

来自: 狐狸莫德(DON'T TREAD ON ME) 组长
2008-09-29 23:38:46

  • 狐狸莫德

    狐狸莫德 (DON'T TREAD ON ME) 组长 楼主 2008-09-30 13:47:53

    . . that we see manifested in the material plane is but a shadow of that in the spiritual plane. … 这个我们所看到的物质世界不过仅是灵界层面的投影。 凯西解读(Edgar Cayce Reading 5749-3) Count thy hardships, thy troubles, even thy disappointments, rather as stepping-stones to know His way better. 将你的困苦、麻烦,甚至失望,均看成是踏脚石,目的是更明了祂的路。 凯西解读Edgar Cayce Reading 262-83 Yet as we look into the infinity of space and time we realize there is then that force, that influence also that is aware of the needs, and there is also that will, that choice given to the souls of men that they may be used, that they may be one, that they may apply same in their own feeble, weak ways perhaps; yet that comes to mean, comes to signify, comes to manifest in the lives of those that have lost their way, that very influence ye seek in the knowledge of God. For until ye become as a savior, as a help to some soul that has lost hope, lost its way, ye do not fully comprehend the God within, the God without. 当我们面对无限的时空,我们认识到存在有一种力量或影响总会意识到呼救,人类的灵魂被赋有一个意愿或选择---愿意为差遣,愿意合一,愿意将其施行于自己可能的软弱的方式;这同时带来了荣耀、带来了那些迷失了的生灵的显现、带来了你寻找上帝智慧的影响。因为只有你成为一位拯救者,成为那些失去希望、失去方向的灵魂的启蒙人,你才会完全理解心中的上帝和外界的神。 凯西解读Edgar Cayce Reading 1158-14 (Q) What is God's plan for me in assisting the furtherance of His kingdom here on this planet, so that I may accomplish the greatest good with whatever talents I may possess? (A) Brighten the corner where thou art from day to day. Let not a day go by without speaking to someone with the smile of the face and eye reminding them that somebody cares, and it is Jesus! 问:上帝用我在这个物质层次中帮助建立祂的王国的计划是什么?这样我可以使用我拥有的天赋来实现这一伟大的目标。 答:照亮你每日的每一个角落。让你的任何一天都没有这样逝去:让与你接触的人们从你的笑容和眼睛中知道有人真心关心他们---这就是耶稣之路! 凯西解读Edgar Cayce Reading 3357-1 This may be a hard statement for many, but you will eventually come to know it is true: No fault, no hurt comes to self save that thou hast created in thine consciousness, in thine inner self, the cause. For only those that ye love may hurt you. 这一陈述对许多人来说可能很困难,但人们终将知道这是正确的:没有错误和伤害可以进入自我,保存在你的意识和内心自我中你已经建立的,因为只有那些你喜爱的才能伤害你。 凯西解读Edgar Cayce Reading 262-83 (?) Know that a smile will rally many to thy cause, while a frown would drive all away. 要知道一个微笑可以激励多人认识他们去的目的,而一个恼怒却把人们驱逐的更远。 凯西解读2448-2 For only as ye forgive those who have blamed thee without a cause, who have spoken vilely of thee without reason, can the giver of life and light forgive thee--even though He came into experience that ye, even ye, might know thy place with God, with thy Maker. 只有当你原谅那些无缘无故埋怨你的人、无缘无故指责你的人,光明和生命的给予者才会原谅你---尽管通过祂的人世体验你可能知晓你与上帝,或与你的缔造者的关系。 凯西解读3660-1 (Q) Am I an old or a young soul in evolutionary growth? (A) All souls are from one. It is the application that has grown to be that which is termed old or young soul. For all souls were created in the one. The entity has applied self, the entity has kept self close in contact with many who have through the awareness of the oneness of God's purpose with man been attempting to bring him to that awareness; and hence an "Old" soul in service. 问:在我的灵魂进化中,我是一个年轻的还是成熟的灵魂? 答:所有灵魂都是同一的。仅是成长的实践导致灵魂的幼长。因为所有的灵魂源自于太一。这个个体已经明了自己,与那些意识上帝对人类的目的的人们联系紧密,并且奋力恢复他的意识,因此一个“成熟” 的灵魂就是服务。 凯西解读1770-2 For the entity, as each soul, is a portion of the whole. Thus, though a soul may be as but a speck upon the earth's environs, and the earth in turn much less than a mote in the universe, if the spirit of man is so attuned to the Infinite, the music of harmony becomes as the divine love that makes for the awareness in the experience of the Creative Forces working with self for the knowledge of the associations with same. 一个个体,或每一个灵魂,都是整体的一分子。这样,尽管一个灵魂仅是地球环境内的一个微粒,地球也仅是宇宙的一颗尘埃,但如果人之灵能够与无限调谐,和谐之音就成为神圣之爱带来在原创力做功于自我以取得相同关系的经验的意识。 凯西解读1469-1 Learn first that lesson of cooperation. Become less and less selfish, and more and more selfless in Him. Be not afraid to be made fun of to become aware of His presence, that self may be a channel through which the glory of the Father may come unto men in a manner that all may know there is a glory, even an Israel, of the Lord. 开始要学会合作。要越来越少的自私,越来越多的无私。不要害怕受到取笑:为了要意识祂的存在,为了自我成为一个通道,通过这一通道天父之荣耀降临在人类,从而所有人均知晓主的光辉。 凯西解读262-29 What separates ye from seeing the Glory even of Him that walks with thee oft in the touch of a loving hand, in the voice of those that would comfort and cheer? For He, thy Christ, is oft with thee. Doubt, fear, unbelief; fear that thou art not worthy! Open thine eyes and behold the Glory, even of thy Christ present here, now, in thy midst! even as He appeared to them on that day! 尽管祂用仁爱之手与你同行,用希望之声安慰和鼓励你,因为他,你的基督,常与你相随,什么使你与荣耀分离? 怀疑、害怕、不信;害怕自己不值得! 睁开你的眼睛,要知道:荣耀,甚至你的基督现在就在面前,在你中间!就象他那日显现给他们时一样! 凯西解读5749-6 All knowledge is to be used in the manner that will give help and assistance to others, and the desire is that the laws of the Creator be manifested in the physical world. 所有的知识应该是用在帮助他人的方式上,而其后的驱策力是缔造者的法则在物理世界的体现。 凯西解读254-17 In the manner, the way ye attend, ye treat or ye hold--in thy mental self--thy brother's position, or thy neighbor's or thy friend's as thy own, that is the manner, the concept ye hold of thy Creator! 以你采用的方式或方法来讲,你在心智上如何对待和摆好你兄弟的位置,或对你的邻居、你的朋友就象对待自己一样,这样一种明了你的缔造者的方式和概念。 凯西解读Edgar Cayce Reading 1603-1 Know in self, first this: Thou art body, mind and soul, a three-dimensional individual in a three-dimensional consciousness. Hence ye find the Godhead, to a consciousness of an individual in the earth plane, is three dimensions: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Each are individual, and yet they are one. So with the body-consciousness: the body, the mind and the soul. Each have their attributes, each have their limitations, save the soul. Nothing may separate the soul from its source save the will of self. 对自己,你首先要了解这些:你是由身体、心智和灵魂组成的---一个在三维意识中的三维个体。因此你就会发现,在这地球平面的个体意识来说的上帝也是三维的:圣父、圣子、圣灵。每个均是独立个体,然而他们是合一的。这样对於显意识来讲:身体、心智和灵魂!如果将灵魂放在一边,每一个均有自己的特性,每一个也有自身的局限。没有任何力量可以将灵魂从她的源泉分开,除非是自我意志。 凯西解读Edgar Cayce Reading 5089-3 The way of the Cross is not easy, yet it is the tuneful, the rhythmic, the beautiful, the lovely way. Edgar Cayce Reading 十架之路并不容易,然而却是可调谐的、有节奏、有美感的爱之路。 凯西解读1089-6 All souls were created in the beginning, and are finding their way back to whence they came. Edgar Cayce Reading 所有灵魂均在开始被创造出的,他们也正在寻找回归源泉之路上。 凯西解读3744-5 Love the Lord. Keep His ways. For He, as ye must always remember, hath blessed thee personally. And that means for keeps! 热爱主。坚持祂的路。因为你必须永远记住,祂保佑了每一位。这意味着要坚持! 凯西解读3003-1 Each soul . . . has a definite job to do. But ye alone may find and do that job! 每一个灵魂… …有一个确定的工作要完成。但你必须自己去发现和完成那项工作! 凯西解读2823-1 . . peace must begin within self before there may be the activity or the application of self in such a manner as to bring peace in thy own household, in thine own heart, in thine own vicinity, in thine own state or nation. …和平必须始于一个人的内心,然后才能成为这个个人的活动或目的,方可能将和平带入他的家庭里、他的心智中、他的周围、他的民族或国家。 凯西解读3976-28 Know that ye are going through a period of testing. Remain true to all that has been committed to thee, and know that each day is an opportunity, and an experience. Speak a word for thy ideal. Not as to force an issue but ever constructive. Sow the seed of truth, the seed of the spirit. God will give the increase. 要知道你正在经历一个历练时期。对你的周遭保持真诚,明了每一天就是一个机会,是一个体验。说与你理想相符的话。不要施力与非建设性的事件。播种真理之种、灵性之苗。上帝会使之成长。 凯西解读3245-1 . . that contentment that can only come with the knowledge of His peace abiding ever with thee; for with His peace there comes contentment, no matter what may be the vicissitudes of life, whether in trials as of the mental surroundings, whether in the trials as of material conditions or positions, there can come--with that peace--that contentment of heart and mind, that He is in His holy temple and all is well with those who have made Him the ideal . . . …满足只会来自于自己对祂的和平智慧的理解;因为只有祂的和平才会带来满足,无论生活的艰辛、心理环境的考验、物质条件的挑战,只要有了和平,在心中和思想里就有了满足,在神殿里就有了祂,所有将祂作为理想的人均会平安… 凯西解读451-2 "Fear not, I am with thee." This should be upon the mind, the heart; that there may be the renewing of the life-flow in the blood of the body, that the organs thereof may be attuned to the spirituality . . “不要害怕,我与你同在。” 这句话应映在思想里、刻在心上;这样将会有崭新的生命流经身体的血液,所有器官就会与灵力和谐… 凯西解读Edgar Cayce Reading 1089-2 Be glad you have the opportunity to be alive at this time, and to be a part of that preparation for the coming influences of a spiritual nature that must rule the world. These are indicated, and these are part of thy experience. Be happy of it, and give thanks daily for it. 要感到非常幸福地在此刻有机会生活在这个世界上,成为一分子来迎接即将到来的灵性主导的世界。正如我们指出的,这是你所有经历中的一部分。为此荣幸,每日感恩。 凯西解读2376-3 For the very fact that ye find yourself conscious of being alive, of being capable of suffering disappointments, capable of being aware of missing something within thine own experience in the present--disappointed in people, disillusioned with your own family--should make you aware that God is mindful of thee and that thou hast forgotten God. Then in thy spiritual life, in thy spiritual purpose lies the answer in thy problems, physical, mental, material, spiritual. For when ye have set thine own house in order, regardless of what others may say, begin to read first the 19th of Exodus and the 5th verse, and see in whom ye may trust, where thy mind and thy soul may find rest. Consider what spirit, what purpose, what desire must occupy thy mind. 这是一个简单的事实:你总会发现自己活着、可以面对痛苦、能够意识到现在过程中遗失了什么---或是对人的失望,或是家庭的幻灭,然而,正是这些让你意识到上帝在记着你而你已经忘了上帝。而在你的灵性生活中,你的灵性目的存有你所有问题---身体的、心智的、物质的、灵性的答案。因为当你将你的一切理顺,不管其他人如何看,开始读出埃及记19:5,明了你信谁、你的心智和灵魂在哪里可以休息。考虑让什么样的灵、什么目的、什么欲望占据你的思想。 凯西解读3506-1

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