呼呼大睡了两晚终于有力气来记流水帐了:- 1-2June Shanghai- Dubai- London- Portsmouth 16小时飞机+3小时Coach 到同学家已经是2号晚上了,感谢Evie和她妈妈给我准备的晚饭。晚上早点休息因为第二天就要出发去Isle of Wight啦。 Emirates的特价机票Rmb 4300 在Heath...
在电影L.I.E.里的一段。 男孩说,灵魂和鸟,你是在对好友唱歌,还是对我? 因为我是个孩子,我的舌头如沉睡一般, 现在我听见你了,我片刻间找到自我,我苏醒了, 我再也不缺少不满足的爱的呼喊, 我再也无法变回祥和的孩童。
Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more; it is a tale, Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing. (Act 5, Scene 5)
Quiz link click here my result: The Mad Girl`s Love Song by Sylvia Plath "To you, love is desperate and hateful. You`re wildly passionate and wildly inventive. You`re also likely to start stalking people. " I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my lids and all is born again. (I think I made you up inside my head.) The stars go waltzing out in blue and red, And arbitrary blackness ...
最近迷上w的声音 If I'm so evil Then why are you satisfied If I'm so evil Why are you satisfied? I had a dream about your ghost You're breathing down my neck Baby it starts in the shower By letting your ashes down the drain You were telling me how ...
Childhood I'm the saint, in prayer on the balcony- just like the peace-loving animals that graze all the way to the sea of Palestine. I'm the scholar in his dark easychair. The branches and the rain beat against the library windows. I'm the hitchiker on the highways that run through low woods. The roar of the sluices drown our my steps. -I look a long while at the depressing gold-smudged wash o...
看live forever的DVD, 听Liam和Noel讲diao话,口口声声说代表着曼彻斯特的工人阶级,形容词就是F开头的国骂,然后对老前辈们一百个不敬,对blur他们是最瞧不起了,在他们眼里中产阶级就是pussy, 他们就是那么地diao: 老子在工地上干过,so I don't give a fuck!!! 伟大的蓝领工人们,向你们致敬!!!! Oasis - 来自曼城的伟大的乐队
Matt Dillon也转行作导演了,city of ghosts的制片也算是中上规模的了,比起Ethan擅长的小资小调,Matt更喜欢悬疑犯罪题材?!出乎我的意料。他的确很会变脸,什么样的角色他都能胜任,初次见他是在法拉利兄弟的there is something about mary, 一个无可救药地爱上了委托人前女友的私人侦探,一副贼头贼脑猥琐模样。之后在GVS 89年的drugstore cowboy里发现了当时愣头青的Matt,剧中他和William S. Burroughs的对手戏,让我彻底...
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