

来自: 小糖↖(^ω^)↗(小夫妻)
2008-07-29 16:07:21

  • 红。

    红。 2008-07-29 16:51:15


  • 花河马马-hippo

    花河马马-hippo (和我说话可是会被传染成犟逼的哦) 2008-07-29 17:08:30


  • Wen.C . ღ

    Wen.C . ღ (你是个画家!) 2008-07-29 17:13:29


  • 7

    7 (DUMB PSYCHO.) 2008-07-29 18:56:25

    。。。。。。 我去小黑屋算了

  • jt

    jt 2008-07-29 19:39:06

    这篇文章不错啊 俺来初步把man的部分翻译一把得了。。敬请期待。。

  • jt

    jt 2008-07-29 20:46:36

    俺自己翻译的TAURUS_MAN部分,不是完全直译、更多的是意译。打括号部分是我自己加进去的自己的话。 A quiet simple man who can do something unexpected to shock you. 金牛座男生往往是一个简单、然而却总是能够作出一些让你意想不到的事情的人。 Taurus man mostly medium tall, strong with good health, good strong body. 他们大多中等身材、身体很健壮。 When he talks, he likes to turn his head to one side on one direction. His body will be quite straight, facial structure tends to be square shape more than other shape. His eyes sparkle with liveliness. Even when he is in love, he is still a free wild bird. 他们的眼睛里山说着盎然生机。甚至当他们陷入爱情中时、他们依然就好象一只自由的小鸟一般。(看来某些星座恋爱了就代表开始纠结了。。囧 金牛还好,哈哈) He is sand in your palm, the more you want to hold it, it will slip out. If you stand and hold it still, it will stay that way. Don't set the rules and draw a line for him, he will not stay. 他就好象是你手中的一把沙子,你越是想要抓得更紧、他越是会偷偷溜掉。如果你仅仅就是那样站着、自然的让沙子在你手心里呆着,沙子也会显得安安静静。不要为他设定太多的条条框框,他不吃这一套、甚至会很反感。 When you are with him, he will think only of you. But an hour later he could change his mind. He is very patient with other people, but very impatient with himself. 当你和他在一起的时候,他的心里就只是想着你。可是一个小时之后、当你们分别开来,他脑袋里可能就完全转到其他事物上去了、而不再想你。他对周围的人很耐心,但是对自己却不是如此。 His world always turning and it will not stop just because he loves you. If he up sets, he will show it right away. 他的世界不断在变化,而这种情况不会因为他爱你而停止。如果他不开心了,他就会立刻表现出来、而不会刻意去掩饰。 If something has gone wrong, he will blame his own carelessness instead of blaming other people. He sincere to his friends even to some friends he does not like. 如果有什么事情不对劲了,他只会自责自己的粗心大意、而非责怪其他人。他对他的朋友都很真诚、甚至对那些他不太喜欢的朋友也是如此。 He likes to do odd things and surprise other people. He could be fully dress in a nice suit and jump in the pool. He could slap your back so hard just to make you turn around to see he has flowers in his hand. 他喜欢去做一些看似行为出位和乖张的事情、并且往往会让身边的人吃惊。有时他会整整齐齐的穿着一套漂亮的西装跳进游泳池(哇,没这么夸张吧),有时会在你背上狠狠的来一下、仅仅是为了让你转过头去、看到他手上拿着的送给你的鲜花(我喜欢这么做,只可惜没有对象让我能够这么做,555)。 He never wants to get too close with anyone for he thinks living in reality is living by you. He does not care what people think when he behaves weird. 他永远不会和任何人靠得太近、而是更愿意和他(她)们保持距离,因为他认为生活在这个世界上、最能够依靠的还是自己。当他做出一些看似怪异的行为时,他才不会去关心其他人是怎么想的。 He could be walking bare feet and laughing at people who laugh at him and think they are so narrow minded. He does not likes to follow conformity, but always want to search for new ventures, new mystery. He will interest in a life of a millionaire as much as a life of an old man selling newspaper on a sidewalk vendor. 他不喜欢按照约定俗成的规矩办事,而是非常喜欢自己亲自去探索新的冒险领域、新的迷题。他不仅仅会对一个百万富翁的生活感到兴趣、也同时会对那个街头卖报的老人的感兴趣。(可见金牛的确是一个情感很细腻的星座,哈哈,当然、也不是全部都是如此,不过我的确是如此 囧) He likes to search and analyze people and things. He will analyze his friends or his girl friend, and once the mystery is gone, he will search for new puzzle to solve. He can not easily understand thing, so he will gradually learning about you till he fills up all his questions. 他喜欢分析身边的朋友和事情、甚至是他的GF也要来分析一把。一旦这些分析已经搞定了他头脑中的问题,他就会寻找新的迷题。(but!不是寻找新的GF哟!金牛还是很专一的。)他不会轻易满足于某些简单的答案,而是会慢慢的分析、一步步的逐渐了解你、解答他头脑中的疑问。 He knows so many people, but he has a few friends. He looks for quality friends than quantity friends. He will be close with some friends shortly and move on. He always feel lonely even surround by many people. He could create his own little world, and sometimes no one would understand him. 他认识很多人、然而却很少有真正的朋友。宁缺毋滥、这是金牛对待朋友的态度。 他可能短时间内和某些朋友走的很近、然后就会继续前进。(所谓的很多金牛的忽冷忽热的问题~ 囧) 就算是身边有很多人、金牛们也会时常感到孤独。他会为自己营造一个自己的小世界,很多时候极少有人能够了解他们。(这里看得人好伤心。。) He looks only for future and he thinks he lives for the future. He may wonder how many people think like he does, but he does not want to be like the others. A man with a conflict personality He is a cool, understanding, able to work well, and very artistic. Taurus man could be an artist. 他不断追寻未来、并且他认为自己就是为了未来而生活。他会猜测有多少人和他拥有一样的想法,然而他又不愿意和别人一样。作为一个充满了诸多彼此矛盾个性的综合体,他是一个很酷的人、很善解人意、能够把工作做的很好、并且充满了艺术气质。是的,金牛座的男人们充满了成为艺术家的气质。(YY一把) He could shock you as much as he is able to clam you down when you up set. He is a free spirit who likes venture, but when he wants to be alone, do not touch him but to let him be. He won't disappear from the crowds too long, he will be back. 他很会安慰人、就好象他总是能够给你惊喜一样。在你急躁的时候,他能够让你渐渐平静下来。他是一个喜欢冒险的灵魂,然而,当他想要自己一个人待会的时候,请不要去打扰他、让他自己一个人独自待会就好。他不会离开人群太长时间,他很快就会恢复那样一种快乐灵魂的模样、回到人群中来。(尽管这个时候我们牛们的心里或许已经发生了很大的变化、尽管表面上什么也没发生、谁知道呢。。) He will give you straight forward opinion or comments, but will never advice what he thinks you should do. He does not like people to tell him what he should do too. He thinks each individual dreams and thoughts should be very private. He will use his brain not his body strength, so he will let other guys compete. 他会很直接地给你建议或者评价,但永远不会建议你“就应该”怎么做——他也不喜欢别人对他这样指手划脚、告诉他“就应该”怎么做。他认为每个人都应该有自己的空间、这个私人空间不应该被打扰。 He has a certain satisfactory in life and hate to force him in competition. He may seem careless, but actually he is a thinker and a stubborn one. 他会对于当前的生活有某种程度上的满足感、并且很不喜欢被迫去竞争。他或许看似很粗心,但是实际上他简直就是一个思想家、而且是一个天生的思想家! He sees anything in details and not easily trusted people till he thinks he knows them well. You can just smile and he will think why and what are you smiling about, and if you are pretending. 他总是会很细致的思考问题,而且不会简单的相信别人、除非他认为自己很了解那个人。你笑一笑,他往往就会想你为什么要笑、是不是因为客套等等原因假笑。 Once he trust you and accept you as a friend, no one can say other wise to change that for he will not listen to gossip. 一旦他相信了你、并且接受了你作为他的朋友,他就会坚持自己的意见来判断你的RP、他才不会轻易听信谣言呢! He will be honest and sincere to his friends. He hates lies, so he will not tell you lie. If he finds it is necessary to lie, he will find other ways not to tell you or avoid telling you anything. If he really has to lie, you will never be able to tell that he is lying. 他对自己的朋友很真诚、也很诚实。他讨厌说谎、所以自己也不会对你说谎。如果他认为确实是有必要撒谎,他会索性找一些办法什么都不告诉你。可是如果实在是不能不说,他就会对你撒谎、然而你却永远也不会知道原来他对你说的是谎话。(囧一个,原来咱们金牛还是不撒则以、一撒惊人的高手。。这一点我确实还是不知道。。) He can really keep secrets, so you will hardly know that he is a lonely soul. 他很能保守心中的秘密,所以你很难发现他内心孤独的一面。(这一点确实是的。。唉,我也很希望一些漂亮女生以后也能够感受到我内心孤独的一面、而不是一天到晚开开心心开玩笑的样子。。) If you want this kind of guy, you have to be an interesting person. He has to be curious about you. 如果你真的喜欢金牛座的男生,那么你应该是一个有趣的人,这样他才会对你产生兴趣。(哈,是的,我就喜欢又漂亮又聪明又有趣、性格又好的女生。。囧) Hell for him is "No Freedom", so if he marries you then you should know it is the biggest decision in his life. 他最不希望的事情就是失去了自由。所以如果他说要娶你,那么你要知道这绝对是他一辈子中最深思熟虑的一个决定。(确实是这样的。。我如果对一个女生说我愿意娶你,那我真的就是不会反悔了,除非那个女生后退了。。甚至我觉得我如果确定了一个GF,那么很有可能这个GF就会直接陪伴我到100岁了。。) Always be interesting, and then you could have him beside you. 请记住,总是保持一幅乐观的模样,这样你就会让他一直待在你身边。 金牛座男生的部分翻译完毕,祝福各位好运!(也祝福我早日找到真爱,哇卡卡!)

  • 水色

    水色 (Love rocks) 2008-07-29 21:03:04


  • 7

    7 (DUMB PSYCHO.) 2008-07-29 21:07:31


  • 一一ˇ

    一一ˇ (想和你一起,去很多地方。) 2008-07-29 21:37:55

    jtuki 超帅的说

  • adele

    adele (用看电影的决心去生活) 2008-07-29 21:42:53

    太好了~~~~好开心啊~~~原来我有那么好的啊啊~~哈哈哈哈哈 大笑

  • 白木耳想不明白

    白木耳想不明白 (找回帐号真开心) 2008-07-30 20:34:38

    呵呵 觉得和自己不是很象

  • ms dong

    ms dong (所看到得都是假的) 2008-08-04 16:55:59

      如果你真的喜欢金牛座的男生,那么你应该是一个有趣的人,这样他才会对你产生兴趣。(哈,是的,我就喜欢又漂亮又聪明又有趣、性格又好的女生。。囧) 那女生是瓶子吗? 呃。。。不是就囧啦。 不过我认识滴牛牛都是瘦猴……

  • Aprillllll

    Aprillllll 2011-02-03 17:37:46


  • effygaga

    effygaga (ich bin ich) 2011-02-03 17:40:16

    i dont love animals!!

  • 五仁饼

    五仁饼 2011-02-03 17:45:16


  • mm

    mm 2011-02-03 22:30:38


  • 久达Jorda

    久达Jorda (生命中迟开的花) 2011-02-04 12:58:08


  • 傲娇少女安木木

    傲娇少女安木木 (enjoy) 2011-02-28 14:51:55


  • mae

    mae 2011-02-28 15:23:52


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2011-02-28 15:25:34


  • 桃之夭夭

    桃之夭夭 (你的暧昧没知音) 2011-02-28 17:57:34

    TAURUS WOMAN A slim moderately tall woman Taurus woman is funny and a jolly person. Square facial bone structure, high cheek bone her round big eyes sparkle with wit and curiosity. 一个苗条玉立,适中身高的女子,金牛女是搞笑又快乐的人。脸形偏方,高面颊骨,她那又圆又大的灵动活泼的眼睛,闪着智慧风趣与好奇求知的光芒。 You will not see many round faces Taurus women, and mainly she will have a strong jaw line. 你不会看到太多圆脸的牛牛女,而且大多情况来说,她都长着硬朗的下颌线条。 She is a constantly change person. 她是常常变化的人。 If she up sets, she will not show it and will keep it to herself for a long time, and will remember them so well. If she gets really mad at you, you will suddenly become a totally and completely stranger to her. 如果她不高兴,她也不会显出来,还自己闷着很长时间。更会牢记得清清楚楚。如果她真的对你恼火,你会突然地把你变成一个完完全全的陌生人。 She is a patient person, but always need new excitement. She hates long talk meeting, long and endless conversation. 她忍功耐力一流。但又总是需要新的热点。她讨厌冗长空谈的聚会,没完没了的讨论。 She can be in love with you today, and one day she could act as if she has never loved you before. 她今天能爱上你,另一天她又能像从来没爱过你一样。(译者抢话头:表示没这么冷血,否则,根本原因不是真爱,而是客气) She has patient with what she wants to do and will never give up until she gets there. 她对她应做的事有耐心,而且不达目的不罢休。(这个,本牛表示没那么上进) She will be very persistent in what she is doing till she has reasons for stopping her project, then she will quit. 她非常执着于她正在做的事,除非她有理由停下她的理念,那她说戒就戒。 Money for Taurus woman is not the most important factor in life. She thinks of money as an instrument for assuring of a good living. 对金牛女来说,金钱不是人生中最重要的因素。(译者多嘴:这才算是对偶们牛女的RP公正说了一句人话)她只不过把金钱当作优质人生的保障手段而已。 She has more satisfaction in achieving her goals more than satisfaction in fine cloths and luxuries. 她更多快乐在于实现有精致上档次的衣服与侈奢品上的目标。(译者表示这个潜力可以自挖) If you like a woman who always thinks of love and romance, then you are dating the wrong girl. 如果你想要一个总是谈情说爱的浪漫女子,那你就找错人了。 You can not tell her to stay at home, she likes to work and preferred not work at home. 你可别指望让她呆在家里,她可是喜欢工作的,而且在家工作可不是她的首选。(谁说,偶就很宅乐) She loves animals and likes to surround by animals. Love is in her head, but Freedom is in her soul. 她喜欢动物,也喜欢小动物围绕身边,她们心中有爱,但自由才是她的灵魂。 She has her own idea about love and afraid to show her true feeling for fear of rejection. 她有她自己对爱独特的理解,她会因担心被拒绝而害怕表露真情实感。 She is not the type to talk about love, but she sure has a strange way to show it. 她不是那种把爱挂在嘴上的类型,但无疑,她表达爱情的方法有点奇异。 She is not good in showing when she is in love, but if she loves you she will be honest to you than any other women. 恋爱中的她,不擅长于做秀,但如果她爱你,她会比其他任何女人都诚实待你。 She will be honest to her love one, but at the same time seems distant. 她会对她爱上的人诚实相待,但同时又看似有点距离,心不在焉。 You will have a good relationship with her, if you allow her freedom. Do not force her to be with you in a poker game which she hates, but let she goes out swinging with her friends if she wants to. 如果你给她自由自在,你们就会拥有很好的爱情关系。不要强迫她玩扑克拖拉机斗地主之类的,这些她都讨厌,但如果她想要出去和她的朋友花天酒地,就让她去吧。 She will be different than other girls, and she thinks different is one of her unique quality. 她和别的女孩子比太不同了,而且,她认为与众不同是她的独一无二的品质中的一种罢了。 She is a public figure but belongs to no one.She will not stay with you, if she thinks you are not sincere. 她是一个公众人物,但不属于任何人。如果她认为你不真诚,她就不和你待在一起了。 She likes you to have personality, but better not to compete with her. Loves her, but not too much for she afraid it will limiting her freedom. 她喜欢你有个性,但最好别和她竟争。爱她,但别太紧张,因为她害怕爱会限制了她的自由。 She always stand out of the crowd for something she dares to do. You could see her dress like a poor farmer dinning in the fancy restaurant, or dress like a nun in an a cocktail dress party. 但凡在些她勇于一为的事情,上她都会从凡夫俗子中脱颖而出。你可能见到她穿得像个穷农民一样去高档餐厅吃饭,或是穿得象个尼姑一样跑去鸡尾酒会上。(译者愤然,偶们酱子毛谱吗?这是狮子还是牛?存疑。。) If you are a politician who are looking for a wife, she will make a good one because she is cleverly smart and she could get along socially with any type of crowds. 如果你是一个正在找妻子的政治家,她就太合适了。因为她机智聪敏,能在社交方面与各界群众相处融洽。 She is not a jealous type because she has to know you thoroughly before accepting you in her life. 她不是善妒类型,因为她必须在接受你进入她的生活之前对你通盘了解。 She has more curiosity in life than wondering if right now you are flirting with someone else. 她对生命的好奇心会比疑惑于“是否此刻你正在和什么别的人打情骂俏”来得更多。 If you keep a distant from her, or go away for a few days, she will miss you more. 如果你与她保持距离或是离开几天,她会更想你。 Even when she is dating you, she also able to fond of someone else, if you do not have something she is looking for. 即使当她和你约会你的时候,如果你确实没做到她希望如愿的事儿,她也能喜欢上别人。 She will never disappoint you or hide behind your back to make you loose face, but she is the type who just going to tell you to your face that " We're better off breaking up". 她永远不会使你失望,或是躲在你背后使你丢脸。但她是那种人,她只打算让你明白,脸这东西,“咱破坏了只会活得更好”。(这是夸人吗?除了有极高极广的世界观的读者懂得此中深意) She always remember her first love. Taurus woman holds the best record for divorce for she does not care about how people think of her, but every things should be done for "Happiness". 她总是怀念初恋。金牛女为离婚保持着最强记录,因为她实在不关心人们怎么想她,对她有何看法,(倒是认同)任何事理所应当因“快乐”而为。(译者表示:这个是奶个别有用心滴人统计滴?) She has lots of friends and sure of herself, so you will hardly see she delays any of her thoughts before her action. 她有许多朋友而且还这么自信,所以你很少会看到她在行动前拖延想法。 If she think of something, she will go ahead and does it. 如果她想起什么事,她就会提前行动。 She has many men wanting her for her constant changes is the challenge. 她有许多男人希罕,因为她持续的变化可谓挑战。 She can be cute and funny, but suddenly cool and tough. She has her own style of dressing up, so you could see her dress like an old mate today, and tomorrow she may dress like she comes from Mars. 她能娇小可爱又古怪精灵,但也会突然冷淡又粗暴。穿衣打扮她有自己的品味,所以你能看到她今天穿得像个老伙伴儿,明天又弄得像火星来的。 She will have that interesting hair, dress and a look unique from anyone else. 她会做个有趣的发型,服装,装扮一个独具特色的外表。 She likes to learn about your dreams and your thought. She has fun teasing you and making jokes. 她喜欢去了解你的梦想和思想。她也喜欢拿你寻开心,取乐你一番。 If she did something wrong, she won't hide it from you, but do not ask when she is not in the mood to talk about it. 如果她做错了什么,他不会隐瞒你的,但千万不要在她情绪不佳不想谈论的时候去问她。 She hates to owe people money and take promise seriously. 她讨厌欠钱不还,并郑重承诺。(请问,谁不是?昂?) If you promise to pay her back, you'd better paid up. 如果你答应要还,那你最好付清了结。 If you want to make it with Taurus woman, then do not be jealous or possessive, do not be narrow minded, do not criticize about nonsense or small and insignificant matters. 如果你想要追求金牛女,那你千万别嫉妒和独占,不要思想狭隘,不要在低俗的小事或是没价值的事情上挑剔。 Try to likes her friends and let she has her privacy, then she can be very sweet to you. 试着去喜欢她的朋友,而且让她有她有空间隐私,那她们就会非常体贴窝心地待你。


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