的家庭将达到圆满。你可能会搬家,购置房产,租房或装修,又有可能遇到室友离开。 月食会推动或刺痛你进行改变,走出舒适区。本次月食特别明显,它推动你进行计划已久的家居项目。火星点亮你的事业区,如果你想搬家,不妨跟事业联动,因为你的工作会有可能调整。 这次满月掌管礼物和运气的木星正在天秤座,它完美支持水瓶座满月,这另我这个星象师十分兴奋。木星触摸的任何东西都会放大,它撒金粉般照耀你的家居计划。如果你需要家人支持,你会得到。如果你不搬家或者装修,那家人或许会添丁,全家人会有和谐的聚会。 8月7日前后五天会带来家庭的消息。如果没有事情,接下来9月7日前后新的月食会接上。 我们快进到8月21日,日全食落在天蝎座29度。这个满月从顶部点亮你的星图,照耀你的第十宫荣誉和成就宫。29度代表完成,这是对你才能的认可。 这个日食强大友好,它祝你在企业登顶。如果你是演员,将得到收益一生的角色。如果你创业,你将获得新客户,并且被业界传颂! 多数日食都前景不明,但本次日食给你的都是甜蜜结果。8月21日天空形成黄金三角,链接你的第二守护星火星和天王星,他们分别掌管你的专业知名度和日常工作。另外一角是土星,它正停留你的薪水和收入宫。木星为你保障长期的财政收入。 我知道,从2014年12月木星进入射手座开始,你就处于收入紧张状态。这将在今年12月20日木星离开射手座彻底改观。到时,你不用勉强争取加薪,金钱会开始进账。即便你过去三年收入不错,不妨到时看看收入是不是会更好! 8月21日的日食和天象对你来说是戏剧性的,掌管惊喜的天王星,管钱的土星,还有能力和名望的火星。稳稳的,你将获得行业地位和收入的提升。到时好好庆祝吧! 本月火星和木星的和谐位置很重要,这意味着你的战略行动将得到认可和收益。所以八月对天蝎来说简直完美。你或许得到一个嘉奖电话,更重要的是,你要行动,自己去争取! 如果到8月21日都没有感受到小心,不妨展望9月21日前后五天。因为通常有20%的情形日食传达的宇宙信息会延迟一个月。同时,有10%的情形会提前一个月,所以可能部分天蝎7月21日就感受到了惊喜。不妨回头看看当时的邮件,有没有一些信息?当然,多数日食都是按时生效,期待吧。 所有的日食都通过变化和调整来达成效果,因此你的公司可能会出现突然的高层调整。某人可能会突然离开。这也给下面的人带来机会。这对你也是极大的机会。从全世界维度来看,来自古代的星象消息告诉我们,可能某个领袖会下台。 如果你年龄够大,回头想想1998年8月22日,一样的星象。通过那时的经历,你可以猜猜这次将会发生什么。 本月会有水逆。你肯定会问:真的吗?又来? 这个月不都是好消息吗? 嘿,别慌。这样看笔记好:水星会让你慢慢来,仔细思考。水逆激起尘埃,让你看不清未来几周的情形。水逆让你进展缓慢,及时你想突飞猛进。8月下旬本来是人们休假的实际,很多VIP都会离开。但你不要休假,保持工作,仔细思考。 水逆发生在你的友谊宫,这会带来益处。过去的老朋友会重新联系。当然,水逆不要购买电子产品,车,其他机械。也不要签署合同。不要根据目前的情况签署未来的合同,因为巨变即将到来。 金星在巨蟹座,给你带来浪漫消息。这是适合社交的月份。有伴侣的将和谐共处。虽然本月重心不是爱情,但如果你花时间,一定过得浪漫。因为金星从月初一直照耀到25日。 最后,我要给大家推荐我的文章--《怎么应对月食》,可以在我的网站或app上找到。同时,你可以在网站找到水逆和月食周期表(1994-2030),但不在app里面。希望这些有助于你规划事业和生活。 综述 宇宙召唤你并给你变化的最戏剧化的办法是通过月食。他们通常通过月食和新月的日食成对出现。通常一年四次,每六个月一对。 八月出现一对,保证你的家庭或事业带来变化,或许两者兼顾。如果最佳的7月你没有出行,8月不要动。不妨等9月或10月。这个月你会发生很多事情,待在家里。 首先是8月7日的满月月食,落在你的家庭宫,它带来重要的家庭圆满。你可能搬家,卖房,装修等等。如果你计划已久的家事或房事,尽管开展吧。 8月7日的月食照向掌管礼物和运气的木星,带给你幕后支持,你将通过家庭的变化有所获。如果需要签合同,当心水逆(8月12-9月5日),不妨下月再签,最好等到9月15日。 第二个是日食,8月21日,更加令人激动。这将是满月太阳食并照耀你的第十宫名誉和成就宫。请专注你的专业,能力和成就,月食给你打开机会的大门,超级VIP将关照你。你过去数年的努力,将被褒奖。同时你的掌门火星将助力月食。这是非常特别的星象。火星就是你的事业火箭,带你更上层楼。不妨大展望你的美好未来吧! 木星掌管收入宫,将飞向掌管发明和惊喜的天王星,意味着你长期坚持创意的方法会带来收入。创新是你的优势,要坚持。天王星让你创意十足,木星带来收入。木星、天王星的照耀,加上日食构成黄金三角,由火星鼎力支持,这是罕见的天象! 日食照耀你的星图每个角落,古代占星师称之为尊严之光。这是对你过去10年工作的嘉奖。太阳的高度表明你的职业将会闪耀。这样让你扬名立万机会很少见。在娱乐、表演、喜剧、教学、设计、音乐、艺术、化妆等领域,更加明显。 爱情方面,金星在巨蟹座也是好兆头。尽管你没时间放假,但周末到海滨度假是好选择。我建议8月19-20.享受一个浪漫的周末,会让你更有精力。

  • 绿波苔

    绿波苔 2017-08-02 00:10:08


  • 我们

    我们 2017-08-02 00:11:30


  • Jasmine

    Jasmine 2017-08-02 09:57:39

    升蝎表示的确 从2014年底开始动荡不堪,历时快三年,看到了曙光

  • jv

    jv 2017-08-02 12:26:19


  • 田丹

    田丹 2017-08-02 13:04:43

    [内容不可见] [内容不可见] 木小鸟@sugr.fm


  • 冰霜巨龙

    冰霜巨龙 2017-08-02 13:05:37

    在家带孩子远离单位的我无限伤感! 在家带孩子远离单位的我无限伤感! Eljop

    😭日蝎升蝎 在家带孩子 好窝心!

  • KOKO

    KOKO 2017-08-02 13:31:43

    [内容不可见] [内容不可见] 木小鸟@sugr.fm


  • lucky*^_^*

    lucky*^_^* 2017-08-02 15:05:00

    [内容不可见] [内容不可见] 木小鸟@sugr.fm


  • LunA

    LunA (澄怀味象) 2017-08-02 15:08:56

    好像看别的星象说八月底的日食吉凶难测……希望三妈说的准。反正最近两三年几乎身边全是小人,99 好像看别的星象说八月底的日食吉凶难测……希望三妈说的准。反正最近两三年几乎身边全是小人,99%骗子。剩下那1%是自己家人,虽然不骗,但是跟恶灵附体了一样,见到你就是数落,作,使劲闹,跟你提房子,车,帮着找工作,等等等等不切实际的要求。没能力满足,就撂脸子,说你不懂事,咒你失业破财。简直不像亲人像仇人。单位就是里三层外三层的小人,简直就是连环坑,掉进一个坑还没出来又进一个。都说善有善报恶有恶报,可惜这几年我看到的,都是小人得志,发财,还挤兑人。为恶的越来越得意,你侥幸没被骗躲过了一次,反而小人还指责你各种不好。真心觉得老天爷是瞎的。 ... jv


  • 婴宁

    婴宁 2017-08-02 23:05:16

    希望理想的房子能买到 祈祷

  • jv

    jv 2017-08-03 01:20:16

    这是土星过天蝎和射手的原因。只当是让自己看清人性看清生活,最终看清自己为何让自己身陷不利于 这是土星过天蝎和射手的原因。只当是让自己看清人性看清生活,最终看清自己为何让自己身陷不利于自己的状况中,自己努力去调整和改变。 ... LunA


  • 孤独的小宇宙

    孤独的小宇宙 2017-08-03 05:13:16

    好像看别的星象说八月底的日食吉凶难测……希望三妈说的准。反正最近两三年几乎身边全是小人,99 好像看别的星象说八月底的日食吉凶难测……希望三妈说的准。反正最近两三年几乎身边全是小人,99%骗子。剩下那1%是自己家人,虽然不骗,但是跟恶灵附体了一样,见到你就是数落,作,使劲闹,跟你提房子,车,帮着找工作,等等等等不切实际的要求。没能力满足,就撂脸子,说你不懂事,咒你失业破财。简直不像亲人像仇人。单位就是里三层外三层的小人,简直就是连环坑,掉进一个坑还没出来又进一个。都说善有善报恶有恶报,可惜这几年我看到的,都是小人得志,发财,还挤兑人。为恶的越来越得意,你侥幸没被骗躲过了一次,反而小人还指责你各种不好。真心觉得老天爷是瞎的。 ... jv


  • kidding

    kidding (嘻嘻嘻) 2017-08-03 10:09:23


  • 西西7

    西西7 (Love Zumba, love coffee) 2017-08-03 15:01:45

    [内容不可见] [内容不可见] 木小鸟@sugr.fm


  • 夏椰子

    夏椰子 2017-08-04 23:06:59


  • 坚果女王

    坚果女王 2017-08-05 00:29:41


  • 我们

    我们 2017-08-06 15:07:21


  • 车厘子草莓

    车厘子草莓 (总有人会把生活的苦涩酿造成甘甜) 2017-08-06 15:50:32

    搬家计划暂时没有 但月初的确收到一份还不错的面试机会 希望自己好好把握 顺利拿到offer 加油~~

  • lily821106

    lily821106 2017-08-07 09:53:33

    什么努力去调整,一个普通草民,有力量去调整吗?谁也不傻,也能看出好坏,关键是看出来了又怎么 什么努力去调整,一个普通草民,有力量去调整吗?谁也不傻,也能看出好坏,关键是看出来了又怎么样?坏的处境不是你不小心踩了狗屎,挪两步擦干净就行了,而是你看到了狗屎,不想踩,却被狠狠揍了一顿,掉了满嘴呀,不光逼着你踩,还逼着你吃,还把你锁在原地,逼着你一遍一遍吃。 ... jv


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2017-08-07 18:02:07


  • 怒海苍龙

    怒海苍龙 2017-08-07 18:15:04

    祝愿所有的蝎子们,今年所有好运都来到身边!( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)✧

  • KKK已不再

    KKK已不再 (⎝) 2017-08-22 11:23:49

    好像看别的星象说八月底的日食吉凶难测……希望三妈说的准。反正最近两三年几乎身边全是小人,99 好像看别的星象说八月底的日食吉凶难测……希望三妈说的准。反正最近两三年几乎身边全是小人,99%骗子。剩下那1%是自己家人,虽然不骗,但是跟恶灵附体了一样,见到你就是数落,作,使劲闹,跟你提房子,车,帮着找工作,等等等等不切实际的要求。没能力满足,就撂脸子,说你不懂事,咒你失业破财。简直不像亲人像仇人。单位就是里三层外三层的小人,简直就是连环坑,掉进一个坑还没出来又进一个。都说善有善报恶有恶报,可惜这几年我看到的,都是小人得志,发财,还挤兑人。为恶的越来越得意,你侥幸没被骗躲过了一次,反而小人还指责你各种不好。真心觉得老天爷是瞎的。 ... jv


  • jv

    jv 2017-08-22 13:23:27


  • 幸胡妞

    幸胡妞 2017-08-22 17:14:45


  • 我们

    我们 2017-08-22 17:22:22


  • KOKO

    KOKO 2017-08-25 15:23:06


  • 米拉

    米拉 2017-08-31 10:14:22



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