
来自: 芙蓉没求 2015-06-25 23:13:32创建   2015-07-01 19:07:07更新
一线口语 4人喜欢
面试结果 我还是不能雇佣你。 I have to say I can’t offer you the job. For example: A: I have to say I can't offer you the job.我还是不能雇佣你。 B: That's all right. Thank you for your time. 没关系,谢谢您花费时间来面试我。 你有问题要问吗? Do you have any questions you want to ask? Is there anything you want to know? For example: A: Do you have any questions you want to ask?你有问题要问 B: Whe...
一线口语 18人喜欢
17. 薪资期望 我可以问问薪酬的问题吗? May I ask about the remuneration? I want like to know something about the salary? For example: A: May I ask about the remuneration?我可以问问薪酬的问题吗? B: Of Course. The Salary is 1500 yuan.当然。工资是 1500 元。 你现在的薪水是多少? What is your salary now? How about your present pay? How much money do you get now? What's your monthly (yearly) salary? ...
一线口语 21人喜欢
离职与应聘原因 你为什么离职呢? Why did you leave your last job? Why did you leave office? Why did you leave your position? Why did you give up your last job? For example: A: Why did you leave your last job?你为什么离职呢? B: Well,I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. 我希望能获得一份更好的工作。 我离职的理由是深知无升迁的机会。 My reason for leaving my present employment is simple...
一线口语 10人喜欢
15. 兴趣爱好 你的休闲时间如何度过? How do you spend your leisure time? 你的业余爱好是什么? What is your hobby? 我喜欢打棒球、网球和羽毛球。 I like to play baseball,tennis and badminton. 我喜欢收集古董。 I like collecting antiques. 我喜欢在业余时间做有氧健身运动。 I like doing aerobics in my spare time. 几乎各类运动我都喜欢。 I like almost all kinds of sports. 我的爱好是远足、钓鱼和爬山。 My h...
一线口语 16人喜欢
你认为自己是什么性格的人? What kind of character do you think you have? What kind of personality do you think you have? What kind of person do you think you are? For example: A: What kind of character do you think you have? 你认为自己是什么性格的...
一线口语 10人喜欢
工作目标 你是一个目标明确的人吗? Are you a goal-oriented person? For example: A: Are you a goal-oriented person?你是一个目标明确的人吗? B: Yes,I am. I always make a plan before I do anything. 是的,我是,在做每件事之前我都做一个计划。 告诉我你最近的一些目标。 Tell me about some of your recent goals. For example: A: Tell me about some of your recent goals. 告诉我你最近的一些目标。 B: I want to ...
一线口语 11人喜欢
你获得过什么技术证书吗? Have you obtained any certificate of technical qualifications? For example: A:Have you obtained any certificate of technical qualifications? 你获得过什么技术证书吗? B:Yes,I have received an Engineer Qualification Certificate. 是的,我获得了工程师资格证书。 你有何种证书? Do you have any licenses? For example: A:Do you have any licenses?你有何种证书? B:I have receiv...
一线口语 7人喜欢
11. 语言 你什么时候开始学习英语的? When did you begin to learn English? For example: A:When did you begin to learn English?你什么时候开始学习英语的? B: I started to learn English when I was in primary school. 我从小学的时候就开始学习英语。 你的英语很流利。 Your English is fluent. For example: A: Your English is fluent.你的英语很流利。 B: Thank you.谢谢夸奖。 你学英语多久了? How long have yo...
一线口语 16人喜欢
10.工作经验 你有这个行业的工作经验吗? Do you have any work experience in this field? Do you have any work history in this field? Do you have any occupational history? • field(n.)行业,领域 你做过哪些工作? What kind of jobs have you had? What did you work in the past? For example: A: What Kind of jobs have you had?你做过哪些工作? B: have been a Production Manager.我做过生产经理。 我负责产...
一线口语 7人喜欢
9.在校活动 你加入了什么团体? What party are you in? What party do you belong to? 我曾经担任过学校的学生会主席。 I was president of the Students' Union of our university. I was chairman of the Students' Union of our university. 我曾经担任班长。 I used to be the monitor of my class. I served as the monitor of my class. For example: A: Have you ever been a student cadre?你在学校时担任过学生干部吗...
一线口语 7人喜欢
8.学习成绩 你在大学时成绩如何? How about your academic records at college? How about your grades at college? How about your scores at college? How about your school report card at college? How were your scores at college? What were your grades in college? What were your scores in college? How about your grades of study? For example: A: How about your academic records at college? 你大学时学习成...
一线口语 9人喜欢
请告诉我你的学历好吗? Would you tell me what educational background you have? What's your educational background? What about your education? Tell me something about your educational background. 我是北京大学历史系的研究生。 rm a graduate student in the History Department at Beijing University. • a graduate 大学毕业生;a graduate student 研究生(美) 你是哪个学校毕业的? Which university did y...
一线口语 5人喜欢
婚姻与家庭 请说说你家里的情况。 Please say something about your family. Would you tell me something about your family? Could you please tell me something about your family? 跟我谈谈你的父母。 Tell me about your parents. 你结婚了吗? Are you married? Have you got married? For example: A:Are you married?你结婚了吗? B:No,I am still single.没有,我还是单身。 Yes,I'm married.是的,我结婚了。 你...
一线口语 11人喜欢
籍贯与居住地 你的出生地在哪里? What's your birthplace? Where were you bom? For example: A: What's your birthplace?你的出生地在哪里? B: My birthplace is Wuhan.我的出生地在武汉。 你来自哪里? Where are you from? Where do you come from? For example: A: Where do you come from?你来自哪里? B: I'm from Beijing.我来自北京。 我是上海人。 I'm a resident of Shanghai. ⦁ resident of some place 某地的...
一线口语 10人喜欢
3. 礼貌询问对方姓名 How do you do?and you? 你好,你是? Hi ,my name is Lily. 你好,我的名字叫Lily. Good morning,I’m LeiJian. 早上好,我叫雷健。 Can you tell me your name,please? 请问,你能告诉我你的名字吗? Can you tell me what is your full name , please? 能把你的全名告诉我吗? How do you spell your family name? 你的姓怎么拼写? What's your given name? 你叫什么名字? Do you have an Engli...
一线口语 12人喜欢
1 开场白 May I coming? 我可以进来吗? My name is Mike Anderson, the personal manager. 我叫迈克安德森,是人事部经理。 Miss Zhao,I presume? 你是赵小姐吧? Come in and sit down. 进来,坐吧。 May I help you? 有什么事吗? How are you , madam. 你好,夫人. Excuse me ,may I see Miss Smith? 对不起,我可以见史密斯女士吗? Coming,please. 请进。 May I see the manager? 我可以见经理吗? May I introduce...

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